[Music] a [Music] [Music] call the meeting to order so going hour and a thank you and this is The Bard County local Coordinating Board for the transportation disadvantaged May 13 2024 at 10:30 a.m. Space Coast room Building C second floor viaa Government Center uh Judge James judge Fran Jameson Way Viera anyone wishing to make a comment on an item not on the agenda should complete a speaker card at the signin desk over there signin desk for items on the agenda please fill out a speaker card and you'll be called upon when the item is discussed and comments are limited to 3 minutes we'll start with introduction of um introductions in the back corner if you could please actually we'll go to the far left and go this way so Ivon would you go first please thank you thank you Margaret or I actually I can't see be on the podium so don't let me Overlook anyone Den thank you Ron Sheard space Transit thank you Lance Parker rer can Harley space area thank you thank you Randy alterate for person over 60 Dix Agency for Life transformation citizen Advocate Jennifer Cleveland um Advocate the what am I citizen ADV I can't see [Laughter] it good morning everyone Terry Jordan director space Transit morning Terry thank you James James Stringer the member of the board Debbie Flynn Space Coast TPO Heather Baler Bard County Attorney's Office Carlos colon District 5 fdot Jennifer Sheriff's vocation Rehabilitation Camille Tate National Federation of the blind of Florida disabled representative Good morning Andrea young um chair City West Melbourne uh good morning Christopher gono uh I'm with Bard family partners ship who recently had a name change to family Partnerships of Central Florida Mary Morris of an advocate and with hfh Supportive Housing anime Smith um representing persons over 60 Dennis van orall Bard County veteran services all right thank you thank you everyone all right that our first item of business is going to be approval of the consent agenda can I have a motion and a second please for the consent agenda motion James second I'll second second Camille thank you all those in favor signify by saying I I I those opposed say nay thank you very much motion carries uh consent agenda passes uh reports next Terry good morning again everyone once again Terry Jordan Space go transit uh here to report on uh items of importance and major significance with Space Coast are transit services our fix rout rers ship um through the most current year-to-date data uh is just under 9,000 and continues in an upward Trend with a 3.8 3.8% overall increase over the previous year-to dat Riders so as mentioned before we continue to rebound to pre-co numbers we're still not quite there yet but we continue that upward Trend demand response rhip is also seeing a significant increase with uh 7,000 monthly Riders per the last three months of the quarter um which is representing a 15% increase over the previous quarter's average ridership so we're seeing our demand and response rhip also continue to rebound and increase uh items of significance space Co are Transit submitted a low and no and bus and bus facilities application to FTA for five pair Transit electric vehicles fully electric vehicles this time and seven gillig electric buses and along with the required infrastructure to install these um to operate the service once again this is a FTA application so we're competing against systems throughout the entire country uh large and small so we are hopeful to win but we know it's a going to be a significant feat to do so um and the cost of these um uh for the uh applications of the grant is above 13 million so once again we're hopeful to see an award but uh we're we're um really uh like I said in a competition of a lot of others um we continue to work with uh Mr cologne and his other uh fdot counterparts for 5310 vehicle grants uh with the uh most recent we' be looking to replace up to 8 21 and 20 through 2013 pair of Transit vehicles with all above 230,000 mies some almost 35,000 miles on these vehicles so we're in dire need of replacement so we're thankful for our partners to fbot uh and those Vehicles could potentially be replaced as early as late 24 into 20 early 2025 we're meeting with the vendor this week uh in regards to the Paratransit um software uh you guys have heard me talk about this and I apologize to those behind me you guys have heard me talk about this uh in past about the implementation of software that will help our par Transit Riders um be able to book their trips make their reservations cancel their reservations and also one of the major impacts will be the uh call ahead to the power Transit Rider to know that the vehicle is on its way we're having a meeting this week for the finalization of this process potentially and then start our implementation schedule hopefully by Fall so we're rounding the corner Miss Cleveland and hopefully we'll see that implemented and you'll be the first one to demonstrate and test it out for us how about that thank you you're welcome so that is something of major significance that we are very much looking forward to in transit services and um lastly uh space called air transit St staff is uh traveling to Orlando tomorrow to uh see a presentation by fdot staff for Grant leveraging and um their sharing of information of available Grant funds and opportunities available to us uh this actually completes my report we didn't have a whole lot of actual significant uh specific things but I wanted to share those items with you if there are any questions glad to answer those now or later in the meeting if needed thank you I do have a question does anyone else have a question so you have completely specked these vehicles out so once you get that grant money because I'm sure you're going to get it thank you I'm an optimist um you're all set to go to respect out or is it just this is the bus and this is the equipment you have and this is it so if uh I can defer this answer to Lance Parker who is a individual who does the vehicle ordering he could probably answer it much better than I can all right thank you good morning everyone morning um so for a low or no emission Grant one of the things that the federal government really looks at is they don't want a totally customized vehicle they want the vehicle to stay as standardized as possible um so that way it's closer to the OEM uh the manufacturer specification so that was one of the big key parts of of the grant with the vehicles we chose um which we chose for the pair Transit side we chose the the Ford E Transit um so that way it comes from Ford it was built as an electric vehicle it has a Ford warranty you can take it to Ford dealerships just like buying a Mustang Machi or the Ford Lightning Electric truck it's the same thing and that's what what FTA is really looking for there um and then our seven transit buses will be gillig USA uh battery electric Transit Vehicles which is built from the ground up as an electric vehicle the other Alternatives right now that the FTA doesn't like is when they take a regular pair of Transit vehicle they take the gasoline or diesel powered engine and transmission out and they totally rebuild the whole thing and now it's a totally customized vehicle if that makes sense you could understand it EVS even today still have their problems so if you build one that's totally custom who's going to do the warranty work who's who's you know how much downtime are you going to have how many Road calls and service calls are you going to have how many trips are you going to miss because these vehicles aren't running so that's that's the whole idea behind not doing anything customized so the um the the traditional buses you normally did the maintenance on them inh house correct okay so as those are phased out or maybe you'll have so the new buses coming you won't be doing that you won't be doing all that those oil changes and things don't exist anymore exactly on the on the battery electric buses you're going to be going you know your wear items are tires brakes suspension parts because an an electric vehicle is considerably heavier than a regular vehicle um you know you take a Ford Mustang Machi it weighs like 7,000 lb to where regular Mustang weighs like 3,800 lb it's because all the batteries and the and the way they have to build a vehicle for side impacts rear impacts because you don't want the batteries get ruptured and explode right so Transit vehicles are the same if not a little bit more difficult so yeah the oems will be um um you responsible for the warranty work on anything electric so the Ford has a 10year 100,000 mile warranty on it and so does the gillig bus so we have as long as a useful life of the vehicle a lot of the warranty has covered the majority of that useful service life great all right well I know you're going to get that Grant and we have those nice pretty buses thank you very much excited any other questions yes ma'am I'm just wondering what is the mileage range on these electric vehicles like is it similar to um a regular car that a person you know passenger car or like how does that impact how long they run on a charge how many miles so the miles for the E Transit van is about 150 miles on a service charge so what we'll have to do what we've done for the grant and what we will do if we get awarded put them in the service we have to put them on those lower mileage routes to where they can still go out and run all day but it wouldn't go on a route like that Services Titusville and Mims those buses average about 180 190 miles a day um just because they start in Coco and they run all over Titusville and Mims and then come back to Coco so what we would do with those five vehicles is keep them in the the Coco Rock LGE Viera Melbourne area which is um a more dense population with a lot shorter trips and and less mileage right um the the transit buses the large TR of buses um the manufacturer says they get 280 Mi out of a service charge which um yeah we're we're planning on about 190 200 miles and we have several uh routes that'll be good for that um one route mainly is uh going to be the route 21s in downtown Melbourne that Services downtown Melbourne um we think that'll be a really good thing for the seniors it's a lot quieter you know downtown Melbourne you guys been down there lately it's really really getting congested and they have a lot of events a lot of stuff going on so we're looking at impacting areas like that with the electric vehicles yeah all right thank you very much thank you excuse me um oh I'm sorry I did not see you over there in um I'd like uh the question is um uh customization is um what you're not customizing what would you what do you mean by customizing what sort of customizing would you be doing or not doing so basically what the FTA looks at is custom anytime a vehicle is customized to the point where the manufacturer will no longer warranty it to that extent so it's going to vary with different manufacturers what they consider customization to the point to where they won't they won't cover the warranty right or or offer even an extended warranty that means that you've changed the vehicle in such a way that their Engineers did not design it to be that way and they know it's a losing bet to to honor the warranty on that it's and and they're going to get stuck with that but what I'm asking for is basically what customization would you in intend to do or would you ordinarily do um that you're not going to do yeah the nothing really it's going to be the same ADA Compliant bus that's that you can that's a will CH accessible um there's nothing out of the norm that even Carlos's office at fdot um would call customized it's they're still going to be safe Transit Vehicles they've been through the Altuna testing um collisions fires uh cool down tests they they've had all that um so it's it's nothing more than we would do to where if we had bought the other vehicles uh that are offered through the state trips contract that would be a total customization to where they take the gas engine and transmission out and put in all the electric stuff and the wiring and the batteries and stuff like that yeah that would be a total like and the problem with that again is with customization no tours are alike because it's all custom right so you know you buy five of them and you figure out a problem with one doesn't mean it's going to fix a problem on the other four because they're all built differently okay so but that's why they don't like the customization so all right thank you thank you thank you all right next report Terry can I ask a question about the software yeah I'm sorry Lance can you come back up say software yes he saidof had a question about the software is there like a rollout communication plan to let people know this is coming is it going to be an app or do you have to do it on on a computer or so the answer to your questions are all yes so seriously though um yes we will have a roll out period um we will be working with our marketing um firm to inform our patrons of the application being implemented it will be a app that the customer will have access to but we also understand that there are individuals that uh will still use a computer so it has both uh opportunities available to it and for the even once again we understand that all customers are not going to um utilize the technology so we still have our call center we expect that we'll reduce the volume of calls and um questions coming into the call center but there will be an opportunity for individuals to utilize it whichever way suits them the best thank you you're welcome thank you for um and so you'll be able to we'll be able to schedule our rides through that yes ma'am ma'am so the customer the client will be able to schedule their trip um cancel their trip we're not actually uh potentially doing a lot of modifications initially in the first phase but scheduling cancellations at least and then um you said something about it'll notify us like when our bus is like what like five minutes out or something I won't say five minutes we think about 10 or 15 minutes okay at least you still have the time frame for to finally prepare and get out the door and it would send like a text message something we're we're going to set it up for three different ways a text a phone call or email thank you perfect yes so we're trying to consider all of our clients and the methods that they use for uh accessing our service and being able to communicate with uh as much individuals as possible in the way it Best Suits them all right you're welcome all right thank you uh Community Transportation coordination report so the reports are in your packets for uh your prior review to the meeting uh if there are any questions the of course the first one talks about Outreach that we've done throughout the last period from last meeting to now second one displays ridership information um that we have uh completed in the last several [Music] months and the third is the volunteers and motion report which also does the same uh once again if there are any questions glad to answer you want to just give us the 30 second so that it's on the record so that those that don't have packets sure [Music] well he told me I they have to talk today good morning good morning good morning so um uh I'm just looking for the report real quick okay um we've been doing a lot of Outreach these few months um volunteers a motion did the Boomer guide she'll explain it to you when she comes up we did a BPS destination kindergarten we did it at North and South these are kindergarten going into gry school and the reason why we went out is because the siblings that's in middle school and in high school that they could utilize the bus we did Eastern Florida State College disability week we did uh three campuses except Titusville um we have rotary clubs coming up in near future you'll see it in the next report in the next meeting okay and do we have writers ship has been going up drastically on power Transit we're up to roughly about 7,400 trips a month and yeah it's been going up wow um if you have any questions no I think that's great yeah ridership has been going up on fixed Ro because you're doing such a good job everybody wants to ride now yes we've been doing good I'm kind of new on the board so I'm not spe with everything sorry this is aond question but question I'm always wonder I see how many um how many rides how many individual trips you ride to do but what I'm wondering is how what is actual ridership because I'm guessing a lot of those are repeat rides like maybe somebody who uses it every week or maybe a couple times a week so do you have a sense of how many people are actually accessing that you know well if you take let's say estimate if you take like 70 we do per leg so it's one person two trips right so if you divide it into two okay that is your average per person that's getting CL IND right right okay and we do dialysis of course three three times a week de radiation 5 right and shopping hairdresser and all that stuff is included so about a 3,000 uh trip because it's round trip so 3,000 trips could could represent 1,200 people you know okay and we also do the training centers you know bar Center Easter Seals they go every day right um ecci uh Bridges so you know that's five days a week right every every day thank you I just U to mention I just read an infographic I think posted it does have kind of a breakdown I'm not speaking for you saying one that says and I think it was half of the people WR daily just to go to work correct right but there's a whole bunch of just breaks it down by ridership Tye not necessarily in it may not be in this gender yes it's on this it's on the the she there theenda and it shows the type of trailer I think he's talking about also the information sheet that went just updated and also we started seniors at lunch again which is great if you don't know what seniors at lunch is seniors at lunch is when we pick the seniors up from their home we just started at March 6 they have we haven't transported them since the pandemic their last trips was in the beginning of March and we just started it on March 6th and we are thrilled to pick the seniors up take them to the site for them for a meal play Bingo and all that stuff and then bring them back home where are you taking them we we take them to different lunch sites um Palm Bay goes to Captain's House Captain's House if you're not familiar with Captain's House is by the the water um we take there's another one at on Grant Street uh for phum in that area the other one is joli which is in Coco and then West Coco we take the community center in West Coco we have Port St John which is at the community center and then we do Titusville which is on damit which is um the church is so nice to give them the community room for for their lunches okay that's very nice yeah I'm I'm thrilled because when I started in 1999 that was the core it was parat Transit and seniors at lunch so when it went away it kind of hurt my feelings but now I'm excited that we just redid it again and they are so excited and we actually taking seniors that we when I seen the names I'm like oh my God he's oh my God he's still with us and I was so happy to call him and say hey your pickup time and he said are you still there yeah so yeah we were excited and I mean I I just love taking them out it's something for them to do that's so nice so this is your seniors at lunch program and any senior can call up in in it's not through us it's through um see I call the seniors at lunch is is through what's the main aging matters aging matters okay It Go matter it's through AG matters they sign up through AG matters and they they certify them and they send us the certification that they qualify for our system and and it's free they transfer they transport for free cuz aging matters Tak care the and then they're taking somewhere for lunch do they pay for their lunch in advance or no no no no everything is free wow okay this is a great matters have you heard about meals and wheels right of course so it's similar to that but instead of meals they take them for them to get together and gather instead of just them taking a meal to that house and not talk to anybody okay so it's exciting well thank you very much that was a good report thank you and Lor is going to do the volunteers motions thank you good morning good morning all right um this quarter we're happy to have two new volunteers um they are actually a a daughter and father team and they uh reside in Indie Atlantic so that brings our active volunteers to uh 14 and uh right now inactive volunteers we have three and an inactive volunteer is going to be someone that might be on medical leave or they're seasonal and they're not in the area um for the general information for our program uh Volunteers in motion was at the Senior Expo it was on Valentine's Day February 14th and it was held at the uh zoo bravard zoo and I mean we definitely uh had the opportunity to talk to at least a 100 100 people that came by our table and it was pretty exciting I hadn't gone to the zoo in a while so it was really nice seeing all of the animals it was a really great uh venue to have that uh Senior Expo there our accomplishments uh for the first quarter clients we've uh helped uh 389 trips 808 and volunteer hours 942 a lot of times when I do this I always go back and look at what we did you know the previous quarter and um what this is showing me is that our clients as far as the trips are pretty high and what this means is our clients are asking us to do more than one uh stop so they're asking us to go to the pharmacy or the bank or uh some of our clients have requested two appointments in one day so uh that's what I'm getting from what our you know from what our accomplishments were for the first quarter any questions any questions from the board all right thank you thank you very much thank you Lori good report thank you all right that do it for reports Terry anything else no ma'am all right we'll move on to action items Transportation disadvantage Service Plan update who is taking that okay Ken good morning good morning morning Kenneth Harley each here the Community transportation coordinator is required to update the transportation disadvantage service plan that's a requirement that's under Florida Administrative Code 41-2 it's also a deliverable under our planning Grant with the commission for transportation disadvantage uh this year we're looking at making sub Min of modifications but I think the three biggest uh changes that we're requesting this year is on page 72 delete the statement to say all calls should be answered within three rings and should not be placed on hold longer than 2 minutes we want to replace that with all calls should be answered as expeditiously as possible and whole time should be Min minimized to eliminate excessive hold times where feasible also on page two we have to establish an annual goal of the number of clients a percentage of clients that we want to transfer from par Transit through fixed route uh last year the goal was 1% of the clients this year we want to change that goal to a half a percent and the last item we updated is the rate model the cost that is build for the trips under the TD program uh the current last year was $218 a mile for pair uh an ambulatory trip this year it's $261 and last year for a wheelchair trip it was $33.74 and this year was changed to $447 so those are the significant changes that are being requested in the update for this year I have a question any questions from the board regarding the update I have a question yes please Chris so um what kind of mechanisms will be in place because you're you you proposing changing from a specific Target number within two rings to as as expeditiously as possible so what kind of things might be in place so that it doesn't turn into 15 rings and be on hold for 20 minutes or well this standard actually has been in existence since the te program established and that was back in the late 70s so this new standard that we're looking to implement uh calls will still be monitored so there's still the capability of monitoring calls and seeing how well we're doing and then adjustments could be made after that appoint also with the new technology that's being introduced where clients can schedule their trips uh via their smartphones or through email this is going to cut down considerably on the amount of calls that are actually coming in and will there be uh an opportunity maybe at this meeting to say okay last month they answered within three rings or so that the board can keep track of how that is going I think either K or here will have to answer that [Music] one so don't go Kim because you're still up uh so if you like me to answer that now what we can do is in our um coordinator's report that you saw a moment a moment ago we can put that information in the report so the board members can also continue to monitor that and if you see that there's a concern that we're um not performing to a standard that the board has uh seen as a good standard than we can see about adjusting but that will be done a year from now when this uh um service plan has to be updated again okay thank you you're welcome I question yes M Dixon what is your percent of compliance with the current wording as it is now like I think the tget saw maybe that was the old um service plan it was 95% of the time so what percentage of the time have you currently been um performing within that within that range of three R and no longer than two minutes on hold do you know hand I do apologize I I haven't looked that up and I don't know if hand we can uh look into that for you yeah because what it looks like what you're saying is that you want to go from having of a clearly defined and measurable Target to having um a very subjective wording because what is expeditiously how do you measure that what is excessive what is feasible how do you measure that I have a concern about the lack of measurability with a role like that okay what do you think I understand your concern so then what prompted the change like is this how is I guess my big question is how is this going to improve services to the stakeholders what how is this change in policy going to improve things well to the clients and as as Ken just mentioned it's a standard that has been in place uh we we actually I would say within transit services have done uh above and beyond and we're looking to be in agreement with the standards that have been in place for other agencies because really and truly it it is difficult and and at certain times of the day to respond to a phone call with in three rings um and Miss Cleveland probably could say you know certain times the whole time is excessively longer but when you get to it's like 95 certain times a day it's going to be congested and completely packed up and then other times a day you can go down there and do 90 miles an hour if not a single person next to you so and it's a bad comparison but it's what we deal with the same way there's times of congestion and there's there's times that there's a lot of calls coming in so but but Terry my concern is if we're not measuring it and we can't respond and there's a problem so for example like if you if we were measuring it and we said oh wow we're falling way short of that Target of 95% then what that allows us to do is brainstorm out on some different ways of you know dealing with what you're talking about like maybe a lot of people send the call at a certain time of day so maybe they're going to hear a reported message that says you know you're contacting US during a high volume the day um the wait times could be longer than usual we suggest that you call back during these certain other hours that's just an offthe cuff you know idea and so I guess what I'm trying to say is that if we want to continue to improve our service it seems like having those objective measures in place will get us you know kind of closer to achieving that objective as mentioned I understand your your point completely um uh the gentleman next to you has a question I'll I'll respond to that last one this way this is our presentation to the board we're not the ones responsible for making a change we're presented to the board to do exactly like you're doing have a discussion if you have a concern or recommendation right so I guess I was just giving you a chance to say how this would be an improvement how this new polic well of course we're not I I can't project that answer yet because one of the biggest things is like you said we're looking to implement new technology that could potentially eliminate a significant value of our incoming phone calls so we may see that happen regardless right it would still be good to be able to measure it I understand I like I said be at 100% that would be amazing it would be great it would be great so thank you you're welcome M Cher yes sir Mr lendy so question was the number that I've called and the day 15 minutes time I don't know people who answer that phone are dedicated to your organization your organization I'm not sure if I underst the question but let me answer it this way the individuals that answer their phone or space go Area Transit employees there are within our department our call center our customer service group they actually report directly well indirectly to Caron bias so there are our employees did that answer your question but I want is what takes priority resouri Shar res sta number I call there's nothing that directs me to other I'm trying to get to the point of span control and this to me and is a step backwards going from quantitative to qualitor but then listening to you say we're going to have the software that's going to probably offload some of call do that right I'm just trying to understand is the reason why are you stuck because you can never me that two rings because you don't have enough staff technology that's reallys good okay thanks so uh so if I understand once again correctly we have a actually three different incoming numbers there's a number de dedicated specifically to our demand response and our customer service group if you're calling that number typically you're calling to make reservation or an information about our uh fix route Services what we've also done recently is any individual that presses the prompt for fix route now goes to our front Des operator who is a lot less strained on phone calls so she can respond to those and then the other calls are directed to our reservations group of five currently five staff members currently so one of the issues recently has been staffen that is correct and so we've actually just added two two additional staff members within the last two months so the whole time is Once Again being decreased so I I definitely do understand the subjective concern but once again uh as Ken mentioned this is something that's been out there where and and once again we have our DOT Partners who also Monitor and you guys are are our monitoring agency we've got the TPO that takes a look at us annually so we've got a lot of people that are looking at what we do and and if you find that there is a put it this way a number that you would like to see once again this is the group to determine one more yes Mr ly um I would love to see how many calls are abandoned and what's on their banded people just didn't want to hang on any longer right I mean that that is the one minus answer that's not what we're getting at the two rings whatever that's irrespective if you have a weak point where can't answer the calls but in a reasonable amount of time and I I've waited on the phone for 20 minutes for Social Security Administration and others we expect that but SL on federal government but at the same time right that's really to understand how you going improve you got to measure it said you don't measure it how do you know you're doing relatively good day that's all thank you can can um as being someone who's used the system for years um when I first started using the system and this continued for years is that they told us that we could only call in in the morning and that we had to call in at 8:00 a.m. or we would not get a ride and so um that was continued for a long time and so that's when the highest call volume is and you could wait on hold for 30 minutes or more I I have been on hold when I thought that that was the case for 45 minutes to an hour trying to get a ride and but now I work full-time so obviously I don't do that and then I also found out that you don't have to call in you know at 8: a.m. that you so I try if I could can to call in in the afternoons you know after 3:00 if I can but I have to you know at work so I have to do it when my schedule permits but um my general hold time is 15 to 20 minutes and so I usually just put the phone down go on and do what I'm doing and uh you know and I do it and I only call in because I have to see you know because I'm on this board right and so I have to see how it functions and so I do suggest that all the board members actually call in and try to schedule a ride call at different times during the day and just you I mean obviously you're not going to schedule a ride but call in and just see how long you're you're sitting on hold and how long it takes before someone answers the phone and um at you know try at 8:00 a.m. try at 12: try throughout the day but um hopefully uh what was the other I think you said something about um said something a point that I wanted to talk about now I forgot well how are they currently tracking that data because it doesn't seem like it shows up anywhere if if your the target has previously 95% oh was okay so it was what you said about saying maybe you have a message that says you know this is the busy time call back later because a lot of the writers that I speak with they still think they have to call in at 8 8 in the morning because they have not gotten the message that they don't actually have to do that so maybe that's something to put on there say hey this is our busiest time you can call back after 3: or something I don't something like that I'll look into that um we can look into that can I can I say something Miss mam yes yes um you had mentioned something um to the effect of if if we still have concerns we can go back and visit it in a year and to what the board feels as reasonable um a reasonable standard but you've literally removed the standard so there's what do we what will we compare it against and if you're not tracking that data now how are we going to know whether there's you know an improvement or or whether it's worse in a year um I think if one of the biggest issues is the the call times and this is this is um a performance measure that's currently in place it's it's the easiest way to measure whether you're you're performing well or not in that area and and it's a big concern for people um why are we completely removing that performance measure okay okay so I'll let Ken speak to the change but I I want to clarify one thing um it's not that we're not tracking I didn't have an answer to miss Dixon's question okay here with me right now so we definitely of course we've got we've got it in place so we want to know how we're doing but I didn't have any reports present to present on that uh the second part is as I mentioned the the update the Plan update is done annually so we were to determine something today and as I mentioned a moment ago we can on our reports that we present at each meeting we can pre present how we're doing for that specific item then the board with the next update can then determine say that we need to be more stringent go back to something a little bit or we could uh see that we're performing as uh where we're recommend recommended to do uh within the measures that sorry within the goals that were presented but why would you remove it from the service plan so like I said they can't answer that part so thank you you're welcome actually the three minute three answering call within three rings that's virtually almost impossible especially when a reservation is online assisting another customer and another call comes in so that call is not going to be answered in three rings and I don't think in most offices that phone calls are answered within three rings so that was the reason in removing that part of the criteria out of there I agree I mean that's kind of that's a little unreasonable but why not have some standard written in there that we can you know look at objectively we can go back and revisit it and bring this particular item back at the next meeting okay all right but we can address the other two portions of the uh TDP tdsp update uh that's regarding the uh rate increase uh the modifications to the rate increase as well as the uh got St here for a [Music] moment cents yeah changing the goal from 1% to a half% as the number of percent clients that are moved from parat transit to fixed route okay so if we could have a motion to approve the modifications for move establishing the goal of half a percent for clients being removed from Paratransit fixed route and to update the modifications in regards to the mileage rates that are being charged for ambulator wheelchair from 218 to 261 from 374 to 447 and the Other M of modifications in the tdsp that will suffice for now thank you Ken before we do that I want to make sure that we have all the questions from the board done and I have a question as a well I just wanted to get my board questions taken care of first because I actually have more questions than just that um I agree with everything that was that was said I I've worked in call centers where we had to answer the the phone within three rings and you couldn't keep them on hold any longer than 2 minutes it was very very difficult but we did it because my kpi when I came for my review depended on those phone calls being answered in time so I would think that we should maybe remove that from here and maybe work on that a little bit further maybe leave it the way it is and come up with something else and take that out of the request for the approval for this but that's just my comment um the next one is we talked about taking some of the people off of the pair Transit and moving them to fixed road because it you know some people do not necessarily need pair Transit and Others May and they're taking up the spot that the person who needs it may be taking so I can certainly understand that you have to go through and qualify everyone that's on par Transit that they would be there but to have a goal to take 50% off I mean a hard number off it says yeah I didn't see the point I need better glasses I just saw the 50% and I'm thinking how are you going to do that no all right well thank you very very much for that for that clear F that makes me feel much better I was so worried about the other 50% all right so let's thank you well that might be a whole lot easier um change the number from of routes from 20 to 24 can can you explain that a little bit better are you um are you adding routes change the number of routes from 20 to 24 routes 20 uh 26 to 20 mine says 24 should be 24 mine says 24 change number of routes from 20 to 24 we're adding correcting correcting there are currently 24 oh we're correcting because it says changed so you meant you mean correcting yes okay all right um because I guess you might have said add all right I'm good with that and um I like the changing it from ride with Jim to ride with cherry I guess that was certainly um change 19 agencies to 15 operate 45 Vans to 42 so we're losing three vans uh yes they're just out of service or the call for them is cut down or or you can handle them elsewhere we're not losing people actually can you come up to the microphone it was one agency that gave the Vans back in Melbourne Terrace Melbourne Terrace had three vans in their Fleet but they returned them they actually bought their own Vans and they didn't want the fu Vans anymore okay so I was like okay so we wish them luck all right exactly all right I understand that um thank you very very much for the explanation so then the only issue that I have is the call thing um for again for the same reason that the others did I'd kind of like to unless we work out something do you not I I know it's difficult to continue to update the um your systems all the time I know it's very expensive do you not have um a measure that automatically answers the phone and places the customer in a in a queue um before Al live person actually gets to it yes so is that not answering the call within the three rings and then they're held in a queue by a machine not a person this is for a person answer the phone a live person you're talking about answering the phone within three rings and not having them on hold for any more than two minutes is that correct once you get to a person yeah when you call the the the the ride line number it it's automatic it is a it's an answering machine that answers it and puts it on the Queue so they put them on the Queue and then the next available operator when they hang up for making a reservation I know how that works I hated it but I know how it works yeah um all right so then once they get to the person who's now helping them that person then cannot keep them on hold more than 2 minutes if they have to cuz sometimes you can't answer the question you have to find out something for them so you have to place them on hold and then you come back to them is that when you're speaking of this no no it's the inial it's the initial hold time so there're there they haven't even gotten to a live person yet and the so they're electronically being answered within the three rings and then put on hold for the next available person and that is what we're you're asking change so that that can be as soon as possible we so I know some people will call in and they're on hold in that queue for so long I think you can only be on there an hour and then it hangs up on you automatically and you have to call back yes ma'am so then they they have to get back into the queue again and they've already been there an hour yes and and we have heard from clients that have expressed that I'm sure it's few and far between um if not it'll be this room full for sure if we had many instances of these um however when we have had that happen there it's mainly been because of having issues with the phone system uh so it's not a regular event that that happens uh the the issue is the initial hold time as Miss Cleveland mentioned a moment ago when she first used to uh call in having uh significant hold times because of call in during the high high volume call time so uh we we do understand that does happen um but the hourong hold times we know that does not happen continuously okay but the question here today is the whole time from the time the person so in essence the three call I'm sorry the three ring is a moot point because the when the client calls in the system automatically answers when they hit the the particular prompt of what area they want to go to and then it puts them in the queue at that point and that's where the two minutes comes in and that's where the whole time is yes so it as the issue is it may be not realistic so okay so I'm trying to work out a compromise here something so that we we can get this all finished just a second Mr L so that we can get this finished now rather than pull this out of here and and you don't get anything at all so if just just a minute uh we've got one person already wants to speak here um if if the uh board has a recommended hold time we can have start that discussion is that what you're because they're already at an if an hour does happen occasionally it does happen [Music] um I'm trying to avoid that completely but things are going to happen um two minutes to be on on hold before you even get into the queue is I don't think that's unreasonable at all that could be increased maybe to five if it is reality that it really is five but if a person's trying to help someone you you can't give them five it may take seven or 10 before that person is adequately helped on the phone and you can get to the next person we do experience that and and I'll speak for the reservations agenes agents in this case where we do have clients that this is their opportunity to have a conversation with someone and so the reservations agents do their best and I forget someone in this this group also mentioned it uh in a meeting a while ago but they do their best where they're trying to uh have that balance you're you're being assistive to the client but you also have understand that there's other clients behind that one waiting to get in and have that call answered and having a conversation about my granddaughter is not taking care of you know my trip request so we're we're trying to accommodate that balance by all means but there are some cases and um in some instances where we're having to cut off calls understand that's the case so a f minute whole time if the group determines that will be uh a standard you would like to implement like you said so we're not kicking this can down the road well that's exactly so that's why I don't want to I don't want to just give you a number out there just to give you a new number or to have something that's ambiguous like as soon as possible that's not good either so you have um uh QA quality assurance someone's monitoring the the calls yes ma'am correct um and then that the there's coaching done for maybe to help that operator get off the phone sooner and still be polite to to the to the person calling in I'm sure that that happens I know what happened with me I was I used to be QA I know how that happens um is that is that an option at all so it's to help a person get off the phone sooner politely to let the person go you know I understand um ma'am or sir uh but I've I've got to go something on to that effect most definitely coaching um yes is it better we pull this item off of this and it's not included in um in this update as we when we make our motion or do you do you want to well you have two more members I I do and I'm getting to them I'm I'm asking you so that we have some kind of Direction here we're heading toward Mr lend is going to be next and then um anime you wanted to speak and then anime and then Christopher so we have three more I still want to chime in on this do you want to hear from them first yes please all right Mr lendi yes thank you just as a compromise I think you had the fixed part is hey that automated attendant get you in the C and eventually you to one of the five people so that I think is take that out of the equation here what we're talking about is reasonable is depending on how many people have called in we don't know that's a variable which I don't think you can control and then how busy the five people are so I think somewhere if you maybe worded it so once you're passed on to the queue where a live person speak with you doesn't have to be quantitative could be qualitative best effort something like that still should measure it but I think if if you wanted to get at this meeting past I think what you fleshed out here was the first part was fixed you're going get that attendant automated attendant and it's going to put you in the rting system that's my offer to but you can't stay in that queue Forever Until the one hour limit comes up and hangs up on you that's a system on M right but how busy the people on is a variable I don't know okay all right thank you Mr lendy yes um anime um I just wanted to say I've been on both sides of this phone calls and uh I call Social Security as well um I also operated on the other side of it taking um calls for transportation and um I see things a little bit differently I see the um as as soon as possible the highest standard you could ever reach is um you know so to measure something that is almost immeasurable um you have uh things happen someone gets sick um somebody can be on the phone and have a heart attack or fall there's all kinds of things that happen the you know and and sometimes I think some of it is writer education as well and as a person that's lived a lifetime with a disability um as as somebody that's lived a lifetime with a disability um I'm I'm a if I have to be a partner and the partnership of everybody writers and users it's it's an education everybody has to work together and when you're disabled as I am um I have to plan ahead I don't use Transit but I have to plan ahead no matter where I go I have to leave an hour early for an appointment if I want to get a parking space I have a lot of things to do so I think I would like to see um consideration done to everybody work as look the goal being to work as a team effort to get the weight times down and how we can plan better on both sides of those phone calls and um that's my suggestion thank you thank you thank you Miss Smith Mr kello um and I I would suggest that we do table this issue in in order to get the data so we can look at what what is happening right now is that your motion to pull this out and uh make the motion before you make a motion I do have one response if you don't mind and um something was just said a moment ago made me think of it this way there as I mentioned there are higher call volumes at certain times and lower call volumes at others uh if it pleases the board maybe we'll do a five minute hold time and off peak and a 10-minute maximum hold time during Peak that's a good that's a compromise I don't see that there should be an issue with that we should try that but now once we do this we're where're we have it for a year so those those people out there those callers are going you asking for a year this will not be changed um until the next year's update to see how this went and you'll be measuring in the year question here's here's the reality excuse me here's the reality we will be showing our performance measures and the board will see how we're perform performing um to adjust it or address it that's the harder part like you mentioned quality assurance the only other way is adding additional bodies and that's the harder part so really and truly and and I'm being transparent we'll be showing how we perform more than anything else within that period if we were to adjust it within the first three weeks it doesn't mean because you put the number on the paper it's going to happen in reality oh absolutely I certainly agree with that um miss tapate you had a comment uh yeah well maybe more of like a question so if we do make the change to change to non- Peak five minute hold time and then high peak um like low Peak and high peak uh 10-minute whole time will you also add in a high call volume message because part of the issue is the frustration that the passenger feels when they're trying to make a reservation and their whole time goes Beyond 5 minutes so this way they're not just getting off the phone then calling back and still calling during a high peak time and still be on hold for a long time he definitely uh it's a definitely Echo a great point and we would we were definitely looking into change in our whole message to include that um additional language verbiage all right thank you any other comments oh I'm sorry yes can we can we Define the peak and off peak coming because I mean who's to say it isn't all you know high so we're going to move the peak period today and it's going to be now the off peak later on because all the calls going to come in once we change that message of course yes so that's why I I have a little bit of U hesitancy to Define uh a time period specifically but what we'll be looking at is a call volume and um and determine that if if okay with the board because call volume as as Miss CA mentioned Monday morning 8: a.m. for anywhere is probably the highest call volume Friday at 3 or 4 o' is very very likely the lowest but that might change so I would like to be able to look at the call volume to answer that one no I think I think that's a an adequate suggestion and and I was I was going to say that if we did that um perhaps you know similar to what they do with the moving people from the pair of transit to the fixed route we take a percentage every year we try to increase on that we try to you know improve those performance measures year after year but with within reason I mean we know we're not going to get everybody answered in three minutes exactly and and just to add a point to that we're asking to change the percentage of individuals that are being um uh transferred to the fixed route because as you mentioned the individuals qualify for the service the qualif appications are typically disable disabled elderly or Transportation disadvantage which is typically monetary a lot of those individuals don't change from what they are they don't get better and now are able to walk to the bus stop and they're not getting any younger so those are areas that the individual who's qualified is very likely going to continue to be qualified and highly unlikely to not be as qualif to not qual qualifi for the service so that's why we're asking to uh reduce that number because once again our clients are clients and they are typically our clients until they're no longer with us I have a question about that yes Miss Dixon so Terry what I'm wondering is what is the process that you employ to transfer someone like do you two things I noticed one isn't it on your application isn't there a question right on the application that asks if is the nature of their situation temporary I think I don't remember the exact wording and so wouldn't you look at the people who you know indicated that they're in a temporary situation those are the people that I would expect could be moved off of Tera onto F route and then my next the next part of that would be and so how do you prompt them to to make that move like you know do you call them do you send them a letter do you you know bottle up and say hey do you still do you still need par Transit have you thought about moving to fix route like so you you are exactly right we do have a way of asking an individual about using a service however reality is most of our clients are going to put no to that there I'm I'm I'm on this service forever so what we do find is that there are some individuals that um and Carmen can speak better to this than I can but we do have individuals that that can use fix route and use fix route a couple times a week uh but use our demand response for specific ific trips typically like to a doctor and so uh and those individuals and the only other individuals that we've been able to mooved in the service have been our and I don't want to call a particular name of a organization but for our um some of our mentally challenged um users we've been able to uh transfer them because they can actually realistically use fixr however outside of that we don't have many others that have said I have uh temporary disability and in six months I'll be good to go type thing so sure so then how did you how do you prompt the individual to make that so uh as I mentioned carman's team will will then reach out to that individual and uh discuss the possibility of uh using fixed route versus the demand response but we aren't and I want to make sure this is clear we aren't in a position and and Carlos could definitely speak to this as well we're in a position where we can force an individual to uh stop using uh whether it be Ada or TD services so like I mentioned our our um Mobility manager and her team reach out to the individuals that we think we can have move and then try to initiate that process okay and then finally um since you're asking to reduce that Target number down to .5% what has your typical um percent been that that you are able to move do you have that data this is a new rule that was just recently implemented so we we this last year um gave that as a Target um with the expectation that we could and found that that wasn't realistic and now we're asking to reduce it to something that we could probably get to um and hopefully be able to sustain and I wonder about that too because how do you know like CU I don't think they don't know who I am when I get on the 21 you know so they don't know that I'm I mean unless it's a driver that I know you know that they don't have a report oh Jennifer just didn't take the Paratransit instead she took the 21 how do they know so how it actually happens is that with the uh the transfer you're no longer using the the TD Ada services and you're using the fix so we we're not counting individual when they go to the other uh Services we count that they're not using the TD service oh I see okay um yes Mr cond Excuse me is there after someone uh transitions to a fixed route is there like a followup like maybe 3 months later how's it going just just a check on them or once it's done it's done there has not been okay all right any of yes Mr I just want I think what I heard is very good Alternatives the 5 10 minute P low high whatever um and then the deployment of this maybe on demand three methods you use your computer use your mile device right so that might take some of the demand off the call so I'm just thinking from a risk point of view the right it takes another year to change this plan if there was a motion about 5 minutes 10 minutes depending on be when you call in I thought that would be good compromise to get that resolved and because otherwise we're three months down the road right and you only have n months left just saying all right so so we're going to um I'm going to ask for a motion to approve with the um changes that we've just discussed regarding the peak times that's going to be the only change is that correct as I'm going to ask for a motion for that we're changing the peak times as you just said the 10 and the five minutes to peak time yes pleas well you said only change you're mention you meaning the only change to the proposal yes okay thank you no one's asked for anything else and you answered all my questions for the things that I had so that's the only all right we have a motion from Miss tapate May I have a second I second it oh oh sorry I just do apologize um so I want to back up on two things um the motion is uh being made by uh Miss Tate okay uh the matter has to be done by a roll call a roll call a roll call Vote Yes ma'am so I need a motion in a second which I have and now we're going to do a roll call vote is that what you okay okay all right thank you um so I have a motion and I have a second and we'll do a roll call vote so all those in favor will say um I and those opposed will say nay Ivan I pardon me I can call your name yes that's a roll call Vote Yes Andrea I hi Mar's Jennifer I denn Hi I hi James Str [Music] I not [Music] here Lise andar bush is joh is not here and then Christopher hi that everyone Miss right thank you motion uh motion passes uh unanimously well I think that's a longest we've ever talked about anything since I've been on this board very good discussion all right we'll move on to member reports and we're going to hear from Diane Dixon [Music] [Music] thank you madam chair and greetings to my esteemed uh Partners on the board and to our distinguished guests who are here with us this morning um first off I'm I'm very uh pleased to be able to share a little bit with the board I'm very excited about having this position and having this opportunity um I am the co-founder of the agency for Life trans formations and we are an employment services provider here in Bard County since 2018 and essentially um what we do is we provide training to Youth and adults with disabilities that helps them to get into employment and we provide support on the job and um we do everything we can to help them to establish um meaningful lives of purpose here in the community and so um I don't want to spend a whole lot of time getting into the details of it all that that entails more than to say that um a big part of what we do is taking a holistic approach to assisting that individual not just into employment but into everything else that makes a full life for a human being um and so as you can imagine transportation is a really critical element being able to get out and meet the Community is a very integral piece of being able to show up as a member of the community um and here in Bard County it's a huge struggle for individuals to be able to get where they need to go and we talk in our meetings about what some of those challenges are um the size of our County the the nature of the 75 mile you know one one end to the other end so there are a lot of um really obvious challenges that are involved and I wanted to speak a little bit to what I see as my role as an advocate on the board and um what I feel that advocacy at its best truly is when I am speaking and I'm in and I'm interacting with the board I take my my role as a representative very seriously so what I seek to do is to speak on behalf of a very large constituency here in our County and that's kind of daunting when you consider the census uh data which suggests that there are about 85,000 people in bvar County who identify as having disabilities that's I don't think that I could adequately represent 85,000 people um but all of us working together we can really do our best to act as a bridge between Space Coast Area Transit Transportation disadvantage services and the large number of people who rely on us as um a conduit to access the community and so what I like to do is I like to be able to go out to my partner organizations and inform them about the good work that Space Coast Area Transit is doing about our future plans and goals and then also to hear from them regarding what how things are working for them are they able to access are they able to get where they're going um so in the short time that I've served on the board some of my observations are that we have a great deal of focus on measuring how well we are doing in serving our current ridership and that's super important there's no doubt about it but beyond that I have a concern for the individuals who are qualified for services who are not accessing um our transportation and and I want to understand why that is and I think that the more more we can dig into what the barriers are that prevent people from being able to have good experiences with Paratransit um the more we can work together to increase our capacity to provide these services so I like as a newbie coming in I look at Volunteers in motion and I think wow that's fantastic that's a partnership between the community Space Coast Area Transit and what they provide to um the people that they serve which is if I understand correctly it's going to be probably the 65 and older um they provide them Transportation on a limited basis to certain places if they had a job that they needed to go to Monday through Friday Volunteers in motion wouldn't be the answer to that um but I'm but I'm curious about how we could potentially expand something like Volunteers in motion to provide more services to people with disabilities and appropriate disability I mean appropriate Services um and I also would like to have a chance to talk a little bit about the fact that we do have all different disabilities it's not just one thing which makes it very very challenging to develop appropriate Services when you consider we have people who have Mobility we have people who have Blind and Visually Impaired but then we have people who have intellectual disabilities mental health challenges and that's a whole different can of worms so when you talk about calling in and scheduling a ride well I work with individual uals who don't know how to tell time right and so then you say well this is going to be your pickup window and they don't know how to tell time so these are just that's just one small example of how our services might work for even 80% of the disabled people but how can we better serve the ones who we're not hearing from the ones who don't attend meetings to have their voice heard that's really where my heart and my advocacy is is how do we speak up and how do we learn more um and so we have quarterly meetings which is fantastic I'm also interested in finding ways to be more supportive to the good work that's taking place here in between those meetings so last meeting we had a great presentation and there were some surveys that were being done to get feedback from stakeholders um and I talked to uh Debbie Flynn a bit about that after the meeting and I wanted to find ways that I could potentially help to gather more of this feedback so that we do get a fuller picture of how we're doing and you know why people aren't using us and what we might be able to do to to change that and I just I just share this as just a really small example but um I took copies of the survey that and I don't remember which one because there were two different surveys excuse me if I don't have the exact title of that survey but it was a stakeholder survey and it was in a short answer format wasn't multiple choice and I took it to an inter agency event that was taking place and which was maybe say 70 to 80 people in attendance and I was able to get 20 feedbacks right there on the spot of people who cared enough to let us know what their situation was to stand there and fill out the 10 questions in long hand and and give those back to me so that was kind of a proof of concept and I just wanted to say that in the future I hope that we can think more about how this board can be more active and More impactful in between our quar early meetings and this is all goes towards help what I the work that I do and helping folks to access employment but I want them to be able to access a lot more than just employment I want them to be able to get out and meet with their friends make friends go to church do do different things that all of us kind of myself included take for granted um it's it's my pleasure to be able to share with you guys this morning and I have so much admiration and respect for each and every one of you and the the good work that you guys do um I know you're up against a lot of challenges but I hope that you will start more and more to look at the board as partners and helping to solve these problems when we're asking for data it's not because we're trying to catch you fing down on the job it's the opposite we're trying to get down to how can this be improved do you need more money do you need more resources then let's get that let's let's do what we need to do to get the resources we need to fulfill the mission of the organization and with that I will conclude and if anyone has any questions you know uh you may or may not you can ask me questions you're right over there thank you somebody ask a question no I said if anybody wants to ask a question she's right over there that's right you can you can come up to me after the meeting I'm I'm approachable thank you m and that was wonderful it was good to get to know your um your background there thank you all right we'll move on to um Public public comment I have a card here from Margaret Campbell REM [Music] renel hello first I'd like to thank Carmen for the help I've Gotten from her um from until last time I was here um speaking to the mic oh sorry um The Writer's guide for the Paratransit service is very I'm I'm trying to word it right is not what we really have I mean it tells us to call 2 p.m before the day before you need a trip and that you can schedule seven days in advance and that is not what you can do um kind of going on what people said before if you don't call it 8: a.m. there's a good chance you're not going to get your trip especially if it's in the morning I've called at 8: a.m. sometimes and the trip is not available for the that trip in seven days since you have to call seven days ahead and only can make one trip that day it makes it very difficult for anybody if you go to the doctor and have to go to a pharmacy you can't go for a week because you can't schedule if you don't know you're getting a prescription that day you and even if you do you can't go to the doctor in the pharmacy it's not allowed um so that's against I mean you're not supposed to be getting refuseed service so you're saying that they're refusing you a ride they'll say they don't have it's not available okay the time's not available the time's not available yep for the trip you need okay yeah the time is not available for the trip that is need that the trip that I need um I've had this happen several times and they you know they they just say it's not available sometimes they'll say they'll check with a supervisor and see if they can do something and call me back but there's nothing that seems to be in the process um part of it may be maybe they need just to adjust the riter's guide if the Forum is going to be you have to call seven days in advance and you can only schedule one trip that day or if they're building towards which would be really nice going to what the riter guide says and being able to do it it's very difficult to plan everything s days in advance and only being able to do one thing that day now they're supposed to be scheduling you according to the writer's guide I know the writer's guide says a lot but it's not that's federal law and state law so they're supposed to be scheduling you within that so um maybe somebody can tell us why that's not happening okay this is public this is public comment this is public comment so it's just let Miss Campbell get her okay but that that's mainly it um it's just either following the rider's guide or do we update the rider's guide or adjust it whatever it's just very difficult to plan your day SE your your one day one thing seven days in advance I probably don't know anybody here or have talked to anybody that knows everything they need to do seven days in advance and only one thing that day it's just not realistic for people that don't have another means of trans ation thank you thank you m ramsel all right um move on any rebuttal comments or we just going to come back to that maybe next uh Terry did you want to say something all right thank you once again I I want to make sure things are clear and and I also want to ensure that the board understands that I'm not being argumentative either The Writer's guide is put out for individuals to understand the services that we provide um one of the things that has been a constant thing I hear is the 7 day I always aced to if you want to travel and you want to fly somewhere and you wait till the day before you need to go to where you need to go to you try to book a flight and there's no seat available to you there is no seat available to you we give you up to seven days in advance so you can call in seven days in advance because as mentioned we fill up so if you call the day before or two days before then it is understandable that that trip time is not available to you to book so there's typically and I'm not on the phone but there's typically an alternative that is given so you have I want to get there for 9:00 a.m. well we can't get you there for 9:00 a.m. we'll get you there for 8:30 typically our reservationist and Carmen help me out from wrong typically our reservationist will give you a time earlier we understand that your appointment at a certain time so we're not going to tell you to go for 9:30 we'll try to get you there earlier so and that's the understand and of course with most doctors offices people want to book earlier in the day and that's what they do and the the the times are not available for the client we're not refusing the trip we can't give you the time that you want to get there is the issue so the writers guy says call up to seven days in advance which you can if you call anything between two days and seven days in advance it's still acceptable but you may not be able to get there the time you want to uh it's it's just and and um I had a a conversation with with Miss Anna may at her first meeting and she said again today the client also has to to know what they need to do and be responsible to to book the the trip within a time frame I understand uh what the young lady just said you may not know that far in advance and when you do know sometimes we just won't be able to accommodate and that's all it comes down to and as far as this booking the second trip if you go to the doctor and then they say oh well you need to go have a prescription fill once again our services aren't day of we can't schedule day of so if you go to the doctor today and they say you need to go to get a prescription fill then you call in to schedule the next available date to go get your prescription it may not be until a couple days from now potentially so and I just wanted to respond so everyone in the room is is understanding the service we operate also the limitations that we operate under and the only thing to do is have Carlos come up and give us some more money for some more vehicles and some more operators and some more salaries Carlos know that's not an easy thing that car it's not an easy thing it's not e so actually tomorrow as a matter of fact we're going to talk about that so okay well you can see where it comes from thank you Terry you you there's a tremendous need for this service that you provide and I think we all understand that there's only so much to go around and there's certainly more demands and there is Supply yes ma'am thank you so thank you for doing the good job that you do K as well um I'd like to add something if I may yes Miss Smith um what I what I'd like to suggest if it's if it's possible uh talking about money but um I would like to see some sort of Education my experience has uh based basically um I've learned I've learned that sometimes people over 60 when they become disabled it's a whole new world and uh coping with it later in life is difficult other folks that have have been disabled since childhood seem to have um a little more time on the clock as far as learning how to hope with the world um I I'd like to see some of the literature with the writer guide is to help the consumer and ask them the question how can you help us accommodate your need for transportation better and I would like to see some tips of per people with disability have a plan A plan have a plan B have an alternative um have a backup plan if you can't make it Tuesday can you make it Wednesday not 9:00 can you do it 10 o00 um not only that um fighting your disability is a tough place to be and you don't have to fight it you got to work with it and um it takes the pressure off the individual themselves because they understand the other side of the coin that there's only so many hours in the day there's only so many trips that can be made there's only so many staff and there's also stuff and life happens so if you plan for the unexpected or expect the unexpected and have an alternative plan if I can't make the doctor at this time can I go in now early can I do this can I do that what can I do to make my life easier and that's yes that's the person's responsibility but believe me life gets a lot easier when you're not looking for somebody else to solve every every every problem and do everything right when you do when you want it or when you feel you need it because I've got a lot of places I want to be at a certain time and a lot of things I want to do and guess what the world does not cooperate a lot of the time I agree thank you very much Miss Smith thank you for your comments any other comments from the board question yes Miss I just wanted to find out from Terry um on the uh performance report card where it says percent trips denied um would what what would you consider a denied Tri because it looks like essentially don't deny trips according to this report exactly we don't deny trips a deny trip is when we say we will not accommodated with any sort [Music] of like I mentioned changing time so where we just say we won't we won't take you where we need to go right but if the person is asking for a trip that you you're not able to accommodate then that doesn't get captured in give we typically give an alter right so so then there's no I guess what I'm trying to say is that if this is a common problem that people are having like with this um Community um member just shared with us then it seems like it would Mo us to have a way of capturing that data so that we know is this something that a lot of people are experiencing because then you know I I appreciate what anime shared but at the same time if we can capture what the unmet needs are I know we have limited resources but if there's a potential to increase those resources to solve problems then that's exactly why we keep one of the reasons why we keep data right so is there a way to capture those kind because that is a that is a Deni trip I mean objectively speaking if a person wants something it's not we're not talking about the reason we're just talking about did were they able to get the trip scheduled so you're you're saying and I that was a great analogy about the air travel great analogy yeah now you're asking us to do something in a day or two days you have a better chance if you called us a week or more in advance right but is there a way that we can capture how often that's happening because maybe we do need to uh work on increasing the number of drivers and can and you know such like that but I don't know if there's a way to capture reservation AG is having a conversation and if the client then says okay I'll take that but if the client says no that's not going to work for me we might be able to look at that the last part is a person may say okay well never mind just basically because they don't want to accept it at the time so we are only required to um report denials we're not trying to shove it under the rug or anything like that we do everything we can to accommodate request and then like I said there's at times where there is a alternative given and the client all right thank you thank you very much um Mr lendi just quick question I know where we're head question yes sir this application you talked about earlier be available on my computer or on my phone will that have visibility for the person making the schedule as to what's available not available visibility hey I want to make a Wednesday 9:00 pick up well there be a graphic of oh oh oh oh I understand yeah oh green is for the time 9 to 10 you can make an appointment just asking I need good question that would help some for people using the app And to clarify so when a person goes online with the new system and wants to book a trip it will show them it it will I don't know if it's going to show blocks available to them but it will say if it's uh allowable or not what what will happen is the individual will put in the time that they are requesting and then likely the system will do the algorithm and go through and determine if it's one that it can accommodate B on from operator the software to determine you know the same way the the operator does now if there's a block of 50 has the block of 50 being filled okay you're welcome all right thank you all right um no more comments from the board I'll take a motion to ad I may I give an update for the projects that I have presented I'm sorry I forgot to ask memb report um again I'm Debbie Flynn Space Co TPO Transportation planner I'm working on the transit development plan with with Space Coast Area Transit and the survey results are on our website in an infographic so you can check that out and any reports that I was giving regarding the stakeholder interview that will be in the appendix of the transit development plan when it's complete the plan is not complete yet um but when it's complete it will be there for everyone to view and I just wanted to give another update um Space codes TPO is hosting workshops in the next couple of months for the public to give input on our long range Transportation plan and our Transit development plan these workshops are on our website in our social media outlets on Facebook and you could register to go to these events so we know how many people will be attending um one the first one is in May 22nd and that's in Satellite Beach um the second one is May 30th and that's in Palm Bay um the next one is June 4th and that's in Titusville and the locations are on our website I just didn't want to go through all the locations at this time and June 12th is our last one and that will be at the center for collaboration in rockage and that will also be our um or annual Workshop that the TPO puts on as well and you're more than welcome to come and give your advice and what you would like to be changed in our longrange transportation plan and our Transit development plan um and I thank you for your time excellent update thank you very much Miss debie all right anyone else have um take a motion to adjourn Madam before you do yes I'm sorry you have a item no um if there if there any volunteers to do a presentation s IL to miss Dixons today like I said just for the other other agencies in the room to understand what your agency does and how you guys can work together and collaborate if there anyone any two individuals i' like to present at the next meeting please feel free to reach out to miss Ivon miles who sends the agenda out to you all right thank you that's let you want to volunteer now yes anyone who wants to give a report on their particular um um who they represent please U that would be very nice we'd all like to know what what's behind all right a motion to adjourn was that your point Mr Stringer uh I I journ the meeting oh all right motion and second when second get up and go home second by a second thank you Tate thank you thank you very very much all right the opinions expressed by any member of the public during any period of public comment do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the the board of County commissioners of Bard County Florida Space Coast government television or the program sponsor and are solely those of the presenter the board of County commissioners of bravard County Florida Space Coast government television and the program sponsor hereby expressly disclaim any and all responsibility or liability for any defamatory or slanderous statements expressed by any member of the public during any such period [Music] [Music] [Music]