##VIDEO ID:2zYafbqzTeM## e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone I'd like to call the meeting to order Miss Carrie can we do a roll call please Miss Kennedy yes Miss Benedictus yes missan room yes Mr Mesmer here miss picala yes the I was I was going to say Mr Edwards we do the open public meeting act but guess I don't need that right now the New Jersey public open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of the Public Public to have advanced notice of to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any in any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act The Brick Township Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be posted on the administration office Bolton board the official District website and channel btv2 and sent to the asbar park press the brick times The Star Ledger and Municipal clerk's office first public comment on agenda oh sorry I missed the salute the flag sorry thank you can I salute the flag [Music] please to the flag of the United States of America to the stands nais [Music] andice okay now first public comment section on agenda items only this will be the first opportunity for public comment it will be for agenda items only the board vites thoughts and reactions on agenda items each participant is asked to give his or her name prior to making a statement all statements shall be directed to the presiding officer commment shall be limited to five minutes and each speaker may only speak once the board will not during the public portion of the meeting discuss matters involving employment appointment termination of employment negotiations terms and conditions of employment evaluation of performance of promotion or disciplining of any specific or perspective or current employee Andor students do we have any public comment at this time for agenda items only okay seeing none move on to the agenda itself at this time I'll read the statement of elections results for the members of the board of education for Brick Township uh George maliri 12,324 votes Greg Cohen 11,192 votes Georgia lean Hansen 11,191 votes Victoria Bala 13,053 votes John Henry 11,978 votes Nancy Ellison 11,763 votes and we had 313 rins I would now like to do the oath of new board members uh alphabetic leave if I can have Mr Henry join me at the [Applause] podium Susan coming she usually takes the pictures hello okay I wonder state your name I John Henry do Solly swear do solemnly swear that I that I will support will support the Constitution the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I and that I will bear will bear true Faith true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments and to the governments established established in the united states in the United States and this state and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I st your name I John Henry do swear do solemnly swear that I possess that I possess the qualifications the qualifications prescribed by law prescribed by law for the office of for the office of member of member of a board of education a board of education and that I and that I am not disqualified am not disqualified as a voter as a voter pursuant to pursuant to RS RS 19 19 4-1 4-1 nor disqualified nor disqualified due to conviction due to conviction of a crime of a crime or offense or offense listed in listed in njs njs 18a 18 a 121 12-1 and that I and that I thank you thank you thank you sure thank you thank you I hope so I George maler do swear that I that I will support will support the Constitution the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I and that I will bear will bear true Faith true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the Saint and to the governments and to the governments established in established in the United States the United States and this state and this state Under The Authority Under the authority of the people of the people so so helpy God I I George maler do Sly swear do Sly swear that I possess that I possess the qualifications the qualifications subcrib by by law for the office of to the office of member of member of a board of education a board of education and that I and that I am not disqualified am not disqualified as a voter as a voter pursuant to pursuant to RS RS 19 19 41 4-1 nor disqualified nor disqualified due to conviction due to conviction of crime of crime or offense or offense listed in listed in njs njs 18a 18a 121 12-1 and that I and that I will Faithfully partially and partially justly and justly perform all duties perform all duties of that office of that office according to according to of my ability the best of my ability to help me go than you thank you thank you just turn around and then everyone would the oh my God you know enre [Applause] [Applause] y all right at this time I'd like a uh first and second for the adoption of the school I'm sorry for adoption of the code of ethics for school board members first motion Fran second Aly Miss Carrie roll call please miss picala yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss Steen adictas yes Miss Ayan room yes Mr Mesmer yes Mr Henry yes Mr MGI yes at this moment I would like to take nominations for president any nominations for president of the Board of Education I nominate mine I second that nomination third do we have any other nominations okay seeing none Miss Carrie can do roll call please miss picala no Miss Kennedy yes Missy Benedictus yes misson yes Mr Mesmer yes Mr Henry yes Mr meiri absolutely yes congratulations [Applause] [Music] I'd like to see seek nomination for vice president I nominate Mike second alley R rol Mary Miss picala no M Kennedy yes Miss D Benedictus yes Miss room yes Mr Mesmer yes Mr Henry yes Mr MGI yes [Applause] [Music] okay I need a motion and a second for board meeting dates Mary motion motion motion Fran second alley Miss palala yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss Benedictus yes Miss ay room you got yes Mr Mesmer yes Mr Henry yes Mr maleri yes I need a first and a second motion for official newspaper motion second Mike first George okay thank you Mike yes um shouldn't the our lovely newcomers abstain because they were not here for the minutes from last we're not doing minutes to adop the asy press as the official newspaper I put the one before R call Miss picala yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss Sten adictas yes Miss Ayan Ron yes Mr Mesmer yes Mr Henry yes Mr maleri yes I need a a motion and a second for personnel to sign checks Mary motion bran second Mike Mary Miss picala yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss Benedictus yes misson yes Mr Mesmer yes Mr Henry yes Mr maliri yes okay I'll need a motion and a second for appointing authority with motion Ali second Fran Miss picala yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss Sten adictas yes Miss Ian room yes Mr Mesmer yes Mr Henry yes Mr M yes I'll need a motion and a second for a j for a PCO motion Mike second alley Mary Miss picala yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss Sten adictas yes Miss ayon yes Mr Mesmer yes Mr Henry yes Mr mjeri yes I'll need a motion and a second for state and federal funds motion bran Al Mary Miss picala yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss stct yes I'll need a motion in a second miss a Ron yes Mr Mesmer yes Mr Henry yes Mr meiri yes okay I'll need a motion and a second for board policies and regulations motion alley and second FR Miss picala yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss D Benedictus yes Miss aanon yes Mr Mesmer yes Mr Henry yes Mr maliri yes [Laughter] okay um this is our second public comment session this second opportunity for public comment each participant is asked to give his or her name prior to making a statement all statements shall be directed to the presiding officer comments shall be limited to five minutes and each speaker may speak only once the board will not during the public portion of this meeting discuss matters involving employment appointment termination of employment negotiations ter terms and conditions of employment evaluation of the performance of promotion or disciplinary of any specific or perspective or current employee Andor students okay any comments seeing none board have any comments oh yeah I do always um um I just like to uh congratulate the new members of the board and the new officers I'd also like to uh acknowledge the the articles that have been coming out of our website and the Press about our teachers of the Year our governor uh educators of the year and support service Professionals of the year I look forward to the day when we celebrate them all together um I would like to um everybody on the board already received this notice but just in case the public doesn't know the New Jersey Department of Education has announced four dates when Educators and members of the public May comment on the school funding law one was December 17th the next two next three are January 8th in Somerville uh January 14th in Trenton and the only one I can attend I will be there if you'd like to carpool let me know it's January 16th in Camden so for all the people who really want us to have more funding and want the brick voices to be heard we should all organize our car pools now because this is our opportunity to stop complaining and start giving our New Jersey Department of Education input about what is best for the school children in Brick and if we don't do it nobody else will um that's all it's all on our website it's all been in our our superintendent packets and um I just like to say I'm looking forward to the next meeting it is January 21st right okay thank you Alan hi everyone um I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas hope everyone had a great New Year's um I want to welcome George and John look forward to working with you guys in Victoria of course continuing to work together um and that's it I love a a quickie this is a beautiful thing thanks Fran anything of course um I look forward to working with um George and John obviously continued with Victoria it's very nice that you're back um and congratulations to Mike and meline you guys are going to be amazing Happy New Year hope nobody had a horrible morning getting your kiddos up after sleeping till noon like mine but um wishing you guys all the best and see you all on the 21st John any comment yes um first of all thank you everyone I'm going to do the best that I can with my educational background to serve the children of brick in in the best capacity I also look forward to working with everyone on this board and the administration and I also look forward to listening to and hearing your comments as parents and members of the community um at that part from the meetings that I spent in those seats that part is very interesting so I look forward to that and happy New Year everyone I I look forward to a really great year in this school and hopefully in the state of New Jersey so thank you George any comments thank you president ianone um first of all uh good evening to you all it again oh it is green thank you uh thank you V uh good evening everyone thank you all for being here tonight this uh really uh means a lot for so many different reasons to see so many people who really care about the town care about the district care about the community and what takes place uh and what we can do hopefully uh for you and with you all uh to make for a better District a better town and a better Community um Merry Christmas to you all happy kanuka happy New Year uh I'd like to thank you all so very much for allowing someone such as myself um who frankly never thought he'd be sitting up here to uh be in this particular position to make an effective change positive change uh Charter this District town and community in a positive direction on um and going to what was said by one particular board member uh there is a lot of validity in how you and I together can really do quite a bit to make for a better District we've had a number of issues over the years with funding and related issues in this district and um ultimately frankly there is a responsibility on the part of all of us uh particularly as board members whether we be in year one or year 10 to be effective advocates for uh our children our parents our teachers uh all of our staff and ultimately thex tax payers who make all of this possible uh and we hope to uh all collectively work to your benefit thank you all very much God bless you all and thank you for the [Applause] opportunity look forward to working with oops thank you do you have anything you want to say yeah real quick I just want to say Happy New Year to everyone uh I've gotten to know both George and John previously and I gotta say I'm very excited to work with both of them um they both really focus on the right things and you know same Focus as the rest of us on the board to just you know put the district in a better position moving forward um so happy New Year I look forward to working with both of you and mateline congratulations on President you're gonna do great things so um so I would like to thank everybody for making me president I'm going to serve you well along with Mike and everybody else on the board we're going to work together as a team we're going to try to do the best we can do for this town to bring in funds and to work with all the different areas we have a lot going on we work very hard and we're proud to serve you and I want to thank you for your confidence in me and in Mike as a team we'll do very good and with the rest of the board I'm sure we'll do fabulous thank you um Dr frell do you have anything you want to say no I will you ask me I have something to say and I I will be in Trenton on the 7th and with Mr Edwards on the 14th for those and they'll be in your superintendent's packet all of the meetings so you could share out with the public as well and it is on the website so okay so um last but not least I'm going to read the calendar January 21st 2025 we're going to have a regular meeting 7 pm here in this building and I'm going to ask for an adjournment motion I need motion motion alley and second friend Miss picala yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss Benedictus yes Miss yes Mr Mesmer yes Mr Henry yes Mr maleri [Applause] [Music] yes e