##VIDEO ID:x2Md2QWizDE## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay we're going to get started uh Mary roll call Miss Sebert yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss D Benedictus yes Miss Ayan Ron yes Mr Mesmer yes Miss picala yes Miss wreb yes Mr Edwards the New Jersey public excuse me let me sorry take two the New Jersey it's been a while since I've done this the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of public to have advanced notice of and to attend meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provision of this act The Brick Township Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be posted on the administration office Bolton board the official District website and channel pdv2 and sent to the Asbury Park Press to Brick times Star Ledger and Municipal clerk's office would everybody please stand for the flag salute in a moment of [Music] silence RC coming no I'm sorry did you not read the [Laughter] agenda I actually texted Mary I was like we don't have executive yeah yeah I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you please be seated often it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education Act with very little comment in many cases a unanimous vote please understand that before this matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools discussed it in appropriate Boe committees and only then if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the full Board of Education it is placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting board of education members are given advanced notice to review the agenda and through their chair ask questions or voice concerns in rare instances when necessary some matters could be presented to the board of education for discussion and vote at the meeting Miss mcnam will you introduce the student representatives in RC R thank you Mrs this evening we welcome back from brick memorial High School Christ Kristen mcade uh Kristen is a senior at brick memorial high school she's a student athlete she's participating in field hockey and is a leader in the ROC program as a lieutenant colonel in addition to being a two-term president of our Student Government Association she's a member of the National Honor Society her dream is to attend the Naval Academy in Annapolis Maryland Kristen good afternoon everyone again I'm Kristen mcwade and I'll begin with the brick memorial report brick memorial High School welcomed its newest class of Mustangs the class of 2028 with a successful freshman orientation on Tuesday August 27 with great attendance the incoming students got a firsthand look at what makes bmhs such a special place to learn and grow the day kicked off in the auditorium where principle Mr saruca and the assistant principles warmly welcome the students and provide essential information to help them transition smoothly in into the high school life the students had the opportunity to find their classes meet their teachers and learn more about the school environment freshman also learned about Home Room procedures launch schedules and the num numerous extracurricular activities available from sports teams to clubs and special interest groups over 30 dedicated teachers and staff volunteered their morning to assist with the event guiding students through the hallways and ensuring they felt comfortable and prepared for the year ahead a special thank you goes out to the volunteers who helped the student government Association for their outstanding efforts in organizing and running the event their hard work ensured that the orientation was both informative and welcoming for all attendees the Mustangs are Off to the Races our first week of of school began with excitement and and anticipation of what was to come on September 6 bmhs held a fall pep rally to excite both the student body and teachers for the annual brick memorial versus Brick Township game in addition to the introduction of our sports teams we were treated by performance from the marching band and cheerleading squad this PPP rally featured the first ever hungry hungry Mustang competition where a student lays on a scooter with a basket in hand another student is the driver steering them to collect the balloons we have a great video of this on our brick memorial Twitter if you want to check it out in addition to grade level class meetings the first week of school which established new policies in effect on Friday September 13th brick memorial will be hosting its first schoolwide activities fair this unique Club Fair will feature over 20 extracurricular clubs at bmhs clubs will have the opportunity to recruit new members provide volunteer opportunities and help create even more school spirit and unity at bmhs brick memorial will be holding their annual back to school night on Tuesday September 17th senior parents are encouraged to attend a post-graduate planning presentation at 5:00 p.m. in the auditorium followed by the principal is address at 6 p.m. there will also be an activities fair in the gold cafeteria parents will have the opportunity to attend both semester 1 and two classes we hope to see everyone there join our very own bmhs key club sergeant Squad and the walk to fight Alzheimer's on Saturday October 5th in Point Pleasant Beach at the corner of Arnold and Baltimore Avenues serers Squad was created in 2017 to honor the contributions and memory of Master Sergeant James Tierney an original prick Memorial High School Mustang he served his country and wore the Air Force uniform for 55 years 22 years on active duty and 33 years as an Air Force Junior ROTC instructor Sarge passed away April 12th 2017 from Alzheimer's disease our goal is to raise $1,942 the year he was born and to walk together for the eighth year to remember a great American and a wonderful man although we are only a few short days into this new school year we eagerly eagerly anticipate many exciting events including our annual homecoming dance on October 10th as well as cheering on our Mustangs on the stage field and in the classroom now on to our sports report football team started 2-0 with wins over Allentown and a 3 to7 and a 37-6 win over the dragons we will host howl this Friday for our first home game volleyball team is 3 to one off to a great start Bella melie set a new single match record for Aces and service points yesterday a Colts Neck with 16 Aces and 23 service points the team won improving to 3 to1 on the season girls soccer is now 1 to1 with a tough loss to man alapin and a dominating five to 5-0 win over the dragons girls field hockey is 2 to1 with a 4 to0 shutout against Neptune and most recent 3 to1 win against Manchester Township boy soccer is 1-0 with a tie to Jackson Liberty and a 2-0 win over Manchester Township gymnastics started off strong against man alipin winning one 104.9 to 98.1 a dominating win girls tennis is 1 to2 with a win over Lakewood and looking to improve their record with matches against New Egypt and point burrow coming up cross country are very young team however expectations are high as they look to have a strong presence in the county and Shore conference as always don't don't forget to follow us on Twitter at Bri Mora High School And subscribe to our podcast straight from the Mustangs mouth on your podcast app of choice it's going to be a great year to be a Mustang thank you and everyone have a good night thank you Kristen and welcome back from Brick Township High School we have Paula kobian Ramos did I say that correctly Paula is a dynamic leader at Brick Township High School she serves as the president of the student government Association the historian of the National Honor Society and the secretary of the class of 2025 do you have any spare time whatsoever in addition to her leadership role Paula is an active member of the Key Club interact Club Pal's club and a peer leader program an accomplished athlete polar captains both the field hockey and swim teams while also playing lacrosse her dedication to school sports and service truly exemplify her commitment to making a positive impact on the brick Community Paula good evening I'm Paula and I'm the president of bths student government and I would like to begin this evening by thanking Dr frell and the board of education for this opportunity I am humbled and excited to be the representative for Brick Township High School I am looking forward to sharing bths new news with you throughout the year we kicked off the 2024 through 2025 school year at bths by welcoming the class of 28 with a freshman orientation on August 27th 2024 students were greeted with our Dragon Pride as they entered the building the marching band and cheerleaders set the stage by providing an enthusiastic welcome student leaders from the National Honor Society student government and Key Club supported this event by engaging with our incoming freshmen while staff facilitate facilitated several informative sessions all students attended a grade level assembly where they were addressed by Dr Cajun the assistant principles and class advisers the focus of these meetings of these meetings was to review essential procedures establish schoolwide expectations and prepare all students for a successful school year it was a positive School positive experience where a school's core value of tradition Pride acceptance integrity and respect were highlighted and reinforced staff engaged students in our first dragon values lesson of the Year this past week this lesson reestablished schoolwide expect expectations while strengthening our school culture all staff engaged students in open dialogue confirming practices and procedures throughout the building yesterday bths recognized September 11 Patriot Day with an announcement recognizing the day's event Dr Dr cun's message was one of the was one of compassion and empathy highlighting the themes and ideals associated with the day in history in addition to Dr cajun's powerful announcement staff engaged students in lessons focus on these themes throughout the day clubs we welcome Miss van fallson as the new Key Club advisor all clubs are starting to host their meetings and are open to all grade levels such as the crochet Club French Club Key Club regaler and green team the National Honor Society welcomes returning adviser Miss gipon NHS students are excited to have her leadership moreover an addition to this year's NHS expectation is for all NHS seniors to each come up with a passion project of their own and are to to oh my God and are to dedicate 12 hours each semester to this project the goal of this project is to go beyond completion for hours and to build up something greater at the end of the year seniors are to present their project and experiences while classes are getting started our fall sports are in full swing Although our opening football game resulted in a loss to brick memorial the dragon Pride the dragon pride and spirit was is strong we set the stage for the game with our traditional Dragon B where the marching band and cheerleaders pumped up the school with our with our spirit during the day the game Saw High School attendance by both students and staff members we are looking to keep this enthusiasm going through the rest of the year in other sports girls volleyball is is competing against brick memorial this Friday at 5:00 p.m. girls soccer won against St Rose 1 Z and lost to brick memorial boy soccer team competes against brick memorial tomorrow at 3:45 at Vets Memorial Middle School cross country has their first meet this Friday at Ocean County Park where our track star Kira maku is looking to break 19 minutes in the 5K the marching dragons are once again bound to have an impressive competition season they won first place with a score of 76.6 at the raran high school competition for best music and best visual future events and information such as back to school night is Tuesday September September 7 beginning at 6:00 p.m. there are several in informative sessions taking place prior to the start of btsn on September 17th please review the communication pushed out by Dr Cajun regarding the schedule for the evening we are looking forward to welcome to welcoming all of our parents to this event on Tuesday September 17th under classman school pictures school pictures will take place on Wednesday September 25th Thursday September 26th and Friday September 27th all students must have their picture taken senior pictures have already taken place however there will be a makeup opportunity on November 5th and 6th for anyone who missed their scheduled time slot in the summer our annual homecoming dance will be held on October 5th from 4 to 8 abic Township High School tickets will be $25 and sold during lunches on September 27th through October 4th the homecoming football game will be on Friday October 4th where the dragons will take on Jackson Liberty at 6 p.m. the student government Association will be holding a Spirit Week the week leading up to the dance to promote school spirit for the start of the Year be sure to stay connected to bths events and inside information by accessing our school website SGA Instagram at bths sgaa and our school Twitter bths dragons you can always see all of our happenings monthly through Dr cajun's Dragon review thank you you for this opportunity and I will see you all next month thank you Paula and welcome um from The ROC we have first lieutenant Cameron Mitchell Cameron Cameron is a junior at Bri Memorial High School and is a student athlete participating in tennis and wrestling Roc is his main focus at the school and his dream is to attend West Point Military acad Academy Cameron good evening ladies and gentlemen I'm Cadet first lieutenant Cameron Mitchell the NJ 822 public affairs officer I'll be briefing you on what our Cadets have been doing during the past month August 19th to the 22nd Master Sergeant futel hosted 11 cadets for a staff planning week the staff Cadets had discussions about uniforms trips and other ideas for the new school year on August 23rd seven Cadets had orientation flights with the Civil Air Patrol at lakid airport the senior Cadets had the ability to actively control the plane with guidance from the pilot those who attended we hope will explore a future career in aviation on September 6th Cadets performed the color guard for the brick versus brick football game at Brick Township High School yesterday September 11th n822 held an event that commemorated the lives lost in 2001 Cadets from brick memorial and and Brick Township together climbed up and down each of the 11 stairs located within bmhs 10 times equaling 110 floors climbed in total this is the same height as the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center we wanted to take a moment to really think about and honor those who gave their lives and those who tragically lost theirs in service to protect the innocent civilians who were trapped within the towers on that tragic day I wanted to also take a moment of silence if you guys will to honor those even though I know it's the 12th and it's not 911 anymore but to just take a moment of silence to commemorate those lost all right that's it for this month as always we thank you for your continued support throughout the rest of the school year and look forward to seeing you all again [Applause] soon thank you to thank you to our student representatives and our um Junior RC representative um I'm need a motion and a second for approval of minutes motion Fran second Nicole Mary Miss Sebert yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss D Benedictus yes Miss aanon yes Mr Mesmer yes Miss picala yes Miss W I have to abstain okay first report of the Year our superintendent report of the new school year Dr M while we want to extend an enthusiastic welcome back to our students staff and parents and hope everybody enjoyed the summer I I still get excited as I tell all of our our uh central office administrators for the first day of school you know um when you get to see all the students and staff there's a lot more buzz in the buildings obviously than aren't in the summer don't get me wrong summer is great but uh seeing all the kids in the in the hallways is fantastic and the start of a new school year brings with it a sense of renewal and opportunity so we're excited to embark on another school year and we look forward to connecting with our students staffs parents and Community Peter S said that few if any forces in human Affairs are as powerful as a shared Vision let's reunite and celebrate our shared vision of student centered teacher-led community connected this year bricks schools our 2024 2025 school year focused once again on student attendance and student performance indicators our learning communities are committed to providing the highest quality education for our students via a commitment to providing student centered instruction through teacher-led practice in a learning environment that Fosters academic growth and interpersonal Rel relationships through strong Community connections we Endeavor to promote Student Success by cultivating their unique talents that will help prepare and Empower them to assume altruistic roles in their future what I did at the first day with the the um invocation we spoke about the mission and the vision of the school and that the invis at its heart is really something simple but something very profound if we make all decisions centered on students Implement them with Fidelity through staff and then communicate that to the community regardless of the outcome that process is sincere and it will help us we welcomed our newest students into preschools in kindergarten and help transition our grade six and freshmen into their new schools via orientation programs at each of our those levels some of our schools already had um back to school nights both middle schools um last night not night before last night they're getting all I'm getting all confused two nights ago Tuesday night were both middle schools back to school because I was I was there it's Grandpa gr this year we had an opportunity also to partner with oan County College Miss mcar worked with Dr riddle to implement some volunteer experience 16 OCC volunteers assisted at various elementary schools in brick on the OCC colloquium day August 29th the volunteers were instrumental in assisting teachers and office staff to ready their classrooms and welcome students for this school year so we we thank OCC and M MC for coordinating that so as I said I was honored to address our staff with an invocation really about District vision and Mission and as I told our staff you know the vision student center teacher-led community connected provides guidance on really what's our organization's core and this came out of our strategic planning it's a clear prescriptive framework that can be utilized and adjusted specifically for any department or building or any component of our organization and as I said if we make our decisions in that realm we we would be fine the mission which I read earlier is a little more detailed each school and department has also worked and drilled down to their own vision and Mission um that can also relate to the districtwide vision plans rarely stay the same and are usually scrapped or adjusted or needed but Visions don't change they're only refined so I talk to our staff about let's be stubborn about the vision but be flexible about the plan and I think that's important when we talk about some of our student performance goal and student indicators a word that's come up over the last few years in education is the word grit as a former coach I just love um goals are critical for developing grit we speak about how we can help students attain grit grit is not about Talent OR expertise grit's about having goals and relentlessly pursuing them despite the challenges grit reveals that perseverance and passion in achieving are the most significant predictors of future success we hope to help students understand this important quality and embrace the power of grit by setting a clear personal vision for each of their future staying committed and talking to them about pushing through any obstacles as stated once again this this school year we're focusing on student attendance and student achievement and the supports and interventions that assist in those Endeavors this year I'd like to ask each student to focus on setting goals forsel regardless whether it's attendance student achievement or personal goals we have supports and interventions to assist with our students with any other their goals as you heard our Junior RC uh Cadet speak about uh we recognized it yesterday in our districts and one of the biggest challenges we ever faced as a nation occurred on 911 2001 as we continue to remember those who died those who served and those who carry on we also remember the unity and resilience we all displayed during that moment most difficult time this year on 9911 our schools commemorated the unity and resilience we had as a nation displayed on that day in the days that followed each School took the time to reflect honor and commemorate the 23rd anniversary of September 11th and to honor the memory of the nearly 3,000 victims who lost their lives during the acts of Terror each year it's important that we dedicate time to remember those who died and the First Responders who risked their own lives to save others it's essential that we celebrate America's resilience ability to work together help one another and commit to respecting all people speaking of working together and helping one another I'd like to take a moment uh I think it's on our agenda today a resolution but to thank ocean University Medical Center here Brick hospital for Their donation of school supplies to Brick schools for our elementary students we're thankful for all of our community have contributed school supplies over the last few weeks to ensure that all of our students had the necessary supplies for a successful school year I want to congratulate Victoria picala who serves now on the executive board for the OSHA County School boards Association and was recently appointed as the alternate delegate to the state and New Jersey school boards Association board of directors congratulations Miss Malla and I haven't done these comments during the Summers and I promised I'd be brief but I have been always closing Miss Kennedy with something I think that we could think about or unite for so um I I started thinking I I actually my mother sends me weekly prayers and Reflections and one she sent was about the gift of education and I kind of took from that and I'm so grateful and thank all of you for the gift of Education from this community um as our teachers and children have back to school I'm grateful for that gift from my own family and friends and I think I've instilled some of it in my own kids and I hope we're instilling that gift from the community and our own students it's also my hope that this upcoming year is the best yet and that our students start the year with strong Foundation that helps them gain confidence and grit it's my hope that our students and staff face each day with a sense of positivity and pride along with learned grit in that no matter what comes their way they do not have to face it alone as we're all in this together thank you okay we only have three committee reports tonight why don't we start with Mr eder's finance and Facilities there we go yes thank you uh facilities committee met on September 3rd uh miss picala miss wreb Mr Mesmer Dr faraoh myself Mr picoro Jason dich from v v I always want to see the V first fvhd Architects Miss gallardi from spel Jeff Williams from spel Architects Mr seagull from speel Architects and Mr from Neta Architects uh first project was of discuss was the lake river a middle school air conditioning project Mr pror informed the committee that uh we've received a proposal for the steel and Fastener inspections from Atlas And Engineering for third party inspections as per theal inspectors it's going to cost roughly 400 $1,400 for the inspection and he would be processing a PO to finish up that project veterans moral Middle School boiler replacement and air conditioning Mr y informed the committee that there are no updates at this time as we discussed previously this work is going to occur in the summer of 2025 due to the late installation of the Transformer uh installed by jcpnl the Transformer was landed on a pad on August 28th and DC Systems is a performing the conduit runs and wire pulls for the switch gear and the remaining service upgrade will be completed in the summer of 2025 maven's young air conditioning Mr y informed the committee that the school is well along startups and commissionings are at 96% uh with two rooms exhibiting mechanical issues with the condensers and parts are currently on on order uh the MTR rooftop units are currently under going start up and not on yet online veterans Mo Elementary School Mr y informed committee that the school did not require Transformer only switch gear and as such the air conditioning startup and commissioner much further along with 98% of the building UVS and vrfs all functioning the gymnasium units as well as the library units were taken offline for OEM Factory Service Drum Point Elementary School boiler replacement and air conditioning Mr yor informed the committee that due to late arrival of the Transformer uh very little could be done in the way of equipment startups so the remaining startups and the final balancing is going to proceed on second shift um throughout the school year Lanes Mill Elementary School Miss gardi informed the committee that the classroom units are up and running as well as the NPR uh one MPR is still offline awaiting for factory replacement parts uh as well as uv9 and 13 they're finishing the commissioning and the balancing of the school midstreams air conditioning Mr Mr Williams informed the committee that the design drawing meeting was held on September 3rd and are planning to go out to bid for advertisement on September 13th with a pre-bid meeting on September 20th bid opening will be on October 11th with the board approval hopefully on October 15th osor Ville air conditioning I can just say ditto everything I just said about Midstream so September 3rd will be the bid advertisement uh September 3r 13th I'm sorry will be pre-bid uh the 20th uh I read that wrong I'm sorry uh September 3rd is when they had the design planning meeting bid advertisement goes out September 13th pre-bid September 20th uh bid opening October 11th with the uh board board hopefully approving October 15 warm Wolf air conditioning I informed the committee that we have finally received the Grant from school Development Authority for Warren hwf's early childhood development center uh it's on this evening's agenda to approve Neta to begin design development Herbertsville early childhood development center uh Mr you the committee that uh with the award of Warren Wolf they will begin aggressive design timelines for both warm wolf and Herbertsville to ensure they can be on the same bid schedule osbornville kitchen Edition Mr Williams informed the committee that the design drawing meeting was held on the 3 uh bid advertisements will be out on the 13th with a pre-bid on the 20th bid open on the 11th with hopeful board approval on October 15th Brick Township High School kitchen HVAC Mr pror informed the committee that this project has passed all phases of inspection and can be closed at this time midstreams kitchen Mr yor informed the committee that the bid advertisement went out on August 29th and the prebid is scheduled for September 10th Brick Township High School long jump Mr pure informed the committee that he has been in contract with contact with AT&T the contractor uh but they have yet to provide a definitive date for the fall and the SDA emergent needs grants uh projects Mr peruo informed the committee that the remaining equipment is scheduled to arrive the week of September 10th and the next meeting will be October 3D uh well we that's up for debate at this point yeah it looks like it'll be October 2nd the emails but at the time we said October 3rd we don't have school on the third all right we're moving that meeting M right Mr Mesmer said we're moving the meeting though yeah there was some emails floating today about moving the meeting so okay we can settle that later we're going to have the meeting October let's move on we're having a meeting that day anyway uh finance committee Mr Mesmer miss wreb Mr Miss picala Dr F myself uh Community solar and building performance I informed the committee that dco energy is still working on the projections for the future HVAC projects um we did discuss a change in scope to add a PPA project to power purchase agreement project to Brick Memorial High School to remove the old solo panels replace the roof and provide a new solar array um we're going to look into that further and get back to the committee at the next meeting uh Brick Township facilities I did discuss with the committee um that there's some properties that the that the Brick Township is looking at on our behalf and we're waiting here back from them in regards to appraisals uh this is all tied to hopefully expanding our preschool operation going forward into the 25 26 school year electric School Bus Grant I informed the committee that the preliminary details um we have looked at a company that would provide the infrastructure software and vehicles uh that path if we went that way would add approximately $350,000 a year to the district's budget um we are also looking at an option where we buy the buses and have a company own the infrastructure and software we're still exploring that we're also looking at another option where we do everything we we have our architect design and uh have a contractor install all the infrastructure we buy the software we buy the buses we're going to look at all these various paths that we can take and determine which course of action is the best uh social media litigation I informed the committee that the firm representing the district has indicated that they are awaiting a Court decision in the litigation to determine where and how these cases are going to be filed uh I also informed the committee that we were contacted in regards to a litigation on insulin I'm going to get more details on that and report back to the committee at our next meeting um new advertising accounts I informed the committee that short District advertising brought forth McDonald's Automotive Avenues Wang orthic and dental 365 uh we the McDonald's wanted to do longer than a fiveyear they wanted to go with a 10year but upon uh discussion with the attorney we limited that to a five-year contract and the date of that meeting is or was is was scheduled for October 1st or the 3D but will probably be the second thank you Mr Edwards uh special ed Miss Granger yes um the committee met on September 10th uh myself Dr Farrell franda Benedictus Nicole Sebert and mateline aan rone were present the uh committee discussed items that were on the board agenda for this evening we also discussed this year's theme of the special education uh Department which is spreading uh positivity all of you received a keychain from me today uh which is an example of what we um we're doing in my department meeting to open up the school year uh we also discussed a project that we're working on with the Brick Township Police Department to um develop and uh find a way to um create a database of uh students and adults with special needs in the town uh for the Department of fire police police and EMS uh so that they know when uh they respond there is a child or an adult with special needs at that address and they can act accordingly I'm working with the police department to create and um roll this out with them so it's going to be a first initiative uh for the Brick Township uh Community uh we also discussed our Parent Academy which will be coming out next week on the website of our preschool program uh parent events in the evening and our special education parent events that will be listed on the parent Academy brochure our next meeting is November 12th at 4:30 thank you Jen um every year I get a phone call from Ocean County regarding Wyatt and you know so I don't know if you're talking to them they they have a pretty good list um and they call each year to confirm that nothing changed okay first public comment session on agenda items only this will be the first opportunity for public comment and will be for agenda items only the board invites thoughts and reactions on agenda items each participant is asked to give his or her name prior to making a statement all statements shall be directed to the presiding officer comments shall be limited to five minutes and each speaker may only speak once the board will not during the public portion of this meeting discuss matters involving employes employment appointment termination of employment negotiations terms and conditions of employment evaluation of the performance of promotion or disciplining of any specific or perspective or current employee Andor students does anyone have any comments on agenda items going once going twice okay we'll move on we'll close that um Dr Anderson curriculum and instruction thank you m wrab under curriculum instruction the superintendent recommends that the board approve item number one I need a motion in a second motion alley second mic motion alley second mic uh any board comment seeing none Mary Miss Sebert yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss D Benedictus yes Miss aanon yes Mr Mesmer yes Miss picala yes Miss wre yes Mr Edwards operations yes thank you this evening the superintendent recommends items 1 through 19 I need a motion and a second motion Victoria second Nicole Victoria and then Nicole uh any board comments yes I'd like to com Victoria I'd like to comment on two items number eight uh approving the fair and open resolution for the assessment firm to help monitor the disproportionality in dis practices this is something we're doing to comply with the state this is something that's important for our students and I am very glad to have seen this resolution and to have heard from various administrators that this is a big deal to them and they include um and they want to include this to improve the district so I appreciate that thank you Victoria any other comments seeing none Mary Miss Sebert yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss dedas yes Miss Ayan Ron yes Mr Mesmer yes Miss Bala yes Miss wal yes Mr cler Human Resources thank you Miss wrab tonight under Human Resources the superintendent recommends items 1 through 20 for approval I need a motion in a second motion Aly second Mike uh any board comment seeing none Mary Miss Sebert yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss D Benedictus yes [Music] misson yes but can I say one thing under um the last I did obain on number five because so I want to so the an operation she would like to change her vote abstain on number five number five yes thank you poor baby okay um so we're gonna keep voting go ahead yes for me Miss picala yes Miss W yes okay this is the second public comment section each participant you got the giggles down there tonight I got to tell you uh each participant is asked to give his or her name prior to making a statement all statements shall be directed to the presiding officer comments shall be limited to 5 minutes and each speaker may only speak once the board will not during the public portion of this meeting discuss matters involving employment appointment termination of employment termination of employment negotiations terms or terms and conditions of employment I got to go back to school evaluation of the performance of promotion or disciplining of any specific or perspective or current employee and or students do we have anyone for public comment yes before you start the clock if I can make one comment uh Dr frell and I talked before the meeting and he mentioned that Mr Finelli couldn't make it so I got a note from Mr Finelli and he gave and he gave me his book so I have his binder so it's not going to be a short meeting and one other comment if you don't mind then I'll introduce myself I heard interact mentioned by one of the ladies uh I believe it was from brick high school I'm a m of the brick morning rotary we have two rotaries I've already talked to Dr frell about being a speaker probably in in 25 we're pretty booked up right now so I'd like to get a hold of the adviser for that interact club and invite the adviser other people we always welcome people to come in and speak I'll shoot you an email thank you I'm going to introduce myself now Victory we got it I got it uh I usually have an intro I'd like to say good evening superintendent uh Administration and board members and and the people in the audience my name is Charles bacon for the record I want to make a few comments and then I I'm going to ask a couple questions at the back end of this uh I haven't been to as many of these meetings as i' to uh because I've had a lot of other things going on so I apologize for that so some of my information might be a little dated so uh my first comment is there was significant public outcry about the student to teacher ratio um in the grade schools especially I sat in on some of those things obviously it was pretty passionate with the uh teachers residents and everyone else and uh the one thing I want to mention is this was was partially addressed by the administration and board and I'm going to go into a little more elaboration of that word partially uh the class size by each grade in school before the additional teachers were brought back and what they are now should be posted and maintained on a district website everyone in the town should be entitled to these numbers so what I'm requesting out of this is this is an important matter with this school the district and our children and I think it should be posted on the website on that now I'm going to move on a little bit I want to talk a little bit about title three all right I purposely use the word partially because there's another aspect that needs to be addressed with their concerning class size and that's title three and this board was very fine uh kind as well as administrators to go through some of those numbers I don't know how accurate they are there a few months in the past and this is the numbers I heard through elll enrollment we went from about 90 students to 600 and we now have 18 different languages that are involved in the school district this puts a strain an obvious strain on the staff the support of the children Etc and obviously title 3 funding needs to be increased our special needs uh enrollment has increased as well and requires additional funding there too and I want to go into a couple things and I think this is some factual things I want to bring to the attention uh for the purpose of this meeting in 2018 attorney general goober gwall I believe is how you pronounce his name issued the Immigrant trust directive this which effectively made New Jersey a sanctuary State this directive essentially is led to the elll student population exploding in our district and many other places around the United States obviously the Administration has a fiduciary responsibility to educate every elll student that walks through the door and I respect that uh as well however you also have a responsibility to aggressively pursue additional funding for the district the instruments used to restore S2 funding I've spoken front of this board as early as 2018 about S2 because it was passed in July of 18 there's a m many things that have been done both here and as well as the administration the council mayor uh suing the state was one of them that's when I spoke in 18 getting on buses to go to Trenton to protest having the township Council pass a resolution we're making S2 t-shirts were effectless we're not work they will not work to obtain additional title 3 funding period one thing legislators worry about getting elected reelected and their Public Image and their public in IM uh Public Image which impacts them getting reelected are running for another office this is the political leverage I'm talking about all right and I'm going to give you an example on October 29th 2021 four days before the election the Murphy Administration awarded $6.5 million to this brick School District as well as other districts in Ocean County purely a political play the governor was in a tight re-election um and wanted to grab a few extra possible votes out of Ocean County and here's the the back piece of that component in March of 22 the Murphy Administration announced a $4.7 million cut to this District that's what I talk about leverage you have no political leverage left with Governor Murphy if it's okay I'd like to continue thank you he has termed out in 2025 we're going to elect a new new governor and there's a number of issues that the administration will have leverage with as well as the residents of this state it deals with school funding the school formula the Department of Education guidelines I actually spoke to this this board a year and a half ago about some of that about the importance of coming out of covid and the impact it had on us and about the importance of vocational programs as well as Core Curriculum and there was a lot of guidance coming out of the state as well as the Federal level that I felt was inappropriate trying to come back out of the co so here's the questions I have to close this have you contacted Senator Booker's office because my understanding and that's where this really lies right now and if so what was the outcome to that what is the plan superintendent you mentioned a lot of things about plan and and strategic things I love all that I came from corporate environment and it's great to hear those mission statements about this uh district and thank you for that and what plan is we laid out for title three funding if we don't have a plan if we haven't talked to Senator Booker we have two other people coming up running for Senate we don't know the outcome of that yet so it's kind of hard to to gauge some of that leverage on where they stand with the state in title three funding if the plan exists again I I'm a big believer in District website if not one needs to be created and it should be shared with the public I think that's important what is the status of these things so that people can come here and actually speak to this body about their concerns so that can get input up to the proper levels so that's what I have on that first part and I appreciate I yeah can you wrap it up now because I've no I'm done with that the other thing I do have and I can I can lay this Dr Ferell night talked it about it and uh Mr Edwards brought it up about the EV and I had a number of questions which I can either leave with the board if you want me to go through yeah if you want to give it to Mary we can I'll give it to Mary sure I important what you were talking about with funding that's why I allowed you to finish but so thank you very much I appreciate that for allowing the access yes thank you any other public comment seeing none we'll close that portion um did you oh I'm sorry did you want to respond yeah lately we've been wrapping up letting everybody speak at the second public comment session if I can answer some things I will if not we'll put you in touch and email um and I know I've seen you tonight Mr bacon and at some of the council meetings uh before but actually every month I would say for the last year I've talked about our elll population and our plan as a county of superintendant and a state of superintendant and last year when I went to the First National Convention uh for the superintendent I met some superintendents actually uh down south the new president that actually they did some lobbying this summer um for title three so I want to make sure and I'm finishing I haven't finished Dr Anderson has helped me a white paper similar to what I wrote for S2 for legislators uh on the what I call the elll population funding concern and here and here's a couple things so just to everybody understands title three is federal money like title one two three and four all federal money very minuscule in a lot of areas like idea funding though which is pretty good for the special ed population um our title three funding yeah I want it increase but it's so minuscule in the big piece of things I want to say it's 17 grand we said for a total student it's very minescu on the federal side most of our elll funding for title three is for immigrant status for our ml I got to start using ml as a better they're multilingual they're using all the acronyms and education that change every year most of our funding really should come from the state and because we do not get Equalization Aid in the state funding formula we do not get any of that that's why it does go back a little bit to the S2 and the state funding issue um because most of Education funding as you know is left to the state so I I think that's important and what we've been talking about in Ocean County and across the state because this is a huge issue plumstead uh Tom's River superintendent Mike S myself and uh Nicole permil from Jackson all were asked to present in front of the Ocean County Board of Trustees which has the Ocean County Commissioners um and their their people there presenting about the increase in our elll population because it's an increase in demographics for everybody as well as the marketplace for Ocean County College so we've been presenting on that level as well as across the state what I would say when you when you talk about leverage um I feel lately Ocean County has some pretty good leverage and I'm not talking politically um the next two years I'm actually the president of the Ocean County Superintendent Association uh this next Thursday I will be going to Trenton for the first time as a representative one of the what is it 24 counties we have in New Jersey 24 counties huh I messed that up 21 thank you sorry 21 counties so I will be one of 21 next Thursday at this uh workshop and that is one of the major topics we will be discussing and I think we'll be able to to leverage um and I do have to finish that paper once I finish that white paper like S2 will be posted and shared but it is something I think everybody has heard me talk about every single month now you're right in the one point we have to educate every child and that's it's our job and as Educators we Embrace that right we ask for the resources to help us with that because and I'm not just talking about an elll population there's many atrisk populations in our school district that have increased that the cost to educate that pupil is four five times greater than our average cost per pup and the funding does not equate whether it's state federal or any kind of grant funding so that has always been a push for me as long as I've been here that is a push for all of us um I love having those conversations we can have them offline after meetings with you as well because we can get more people to help with that um it's now coming to light the last year to two years more in New Jersey uh than it has in other states so so I just wanted to add for that for the narrative thank you thank you now we move on to board comment um Mike do you have any real quick um I just wanted to um so my son started preschool this past week it was very emotional time for my wife um and we had to put him on the bus for the first time and she made me follow the bus to the school to the to the school to the school which we live three blocks from the school just to make sure he got there okay um and I just wanted to shout out the staff and administration at Herbertsville I I thought everyone did a great job a lot of those kids is their first time on a school bus luckily my son loved it a couple of kids did not but uh overall it was a great experience so I just wanted to shout out to staff and administration at Herbertsville thanks Mike I have a picture of my grandson the first time which he now loves the bus going like this as we dropped him off his first day so uh I have that blown up um mine do you have anything you'd like to oh yeah there you go Fran um I'll be quick I swear um it was really awesome just to start the new year and meet all the new teachers and everything um it is a really big adjustment with the new times of the elementary and I just ask every parent to bear with us because everybody is just trying to get in in the swing of it and if something's not working out um as we all say you see something say something like if you see something that didn't work okay let's let's learn from it don't don't take to the internet and like torches and whatever like let's just say hey this happened what can we do to make it better like let's just all work together and it'll be amazing we're only in the little crevices right now we'll we'll we'll get out soon um so let's work together with that but seriously it was amazing it's been fantastic I am exhausted as we all are um but on the upside of that um you know I'm huge on our marching bands I got myself a little bandgeek which I love and um on September 21 is what's that yes we have the date so September 21st is for Brick Township home show for the marching band on the 28th is brick memorial come out we're all green let's support each other let's all support these amazing artists in what they do and have an amazing rest of September excuse me thanks for Ed Ally um first off I just wanted to thank the administrators and the btea members that are here we know what the first couple weeks of school are so thank you so much for coming out and spending your evening with us welcome to the new faces that I haven't seen before we hope to see you guys again um I just wanted to give a little super quick commercial to a really great event um that I am proud to have brought to Brick Township a couple years ago when I was the PTA president over at vets Elementary School we did meet the candidates night for the Board of Education members cuz back then I was just a mom that sat in the crowd where you guys are um it's a really fantastic event um all of the candidates that are on the ticket are invited to participate all of the candidates are asked the exact same questions and they're given the same amount of time to answer those questions so it's a really great way to get to know the people that are running to um sit up here with us and and do the job with us um for the millions of dollars that we make um it is run by the uh Mammoth County women's league of Voters I might have just League of Women Voters of Mammoth County um The woman there is fantastic I've been working with Kristen just giving her some pointers she is the um touch Point person at vmms this event is sponsored by vmms vets middle vetel Lan's Mill drump Point midstreams all of the PT um are working together so it's a really super great event this event is slated for September 26th at 700 p.m. I believe it's an online event again this year um so you just uh get the registration information follow one of those ptas on Facebook I'm sure you'll see the information to register for the event and then you just watch the people that are watching do not get to participate in the event it's just the candidates that are participating you can however submit um questions prior that will be given to each of the candidates it's a very fair and impartial evening and it's a really great way to get to know the people that are vying to take care of your kids um so that's all I have to say about that um we I've been to lots of different sporting events um lots of brick vers brick games going on it's super exciting um and that is all thank you to Mr saruca and his team at the at um where did my kids go now brick memorial I have two kids in high school which is crazy um he and his team did a bang up job I'm looking forward to back to school night next week and um thank you all again for coming and we'll see you soon thanks bye thanks Ally Nicole Welcome Back that's it short and sweet Victoria I'm tired too but I always have something to say about the yes we know Victoria I want to say thanks to the ocean University uh Medical Center for the school supplies they provided to our vets elementary students as Dr uh Farrell said in his opening remarks uh leadership is so important grit is so important I want to welcome HR number 15 Michelle Pierce as the new stem coordinator because leadership is so important and our students who want to pursue that program um really deserve a great coordinator um all right right wait wait I want to welcome the student representatives from the RTC and the high schools that's wonderful I was really sad to be out of the country last week uh when the brick versus brick 1974 championship team sorry I missed did come uh I I really want to say that uh congratulations to all I I I saw a couple of clips and tweets and and I would just as vice president of the brick Board of Education I would like you to please close your eyes and I would like you no close your eyes okay I would like to you to visualize a crown on Jim Edward's head a don't do that a crown on Ali Kennedy's head a crown on Dr Farrell's head and a super glittery clown on Dr Anderson's head because these four spectacular people that are dedicated to the students of brick are celebrating birthdays this month uh thank you for coming out I look forward to seeing you next month and I I just want to say what Dr Farrell said about grit in his opening comments I've been on the uh curriculum in instruction committee for a very long time and uh starting with misss Mack and Contin with Dr Anderson we have talked about how important it is for our teachers to help students with their growth mindset and with their commitment to um making a plan to do a little bit better and it was great to hear from Dr Farrell tonight I know this is something that the Educators in our district Embrace and um and do for our children and that's very very important thank you see you next month thank you Victoria um welcome back to everybody um our calendar for the month of October we school will be closed October 3rd for rashash Shana October 14th for Columbus Day School will be closed for students but professional development for staff and October is our next regular scheduled meeting at 7 p.m. uh can I get a motion in a second for adjournment mot all of us at once motion yes second just pick someone Miss cber yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss D Benedictus miss Mr Mesmer yes Miss picala yes Miss W yes thank you for coming great job for