##VIDEO ID:36G4JCBSx4E## order adequate notice of this meeting was provided and published in the Asbury Park Press and the ocean star on February 16th 2024 copies of the agenda were provided to the newspaper posted on public bulletin boards in the township website thank you roll call councilman albanes here councilwoman Pono here councilwoman D young here councilman fan here councilwoman Travers here vice president amberino here president minikino here thank you thank you can we rise to salute the flag in a moment of signal please I pled Ali to FL United States of America and to the for it stands Nation indivisible justice for all thank you madam clerk you accept the reports from the officers of course thank you any had a motion in a second to approve the minutes for December 10th meeting please motion second thank you this brings us to our consent agenda I'm G to take a roll oh good idea councilman albanes abstain councilwoman Pono yes councilwoman D young yes councilman Fineman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minikino yes thank you thank you that's why you're here y this brings us this brings us to our consent agenda all matters listed on under item consent agenda will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below if discussion is desired on any item this item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately thank you 41 authorized budget transfer this resolution authorizes a budget appropriation transfer as needed for year end these transfers do not increase our overall Municipal budget in any way we are moving fun funds from one account to another 4 two authorized transfer into dedicated trust funds this resolution authorizes a transfer of $700,000 into a dedicated account for accumulated absence liabilities and $22,200 into a dedicated account for animal control for a total authorized transfer of $722,500 4 three please authorize member participation in National Cooperative om n partner this resolution authorizes members participation in the Omnia partnered National Cooperative to purchase goods and or services to make the procurement process more efficient and to provide cost savings to the township 44 please authorized shared services agreement with the burrow of manalan for code enforcement and Zoning officer services this resolution authorizes a renewal of shared service agreement with the burrow of manokan for the code Code Enforcement and Zoning Services the township will be reimbursed for the time spent by staff providing these Services 4 five authorized change order number one roadway improvements to isolated roads this resolution authorizes a closeout change order number one in the contract with Fury pavings ocean port for the roadway improvements to isolate roads projects these change order reflects a for 47,800 six a is a performance bond release for Block 10911 Lot 1 B is an inspection fund release for Block 383 Lot 8 and C is an inspection fund release for Block 827 lot 31 thank you 47 7 a is 100% DAV Widow a veteran at block 71.004 Lot 12 7B is 100% DAV Widow a veteran for Block 10681 12 lot 9 thank you 48 authorized S letter agreement to the Redevelopment agreement with brick standard LLC thank you Council vice president amberino thank you council president this resolution authorizes a sid letter agreement to the original Redevelopment agreement with brick standard the developer of the solar farm on Sally Road as part of that redeveloper agreement rwe also known as ConEd was a third-party supplier who sold the energy back to the grid and then reimburse the township for our portion of the sold energy rwe is ceasing operations to wholesale energy Market effective December 31st brick standard has a relationship with its own third-party supplier DT Energy trading in this agreement DTE will be the third-party supplier who will directly deposit those funds into a bank account the township establishes to accept those payments they are proposing the same purchase price per kilowatt hour and the agreement specifies no additional cost increases to the township thank you thank you this brings us to the end of our consent agenda can I get a motion and a second please motion second thank you open to council seeing none close councel open to public for questions on the resolutions only seeing none thank you close public roll call councilman albanes yes councilwoman pontorero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman feeman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minino yes thank you thank you this brings us to our computer Bill resolution be it resolved by the township Council of the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same computer Bill resolution in the amount of $922 29471 thank you a motion in a second motion second open to council seeing none closed councel open to public for questions on the bill resolutions seeing none Clos public roll call councilman albanes yes councilwoman Pono yes councilwoman D young yes councilman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minino yes thank you thank you this brings us to our manual Bill resolution be it resolved by the township Council the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the on the treasure for the amounts of the same manual Bill resolution in the amount of 2,519 5514 thank you can I get a motion in a second motion second open to council seeing none close counsel open to public re questions on the manual Bill resolution only seeing none close public roll call councilman albanes yes councilwoman pontorero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minino yes thank you thank you and this brings us to our uh five ordinance on second reading an ordinance of the township of brick County of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 98 to establish various regul regulations applicable to the keeping and housing of pigeons and pigeon likee birds thank you councilwoman Travers please thank you council president the council's land use committee is recommending this ordinance Amendment as requested by code enforcement the current Township Code does not specifically address pigeons therefore chapter 98 of the township code is being amended to include the following changes one Define pigeons and doves based upon biological order known as Columba forms two limit the number of pigeons and doves to 25 birds and three locates pigeon CPS and enclosures no less than 25 feet from any dwelling thank you thank you I need a motion in a second motion second thank you open to councel seeing none close councel open to public seeing none close public roll call councilman albanes yes councilwoman pontorero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman fman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minino yes thank you thank you and this brings us to our public comments please please note that each person addressing the council during any section of the meeting during which public comment is permitted shall limit or her remarks to 5 minutes pursuant to Brick Township Administrative Code section 2-33 B thank you anyone from public please yes sir good morning my name is Charlie bacon I live at 366 ran cookus Drive happy holidays the mayor council Administration I have some uh questions concerning the trailer ordinance that was discussed at the December 10th meeting disclaimer I was not at this meeting so my comments are based on either things I saw at the shorebeat or comments that were I heard December 10th was an interesting day for me because my phone started blowing up about trailers and then I started reviewing the ordinance a little bit before the meeting and kind of kind of looked at some of the legal stuff that was in it not that I'm an attorney nor I pretend to be one one concern I had was the open trailer definition that was seriously flawed there's a high percentage of people in this town that have trailers that exceed 20 20 ft or it might be dual axle so I'm not quite sure why that language was put in there considering we're one of the largest Waterfront communities in the state of New Jersey the closed trailer ban which is where I think this ordinance was intended to be although I'm not sure because I wasn't at the meeting would hurt business owners people that are storing antique cars personal watercraft or motorcycles I'm assuming most likely a complaint was filed by a resident on this and not through code enforcement so I think it originated through a resident there's many things that are in violations of code Iran here and I have no problem addressing some of them at another meeting so did either these are questions I have a series of questions Mr Stark is not present in this room these questions are things that were either quoted directly said by you council president implications maybe of the ba on not sure or Mr starky my first question did either party on the side of this complaint have legal representation next thing is a quote out of shorebeat we're not revisiting it said council president V it's off it's not going to come back come back on that was I think addressed right in the front of the meeting what was the resolution of that dispute obviously there was some resolution because there's a dispute I'd like to hear that Township Attorney Kevin starky said in a draft document made its way to the agenda and it was mistakenly my understanding is that anything that hits this agenda goes through the council president the ba and potentially the attorney especially on something that's an ordinance related I would think the legal is probably on there before anything gets moved onto an agenda could be wrong that you can clarify that for me mayor this question is directed to you did you see this ordinance before it was on the agenda we thought we understood things that needed to be done here he said we drafted an ordinance it came in late and it got put on the agenda it's not something that was warranted it's not something that was needed well my first question on that well I actually address the other quote later on in the article there was a misunderstanding with our Township attorney on this ordinance and it was not thoroughly discussed or reviewed that's what you said council president so my first Curiosity on the timing of this was December 12th first reading cannot be addressed in that meeting unless we bring it through the public comments if that was left on the docket for that night this would have been the meeting to approve it I find that kind of intriguing on a meeting I believe it's Friday 10:00 December 27th when most people like myself have to work I'm not sure why the ordinance couldn't have been rolled out if it wasn't ready that's perplexing to me in 2025 so the only conclusion I could draw for that comment is it's a campaign year and you didn't want it in 2025 so in closing this is not the first time I've questioned ordinances up there nor do I think it's going to be the last either the the township should get a credit for the legal cost associated with this ordinance if it truly has flaws in it which I just addressed wasn't ready for prime time I don't think the taxpayer should pay it second part of that if any residents have any legal qu questioning this ordinance they should be reimbursed and perfect timing on my part I hope everyone has a happy and safe new year thank you very much for let speak to me thank you you sir anybody else from public please yes sir AR hasselbach 28 West pamp Drive I too had concerns with Mr bacon had regarding that ordinance and how it was handled and I expressed my opinion at the last meeting I have two other issues in the town that I think should be looked at in 2025 one is Street lighting I mentioned this in the past the lighting on a lot of the uh roads especially my where I live very inadequate and that High Press sodium is is garbage it's it's a old technology that should be replaced by LED lights and I understand the uh electric company probably doesn't want to spend the money but we're paying for the electric on those lights and you don't get the amount of lighting out of those things as you would from an LED for one0 the cost of the electric and with the uh increas in crime all around areas and H uh cars being stolen and breaking in houses and so on I think that ought to be looked into as a safety factor for the township the other issue I have is I've had a piece of property here off of uh St Lawrence for over the 20 years there's a portion of the road on St Lawrence that's been patched for the 20 years it has never been fixed properly and there's a lot of holes on that road and nothing ever gets done about it now I can tell you as an engineer myself I know what the problem is the road is built on Pete underneath and it's it it undulates and it's soft and it's never been addressed it's got to be dug up and it's got to put new stabilized base and base under there and stone and everything to correct that because you can keep putting black top on top of forever and it's not going to correct it and the road has been terrible it's been 20 years and I wonder why nobody even cares about it and we pay enough taxes I think out there on or St Lawrence and out towards the the bay that we should get some kind of uh results from the township and even prior to that on Mand laay the road is not great and it needs to be repaired and there's spots there where water uh ladies all the time now if that was a public person that did that the town would be out there finding them for not taking care of the runoff and a drainage but this is done by the township and the township should look into it because they should be responsible for that because when it gets cold it freezes up and I think uh the township engineer ought to look at that and also the lighting because uh it's very inadequate especially given the uh the crime that we have crime in in the areas all right thank you thank you sir anybody else on public please seeing none close public Mrs Bergen I have nothing thank you thank you mayor uh just happy New Year and uh looking forward to 2025 where brick will be celebrating it's 175th birthday uh and we're looking forward to celebrating that with the community thank you thank you Mr canel just happy New Year thank you sir Madame clerk nothing thank you Madame secretary happy thank you councilman albanes nothing councilwoman ptera just happy New Year and everyone please be safe especially driving at night we know how people like to celebrate on New Year's Eve please remember it's not worth any any amount of alcohol not worth it to endanger the lives of yourself and the other people on the roadway my son for the first time is a new licensed driver please everyone pleas safe thank you thank you councilwoman D young just happy New Year councilman feineman happy and healthy New Year stay safe and have fun thank you councilwoman Travers happy New Year Council vice president amberino happy New Year and myself also happy New Year to everybody please be safe um our next meeting will be January 7th 2025 at 7M here can I get a motion in a second to Second thank you meeting adjourned hi I all in favor yeah I thank you