##VIDEO ID:D4BG0UZ_N-g## good evening everybody we seem to have a full house but we' like to get this meeting started thank you adequate notice of this meeting was provided and published in the Asbury Park Press and the ocean star on January 12th 2024 copies of the agenda were provided to the newspaper posted on public bulletin boards in the township website thank you roll call councilman albanes councilwoman pontorero here councilwoman D young here councilman Fineman here councilwoman Travers here vice president amberino here president minikino here thank you I'd like to ask everybody to uh stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence PL to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you I get a motion in a second to approve the minutes for the November 26 meeting motion second roll call councilwoman Pono obain councilwoman D young yes councilman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president ambino yes president minino yes thank you uh before we start the meeting uh I have a quick announcement um and I'm sure there's a lot of people here for this ordinance on 288 vehicles and traffic the announcement is that the council is not moving forward with this ordinance tonight and will not be putting it back on in the future there was a misunderstanding in the township with our Township's attorney on this ordinance and it was not thoroughly discussed or reviewed thanks to social media there was a lot of misinformation out there you more than welcome to stay for the meeting but there will be no actions on this ordinance tonight and no discussions with that uh I'd like to start with it was nice meing you no you can't at the end of the meeting there's public comments if you want to stay you're more than welcome to stay nothing nothing no nothing nothing have a good night Sir is that on record I just wanted to make sure this brings us to our consent agenda all matters listed under item consent agenda will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below if discussion is desired on any item this item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately thank you 41 authorized to establish dedicated trust by ryer lead paint Hazard inspection fees thank you this resolution authorizes the establishment of the dedicated trust by writer amount for any lead based inspection fees collected by the township State statutes required inspection fees charged by the municipality for the for the identification and Remediation of lead based pain hazards be detected towards implementing and enforcing the inspection requirements the Township's code enforces development uh Department sorry currently does lead based paint inspections as required by law 4 two please authorize acceptance of title 3E senior caregiver grant for 2025 councilwoman D young thank you this resolution authorizes the acceptance of funds available through the Ocean County Office of senior services and amount up to $170,500 for the programs and services by the brick senior C Services currently the federal government is undergoing annual Appropriations process for our older American act which funds programs such as this and if you would like please we invite you to please contact our federal legislator Senator Booker now senator Kim and Congressman Chris Smith to Advocate to keep this funding and actually increase this funding so that we can continue and having a robust senior services and they do an exceptional job and I'm so proud of them thank you thank you 43 authorized receipt of bids purchase and delivery of various doors councilman Fineman thank you council president the real reason we're here the res this resolution authorizes the receipt of bids for the purchase and delivery of various doors this bid is for doors used throughout the township for in-house construction projects these materials will be required for various projects during the year thank you thank you four 44 please authorized re bids mobile ice cream truck councilwoman ponera thank you council president this resolution authorizes pardon the receip of bids for a mobile ice cream truck this bid will provide an ice cream truck for Windward Beach for Traders Cove Marina and various other Township parks and year round we presently have a contract with cool con sessions which was 3,500 for a term of one year and that terms go into expir March 15th 20 25 thank you thank you four five authorized receipt of bids purchase and delivery of Aggregates in ashal councilwoman Travers thank you council president this resolution authorizes the receipt of bids for the purchase and delivery of Aggregates and asphalt this contract is mainly used for the purchase of roadway improvements materials for Paving patching and drainage as well as purchase of ball field clay top soil Sand and Stone used for maintenance of public grounds thank you thank you 46 authorized receipt of proposals 2025 energy consultant and V veterinarian Professional Services councilman ERS thank you council president this resolution authorizes the receipt of proposals for both energy consultant and separately Veterinary Services the township recently solicited for these services and did not receive any responses thank you thank you 47 authorize Award of contract brick Beach 3 concession building repairs councilwoman Travers please thank you council president this resolution authorizes the award of contract in the amount of $245,713 concession building repairs to George coess painting and Construction LLC West Long Branch the project generally consists of the replacement of the existing concrete columns that supports the roof structure of portions of the concessions building the replacement of attic vents and sopit vents the replacement of glass block windows masonry and cedar siding repairs bid notices were provided to 62 prospective biders from our biders list and 10 requested bid packages four bids were received with George Coast is painting and construction being the lowest responsive responsible bidder thank you thank you 48 authorize Award of contract 2024 2025 temporary sand fencing thank you this resolution authorizes the award of contract in the amount of $59,500 for a temporary sand fencing to Capella construction Medford the project generally consisted of installation of sand fencing at a minimum of 15 ft from the base of the existing dunes and construction of overlapping fencing openings for access points the bid packages were sent to 18 prospective biders for our bidding from our bidding list and 10 requested bid packages 10 bids were received with capella construction being the lowest responsible responsive responsible bidder wow 49 authorize Award of contract purchase and delivery of have 30 to 40 Front Load dumpsters councilman finan thank you council president this resolution authorizes the award of contract in the amount of $46,900 frontload dumpsters bid notices were provided to 46 prospective biders from our biders list and 10 requested bid packages four bids were received with Redco products being the lowest responsive responsible bidder thank you thank you for authorize Award of contract purchase and delivery and up an upit of two Ford F-150 vehicles thank you councilman amberino thank you council president this resolution authorizes the award of contract to the amount of $3,717 97 for the purchase and delivery of two 2025 Ford F-150 super cab crew pickup trucks with upfit to be utilized as high water vehicles for the police department these vehicles are being purchased through State contract thank you thank you 411 authorized change order number one 2020 local roadway surface resurfacing and water main replacement contract Laurel Manor councilwoman di young thank you this resolution authorizes a change order increase in the amount of $2,442 in the Laurel Manor res resurfacing and water main replacement contract the change order will allow for the completion of water main installations as well as Mill and Paving thank you thank you 412 authorized special event permit St Dominic's Parish Winterfest councilwoman ponera thank you this resolution authorizes a special events permit for St jic Church on Old swan road for Winter Fest which is going to take place this Friday from 5:30 to 9:30 at St Z thank thank you so much thank you 413 authorized motor vehicle selling licenses 2025 councilman fan thank you council president this resolution authorizes renewal of Motor Vehicle sales licenses for 2025 to a car for you on Route 88 Al's autoare mantall looking Road Brick Auto Body also manal looking Road Brick performance Drum Point Road Bricktown Motors heral Road Leonard Perry Motors cedarbridge Road shell Motors Route 88 Shore Auto World Brick Boulevard truckland Brick Boulevard WIS lader on Burnt Tavern Road and Route 70 land use code enforcement and the fire Bureau has inspected the licenses and found them in compliance thank you thank you 414 authorized motor vehicle selling license with restrictions 2025 MC Auto Sales thank you councilwoman poner thank you this resolution authorizes a motor vehicle selling license with restrictions to MC oilo Sales located on Ming Road the restrictions state that the applicant is limited to no more than three cars on display at any point in time and that no vehicles can park or be displayed in the existing fire lane or the loading area the land use H enforcement and Fire Bureau have inspected the licenses and found them to be in compliance thank you thank you for5 authorized Towing licenses 2025 councilwoman Travers thank you council president this resolution authorizes Towing licenses for 2025 to Andrews Auto Body Princeton Avenue Brick Performance drump Point Road DNL Towing manoling Road Glenn's Towing manaing Road Joe's Service Center manaing Road Legacy Herbertsville Road Route 88 Auto Body Route 88 Sandy Service Center manaing Road and Surfside Collision manaing Road the police department land use code enforcement and the fire Bureau have inspected the lenses and found it in compliance thank you thank you 416 authorized mobile home park license Princeton Beach Estates LLC councilwoman dong thank you this resolution authorizes a mobile home park license for 2025 to Princeton Beach Estates mobile home park on Princeton Avenue thank you thank you 417 authorized shared service agreement with Ocean County Sheriff's Office F fiscal year 25 child restraint program Grant through September 30th 2025 thank you this resolution authorizes the execution of the shared service agreement with the county of ocean for the fy2 child restraint program Grant in this grant the township will reimburse up to $70 per hour for overtime expenses and ured by the certified child passenger safety technician in the Township's EMS Department 418 please authorize memorandum of understanding with county of ocean fiscal year 24 Homeland Security Grant councilman embo please thank you council president this resolution authorizes a memorandum of understanding with the county of ocean for the fiscal year 24 Homeland Security Grant in the amount of $50,000 for the purchase of an ie D detecting K9 vehicle thank you thank you 419 authorize acceptance of donation of two CH Chevrolet tahos from fire district one councilwoman Dion thank you this resolution authorizes the acceptance of 223 Chevy Tahoe vehicles for the Township's community community Emergency Response Team in EMS the board of fire Commissioners have a surplus of vehicles which township can use for emergency services thank you 420 all authorize agreement with Community Services Inc brick congregant nut nutrition program 2025 thank you this resolution authorizes an agreement with meals on wheels for the congregate nutrition program the Community Cafe offers a brick Senior Services in the agreement the township offsets the six the $6 cost for each meal 421 421a is an inspection fund release for Block 25 Lot 4 B is an inspection fund release for Block 54801 Lot 19 and C is an inspection fund release for Block 1429 lot 7 thank you 422 422a tax over payments for 2024 at block 194. 2 latu 22b is to cancel tax balances and credits under $10 22c is to cancel unclaimed credits from 2018 to 2021 22d is to cancel in a sheet unclaimed Redemption monies and 22e is fixing of tax interest rates for 2025 thank you and this ends our cons agenda can I get a motion in a second motion second thank you open to council seeing none close Council open to public for questions on the resolutions only yes sir on number um Bob M on brick on number 14 the uh MC Auto Sales what was the location in that I didn't here yeah a number address I can look it up I have it here all right well they're doing that and I wanted to clarify something else too on number um uh 14 the uh licenses on um the motor vehicles you mentioned truck land and Shore auto so I'm trying to find is there two licenses issued to that address or no did they say truck land because truckland isn't you said truck land and um shore auto that's why I'm asking okay it's shore auto of world just shore auto no more truck land and MC Auto Sales is 96 man looking 96 yeah yeah because it used to be I was just yeah I was just curious did you hear the did you hear the address she told you yeah 9 9 thanks thank you sir anybody else on the ordinances resolutions sorry seeing none close public roll call councilwoman pontorero yes councilwoman diong abstain 42 and 420 and the rest okay councilman Fineman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minikino yes thank you thank you this brings us to our bill resolution computers be it resolved by the township Council the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same computer Bill resolution in the amount of 4 million 56929 185 thank you can I get a motion in a second motion second thank you open to councel close Council open to public for questions on the computer Bill resolutions seeing none close public roll call councilwoman Panero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minino yes thank you thank you and this brings us to our manual Bill resolution be it resolved by the township Council the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasure for the amounts of the same manual Bill resolution in the amount of 1,978 68940 thank you can I get a motion in a second motion second thank you open to councel seeing none closed Council open to public on questions on the manual bills seeing none close public roll call councilwoman Padero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman Fineman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president ambino yes president aino yes thank you thank you this brings us to uh ordinance on a first reading uh there is no public hearing on first readings an ordinance of the township of brick County of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 98 to establish various regul regulations applicable to the keeping and housing of pigeons and pigeon likee Birds councilwoman Travers thank you the council's land use committee is recommending the ordinance Amendment as requested by code enforcement the current Township Code does not specifically address pigeons therefore chapter 98 of the township code is being amended to include the following changes one Define pigeons and doves based upon biological order columi forms two limit the number of pigeons and doves to 25 birds and three locate pigeon coups and enclosures not less than 25 ft from any dwelling thank you thank you can I have a motion in a second motion second open to council seeing none close Council roll call councilwoman ptero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minikino yes thank you this brings us to uh number six ordinance on second reading an ordinance of the township of brick County of ocean state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 288 of the Township Code entitled vehicles and traffic to add a new section to regulate low-speed electric bicycles thank you Council vice president ambero please thank you council president the council's Public Safety Committee is recommending this ordinance to address the growing number of electric bicycles on our roadways with the rising popularity of the use of electric powered bikes brick Police Department is seeing a rise in motor vehicle crashes resulting in serious injuries involving these types of bicycles most of these crashes are at the fault of The Operators of the electric powered bicycles in addition brick PD is seeing an increase of careless operations of electric bikes and other means of electric powered conveyance this ordinance outlines the classes of electric bicycles and the rules that need to be followed adopting this ordinance is another tool for the officers to use to help educate and enforce these laws to attempt to lower uh lower motor vehicle crashes involving these bikes the goal is to reduce the amount of injuries and property damage related to improper operations of electric powered bikes in our Township thank you thank you can I get a motion in a second please motion second thank you open to councel close Council open to public seeing none Clos public roll call councilwoman pontorero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman Fineman yes councilwoman Traverse yes vice president amberino yes president minino yes thank you thank you this brings us to our public comments please note that each person addressing the council during any section of the meeting during which public comment is permitted shall limit his or her remarks to five minutes pursuant to Brick Township Administrative Code section 233b thank you anyone from public yes sir good evening Mike kler 2456 Hooper Avenue uh with respect to the uh earlier announcement on 288 being cancelled could you please clarify for myself and and uh Township residents exactly the intent of the uh burrow Council as to how you're going to handle that matter is it being Revisited is it completely off the map altoe or are you just uh you know going to revisit it in session we're not revisiting it but the attorney will address your your questions yeah it's it's it's off it's not going to be coming back on and I I'll tell you where it came from this came from my office um it was a miscommunication we we um thought we understood what um things that needed to be done here we drafted an ordinance came in late and at my direction got put on the agenda um the council saw it and informed me that it was not something that was warranted not something that was needed um I recommend that it be withdrawn uh which it is and it is off and it will not be coming back okay may I offer a solution to the ordinance if I can just spend 30 seconds on the ordinance itself it's your minutes okay you may have something you may want to revisit to address and modify because when you mentioned the five ton limit uh you basically if anyone's aware of spec plates on vehicles um you are basically discounting by that if that were to be effective uh every truck that's a 250 class or above whether it be Ford GM or or Dodge um they're all pretty much over 10,000 PBS anymore and you're basically telling every citizen of the township whether it's commercial registration or private registration that they can't park their vehicle at their home at any point in time and I raised that point years ago because I was brought up on that violation and I'm two houses away from a junkyard and someone had issue with me having you know I own nearly 10 acres between three properties and that are adjacent to each other and uh I can't maintain and and and operate my property with a 21inch lawn mower from Lowe's so special equipment is right you know required for those properties to keep them uh compliant and attractive and I think that the city should really reassess and look at this because you are if if it's effective you're putting a lot of people out where they can't park their own cars thank you sir thank you anyone else from public please my name is Art Hasselbeck I live at 28 West pampel Drive and the main reason I was here tonight was because of the ordinance regarding enclosed trailers I think uh that ordinance as was written as I see here is very discriminatory against uh hobby trailers and so on that people that have not only motorcycles they have dirt bikes they have antique cars classic cars and so on and a lot of the houses here from years ago do not have garages where are these people supposed to keep their uh vehicles and their hobby stuff and I think this as this was written here it was very ill thought out and I think this is a very discriminatory against certain groups of people I have a boat I I have to send it out and I have it stored now you tell they want to tell me in an ordinance like this that I have to go and store my trailer for my motorcycle somewhere else and pay for it when other people Park their 32ft boats in their front yard all covered up in the white shrink wrap and uh some people say well they don't want to look at it well I got to look at it all winter and matter of fact my next door neighbor who just moved I had no complaint with he had a 32 foot boat two foot from my driveway I didn't care it didn't bother me but certain people have to get involved in things and and they start trouble in the neighborhood and this created a problem with this whole thing and Joan knows it's been going on for a year now the other thing I want to say is I was involved with uh planning zoning and land use for 38 years in the Township up north if you guys want to write an ordinance I'm willing to give my time to it I was the chairman of the zoning board chairman of the planning board I was on a DRC committee I did all these things and I went to ruus and took 12 courses on land use law and so on and I got all the certificate to prove it so I know what I'm talking about when it comes to that and this was very ill thought out and to me it it it's more like a what do you call a spite ordinance and I think you uh this town ought to look into it so they don't do that again and again I will volunteer my time if they want to if they ever decide to revisit this but as it is now I understand this is totally dead and it's not going to be uh Revisited or anything on the 27th of December okay thank you thank you sir anybody else from public please yes Mr sluka John sler 950 Soviet Court uh I'll read my note uh de May crate council president vce minino all brick councilman councilwoman and the people of brick and Ocean County and the Newsport reporters Etc December 9th 2024 vehicles are again some of the things are the same as what we said before vehicles are a major source of air pollution producing about onethird of all US Air Pollution the small carbon dioxide and other toxins emitted by the vehicles are especially troubling because they leave tail pipes at Street levels where humans can breed the pollution air polluted air directly into their lungs the major pollutants that come from cause include matter particular amount of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide we have all seen the electric School Bus deal fall throw it looked like the electric rusters will help the air pollution caused by the diesel buses and the enormous amount of air on the G State Park a pollution on the Gard State Parkway unfortunately the $5 million Grant wasn't enough to offset the concerns related to the electric buses the children of our community shouldn't be the ones that better the risk associated with the cleaner air however this doesn't change anything related to the problems caused by the New Jersey T Park Authority Commissioners pollution from the toxins Associated G State Parkway still exists noise from the traffic on the G State Parkway still exists and the dangers associated with traffic entering and exiting the G State Parkway still exist the commissioners of New Jersey ter par Authority care only for the powerful backers with their appointments on various committees and commissions over the years New Jersey time Park Authority Commissioners have voted to expand the parkway its exits and its lanes for what they said was safety of roadway but in fact merely merely a source of Revenue and pay back to the unions construction companies and other bureaucrats Who hide behind closed doors and Ghana access profits at the expense of the citizens for years now various citizens report statistics printed in articles about autism COPD asthma heart ailment and other disease to the council meetings It is Well passed time to stop the abuse of those living near the Garden State Parkway which in Brick is mostly everybody citizens are abused by the New Jersey Turnpike Authority Commissioners who are more concerned with the almighty dollar than the health of the children mothers to be senior citizens residents and workers of brick a 14ot pollution noise and safety wall along with increase in number of trees and brush is needed alongside the Garden State Parkway uh heavily expanded Garden State Parkway and that is the minimum that is required to stop the abuse or help with the abuse of the citizens sh Community the New Jersey turnar Authority should have corrected the problem they created along the side of the G State Parkway in ever greenw brick High School primary Garden Green Brier 1 and Green Brier 2 and many other areas that I haven't mentioned in Brick and Ocean County our citizens get COPD asthma and die prematurely from heart and lung ailments with every passing day it's time to end the the terror of the New Jersey time par Authority Commissioners thank you for your time I yield back for 1 minute and 40 seconds thank you sir anybody else from public yes ma'am good evening Michelle Spectre Ado at Jenny Court um appreciate you still paying attention to this I hope somebody has heard back from the Turnpike Authority I would I would ask you to please uh keep after them because the noise tonight was absolutely obnoxious I mean um the house I'm telling you the house shakes you I can't even go out my door I have to like run to my car it was so loud especially with the rain and um also would appreciate that if Mr sler has been coming here for a long time to bring this before everybody and I would appreciate it if everyone would pay attention to him because this is crucial to our community and he's been a big part of this and rolling of eyes and texting while he's talking is very disrespectful and that's all I've got to say thank you thank you yes sir good evening everyone Mark Vasquez for 4 Lana Court R Jersey uh the patch put out today that the former Recreation director pleaded guilty to stealing from the township and so I had a few questions that I don't know whether you could discuss it yet or not but um number one was he he paid a restitution of about $9,000 and I want to know what was the full amount that we believe he stole uh number two how was this oversight and I don't know if you guys have addressed this in previous meetings so I apologize if we repeating but uh how did the oversight happen um who who who does that person directly report to and and how could a process like this somehow be finagled in that way to be taken obviously he's asking for cash and trying to hide it but how was there no checks and balances and if there was what are we doing to ensure that that doesn't happen again um and that that is not currently happening now um with anybody um the other part of it too is obviously at some point a conversation must have been had that this ordinance that you guys thankfully t LED uh permanently um someone to had to had that conversation for it to show up and to possibly be on the 27th um and then saying if I'm not mistaken that there was an oversight from your office then you guys caught it and then we're ending it um how come that didn't happen earlier and you know you a lot of people showed up tonight and they were obviously very frustrated when they left um so how did this oversight happen and what are we doing moving forward to ensure that doesn't happen again so thank you I just want to make a brief statement about the um the uh guilty plea today I I just so everyone knows that that is still ongoing there's as reported in the Press there's a sentencing scheduled for the end of January and because of that I've recommended that the um mayor and Council not address that until the process is complete we want to let the Ocean County prosecutor's office and the courts complete um this before anything is said about it thank you anybody else from public please seeing none Clos public Mrs Bergen nothing for me thank you thank you mayor thank you just a few announcements uh first of all this Saturday on the 14th is wreaths Across America and we have some participating areas here in Brick Township if you'd like to join us it's really some lovely ceremonies the first ceremony is taking place at 9:00 am at graly or gravy we have been over this over I think it's Graal uh graveyard um at 9:00 a.m. it's a lovely ceremony and we do that with the uh Brick Township historical society and also there are a couple of Ceremonies at 11:30 a.m. which may be the um National time that everyone is doing it and there are ceremonies at Kettle Creek and uh the American Legion and osbornville Protestant church so if if you'd like to participate in either of those it's open to the public it's open to the community and we would love to see you there I spoke a couple of months ago about how the stem students at Brick Township and brick memorial have come together to work with us to create a or to begin creating a recycling information uh session and not session but information to go out to our uh residents to make sure that we're all recycling as we should be and our first trip was to the Ocean County Recycling Center it was a huge hit with the kids we got a full tour of the facility and they had they got to ask lots of questions and see how all the machines work and how The Dumping takes place and the sorting and it was really interesting and on Monday I got to go on that trip it was fun and on Monday I will be joining the stem students on our trip to the Ocean County landfill because they want to see what happens uh to the garbage that doesn't end up at the recycling center and what that looks like and what they're doing at the landfill to uh create more space for the garbage that we are creating here in Ocean County and what can be done to try to alleviate the amount of tonnage that we're bringing to that landfill so uh looking forward to that trip with the students and teachers we'll be doing that on Monday on the 19th we have visitation Community lunch taking place so if anybody is interested in joining uh the people at visitation they host a community lunch that anyone is invited to you don't have to be uh you know from the parish or from that area in town but you can come and join and break bread with people from around the community we'd love to see you the doors open at 11:30 and lunch is served at 12 so I will be there and I hope to see uh some residents there as well our manora lighting is taking place on the 26th so if you would like to come out for that it's right here in town hall at 5:30 p.m. we do a ceremony inside and then we step outside and I believe it's the second night of Hanukkah on the 26th yeah because Hanukkah starts on Christmas Eve or Christmas night uh so we look forward to that we have a nice little ceremony inside it's very informational and uh and interesting and we sing some songs and then we go outside and we'll be lighting the second candle on on the manora outside I wanted to announce that we celebrated some new businesses today the first one is Mammoth integrated counseling services and that's located on drump Point Road or just off of drump Point Road one thing that I want to point out about this particular business that was brought up today when we did the ribbon cutting is they are doing they're offering a free online grief group for the holiday season for a lot of us the holiday season is a joyous time we're excited we can't wait to see family but sadly for a lot of people in our community it's really not a joyous time and it's it's sad and we have um people who need to talk to people so they are offering free online grief group if you go go to their website it's Monmouth integrative counseling services and you scroll down to the bottom you'll see that there's an area where you can sign in it's a 10-week um it's not a course it's a 10-week meeting schedule uh they started back in November prior to Thanksgiving but you can sign up at any time so if you're interested or you know a family member or a friend who may benefit from that I highly recommend uh checking out their website and getting some free services uh while they're available we also went to lots of fun Sticks and Stones Billiards located in Dorado Plaza it's really cool uh I know we were talking today when we did the ribbon cutting and the buy and brick they also do buy and brick that when you think of a billiard's haul you might think it's like Smokey and you know whatever whatever thought you might have from uh movies of what a billiard Hall looks like or maybe in real life you've been to one that's you know um but this is super it's brand new it's beautiful uh it's it's very um I don't want to say family oriented but you could certainly bring your family there to enjoy a day of pool they have um pool uh oh my gosh what is it tournaments and uh you can have parties there and leagues that's the word I like it's bowling has the same thing so uh they'll have um leagues available as well uh and they also you can you don't have to have a ton of experience to join the leagues you can learn as you go and they have some people who are really good and you can you know know play with them and learn so um they were the owners were fantastic very excited to be here in Brick and uh just wanted to let you know about that as well uh and then prior to this meeting we did have a Green Acres uh meeting where we talked about a bunch of things that we're looking to do around town one of which is we are looking for funding for something that I know is important for a lot of people but uh anybody that walks to Winward for any of our events or if you just like to bring your kids there you'll not that once you enter the park the sidewalks disappear and it becomes a little hazardous for you to get from Princeton Avenue down to the Bandshell area or even to the playgrounds so what we're looking uh for is we'll be going out for some funding for sidewalks that make it a lot safer for anybody that's coming to our events or just wants to bring their kids to the park or play Bachi and we're also looking to uh get funding to replace the material at the playgrounds the uh draw a blanket safety surface materials uh because those those playgrounds were put into 2014 can you believe it's been almost 11 years and uh it's time for that to be replaced and we want to keep the kids safe so we're looking forward to that and some interesting things that came up in the meeting uh we did have a survey out a Green Acres survey and people filled it out and one of the biggest things that people talked about was preserving space here in Brick Township so I just wanted to share with you that um from two th from the year 2000 until this year 2024 73153 Acres have have been preserved by Brick Township and all total in Brick Township currently we have 1,5 70.4 3 acres preserved here in Brick Township uh that's a lot of Green Acres but we're always looking for more so the brick open space savers that we uh have put together mayor juy started it and I'm happy to carry the torch continue continuing on with uh with boss we are currently have 25 priority sites that we are looking into and as funding becomes available we reach out to those sites to see if they're willing to participate so that we can add to our Green Acres Program so I just wanted to update everyone with that and as we head into 2025 one of the things that we're really going to be looking to um roll out more in 2025 is our neighborhood watch program it's an excellent program it's currently being run by Officer Berkeley and officer Kenny super go-getters uh who love statistics and are super informative at all of our meetings so if you are living in a neighborhood where you have not had a neighborhood watch and there are several around the community that have not had the opportunity to start one yet I highly encourage you to reach out to uh our community policing Department Officer Berkeley or officer Kenny and if you if you don't know how to do that you can always just reach out to my office and I'll connect you so that we can get together and start a neighborhood watch program in every neighborhood here in Brick Township uh that's a that's a goal for 2025 for sure so uh we will meet before the end of the year but we will not see you before the holiday season really kicks in so Merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah and happy whatever you celebrate out there uh between now and we have when we have our meeting at the end of the year thank you thank you Mr starky I have Madam clerk nothing thank you Madam Secretary thank you Council woman P just want to wish everyone a Happy safe and blessed Christmas hanuka kuanza New Year what are you reading what no and if you can take a moment to remember that even though this is the season of giving the best gifts don't cross the dime it could be a friendly word it could be a a five minute U conversation with your elderly neighbor giving can come in so many ways and I encourage all of us in our fabulous town to give to one another without spending money thank you thank you councilwoman D young councilwoman pontara stole my thunder uh I just want to wish everybody a happy holidays again whatever you celebrate merry Christmas happy Hanukkah good K Quanza happy chrisa you know happy Festivus whatever you celebrate have a merry have a safe and we'll see you in a few weeks thank you councilman Fineman thank you happy holidays stay safe and have fun thanks councilwoman Travers I also just want to wish everyone a happy holiday season thank you thank you Council vice president amberino uh thank you I also would like to wish a Merry Christmas to everybody mayor crate mentioned that this coming Saturday is re Across America and there's a fantastic ceremony at 9:00 a.m. in Graal yard uh but our Brick Township rotary actually does quite a bit to support the wreaths Across America cause I just wanted to give this information out because you can buy wreaths to be laid at the grave sites of Fallen Soldiers those who have served and make a donation uh that supports the rotary's efforts of participation in this event by going to wreathsacrossamerica.org wreathsacrossamerica.org back nj02 23p that's wreathsacrossamerica.org nj02 23p and for you know just a few dollars you can sponsor a wreath to be placed at one of these Graves they'll also be participating in a ceremony that's held at the American Legion Post 368 on manaing road at noon following the placement of these wreaths uh with that again I wish everybody happy holidays thank you thank you and just so everybody knows it's Graal yes it is and the last time I was there doing the re Across America there was a historian for Brick was there and I asked him how they came up with that name a particular spot they found a soldier that was passed he was he was gone he was there and the only thing they found in his pocket was gravel that's why I came up with the name so that's not mine that's from the historian of brick so everybody knows uh our next meeting is December 27th um happy holidays to everybody can I get a motion in a second motion all in favor I jour