##VIDEO ID:bfbgj55m-Q0## good evening we'd like to bring this meeting to order adequate notice of this meeting was provided and published in the Asbury Park Press in the ocean star on January 12th 2024 copies of the agenda were provided to the newspaper posted on public bulletin boards in the township website thank you roll call councilman Alban here councilwoman Pono here councilwoman D young here councilman feeman here councilwoman Travers here vice president amberino here president minikino here thank you thank thank you can I ask everybody to rise for a salute the flag in a moment of silence IED Al to flag of the United States of America the stand naice thank you can I get a motion in a second to approve the minutes from the August 27th motion second roll call councilman albanes yes councilwoman ptero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman feineman yes councilwoman Travers abstained vice president ambino yes president minikino yes thank you thank you um I'd like to invite the mayor up to the podium please and Chief Forester thank you can you not hear me you got good all right uh good evening tonight we are here to swear in police officer Jessica Campana she's joining a department proud of its history achievements and values we strive for excellence Innovation and collaboration our officers Foster Community engagement they support mentor and learn from each other to provide the Professional Services our community deserves the journey here hasn't been easy and the road ahead won't be either you'll need the support of your family friends and co-workers more than ever remember the oath you will take tonight live by the law enforcement oath of Honor never betray your integrity character or public Trust I wish you the best in your journey and welcome you to our family thank you mayor crate the council and the business administrator for continually supporting our department and Mission to keep Brick Township safe thank you Jessica your family I'm just going to read real quick just a little B Jessica Campana her badge number is going to be 350 officer Jessica Campana is a lifelong resident of Brick Township she graduated from St John vien High School in 2019 she then attended Gettysburg college and graduated in 2023 with a Bachelor of Arts in sociology officer Campana started her law enforcement career with the Point Pleasant Beach Police Department as a parking enforcement officer and then a class one special in December of 2023 she was hired by the Ocean County Sheriff's Department she graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in May of 2024 and Jessica is accompanied by her mother Chris Anne and her father Michael Campana [Applause] supp to [Applause] family it's okay that class could be a little tough at first after about 20 years yeah after about 20 years it just falls off [Applause] good job she does right [Laughter] [Applause] one more thank you [Applause] that's [Applause] yeah we need to have that remember they came yeahman no John Dey was yeah yeah he threws right out use Kevin as a [Laughter] shield he ended up he ended up back over here got all right no Perry's friend Perry's best friend is here back all right we'd like to uh continue now we have one more presentation this evening and for the presentation I'd like to call up Margaret Weiss and if you'd like to come up do you have room good how you doing good very good uh we are going I have a proclamation here for Donia awareness month and I'd like to give some information first and then I'm going to ask margarite to speak the month of September 2024 has been designated throughout the nation as theonia Awareness Month donius awareness awareness month is designed to help raise awareness understanding and support for this neurological movement disorder similar to Parkinson's disease Donia has an array of symptoms such as painful and prolonged muscle contractions which are involuntary abnormal and often rep competitive these symptoms can sign significantly interfere with a person's Daily Life by impeding those affected from the ability to perform simple daily tasks distonia has limited treatments and currently has no cure and is often misdiagnosed inspiring sufferers to live by the slogan never never give up therefore I Lisa crate mayor of the township of Rick in the county of ocean in the state of New Jersey do hereby proclaim the month of September 2024 to be Donia Awareness Month in the township of brick and I call upon all citizens to support the efforts of the distonia Medical Research Foundation and the Central Jersey distonia support group to raise public awareness and a better understanding of the impact to those who suffer and affected with dystonia and I have Margaret here who's going to talk a little bit more about that as well so hi everyone thank you mayor great thank you person and staff thank you fellow brick residents for Lending me your ears September being donon Awareness Month I'd like to tell you a little bit about distonia and share my story a disclaimer first theonia affects my speech I tend to speak quickly softly and I tend to Jumble words together so tonight with Gary's coaching my husband I will speak clearly slowly and loudly we'll see how that goes 500,000 people in North America have D it's the third most common neurological movement disorder after essential tremor and Parkinson's disease more people have distonia then Huntington's folks with Huntington's muscular distopy and lugar's disease combined Carol spinny the man who was the Puppeteer who was inside big bird of Sesame Street he had Estonia he died of complications caused by the disease Keith Emerson of the 70s moldy oldie rock and roll band Emerson L and Palmer he had distonia and he took his own life the band was planning a world tour and his wife claims that he was so overwhelmed with this with depression and anxiety about facing the possibility of not being able to perform that he ended it poster child for Parkinson's Disease Michael J fox he has this own as do 30% of people with Parkinson's disease you see him yearly at the New York City Donia walk he's a great advocate for Donia as well recently his foundation collaborated with Bachman stress parman Strauss distonia foundation in an effort to alleviate and improve conditions for distonia people the reason little or un little or nothing is known about is Estonia because it is m diagnosed and not diagnosed through my experience I've been having back issues since my early 20s and went to doctors chiropractors acupuncturist orthopedists and finally in 2012 I think it was I was referred to a neurologist by an orthopedist and he said ah you got theonia and I'm like oh my gosh it's not all in my head and then at 2014 after doing a bunch of different kind of medication all none of it alleviated my symptoms and they all made me tired um I was referred to a Donia specialist at Mount Si morm meds Botox Botox with sonograms longer needles larger boore nothing worked so I became a candidate for DBS deep brain stimulation after four those four years of living with Estonia my posture is I have torsion distonia of the Torso I was kind of like this and I spent two years in a wheelchair so when I became a candidate for DBS I said sign us up um so the only question I had for my neurosurgeon is what's prognosis and he said there's 70% chance of some kind of improvement in my particular case and Gary's only question was well how many of these have you done and he's done over 900 that was back in 2016 I had my first surgery in 2016 the first implant Electro goes in my head and the lead is coiled up and left there under the scalp a month later the second implant and coiled up under the scalp two weeks later pockets for my batteries and the batteries are inserted in the leads or the wires are pulled down and connected then a month later I was turned on and programmed and I left his off office in a wheelchair but the next morning I woke up open my eyes put my feet on the floor and walked across my living room for the first time without grabbing on the furniture and I just rolled around the walls on the exterior the house to get around that was in 2016 three years later I needed new batteries and the option was offered to me that I could get rechargeables so in 2019 I got rechargeable batteries which is what that thing over there is for so I have to I see my remote sure this is my remote that I use to turn myself off for EKGs or other surgeries I have a conditional MRI I need to call metronic and make sure that they have the right machines with the magnets don't mess with the batteries or my body um and this is my charger I have to do this every three days or so to um keep upright and walking and uh stick it here turn it on and it's about an hour on each side this is much better than they used to have harnesses and things and I have more free Mobility but still you I don't want to be near water and if I bend over it falls down if I get like good reception on my antenna I just want to stay still and just get it over with so I do that every few days but I still have Donia I have trouble as I said with my speech writing everything seems to have become smaller um I'm a sign language interpreter and My Signing space became smaller and my execution of the signs was not as crisp and clear as it was in the past so I recently stopped working I kind of explained like the shopping cart at the market with bad wheel it just like my brains tell my body what to do my my body is not listening um but I'm one of the lucky ones because the effectiveness of all kinds of medications vary and the effective effectiveness of DBS deep brain stimulation for folks with dystonia is just under 50% everyday life was very difficult when I had full-blown symptoms and I I can speak for myself about the communication difficulties being asked to be repeat myself and just it was easier to be quiet and not participate and my Mobility the same thing was isolating because it was easier not to go anywhere it was easier to stay put um so that's a little bit about donon and my story thank you again for listening I'd like to end by saying as mayor Craig said as a Donan Community say never never give up thank you so much [Applause] [Applause] than before we get to our consent agenda I just want everybody to know we pulled number six from the agenda so it's not on there um and that brings us to our consent agenda all matters listed under item consent agenda will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below if discussion is desired on any item this item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately thank you 41 authorize amendment to 2024 capital budget councilwoman D young thank you this resolution authorizes an amendment to the 2024 capital budget to to finalize the insertion of capital projects the township intends to complete this year the 2024 capital budget totals $10 million at the outset the total request for Capital funds exceeded $20 million but the department has worked hard to back into manageable numbers highlights of the 2024 capital budget include improvements to Brick Beach 3 concession building year one of our Park safety surface replacement program with 3D Park scheduled as the first priority for 2024 a high waterer response vehicle for the police department remounting two ambulances cameras and lights at Pinewood Park a sidearm garbage truck and rear loading garbage truck for DPW and funds toward the permitting and design of DPW Public Works Master site plan this year's capital budget also includes $75,000 for design cost for a new public safety building that the township would like to build on the Barrier Island the new building will house the police department including the summer crossing guards EMS and the fire dep Department the capital budget also includes $3 million in upfront cost to begin the dredge Marshland restoration project thank thank you 4 two authorized bid for 2024 2025 temporary sand fencing Council woman Traverse thank you council president the resolution this resolution authorizes the bid for temporary sand fencing the project consists of the installation of sand fencing a minimum of 15 ft from the base of the existing zun and construction of overlapping fence openings for access points this project will help protect the dunes and the beaches during the upcoming upcoming winter storm season thank you thank you 4 three authorize Award of contract purchase and delivery of one high water vehicle through hgac by national Cooperative councilman albanes thank you council president this resolution authorizes the award of contract in the amount of 36,26770 contract with Lenco Industries Pittsfield Massachusetts is being made through the Houston gavon area purchasing Cooperative thank you 44 please authorize Award of contract ambulance remount through sa savic buying group National Cooperative councilman amberino thank you council president this resolution authorizes an award of contract in the amount of $199,500 for ambulance remounting the contract with SIV ambulances of Langhorn PA is being made through a national Cooperative purchasing agreement thank you thank you four five authorize Award of contract heating ventilating and air conditioning services councilman finan thank you council president this resolution authorizes an award of contract in the amount of $75,000 per year for heating ventilating and air conditioning maintenance and repair services with midatlantic service of millstone Township bid notices were provided to 68 biders from our biders list and 17 picked up bid packages two bids were received with Mid-Atlantic being the lowest responsive responsible bidder thank you thank you and remember we pulled 46 or 47 authorize Award of contract Professional Medical Services thank you this resolution authorizes an award of contract in the not to exceed amount of $150,000 for professional Medical Services to provide pre-employment physicals fit for Duty examinations and drug and alcohol testing for new and existing employees the contract is awarded to the following vendors I'm going to screw this name up yeah it's just how I go we're going to call it deflector Associates Tom's River Hack and Sack peridian team health Eaton Town Immediate Care Medical Walk-In of Brick Township and The Institute of forensic pathology psych psychology Oakland bid notices were provided to 28 prospective biders from our biders list and 14 picked up packages bid packages eight pro eight proposals were received thank you wow 48 authorized close out change order number one roadway improvements to see view Village councilwoman ponter thank you Mr President this resolution authorizes a closeout change order with the contract with Earl ashel for the improvements to C view Village their contracts the change order represents a contract decrease in the amount of $6 64386 thank you thank you 49 authorized special events permits operation ruet thank you uh councilman amberino thank you council president this resolution authorizes a special event permit for the organization M Duce to conduct an operation rucket event from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on September 21st of this year the event starts and finishes at VFW post 8867 thank you thank you 410 please please authorized special events permit St Raphael's annual mumkin sale councilman albanies thank you council president this resolution authorizes a mumkin sale event from 10:00 a.m. to 2: p.m on October 5th 2024 at St Raphael's church located on Route 88 thank you 411 please 411a is a performance bond release for Block 646 lot 701 4 12 12 is T 12a is tax over payments for 2022 and 2023 at block 1170 lot 19.01% agenda can I get a motion in a second please motion second thank you open to council seeing none close Council open to public for questions on the resolutions only seeing none Clos public roll call councilman Alban yes councilwoman pontorero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman Fineman yes councilwoman Travers abstained to seven and yes to the rest vice president amberino yes president minikino yes this brings us to our computer Bill resolution be it resolved by the township Council the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same computer Bill resolution in the amount of 1,888 second second thank you open to councel seeing none close Council open to public for questions on a computer Bill only seeing none Clos public roll call councilman albanes councilwoman Pono yes councilwoman D young yes councilman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minikino yes thank you this brings us to our manual Bill resolution be it resolved by the township Council the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same manual Bill resolution in the amount of 2,529 thank you can I get a motion in a second motion thank you open to councel seeing none close councel open to public for questions on the manual Bill resolution seeing none close public roll call councilman Alban yes councilwoman p ero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman vineman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minino yes thank you thank you and this brings us to uh an ordinance on first reading there is no public hearing on the first reading mayor well God she doesn't she have to read the yeah I'm gonna read it first sorry sorry it took me a second get to it Bond ordinance providing for the acquisition and purchase of real property for the open space preservation purposes bu and by the township of brick in the county of ocean state of New Jersey appropriating $930,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $883,000 in bonds or notes of the township to finance part of the cost thereof thank you thank you mayor thank you uh the brick open space saver committee I'm very proud to be a part of that was uh started by mayor juy has recommended the acquisition of currently vacant land located at 2416 Hooper Avenue in the amount of $930,000 for open space and conservation purposes uh the township has advised the njd Green Acres Program of the acquisition and expects to receive funding to help offset the acquisition costs uh I just want to say that this group works very hard we meet monthly um and we actually go out and look at properties together and we're they're very involved also with our pickup brick to make sure that these properties stay clean and and uh green for our Township so happy to announce this and uh thank you very much thank you can I get a motion in a second motion second thank you open to councel seeing none close Council roll call councilman albanes yes councilwoman pontorero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman peman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president ambino yes president minino yes thank you thank you and this brings us to public comments please note that each person addressing the council during any section of the meeting during which public comment is permitted shall limit his or her remarks to five minutes pursuant to Brick Township Administrative Code section 2-33 B thank you anybody from public please yes Mr sluka John sluka 950 sovia Court uh I'll read my note that I sent about a week ago de mayor crate oh dated September 6 so council president Vincent manino all councilman councilwoman residents and workers of brick the destru excuse me the destruction of the environment around the Garden State Parkway happened about 12 years ago the toxins flowing off the Garden State Parkway without regard to the seniors the workers and youth of the area uh the tax the New Jersey turn par Authority Commissioners destroyed the lives of hundreds of residents if not thousands of residents uh the New Jersey turn Park Authority commissions destroyed the environment near and on the Garden State Parkway May crate will be meeting with the New Jersey turn parik Authority officials at 10:00 a.m. on September 18th in Evergreen Woods Clubhouse uh the new New Jersey T Park Authority Commissioners have fought the citizens who live near the Garden State Parkway concerning the health of the children seniors and residents for quite a long time the citizens of brick and Ocean County continue to be harmed by the toxins the noise and the various dangers surrounding the Garden State Parkway fast walls and increased foilage are needed on the Garden State Parkway around Evergreen Woods condo area brick High School Primrose Garden Sutton Village Lanes Mill School Green Brier Town Hall Birchwood Park okay the National Institute of environmental health States air pollution is a human custen air pollution is harmful to everyone thousands of Studies have been carried out and results of many of these Studies have been brought before this Council and the prior councils uh and nothing is truly ever done although it a lot of work but nothing gets changed so but we are hopeful this time something will finally change over the past many years trees have fallen on the Garden State Parkway property and plant the trees on Evergreen Woods condo association lands have not grown to the promised height or width of on the land taken over by the New Jersey TK Authority Commissioners there's been no progress from support of the lives of the brick residents Evergreen Woods residence may have been a focal point of the expansion of the Garden State Park Parkway but the toxins have impacted many other areas of brick and Ocean County the people of Evergreen Woods brick High School Lanes Mill School Green Brier 1 and Green Brier 2 Bri Mill Birchwood Cherrywood the library in town hall have been suffering for years although maybe they haven't really noticed it but it impacts their lungs eventually although the residents of brick are skeptical about the results they do remain hopeful that the New Jersey Turn Pike Authority Commissioners will finally do the right thing thanks for your time I Y back 340 thank you council president yes uh I just want to I just want to make clear you did receive the invitation correct to attend Debbie sent out invitation Okay we okay because you just said I was going to meet but I I did send an invitation out you and Jo and you yeah okay I just wanted to make sure I just want to make sure that the public knew it wasn't just me hanging out with the you're like you're going to be there were invited Mr bro was invited well that's when I had the yes okay excellent well I'm glad to I hope that hope to see you there yeah okay anybody else from public yes sir good evening Dennis vry 427 South Lake Court Linda akerberg 5 Beaver Hollow just want to take a minute to discuss what we think is a serious safety issue here in the town which is an epidemic of people running red lights literally every day that I'm on the roads I see it happen on our way over here tonight it happened Princeton and post uh Burnt Tavern and maple Route 70 all over the place I'm sure this probably isn't the first time you're hearing about it but I'm curious to to know if what if anything's being done so we'll certainly pass along your concerns to the police department so that they I'm sure do um selected enforcement and that's part of what they do when they're out on the road all the time so we'll share your concerns with the police department the most is there any I I know that they had red light cameras a while ago I forget why they were removed is that an option to reinstall them yeah I tell it no uh there were red light Camas about 10 years ago um they have to be specifically authorized by the state they were at that time in certain towns it was a pilot program and actually mayor Ducey here in Brick was the first one to discontinue that program um at the end of the contract that had and then shortly after that I think it was Governor Christie uh ended the program in the state so without state authorization for that the town that's not an option for the town okay we just feel like it's just happening every time we're on the road and it seems like it's really dangerous I mean there's been so many accidents I mean I travel from Princeton Avenue over to the Jersey Shore Animal Shelter every day and I sit at Princeton I mean post and 88 probably 90% of the time I'm at that light people are going through the red lane on 88 and it's just it's very scary I'm I'm really afraid somebody's going to get killed it's it's it's every literally every day that I'm on the roads I say people must be aware of council president I I just want to point out I don't know if you've had the opportunity or where specifically uh what neighborhoods you're in but if there's a neighborhood watch or program for your neighborhood if that hasn't happened yet uh just let me have your address at the end and officer Berkeley will reach out one of the things that he's doing through neighborhood watch program uh is to talk to people about what's happening in and around their neighborhoods with regard to Traffic Safety so that he can then go back out as um RBA said and do selected enforcement check up on certain areas so if you haven't had a neighborhood watch in your area yet um I'll make sure that we can uh have officer Berkeley reach out to you to set that up and then that conversation starts and continues with him uh and I appreciate that sure and since we're in our own neighborhoods the most that's where we see it but it's also went them in other parts of the town as well and other towns which I know you can't do anything about but it just like I said seems to be an epidemic and I just want to bring it to your attention all right thank you thank you anyone else from public please yes sir uh Bob manano I got to agree with them about the red lights that's they just don't stop um I had a question though is there some kind of ratio in Bricktown versus homeowners and rentals in property rentals in Brick I'm just trying to see if there's a ratio that you know 50% is rentals and 50% is actual homeowners I'm just trying to see is there any type of ratio or is there any type of a law that you know maybe go on the only 20% of go on the census data that was just done in 2020 and you can find it out right so that would tell you there's no it might ion I don't know for sure but the census data shows breakdowns all all kinds of breakdowns so I would start there right so there there's no law that only 20% of the property can be rented in Bricktown or something like like that no we the tant cannot regulate how much property can be rented and how much cannot the state can't regulate that that's just basic property rights people want to rent out their homes they're permitted to okay so Bricktown can have 50% rental and 50% actual owners town can any any town in the state can could have 100% rentals could have 100% home ownership it's just I was just you know questioning right all right thank you thank you sir anybody else from public please seeing none close public Mrs Bergen I would just like to congratulate our new uh police officer and also um wish Council woman Pono an early happy birthday mayor yes thank you uh I Al happy birthday early day early uh and congratulations to our newest officer I also want to send out an official best wishes to Dan Newman he officially retired last Friday and uh after 30 years of service to the township of brick so I want to wish him the best and uh I did get out to our fantastic townwide yard sale uh that happened this weekend a little bit of Saturday a lot on Sunday and I just want to thank everyone who participated it was a lot of fun traveling around town and finding great bargains so thank you very much for that uh tomorrow we will be um honoring our 911 um or honoring uh the victims of 911 uh at our annual um ceremony is taking place at Winward at 6: PM uh down at the Circle by the angel and anguish so I hope that people will come out and join us for this ceremony uh Saturday if you're out and about we are having a grand reopening ribbon cutting for Coldstone creamy at 11:00 a.m. a.m. so you can join us some for some uh breakfast ice cream or brunch maybe I guess 11 11:00 a.m. at that point and also if you're out and about on Saturday after that uh you can join us at Brick Little League volunteer day some of us will be uh flipping burgers and serving uh the great people at the brick Little League um we'll have another W another grand opening and ribbon cutting next week on the 17th Windward wealth grand opening uh so if you need help with your finances come on out we'll do a ribbon cutting at 12:00 p.m. for that and uh you know feel free to join us the visitation lunch is taking place next Thursday on the 19th doors open at 11:30 a.m. and lunch is served at 12: so we hope to see you there as well and finally our second annual longest table event is taking place on Saturday September 21st from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. if you're interested in attending please visit our uh the township website you can sign up to attend there we have a nice crowd attending of all different ages and areas from town and uh we have some business owners that will be joining us and we want I want to thank right now first the hospital here in the town they are providing all the food for the event and also Willow Springs I had I said the wrong thing last time Willow Springs is going to be um getting all of the Beverages and desserts for the day so thank you to those two establishments and businesses for helping us out with that uh it's going to be held at Haven's Homestead on Herbertsville Road we'll have tents so that if it is blazing hot we'll have some shade if it's a little Misty we'll be covered and if they're should be a torrential downpour I'm not counting on that but if there is the um event will still take place but we will be moving it inside to Civic Plaza and anyone that has signed up to attend will receive notification letting them know so but otherwise we hope to see you at Haven Homestead in Herbertsville on the 21st from 1 to 3 for our second annual longest table thank you thank you Mr starky Madame clerk happy birthday Madam Secretary councilman elanes happy birthday and I want to just uh recognize Jessica campano uh congratulations and um margarite wise for the courage of coming up here and speaking on at Estonia thank you councilwoman ponera thank you I also wanted to congratulate our newest officer and I'm very happy to see that it's a young female that's stepping into um our family and it encourages me because I know that is a very good opportunity for other young girls to see someone functioning as an officer and maybe get inspired to go into law enforcement um I also wanted to thank uh Miss wife for her gonia uh presentation uh gonia I I think that a lot of people don't understand for this woman to be able to come and come and speak um despite her illnesses takes a lot of courage and I give her a lot of credit CU I have no doubt that her words about a disorder that is very commonly misdiagnosed may help someone because there is treatment out there like she was talking about and last I wanted to thank God for my birthday tomorrow I'm going to be 52 and I have suffered with stage 4 heading that cancer and by All rights should be gone not on this Earth but by God's mercy and with the prayers of everyone here I am today and I am proud to be se you too thank you thank you councilwoman D young I too would like to say happy birthday to the queen and I also want to welcome back councilwoman Travers we've missed you up here welcome back that's all I have thank you councilman Fineman thank you council president of course happiest of birthdays we all got together all here for you to wish you a happy birthday the main purpose um and secondly I do want to talk about the neighborhood why program um because I think it is pretty cool because you do get you know real time um you know data about what's going on in your own neighborhood which I think is is good to know you get to meet officer officers which is cool uh and then you receive education on current trends and really what's going on specifically in your neighborhood um so you can join up as uh mayor crate said you can email officer Berkeley at t Berkeley brick pd.com so it's TB k l y brick pd.com and you provide your name and neighborhood to get started and that's all I have and stay safe and have fun thanks thank you councilwoman Travers I would also like to congratulate our newest um police officer as well as thank Margaret Weiss for coming out here and speaking and sharing her story it's very courageous and also would like to wish um C woman Pono happy birthday and I'm very happy to be back I have a little three-month old now who will be three months on Friday so thank you that's thank you Council vice president Amber what do you think I'm gonna say happy birthday councilwoman ponera and obviously as well congratulations to officer comp uh and that's it for me tonight very short thank you so I'm going to Echo all the sentiments of my counterparts up here and a happy birthday um our next meeting will be September 23rd 7 o'clock here can I get a motion in a second second all in favor I meeting adjourned