##VIDEO ID:lB2VNpyhb3s## with my adequate notice of this meeting was provided and published in the Asbury Park Press in the ocean star on January 12th 2024 copies of the agenda were provided to the newspaper posted on public bulletin boards in the township website thank you roll call councilman ales here councilwoman Pono here councilwoman D young councilman Fineman here councilwoman Travers vice president amberino president minino here thank you thank you can we all rise to salute the flag and moment of silence please to flag the United stat thank you and a Motion in a second to approve the minutes for July 23rd please motion second roll call councilman albanes abstain councilwoman Pono yes councilman Fineman yes president bino yes thank you thank you this brings out to a consent agenda all matters listed under item consent agenda will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below if discussion is desired on any item this it item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately thank you 41 authorized receipt of bids for Normandy Beach roadway elevation project phase two this resolution authorizes the receipt of bid for phase two of the Normandy Beach roadway elevation project streets to be elevated in the bid in this bid are Normandy Beach Drive Arrow Court Broad Avenue the project includes roadway elevation including but not limited to fill importation drainage reconstruction concrete work roadway uh reconstruction resurfacing and the site restoration phase one of this is was completed in recent years and in a shared service with Tom's River this phase extends the scope thank you for two authorized receipt of bids for Brick breach 3 concession building repairs councilman Alban thank you council president this resolution authorizes the receip of bids for repairs to Brick Beach 3 concession building the project consists of replacement of exist in concrete columns that support the roof structure of portions of the concession building replacement of attic vents and sofit vents replacement of glass block windows miscellaneous masonary and cedar siding repairs thank you 43 authorized request for for proposals for preservation architectural services councilman Fineman thank you council president this resolution authorizes the requests for proposals for preservation architectural services the town ship is preparing to use grant money from the Community Development block grant program to make repairs to the Historical Society Hol house on herval road because of the nature of these repairs an architect that specializes in preservation is required thank you thank you 44 authorize Award of contract for 2024 pavement markings various locations councilwoman ponera thank you council president this resolution authorizes an award of contract in the amount of 125,000 to Dan waves and Sun located in Scotch planes for the construction of pement marins traffic lines as well as pain for therm plastic symbols at various locations on Municipal roadways and public property the work s are various locations throughout the municipal Street and public complexes including but not limited to Green Brier Green Brier to prinston Commons the municipal complex cic Plaza parking lot brick beach one brick Beach three parking lots some point Sports Complex parking lot Wedgewood zuan Boulevard and world G thank you thank you 4 five authorize Award of contract for roadway improvements to Cher Quay Phase 2 this resolution authorizes the award of contract in the amount of $446,900 to Earl ashal company Farmingdale for phase two of the roadway roadway improvements to Cherry Quay roadway Improvement project the the project generally consists of resurfacing of tiller Lane and Royal Drive as well as as concrete and drainage improvements were deemed necessary bid notices were provided to 78 prospective biders for from our biders list and five bids were received with Earl being the lowest responsive responsible bidder thank you 46 authorize Award of contract for purchase and delivery of one 2025 or newer Peter belt 520 through sourcewell National Cooperative system councilman fan thank you council president this resolution authorizes the award of contract in the amount of $416,500 for the purchase and delivery of one 1225 Peterbuilt 520 RH Drive tandem axle cab and Chassis with a 66,000 lb gross vehicle weight this truck is being purchased through the sourcewell national Cooperative program thank you thank you 47 authorize Award of contract for purchase and delivery of 2025 Peter belt 567 through sourcewell National Cooperative system councilman kimman thank you this resolution authorizes the award of contract in the amount of $329,600 Tandem axle Cab in chassis with a 66,000 lb gross uh vehicle weight this truck is being purchased through the sourcewell national Cooperative program thank you thank you 48 authorize Award of contract for purchase and delivery of 2024 Ford F-150 Super Crew Cab 4x4 pickup this resolution authorizes the award of a contract in the amount of $ 45,3 159 for the purchase and delivery of one 20244 to F-150 Super Crew Cab 4x4 pickup truck this truck is being purchased through the state of New Jersey Cooperative purchasing program 49 authorized sale of surplus personal property solar and class one renewable energy certificates s Rex thank you councilman Alban thank you council president this resolution authorizes the sale of Township solar renewable energy credits and class one renewable energy certificates through a public auction the township of brick intends to utilize the online auction services of flet exchange llc at this time there are solar renewable energy certificates from the township rooftop and parking lot solar panels to auction on flat exchange website in addition there will be renewable energy certificates from the wind turbine located at drump Point Sports Complex the township previously utilized flat exchange LLC for the sale of solar renewable energy certificates through public auction and received $ 35,8 72.5 thank you 410 authorized change order number five for Police Special Operations garage councilwoman ponera thank you council president this resolution authorizes contract closed out change order number five with GA General Contracting for the Police Special Operations Department garage located in the rear of town hall this change order reflects a contrast G in the amount of $400 and officially closes the job and Returns the performance bonds posted for this project thanks thank you 411 authorize memorandum of understanding for salt marsh enhancement and restoration this resolution authorizes a memorandum of understanding with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for the salt harsh enhancement and restoration project the township received a grant in the amount of $4,997 12075 for a living Shoreline tidal salt marsh vegetation restaurant ation project in the foresight Refuge the township has a 5.62% match for this grant which can be 100% in kind service by the township Engineers Township planner and other Township staff thank you 412 authorize memorandum of utilization of the Ocean County Sheriff's Law Enforcement Training Facility thank you councilwoman ponera thank you this resolution is authorizing the memorandum of understanding with the Ocean County Prosecutors I'm sorry Shadow's department for the Township Police Department our police officers to utilize the County's training facility defs thank you thank you 413 authorized firemen's exemption certificates a brettonwoods fire company number one B Herbertsville Fire Company number one C lauron Fire Company number one and D Pioneer Hose Fire Company thank you for 14 authorized special events permit St Dominic's Church Parish Car Wash I mean car show sorry that's okay councilman pinan thank you council president this resolution authorizes a special event permit for the St Dominic Church car show that was held on August 9th at the church the permit was reviewed and internally approved by Traffic Safety the fire Bureau and safety inspector prior to the event thank you thank you 415 authorized special events permit St Dominic's Parish Feast Day procession event councilman in albanes thank you council president this resolution authorizes a special events permit for St Dominic's Parish Feast Day procession that was held on August 11th at the church the permit was reviewed and internally approved by Traffic Safety the fire Bureau and safety inspector prior to the event thank you 416 authorized special events permit Beacon 70 lauron Fire Company fundraiser councilwoman ponera thank you with can this resolution authorizes a special per permit for a fundraising event to benefit worldon fire company is scheduled for August 18th at b s from 1 to 800 p.m. thank you thank you 417 4117 a is a maintenance Bond release for Block 36 Lot 12 B is an inspection fund release for Block 547 L 28 C is an inspection fund release for Block 589 L 1.0 one and D is an inspection fund release for Block 757 lot one thank you 418 thank you uh this is tax overpayment for 2024 of block 842 Lot 27 thank you this ends our consent agenda can I get a motion in a second motion second thank you open to council seeing none close Council open to public for questions on the resolutions only yes sir sh for T drive just want to say uh before I begin I want to ask if you could uh if there's a problem with the microphones tonight is is there a problem because I some of the words that I when somebody were speaking I couldn't really hurt you well might just be me but if it's possible could you move closer to the microphone when speaking because well any all of you actually especially when I watched on TV uh you know me. TT sometimes the uh the I can't hear very well but that I have a hearing also anyway so anyway uh I have a question about 46 and 47 the purchase of the two new vehicles uh are these being uh I might not have heard properly but are these why are the be Vehicles being purchased are being are they being purchased to replace the current vehicles or to supplement their current Vehicles so we do both Mr Foster um we are proactive in making sure we add to our Fleet each year throughout the capital budget so it may not we hope to be able to replace it before a vehicle comes completely out of service sometimes we're able to do that successfully and other times the vehicle that this is technically replacing hasn't made it to when we get the replacement so it's a combination of both okay now this question is just may I don't know I maybe governments do it differently but uh years ago I used to subscribe to like consumer reports and a always always advised when people buy a car to buy a a a one that's like one year one year old because the depreciation value is so great once you leave the dealership with that new car it depreciates so much in value that it's uh really uh more beneficial financially to uh buy like one like one year instead of a 2025 or whatever but I notice it's halfway through 2024 but uh is this uh something the council uh Township decides to do or did you get a good deal on this or or yeah so we got a great deal because it's on state contract we did get a very good deal because it's on State contract so the state does all of the preliminary work making sure we get the best prices and the best options and then we just go through State contract to do it so it does save us a lot of time and energy and it's very cost efficient okay all right thank you thank you sir anybody else yes Miss Cole Nan call this isn't on I think um while Mr uh Sam can't think of the last name was speaking he was talking about not hearing it at home but it was hard to hear and it wasn't uh just you you have a reason that you do at at times but I don't hear anything coming back from this now so do you hear it as if the microphone is on I hear you okay you hear yeah well from back where I was and I don't hear it resounding at any rate um what I actually wanted to talk about is uh 44 pavement markings at various locations there's a real problem with pavement markings and in amongst the uh collection of places you mentioned is Green Brier Green Brier 2 and there are things specific to Green Brier 2 another place that there are difficult markings is exiting onto Route 70 from the Walmart shopping lot uh it is absolutely awful there are a lot of the markings that were newly put in but they are going to cause serious problems uh the the markings uh coming out of Green Brier 2 they have changed it so that if you want to go to the to make a right turn you have to go past the left turn but but if you're going to turn left as I do as soon as I get out of the parking lot uh it is so confusing it shouldn't be like that and I think it's high time that the townships and of Ocean County along with the Ocean County Road uh supervisor which would be a county person down in Tom's River you need to sit down and take a look at the Mischief that you're getting up to with those markings uh it it's just absolutely awful how they do it and they mix it up and just take a look try riding around take a busman's holiday some night around 10 o'clock and see what it's like and the markings are generally only on the roadway and you don't see them and as the driver so it's something that I think we should start as a group and as representatives for us to do to address things I think it behooves you to talk to the other towns in the county and have some time set aside that you look at the roads because uh many of them are really County roads but whoever pays attention to them nobody thank you anybody else from public on the resolution only yes sir it's a short statement Steven BR Evergreen Woods Park The Brick Township count Town Council must formalize its position as to the New Jersey Turnpike Authority New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection the Ocean County Commissioners from providing relief from The increased noise that resulted from the Garden State Parkway shoulder widening and exit 91 projects I therefore asked this Council of our elected representatives to pass a resolution codifying their stance either for or against further Brick Township involvement in ameliorating the adverse impact of upon Brick Township community by the New Jersey turnike Authority New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Ocean County Commissioners from cars trucks and motorcycles over the health of its residents from the garden State Parkway thank you thank you Mr bril anybody else from public please seeing none Clos public roll call councilman Alban yes councilwoman pontorero yes councilman feeman yes president minikino yes thank you this brings us to our computer Bill resolution be it resolved by the township Council the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same computer Bill resolution in the amount of 1,466 76173 thank you can I get a motion in a second please second open to councel seeing none closed councel open for public open to public for computer Bill resolutions seeing none Clos public roll call councilman Albany councilwoman ponera yes councilman feeman yes president minikino yes thank you this brings us to our manual Bill resolution be it resolved by the township Council the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasure for the amounts of the same manual Bill resolution in the amount of 2,133 48595 thank you can I get a motion in a second motion second thank you open to councel seeing none closed councel open to public for questions on the manual Bill seeing none close public roll call councilman Alban yes councilwoman pontorero yes councilman fan yes president minikino yes thank you thank you this brings us to our public comments please note that each person addressing the council during any section of the meeting during which public comment is permitted shall limit his or her remarks to five minutes pursuant to Brick Township Administrative Code section 2-33 B thank you anybody from public yes sir Mr fost Sam Foster want to read chood Drive uh three quick questions Mr Foster you're the only one I can't hear really you can't hear me oh well that's unusual everybody says I'm too loud actually thank you CH say sam shut up T last week Sam I said I'm sorry okay how about now perfect okay all right thank you yeah uh three quick questions uh first is about hurricane I can't remember what we did during the Hurricane Sandy but uh I uh do we have like a designated shelter OFA in case of someone uh uh being fearful of the flood waters like I know that I volunteered actually at the ber pal site on Drum Point Road but is there like a when the hurricane is coming is there someplace where citizens can go if they're like in a flood area or is or they pretty much stuck that there cuz at uh the brick pal Center they were out food and free meals and let people charge their phones so we have an office of emergency management and they will work with different entities or agencies in Town based on where the event is hitting and what's needed so it's not always in one specific location but it's most likely going to be in a location like pal or a school that could accommodate whatever is needed for various different types of events magnitude of them how long they last and where they're most likely going to hit yeah I did uh meet the FEMA agents when I was volunteering over at the P Center okay I was just curious about that second is um I used well I eat out a lot because they can't cook very well and my favorite restaurants have been closing down latest one is Quaker Steak do we have anything like a committee in town uh on in that would that would advise the council or is or would have the authority to go out and try to uh um get businesses to lease buildings like mayor duy did a great job with the uh the voles which I love that store the voles and uh Trader Joe's and leels which I also love so you did really great great work with that but do we have is is a is a a committee of citizens allowed to go out or would that be something to do that uh the township government official s do so we take suggestions uh people uh from we did a survey last year I got a lot of recommendations I also have my mayor student advisory they give me a lot of recommendations and then people also email me and can call and give recommendations and what we've done uh or what I've done over the last year is we've reached out to a lot of places that people are interested in having here in town uh we've reached out to um Hobby Lobby which is a big one uh we've reached out twice and had some communication with them uh that we would like them to take over the old Christmas Tree Shops because we feel like that's a good spot for them uh we've had um a recommendation from people to get a raising canes and they're going to be filling in that spot where you just spoke of the Quaker Stak so we do actively reach out uh We've also reached out to the Phil Pretzel Factory a lot of people have have asked to see if we could get one of those in town and our first goal is to fill vacant property so we offer up areas that we have available and I've actually spoken to Property Owners to see what their intent is and to give them some guidance of what the people in town are looking for so we do have an active we don't have a group of people get together to do that but I certainly take all suggestions and I'm very open to speaking with property owners I don't think you'd want my my suggestion what what would what's your suggestion Hooters I know you wouldn't you know it's funny I used to have one 35 in Mama County we have is there an open space you think that would be appropriate for her hey as close to my house as possible all right well we we'll take a look some communities don't like them because they had one in 35 and I says what happened because they they open up a new store now and I said what Happ to hoers he says well the town didn't think that a good fit for our community it'll save me my drive to l City that attempted to gamble hey I'm staying away from the strip club still I'm St with Mr final question is uh status at the Food Town site so they actually uh the group that is working on the what is what was formerly the Sports Zone but now is the sports I guess Center we would call it uh did come in for final approval uh from what I understand and are they have the go-ahead to get started so do you know any anticipation on when to start date would be uh no they didn't give any indication but on the town side we have given them the thumbs up to get started okay cuz I do know the oldies is great I love I love oldies it's a lot less the smaller one the one that they hadn't break was really cramped I used to go to how because it was bigger but I really love oldies they have great prices little plug for the business in town there you go all right thank you thank you sorry I for B mentioning Hooters I up upset anyone listen I take all recommendations and suggestions anyone else public please yes Mr Brill Steven bril Evergreen Woods Park I have tried to view the town council meeting minutes for June 25th 2024 but they have not been posted on the Township's website this is not the only incident where Township council meeting minutes have not been available I should not have to submit an Oprah request to see these documents the open public meetings act also known as the Sunshine Law regarding meeting minutes njsa 10 colon 4-14 minutes of the meetings availability to public part C although no hard and fast definition of promptly available exists in one case a court determined that promptly available meant two weeks following any regular meeting thank you thank you sir anyone else Miss Cole Nan car 18 green VAR Boulevard and uh one thing that I had meant to do at the previous uh time I came to the microphone was I realize that it's been a long time since anybody gave thanks and appreciation to particularly our town clerk the Council secretary uh the business administrator in particular they are the people that really keep the town functioning and allow us to have our public comment and get it noticed then the question of of Sandy number one everybody who can hear my voice uh on the recorded message or what have you make sure that you check about nixel alert Nixle that will uh send it to if you have a cell phone it will send it to a cell phone for any emergency and it comes I think possibly from our own police law enforcement uh people about disasters that are hap about to happen have happened uh crashes that occur and cause backup on the traffic it's quite uh helpful in that respect and I fear that we may be getting ready for another Sandy based upon what the weather pattern has been recently and it would behoove you but we never did have a good alert system for uh where to go for shelters when we had Sandy it was hit and miss there war places designated but there was never enough fortunately uh there was a lot of interest that happened at these meetings people came up people from everyday walks of life came to these meetings after Sandy somebody was a head chef at a big uh restaurant and came and they offered their services there was a chef there was a business person to handle that to and they got it and there was uh one of the then council members was so great grateful that young school aged children well they weren't really children in that definition they were young adults and he said that it that his heart was so touched because everything at his home which was on the water was destroyed and here came a young girl with a bit of soup to offer to him and he was so appreciative of it that had that word got out by these meetings and people talking about what their skills were and what they would do and they set up the space in Epiphany they had people come from uh Pennsylania even that uh they were not um not the yamish they were uh the the menites I guess they were and they set up even uh doing laundry in the uh visitation area so those are things really you need to talk about and think about because we don't have the proper setup of designated Disaster Recovery places and shelters and we didn't even then and it it's hard it's very difficult for them thank you anyone else from public please yes sir yes John MCC conie 125 Valencia Drive uh was actually here uh the meeting of the 25th of June discussed a brick T brick mua project that caused over $400,000 worth of damage in our area um I'm actually following on to what the last gentleman had to say about availability of meeting minutes wanted to look at the council minutes to refer to something that was said that day and found that the council minute meeting minutes from that meeting aren't posted they're only ones missing from the last two years uh and as I understand it they are to be they are required under the Sunshine Law the open public records uh I sent everyone on the council the mayor an email just asking them to get them posted Andor send them to me to date I never heard anything I did receive an email from the mayor in response to a second part of that um in regards to the issue that we had with brick mua um but nothing else um nothing mentioned about the meeting minutes it seems kind of strange to me uh so I'm here tonight solely for the reason that no one would respond and I think that that's really not a good thing so I'll ask the question how does anyone get a copy of these minutes are you going to post them are you going to send them or what's going on Madam clerk yes thank you um the day after the council meeting every Wednesday I forward to the it Department the minutes to be posted on the website it was brought to my attention that some of them were missing by Mr Brill maybe like two weeks ago I forwarded them again and I thought that they were posted now as of a little if I can speak just let you know as of this afternoon they were not posted uh and again I I sent a simple email a simple email request all somebody had to do was say they're in the process of being posted or here they are that's all I asked for and I was disappointed I apologize for that I I I didn't check I thought that somebody told me that they were definitely posted I mean you can I I you can always request them from me at any time okay um now I know who to to contact because I didn't get any response on the other yeah I I don't know that it's required that they be posted on the website I think they' got to be available yes and they are available they're definitely available but if you ask and you don't get a response then they're not available yeah I apologize I don't know who you requested them from but I didn't receive that everybody on the council and the mayor I have to admit I didn't notice that you had requested the minutes I was focused on the I was focused on the other part of your question and I honestly I didn't notice that you asked for the minutes if I'm being honest so I apologize to that thank you thank you sir anyone else from public please seeing none close public Mrs Bergen I have nothing further but we will certainly take care of the uh website in the minutes our apologies mayor uh same I honestly uh didn't notice I I was reading the other part of the email and I didn't notice the part about the minutes um just a few announcements I just wanted to announce I know it was rainy last week but our Traders Cove Concert Series will be back on track this week so we hope that you can join s of Traders Cove tomorrow evening at 700 p.m. for what is now going to be our first uh concert of the Season uh the basso brothers and again that starts at 7 p.m. tomorrow at Traders Cove on the 21st the following Wednesday we have kick and Wing it's a new band and we're hoping they're going to be fantastic and then finally strictly 60s who was supposed to play last week uh but was unable to due to the Rain we'll be playing uh the final week of August on the 28th so we hope you can join us down at Trader Cove um It's a Wonderful concert series very relaxed bring your lawn chairs hang out by the water it's lovely uh so I hope to see you there uh beginning tomorrow night also this Saturday we have our next pickup brick volunteer opportunity it's going to be at the airport track uh which is located off of jumpo Road there's an entrance off of jumpo road where you can park and join us in that area to uh pick pick up some garbage and to have a nice walk-in nature if you would like to volunteer you've got a couple of options you can either uh call Vin palmary and let him know that you or your group would like to attend or you can just show up Saturday morning we'll be meeting at 10:00 a.m. you don't have to bring anything if you have a bucket you can certainly bring your own bucket but we do offer everyone uh fresh gloves each time and um you know it's a good time to walk around in nature and the airport track is actually beautiful so if you don't live on that side of town and you'd like to walk a new Trail while helping out the environment we welcome to you to join us and finally uh even though I know we have a meeting between now and September 7th I just want everyone to know that our townwide yard sale is taking place on the 7th it's one of my favorite times of year I love a bargain and I love shopping so I love go you know going to different homes throughout that day if you would still like to get on board with that you can visit the website and get your house on the map the map is up already uh for you to take a look at and see what's out there there's a lot of people who will be having their goods for sale that day and also if you're out shopping that day and you feel like you need a break you can stop by um Haven Homestead the historical society is having their ice cream social that day from 12: to 3: so you can stop by and get a nice ice cream treat in between your shopping spree or extravagance or whatever you want to call it so thank you so much and I hope everyone has a great evening thank you Mr can thank you Madame clerk nothing else thank you Madame secretary no thank you councilman albanes nothing councilwoman ponera this is the first time just thank you councilman Fineman thank you council president so you ever have like old coins hanging around and you wonder if they're going to be of value well worry no more because the answers are going to be at the public library on Saturday August 17th introduction to coin collecting okay so if you have like old coins you're curious to find a little more information about you can go there with your coins I don't think they're going to give you coins to collect Perry I asked on your behalf um and then also um I just want to confirm with the mayor uh meet the mayor event Friday August 23rd at the library yes true you failed to mention so I just want to it's okay because just well glad you know good thing you have me uh so that's Friday the 23rd from 10: to 11: come prepared with all your questions I was told there's nine people signed up so far which is nine more than it came last time so really anything is a bonus I don't know if there's room for anymore but you know best of luck and come prepare with your questions and stay safe and have fun thank you thank you um our next scheduled meeting is Tuesday August 27 2024 7 o'clock here can I get a motion and a second to adjourn motion all in favor I