##VIDEO ID:ym6Kn0sZXzY## on January 12 2024 copies of the agenda were provided to the newspaper posted on Bulet public bulletin boards in the township website thank you can we have a roll call please councilman alany here councilwoman ponera here councilwoman di young here councilman fan here councilwoman Travers here vice president amberino president president minino thank you please rise follow me in a salute to the flag moment silence IED to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible andice thank you is there a motion to approve the minutes from the September 23rd meeting motion second roll call councilman albanes abstain councilwoman ptero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman fman obain councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes thank you can move on to the consent agenda section four please note that all matters listed under item consent agenda will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below if discussion is desired on any item this item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately thank you 41 recognize Breast Cancer Awareness Month October 2024 councilwoman Travers thank you this resolution recognizes October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer Among Us women attributing to about 30% of new newly diagnosed cancers all residents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the risk factors and symptoms of the disease knowing that when breast cancer is caught early treatments work best and survival rates increase thank you thank you item 42 authorize acceptance of best practice inventory councilwoman ponera thank you council president this resolution authorizes the acceptance of the Township's best practice inent as required annually by the state thank you thank you 43 authorize Award of contract for Peterbilt parts supplies and repairs councilman Fineman thank you council president this resolution authorizes the award of contract with Peterbilt parts supplies and repairs Parks work with a labor rate of $195 per hour and a 25% discount on pars bid notices were provided to 11 respective biders and two requested bid packages one bid was received thank you thank you item 44 authorized Award of contract for step parts supplies and repairs councilwoman di thank you this resolution authorizes a contract with we timman Company White House at a labor rate of $184 per hour for parts bid notices were mailed to three prospective biders from our bidder list and two requested bid packages one bid was received this will be a two-year contract ending October 13 2026 to date we have spent approximately approximately $119,000 during the current contract period funding for this contract will be included in the vehicle maintenance operating budget thank you thank you item 45 authorize Award of contract for redundant dispatch console infrastructure councilman alining thank you council president this resolution authoriz the reward of contract in am of 85772 pmon Wireless AET for redundant offsite dispatch radio console connection for for the police department this contract is being awarded to the state of New Jersey operative purchasing program thank you item 46 authorize Award of contract for Township dredging and Mar Marsh restoration I'll read this this resolution authorizes the award of contract in the amount of 2,456 375 with mobile dredging and video pipe of Chester PA as part of the Brick Township dredging and Marsh restoration program the project generally consists of year one of a 2-year hydraulic dredging operation in in Brick Township with placement of materials in Brick area a which is the marsh north of manoling road for restoration purposes bid notices were provided to 51 prospective biders from our biders list 13 requested bid packages two bids were received with mobile dredging and video pipe being the lowest responsive responsible bidder item 47 otherise shared service agreement with Ocean County Paving of portions of Blue Cedar Drive and Bayway councilwoman thank you this resolution authorized a shared services agreement with Ocean County to enable the completion of a paging project in the township known as Bay Harbor estate's roadway improvements which includes portions of Blue Cedar Drive and Bayway the township estimated portion of the project project work associated with the improvements is $1,895 78 thank you thank you item 48 authorize shared service agreement with Ocean County Recycling Center use and revenue sharing Council woman Travis thank you this resolution authorizes a shared service agreement with Ocean County to utilize its facilities to provide uninterrupted use of the County Recycling Center thank you thank you item 49 authorize shared service agreement with Ocean County leaf and vegetative waste composting program Madame mayor uh thank you this resolution authorizes the renewal of the vegetative waste composting program shared services agreement with the county of ocean the agreement is for a 5year period commen in January 1st 2025 state law requires municipalities to provide a system for the collection of leaves generated from the residential premises and also requires that each County provide composting facilities for each municipality in the county as required the township monitors the materials collected to ensure it is free from any other waste and it is strictly residential vegetative waste and I just wanted to point out for um the last one for the the Ocean County Recycling Center I do want to point out that the um stem students from Brick Township and brick memorial we're pairing with them along with our DPW to put together a program that will go out to the community about uh recycling rules and ways that we can help with recycling because there's been a little bit of a drop in recycling in the township and we thought this was a great way to pair up with the St students so looking forward to do that and I will keep people posted as we move along with that project thank you uh 410 on release 410A is an inspection fund release for Block 842 LW 22 and 10B is a performance fond release for Block 90122 Lot 10 1101 and 12 thank you 411 uh 411a 100% DAV Widow a veteran deduction at block 13 13.01 lot 13 thank you very much that is the end of the consent agenda is there a motion and a second on the consent agenda motion second open to council for questions seeing none open a public for questions on these resolutions only you don't I'm back did you miss me yeah I was in North Carolina and Northeast Tennessee I'm lucky to be back uh two quick questions on number three uh I think I heard you say that you only got two bids back on truck parts and and labor $195 an hour seems high to me does anybody know what we were paying before this contract if you break $195 that run it out like on a 40h hour week that 7,800 bucks and and on a 52- we year comes out to $45,000 it sounds like the markup probably for 400% on labor is it is that the best we can do or we stuck with it or what M ber do you know what the first question was what weay previously yeah I I don't know and it's not included in the purchasing memo but I could certainly look that up and get back to Mr Finelli uh we go through the public fiding process to get the most competitive pricing by law that's what we have to do so um I we're satisfied with the labor rate and the discount on Parts okay it seems kind of high $195 an hour well it's Peterbuilt so it's big pieces of equipment okay and my other question uh and question six the dredging and March restoration what are we dredging the the marina is that is that where the dredging is going on oh that's where we're starting yes that most of the dredging uh that we're going to be dredging the marina to start and the area right behind uh foresight Refuge uh is where we're going to be placing the marsh sediment okay kind of restore that area and there's lots and lots of lagoons all over town that many the property owners have expressed interest in dredging so we'll be working with them as time goes on but you're not funding that the grant is funding that the grant is funding the Marshland restoration The Dredge would is separate and apart from the Marshall restoration that is typically assessed to the people on how much is this is a grant 5 million oh it's covering the whole 2.4 is isn't that nice doesn't say that okay but but if you do lagoons private lagoons you're still doing that with grant money because the last time you did that you charged everybody on the Lagoon that's correct they were obessed and we will continue to follow that practice for the individual private lagons okay one one other question which now that it's a grant really doesn't matter but I'm just curious we never talk about the marina and does it make money does it make money if so how much so it does make money if you take separate and apart the the debt so it makes money from a functional operational day-to-day what you come in versus what it cost you but if you start factoring in the debt that well you got to pay back what you borrow was the acquisition and then continue change in plans before we had a marina was going to be a uh it was going to be private development it was going to be a water park it was going to be all kinds of things so the plans kep ch changing and then of course it was completely destroyed when Sandy had to be rebuilt so when you take in The Debt Service no it's not in the position where it's making money yet but if you take that out and you look at it functionally from revenue in expenses out it does make money okay thank you you're welcome thank you any other questions from public on these resolutions only Mr John SLI 950 sovi Court just explain this recycling a little bit more what happened was I think we the last time a while back we were told the recycling had a high percentage of um of spoiled recycling is this stem program along with what the town is doing going to fix that problem or yeah that's that that's the goal so when we sat down when I sat down down with the teachers who teach that uh class that was what we talked excuse me that's what we talked about we said you know we have a high rate of people people who either aren't recycling or when they do recycle I there garbage items in there so it's rejected and that how what kind of education program can we put together with SE students to educate the public about how to recycle better it's really two different problems it is two different problems one is getting the people cycle and the other is yes okay so it is too y okay just thank you you're welcome thank you any other questions from public on these resolutions only seeing none close public roll call councilman albanes yes councilwoman Padero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman Fineman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes thank you move on to item 412 Bill resolutions computer be it resolved by the township Council of the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same computer Bill resolution in the amount of 1,725 6053 s is there a motion motion second thank you roll call oh excuse me open to council any questions on the computer Bill resolution seeing none open a public for any questions on the computer Bill resolution seeing none roll call councilman Alban yes councilwoman pontorero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes thank you 413 is the manual Bill resolution be it resolved by the township Council the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasure for the amounts of the same manual Bill resolution in the amount of 2,595 to6 thank you very much is there a motion motion second thank you open to council for questions on the manual Bill resolution seeing none close councel open a public for questions on the manual Bill resolution seeing none close public roll call please councilman albanes yes councilwoman ptero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes thank you thank you moving on to item five an ordinance on first reading just a reminder there's no public comment on first reading 5 one an ordinance of the township of brick County of ocean state of New Jersey amending the Township Code chapter 329 entitled registration foreclosure mortgages and vacant property thank you councilwoman D young thank you in 2018 the township began a process for the registration of vacant and abandoned properties in the Township in August 2021 the township amended the foreclosed and vacant property ordinance to better Define what qualifies as a vacant or abandoned property this amendment clarifies the annual registration fee of $500 thank you thank you is there a motion motion open to council for questions seeing none roll call councilman albanes councilman ptero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes thank you item number six oh sorry 61 Bond ordinance providing for the acquisition and purchase of real property for open space preservation purposes by and in the township of brick in the county of ocean state of New Jersey appropriating $930,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $883,000 in bonds or notes of the township to finance part of the cost thereof thank you mayor Craig thank you the mayor's open space savers committee has recommended the acquisition of the currently vacant lands located at 2416 Hooper Avenue in the amount of $930,000 for open space and conservation purposes the township had advised the njdep Green Acres Program of the acquisition and expects to receive funding to help offset the acquisition costs thanks is there a motion motion second thank you open a council for questions on this ordinance seeing none close Council open a public for questions on this ordiance seeing none close public roll call please councilman Alban yes councilwoman Pono yes councilwoman D young yes councilman bman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president ambero yes yes item 62 an ordinance of the township of brick County of ocean state of New Jersey amending the Township Code of the township of brick in chapter 324 entitled peddling and soliciting thank you uh the township currently offers two types of mobile food truck licenses there's a a class one and a class two this ordinance modifies the amount of time that class two license holders can stay at any one location to up to six hours current regulation is two hours so we're increasing the time that the food truck can stay there this ordinance comes at the recommendation from the council's business and finance committee is there a motion on this ordinance motion second thank you open to council for questions open a public for questions on this seeing none close public and roll call councilman Albany yes councilwoman ptero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman pman yes councilwoman Travers yes president ambero yes thank you thank you now move on to public comments please note that each person addressing the council during any section of the meeting during which public comment is permitted shall limit his or her remarks to 5 minutes pursuant to Brick Township Administrative Code section 2-33 B thank you Mr sluk I'm going to read my John sluka 950 soia Court I am going to read my note but about a month ago to Mayor business administrator a few of the residents met with the New Jersey tempor Authority and I was unable to attend that day I was unable to attend a couple days but anyway they had the meeting and stuff like this uh I didn't get to hear a lot of the information hopefully we'll get to hear some of the information in the council minute time and stuff like that um you know especially since there's like a 12 Mile Stretch of roadway that call the lane that turns into an exit and it goes into Brick Township and you know it's still in the exact same place now it's closer to where have green Woods was before uh now my letter October 7th uh to the mayor and the council and anybody that's willing to listen uh the Garden State Parkway widening into exit interchange in 91 there's problems all over the place but that was where it all started from um the residents living Evergreen Woods U knew the project was NE would negatively impact them and they spoke up before it happened uh and the standard living was worse and their health has deteriorated since then uh part of the Improvement of the roadway included creating the drainage basin in the middle of the roadway which was the median it was all trees and stuff like that it put drainage basing in an area where it wasn't needed and the whole thing was clearcut and the result the homes of grain Woods have been open to noise and pollution from Cars traveling in both directions Not Just One Direction uh residents have advocated for a sound wall to mitigate the a added sound and exhaust smoke coming from the Garden State Parkway the New Jersey time Authority still needs to correct the situation even though they had this meeting and they've had many meetings and they really haven't taken care of the problem yet uh only through constant pressure from the press and elected and non-elected officials residents of wood condom condom complex Primos Gardens green Bri senior residential areas Birchwood BR Mill brick High Town Hall Lanes Mill school and other areas in Brick and Ocean County will be able to breed fresh air again uh the effects of those tiny particulates impact us all they bother you with many different kind of cancers uh heart elments and things of that nature um so the air goes into our lungs from the gone State Parkway cause beded in lives which people have premature debts to many of us and the seniors and our children are waiting at the bus stops and the playgrounds really get no help thanks for your time I yell back whatever it is thank you mooka yes good evening everyone I guess this is not on okay I have not done public comment before I think I just give my name and address uh Maran uh Gada and I live at 17 Liverpool Road I am uh a resident of brick but also the chair of the brick open space savers committee um and we are a Citizens Advisory Group um that is responsible for making the recommendations of um open space properties to the township mayor and Council um I just tonight uh on behalf of boss I want to uh thank mayor and counsel for a stellar commitment to open space uh preservation um in this community and your foresight on this issue is going to be rewarded manyfold um for for current brick residents and future uh so I I just want to say keep up the good work um also uh to report on a just fabulous pickup brick event we had at uh the newly preserved brenon Woods property 30 Acres down uh near manok Road and uh we we hauled out over a ton of trash on a rainy day and you know just talk about events that really bring the community together and um make make brick a great place to live so um thank you for for letting me talk about the work we're doing doing and and keep us the good work thank you is there anybody else from public Mr sorry I'm a little stuttering never thought to do this before um hi my name is Spencer I live at 413 green with Lane and brick um so the other day I was driving home I uh was greeted by guy named Pablo from your District um he gave me a violation for Section 2678 parking of vehicles on The Lawns I don't know if you guys are really familiar with Greenwood Lane it's used as a cut through right off of manalan Road constant traffic I have so many problems with that road um obviously been I've been a resident there for about 5 years now everybody on my road has the same problem people absolutely fly down that road it's been asked that speed bumps put in in a street light put in anything nothing's been done as far as I've known again I've been a more recent Resident over 5 years most people on that street have been there 15 years plus the reason why I'm here is I got this violation issued for a parking vehicle on lawn um never even knew that was a thing kind of a my opinion a silly thing but the point why I'm here is they he doesn't want me this gentleman told me that I can't park my vehicles with four tires touching the wwn if anybody were to park their vehicle halfway where two tires are touching the pavement which is what I was told is the legal way to do it and somebody does it on the other side there is no possible way for somebody to go down any Street let alone such a busy street as a cut through that Greenwood Lane is so I simply asked the guy and I'm not trying to be a jerk way saying hey if my vehicle gets hit are you going to pay for it since you're the one that issuing the summons he goes well of course not said well I don't expect you to but so expect me to put my vehicle and my family I have two young kids we all have young kids actually on that street that people lie down at a way over the speed limit rate and that's what we're going around giving people summons for and wasting our time for I just kind of didn't understand I was uh so he basically told me that I come here and express what's going on express my issues with the basically with it and go from there thank you no problem are you familiar with this yes I'm very familiar with this is I am involved in Code Enforcement so it is a code of attach of a brick parking on lawn is not permitted there is an alternative where you can submit an engineering permit to make a portion of your lawn an official driveway you can park there yeah um absent of that you can't park on the lawn um and we don't go around looking for these things they generally come as a result of a complaint so everybody thinks it's all fine with everybody but you don't know who's calling what they're calling about so it's not allowed right U so he was well within his rights to to tell you that and to try to work with you on an alternative the only one you didn't mention was to get an engineering permit to create a part of your lawn and make it a driveway so he um he did mention that basically I could do that um the several issues that I have is one this was say it needs to be fixed by in a week so if anybody thinks that they can do that and get the that stuff fixed in a week I would love to see it I'm a contractor myself things don't go that fast I'm sure the permits won't even get completed by that time number one number two is I've taken several pictures I invite anybody here to go down take a drive if it's anything I'm also here to find out more information is it a safety concern is it a look concern cuz if that's the case there are more than one vehicles that are literally parked on my street that are parked legally because two tires are touching the pavement but that have not moved in well over 10 15 years have animals and rodents growing in them so if somebody's is fin a complaints on that that the vehicles don't look nice parked on the grass or if the safety concern I'm also here to try to find out what this um I guess what this violation why is it a why is it the way that it is because if it's a looks thing there is a lot of the things that are going on with the street not looking the way that it should and way bigger safety concerns than parking a vehicle on grass in my so you're welcome to call code enforcement 262 1033 to report any of these violations that you're mentioning that's a proper Channel but it wouldn't be a violation because technically two of his tires although being flat and not drivable are on you talked about unregistered inoperable Vehicles so anything you see that you think is a code enfor violation please call C enforcement they'll check it out if it is a violation they'll address it um no we don't expect you to construct a driveway but your street allows parking you're just choosing not to park there so you can comply not safely though ma'am it does not there is no safe parking on that street that's that's the isue it was safe we ask Traffic Safety to take a look at making some safety suggestions but until there is an ordinance that says you cannot park on the street an alternative for you is to park on the street if you throw out an engineering permit that's what I would say to Pablo I filled out the permited answer is being reviewed and then you give you an extension gotcha so there's something that you you can and should be doing to address the violation okay and is there somebody I guess um just higher up than you that I can go and I guess continue to what was that oh okay that's fine like said I apologize it's my first time doing this so I don't I don't know yeah no that's fine um like I said I respect the violation and all that and the guy was very respectful that came to me and explained to me the violation and all that I have no shs with that that's why I'm here peacefully trying to get to the of this um I guess the I was still trying why is this there a reason why this is park on the grass is it a safety is it so this is in the state's International property maintenance code adopted by the state of New Jersey that each municipality adopts as its own so this is a state regulation that we've adopted as part of our property maintenance code all right and just so you we are clear the township um because I know that I'm not the one that's been from the street is are you the one I need to speak to as well to go over getting first because they've tried to get I guess law enforcement to be there but because there's no signage that says no cut through allowed that's what I've been told because it says no there's no such law it's a public street so even if it it's bothersome and upsetting to people cut people are allowed to cut through you're allowed to drive on the street that's that's fine but what I'm saying is so then putting a police officer there you've been talking putting Traffic Safety there would do nothing because they would just say well I'm allowed to cut through here and there's no so there would that's really not ever going to happen then basically well police can do selective enforcement to check for speeding and aggressive behavior and things like that but it is a public Street and the Public's allowed to use it to get from point A to point B okay all right thank you thank you anyone else from public Mr finale two things uh one question for the mayor is the meeting you're having tomorrow on buling and what I know you are you might not answer my question so I'm just you I'm not going to take your thing okay do you know if that's going to be videoed and available for people to watch so we did when we sat down originally with Dr Farrell and Sue mamera that we did talk about filming it's really up to the school district I I my guess is that we we ended with it should be filmed so that we could put it out there but I don't know what their final call was on that to be honest okay yeah talk we coordinated but it's on their property and they have that ability you would like it to be video yeah and we we discussed that at the the initial planning meeting yeah I'll call him tomorrow okay thank you he loves me I Sor we had a lot of back and forth but the filming was the first day and then I yeah I I would be curious but I can't make the meeting but I i' like to watch it since I go through the school board meetings yeah to into okay thank you uh last thing um my favorite subject taxes uh you you all got your itemized tax bill this week did everybody get it I'm assuming everybody got it right yeah oh you're one of the people I'm going to talk to well just because you got it doesn't mean you looked at it you looked at it you understand it and and every year we talk about well we're the average house in Brick is 280,000 and the average increase and we're only one little thing that so I just like to go over very briefly what the tax bill for the residents of brick is this year and mine particular the county tax went up 4% the library tax even though it's a small number went up 133% the county health tax which I have no idea maybe somebody can tell me what that is County yeah yeah but we're paying for their health benefits no the health department the health department okay that's a small number but that went up 177% and I got the feeling that anything that has to do with health or prescriptions or anything else is going through the roof again don't believe what they're telling you about the drugs going down because that's not true um the uh County open space went up 5% the school tax went up 6% the only thing that didn't go up was the Municipal open space it stay the same um the local Municipal tax that you went up 4% and the fire went up 2% so if you add all those things up you can't add percentages but you can take the total of what mine went up my tax went up 5.2% for the year that comes out to $11.92 a day or $72 for the year so even though you talk about averages all the time or your little piece of it the whole picture is everybody in Brick is getting a 5.2% increase in their taxes in one year because everybody in there except one thing went up end the story thank you thank you anyone else from public bacon my name is Charlie bacon I live at 366 ran cookus Drive good evening mayor council and administration uh at the September 10th meeting unfortunately I couldn't attend uh there was some public comment made about red lights the cameras and incidents at intersections in particular I think some of the focus was that Post Road in 88 so what I thought I would do is discuss a little bit about a day in the life of Charlie bacon I work in Silverton 6.3 miles of my drive is in Brick so I'm going to describe a typical day and some of the intersections I'm going to talk about might be both ways coming home or going down all right let's start off with Post Road yesterday kind of unfortunately there was an accident at Post Road so that's one of the things describe last week roote 70 88 and Princeton all right that's the trifecta of an intersection problem the first one I see on a regular basis is people going through red lights some people will even make an attempt to make a a left left hand turn there God bless you and when I come home there's a whole different issue because people get confused am I going to Route 88 or down Princeton Avenue and unfortunately I live off of prinson Avenue now so I get a lot of the people that not sure which way they should go there uh Brick Boulevard in 70 is's another area that happens quite a bit I especially saw that today I went to Ocean First Bank on chambersbridge I went home that way the leftand turn going onto Brick Boulevard to Tom's River usually it's not a question of how one it's a question how many are going through that late all right now let's talk about Brick Boulevard in chambersbridge Road two people were killed there several months ago and there was a resequencing of the lights here so that was a problem that was probably going on for quite a while for the county to make that level of a change on that now we're going to go to Brick Boulevard and uh Cedar Bridge well this was an interesting one I stopped in the Middle Lane there's three through traffic Lanes there and I got in the Middle Lane the light turned yellow to my left and to my right those people decided to go through and believe me I can tell you without any camera anybody there observing it they went through solid red now we get to berson Bullet here's a fun one go there when to school all the buses are coming I've actually got through that intersection completely blocked people going on to Beaverson Boulevard because you catch the another traffic light there as you go through there and the intersection is blocked on that one coming home no it's not blocked they're just going through red lights here now let's let's get to Molly Lane in Brick Boulevard another fun place here red lights and blocking the intersection all right so what I'm going to offer to the council anybody wants to ride with me I'll take you for a ride along I can talk about grade levels of intersections I can talk about all sorts of things on my ride down there and coming back and other dangers around this town I used to live off on field road that intersection was fun too when people were blowing lights at Herbertsville because of the gap between lanes Mill and Field Road on that now there was a couple other things that were mentioned in that meeting I apologize I couldn't make it so I have to take what I saw in the social media and there was talks in particular about a pilot program Mr starky you talked about that and you talked about what I thought a lot of it was political but there's other elements of that light and how it came to fruition and I think that should get back into the public if we're going to talk about the piece that you concentrated on the first of all the traffic light problem has been a chronic problem I think the pilot program uh came through New Jersey around 2009 it lasted five years it actually ended at the end of 20 uh 2014 the police department supported that program in addition I'm I'm sure the insurance company the medical industry and everyone else supported that too and by the way there was nobody in that when that ordinance was passed to object to it okay the other thing that is important point to mention about mayor Ducey and when he turned it off and I think it went dark and because as you pointed out it was a platform issue and it went dark in February 14 it was a pilot program it was going to end at the end of November okay the former ba and CF CFO told not to do that all right if it's okay I'd like to continue the police also used those cameras to solve problems the other thing that happened there too was the side benefit of the elimination of the T-bone accidents or the reduction of them is only summons were issued if all four tires were across the white line okay and that was the criteria the other fact that also should be brought up into the public 75% of those violations were people from out of town with signs there that said it's photo enforced so I just wanted to bring some of that into light and if I can close with this because you mentioned I don't know who mentioned about the neighborhood uh watch here's my recommendation everyone I do not support issuing tickets all right I don't want to be misquoted or you know what I was tagged back in 15 about the red lights I mentioned a PSA should go on brick Pride our social media as well to talk about this is a dangerous thing obviously and I think a study should be done with the accidents that happened at these intersections we have that they don't need these residents you told to go to see the neighborhood watch officer is not necessary the timing of the yellow lights I don't know this is that an issue maybe they have to be uh changed and I think we should work closely with our County and state Partners considering these are state roads County Roads and we have this issue thank you for the extended time enjoy the rest of your evening thank you B anybody else public seeing none we'll move on to item eight Council comments Miss Bergen I have nothing thank you thank you mayor Craig thank you uh just a couple of announcements uh as we already sort of spoke about our strengthening our communities program is taking place tomorrow night at Brick Township High School beginning at 6: PM it is in coordination with the township our Brick Township Police Department the school district as well as the ocean County prosecutor's office and the goal of the evening is to educate parents and uh Guardians as to what our students are facing right now here in school and throughout uh you know just their General lives and the topics that are going to be covered are bullying uh substance abuse and mental health issues and there will be a lot of uh options for people to access assistance if they need so uh tomorrow night we'll have a lot of different uh venues for you to go through you if you think that you'll need assistance and also um that you can take home with you and keep so that if something arises throughout the year you know who to contact for help so we hope to see a lot of people out at that uh particular program I do want to remind people that the Visitation Church is offering their Community lunch on the 17th of this month at the doors open at 11:30 a.m. and we hope to see you there our annual trunker treat is taking place on Friday October 18th beginning at 6:00 p.m. at jumo Sports Complex you do have to sign up to attend I believe there's three sessions you can go through the recreation department to do that and we are in need of candy donations we have bins here at Town Hall we have bins at uh Civic Plaza at the recreation department and I believe the schools are also doing fundraisers where you know they competition who can donate the most candy but we really do need uh candy donations for this here yes people who um who participate bring their own candy they certainly do but uh with the three sessions I can say over the last it's thousands of kids come through uh and we like to be able to help the people who are helping us make this activity so much fun for the kids by having some candy available for them if they should run out so if you have a bag of candy or a couple of bags of candy that you'd like to donate please drop them off your town hall or Civic Plaza uh the next day we have two different events on October 19th in the morning at 9:00 a.m. we have our annual Beach sweeps the fall Beach sweeps are taking place here in Brick Township at Brick uh brick Beach 1 and three so if you'd like to join us uh for that event we'd love to see you and after you're done picking up stuff at the beach you can head on down to Winward for our annual Fall Fest taking place from 1: to 7 and we will have fireworks that evening lots of food trucks axe throwing um cor cornhole tournaments uh the schools will be there with various games and prizes and face painting and all the cool stuff that you like to do during Fall Fest so we hope that you can join us there and finally that weekend uh on the 19th we have uh the PBA is presenting Ali's Army it's a 5K run or a fun fun run walk uh that you can participate in uh that begins at 10:30 a.m. at the pal and then it's the actual run and walk take place at the Drum Point Sports Complex this year uh Ali's Army and the PBA are working to support Kim O'Brien she is a young mother who was recently diagnosed with acute probably I don't want to say the wrong way so leukemia um and she's got children at home she's a teacher and and the PBA is looking to support her through Ali's Army so if you would like to participate uh I ask you to go on to the PBA Facebook page they have a sign up there where you can link in sign up or just make a donation and I'm sure they would love to receive that so that's all I have thank you so much thank you Mr starky I have nothing to thank you madam clerk thank you Adam secretary Council M Alo just very briefly um I wanted to extend my appreciation I think it was Maran from the yes um for being here representing the open space savers committee the acquisition of this partial property located on Hooper I happen to live at 2347 Hooper some very familiar with the vacant lands because Hooper in that area is a lot of the houses are not just Zone residential but also um Zone 3 too which allows mixes um I am thrilled to see that that piece of property which has tons of Envision as wildlife and different plants and it's still in a condition that we haven't seen for a years so I don't know who located it and pinpointed it I had something that we should and the word that used was invest that's exactly it we often run into issues where people will say oh my God they're building this huge apartment complex next to us and the people have already purchased the property by buying the piece of property at this juncture was taking away the possibility of that happening a lot of people think we can control what businesses go into different properties but we cannot the only way and the best way is to do what the mayor and the committee has done I congratulate all of the members the citizens who represent our whole town to advocate for preserving these you and for screen Treasures of our area so I appreciate all of their work and I encourage other residents that this is something that you can do to become involved with your town um to prevent issues from having that you don't want to see proaction so I appreciate and extend my deepest thanks both to yourself and the members of the committee as well as to the mayor for this investment thank youe thank you uh councilwoman De Young thank you I just have two very quick things this evening uh the first is our senior Halloween party reservations are open so that will be on October 23rd from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the senior center and you can call 732 920 8686 to reserve your spot call quick because it does fill up um and then also uh Medicare open enrollment is starting and you can again call the senior Center 732 920 8686 and you can start they're starting to take appointments uh so and that will start on October 15th and run um halfway through December I believe so if you want to look at your options for the different Medicare plans please give the senior center a call and they will be able to guide you through the alphabet Maze of that is Medicare and that's all I have this thank thank you thank you uh councilman fin thank you council president um so first of all for the record of the meeting from the Green Woods I was also there um so I just wanted to recognize that in addition to miss Bergan mayor crate I was also present I'm sorry that you could not make it Mr saluca it seemed like a good opportunity you know for you to have been there to voice your concerns I get it um we able to status with the other residents who were present for the update okay well you guys I mean I so my um my take on it it's obviously not official or anything like that I'm leaning to they're leaning toward that there won't be the building of the wall um I I think they're going to potentially do something with some more treats and I know that sounds like you might not what be what you're looking for it is a start it is a start um yeah you know the main takeaway though is that you know your your letters did not fall upon deaf ears and we represented we were there with the other residents um you know from ever green wood so I just want to say thank you as well as to um uh Mr frill and Michelle with one L I don't know your last name I apologize but Michelle with one L I got right okay and then also so I wasn't here at the last meeting uh but prior to that was the longest table you guys talk about the longest table yeah all right cool so it's one of my favorite uh events um I was lucky enough to uh meet uh like a local historian so like that was pretty cool talking a little bit about brick I also met members of the Women's Club of brick I didn't even know this existed but what they do so they provide scholarships each year to female graduates of brick High School brick memorial high school and the Ocean County uh vocational school they also sponsor a girl from each High School to attend the girls Career Institute at Douglas College in New Brunswick um and information for those programs are available at the school guidance offices um the club also donates food and supplies every month to local food pantries they also handle handmade quilts blankets and items of clothing to Charities and organizations such as knit the rainbow hat not hate Do's house and the brick Senior Center um they also participate in wreaths Across America so the Women's Club adopted a cemetery in Brick uh and they lay wreaths on the graves of Veterans as part of the wreaths Across America program which I think was just so impressive and really awesome so if you want to learn more about it it's website is www. Women's Club of brick.org um so to learn more stay safe and have fun that's all you got thank you uh councilwoman Travers I have nothing tonight have a good night okay I'll notify everybody that the next scheduled caucus public meeting will be held on Tuesday October 2 year at 7 p.m there being nothing else I will ask for a motion to adjourn all in favor meeting Jour you missed that WR