e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e sorry about that incompliance with the open public meetings law of New Jersey notice of this April 9th 2024 meeting of the Bridgewater R and Regional Board of Education was posted electronically on the district website provided and provided on January 3rd 2024 by sending the annual written notice to the curent News Star Ledger bridgew town clerk riton burer clerk and by posting the bulon board in the Harmon v Wade Administration if you'd like please stand and join me in the pledge of allegiance alance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you U Mr Stars can you call the RO please Miss Lee yes Mr josi here miss kri here Mr singer here mruna here Mr Pepe here miss Freelander here M lockran here Mr Walker [Music] present um next up in the agenda uh the student representes report how are you ladies doing and welcome thank you for coming thank you I'm going to start the report off by talking about how our marking period 3 will end this Friday but luckily most students have found that their teachers have finished up their grading the week before spring break started um also the senior's um senior Awards deadline is tomorrow and this um is an opportunity for seniors to get scholarships so the form they have to fill out has um asked for details about their achievements so students can put in their resume and also gives them an opportunity to mention any special circumstances that they went through in high school and this way students or all seniors whoever um are chosen to get an award they will get a scholarship to help out with their college I'm also really happy to report that spring break was a great and relaxing time for everybody especially because of the no homework policy we're all especially thankful that for that and I'm very grateful that I got to relax in Jamaica without having to worry about any deadlines um coming up next next Tuesday we have our college fair for juniors this will take place in the gym um so how this works is lots of colleg justs will come in and they'll showcase and they'll give students details about how about some of their majors and just how their college works so this way Juniors might have an idea and they might start making their college list early so they know where they might want to go we'll also be having another College related Presentation tomorrow and it's a great thing that students as early as sophomores can get involved in this this is a presentation by the Princeton Review called Finding Your Best Fit College open to Juniors sophomores and their parents um also on April 17th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. we have our Visual Arts exhibition and this is a great opportunity because students um have an opportunity to share their work with others and lastly we want to talk about how spring sports are already underway um unfortunately some students had to compete during their spring break uh but that is all we have for today especially because spring break was so recent that there isn't much to report on thank you um so how many days left of school anyway he's counting but anyways thank you very much and welcome next up president report I don't have president's report I don't have report this evening next up vice president's report I have nothing to report all right item n committee reports academic committee Mr Josh um so our next meeting will be most likely in person so all the committee members are notified um is what uh April 18th and it might be in person not virtual would would that be here most likely yeah yep Barry can we just thank Mrs Griggs and the orchestra club for playing their beautiful mus as we came in that was I didn't know who it was so thank you very much yeah I didn't I was not they just here I appreciate them for coming and um it's always nice to have a nice musical entry into the Board of Education very nice thank you for I didn't yeah I wasn't notified about that community relations Miss kalist um our next meeting is April 11th in person um at 3:15 thank you finance facili Transportation Comm Mr singer we met yesterday at 5:30 p.m. in attendance was myself Miss Huna Miss kry Mr Walker Mr stars and Mr beers up first on the uh agenda was the business agenda review the business administrator reviewed the draft business action items for the tonight's meeting with specific attention to the purchases the uh samura County Ed Services Commission agreements and maschio's renewal at 1% and the transportation contract renewals as well as the NJ Sig safety Grant uh the recommendation was to approve the action items are there any questions on tonight's business agenda see that next we talked about the project updates we the committee was informed of projects recently completed which include the building 100 sewer pipe repair the High School auditorium ceiling closure the middle school hallway painting the rec carpeting in some of the Wade offices and the abatement of asbest at the JFK Hamilton and Van Holton boiler rooms the sewer meter project has just begun and is estimated to be completed by the end of May any questions other matters the committee were informed of bids for transportation contracts and referendum uh AG rebids these bids will hopefully be awarded uh at the end of the month at the April 30th meeting the committee was also informed of the uh informational budget meetings that were held with the business administrator and certain Board of Ed members any questions the next meeting is May 7th and after that June 3rd we adjourned at 6:28 p.m. any questions um thank you Steve personel can be Miss Freelander our next meeting will be on April 16th at 5:30 p.m. here at the Wade building thank you any delegate or Lea on reports from the bur of r at the last council meeting there was a courtesy presentation for uh proposed development at the site of the raran mall where Stop and Shop used to be and there are still a few businesses there um there still a few actually many steps and hurdles to go through before anything would that that's down down the road a little bit but that is something that's being at least considered and proposed it would be um a mixed use site but mainly mainly residential with 275 some odd units so something to keep our eye on down down the road um just in casee there's any impact to the schools which of course there there might be anything else Mike thank you very much problem is that a pilot program or what is the what what's the can you explain a little more about that it's a Redevelopment so is is a is a Redevelopment someone asked the question about whether they would be um that hasn't been been decided yet there's still ways away from approving the actual project um but the uh developer did indicate that they were seeking that okay as as a pilot so again many steps to go through the zoning hasn't even been um there's Redevelopment there's zoning there's the planning board there's a couple of steps to go through but but but but they've got their eye on potentially being a a pilot program do you know anything about pilot programs can you explain a little bit do you know much about them I know that the school does not get uh that the school district does not get the money I think 95% of the money goes directly to the town uh the payment in Le of taxes and uh a little bit goes to the county um I'm not sure exactly um how that gets negotiated I've never been involved in one before but uh if you had anything to add i' uh that would be great because I try to learn as much as I could through the course of the meeting so as far as I know a pilot program is a area needed in Redevelopment and it is called it's called payment low of taxes so when the Town Council would if they were to approve it as a pilot program the there is a the residual current tax base on the land stays the same for the in the current distribution as per the the guide as per the TA the pro property tax allotment but yes and and 5% is designated the town but there's 95% which is negotiable actually okay so it can be negotiated and um in areas you know and um in areas where they use residential it's a good idea the district have a seat at the table it's not not required or anything but it's good to have for the district to be consulted in these areas and and what that basically means is if it's a payment Lo of taxes there really no school tax charged on that Redevelopment assessment so a little little summary there so that's what it that's what a pilot program is it does take some time to do it but it it it impacts the existing tax base pretty heavily and it has been and that lot has I think a couple about a month or so ago was designated as a site in need of re Redevelopment or Rehabilitation which if you're driven by it is not a surprise to me at least and first the first Avenue Apartments I think are a pilot program also correct if I'm that sounds correct but I'm not 100% so second can see it's just something and know there's one on Third Street that I believe is all right thank you Mike is it tax and is that a limited amount of time like is that like 20 years or 15 years or something or is that imp perpetuity Peter you I always thought that was a limited so there are two in Bridgewater one is the mall and one is Center Bridge 1 and two I know the center Bridge 2 was renegotiated and I'm not sure the stat the malls so I think they can be there can be a time a time frame set to them in the part of the policy and when that's negotiated I think so there have been very successful uh pilot programs where the district and the community I think it happened in Edison where there was a very good you know collaboration on that and cooperation to make sure that it all the stakeholders were involved and it came to a a very sound and collaborative decision I just wanted to add that there also were some um uh residential uh housing that was designated for affordable housing and and and also that that area I believe was designated as condemnation and they undesignated as condation condemned I don't know how to say the word condemned in that format um but it was it was considered a cond site and they were able to UNC condemn it so I think that that's a relief to many Raritan residents although I'm sure that they have some issue with some of the other things going on that was good Mike good conversation thanks I got good coaches here so anyone who has yeah always happy to learn more thank you any other d L on reports so Monday night there is a somerson County School Board Association meeting where numerous you are actually recognized I don't know if you know this or not some of you are being recognized for different achievements I think so so Lucy Steve I don't know if you are Emily or Jen I'm not sure who else they're you're on there so by the way Monday night you can sign up on the through the um njsp website it's both virtual and person at the uh votek so anybody else thank you um item 10 open to the public action items only individ individuals and or groups are invited to present their concerns comments and requests regarding the the following actual aims to the board of education at this time in accordance with board policy members of the public are allowed one opportunity to address the board for a maximum of 5 minutes during this period of the meeting please be advis that a video recording of this meeting will be posted on the district's website see none I'm going to close that um approval of of minutes from the March 22nd regular session and Clos session is there a motion so moved second is there any discussion Mr Stars can call the role please Miss Lee yes Mr Joi yes Miss kist stre yes Mr singer yes Miss Asuna yes Mr Pepe yes Miss Freelander yes Miss sran yes Mr Walker yes motion carries action items personel 24-26 is there a motion second any discussion Mr STS can you call the role please Miss Lee Mr Joi yes Miss kri yes Mr singer yes Miss Asuna yes Mr Pepe yes Miss Freelander yes M lockran yes Mr Walker yes motion passes curriculum 24-58 and curriculum 24- 59 do we have a motion so move second a little update on there's one thing we have to do on curriculum 24-58 do we have to make a motion to invoke the documents document of necessity because we are all Mr star I believe that to be the case on that item because we're approving the njsba workshop in Octo in October that we're all potentially attending we need to invoke the doctor of necessity for that and Mr Stars was also able to secure the hotel of choice which was the the Hard Rock for our trip so we were able to accommodate as per request by several board members thank you there is that is over the fee correct Mr stars is that over the pum rate there will be a little bit of a differential that a differential on that and that was agreed by the board the last board meeting so just everyone knows is there any discussion Mr St can call the role please Miss Lee yes Mr Joshi yes Miss kri yes Mr singer yes Miss Asuna yes Mr Pepe yes Miss Freelander yes Miss lockran yes Mr Walker yes motion passes business 24-12 through 24 -120 is there a motion so moved second is there a discussion everybody Mr Stars can you call the role please Miss Lee yes Mr Joshi yes Miss kry yes Mr singer yes Miss Asuna yes Mr Pepe yes Miss Freelander yes Miss lockran yes Mr Walker yes to all abstaining on business 24-13 and 24-14 yes to the others I could just uh sorry I know it's after the vote I just want to compliment everyone at BR cares who uh helped make the uh this uh experience program happen and getting the funding for that it's a great opportunity over the summer for young people to work with kids so thank you to everyone involved with that Mr star can you speak that a little bit I was say in particular I think it's Mr Mr Kevin skan should be thank you I appreciate that it is just just to be it is we're applying for it so hopeful we'll get it but yes thank you agree it's a very good opportunity and thank you for the staff for taking that [Music] initiative Mr Stars can you call motion passes sorry about that uh special services SS 24 31 through 24-32 is there a motion so moved second if there's discussion on the second item it would be in closed session but otherwise and is there any discussion Mr star you call the rooll please Miss Lee yes Mr Joshi yes Miss kri yes Mr singer yes Miss Asuna yes Mr Pepe yes Miss Freelander yes Miss lockran yes Mr Walker I'm abstain on 24-31 yes on 24-32 motion carries other 24-36 through 24-37 is there a motion make a motion second there's any discussion needs to be done in close session is there any discussion thank you Mr Stars can you call the RO please Miss Lee yes yes Mr Mr Joi yes Miss kist yes Mr singer yes Miss Asuna yes Mr Pepe yes Miss Freelander yes M lockran yes Mr Walker yes motion passes policy 24-22 through 24-24 is there a motion so moved second any discussion Mr St car Ro please Miss Lee uh obain on 22 uh yes to 23 and 24 Mr Joshi yes Miss kri yes Mr singer yes Mr suuna yes Mr Pepe yes Miss Freelander yes Miss lockran yes Mr Walker yes motion passes this is the second time for open PL comment individuals and or groups are invited to present their concerns comments and request to the board of education at this time for any matters in accordance with the board policy members of the public are allotted one opportunity to address the board for a maximum of 5 minutes during this period of the meeting please be advis advised that a video recording of this meeting will be posted on the district's website all right going to close open up the comment is there any old business I'm just going to uh I've been informed that there's a conflict on May 7th so uh for fft so I might send that I might contact you and see if we can do another date uh so that we're not in conflict with uh the Bea uh staff recognition there any other old business there's this uh master plan uh from town that's on Thursday um I think I mentioned it last time I wonder uh if the board members are interested um to go that's all thank you is is that at a uh is is that at the council meeting or the it's at 7:00 at the the township uh courtroom is that the one that's on the 11th you said on the 11th do you know if it was specific to I'm sorry it's so loud do you know if it was specific to um like Parks and Recreation or was it because the original master plan went so I don't know if this was a different they separated it so I don't know if there's a separation I do not know that right it's okay I kind of threw it out at you yeah any other old business any new business one one little bit of a sad note uh last last year reported that the uh mention the U Grand Marshall of the basalone parade um just canceled the Reign but was there were still a lot of events held was a Mr Archie Fagan of hunon County and he sadly passed away I believe at the age of 97 uh this recently and I I did not know it myself but I know a lot of people in ridan and in The Wider New Jersey Community were uh very moved by his story which he shared with a lot of students he was honored by the hunon County Education Association uh he was at a devil's game uh just in December in person and received a standing ovation and his story uh which was was en listing a month after on D-Day actually and um helping to liberate uh doab concentration C Camp attending the nurg trials he had a saw a lot of history uh and and participated in a lot of history in the second world war and uh it was more recently he worked as a greeter up until the pandemic at the ridan uh Walmart so again I didn't have the the honor of meeting him or knowing him but I know a lot of people in maridan and around this area had a lot of respect for him so uh condolences to his family and to everyone who who knew one thank you Mike for bringing that up and then those Ser it's the many people have served and we proud of that I mean and the D day was a a day which brought big change in certain areas and and and he also I one thing I wanted to mention shared his story he was interviewed by I think some Eagle Scouts and talked a lot to schools so there is a lot of video of him sharing his experiences um that would be good for anyone but particularly particularly anyone teaching World War II or teaching history um just anyone who wanted to know more about that so um I could circulate it but you can find it online if if you are so inclined thank you um go ahead oh sorry bar um I also just wanted to um say that I found it very unique and interesting that in the past two weeks we had two articles one written about a student and one written about a teacher who have published books um Mark jarmin at bridg raran high school has published an anthology um and Olivia senson at fifth grader in Hillside has published a book I just thought that was great so um and those stories were circulated widely in fact it was my mom who called me and said you know you had two people in your District that publish books I said I did see that so kudos to them and congratulations got5 M scho kids oh good okay we are becoming a literary hot spot and only because you mentioned it you weren't talking about Frank Ambrose were you because he he always publishes books he's the dinosaur yeah he just published another one and I just saw it so I I quickly like did the thing so I didn't know I'm done I'm done talking any other new business I would be remiss if I didn't mention everybody got emails about High School Musical oh yes um please get your tickets bring your friends they would love to get a sell out I'm biased but please go well one more thing I forgot to mention we are all our former um liaison from the burough Council in RAR and Pablo Rosco is currently the chief executive in a spare time of the uh basically the league of municipalities Somerset County Branch so uh by being elected or appointed officials all of us are uh members and they sounds like a lot of what they do is along the lines of the uh New Jersey school boards school boards County uh school boards Association but for elected officials uh so I'm not sure if everyone here got got the emails he he sent one one to me at least I think he sent it to everyone they have meetings now approximately once a month similar to the Somerset County School boards Association actually their next meeting is tomorrow at fotek and the I pardon I forget the gentleman's name but the superintendent of the votek school district is Somerset County votek is the uh honored guest and speaker um so if anyone's interested in going to that and didn't get the email I'd be happy to forward it along to you Mike I didn't get that email could you s yeah I'll forward it to to everyone and they meet once a month more or less I think some of them there's a some of them there's a cost to attend um some of them are some of them are just uh on for for everyone but I will be happy sure I'll send that along to everybody thank you thank you for bringing that up actually I I noticed that I was interested in that as well uh there is a small Fe associated with it I feel like uh I I don't know how is that going to affect whether we go or not or whether our board should make a decision it's like $40 per time or something I think it's per person I think it's an individual I I don't think like any councils or boards go as a as a group the same way we might pay I'm not exactly sure how it works but I think it's per person I I I think you're right that's per person but they mentioned something about the vouer I do not know how that works um so if the district would not pay unless it was board approved to be paid generally it's IL legal municipality so I wouldn't think that it's but are we members Peter do you know no we are not so we're not members my understand and then again this just what I was told is just thank go ahead my understanding is that anyone in at least in theory is a member in some I think they have a Facebook page that people from all parties are on and different School boards and just to discuss General matters affecting it sounds like a lot of what they do is along the lines of Somerset County School boards just more for more geared towards towns and municipalities but uh I will send I will forward the email that I got and uh I'll let Mr arasco know that not everyone got it in case and I'm sure he could reach out you could reach out to him if you had any questions about what it is and you I would actually ask them if we are actually members or not how how it works they probably their bylaws would say what who are because I know there the larger State League of vales that meets similar the Schoolboard Association right in at l City so I'm and I'm sure I'm not sure if there's a cost to join I have not seen it in the past on our board agenda so M so but yeah any information be Shar please share that email and if you could find any information about the joining them H the membership that'd be great Mike sure thank you any other new business can I entertain in a motion motion to rejin Second all those in favor I all those opposed have a nice evening e