the comment on the the grand s Replacements at Bon field that is going a take place and think we're looking at April or May for demolition of of those breaches you know again so you can have full access to get get everything set up for September so with that we've made we've made arrangements for uh use of bone field during that time as you know that's home to girls across in the uh in the Str so there going to be access to the field we're going to utilize the visitor side ders and we'll be able to hook up audio p and things like that so can still have their games there even though the BR stand on the one side we be going we're also we work with the The Architects and we work with the contractors to create a lane for people to walk through two the PO s have Recreation program that people going have access to those facilities while it's SL up so there's a lot to juggle and and as uh we've discussed before in committee with this right the the plan is to move graduations indoors for the for the strength out now the Middle School was historically IND people have been outdoors and then as we know the the high school typically they have it at fastone field but if there's event like last year to do sou so those are the accommodations we're going to have to Mo in order to keep this Happ I'm bless about the regulation um um this senior [Music] year [Music] undergraduated um and we have some two things could we see [Music] the construction done by June secondly maybe at the same people soon have to something with them it add more parents [Music] you now we can do something we have some time push it up start March [Music] something i [Music] s of course Mother [Music] Nature just talking about the summer I know that some of our schools have summer programs um [Music] R [Music] yes CSA restri that change [Music] see this isn't the first time that's happened it's been projects in the district every year I know Peter is in qu communicates quite well with those the CSA The Hub and the rec department making sure you have so I expect that to be there'll be a little bumps but you know it's it's all it's good things for what's going to happen you do thank you for the report um next on the agenda is the president support um first of all I want to again congratulate all the govern all the award I me and they have a very nice event nice to be every May so please make you you know invited so it's great to see everybody more people more people T Mach for freshing is that the el cor yes and um also um coming up every year you required training so those the first four year year you govern I know Rebecca signed up in February be both another weekend which is great I set back on myself I so 90 very energetic new board members it's like okay well you find out what you really can do soon it was nice to them and get them get you know you know get them doing in the right path um again I'd also like to ask patients for the theing things happening in the different District it's a great time for all these upgrades to happen but there's going to be something so understand that that in fixing things you know you might K in the your house um also PL means like Steve said it's I think we all can go and watch and learn ultimately come down to the board to make decision I'm very excited this is a great time um it's amazing the stud planning process how things kind of when multiple groups in different be surprised they have common thoughts and develop just a great Mission Vision and would guide us in the next L of different wants to go so I'm excited for that um that's all I have for be seeing life so for February uh the board planning calendar uh Mr D had already mentioned strategic plan meetings um f them in the month of of February um and there's a Board review of pending legal matters and one of the three meetings will be hopefully on on thank you J what's up J reports [Music] Mr first it discuss [Music] was the purpose Critical Agenda items in focus of the academic committe for new members suggested that create a new goal that is more relevant to the district's current goal and focus as well members will discuss and share the that uh because her current goal her last goal still has um you know hybrid learning by so we will any questions item two was the review of e Mr explain that Universal swimming will be used to identify students for all difficult and talented programs in last you e science classes still required parents to apply in order for their child to be tested the ma test will continue to be used through University SC and most criteria will remain the same assumes are being effectively identifi however in overly complex process of earning quality points will be Li you have one point here points there so that will be eliminated and the identification will will be SC L and straight forward the parent information will be will take [Music] place might be reped yes Thumbs Up Next program of s don't changes to the high school program most of had previously been discussed at such as the implementation of prer concent are now on the website a new course is in program also Rie the timeline for which will remain the same and the additional factors will be considered when to item four on the agenda is f trip requests Ard in competition s for 2024 um indoor profession team compation te teams or clubs with multiple comp or meets will begin submitting seasonal schedule similar to the atic schedule fips will be will continue to be approv once but will include the grp organization at our next [Music] meeting like to comment this is the first night we have that new format for the field trips on the agenda yes it is and and what you'll see is that um the way that the information's now being presented board members are actually what you're doing is you're approving a field trip versus just approving the destination for a field trip okay so you will see it on tonight's agenda yes yep thank yeah for [Music] policy thank you AEL next Comm relations that's our first meeting is for Monday 5 at 5 o' thank you um I passation se we met on Tuesday January 16th independent was myself Mrs luno Mr Walker Mr chars Mr beerus and Mr Leto our project manager up first was the project referendum update uh which Peter so thankfully went over today cut by report in half uh referendum project manager Mr Leto provided the committee with the status of referendum projects and the non- referendum projects that are under way listing of pro projects updates have been made available to the board in the committee folder um just a couple uh auditions um to what Mr Stars had said he was starting the HVAC at Hamilton j j k and and Ben hton this summer um because they all have similar floor pains because there's a lead time for switch gear though the heating and ventilation portions of their aack systems will be available for the next school year but the recognition of the portion will not be uh the other thing I want to mention is Mr Leto let us know that there's a program that he's applying for that might provide some subsidies from PSG for direct each ACC so I just appreciate you for let are looking into that Avenue to make sure that our taxpayers Val goes as far as possibly can the recommendation is that there's a bid opening on the 17th hopefully be awarded tonight but that did not happen so it'll be discussed next okay uh anybody have any questions on that already ask you uh next we discuss our committee schedule theend administrator Rie the proposed meeting schedule for the calendar year and recommendations that the prop proposed schedule was agreed to lastly there was a walk-on item regarding white boards for high school and start the of theend and still waiting on information from not our next meeting is on February 5th uh 2024 at 5:30 p.m. and theed at 6:2 any more questions thank you C Comm CH yes uh good evening we met on January 16th at 5: p.m. in attend is myself Mr fonder miss aan miss me and Mr Walker um we discussed the draft of the Personnel agendum um can you some work supported all the action items we also looked at policy 069.0 which is board member use of social networks there was a discussion um regarding policy language it concluded with a decision to revisit the policy discussion at the next Personnel committee meeting after additional information bled so there is no recommendation um for Action at this time um we looked at the 10mon and 12mth administrators Dr fer and the committee members spoke about 10-month administrator positions and 12- month administrator positions the discussion included which 10-month administrator positions would serve the school district better as 12 Monon administrator positions in the future no action with Sten we also got an update on the counseling department Staffing Dr Hond update the committee on the hiring of the new counselors at the high school the discussion also included future plans to reduce the number of students assigned to each high school counselor while providing School counsel to assist students with transition such as Middle School to high school and high school to College of career no action was tame we return at 5:54 p.m. we will be meeting again on February 20th at 5: pm. any questions I go with the [Music] youat the question for the coun I guess in will be this before September start yes so we have one counselor already was hired and started so that one is there the next one is uh starting in March and so um we're going to have that coun so those are the two new counselor positions there's also a count school council who retiring and so that councel being replaced but the the net gain will be two more school counsels of the high school so already in place great yeah and it's this year budg next right so this this year and uh Mr Jo you knows that you on last uh sorry last calendar year is this year we're going to be using exer funds um to to pay for the counseling positions that are additional and then in fut that'll be built into the district Bud any more questions just a general comment I I want to app applaud the administration the board of edge PRI on this know we we've received this signal in several forms right from from a retiring counselor was a year ago or two years ago um you know parents mentioning it student session it and then when we look further we did have pretty high student for counsil and I just want to appla everyone for not kicking the hand down the road to SCH for another year or set bring those levels we should be and and look we know more and more that things like college applications are incredibly competitive in complex and we really need that that close relationship with the soon um you know again it's whether you're going to a highly competitive college or you're looking to enter the workplace just counsel and have relation and here students in pop dire so again I want to thank everyone who the worked here and for the folks who brought thank you more questions um delegate ladies on I I okay I'll go first uh s County School Board Association M met last night uh virtually um we on the agenda was Frankin assistant superintendent P Rin spoke on the board's role and student achievement uh and we also received an update from the njsba government govern relation SCH and I just wanted to mention a few of the bills that were sumed to law I thought were particularly interesting and to what to what we're trying to accomplish here um onei is as regard security girls and special need students and notifications and training of teachers in that regard another bill uh that Mrs Lon sent out before uh is in regards to grief instruction requiring School District to provide instruction on Grief as part of um School student learning standards there's also bills meant to address sa shortages including one which is a pathway for car professionals and children expedite the P becoming a future the uh Governor signed a bill expanding or extending the extansion of the preschool lunch temporarily and permanently extending the uh uh free School breakfast to 250% of the federal proy level there was also bill that uh April elections uh will no longer require uh budgetary approval in order to have the uh the School Board elections in April which I thought was very interesting as long as the budget uh for me is under 2% Bes like what we have right now November elections there was an emergency bonding Authority that allows boards to issue bonds forair damages caused by natural disasters in certain cumstances I hav Rec for that and lastly uh the uh there's a temporary cap graduation requirement this board SP had that a couple years ago and I believe the ccil resolution suggest up it's not passed However unfortunately it has passed in starting with the class 2025 which is our current Juniors through 2027 which is our profession uh they will have to complete a that form as a graduation requirement however parents uh can receive a waiver from this department two under and there's also the ability for counselors to get involved and get away with think I also sent uh the the presentation from the government relation seen out to those that did not go to the meeting so if you you got a twice iiz again it goes back to our counselors but with that that long with the FASA the FASA um and EA njpsa NJ ASA so essentially every group that works in the field School Board everyone of associated was against I it's going to be a and it'll be challenged in in court because essentially they're adding graduation reir and there's some legal Miss on this challenge Etc and um it brings up a whole posts uh the schools especially especially schools who may have um High immigrant population right because in order to complete it faster you need to S security and and now you're going to adding that over student and and without getting into that whole topic you need certain documents and there are certain areas of the state that are going to be seeing the way [Music] this in school I time I you know M it's one of those where it will be interesting to see who is the first kid in the state of New Jersey who doesn't get a of diploma because they didn't fill out the right what if they don't want to what if they it's um right it's one of those things it really there are a lot of things right and it goes to even parental rates well I'll decide my so if we were to awarded diploma without this Str requirement what would happen we have once once chose this is a let's say it is a legislation that it's a solution in search of the problem so [Music] don't do that Fus on some other just like cut in on Miss Street uh the if you want to influence any of those long of new laws that singer mentioned you can do so new school boards Association and their notice of resolution resolution cut off date for their May assembly is Thursday March 14th so if we want to subit anything we have to have it through by the board and by that thoughts about how that process works or any questions about how that process works you had any ideas School boards potentially advocate for to passing the law positive last one let me know um so the had a meeting on January um all the are there uh dur meeting with s school personnel as well as and which I think relevant to scho um cman mes reminded that the school tax related to um is out and pay ATT um there is also relevant uh a ro project upate um apparently PC3 is on hit in about 20 m road that might cause some CL and uh that and that the good news is that they're they're working out the head up system uh by Friday uh they're going to tell our school district and the township which Ro are going to work on for next week and I think our school district is is in car with that hopefully our school buses are not you know are prepared for that vual closure um of the road and the the to grp is also trying to alert people through the Mixel system that people are aware of that like to sign up for those alerts so that we don't have to update our and then um there's some resolutions to which I will omit but uh here in the comment there will slent for and and if you like to the Hills uh the me online um the next meeting will be February wants to add something um I on us and he sent me an email with information that the town has been getting a lot of questions about the school supplemental tax so they created a flyer it's online it explains what they have what people have to do uh if you have any questions you can log on to their go to their website go to the tab that says tax collector and I'll give them information how to that's not really a question on on the school no so much as the tax collection collectors right but it's a property tax which by State Statute the the township is the authorized taxter by the state of New so they understand the rules and regulations ad to and their job to collect the taxes it is a property tax which come from a referend affirmative so I'm glad that better take property ta just they viable can I um just jump in um in addition to what Lucy was discussing about the road closures incidentally um my neighborhood has been greatly affected by this and my neighbor elected me um to be the voice of the neighborhood and we have been in conversation with Michael Cole who is the regional public affairs manager one of our top issues with bus cfy our bus stop has been deemed unsafe and um this has been an ongoing situation on and off since August We're working directly with Sergeant Tennesse at the Bridgewater um police department but I can tell you that I have been writing as of this afternoon um in addition to what you said that an action plan currently being developed to ensure that not only uh parent concerns neighborhood concerns citizen concerns but that the concerns of the road closures affecting buses will be handled um and I can tell you that this is an issue we've been in my neighborhood talking about for two months maybe more actually started in August so I just wanted to make the board aware that there is a neighborhood that is rallying behind us as well and we have been working directly with p a transfer patient also um and we're hopeful that by the end of this week something good will be developed so that our kids can get on and off bues safely so this morning I attended the CSA meeting um with uh Barry Walker Mr Walker and is also there um the leadership team CSA reported that they had some of the highest attendance for their summer camps and um that their programming had been really successful um and the profits from those programs go towards other things to benefit the schools like providing Refreshments for events and some other activities and then they're divided up and distributed to all the cpos um who she said is one of the highest distributions that they of um I just want to thank the CSA leadership um and the leadership and all of the volunteers that are involved in terer organization um I'm so grateful as a parent and as a board member for all of the amazing programs and amenities that these organizations have provided their schools and it's just a really wonderful collaboration of parents to teachers and making sense of hum so thank mov on open public colic actually individual groups who are inv are invited to present the concerns comments and requests regarding the following action to the board of education at sign in cours of the board of policy members of public Carolina one opportunity to address the board for a maximum 5 minutes during this period of the meeting please be advised that the video recording of meeting will be post I going to closee um approval of the minutes do I have a motion do discussion Please Mr yes Mr P yes Mr yes M Le yes Mr yes Mr yes Mr yes Mr yes yes motion passes action full AC um personel 24-21 who have a motion make motion second have session Mr yes yes M yes M yes Mr yes M yes Mr Sing yes M Walker yes yes I'm ask this curriculum 24-40 through 24-42 motion no motion any discussion I'm just going to note that on in addition to the DAT on the PRC 2442 for the winter guard we are hosting the W is hosting a home show on March 9th there'll be 37 guards in attend up there so it'll be very very long day uh but it'll be a lot of fun and very interesting and usually our guard goes on later in the evening right last so uh come out and support our Winter Guard and uh our no should for that for that one that's that's Mar name yeah yes yes Le yes yes yes [Music] 242 yes yes motion passes business 2482 [Music] 2486 the session I like that the opportunity to thank the umary school for fasone and also the CR primary school PTO for their honoring the governor's Ed degree preppi and sany and Monica har sorry correction thank you very much all yes yes yes yes Mr yes yes yes yes yes motion passing special services 24-25 through 24-6 second session yes Mr yes yes yes Mr yes yes Mr yes yes yes other 24-23 the other [Music] 245 so Mo second any discussion of these would we have to go session discuss pleas yes yes yes yes I [Music] guess3 yes yes wel yes motion pass pass bring us to our second book of public comment individuals or groups are invited to present their concerns comments and requests to the board of education at this time for any Mage in accordance with board policy members of the public one opportunity to address the board minutes meeting please be advised that a video recording of will be post on I am going doow public distance we have any old business to assess any new business will you solidify a date I know there were some emails going around with it's not to discuss negotiations or anything but it look like we're kinding to set up [Music] the it looks like next Wednesday I think that we had the board members available P know Peters have wa time yeah we have time evening better be f i was I didn't bring to report myology first there after um Mr Joi is not available to after 5 so 530 on the [Music] 31st so we're going to do 6 o' [Music] now I just I know there's a lot of [Music] sometimes any other new business I have new business um if you know me it's probably going to sound like old business uh in the CSA meeting there was a walk-in item regarding school colors um um so I as an original Panther who was of the first graduating freshman class from Bridgewater Rarity I wanted to present some evidence uh from an archaeological dig from my basement nice that's funny the colors were black silver red I'm not going to fight with cheerleaders over it but I did want to present that to the board so you think we need another [Music] motion question is where's the instrument what was any other new business after that Iain em motion second all those in favor I motion pass have a nice evening thank you we got like John sent you I got you know what