in compliance with the open public meetings law of New Jersey notice of this January 2nd 2024 meeting of the Bridgewater Ron Regional Board of Education was posted electronically on the district website and provided on January 3rd 2023 by sending an annual written notice to the curry News Star Ledger Bridgewater Township Clerk raron burough Clerk and by posting on the bulton board in the Harmon v Wade administration building please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation indice I'll take the roll call now Mr Pepe here miss kri here Mr Ji Miss Freelander here Miss Lee miss hassuna here miss lockran here Mr Walker here Mr singer here I think I will now read the election statement for the November 7th 2023 general election a statement of the determination of the board of canvassers of Somerset County New Jersey relative to an election held in the county of Somerset on November 7th 2023 for the election in the township of Bridgewater and burough of Ron two three-year Bridgewater seats the said board does determine that Barry R Walker and Rebecca hassuna and for one three-year Raritan seat Michael M Pepe were duly elected to the Bridgewater Ron Board of Education I do hereby certify that the forging is a true full and correct statement of the determination of the board of canvers of Somerset County New Jersey in witness whereof I've here onto set my hand this 27th day of November 2023 Anthony J Deo chairman County Board of canvassers attested by Steve Peter Somerset County Clerk so with that I would ask those three uh members to uh stand and raise your right hand to repeat the uh oath of for school board members I state your name I Michael P do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey support the of the United States and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will bear true faith and aliance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state government establish in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help me God theth of people so help me God I state your name I do solemnly swear or affirm swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law I possess the qualifications by law for the office of member of a board of education for the office of member of a board of education am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to registered statute 19 colon 4.1 am not disqualified due to conviction of a crime or the offense listed in New Jersey statute 18a 12-1 and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of that office I will Faithfully partially perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God according to the best of my ability so help me God [Applause] congratulations um I would just ask that you sign the the oath and return it to me please next up on the agenda is that I will take nominations for the board presidency i' like to nominate Barry Walker second do I have any other nominations for president seeing none I will close the floor to nominations and I will take the vote Mr Pepe yes Miss kri yes Miss Freelander yes Miss Lee yes Miss Huna yes Miss lockran yes Mr Walker yes Mr singer yes congratulations the gavel is [Applause] yours thank you and I will beg your patience with me for a little bit till I get comfortable so thank you um next on is the we take nominations for vice president I would like to nominate Jennifer lran second second any other nominations can close that Mr Stars can you call please Mr yes M yes Mander yes yes yes yes yes [Applause] yes oh really to hold the coffee congratulations Jen next on the agenda item f is the reading of the board members code of ethics we usually start around so Mike do you want to start with number one and we'll go around please sure let me wait for Jen sorry about that okay sorry Jen and after after you read through them all if you would sign that and send it back to me please yes all right New Jersey School Board member code of ethics number one I will hold and enforce all laws rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and court orders pertaining to schools desired changes shall be brought about only through legal and ethical procedures number two I will make decisions in terms of the educational welfare of children and will seek to develop and maintain public schools that meet meet the individual needs of children regardless of their ability race Creed sex or social standing number three I'll confine my board action to policym planning and appraisal and will help to frame policies and plans only after the board has consulted those who will be affected by them number four I will carry out my responsibility not to administer the schools but together with my fellow board members to see that they well run I will recognize that the authority rests with the Board of Education and will make no personal promises nor take any private actions that may compromise the board I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interest or partisan political groups or to use the schools for personal gain or for the gain of my friends I will hold confidential all matters pertaining to the schools which if disclosed would needlessly injure individuals or the schools in all other matters I will provide accurate information and in concert with my fellow board members interpret to the staff the aspirations of the community for its school I will vote to appoint the best qualified Personnel available after consideration of the recommendation of the chief administrative officer number nine I will support and protect School Personnel in per proper performance of their duties number 10 I will refer all complaints to the chief administrative officer and will act on the complaints at public meetings only after failure of an administrative solution thank you we did a good job there item G in the agenda election of the representative and Alternate to the somerson County Educational Services Commission board of directors I'd like to nominate Barry Walker to that position second of the main representative Peter can we take both nominations at the same time if you'd like to nominate alter at the same time we could do one vote if you prefer anyone else it's a daytime position usually so is is the alternate just if you can't make it or is is it like if you can't do it anymore they take over both if I can't make it I can't do anymore and also it's as an alter you attend and you fill out actually the same you you file this the same Financial disclosure for two boards okay and there some Educational Services Commission is made up of one member of the 17 school districts in somerson County so there are 17 board members Lucy would you like to do that anybody else so I move that Lucy be the alternate I'll second that any other nominations I'll close the floor on that call the r please m p yes Miss kry yes Miss Freelander yes Miss Lee yes Miss Huna yes Mr singer yes M lockran yes Mr Walker yes congratulations you see item H election of a delegate to the New Jersey school association's delegate assembly and suers County School Board Association this can be two people doesn't have to be one and we nominate for these right yep I thought I'm sorry last year wasn't there an alternate to the school boards Association I could be wrong it's yeah it's not a statutory thing so we can have an alternate if you'd like I mean but it's also we I mean a bunch of us attend so I don't know if it's necessary to have an Alterna right I know a lot of times people go or or watch participate virtually right and it's not a voting position but right do you still want to do I'd be happy to I know Lucy expressed some interest in uh in in attending and participating we thought maybe I thought there was an alternate so we had originally um there's suggesting maybe someone two different people could go to two different meetings if there are two of them uh I know this board hasn't put any resolutions before that body at least since I've been on um have a few things in mind but uh I'm not sure if the rest of the board would be interested in that you know we are a quorum that way so it's collaborative what we do so an alternate would be great and and everyone is allowed to attend the delegate assembly right only the uh the delegate the delegate has voice and I think voice and vote and the I think might the board president might have voice at those so I I'm not sure the bylaws that but yes that I'm not sure about but I know that only the voting member could vote but I think that's able to be CH and Mr Stars has done that before you just changed the delegate before but the alternate can vote the alternate can't vote but they think they do have voice speaking rights I I'd be I'd be happy to serve is that yes okay and we can make a I make a motion to thank you thank you second do we have an alternate Luc Luc you want to be the alternate right sure I'll do that okay I'll nominate Lucy to be alternate second that's we need serson County also so that would be yeah which I have to say I'm really impressed how well we have attended this board has attended those meetings so it's great I'm happy to be that delegative no one else wants it I'll make a motion to singer any other nominations Mr Star Mr pepy yes Miss kist stre yes Miss Freelander yes Miss Lee yes Miss Huna yes Mr singer yes M lockran yes Mr Walker yes congratulations Steve Lucy and Mike the next one appointment of town Representatives I think the rare T is relatively easy I don't know if someone else wants it parking's pretty easy around First Avenue I move to appoint Mike to the ran board uh Township's representative second thank you okay that was easy okay now now the Bridgewater who would like to Bridgewater I did it last year here sorry guys it's Al it's also leasing the the to council will have leaz on also yes and I talked to them last year I was in correspond can you go in if you want to do it oh or can we both do it can we both take what's the take turns would that be fine well there's yeah it's thatched I don't think there's any bylaws against having two so between the two of us we'll we Nomine Emily and Lucy if any wants to come over to rid on a spare day you you know Mike let me know when it is I'll come with you all right sounds good see you in stop at ducas and then we'll get pizza any more nominations for that Mr Stars Mr Pepe yes Miss K Street yes Miss Freelander yes Miss Lee yes Miss Asuna yes Mr singer yes Miss lochran yes Mr Walker yes congratulations Mike Emily Lucy item six open to the public Bar one sec do we do Ed Foundation two or no I think that's appointed it's appointed so I will that's the since brought Steve brought that up is we will have committees coming up so if you don't mind emailing me by tomorrow afternoon so I can start assembly and the main committies will be Finance facilities Transportation academic and Personnel security and um those are the three primary committees we also have commun relations and we also have to have a negotiations committee this year so we need those three um the Liaisons to the Ed Foundation any other Peter I that's about it that's about it so just if you could email me tomorrow that'd be great item six open to the public individual and or groups are invited Ed to present their concerns comments and requests regarding the following actual aims to the board of education at this time in accordance with board policy members of the public are allotted one opportunity to address the board for a maximum of five minutes during this period of the meeting please be advised that this that a video recording of this meeting is being posted on the district's website this is on action items this is on action items only okay well it's usually this is the quickest me of the year so it shouldn't be very long for the second C thank you g to close public item six re reorganization Mo motions for a second Mr Stars can we take all these at once or did we do so we have items seven Regal or organization motions motion to designate the official newspaper publication of legal legal notices and advertisements resolve that The Courier News is hereby designated the official newspaper of the Board of Education of Bridgewater R and Regional District for the publication of legal notices and and advertisements be it resolved that the star alleged also is designated to receive the meeting notices per to NJ 10 10 colon 4-8 what I don't have to read them all but we can have one motion to accept all these at one time correct Mr Stars a through l so moved is there any discussion or questions the uh treasurer of school money's position that's um is that someone who's not an employee otherwise of the district is that is that an Outsource position okay then I like in how okay any other questions Mr Stars I'll close any questions can you call the rle Please Mr Pepe yes Miss kri yes Miss Freelander yes Miss Lee yes Miss Huna yes Mr singer yes M lockran yes Mr Walker yes like I said it'd be quick so open to item eight open to the public individuals and or groups are invited to present their concerns comments and requests regarding the following action items oops the following actually regarding to the board of education at this time in accordance with the board policy members of the public are allowed one oo opportunity to address the board for a maximum of five minutes during this period please be advised that a video recording of this meeting will be post on District's website hi there hi my name is Emma and I'm a fifth grader at Eisenhower school over the last two months I have found six sasas in the boys bathroom this makes me feel very sad and scared to be Jewish at this time and in this town I am glad that an email was sent today to make a stand against hate but it's very late I've been worried about my friends and Camp counselors who live in Israel and what they are going through in America anti-Semitism has grown by 400% since October I don't know what that number looks like but when we went to the movies last week we the preview started with a video about anti-Semitism I'm here to make a stand so the world around us is safe for Jews and people of other religions the email is a good start but it's not the end thank you thank you well spoken amen good evening my name is Matthew Bergman I wish I only had to speak about the pride I have for my child who just spoke um I wish there was no reason to question the educational direction of our town and most of all I wish that this year was starting off better for the Jewish students in our town I've lived for in Bridgewater for 10 years I taught at Eisenhower for two years you see I know from being employed here in town that there's a policy in place about communication and replies to communication especially when it comes to parents I also know that Mr beers has made it a habit to not follow these policies excuse me I'm I'm sorry to interrupt and I'm not trying to be rude but this is for public comment and this like to just finish but but wait it includes me as well as the superintendent of our schools and so this is a public comment so if you'd let me finish I'm sure that there's time for you to respond no I'm the the intent is not to respond but we're not supposed to be at that Podium and disparage anyone here I'm not disparaging I'm I'm stating facts of what what's happening if you yeah just keep it a little more factual please it is all factual okay thank you um I WR I've written three emails and had multiple HIV reports um and made multiple HIV reports about anti-Semitism in our schools and I heard back immediately from Dr Basset at Eisenhower um but Mr beers unfortunately it took multiple emails um and until you um were personally offended by what was said in the emails did I get a phone call back for 28 minutes I was spoken at I was talked at I have a teacher voice I'll speak over the cut mic um the words I me and my were coming out uh from the other side of the phone too frequently as opposed to when Dr Basset called and it's interesting to note that she was more concerned with the students well-being rather than their own um ego Mr beers you asked me to look at your 30 years of Educational Service and that I would be hardpressed to find someone who cared as much or did as much for their students and I'd like to say thank you so much for today's email January 2nd 2024 except this is a very reactive approach for 76 days since my first email that I sent I've asked for exactly what was written in today's email 76 days ago you didn't do it 76 days ago I said sent the email I got no response now is too late to act like this was the right thing to do could you imagine how strong and protected our c community would have felt if you stood strong if you protected the students and if we did our jobs instead of hiding behind protocol and erroneous link and fear of public backlash it would be great if we had leader a leader like that beside several building leaders who are empowered to do so so I'm here today to speak out for ourselves because the leader we're supposed to trust and his leadership of our educational system that's supposed to protect our children is playing catchup now I ask you all what's next because our students will not be victims while you sit idy by and push responsibility onto building Administration and other board members as I said to you in our conversation Mr beers it should have been proactive the schools you should have been in the schools speaking with the administrators speaking with the students you see and you've shown that the language in the handbooks is all there and because six parents were offended by a Jewish star of David on a website shouldn't that tell you that we were on the right path and that those upset about involving our district with the ADL are wrong and potentially part of the bigger problem facing our children and our community so I believe that enough has happened for you to finally say something which you have done but now is the time to act more do more and most of all lead by example thank you any other public comment I'm going to close public comment I would like to thank you for coming this evening it takes a lot to do that um I can speak for this Administration the board and I've seen the Administration very strong and advocate for students in every possible way and I don't think there was no action I think the action was taken appropriately as Administration runs this district and it's their job and I understand you're questioning that and and and and see your perspective of it and there are a lot of awful things going on in this world every day and we need to be both ourselves the board the administration our cognizant of that and we try to affect change and I thank you for coming uh and this it dis sparing comments are difficult at any time and sometimes times we need to be cognant of that also people have their sensitivities and their feelings and and the work that's being done um this board is does the evaluation of the superintendent as we've read in our code of ethics this evening is our job to make sure District's well run I I understand your your your um your questions there there's also I I need a little help here I don't have the policies in front me we have a grievance policy is it 9153 Steve somebody I'm I'm AP I'm working off my phone on my computer up there is a policy that directs this so if you have any issues that way also there's a policy that guides the grievance of that and you're more than welcome to email me and I can get you that information too so if you have any concerns of it so if someone y That's a it would be in the 9,000 Series but there's a policy if you please it's B Walker email me I'll get you the G's policy and I thank you and your son for coming to speaking this evening Happy New Year to everyone excuse me sorry um we have one more item we need to go to close session for whereas discussion by the board of vacation is required on matters that are exceptions to the requirements that a public BL is holding its meeting in public whereas the topic the discussion is personnel whereas it expected the details of the discussion may be made public as soon as the issues may be acted upon publicly be it resolved the Board of ucation Ed to close s this time do I have a motion to go to close session I'll make the motion there's no discussion all those in favor do we do we need a second do we get a second we need a second I'm apologize thanks Steve any discussion all those in favor I all those opposed we're in closed session no action will be taken when we come back thank you and happy New Year