##VIDEO ID:g6SnSrbpIQI## on Monday February 3rd at 5:32 in the superintend um the only thing on probably have several budget sub meetings between now and the next school committee meeting so the only thing on the agenda tonight was only schol year 26 discussion um after Brian presented his preliminary budget the other day I really wanted this me kind of level set what he presented what any feedback we' had from either town from school commun members community members what our action plan is going forward with that budget um based on that feedback and what our thoughts sure happy to start good evening nice to see everybody um so yes as you know last Wednesday night I presented my preliminary budget the FY 26 preliminary budget obviously as I stated that night and we've talked about that uh budget is reflective of what we're referring to as as a needs based budget what we need to be a high performing School District um it's obviously reflective of an increase in expenses including Personnel the number I shared with the committee the community was requesting 91 positions and obviously an increase in goods and services terms of everyday operating costs Shar signicant cost drivers with Transportation special education costs including tuitions as well as special education Transportation utilities as budget sub knows we negotiated utility rates this past year and so those are all going into effect and so I you know budget I presented was $19 million plus basically inrease over last year which is certainly significant I can appreciate that I can appreciate that made place on the towns but I think we all agree that this is the budget that we we need and that as I said the other night that our our students deserve um since that meeting uh We've obviously been meeting internally to make sure um that we start to work through different scenarios tomorrow Town Council bridgew and I've also been in contact with town of Bridgewater the acting Town manager trying to schedu meeting later this week and also that me to take place obviously we really want to move forward and proceed with the notion that budget we before the budget that both towns will support so we haven't necessarily need any significants to theim budget at this point one of the things that we do to do tomorrow is to sit down and take a look I suggested looking at believe was 5 to 10% 10% stuck out my mind a bottom there Tim to see if we can reduce any of rejected P request that's non person non personel yes nonp personel you know I mean I'm not in favor of going down in class sizes up in class sizes down in teachers cor or anything like that keep Shar sharpening the pencil to see whatever we can find exactly so that's and just just so people understand that this is more for the camera than anything if we save 5% on our operating expenses which is probably around 30% of the budget I'm close enough for government work as they say that's only 1 and a half% of the total budget all of our expenses pretty much are people related or debt related we can't touch the debt we don't want to touch the people but yet what's we what we've H what's happened is for the most part over the years is that 30% I and you know we we we have I'm sure you have this at some point this evening but we have what's it going to cost to just do business level Services if you will tonight and that's going to be significantly more than this year because we have new contracts and everything like that uh with power and buses and so on and so forth and what we've done in the past is the only place then to squeeze the budget is in the Personnel your fixed cost you fix you know your your cost of turning on lights and turning on the heat at you know never mind capital and and debt I mean that's a whole different item but you know but those just costs of turning opening the buildings every day when that goes up if we don't have money to be able to pay people we get rid of people that's not a sustainable way to run it and that wasn't meant to be yelling at anyone or anything I just wanted to be loud enough for the camera to H so that that's the the first step obviously think sharpening that pencil put it continue that to see if we can you changes or reductions there I think you know what does have any concern obviously entertain anything other than uh you know the assessments that we shared the other night what that potentially May mean Tim you mentioned the Turn the Page budget um it's approximately an oper Turn the Page operating budget uh it's about 90 I'm sorry it's it's about $10 million more than this year's budget so we would be you know our operating budget is roughly 90 million this year 90 plus we' be looking at you know $100,000 Plus yes we did obviously get an increase in Aid and so when we look at uh that increase in aid over what we received last year um versus what our cost drivers and natural expenses would be you about 2.7 million which to my prior point would it have to be people it would it would be hard to make that up in in things yes I think so so we're 2.7 million behind the eightball right now so let's do something if we if we're going to have to ask let's ask for something bigger and better and make sure we do um what's that phrase I don't know if I'm separating church and state legally or not but go and sin no more I mean we got to try to live within uh a certain percent increase every year from everybody including our personel incling our contracts Etc otherwise we're going to be back in the same situation again sorry again not yelling at people just making myself loud for the cam and if and if we were just to try to you know level set and get back to um you know how we ended fy4 in terms of personnel so getting those 24 positions back that we lost little shy of a million dollar worth of things to get to the we'd be looking at you know about a little over5 million the r and obviously as we start to you know start to add can I just stop me for a second you cut a million dollars of things which is roughly we spend roughly $30 million on things I I'm again being big and round so that was already a 3% cut versus The Challenge I gave you the other night so it's it's not like we haven't done this already correct going into you know what I mean so it's it it it and that's not sustainable either just saying I I just want to make all those points for the camera abely abely you know and looking at again our big budget that we presented the 109 you know we'd roughly be operating budget last year the increase in Aid um you know assuming preliminary assessment percentages shared by the towns or at least a town would be about1 million as we currently so again you know that that's one that obviously I don't know how we ever close the gap wiping out any new thing and then obviously having a significant negative impact on staff but I I think we're also here on the same page knowing that that number that 109 number that I presented um it's going to be very hard for the towns that need that just getting there you know their cost sharing model that they typically do every year I think that would create obviously that that significant shortfall so that 109 number to to be able to to match they going to have to Crea think outside and that's why I said the other night every Department in each has always been asked to do more with less it's time we allow them to do in the school district to do more with more and you know and and every every department and Rainham I'm sure could come up with a very reasonable increase that they might need part of the same thing let's try to do more with more we don't we don't want to start a Turf War you know the towns the towns have been very generous as I suggested over 15 years the state has given us 2.2% the towns have given us 4% per year where's the where's the issue we can look at it but we have to step up at this point that's going to be my message for till till April and Beyond well it's hard thing want KN we don't want to take away from police andc it's the same of money that's too small more more we need to go to the state well those are those are the creative things that the superintendent is asking about I believe yes you know obviously you know the the big impact heard it all along and I know we will continue to hear is you know on class size and what these numbers do to class size obviously if we were to get all of our um request that we made the other night those 91 positions um you know it certainly isn't going to solve our problem significantly but it will make a you know significant dent in class SI overall some preliminary numbers and again these are projections based on you February of 2025 a lock and change for the enrollment now in the end of the year and so these are very fluid uh but looking at next year um if we just Lev is that using this kids moving up like that yes exactly if we were to restore those classroom positions from4 we lost they would basically get us back to uh 10 classrooms per grade level on the Bridgewater side seven classrooms per grade level on the Rainham side which is what we've been operating on you know the last probably eight to n years you we' be looking at class size studying Bridge Water of 26 26 28 25 30 29 28 28 28 rham would be we have all cohort of kindergarteners right now R so we be 21 kindergarten right now is hard to predict so I typically when I'm making projections use the current years just assuming that they'll stay the same but we know that certainly doesn't always happen so 21 in kindergarten next year 21 moving up to first grade 24 27 26 uh 23 23 25 and 26 now we only have really one classroom to fill on the Bridgewater side where we have four on the RH side so bringing those four positions back on the you can hear those numbers are obviously a little bit lower numbers when we start to look now at expanding that the 14 reduction positions that were included in the budget but those restoring positions actually are reducing class size correct so then this the 14 you suggested in your preliminary budget are additional yes class production correct not not just oh we we want to do this to class SI by we've got so many coming in and now we're going to add more even I I just that that that's been a theme I've heard yes yes so with those uh reduction um sorry with the restoration plus and this is what it would look like if we added the 14 so the sorry the 14 that you had kind of at the end I think some people were confused about like Tim said the specific on you we're bringing these positions back that we know effective class SI had taken out the 14 would be like okay this this report right here we really need to produce correct they would be put in where it would make the most effect yes and and essentially looking at you know the Bridgewater side we're looking at you know reducing class size at every grade level um on the Rainham side two additional grade levels and so I numbers are very fluid so I'm sure it'll change by tomorrow we have new R Le but U by adding additional positions we be down to 24 24 25 23 27 26 25 26 26 um we then have the possibility again depending on where these bubbles move and what enrollment is um you know decreasing enrollment even further especially looking at our younger grades we may be able to get down 23 one the problem one of the challenges going to be we've talked about this as a group and I know this at the other night space you know and I never want to say oh well we can't fit more teachers because if we get the funding for more teachers let's get them but there are some other dominoes that would have to follow for example um you all know that the new Mitchell Elementary School is constructed with 11 classes for grade currently stand we have one available classroom um so what we would have to do is get creative in terms of looking at who utilizing those classroom spaces we had added additional special education classroom this year so that took up one of those extra classes um our base prek programs operating in one of those addition classes so you know there are certain dominoes that are going to have to happen it's not to see that we don't have I'll use the term non-traditional space but not designed like the other classrooms of Mitch we can certainly move some classes or even open those spaces as well but I just I I just don't want people to think it's you know we may be going into just a regular classroom next year that may not be the case for some classes if we you know again continue to add especially at the lower grade level and that was to no fault of anyone you know we even U prior during the construction push back at msba for grade level is not going to be enough but they obviously run the numbers they have a formula that they use not just for us but for all building projects and this is what we're building for Cho dis some versus doing some other support like we've done at kindergart in that class or giving them extra other support so I I think it would be a balance um I think I can't 100% speak for them I think depending on where they get relocated I think you know you might hear from some like oh yep that's great 23 per class we'll work on the stage until you're the person that has to go on the stage and now you're trying to teach I mean our stages are on the cafeteria right so it's not like we're relocating LUN during you know day you're teaching on the stage it's not something I would advocate for it was our last resort um you know I think there are some you know then looking at ringham of obviously we this Barry and I visited our early grade level buildings the other day just to see if we were able to bring some of these positions on board where put them does have two classrooms available traditional classrooms that would be easy enough to convert um after that we have to get creative again now we relocating you know we have one classroom that ESS houses I think there four Educators including special education Educators the ESL teacher we now have to relocate them somewhere um that I don't really we put so there are some challenges but you know there is some space there that exists and of Li Li um obviously you know a couple classrooms that we' be able to utilize one more one is less traditional than the other but but again now you know we potentially May displacing our teachers music teachers and so forth which if we don't have to advocate for that but certainly I never want to stand in the way of you know reducing class size where we can but there just may be some challenges that arise versus so again that those are the numbers on the Bridgewater side Rainham again in addition to bringing those four positions back that we lost going into this year we would look to add two additional positions which would basically get us to 21 21 21 23 26 23 23 25 26 that's so can I ask question if you don't get those additional and you just bring back what you lost you know what that is so if we just brought back what we lost on the Bridgewater side we'd be at 26 26 28 25 30 29 28 28 28 on the Bridgewater side I'm sorry that was bridgew on the rham side we be at 21 21 24 27 26 23 23 25 26 that's if you just brought back if you just brought back what you have yes and then you know if we're not able to do that obviously the bridgew water numbers are very very similar with the exception of brought that position back numbers obviously go up a little bit 21 24 247 and these are you know these are factoring in uh you know we use our total enrollment for that particular grade level divided by the number of Home R so obviously we know there are you know some students that move in and out of certain classrooms so times during the day you know a Home Room May on paper have an average of 28 students or 28 students assigned but there could be other students from other classes coming in up so that does drive at times you know the average op or the student City front teacher 30 plus which the average class size take the total that LEL including all of our students rather lower and then I think think we have to get to a certain point depending on how many positions able to add how many positioning other other creative ways we can offer support to a particular gr level to a particular teacher um you know it may not be in some cases you know cost of teachers doesn't necessarily include to having every class particular grade level obviously those numbers are not equal but it could certain point where we may not have space to reduce class size or we just don't have the budget to significantly but weer number esps almost able to provide additional support that not saying that's where start can I ask is there a big difference between intervention list and a classroom teacher um so cost uh no uh they would roughly be they would approximately be the same U the number we use for classro teachers versus Inter is the same number it be wise to do a classroom teacher yes that's where exactly where we'd start we wouldn't necessarily I I think we would start by trying to reduce class size as much as possible um but at the same time we also know that we do have gaps in needs that our students you know do require additional instruction so it's you know I I can't 100% say right now again until we know for sure I'd like to say we're going to get all these positions and so I don't have to worry about what you know who gets hired first what position gets hired first but it may come down to it it may not be 14 classroom teachers then the interventions then special education I think we really have to look at our our needs it could be special education first then so just so I'm clear how many classroom teachers would we bring back that we let go this year K to8 there would be five teachers okay so that that's uh that's about $400,000 give atten government map is um so then for more is uh just just over a million I think if I did my math right any would have a calculator I think I think it's I think it's Clos at 75,000 all right yeah just over all right so we've got 1.4 million additional teachers in your preliminary budget just to open the doors same level Services is 10 million more right so that's 1.4 so that brings us up to 101.4 and then we've got about 8 million in other stuff that you're looking at and what's what are the biggest drivers on those so it really comes down to Transportation special education costs oh Transportation wasn't in the 10 million uh no it was yes okay no no so open the doors same Services add back 19 teachers five we dropped 14 we're adding that gets me to 102 roughly so we're at 110 roughly 109 whatever the number is 7 to8 million what's what's the big numbers in that sure so I I think for us U you know rway is is facili maintenance making sure that you know we're maintaining our buildings um you know obviously H this time of year our aging buildings some of our H systems are strain and so you know we want to make sure that we're adequately budgeted there I I think that's something that has is concerned you know obvious sure our students have access to high quality instruction materials so that's not going to be the just opinion it's not the biggest driver of the 8 million I think it's going to be other supports yes it's going to be other supports in the school right like the interventionists the special ed additions yes etc etc so what I'm trying what I'm trying to do is tell a p tell a story tell paint a picture so to speak like we need 2.7 million more than maybe we believe the towns can afford I I think that just the number um so then to get to your class siiz numbers which I don't know if every parent going to agree that those are the right numbers maybe they want more um but we'll just go with your numbers then we need another one and a half million all right so we've got 11 half million on the 90 we have today so then we've got all sorts of other people because people are going to drive the requests it's not it's not uh all right so then add back the million for the stuff we cut you know the things as you said so there's there's another million so now we're down to 6 or s but I got to think that it's the other people like the Specialists and the and the special need the special ed yes people the interventionists ETC that are going to drive most of that 8 million and I in my opinion we have to increase special EDS somehow right I I I misunderstood you know that that that's that's that's like a legal requirement from fedal government all the way down so we we need to do something there and then the interventionists and then all the other stuff but you know what what I'm trying to do is tell that story of we can't even open the doors we can't even open doors the same way we close the doors on 24 25 school year if we get what we think can be afforded and what the state is giving us so we need more all right then we need to reduce class sizes and and the superintendent has a plan and that plan is going to cost $1.5 million and then what we need to be able to explain is the other and then we have supplies to reide at a million so the rest of the story then is what's the other six to8 million whatever it is that we can say and we have to do this for special education and then we've got to you know and then you know here's all these interventionists and here's why it's needed and then here's all the other stuff that we need you know what I mean I do that that would be the that would be a great story to tell tomorrow yes to the Bridgewater Town Council and the finance committee is just to lay it out very simply and easily for them so they don't start diving into well you know you went in you you you looked at a bob you you you had two Bobcats that were 5 years old why didn't you purchase them instead of doing a new that's like the smallest number on the table here right now you know that's thousands we're talking Millions right we we're talking millions of dollars and this is what we need let's keep the picture at a high level and tell people what we need and not um get fogged down in those details yeah all right maybe we screwed up maybe we lost $10,000 there I we didn't but I'm just saying you know even if you admit it that's not where the money is the money is in the people the money is in the stuff in the people we need to Ser as the kids in the district sorry honestly like we've gotten multiple emails this week you know everyone has their own version of what they feel their are pertaining to their own kids or what their experience has been but as like a committee we need to look at all kids like going through the list of what Mr power has presented there's not any positions on there we need special education we need classroom teachers at all levels even the stuff that Miss Watson asked for we don't necessarily hardly ever focus at the high school level like the electives and the classroom like the things that she's able to offer are so far behind y Y and and those and those those are the things I think we need to focus on and be able to bring to the community and say these these this is why this is the quality of Education you're buying for this price and here's what you're get because other you're going elsewhere and will tell you you need this you need this you need this yep we have to we have to do that we have to provide that so we have a meeting I want to get more back into the numers but strategy wise we we've had some talks withw at the end this week we're try to we have that joint they did what they're using right now for their is 3.97 3.97% increase what would that Translate two for rain as far as dollars um percentage would be 2.55 for dollars it would be increase of 535 over last year 535,000 over last year U for bridgew that 397 would roughly be a.3 million and that is the number you've been of facing that we still be yes some of the scenarios that I walked you through today were basing and again this is the number that you whether or not 25 is possible for them as you know the four of you know if that number is not a doable so I'm a little bit confused and that's easy to do um 1.3 million for Bridgewater and 500,000 from rham roughly that that feels like Bridgewater has like really laed Rainham as far as in R goes I thought the two times were getting closer previously now we're moving further apart I mean I thought it was around 6040 that's that's that's bigger that's almost 6733 but no I mean we don't need it now I'm just saying like if it if so it's again let's wave our hands and call it 2 million you know between the two TOS I would think it would be close to 1.2 and 0.8 versus 1.5 and 0.5 you know what I mean just by what I think in rollan is and maybe I'm wrong maybe Bridgewater is that high above R because it's all everything's after Chapter 70 Etc and whatever's left over gets divided per student and each Town pays their per student assess okay so that you know obviously those numbers have to be confirmed I know I'm sure they're right no no in terms of the percentages yes no in terms of the percentages I I know bridgew plans to submit or has already submitted that percent inre counil ass if this is where weici I mean well you know first option is we always go back to the towns and see if there's anything else interal me putting uh you know the the burden onto the the taxpayers you unfortunately then it's going to result but at at some point the town counil and the board of selectman or the rham town meeting I'm not quite sure who would put on measure on the ballot anyone can put some a warrant on the ballot for town meeting for town meeting yeah no but I don't know who decides what goes on a ballot at some point in time frame part of the I don't think we have time to do it for the April election in my opinion based Onan meaning any action they'd like to take relative to that um and uh but if they but if we ask for something it's no skin off of anyone's nose to put something on the ballot and let the voters decide in my opinion you know and and I trust the voters of Bridgewater and Rainham more than I TR most people uh sitting in little conference rooms no no offense to us I mean except for voting me and occasionally the Bridgewater and Rainham voters do very well um you know but um you know the there's no there's no harm in doing that it's just a you know whether then it passes and what's the palatable amount to put up there if the towns find other sources of funding or the state doesn't come up with more funding you know there's all there's still a lot of balls juggling in play just my two cents I'll even donate the two cents to the budget so my plan is we have that see what their thoughts are if they have any plans I know they're still worried about the AP all we can do that we Le was like all right good luck our options are a budg that's what a bud right and there's all sorts of balls and plays it's a lot of juggling so when that happens for like if that were to happen whole town need to be on the same that because of the proportion of Mone no either either town could vote to increase their revenue to the town right I would suggest if if if it was a split vote that whichever Town said yes move it into like a trust fund or a stabilization fund that would be accessed for the schools until the other Town came up to the money or it could be used for capital in either town where that was taken I don't know I'm the other you have to worry about the percent you know like at that moment like say we got money from Rainham but Bridgewater still said no I was thinking the opposite because Bridgewater is willing to give money and I don't know if r no yes us more funding like that I I would I wouldn't I wouldn't think that's a great idea one of that discussions come up in the past why their wish has always if we you money going to our students our students brige Bri students was R go students know problem is you have I I just throw this out as an example just for you I of work with Michael Doon the former Bridgewater Town manager a few years ago the um the the revenue sharing model that the town of Bridgewater had had 3.2 or 3.3% increase to The Bu but between what what Rainham could afford bridgew only had to come up with like 2.7 or 2.8 so there was a half a point play and I talked with the town manager and with my friends on the Town Council and I said just appropriate that but put it into Bridge Capital so that we're you know we're able to use the money still as a district and use it on the Bridgewater schools where needed and that way you don't screw up your Revenue sharing formula going forward and everyone agreed to that on the bridgew side so you know on the rham side I know how it might work but that that's how it worked previously when like one town could afford a little bit more than another you know it just I we got it to go somewhere else but still for the district which is fine on some years but this year we're like we need actual operational people personel do we have any others strategies do we want to go different scenarios that we've worked out I mean we really have the 109 million which is a 30% increase how that would be versus the 2.7 oh absolutely and then that's unacceptable I I'm I'm going to be with Lou on that one and vote no we have to have a budget yeah yeah that is mar but I think we know I think we know the scenarios we know to open the doors we're already down 2.7 so let's just just eliminate that idea from everybody's head it's not SU able it's not what Bridgewater and Rainham are about so we got to get at least to 2.7 more to open the doors so can we see that like in a and what it's going to look like like what we have now and what we asked for obviously what increase do what do we need to open the doors and like keep CL sizes do you know what I'm saying I I didn't unfortunately bring it I want to say the number that we were playing around with last week was about 14% that would not be shortfall that would that would be like keeping everything as is with all the increases don't know what the not any bargaining and all that is going to entail but that's yeah it was it was approxim 14% but I can I can that yeah yeah yeah here's here's the way I tell the story maybe it's just me think I don't care what you can afford towns is that's your job to figure out here's what we need to open the doors the same way as we close them at the end of June and we need we need 2.7 more than it feels like we could get from you in the C to keep things St right 10 million for theage I'm sorry I thought it was 10 million well no we we have I think we have we have seven from the so we've got we've got seven out of the 10 is what I hear on the same and we need three we need three to complete it to turn the page and then what would that be to the Two Towns as a as an increase right think I'd like you to present to them what you gave us the other day and what the r is yes it sounds crazy it's milon more but it's all necessary it's nothing extra that we're like oh we really wish we' added you know 27 Fine Arts teachers it's things that we definitely need but also what percentage increase we're not to talk9 now because that's not even what is what do we need from them to just keep how we are so we don't further increase but then I think the next the next step is what do we have to do to get back to status quo anti of this year yeah of all the positions we lost the supplies we lost Etc right and that that's a couple million I think right right so we've got 8 million coming in from the state seven or eight coming in from the state three to get to even two to get back to where we were and then okay then everything else is here's everything else that we put in and what that is and then I'd rather Focus the discussion there at that last point and say the the these are non-negotiable we have to keep the doors open we have to have level services in fact we have to have level services to two years ago so that's it figure it out then beyond that we're willing to talk a little bit but this is what we're hearing this is what you're going to hear and this is really what we need you know and then we can talk from there if that makes sense to everybody I don't know just my Mr Lo wanted to come I said no it would create a school committee meeting it's as posted as school committee oh okay then I'll tell them you can come oh cuz I looked at it on the calendar it a budget sub committee didn't say School Comm I know I went to no it's a joint it's a joint committee isn't it um it is it is a joint meeting but as as long as they don't speak they welcome to come anyway yeah sure it does um it says a it does say a joint budget subcommittee Town council meeting but just don't talk and just can't talk is that is that at the Town Hall yes no it's at the Academy building the town hall is the white building in front of the fire station but it's not Town Hall Bri I'm not talking about that I'm just having fun with you ume and Ryan either tues I can do Tuesday no either one is fine you guys are all exempt not hourly employees might be challenging the next couple of months other questionss no will I'm sorry I dominated the conversation no to know what the direction we're going go in and how we're going to figure out how the towns will fund that I mean as a Regional School District it's us excuse meel do you want this at 530 yes pleas okay I will ENT toe at2 second