reorganization meeting make that at 646 adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act on March 30th 2023 proper notice was sent to The Courier News and the Star Ledger and filed with the clerk at the township of Bridgewater posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building Please be aware planning board policy for public hearings no new applications will be heard after 9:30 no new testimony will be taken after 10 p.m. hearing assistance is available upon request accommodation will be made for individuals with disability pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act provided the individual with the disability provides 48 Hours advance notice to the planning department secretary before the meeting if the individual should require special equipment services such as a Cart transcriber 7 Days advanced notice excluding weekends and holidays may be necessary please stand for the pledge congrulations the United States of America to the stands naice for it's time turn it over to Mark peek our board attorney to administer o of office we have some o of office Mr Banger stand up if you wish to raise your right hand please repeat after me I inpat banga I inpat banga do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same then I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the Bridgewater Township planning board class four member of the Bridgewater Township planning board board class member according to the best of my ability according to the best of my very CH I Sonia choit I Sonia Cho do Solly swear swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same I will and to the governments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of a Bridgewater C planning board class four member according to the best of my ability [Applause] and the last oath is to Mr Atkins ra your right hand I William Atkins I William Atkins do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the Constitution State ofers that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same governments established in the United States and the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly and justly perform all the duties of a Bridgewater Township planning board perform all of the duties of the Bridgewater Township planning board alternate to member alternate to a member according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability congratulations thank you so now that would conclude the other remaining ones we'll have to administer at the next meeting where you so now if you could take the role Mr veso oh okay here mench will be absent councilman kers here here Mr excuse me Mr papis here Mr mura here Mr Wang will be absent Miss sakur will be absent Mr banga here miss chardo here Mr Atkins here and Mr chowdery is um just he will be he's here but he's not inside yet he's absent for now have quum if you'd like I will open nominations for chair I nominate Mr veso second any other nominations move that nominations be [Music] closed okay being no further nomination single ballot is cast and Macio vessio is hereby designated chairman of the planning board for 2024 take a roll call chairman veso here yes councilman kersch yes Mr papis yes Mr mcor yes Miss excuse me Mr banga yes M choit yes Mr Atkins yes chairman thank you m Pro and to the board I'm honored to serve as your chair for the year of 2024 I'm honored to serve alongside the other residents and the administration that makes up this board and I learn a lot from each of you and I hope to learn even more this year thank you very much as we move on we do have also the election of a vice chairperson I'd like to up with that the opin naations I'd like to nominate Ashley sakur who's not here this evening I do believe that over the last few years uh through some of my illnesses and minor surgeries that I've had and also with the vice chair not being present Ashley was called under extraneous circumstances to pick up the chair role on several occasions and she did a great job doing so and for which I think she would serve this chair Faithfully second and a roll call please I'd move that motions be closed chairman vesio yes councilman kersch yes Mr papis yes Mr mcor yes Mr banga yes M chardo yes Mr Atkins yes let the records show that Mr chowdery um is in attendance at 650 Mr P would you like to swear him in point or would you like to do that after we finish nomination do that up to uh the chairman I think we'd swar him now very good evening regular no worries you could raise your right hand ex after me I N Chow n do Solly swear we Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and of St of new that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same I will and to the governments established in the United States and government EST in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people author of and that I will faithfully willfully and partially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of a Bridgewater Township planning board alternate one Member alterate One member according to the best of my ability congratulations thank [Music] you okay moving on Miss propes has shown for the record that Mr chatterie is here and present has been sworn in so we can move on to the election of our board secretary I would like to nominate Miss propes for our board secretary I feel as though this board cannot do without Miss probest and her many years of wisdom and after having worked alongside our former planner Miss Doyle I think that she's a tremendous value added to this board you're here we hear second I second I second I'd like to close all nominations I have a motion to close nomination I'll make a motion to close nominations have a roll call please pleasure thank you chairman vessio yes councilman kers yes Mr papis yes Mr M yes Mr Banger yes Mr charoit yes Mr ch Mr Atkins yes moving along we also do have the election of an assistant board secretary someone like to nominate I would like to nominate Sonia chtz based on her uh experience here presence here and aling person that's Mr trry for a second I'd like to make a motion to close those nominations chairman besso yes councilman kersch yes Mr papis yes Mr mura yes Mr Banger yes Mr choit yes Mr chowri Mr Atkins yes thank you miss probest moving on we do have the appointment of our board professionals first appointment is the board professional Mark RPC Esquire board attorney we also do have a resolution uh to award the contract to Mr Mark arpc Flor Petri star her Capell TI in LLC would someone like to make a motion to adopt this resolution I'll move it that's Mr Papas a second please second that's councilman CSE I have a roll call please chairman vesio yes councilman kers yes papis yes yes Mr banga yes Miss choit yes Mr chry yes Mr Atkins yes thank you pleasure and an honor thank you Mr P next up we have the appointment of William Burr the fifth correct am I saying this right oh I'm I'm dyslexic this evening my apologies for a board engineer he's not he's not an engineer yet right okay I'm I'll move it that's Mr papus second and that's councilman kers and roll call please yes MERS yes Mr Pap yes Mr mcor yes Mr banga yes M chardo yes Mr chalry yes please Mr Atkins yes than you Mr there's also the appointment of a board professional for a board planner will not be heard at this time so moving on to the appointment of a Consulting engineer for the town of Bridgewater we have a resolution uh appointing CME Associates with some some would like to make a motion to adopt that resolution I'll make that motion that's councilman kers could I have a second please a second that's Mr Muro could I have a roll call please chairman viio yes councilman kers yes Mr Pap yes Mr mura yes Mr banga yes M chardo yes Mr chower Mr Atkins yes moving along the next appointment is for a Consulting traffic engineer for the township of Bridgewater we have a resolution to appoint Bright View engineering would someone like to make a motion to adopt that resolution I'll move it that's Mr papus I'll second that's Miss chtz roll call please chairman besio yes councilman kers yes Mr Papa yes Mr M yes Mr Bango yes M chardo yes CH yes please Mr Atkins yes and next on the list is the designation of the meeting dates for 2024 therefore be resolved at the following meeting dates are established for 2024 January 16th as we know has been moved to today's date there's February 6th February 20th 2024 I announce at this moment this will be cancelled we'll need to amend this resolution next date will be March 5th 2024 March 19th 2024 April 2 April 16th May 7th May 21st June 4th 2024 June 18th July 2nd July 16th August 6th August 20th September 3rd September 17th October 1st October 15th November 19th December 3rd December 17th 2024 and finally January 7th 2025 for a regular and reorganization meeting any other comments I'll move the calendar as amended um as reflected a second that's councilman kersch and that's Mr papus could I have a roll call please like okay all in favor I and last piece of homework we have the designation of our official newspaper for 2024 therefore be resolved by the planning board of the township of Bridgewater that The Courier News and the star ledge are hereby designated as the official newspapers of the planning board for 2024 and are authorized to receive all notices of planning board meetings as required under the open public meetings act would anybody like to make that motion to adopt this resolution a motion that's Mr chtz yes a second please second that's Mr chowri all in favor I I I well that ends the items for reorganization and at this point I'll take a motion to end the reorganization motion that's uh Mr Banga and I'll have a second please second that's miss charz all in favor I I I that concludes reorganization Miss propes could I have a roll call please this is to start the S o'clock meeting chairman besso here councilman kers yes here Mr papis here Mr M here Mr Bango here Mr char here Mr Chow yes Mr Atkins here just let the record show we're starting the regular meeting at 701 thank you Miss probes at this time I'd like to open up the meeting to any members of the public that wish to address the board on any matters not listed in the agenda please feel free to come forward at this time hearing none seeing none we'll move along we do have a set of board minutes this evening up for approval and that's from November 21st 2023 any general comments or any changes for the record hearing none could I have a motion to approve the minutes from November 21st 2023 I make a motion that's Mr mura second please second motion that's Mr banga could I have a roll call please chairman Bia yes Mr P sorry Mr Banger yes Miss charit yes no one else thank you miss probest moving along we do have one resolution this evening up for adoption and that's for the Solaris corporation that was decided way back in what feels like November 21st it's been that long are there any general comments or Chang for the record Mr chairman I don't have any comment specific to the resolution but did want to provide some brief color commentary on the on on not only the great work done on this day as with this application but what has already come to life over at the Solaris facility a week ago Monday in my capacity as a councilman I had the privilege and I really do underscore the word privilege of visiting Solaris it is under construction uh there was a ribbon cutting uh featuring um uh their uh CEO and co-founder Fabian gurling house I hope I've pronounced that correctly uh and Tim's uh and also um um um some you know some other officials were there as well um and I was really particularly moved by commentary from a gentleman named Bob Levis last name spelled l v s um he's a gentleman uh who received a diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia uh in a previous time that was a death sentence uh thankfully with um advancements in um in modern medicine um he entered a clinical trial in the middle 2010s um and is by all um uh by all indications cancer free leukemia free um and his story uh while I believe he was patient number four on on car T Cell Therapy uh as a result of this facility there will be dozens and in time hundreds perhaps thousands of success stories like Mr Levis so uh I I provide that commentary so that um you know these are not just plans on on sheets of paper or you know theoretical uh uh opportunities but um through the work of this board uh through the work of the township of Bridgewater uh through the hard work of our of our uh companies they're ious um uh employees truly lives are being changed and many more will be changed in the future so I provide that as commentary uh and certainly anyone who wants to have any additional conversation uh at a later time with me it's a subject that I I certainly uh uh in in in enjoy and and am um uh you know interested in in Sharing even more as the uh case may be Council green any other comments I would Echo your sentiments I think uh theis application is one of those applications that essentially is the reason why many of us are volunteering for this Township and just great pride to see applicants like that come to Bridgewater and do such a great job so thank you very much I'm sorry just one other name that I want to I want to mention from salaris that there I believe there's two co-founders the other gentleman is John T ttian again I hope I'm anouncing all that correctly and I'll make sure you have the right spellings thank you have a motion to adopt this resolution a motion MTZ second please I'll second that that's Mr banga have a roll call please we only have three people here eligible to vote yes yes yes thank you moving along we did have an applicant that was scheduled to come here this evening but I'm going to make the announcement that that applicant will not be that that case will not be heard this evening um Nancy would you like to provide a little insight on that so we received um an a request for adjournment from the applicant they're professional they have a engineer Who's acting on their behalf he's not available for the meeting so they requested an adjournment um to March 5th they're not available for the February 20 meeting which is why that was also C um so we'd like to they'd like to request that it be adjourned March 5th with no further notice notice hasc to be sufficient so have any issue with that I'd like to would you like to come to the podium would you like to come to the podium please and just state your name and address I'm having a hard time hearing you from over there time hearing everybody up here but I'm Iain funer I live on Lea Court which is adjacent to the hall property I've live we've lived in that house for 47 a half years and we know the um environmental story of that property so I come here as a concerned Citizen and this is the second time I've shown up for something that I received a notice for first date and then saw the notice on the board and came back so I think this is quite unusual isn't it to have uh somebody asking for a variance and then just saying know I can't be bothered coming to your meeting um well if there you know I understand it's a an inconvenience to you to to have come out but if their team isn't uh available on the night it was schedul I understand um you know they're they're entitled to ask for an adjournment so as long as they need to what I would recommend um if you're have internet access check the uh website and the agenda or or she could call or you could call the municipal Miss Funkhouser you could just call the municipal building and call the planning board office and then they will tell you yeah yeah I'm I'm going to suggest two additional courses of action just to make sure in the interest of transparency and in good communication um the first is if you would share your contact information with our board secretary if that's acceptable um we we will take that additional step uh to make sure okay all right okay the second thing is the township uh sometime La uh early last year um started uh a specific newsletter that provides all updates on land use sport applications including the zoning board and the planning board so while this may be the only case that you are particularly interested in if there are any other cases for land use board for you or any others we do specifically maintain an e a confidential email list list where you will be notified uh on what's on the agenda and and if there are any changes so you know I'm sorry that you came out on the night that ultimately you didn't have to um but certainly we welcome your participation and hope to see you when this case is heard and again for the record though no further notice will be will be or needs to be given so for anyone who's watching uh online Carri to March March 5 the board's okay with that date y for now that announcement that the applicant will the application for the hall residents will be carried without further NOS to March 5th moving along from the application portion of our meeting I don't believe we have any other board business this evening but we do have an executive session that we need to yes Mr chairman and and hopefully it'll be a brief uh executive session this is for litigation relating to uh AR Bridgewater 2 the successor to the center of excellence and it's to discuss a potential Amendment to the settlement agreement that this board already entered into uh with ar Bridgewater an action may be taken uh at the culmination of the executive session I'll need a motion to enter executive session that's Mr Papas second please second all in favor Miss probes could have a roll call please we are now in executive session here counc MERS here yes Mr M here Mr B here here CH yes Mr a here Mr Peck okay uh yeah returning to regular meeting could I have a roll call please CS M [Music] MH chairman Besa here yes here yes here here here yes Mr Atkin thank you Miss Pro okay just uh for the record and for any public who may be uh watching online the board discussed a proposed amendment to a settlement agreement with ar Bridgewater uh and the board will now uh take a vote whether or not to authorize execution of that Amendment I'll move it Mr papus second please I'll look in second Mr chowri all call please Mr vessia chairman vessia yes Council MERS yes yes Mr M yes Mr banga yes Mr charoit yes Mr Chow Mr Atkins yes thank you Miss propes when we along we don't have any other business this evening uh Miss probes could we just take a look at the extended calendar if possible do we have anything coming down the pipeline oh we we have only matters that are still in completeness um we don't have anything ready to schedule at this time so the application for Hidden River um that may winds up being extended into April so that will affect other scheduling but right now we have nothing that is complete schedule you have some applic that's thank you before we adjourn for this evening I just wanted to special thanks to Lauren zaro who uh is not on the board with us any longer she served this board for several years here and uh she she's quite busy as as some of us are with with with our families and and our children and and our day jobs but uh I I I do uh appreciate the efforts that she's put in uh to serving this board and I've learned a lot from her and she will be missed on this board um I do want to welcome Mr Atkins and Mr chower to the board so thank you very much it's honor for us we look forward to 2024 with you serving the board with us thank you with that I'll take a motion to adjourn that's motion to adjourn banga that's a second Council M curse all in favor meeting adjourned 7:31 all right can I just do this I I took pictures of you three getting sworn in I didn't think to do it for you so could we