##VIDEO ID:BL8D4Lv1ehY## you had as it yes H just yep the time is 7:00 p.m. good good evening and welcome to the Bridgewater Township planning board regular meeting for Tuesday November 19th 2024 adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings Act njsa 10 4-6 on February 7th 20124 proper notice was sent to The Courier News and the Star Ledger and filed with the clerk at the township of Bridgewater and posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building Please be aware of the planning board policy for public hearings no new applications will be heard after 9:30 p.m. and no new testimony will be taken after 10: p.m. hearing assistance is available upon request accommodation will be made for individuals with a disability pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act or Ada provided the individual with the disability provides 48 Hours advanced notice to the planning department secretary before the public meeting however if the individual should require special equipment or services such as a Cart transcriber 7 Days advance notice excluding weekends and H may be necessary could everyone rise to salute the flag iance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all good evening Miss probes a roll call please here mayor mench is abent for the record [Music] here here thank you Miss prob Sor thank you at this time I'd like to open the meeting up to any members of the public wishing to address our board on any land use matter any any matter not listed on tonight's agenda please feel free to come forward at this even at at this time how are you this evening I'm here to could you bb please just state your name an address for the record um for safety reasons do I have to uh I believe it's required is that right Mr Peck or I identify yourself but I'm a resident of Bridgewater and I'll get to where I'm going a um I fear for my life at this point and my family family so I live on Harding Road I think everybody should be aware of what's been going on over there um you took this gentleman at 778 Harding Road to court a few months back about a $15,000 fine was put upon it we just just so you know this is the planning board yeah we don't have any enforcement or jurisdiction over the ISS issuance of any summons or or anything like that we uh who enforces the zoning and and so forth that would be the the zoning officer uh at the direction of the township Council okay okay um it' probably be more appropriate to appear before the council okay and that would be I believe on a Thursday would it be this Thursday Monday don't Zing Harding Road which I I've spoke with he's a very nice gentleman um um I'm just trying to get to the closure of this maybe and when it's going to end there what's going on and I mean I just I it's very um concerning to us other residents as well it's not only me that has complained okay um I guess if this is not where I'm supposed to be I I guess it's not yeah we're not famili I don't believe we've had any application deal with uh Harding Road for right so where there's just there's no familiarity or jurisdiction over that I'm just trying to get some resolve and some answers yeah understood that's clear but yeah unfortunately we're not in a position you know it's now I have other neighbors being followed by him this person almost taking him off the roads um it's an ongoing in in her office I believe we lost our zoning officer correct yes unfortunately yeah I I and that's I'm just so okay so if I'm I'll speak to her um I just want everybody to know at this meeting that this is beyond anything I've ever seen I'm a real estate broker for over 20 years I go to every town and know every ordinance there is okay that's what I do I don't know how and and I know they're actively pursuing this I do but when does the closure bring for this neighborhood excuse me I'm sorry Mr chairman if I may I'm the township administrator I'm sorry I got here late could you just summarize what the situation is that you're concerned about 778 Harding Road with a Paving Company that's trying to continue he he bought the home purchased it about so is he carrying out a certain function that you think is not permitted there we know it's not permitted okay so it's being investigated and there's nothing this board has no jurisdiction over that so it's the it's the an administrative function the zoning officer would have to go through likely Municipal Court could take months something like this could take months and I don't have the the details of it uh unfortunately there's a process this board they just don't have uh jurisdiction it's a it's the zoning officer and just because there's not not a full-time zoning officer there's a deputy zoning officer we have attorneys and these matters are are handled through a certain process but there's no jurisdiction here no I got it okay thank you I'd like to just make one quick announcement that on December 3rd there will be a meeting uh the meeting will take place beginning at 700 p.m. it will not take place at 6:30 p.m. as previously potentially advertised the meeting on December 3rd will take place at 7 p.m. moving on we do not have any board minutes for approval this evening but we do have a few resolution and the first one being for Gerardo leonerd that's block 718 Lots 50 and 51 commonly known as Mountain toop Road after having had a chance to review are there any questions comments or changes to the record clear there were two iterations that resolution yeah there's some edits that were made in connection with you know once the applicant had a chance to look at it but uh I they looked good to me consistent with the record and Katherine uh also reviewed and and said that everything was you know kosher okay but just to clarify this is the copy that we received electronically today before you before okay very good okay there no questions comments or changes could I take a motion to adopt said resolution as Mr chowri second I'll need a second that's Mr mura Mr Chow I shows okay motion rescinded I'll need a primary motion that's Mr Wang Wang I might I will read into the record who's eligible to vote very good absolutely there we y That's it okay M very good I thought I was not eligible because I voted no so that leaves Mr mcor is being president and who else you and myself only one okay very good well I'll retract Mr Wang's motion I'll take a uh new primary motion I'll go from second to First that'll be Mr mura I second and all second it Mr M for the vote yes yes I don't think we ever SE that's yeah I think that's the skinniest margin I've I've seen in 25 years of doing look at that do you recall which one that [Music] was got through that one okay okay next up we have a resolution for uh the planning board of the township Bridgewood recommending the township Council of the property known as block 221 Lots 102 103 104 221 be designated as an area needed Redevelopment uh commonly known as the uh let's see here that's the gry mark building on Route 22 okay any questions comments any changes to the record I'll move the resolution that's Mr papus and I'll need a second that's Mr chowri I saw his hand up first here and I'll take a roll call please yes Mr Pap yes yes yes yes yes Mr and moving along to our last resolution here we do have a resolution for the planning board T Bridgewater ratifying and authoring authorizing the award of a contract Professional Service to Katherine s armad our professional planner here in Bridgewater uh Miss probes uh would you like to give you a little background sarmad separated from service Harbor [Music] Consulting okay so this resolution will have her up until December 31st of 2024 okay any questions or comments I assume we will have uh to review this again in January I believe we will have to R this again during our reorg correct who would like to make that motion no motion that's Miss ttz I'll take a second please I second that's Mr Wang could I have a roll call please yes Mr Pap yes Mr M yes Mr way yes Mr B yes yes Mr very good best of luck to miss sad moving along I don't believe that we had any of the others for the evening um I do thank everybody for showing up this evening Miss propes anything on the calendar that we would like to discuss uh no next on 12 three we have Heritage and once again that's correct how's the 17th look or would that accommodate anything we wouldn't be able to accommodate on the third would you be likely if all three of those move forward 17 is hos going to be in position to move forward I haven't heard any received confirmation okay oh okay they would right okay that leaves that being said though there's a es an escro need to be addressed that's not addressed would so that's 123 and 1217 and following those dates that would be January for the reorganization correct January January 7 questions or comments did have a question um so this this board has seen a few Redevelopment applications I'm just curious if we know if there's any other applications coming um one of the it one of the areas that comes to mind is the tectonic which I believe was purchased most recently and I believe nothing to my knowledge uh that's come come before the planning department unless our secretary North Branch right one is definitely not the other one is and also like any new um referral to determine whether something's an area need of Redevelopment which is what we've had that would all that would have to come as a referral from the right thank and then just the other item around the master plan I know we haven't actively discussed that I I can just give you one update the uh uh Township Council will be entertaining a resolution at their December 5th meeting to engage uh Katherine sarmed in finalizing the master plan so that was primary reason for the delay is for transition will we get a preview of that Mr Po yeah this is just yes of course uh the uh this is to engage her so she can U you will have shared with you the input that the public had provided that's being put together now uh raw copies or actual copies of the the uh documents that the public um their participation that's actually been prepared electronically it's going to be forwarded to the board and then she will be working on a draft that of course the board would get and determine if you like it as it is or can change it she will likely be able to give you a timeline probably maybe next month thank you for that any other questions hearing none I'll take a motion to adjourn Mr banga and I'll take a second please that's Mr chowri all in favor hi [Music] hi here in Clinton townships busy they'll have like three applications and they have the same thing they start at s and they they have a hard stop they'll cut but what they'll do is just say each hour that's one you know