##VIDEO ID:-SZPicsZppY## October 10th in compliance with the open public meetings Act of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting was provided on December 21st 20123 by sending written notice and electronic notice to The Courier News and the breeze posting on the website and the bulletin board in the municipal building and filing with the Township Clerk if we could have a roll call please councilman kers here councilman cordilla here councilman oralis councilman proso council president ring here if you're able I would ask you please stand and join us in Pledge of Allegiance led by councilman cedge Al to stes stand thank you sir um we'll start with councilman kers with Council reports thank you Mr President a number of I'm sorry I apologize guys we have minutes for approval first sure so we have the September 19th minutes if there are no U edits or changes I'll move uh September 19th meetings meeting minutes okay roll call councilman kers yes councilman cordilla yes councilman nalis councilman proso council president ring I am abstaining because I was absent and there's also September 19th close session making its way so now we will take um Council reports I'll start with councilman kers okay it's been a busy couple of weeks or I guess maybe three weeks since our last meeting uh September 21st uh I had the privilege of uh briefly speaking and welcoming the crowd at Duke Island Park for the uh annual Alzheimer's Walk uh a very successful um uh event for the Central Central New Jersey region on the 24th the zoning board met um uh and uh there were two residential cases uh an addition and a deck in the sunset set lake neighborhood an addition and a driveway um uh alteration in the to Park neighborhood uh on October 1st uh the um planning board met uh few items of of note the Bradley Garden school is a courtesy review on their uh new cafeteria extension uh and then there was also an administrative item in extens of an approval for a minor subdivision most of the night though is spent uh discussing um the potential of designating the the former ethicon property as an area in need of Redevelopment that meeting uh went till past midnight the portion uh associated with ethon began probably at about 8:00 p.m. so there was a very extensive conversation uh the net net is that on a vote of 7 to one uh with one with one exstension uh the planning board did accept the recommendation uh that um the criteria was met to designate uh that property as an area in need of Redevelopment um the hearing uh had um uh a uh an objector Council uh objectors Council also brought in uh his own expert uh from a planning standpoint uh the public was heard from extensively uh several uh very important issues related to the project were raised including but not limited to uh environmental matters uh at the uh the core of this case though at least at this point of the process is whether or not the threshold was met uh for deeming the site and area in need of Redevelopment and as I noted by a vote of 7 to1 with one exstension uh that that uh that was uh that recommendation was accepted uh I believe the next step is at next week's planning board meeting that will be memorialized and then it'll come to us um couple just brief things worth noting um uh you know there was there there's there was there was definitely a lot of um uh emotion associated with that hearing um there was definitely a little bit of finger pointing going on uh there was allegation essentially that um uh the the one and only way to stop the proposal was by not approving it at the planning board meeting uh you know roughly 10 days ago when it occurred uh and I had to set the record straight that in Bridgewater Township uh we have um open fair and transparent hearings and operations uh that ultimately uh this governing body will choose uh what to do or what not to do with that property uh and that the process will continue uh as it is um uh designed and designated by law uh on October let me just make sure I'm going in somewhat of an order here on October 7th uh that was the one-year anniversary of um uh candidly the uh massacre in in in Israel I really know of no other way uh to describe it uh and The JCC hosted a very meaningful remembrance uh of um uh the events of October 7th the year ago and I just want to acknowledge the sponsors I'll give this to you so you don't have to take Furious notes uh the sponsors of the event the kabad of Greater Summerset County located in Basking Ridge congregation Benet Israel in Basking Ridge congregation uh K knesset Israel in boundbrook the Flemington Jewish Community Center the um obviously in Flemington Jewish Family Services of Somerset hun in Warren counties the Jewish Federation of West Central Jersey New Jersey the shimone and Sarah Burnal Jewish Community Center Temple bethlen Hillsboro Temple har Shalom and Warren uh and and um my place of worship Temple Shalom here in Bridgewater uh it was a very meaningful uh and moving event and related to that I want to mention uh the um the security uh for that event uh was was outstanding provided a sense of security for every s a sense of Safety and Security for everybody there our police chief was there the sheriff was there I also want to acknowledge that um at uh uh Roshes Shana at least at my synagogue uh uh our officers were present and certainly that brings uh you know it's unfortunate that that's necessary in the time we live in but certainly that brings um great comfort to those who are simply trying to exercise their religion uh and every time I see our officers in an event like that I certainly go out of my way uh to thank them for their uh for their effort uh on October 8th uh zoning board met uh there was a case um uh Sunset Ridge there was a fence uh on on a fairly steep slope and uh relief was granted for that um October 9th yesterday there was a meeting of the Somerset County governing officials Association uh Jeff Booker spoke uh on um uh uh options for uh health and other benefits uh for various municipalities and then finally I wanted to just uh mention that we are now in the midst of our H uh a food drive uh that is sponsored uh by um uh Bridge order United Soccer Club and uh our uh Recreation Department 83 in town teams 19 travel teams the donation bags have been distributed there will be a tent set up approximately October 14th out in the courtyard so that the um donations can be um uh brought to one place that should be there from October 14th which I guess is if still a few days away through October 20th and then uh we'll be bringing the uh donated Goods over to the um food bank uh over near the ups and that's my report Monday is the 14th thank you thank you councilman cordilla okay okay uh since our last meeting I'm pleased to say that I attended and participated in the uh annual Township fireman's inspection this past Saturday on October 5th and while this is a an annual inspection of men and Equipment um the true winners of it are the residents of Bridgewater because we do have a very vibrant volunteer community of got people who volunteer for to provide Fire Protection Service and also in the friendly competition for the U who has the best truck at the competition obviously everybody's a winner with that because every every piece of apparatus that was present on Saturday was quite frankly an outstanding outstanding condition and the uh as a longtime member of the of the fire service I have to say that I just can't say enough of expressing my opinion that the uh volunteers who serve our community whether they be fire or uh Rescue Squad you know it's it's truly a blessing for Bridgewater Township to have these people participate and put the time and that they do and it's when you talk about a Brotherhood it's it truly is a Brotherhood that Bridgewater should be proud of I know I am that's it Tim thank you I think between what councilman kers and councilman cordillo said I do not have anything to add so I will go to uh our Deputy Administrator who's uh covering tonight for the mayor's report thank you council president uh just a couple things uh the township be hosting its annual Halloween event at the municipal building from 5:30 to 8:30 on October 30th a little different this year we're combining with the uh police department and their National Night Out which had to be postponed due to inclement weather in August so be a lot of activities food candy for the whole family uh should be a great event um we also held our open space and Recreation master plan Workshop recently I thought it went really well um shout out to Suzanne and the whole staff um for making putting that whole thing together and obviously all the residents that came and shared their time and their ideas um reminder for those that could not attend um there is an online questionnaire um that you can still provide feedback on um it's open until the 18th and that can be found on the township website um just want to give a quick also shout out to you may have noticed on the way in the pink ribbons surrounding the municipal building um and around some of our parks around the township um Brook herps and the cheerleaders from Bridgewater High School have done this for several years now to raise awareness for breast cancer research um and U donating money through uh dance for the care they've raised thousands of dollarss um we were going to do a proclamation with them tonight cannot make it but we'll do another council meeting uh in the future with them to uh to honor their service to the community and the and the cause um finally I just want to just a kind of exciting announcement for me we've been working on this uh we're partnering with the school district and a nonprofit called not an easy fix um to put four assemblies one for each class of the high school um with some really dynamic programming around the opioid epidemic um this is going to be at the end of the month the 29th and 30th um not an easy fix Jack and Ellen they had a son Jackson grew up in Bridgewater tragically passed away from an overdose um they're going to have a lot of really powerful stories to share with these kids and uh really excited for that thank you council president thank you and congratulations on that all right next up is uh meeting being open to the public I'll make a motion to uh open to the public I'll second it all those in favor I opposed all right meeting is open to the public members of the public wish wishing to address the Council on any matter we be allowed 2 minutes to speak unless there's unusual circumstances um I would just like to remind everyone that it is two minutes uh the last meeting I was at I have always tried to you know if it sounds like someone's wrapping up and they're going a little bit over two minutes I try to give some time but um we did have some challenges at the last meeting I was at so um I would ask that we please keep our comments to two minutes good evening uh my name is Dan zinsky I live at 7:15 Chimney Rock Road I am here again uh compelled by the lack of public discussion of our Town's fiscal crisis last time I asked several questions trying to understand how we lost control of our finances and uh proposed a third year of record uh spending in tax increases I wanted to understand how you could approve a record 11.6% tax increase plus approve substantial raises to all involved without any public dissension or discussion uh council president ring uh did send me a reply to an email that I had sent him and I thank you for that unfortunately that reply lacked specifics uh instead he minimized the council's role and played the primary blame on the the administration we know this is not true the administration is responsible for proposing a budget but it's the council's responsibility to adjust approve or reject the proposal in fact adopting a budget that achieves your goals for your constituents is a primary Council responsibility once adapted it is the responsibility to hold the administration accountable for its execution let's face facts here our fiscal houses is on fire each time I look at the budget I become more concerned for instance just to keep this year's increase to 11.6% we spent a record $6 million of our Surplus which is basically our bank account if you didn't have the $6 million surplus our tax increase would be an excess of 35% what will you do next year the town does not have a $6 million surplus only 445,000 remains a reckoning is approaching for years you have allowed the administration to bloat the budget with unnecessary spending patronage and incompetence have pillaged our treasury are once valued once valued in millions it's now down to thousands you allowed the administration to squander our money and never said a word we're broke basically uh we are facing another massive tax increase and you still remain silent are you even aware of our situation is my question to this Council uh how did it get this dire and what is the plan to reign in the mayor uh next year uh there's little we can do with this year uh I once again will leave uh a copy of my questions to you and I thank you for your time for [Music] Jan G Gyer uh is my name first uh I want to give a shout out to the Bridgewater Board of Education our superintendent of schools and our Educators our high school graduation rate uh increased by 2.5% this year it ranks in the top 11% in New Jersey sixth in the county and is an overall top school in the country country our school tax increase this year with the voter approved all day kindergarten was only 5.6% this enhances property values is good for Bridgewater children and benefits our community this 5.6 increase is 1/ half of the municipal tax increase of almost 12% and this increase is the third year of record Municipal tax increases it would have been over 40% absent the $6 million spent from the town's Surplus slbank account which now has a balance of $445,000 so you can imagine my surprise at mayor Munch's comments mayor men's comments on the podcast real talk on September 23rd 2024 and I'm sorry he's not here to be able to respond to me but he isn't regarding our superintendent of schools the mayor quote just counts down the days until he's gone whether he gets fired or he retires nice thing to say about our superintendent of schools from our mayor the mayor lamented that the voter passage of all day kindergarten was not his quote First Choice and he expressed a desire for a nonpartisan Board of Education in a separate Vu the mayor endorsed two candidates for the Board of Education Jeremy Lee and William Atkins who were recommended by the New Jersey project a group designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as extremist and anti-government he likes them because they will quote support lean budgets not wasteful spending end quote the mayor's desire to change the composition of our school board is puzzling per public records the board of education has an even mixture of folks it is as nonpartisan as possible and shows good things happen when we work together contrast the 5.6 school budget increase to the depletion of the municipal Surplus and the 11.6% municipal tax increase I would say the folks running our schools have done a great job as to the budget for our viewers if you could just try to summarize your comments please excuse me if you could just try to summarize your comments please I won't I have been a resident of this town for 28 years I'm a 60 six-year-old woman and for the record there are 21 municipalities in Somerset County 10 of those municipalities have no limit on public speaking okay five of them have a three minute limit four of them have a five minute limit Bridgewater last and least has a two-minute and you're well past the two minutes at any rate for those I'm Sorry Miss Franco please be you're not at the microphone okay at any rate for our viewers I would ask you to look at your tax bill compare 2023 explanation of taxes in red to 2024 explanation of taxes in brown if you look at the the number toward the bottom on each one it shows you your overall tax increase if you look at the numbers in the columns you will see specific tax increases for specific reasons overall taxes for Bridgewater are up 5% the county tax and the county library tax is down 1% yes I said down the school tax is up less than 6% the Bridgewater Municipal tax up 11.6% and this is after the depletion of the Surplus from basically the town savings account I assume all of you here are just as concerned about this as I am I hope you are not planning to keep overall tax levels overall taxes level by cutting the school budget that's my concern I hope you agree that our children should not pay for municipal deficits and by the way I did also want to add that I appreciated councilman K's comments um acknowledging the the uh anniversary of October 7th I appreciated councilman cardillo's comments about our firemen and women um and I did notice the pink ribbons they're very nice thank you good evening Kathy Franco uh okay let me start with begging your Indulgence as I will exceed the two minutes that you permit um as this room is anything but full there's only four residents here this evening who um are going to speak I don't think that your limit of two minutes is really appropriate I will attempt to maintain two minutes on any individual topic okay um let me start with councilman kersch let me make a correction to your report when you talked about the planning board um voting in favor of the Redevelopment plan you said there was one exstension there was also one vote against I said it was seven to one to one I do not recall you being that specific he did say okay fine you you said there was one abstention he said seven to one was one abion okay fine thank you he said 7 to one and he talked about one abstention he did not say there was one against that's inaccurate and I think no Franco okay fine you know what we will all go and we will replay okay the the YouTube video okay great um you talk that the public would heard from extensively excuse me sir when I came up to the podium I was told I was limited to two to three minutes and I was cut off by the attorney because I was making a suggestion as to what could possibly be built on that property and I was told this was not the timer place that is the timer place there are very limited opportunities to speak about this even though councilman ring at one point spoke at the March meeting and said that there would be many opportunities and blah blah blah blah but excuse me when you're when the public is limited in their ability to spend time and comment and share their thoughts that is not a public hearing it's is it hearing the public gets to hear you or is it that you get to hear the public that's my question that that's my question for all of you because you know what it doesn't work and you say oh you're available to talk to people when I've reached out to you and I've said you can do better on certain issues you've said This is how we do it and and we've already done it really great and that's inaccurate on other issues and excuse me there is an opport for continuous quality improvement in this Township in so many areas okay uh let's go on when will I or any other resident actually see a master plan I've been hearing about this since this entire Council and Administration has been voted into office okay we are now 2024 we have been sending in surveys we've been having meetings we've been having opportunities to post things okay um but when will we actually see it in the meantime we have three Redevelopment projects taking place which go outside the master plan and there are many residents who are really concerned and to be very honest very fearful of repercussions to come and speak publicly or even to talk on social media and and don't don't give me a look like oh you you think people are afraid of repercussions do you you all know the abuse I have faced not only standing at this Podium but on social media you all know how much I am badgered in those ways the liquor license issue at the mall the money is scheduled to go to the general fund according to what I say considering the police bladud reflected the following DW eyes there were seven in September 1 in August two in June three in July six in May and two in April perhaps with the potential increase in DWI would the money perhaps be better spent in law enforcement or in education rather than just going into the general fund and being spent on what every you know paper clips um additional staff and your OCR or whatever you want to do wouldn't it be better spent in enforcing you know against drive driving drunk also um just as a point of information on the police blot the on the website the month of June is missing all the or July is missing from the police blad on the website although is available via the patch or the breeze um the other question I had regarding the police reports is there are a number of political signs that have gone missing from individuals rent Lawns a number of those took place during the month of September none of those were reported on the police blot why is that that is a crime nobody has the right to go onto your personal property and remove a sign from your property that should be reported on the police blot and that should and people should be made aware of that okay from what I understand there's about 17 um in the past month I don't know how many of those took place in September um the Redevelopment and public hearing issues again um I just want to ask whether or not this this body is uh truly going to follow the rules because I do know for a fact that the property was closed on honor about February 6th that before this Council even met and passed a resolution for redevelopment plan that there was an email sent from one councilman to all the other councilmen recommending that this be consed an area in need of redev or or a pilot for the eacon property that is inappropriate a pilot can only be put on a Redevelopment it cannot just be picked out of the air and put on the property so why was an email even sent recommending a pilot to this board to this Council when it had not yet been declared an area in need of Redevelopment and to be very honest I don't want a pilot anywhere we depend as resident taxpayers on those tax dollars going towards our schools going towards our fire districts going towards our County and this this Township replies relies Upon Our County who provides us with grants for parks and other things so you start cutting those areas that's going to hit me as a taxpayer you take that money out of my school taxes I'm going to get hit with that taxes from it's still going to wash through to me your budget's going to look great my budget's going to look like crap as an individual and I know it and I will let every other resident of this Township know it and know you're only doing it to make you look good thank you very much anyone else Jen lockran if it's okay I don't want to put my address that's fine um is there a signin sheet there no I have it on file okay she's got it I got it um first I appreciate the pleasant comments about the board and about the referendum and the work that we did um we worked really well as a team I enjoy working with my board and uh and that's it you know and I agree uh the superintendent has done a a fine job uh I'm not going to speak any further on that because it would be inappropriate but I came here to tell you that this Sunday BR skates Foundation is hosting the third annual skate for the paws right here in the parking lot and every dollar that is raised will go to the shelter where my friend Brian works tirelessly sometimes 20 days in a row to care for the animals now with the Hurricanes displacing pets all over the country some of these animals are coming right here to Bridgewater and they need homes every year skap for the Paw helps find homes for these animals and raises money to care for others but it it is also one of the few times that some of these kids ever get recognition for their talent in performance and Athletics despite popular belief among my critics I don't just care about building a skat Park I care about kids local families inclusivity and diversity I care about parks to those who have concerns about safety I say the name George Watkins Jr he was a 14-year-old skateboarder who was killed when he was struck by a truck on East Maine Street in Manville almost 2 years ago the number one cause of catastrophic injury to skateboarders as well as bike riders is vehicular communities with skat parks are inclusive communities not only are Comm are skat Parks one of the most rainbow friendly places but they are there are no economic barriers like there are in other athletic activities and it was brought up that I use the tennis courts rather than using the hockey courts we want to use the hockey courts actually we've we've asked to use the hockey courts but for several reasons uh it's been considered a liability but we would like to maybe contribute by working on them because we're not even asking for taxpayers to foot the bill on a skate park Anan skat Park was originally built illegally by a Bridgewater resident who is now a local business owner it is one of the most relevant skate parks it is the most relevant skate park in central New Jersey and then years later actually this year Anam was officially sanctioned by the town and there was a ribbon cutting and all of the elected officials DPW and Recreation were there for the photo as for liability insurance is easily recouped through recreational programs programs that I don't even want to run there are a dozen kids in this town that would love to work for recreation and the way that they have come up through the program they are stewards for their parks and public spaces so respectfully I ask once again to work with us on this and build a skate park thank you just a question what's the time of that event on Sunday I'm sorry I always do that it starts at 11 o'clock and it ends at 3: and and there's going to be a lot of great local businesses that are supporting us on this Vans well Vans is at the mall but uh dig uh Gabriel's fountain is uh dishing out free ice cream and uh Somerville School of Rock and there's a Girl Scout Troop a Boy Scout no not Boy Scout um a Scouts troop and I should also thank uh Martinville rescue the police department and DPW and Recreation so thank you for reminding me doing it a month earlier it'll be a little warmer the only day in 30 days are showing rain so fingers crossed for me thank you anyone else seeing no additional comment I move to close the public portion I'll second that all those in favor I I opposed all right public meeting is now closed Mr Mr President I I do not want to get into extended debate but there were at least a handful of things said that cannot just be left uh unchallenged uh we were asked not to cut the school budget we don't have the authority to pass to to cut the school budget uh the municipality passes the municipal budget School District cuts the school budget we do not have the authority uh we were implored to follow the rules associated with uh whatever may occur at eacon I will state that this Township our elected officials our appointed officials we follow all the rules what's most interesting about that councilman kers is the person who came up here uh started their comments by saying saying I'm not going to follow your rules but I want you to follow the rules well I I I'm only responsible for my excuse me ma'am please ma'am please sit down ma'am the public meeting is closed please EXC excuse me the public meeting is closed M I repeat the public meeting what you're saying and what I'm saying I don't feel that it's appropriate frco individuals on this day Franco the public meeting is comments made public meeting is closed if you had a comment to make while I you had the right to make it while I was here you do not have a right to make comments after I leave this FR you have no right to comment when the public meeting is closed thank you then please do not talk about my comments after I leave this day if you have something to say thank you the public me while I am here well I'm going to continue with my comments by simply reiterating that Bridgewater Township those on this deis those who work for us and those who are on our appointed boards we follow the rules we follow the the letter and the intention and any uh and any attempt uh to um uh uh uh accuse otherwise uh is is misplaced and candidly ex exceptionally dangerous and I know there have been a lot of budget budget questions that have come up tonight and that's outstanding uh we we've had these discussions we've had these discussions in public we've had these discussions over many many months we've had discussions we've had discussions over how the municipal budget operates differently than than the school district how there are certain monies that come from the state or monies that come from fees or monies that come from other places you know there comparing budgets in simplistic terms does not uh suit anybody and that those are the extent of my comments but what I will simply say is this you know it would be great if somehow we could have a friendly dialogue but I think at this point it often times these meetings have deterior you'll point past uh uh constructive dialogue thank you all right moving on to resolutions 12a is a resolution requesting approval of items of Revenue and appropriation JSA 4A col 4- 87 budget chapter 159 for Clear communities uh as I understand it this is a grant that money has come in and in order to comply with the state law we need to insert an item in the budget for Revenue correct sir so um and actually if we're okay with it I'm going to do 12b at the same time resolution requesting approval of items of Revenue and appropriation njsa 4A colon 487 budget chapter 159 for opioid settlements just for the Public's uh benefit the um clean communities is just over 127,000 and the opioid settlement is 70,000 any comments or questions I'll move 12a and 12b I'll second and roll call please councilman kers yes councilman cordilla yes council president ring yes all right Award of contracts to phob onics Imaging Technologies Inc of 99 Ray Rock Road Number 103 Clinton New Jersey 08809 for document Solutions under the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey esnj Cooperative pricing system number ej22 23-11 in the amount of $140,000 to be funded through the sewer Professional Services uh just quick comment on this um this is a continuation of um some record retention some modernization that we've been doing the clerk's office is some spearheading over the last couple years uh we scanned hundreds of boxes of documents um to improve some efficiency internally and also made us more responsive to the public and more timely with our responses uh as you can see this year we'll be focusing on sewer documents thank you I'll move that I'll second councilman kers yes councilman cordilla I abstain council president ring yes 12d authorizing Award of contract to coka Ford 215 US Highway 202 Flemington New Jersey 08822 for the total amount not to exceed $$ 26,36 4.50 for the acquisition of two Mason dump trucks via the Mars County cooperative pricing system contract number 15-c item number 19 to be funded through sore Capital pretty self-explanatory yep these are workhorses they're uh very versatile for sewer department and Beyond cluding to the removal I'll make the motion to approve second second it councilman kers yes councilman Cilla yes council president ring yes 12 e is authorizing change order number one final change order decreasing the contract price from $287,700 I'm sorry $280,500 a decrease of 2.5% or $7,200 authorizing the acceptance of the project release of the performance bond acceptance of the maintenance Bond and fin payment to CMS Construction Inc 521 North Avenue planfield New Jersey 07060 for the camp Cromwell damp dam removal project fund it through open space I'll move this I'll second well call councilman kers yes councilman cordilla yes council president ring yes 12f is authorizing Michael Papa Township administrator is the authorized official to represent the township of Bridgewater in all matters relating to the application with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the New Jersey infrastructure bank for the Middlebrook Pump Station Phase 2 project project number s 3406 38-7 and authorizing William pandos Chief Financial Officer to act as the authorized representative responsible for designating collaborators and submitting any upload and final documentation for the Middlebrook Pump Station Phase 2 project project number s34 638-0743 I'll make the motion to approve I'll second it roll call councilman kers yes councilman cordilla yes council president ring yes 12g is a reimbursement of building construction permit fees pursuant to chapter 94 section 94-1 of the code of Township of Bridgewater New Jersey in the amount of $291 for Anthony wagger a fireman for martinel volunteer fire department I'll move this second um the only comment I'll say is uh you know we were talking ear councilman cordill was talking early about our the fire service and the services they provide one of the things the township does for both fire and EMS Volunteers in the community is wave the portion of any building permits uh that Revenue would go to the township as a thank you to them for their service so roll call councilman kers yes councilman cordilla yes council president ring yes 12h is a resolution authorizing the issuance of one New Jersey one I'm sorry one new special shopping mall liquor license pursuant to njsa 33 colon 1-1 12.55 by public sale and publication of a notice of such sale and that applications therefore will be accepted by the township Council for the township of Bridgewater um this is an action that we're allowed to do based upon the changes that Governor Murphy signed um I guess it was earlier this year or was it last year um around liquor licenses and his attempt to reform liquor license last year thank you I'll make the motion to approve 12h I'll second it councilman kers yes councilman cordilla yes council president ring yes and 12i has been moved and we'll return at Future meeting with that uh the last item we have this evening is um a closed session uh be it resolved Township of bridgew this body will now hold a meeting to discuss potential litigation under Redevelopment when and if the matters discussed become public record this will not this will be made known to the public at that time the public is excluded from said meeting and further notice therefore is disposed of with all in accordance with sections 8 and 4A of the open public meetings act we have a motion to enter close session I'll make that motion I'll second it uh roll call councilman kers yes councilman cordilla yes council president ring yes all right all right we are now in closed session without expectation for addition yeah I don't we have no action correct okay the only action we will have is to reopen and close the meeting e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay we have completed our closed session um take a motion to um resume our public session I'll make the motion to resume in public session I'll second it all those in favor I I opposed all right um Howard is not here so who would like to have the honor the motion to adjourn second all those in favor I opposed meeting's adjourned thank you for you thank you we're not we're not we're not broadcasting anymore I know