##VIDEO ID:U4mL8ohwxb4## e e e all to order the September 19th meeting of the Bridgewater Town Council make sure my mic's on in compliance with the open public meetings Act of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting was provided on December 21st 2023 by sending written notice and electronic notice to The Courier News and the breeze posting on the website and the bulletin board in the municipal building and filing with the Township Clerk Madame clerk roll call please councilman kers here councilman cill here counc manalis here pedo here president tring would you stand if you're able for the pledge of allegiance to be handled by Alan cordella flag of the United States of America Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible Liberty justice for all thank you we have minutes for approval of August 15th and September 5th both have been circulated has everyone had an opportunity to look at them uh I'll make a motion to approve them motion from Allan second please which date is this I'm sorry August 15th and September 5th September 5th I'll be abstaining could we separate it all right we'll we'll set it we'll we'll separate them uh we'll go with August 15 uh Alan can we take your your movement on Allan on August 15th and we have a second all those in favor say I I I okay now moving to the September 5th minutes uh motion on that please I'll make that motion all right same same characters uh any other comments uh Mr pedroo will abstain from those uh all those in favor signify saying I I I Nays or abstentions okay thank you Township Council reports we'll begin with Mr pedroo uh thank you sir first of all I just want to uh uh state that Mr George baitman a Bridgewater resident uh passed away uh Mr baitman was a lifelong resident to Bridgewater uh he was a graduate of bridge J riton High School East same school I went to and he also was a graduate of Cook College at wus University which happens to be the same school I went to George was a great man he was an active Community servant he participated in many things had a lot of obviously several civil service in fact uh the day before he passed away he was actually at this council meeting uh he used to be a regular attendee here and um I'm going to miss him on September 7th I had the privilege privilege of participating in a deeply moving ceremony at the historic Prince Rogers Cemetery where we were joined by the remarkable reenactors of the sixth regiment us colored Troops standing there surrounded by The Echoes of History I was reminded of the incredible courage and sacrifice of those who fought not just for their country but for their freedom and dignity Prince Prince Rogers Was Born Into Slavery right here in Bridgewater Township in 1815 and was freed in 1839 his story didn't end there he answered the call of duty and served in the United States colored Troops a Brotherhood of men who fought not only for the union but for the very principles of equality and justice during during the event I learned that the United States colored Troops played an invaluable role in shaping the course of the Civil War over 130 regiments of infantry six regiments of Calvary and dozens of artillery units were formed with black men from many states stepping forward to serve it is believed that around 1500 black men from New Jersey alone fought in fought in that war with 680 of them in the 22 United States colored Troops to delve deeper into to the powerful history of the US colored Troops I encourage you to watch the video I took and posted uh of one of the rean actors sharing their story you you can find it on my Facebook page at FIP p- Bridgewater I also want to thank Lorraine Allen and the Prince Rogers foundation for both cleaning up and preserving the prince Roger cemetery and for hosting this event now shifting to another solemn moment in our nation's history i' like to take a moment to express my gratitude to mayor mench for once again leading a poignant September 11th remembrance ceremony here at Town Hall on that faithful day nearly 3,000 Souls were lost and countless more lives were forever changed by the terror attacks this year the Girl Scouts troops 60029 in collaboration with our dedicated Town staff placed 2,977 Flags along woodlon Avenue adjacent to the administration building these flags stand as a powerful and heartbreaking reminder of those we lost on September 11th let now forget if we were to place a flag for every son and daughter mother and father brother and sister and friend who had a loved one ripped away from them that day the flags would stretch far beyond this town hall and still it wouldn't capture the enormity of the loss Bridge Bridgewater itself lost six of its own that day no Foster Ral Toro Lance toti Thomas bimus Evan Baron and Al Allison Wildman we honor their memory as as part of a community that stands United in the face of tragedy and forever committed to remembering thank you Mr kers thank you Mr President uh on uh September 10th uh the zoning board met her to case Somerset property Associates LLC uh an office building on uh 202 206 uh an interesting um you new use um uh senior daycare within what was previously Class A office space so uh that certainly is is uh an overall Community good uh to uh provide that assistance to seniors uh you know a resource for them and then also uh um re reusing uh office space in creative way uh September 11th I had the privilege of attending both the the beginning of the County uh uh ceremony remembrance ceremony as well as the one that we had here at our Municipal complex that was referenced by uh councilman pedroso uh and I'm simply going to State uh or restate one of the themes that was um uh covered by mayor mench um it's now 20 uh 3 years uh since since the the the terrible attacks occurred many of us witnessed them personally and and uh you know Bridgewater certainly had loss and on a personal level many of us have also also experienced loss that day in in one form or another the question's now been asked 23 years later well how long how much longer are you going to do this um and I think that the um you know the mayor gave gave a very uh uh meaningful answer um we're going to keep doing it there is no end in sight so so it would certainly be my hope that those for many many years who are in positions of authority with this Township will continue to have a ceremony like that and I certainly make the personal pledge that for for every September 11th that I wake up with breath in my lungs and enough strength in my legs uh that I will get to a 9/11 ceremony whether it be during I during time I continue to live in Bridgewater or uh potentially elsewhere as my life uh as my life continues I think it's it's our solemn commitment never forget really does mean never forget uh uh the following day September 12th uh I attended uh Somerset Patriots Day sponsored by plan NJ plan NJ stands for um planned Lifetime Assistance network of New Jersey they provide practical solutions for people with disabilities and their families focused particularly on uh uh Legal Financial and and other uh needs that individuals with disabilities have it was a very successful night a very large group uh out in support of that or of that important or organization on uh Saturday September 14th uh I attended the U mid Autumn Lantern Festival that is a celebration uh of uh the Chinese American culture uh that's certainly something that I look forward to every year on the calendar that was held over at the um Bridgewater Commons mall later that uh that afternoon uh I had the uh the privilege of speaking uh at George baitman funeral on behalf of our community uh with brief words acknowledging his many many contributions to Bridgewater uh the following day September 15th uh was The JCC Community Day and Touch a Truck Event uh also over at the Bridgewater Commons mall so that was extremely successful uh brought in uh uh Children and Families from uh really across the region learned two things uh kids love to um honk the horn of a school bus uh so if you were anywhere near that you heard a constant drone of um of uh of of a honking Horn uh and they're a little freaked out by the um uh the uh the cage that's in the back of a police car where uh prisoners are uh potentially house their kids were a little leery of that of that part of the operation uh on September 17th the planning board was canceled that gave me the opportunity to attend Somerset Patriots playoff game uh which they won and as we speak they're playing game two uh of a three-game series hopefully if successful uh you'll see the lights on next Tuesday night and next Wednesday night over at the Ballpark that'll be a sign that good things are happening because the Patriots are in the eastern league championship and then finally wanted to just acknowledge uh that we will soon be turning our attention uh to the fall food drive uh that is a collaboration between the township of Bridgewater and Bridgewater United uh bags like this uh will be distrib distributed uh to our soccer families uh a tent will be erected out in the courtyard uh the distribution is anticipated for October 7th uh the tent will um be set up during the week of the 14th um and uh with the assistance of our DPW staff we will be collecting uh food uh for the um Food Network of Somerset County that's located in Bridgewater and we'll bring all the goods over there there and and certainly it's a great partnership between uh the soccer association the town uh on behalf of uh uh the food bank Network and that's my report thank you Alan cordello please thank you Howard uh since our last meeting uh I participated in the September 11th ceremony uh which indeed is a very heavy-hearted ceremony in Bridgewater Township I also attended a workshop on storm water management and from the 11th to the 15th I attended the uh New Jersey state fireman Association Convention which did not enable me to attend the u a luncheon so to speak uh to be recognized as a senior of member of Distinction by Congressman Cain I truly do admit to being disappointed not to attend that uh meeting that's it Howard thank you my report uh Philip thank you for recognizing the passing of uh George baitman he was actually sitting right in the back there during the Thursday meeting last and by the next morning his world their world had changed uh the state of New Jersey record of unclaim property was again printed in The Courier News in the smallest print available making it extremely difficult for Reed for Mo for most of us especially even with my glasses I couldn't uh Bridge order is unfortunately well represented among the names and addresses so I will again leave my copy in the clerk's office at the desk and if you were in their municipal office and you wish to browse through please stop by I have also on the white table between the between the two doors placed a copy of of the reported it's 20 pages long as I say the print is very small there are hundreds and hundreds of Bridgewater names but if you're seeking to look for your name look not only for your last name but for your first name because the state sometimes Prince Joe Jones or Jones Joe and it's it's all over the place but anyway there is a magnifying glass there also for those who are who who need it I want to thank Ally from Grace's organization I called her earlier in the week and I said anybody in the township have a magnifying glass because I really want to have one for Thursday and without a beat she Saidi take care of it and she did so thank you Ally the township 911 Service uh was held on that date this was mentioned several times this year I wanted to part from simply saying there was a 911 ceremony in share what really happened uh on the 23rd anniversary mayor mention opened and closed the ceremony with insight as the how 911 was personal to New Jersey as opposed to other parts of the country where it was considered a national event participants included the police Honor Guard Alan Cilla read the Fireman's Prayer Philip pedroso read the EMS prayer police chief John mitac read the the policeman's prayer the following 9911 Bridgewater deaths were memorialized n fost by Matthew mench Ron tataro by Alan Cilla Lance Tamal by Howard noralis Thomas pimus by Michael kersch and Evan Baron by Philipe boso we remember and honor those who fell on that faithful day I want to share a few words about special happenings in Bridgewater over the next little time the first is the Hind hu Festival of Ganesh uh it's celebrated as the birthday of the Hindu deity Ganesh the festival is marked with the installation of Ganesh clay myrties which are devotional representatives of the deity privately in homes and publicly on elaborate temporary stages observers include chant observations and observances include chanting of historic viic hymns and Hindu texts such as prayers and fastings offerings and pada a vegetable food cooked especially for devotees after prayers and thanksgivings uh are distributed to the community the festival ends on the 10th day after the start when the clay myty is carried in a public procession with music and group chanting then immersed in a nearby body of water generally a river or sea uh the in in Mumbai India alone 150,000 mes were emerged annually thereafter the clay mury dissolves and Ganesh is believed to return to his Celestial Abode another activity in the township is the alpal LA annual Fall Festival on September 22nd from 2: to 7: at the temple location on Route 202 206 all are welcome Temple Shalom will celebrate the 50th anniversary of judic Ministry of Rabbi Isaac's on November 24th and invitations are being sent out to Temple member members the join Ting of the township and JCC was held the last week at the parking lot in the mall and as has previously been mentioned hundreds turned out to enjoy rides for the kids food and displays and informational handouts that is my report mayor's report please just briefly on behalf of the mayor we wanted to thank members of the council and staff in The JCC for a very successful uh day this past Sunday and thank the members of the Council for their participation in the 911 ceremony thank you thank you uh item seven on the agenda we have no proclamations uh but we have item number eight which is presentation which reads as recognition of councilman Allan Cilla and Council vice president Howard nor Galis as seniors of Distinction from the office of Congressman Tom Kane Jr and we have a representative from Tom K's organization JD would you come forward JD is no is no stranger to Bridgewater having worked here as part of OCS absolutely um it is my pleasure and honor to be here tonight uh you know councilman nor Gallas thank you so much and councilman cordilla we were sorry to have missed you on the 13th um I do have a letter here from the congressman uh dear councilman cordilla I am so sorry that you are unable to attend the congressional district 7 seniors of Distinction event held on September 13th in Bridgewater I would have enjoyed the opportunity to have congrat congratulated you in person for being selected for this honor one of the best parts of being a congressman is that I wake up every day with the opportunity to make a positive difference in somebody else's life I know you share that same mindset and have dedicated your time experience and talents to serving others around you your nomination and selection as a senior of Distinction serves as a testament to your passion and to your committed commitment to service particularly your more than 55 years of service on the findern fire department including serving as chief your current position as the chair of Bridgewater's fourth fire district and your service as a Bridgewater councilman for over 15 years please accept this certification of recognition with my most sincere uh thanks for all you have done and continue to do to better the world around you again congratulations and best W wishes for much happiness in the years ahead sincerely Tom Kane Jr member of Congress so I would love to present this certificate to you I also have another one here for uh Council vice president noralis with a little bit of a nicer cover on it so [Music] [Applause] congratulations congratulations uh to you both very well very well deserved congratulations Howard Allan I think between the two of you you guys have a century of Fire Department service on you right volunteers we tried to play Down how long it's been though yeah but thank you it's phenomenal all right we're now up to item number eight which is uh meeting open to the public members of the public uh wishing to address the Council on any matter will be allowed two minutes to speak unless there are unusual circumstances may I have a motion open to the public please I'll make that motion second second all those in favor I I okay we are open to public and please give your name and address you're no stranger to the position but we need for the record good evening gentlemen and members of the public in the audience and those live streaming my name is Joan G Gyer um first uh shout out to the Bridgewater police a young adult male that I know who was recently stopped by a police officer um I just want to comment the police officer was professional understanding and non-threatening and at the same time was doing his job I'd also like to um comment on councilman pedr Roo's comments tonight they were very much appreciated I thought they were lovely um as to a different concern in order to avoid escalation I'm reaching out to all of you council members and those people watching this tonight um regarding the recent uptick in the stealing of political signs from residents homes um this has occurred in at least 15 homes mostly in Martinsville some folks have reported it to the police um many have not per NJ statute 20 uh per NJ statute 2c2 colon 3A a person is guilty of theft if he takes property of another with the purpose to deive him thereof per our criminal code this is a disorderly person's offense that carries penalties of up to $1,000 in fine and six months in jail now so that nobody gets frightened by this um I want to make it clear that any fines for a disorderly person's offense are generally much lower and jail time would be extremely r um and I also want to note that I have appeared in our Municipal Court many many times and I can assure the public that all of our judges are very reasonable very fair and very caring people and if any of you have not been in our Municipal Court I suggest you go sometime and you will see how well-run our court is and any rate the goal here is to stop this juvenile Behavior rather than to see anyone punished all right well most people will brush it off some folks get upset and could be inclined to see charges pressed in a world of tracking devices and door cameras eventually the person or persons will be caught before this happens I'm asking the folks in this room and the people who live stream um this meeting to get out the word this needs to stop you can post statements on social media reminding people this behavior is juvenile it's a waste of police and Court time it's illegal and it's unamerican let us eliminate this childish behavior and focus on lowering taxes storm damage prevention and safety from gun violence for our children and residents and finally um let's hope that we never have to have an annual Memorial like all of you pretty much mentioned the 9/11 memorial let's work on Firearms control so that we never have to have an annual Memorial in Bridgewater to honor Bridgewater victims of gun violence thank you thank you Mrs gerer anyone else wishing to address the council it's Miss Gyer I I don't go go by Mrs my husband has a different last name thank you good evening Kathy Franco 766 weac Road um first let me start off by saying I was here last Sunday and I was very embarrassed and disgraced by um the condition of the front of the municipal building planting areas uh there were weeds in most of them or many of them some of these weeds were 18 to 24 in High um these are not weeds that just popped up yesterday I I have my own Gardens at home I know how long it takes for a weed to grow up to my knees um so I'm embarrassed as a citizen um to have the main entrance to our Municipal Building looking such disrepair or such a way in which it seems as if we don't care I I would hope that there is some way that this Council and this Administration would pay attention apparently you all come in the back door so you probably don't even notice what it looks like to walk in the front door of this building um my next issue has to do with the Vare wle whatever you want to call of property in August of 2018 the council approved the purchase of that property along with contributions from the county and from private organizations this was ordinance 18-14 in section 7 of that ordinance it said dnor funding is requiring as a condition of its grant that the property be available to the public by the construction of a stone parking lot and trails to be agreed upon by the township and DNR in the future so that was in 2018 we are now 6 years later in 2023 um this Council approved the purchase of the senion property and in September of 2023 the DNR Greenway gave an additional amount of money to this Township to provide that access so when will we as Citizens be able to benefit and be able to access that because right now it is only the abing properties that are able to access that property I drove by the entrance to where Sean property is and it is Chained off there is no way that I could even park my car you know at the end of it and walk in and enjoy that property which was meant for the benefit of all residents of this Township 6 years it's it's a little too long it's a little too late what are are you doing you're probably not going to give me an answer tonight I hope that you will have an answer by next council meeting or within the next month or two um Camp Cromwell a whole another issue my two minutes will run out I I would love to see that open I see the beautiful little bridges that were built which are probably now rotting the wooden bridges because I'm sure they're not being pressure treated I'm sure they're not being you know um monitored the property is overgrown fenes are broken down all I see are no trespassing signs and yet I see mountain bikers riding their bikes through it um and finally how many Redevelopment projects will this Township be looking at from what I can see we're up to three in this current year I understand that we need commercial real estate that will bring money in but why aren't we attracting businesses to this town we have individuals buying properties a Dewey bought a piece of property Dewey is a trucking property that property is not you know currently um planned or or approved for Trucking or for warehouses or whatever they traditionally do so it's going to go under Redevelopment you know I mean the whole thing is you need to attract businesses we have chased Away business businesses and we continue to do that you need to start attracting the type of businesses that we want in this town thank you very much thank you Mrs frankco anyone else wishing wishing to address the councel thank you I'll second please all those in favor of closing public Tak by saying I I all right we are closed for the public we're now up to item number number 10 which is the public hearing and final action uh ordinance and ordinance amending chapter 126 part 11 uh article let's see 357 okay of the code of the township of bridgew entitled storm water control to reflect amendments to the New Jersey storm water management rules and njac 78 adopted July 17 2023 uh before I ask uh Mr papis for comments on this I'm going to say that uh uh at at the last time we discussed this issue uh I raised the issue uh of unfunded band dates and uh the week before last uh mayor mench and I jointly signed a letter uh to the commission on unfunded issues which is a state organization it was approved uh under Constitution a number of years back for to the group looks over the approvals by the various ruling organizations and determines whether or not basically they're fair to the township so we have not heard filings any filings back and it may be an extended period of time at the time I said I would not support this storm water management unless we got a response but I'm going to change my mind on that I think the storm water rules need to be applied but I'm going to ask Mr papus to to share whatever insight would like at this point sure thank you uh Mr nalis I I want to thank members of the council that have made themselves available for us uh Mr bur Township engineer and I to uh brief each of you on this uh ordinance uh a number of months ago uh Tony Gallow our assistant Township engineer and Dicky Shimp our superintendent of Public Works made a lengthy presentation here summarizing the new storm water management requirements just to summarize very briefly for members of the public in 2004 the state of New Jersey established a storm water management uh requirements for every municipality in New Jersey and in uh 2023 those requirements were uh enhanced and those enhancements uh require among other things the enactment of the ordinance that is before the township council tonight uh to um strengthen and make more stringent requirements for development before our land use boards this particular ordinance is identical to an ordinance that every other municipal government in New Jersey is being uh asked to adopt and uh that is what is before the township Council uh tonight be happy to respond to any questions thank you um first of all I'll ask for a uh a motion on on this uh Philipe do I see your hand reaching for a button I just wanted to State uh that I did have a um a meeting with Mr Burr thank you Mr papis for making your um engineer accessible to the governing body and um I have been basically I was told that uh this will put us in compliance with state law that we have to comply with state law and so this um ordinance will now put us in compliance and number two I was also assured that um uh there were no increased fees uh to the township as a result of this particular ordinance correct yes there if I can just clarify there is only one provision that we have added here and it is not a a fee if the individuals um that own or individuals entities that own privately maintained detention basins there is a requirement as part of the state's uh storm water management uh edict that every municipal government has to certify that every privately owned detention Basin is maintained annually and so what we have included in this ordinance is a requirement that those privately held detention basins notify the township annually that they are maintaining if we did not uh include that the township government would be required to inspect those detention basins at our own expense well um council president I'm just um based on the fact that I feel like our hands are tied you know the state passes laws and some of these laws Force municipalities to do certain things and this is one of those examples I don't think we have much of a choice so from from my perspective and I appreciate Mr Burr's time and in going through great explation on this uh th this is not a bad document it may be an expensive document but it requires a lot of work in par we have some six to 700 what I'll call outfalls places where underground pipes come come out and and uh this uh requirement uh requires inspection uh after a major event several inches of rain they have to go back out so uh it's one that we'll have to work on now we need to have a public meeting at this point I'd like to have a motion to open the meeting to the public on this I'll make that motion we have a motion second all those in favor I I okay we are open to the public for any public comments on item 10 Miss skyer coming forward Jon G Gyer um thank you very much for I think you're expressing your willingness to pass the ordinance and I can't tell you how important I think this is this affects every homeowner I mean we all have had water in our basement we all are in the very very least we have to deal with not being able to travel on roads because they're closed because of storm damage and in the very very worst we have lost four people one Bridgewater residence and three people in Bridgewater during Ida I understand how expensive this is I appreciate councilman kersh's concern about the cost to us but the cost of doing nothing is far greater than the cost of doing something something and so I appreciate the council's um willingness to pass this ordinance thank you you anyone else wishing to share Insight with the Council on this issue seeing known could I have a motion to close public input and move for final action on this I'll make that motion I'll second subject to any potential conversation discussion on this amongst the councilman any other additional questions from Mr papus Mr President just a brief uh comment on this subject in general um storm water management and high level of concern about storm water management is certainly nothing new um it's not new this year and it's not new to the faces that are on this de right now uh I was on the um the zoning board uh for eight years uh before my time on Council began roughly 5 years ago and know looking at this de we've we I I think just about all of us uh have been on on on the zoning board possibly going back even to the beginning of uh of uh the decade I'm sorry to the beginning of the century really back to uh uh you know over over 20 to 25 years uh and I can assure residents uh that in the past and in the present uh as um cases are heard before the land use boards uh one of the issues that's front and center is what's going to happen to the storm water how is whatever you want to do to your land going to make the circumstance no worse than it is now now and preferably better uh and that's where substantial engineering uh Solutions typically come into place to manage storm water uh as I said at least as well if not better uh than it is in the current state so that that is an ongoing commitment uh you know not only from this from this Council but certainly from our land use boards uh we certainly understand the challenges uh uh you know as water typically is rolling downhill um and um you know as I said we will continue to be diligent on this issue moving ahead thank you thank you any other comments we have a roll we have a motion a second roll call please councilman kers yes councilman cill yes councilman pedroso yes president Nogales yes okay item 11 we have uh no introduction of ordinances moving to the resolutions item 12a Award of contract to RJM landscape and design LLC of 821 parsonage he'll Drive Branchburg New Jersey 08876 for snow removal services in the amount not to exceed $75,000 for the 2024 d225 winter season Mr papus any comments on this please no this is just an annual uh resolution uh this is a new firm and um I expect they will do a very good job for us excellent okay a clarifying question if I May um is is are we authorizing any snow removal that would occur before the end of this year and then would need to take additional action through the 2025 budget or does this cover the full winter from now till next Spring right yes uh depending upon you have an amount not to exceed amount so it really depends upon how much snow we have so we may have to come back for more funding but hopefully not no we're going to do our no snow prayer yeah at right we'll work on we'll work on that okay any other comments if not could I have a motion on 12a please make that motion to introduce by Allan second by second Michael roll call please 12a councilman Kush yes cordill yes pedo yesal yes moving to 12b authorizing the purchase of road salt for the 2024 d225 winter season from the summer set County Road and Bridge division P box 3000 Somerville New Jersey 08876 in the amount not to exceed $70,000 Mr papus again simply um what the resolution title States uh salt for our road department we uh we pick all our salt up at the county facilities and it makes it easy and convenient uh if there are no other comments or question questions could I have a motion on 12b please make that motion second thank you second okay roll call please cman K yesman cordel yesman pedo yes president nois yes 12C approving participation with the state of New Jersey and a safe and secure communities grant program administered by the Office of the Attorney General Department of the law and public safety for a grant amount of up to 45,000 $150 and a matching expense of up to $221,950 64 cents just for the public uh often grants uh have a requirement that you spend additional funds uh related to the grant that's called matching funds and in this particular case the matching funds would be police salaries Mr prus you have any comments any questions if not may I have a motion please that motion just want to note that the my understanding is is that these funds will be used to uh offset two Traffic Safety officers is that correct and whether or not the grant is received the township is going to incur the expense no matter what for the two Traffic Safety officers correct that is correct right so okay roll call please I'll second I'm sorry did was there for a second councilman kers yes councilman cill yes councilman pedroo yes president oralis yes okay 12d is supporting the New Jersey Department of Transportation Route 202 206 and Route 22 Interchange petersbrook to Commons Way project located in the township of Bridgewater Somerset County Mr papis would yes uh I did distribute a a photograph uh provided by Mr Burr of The Interchange and I hope it illustrates what the state is proposing and um appreciate the council's consideration and supporting this project at the request of the do by the way uh whether we agree or disagree will have absolutely no impact on the state of New Jersey uh this is something we do as a courtesy to them for them to be able to circulate a conditions of of approval within their departments uh one of the things that I'm as soon as this issue came up I asked Mr papis I said are we going to have the opportunity to in going east on 202 to be able to go south on 202 206 and the answer is no so uh these are some root improvements but uh we're have to wait for the next project sadly uh any comments at this point could I have a motion I have a I have a question Mr Pap we don't I mean we don't typically I don't recall having making resolutions for every dot project that that happens in Bridgewater Township what's unique about this particular project um but we do uh we have historically over the years had numerous dot resolutions uh for support even though it didn't it wasn't material it's not every not common so it has not been for every project and there have been instances where Council has chosen not to take any position it's totally your discretion what's the administration's position on this supporting the adoption of the resolution as a courtesy to the dot as I look at the plan I mean I don't know this wasn't provided in our packet and I just received it today I presume the public hasn't seen this yet so just for the Public's perspective I let it doesn't look like there's there's really much being changed in way of the TR the road traffic it's just that they're going to be adding expanding the road in some areas putting some guard rails here and there it's not like they're not really changing the flow of traffic at all or that's that's my understanding right all right okay could I have a motion for 12d please I'll make that motion Howard okay get a second please I'll second okay roll call please 12d someone K yes yes pedo yes president Nogales yes okay we are we have completed the resolutions we are now up to item 13 which is a Clos session uh be it resolved uh by the Bridgewater Township Council that this body will hold a closed meeting to discuss litigation for affordable housing when and if the matter discussed becomes public record this will be made known to the public at that time the public is excluded from said meeting and further notice thereof is dispensed uh with all in accordance with sections 8 and 4A of the open public meetings act uh there I would expect there will be no business following this meeting we will simply close the Clos session and then move for adjournment uh could we have a uh a motion to go to close session please I'll make that motion SEC second please I'll second it thank you all those in favor I I okay we are in Clos session uh suzan are we off e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e thanks Alex ladies and gentlemen we are back online now we have completed the closed session the only remaining course of business at this point is adjournment could I have a motion to adjourn make that motion I'll second second all those in favor of adjournment I I I we stand ajour thank you very much for your time thank you ladies what what game is on tonight what game is on Michael Patriots some patriots Oh I thought you cuz it's all are the New England P I don't give a about that and I'm like why does he care about that