faces East but if it's facing the restaurant it's going to be facing west I would assume your exhibits actually have east and west backwards the drive-thru is Facing East you're correct yeah I apologize it's a no worries just want to make sure everyone knows what we're looking at uh the south side which is the side that faces the uh Hotel property uh that's the uh the back at the back of the building and uh that's more utilitarian um there is a canopy over the uh the one of the exit doors for the uh staff and then when you get to the west elevation or East Elevation which is the side that faces the uh side street that one has the drive-thru bump out with a little canopy there uh again uh in terms of signage on the uh east side you'll see again there's that round logo right over the uh uh drop off area and and top right corner there's a very small sign again that says driveth through there again it's just meant to as people drive around the parking lot they see that sign it helps them to kind of Orient themselves around the building where the drive-thru is um the logos uh I think it's important for Starbucks to have those logos on those two prominent ends of the building because as people drive around the parking lot they recognize that uh uh that logo now I'm going to go to the next sheet which kind of gets into the actually that's all the uh the drawings and I'm going to go right to the rendering and I didn't want to go through print out all the renderings uh the first two sheets you have sheet number two and three are are like those elevation drawings that were colorized and it's a perspective view but I think the most better one to go to is sheet number four which is a perspective view of the front facade of the building and the side that faces the main road and here you can see the material that the uh they're uh proposing to put is a very um high-end uh metal panel system to clad the entire building that's the black metal panel that you see and then at the entrance way it's uh the wall is flanked by a a wood uh type of material so they're going to this kind of modern kind of look with a little bit of warmth with the entrance door is and the canopy itself is also uh uh has a metal trim around the perimeter here you could see the Starbucks sign that I was pointing to that Main Starbucks sign again I think you could see that it's uh very discreetly scaled and then underneath the canopy there's a little green sign with the number four next to it again that's that little blade sign that would be uh located underneath the uh uh the sign there just saying welcome the next sheet is uh page number five uh this is uh kind of the um the view looking at that front from the right side of the building where the uh the canopy is and you can see the outdoor patio area where you have some covered seating area as well as a open seating area and towards the top of the building above the building you do see the uh the logo again with that lettering for drivethru again it's really meant to be seen a little bit further away for cars as they drive around the building um just for identity and getting an understanding where the drive-throughs are located around the building and so your rendering show the proposed signage at scale to the facade correct that's correct that's correct and and I think in scale-wise the the round logo is 48 in in diameter and so when you look at it on the facade itself I think it's a it's it's prominent but it's not overly scaled it's uh Again part of the Prototype design it's their standard dimensions and uh you know they're very I think design sensitive as a as a company um again this this uh next page is Page Six it's showing you uh looking at that right side of the building as well as the rear side of the building so the the three quter view then when you get to view number seven that's the driveway uh drive-through side which is the uh the east side that would face the side sideway and we have one uh logo over the drive-thru and uh towards the front uh uh left corner you can see that little word that says drive through there again it's really meant to be a for orientation and wayfinding purposes so I think that sort of shows you uh all the um sort of main views of the building and I'm going to go back to uh uh can I interrupt you a minute while you're on the signs here I'm a little confused when you look at the front of the building you have the it says Starbucks that's right right there actually the same one I do and then in the back you have the logo and then you have over the drive up to the left there you have another one why wouldn't you have one above the Starbucks cuz I don't consider the ones above the drive through or the back especially the back one much use at all well there isn't any in the back but there's one on the left side and the right side of the building um so on the the back you're looking at it to me it a little exessive the uh uh page five right right there you could see the front of the building as well as the right side because we kind of looking at that 3/4 view so the one on the right side it's it helps people W find uh where the the drive-thru is uh as they approach the building uh and the parking lot from the right side even when you're driving down the highway you'll recognize that sign because it's on that side of the building so it helps a little bit more with the recognition so now could you add that uh logo in the front too sure you can but the Starbucks purposely put it on the sides because they felt that that's the side that's going to be most uh visible and most prominent in terms of recognizing the building as you drive around the building because the building is meant to be experienced around uh three-dimensionally all the way around not just always from the front uh they felt it's important to have that logo on the right side and the left side of the build so that's the Starbucks standard then that's correct yeah and there you know depending on the site that they'll they'll they'll work with the signage and on this site with this prototype design they know it's a freestanding building that you're going to see from all sides and always locating on the right side and the left side it's really meant to help you Orient around the building to know that there's a drive to that you're going to go around that's really the the main reason uh they located those signs in that way so you're really seeing multiple signs but when you look at the uh rendering I think you'll uh agree that it's the Tastefully done appropriately scaled and the quantity doesn't uh make it look like it's uh too busy right there it's just in the right place and you know sometimes we consider that again like a wayf finding but I think um it helps you uh Orient yourself around so again overall sign you can see there's Starbucks sign one there one that little blade sign underneath there's the the logo on the right side the circle with the word driveth through on the right side and then you have the same thing on the left that's the extent of the facade signs that we're requesting I'd like to ask you a question about the rear of the building sir as you said it's quite utilitarian in its appearance when if you were to um describe to the board and to the public who's looking at that backside aside from the people driving around the building is that visible from the restaurant is it visible from the hotel you'll you'll definitely see that's the side that faces the hotel and there's a a driveway back there uh there's more Landscaping between the the grassy area between the building and the the driveway that goes around the drive-thru drive-thru would circle around so mostly people who drive around for the drive-thru will see that side of the building but you could see the Starbucks they're like well we're not going to skimp here they put all that nice expensive material on the back side too but it's not something that should be visible from people who are behind the property be presuming that we have the screening that we're anticipating that's right this is uh also this building is much much uh shorter than uh uh previously po G School roof would have been uh almost two and a half stories tall relative to other house structure whereas this one really is like a no bigger than a one-story house I appreciate that and then this is the one we're focused on so whatever we had before we don't even consider yeah yeah I I think from a sense of scale uh it is just one story tall uh and the roof is actually flat you are going to have rooftop equipment and there is screening around the perimeter I think it's more noticeable from the back elevation because you can see the uh the the screen material that wraps around the rooftop unit um whereas when you look at it from the front because it's set back you you really can't see it at all um one of the things that I do want to clarify in the uh planner's report they thought that uh we have to request a variance for parid height uh but I think uh there was they were mistaken the height of the the rooftop screen uh the height of the rooftop screen above the roof ppit was a 48 in when you look at the elevation drawing however the parit itself is only about two foot eight at the highest point the roof kind of slopes so the parit if you measure it where the roof is higher it's beer I think well Mr Horton you're in luck we have a new planner maybe she can chime in and give us her thoughts on that okay we're not going to vote tonight so we got plenty of time but that's something that we do want to Circle back on because it's an important variance thank you just for the uh purposes of the uh that that discussion here if you refer to the elevation drawing A1 4.01 that all the elevation shows you the top of parit height which is 18t half inch above the first floor and then top of the roof screen is 22 feet so that was that 4ot difference if you look at the uh parit and kind of look closer at the drawing there's a dash line uh shown behind the wall That's the the outline of the roof surface so if you measure that height that's only uh uh approximately like two foot 2 fo8 uh so that's the parid height so uh from my perspective uh that shouldn't be a variance if if uh if you're ppit I believe it was higher than 3 foot I think was what was noted in the report that would require variance but uh we're not seeking a variance for the parit the the screening is actually uh requested Often by your Township to help screen the rooftop unit especially a sensitive neighborhood such as this so we did add that detail if I could just a couple follow-up questions real quick so there are no um ovens friers or any type of cooking equipment inside that's correct okay so you're just Heating and doing the coffee okay and then on the mechanical rooftop equipment then is that just your HVAC and is it just a standard uh sound cooling for cooling uh it's it's a small rooftop unit uh it's only a 2400 foot building M and again u in most cases you really even if you looked at it I think from the street you'll barely be able to see this the the screen itself because it just pokes above the parit a couple feet but I think the U the fact that it is closer to the back elevation having the screen there you'll you'll see the screen and I think it's going to do its job screening the uh roof up you know on the back side but you are one of the things to keep in mind uh for residents that are uh behind the property I think you'll see it on the site plan when uh the engineer goes back on uh the our building is quite a distance away from from the rear property line I think the visual impact is going to be very minimal I have no further questions uh Mr Horton I had a question on the there was lighting that was behind a beam I think it's number six metal canopy with integrated lighting can you speak to that is that like like a low voltage kind of landscape array I'm sorry which drawing could you uh it's indicated as number six and it's called a metal canopy with integrated lighting it looks like there's a beam and there's some inlaid lighting if you look at this uh rendering here on page five I'm on page six actually it's number six on six page six so page six like it's number six is the uh metal canopy which is the uh you see the sort of the linear horizontal element that's the roof that overhangs top of the uh patio area uh what what they mean by integrated lighting is that underneath the the ceiling the ceiling of the the canopy is going to have some down lights for evening you know when you're sitting out so it doesn't cast light up everything Focus down that's right that was my question thank you yeah that's correct there is that exit U the if you look at this uh right side elevation where there's glass there's one uh man door there and if you're inside if you look at the floor plan that's where the uh Lounge areas inside the building in the floor plan and you'll see on that floor plan there's a little um door there's a man door there so if you're if you're inside you bought your coffee instead of coming out the front and then walking around the sidewalk you could actually come out that door or go back in that door how the door labeled number 13 on page six under six I I think yeah this this is the looking at the uh the number 13 is the back of the building and that's referring to the uh the the the manand door that's uh off the uh the the storage work area so the canopy does what this little canopy is just to keep the rain out for staff as they go in and out staff right yeah that's correct uh on the lighting um last meeting there was a discussion about security lighting would be on uh 24/7 could you point out which which of those light fixtures would be I think the only lights that are going to be there is uh underneath the canopies you see there's a canopy uh underneath the uh uh over the uh rear exit door and then we we spoke about the canopy that wraps around the uh this the the cover porch M and then that canopy that covers the patio area if you go back to uh page five it kind of wraps around all the way towards the front so it's one canopy that starts at the front door and wraps all the way around and creates that side cover porch area those areas would have lights underneath um we we need couple things from a code perspective the code uh building code requires you to have a light there at every single exit door that has an emergency uh battery ballasted light so that at night time in the evening if there is a power outage you always have a light at the exit door that people could use to find a way out and it stays illuminated for at least hour and a half that's the emergency light uh some of these lights here um we'll be we'll be on at night so it's going to provide some little bit of like a Ambiance you know in that area um but beyond that uh we weren't planning to do any other lights at the moment um sometimes I know buildings uh they put in like flood lights at the corners uh not proposing to do anything like that uh the wall Wisconsin those are those are light fixtures as well number nine here if you look at the if you look at page five all the way to the left of the front entrance Door you see a keynote that says number nine it's a blank wall space so it's it's gives you a decorative effect and helps to light that part of the sidewalk again it's just more of a decorative light right does that shine up and down or just down it just shines out sign shines out yeah because it's a vertical element okay thank you can you um do me a can you go back to page six please where the service entran is and you have the canopy up there what's the size of that canopy it looks pretty big canopy I could give you an exact Dimension yeah I'd like to know please it's funny we hardly use skill at the office anymore because we're doing everything on CAD the only time I use it is when we have these board meetings uh the canopy itself if you look at 821 there's a dash outline of it and it is let me get the right scale on here it it sticks out from the from the wall four feet and the width of it is 14 feet wide I I think it gives a space for just four feet sticking out so it basically comes out the four feet to cover the sidewalk there okay just looks a little bigger on the picture here then yeah yeah I think so because it's honestly it's such a any other questions from the board you good I'm good all right board professionals thank you Mr chairman Ben just a couple of questions for you um the canopy that is shown on the west side of the building is that open air yes will there be any time that what I'm thinking of are those portable walls that almost like a tarp that gets dropped down to make it more of an allseason room in the winter time that would not be it's not it's not proposed I think if the uh Town requires some sort of like uh administrative approval to add those kind of elements will notify Starbucks that they do ever decide to do something like that they will have to get that's uh we're not proposing to put any typ of uh you know temporary uh plastic screen or anything like that okay um let me ask you a question about the the rooftop equipment yes sir can you go back to your plan that shows the roof layout the plan view I guess what I'm questioning is is is the rooftop equipment positioned to the rear or to the South Side the hotel side of the building that's correct so away from 22 that's correct and how how high does that screening project above the roof line or above of the parid of the parit exactly 4 foot above the parid 4 foot above the parit so the screen itself would be almost 7 feet from the base of the roof yes that's correct and what is the screening material going to be made of similar slatted uh uh metal material that's going to match the uh the facade material in color so it's going to be a metal a black metal material okay we may we may value engineer to like a low maintenance type of like a fiber cement type of board type of slots but the intent is to do that dark color that the facade and a lot of times those little details get chopped out during construction okay Mr vesio had raised a couple good questions about the security lighting and that was raised at the last meeting as well on the rear now I got to figure out what what um on sheet seven of your rendering the manand door out the back of the building shows what looks like a flood light over the building over the top of the door that's what I meant over the top of the door just above the door that one's an emergency light fixture battery balast and all the exit doors are required to have that where the can where there's a canopy right with the uh at the main entrance um have glass wall so since we can't put this type of wall mounted life picture on there we're going to mount that underneath the canopy we'll have a uh have it battery balanced so that it will so that would occur at the main main entrance door where the double door you have that side door from the area that would have a a light that would Mount the ceiling also and in this case there is what looks to be a small canopy projection can that light not be mounted under that canopy instead of eliminate one the canopy and do simar type of there know that that one number n those are the vertical decorative light again they Starbucks space that out along the back sidewalk area so as they walk around there's a little bit of glowing That Sidewalk the staff but if uh I aesthetically if you feel you would like to see that disappear the canopy we could do that yeah it h for that to be an eyesore from the Morgan Lane approach to Route 22 so if that could be eliminated and and recessed I think that would that would be the board's preference last question I have has to do with signage um we heard that there are I think five assade signs being proposed where is it two two are permitted am I correct though that the square footage of the signage package is less than what is the max Allowed by the ordinance it's conserva so you're under the square footage but you're over the number of signs that's correct and at the last meeting I had asked and I forget her name but the representative from Starbucks yes if if if there was an opportunity to eliminate any of the facade signs would they consider it and she made it sound like they would be open to that discussion in your opinion are there any signs on the facade now that that Starbucks could go without if that was a request of the board personally like because I you know whenever I go to Starbucks the two uh signs around logo that's on the right side I think those are really important because it's GNA high enough really small it's not really me us and this is kind of where we are see that as that's aing tool so we have that one sign in the front facade I through a sign then we're counting that as four and then the other other sign on the other side that says driveth through that's five now I think there's another sign which is that blade sign that's underneath the canopy that just hangs down and says it's a very tiny little sign if you count that that's that's all we have thank you thank you thank you um so I'll start with um and follow up on what Mr Burr had said about or had questioned about the parapet height um I pulled up the the definition for Building height which is where the uh in the bulk table that came up I believe um and it allows for it says in the case of a parit and similar projection above the roof line so it's not just limited to the architectural function of the parapet wall you have here for the purposes of the of the um roof mounted utilities uh I I would consider the the screening a similar ection as the definition includes um I believe the plan show about 3 and 1/2 ft I think you said 4T is the highest point of that that roof screening um so I I would consider that variant Still Still you know um necessary well well if you say the screen the top of the screen is the uh the height of the building then that's the new height of the building and that wouldn't be uh again that would be well under the minimum required height therefore it wouldn't be considered uh but in in in all due respect uh rooftop screening is never considered a parit any of the I've i' just like to clarify that the definition doesn't just say parit it says parit or similar projection and I think this is a projection above the building the roof line so that's where I disagree a little bit but I'll leave it to the board if they want to consider that you know as part of the um as far as the um you discussed the the rear of the building um and that the design or that portion has a little more utilitarian feel I would also mention I think that the driveth through window has the same feel there's pretty much the distinct in my opinion there's two sides of the building that have the wood treatments that soften the metal paneling design and then there's the South and the East elevations which have that more utilitarian design that you know they don't have any other treatments besides the metal paneling and signage and canopies um what I I think Mr kulak's uh you know comment was related to who's going to see what is that going to face who's going to see that and while I appreciate that there's going to be some Landscaping mostly in the form of scrubs along the back of that building where the outside of the sidewalk those are going to be Hol and aelas for the Landscaping Plan and there's a few um ornamental trees so Magnolias which are flowering and will lose their leaves in the winter um I I do think that that's the one portion of the building that does space the residences on Morgan Lane and so um you know in my opinion I think that's that's probably the most sensitive design portion of the building well I do appreciate you know the visuals from 22 the inviting visuals I would like to see Starbucks consider the context of the site and the most sensitive Neighbors being the residents and maybe soften the architectural design at the rear and at the drive-through with something other than metal paneling dark metal paneling it's a good Sugg yeah I think that would you you mentioned before that the building kind of has been designed with this three dimension experience to it and I think that would really kind of bring that together I'll definitely make a a strong suggestion maybe the elevation to show some of that because I think you're I agree that idea softening it up east side which is the drive then the rear which is the let's break that a little bit more I that's all I have thank you very much yeah please struggling a little bit to understand really what the purpose of that is considering it's facing against the traff really onlyc resal Road uman lanean Lane can you just testify to whether or not those are interior lit or are they are those are those is that logo lit yes they're all they're all internally illuminated with LEDs and um they do at night they will glow uh I I I think um I I think all those illumin illuminated signs with the LEDs are much more even lighting these days and we do provide a nice glow rather than being like really too bright you know um [Music] um I I would imagine most uh retailers would like to see it on like most of the night um but I I I don't know if you have an ordinance restricting that Mr chairman can I just add on one more thing from planers test questions um with looking at softening the rear of the building could you maybe look at the roof drainage the scuppers and maybe bring those internal uh to help sort of soften that as well sure yeah I think I could do that thank you anything else on the board all right can open up to members of the public that would like to ask questions on Mr Horton's testimony only I'll give everyone an opportunity at the end of the case to speak for or against the case but right now we're going to ask questions on things Mr Horton has testified so if you can just come up give us your name and address and ask questions please Sir John meron 184 Adamsville Road Bridgewater would you spell your last name m e t n thank you right the lighting that you described is is the only lighting off that's will what's on the building there's sight lighting which the uh the civil engineer uh had described uh the last meeting so there will be lights in the parking lot yeah absolutely right because there's also uh at late night when the crew cleans up that's a long walk from the building to what looks like the dumpsters so I would imagine for safety purposes you're probably going to have something there for their safety so I would I I assume there's going to be a discussion about that at some point during this presentation wa actually the side engineer who will be coming as a next witness can address that that's fine specifically all right thank you that's good any other members of the public all right thank you Mr chairman thank you Mr Horton um I'm now going to recall uh Robert michell Mr Horton could you leave a copy of this exhibit maybe for the members of the public somewhere maybe in the deis to look at thank you very much Michel would you raise your right hand please you solemly swear that the testimony you will give to this board will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do thank you and you had been previously qualified I'm assuming your license wasn't revoked in the last two weeks was it no it was not good so um you presented the site plan uh to the board and this board had numerous questions comments and concerns relative to uh site circulation parking layout and the function of the drive-thru um were you able to take under consideration those comments and concerns and have you presented uh or submitted to the board and about to Mark into as an exhibit a concept presentation a single sheet plan that we would like the board to consider relative to revisions that we would propose to address some of these concerns that is corre yes that is correct so would you mark that I think we're up to A7 a well so the sign package in its entirety is A6 well we never talked about the building signage yeah I didn't mark it we didn't mark it okay all right so got it so let's do this is A7 so A7 for the record is entitled site plan rendering has an original date of February 27th 2024 with a revision date of March 8th 2024 and I'll and I'll mark it with today's date um for the record so if you would be so kind then Mr michella to walk the board through the changes that we are proposing with this concept plan and in particular focus on the concerns the board had and how you are addressing to the best of your ability those concerns in this revised layout yes so just to reor just for the reorientation again um North is actually down on the plan here just for everyone's reference Route 22 is on the bottom of the plan sheet here and then 22 East is on the bottom of the plan sheet and then Morgan Lane is on the left side or for the or the east side of the plan here and so we made a couple modifications to the plan that we're going to talk about this evening and I'll try I'll take them from basically the Route 22 into the site and I'll go around the changes that we that we um we change so the entrance coming in off of 22 we actually widen that entrance out um from from 18 to 22t wide and actually added a left turn and right turn um Lanes coming in off 22 um so that this way um in terms of vehicles entering the site um they'd be able to split up and if they wanted to go into the building itself they can make a left and go to the parking area and if they want to go to the drive-thru they would make a right to head to the drive-through lanes and we'll talk about some more signage in a little bit that we're going to have for that um once you come into the site we basically heard the comments about the stacking and the drive-thru and we said we can probably um push the drive-thru um Lanes further back into the into the property because we had space back there to do that and we were able to take the stacking that I testified the last hearing between 18 and 20 cars and with the changes that we made we actually increased the stacking amounts on the site here to about 24 cars based on this uh this current revision we did that by just moving the rear drive Lanes further back to the rear of the condo lot line which is the line in blue here on the plan um so we extended we increased the number of um stacking um cars on the site itself we also um we're also showing on here um a digital signage package that would be a way to identify if the drive-thru lanes are full and so the way this would work and this is actually similar to what's actually been done at the Starbucks in Madison so it's actually in in use right now um out there we're also looking to to mimic that here with with again with could be some refinements based on you know comments with the board but you'll see these yellow dots on the plan here um there's one when you come in off of 22 at the right turn lane we have two more yellow dots here that are at the drive-through entry Lanes into the drive-through lanes and what we're looking to do here is we would have built into the two drive-through Lanes a loop detector similar to what you have um in on on traffic lights that will detect a vehicle that's stopped in that location and when both drive-through lanes become full the loop detector will will will detect the cars here at the end of at the end of the lanes and then it would change the signage from open to closed for the drive-thru and we would also have a similar sign um out here at the entry that says drive-thru open or drive-thru closed um there may be some additional wayfinding signs that if the drive-thru is closed they'll tell patrons please come in please park and come in and visit our Cafe while the drive-thru itself is closed and we can work on the specifics of how that that that would be um laid out but the intent here is that we would have signage that would basically close the drive-through lanes for a period of time until the stacking is reduced and you can have additional cars enter into those into those Lanes um it's very simple LED signage it's it doesn't have to be um anything too tall it could be a couple feet high off the ground typical driver driver eye height um that you see and we actually have a picture of it this is actually a picture of the one um that's installed in Madison that's actually out there now on the right hand side of the plan um it's very very simple open closed in terms of what it says um in term because we had to extend the um drive-through Lane to the back of the property a little bit or the back of the condo unit if you could call it that um the lock coverage was slightly increased um from where we were at the last hearing um we originally and I'll just to for reference purposes the prior application was 60.8% lock coverage we presented at the last meeting 60.5% lock lock coverage and with these changes to the drive-through Lanes we actually come in around 60.7% lock coverage there was a couple hundred more square feet that was added in order to accommodate the the drive-through Lanes we also made some modifications to the sidewalks on the property there was some talk about getting pedestrian connectivity to Morgan Lane um we did have a sidewalk along Morgan Lane already that came into the site but what we did was we continue that with a crosswalk added an additional sidewalk along the drive-through Lanes um past the dumpsters and then connected that back out to the hotel sidewalk Network and then we reconfigured the sidewalk coming off the back of the Starbucks building so it's straight now going to the patio area in the back we also took some patio area away on the side of the Starbucks building that wasn't needed and added some shrubs there as well we did add a couple more um landscaping shrubs on this plan more for basically reference right now um we added some shrubs in the island here between the two drive-through Lanes we added three more um deciduous trees back here and there's probably some other adjustments we can make to the Landscaping but we didn't get into too much detail right now with it until we um until we get a little further along with the discussions with the board but we did add some more some more Landscaping on here so um I just as a a design engineer for that entrance driveway off of Route 22 that would be wide enough as people are coming off Route 22 that they can say oh drive-through is you know kind of credit let me turn left and get into the parking they could be able to do that maneuver they have enough space to do that yeah it's 22 foot wide so there should be there's enough space there and as I mentioned at the last meeting this was about 60 ft long so you do have room for three cars to stack here and you have room for three cars to stack on the left side as well so there there's adequate space there for cars coming off 22 to make that determination to go left or right um when they get when they get to that point on the site um then in your opinion the changes that you've made do they improve the functionality and efficiency of the drive-thru Yeah by adding additional stacking on site you pick up four additional cars in in the drive-through Lanes um in terms of the on-site stacking and the uh I I'll call it metering signage for the driveth through does that also help in terms of like one lane gets full they could still use a second Lane right yeah well it won't yes it won't yes if this if the first Lane becomes full um they can still use the second lane we'll have to work out the logistics but it won't trigger the drive-thru closed until both lanes are completely full if one Lane's full you still be able to use the other Lane right that's what I want to make so I don't have any further questions we really are eager to hear from the board in terms of your thoughts about what we're proposing here in terms of does this help address the concerns that the board and public had and we'll hear from the public but uh we think we have tried in the best that we could to present to this board um an alternative and better design uh for the drive-thru thank you for listening to us and thank you for coming back with these preliminary designs I I had a question question on the Madison location is that on Route 24 I'm presuming what are they what are they trying to prevent a backup onto a main th they actually if I recall correctly because this was just built not too long ago so I don't have the all the specifics of it but it it's it actually goes the parking lot see you actually goes out to the parking lot so so once it loops around it's actually it's actually like an S SECU this type of drivethru then it goes into the parking lot itself before it goes out to and and that location has a a loop detector on it that will shut it off and and turn the sign that I don't know for sure but we're proposing something to that similar situation here okay all right and and and this is real technology this exists this is you can go out to Madison and see it well there's no Loop detector in Madison so I'm trying to get what what's an analog site that well I guess from a loop detector standpoint it's typical traffic technology they use for for for um my question Gates that open and close so it's all that typical technology so we don't need a supercomputer to run this thing it's it's very feasible and it's not going to break un bucks we're not going to have a problem as far as as far as we know they work for gate arms and and and and Gates that open and close all the time in commercial and residential settings you have no reason to believe it wouldn't function again I I want to put this on the record you know more from a legal perspective because you know once the D1 is is granted you know you you're out of the grip of of this board and I I want to make sure that members of the public are safe I appreciate you taking this into account looks like you worked very hard on this but again and I know we're going to hear from a traffic engineer at at another date but I I just really want to put on the record and want to let members of the public know that you've gone to Great Lengths here to make sure that this traffic does not spill like the Somerville Dunkin Donuts right up the road that is every day causes a traffic Hazard um you know the Somerville zoning board has no jurisdiction anymore because they approved it and it's you know really I don't know whose problem it is now um and I want to make sure that when we're done with this hearing and we vote that we have the safest possible solution for members of the public to enjoy your Starbucks location if it's approved all right thank you Mr michelo um the technology and the drive up lanes open or closed signs do they require any human intervention at all the way we're proposing it right now is it would be operated automatically on with the loop detectors and I will say this um and this is something we haven't we talked about internally but there may be the ability for the folks inside Starbucks to actually close the lanes as well if they if they if they need to do that as a secondary measure if they notice something that's that to be that's something that would require their intervention right correct but the way it's made to work on a typical basis is the loop detectors will detect the cars once they're sitting there for you know 10 20 seconds and then the the signs will change from from open to closed thank you Mr Michelle maybe you could just put on the record because I'm curious what is the idling laws in New Jersey and how does that work and I know you can't you know tell someone not to idle their car but I'd have to go back and check I don't know them exactly the top I'm shocked you don't know we can certainly you know everything else Mr chairman have an answer to that at the next meeting yeah I'm I'm more curious about a diesel truck coming through you know it's you know there are residents and you know if your 20 cars deep in a Drive-Thru you know you could conceivably press that threshold or exceed it and I I'm curious about that so we'll check on it thank you very much other members of the board yeah have one thing actually what would like a delivery schedule look like thege I believe that was touched on at the last meeting deliveries are off hours and they typically would would either pull up to the side or they can use the bypass lane for deliveries into the building but they're typically off hours usually in the evenings I think was evenings after the B after the business is closed and the driver can the driver has a key to the building they can get access bring the delivery in and then you know go to the next destination but what about lighting for them since they come after closing that's usually just the the small lights that are on the the lights that are on the building that's sufficient for sufficient for the drivers here they don't need to have a large illuminated parking lot and they deliver so on that lighting question just as a follow-up then in terms of the standard light during business operation what is the lighting like at the rear and does this proposal do you anticipate any impact that these revisions would have on site lighting no we just have to make an adjustment to the light locations there were two lights in the back of the uh the drive-through lanes that were shown in where my fingers are here on the plan they of course were a little bit closer to the building now we slid the lanes back we have to move those lights back as well um and I do believe that if they're not already I will stipulate to them having shields on this side because we only we only need to illuminate the light going this way for the drive-thru area so if that will make sure I have shields on the back side of them there's still Lighting in the existing parking lot back here that we were going to relamp as part of the hotel application and that was already on the prior plans but but that was what we were proposing for lights back here in the drive-through area and then there's other lighting throughout the parking lot I I mentioned at the last meeting are they going to bring the deliveries over on the other side to the service store then they would typically if if they came here they would they would come down this walkway and bring it to the back door here correct have a one question with see you mentioned there's a lot of way finding with getting to uh the drive-thru getting to the parking area what about when someone's exiting the Starbucks exiting the drive-thru kind of how are they being pointed out of the facility back onto uh that was mentioned at the last meeting and we still we're going to take a closer look at that but we were we were discussing internally about having some additional signage on the exit Lane of the drive-thru to direct vehicles on back towards the um the the entrance off of 22 so they had more room to merge onto 22 if they're going to 28 7 um so we're going to actually talk about having that additional wave finding signage interior to the site just to direct folks and so that way so that would be sort of like a uniform traffic control type sign that would say if you want to go I think it was to go east on 22 yes the better route would be go to the hoola hands you know to the main drive that way that additional area for weaving so we'll have something that will look along the lines of a uniform sign that will be located and shown on our sign package just to emphasize that movement sure all right thank you couple questions um so I I keep going back and forth I'm looking trying to really get a good understanding of what changes you made it looks like uh for Layman's purpose you basically made the backyard bigger right if if you you know this is exhibit a yeah I have it well for the benefit of the of the residents and the yeah yeah we just yeah there you go so if you just look at the dis the location of the drive-thru here versus the location here you can see we moved the further back closer to that rear that rear lot line to pick up the additional distance that we that we need right great I like it um so I also see just to jump at the Landscaping I also see three trees on this diagram the new diagram whereas when we look at the old one there were only there were no trees in the background in the backyard is that correct yeah we we we we're showing three more trees here I might even be able to get one or two more in there we're just graphically showing hey we have more room here a plant now we can we can do that yes yeah I think that's important because obviously we spoke we spent a few minutes talking about the back um being visible from the residents in the back so um I I like it I I think that's that's a good change as well um so then the last thing is then the roadway from the rear line I guess the uh you know the 200 yard uh setback line you've you've extended it not only in the Drive-Thru side on the east side but also uh on the west side right you've added all that extra on the back um you pick up you pick up distance here and you pick up distance here basically we don't we don't pick anything up in the back you didn't change anything there right okay and just last thing point out to me the you said something about the patio change I can't other other than I can see the walkway obviously is now straight where did what did you make on the on the walkway let me just point out on A2 for second see this little area patio over here to the left of the service door yeah if you look over here we took it out okay just to save some impervious coverage great and landscap and add and added Foundation plantings yes right now you did not show Landscaping in the island on the old plan um but you're showing it here and you sort of made it sound like it's not official but is it official is it not I'm showing it here as as a place to do some additional plantings the board you know if everyone feels it's an agreement with that we can certainly keep it did the width of that change at all the island got what what we ended up doing was that Island got slightly bigger because we actually reduced the drive we actually reduced the width of the lane slightly the lanes were 12 foot I should have I forgot to mention this thank you for for bringing it up the lanes were 12 feet wide we took them down to 11 right and and then you added a little bit of impervious coverage and that island did get wider by by doing that great yeah okay great thank you and one other just general suggestion um Mr Michelle would it be possible in that rear area there was a concern about visibility of the building from the residence that we could add some evergreen trees as well actually I was thinking in in in this area here might be the best I say this area here the area behind the drive-thru between the the drive-through Lane and the existing parking lot to instead of having some of the larger deciduous trees put put some ever put an evergreen screen in there um that'll be in the you know the 8 foot range when it's planted but it'll grow up you know over time and provide some additional screening we do have it's a little hard to see on here because it's gray back that double row of Evergreens along the back property line but I think adding another one here certainly wouldn't be you know out of the question to do that we're just just thought about that a little while ago when we were looking at the tree so we could certainly look to do that as well can you address the access from Route 22 into the property you said you're able to widen that driveway yes and that allows people to choose which direction they want to go but how will they know is there going to be arrows painted on that new widen driveway is are there some additional signs required not sure how that's going to work we are we we are going to stripe the pavement with with a left turn arrow and a right turn arrow um I ideally um they'll they'll see when they come in here they'll see the drive-throughs they'll see the drive-through entrance when they come around when they come into the drive lane here and they'll know that the drive-through is on the right um certainly we can maybe look to do some some identification sign down by when you first come off of 22 that says drivethru keep right you know parking lot or right that and we could do that with simple identification signage nothing that's that that's too large and what is the length of that drive I think I said it was about 60 feet 65 feet so it can hold three cars in each lane okay thank you anyone else members me of the board Mrs Amin you good all right for professionals um can you just clarify the I know you mentioned the stacking amount of cars can you just clarify where that's measured from where the St starts at the order point so actually I counted it from the delivery point here on the building because you're going to have cars that going to be waiting here to pick up their order so you have starting here I me from from the the um delivery window to the um edge of the um drivethru Lanes here to have number where the two Lan on generally the order point there could be car one car at the at the drive-through window and then you know one car at the no cars between them and the ordering Point else good point at the last meeting the the Starbucks representative that we spoke with said that typically the way they work is I believe it was four minutes from the order point to the window so they usually anticipate that because of that four minutes most vehicles are going to be stacking both in the you know Lane leading up to the delivery point to the order point and then around but I can get you the number from the order point back to the uh Back to the Island I just have to do a quick Cal on it yeah that's sometimes where problem so um as this might be nitpicky but for the the signs that you're proposing that would um Loop detector signs the word drivethru I would suggest that not in green simply because Drive closen suggest that a white okay or maybe we can do both in red and green or something I would do both red is kind of I would both the drive yeah that's fine well we can look at that it's fine it's it's a good point oh it's good um and then my only other question was uh traffic can enter the site from Morgan Lane correct yes it can and they can enter the drivethru from that the rear portion of the site Lane Drive um show them how it C how the car would get to the drivethru yes if I came in Morgan Lane I'd make the right into the site I make and I have an option now I can go either way I can I can make a right here and go around the parking lot to get to the drive-thru or I can continue through the parking lot down past the hoola hands or use the hola hands now it's going to be a tap house and then come in the Drive-Thru this way so I can go either either way this is a traic enter s other differents aren while it can take longer maybe would know fre up to the space have the time to get there now there's cars at that right coming in from 22 that are going to see cars enter trying to enter the drivethru UN they have no sign tell CL and they're gonna they're going to be like why can't I also so uh I don't know if that's something that's uh presents a problem to the solution you've offered the loop detector signs or moreor signs to be managed we we I think to that point I think we could do a couple things one I think when you're coming this way you'll see if it's full but if we need to it's not hard to you know possibly add another sign or two around the around the site just to let people know what what what's what's going on with the drivethru given that these are digital and you know then they're not very large they're easy to to locate around the site and not I don't mean to over complicate it but drive-throughs are not only this signage doesn't dictate the Behavior sometimes TR everything else that's why you see that's why you see Starbucks qes on 22 people don't care that traffic hour pass they wait a 30 minute line so I just want to make Sol that is a well taken point which goes to how addictive Starbucks can be to Drive is lazy but how if you have two options regardless of the you know how full the drivethru lane is some people another thing that we were thinking about too and I didn't show it on the plan here but I do want to point it out to the board is we have no I think if we were to actually to prevent cars from stopping here in this area I think if we were to stripe this cross- Hatchet like you would see like an intersection type striping where you tell them people don't block the Box you've seen that sign before if we were to do that there also I think it would just help from a visual perspective for people to realize hey I shouldn't be stopping here this is not you know and I think we have actually seen that in a couple drive-thru places they actually have it up in Chester where they've done that at the intersection there but I think it's something that we can also you know add to it as well it's just some additional you know directional signage on on the property I have okay thank you Mr Burr thank you Mr chairman Rob are there any EV spaces on this plan for the Starbucks itself the plan did not have it at the Starbucks I'm just um so we were talked about actually adding one charger I think I mentioned that at the last meeting because we only had a charger at the at the hotel remember where it was off it wasn't yeah we we we forgot to show it but we could we talked about adding one on the on the Eastern side of the plan in the parking lot area over here okay and one of the other comments that was raised at the last meeting was in regards to the Fire Marshals review did you have an opportunity from the last meeting I know it was only two weeks ago not not yet contact with him I have yet to call Mr Scolari I need to I want to speak on your to-do list okay okay and we we heard about the additional I think additional Landscaping that is now being proposed as part of the new rendering you probably haven't done a full count of it but can you give us a sense of how many more plants you think you can get on here or is that still yet to be yet to be ironed out this plant had approximately 40 more shrubs and I we added three more deciduous trees but I think there's still room to add some more and if I go ahead and swap out some of the plantings over here for evergreens I think you end up with with some more ultimately so we still have to work out that number the board can expect an update at the next meeting on that that issue well yeah I mean so that everyone is clear so this is a one-page concept that once we get all the the comment we're going to do a complete full site plan revision full package and that will be submitted by the end of the month um and that will then give you and the board ample time to review that full package and and there was also testimony at the last meeting that talked about breaking out the shrub count and and the lighting because I think .4 foot candles was testified but it was an average calculation and you know I think it's important that members of the public kind of know you know all right an average is great but you know what's this specific location going to be in terms of shrubs and in lighting right we can do that that would be as part of the revised plan submission sorry Bill problem um law coverage you had mentioned in this plan you are going up slightly from your prior plan I think 60 5 now you're at 60.7 the prior development there was a variance granted for 60.8 correct me if I'm wrong that's correct so is that's part of my question is that 60.7% coverage for the entire property the 60.7 was for the entire was for the entire property it was looked at that way and and because the Starbucks property on the prior submission I believe was just under just at 50% use the one on the [Music] table the PRI the prior one for the Starbucks was at just the Starbucks lot was 50.6% so so you're well under on Starbucks but you're still in a variant situation for the entire site correct my question is I I can't help but notice for the entire site it looks like you're overp parked by dozens of spaces compared to what's required yeah the the the I think was about 40 spaces that were overpark total for the entire site I didn't I didn't do the math as far as what 7% represents on the entire site but I wonder if there's an opportunity to reduce some excess coverage from the site to eliminate that variance Al together and I don't know if you looked at that or if you can look at that I haven't done the calculation yet but we can look at it and see if there's an opportunity to to take away some parking spaces and and may maybe that would be in the form of possibly banking them something for for for future if it ends up being needed but given that we're over parked I think we we can look to to to see where we can take off um storm water management we heard testimony at the last meeting on the storm water plan um I suspect under the prior approval you already submitted an operations and maintenance manual that would need to be updated if it hasn't been already as a condition of approval if this is is approved my question is would you also agree to a potential condition to provide an annual certification it may not be used specifically but um the applicant to provide an annual certification that the storm water on site is in fact being maintained so that the township the township engineer can certify to the state that that it is being done yeah no we would that would that's SE yeah that could be provided yes would have to be that would be by the end of the year every year yes okay very good thank you thank you Mr chairman thank you Mr Burr Mr chairman I have one additional question does the the fact that the hotel may or may not be built we think it's going to be built but we don't know what schedule he's on in any way hamper the design that you presented today either the sidewalk access the the traffic circulation access um in any way is the absence of that thing being built hamper your design it really doesn't because the road this road already exists around the site CU you come in from Morgan Lane already and it exists to get to the existing restaurant building so the work that would go on for the hotel really is focused in in in in the back upper you know right hand side of the property so that really doesn't doesn't impact the development of the Starbucks property itself and in no way affects your design so no does not sidewalks have yet to be built but they will be built in the future um I'm not sure that's why I'm asking right I mean I guess the only thing we'd have to look at would be the the sidewalk here I think the only difference would be that if the Starbucks goes before the hotel that the sidewalk that's shown here on the plan for Morgan L would would have to be built with the Starbucks but you wouldn't you'd probably stop the sidewalk you know over here cuz you're not going to construct going across the road there's no Hotel there yet right they have to come in and finish all that work but you'd put in all the improvements that would allow the Starbucks to function as we presented to the board great thank you you're welcome all right I'm going to open it up to members of the public that have questions on Mr melo's testimony hi hi my name is Tina I live on Adamsville Road I actually um worked at Drew University for 10 years which is in Madison um and actually lived in Madison and hadam and um that Starbucks if not mistaken is replacing a bank believe so yes yeah and that's um that's new right yeah it is new how old is uh that Starbucks and Madison there I think it just it just open okay um I just want the board to know that that street that the Starbucks is on is is a very quiet street uh it's Main Street in Madison Tina there'll be a time when you can come up and give statements to the board but right now it's just questions okay so my question is I guess how long has that um open and close sign been up and working it's our understanding this the Starbucks just opened I don't have the exact time frame yeah okay not more than a month yeah at most okay okay so that's my question um and um I guess my my other question is how many cars are going through that Starbucks I do not know that so um one of the things that we will be doing before the next hearing is we will be doing a complete full blown traffic analysis and that will include both the external Road system as well as the internal parking circulation drive-through use all of that so that will be submitted with the site plan submission by the end of this month so we'll have a complete traffic analysis and then we'll have a traffic engineer address the volumes and that great okay thank you yeah that is a very um you know it's a quiet it's a quiet street so it it'll be interesting to see what the results of that study are um I'm just concerned as a resident of Adamsville that we're going to be be overburdened by this exhaust fume which is going to be coming into our community as well as the community right behind in uh Chelsea Gardens um so that's that's something that is going to affect us and we're going to be here living here um you know every day our children are going to be breathing in those fumes our children's school buses are going to be passing through that traffic and it's just it's a concern so I'm just bringing that up is that a question question I guess my question could be are you concerned about us that could be my question yes we are and we are going to abide by all of the requirements of the Department of Environmental Protection and other rules and regulations and quite frankly because of how Starbucks operates based on the highway traffic um you're not getting additional pollution it's just taking it from Route 22 in putting it into our site and even then the car efficiencies all of that in comparison to the volume of traffic on Route 22 I can't even comprehend that the order of magnitude difference that we're talking about it's so negligible I guess the the difference is that at this point there's no drive-thru there and so I'm just wondering how there're how you're going to address the the no idling in the state the law is no more than 3 minutes at the last meeting the representative Liz from Starbucks said that it takes 4 minutes to make a Starbucks coffee while in researching all of this it seems like other towns are seeing that it takes longer than that sounds like a great question for the traffic engine okay great well that's my concern and thank you very much we appreciate the time as residents you hearing from us and hopefully uh you have some good good results thank you other members of the public hi Steve minarich Mi i n a o viic 52 Morgan Lane um my question is first off is it a done deal that it's an entrance and exit off of Morgan Lane Why Can't This Be contained the Morgan Lane entrance the Morgan Lane entrance exists there today so it's it it's and it was approved previously as a a right in and a left out from the site which doesn't work but I know that's not for you guys but uh that was pushed off on the police department to uh supposedly Monitor and it's never been monitored I've lived there all my life and I've never seen anyone pulled over for turning in in that there so you're saying you're not allowed to make a left from Morgan Lane into that parking area and then to come off so you're encouraging people to come off of 20 to two different directions we encourage them to use the first entrance off of 22 if they miss that entrance they can use the second entrance which is right in front of the Starbucks um and then they would then you have the third entrance well you have the other way to come in off of Morgan Lane which is the third entrance and do you really think it's a good idea to have three different ways to get to a drive-thru and you're dealing with a site that has multiple uses on it so you want to have at times you want to have multiple ways to get into the property to those different uses and we talked before about about having some additional signage to control the flow of traffic on site once they come in there oh I don't know if it's a question but I don't see how this Loop is um closing off the lanes automatically is going to work because if someone's in line and someone else is behind them and all of a sudden it goes from green to red or open to close they're not going to move they would they wouldn't be in line because the the drivethru would be full they'd have to wait for they they'd have to but if they're coming from this way they don't know that it's full yet until they're there well they're going to if they're coming around this way they're going to see that the lanes are full no the other way this way on the parking lot yeah we'll have we talked about adding some additional signage to to deal with that but once they're there they're stuck they can't turn around can they no they're not they they they they have the opportunity if they come through here and they see the drive-throughs full they they can either use the bypass to go back around they can drive back around the parking lot there's there's plenty of maneuver maneuverability around this parking lot that if there the drive-thru is back is full they can go and park their vehicle by driving around the parking lot to do that they'll take them an extra you know 30 40 seconds to do that but while they're doing that people are still coming in off 22 and maybe trying to go to the parking lot so I just see that being a mass congestion but that's uh that's not really a question so thank you hang on Sir Sir let me just ask you something you said that the something about the police what you understand that you won't be they won't be able to make a right on Morgan Lane based on this plan right the only be able to make a left out of no he said it's the existing entrance and exit that's there that's right people make made lefts and rights illegally all the time when Hula Hands was open that's what I'm asking you are you saying that um you're seeing people exit Morgan Lane and make a right when hoola hands was open yeah exit this lot and make a right is that what you're suggest Morgan Lane yes they did it all the time did it all the time okay and especially pulling in from Morgan Lane making a left into the well that would be allowed though that would be allowed you'd be able to go toward on Morgan Lane toward I have a sign right next to my mailbox it says no left turn into hoola hands that's what I'm trying to that was never allowed can you testify to what he's saying the Turning movement if you're coming Morgan lane from was that 20 28 I'm sorry yes 20 from 28 um the way this was designed was you're not allowed to make a leftand turn into the property from Morgan Lane I didn't I didn't realize that myself yeah oh all right well I could see that was supposed to be the design it doesn't not work right okay thank you sir and it would be nice if the the board could take that into consideration too is maybe we can change that so it's not as easy to make these illegal turns thanks you have an answer for that Mr Smith so in terms of the the access from Morgan Lane um you know we actually went through that whole design element almost 10 years ago now planning board correct yeah with the planning board so that was something that we this board have jurisdiction over such an agreement with the planning board that was agreed upon 10 years ago um this board has very broad discretionary Authority both on and off site in conjunction with the grant of use fair so the answer is yes if that's something that the board wants to see the question that we have have to answer internally is what is feasible what can be done how do we do this and if we can do this how we implement it in conjunction with our hotel and our restaurant because they're impacted as well absolutely good thing about time you know it may not be the most convenient for the applicant but it does give time to digest it and think about it and you know I think this is very applicable what this resident brings up and you know it goes to safety and I think that's our overriding concern and objective as a board is safety understood want to leave you with that any other members of the public yeah John Merton again 184 Adamsville so that exit or entrance off of Morgan Lane that you're saying that currently exists as fully developed and was that part of what was considered development under the hos under the hotel plan and is that what was mitigating that all these other things be grandfather because of that development of that road going in I saw something yeah in other words when we were in front of the planning board but the revised hotel right that uh included the garded school that driveway was the subject of an enormous amount of analysis review and modification we did make a change relative to that drive uh driveway at the time that we had gotten the approval for the hotel and the Gard school again we will go back and take another look at it but the that was believe you me the subject of quite a bit of analysis in conjunction with that application the reason I asked that is multifaceted but it comes to what Mr kulak had just raised as a concern in regards to whether not the hotel may or may not be developed and the uncertainty of its status so it raises up the whole issue in my mind about what happens with Morgan lane exit entrance and who responsible that's being developed under this Starbucks plan no that's always that has always been the access on Morgan Lane has always been present okay from this goes back now to when hul hands was built in the I guess 1990s or early 2000s uh and there was a hotel proposal then so this driveway on Morgan has 20 plus years of History okay my cuz my I forgive me for elaborating on this but I thought the whole development of this of this piece of property kind of was the hotel was being built as a precedent to having a a diner being built and that got changed on the do hardships Etc I'll leave that to another discussion Morgan lane exit entrance right there um how is construction going to be done on this facility on this property where's the construction actually is going to come off of or coming to this site typically for construction you have you have a driveway off of 22 which you can come in and out of and you can actually come in off of off of Morgan but you can only exit oh do we agree to make that oh I don't I'm I don't remember right now today the only construction is the renovation right now the only constructions there is the tap there's been the initial grading and clearing in the back of the hotel once the hotel under constru if it gets if it's ever constructed our owner because he now owns that unit they bought that unit they own that hotel they don't build it then they just lost a lot a whole lot all right so so you're you said the owner is it Bridge Water realy or is it there a different group Bridge realy so this is a so so works like any condo buy a unit instead of a lot so unit that is going to be just out of curiosity if and when the Starbucks opens and that road there off Morgan is needed needed to be accessible 100% for Starbucks then how will construction be that a hotel be accessible that's something we're going to have to work through that's a good question and that is something well because I know now's the proper time to raise an issue but everything on the site is convoluted in how it's being staged and processed and I still wrestle with that understand concerned but the way you see the tap house renovation today that work being done once that Tap House is completed right you can actually see our lot that grass area and it's not hard to see how that construction would be somewhat similar what's going on with the for Starbucks the rear of the hotel to talk to the client have another conversation there's also a reference that was just made about M michella to lighting that would be in the back area provided from the parking area that the hotel development would be no that's that back liting is actually on then I misunderstood Mr Michelle said right right but I I thought it was I was also concerned about know getting access to the back area there where the dumpster is the area and you had made reference to uh parking lot lighting that would also be additionally provided to support lighting back there from approved previously but if that if the hotel does not go forward would Starbucks then perhaps pick that up and put it in as part of safety concerns that we seem to be addressing you have to remember okay it's a lot of if if and Wiz construction I totally understand so you also had made reference to at some point there's going to be uh Evergreens and oler FAA in the back there of the H when the hotel is built but you're also using that to describe how resents who are back there would be blocked and not having to see the Starbucks and other things there that could be if I understand extremely contingent upon the hotel etc etc so is there any potential contingency that could be on the staging of development of this property regardless of the hotel stat because it seems to be an integral design here as a com condominium to help everybody and this seems like would help out Starbucks and the neighborhood I I I think from the point of the Starbucks lot itself I think you want to look at that lot and the development on that lot you heard what the architect had to say about the architecture of the building and maybe making some adjustments to it in terms of the Starbucks property you want to focus on what you can do on that property when it's developed and I think what we talked about tonight was adding additional screening in this back area over here taking out some of those deciduous trees adding Evergreens instead to provide that screening at that point there then then at least that deals with the Starbucks you've got another few hundred feet to those residents and there's an existing vegetative um landscape back there now it's not the greatest it's been there for a number of years I know there's some some overgrowth that's happened out there and that needs to be addressed um and it will be when the hotel is built but I think that that exists there today and as long as you maintain what you can do on your St on the Starbucks lot with this application then the rest would happen at the appropriate time the appropriate time when it's constructed when the hotel is constructed correct as part as part of the hotel work and not before considering all the things that have been developed on that property that is correct it's it's part of the phasing of the construction on the property all right I'll I'll bring my other points on issues later on thank you any other members of the public all right seen none what's your course of action again just to reiterate where we are um at this point then I think we've received U more than sufficient feedback from the board that we feel comfortable proceeding with fully re-engineering the plan to address the concept that you see into a fully engineered plan that we are prepared to submit by the end of this month uh March 29th um included with that submission will be a complete traffic analysis uh Soup To Nuts um we will also make revisions to the architectural plan as per the representations made to the board tonight uh so that the board can see those revisions as well um then at that point this board would have uh what I would consider a a full submission and then we Mr chairman we leave it up to this board as to when you want to carry this to and we'll proceed but you'll have everything you're GNA do traffic testimony yes we will have traffic and planning at whatever date I think I think maybe the 23rd of April was banded about or let's talk about that in one minute let just recap because I like to end meetings with what are the deliverables so yeah the deliverables will have a complete full submission then the testimony at the next meeting will consist of the traffic engineer the professional planner um probably before the uh planner testifies Mr michella will be back yet one more time just to walk the board through the revised full plan set and I would trust that the architectural uh presentation wouldn't be necessary because I think it'd be pretty self-evident about how we dressed up the sides the the back and the side by that was a good point I I hope we can do that but also I I think speaking to the residents I'm hearing a lot of concern about this hotel will never be built and unfortunately I have no jurisdiction this board has no jurisdiction over that site but I think of a table of lighting and a table of landscape and veg buffer be part would help members of the public understand you know if this hotel doesn't get built what are we talking about in terms of trees and shrubs and and vegetative buffer I think it would give them a better idea because if I lived around it I'd be annoyed you know if I'm if you keep quoting back to this plan hey this hotel is going to put in 150 shrubs 200 trees and they never show up I can see their point I I will on the site plans we'll break it out into the Starbucks condo lot and then the remaining lot just so you have an understanding of of the differences for the lighting and for the landscaping and the Morgan Lane issue yeah I I mean that that's a little bit of of a problem and you know I see that you have a kind of an offset Lane and you're trying to direct traffic left only I mean maybe there's a design element to that island where you can make it even more pronounced and add something to it because I have seen people turn right um that's something that you can look at in your expertise we'll look at that with our traffic with our traffic expert in see what we can do and all right um so that concludes your your testimony for tonight Mr yes Mr chairman it does April 23rd is not going to happen H uh we have 1200 through 22 that's been it's already been carried okay we have April 9th open that a little too soon oh no yeah uh the problem is twofold one is all my Starbucks team is going to be Elsewhere on April 9th and second it's not going to give I don't think your your board professional sufficient time to do an analysis of the complete resubmission so I would suggest Mr chairman if we could go to May May 14th May 14th yes answer yes yeah okay yeah I I my engineer because he always takes umbrage at the deadlines that I set for him is since we will be carried to May 14th maybe we submit the first week in April all right sounds good Rich so yep for well I had a couple questions folks for you I just want to point out that when Mr Horton testified he didn't include your open close signage but those should be included in your total sign count when you talk about variances right and would you just clarify for me the unit demarcation line on on um A7 yeah is it the is it the gray line or the Blue Line talking about the condo line correct righty do from here it's the blue line on the plan here this is the condo line that creates condo unit uh three where my pointer is here okay the gray line is just a match it's just a line breaking up the the darker rendered area from the lighter rendered area that's all okay all right so for members of the public this meeting is being adjourned right now it will continue on May 14th at 700 p.m. in this room there'll be no further notices from the applicant thank you thank you good night Mr Smith all right and for our next meeting we have March 26 we have a residential case we have Chimney Rock Self Storage coming back um and then also that night we have CX towers that are just coming in for scheduling so again I'll repeat we have a residential case first up Chimney Rock self storage at 7 p.m in this room March 26 the case you all heard tonight is coming back May 14th 2024 7 p.m. m in this room so with that there no other board business can I get a motion to adjourn Please Mr widley can I have a second second all right Mr fresa thank you everyone good night called it