of Education in the December 28 2023 notice in the Asbury Park Press and the co-star setting forth the date time and location of this meeting similar notice has been posted in the Barrow Hall the Briel School website and the Barrow clerk has been notified R call Mr Becker present Dr D brosio pres Mrs mcdevit here Mr Milan Mrs we here Mr starky here Mr Vitali here Mrs Walsh here Mr wal okay stand for the flag salute United States stands indivisible liy and justice for all uh we need a motion to uh approve the minutes of February 2024 meeting I'll make a motion to approve the minutes second [Music] okay uh are there any presentations this evening sorry this evening oh I'm sorry yes sorry that's okay Dr D brosia minutes of meeting yes sorry Mrs MCD yes Mr Blan yes Mrs Reed yes Mr starky yes Mr Vitali yes Mrs Walsh yes thank you no presentations this evening uh visitors business visitors are permitted to comment on agenda only items at this time we just ask that even you've been here before to state your name and address and for the audience at home we ask that you uh make your presence in front of the microphone so everybody can hear it right there seems to be none uh correspondence none that moves us on to committee reports uh District Operations Mr vital sure thanks c um we had a meeting this past Monday in I want to thank everybody for for sacrificing and coming to my office and made little easier folks so I do appreciate that um we we we F we focus primarily on the preliminary budget that we're going to approve tonight um and we are going to go we um um we will be utilizing all of the 2% cap um and we um there are just a couple of reasons for that um one one reason is um the the uh the the true up with Manus Juan High School for the for the uh the 2022 2023 year um was an addition um um was an additional $225,000 that I I don't think I don't think we I don't think we anticipated that so so so so that was one one F Factor um the other factor is an increase in special education costs um not a whole not a whole lot we can do about either of those two things so um uh it's you know it's function it's a function of having to go to 2% plus we had to budget a little bit more Revenue um then we've um we've U done in the past just to be able to cover our anticipated Appropriations so um if if we were going to say that a budget tells a story and sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't this would all be about a pretty a pretty a pretty significant you know a pretty significant increase in in what we'll call fixed costs um and no not a whole all we can do about it that's that's the that's the job just a b thank you Mr vital uh Joe Mr M switch representative to Manasquan uh Manis San's General uh meeting is next Tuesday on Thursday of last week there was an ad hoc committee that was formed for the budget their formulation of the budget putting the budget together the sending districts were included I attended that uh it was approximately an hour and a half meeting of the so Manasquan Elementary School it it's Manus Squan sends their students there in addition to seven other towns of the seven towns six of those towns have elementary schools we are you pretty much year in and year out the lowest cost per pupil of the sending districts so we're very close to Manasquan themselves and uh one other Town other towns it seems like with what drives the cost is they just have low enrollment right so uh we're fortunate that we have you know a good amount of students to divide the cost by so uh outside of that their budget it was very similar to uh previous years one thing um uh I mentioned the true the true up 22 23 true up right um the um the the cost per pupil and I'll just round it it went from 177,000 to 19,000 right the cost per pupil 20 that's what it is now okay yeah yeah yeah so um if if you think about the formula the the know the numerator is is all the Appropriations and the denominator is the is the is the student population right so um uh I would be I would be curious um when um Manan gave us the number uh it was estimated a number of 17 it was 175 and and and ultimately ended up to be like you know 194 something like that right and and you I was I'd be curious if there was anything unusual that that that had a significant effect on the numerator or or or was it predominantly predominantly less less enrollment overall than Manon had had anticipated know I'd be curious which way which way that went and I and I think people people would know that EAS people would know that as easily as he would say Sal so he'll he'll know it so additionally T from what he had explained in the me meeting was was so right now or within the last few weeks business administrators from all the setting districts or representative from the setting districts give an estimated number yeah they come up with their budget and they kind of use this is our budget divided by well they give us we we give them the students right yeah so we give all the cic districts provide students their what the cost per pupil is then divided by all the students that they're aware right right but not all the students potentially show up that's right yeah yeah so that's yeah the biggest part yeah but went from 17 to 19 to me to me that it it's it's it's it's a spread pretty good spread so so so so I'd just be curious if was the denominator significantly less than was anticipated or did something spike in the numerator and if that's the case I'd be curious what it would be what it was that's all yeah like did we have a lower percentage of 10 man like because that would be drastically lower percentage it could also be a special Aid pushing it one way or the other or they may have used possibly covid money previously where then that Co money has dried up yeah I mean I mean I mean that really wouldn't affect the the Appropriations though that's it's a revenue item okay I can I'll check and get back to you okay okay all right please thank you U Mrs Walsh curriculum and programs okay yeah lot to discuss a lot going on here great things so the curriculum uh commit meeting we met virtually yesterday March 12th at 4 o'clock the meeting was attended by Mrs postra and Mrs Pearson from the administration and Dr Dave and myself and there were six items discussed so first they wanted to discuss the planning and preparation for the New Jersey um testing season is upon us so njsla is in full swing all the preparation Mrs Pearson updated the committee and how she is streamlining the process to make it a very smooth testing season the grades 3 through 8 will begin testing for language arts and math uh the week of May 13th they have planned an infrastructure test to run with the technology department grades five and8 will take the science njsla on May 20th and the 21st and then makeups run all the way through the end of May to the deadline you have to get everybody all in so then they also discuss coat testing for grades 2 and five and that will be on April 22nd that is one of the measures that they use to identify reach students the next item that was discussed that is the beginning of the third trimester this week and some of us might have seen that the administration sent emails to grades uh the parents in grades 2 five and 6 through eight about the updated Health curriculum and inform parents about using the platform that they have have our school provides the Rubicon Atlas online where we can actually go and preview topics as well as lessons and videos and see actually what our children will be learning in their health classes there are directions there on how to opt out um so families would like to do that it's included in the letter the health teachers also worked very hard to create alternate lessons and activities If the parents do choose to op as so you can also if you have any questions it's always best practice for parents to reach out directly to the health teachers first with any questions or concerns the next item we discussed is the the administration is actively engaged in ongoing conversations about the schedule this begins very first with everybody looking at class sizes the needs of the students before the staff and students leave for the summer the next topic we talked about which led right into the summer was the summer work and all the curriculum updates as we know this State rolled out brand new updated language arts and math standards across the board K through 12 and they need to be implemented this fall of 2024 so luckily because B uses that platform of Rubicon Atlas it makes it very streamlined they um actually locate the old standards within the program and they make the updates right then and there with the revised standards so the Administration has actually been working very close with the staff to look at these new standards more closely and even examine their assessments that they're giving what that assess the standards and make sure it's aligned Mrs pure is actually working with the St to conduct like an analysis of gaps um anything they're missing or need to address further this analysis will look closely to see if any standards are overly taught or overly assessed so they're streamlining it with a lot of training the program is a great tool and the administration is working to see what's most effectively what they can use um just make sure they're alignment and pacing and everything if it needs to be adjusted that's what they're working on um another one of our board goals that we've been working on is to constantly evaluate the efficiency and use of digital platforms because sometimes there's redundancy and some of the platforms can do same the similar things so the administration was looking at the Rubicon Atlas platform to actually streamline the lesson planning because then they can just link the standards and the curriculum and all the assignment assessments right there and then a fun topic extra fun that that we talked Al about was all the extracurricular events going on in the school our drama club has their upcoming performance of High School Musical next week opening night is Thursday night March 21st and in addition to that our visual arts teacher Mrs cre she's been working very hard as you notice to put up displays of all the student work to have like a gallery for us to walk through for our community as they come in for the Performing Arts to see all the Fine Arts that are going on here in addition Mr PRL has worked with the administration to bring in a fun assembly where I think it's like bag pipes and pipe drowns are coming in this Thursday for the kids um another thing the administration is using up their Esser funding that they have to spend from the state and they're going to be holding Lead You assemblies on April 16th each grade level band will be able to participate in them there'll be four different assemblies the topics include resilience making good choices and knowing a trusted adult and the last topic which is very exciting as well was discussing um that the administration and the counseling department are working with the eighth graders for their very big upcoming transition from real Elementary School to high school they've been meeting with them and preparing them for this big milestone in their lives they even had m one B will come in and discuss core selection so it's been very busy here all good things any questions yes I have one have you been able to see your children we spent a lot of time together we had it a couple weeks they're doing all the hard work here just reporting on it that's a good thing thank you M W uh HR Mr MWI uh no report the committee uh met uh telephonically and spoke about the agenda items thank you very much uh Mr Walman is not here for policy do you have an update Dave awesome so we met on March 7th uh it was attended by Mrs poer Mrs Quigley myself Mrs Walsh and uh Mr Walman um I'm going to read through this report uh from old business Mrs poer presented the committee with findings of how other districts handle the commercial use of school buildings in light of our current suspension of the a school chess enrichment this is covered under policy 7510 of the sending districts only manisan allows this type of use and at this time the administration is not prepared to expand our school building use to include for profit organizations for enrichments and thus we will not be able to reinstate the chest enrichment offered by Mrs Church at this time there was a suggestion for uh the PTO to perhaps look at the Bal library or Curtis house as an alternative location for this highly desired enrichment the front office policy review team still has about 22 outstanding policies are inconsistent with the finalized versions approved by the board since 2019 the plan is to dedicate a full day to be spent finalizing this review so that we can move forward with placing board docs on our website and have it serve as the single source of Truth for our open and accessible policies for new business the committee is pleased to report that we utilize board docs to quickly and efficiently review all the policies for first reading tonight during our policy meeting Miss quigle loaded the mole prior the meeting is drafts and we were able to run through each one one very seamlessly policy 5111 has been updated with verbiage from M Adams to codify our uh tuition rate which will be 50% of the annual per pupal cost only for the instances when a family's house Construction in town exceeds the permitted eight weeks the majority of the policies being changed tonight stem from an update from Strauss Esme that streamlines how we ensure all of our policies remain free of discrimination of Legally protected classes in the state of New Jersey previously all of these policies listed specific protected classes individually in each policy and now we are simply referring externally to the state statutes that describe all of the protected classes this should ensure that these classes stay consistent with the state regulations and the individual policies don't diverge over time policy and regulation 2423 addresses the services of multilingual Learners previously called English language learners need to meet or exceed the New Jersey student learning standards to reach graduation and post-secondary success four key areas of njac 6 a15 with revisions are definitions identification organization and additional requirements of a school district and this is a mandated policy we do not meet the thresholds however to be required to offer bilingual education finally policy and regulation 24 31.4 which is prevention and treatment of sports related concussions and head injuries these are being updated to align with the most current recommendations developed by the Center for Disease Control and prevention CDC for these serious injuries we received feedback from the school nurse and upon her recommendation Ure that the medical notes required for a student to return to play are always vetted by the school phys thank you Dr Dean breio uh Mrs reath community relations uh yes couple of things um now that we are in the process of changing seasons we have some uh events coming up um Briel R has an egg hunt for the community and they also have spring Recreation programs available through Community pass uh the be the B PTO has a few things that have uh just taken place they just had their um sweetheart dance which was a lot of fun um they are currently in a rathon which has a uh record-breaking uh minutes red as well as a record-breaking fundraising um and they're over $20,000 right now um this Friday there is a the Brio boys of event the Blazer boys event um at the Spring Lake Manor that they are also looking forward to and uh spring plant sale is uh starting this week so look out for more information on that and the PTO just wants to express their thanks for all the support that they have received from uh students and families uh this school year um also from the bpeg they had a really success ful meeting it was kind of uh long awaited it had to be postponed um they had a presentation on zones of Regulation U Mrs Walsh and I attended as board members and parents Mrs Polster and Miss Pearson were there as um administrative representatives there were staff members there were parents um and I think everyone um really got a lot of information out of the one- hour presentation um a lot that I think we all kind of do but didn't really have words for so kind of getting some common language um some common visuals um and just really looking forward to having that kind of roll into the classroom so it can be a shared experience for students um wherever they go at at home at school um and it was just a really nice collaboration of um all the stakeholders so um thanks for the bpack for uh putting that together yeah than you that's it all right uh that brings us to administrative report poster well you all are so thorough in your committee reports and I don't think I have anything left on my list that I was going to share um but you know certainly I I want to you know thank our PTO for all the special events they've been planning for our students um they've been really successful and well attended um the um Education Foundation held casino night uh that was also another great event and you know um nice to do something a little bit different people really seem to enjoy the evening and great again showed really the Community Connection you know a lot of our staff members there a lot of parents there so that was a really great event as well um and to what Miss reath talked about you know the the presentation by bpeg with Amy foresight was was very informative and you know this is where we would like to um grow as a staff to bring some of these tools into our classrooms for our students so they can be um successful um we had class meeting with our eighth graders as Mrs wal shared um getting them ready for the transition and a visit from Manasquan High School um guidance Department um coming up we've talked about the musical and the art show there been a lot of Buzz here and kids really excited uh rehearsals are full-blown the next couple of weeks um playground committee will meet on Tuesday March 19th we hope to really move forward with taking next steps with that the committee has been very committed and I think we've got some really great draft ideas and now we just have to figure out the the financial side of things um on March 26th we will also have an eighth grade parent night um and that evening we will talk about the eighth grade trip and probably some of the um uh details regarding some of the eighth grade events coming up in June and then before you know it we'll be on spring break so that's my report some super thorough reports tonight awesome thank you Miss postra uh do we have any HIV reports none correct do not all right that brings us to action items uh curriculum and programs I'd like to make a motion to items A1 through A10 second Mr Beaker yes Dr dambrosio yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mr milanich yes with the exception to A9 no Mrs reath yes Mr starky yes Mr Vitali yes Mrs Walsh yes right Mr Vitali District Operations please if you will of course uh under District District Operations i' like to move items B1 and B2 please second Mr Becker yes Dr de brosio yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mr Milano yes Mrs re yes Mr starky yes Mr Vitali yes Mrs wal yes awesome Dr Dean brosio will you uh handle policy please like to put forth the policies in C1 which I discussed earlier for first reading a second Mr Becker yes Dr D Ambrosio yes Mrs mcdev yes Mr Milan s yes Mrs re just a quick question sure the policy that was abolished that was because it was replaced it was um it was it was redundant gotcha yeah thank you yes okay Mr starky yes Mr Vitali yes Mrs Walsh yes I thought I just want to right uh that brings us to Mr M Human Resources under Human Resources letter D I'd like to move items D1 through D4 second Mr Becker yes Dr de Osio yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mr Milan yes Mrs reath yes Mr starky yes Mr rali yes Mrs wol yes all right thank you everyone uh at this point we are at visitors business visitors are permitted to comment on agenda and non-agenda items at this time we just ask again uh that you state your name and your street address and we ask for the viewers at home that you approach the microphone right there appears to be none that brings us to the payment of bills Mr Vitali if you will I'd like to make a Mrs reath pay the bills tonight Mrs re you will I've had an education in the bills this school year so I'm ready for it all right I'd like to make a motion that the Board of Education authorizes payment of the following March 2024 bills list and that the secretary is authorized to draw warrants of the treasurer in the total amount of 1, 351,000 second okay Mr Becker yes Dr D brosio yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mr milanich yes Mrs we yes Mr starky yes Mr Vitali sounds so much better coming from yes okay this is B okay all right uh there is the board secretary's certification there uh there is no executive session this evening which brings us to adjournment can I get a motion I would just like to highly recommend everyone come to the play next week for the stage debut of one Giani dambrosio promises to be a tour to force performance I will be at every performance I'll be there with you I have a behind the scenes guy da I'll be there and I apologize in advance for my kids maybe singing over oh you're all up for thator adjourn motion to adjourn please thank you everyone [Music] for