##VIDEO ID:UW-GLmBekl8## [Music] uned stes stand [Music] [Music] [Music] pi [Music] okay there we go I Kelly bino do Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of people so help me down I Kelly B Jes who Solly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribe a law for the office of the member of Board of Education and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the views of that office according to the best of my ability so help me go [Music] I have motion to approve yes Mr yes yes yes awesome do have each year uh we are required as school districts to share the outcome of New Jersey student learning sorry and so so uh what I would like to do tonight is to present data on how students performed along with looking at some democratic Trends as well as recommendations um moving forward that can continue to allow our students to demonstrate so if we um just understand what the nsla is it is sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Education and and uh primary purpose is us to identify our areas of strength in each of the test content areas and to really think about as I said what are the best meis that we use as a district to enhance our students performance we do know that New Jersey definitely has one of the most rigorous systems we know that across the country New Jersey students perform very well um and it is because the standards are written at a very high level um and you know we we try to adhere to those gr level expectations and try to move all our students in that direction on an annual basis so what we're going to look at is our student performance overall we will look at some demographic analysis um some conclusions that we can draw from what we're see and how we plan to move forward based on the conclusions that we're drawing so we're going to start with this start witha English language arts um these are these numbers are really tiny I apologize but this is is the way it's kind of given to us so I kind of just extrapolated a little bit and add some information at the top so for 2324 what we have here is the percentage of students who scor in the passing range so there are five uh levels of performance four and five are considered passing by the New Jersey Department of Education so in grade three we had 66% of our students pass grade four 63% grade 5 87% 76% 84% grade 7 and 69% grade and if we combine all of our grades together 74% of our students demonstrated Proficiency in English language arts so I think it's helpful to put this a little bit into perspective and again this has a lot of numbers on it that can be difficult to really pick apart but this is the temp we're required to share with you through the um through the NJ and I will break some of this down a little bit in some upcoming sles but what it allows us to see is what percentage of our students are at each of the rates over a threeyear term so you know level fourward most of our kids tend to be in 2022 64% of our third grader were there 2023 we saw a tip remember that same test different students so I'm going to talk about that in a minute 45% were there and then in 2024 50% if you come to these two columns on the right this also kind of giv you a snapshot just in the change of students who were level one and two year over year versus students who were level four and five years so in other words when we look at this we can see for grade three from 23 to 24 18.9 more students ended up in a passive range right but then we have to look down here see foro course graders 18.5% fewer students passed than the year before right so looking at these numbers um we see some fluctuations um and it can be you know attributed to many factors the other thing that I always say about these State assessments is that this one data point and a lot of data points we look at and every grade every student in a class you know they tend to have differences in cohorts as well so another way to look at this data which I think is a lot clearer rather than all of those numbers right is to say our grade three students in 2023 47% of them passed in 23 24 a different set of students who took that same test 66% of them asked right so in grade three you could say overall we had an improvement performance in grade three but the other important way that I need to look at this data is to trace it through corts as well so when we see our grade three students these were that them in 22 23 at 47% they are now our fourth graders in 2324 and what we can see is a significant gain for that cowork of students in terms of theity so I think it's important to look at the data both ways and what you really do see is that every grade level in ela had an increased percentage of performance except for grade AG right so even our fourth graders in 22 23 were a very strong group went from 81% to 87% our fifth graders 2223 as sixth graders from 71 to 76 79 to8 right like I said our seven our this seven grade did very well we saw a dip in them as okay so looking at the data both ways I think is really helpful um it helps us to think about those students who we want to Target where are our strengths um and then you know how can we get into the state bit more we'll talk about the other interesting thing to look at is um real compared to other not only the state but this is called our district Factor group it's called DFG it's what the student does to group schools in the count that are similar to your own um it looks at things like Soo economic status sometimes the size of the school but the DJ doe arranges these and they're arranged by letters um real happens to be a GH um and the letters go from a through j i and J are the highest socioeconomic status and your a are your schools that are at the lowest end of socioeconomic status so real classified as a GH and I think it's interesting to look at this because you know when you're comparing yourself to the state that is a wide range of all different types of schools right when we compare ourselves to similar schools I think that's a little bit more informative and so what we noticed here is when we compare ourselves to the TFG you know we can see grade three performed a little bit better grade four just slightly below grade five we said is a pretty strong Cort grade six grade seven and grade eight even though they had quite a dip they still performed just a slightly ahead of the the district fact that we are comp to um if we we look at ourselves across all bra you know I think we can be pretty pleased with what we're seeing happening in El and our student performance if we go on to math um this is I did same thing so you can see the numbers here right this shows you just % passing at every grade level um and again I want to look at it you can see this way again you can see these numbers here our third grade is really quite strong in terms of looking at different students say test and then fourth grade a little bit of from year prior um and then this was a really big change here to from six to seven right but again I think it's easier to look at it this way um same T different students from 23 24 right little bit less of a change in math I thought this was pretty significant shift um but the math tended to be even with saying Cod words kind of close to what it was before so these third graders were 52% 2023 53% 23 24 63 71 61 a little bit of different in sixth grade 58 60 kind of the same and then seven to eight and this number is very tricky because this most of our not all of our students take gradiate ma we have to look at our students who also take algebra one um so that number you know is a little misleading not all our students take the M many of our students are Accel into algebra and some into geometry as well so if we look at the DFG recognizing that the mes are a little bit lower overall right we do still see there are places we're ahead of the DMG you know and then other places where we're not okay so we said grade eight we recognized that they had um overall a dip in their performance and all of the assessments um but you know overall when we look at ourselves compared to the DFG we still are higher and significantly higher than the state so that gives you a little bit of picture here with math looking at science this is very interesting our grade four science scores were very high 71% of our fourth graders um pass the njsla in science and this is I mean five sorry not just say grade five up there I apologize I just realized grade five and eight I will correct that before I it um take science 71% of our grade five students demonstrated proficiency on the njsla and science it's it's an anomaly to me that 20% of our students in grade a pass the end of in science so I'll say this about the njsla in science um it is the last test that our students are given in the battery of standardized assessments and you know it's a long test the grade a test is three hours long it also is one where the students do not receive individual score report at home so we only get District results you know so I think about myself as an eighth grader the third week in may take a three-hour test for which I will receive no results it's very difficult to motivate them and not that I'm making an excuse but this has been my criticism of the njf science for quite a long time um you know when I think about what I saw at the grade eight science um they really do a huge thing at the end of the year where they've done a research project all year and they have to presented and they bring the kids through and parents through and you see the quality of that work and research and the data analysis this number does not reflect what I believe our eers are doing in science um so I do see it as definitely out and I think there are host of factors that that not to make an excuse you know I do think those SC should be better but I really don't think they are a reflection of our um here we have the same thing you can see this is a 25% drop from the prior year a number of students who are planing while our fifth graders increased by 9.4% what's interesting here is when you look I think they really strong Science Program here and when we look at this 71% DFG 38% and state at 27% um you know that really again SPS my confidence I know that we have really strong program and I think this is an anomaly but you see even the DFG is very low in science and state is also very low in that science lotors that play into that so if we look at some demographic analysis State requires us to share this with you as well um if we're looking at Ela comparing females and males uh we can see in the for range males and females are very close but females outperform the boys in the exceeding category which is the highest if we're looking at over a threeyear span you can see this is pretty steady um among the girls boys a little bit of a drop if we're looking at math the boys are outperforming the girls 53% to 66% overall in terms of those four on achievement and again this is not moved which is really interesting and and really you know raises some questions and things maybe for us to dig into the other thing we need to recognize is we're a pretty small District so if we're talking about 5% or 10% we're talking about a very small number of students so that's another thing to also keep in mind when we're looking at this you know two or three students can change this you know get if we're looking at science we can see here boys also outform the girls in science and yeah so we can see that there science if we ALS Al look at our section our students who have five cor plans our special education students as opposed to our general education students this is our performance in ela um you know we definitely see that our B for students seem to be um adjusting quite well and having accomodations in place that allow them to perform special ed you know we know that this is a struggle for some of the learning disabilities that they may have and then we just compare it to our and students so recognizing we need to Contin with our special education population and we can see this again um over three years how this has changed so a little bit of a change for FAL course a little bit of an increase for our special students so you know we're kind of getting some some big St we're looking at math kind of the same pattern right special education students really needing important in math as we move forward and looking at some things we may able to do for that and looking overall right that four Dro a little bit but this number in special ed over three years that is something that we should really pay attention to to see oural students to get that so if we're thinking about you know what we would like to do moving forward to really try to um get all of our students to to be able to pass the njsla get to that range there's quite a lot that's going on here um you know that you know we reworked parts of our schedule and Staffing this year so that we can increase intervention sooner so we do have more interventionists pushing into classrooms when kids are starting to struggle to catch it early um so that the gaps don't become WI or things that may become problematic don't get compounded so that our continue to struggle we are using our internal District benchmarks to monitor our student programs we use linkoln and ISL both and are really working toward um running reports uh if you're coming to parent teacher conferences your teachers teacher will be able to tell you which standards you're going to focus on with child this year and we really want to use those types of reports to Target small construction our classes um and really what we're going to do is after we do the New Year Benchmark we will have a half P day in January where the teachers will really sit and dig into that data and you know decide what are we going to do I'm noticing these four kids haven't made grow certain areas what can we do during our wind periods um what we with our interventionist to make sure that we are trying to bring our students the support that they we're also piling something called retach and enrich for grades two and three during periods so rather than just looking at your own class of students can the three second grade teachers look at their grade as a whole and identify students who we can say okay these students on this unit assess and math really struggled with these Concepts on Friday I'm going to take those kids whether they're your students or your students my students put them together and really retach that concept and then for students who need that challenge using that wi period from time to time say I'm G to pull these kids who Ace that and push them with the next concept so we set that up in our be able to do that um during periods two and see how that goes another thing that we did um was the state issues evidence statements every year that kind of break down the task how it's align standards and gives you data about how your kids did on each test item so last week in plc's our teachers pulled out those evidence statements gave them a list of questions sit and talk about um and then they notice certain patterns so one thing that came up I think it is for math Maybe they noticed that the standards that their kids had the most difficulty with and they shouldn't be a surprise right some of the standards they T at the beginning of the year so it said okay no to self we need to come back and spiral and and reinforce that concept of more times before the test so they have really been digging into those evidence statements um and looking at where our students did well where they didn't do well you know um another teacher last year has said you know every year I gu and I haven't spent enough time on Geometry and I feel rushed so that teacher even noticing last year said you know what I'm start to introduce some geometry concepts earlier in the year even if it's not what the unit we're doing and see if that helps and so you know we did see a little bit of you know um Improvement I you could say it's had a little more confidence with those geometry questions that tended to come later in the school so we also have been investing engineer in professional development we're really looking at the quality of our assessments are they rigorous enough are they challenging do they provide our students with opportunities to apply their knowledge not just give back knowledge um because we recognize that you know the njsla is a very challenging test and it requires Kents to look at multiple resources um to synthesize they've got multiple multiple choic there's you know it's a it's a very challenging task so do our home assessments really help our students develop the skills of D me so that when they are face with these complex um items on these njsla assessments they ready for them we're also working very closely with Dr ji from mon Clair state um on special education needs helping us write goals really tailor instruction data collection and progress monitoring for our special education students as well recognizing as it pointed out that we really need to get some extra attention to our special population lastly as part of a formal curriculum review we're looking at some MTH programs um we feel like there are some you know there are some weaknesses or or there may be better programs out there in map that we really want to explore so we're putting a committee together and we will conduct a formal curriculum review to investigat ma programs particularly gr two through five that's where you feel like the greatest is so that so as parents you know we nail these home a few weeks ago your child's individual score report um it looks like this it does give you information beyond the score of where your child did well where they had some difficulty there are sites um resources on the njc site which will be link presentation I will post you know I encourage you to monitor your child's progress communicate with his or her teachers if you're having difficulty or if there's um you know questions you have about our curriculum and how it supports New Jersey student learning standards and you know as always we encourage you you know support your child's learning at home ask about what they're learning read together you know look back in everyday things especially younger um you know and you know show your enthusiasm for learning as a way of model thank you very much any questions I love the action I like idea kids that help not out [Music] the gr science scor I may have missed it but we have they just start doing I did not post they I can tell you what they were have to pull them I did not them not I'm curious why so this is a New Jersey T and across the board they're doing very poorly so are we not doing a good job of teach science skills that wants us to learn or test Us toach kid disconnected the state requiring is test and no one in the state I think it's fair to say no one in the state is meeting it yes you know it is it is um I think about myself in a classro teacher if I gave a test and 20% of the kids passed it the first thing I would do is question did I write a good test right does this test really you know reflect what I expected my students to learn and you know these scores have been low for a very long time and I want to be too critical of the state however you know I have a feeling that's why they're not sending home well that's my question I don't I don't understand why they're giving us a test that they're making if this has been consistently this low I don't understand how this is an opportunity to make better not they're not looking at saying either we need to change how we're doing this or to change the test because this is doesn't make any sense and I think too the other thing about this is you know this was originally put in place many years ago as a field test and then they made it a requirement but they never put the same level of emphasis on science test as they have on the ELA and the math so you'll go into qac you know your science may not count you your District performance reports your science SCS don't count so across the board right the accountability and communication is just not what it should be if we want to really dig into this test I will say you know the science standards are very high level I think dat has done a really good job of working with nextg science cards which are National and balancing out you know Earth and life and physical science and you know layering in engineering practices and you know so SC themselves are very rigorous right but this as a data point is not something that I would look at and say oh we got to change our sence you know so you know I I you know it is a little discouraging I guess you can say um you know we love to see something that um doesn't leave us scratching our heads a little bit and also to give our kids feedback on you know this is where you're really doing well in science and here's something you need to work on just like we do with LA and we do not get the level of feedback on these tests this is aism using wants the kids to reach these standards and you're seeing 20% 27% I mean anything below 50 I would think you need to look at this right I I don't know I talk but I you know obviously I high school and so just like Stacy is saying it was a field test and these students knew fi test in the high school it's stating the fact that they know that in order to graduate high school Ela and the M SC are what they have to pass to get that so they aren't using those scores necessarily to do that we look at NJ scores right even here we're moving into right you know really even I was in a K12 District we did not use the njsla and science sign you know because we just don't feel like the test is really the reflection of our program our [Music] kids this will be provided and posted to the site so to see [Music] home it might more at this point we come to visitor busit pered to com agenda it at this time ask approach microne state name no correspondences quickly it brings us to reports uh doesent [Music] [Music] num then the director special services talked about their talked [Music] about at the director of guidance spoke she talked about how tomorrow's going to be over house for school it's really lot cration [Music] now we will Circle right back to and on Monday at on Monday after they provided a long day professional development gr teachers they um lovely he that all professional connected to their goals spoke about action plan that was just presented um it was really nice me to dis as and presentation just saw we talked about each slide over celebrations things that we to you know further investigate you know how we can do better that was POS was a nice time to go through that the one good thing was that we heard there's a change for preschool I didn't bring my notbook but I think we're swapping with times of the children so there's going to be the threey old in the they like afteron and then foury old program and then the school is being a little bit more having the open sooner versus later preschool friend here fill up so we have to make decisions sooner and later have that earlier in the year about that and then IED the I want to say thank you for organizing that um it was a really nice where we had time to really connect to what's happening with our children with zones of Regulation and it was fun parents were PR vulnerable and open about learning and gr and how to connect their children oce as always thank you very much Mr there's nothing on the agenda for policy no actions there some policies AI try think about the future this is be a big part of learning and how to utilize it for Learning and not just you know playing um SE has a wealth of knowledge about about this stuff so he's a good resource for us and Stacy's going to reach out to some of the other districts in high school to see if they have policies Place dealing with AI so that we can have to see if they align the values and finally I have a few reports um from our be app um on October 1st the bef planted a cherry tree in honor of the uh original founder of the Bri te Foundation his family was in town for his celebration of life and uh they were able to do this to honor his legy and they wanted to give a special thanks to Derek Hughes and his business Landscaping um who generously picked up the tree and helped with the planting of the tree um so it was a really nice way to uh you know more Mr D and um they also want to add that bf in conjunction with the PTO provided some flowers that were sent to Mr T um in recognition of the light and comp so couple things the PTO to add to what they have going on 50s are still available and they are still taking in new members um they are holding their first annual Fall Festival um on Friday they have local police and fire um that will be there the truck tree um of different content they have going on it sounds really fun event um and the eth grade is holding their giv pie U sale supplied by MERS I believe um so make sure to get those orders in than around corner and the did have their first meeting for the school year as spoke about that um and to add about that as well but as always really great um foundations and organizations that we have working in the school you know make this place activity in the first couple months [Music] thank us sure so some may be redundant but um I just would like to draw parents attention to the letter that I sent last Friday really encouraging parents to join PTO and participate learn the Education Foundation um these organizations do so much for our schools and um you know I really encourage our parents to get invol because the homeo connection and all the different ways that these organizations work together everything better wouldn't without our parents so really encourage you I'm so impressed so I encourage you to attend their next meeting um and again getting involved with the foundation is another great way to Clos link to our school community and also wonderful um PTO events as said we have truck retre first time that PTO is doing that that should be a lot fun Friday night and again 5050 one of my favorite phone calls make school year call the winner let them know been one that was really great last year so hopefully I'll be calling you you can only get called if you participate so I encourage that as well we also celebrated respect with a theme each day and we had assemblies for both our younger P four students and our students Compass there wasy of how all of us can be different music together so we really had a lot of nice events with students that week that we continue to reinforce you know those things of respect and empathy um so that you know we can continue um we did have for our staff assment we also had some teachers do their CPR training that day if they were coaches have you um so really great convers about continue our practice um we have Halloween coming up but I know and our all that come that day should be a lot of fun also be on the lookout for a letter about parent teacher conferences coming up in November those letters will go out public on Monday the 21st we are doing evening conferences both on Monday and Tuesday typically conferences have been done the Thursday before the Monday Tuesday Wednesday but that's how probably very well attended so we are doing Monday and Tuesday as our [Music] parond to you know have those sit down meetings with with your child's teachers um think just that one to [Music] even the redund okay that brings us to number n brings us 746 to action all AC below [Music] yes yes yes I'd like to make a motion to move for the action items under District [Music] operation yes yes yes [Music] okay we are now at visitors business where visitors are committed to comment on agenda and non agenda this time ask appr up very okay that brings us to the P of theills sure a motion that theob the treasure in amount of 13,533 yes yes thank you that brings us to the standard secretary certification and will not session evening you