##VIDEO ID:AQDQC4e1oPk## [Music] all welcome everybody to our to flag the United States of America to the for stands Nation God indivisible liy and justice for all please remain standing while our bir Heavenly Father we give praise for all our gifts for life and health and Ling care we ask for your guidance that we may lead with wisdom and Justice help that we may keep Unity of the spirit in the bond of Peace where there are differences of opinion help us to keep with your blessing in your name we pray amen please standing have a moment of silence for Joseph Coach Joe Joe taught 32 years at Rosel Park High School coached football and was inducted into the New Jersey high school coaching Hall of Fame after retiring and moving his wife Joan Joe enjoyed P was honored as an artist of the month by the pr Cultural Arts commission he was an active excuse me he was an active member of the Brigantine Lions the BR and the St Thomas Council Joe and his years this to [Music] yes we s contol [Music] commit the exclusion of the public meeting certain circumstances and whereas this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist whereas the Gover body contract negotiations will [Music] kep excluded this meeting this resolution we a motion second All In yeah that's fine I appreciate oops how she in good still good you stay this how you have to mute him can't hear anyway right into that yeah it's going pretty good man the game it yeah I think so the the big the big adjust because she which hasn't been that much yet but I told my wife man we've been having discussions it's like on Monday she has four hour like like if she ever gets it lot she's not to finish problem I was like so you got to get mentally prepared to pull her out of that gym and they they're like they frown upon that stuff but it's like I don't care Nicole like you got to start mentally preparing yourself because dude four hours by the time you get on the bus for an hour school all day and she picks her up brings her to to Har Township then I go get her she gets in the door at like n o' there's not a lot of time left she's exhausted by that yeah so that's that's what I gotta really watch because I'm gonna have to have a nice discussion with the wife be like I I don't care what the gym thinks you know they're lucky she's even still there three of her teammates quit this year was in high school yeah but that's because they wanted to play other sports right now in want play other sports so I'd rather her just pick a pick pick like a e e e for e e e e e for e all right we have a motion second to resume the meeting all in favor I any oppos I see none motion pass meeting George summarize yes a brief update from manager cont uh we have approval of our September 4th 2024 council meeting minutes motion second questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call you yes the yes yes yes Sarah yes our operate approval of payroll requisition list operating expenses in motion second questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call you yes yes we have public comment this is public comment on agenda items only anybody to be heard please come up state your name and address for the right see no public comment close the public comments All first up we have resolution 2024 d160 and this is a resolution authorizing the execution of a contract renew membership in the Atlanta County Municipal joint Insurance Fund motion second questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call yes yesy yes yes yes Sarah yes motion car resolution 2024 d161 this is a resolution granting revokable license at 1404 East Beach Avenue for an encroachment on city right of Life have a motion second questions comments seeing none have roll call yes yes yes yes yes resolution 2020 24-1 162 and this is a resolution by the city of Brigantine New Jersey authorizing Award of contract with s Hugh Electrical Company LLC for emergency generators at various locations Brigantine New Jersey this is the amount of 2, 67812 motion second questions or comments seeing down can we have roll call you yes t yesy yes dely yes yesen yes may Sarah yes car resolution 2024 d163 this is a a resolution amending the city of Brigantine 2024 year Municipal budget by the insertion of a special item of Revenue and appropriation from the state of New Jersey drives sober or get pulled over labor date Grant this is amount of $1,050 motion second questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call yes yesy yes yes yes Sarah yes resolution 20241 164 and this is a resolution by the city of brigan New Jersey authorizing an emergency contract with NorthEast Electrical Services for meter and electrical work at Brigantine Rowing Club and this was in a not to ex seed amount of 16,000 motion second questions comments seeing none can we have roll call you yes yes yes yes yes Sarah yes car next up we have our consent agenda we have the ston raffle license number 1082 part of Surfing ad acve skateboard request and the Republican Club Halloween parade request motion second questions coms n have roll call you yes yesy yes yes Kan yes yes may Sarah yes next up we have our Council manager committee discussions tiger anything course so I just have one thing um I want to publicly wish Ryan her our Deputy city manager well as she embarks on the Iron Man Down in Cambridge Maryland this weekend 2.4 mile swim followed by 112 mile bike followed by a marathon 6.2 miles so we're so proud of her we know she's gonna do well and I just wanted to make sure she knows everyone in brigantine's Roo for it absolutely John new trash can John you still get credit I go to our Deputy Mayor Karen I would say that's a sign of a meeting you guys go through everything and I have nothing to say on the Dennis R oh because John is not here can I I just want to say it's just to what Economic Development Committee has Cultural Arts commission has the Arts Festival finishing up this Friday if you haven't gotten down to the community center it's pretty and as we speakers want to say to um wasn't able to be at the 911 services but I was in school tiger I know they're getting ready to start construction I guess water tower I guess at I would say just we have that just so peopleware at the last council meeting share I actually have so uh for those of you who weren't here a couple people came in uh with I guess some health concerns about the rubber mulch that's at the bergantine community school I had an opportunity to speak with the superintendent after the meeting after hearing what we heard the meeting I left here and called up lot people outside of business hours but I was very concerned uh he let me know that the school board has been working on this for a while they've done extensive testing on the I guess the rubber mulch that's out there and according to the testing that's been done there's no health issues associated with the rubber hch I guess the um claims of the chemicals your contaminants that were there you can see that in this um this is the presentation if anybody wants an actual this is sumary of them uh the actual contaminants and I guess information that was shared here according to these lab reports it says that that's actually the results show that it is negligible and no different than what's found naturally occurring nature um so I wanted to share that with Council had most up information that the school board has been working on this issue one of the things superintendent said that I guess there's some Expo that's coming up soon they're going to look at um Alternatives in the future uh they're not going to pull the rubber mulch out right now because there's no real concern for it but if there are suitable alternatives for the future that direction place and one of the things he reminded me of too I think one of the claims is that the mulch has been there since 2004 but I believe in 2012 that whole area was underwater for Sandy and whatever was there Flo away and had to place after S I do know that that area did Flood so while we do share a lot of sympathy and understand people's concerns we also want to make sure that we look at the that and that's here uh superintendent said if any council members have further questions to reach out to them make answer our questions but it you know according to what's here there's no heeld terms I attitud kids in school there I would be upset about this as I said I called I talked I feel comfortable and again we talk about you know the steel line follow the science science shows there's no issues so I wanted to bring that back to council and share that again I'm not the expert superintendent said if you have questions please all right this time we're going to open it up to public comment anybodys to be heard please come up state your name address for the rec No One's Gonna Be able to hear you at question so it's it's weird it's say January to January but we do temporary budget is we don't typically most municipalities don't pass a budget until around March so there's a temporary budget to pay the bills then until we pass the final budget so if the city is going to put in like our like our side of it um we can send talk with our Sears five it's probably better question it's not here but yeah I know you've been email communication that would probably be the best person direct I don't have this is kind of situation to I think uh first part is the city's moving as fast as we can problem is like you do something noral but a process we have to follow roughly uh first thing is appropriating money you can't start any project don't have the money paid for so that's the first thinges to design so we have to have an engineer design it has to be approved once it's designed it has to go out to bid once it goes out out to bid Council has we have to vote on the engineer it's got to go out out to bid for construction comes back to us we then have V fast as the contractor get materials and start working it's kind of process I so I don't have the budget numbers in front of right now I'd have to look what we're doing is we're moving forward design that'll give us an idea of cost if there's money so we have bonding money that's in different bu projects since this is a virgent we're trying to see if we can divert some of that money but I don't know until the cost come in and that's something we really have to sit with CFO and sit with our engineer and say Here's are what do we have available how do we make that work we're actually in that process we discussed that um last week and try to move that forward as fast as possible that's speak was so fun first we have the money the design before we put it out to construction we actually have to have so we're looking at that I know that kind of brought that up that not to do so Kim Delaney 16 Ocean Drive West um two questions I don't know if we because we have bidding rules so like if you did a project follow our rules not my attorney wants to jump in although generous that is not a very good idea this likely trigger PR veiling wage you don't want to pay prilling wage on all of your properties that have your done the cost for the city although great idea you don't want to mer those to projects all right um second question the G we asked they said they will not that's not my question my all yes and go 30 I just saw the headline you all State Department so question that's incorrect so Mrs Phillips I've actually discussed it at length multiple times at our meetings we held several meetings stated several times but in short it's not the length of stay that makes the difference it's the behavior things in place to address the behavior of property and you can see I'd say 95% of the ISS issues on the island have been corrected the other thing too is whether you have a two night day a three night day or seven night day there's work around this and I talked this other communities you want to come in for the weekend I'm G to charge you the same amount I'm charge you for the weekend and give you a sday V and you're just there and you check out on Sunday it doesn't change and I said if you really wanted to make an impact you'd probably need 15 or 20 day minimum and if I think you did that you'd probably financially hurt every single short-term rental property on the island doesn't make sense the real issue isn't length of stad it is behavior and even the people from 20th Street have all told me it's not perfect but it's a lot better the owners of those properties are being more responsible for their properties and are communicating with the people who live around them I know some of the tenants in those properties have literally handed out their business cards with their cell phone numbers and issues called me I'll take care of it and a lot of that has been going on and I think we've had a lot of success through this season people who have had major issues said look I had issues with these properties but come 10 10:15 at night they all shut down so I think that's really the issue is the behavior which I think we've corrected more than any municipality in state of New Jersey we're going to continue to work at it I just met with our code enforcement officials uh I guess Tuesday one of the things he talked about is you know we're through the summer we've had success but where we have some of the issues is the bachelor and bachelorette parties and we really need to you know and I don't mind if people are there and people come to our Island I did not to cut small still SL other Public public portion one of the things I did want to touch back upon um I know his questions was asked several times to the council and you've talked about the short being by state law they are not designated as Commercial Business by state law they are designated as residential and that's the issue you may disagree with that but that is my understanding my attorneys tell me the same thing so as much as you want to say they're commercial can't violate people's rights if the state says that it's residential they're allowed to operate in residential neighborhoods and this is more than just addressing trash trash is a big part of it we did but we talk about Behavior a lot of that has been addressed we talk about people renting or advertising that they supposed to be in there it's all been addressed people operating or or renting properties in tanding we can't control how they rent it but we can control how they advertised it and as soon as people brought to our attention we made those Corrections so we're correcting everything that we can and we're going to continue to work on this we may disagree on the on the seven million at the end of the day it comes down to to the behavior and that's what we're going to continue to work on even through the fall you know as I said our vode enforcement is going to be out we're going to be on top of the bach bachelorette parties and I understand you brought up about what you call mini mini buses that come in I think some of the shorts of rental properties are actually using alternative means of transportation in order to up parking in the neighborhoods and I know that there's one owner who was um who let me know that they were having a larger group Comm in they had their group they were within the people but instead of having everybody take separate cars they had people meet off site and actually had a bus pick them up drive them in drop them off so they wouldn't take up parking in the area so one of the things we're really looking is that change Behavior and the responsibility that a lot of owners are taking in order to make their properties better and I think that all needs to be on the record as well all right any final Council comments see none we have a motion to adjourn second all in favor I any opposed I see a none motion pass thank you for coming out watching your Council team at work everybody enjoy