##VIDEO ID:HGineeKcrAM## Tiger's having a heart attack ready hey Mrs Phillips all right I would like to welcome everybody to our October 2nd Brigantine city council meeting please rise for the flag salute Deputy Mayor Karen VI pleas us in prayer Heavenly Father we come to you today asking for your blessing and help as we are gathered together we pray for those affected by the destruction of parane B give them strength as they begin to rebuild their lives their homes and their businesses many of our friends and neighbors are celebrating rash sh this week we ask that you hear their prayers and you shower them with beautiful blessings in your name we pray then can you read the open public meetings act announcement to adise the meeting notices covering this meeting have been sent posted as required thank you uh we do have an executive session tonight but like to move it till after Proclamation uh we need our approval of our September 18 2024 city council meeting and executive session minutes give motion second I'll make that motion questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call yes yes yes yes yes marar yes car approval of payroll requisition list and operating expenses in motion second to move questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call you yes yes yes Kane yes yes may Sarah yes car so Glen before I bring you up I want to say a couple words always stand next so if you will indulge me for a little bit and I think it's important I GNA tell a little bit of a story here because I think it's really fitting so uh Glen introduces me to Adam West writes a book called The be the real quick gist to this book but I think you're really summarize this cleanse personality so I want you to imagine a boil water right you throw a carrot in there turns on you throw an egg in there becomes hard and cous in life we don't want to be a carrot we don't want to be yet now I want you to think about this take a coffee bean put it that water that destroyed the cow the carrot made the egg calloused hard actually now takes that coffee be and makes something wonderful about say most of us en and that is the real essence of life life is kind of like that Boiling Pot of water we don't want to become the carrot we don't become gold callous we want to make sure that we make the environment around us better and that is what Glen has done every step of the way since he's come here to the man literally started what was a month before the pandemic happened welcome got big plans for the school here you go oh by the way everything shut down and education as we know it has changed but you have a responsibility to accurately and adequately educate our children and make sure they don't die no pressure I want to tell you that uh Glenn exceeded all expectations I want to tell you they talk about this learning loss and this lag those lost years that children had because of Glen's leadership and his team very minimal here in Bri tee our kids are succeeding because the work that he did and the team that he built when he came up when schools were like half in half out doing this whole thing I'm like Clen what do we do he like I got a plan do you trust me yeah you're the expert every single kid came back to school kept every single kid safe and they where they needed to live and I would say as much as Parents try to do the home education thing on a mass scale it does not work kids need to be in those classrooms our te there are outstanding need to be around Glen has created such a warm and loving environment I think some of my greatest memories are the crazy suits that he wears to school like you talk about Elf on the Shelf we got Elf on the school oh the first time I saw our superintendent sitting up on the roof of the school I look up and I see the self on the shelf and I'm like what's going on here and I remember I was like a kindergarten comes walking up and looks up and just stops in such awe and I'm telling you that is like a memory that stays with those children forever my own kids are in the school they come home and they talk about how great school is how much fun not only does Glenn excel in what he does I think his greatest quality is that he has the ability to bring out the best people around you and you see that all throughout the school I've known a lot of the teachers that work there I see them now performing at the best and you see this recognized you know High performing School in the district or in the state our test scores are coming up and that's good and you see the success that our kids had not only while they're there but when they go on to college and go on to life it is so important so I am so proud of everything that our superintendent has done now as a result of all of his hard work I know he does the awards but it's definitely recognized Glenn was chosen as one of the top superintendents in the entire country you think about how many school districts are out there how many superintendents one of the top superintendents in the country I think definitely recognized so I would like to read this Proclamation for you it says whereas Glen Robin superintendent of the Brigantine School District was named as a finalist for the 2024 superintendent of the year by the National Association of school superintendents whereas Glen joined the Brigantine School District February of 2020 just prior to the onset of the covid-19 pandemic which presented many challenges both educationally and socially but through his unprecedented experience in time the district emerged stronger than ever the district has been recognized with uh distinctions such as New Jersey Department of Education high achievement District two-time safety District of the Year along with proing accolades for one of Glen's initiatives the Mr Rogers project which has been a huge success among the students and businesses and definitely one of my favorite uh here in brigin whereas Glen believes in building strong relationships and enjoys sharing Insight with his peers and recently had the opportunity to attend an educational Summit at the White House whereas Glen positivity now know and Leadership has influenced our students teachers and Community creating an outstanding School District now therefore I Vince Sarah May of the city of Brigantine on behalf of city council and the people of Brigantine do hereby recognize honor Glen Robbins for all of his success if you come for they uh you would learn not to give a superintendent anywhere I Bo of politician you know when it was going through the process told it's only because prce this you I think that's St this session for contract negotiations anything else no that's it may all right ly can you read the [Music] resolution exclusion certain circumstances and whereas this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist and whereas a governing body which just a matter of negotiations soes will be kept and once the matter involving confidentiality Rees that confidenti now motion pass should be back about 10 minutes it's e e e e e e e e e e for for for for all right we have a motion in second to resume our meeting all in favor I see none motion passe sum right Sam we're going to open up for public comment this is on agenda items only please come up state your name and address for the record see no public comment we're going to close the public portion all right so we have ordinance number 16 of 2024 this is Introduction this is an ordinance amending chapter 284 of the code of the city of Brigantine as it relates to handicap parking spaces uh this is a handicap parking space at 31827 Street motion second I'll make that motion questions or comments see done from brov you yes yes yes yes Kane yes rean yes may Sarah yes motion car resolution 224-1 166 and this is a resolution opposing the proposed protection against climate threat threat resiliency environment and Landscape which is the real rules have motion second so I just want to talk about this a little bit this is something I know the city's working on for a number of years uh we've had meetings with the DP and with the state uh going back to when Senator Chris Brown was in office um I think one of the major impacts of this things we're concerned is that there's not a lot of clarity on this and one of the things I have concern with is right now it says that um the building requirements they're looking at a 3% perious coverage standard we're at 60% I don't know how you build on a property with only 3% coverage there's no way so I think there's things like that that um we need to get clarity on um I've spoken with the DP commissioner on this and one of the things that I told him is this really looks like a strategic withdrawal from the coastal communities uh he was not happy about that statement uh but I told them it's a real question you know because everything they're doing it takes a lot of the decisions that we make locally when it comes to building and it puts it in the hands of the state of New Jersey and puts it under kafer and under the Deep I'm concerned especially too if you look at what's going on in uh the Carolinas those homes there and obviously it's a different circumstance but when homeowners homes fall down or have issues with storms out there they can't rebuild we're not quite in that situation and I think we really need to take cons uh kind of slow down and take a look at this one of the other things is that there's no legislation that authorizes the DP to do this a lot of this is being done through executive order and our voices the people's voices are being silenced on this issue if this is an important issue it really should go through the legislature and the legislature should vote on this it should not be done through executive order they're not considering the economic impacts that these new standards are going to have on our communities they're also not considering and this is some of the meetings that we talk with them about is there's going to be additional staff that's needed to stay on top of the new regulations and what we're supposed to track and that's all on the municipalities the state is not providing any funding or any belief for those added costs that go to the municipalities they're looking at raising the base blood elevation another six feet so that'd be six feet of free and the problem too and this becomes a zoning issue our lots are only so wide the higher you push these houses the further the stairs have to go to get in and out you can't make this fit in the lots that are here when we talked with you know the deputy directors who were working on this for the D and their Engineers thank God we had Senator B Palestina he's an engineer as well too as they started to talk numbers on these things they even agreed with us that it doesn't really work but they're going to create something called offerings we're going to put these regulations in place and if they don't work for you then you would have to apply for Relief well one of my concerns with this is that we know upfront that they don't work and you tend to agree that there's some issues that might not work why are we doing this you know and they want to raise roads up another five feet they raise the roads you raise the roads and people's houses stay the same so we had a lot of questions a lot of inconsistencies that they just weren't able to answer they told us they would get back to us they told us they would give us more information we're still waiting on that information um a lot of this is based on a 2019 study that was done that calls for a 5 foot SE rise well the reality is is that's only a 17% chance of happening this 5 foot Sea Rises over the next next 80 years when we have to do Municipal planning for the city most municipalities do what's called a 20 or 30 year Horizon we do a plan for where we think we're going to be in the next 20 or next 30 Years the state now is trying to put regulations in place that are making plans for something 80 years from now that only has a 177% chance of happening that doesn't make sense we've actually requested directly to the DP that they follow a similar Horizon that they require municipalities to do if that's the rules and regulations for us then that's the rules and regulations they should have to follow um the reality is is when you look at some of the newer research that was done they talk about a worldwide sea level rise anywhere from zero to two feet that's a big difference I'm gonna tell you I understand and respect that sea levels will rise we can see in our local building and Zoning codes bulkhead Heights are changing house Heights are changing but not to the point that they saying and one of the things that Senator Palestina brought up to the meeting that I thought was really pertinent as they really got into the nitty-gritty of what this does one of the things he says is if what you're proposing actually happens it's a non-issue because you wouldn't be able to live on the island anyway so why are we putting regulations in place for something that may or may not happen that if it did happen we couldn't live there anyway and this is not just us this is all the Barrier Island you know their answer is we don't know so that's why think we have some issues with this we're asking the governor to to to pull the braks on this to sit down and put together a plan that makes sense we're ask and asking them too to put together like what are these flood maps that we're looking at we typically when it comes to Insurance FEMA puts together the flood maps that the insurance rates are set on what are the actual maps that are put together for this I think people need a picture of what this impact is and what it does not just to barer Island but also to the state of New Jersey one of our biggest industries in the state as well as Atlanta county is tourism you start creating a situation where it's nearly impossible to have any type of building whether it's commercial or residential you could forever hurt Atlanta County and forever hurt the state of New Jersey there needs to be a more balanced approach and there's a number of municipalities right now that are asking the same question why is this being rushed through why aren't we doing something that makes sense so that is why you know I'm putting this forward today there's a number of municipalities who done it I would ask for everybody's support there any questions or comments from councel I see none can we have BR you absolutely yes yes one thing I will point out though so I'm going to yes yes we have resolution 2024 d167 and this is uh this is authorizing public auction auction for Surplus property and this is for 2008 Chief Wrangler and one of our old inspector motion second questions or comments seeing none we have roll call yesy yes yes yes re yes Sarah yes resolution 2024 d168 and this is uh resolution of the city of Brigantine temporarily waving bulkhead fees have motion second so for thus one of the things we talk with the homeowners um in the area of Cove Beach when it comes to erosion number put in bulkheads this is the recommendation of the D the best shortterm solution right now is to have the homeowners put in bulkheads to protect their homes in order to help the homeowners with that we're going to be waving the bulkhead fees uh related to those bulkheads um any questions or comments from Council can we have roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes Marisa yes resolution 24 sorry 202 24-1 169 this is a resolution uh by the city of Brigantine authorizing Award of contract for bulkhead permitting and Design Services for the bayt street bulkhead this is awarded to Arthur Consulting in the amount of $6,000 motion second I'll make that motion so we're following up with the homeowners doing their part we're doing the same thing with our street ends down there we're working on pepper Cove we uh working on moving forward with bulkhead at bort to make sure that we try to do everything within our power to help people down there uh any questions or comments from Council see none can we have roll call you yes yesy yese yes yes sah yes resolution 2024-the a contract with Municipal maintenance company for the muffin monster grinder for Jenkins and Sheridan pump stations this is in the in the amount of 24960 and 26,000 motion second questions comments seeing none can we have roll call yesy yes yes yes Sarah yes motion car resolution 20241 171 and this is a resolution by the city of Brigantine New Jersey authorizing the purchase of a jet vacuum sewer cleaner uh form vcon oh should say something from vcon Inc under sourcewell contract 10221 dbac and this is in the amount of 57273 from motion second exactly questions or comments I would say you this is a very needed uh piece of equipment every municipality in the state of New Jersey is required to have one um our one that we have now is uh Running on Fumes and I think uh pretty much is done so this is definitely a good purchase for us and we need it to be in compliant with state regulations uh questions or comments said that we have roll call you yes yes yes yes yes yes Marisa yes car we have resolution 20241 172 and this is a resolution by the city of Brigantine New Jersey authorized the purchase of a pole barn for City municipal lot and this is in the amount of 43,9 75 and motion second no move questions comments seeing none can we have roll call you yes yes Sarah I don't know they were thinking about that gotta think about this one now yes car start resolution 2024 173 and this is a resolution by the city of britin New Jersey authorizing cbiz INR Inc to provide uh Deferred Compensation Plan to the city of Brigantine employees Brigantine New Jersey uh this is at no cost to the city we have a motion second that motion questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call yes yesy yes yes yes may Sarah yes motion car we did the yeah here it is sorry it's stuck all right so 173 right so resolution 2024 173 and this is a resolution by the city of Brigantine New Jersey authorizing the extension of a contract to Barbara Consulting LLC for information and Technology Services Brigantine New Jersey and this is the amount of 54,000 for the year motion second question comments see none we have roll call yes yes yes Sarah resolution 2024 d175 and this is uh resolution of the city of Brigantine ratifying the Chief of Police contract motion second I'll make that motion questions or comments second so I think Neil made the motion Mike seconded Dennis thirded it questions or comments sing n can we have roll call you yes yes yes yesah yes motion car we have our consent agenda we have our St Thomas raffle license number 1083 St Thomas raffle LIC elk raffle licenses 1085 and one 86 South Jersey cancer raffle license 1087 motion second I'll make that motion question comments see none can we have roll call yes Terry yesy yes deliv yes Kane yes Reen yes may Sara yes motion car yeah I don't we didn't get anything back from the Department yet on that okay hold off on that one okay uh we have our Council manager committee discussions T news for us yeah mayor I actually do have some uh some news so the uh looks like the Department of Transportation is going to be uh moving forward with the dredging project St George's Thorofare we will be meeting with them next week to discuss the placement of the sand that will be coming out of St George's and obviously we're gonna try to get them to put that sand along the jetty to help uh protect those homes along ocean dve so we're really excited just got the notification today and that's perfect that's great news and U really want to thank Senator Palestina he's been helping us with B to get that done um they had need for an intermittent dredge project to keep that open and he explained to them how important it would be to put the sand in the area where the erosion is to help protect those homes and I know that Senator and are trying to expedite that as fast as possible so um very grateful to the senat for that I'm grateful for the great news so thank you I also want to report that uh at the last meeting I brought up man participating in an Iron Man and she completed the Iron Man in less than 14 hours 13 hours minutes sheet an IR perfect over to our department heads get over to our Deputy Mayor Karen VI i' first like to congratulate Mrs Pato and the staff at the community school today they presented a check to felds they spend a lot of time volunteering with this see all the teachers out supporting it um John great Beach cleanup and shredding event last week than thanks to clean commun Public Works to paer Den thank you mayor Karen thank you for uh ear today shout out to a dearly departed friend of mine Jimmy H Township he was very involved with the fieldes we I retired but he was a great athlete still holds a couple records at College PA but um me one CH area beauti they do for all those children 21st tine clean communities Beach cleanup and the shredding event went great long line of cars there uh a little later in the morning everybody getting rid of the junk if you will and uh children there from AIT nice big bag collect a lot of junk off the beach and that's good not even close to the to the stuff they got but I I got a nice little bag of uh discarded things that should have been down there myself so great a big turnout and uh always a great shout out to EMT Turner this past Friday the 27th there's a little retirement party for him in St George's one the uh great things he's done over the years he's uh he's an icon basically here in the island between this time many years ago to beach com times and had some of his old time friends there and council is well represented toast with him and it was a FaceTime and finally uh this past Sunday the 29th congregation and church goers at Bri te Presbyterian Church out numers they dedicated their digital sign mayor was there showing there and John Scot did many good things there thank you conratulations to Chief I assume signat I also want to congratulate em Turner thank for years service I also to thank Garden Club thank you mayor I just want to thank everybody for coming out tonight everything's good I have nothing else to that's it thanks but if you really need to get in touch with me you can uh go good all right so just update on the conqu station P came down and did some testing uh we want to try to get a the results of that testing so we've been reaching out to the D Senator paa's office who's actually helping us with that as well D let us know that they're going to be contacted the owner about a remediation plan uh for that site so as we have more information we'll get that out to everybody but uh D is fully engaged we want to get information on I guess specifically what they're looking at with the remediation plan and two whether or not there are any environmental issues we should be aware of so as soon as we have that information get that back to councel uh the other thing I'd like uh Council to take a look at it comes to our regulations for handicap parking uh the way our handicap parking is set up in the city I think there's some instances where people have some legitimate Ada issues that doesn't work under the wording of our language and I think we need to be in a position to be able to Grant relief that relief so um I don't know if it's either with Michael or George start to look at some of those issues and I talked about this with tiger about how we can kind of create something uh My Philosophy is this if we have rules in the city for a reason and we come across situations where that needs to change we should change something correct it to to make sure world's in a position to help so once I guess we have that language capable of doing back to counsel discussion and hopefully move that forward because I know there's a few individuals in the island really help but the way our ordinance is set up we're not able to help Grant so we'll bring that back hopefully have also at that beach cleaning event I know acit was there but I was very proud to see a number of our students from the burgentine community school they volunteering they were helping out as part of their NHS hours so it's good to see our young people giving back to the community this time we're going to open it up for public comment anybody wishing to be heard please come up state your name and address for the record yes toly so um been working with mayor manini from Long Beach Township we have 51 municipalities that have passed resolutions in opposition to Offshore wind uh we're also working with the Commissioners right now a joint letter to the BPU objecting to the rate increase is that uh the BPU PE of the BPU will authorize for the companies that have already bid they're going to allow them to and we're working on getting that out now we have 41 municipalities that have signed on to that letter I'm working with Commissioners now a number have indicated to me that they will sign on um our Senator and our uh assembly team so patina Swift Guardian have completed a letter stating the same thing that they've sent out to the BPU today so we're moving forward on this and we have um some announcements that'll be coming out next week where do we stand so they're waiting to hear from the 23 municipalities I have 14 municipalities right now that I've spoken to almost all of them in planic have opposed it a couple are considering and coming back to me still working my way from the county like I said we have 51 uh total between myself andman C so we're still pushing this forward and Commissioners right now with the letter in opposition to rate increases County Executive said he want to hear from all 23 municipalities so working through the system but I mean he could always reach out and talk to like I know he likes to talk to [Music] details trans seem sensible maintain each of the Z that Z did not so just it's F going to said when you started this subject to change thank you and this Phillips when we talk about commercially advertized commercial events uh that's actually in our shortterm rental regulations that that is illegal to do we can I guess issue summonses to the short so issues yeah that is something so we agree with you and that was put into what's there and anything that's been advertised that is a commercial we've addressed right away and that's been a big part of what our Cod team I believe all the home all the short-term rental owners now on compliance that are not publicly advertising for wedding venues Bachelor bachette parties big events like that so we are working on that that is part of our ordinance now so so people get um five opportunities five strikes against them once it's reported the first time we reach out to them and explain what's going on they immediately take it down and we as far as I know we have not seen anybody re-advertised or being in multiple violations says the system is working and that's why we needed that code enforcement team they talk with the the short-term runal owners they show them here's the violation here's your advertisement here's what this is and we let them know once they they hit those five strikes we have the ability to take away their license as far as far as I know on that issue every short-term run on the island is now compliant if something comes up or you become made aware of that you can report that directly to the um Code Enforcement office or code enforcement officials and they'll get right on it and that's that's what we've been working back to the microphone Mrs Phillips can you speak in the microphone now thank you this whole issue size of of these of picture what get built bu so you have to understand that with the planning board the planning board has been very strict now on variances but if they build something that is compliant the planning board doesn't have the ability to tell them what they can can't do there's a master excuse thank you right on time that's you're getting good at this all any other public comment my dad's looking at me he said I talk too much I appreciate that you're here all right we're going to close public portion any final Council comments I see none can we have a motion second to adjourn all in favor any opposed all right seeing none motion pass thank you so much for coming out watching your Council team at work