##VIDEO ID:Ik2LjSTjLc0## I'd like to welcome everybody to our January 2nd 2025 council meeting please rise for the flag salute L can you read the open public meetings act announcement the meeting notices covering this meeting uh before we get started I'd like to recognize our special guests that are here tonight we have our uh Len County chairman Don pie we have our state senator Vince Palestina our assembly Representatives we have Don guardian and Claire Swift Our County Commissioner Mike ruffi our County surrogate Jim kerio and our former Atlanta County assembly representative kenter thank you all for coming out here tonight means a lot for all of us for us to have you guys here uh we're going to start in with our swearing ends we're going to start off with Mark virgilia first so Mark come up and we'll have our assembly our assembly woman Claire Swift I that I just I just want to say just a quick word about Mark and the team that you have here in Brigantine work work very hard along with all the other candidates he's a great addition to the Council uh team up here and if all the cities in New Jersey were like bring te have a problem guys great Community hard and thank you for know there was weekend thousand doors we kn Serv started at the off it's my honor to uhar in paulan and whates so all right right that's well thank you all Pur 6 what Mike's talking about it being a little long come on now po calling the kettle black I think I actually G to keep a little short third term third ter so so um I'm just out a little music as second third verse we got have a great time we have a great team thank you all right now tiger we have an executive session tonight uh yes sir we do have an executive session read the resolution discuss matters ofel matter involing all right not motion pass all right we're gonna break probably for about 15 20 minutes for executive session come back out you're all welcome to stay if you'd like to if not we catch you a little bit later thank you all for coming out just we turn e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for for e e e for e all right we need a motion in second to resume the meeting I'll make that motion second any oppos all see none motion pass resume the meeting M summarize all right if everybody uh please rise we're going to do our opening prayer by Council McNeil Kan care five children all right next up we have our approval our December 18 2024 council meeting minutes we have motion second questions or comments seeing none we have roll call yes yes yes Sarah yes all right this time we'll have public comment on agenda items only if you wish to speak come up and uh state your name and address for the record see no public comment we're to close the public portion we have ordinance number one of 2025 which is an inter eduction and this is in ordinance to exceed the municipal budget Appropriations limits and to establish a c bank a motion second make questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call yes yes yes yes s yes we have ordinance number two of 2025 this is an introduction this is forance amend chapter 284 the code of the city of Brigantine as it relates to handicap parking spaces this is for space at 103 30th Street and motion second move questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call resolution 20 25-2 and this is a Board of Professional service contractor city solicitor this is for par K motion second questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes all right resolution 2025 D3 Board of Professional Serv contct track B counil and this is to M minim Scotland and bman we have a motion second questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call yes yes yes yes yes Sarah yes motion Carri resolution 2025 D4 Award of Professional Service contract for labor attorney and this is for blay Donahue Weber motion second that motion questions or comments seeing none we have roll call yes yes yes Sarah yes resolution 2025 D5 Award of Professional Service contract for municipal auditor this is for Leon costell of the Scott Associates motion second questions or comments singan we have roll yes yes yes yes SAR yes car resolution 2025 D6 Award of Professional Service contract for Consulting engineering pool we have arur Chu the Blasio and Associates kers Engineers CME Associates Palestina Associates Remington and berck Roberts Engineering Group Doran engineering Dixon Associates and h2m Architects have a motion second I'll make that motion second questions or comments see none yes yes yes sah yes resolution 20257 Award of Professional Service contract for municipal prosecutor and this is to marker lenan James and service have Motion in second questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call yes yes s yes resolution 2025 d8 Award of Professional Service contract for public defender and this is for Jerry Steiner a motion second questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call yes yes yes sah yes resolution 20259 Award of Professional Service contract for risk management consult and this is to Eugene syracusa of syracusa conf Insurance Agency good motion second questions or comments seeing none we have roll call yes yes yes yes yes resolution 202-10 Award of Professional Service contract for health insurance brokerage service and this is for Brown and Brown Metro the motion second questions or comments see none from We Roll Call yes yes yes resolution 20251 Board of Professional Service contract for planner and Grant consult this is for Jim ta Associates motion second questions or comments see none rry yes yes yes yes Sarah yes car resolution 20252 Award of Professional Service contract for continuing disclosure agent and this is for Phoenix advisers motion second questions or comments seeing none we have roll call yes yes yes yes sah yes Mo car resolution 20253 Award of Professional Service contract for registered Municipal Finance advisor this is for Phoenix advisers a motion second questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call yes yes Sarah yes motion Carri resolution 202- 14 award of Professional Service contract for municipal engineer this is for Edward Stinson motion second I'll make that motion second questions or comments have roll yes yes yes yes yes yes car resolution 20255 Award of Professional Service contract for project management consultant and this is for Pathfinder resources and motion second second second questions or comments yes yes yes resolution 20 25-16 this is resolution for our council meeting dates for 2025 no motion second questions or comments seeing none have R yes yes yes Sarah yes resolution 20-7 and this is a resolution designating the official banks for BS on my switch all right we're all set I'd like to make sure I all right so we got resolution 2025 d17 and this is designating official banks for 2025 uh motion second questions or comments have BR yes yes yes yes yes Sarah yes car resolution 20258 this is designating our official newspapers from 202 press Philadelphia times motion second second questions or comments profile yes yes yes yes sah yes resolution 2025 D9 and this is resolution adopting cast management plan and authorizing the treasurer to utilize this plan as a guide in depositing and investing funds in the city of bergantine motion second questions or comments have roll yes yes yes yes sah yes resolution 202-20 and this is the 2025 temporary budget and motion second I'll make that motion second questions or comments none yes yes yes yes yes sah yes resolution 22-21 this is a resolution fixing the rate of interest charge taxes setting the grace Peri motion second questions or comments seeing none we have roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes resolution 22-22 and this is a resolution authorized amend respons agreement motion second they're just asking for this is for veteran housing that we're doing here on britin um they're working on Volunteers of America is working on getting funding from the DCA think paperwork's held up ask for a 30day extension exension so so that's the only veter housing is going to be right at the corner across the BF there's questions coms yes yes yes next up we have our Council manager committee discussions I just want to say congratulations to Mark and Dennis [Music] than Merry Christmas uh Happy Hanukah happy and healthy New Year our last council meeting was not here at missed that but I didn't get a chance to see Rick and he really sat to my reg for eight years and he really uh he certainly had a lot to lent in his legal mind he was sharp and uh more than anything I'll just remember as quick wi I think because we all solid times and wish the best forward and we glad right now Place welcome yeah thank thank you to my friends taring I just wanted to mention yesterday's event beach with all three Public Works police and fireing job you did Coral greater than 5000 6000 people sprinting into the beach and running over each other as they came out saw presence over PA iigs we've had got a little cold after we got out of the water and Sun covered up and and we all R the hills but it was a great benefit a lot of money was raised uh it's great I love that event because you see old friends that you haven't seen in years and everybody seems to come out that one day it's packed yesterday first of all I want to thank everybody for coming out this evening it's great to see you all here it's so exciting that first night when someone new a new council person gets on board and brings a nice good-look crowd with them so uh thank you so much and especially mayor Matt from the Elks thank you for making time Matt to come out tonight congratulations Dennis and Paul I mean getting ready confirmed tonight your third and second election tennis It Seems Like Only Yesterday chasing little kids around the street hockey BRS right and uh there we are and Mark congratulations you know seeing the good work that Mark has done few years or several years over the at the Elks and then the last two years exalted ruler I really sincerely I and we all do we look forward to working together as a good team and getting a lot more work done here we really have things that we want to accomplish and uh no better man than Mark to come on board uh especially having his chief of staff joeo with him you know so uh that's that's real good so uh want to wish uh everybody well I want to thank the police and fire and Public Works sued the the polar bear was just better than ever I mean the day before to see the public works out there with the you know all the workers and putting those trailers together together and the effort that went into it thank you John as always I mean and that mat going down to the beach this year was a great addition I know there was some seniors that came down on it so you know 25 years this this polar bear started 25 years and $1,100,000 year later you know when this thing started there was a couple guys oie ponan started this with a couple other guys at the ride and about five years later they said well let's start raising money for a good charity and the first year we raised $800 cooking hamburgers and hot dogs outside of Rod re I mean to see what it's become is just fabulous and and and you know now that it's just expanded every place on the island was was it was busy as a beehive including the shops and all so to see what has become and the great tradition like Neil says friends come out save themselves on New Year's Eve and to wait till New Year's Day to come out so uh it's great to see I'd say a lot of the people here in the crowd uh jumped in I recognize a couple good faces and uh anyway but uh that's basically it so uh other than that if you have any problems or issues you know you can always get my number on the front page at Brigantine times I'm here for you so thank you thanks I missed that last i' like to uh congratulate Paul Dennis obviously really great team Paul Dennis done tremendous job the last few years marks already Prov harder everything that he's done El Team all of us and I think that's something good I think probably one of the best comments I got I don't think it was met as a comment it was actually as a slight but I'll take it as a comment a guy grabs me one day and goes listen I have a real problem with you guys on sorry what's this problem because I can't tell the Republicans from the Democrats I was like well thank you very much I appreciate that he got mad and stormed off but um I I think that really shows like you can see at the at the heart of everything you do up here it's all about you know that's that's actually everybody the heart of what we doing Polar Plunge was absolutely amazing one of the biggest uh we've ever had I really want to thank um all of our city departments for the hard work out there of medical presence as well as public works I know you guys worked hard and workiz and set that up I thought it was great um I know as Mike said it's over $1.1 million in 25 years and I think that um we bear uh Foundation is one of the largest donators to the Fisher house and I think that's really impressive you know people come here not just to jump in the ocean but to support a good cause it's so important so glad that we're able to do that uh next thing I'd like you guys to do I think uh for the next meeting is our committee appointments so if you guys have an opportunity make sure you get them from Ryan review your committees who's returning so this way we'll prepare and can get that stuff get our going again i' like to wish everybody a Happy New Year and I hope everybody had a great holiday season this year was absolutely so at this time we're going to over up public comment if anybody from the public would like to speak please come up state your name and address for the record buing Drive I'd like to wish happy New Year healthy New Year to our Chiefs our clerks mayor and city council thanks for the returning PA Dennis and special congratulations for the man who worked hard and got what we needed his election in very special congratulations never home thank you John that means a lot to coming from absolutely and I have a question for Mark what is our time frame for reopening of pepper coat tomorrow so actually if you don't mind a kiss and a punch throw it throw it over the tiger we'll be at pepper so we we we're moving right along with it um and a time frame I don't know I mean they got a good Supply and everything but it did go out to to bid and all that is all completed we have a time frame on when they're going to start but it's close we're uh I know we say that a lot but everything's been awarded so it's close we're just waiting John if you don't mind Congressman Ben Drew actually worked on some legislation that is passed brigantine's named in this uh where they're working on areas of severe repetitive erosion he has both North End of the island at the seaw wall and at the South End of the island on pepper Cod each area that the federal government's GNA study and see what measures they can come up with to help reduce that beach erosion that beach loss down there so uh we should have more information on that soon the Congress is very excited to let us know that britin has two locations within that fund well that's great information certain just a question at l lingering around I haven't been updated what's the status of our County Court System changing now um I think it's still continuing the same we've been monitoring and review it team at this time still has no interest in make sense for us but I KN do know that there are some municipalities that um anticipate leaving prob after yeah I think going to finish out 2025 there was some funding that came in from the state to help kind of make it more affordable and I think the municipalities wanted to be included in that to recapture some of that funding are some people who are withraw and form some smaller cour keep up the great work it's a great place to be here you know since you mentioned some work about going on the city here with pepper Co there some people I've got a few calls may also about the North and they're starting to repave from the up 15th Street down to Vernon Place so if you anybody saying what's going on with the Coes and the marking and no parking that's what's going on so all right if there's no other public com comments we're going to close the public portion any final councel comments I see none we have a motion to adjourn Che all in favor any opposed motion pass thank you all for coming out and watching your Council team at work happy New Year everybody