##VIDEO ID:fxNiXOfijAk## man [Music] good evening everyone I just let you know that I will meeting tonight Sarah stand flag United States of America to the for it stands andice for all stand father Grace each of us with equal measure in your love let us learn to love our neighbors more deeply so that we can create peaceful and just communities Inspire us use our creative energies to build the structures we need to overcome the obstacles of intolerance and indifference may you provide us the examples needed and s the spirit to warm our hearts for the journey we pray the PE pray for the people of Florida to have strength and resilience as they recover from the destruction SLE and give them hope and courage as they continue to clean up and rebuild their homes and lives in your name we pray amen amen please remain standing for silence I select to request a moment of silence for Johnny a heart and soul Brer John passed Johnny passed away this past Sunday night at 37 years of age after a courageous seven Monon Battle of lukemia um he was uh just taking way too soon from family friends co-workers his fellow teachers fellow coaches and teammates John was a uh science teacher particularly chemistry Holy Spirit he was also the offensive line coach one heck of an athlet in numerous Sports particularly street hockey he was also a head referee there and uh he was a second to nothing came to referee and also uh his family was very involved not only John the father Big John but his brothers Joey and Jus involved in the lake um he was not only uh very intelligent young man but uh he was one who just uh was loved by so many there was a tremendous outpouring this past Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. over 100 people showed up outside of this house showing their support their love and their admiration for him and it was very moving John actually came out Johnny came out with his family microphone um all kinds of people just said so many beautiful things to them their experiences with them I'm thinking a l right here to my right here she did some beautiful words and um we're all going to miss them um so just keep them in your thoughts and prayer and that was one of the most beautiful things that he said he had at the end that day being able to exchange those things and have that out to see that so moment please thank you thank you please be seated [Music] [Music] okay thank you going to start meeting with [Applause] it says6 years ago and turn on a new career when he purchased times of Hometown newspaper publish weekly covering all the news of a small island on the New Jersey coast and whereas anded on major events history from fire that destroyed super efforts commity resources he also shared many Milestones such as weddings and birth announcements anniversaries of birthdays and many places that our friends Trav of bringing the times Along on their trip and whereas Comm sports teams that their games organizations that March par new business that H grand openings people and people who came out support causes additionally readers were kept entertained by around which often after 46 years and dist and workamp consisten and and has unly sered to unify and streng our community now therefore I may City on of the city council people hereby recognize and and extend our appreciation for all that he has done our community and wish it well in all his fut [Applause] on the wrong side of the camera wait 10 more pictures 10 more pictures I just want to thank everybody that came out tonight to support me and Council and the mayor was not here unfortunately um for this this is this is awesome um 46 years it's been a good run uh it's time [Music] expain I just uh I led when you always report it that I scort a hatrick against chief [Music] abely come microphone please I met John last week um if everyone has noticed I'm sure the all the flags out on the E Park out here John Columbus and he's going to give a quick presentation details about what those flags represent and why they're there so and John myself and John last week they they we like to keep this thing you home team up for this time period all the way until [Music] thank Youk it's my hon May coun to be before you and br br it's really myON to be here just explain a little bit about what these FL represent and how it all start as said I am member of the night columus and also Vietnam in 171 years ago so I do as 58,000 of my fellow comrades in Vietnam didn't make it home I did and a reason why I did I have to do what I have to do and what I can do for the veterans and it's one of the projects that I to do and this project really started in uh 2013 uh it started in the Midwest and there was a a member from our Council uh that brought this particular Mission here only remember back in 2009 there was a for was a Massac for where aist indid Nam military he got up lecture and he he killed 15 um soldiers men and women and 35 were wounded as a result of that um Mr Barry started this Cincinnati that area his son Josh was a Sant there and Josh did not get killed at that time but suffer tremendous ppsd as result he started um to try to bring awareness to to Suicide what happened to joshh was that in 2009 2011 he got married baby got afist 2012 he came back from Afghanistan 2013 his own Josh was represented on two the B there see um we started this project here in New Jersey in 2018 put these slags up at 50 53 55 different locations including municipalities uh schools and businesses and anybody who asks us to do it willing to do it um because it's a u it's a message that is really significant it's still a problem with suicide there's over 600 Flags out there right now each one of those flags represent a veteran who has taken his or her own life the average right now from the VA day [Music] flag out there so we want everybody to to really understand that that every one of those flags represent a veteran who has committed suicide we also wanted to let the families of those veterans know that they are not forgotten and the biggest thing that we all can do here from an awar stand point I'm sure there's a lot of us here I notic a lot of veterans here too well you know veterans but someone who was suffering with anxiety PS a lot of signs out there there is help out there there's a crisis rning that's BN and know I literature there's a lot of literature up here in front that can give you an indication of what to look for and where to go for help we all know in the VA in some cases slow process done however good news is is that VA tells me that 86% of those veterans who call the crisis l number make a different choice so that's two the other good news is that they are answering those crisis line numbers within about n n and half seconds that's also so again like I said it's my honor to have those FL you all can do here is know know someone who suffering PPS anxiety trying to reach out look for those signs and try to get them help there are Crisis Line Specialists out there I work with the norfield PA and they are excellent for what they do and I know they've turned some lives around you so I just wanted to end with that and I just just wanted to give this uh certificate of appreciation okay from read from the I noce the Council here we also work at I'm from the council in [Music] Gall and the certificate reads M columus vber Council number 6342 certificate of appreciation and grateful recognition of your service and support we hereby present Senor Brig King with this C certificate of appreciation we presenting to deputy mayor council espe tiger and John who were instrumental in getting us there for your support of the flags for forgotten soldiers program and bringing away Suicide Prevention October 10 2024 than you John thank you so much thank you Mayor John I want to thank you as somebody who is currently serv2 years I know just a few years ago the number was 22 that's We R 22 veterans a day taking their lives 17 it's because of people like you who bring awareness to it and veter hotlines which I did put a dog tag in front each of year that has the number so it it is getting better but it's still absolutely way too high unfortunately I lost friends over the years to Suicide from P else um so thank you John for doing it it's wonderful I also want to highlight our public works department um when this idea was presented to myself and John we came up with knew we wanted here to do it I've seen the displays in other places and John's team from The Works went down there they got oning absolutely beautiful they all the bushes back clean yard the grass cut all down did everything really really good so when they showed up next Thursday to do their part it absolutely L beautiful fact some of the comments we got this is a good bad comment is this grass is absolutely beautiful the bad is this grass is so to P you know they system do but well Machine guys came out but thank you John [Applause] and all right we're going to right along [Music] now is that correct military need the approval of the 1022 meeting and session minutes yes yes yes motion toting [Music] yes yes yes yes S I didn't go to Gunther this time okay have com com on the agenda pleas on the consent agenda on number 15 and I thought it was agenda item I gracefully request that recuit start 25th Year we're calling sub anniversary really appreciate if you consider attending and being part of apprciate thank you thanks [Applause] [Music] for we're now opening publicar and ad24 [Music] as it reles tokes this request reive for at 38 Street second yes yes yes yes yes we need2 aming 143 code of the city of britin tiru [Music] feor cic absolutely so this a result approve I'll make that motion second yes yes yes yes yes resolution 20477 authorizing the dri main agreement yes to ad resolution 20247 contract all foration I'll make that motion yes yes yes yes yes motion to Engineering Services yes [Music] I'll make that Mo yes yes you are approved there any [Music] to Tower I SP [Music] with Spen a few times we are looking actively seing quotes we did receive one so far [Music] working welcome back thank you good to be back all right I was just gonna say little coincidental the polar bear PL being on our agenda pick of joh for you times make [Music] [Music] quite um just that my heart goes after family looks like there'll be a memorial service for John at start high school at the football field at 1:30 this Saturday and I believe afterwards will be um Chief welcome back thank you you can see H you're back good that's all I got thanks mayor good job to see was the best for Vin certainly shame joh can't far else culturals commission regularly econom development moving forward and I have just a few announcements this Saturday is our fall Farmers Market from 91 it's called and BR costumes and cjw [Music] [Music] Retreat is Tuesday oober [Music] 29um and 27 [Music] at he unfortunately I not be able to attend ton council meeting as myy up [Music] City imprs I have also been in contact with j and I just confir so ex time and th night PR and Tom and awesome bring kids out together is awesome I justk [Music] [Music] thank you for saying yes [Music] oh yeah all right