for coup are you ready ready you ready all right Perfect all right so I'd like to call our March 6th Brigantine city council meeting to order please rise for the flag salute standing our mayor Karen us prayer Spirit of St Patrick's Day I have an old Irish blessing may love and laughter light your days and warm your heart at home May good and faithful friends be yours wherever you May Roam may peace and plenty bless your world with the joy that long endures may all life's passing Seasons bring the best to you and thank you you read the open public meetings act announcement tiger we have an executive no executive session all right we need our approval of our February 21st 2024 council meeting minute motion second questions comments n we have R you yes mat yes hany yes dely yes yes yes yes motion car approval of payroll requisition L Opera expenses and motion second any questions or comments n we have roll call you yes yesy yes yes yes yes Sarah yes motion car open up public comments public comment on agenda item see no public comment close the public portion all right first up we have ordinance number three of 2024 this is an introduction this is an ordinance to amend chapter 234 four of the code of the city of Brigantine entitled parking lots to update the parking regulations and City parking lots for permit parking motion second any questions or comments we have Ro you yes L yes Haney yes yes Kane yes yes yes motion ordinance number 4 of 2024 this is also an introduction and this is importance to amend chapter 105 of the code of the city of Brigantine entitled beaches and Recreation areas to update regulations for our ice cream permits have motion second all right so this is something city's been working on this came with the request of a couple vendors to make a couple of changes that are here part of it is is to uh red the number of licenses uh they were concerned that if there was too many licenses available the veterans who were out there would not have an opportunity to make money which we said was fine I we have about six veterans right now who sell ice cream so we uh C it right now in 10 uh one of the things we want to make sure too we've had veterans who've been doing it for a number of years so veterans who have held licenses in the past uh they have right of first refusal tiger I think have till April 1 right mayor that's uh we we did it until April 1 they could uh submit their application and then April 1 it open up any other veterans that perfect so you know these are uh most of the changes that are here uh any questions or comments see on we have roll call you yes the theory yesy yes yes Kane yes yes yes car resolution 2024 d47 contract of Paving plus LLC for the Reconstruction of golf cart paths and this is holes 10 to 18 and this is for um in the amount of 336,000 37 motion second Karen made a motion Mike second thank you questions comments this is just to continue what we started last year last year the front line was paid it made such a big difference and probably not until fall yeah right it's to build up some yes yeah building up yeah higher and then they will come back and fill side so it's it's a lot of work to be done have yes yes yes yes yes yes motion car resolution 2024 48 this is a resolution by the city of Brigantine authorizing Board of contract for professional property appraisals Inc for tax appeals and Consulting this is an a not to exceed amount of 19,000 we have a motion second questions or comments sing done we have Roa you yes thei yesy yes delri yes Kane yesan yes Sarah yes motion Carri resolution 22449 and these are real estate tax refunds motion second questions or comments see none can we have roll call you yes yes yes yes Kane yes yes mayor Sarah yes resolution 22-50 and this is a resolution granting a revokable license at 3305 West Brigantine Avenue condominium association's Inc to extend the use of the right away for a canopy supports and offsite signage we have a motion second I'll make that all right so the next two resolutions that are coming our way this has to do with the upgrades and improvements that are going on what was an is that'll be now Jersey cow uh part of their design is uh they have a canopy that's going to come out it will extend part of the way into right away this came before the planning board the planning board gave them approvals but the planning board's authorities stops where I guess the owner's property line ends since some of this will extend into our property it has to come for Council in order for Council to uh to give the revokable licenses uh in order for them to forward um this impacts uh both businesses there which is um Jersey Cal and Ernest Suns Delhi um the canopy is going to cover both Ernest sun is GNA upgrade their signs to match and I think this is going to be a beautiful are there any questions or comments LIC 33d street right away but they also need I didn't hear for which one I'm sorry they they're proposing to have canopies and other structures both on the 33rd Street side and on brue side right so the canopy extends out um on the Brie Avenue side I don't think tiger does the the uh the uh vocable license for 33rd Street side will be for parking the canopy is only for the Brigantine Avenue side the the second resolution you'll see that's for parking to send into the right they had I was gonna say they had a um preexisting nonconformity where they um I guess in the past their parking had extended into the RightWay and the planning board has said since they're coming should reason I'm asking it looks on sketch as if they're proposing something C front to extend toward pregnancy and amenu is that fully contained within the properties so partially so the canopy extends into the right away the sidewalk area the overhang part of the D the the uh supports that hold the canopy will be inside the property line it's just the extension part of the the top part of the canopy that extends onto the right over so it's overhead so it doesn't actually block the sidewalk doesn't block the sidewalk at all it's just the canopy part extends past the pillars which are on the property line on into the RightWay into the sidewalk area by would be air rights for that portion yeah nothing unless you jump nothing you're going to be a and again I'm asking just because I want to make sure they get all the relief they need later on somebody say wait you didn't have the right to extend that into the air yeah Council the note what you're saying before it's executed so it's not an issue down the road if Dennis want so what manager enter changes any other questions comments all right see none can we have roll call you yes yesy yes yes yes Reen yesera yes resolution 20 24- 51 and this is a resolution granting a revokable license at 3305 West Brigantine Avenue condomini Association Inc to extend use right away parking purposes motion second questions or comments see none we have roll call yes yesy yes yes Kan yes yes sah yes motion car next up we have our consent agenda we have elk raffle license number 1047 Alex raffle license number 1048 Al raffle license number 1049 BFW raffle license number 1050 American legent raffle license number 1051 green whales Open Water Swim request green whales ugly sweater 5K family Frolic Jeep event Rip Tide spring Derby request motion second questions and comments seem none we have roll call you yes the yesy yes yes Kane yes rean yes Sarah yes time will open up we have our Council manager committee discussions thank you mayor I I just uh I just wanted to give Council an update we went live on wesk the commun center on Monday morning at nine o'clock so had a couple days so just um give you a couple stats we've had 425 different registrations uh just in the last three days that doesn't mean 425 total people that's could be one person multiple classes but 425 registrations and 400 member profiles were created we've had 257 unique participants that have uh signed up for uh class in the spring 22 24 of those are seniors 23 are non- seniors and 10 are uh youth so uh all complaints uh I I met with Jim Mogan and Kristen Sullivan yesterday uh and and they said you know nine o'clock kicked off Monday they expected the phones to be ringing off the hook everybody waited and it was quiet and uh there was actually one person that called and they just said hit the refresh button they said well I'm in okay they hung up and got into the class they were looking for it and it was an 83 old so um it has been a huge success we've been working hard for this for a while uh you know Kristen down there you know can't say enough of good good things about her and the team down there that uh have have working hard to get this off the ground so and we're looking to expand this you know it's it's a great program it's really easy to use use so this is just another step in the in the right direction for us to you know so people didn't have to the the old way was very archaic you know everyone waiting around in a line sometimes outside in the weather you know there's like a a Taylor Swift tickets trying to get everyone's lineing up out for hours sleeping out in the parking lot so no more of that it's all done right online now they can do it right through the rec test so just kudos to the team down there I just make sure we're aware of that the update you know tiger I really wanna thank you kisten Jim City you guys did a great job getting this together making it happen something that a lot of people who have those prrams down there nobody want stands fill out I think even on the back end all the data entry that on taken in $225 wor of checks those people don't and they staff is available comments on Facebook it's on Facebook it's official yeah must be true watch out and actually too um I want to thank Tom RI he's on our uh Recreation Commission and uh he had made the recommendation uh because I asked him to start to research programs he had made recation us push that want to make sure that he gets recognition too because he his that's first I want to announce community yard sale officially be June 7th 8th and 9th this year that'll bee also the Green Team keep an eye out for the um second annual uh Cherry Blossom Festival which will be held Saturday April 20th the digital map of all the cherry trees on the island will be available uh the cherry blossom tea will be held at the BFW 2 and then they're also going to host a community photo hour near by the library Jerry trees are and inviting families to come out and take family photos with backr a lot of congratulations no for celebrating their 25 years of serving our community reception last week um and last Friday our business Community welcomed Sandy Jack Deli several of us were there uh they're at 1206 britin Avenue the owners Robert and sandwiches are delicious I tried yesterday okay I've been working with the police department and we are going to open a workshop for seniors on wednes Thursday April 19th talking about the scams that have been increasing in Elder fraud um between acting Captain St Ward and I were going to um post this informational session to our seniors at the community center during their lunch in in the lunchroom and if you're interested in participating you can call Linda nce at 60926 473 50 extension to we're going to put an article in the paper we're going to put some flyers out down there and it'll be following big so nice nice uh turnout and finally this morning I'd loveed every minute of reading with our preschool class uh as part of read Across America Day celebrating Dr Seuss's birthday I always love to go back in the classroom where I spent many many years and uh although I never taught in preschool I second grade the kids were really that was very very wonderful and that's about it also I guess you all heard about yeah first step was Secure M we'll work with the county to Andy ja sh great Co saw from that place I try to pick up my co saw and the day look forward to hearing from Mike about upcoming St Patrick's Day Parade just want to also touch on an article that was the Atlant City press this past Friday about uh relative story that is to and in the article it speaks of ENT of tent of energy to and uh Leading Light wind the latest offshore wind solicitation about utilities make lots of energy Etc etcada y y for clean energy and problem sources favor reactors to rectors that something that's kind of for front exess number of years and besides that there's been a lot of advances made in nuclear energy but the life of me I'll never quite understand why the BL PL is going to be retrofitted and set up for natural gas as opposed to the oil and coal burning plant that it was that would have been natural gas is a great source of clean energy but B passed initially and then some things were put into works and all a sudden it was near the pine lands something of that nature understand so to speak but uh I am strictly against the industrialization of our ocean and all form that will that it will that it will cause to the marine life and I hear a lot of talk about that but just the all the all the beautiful seabirds in that area too the seagulls and all the other turns and other sea uh seabirds uh they're going to be affected and they're going to be killed by the as well I do want to just leave I just going to touch on a there's a nice little wrapup paragraph or so at the end of the article in the news released Friday Robin schaer of Ocean City president of protect our Coast New Jersey and obviously we have defend BR and there's other organizations there's a lot of litigation going on motion times his words we oppose offshore wind towers whether they're 12 miles 40 miles or A Thousand Miles offshore there are a terrible idea being promoted by the wealthy Elite including our government the burden for this Reckless Enterprise will be borne by low and middle come Jersey tax and rap pairs small businesses along the Jersey Shore Commercial fishermen and Mar life that will inevitably be harmed here here I could that about with that but thank you a little drained from our discussion about the license I don't have much I do want to mention happened the other night to sto in at the Garden Club meeting club members they see out in our audience and big crowd there and Club season specific going to be out there work down courtesy as you're on the roads anday as far away from them as you can they're an important work for Bri team helps beautify misunderstood thought we were appointing yes we appointed several positions last meeting and that individual right so we have a motion on the floor Council Kane for Al Mark uh to be placed on the Garden Club is there a second second all in favor I right see it none motion pass all right and other than that thanks for coming out it's crappy weather really appreciate it thanks for everybody coming out counc LGE thank you mayor first of said thanks for everybody coming out this evening we appreciate it as far as things going on this Arts commission has a lot going on on Saturday March 9th which also coincides with the Atlantic City St Patrick's Day Parade but they have a great talk down the community center by Dr Steven serator on open birds and anytime you get a chance to listen to Dr Steve speak he's phenomenal whenever start this one's a good good uh thing two hours there'll be light Refreshments res uh served so down the community center this Saturday from one to three uh talking about local birds now you see them now you don't they also have some future things coming up monly at The Cove in April an Italian cooking demonstration coming up in the next few months and September the economic development committee ongoing work things are good new business bus are open businesses are moving staying on the island it's good to see construction's good real estate sales are good that's that and then of course Brigantine St Patrick's Day parade is Saturday March 16th that's in two Saturdays a week from this coming Saturday 1 pm starting up at St Thomas Church walking all the way down to Veterans triangle it's going to be a phenomenal day and of course our grand Marshals uh Glenn Robins from the school Dr Brendan Kelly Bob sui everybody knows about suie uh and Angela Reynolds who's been so supportive of the braid in the past Donna Rini also from the Elks and uh and of our own councilman Dennis Haney will be leading the pre down down the Avenue this this year so it's going to be a good time on uh Saturday the 16th other than that uh the last council meeting we had Dr Michael coat here and he was talking about an issue with the electric bills and the charges U with the new things that have been installed so I'm thankful Michael's come out this evening we work together uh about getting people to uh they need to how would you say it m just kind to submit their uh Energy Information which I if you get in contact with me I can help you with that but we've already started we have a few people that we've gotten the information about Dr Michael could you want to say a couple words can I do that during my to the public wait to the public conference all right but yeah so that's that's the anything else and of course um you know my number is on the bottom of the front page of Brigantine times so you can always reach me there so thank you uh first of all I'd like to say I'm really excited about all the new businesses that had overed up told you a little while back uh one of the Philadelphia papers was the story on all the short talents that losing businesses they very very surprised to hear that we were gaining business so I was very proud of that and very proud of the success that our local businesses are having I think a lot of it has to do with hard work of our Chamber of Commerce and a lot of the investment that working Council you know it's kind of like what's that saying if you build it made a lot of great Investments here and it's good too A lot of the stuff that we see coming up on the agenda is really a reflection of the hard work of this Council of obviously of um all of our department heads as well as our employes great team and I'm very very proud of how things thank you all for that uh quick short-term Run update our sdl program this is the program we're going to be using for uh tracking the issues that we're having with short-term rental properties and also uh for people to be able to file complaints that's coming online now we're starting to roll that out different departments that are going to use that training is taking place it's good to get our employees trained and ready for that uh doing slow roll out with the different departments but uh we should be fully live the next 30 days so excited to have that um going forward uh update on our uh litigation for the ocean wind bantine had joined in with the municipalities and LBI as well as Venter to follow litigation uh this litigation will go before the judge on March 12 so after March 12th we should have an update from guess our attorneys I don't know if the judge will make a decision on that day but March 12th is when be your scheduled to go before the judge so I'll keep everybody posted on this time I would like up to public comment uh like to he please come up and state your name and address for the record joh Johnson 36 go drive my question would be at 3305 the canopy extends past their property line does it go to the curve line extension it does not how far do you remember how far out of is I forget the exact distance it does goild the whole way it goes six feet out and I think there's 12 feet total so it extends about half the distance and then my next question would be for the online registration for CER is City Hall offering assistance to anybody that may need the community center is and they have uh people on staff that will help anybody who needs to come in John prior to the the registration going live on Monday they held three different sessions for people to create their profiles online anybody who wanted to them and they've also got iPads down there that people home it's they've they've done an excellent job John I I could show you the when we're done hang out I'll show you the uh John I even was able to do it myself I created my own profile myself Mike and I what I was going to do email you a video of how to get a electric you all sign the I don't need need you to you already created an account if you create an account to get into your a electric build through the internet what I would like to do is get three files from that I send you all a video how to do that s that me then look data give you back updated anything like conus get 30 40 respond like this and and just so some people know that maybe weren't here at the last meeting what's happened is since they replaced the old electric meters on the side of the house with the spinning wheels on there and they have the digital meters now there seems to have been kind of an upcharge on on our electric bills and all so we're working together to find out um presumably because of the more accuracy of of the digital meters that's possible but we're just trying to get a hold on it go forth from there and maybe question Atlantic City Electric on it so appreciate Jim boa 305 20th Street have housekeeping issues I see you're already wait I see you're working on the beard you gota way to go Sandy Jacks cheese steaks aw great addition I think having ail Bo agendas are [Music] calendar uh and then this is uh regarding the resolution then I read in news AR of paper that also army army engine that let me ask you this question what exactly does Stockton Coast research do for the city that might isue so we are a managed Beach right under the federal government part of that requirement is that data needs to be collected and Stockton is who we use to collect that so stock their work that they do out there is independent of anything else we do and then for Dr St farell Dr St Farrell actually used to obviously work for SOC Coastal research he retired but has an extensive knowledge Brigantine so rather than spend a lot of money um I have a good relationship with him we actually asked come sit down and talk us because wanted to know before we met approach the what we were looking at questions we needed data because we wanted to make sure that our conversations but there was no cost to the city of Brigantine there was no expense but big part of being Effective Government is the relationships that you have speaking people to make uh you're correct the Army Corps does not cost us any money but in order for the Army Corps to take action things they like to look at is data that's provided to them so we want to make sure have that with army so you would kind of made the statement earlier that it was a redundancy it's not a redundancy it's actually a necessary part of process so that's different so stock their information on the so when it comes to the Cod Fe you're talking about the inter Coastal Way of the that is separate than anything that stum does so there are two different issues and that's probably more each and it's also why we reached out to Dr Stell working not City money if we involve Stockton Coastal research we then have to pay additional fees because it is outside of their scho thank you pH I was waiting and Street will this work include an extension of and also the placement of additional rocks at the of in the The Rocks you can see down there have protection that was intended so whatever to protect the work sure thatass should Beed concerning and they protect our Co two copies very interesting reading as to the basis of this so that's that's way that's a major to have Commissioners which I to see and also our state representatives something that uh mention but I got caught yesterday a very unannounced closure of the drawbridge on leaving Atlantic City it got up to about three cars from the opening gate and deadlights went on so on so we stayed there for about 30 minutes at least and raised the gate ra raised the bridge Clos and then raised it again and there were no police around cars were back up so I figured I tried to get in touch with the state which I did but and it was just testing but as she pointed out one person the import that all the Tes gar bridges that have collapsed and so what I she also mentioned that affected communities should be receiving notices from the state through the Department of Transportation of what's taking place what the problems continue to be since they're still working on it and of course we don't know traffic was proceeding normally all sudden lights went on just that there were two employees who left and it's just there no police nobody I think it might be helpful if you made sure that that Department of Transportation does communicate to government depr as to the status of that brid because just think of so supposedly it's safe but I think Duty us how often do you travel over that so um and we never get Bridge because there's no money for so sort of stuck with it and it's old certainly gives me a lot of thought when I go home which I didn't pay attention to before before she just assume that they're going to keep it safe they're aware and she when I talked to the lady she emphasize the fact what can happen if you don't keep testing and Mak sure that Vis goes up it's come so I just ask that you please keep in touch if you need to you because I went from office to office as concern as jurisdiction over this section of South Jersey Western section of sorry well I thought that was have authorized you have authorized the employment two people you hire two employees and inspector and supervisor so who are these people what are their salaries and to how they function talk about TR and what going to be looking for in terms of bi so thank you and thank you for bringing this to our attention about Bridge tiger if you just make sure reach out to the Department of Transportation those was 5 a every 30 minutes they were going to have the Bridge open Lan they had to take day un I just wanted to be able to answer your questions I think I'll start with the prominade um the we're looking at uh actually two different projects with prominade the first one is the uh grant that uh Council talked about uh he I saw Dennis lens have worked on that we got that grant money that is just for upgrades and repairs to the existing prominade you talked about the jetty Rocks part of what we're looking at like you said for the protection some of those rocks shift over time so we're looking at if we need to repair replace or what we need to do with those rocks the other thing we're looking at is um an extension of the prominade and uh we're working on funding for that from another source so they're two different grants two different projects and we broke them into different projects because we knew we could this one along a little bit faster and we didn't want to hold this one up because there'll be different approvals and things we need to construct you know a new seaw wall and prominade up in um we'll keep you posted on that we talk about the state housing mandate uh this is something that was brought to my attention um and it has to do with affordable housing my understanding of this is the state is looking at how they can increase affordable housing in the state of New Jersey as you know Brigantine comes under review every 10 years I think we're coming up on that this year again where the state's going to come in and tell us we need like thousand units of affordable housing we're going to explain to them we're at 99% buildout where do you want to put it uh last time we went through this process they wanted to put it in the circles and the parks in the middle of the streets I mean the stuff they came up with was not reasonable one of the things that really has me concerned is the state is talking about using eminent domain to create affordable housing where they're going to come in and they're going to select properties take them under eminent domain and then make them affordable housing I think that is legal and raw and I hope that the state does not seriously consider doing that because I don't know how you take someone's home who's been living there and then give it to someone else and that is wrong so I know that our state representatives are working on that waiting to get an update but um I know that that is one of the ideas and proposals that is being put forward and again want to say how long it is to use eminent domain to take someone's home um uh we're looking at the uh you talked about the inspectors and stuff for that uh we're still in the hiring process uh we were moving forward in One Direction something came up that prevented us from moving in that direction uh we're working through that issue and we will resolve that as as possible once we do that we'll be able to disclose you I guess I guess legally we disclose who employees are yes disclose who the employees are what those salaries are but that hasn't been set in stone but there is an issue that came up and we had to go uh we had to work through that issue so we'll keep you posted there's no other public comment going to close the public portion any final Council comments I seeing none can we have a motion and second to adjourn all in favor any opposed all right see none our meeting is closed thank you for coming to our March 6 city council meeting and watching your Council team at workj your week everybody this this