[Music] hello everyone and welcome to the March 6 2024 Finance subcommittee of the Brookline school committee I think I hope I'm afraid to say out loud that this might be a relatively Speedy meeting so everybody cross your fingers and toes and let's get right into the agenda so the first item on agenda is the fy2 user fees review and possible vote um and um Susan do you want me to pull it up or are you gonna pull it up how do you want to proceed on this one well let me give it a whirl okay fail miserably then um I'll have you do it how's that okay I'm sure you will not fail miserably so it'll be great hi I don't know but you want to you're going to present it from your um screen yes okay I have success yeah good I think this is actually the revolving fees not that it um matters there just the two items on the agenda so this isn't the user fees but this is the second item the revolving fund fees no this is the the user fees are the revolving fund fees the other one's the building rental fees oh thank you yeah yep um so we're good sorry go ahead Susan so um in general you know the recommendation is um to really take a deep look at fees in in in the fall um we're a bit off cycle typically you would look at at fees at that time when you're kind of off cycle from the budget process and then you're able to um help that uh you know the approval of the fees then influence um the revenue estimate that you're using during the budget season and then expenses can properly be allocated and then if you have new programs then there's plenty of time during um the fall to be able to really uh drill down and and um make sure that uh you know you're you're well prepared to implement whatever programs or additional fees that you'd like and advertise to the community so um uh they feel informed and um are able especially for summer programs are able to uh set aside uh sufficient funds to participate in anything that they uh would feel they'd like to for their students so uh in general the broad recommendation is to as we have done with other things move the fee uh review to the fall in like October and November time frame um and then take a a good hard look at one what's our methodology um for setting fees in other words would we um like to review them all every year or do certain um certain ones every year and others on on three-year uh Cycles um I know that especially for planning purposes it's nice to have uh some consistency in fees but then there's other situations where you don't want um fees to increase in a dramatic way uh every 3 years so you know we we we can have that conversation about you know what we might want to do annually versus what we might want to do um maybe on a two or three year cycle um so all of that said there is some work that we do need to do uh this year we have beep that will be going to a full uh year program or full day program and uh the tuition that's in place right now is for a shorter day so we do need to um have a conversation about that and then uh the other one uh that we have uh made a recommendation for this year is a u a slight 3% bump to the um material fees so um I I don't know if you want to go or what the custom is if you go line by line and just and especially because there's new people um and this didn't go I'd like if we could Susan to just go through the first like go through Page by by page and if members of the committee um or advisory or or other members of school committee have questions then they can certainly um speak up um but I think it's helpful like just to highlight that if you see in the 24 fees and you'll see this on multiple Pages as Susan mentioned there's only three spaces where we're actually changing the fee now the committee might want to discuss if we should be changing the fee and there's no change recommended like that's certainly um an option to discuss those but this right now is the um is the recommendation and again because as Susan says we're going to be as you see at the note at the top of the page as part of the overall budget cycle realignment that we've talked about the fefy 26 fees are going to be discussed in about six months so and that will be in a proper sort of process to then feed into the rest of the budget planning um yeah so I and and also to orient so column one is is the program uh that we charge fees for the other thing I'll mention is that the law is very specific we can't just raise fees for any purpose there's really uh specific purposes that we can raise fees for in um public schools and uh food service and the ones that are listened here for the most part fall into that there's a couple I'll point out when we get down to them that that really we um there there's not a section of the law that permits us to raise fees for for for certain things like curriculum materials and and when we go through the process next budget cycle we'll clean that up but uh this year again as I've said before we're going to try um except where uh where absolutely necessary to stay uh un course with which you've done in the past and then we'll make course Corrections um continue to make course Corrections next year so Food Services is our first one and um of course I think it's self-explanatory we we charge fees um for for the food that we provide to students and then uh the expenses are the staff and the and the food and any Services required to uh to provide those meals um the great news is that um since covid and it continues today that the state is um uh stepped up and is funding uh lunches for all students and that's wonderful um there are still cases that we would charge for meals second meals and um and allart for all but those students who are eligible for free and reduced meals um now we haven't voted on that uh for fy2 but that that was the vote uh for fway 23 and 24 and perhaps as part of our our work here you know we would continue with that um going forward and make that decision now or or certainly we can do that in the fall but at least it would prepare us for fway 25 if we did decide to move that recommendation forward so and then um so 24 is the current fees 25 in this case we're recommending no changes um we've given you a few notes to to say uh basically uh the things I've just said and then uh the estimated Revenue so Sasha in this case is the director of food service and and she's the one that um provided the forecast uh for the revenue for for next year um she used the fy4 for student meal counts when she did her projection and um feels very comfortable that we'll meet this Mark and that the expenses anticipated for next year uh will be fully funded um within within this Revenue so I'll just pause for a minute and if there's any specific questions I can't um answer of course I'll I'll just you know jot them down and I'll um follow up and you know at our next meeting um provide you with whatever additional details you are looking for B thanks um H how do we get reimbursed for this do we do the outlay and then get reimbursed once a year or how does it work with the state in terms of reimbursement I yeah that's a good question um and I'm not really sure what the answer to that I'm wondering if Diane might be on the phone I'm not I don't see her okay yeah so let me let me let me get an answer to that question and I can report back thank you I think we can go on to page two okay Val do you want to put your hand down thanks uh I thought it was but now it's back up it was now it's down but you're still you're not muted there we go okay go ahead Sean okay great so uh the next one and Margaret's here to be able to um talk to you a little bit more about a recommendation she has uh around tuition and I'm not going to um get into that but let me again Orient you so beep is um the revolving fund that we uh when we collect tuitions um they are recorded in uh in in the be revolving fund and then we have expenses um that are charged against that to offset the cost of the of the be program so there aren't any special education costs that are allocated off to the revenue um in in this revolving fund the special education costs are uh you'll see in our operating budget so if you remember when we went through the budget process you see beep as a program and um the funds that are are showing up in the beep um operating budget are are the all the expenses that are paid for from taxpayer dollars then in addition to that there's this revolving fund um and so one of the things um that was I guess a promise or um was part of the override was that uh and and discussions last year was that uh beep would move to a full day program and that the additional cost associated with moving to a full day program would be borne by this revolving fund so um I think it was a little over $700,000 had to be raised um through the revolving fund through the tuition um in order to be able to cover the costs of of the uh those expenses and then the only other expense you have the operating budget you have the revolving fund and then of course um we have leases that are paid for through our CIP mini Grant um and those uh under the category of classroom capacity so that represents all of beep and this here this component is is the part that's represents uh the revolving fund um Revenue source so um when you and go ahead sorry go ahead Susan the last the last thing is that um during the uh discussions last spring um the uh um um the tuition increase that was provided to the public on the slides was uh 17,500 so that's where this uh number came from it's not something I made up it's it's it it was part of the dialogue last year when this was discussed and so that's where that comes from um and then the summer enrichment uh program would be the same cost um for uh fy2 and then um uh there's this beep extended day program that uh Margaret wants to uh talk a little bit about and then she and I will do some more work on that to to make sure that we understand um any expenses where they would be funded from make sure I have them accounted for and all of that and then we can um finalize that but so Margaret's here we can certainly take questions but you know I thought we would let Margaret go next to talk a little bit about it before we take questions if that's okay yeah so turn the mic to Margaret good evening or yeah I guess it's evening now I saw that Andy had his sorry no go ahead Margaret I want you to talk before we take questions okay so thank you I thank you for calling and inviting me to come this evening I'm very happy and excited to talk to you about beep um moving to a school day um it has been a very busy fall um trying to get all those pieces coordinated and it's a very busy spring um with lots of things still in play and lots of unknown so um yet when we I went back over um our slides and I would looked at our slides and when we discussed beep full day or school day I don't like to say full day because that confuses families a lot school day we had maybe uh proposed a tuition around 175 when I looked at the numbers and looked at what I thought was amount to cover just like the the beep se20 on revolving fund costs I and I emailed you all and discussed this with the with the district that a tuition around 14,000 would be more manageable for the first year um because I'm worried about enrollment and I'm worried about whether or not we are boxing out people in terms of cost right we have an increasing number of families asking for financial aid and then we so we we're sort of boxing people in different Corners so that was my thought and suggestion so certainly it's up to the school committee and it's up to the district and obviously working with us at beep to try to figure out what the best um tuition would be um but that was my thoughts thinking about that piece because I'll say that families are even concerned about like a 14,000 tuition so that was one that's been the conversations that we've been having but obviously I'm here to discuss that with all of you and I did speak to Diane the other day and um Diane Johnson she's the um business person for the district and we looked at the tuition at that amount and what it would cost and what we would have left over um and that was that and then we can certainly discuss that and then we have the summer enrichment which usually goes up by a certain percentage or not I guess you'd have to determine if that would work and I would like to reinstate the beep extended day program at the Lynch Center for 10 families I was unable to find a solution for those 10 families for next year there were schools for children families um then when we lost that partnership I was unable to find another spot for them in another school um we used to run extended day that's how I came to beep um I was the director of that program um it would be very small just for 10 families I could I could enroll 50 families in extended day at Lynch Center I could enroll more but I want to make sure that we can do it without creating more trouble um so I wanted to just start small and if it works then expand for the future and that would be the the TW the tuition Fe for that is just based on what the school base programs charge for their extended day uh for a school day program so that's that I'm happy to answer questions chat with you think aloud with you whatever you need thanks Margaret before we take question before we take questions I want to just um re just go back a year or so ago in time and provide people the con the context of the conversation around the 17500 and last year um the that was the projected amount and it compares to the um 12,210 you see on the slide and so that's a 43% increase however the school hours weekly were going up 49% so the rate per hour was actually decreasing even though the year was going one to the other and then Margaret in your survey last year year um you had noted that other programs currently charge 16,000 to 20,150 this was last year and that the beep with extended day option last year paid 19,29 per year so for people who um were in this basically coverage the same coverage of having the extended day they are going from 19,29 per year this year to 17,500 um per year in the following year do I get is any of that that's correct right that's exactly that's my notes from last year what was presented so I just wanted to contextualize that versus the um 14,000 and and I think I think for some I think for some families to access like a long long day that's a 22,000 and for for families that just access the the half day of the part part day that's obviously a much different amount of money y um questions from the committee on beep I've seen I think Andy's hand Sarah's hand and um not Alia's hand up at various points in time any hands still up or have your questions okay Sarah and then we'll go to Andy so first Sarah you're on mute Sarah sorry you'll see her in a second there you go so just just to understand you know what we have that's available to us to make this decision um have we is there has there been a process in the past to look at this program as how it impacts you know our kindergarten and um lower elementary is this a program that's in place to also um put skills into place for students so that things run better for our kindergarten like I assume that that doesn't exist but I was just wondering if that discussion has happened before um so beep um is started 52 years ago as An Early Childhood Program um with a special ed component that was over in Newton but beus technically is a special education program that has peer models that supports children with identified needs and then with typically developing students so that is the core of the Early Childhood Program in almost all the districts in the Commonwealth to provide those type of educational experiences for children with identified needs and their peer models so that is where um the the root of an early childhood in a in a public school comes from we have a very large program in Brooklyn um you know 24 classrooms one of the largest that I know of except for Boston um and of course we try we are working to align the program to be to be similar to the kindergartens in terms of curriculum and exposure that children have but I don't think there's any longitudinal study about that the original study talked about the the impact and the benefits of the program overall but I think in terms of School Readiness and stuff the study showed show that long term it's really about the social emotional growth and skills for students and that is definitely part of the work that we do in in beep I think I knew all of that intuitively and sort of by practice but that was super helpful to hear it summed up that way thank you you're welcome Natalia thanks so much I'm sorry I can't be on camera my question is to better understand the financial aid because I I hear what you're saying about not wanting to box out families Margaret but from the explanation that Mariah just gave it does sound like it's actually already a better option than last year's family so I don't see families necessarily who are already enrolled not continuing but maybe there is something that I'm missing there and I would be more if financial aid has worked in the past it'd be more for the option of having a higher tuition and offering more financial aid than lowering the tuition for everyone below what is the standard if it's true that other sort of program similar programs are 16 to 20 I don't understand why we would do 14 um so I just wanted to to ask how you've thought about the the trade-off between those two absolutely so I'll maret before you answer I just want to add on that I I would ask that you answer that also specifically in the context of the trade-off of the additional funds being able to us to more selectively Target scholarships where we need them that that okay just I will I will answer that and I will say that the the revolving fund does not pay for the scholarships why because you can't charge other people tuition for other people's children the revolving fund specifically pays for the cost of running the program in the district but any scholarships financially that you're providing come from the decision of the school committee to provide that money through General funds but isn't the cost of running the program include the scholarships or it can't it that has not been the way we have done it no we do not charge we do not charge the scholarship money to the revolving fund I don't believe that's even possible well if that's the case then isn't there an exact calculation that we should be able to derive of the exact cost of the program yes okay yeah okay keep going sorry no no no that's totally fine and so I think to um natal's point so that so yes of course there's more there's an advantage to that but you're not using that revolving fund money to pay for the scholarships right that's not how it works in in this kind of structure in a public school and while I agree with you that it might be less than um other other private Industries in the town this is this is a public school right and so I'm trying to be mindful of that process like try to make it as available in a reasonable way to the families who live in the community um while still being fiscally responsible to the town at large um and I know that Mariah's been trying to have that conversation for as long as she's been on school committee um but it's a it's a big it's a it's a it's a very complicated web of of programming that finances and manages this this very large Early Childhood Program in Brooklyn I don't know if that really fully answers your question but no no it does especially the first part I I hadn't understood that they were completely different buckets and um so that was very helpful I guess my next question in Mar or have alluded to it what I mean do you have obviously you have to project enrollment but what is the cost of running and you know with class sizes like what would be the range of that you think you know that tuition would fully cover with a buffer that you think is appropriate for you know I don't know if enrollment goes down suddenly or something right so when I spoke to um um Diane Johnson the other day on the phone we were just looking at the numbers so I won't know I won't know full enrollment for beat for a while we don't we won't accept deposits until starting next Friday people have been sending in their deposits but they have until the 15th to let us know and then um then we'll get a better sense of where enrollment will be for the fall after then but it's a it is kind of a moving piece because people move in and out of town they move from being a a a peer model to being part of the program and receiving the program through special education and so we try to look at of the 2117 tuition paying seats that we offer to the community um how many of those have been tuition paying over the last couple of years and you can and you can chart that um over the last couple years and you land somewhere around 200 you might not always reach the 217 or by the end of the year um the revolving fund has not been operating at a deficit for the last few years um and has been operating in in a good in good shape and so um I'm hopeful that the move to a full a school day will will make the program more attractive to people and at the same time somehow still be manageable for families to come I worry about the enrollment piece I'm not going to uh you know Susan uh Not Susan Diane asked me the other day did I cover the cost of the program and whenever people posst that program that question to me it makes me a little bit anxious you know I'm not the CEO of a multi-million dollar company like I know how much the program costs I know how much will take in for revenue and it would cover the se20 costs but there are always unexpected things that could happen for sure before I take your question Andy um Susan I'm going to ask a followup to that question and um and feel free to say you don't have the answer of course right now because it's coming on the Fly um my first question is and this is just clarification can the revolving fund not cover scholarships is it prohibited from covering scholarships um I I I don't have an answer for that but I'll look okay I've not been asked that question in the past but what I can say is that if we look at the model of uh the food service department um students on free and reduced lunch are still fed and the money is the expenses still coming out of the revolving fund right right exactly so um so okay so you'll look into it for an answer to see if that's a specific is that if that um is regulatorily specific to Food Service versus any other okay and then my follow-up question on that and then we'll get to you Andy is um is if if we're not allowed to do that I guess my question is and this again is something more broadly is how does one calculate or is the what is the if we're forced to charge the cost of student then what is the cost of student for non-sp special education students specific Essen because right because the district is covering special education cost as part of its obligation under the law as I understand it on the operating budget and so um if the revolving fund uh is only for the cost the non-sp special education cost of running the program and doesn't have this abil and obviously I presume there must be some sort of like um margin for unexpected for as Margaret mentions there's always that but beyond that um if that is the calculation what is it but that's again not a question for now I don't expect you to pull out like a calculator and figure that out um Andy go ahead that's good thank you um yeah I have two questions the first goes way back to what Susan was saying about um the lease at o Shalom um did I hear you right Susan that that increase is being covered by CIP and is not going to be absorbed by our by the beep revolving fund or their PSP operating budget that's correct is is that possible because of the the free cash windfall or is that something we can kind of count going forward um um I don't know the um long-term history but I can say that these leases have been funded out of the CIP classroom capacity money from the town for a while but I can't say when that started um I'm my understanding from my conversations with Matt is that that um classroom capacity CIP money um was born out of this boom in enrollment that had that caused you to not have adequate space in your schools and then you had to seek spaces outside of your schools in order to be able to accommodate the bubble um and my understanding is that um beep was a program that used to be housed within uh the walls of our schools that then moved out into these um uh the temples um and Clark Road um because we didn't have the space within our schools to to house everyone that's my understanding Annie but I I I don't know much beyond the history I don't know if maybe you do Mariah if that I'll add a little bit which and I don't want to spend too much time on this because um but and Helen's here too if she wants to add anything else which is just that in my experience um the town um holds the commitment to the the contracts um as pretty sacrosanct and so they're going to they've been funded and they will continue to be funded because otherwise I mean theoretically the contract can be broken if the um town does not budget for the funds or if the funds become unavailable um through the town budgeting process but um that would have broader implications for all of our contracts Beyond anyone lease anyway the town was willing to fund this increase in in that that leas okay um so so my other question was very simple actually I'm still trying to understand where the number 17,500 came from uh it's is it how is it related to just prating staff salaries from the shorter day to the longer day are there my recollection from last year was that it was the number that and Margaret correct me if I'm wrong it was the number that Margaret and um Ruth who was a consultant doing the finance role came up with um based on um the budget neutrality of the proposed staff increases is that more or less correct Margaret that essentially it was calculated based on I I think so I look back through my notes as well and we have another graph that has different things on it but that's I don't know what those those ones are like projected down the future so I was like I don't know what those are so I think Andy just looking at if if we looked at just the se20 cost and we looked at the Staffing and the increase to those things um when we look at the amount you can figure out what that would be for just that and then you could calculate on that you know I I think I I do worry about an increase to 7 five in terms of filling the program I do worry about that but that's just I don't know how that will land I always worry about filling the program and I'm trying I'm trying to make the thinking about making the change palpable manageable but being fiscally responsible and that's sort of where I think that we we sit right now um been trying to figure this out since ear late summer early fall all through the spring so anyway this number you're saying is based on um assuming constant enrollment PR rating staff Sal salaries of existing staff and are you are are you adding staff um no okay so it's it is actually just keep keep enrollment constant in Pro rate okay well it's adding the FTE that are like 15 FTE right it's increasing the FTI yes but not adding another human being right right right yeah okay um Natalia and then we can move on from beep because we're going to have to take this up on the 20th which was our plan to finish this project on the 20th anyway go ahead Natalia just a quick question on enrollment what has it looked like in the past like do you have uh how many like what percent of people who apply get turned away or do you typically have to go out to try and fill the spots I just don't have a sense yeah so ever since the pandemic it's been a little bit odd um because of that one year where we had to just have like a very small class size and then families were were worried about sending their children back to school and so and because we've moved around a lot um it's been a real challenge so like the loss of clock Road well I think it's the best interest of the town in terms of the cost of the lease you know we filled that place with 70 children um and it was very successful location for us um we've moved through those classrooms to dris scho we'll move the rest of them in September but the the not knowing part for beep makes Rolling and makes parents you know confidence a little bit shaky right and you know you could give me four classrooms at the hay school and I could open four classrooms there in a in a New York minute as we say so enrollment can be a Fickle thing but I feel like looking at the trends that we're looking at right now if we're looking at how people are responding to us we're having a very good response at the Ridley School we're having a good response at the Driscoll school I told you we could open six classrooms at the hay school and we would fill them um rle always has a good response um and then putterham is struggling a little bit because I don't think there are as many families out in South Brookline as there were in the past and I think think that Beacon and Lynch back and forth struggle because of the demographics of those two communities and also the different needs of the community so we have had a weight list but not as big as it has been in the past and we often can go to that weight list and fill people in throughout the year I would like to see the program have more enrollment and fully fund fully fill those 270 17 seats um and that's been the goal now for the last two years I do think the longer day will help and it's definitely helped at Ridley for sure we were we had a hard time feeling it last year and we have much interest in really this coming year thanks Margaret um okay so do we want to go to materials pleas Susan are you going to cover that one next yeah sure okay so material fees are the fees that we charge um town or School Employees um whose children attend school here in Brooklyn but do not live in Brookline um and so the fee in the current year is 3,3 uh 332 um and as noted here uh for additional children in the family it's a discount of 10% and um earlier in the fall we had met with uh I guess there's a liaison uh to staff and um had had a conversation about um uh the fees and the rise in the fees and all of that um they had a desire to um you know want some predictability as we all do in what those fees would be and we had talked about a 3% increase in the last in the next couple of years and then to re-evaluate um at the end of three years so um so the proposal here is to increase material fees um tuition by 3% any questions from the committee you know one thing go ahead H so 3% is what we had in the past and that seemed you know reasonable um so I would support it and and just as Susan said um we had discussions with the Cher F aons about it so that's something we had talked about with them earlier in the year and had proposed so I think so okay go ahead Susan Okay um I and we can drop some of these like lost book revolving fund again is there provision in the law that allows us to have a revolving fund so that if uh students lose a book or um that uh you know they they pay a replacement cost and then we go and buy the book and charge it against um the revolving fund uh so it's kind of an in andout type of uh scenario um so there's no fee to set with that and there never will be um so here Middle School inter murals um again we're not recommending any changes to uh middle school urals or Athletics um something maybe want to take a deeper look at um when we have more time in the fall but uh for FY 25 uh we'd like to keep the fees the same and it when you look at the revenue um you know I I had shared the revolving fund information with you at the last school committee meeting and what you'll notice if you look at the athletic revolving fund is that um they closed FY 23 having raised uh just just a little shy of 455,000 and then in the FY 24 budget uh there was a projection or hoped for income of about 510 and it doesn't look like going to meet that Mark so for FY 25 we're reducing uh the revenue estimate back down to the 455 um and as Diane has more time and was working with Kyle who's relatively new as well um they'll they'll better be able to uh provide us with some recommendations um next year especially as we close this year and we'll have two years worth of um uh some solid uh Revenue information so just to mention there I I'll hold those two together and see if there's any questions about that or if you'd like me to you know dig in and let's keep going any if anyone has any questions on this page again it's no changes recommended yeah no I when you do look into it can you see for how many years we've had $300 as the amount um it was in our discussions last year it's been a long time yeah it's been like eight or 10 years I can't remember right now but it's been a long time and again as Susan like as is noted there we had a significant conversation about it and um Kyle asked for a year to basically be able to understand the Dynamics of the different programs and to come up with a something it hasn't happened by this point but again it would be really good to um address that and then I would just also highlight that all the way over in the right the estimated Revenue um it has an 85% collection rate and that has to do with the issues around the checks as opposed to using family ID or um to collect online payment um for sports so both of those things would be really great to sort out for the following year yeah another thing we want to take a look at again this is all just time um is you know what when we look at how much we're funding um uh for students who can't afford to participate if we don't if we don't cover it by the school committee funds um what percentage goes to uh beep you know students what percentage is going to Athletics we don't really have um that information handy and that that that also I think would be an important piece of data to to have in each of these programs Food Service Athletics um and all of the other programs that we're uh making contributions on behalf of of students who can't afford uh to participate in the programs otherwise so um and Diane and Kyle have been meeting and and really trying to dig into this so I I feel really good that in the fall um we'll be able to have a much deeper and um when a clearer picture and and therefore deeper discussion on uh the total cost of Athletics and uh the revenue picture um so then uh summer school programs at the high school uh my understanding is this is what we typically call in the field credit recovery um and uh this is the you know we're not requesting any additional uh change in the fees there um I would just flag on that one Susan that we had talked last year I don't know if there's a summer school director in place at this point but we had talked last year about really modifying those fees and um and that's part of why we wanted to have the preview review of summer programs but again I think that when we did that a couple of months ago um there was no one in place to talk about the summer school programming at that point as I understand so I think this is something again we want to flag for the future to talk about what this program looks like and if you areall in the budget guidelines one of our guidelines is about more robust summer programming and that ties in with with this um revolver but again that's a multi-year project that we're all working towards yeah okay great yeah go ahead so I this is the high school summer programming not not necessarily the other programming for right we talked in the guidelines talked about all ages of Summer programming it was not just K8 right okay the other piece that that has been an issue with the summer school program is it's not just for credit recovery it's also for classes that kids might want to take that they can't take during the year um and many out of District kids you know apply and come to to take some courses uh the program has generally run at a deficit and so I think it's something to keep an eye on and I mean we have to provide it to a certain amount but I think we need to look at it very closely okay and I can we can take a deeper dive into that with that information you're sharing with me now um for the upcoming meeting on the 20th so I'll make note of that I don't think this is something you're going to sort out on by the 20th and I personally think we can just leave it the the way it is oh yeah I don't have a and if I recall correctly I think the revolver is in a positive situation right now even um yeah yeah yeah yeah so I guess I'm not too um I think that there's broader questions though that we have about and Helen's alluding a little bit to it about um for students and this is in the guidelines for students who um for example are doing Learning Center in one of their blocks during the year and would love to be able to do an there's just a whole bunch of questions about what summer school looks like and what its purpose is but we don't have to figure that out for the 20th go ahead and keep going I have a goal that we're going to get out of here by definitely no later than six o'clock and hopefully 550 which is in six minutes can pull it off Mariah I we can do it okay so for visual arts and uh career and tech ed as I mentioned in my opening remarks that there are a couple of revolving funds that really you know um are not ones that are permissible under the law and these two are are in that category so when we build our budget next year um and the fee schedule we be dropping these two you you can't if something is a core part of your curriculum you cannot charge a fee for it that's the law so we will not after this year um FY 25 we will not we will build these expenses in uh into the budget and um and we we will um eliminate these two revolving funds so not really thank you um the next uh one is uh the tap and green restaurant run by the students and uh no changes we're not recommending any changes in the um fees charge for uh breakfast or lunch there and um the use of facility um I don't have that handy but I know that um Betsy does have that if you want to take a look at it but we're you you did a major overhaul your usive facility schedule and we're not recommending any changes um and it's in the material and if you'd like to look at it we can certainly do that the revenue estimated here was um provided by uh uh the operations Department based on what they're billing out and collecting um and so again this is we're in the middle of the first year of this new Feast structure and so some of this is you know projecting um and we have had uh from my understanding and conversations that we've had a few people that people uh a few organizations that were using our facilities that are not any longer using our facilities and there may be others that um want to use our facilities that that hadn't in the past so this will be another one we want to keep an eye on as we close the year since you restr structure this the fee schedule what is that number really going to look like moving forward so we don't really have a baseline yet um but based on what what's being built out and what we can see this is the best estimate for next year based on what we were're we're seeing um for the for the current year and then um the acame academic testing fees this is act PSAT and AP exams we do not set these this is more informational of course the college boards are the ones that set these These are the the fees that uh we looked up online are the fees that are set for uh next year so that's that how do I do you did great one thing I wondered actually is if you look in the FY 24 the $20 is for the pre act but then in 25 it's for the ACT and I so I don't I think that's apples and oranges so we might just want to double check because especially where that fee went up so much it might be that the prea is still low like if you were looking them up right so maybe you can just double check which ones we're charging for and actually how much they are thanks Mariah yes I just say one thing about the building fees you have three minutes yeah I'll do less I just want to make sure that Driscoll is updated because that's going to be a prime area for rentals it was updated last year it was yep it's a new building okay thank you yep so if I can just do the last footnote is that there were three items that appeared last year I just want to call it out that aren't here anymore because you don't really uh we don't charge fees for them so one is the um South Brookline bus service uh we don't charge fees for that and so therefore they're not showing up anymore and then there were two that were in here that aren't that we charge fees for but in fact we pay the fees so that seemed odd so I pulled them out because you're not setting fees that we pay we're setting fees that we charge so just wanted to note that in case somebody was comparing last Year's document to this year's document and the reason why they're not appearing in this document so that's it great um so we'll come back on the 20th Susan is it possible to I don't think we've ever gotten just speaking of the South Paran bus service we had estimates of usage and estimates of cost but we never actually got I don't believe the actual um I think we had estimated it last year and I can pull it up really quickly at costing 380,000 and I think that was based on four buses um but it would be really great to actually know what that cost because I I don't think we've heard that have we Helen anywhere heard the actual cost no so the budget was increased by $200,000 for the buses or at least the information that I received um from Ruth was a $200,000 addition for that but okay well we can double check whatever it was and maybe um I can give you ridership too I can give you yeah it would just be great to know we had estimated number of riders and the cost and it would be great to know what that ended up at um maybe for the 20th just because it's on this topic of revolvers and all that no problem Betsy is that something you can throw on the agenda for the 20th too absolutely okay great okay it's three it's 3:49 it's 5:49 and we're going to wrap up 40 minutes early unless there's anything else that anybody wants to say Betsy do you mind actually I should have asked this earlier do you mind um um I'll ask if any of the attendees would like to make a comment and I think um if you could just make sure that they can raise their virtual hands yes they can now okay if anyone has a comment we'll give it five seconds or so for people to have that chance but keeping in mind that they can also always email us and they can also um come to make a comment at the 20th as well which is where the next version of this will be presented okay it's 5:50 we are wrapping up thank you everybody and we'll see many of you tomorrow night at school committee good night night e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e