##VIDEO ID:qbvfjdZN4Mk## e e e one I Wasing it was not ined but it was not yeah you know you don't even think of these unless something happens like that sorry that happen yeah it's expensive I know why isn't it doing that e e good e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Brook select board and this is the regular meeting of the select board for November 19 2024 so um let's start off with announcements and I'd like to short off um I hope this doesn't bother anyone but I'm going to speak about one it's unlikely that I'll be able to uh Express My Views at town meeting because it's very likely that the article will be tabled I'll State my position here uh and since I can't do it on uh the town list Ser I can do it here so that's what I'm going to do so the substance of Warren article 20 calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and release possi it's pretty much irrelevant at this point but the suffering in Gaza continues and we continue to look the other way a motion to table War article 20 and cut off discussion town meeting in my opinion is a form of looking the other way so I will vote no from motion the table there's a line in the movie small things like these that chillingly relevant that line is to get on in this life there are things you have to ignore the things ignored in the movie were terrible abuses of young girls we find in a laundry run by the Catholic church in in Ireland Gaza is not a thing you should ignore in order to get on in this life procine resident our neighbors have been traumatized by the events in Gaza and the impact on their families and friends they asked for the opportunity to bring the destruction God to the consciousness of their neighbors in Forum that they selected town meeting this a debate on list Serv hearings with the select board is Led committee Etc is not what they ask for and does not provide the more obst structured conversation that town meeting allows whatever the final vote on waren article 20 or one of the Amendments a debate at town meeting would have at least been acknowledgement of the existence of the tragedy in GAA and there as people know when we have in conf Ed with incidents of hate here in Brooklyn whether anti-Semitism hatred against Asians Muslims immigrants or others my message has always been that hatred is indivisible for example those who hate Jews will hate me by the same token indifference in the face of human suffering is indivisible if you're indiffer to the suffering in Gaza should I expect that you will care when the incoming president begins to round people up and concentrate them in Camp as he promised he would do and should I expect you to speak up if the incoming president directs the power of the federal government against me because I work to make Brookline a Cen for immigrants and refuges who are under attack as he also promised he would do to Progressive communities and their leaders like book so again I will vote no on the motion to table thank you any other comments or announcements from FL oh I'm sorry thank you um and thank you to that statement uh this wasn't my purpose in wanting to say anything tonight but I I having heard your statement and having heard you speak El before I I I want to be sure people know that um as in the past uh I agree with b and I agree that we we can hope for um a um change in the minds of some folks at count who might come around this time to say this has gone far enough without there being the opportunity for those in pain to speak L town meeting to effectively cut off their speech once um was understandable under the circumstances and I think we all know um that that that action would inevitably lead to a return to of this particular petition but in know in a much more moderate and I think um deserving of discussion form and now we have the folks who were denied speech at the town meeting six months ago coming back with a second ATT to go halfway towards towards um wording their Motion in a more acceptable form to to receive wider support at Town MO and yet the same people who wanted that discussion to have no possibility of happening are saying again that discussion should have no possibility of happening but think about everything that has happened in the six months since we last um turned away folks who wanted to speak out they have suffered More Death they have been putting in a more hopeless position the cause of Israel which many of us I would say 99.9% of us hold beer has been severely damaged in in the arena World opinion and the damage to that cause showed itself and the election results that we just got because of the dissatisfaction of large communities in sympathy with the victims of that situation in the middle AES abandon their traditional support of the democratic party so we can't pretend nothing has changed since since our last um opportunity to allow people to speak out about their pain much has changed in in the situation in new East and much has changed in the willingness of those who sponsored the initial resolution to try to meet people halfway let's try to also change how we approach this issue when it comes to town meeting and open our minds and open our hearts to allowing our neighbors to speak that's that's all that we're asking to do and it will turn out as as it should turn out to be the decision of town meeting having heard the speaker speak entering into a deliberation Consulting their conscience and making a decision on where they think how meeting should stand on the resolution in th us but we can't get there if we don't allow people to speak so I hope we'll allow people to speak thank any other comment none public comment do we have anyone public comment we don't have people who sign up in advance but I'll read the rules and see if books wish to speak thank you for joining us for public comment this is an opportunity for us to hear your perspective on the issues in Brook line that matter to you each person speaking tonight is limited to three minutes you don't need to use the entire time but you may if you like once 15 minutes has been met there is an opportunity at the conclusion of the select board's business for additional comments members of the public sometimes reach questions during public comments we may be able to provide a quick answer to a question but are more likely to work with staff to get a more thorough answer and respond over email we'll let you know when you have 30 seconds remaining and when your time is up please conclude your remarks at that time if you have more to say you are welcome to send an email to board members expressing your thoughts in Greater detail any person wishing to speak must begin their comments by identifying themselves with their full name and either their bookline precinct number or street address there is no one who signed up in advance is there anyone in the room who wishes to speak during public comment is there anyone online if so please raise your hand using the raise the hand feature this time it looks like no one is indicating their desire to speak okay next we have miscellaneous items I'd like to take items uh 3 a through 3F and on the distraction 3A is um question of accepting a redate in the amount of $114,000 from ever for energy conservation measures at gri school and and items 3B through 3F are matters that were taken up at a license select board licensing hearing on Wednesday November 13th and all of them were presented to the court after the hearing comment objection unless anyone has some reason to to discuss any of those items separately I will move of approval all in favor of items 3 a to 3F please indicate by saying I John I um Mike sandon hi hi David bman and j i okay next Abby Dean scholarship the discussion and possible vote to authorize the office of town I see pray complaint and Court to modify the a being scholarship eligibility conditions to increase possible recipient who is that okay stand up introduce yourself and tell us why we should go through [Music] [Music] this with L thank you thank you so much this is an issue is that was uh brought to the attention of the office of Town Council by a number of individuals uh primarily from the APR cine Community Foundation scholarship committee as well as the umine high school scholarship committee uh this relates to a request to the town uh back in the 1920s in amount of about $3,000 that has grown now to over $3 million that's primarily been because the scholarship is limitted to um attendees of brine high school for long be going to was originally um Simmons or bradcliff now Simmons or Harvard there's not that many students that go to those schools and those who do the schools are doing a pretty good job of meeting their financial needs so we are seeking uh now your approval to file a complaint for C prey who allow us to expand those conditions um so that the town can uh award more scholarships next answer any questions they have right what are the the boundaries of the that's a great question so the specific answer may change as we continue to research this and work with the offs of the Attorney General who needs to attend the petition um Cay involves matching the original intent uh with uh allowing the town to spend the money to avoid the waste so there's no one exact answer we can tell from um Charlotte hedge who left the money to the town that she was intending to benefit female graduates of the high school in selection of schools Simmons and rlip at the time um serving women in the area uh so we do intend to keep that restriction in place for female graduates uh we intend uh to keep in a preference for for Simmons in Harvard and then expand the eligibility outward from there and if you would considered it you're appropriate I think restricting it to female graduates um wouldn't you also restricted the schools that are not coet so not NE necessarily that is that is sort of an opening question here so for uh looking at the original intention of Charlotte Ed she uh we can tell meant to help female graduates by picking to schools that were serving women um but she did not uh include other schools that were serving women at the time for example Welsley or other um private women's colleges so you know she was looking to help women we don't know that she was specifically attending all women's only colleges um so we do know um from some research that the individuals working onist have done that there was at least a personal connection to uh bradcliff or Harvard um in that uh the woman that scholarship the same doctor took some classes at the Harvard Annex which became BR Cliff which became became Harvard and we know that Charlotte had his father was Professor Harvard so the Research indicates some person connection to those specifics any other question hello do you think this take be a long process that's another good question it's hard to say the exact timeline I'm in looking at other C petitions um once they've been filed with the asent of the Attorney General um a single Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court takes under advisement I've seen those been acted on fairly quickly within a few months but we would need to put the complaint together first with your approval and and seek the assent other question I just thought it might be interesting to note because it was in the news just this week um that this was in the the har um they did some research uh on students from public high schools that are to be Harvard some folks may have SE this um and determined uh and if anybody did say if I just broke the statistic please help me uh something like uh uh 10% of all of the students that K harv from public high schools come from a subset of just 21 public high schools um in the United States and you know with my usual book my cheerleader had on I had to look to see if was one of those 21 and I think it's a a great distinction and stud to our school citiz over the years that yes Bine is one of the 21 schools public high school that account for 10% of all the admissions to Harvard the the would the lawyer um could never have possibly been wants to know do we think Harvard um and or Simons might oppose this it's a very good question um legally they may not have standing where the money is left to the town um to benefit the students rather than money left to those particular schools um but we don't want there to be an adversarial process here either so we do anticipate um moving in those schools and letting them know the plans of being mov forward with the complaint with your approval I do think um by keeping in the condition of preference to students with need attending those schools that would mitigate that time well good luck with the thank you hey unless there any other questions I'd like to move approval of the AC scholarship oh if I may sorry um just in terms of the agenda language um it's on the agenda for Thursday with a little bit more specificity to hold the vote we well thank you take on THS thank you very much to piz chart um happell um and John members of they were really Champions through did great work bringing it to our attention working with us to figure out how to make it work and we usually we try and get some space voting doing it but also we not on the agenda the word vote is missing is a discussion impossible yes the last thing we want someone say have time on it also is on the okay okay next warrant article review let's start off with reconsideration of Warrant article 7 now as I understand a favorable action on November 4 but later a correction needed to be made voting the article with correction U that correction is the deletion of language in the definition of 2.5 story building um item C in that section which read we're taking this out um let's see section 59.2 and in section 5.22 1. c for in year moratorium po perin shall not apply to those zoning districts with a maximum allowable height of 2.5 stories at table 5.01 so would you like to explain what that means Maria absolutely Maria melli clear what it means but you know any course than chairman Maria melli senior planner in the regulatory division we meant to take this out we previously had this language we were deting the warn article for staff submitted uh to town meeting and just forgot to delete that as I promised several STS so for background section 509 2s is under design review and that says that if you have a bu structure or home that has unfinished space say in the Attic or basement or elsewhere that if that unfinished space were to be finished and if would put the F it would exceed F you have to go to design The View get perit we want to restore that uh section 5.22 of line C pertains to a 10year moratorium so if we go back to that example and we want to finish that space But we need the under five to take to receive F we have to wait 10 years before we see under one of those Provisions to receive it they are uh previously we didn't want that applied uh now we're going to restore those restrictions did AC re the language yet or I believe they are doing so tonight they're do so um we can rot our language would see I have one other issue I do uh I do want to have us Recons but when we reconsider okay let's vote on reconsideration [Music] um reconsideration any objection so all in favor please indicate by saying I John i s i Paul Warren I and bid so now we have it on the table um you want to vote these separately you why don't ice what I thought I first I do believe that we need we should adopt this language to get us to mind to make sense to to do that but I um I have a couple of print outs I'm ask those down I know we I realize I need so um you know I want to walk through um the past few days uh Tera BR has published some analysis that she's done I'm not a vo um car bruttin has done amazing work in the past week and a half and just the past few days to help um map the changes by article how many parcels and and map those to uh to graphical representations um on on our zoning Maps um and in the process of going through that preparing for town meeting um I I I have a significant what about what we're doing so what's in front of you is uh two maps on the left is a map of the changes that we overwhelmingly adopted last November is part of the NB me so this was special Tommy before article one which passed I think 84 7% um we rezone 80 Parcels at that time um at this town meeting articles 7894 and 15 we are resoning 8500 Pro more than essentially the entire town now the the white parts of the map are Harvard Street a little bit of um Washington Square in truth we're actually resoning those two because I think we're doing that with article 10 for the form based only but it's really not a material change to the property um the next page shows article 7 so this is the MTH for article 7 4500 Parcels a substantial amount of zoning U within the community and if you look at the next page my my my concern is that we are doing this um particle 7 and the others and the is really unaware um on the left hand side is the engagement that we went through actually Maria did most of this um an incredible effort for article one which reads 800 Parcels we mailed something almost 30,000 postcards uh to to property owners and Merchants and residents uh Maria held 40 plus Community meetings and presentations there were design workshops were hundreds of participants came uh we did a pre-workshop uh survey which included hundreds of responses there were site visits you walked around each neighborhood right in a corridor of Harvard Street um and you even H Office 100 plus hours of dedicated time where people could just come in and speak with um and then of course as I mentioned there were 15 plus hour to walk for 800 Parcels to be compliant with with Mass St law um tonight and tomorrow likely we're considering five Ops that will rezone 8,500 parcels and we haven't done comparable interactions uh Community engagement I was that we done any of things that we've done last time um and for those reasons I um I'm asking that when we do in our reconsideration and after we bu that does need to be changed because Rec did uh that I'd like to make a motion that we uh refer out of the seven to the comprehensive committee which is consistent with what the advis you sure there's time for me to speak there I very very greatly push the um this article comes out of action by town meeting each own smaller much smaller inly in this way to hopefully so it has that so um I'm not quite sure that nobody knows about this because it's gone through a process actually can I appreciate what you're saying Mike um you know first the vote at town meeting was I think a resolution that said we wanted to Dr an antih explore opportunities to reduce pcts I don't have an issue at all with exploring opportunities uh to reduce tear the challenge that I have is that I would wager that this green the amount of green on this chart every one of those little blocks represents a AR and in fact each parcel may represent multiple Welling UNS so this is where the residents renters and owners live in Brook line and I would wager that the vast majority of these particular property owners and renters have no idea that they're being and you know your home is very important uh if it's for some folks it's if if they're a property owner it's probably a major investment for them if not their most important asset value that they have um and I think that zoning in my view is a contract between the resident the property owner in the town um and when we go to change that contract we should notify that there's going to be a change um and I think that that again this I really appreciate the work that Mar has done on this this is not complain at all about the technical aspects of the Articles I'm not and I'm not actually arguing the merits I'm saying that we are rezoning the entire time and we have not provided notice to the propertys I think that seven including 8 nine and 14 are optional um Article 15 in my view is we have to be compliant with state law by February and we need to approve that arle 100% behind but article 7 uh like the others are optional I think we should give pause um not rush and get time to engage I knew um are you raing your hand baby oh um I want to first of all thank uh Paul uh but also thank the board as a whole um I think with at the initiative of PA but then I think spreading among the members of the board um there has been um this this growing realization that mapping zoning changes should be an essential part of of any time anytime that we consider zoning champ as a as a basic principle we need to say there's a lot of things we need to know about this Z CH but let's start with what are the areas of the town that will be impact impacted by dis things whatever des and when you see it on a map it's only when you see it on a map but you begin to appreciate um this could have you know pretty uh widespread um impacts um and then go from there to can I say with certainty that people in those areas um of impact even know that we're we're doing this have you know we may hear from a constituency group or another constituency group that is laser focused on zoning there are those groups in town but uh that doesn't mean that um anyone who's not laser focused on zoning but who would be impacted um is irrelevant to this process uh so in this case we have an article which I can't say for certain right now at this minute um is this an article that is likely to um increase density in the town or decrease density in the town or decrease the possibility of future additions to density in the town or um uh you know is it an article that uh is going to have no conflicts with any other things that we do because we don't even know which of the other things that are before us we're going to do um so I just think that the trend that developed over time with the select for Vi these running articles the trend of saying you know there's a lot at take here covering a large large slot of the town when we add them all up together um maybe the best approach for all of these articles even the ones that we think come closest to being ready and this come you know as close as anything to being ready um but even the ones that come closest to being ready really deserve to be considered in light of all the others and in light of the company process that be set in motion so I'm going to go along with Paul um and say is a good idea I like to add one more thing one um the other the other aspect of this article and I think mik brought this up last week and we were discussing referring another it I think it was 14 or something and as you had made the point well because I was saying well should we do no action you said well you do no action that shuts the door and not for that future essentially you know sour meeting and so you would Advocate referral this this particular article is going to require two and and right now it's it is controversial um we there's two different motions currs of the advisory committee I know that there's some Advocates within within town meeting that are very concerned about the limitations that this may play May uh play on future uh future development um and I suspect that that it's it's unlikely that we would achieve the super anyway s that's my view um and referral would actually allow us uh to bring this back um you know in a refined way or a different way or the same way but anyway I'd suggest if we move Maria's language to fix the AR first I'd like to do that and then make a motion to thank you very much for your comments um I first of all want to say how much I respect that you care about Community engagement um as you know there were like 70 plus um a lot of them face to face uh in addition to the development review that we do with our chapter 48 pieces where there's vendor 10 years working with the planning board and the CBA and facing sometimes people FR on our shoulders because of the neighborhood character that they feel they they have control over so a lot of that is cumulative experience working with your constituents uh and what we're observing so this is really policy and it's meant to hedge into wrists there is uncertainty we do not know how the Attorney General will interpret the ACT we don't know what the state will promate in the way of regulations that affect all of those districts so I'd like you to look at that map and consider the risk that basic you don't have any certainty over how the AG and the state will interpret the act it is absolutely specific we don't know if you can legitimately put a cap on the number of a on a single family lot and that is a primary Hedge for that risk the other has to do with the two family districts where constituents are clamoring they they're so frustrated with planning board which has no control they don't have regulatory control over that that uh that development pattern so if there is a change because there's a relatively low F utilization rate this is the F so high the planning board and the CVA don't have the tools to negotiate with the applicant so I'd like you to keep in mind that this is something that we are hearing not just for this warn article but over at least the 10 years that I've been here are where people do want something that references the existing development pattern it's separated from density has nothing to do with density we know from the math that we do people are still able to use either Z drink or one of those Traditions under Section money F to not just max out their F but exceed so it doesn't take away their rights to their land it's just rearranging the ball on that land that better ensures adaptive and I also want to remind you that the planning board did vote to support this so this go um you know that and that's that's statutorily if the planning board does go to support it can come back um a question I have so the advisory committee in their analysis Express the concern that if one article 7 passes that could incentivize wider buildings as a means to maximize that I'm really glad that you asked that question because War article seven would not be um inducing more spread than current aspects of the biy so first of all there are open space requirements that are tied to F your F grows then your your open space requirement grows so that does temper the footprint also um there are other aspects of the bylaw that that encourage narrower setbacks which IA have to F and War has nothing to do with that we often see because it's 5092 n and the 10 people will build a house where all of the s is two stories and then we have that half story there's unfinished basement or or unfinished P um so one article seven is not going to do anything differently from what we see now regarding Footprints uh if you want to control footprint last night um the I attended the meeting of the what is basically the neighborhood immediately around the chest office par the West End of B online chest across from the street and there was a great deal of concern there about density and the proposed development on the CH one of the comments was um you know so why are you doing this to us when um there's notar arimar proposals elsewhere any fact while that but looking at this map is really powerful because there's he of a lot of space here where density is going to be limited by uh by um reducing the potential for of buildings and uh yes I'm actually actually I'm not all that sympathetic to the uh the statements that that build it's over here it's new should look like the is over there it's old that's not I don't have about um and so what I'm concerned about is that we're going to run into that that barrier to the uh if we if we do something like this which is why man for the first one um and so uh I don't see changing I do [Music] agree confusing without that's okay yeah I you're fine but you but you are right about you know and I'm thinking to myself though I I refreshed my memory and then I lost it again when I read this but take it is wonder what to do are you wondering what to do I'm wonder what to do about referral well we I suggest I just want to respond um I want to make it very clear that we talk to developers about this because they're the ones who are taking the Financial Risk and we said in no way do we want something like this to curve potential third unit in the Attic were on the site and they actually said it would be a good thing because right now with no prameters we're competing with other people who are just maxing out as they are we're going to do the easiest thing possible which is the three story box the open style Lots um it's a lot easier than rehab a 100y old house which might be historically significant and people care about that um so they said yeah I'm doing and they're doing the math I'm right there while they're doing a maap and they're like sure a 1,200 square foot unit instead of say a 2,000 foot unit that works for me because I'm still I'm able to um have different unit sizes to attract a wi share of market so I guess the question to me is if if we refer it that means that the current situation did remain right and that's other than the fact that we're not not doing it we have right it's it is about risk like I said for the T districts the planning board and CV do not have regulatory tools to negotiate with Developers for adaptive reuse to smaller unit sizes and in regarding to single family districts we still don't know how the AG is going to render decisions and how the state will promate regulations ging taing the number of if that can be done well one last one last point I wish I had actually provided the other Maps because I have all the other Maps the other articles um when you overlay and you can't do it on one map because it's so complicated Seven 8 nine 14 and 15 Mo many of these Parcels are being Modified by multiple particles the compl is actually overwhelming well that's well but but you can't see you can't see all the individual ones um and you know and again I I I'm making the argument um that the folks that will perceive this zoning change have not been asked the developers to consulted but but the communities in the neighborhoods um have not been a and asked about these Ty of changes and how they relate to a or how they relate to article 8 and adding an additional unit um you know in a single family by change by eliminating the minimum lot size or nine which adds a third unit um these are very complicated issues and Article 15 in it of itself is resoning 8500 parcels and I think according to Paris calculations it's 56 or 57 100 of those lots that actually could turn into an additional Adu which is great for additional hous it's a lot to I like articles 89 right anyone file so say well there has been that that creates pervers bu warant BS right talk that you only have to file a war AR what 90 days 75 days of the the meeting um you know I think you have to make a distinction here between processes and again I'm not saying this to to you know to to integrate those articles they they well you know they follow their own processes and I don't shake a finger at my what I'm saying is if you take that layer if you take that level of uh if you take that position that everything has to be socialized like that in order for it happens then you it's impossible the de right and issue but that's not what this article seven is is is from the plan yes right and I I just wanted to make that intinction okay that we're not I I don't want you to be I don't I don't want us to be in a situation where feel incentivized to file article get not with these did I don't think it at all but in the future people saying oh you know I can shut down a zoning article by filing something that have so in regard to notification and keep in mind you talked about all of the ad Parcels that would the impacted that was really part of our emphasis to file something for this to it really wasn't um any way to get around the comp plan but we really felt this is important as a companion to the which we haveo get no I just want to make that clear that we respect the process and furthermore we had two public meetings under the planning board prior to submitting the war article we emailed all of the town meeting members and the line name Alliance which is the network of all the uh neighborhood associations which they were really pleased and thought why don't more people do that why don't more people us this map was not developed we hold on we made it clear the number the number of districts and there were representatives from from various districts who I haven't heard any complaints of opposition from from so you're you're saying that there was notice there abely was notice everyone H in town you know understanding or knowing and understanding but as processes we used provided the notice that that is typical for can I move the um modified language get at least that okay so accomplish something right okay movve on please indn hi hi Warren hi hi okay so where are we now so what I'd like to do now is I'd like to move that we refer article 7 to the comprehensive committee motion um are we ready for that I asked a question but essentially I'm with the same mindset as Paul and John Thomas don't have to do your motion I just okay all in favor what is the motion to I'm moving to refer article the amended article seven uh to the compan okay and is that the substance or the I guess you my my question is what was our really need we really ever answer that well we I don't I don't I don't know why you're now adding a bunch of requirements of explanation we've preferred article8 we referred article 9 we preferred article 14 I think unanimous um so I'm moving to refer the uh the article s the sub of article to the comprehensive okay um so favor um Mar conern dman hi Paul Warren hi I'm sorry okay I I'm going v no sorry okay so three to two is Happ um next uh reconsideration of Article 15 and we're reconsidering to correct language um mistakes that were picked up by the advis committee and you can find explanation in at Le Jonas's amendment in our green colored supplemental materials that you should have received by US mail yesterday you wna can explain it so my my understanding is that um that the advisory committee that's been following pretty close I've been intimately involved with r negoti um that uh the advisory committee uh changed the [Music] setback from uh being allowed to go to 10 ft it's being restricted to 15 ft the VAR so that's how close the uh the new building would go to the back can I get that right [Music] smallest districts the advisory committee has adopted that the petitioners of the uh replacement motion the motion also support and my okay see her in the back okay uh do you have anything to add here I fairly straightforward um any um questions um I'm actually a little surprised but um the sense that I have is that the uh advis Committee Member who came follow just pull the number out of the air um and I'm a little surprised that um you a problem with there is just one of those things that well okay we get the rest of this done you think it's good to get something on the box rather than okay all right fair enough that's kind of I I can go with that it's not our motion okay um so I Mo consideration of War Article 15 on favor please indicate by saying I hi hi Paul lawren hman hi um I move um I move approval of La Article 15 as amended by the uh the description of the amendment in the green supplemental um page um eliminating language uh in the rear setback um section let's see okay is that okay I just Mo on without going into detail and reading all these numbers on fa please indicate by saying hi John hi PA Warren hi hi and Sher okay moving right along we have next on the agenda before we move off of War articles uh we received two emails to the board on atic six one was from dick B raising a concern about um chap Beed but essentially U being able to know nullify uh the agreement put in place and then a second issue um raised bya Jonas it has to do with theability or the transferability of the Covenant should the property be sold Chad I spoke a little bit about this befor hand but um sounds like it's been fixed be good I here um so U Jon have done some research notice um that the uh restricted Covenant uh did not include uh explicit reference that it's finding and success ass signs she raised that concern we reached out to real team to get them to agree that it would be so that it is explicitly in there I do want you to understand though that even though it wasn't explicitly in there restrictions that public are so it's very unlikely this would have left a concern avoided the uh however to address the concern it's not expit we don't have to uh no because the language is um that meeting is authorized select to sign this theu um so that is a little harder that's just arose um the idea is that U this restricted Covenant is to be in place while the property is being restricted with 40 it's a per not so the applicant could always to modify that comprehensive which is not easy but is possible so if they were to modify the comensal permit they have to go back to the DBA go back to essentially a hous bill Comm but if to do that then they're allowed to put this property back in place because right now they use the property to their 4 this might be able to be used if they need to modif switch you know change their plan um but it isn't the situation where they come forward and say we don't want to have a 40 that a descrition regory people what is the talk about the building the exam possibility owner to seek a modification that's but it would still be before you know they could take that regardless without without burning down right so honestly I think and expire the risk expires when they get Atif o right it's just kind of you know being consistent with the idea have a point they have AED plan the rest of it being restricted if it's no longer being permited and restricted can we you put this back in play and B negotiation okay okay next item on the agenda is meing committee reappointments of James Carol um AOE of par Recreation committee and D mark all in favor by say hi hi David and call you okay moving around along F line commission for the Arts reappointment of saner by saying I John hi Michael S yes I Paul Warren hi Perman I and with that unless there's anyone who would like to make a post meing comment in the meeting thank you and it's 6 o' so we can go