e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e h good morning this regular meeting of the school board of Barrow County Florida is now called to order please identify the exit doors that are clearly marked for emergency exiting while in the boardroom refrain from obstructing the exit doors all attendees must occupy a seat in the boardroom with the exception of media once the boardroom has reached its seating capacity attendees will be directed to a designated overflow area area in the building upon activation of the fire alarm system please exit from the room in an orderly fashion and continue to exit the building and remain outside until the authority has deemed at the jurisdiction has deemed this building safe to return we ask that all attendees to maintain a respectful and professional demeanor during this meeting disruptive behavior including but not limited to yelling interrupting speakers or engaging in personal attacks will not be tolerated if you engage in disruptive behavior interfering with the orderly process of the meeting I will issue a verbal warning to Cease the disruption immediately and failure to comply with the warning will result in your removal from The Boardroom by law enforcement removal from the meeting by law enforcement will be for the duration of all meetings on this day our primary focus is to create a safe and productive environment for all of our participants and thank you so much for your cooperation board member fam will now int introduce her school to lead us in the pledge allegiance to the flag Mrs fam thank you madam chair good morning everyone thank you for coming I'd like to first thank principal Christy ripo and the second grade teacher Miss Janice Brown of Nova Eisen Hill Elementary for having their students recite the Pledge of Allegiance for us today for the meeting they are from the Nova Titans summer camp which is K through 8 and students will now be reciting the pledge thank you of the United States of America to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all for all effort counts thank you so much at this time board member Leonardi has requested a moment of silence for a retired teacher from C croissant croissant Park Elementary Mrs Leonardi Patricia and eskamani devoted Over SE 37 years of her life to the education and betterment of others as she truly believed that children are the future Patty was an exemplary professional as well as an inspirational role model to both budding Educators and her students she was beloved by her kids as she affectionately called them and their families because she taught with love and kindness believing these to be the most important lessons a human being a human being can learn she will be missed dearly but her impact will be Everlasting thank you board member fam has requested a moment of silence for a fourth grade student from Nova eyes and hair Elementary Mrs Fam thank you madam chair I'm just going to hold up this photo because I don't see it on the screen right now this is Zamara zalah hudin and I'd like to request a moment of silence for this sweet fourth grade little girl she's from Nova inh Hower Elementary and she recently lost her battle with cancer her parents sh shared the following statements on May 18th 2021 our little warrior princess Zamara was diagnosed with Osteo saroma in her right leg just above her knee over this three-year Journey our daughter and sister patiently preserved persevered through countless needle Pricks numerous x-rays CAT scans MRIs and eight different surgeries that included the amputation of her right leg although the cancer conquered her body it never touched her mind nor her spirit to the very end Zamara remained a happy well-balanced 10-year-old little girl who enjoyed learning playing dancing and helping others osteos sooma didn't Define her it was just a matter of fact we appreciate all your prayers flowers phone calls and visits from you since Zara's courage and courageous battle with aioa came to an end on June 27th 20124 her light touched so many people and at the end all walks of life if you met her once you would know for her for a lifetime so our deepest consolenintendo High School Mrs Hixon thank you in 1955 Mr Jones relocated to South Florida after being recruited by the late Mrs blanch General elely to teach mathematics at elely High School in pompo Beach Florida and over his 37-year career with the Brower County Public Schools Mr Jones served as a classroom teacher for 12 years at blanch High School a guidance director at Everglades junior high school now William Dandy Middle the dean of students at Plantation in pompo Beach High School and assistant principal at blanchy high in 1980 he was promoted to principal at blanchy high school and served in that role until he retired in 1992 Mr Jones was actually my first principal when I started working at Brower County Public Schools he was 93 he lived a great wonderful life impacted so many people students adults and mentored many so I ask you to please take a moment of silence to remember Mr Jones and thank him and his family for all that they've done for the community thank you thank you as we prepared to begin a regular school board meeting we are reminded that our vision is 100% proficiency for all of our students aspiring to become an achool District our purpose today and every day is to achieve this goal in achieving this goal we are committed to ensuring everyone counts our culture will be Student Center teacher supported and principal Le May the chair have a motion and second to approve the minutes for the following meetings May 21st 2024 regular school board meeting May 29th 2024 special school board meeting June 18th special expulsions so moved moved by Zan second by Hixon is there any discussion seeing none all in favor approving the minutes as listed say I I those opposed say no minutes are approved the superintendent released a revised agenda with certain changes for this meeting it is published in the school district's website on July 16 2024 the chair finds pursuant to section 120.5 25 Florida Statutes that good cause exists for such changes and accepts the revised agenda May the chair have a motion and second to close the agenda move move by Zeman second by Hixon all in favor of closing the agenda say I I those opposed say no the agenda is now closed the school board will consider agenda items in the following order the school board will first identify any consent items single letter items on the agenda that will be pulled for separate discussion all remaining consent items that were not pulled for separate discussion will then be approved by consent the school board will next consider each three followed by any other H items that were pulled from the agenda for discussion after the H items are considered the school board will be will proceed in accordance with the agenda's lettering system the school board would consider any consent item single letter items pulled for discussion for a given letter and then consider any open items double item double letter items for the same letter the meeting agenda has been modified to correspond to this order the next item of business is the consent agenda board members have notified staff of the items they wish to address all those items not pull for separate consideration will then be approved under the consent agenda the following consent items have been indicated Mr Alon do you wish to point items I do thank you madam chair good morning uh I'd like to pull H4 F3 And1 thank you Mrs fam I have H4 H17 A1 F3 0102 thank you Mr fogan holy H4 B2 j101 yes chair and also um oh yes sorry M six do you wish to pull any items yes thank you H2 H4 L1 that's it thank you Dr holness here to Ping items uh yes I submitted my pulled items did you get that submission yeah so I have H3 h8 h10 H1 h12 h16 yes okay Mrs Leonardi H4 yeah that's it m rer do you wish to pull any items um can you guys hear me yes okay Ellen Ellen gave it to an um Andre but I'll give it again H2 it's H3 H2 and H3 H2 3 and H4 I i1 have we done the doubles yet no not yet we'll come back uh okay thank you Dr Zan I have A1 F3 J1 j4 thank you chair Alida H7 h8 h13 B1 E1 F3 L1 is there anybody from the audience who would like to speak to an item that has not already been requested for discussion please come the microphone if you do see none at this time and the chair have a motion and a second to pass the consent items that have not been pulled for discussion so moved moved by Zan second second by Fen holy all in favor approving the consent agenda say I I those opposed say no the consent agenda passes board members have also notified staff of open items they wish to address Mr Alon thank you madam chair again good morning uh gg7 uh to abstain pp6 pp7 pp8 rr2 oh wait hold on a second can you go back P letters oh yeah the pp sorry all right you got so gg7 mm pp6 pp7 pp8 R2 thank you Miss fam I have a A1 bb1 dd2 dd3 dd4 jj1 O7 o4 O7 o22 o23 o28 o29 o33 034 pp2 pp3 pp8 rr2 na it Mr fanol dd4 board member fam is trying to be here till 9 o' dd4 o22 M zon thank you bb1 ff1 jj9 03 05 pp1 pp3 pp7 and rr2 can you do your PPS again sorry PP sorry 137 one too many pages 1 three and seven one three and seven Dr holness um I submitted mine as well Madame chair if you have those that's pretty much what ah okay hold on a second Dr okay I have pp1 pp2 pp3 rr2 correct yes okay this is Leonardi pp1 pp3 pp6 dd2 gg2 um I didn't have GG so I had pp1 pp3 pp6 and dd2 okay not GG okay okay Miss rer double letters uh yes I i1 jj1 jj5 jj8 JJ 16 and JJ 21 thank you Dr Zan hh13 pp3 thank you chair Alf bb1 dd2 gg2 pp7 at this time May the chair have a motion a second to pass the open items that have not been indicated to be pulled for discussion so move second move by Zan second by Hixon all in favor of approving the open Agenda say I I those opposed say no items are approved as we begin to consider today's agenda in accordance with policy 1020 and Roberts Rules of Order please each School Board member has the right to speak no longer than initial 5 minutes and 3 minutes for rebuttal per motion when a member's time is exhausted for that round the chair shall ask the board member to conclude the remarks within 1 minute school board members and the public have access to all written agenda comments related today's agenda the next item of business on the agenda is H3 a motion to approve non-instructional appointments and leaves for 2023 2024 May the chair have a motion in second on H3 to move moved by Zan second by Hixon is moved in second to approve H3 a motion to approve non-instructional appointments and leaves for 2023 2024 is there any public comment in come the microphone staff is there anybody signed up to speak there's no register speakers Madam chair okay is there any board debate uh Dr Zan no ma'am there just two people signed up to speak I think from from the board Dr holus and uh Miss rert Dr holus thank you madam chair so for item H3 page 12 um I I have uh some questions on on the recommended candidate for the position of coordinator of Suicide Prevention um uh when I was going through this particular recommendation um I was wondering what what was the what's the requirement the minimum requirement for suicide prevention coordinator and I did notice this candidate previously was an ESC Support Compliance uh case manager uh for me suicide prevention is really important um and I am hoping that the person that we've selected and I don't know this individual at all I just saw this that this is the most qualified person for this position um so if the superintendent could speak to that I would appreciate it Dr H Mr Aero if you can provide the qualifications for the position if the and if the candidate actually um aderes to those qualifications good morning David Azo Chief people officer I don't have the job description with me if you want to give me a second I could pull up the job description but I can assure you that the candidate does meet the minimum qualifications and is the best candidate for this position okay so um can you explain how the background of being an ESC compliance person um would support the position of coordinator for suicide prevention that I may need to defer Miss hudge Miss there she is good morning V HUD executive director of student service initiative so the um an ESC specialist often times deals with students who have mental health um concerns not to say that all students with disabilities have that but a lot of their experiences um as they deal daytoday with families and with students are some of the same strategies that we use when we're dealing with students that may have needs around mental health so that alignment of the day-to-day operations of what they do as an ES specialist crosses over into those spaces in addition those individuals are considered Mental Health Providers as well they are some of the individuals that we have out providing those Services of Mental Health Services okay so um if you could stay there I just have a quick question so students with learning disabilities is there any evidence to suggest that those students based on what you just said are prone to suicide and um would that then and support that a person who was an ESC compliance person would have had ex a significant experience in students who were um prone to Try Suicide or commit suicide so I would not say that students with disabilities are prone to Suicide okay um I don't want to categorize them and say that all that think that would be a um um misstatement but what I will say is a lot of the strategies of De deescalation a lot of the interactions with families you know as Mental Health Providers we do have to uh often times elicit the ESC Specialists to inter uh intercede with their expertise around that area when it comes to mental health so their experiences often times puts them in front of situations that are are um aligned to mental health concerns or care that families and students need okay and Madam chair I just want to make sure Mr Aero was going to come back with a minimum requirement for this position so I want to put it on the record uh with the minimum requirement for this position that this individual because suicide prevention is a really important area in our school district we have to have the most qualified person in that position so if Mr azero if he doesn't have it now he could come back later and tell us what the minimum requirement is and ascertain that this person have met that requirement correct and I and I would say also Dr holdes as we look through the resume we do look at experience we do use the rating sheet in order to determine if the individual qualifies in an HR backs us up by um reviewing it um after we've submitted the recommendation okay thank you you're welcome Madam chair yes we do have the the job description Dr holness so earn master's degree in mental health counseling Social Work psychology counseling education public health or a related field from an accredited institution he does obtain he does possess a master's degree uh minimum of three years of experience in mental health counseling social work or or educational and related field so he has a minimum qualifications as well and experience so with all of that minimum qualification you mentioned this person has met all of that yes sir thank you m rer Mrs rert I'm sorry did somebody say me yes3 okay you ready ready um it it simply it's a congratulations I wanted to congratulate our new principal of norest Elementary Maximo Castillo so uh welcome to district 7 thank you thank you m rert any other board member comments on H3 those in favor approving H3 say I I those opposed say no the eyes haven't H3 is approve the chair would like to take a moment to recognize new staff appointments uh if you could have all staff based and District based appointees please stand we'd like to congratulate each of you for your career advancement with BR County Public Schools we value you and your family Dr H can you please introduce the new leaders for a few remarks yes if I can have uh Mr Maximo Castillo come forward and also Dr Angelo Fulton to come forward new principal and also our new Deputy superintendent of teaching and learning say my classmate my classmate good morning and a happy Tuesday first and foremost I would like to thank the superintendent our board and then also the senior leadership today I stand on the shoulders of great leaders and I want to thank you all North Crest has been around since 1957 and it is truly my honor to continue to lead and we continue to serve four prek classrooms four six special programs ASD cluster classes and it is also my honor to continue to lead as we strive for excellence and most importantly make sure that you have a tiger Ric day that's right thank you I have been a fan of Max Mr Castillo for a long time and I'm very proud of you and I know without a doubt that you're going to lead norest to the next level and we're glad to have you so congratulations so good morning everyone I'm Angela fton I'm very proud to be assigned as your next Deputy superintendent of teaching and learning I promise you I didn't bring him here so I want to thank the board and thank my boss Dr heurn for entrusting in me in this wonderful role education has always been my passion I have been driven by Spirit of excellence in everything that I've done and every role that I've had in education I remember being a teacher being driven by a spirit of Excellence going on to be an assistant principal a principal principal supervisor Regional superintendent and now moving on to a deputy superintendent that doesn't change I look forward to continuing to move this District to the next level when it comes to teaching and learning and to ensure all students and I'll repeat that all students are receiving a high quality education each and every day in all classrooms across our district and our mission of 100% of our students reaching proficiency is definitely in reach so I look forward to this Challenge and I look forward to Leading and serving in brow County Public Schools thank you thank you at this time we will now take a three minute recess for a board photo with new staff appointments the board can go up here uh yeah yeah h oh welcome back this regular school Bo meeting is now reconvened please quickly exit out of the room thank you so much we are going to continue with our regular school board meeting May I have a motion and second on each two so move move by Zan second by Hixon public comment on H2 no register speakers Madam thank you so much I have Mrs Hixon thank you I just wanted to take the opportunity to congratulate the 75 instructional retirees thank you so much for your service to barow County Public Schools thank you Miss Hixon please exit from The Boardroom thank you I have Miss rert Miss rert St two Mrs rert thank you so much for quietly exiting the room it's greatly appreciated thank you so much um can you hear me now Miss rert if you could speak a little louder what happened oh my miss rert all right could somebody just tell her what I wanted to say might be faster nor yeah Nora is speaking the name is too loud Miss rert okay now is that better you comment on each to okay I'm just going to talk cuz just please speak we hear you go ahead m r that it not you it's not you miss rert Miss rubert do you have a question on each two okay we're going to call you Mr rert can you guys hear me yes do you have a question okay can I can I just talk and it's it's a comment anyway if you all yes please just make your comment all right I wanted to say uh thank you for all the years that our the band teacher had had taught at Lions Creek uh thank you for all his kindheartedness and patience for all the music students who benefited from his teaching his mentoring and personally thank you for teaching my two sons Jared and Dylan uh you will be missed but what a fabulous career that you've had and your students and our whole District have benefited from from the love of music that you so beautifully um helped them discover so thank you so much and I wish you a happy retirement thank you security can we please shut those doors in the back security please shut the doors on the back back right thank you any other comments on H2 seeing none all in favor of H2 say I I I those opposed say no H2 passes unanimously okay now we're going to move on to our committee reports first up is the audit committee I was louder sure good morning Dr Natalie Lynch Wall's chair of the district audit committee and apparently I should have brought my own Podium let me see how this is going to work the audit committee passed the audit committee passed a number of motions that are related to items today one of which is the fund balance policy which is pp6 I sent you all on Mon yesterday an email with a matrix because on our last meeting on the 18th the four accountants on the audit committee could not make heads or tails on the language that staff is proposing that's the accountants and there was concern expressed about what would happen when it came to the board because if it ain't clear to us so what is what is Staff doing we recommended that they incorporate the Manatee County Public Schools policy language to the language being proposed where they seem to differ and struggle to adhere to that is on the 5% assigned and unassigned they're trying to uh strive to achieve a 5% balance at a time when you've got to pay Charter Schools they're below 4% it's right now 3.89 there is nobody on the audit committee that thought that requiring a 5% you can plan but to say that once you get there you have to keep it what the audit committee is concluding from this is we're trying to move that $53 million out of committed and into a sign so that we can use it and then put it back cuz we because which sounds risky to the group so the other concern is the lack of clearly and concisely established roles and responsibilities as it relates to the school board versus the superintendent all the responsibility seems to be falling on the school board which is only acting on recommendations from the superintendent even on the budget so understand that the language is being purposely written to put all of the blame on you guys if something goes wrong they don't want the superintendent doesn't want to take any of it that's how it's written and third again with the lack of clear and concise language in the BCPS proposed policy revision that's in the Matrix so you have a couple of choices you can either push this policy back you have another meeting on the 30th and review The Matrix and either agree or disagree we're advisory in nature you don't have to take our recomend ation but we make them over and over and then if something goes sideways we did our part so that's on fund balance there's an entire Matrix you received it we had motions passed on the 20th for the roofing RSM Roofing follow-up audit the motion uh we had motions on that we had two on that and two on the HT intercom audit which I'm not going to have time to get to clearly um we move to transmit the RSM Roofing process analysis followup expressing concerns on the following the length of time to implement a replacement for ISS going from manual to electronic the Auditors cannot confirm what is being procured we' recommend the Board review the justification for a non-competitive solicitation for the electronic plan review system we recommend make updating Andor expanding District design standards part of the long range planning process and encourage the district to ensure coordination and verification of the findings and analyses from both the roof roof Asset Management Consultant and the facility condition assessment in the development of the long range plan this is in support of the RSM recommendation the other one was that we recommend the school board that the have the chief auditor read and explain our motions and related concerns at school board meetings and then on the HCT intercom audit we had two additional motions we request an update from legal on the recovery of funds monies mismanaged during this project passed unanimously and we recommend the board determine the functionality of each firealarm interc commmon emergency communication system in every school by 71524 that also passed unanimously we also uh had feedback on the chief auditor the audit committee is in favor of the current chief auditor Mr rhs being the permanent Chief auditor which we haven't changed our position on the job description but if the only way to get that is a waiver or to change a job description I don't see you getting pushed back but he has earned the respect of the audit Committee in the months that he has served so I'm just letting you know that as a group that's what everyone is in favor of and we have other things but that's why I signed up to speak so I'll just cram them in then thank you so much Broward County Association of student councils and student advisor to the just good morning hear me good morning Landon pbert student adviser to the school board um I was not here last month so I'd like to start off with a moment of personal privilege and give a huge shout out to alternate student adviser Alana for holding down the four and also doing some amazing work when it comes uh to surveys that you will hear about later in the meeting today uh as I wasn't here last month I'd like to give a big shout out to the Athletics and Student Activities team for an amazing job uh running graduations in beginning of June um and a special thank you to Jennifer Hamilton for all the work that she did to make sure that graduations went well the south Florida Leadership training camp which is sponsored by the school board had 175 students uh attend this year sflc as well as um Camp e go is an amazing leadership experience that many students across the State of Florida are able to come into brard County make new uh networking connections with other students and gain valuable leadership experience that they then bring back to their schools um so a big thank you to zenya Santiago for all of her work that she does uh to put into sflc there was really some life-changing experiences there um regarding committee appointments the student adviser uh has the opportunity to appoint students to various Schoolboard committees new this year we will be able to offer service hours to students who go to the committee meetings as well as um explain to students at their school what they've been able to learn and get meaningful feedback from students we're really working this year on ensuring that students that uh do serve on committees are not just representing their opinion but also presenting the opinion of students across the county in line with our goal of this is not our position this is a collective position regarding weapons detection survey the board members um and staff were emailed feedback we had over a hundred students that completed the survey regarding the weapons detection system and I encourage the board members and staff to take a look at those that this feedback there were some great comments shared things that um will really make the process goes smoother but overall a lot of good student consensus that this is something that students want to see and will make them feel much more comfortable excuse me in their schools in addition we did a survey that went out on cell phone restrictions we had over 150 students that completed that survey we look forward to going into detail on that feedback uh during the student code of conduct policy and that is all I have thank you thank you bow County Council PT ptsas Broward Education Foundation District advisory Council uh me again Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh uh yes I am the chair this year of District advisory Council um and I'd also like to point out that all of your Schoolboard established advisories including the student adviser are all in in the same spot on the org chart the student adviser got a Podium the rest of us are down here trying to manage without anything to put our notes on so I'll continue that's called despar treatment Madam chair all right the first thing pp5 I don't know if some someone pulled it to speak to it but you were sent an email because we have tried to bring this to staff and to the board's attention District advisory Council for years has complained that uh it is pulling resources away from District advisory Council but this was never looped through District advisory even though da is required to have a seat so the request is to have have the superintendent remove pp5 from the agenda or vote it down until the area advisories and DAC are able to discuss and make recommendations to the school board at either our August or September meetings as it directly impacts DAC in the areas we've had discussions about the task force during DAC policy review subcommittees and this summer because we don't have regular meetings in the summer so we can't vote those in attendance have agreed with creating subcommittees at the area and DAC levels to specifically address those functions again since we won't meet until August or September we can't vote to codify those there are additional considerations not mentioned in pp5 in the executive summary so please delay any vote until these issues and the policies in number five can be reviewed and recommendations brought forward from DAC Title One in diversity the reason there is no policy for the parent Community involvement task force is because the group was created via board item from former Schoolboard member Lori Rich Lev son and it was meant to be temporary there's a link to the establishing documents it was a board item that that created it the functions are already covered under School advisory Forum School advisory Council area advisory Council and District advisory Council policy so there would be no loss and functionality from incorporating the pcitf functions into the area and DAC uh subcommittees the membership mirrors DAC membership so there would be no stakeholder loss from incorporating it into the area and DAC subcommittees and then some of the functions being performed by unpaid pcitf volunteers are actually staff functions you have a department that's called family and Community engagement these are all the they they are the ones that do parent University so there are four addition in addition to school advisory Forum Council and District advisory Council there are four other Schoolboard policies that are meant to directly support parent and family involvement Schoolboard policy 1165 parent family invol involvement last updated 2007 School accountability and Improvement last updated 2010 communication and public engagement last updated 2007 and standards of student services was repealed in 22 but is actually tied to the CCC condition number seven so it would beho the board to have a look at all of those rather than approving this policy today that's one thing um we're hoping to have an August meeting with the transition there's been a lot of uncertainty we're not sure where we're meeting in a month staff has responded we're trying to get a location so if we can get some help there because I believe that tomorrow's the deadline but we don't know where we're meeting I barely know who my I don't even know who the liaison is that booster club motion asking the board to create a policy for booster clubs that came from DAC so it looks like we may have to pass that all over again and have discussions at the school level um about that and we at the audit committee asked for an audit clause and then finally the investigation of of the SIU detective at the Roundtable meeting it was asked about the investigation that was a month ago I know that people are busy I know that it's summer and it's BCPS but when is this investigation going to happen because again you hired somebody and it was the best $2,500 this District ever spent for a professional who found that the volunteer did nothing wrong so why when when is this investigation happening that's all I have for DAC thank you diversity committee morning um so uh happy summer hope has been productive for all of you um just one thing and I don't know if you guys pulled it I was rushing to get over here CH had to get the kids out the house first um but on your L1 with the communications I think this has to do with committee uh committee motions there is a slight uh discrepancy here is stated for our diversity that we recommend the board to adopt the following but that's not what it was supposed to be we all agreed in the group that we were changing these items so this was just to kind of inform the board not necess as not necessarily ask you to adopt it we've all agreed that we're changing some of the indicators to uh make sure that we are in um in line with with how things are changing so this was not a recommendation for the board to adopt more so just to give you guys a heads up that we've done some changes with the indicator so that's one thing um I was at a oversight committee thingy for the district for like I think uh the municipalities or something like that um there was something that was said and I may have misunderstood it I probably try to clarify it with Dr W again but my mind be fried so it was something to the effect of redefining where there was going to be uh one meeting in different locations at the same time if that is the goal I would strongly suggest that the board um have serious discussions on that because I don't think that that would be beneficial to the district if we're having one meeting and it's simultaneously in different places at the same time um I think it would be better that all board members are there at the same time having that discussion um making sure we do the right thing for the district um other than that I ain't got nothing to give yall because we haven't been meeting so hope we'll see you on the next meeting thank you thank you BTU bpaa Asm good morning good morning Madam chair school board members superintendent heurn my name is Pete tingum I'm the executive director of esab I would like to begin with some good news this morning at our monthly meeting of esab we voted to award four 1,000 scholarships to current and active members of esmap to their offspring and those will be awarded in the next month as but each year smap tries to give uh scholarships to their current and active members the next item I'd like to talk about is the referendum dollars the referendum dollars were equitably distributed last year to all employees at 5.5% the property appraiser has indicated the new property tax roles increased the property value by 7.28% I would hope that the school board would consider awarding referendum dollars of 5.5% or more to all employees that action I think would be a good idea if you would take that in the very near future I also request that there has not been a addition to the salary schedule for esab since January of 2023 the salary schedule has remained the same there has been bonuses of $1,500 in the 2.2% this year 2.26 excuse me but that has remained constant there's been no change in the salary schedule since January of 2023 the last item I'd like to address is morale smab employees are on an annual contract they are employed with an annual base you have the right or superintendent has the right to non-renew employees and their job ends on June 30th prior to June 30th four employees long-term employees of 19 20 24 and 35 years were non-renewed which you have that right to do where I have an objection is law enforcement was sent to their offices they were packed in their bags and they were walked out like a per and I don't think employees would that much experience and that much dedication to our district deserve to have that done in front of their colleagues and workmates that practice I deem unacceptable finally I'd like to invite all school board members and the superintendent to meet with esmb at a time of your choosing thank you thank you poi EBA e ESC advisory Council hi and I have um a sheet to give out can I give it out to maybe yes staff Mr Sullivan I'm coming thank you very much Jackie um Lum chair of ESC advisory um so I want to kick off by thanking all staff who um served um students over esy the extended school year um for students with disabilities there's been some good feedback there's also been some negative feedback it would be good to Crunch that down at our first um ESC advisory meeting which is August 22nd um with staff um that I know that uh staff work somewhat hobbled or a lot hobbled in some cases by the decision to close edpl before esy had started and begun there was some situations um and some difficulties and challenges that should not have been foed upon uh students um and uh staff and that lack of foresight or lack of understanding that our students needed that um was um was met with some dismay um it would be good to have comparative data from this year to previous years regarding the number of seats offered uh in esy the number that attended the number of total hours offered versus hours taken um and comparisons to previous years so we can see if esy is uh is being eroded if it's being attended well attended not so well I've had feedback from parents who said that they kids were often say just an hour and a half at esy twice a week in which case there's little Point them going um in their opinion and I think um situations like that do need to be addressed um uh I do just want to say something about um collaboration we are here as a an advisory body and as a tool to be a bridge between you and the community and collaborating only after the fact or only telling us stuff after we could have uh helped provide some opinion or some um feeding thoughts into a process um I think is is something we could look at and improve upon we're here to help and collaborate and I think when we're carved out of processes um it it does lead to a little bit of uh tension um one of those things being the amm speech programs is a language-based halfday classroom model for um uh providing age appropriate experiences to enhance vocabulary Q&A skills social use of language and pre-academic concept development um for certain students and it's being reduced um in the district from August or has been cut out now in 13 out of 16 schools the map should jump out at you as a glaringly inequitable situation uh we only found this out by default from staff tipping us off to it after it had the decision had been made um and all protests about the fact that it that is just so inequitable the distribution now of schools that will be providing this program being told that only three parents were upset I'd like to point out that parents weren't even given an option whether to be upset or not in most cases they were just told what was going to happen to their children being moved out of this program because it was no longer going to be available um and because you don't hear from people doesn't mean that they're not upset and because people are told this is what is happening to your child um and they don't get a choice I think judging whether something has been successful or not in terms of revising a program or getting rid of it shouldn't be judged on how many people called the ese Department uh I can tell you more than three called me I know there was a lot of upset among staff and I still haven't even got the figures of how many students were in this program but I think it's around 200 100 odd um I think there does need to be a look at um what we've done there and maybe more equitable distribution of that program um we're told teacher vacancies are well filled this year that's good to know um I would urge you that though you look at who those vacancies have been filled by have they been filled by qualified certified staff I know in some situations I've got I can cite one in particular of a support facilitator who's being made to become an ESC teacher and just does not want to be um and if you're in a situation where you're going to lose a member of Staff or can keep them in a job that they've got veteran wisdom and experience in um please retain them don't let our ESC Community lose great experienced qualified staff great news on the um dhh project front if it's going to be um implemented um by the first day of school we're told it will be in place but we still lack um protocols for implementation a training plan and timeline for both staff and students and administrators communic ation to parents and staff as to how it's all going to work um and any um uh overview of the assignation of duties and responsibilities as to who's going to be operating the system with metal detectors I'd like to urge the interactions with students with disabilities at these metal detectors it's crucial to have a script to have a proper training of people just like we did with wanding again we were involved in helping to formulate those protocols we've heard nothing um this time around um and Ed plan was a devastating decision thank you thank you and if do Dr H if you can give the board a followup in regards to the a PM classes closing thank you madam chair we'll do thank you madam chair point of voer um I just wanted to advise the board that I had done a public records request on the discontinuation of the amm program and I had it with the and I've instructed Mr Sullivan to go over and give it to miss luscom that might sh some insight she might be interested in thank you thank you ESO Leadership Council fail's task force Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh chair of the faciliity task force so the facili task force has not had regular meetings this summer we have had subcommittee meetings this summer on teams which means we can't vote um you'll be getting today and we will be voting on this in at our August 8th meeting provided we have a location uh the very first thing on this though is long range facility master plan steering committee I believe at the last Workshop we asked about a date for the next meeting and the response would seem to be pp1 but what we've been talking about on the task force is that the committee and by extension any of the function of long range facility Master planning would fall under the board to ensure the highest level of transparency and accountability in light of the smart Bond so we haven't had a chance to develop language but this would be yet another reason to vote down pp1 which is on School boundaries understand that that policy did not come was not looped to the facilities task force so if we're going to hit on a topic which is now more than one subject per rule you would think you would bring it to the task force that deals with facilities but no we did not staff did not there was another policy we've discussed which is the lack of a Schoolboard policy requiring project budgets Scopes to comply with the CCC by being driven by standards in the state plant survey and sref and that's caused budget rather than District standards to drive project Scopes there needs to be a rule development Workshop to initiate policy so there's a whole laundry list of concerns many of these have been on a list from before but I just wanted to highlight highlight long range facility Master planning because we seem to be in pp1 saying long range planning as a way to circumvent the steering commit and any other and have the superintendent be setting the rules instead of the board and then if something goes sideways like it did with the removed board because that that last grand jury report was all about the smart Bond who's on the hook who can the governor remove the board not the superintendent so you want to make sure you're in the driver's seat I guess we're going to have to just keep having this discussion Markham Elementary is an example of what happens when you don't have the policy I just mentioned this your current superintendent was advised that Markham currently and for the past two years violates srf which means it violates the CCC and is causing the architect to be in breach of contract I shared this with the superintendent on May 15th we keep talking about this and that's an email that's coming but this B uh there was a bullying complaint and I hope we don't have this this coming year I had to file a bullying complaint against the former facilities Chief because she was withholding staff from our meetings and withholding information and then to touch on CU we haven't actually discuss this but one of the people that was non-renewed is the executive direct former executive director actually I think she's still the executive director of capital programs because she hasn't actually resigned so we haven't we will be discussing this because that is the person with the highest level of technical expertise in the district and a registered architect who understands sref so there are implications and concerns about getting rid of the person with the most knowledge about what you should do to be in compliance with laws that person was initially non-renewed and then told that they renewed her but if she doesn't resign they're going to non-renew her and they hotfooted her her resignation to an H4 item when Marte I still don't see her on a board item but she's had a plaque and a going away party so that is a that's going to be an upcoming one so boundary policy Markham long range planning and the laundry list for your dfp later today and intercoms we talk about Safety and Security every August at FTF so all the discussions we've had at audit we've had some this summer with FTF on that intercom project and it's going to be all about standards and codes and what's an emergency communication system and what's not because even you new fire chief has said the rle in Borg Tes Center youu is not an emergency communication system thank you gifted advisory Council green advisory committee human Relations Committee multilingual advisory committee parent Community involvement task force small business advisory committee microphone good morning there we go good morning superintendent um chair Vice chair board members my name is Shahira jerck Gallen I am the chair for the small business advisory uh committee I'll just give you a little update with what we've been up to I do and did attend um the reimagining um Broward schools meetings for the district advisory committee chairs um I did share my ideas on how to connect with the community to obtain feedback on concepts for redevelopment and reuse and emphasize the importance of the committee gaining a full the community gaining a full understanding of the plans and not feeling like they're an afterthought kind of being told what will um be done um I also attend the goal setting uh meetings which I will say um with the new uh leadership has been uh very productive um I feel in the past there's been a really big resistance to putting small business goals on on the contracts and now we have a process by which um the new team is a bit more assertive and we're getting goals so I'm looking forward to seeing some of the the numbers um given this new um attitude and new push our vice chair Brian ferl um is actively participating in the superintendent's Roundtable meetings um one key challenge for advisory committee meetings that keep coming up as Quorum and that issue is shared across the Committees um I would ask for board members to check in with their committee appointees at our last meeting we literally had two Folks at the meeting myself the chair and the vice chair so if you would check in with your appointees to see if this is still a board that they can participate on it would be greatly appreciated because we have business to conduct our uh EDC officer Denise miny Mills and the staff gave an update on the Department's 2024 goals and initiatives um I am very happy when this new team came in we reassessed our goals make sure they were smart goals had timelines and the new team has been very amenable to that uh notably the certification reciprocity with brard County government started in May of this year that's something that we had been pushing for a few years uh and now there are over 50 Broward small business enterprises that are now certified with with the bar count um public schools which is um critical because as a small business owner it can be very cumbersome to go from agency to agency and we have 31 municipalities um giving the same information so we thank we're thankful this uh goal was met um the EDC is in the process of developing a seven-part business Excellence program uh beginning in mid- October uh designed to engage and support local and small business this is something that um we recommended as a board because in addition to ensuring that policies and procedures are small business friendly um there is a reputation for the school board not being small business friendly just based on what has happened in the past and so we wanted to make sure as a committee we recommended things that got the school board out in the community engaging with our small businesses and that's exactly what is happening and now they're indeed inviting folks in to participate in the seven part um business Excellence program as of July 1st EDC launched a partnership with the business support center to promote utilization of small businesses for school based purchases which once again is is critical we've talked about the engagement with business support um Center but also EDC engaging with the department heads um to ensure that they understand the importance of utilizing uh the program and I'll just highlight a couple other things on the the notes um as a topic for the business excellent program we recommended including the topic of how to price your bid properly um and for the program the um committee will be helping in identifying speakers facilitators and Community present presenters and sponsors just so that it is really a all Hands-On deck project I will say um in my last uh comments here that we are um excited about the new hire for um over procurement we look forward to meeting him and he kind of slid through our our meeting uh this last past month I think he had been here for maybe two days so we're looking forward to him coming to a meeting to have um discussions about some of our concerns from the past so they're not concerns in the future and um I would invite our superintendent to our meeting to hear specifically from our small businesses on the committee I love our committee because it's made up of small business owners who've um bid with the um District who have won some contracts but maybe have not been utilized and I think those concerns should be heard um directly at the top so um we can continue to progress in the manner that we like to see our businesses utilized thank you thank you technology advisory committee okay that concludes our committee reports this is the time of the agenda where we we have split the general public speakers into to incorporate a morning session each registered speaker will be allowed 3 minutes and our reminded to address matters of re rence to the public education and demonstrate poer decorum no heckling shouting comments from other from the audience verbal outbursts or any other disruptive behavior shall be permitted no signs or placard shall be allowed in the board meeting no derogatory comments using the person's proper name shall be permitted therefore speakers are to demonstrate proper decorum and model the district's eight character traits cooperation responsibility citizenship kindness respect honesty self-control and tolerance persons exiting the board meeting shall do so quietly further at the conclusion of public speakers the chair will provide an opportunity for the superintendent or his cabinet at his discretion to provide comments regarding any subject matter matter or issues raised by public speakers Additionally the superintendent may have members of his staff speak to an individual public speaker in an effort to address their concerns and provide any followup to public speakers concerns back to the board so first up we have Trudy Janovich my name is Dr Trudy germanovich and I'm bringing you excerpts from an article I read recently project 2025 the policy agenda for one part part's potential Year back in the White House published by the farri conservative Heritage Foundation has been Making Waves recently some of the many destructive proposals within the agenda include the elimination of the US Department of Education along with the elimination of federal education funding any civil rights protection and the diversion of public money to private school voucher programs instead make no mistake the goal is to end public education but dismantling our Public Schools isn't just the plan if Donald Trump is reelected it is already happening here in Florida we are on the brink of a new wave of public school closures another step in the decades long project to divest and dismantle the institution of the public school disguised the school choice federal state local and private actors have prioritized paying for private and Charter Schools hoarding educational resources for the half and depleting resources for the have knots the policies that P project 2025 plan to prioritized government payments to families sending their children to private school and creation of new charter schools that are run like businesses have expanded in the last few years starving public school districts that serve all students of already insufficient resources in the 22 or 23 24 school year at least 70 school districts announced permanent closures of public schools impacting millions of students these districts are resorting to harmful discriminatory and ineffective so-called solution of closing schools especially in Black and Latino communities stripping those communities of their local public schools that was from an article from Time online I want to say that now is the time for contagious patriotism this election is about freedom in so many ways all candidates should be aware of the dangers outlined in project 20125 and they should outline how they will fight against these ideas once they are elected the ability to have the kind of real public schools which have made so many contributions to this country for over 160 years is on the ballot in the August 20th election as well as the November 5th election be sure to vote for candidates from the party that has shown its commitment to saving our Public Schools I'll just remind everyone to become a public school voter thank you thank you Kelly kite U my name is Kelly kite with Goldstein kite environmental um my partner Michael Goldstein spoke at the last meeting 30 days ago um with the item I'm speaking about is that we've submitted uh an offer a contract in writing since the last meeting to the school board to purchase the property located at South Hiatus Road and uh West Broward Boulevard um as some of you may know the property has environmental contamination issues um that's what our company does it's specialize in acquiring property that has environmental impacts remediating them and bringing them to closure and then using those sites for beneficial reuse um at the last uh meeting I believe staff was going to meet with Dr heurn regarding this issue um and we'd like to go ahead and um negotiate um a contract to purchase the property no financing contingencies required um I believe you all have a copy of the contract and um happy to answer any questions regarding it thank you Dr NY Lynch Walsh good morning Dr Florida so I did not have time during the audit committee report to get into the HCT performance audit of the intercom enhancement bid 19-1 123e but this audit will be discussed at the August 8th audit committee meeting and then transmitted with any with any additional motions or concerns now normally the board chair is the one that communicates with the chief auditor there is a problem with that here because this current chair has a board member followup from 2019 asking about ringborg teles Center you and it represents from my perspective a conflict of interest it does and we've been discussing because the issue that occurred with this intercom project happened in 201819 when the MSD parent that is also an employee of Roland Borg went to to the MSD commission talked about teles Center you and Rolland boorg and then the safe havens report came out and then came this Rush RFP and then came a legal directive to change the specs you even have the general council's office rewarding motions from the audit committee so that they could provide answers to questions that we did not ask we asked for a technical expert to review the scope of the RFP so that we had an understanding of emergency communication systems not for the fakakta reason that they're providing which is oh well you wouldn't recover the money I it's a contest today to see which memo I just saw the one on long range planning not being a problem when in that item for boundaries staff struck the language before and is now trying to snow you guys into believing that oh we just Consolidated language so I don't know what's going on I think one of the this District's um character traits is honesty but that does not seem to be peppering itself throughout your staff because we have two memos I mean I read the the audit committee motion and contrasted it with the question that your legal team which they're Bound by professional ethics codes and all of that stuff the question that they then posed is not the question we asked we didn't say should you get a technical expert we straight up said get one because we can't make heads or tals of this so I don't know who changed the questions and who's the driving force but that's a problem here and the boundary policy I may have to stay with you all day I'm going to go sign up to speak to that because it wasn't looped and the longrange planning language was struck and now they're trying to put it back back thank you philli Shaver hello my name is Philip shaver I've been a certified teacher for 21 years 19 in Florida I'm a former Broward schools employee subject M subject matter experts are useful don't leave them out of the process I resigned in August 2021 as the coordinator of district attendance since leaving the District 3 years ago I've been working in education on the other side of the district's budget four months after I resigned from BCPS I was hired by student services as a consultant to on board the next coordinator of district attendance the district paid me my new hourly rate of $300 an hour $48,000 over 6 months about 20 hours a month thank you my company and I appreciate that for the last 3 years I've been able to save money and invest in retirement something I could not do as a teacher or coordinator I'm here today for a few reasons why did I resign I was ordered to delay the compliance of state and District policies for the first week of school in 2021 so I resigned that day I received my evaluation from July and August 2021 2 weeks ago 3 years after I left the district all seven ratings were marked effective highly effective is the highest you can get on your evaluation that included professional and ethical Behavior the highest level of ethical Behavior I've exhibited in my professional career is resigning because I was ordered to not be compliant for the district I saved over 200 principles from being non-compliant I couldn't turn to my supervisor for intervention because they were out of the country for vacation that week is it standard practice to send evaluations to employees 3 years after employment letters sent to me and at least five other colleagues who left that year how many people got a got evaluations from more than a year ago is it standard practice my evaluation arrived by certified male at $9 uh that's a waste I live in pompo Beach when I called the director of employee evaluations she said we hoped leaders were doing evaluations imagine if I hoped people were taking attendance has the district come up with a plan to monitor the evalu the evaluation process two chiefs left the district in 2021 how many former employees got an evaluation from a stranger that they they've never worked with on another note why do teacher vacancies renew every four to 5 weeks is it to make it appear like the district is filling positions using substitutes instead of full-time certified teachers is wrong and finally as a member of the community I do not support the termination of a parent or IMS from Monarch High School thank you so much Nar here Grant morning um so I signed up because and I also signed up to talk on pp1 and pp2 um but it's very disheartening when advisories and community members spend countless hours and time with staff going through policy reviews only to um see the final product be presented with none of their input and none of their time that they've expressed the DU so so with the boundary process uh the boundary policy that is um is very upsetting I sent out an email you guys sent out a a response and I literally got the memo yesterday right before this meeting which I felt like was a little bit in disingenuous CU didn't give me enough time to kind of figure out what I was going to say today however um I am always in the mindset of being collaborative and also knowing that the board members are um listening to uh those who voted them in so the the the ask and the and the request and the consideration I'm asking that you all re either reloop the 810 or give us an explanation as to why you guys have the staff has taken this stance to add on things and um really remove input from community members because you know when you look at it on its face and how we interpret information or how people will read and interpret it it feels like we're not part of the process it looks like we're just sprinkled in in the process and um you know words using words that are used with staff about you know if it's warranted and all that other stuff gives the driving um puts the the staff in the driving seat and we're just passengers and then we're just like they are sitting out there um input or not so I would please humbly ask that you all reconsider um and also some of the things that were put in I was told from the me well I read in the memo that it stated that this was already in there but those were stricken out in the beginning when it was doing the looping process the board members hadn't had an opportunity to even discuss those Those portions so um my request is to consider uh the May 29th version versus this version today um and hopefully you all will have some Rob robust discussion on it so maybe staff can kind of tweak it a little bit so that is my my ask thank you so much thank you Nicole Morris good morning Nicole Morris Coral Springs I am going to Echo the sentiment of Miss um Mrs Grant we spent countless hours and days and I don't mean two hours on two days I mean hours and days and teams meeting North Area South area Central Area diversity DAC and we we had you know Mr Beck was was wonderful to come and speak with us and we made a lot of changes that we agreed on there were portions that were unanimously struck out at DAC that um we were obliged we were given a highlighted version that I sent to you all um with these changes and then when it went to Workshop it was there a couple of weeks after I had a conversation with Mr Beck about changing something and he said I cannot make changes post looping that's not fair to the advisories and then when I pulled up that policy a couple of days ago or a week ago it was three pages longer and drastically different it was not the the policy that we had went over Community input was was removed and replaced with stakeholder with a definition that doesn't include the community at large so if you're not a parent PTA advisory member it doesn't give um clear language that the community will will be in charge this is not selfish for any of us this probably won't affect most of our schools but this is going to be the blueprint for how redefining and repurposing and closing schools is done so the the way that it's removing diversity Equity guard rails Community input It's seems like it's the blueprint and you can see what they're going to do by looking at it and it's going to be lopsided for some they're taking out language that guarantees Equitable education they're taking out language that says the community will have input on what will happen with the schools that's closed Mrs Hixon I don't know if I'm supposed to say it out but call out names I'm sorry but she had said you know maybe we'll close the school and we'll put a a um a senior citizen home there and that's a great idea but the community should have a say in that right and this is they're taking out language that says that they will have a say it Mr fogan holia suggested if they close Olen Middle School those students that they were going to move them to an elementary wouldn't have a soccer field so we had advocated for that language to be in there that they wouldn't lose anything they struck that out um again we're not asking for you know this is not selfish I'm not asking for chocolate ice cream at Coral Glades I am here as a parent and a Community member and I'm I'm speaking for the parents who don't know the policy who aren't reading the policy who don't understand the guardrails that'll be taken away from them and I know the schools that it's going to affect and the communities that it's going to affect and you know it's really unfair so I hope that you all will uh I know there's no schools being closed this year um so I would hope that if this is going to be the blueprint that it would go back through looping that the community would be able to come back to the table and agree on something that is palatable for for all of us I thank you for your time thank you Michael rer good morning board members um Michael rer um I had the honor to chair the uh 2011 2013 brow County uh single member School me uh board member uh redistricting uh committee and during that time we as a board worked very hard to make sure that we um fixed the school board member districts which you're elected uh single School Board member districts which you're elected to undo the Jerry mandering that had existed in this district for quite some time and to make sure that we complied with uh uh guiding principles as part of amendment four and amendment five that were passed at the state level this morning I was alerted and alarmed um by some uh campaigning and uh texting and things that I think are uh rather concerning questionable um you know we first went about making sure that all uh small cities were kept whole and that was something that we stuck to uh because we wanted to make sure that small cities weren't lost and and had a strong representation to be able to go to the two at large and a single member um I was a little bit concerned by a text message that goes out um attacking an opponent um and the the one remark is this seat was specially created to have a Black Or Hispanic voice and in language like that I find a little concerning you know we created and helped make sure that we change the boundaries for district 2 and I believe even district one um I'd have to have the numbers in front of me which I don't to make sure that there was greater minority access for representation but that representation is based on minority communities coming together in a coalition to elect a representative of their choice we also made sure that in other districts throughout that we didn't um we did away with some of the bleaching that occurred in other uh single board member districts back in 2013 and and thankfully those maps that we created were upheld and then actually used as the framework for the County Commission to do their redistricting but I am concerned with some of this and when we talk about communities and representation it's also the values of individuals why people are electing certain people and I ask that people don't uh take too much into when you hear these uh text messages that come through and really think about candidates positions and the values of public education thank you thank you so much the next the next item of business on the agenda is H4 May the chair of a motion and second on item H4 so move move by Zan second by Hixon it's been moved in second um sorry public comment on AG four Madam we have registered speakers okay um as I call your name please come to the closest uh microphone Ingram Ford and Chris Nelson good morning superintendent good morning board members I'm here this morning uh in full support of uh superintendent hebborn uh recommending the termination of the uh information Manager Management specialist at Monarch High School um for violating Florida state law by allowing a uh biological um biological male to participate in girl Sports this is not only a violation of uh state law this is a violation of Common Sense this is a violation of science male and female are distinctively were created by God in the first place are distinctively different they each have different chromosomes that separates and defines a male from a female so when there's uh when when a corpse is found or a decomposed body is found a chromosome test is used to to to find out or ascertain the identity of the biological sex of this corpse and that that test is called the chromosome test therefore there's no let's follow the sign sence carefully there's no medication hormone therapy puberty blockers that can change a chromosome from a male to a female male are biologically stronger than females based on the science and do not belong in girls Sports we need to embrace these children by creating a category for them we need to embrace our transgender children that we love by creating a category for them but but uh biological science says that men are stronger based on their chromosomes than female and so this is not just a violation of state law it's a violation of Science and it's a violation of Common Sense and it is unethical to violate state law and those board members who vote to violate and collude to violate state law should be recommended to the Ethics Committee for disciplinary actions thank you next NE next we have Michael rer and Kristen f faretti as they get up the next two speakers are going to be Dr naln schal and Jackie lunco mad Madam chair Kristen Fen is going to wave her time good morning my name is Kristen Fetti and I'm going to wave my time so Mr arer can speak six minutes thank you and I apologize I'm having to sit down I tore my miniscus on my knee on both sides and there's no accommodations otherwise here um so um I want to begin with the item and first I I believe uh Madam chair you alluded to the fact that um you may have mentioned the core characteristic traits of this District kindness being helpful thoughtful caring compassionate and considerate respect showing consideration understanding and regard for people places and things self-control having discipline over one's Behavior or actions tolerance recognizing and respecting differences values and beliefs of other people I start that way because I spent an agonizing number of hours reviewing the investigation and even before I go forward if I could just ask board members to give a show of hands uh was did the superintendent provide you with the supplemental report that was an interview of superintendent a former superintendent runy I see one hand raised I don't see any others okay I see some going up you probably just got it today I'm gathering or yesterday um and so I don't know how timely documents were given and that document was probably only given because I called several of you to say where is it and have you seen it and the answer was no you know back in 2014 I worked closely with Dr Mark Strauss to establish the lgbtq superintendent roundtables with superintendent Robert runy and it was an opportunity for the LGBT community organizations parents teachers and others to come together to here in a safe space and Forum of things that they didn't feel safe attending meetings to voice their concerns I was at the mar February 21 meeting and I'm not certain if I was at the May 5th meeting uh that occurred um I'm not sure if I had a conflict or not but I do have the emails that actually had our agenda for those meetings and in those agendas one of the items that was included Ed was transgender employee dependent healthc care programs and it was a space where we got to actually explain to superintendent runy how the districts of policy back then excluded gender affirming care for employees their dependents and we shared the story of two two people one who was an employee going through transition who was a teacher and had to put $15,000 on their mother's American Express card to do the surgery because this District discriminated through its insurance policy back then the other was an employee who had a child transitioning and had no support financially from the district through its health care plan superintendent runy listened and joined the uh renewal fix that but the other topic right after that was commentary and report from parents of transgender students and families I'm a parents of transgender students at that meeting Jessica Norton attended Jessica Norton asked the question that she basically reported to SIU was asking I recall hearing her testimony and how moved I was because to me I leaned right over to the person next to me and I said this is exactly what this meeting was for to create that safe space for dialogue so we could begin to look at the issues of marginalized Youth and figure out how to address situations and support all children so when we say all children please don't give me the footnotes of who's not included when people talk about Equity inclusion and all other aspects in education I want to see those footnotes listed next time you know so this did occur the conversation occurred and actually it occurred again on May 5th SIU claimed that these meetings never occurred because they couldn't find any evidence but in their own report on pages 64 to 67 they included superintendent Run's calendar that included all the emails that actually talked about the meeting they came to false conclusions they provided you the evidence claiming there was no evidence I was horrified to also read how Mr Cecil kept being thankfully showed dignity to the student but yet SIU failed to demonstrate the characteristic traits and continued to call the child a male continued to call the child it how would you react to your child being called an it an it is a rug an it is the microphone and it is the seat and it is not a living breathing object there was no training to SIU and this is a concern we have raised time and time again and I'm sure there'll be motions on this and I'll finish my comments then thank you thank you next speaker as she's coming up to the mic vente thrower is the final register speaker if you want to make your way to the mic Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh Plantation Florida I am not in favor of terminating this employee you need to separate politics from whether the person did something wrong or not and because I Trust Scott Travis's investigative skills more than I do SIU I am convinced that she did not do what She's accused of I believe you have a Professional Standards committee that recommended suspension not termination so I am confused as to why this is even a thing still but no not in favor of termination and I think a termin if you vote to terminate is going to come back to bite you thank you Jackie lusum and Coral Springs um I'm not confused why this is up here at all it's up here because of politics and I'd urge you not to play into politics keep politics out of our Schoolboard um please and thank you um we all know that this wouldn't even be on the agenda if it wasn't for the nature of what it's about um and I would like you to just please consider that given the fact that I've been at the microphone so many times bringing to your attention egregious cases of professional misconduct in our schools that have even involved uh staff assaulting students and we still can't get them out of our school system but you want to take action or I'm hoping you don't of this nature um against this particular employee there are other ways of dealing with this I would urge you to grasp them thank you um excuse me can you hear me now can you hear me can you and I yes okay um Vincente from pompo Beach um I'm speaking on behalf of the brothers I'm here on um the item with Dr Shaw to the superintendent and to the chair to the superintendent we would like for you to reconsider this position Mr superintendent Dr Shaw has been a wonderful asset to this District first of all she took a demotion not one time but several times under the previous superintendent who we recently who we got rid of who is well I can't say no derogatory stuff about her but I'm going to say it to the board Dr Shaw is a wonderful lady and when a woman in particular African-American black woman and I ain't going to talk about politics but I could go there how do you all make an African-American woman feel this way in a in this type of situation right now it is to me it's like picking on my sister or picking on my mother and saying that we're going to use the system to bully somebody this board has a responsibility to look out for its employees also in particular those who we want our other little little sisters and mothers to want to be one day why can we not reconsider this to the to the chair to the superintendent because when you when you do stuff like this you tell down somebody's confidence now today I'm here but should this move for for the day I'm going to bring some pastors and some brothers down here the next time because we don't like seeing when our sisters are being bullied when the system is not working to give us Justice and making sure somebody's being treated right I'm asking and appealing to you all today that I think you all should reconsider this reconsider what you all what's what staff is recommended and Mr superintendent I'm going appeal to you I think you should ask the board to pull this item so you can do some further research to because we're asking that I'm speaking for the for the brothers in the neighborhood thank you so much thank you madam chair that is all the registered speakers we have thank you I'll allow you speak go ahead thank you good morning board chair superintendent and board members um my name is Dr Cara Char r and I'm here to speak on item H4 I have been a loyal dedicated employee of the school district for over 30 years with an unblemished record until August of 2023 where I was saddled with not one but two investigations for bullying and harassment the first one came around July which I responded to very effectively because it was one person though I was not given the name of the person I was able to decipher who the person was and respond with uh details and with a variety of uh emails and things of that sort before I could get a ruling on that one I was settled with another one as well as three accusations from SIU and then another three it was very evident from the uh statements from these people that some of them as much as 10 years old 12 years old from when I was a principal at addict Middle School there was no corroborating evidence um the investigations took over a almost a year to conclude and statements were taken from children from uh people who actually brought the accusations forward um the manner in which that it was held there were people who came forward to speak out on my behalf but nobody actually interviewed those people or took took their statements I'm here to appeal to the board about the process the process by which this investigation were done were not in accordance with school board policy I was not afforded due process when I asked for an appeal for the bullying um the second bullying complaint that I was found guilty of without even knowing there were about seven eight or nine people who wrote statements I was never told who they were once I was found guilty I was giv the statements and I was looking at them and I said I haven't talked to this person in almost 15 years I the the bullying policy is clear that anything over 90 days is not even considered when I was a principal supervisor there were people who came file bullying and harassment complaints and I was told at that time that these are not going to go for it because they're more than 90 days old but they took things that were almost 15 years old into consideration and found me guilty and even after they found me guilty and I asked for an appeal I have never gotten that appeal I have presented uh a documents several documents that outline who these Witnesses were why they had motive and why they I was found guilty not in accordance with policy but I'm here today thank you for listening thank you for debate Mrs Leonardi um I had some questions um I'd actually I'd like to go later if that's possible Mrs Hixon thank you um I have a couple of questions and I guess directed to the superintendent if you could address a couple of things one there there was a recommendation for a 10day suspension for um the the IMs can you explain to us why your recommendation was so much more severe and then a second question based on public comment could you explain to us if due process um was follow and the procedures were followed in the the I don't know what word I want punishment I get I don't know if punishment is the right word but in the consequences of um the speaker that was just in front of us hi in the audience can't hear oh they can't hear oh sorry um thank you Miss for the question first I'm going to defer to miss Batista because I know this um issue is currently in um lawsuit or litigation just to make sure um what we can and can't talk about Miss Batista um thank you Dr hurn so as the the school board considers the level of discipline um to impose on on this employee or any employee really but it applies obviously to this employee as well um it's just important to remember that um the actual due process there there are two levels of due process one was during the investigation process and then the second one occurs after the school board votes on the discipline and then the employee has the right to file a grievance if the person is a non certificated employee file a grievance and then ultimately go to arbitration and that's where the due process occurs the board um today is not sitting here in AAA judicial capacity so while you are able to discuss the item um this is not the place to weigh evidence or accept witness testimony or anything of that U of that sort so I just wanted to uh put that on the table to give you some parameters um the attorneys for um the superintendent uh that represented the superintendent during the uh discipline they are here and um I think they will be able to respond to any questions related to do process so is oh is anyone able to explain to us how it went from a a a 10day suspension to a termination and my other question is based on the state law does does the state law say what the consequences have to be if someone um doesn't follow this particular law Miss Batista yes so um U this is uh Fabian Ru and he's a labor Council for the superintendent um just to answer one of your questions um Mrs Hixon uh the law that you are referring to I think is the fairness in women's sports act which is uh Florida statute 106205 there is nothing in that statute that uh would give any any type of uh discipline um based upon the violation of the statute it's not in the statute okay so can someone speak to how it went from 10 days to termination microphone come on guys good morning morning so the and I think Miss Batista touched on this in terms of a question of due process for example there is a grievance process it's provided for in the collective bargaining agreement my understanding is that the employee is part of the FY clerical unit if she decides to exhaust her administrative remedies that would go through uh that process my due question process wasn't for the fairness in women's act it was for the the second employee that they were publicly speaking about Miss Shaw Dr Shaw so that wasn't my due process question my my question for this item is how did how there was a recommendation by a committee for 10day suspension and then it came to us as a termination recommendation so I'm just wondering how that changed and I think that's really a superintendent answer Dr thank you um just confirmed I can answer that um so pretty much my determination for termin for my determination for termination um was solely based on the findings from the from the um report investigative report from SIU um pretty much a willful neglect to follow the law as an employee okay thank you and then my so my second question is to the superintendent can you explain because we've heard that someone wasn't given full due process and we've gotten a couple of emails so in the second employees um demotion can you explain to us was there an investigation was due process given did we follow all of the procedures in that that instance Dr yes for a second employee we can confirm due process was followed I can have Mr azero um adding addition information if you needed okay thank you Miss T do you have anything else no that's it for now okay um Mr fogan H Mard is right it's whatever Mr F okay thank you very much chair um the first questions I do have um I think with Dr sha Ro um and I looked at it because comparing to other employees and we looked at multiple things I looked at multiple things and saw the track record that people would have right 2011 called a child ugly 2011 pulled this on a parent 2012 this goes on and on and the list goes on and on and somebody is suspended two days for me I saw this situation and I was like okay well maybe I'm missing something so when it comes to that Dr Charro what was the history before what was her history before this situation happened I think I'm going to point to this a little bit more because she was one of my principles so I want to make sure we we talk about this and we're clear Dr her yes um and I'll ask Mr Aero to help me out here with this process but I can't speak to historical references looked at um previous trends for many of the employees um as those items come forward and looking at historical references of how employees have been disciplined in the past but my determinations are solely based on the current investigation that is in front of me at the time not um looking at standards of previous um discipline um handed out to employees over time because uh there I've from my recollection I've seen some variance in how we've disciplined employees in the past and so I'm using my best um Knowledge from the investigative reports uh checking in with HR checking in with investigators while they're going through this just to make sure everything is factual um in and determined to be true and then come up with a decision point from there understood so I think we and it it's going to tag team Miss hixon's question because it's how was your determination to go from point A to point B to make a decision from here to 0 to 10 days where does that determin Nation lie it feels like there's no consistency when it comes to it and that's what I have an issue with um we talk about our school leaders when we talk about principles we talk about our teachers we talk about people it shouldn't rely on personal relationships right because for me as a principal anytime that she called me in I was just impressed not only with her but staff but not only that students the last time I went to eler James and visited Dr R it was she pulled in students to speak to me it wasn't even her to sort of say look at my track work kids were coming in and talking about how great the school was how they could see improvements right we've seen change we would like to see this and that I just think comparing it doesn't line up to me um so I think we I'll speak more on that and I think we we'll come back to that um can Mr OZO speak to that oh yes please so thank you madam chair so for Dr sha R the the original recommendation from PSC was a 10day suspension there was two investigations SIU did one and employee Labor Relations did a second one so it was a 10-day recommendation from SIU and a 3-day from employee labor relation so it have been 13 days total so in discussion with with legal and I believe with her attorney we went down to the 5 days because of previous achievements previous records previous things that that came up or did not come up so he settled with the 5 days and that's when the the employee executed that stipulation to suspension agreement so she agreed at the 5 days and signed it okay and um again also one of the situations too and I'm going to go talk to the other one with Miss Norton as well but I'm going to talk about even Dr Ro principal Cecil multiple leaders in our schools when this whole thing goes down when things happen like this how long was she not at ler James when this started happening when she was pulled from the school how long was she not there Mr me one second I'm looking at the background information that was sent to the board members so give me one second to scroll through this I believe it was August but I'm not finding the exact date I app I appreciate it it's the point is how long they were away from their schools right yeah so you want to speak on that or well u u just a quick comment uh it's not about expediency it's about doing a real thorough investigation to get it right to get all the facts to I know SIU and HR they take their time they're interviewing um Personnel possible parents students whatever the case may be but it's about getting it right it's not about doing it fast of course I understand that and then I don't think it was the speed but I'm talking about the impact of when that happens right when an investigation happens and leaders are pulled from our schools principal cils in the middle of the school year get pulled um the inconsistency and the disruption to kids environments and their learning of when that happens going back to the situ I think the way things went down are just so bad of how things are so quick our kids are affected but before I get into that I I do have questions because I do want to talk about Miss Norton here and I I read the article in the Sun Sentinel um and in the article coming into this meeting I feel pretty clear of what three or four board members are already thinking and so I guess the question is to General coun I think in another situation if we ever look at it is the writer in the situation of the Suns Sentinel the article that came out were they acting could I say they were acting as a conduit between board members sharing action and opinion on a vote that will be taken today M Batista um thank you madam chair so the so it is not a violation of sunshine uh when a reporter a news reporter reports on comments that were made made uh to him through an interview process um unless you can show that that it was as a leason between you know school board members or or council members or whatnot so in this particular case just the fact that there were interviews that were conducted between the court the news reporter and board members and then the news report came out the article came out with that information does not violate the Sunshine Law okay because case law speaks to that and says if somebody's shown as a conduit sharing official action between at least two officials it's a violation of Sunshine Law correct that is correct so what you're saying is Media or newspaper would be exempt from this not necessarily but you would have to show that the reason or or part of what occurred was as a result that the uh media person was actually a conduit between the board members and I don't believe there's any evidence of that here okay so so let's change the situation so if I had my cousin which is a Blog writer come up and say hey met with me or actually put it out and said I met with board member Austin and board member Austin said they don't agree with this and they are going to do blank so and so came out and this board member said they don't agree with the situation and they want to make a motion and they want something to change and do blank put it out on a blog post I mean what you're saying it seems like a loophole all we need to do is get a Blog writer and they can come up and then violate Sunshine all day just see what everybody else is thinking but it was in a media release so I'm not talking about my colleagues here because this is what we we get asked all the time we get asked sure this is I'm in favor I'm against it's not against us but my thing is for me it just felt wrong reading the article because I'm coming into this meeting pretty well versed on what how people are feeling and that to me felt like a violation of sunshine even reading an article and saying I know where people stand I know that people think are wrong not in favor making a motion changing things this is in a newspaper article so that's your opinion that it's not a violation of Sunshine Law well my opinion is based on the Attorney General's opinion um there there are opinions from the attorney general and from the sunshine law manual which I'm sure you're reading from as well um and that specifically says talks about when just exactly what happened here right when when news reporters make questions and and ask questions of um of elected officials and then that information is published in a report in an in an article that is not a violation so if you want to call it you know a loophole or you want to call it an exception or whatever but that's what the law says at this point I'd like to make a point of order the general Council um are we permitted to take um um a survey of who actually spoke with this reporter because I didn't speak to anyone I didn't advise any opinion um didn't respond to any messages I got and that was very misleading I thought because it appeared like everyone had been spoken to and I also think that the link in this one is one sole person this information from this entire board is going passing through one person who's then holding it out and exposing um to the group and I think that's manipulation and I think that is an attempt to violate Sunshine Law to communicate what other people are doing or to mislead people as to that other people have already communicated and their minds are made up so can you pleas thank you Mrs fam we'll come back to you I was going to say shine sh some light on that thank you Mr thank you very much and thank you very much general counsel so um back to item here um I have an issue and I think with this whole situation so general counsel I think one of the and one of the things in the article actually um talked about I don't think the issue is that people knew right or they didn't know cuz people knew correct it's very clear that people knew there was a lawsuit General Council you're very well versed that there was a lawsuit so how did that how did that happen that it passed through that okay he's put one minute on the clock for Mr fogan to finish up his comments thank you very much chair so how did they let that pass to allow a child to play sports or to be on a team when this whole thing was going on how did that allow not to be seen or be caught that that was going on and it would violate something child played sports but they had the lawsuit going on at the same time how did we not catch thata so the item before you um today really has um nothing to do with lawsuit um we have the attorney here that represents the district in that case um just to make sure that there there are no issues that um you know come out through this process that um should should not be uh discussed at this point because of the pending case um so I will defer to um Miss Anastasia uh Proto Papadakis and um she may be able to answer that question microphone hello okay good morning Andia Pro Papadakis I do represent the Schoolboard of Broward County with respect to the DN versus Schoolboard of Brer County lawsuit which is pending before the federal court and there's a confidentiality order so we cannot discuss any information about what was what in Communications that we've had with Schoolboard counsel nor the discovery process in the lawsuit nor the the the motion practice in the lawsuit because there is a pending confidentiality order and the I believe the item before you is the uh discipline or termination of the employee has nothing to do with the actual um lawsuit so I'm sorry we can't discuss that because of a confidentiality order that's pending and I have a copy if y'all would like to see it understood I would like that but I uh so I know I'm running out of time so I'm going to say chair this feels this whole situation is literally putting on one sole person of what multiple people should be held accountable for feels like you are using one person as a scapegoat in this situation and it feels wrong totally wrong law was broken things were done wrong sure but for me if it's not done equally and actually held everybody accountable it's like nine people rob a bank you catch one person that's fine you did it congratulations fine and you just let eight people run loose I think that's wrong so for me it's looking at a bigger picture but it feels like one person's being held accountable for a number of things that went wrong and I know my time is up so I'll stop there and then wait for a motion I guess I don't know thank you miss rer m rert Mrs rert no okay Miss leonardy thank you so I have a series of questions um um who has jurisdiction to enforce the fairness in women's sports act does our SIU have that Authority Miss Batista um thank you madam chair so the um the law is supposed to be followed by U the district and uh the there is no you know that's so that's the answer the the law is supposed to be followed by the school board and the representatives of the school board which would be of course the employees of the district okay so if someone is in violation of that um what would be the appropriate body in the school district to address thata so it depends um whether the you know there is a violation by um an employee Then I then it would be through the superintendent and the process of discipline and if it was not an employee if it was not an employee then um well I I the Department of Education would be um would have the jurisdiction over the district okay so I think I think that part of my issue is or in this case also I think the Florida high school um Association had some jurisdiction over some portions of this got it um in the wake of some of this legislation in the last few years I think it's been very unclear how who who enforces these things what the process is what's allowed and what's not allowed and I think it's very important and I'm going to say this to my what sixth superintendent um in in however many years that we need to put information out to our employees into to our community about about these things um we need to be very very clear and we have not been historically um if you fill out a form incorrectly in your role as a parent and it enables your child to play sports when ineligible does that normally subject you to dis IPL as an employee that happen no um there may be some instances that may affect the kid but it doesn't affect the parent okay I'll give another scenario if I as a parent lie about my home address when registering my child at a school that would allow her or him to go to a school they're not zoned for would that subject me to discipline as an employee Dr as an employee it may if you're an employee and a parent at the same time it may okay wait Miss patist can you speak about breaking the law by doing that by falsifying your address to go to a specific school right so that that would be yes breaking the law on the parent is held accountable for for that right but I'm talking so I know as a parent that there is you know legal ISS like right there's a a legal side of that but as an employee one would also be disciplined for breaking that law correct Batista I don't know what the history is with the district I cannot speak as to what investigations or how though that has been done okay but just so I'm I'm clear from Dr heurn I'm hearing yes yes um you're falsifying records as an employee yes well what I'm saying is if I as a parent falsify my my child's records I can be held accountable as an employee correct let me get this right if you are a parent and an employee at the same time and you enrolled your kid at a school and use and falsify the record fory address yes you would okay thank you I just want to be clear on that um there is an allegation that policy was violated in 2017 when the parent registered or had their child's gender changed in terms what policy was violated what policy was on the books um Chief Al burning if you have that information at hand right now Jamie alberty Chief Safety and Security Officer Mr leard can you repeat the question please what policy did we have in 2017 that having a child's gender changed in terms would have violated do nothing the policy took place in 2017 I think the policy changed later okay that I mean okay that is in conflict with what was in the investigative report um were any other employees besides the one that is up for discipline today aware of this potential violation of the law from our recol from the the implementation of this law in July 2021 um no other employees U were in violation okay um all right I I have a motion I would like to make um but I don't know if now is the appropriate time yep I'd like to uh separate Jessica Norton from H4 there second moved by Leonardi second by fogan hly public comment on the motion or member comment on the motion Mr allson yes got to offer a substitute motion uh to separate number four and five from the remaining uh of the full item leonardy well I don't need her a substitute oh second move by all second by Fen holy public comment okay four and five are separated out so let's vote on everything else except four and five Mrs Batista do you want to speak to that feel like your micone yeah I'm having okay let's vote on everything else besides four and five all in favor of everything else besides four and five Madam I had scheduled to speak yeah we're going to get back to four and five did you did you have to speak on others besides four and five no I have okay then let's vote on that and we'll get back to four and five okay okay thanks all in favor of everything on the list besides four and five say I I I those opposed say no everything else passes now we're back to four and five okay so Mrs Leonard you're done or do you need more I had another comment but now I don't remember so okay Miss rert I have M rert no okay we're gonna come back to Mr rert okay left this speak I have Dr holness thank you madam chair so um I have a few questions on number five item five um was the child at any point referred to as it in any verbal or documented conversation um Miss Batista do we Dr and the investigative report yes okay so in an investigative report is by SIU let me can I correct that for the record um no and I'm going to actually ask um uh detective T who actually performed investigation if she can come to the podium um to answer some of your questions Dr the holdiness okay detective Holly SIU no the child was was never referred to as an it in the investigation or during questioning there was an issue during questioning where the um where the mother and the legal team did not approve of us referring to the child as a he um at that point we made an agreement to decide to uh call the child your child for the remainder of the investigation which we did um it was misconstrued they we started talking over each other um and then once we stopped talking we began our conversation again and the first word was it no the child was never referred to as it okay so for the record there's no part of your conversation no documentation showing that the child was referred to as it no okay so I'll continue did they State proceed to Consequence the district for what occurred at Monarch and if so for the record can you tell us Mr superintendent what was the consequence currently the consequences were um was a fine for athletics um I think the fine was over $10,000 16,500 is that correct I'm I I can't don't quote me on that but um we can follow up with the exact amount but I know it was over $10,000 um and I want to say they are also on probation if I'm not mistaken somebody can we'll confirm that but when we say they um the the the uh athletic teams the athletic team and coaches okay so that would be the actual um coaches and and who else would be considered part of the athletic team just a second we're grab grabbing that information so we can to provide an accurate followup okay so while I wait for that answer are we required to have is there any further requirement by the state for the district to proceed to consequenc appearent Dr I I wouldn't say required but it's um an expectation that if somebody is um breaking the law or any specific wrongdoing that we go through our process to discipline an employee okay so um the state consequenc the school with a fine of 16,500 the child was removed from the team and you're are you saying there's an expectation by the state to Consequence the parent or is that a subjective opinion there's an expectation um if an employee as we deem based on an investigation has done anything against the law any wrongdoing to go through the go through the due process to come up with the correct discipline to address to address the matter so it won't be repeated again okay and for the record the expectation is by by the okay for the record is the expectation by the state to be clear or is that expectation whose expectation are we referring to District I don't I don't want to quote anything based on the state um but as far as a a district BCPS we have an expectation that we're going to go through due process with our employees if they commit any any infractions okay so what is the district's process in collecting information from any parent I have Chief alberty and uh Mr Aero if you guys if you two can go over through the rigors of an investigative process um Dr heon I'm not the investigative process but the process for collecting data from any parent regarding a child enrolling in any school what is the district process in collecting data from parents Dr heer yeah can can you be can you be specific Dr holness is it um enrolling a student um correct so whether it's enrolling a student or for what whatever the reasons may be uh if they're collecting data from for new students for students being determined to be in say um uh um an IEP student or whatever it may be what is the process in ensuring that information is accurately collected from parents regardless of whether they're new enrolled or they enroll in a specific program offered by the district or whether we're determined if they're gifted if they're ESC what is Our obligation in ensuring the accuracy of the data okay so for example enrolling a student the parent would simply go to the school and work whatever clerical or administrator um that's been uh designated to enroll that kid through a process collecting information for addresses um and the like just to make sure they're at their right Zone school for other circumstances when it comes to to identifying gifted or special needs those are other evaluations um that are performed by staff just to make sure that student meets that criteria to be gifted or or requires any special services due to due to special needs um concerns okay so does the district have an obligation to ensure that the data is accurate through document verification correct okay in this case did the district follow that procedure in ensuring that the documents presented to ascertain the agenda of this child was accurate correct from um the two schools um in this case they went through their process to verify information okay so when the information was collected on this particular child and a particular agender was information was provided did the district verifi through documentation that this was accurate correct the documentation that was provided um was deemed accurate at that time um as much as I can say about the documentation that was provided okay so would you say then the district has an obligation to ensure the accuracy of in of documentation of identification yes okay so um okay okay so all of us in my opinion have some lessons to learn from this I believe that the district has an obligation to accurately um collect data I also believe that there is some moral obligation of our incoming parents to provide accurate information do I believe there should be some degree of consequence to this parent yes do I believe it warrants termination no I think we must all consider the impact that all of this is having on the child have we ever thought about even at this very moment how this particular child is feeling the impact that this is having on this particular child it's not just about the parent we have as a board and obligation to look out for the interest of the child as well and whatever decision we make with this family is going to impact that child and I believe that based upon I believe all of us dropped the ball in some form or way we needed to collect information accurately we needed to follow procedures with Fidelity and I'm not sure we did that the parent needed to report accurate information and I'm not sure they did that either I don't believe termination is the right consequence I believe that's very harsh that's severe I believe that will be impactful to the family to the child the child is already been significantly impacted and I'm sure so I think we should move forward with this we should move Beyond this we should provide some level of consequence to the parent but certainly not termination and because of that I would like to make a motion that we uh have a 5day suspension for the parent and not termination second move by wholeness second by Zan public comment on the motion go ahead microphone keep trying check oh okay um hi pH shaver pompo Beach um on this motion I I think the recommendation should be no action taken on this employee uh enough points have been made that uh several people were involved several people knew and this employee has been through enough thanks go ahead uh thank you so much for the motion uh Dr holess I think that's fair um and um appreciate that you took the time to ask all the pertinent questions um I appreciate the district trying to do the best they can based on all the laws that are provided and I know that you guys are trying to navigate yourselves but I think it's best that you do provide um not termination but some other form of consequences thank you Natalie Lynch Walsh Plantation Florida I appreciate the not terminating but I think it doesn't go go far enough the SIU investigation itself needs to be investigated thank you madam chair is it one minute we have to speak or three minutes one minute it's one minute first I don't know if SIU committed a a crime I believe that when you testify before a school board or any governing body and State of Florida you have to speak truthfully um I will read from uh line 23 detective Thomas nonan you had no idea that it was a biological male that you were dealing with line 28 you didn't know that it was a biological male SIU lied to you misrepresented it I believe this item either needs to be tabled or there should be no discipline at all I have no faith or trust in Siu's investigation I feel that there's problems already with this investigation and The credibility of it the credibility of those who spoke and I believe this is a political problem and you're coming up with a political solution I want to support Dr holness but this is a political issue this is not a real issue you know this school board has failed to address protections for all students thank you thank you so much any other public speaker for member comment on the motion and just to I just want to make sure um it's on Jessica Norton number five that you're speaking to that is correct Mom okay mad employee Jessica Norton yeah yes okay Miss Hixon I'd actually like to make a substitute motion um the you said 10 days suspension five days okay so I would like to the suggestion was a 10day suspension and also um that that the employee isn't able to work with records anymore because based on what we read in the the records um I just don't believe that she understands sity of what happened when she decided to do what she did and would not feel bad doing it again so I appreciate a mom fighting for the rights of her child and I appreciate that this really crossed a lot of different lines other people did know as was mentioned um but her her protecting her child her daughter affected so many other people and children as you just heard they were they were sanctioned by money so their athletic department lost money students weren't able to play any sports again so if we continue because it is a law whether we like it or not it's a law and it affects other students so it's really important that we make a point that we can't continue to do this we may not like the law we don't all maybe agree with it but unfortunately it's a law we have to follow and we are models for our students and if you choose to break a law just like when you drive if you're caught speeding you get a speeding ticket um and if you continue to Speed it it goes progressively like that this is her first discipline issue so I I think we should go based on what was suggested but I would also like to suggest that she not able to hold a position that can change records on students I don't know what that would look like I'd also just to like quick make a moot I mean also just a comment the information that was given to the reporter wasn't given directly it was an interview for endorsements through the Sun Sentinel and he happened to be sitting in on them so that's why you had some people and not others where he had quotes it was not us giving an interview to a particular reporter it was a question that was asked in that in that interview and that's where that information came from thank you can we get back to the motion I think I heard a motion can we repeat the motion because I heard a whole lot more so yes the motion is um The Substitute motion substitute motion to suspend Jus conort for 10 days and also um not allow her to continue to have a position that she has access to changing records okay Mrs fam do you want to speak on the motion yeah Yes Yes actually um I want wait hold on is there there was a second who second it okay is there a second I thought she say something sorry I'll second for discussion chair okay it's moved by hickon second by fogan spam okay and then I'd like to make an amendment to that motion um first of all I think it's ludicrous the statement where they're trying to shift the burden to the school board to say that this is somehow their fault or they dropped the ball I I think um it's um completely financially impossible for the school board to investigate every student's birth certificate that would inquire require us to investigate all kinds of certifications and license including driver's license students driving up to school we would have to check all the court records to see if the parents who really had custody or how the shared custody went um we would also have to check um arrests to see if the student had prior arrests and they were not disclosed we would have to investigate vaccines we would have to go back and and analyze and contact all the doctors did you really give this or is this falsified so and it would even come down to um identity is this child really the person that they're presenting themselves do we need to go through fingerprinting I think this impossible task not only it's financially irresponsible I think what happened here is that we Rel lied to and we relied on what we were told and we believe them until someone gives us the reason or the doubt not to believe why would we shift our gear and say we don't trust you we're going to investigate you and flip this whole thing into an investigation of every parent that has a child in our school district I think that's absolutely ludicrous so the fact is here that the law was broken it has nothing to do with how the student feels it has nothing to do with that when masks La were broken did you ask how the students felt before you marched them out of the school did you did you not refuse to teach them did you care about that that they wanted to be taught they didn't want to be at home isolated and on their computer they wanted to be present so you cannot just keep moving the pendulum when it's convenient you have to be firm fair and consistent and that's what this District lacks is objectivity it's ruled by emotion instead of looking at the big picture and applying facts to a situation um I'm going to go into other things but at this point I just want to say that to this specific motion that if um if we go down this road again then we are going to have to investigate everything and get ready to get your checkbooks out because it's not going to be a free ride cuz we can't afford it but can you afford it and do you want us digging into your background to that level not because you did anything but because someone else did it and their word wasn't honest it wasn't forthright and therefore they created suspicion through the whole County I don't think you should be parents penalized cuz you've done nothing wrong we're not trying to I'm not trying to hold you accountable you had nothing to do with this the fact is this law exists the fact is this family knew the law was this they were involved in a lawsuit lawsuit I looked it up they had five different uh law firms representing them and they come here and say well I just didn't understand I just didn't get it this isn't my fault well guess what anyone else would file a lawsuit against their different law firms for legal malpractice and they would be making a bootload of money for it if they said those attorneys never informed them they didn't tell them they didn't understand when they walked out of the courtroom and their lawsuit was dismissed we didn't know that meant something so that doesn't make sense and if if those attorneys did that and you were blindsided you never saw this coming that you had to be honest you had to disclose they never discussed this law with you which was on the books to explain it to you you never took the time to look at it or invest investigate on your own since you were already involved in a situation that is geared for then go sue them and become mil thank you Miss rert can anybody hear me yes did you say yes yes oh my gosh a miracle um okay so we're on the um the motion for a 10day suspension for uh Miss Norton and how I feel about that I I'm Gonna Save my comments for when the item comes back um for the whole item but I'm not in favor of a 10day suspension um but I'm also not in favor of terminating either so I will yield back thank you MRT any other board member on the motion Mr have a question uh Mr superintendent have you injected politics uh in any of your recommendations uh on item H4 no sir thank you sir um because I think I heard some very extreme partisan mean-spirited individuals under the guise of fighting for the community and children give me a break second thing did the Schoolboard vote in 2021 to oppose the fairness and women's sports act Mr superintendent or councel Dr I defer to council since I wasn't here in 2021 Miss Batista neither was I miss Batista um I believe that it wasn't a vote against uh against the law per se they said that they were going to follow the law um if I recall the vote correctly um and I think I I spoke to it as well and the vote was that um they did were not in approval of the law but that they were going to follow the law so was there a resolution that was passed by the board in 2021 correct what was the title of that resolution I I do not recall can we ask the school board Clerk or someone that has that information Dr heurn yes give give us a minute to pull that resolution we can wait I I'll wait for it because it's it's a very substantive Point uh and I know that it's clearly available I can get it in 10 seconds if the if staff can't pull it because I have it here we you say a few minutes and we'll be able to pull it problem thank you read it question Dr holness I still have the floor Madam chair because I still have a series of questions I'm sorry Dr holness I understand I I was just asking a quick question in of waiting for that information that you need you know what I defer to you you you can go right ahead Dr holness sure um I just need clarification of the uh of the motion um board member Hixon um with regards to the second part of the motion to not be in uh the the current position will it are you implying a lateral move to another position with the same pay Mr I would defer to the superintendent to decide what that is it's a clerical position so I I don't have a problem with that the issue is being able to access and change records I I understand but I I want to make sure that we are not speaking of the motion that we're speaking of a lateral move that would involve the same pay for this parent because then that would add a different component to your motion yeah I didn't say the motion so okay so it's a lateral move okay okay Mr allson has the floor I'm waiting for staff to got it pulled up if you me to read it no I I wanted to come from an official neutral party which I thought was a school board Clerk or our parliamentarian or our chief of legislative communication someone who's a neutral party to this I do have the resolution in front of me thank you madam chair am I still recognized for questions I don't know if this is taken from my time because I'm asking staff questions uh if you could just clarify what was the title of the resolution that the board passed in June 2021 the proclamation declares the school board of Broward County Florida opposes the fairness and women's act which bars certain transgender students from playing sports got it did that motion pass Madam chair Dr hurn Mr salivan I believe it did do we know the vote count on that uh resolution that the board passed in 2021 I do not have the vote count in front of me got it so Council the board corporate took a vote uh back in 2021 clearly sending some direction uh out to the universe uh I think your answer is it probably has no binding effect but clearly the board took some action what does that mean when the board uh approves a resolution because we do it regularly Mr the resolution has um it it shows what the beliefs of the board are got it so the beliefs of the board in your position was that to support or oppose the law the resolution opposed the law got it okay uh so subsequent actions that individuals took was uh in support of what the board position was at the time is that your perspective I'm not sure that I can really answer that question okay so I think the results also show that clearly uh superintendent former superintendent runy cartright all and folks under were aware of some of this information I think our current superintendent is aware because there's an item today uh that he did not inject Politics on I think there was a comment before that a superintendent before you was not aware of any of this information do we know if uh former superintendent lado was aware of any of this information because it looks like three were aware uh but I think the statement that was made to the board was one superintendent wasn't aware so I just want to understand that TR aware of this specific concern that we're discussing yes as when the tip came in Dr Lata and I um rallied our team to start taking action as far as due process and investigation got it so that's counter to what former superintendent Lata told this board is that fair I'm I'm not um sure what the specific question is on in on the followup all so I'll make the statement so superintendent L was very firm in his public statements to the board um and to the public that he was not aware of any information uh any prior actions uh activity by the district uh and or the school board so I think based on the information that's in the public domain today I think we're very clear uh that this has been going on for a while is that a fair statement just kind of generally well I don't want to speak on behalf of Dr Lata but with my interaction at that time I don't think either one of us were aware of the resolution and passport action not referring to the resolution but clearly uh you are aware of clearly what has taken place when you were Deputy superintendent all the way to now correct so my assumption is if you were Deputy superintendent and everyone else under you uh I also have to assume that the prior superintendent was also aware because I think everything I've read showed that runy cartri and now her bur clearly were aware is that fair correct that's fair all right just want to make sure that I'm clear on that because that was a key point that was made uh is the motion taking action on a child Madam chair no okay do we know if any other employee violated state law and I think you already answered this question Miss superintendent Dr no from my review investigation from the the implementation of that law no other employee um violated state law so in your view uh how did you determine uh that the employee and I'm assuming we're talking about number five violated state law simply willfully um neglected to provide accurate information about their child as an employee okay does the recommendation before us reflect similarly situated individuals in the same situation now I'm asking a partial legal question and partial HR question um I would say this is probably unprecedented since it's a because of this new law so I can't compare it to another case because this is something different and separate so okay so let's let's separate this new law has the school board disciplined any employee for breaking the law I defer to um m p Miss Patia yes the school board regularly disciplines employees for breaking the law I thought that was the answer so for all employees and hopefully HR is listening to this and approaching the podium um we know that there is a series of employees that have broke state law over a period of time as we look at that pool of individuals of employees is this a similarly situated recommended action based off of all the information provided Miss Batista so for something to be similarly situated that means that all of the other employees had to be under the same circum circumstances and acting in the same manner and there are no other employees that fall within that perview so let me ask the question differently we just acknowledg that there are employees who have broke state law and that the brow school board has disciplined in the past of those group of employees that only you know because the board doesn't get into operations or at least we shouldn't of those individuals does this recommended action by the superintendent I'm not referring to any other action does that fall in line with those employees in that pool I'm looking at you both you you you two would know the answer to that the best way I can answer that question if I may Mr assero is that um we have just heard uh previously the superintendent and and I think HR would concur that um when you have a parent who is also so an employee and for example violates the law where they do are not truthful in where the residence is or what not that the employee is also um disciplined for that so in that uh that would be similar in that sense to what is happening here all right so let me ask a very data driven question because everyone I'm actually board member folen holy um I actually don't have have my mind made up uh but I know I know how to read as well so the reason I asked the question is because I love for the board to actually see a list of individuals who have broke state law before what those actions are or the action that the board took versus what was the recommended action from the district do we have that ready and available for the board to make an informed decision today go ahead misso no we do not we'd have to of all past employees that have broken a law that have had a discipline it's not readily available we'd have to follow up on that I get it so the reason I'm asking the question we're being put in a position and I'm ready to make a decision but to make a decision on an unprecedented action quote unquote based on one prior law but there are many laws that are clearly been passed that we all took an oath to I think I think thought nine of us did whether you're elected or appointed so for us to make a very data informed decision I as a board member would love to see all employees even just in the last five years how many employees have broke state law before are they administrative are they clerical right what's the type or nature of the role The Authority given to that type of position right we're talking about all those things what was the action from the administrative side what was the subsequent board action that's a very simple request that could be provided to the board so for me not knowing that everyone's already made their conclusions about what's fair actually what's fair is when we have data that would actually show it I have not made a decision on what's fair quote unquote what's Equitable quote unquote and what's the right thing to do the right thing to do is actually to get the data so we know as a board so what I like to do which is probably not popular Mr superintendent because I actually don't believe you injected politics today um and I don't think you have since you've actually been superintendent or Deputy superintendent so I like to unfortunately and I think I have the right to offer another substitute motion because we don't have enough information today unfortunately think we can do this i' like to table am I cut off Madam chair because I've been talking I've been talking to staff I haven't been talking thank you I like to table number five so staff can bring the appropriate information for the board to consider all the things I referenced and probably more and we bring this back to the next meeting and I'm going to defer to the superintendent to figure out what that next meeting should be if it's next Tuesday if it's our meeting in August but we should not be rushing on this type of decision if we all quote unquote want to be honest and fair second been moved by Allon second by alaf public comment on the motion on the motion oh hello School Board Chris Nelson glad I could stop in see we're having a normal day today huh so um yeah I agree with uh board member Austin's motion to table this and uh also I brought a copy of this H Proclamation that you guys did back in 2021 and I remember Miss Hixon you were there and who else is there you were there this is your warning Mr Nelson my warning you guys are sending signals Hi how are you doing uh today chair um you guys are sending signals in this Proclamation the city of Fort Lauderdale issued a resolution opposing this harmful legislation this was a protection of women of uh the protection of women sports act on April 20th 2021 directing the city state lobbyist to Advocate against it okay you have that right to go up there and Advocate against it but then you turned around and said the uh the school board of Broward County hereby proclaims that their support of transgender youth who deserve a life Nelson please yeld the microphone you're not speaking on the motion thank you next speaker y the microphone this is your warning thank you next speaker uh Jackie Lum cor spring sorry I don't know if the rules still allow for us to seed time but if they do I would seed mine to Michael rer thank you two minutes good morning again board members um one uh Miss Norton as it's documented in the report never lied about her child's gender she provided the birth certificate prior to this is your warning please speak on the motion this is to table item could you restate the motion please so I can sub motion is to table number five to bring a uh bring a for staff to bring back appropriate information to the next meeting determined by the super super intendent so Madam shair um I believe a a motion to postpone is a subsid I can't hear the general counsel a motion to postpone is a subsidiary motion it is not a substitute motion um so the subsidiary motion is as to the main motion um and not as to a substitute motion which is already on the table so which motion am I responding to I'm sorry now to table to table yep only number five the only concerns I had with tabling is um there have been a lot of lies and if we're going to be collecting data there's already been some data that's been reported within the reports there's been misrepresentations made um you know regarding a birth certificate and other things um I think those need to be looked at I know that there was a remark even as to why this is being tabled about whether this is political I did speak with superintendent Lata about last week and his response on this when we spoke about it certainly was one of a political nature um and not necessarily on the actual issue itself and so um you know this this individual has suffered along enough the child has also suffered as a result of the family suffering um from The Angst um you know I don't know if if delaying this is going to accomplish anything I actually think everything the termination to its entirety should be voted down I do believe that SIU did not provide you with truthful testimony today and so I think a a delay in further postponing this is not going to resolve anything I think you're going to continue to find just more debate over this that will lend to the political nature of regretfully this situation and what laws what proclamations were passed um when the Proclamation was passed it was made clear that it's only the board expressing its Sense on the law it was not directing or giving guidance and proper guidance has never been given to LGBT students or faculty over the lastone thank you thank you any other speaker on the motion to table hello hi on the motion I support the motion um I also would like for the superintendent to have the opportunity to take extra time to consider his recommendation thank you any other speakers seeing none so I'm going to speak to the motion first um I I second it I agree with tabling it I think it's important that we get all the information there was some documents that were sent to the school board that I would like to have some extra time to review and then also to Mr alon's uh point to get that data and information to better drive our decision as a school board Miss txon thank you I also agree um it would be good to have the information of how long what was the consequence if someone broke a law and I will just say very frustrating that we got I don't even know how many pages it was but but the report at 5:30 in the evening which I didn't get to until 10:00 last night read it all um and you know this was a big big deal and it was very frustrating to get that information the night before and not really feel like you were as prepared as you'd like to be so I appreciate that if there's any more documentation we don't have um I I would hope that you'd send it along to us today so that we'd have a week to be able to digest itk you miss lardy I think some additional information that might be helpful would be around um what legal documents can a parent use and provide to register their child um and how those documents uh relate to this issue um so it's my understanding that are that there are some documents that can be used um that do not reflect the sex at Birth um to register a child so a parent in theory isn't providing false documentation so I think that needs to be um laid out to the board as well thank you Dr Hess thank you madam chair so um uh first I would like to mention that whatever actions we take um regarding this parent will impact the child even though the action is not directly uh to the child secondly um I would I would encourage board members that we all have the agenda and I understand the last minute information that we received but we all have the board's agenda we have information and to ask questions that require extensive research such as such as comparative data of other similar situations of consequence uh that these should be asked way in advance because we're always going to continue to come up with information with questions that require detailed research by staff and I don't think it's fair to have those questions on the day of the meeting those questions should have been submitted long before so staff would have had that data to present to us so if we needed comparative data to make her decision then ask for it ask for it in advance now the last minute information that came I understand that I understand that it was detailed it was it was thorough but if any board member here needs additional information that will require extensive research as a board member I think it's important even with respect to the public to ask for that information way in advance and not postpone meeting uh board items as a result of not being able to get information that's requested while we're here in addition to that I just like to mention that I do not support delaying this I think this family has suffered enough I think the child has suffered enough and if we're going to delay this and if we're going to postpone this is suggest that we have a special board meeting a week from now when we have our Workshop to proceed with this item Mr F thank you very much chair and um I understand the motion I think this is going to be the second time that we postpone this um and in response to that that comment I don't think that anybody's prepared to to have responses to motions unless we know what's going on right so things change um but again I want to go back to the previous point that I made of when we talk about it we make a motion and we say okay we want a 5day suspension well now we want a 10day suspension well I think it should be 15 like it where is the map here what are we what are we looking at because it's constantly going to change of what people's opinions are so superintendent I think it it again it goes to that question right what map are you using are you using personal opinion right uh what what do we what map are we using here so again I'm not a fan of pushing it back I agree we we should have this but again we were prepared to take a vote if somebody's going to be terminated or not today and that took a turn so now things change uh the discussion make things change so I understand of getting more more information more backup um but yeah I'm just not a fan of keep keep pushing things back over and over again thank you chair Dr Zan thank you chair um we can uh table this for a while and we can gather more data um at the end of the day as multiple people have pointed out this is unique circumstance um I want to make sure people understand that Broward County as a community though is dedicated to all people to lgbtq people to transsexual people they're people too to ID to hearing a disabled to disabled in any other way tall short our job is to educate everybody in brard county and along the way we're supposed to treat them with respect and dignity and caring and compassion so it's fine to get more information but the information we're not going to get is what happened throughout this whole case what balls were dropped what human beings were devastated and when we're done with this vote on one person in a personel action we're going to have to think hard about the next transsexual student and how we treat them so tabling this is fine Gathering some more hard data it might be interesting but the right thing to do is actually figure out how we're supposed to treat students in Brower County Schools all students in Broward County Schools transsexual students are students too gay students are students too disabled students are students too and we failed and we've got to get that right and that's what we have that's really what we owe the community and that's what we owe this family is to make sure that there's no other family that goes through this again because everyone here has mentioned that we dropped the ball at some point so let's admit that we didn't do this right and let's get it right next time thank you chair thank you okay we're going to do miss fam mam chair thank you um I find it interesting that on one end um a board member will say um you should have done a more thorough investigation you should have looked at the birth certificate and then five minutes later say well we want to do a more expansive investigation and compare how um we've ruled in the past and and the penalty that's been imposed that that's too um vigorous of an an investigation and would take up too much time what we're here and the reason we're asking for this add additional information which we couldn't have foreseen is because there's been the allegation that this is all political that this claim is political so let's look into the past what we've done and dispel that horrible rumor that shouldn't be thrown in us because this is not about politics at all and this is not about the child no allegation has been alleged here that this student was mistreated there's never been that not about that at all this is about the actions of an adult an employee of the district that's what we're looking that's what our vision is looking at that conduct and where that fell that person had an obligation as an employee to be fair and honest they put us as as um Miss hixen brought out very elant in a really difficult position where this District could have been liable in many different ways if another student had gotten hurt if another student had not gotten a scholarship that they would have otherwise been entitled to because their position had been uh taken by someone that was otherwise ineligible um if we are going to be a fair and honest board which apparently a lot of you have questions about it's our duty to do our due diligence so don't quash us and say now we just want you to look in One Direction and be myopic and not have a peripheral view of what's going on so you can't have it both ways so I am in support of this motion I am support that yes we do table it that um we get the documentation I don't even um know that we need to to go through it we got that report last night I don't know if there is anything supplemental I did not get it but I wouldn't mind seeing it of course um but we need to be able to look at what has transpired in the past and as I said before firm fair treatment if in the past people have been fired for breaking the law in our schools then that's where we go that's the direction we go in period it doesn't matter that there's a student involved the student did nothing has nothing to do with being gay if this person if this parent misrepresented uh on an insurance policy with our school district that this was her child what it really wasn't we wouldn't be sitting here saying oh but the poor child needed an insurance it's not about that stay focused everyone stay objective and leave the otion out of it this is how we fail once we go down the emotional path and trip and trot you know that's where we flaw we we falter because you have to look at this from an objective position and that's what we're going to do when we get those documents thank you Dr hurn can you speak to the date you feel comfortable with bringing this back oh I was going to insert to next week is that fair um so we will bring this back August 21st if if we collect all this information prior to that we will send the information in the memo to the board just so you have that information if we get the all this information prior to next Tuesday's meeting um we'll we'll we'll try and add it I want to yeah I appreciate the recommendation um but I'm going to meet uh the board members in the middle here because I know that it's readily available because I've been on both sides of this HR has clearly a list of the last 10 I'm making up a number 10 years of every employee that would fall in that category so um I was ready to make a decision today board members um but I also know that based on my questions and many that just came up were not answered so I will never um be rushed into making an informed decision that is not informed I hope the board actually appreciates demonstrating transparency I think the chair always talks about one of the character traits of honesty honesty is looking the community in the eye to say this board actually has looked at every piece of information has asked every tough question and then we made a decision this board will not take a decision or make a decision that some have made in the past I won't do it we all know state law let me speak for myself I will follow state law I will follow board policy but I will also do what's right so I am uh making clear in the motion Madame chair uh that we do this next Tuesday we already have a schedule meeting um let's not continue to you know push this out this is readily available information that I'm hoping staff will start working on in the next 10 minutes and within two days if there's any information that this Board needs that we'll have it so we can bring this to hopefully conclusion uh by next Tuesday so that is the I want to be clear I want to clear clarify that's the motion on the floor we work on the information staff brings it they have 2 three days to get it done and this is back before us next Tuesday it's already a scheduled meeting that we're meeting thank you July 30th M rert Madam chair can you hear me speak CL okay um okay great would I would like I I can you hear me now yes okay good um I would I would like to uh speak on um the uh recommendation for the um postponement or defer it and um I wanted to add to the list of data that is being requested any emails from the state of uh uh Florida doe to the super intendent and any Deputy superintendents and board members I think it's a very important that there is no suspicion that we have been politicking either for or against this and I think the way to do that is to actually show um that either the state has asked for their stuff as soon as they heard about it and what we responded to um and and that that could be done in a a day or two I'm sure it's already available for next week's vote um that's that's what I have to say about that I had a ton more to say but if we're going to defer it then I'll ask those questions then but if we're doing this one I certainly want to make sure that we uh defer um the one before this number four and ask for the same data for uh going back a few years to see what the pattern is or the pattern of success so we can vote with data mind um thank you I'm ready to vote Miss Leonard yeah I'm pleased that we're not hearing the term kicking the can down the road today um I think more information is is better uh to make an informed decision so I'll support deferring it thank you thank you all right so everyone's clear we're going to do a roll call the the motion is from Mr Alon the subsidary motion is to table number five and bring back more information and data to the July 30th school board meeting roll call school board members ala yes Austin highly in favor of famam abolutely fogan holy yes Hixon Honus no leonardy yes rert Miss rert yes I said yes Zan yes Hixon yes 81 Madam chair okay thank you now we're back to number four Mr Alon thank you madam chair uh I'm I'm very simple I've heard the back and forth um I'm not going to demean or kind of question the process if we could also maybe table this one as well um let me back up I move that we table number for uh to ensure that all the questions that we've heard both sides they can do what's needed uh and it comes back to the board also for uh consideration second move by I'm do Yeah Austin second by wholeness public comment on the motion board member comment on the motion Mr fogy yes chair uh thank you very much and I think we can learn from this right I think in this situation maybe future reference when we talk about any are going to be recommended a history of same Behavior coming with a backup as well I think it would be very helpful um yeah just thr it out there thank you chair leonardy um do we have a date that we're okay yeah sorry samam yes um specifically in your motion when when you formulate it I would like to get all the information um in involved in the last investigation because mine again was everything was splatted together and um if we can have the the separate facts of what we're actually looking at that last incident because that carries the most weight thank you any other board member public comment on okay uh Michael rer um in bringing it back if we can please post all the documents on the web page for transparency for the public it has been uh circus trying to figure out how to get documents and how to request them um ALS Alo make sure to request uh superintendent Run's calendar for uh February 21 which I have a copy of we're on a different item yeah well when you're talking about bringing items back though um and also if people should be returning to their job I I just would hope that you also have conversations uh when you bring this back that people don't get quietly non-renewed uh come uh next June thank you thank you any other public speaker can't mohorn pompo Beach um just also I agree with tbling it however make sure that you read the policy that we're following the policy that the board has approved when actually relooking at all the paperwork that the policy is being followed and also when they make these decisions about okay nonrenewal and making sure that when they're they're giving them the ultimatum it is either you sign the paper or you do not get renewed so it is very important that you look at these things and what's behind it all and who's behind it all when it comes to some of the the principles thank you thank you Vincente throw up pumpo Beach um thank you to the board for um for this consideration and but I will also go on the record again and say to the chair and to the board members you got to do things and be fair about it and this is somebody life you're messing with and I think this body needs to be more sensitive when you're talking about how and what the people perceive you all to be doing this is once again somebody's life somebody's sister somebody's daughter and I think this body deserves to show us as stakeholders that you all make better decisions when staff give you recommendations about people's lives thank you hold on a second beon can you turn her Rec on please try now she be on okay I just want to Echo what everything what was said today and in particular with Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh I would really like for the board to investigate the investigation the entire in investigation into my process was an entire and and I hate to use this word but it was a sham um even documents that I submitted to be looked at I went through almost like I was a court reporter through the SIU investigation and almost line by line pointing out inconsistencies I don't see it um I also had um them to submit a document for this bullying investigation where I pointed out all of the ACC accusers and why they had motive I don't see it as a part of it um I just think that the investigation needs to be investigated thank you thank you microphone try now Natalie Lynch Walsh Plantation Florida I am in favor of tabling this um to investigate because there's definitely an uptick in false accusations false investigations and yes you are playing with people's lives and if you're going to start terminating people you need to start terminating the people that are lying thank you point of clarification Mrs fam's your point um directed to miss Pisa if there is a policy or um some law that's referring that we should uh if a complaint's not filed within a certain time period Then it it it's not valid 90 days or whatever I heard reference to complaints surfacing years later later from 2011 that they they didn't know exist so if there's any kind of policy we should know about that would you please include that with your information but the cut off of information when you have to to file or come forward thank you yes that that would be policy 4.9 hear M I hear talk closer to the microphone they can't hear that would be policy 4.9 yes any other it will be included I'm sorry Charon yes thank you madam chair just want to be clear also the motion on the floor um I would also recommend if also next Tuesday is appropriate um again just want to make sure we've followed all board policies I've heard you've heard the back and forth on due process and appeals just all of that you guys work that out between uh our long standing employee and whoever HR you know uh SIU whomever is the appropriate party so you all figure that out bring it back next Tuesday that's my recommendation okay all in favor of tabling number four say I I those opposed say no item number four is table all in favor of H4 as amended say I I I those oppose say no H4 passes as amended may we voted already on it great work everyone oh H7 no to do rr2 we have a motion second on rr2 R move we have time certain which we pass that time but moved by fogan Holly second by f Dam public comment rr2 that's student generation rate and school impact fee study update we have a registered Sam Yates and Chuck um I believe it's Becker Madam chair board I'm Sam Yates the executive officer for the Gold Coast Builders Association I'd like to thank you for accepting my email in opposition to increasing the impact fee there are others who are going to speak on some of the legal points and some of the finer points but I trust that you're going to take the correct action based on what I have just seen your interest is for the boys and girls and the population of brow County I'm very impressed I'm going to point out that increasing the impact fee has a tremendous impact on affordability and more importantly attainability of housing in Broward County when I see the number of student station deficiencies that show up in your report big question mark I used to be an investigative reporter don't shoot me in that capacity I would be raising questions on why there are those numbers the important part of that is by increasing the cost of housing through impact fees we're impacting to use the word our First Responders our teachers our firefighters who are being forced out of the housing market or not being allowed into the housing market by the increase that's going to be passed on from the impact fee I'll let everyone else address the finer points but I just want you to know that when your students go home the homes that they are living in with their parents grandparents guardians or caretakers are homes that hopefully are attainable but if we have increased fees that becomes diminished thank you for listening to me today and I will let the rest of our speakers here today carry on with the other points our next register speaker is G jaran good afternoon everybody superintendent board members uh my name is Chuck Breer I'm an attorney in Fort Lauderdale but importantly here today as a board member of the companion Builders Association of South Florida uh Sam's organization covers half of the county we cover the other half and I want to point out some very essential facts that are so critical to the discussion that all of you are having regarding impact fee increases um this is a very rough economic time I'm sure many of you are aware believe it or not even Builders and developers are feeling it uh head on they are seeing construction costs increase interest rates spiking uh we know what insurance costs have happen and listen it's no surprise that the national media has described South Florida including Broward County as the home of the most rapidly increasing housing costs in the country we cannot add to that it would be shameful for us from an Optics standpoint for us to have to explain how now consumers buyers who are struggling to buy especially affordable and Workforce housing are now facing even more increases on top of that it is our understanding that there are about 40 3,000 student stations now available we're not we're not filling even what we have in place um there are certainly indications that further closing of schools will take place and I understand that there are no student stations that are being added for the next 5 years I.E no justification for an increase in fees we believe that it is wrongful for the purpose enunciated to to have that increased Supply to Debt Service that doesn't comply with state law but I won't even get into that legal argument again I'll say from a practicality standpoint we cannot have housing prices increase more than they have already I thank you for your time appreciate it thank you next speaker good morning morning oh I'm sorry how are you I'm ski Jernigan I'm representing the Builders Association of South Florida and and Gold Coast Builders Association I've had the pleasure of speaking with some of the school board members um our concerns uh over the proposed in increase of school impact fees arise from both Technical and legal questions but primarily issues relating to public policy and public perception the public questions why the district is considering increasing fees on new home home buyers when there are more than 43,000 vacant student stations taxpayers wonder why the fee increase is necessary when the district is talking of closing 5 to8 schools and eliminating capacity is it good public policy to propose new fees when the district has no plans within their five-year Capital Improvement plan to build new student capacity the district is not using School impact Fe fees to create new capacity for new students coming from new homes the district is however using School impact fees to pay down debt services on certificates of participation that are years old and loans that were engaged in before current fee payer payers ever came to Broward County we consider this to be the wrong approach in the year 2023 the district collected $28 million in Impact fees they use nearly 25 million of that 28 to pay down Debt Service on Cops still a wrong public policy most importantly the public policy perspective at this time is the fact that the increased fees also increase the cost of all housing and rental properties as well which is the entry level and the most attainable of all housing for people who are housing challenged the proposed fee of $16,600 for a four-bedroom house has a negative effect on on the ability of homeowners like teachers police and fire Personnel to buy homes for these and other reasons the Builders Association of South Florida Gold Coast Builders Association contend that this is not the time to raise fees we collectively urge you to vote no on the fee increase and vote no on the motion to transmit the study to the board of County Commissioners thank you very much I'll answer any questions if you have any thank you any other speakers no okay board member comments I have oh anybody miss fam all thank you um I did a little investigative work on my own and um essentially what I came up with that impact fees are not generated or established for the primary purpose of generating revenue for the general benefit of the community and that's what we would be doing here if we impose this tax we're not doing it because we need more uh space to expand because we're growing student population so we would be disingenuous and on top of that we've already um the board members have voted to increase school taxes and it's my understanding based on a public record search I did that um this board is looking to uh impose another referendum I don't think the community can withstand it I don't think they have the finances or the wherewithal so I will not be supporting an increase thank you okay Dr holness thank you madam chair can can staff speak on how increasing impact fees um benefit the district or and also the necessity of doing so at this time for the knowledge of the public Mr AR miss aaba you can actually come up here miss aaba if you need to um open up your binder good afternoon oops good afternoon board members uh Chris acus director of facility plan and real estate can't hear can't hear we turn his mic up please this one right here Chris you can hear me now okay sorry um omim should be coming in very soon um so impact fee um basically what we've given you we have to do this study at least at once every three years paid into local agreement that the school board has with bar County in 27 cities pretty much what you have in front of you you have two recommendations the student generation rate which is the multiplier we use to determine how many students are going to come from proposed residential development and then secondly the impact fee so what what you have in front of you based on the workshop uh takeaway was to give you additional options so you have three options T 11 12 and 13 uh to determine what impact fee and then we also show you what revenues you're going to get for the next five years based on each category now to why impact fees the word impact fee is the impact that the proposed development is going to create to pretty much mitigates uh that student impact pretty much um the baren landine development code which is where impact fees is authorized is number one to provide capacity either via um land you know acquisition of land Building of a new school um expansion of capacity to pay debt service that's also in the code right now and we as you know have borrowed money in the past and build schools and uh we're still paying those debt Mr shim just came came into the room he can elaborate further on that uh based on the code also we can use impact fee to pay for illary and then buses okay so those are all affiliated with impact fee one of the key languages rational Nexus meaning a developer who's creating the impact will then benefit so they you know pretty much are creating the impact then when we spend that money based on the student they generate we're using that money that they paid to pretty much mitigate at the student they created so again the need for impact fee right now there's four categories but pretty much to address the impact fee but most importantly right now is The Debt Service and Mr shim just came into the room and you can elaborate on that and understanding we still have at least four to 5 years worth of that service to pay based on what we buil before okay so Mr akabo um so can you reiterate through the superintendent to the public um who who pays the impact fees who pays the impact fees yes is that a question well the developers pay the impact fee um so impact fee when a developer proposes new residential development then per per BR can line development code impact fees are due and then the impact fee is based on the uh type of residential type and then bedroom mix that the developer is buil in and then that determines the impact fee okay thank you Mr Alon yes uh thank you madam chair uh and thank you to staff I know this item is back um I recall during the workshop that there was a split um so that's why I want to understand kind of what staff is asking I get the recommendations a I know staff has been clear under the requested action kind of because it's buried under actually hold on a second that's not where it was buried anyway I'll get back to that does this reflect the takeaway from the Workshop because from what I recall there was no majority decision so help me understand what is before the board today so was before the board um the takeaway the key takeaway we it's in the executive summary in that I remember you made that suggestion that we collaps the categories and the response was we will do that in the next study because to do that you have to look at the pros and cons regarding uh potential um impact on the Schoolboard getting you know whatever Revenue so that's going to be done done in the next cycle which is going to be in three years and then the other thing is was to come up with various options regarding the impact fee because one of the concern is the um potential impact to affordable housing in BR County and I just want to remind the board since 1987 the school board has been W um waving School impact fees I get it we've waved over $6 million till today all right so let's let's just so let's just fast forward let's be back right fast forward so the main uh what the board told us was to come back with options right the fees in terms of the fee categories so what we've done is we have three options so wait wait I that's kind of my pause if you don't mind Madam chair so did you hear a majority decision to do what you have in bold on page three of three which says staff recommends that the school board of BR County should increase the current allocation did you get a majority poll a majority takeaway from that Workshop to do that that was was before you today it's not to no I know it's before us let's let's take one step at a time yeah what you have in bold on page three of three was there a majority decision or did you hear a majority of the board direct you to do that in this item the takeaway staff made a recommendation and there was no objection so so I think the fair answer is and I respect you the answer is no because I I clearly recall uh the breakdown of the board and the board conversation because I was a part of it so what I don't recall is the board on page three of three uh firmly suggesting that that's in bold that's where I asked so I know that I know the two-step that this does having been on the other side so what you're asking is for several things to happen and I get the hybrid coming that's not you know that was never a part of the uh the heartburn of the board at least from comments that I think you heard so this what you what staff has subsequently recommended which was not the direction of the board I don't think that should be a part of this item that's Point number one this board member so I'm going to make that motion the second part of this is when we transmit this over clearly we have to transmit something what staff is recommending subsequent to board direction is that we transmit this increase is that correct what we're recommending if you look at a resolution number number one is the student generation rate understand right so that's one two is going to be the school impact fee table 11 table 12 or table 13 based on which the board chooses because that was based on the directive from the board regarding coming back with options right so each of those tables are tiered in four years so the first table is what we brought to the board when we give the the workshop presentation the second table which is 12 is to um what do you call it um discount table 11 by 20% so the impact fees is at 80% and then te it again for four years and then the third table I remember Mrs I mean I'm sorry chair um SCU chair talked about just as a summary frezzing a category so not to go into the details in terms of the math so the single family three or less bedroom was frozen and then the percentage calculation was to use to determine what the other fees may be so if you look at the tables right each option gives you how much you may get and then option one gives you the most Revenue in five years option two gives you the less and then option three gives you the least right but remember option one is about 26 million option two 20 20 million and option three about 60 million so what we're asking the board two things number one student generation rate number two the school impact fees based on what table you choose we're going to fill in the blank and those that that was that's the recommendation that goes from the school board well sorry madam chair where was the uh recommendation to do nothing to freeze well the fre because I recall for I mean come on you I want to hit every you heard if I recall there were eight people present the freezing was on option three that's what I'm saying so the freezing was one category and then pretty much doing some math which increase the other categories but less the school board can choose today to freeze and retain the current School impact fees so based on that Madam chair I'd like to move that we do exactly what staff just recommended that we that I suggested at the workshop I thought others did as well um that we pause and we freeze the current rates where we are we've heard from our business owners uh many who reached out to us we've heard from industry and I think that we're prudent to do that because we haven't even talked about F3 yet Mr superintendent that's my motion second move by Austin second by Fen holy public comment on the motion board member comment Dr Zan thank you so much chair um chair uh I need to learn a little bit more about the $6 million that we decided not to collect uh from past impact fees in particular my curiosity is what does that process look like developers building a 20 unit complex here in Plantation uh the normal impact fee this is not affordable housing just you know uh uh General non affordable housing uh I just would like to learn more about the process where somebody at barer County School says no to realizing the revenue that comes from Impact fees Dr heer Mr doaba so since 1987 BR County public schools has been waving School impact fees and the waiver of impact fees as a category in brow County they bra and waves Park School um Road um U fees so since the school impact pce belong to the school board the school board Through Time used to do resolution right so when a developer is building or proposing affordable housing unit they submit application that app a part of that component is a certification from BR County saying that this um proposed unit is either very low low or moderate income through time the school board currently wave 100% of whatever the fees are right so if my impact fees um say pretend is $50,000 the school board will pretty much weave 50,000% so the school impact fee is Forgiven right right so what the board did I think there about in 20156 was the school board um set an allocation initially $375,000 per fysical year and so we go through that process and a developer will propose whatever they're proposing again we use part of the certification it has to be certified by B count we don't make that decision and then um the recommendation currently is $50,000 maximum per project so if my impact Fe is1 th000 we can only wave up to 50,000 so that's what we're currently doing right now so from the 375 currently is 450,000 it's a resolution so what school board member uh Austin was referring to we were just um recommending because that was one of the comment from replying Council staff that we increase that allocation to some number and I remember before Judy M left we spoke to her Mr shim is here consulted with him then we said okay maybe we can move it from 450,000 to 600 ,000 but again the certification is based on BR County and then as you know with any affordable housing there's a condition is going to be affordable for a time frame maybe 30 years so we just um the school board is working to enable housing affordability in BR County through that process and so far like I said it's approximately over 6 million through since um 1987 thanks chair um I just wanted to square that um the the waiver of 6 million I think is exclusively for certified affordable housing is that correct correct correct and uh how much revenue have we collected last year from Impact fees Dr heern Mr kabuso Omar testing hi good afternoon uh Omar shim director of capital budget um so far this year we've collected uh 9 yeah 9.1 million um but that's only through three quarters we haven't collected the final quarter uh this year um the prior year we collected 16 million 16.3 and the year before that 15.6 terrific and um according to the report in the summary that we got a bulk of that money goes to PID Debt Service is that correct that that is correct and if in fact this uh Revenue doesn't roll in uh how will we pay the debt Services we would have to take it uh from Capital millage terrific and uh I know you're very familiar with this um and I'm going to ask this in the reference of 2014 which I think is the last time we documented a facility shortfall but in terms of facility shortfall what would it cost today uh to have our facilities up to code and up to standards for K through2 education what is the backlog of facility and building in bar County Schools large I mean I don't have a number well let me let me update I mean we've we've talked about this number in 2014 uh it was $3 billion in 2024 it's not 3 billion because it doesn't cost the same to build things today we have not invested in our facilities in a way that allows that backlog to get smaller it's grown we would agree like the original 3 billion is bigger and it costs more so I mean just um I'll just I'll just say the backlogs significant if in fact we don't collect these impact fees if we don't allow for the market to kind of set the value and if we do continue chair to wave certified affordable housing I love the idea by the way of extending that up you know I don't think $450,000 is the um re reasonable limit anymore for affordable or Workforce housing or modest income housing so I love the idea of raising that uh chair is that increase in the affordable housing limit where we raise funds is that part of today's item Dr her Mr aabus no we will bring so that was the reason it was highlighted we just want to reemphasize if the board chooses will bring a separate resolution because you increase you set that set aside based on the resolution a resolution so if you gave us directive today then we'll bring a resolution at some point to increase it from 450 to $600,000 terrific um I would be very interested in that coming back to the board just as as one uh board member uh one more question chair what is the estimate of Revenue uh what's the difference in revenue between option one you know kind of the uh allow for uh Brower County to collect continue to collect uh School impact fees phas it in over four years doesn't start until 2026 but then even then it phases in over four years what's the difference say in Revenue in 2029 expected Revenue under option one versus the motion that's on the table to freeze uh impact fees at current rates Mr aabus if you look at the exibit uh um um exe executive summary on page seven to D one gives you that number right so in uh option one from 2026 to 2030 you collect 26 m7500 um option two again from the same time frame 2026 to 2030 20, 940,000 and then option number three um the same time frame you collect $16 million 875 thank you uh I'm sorry I thought I was done chair but I didn't get any answer really I don't think the motion that's on the table is option three is it no no no we're just recommending that the school board can choose whatever option that's what's before you in terms of an option that the school board is willing to thank you very much but um option one is estimated to generate or to to cause $ 26.17% receive not to pay so the what the school board is going to collect based on those three options is what is shown on table D1 terrific but does one of these numbers represent the motion that's on the table to freeze impact fee rates no great so how much revenue would we be foregoing if we froze impact fees at current rates and not take any one of these three recommendations from the study or from the staff Omar um based on what we've collected so far far I don't know if you give an extrapolation um if we collected I don't know whatever we collected last year uh because it's still the same rate the current rate if you look at the adopted fee um so if you use those numbers maybe you can I I haven't done a projection to see what the difference is of what we would raise based upon the different options and how much we would forgo if I think that that's your question um I just know what we've been collecting based upon what what our current rate is and that's what I just stated to you yeah I appreciate that and I'm still a little confused on the numbers I think what we've been told is we collected 16 million in the last two completed years roughly 16.6 and 16.3 in Impact fees Revenue to Brower County Schools is that correct that is correct so how could a five-year estimate under one of these enhanced options generate only 26 million I believe that's on top of what what this is no this is based on if you look at the fee increases based on from 2026 because you're phasing it out in four years that's what you're going to be getting in increases yes correct based on yes correct all right so this is U this is important because right now we collect 16 million and over 5 years we'll either collect an additional 16 an additional 20 or an additional 26 and so the increase over 5 years is $5 million per year under option one give or take we have an option as a board to extend the affordable housing from 450 to 600 uh as is discussed here but not proposed as part of this item um and uh I think that the particular issue about affordable housing is important I'm our Schoolboard member uh representative of the Brer planning Council and we deal with affordable housing every time we meet and uh right now in bar County you know you can't drive three blocks without running into a big Dereck or a major set of concrete trucks waiting to to build more uh as the Broward planning Council uh deals with all the time there's no land left and so now we're tearing down low density and building high density it's a tremendous tremendous uh effort through the Geller Amendment and other things to uh increase affordable housing but if this board is already waving impact fees up to 450 and could if they choose to increase that limit to a more uh appropriate level uh I still would support option one which is to uh generate the revenue that's needed and why would I do that because when we build housing we create more demand for student spaces and this is a way to get a tiny piece of that to be paid by the people that are buying the houses when they buy it uh it is true that overall our Revenue in public schools has declined but the opposite is also true which is when we build new units and families come with children uh that's going to increase uh the load that we have on our schools that's the whole theory behind impact fees um and I don't see any reason why not to um leverage the the uh opportunity to pay off The Debt Service and to uh build down that six plus billion dollar backlog we have in facilities uh when it makes sense and I appreciate your uh discussion about the affordable housing uh it's an issue that is near and dear to Broward County uh and to the extent that we can contribute to that that would be great but my preference would be to to contribute to that through a a collection set aside that says we're not going to collect up to a certain level for certified affordable housing and that takes the the brunt of this really off for the people that can afford $2 million condos um these kind of generation rates and these kinds of fees seem incredibly reasonable thank you thank you um okay so my question ah m thank you I just wanted to give a little bit input I'm on the oversight committee and we discussed this at the oversight committee and it was brought up a number of times that when you pass along the impact fees to developer it does become part of what they pass on to homeowners and it does increase the cost of housing and they had a lot of concern about doing that at this time so we you know we wouldn't be not collecting fees we just wouldn't be increasing it and that was really the recommend ation um of the oversight commit the kind of the consensus at the oversight committee so thank you just to clarify we're on rr2 uh so my question is the impact fees are any of the impact fees that the money that we receive does that money go to pay the smart Bond program projects Mr aaba or Mr Shen yeah oh we can't hear you Mr Shin's Mike please no no that does not go towards paying the smart program um it goes towards paying debt uh that is related to capacity that we built in the past okay so so for example West Broward high school we built using a debt mechanism um heren Heights we use use building a debt mechanism we're still paying for those School TOS okay so but you're so you're saying that the and there's no smart Bond projects that are paid with this money no we haven't financed a project that's built capacity with the smart B Bond program to my recollection okay and then um to the motion with the freeze and I might I don't know if it's page seven with the different options or it's a different page did you uh represent the freeze anywhere in the packet no no the freeze Z zero freeze based on Schoolboard members Tor Austin's position the freeze is not represented in this three tables I think that's very disappointing because I think that was discussed at the workshop and and as a school board we need to know and be able to away all the options and then you know and and so it's difficult I would like to know what those numbers are with the freeze what does what does that look like that information I don't have so it's difficult for me to vote on this when I don't have all the information in front of me Dr he Mr tabuso can we provide that info today sometime to in the meeting um Omar um so far Mr shim talked about how much we've collected right so the current schooling hold on hold on Dr he I would like to table I move to table this to later in the meeting today and then have staff come back with the numbers written down on a piece of paper for the freeze okay M moved by Ala second by Zan public comment the table Mike microphone we would be from the industry we would be happy to come back again um if you want to table this having said that I'd like to just clarify one thing that's been going on relative to the back and forth conversation this is a Schoolboard document and it represents the school year ended June 30th 2023 and it is receipts dispersements and balances of impact fee collected in 2023 the total impact fees collected in 2023 was 28 million so let's don't get confused about the amounts it's 28 million and how thank you sir and how much was sta can please get a copy of that and please give it to theard the board all in favor of tabling this to the uh for tbling rr2 to the end of later in this meeting say I I I those opposed say no item is table Miss Batista thank you madam chair I would like to request the school board convene an attorney client session in order to discuss litigation pending before the 17th judicial circuit in and for Brower County Florida in the following matter West Construction Inc versus the school board of Brower County Florida and Brower County Public Schools case number CAC 24-8 645 the following persons will attend this attorney client session school board members glor alev chair Deborah Hixon Vice chair Tori Alon Brenda fam Esquire Daniel fogan hold Dr Jeff holes Sarah Leonardi uh Mrs rer will not be attending Dr Alan Zan Dr Howard heurn superintendent of schools Thomas cuni Esquire and Marilyn C Batista Esquire BCS in anticipation of this request the attorney client session was properly advertised for today July 23rd 2024 at 12:45 in accordance with Section 28611 parent 8 of the FL Florida Statutes the flo the purpose of the attorney Cent session is to discuss settlement negotiations and or strategy relative to the pending litigation a certified core reporter will record the session only those persons noted in the advertisement will be permitted to attend thank you Madame chair thank you I should did not chair for w e w oh w oh Broward County Public Schools your partner in education choose the best choose BCPS Broward County public for w Broward County Public Schools your partner in education choose the best choose BCPS roward County Public Schools the best teacher es the best schools from prek through high school and Beyond choose the best choose BCPS Broward County Public Schools the best programs from academics to trades Athletics to stem choose the best choose BCPS Broward County Public Schools the best schools and programs for families choose the best choose BCPS you you Broward County Public Schools your partner in education choose the best choose BCPS rard County Public Schools the best teachers the best schools from prek through high school and Beyond choose the best choose BCPS Broward County Public Schools the best programs from academics to trades Athletics Mi to stem choose the best choose BCPS Broward County Public Schools the best schools and programs for families choose the best choose BCPS w w Broward County Public Schools your partner in education choose the best choose BCPS roward County Public Schools the best teachers the best schools from prek through high school and Beyond choose the best choose BCPS Broward County Public Schools the best programs from academics to trades Athletics to stem choose the best choose BCPS Broward County Public Schools the best schools and programs for families choose the best choose BCP yes for for w Broward County Public Schools your partner in education choose the best choose BCPS roward County Public Schools the best teachers the best schools from prek through high school and Beyond choose the best choose BCPS Broward County Public Schools the best programs from academics to trades Athletics to stem choose the best choose BCPS County Public Schools the best schools and programs for families choose the best choose BCPS who stole the Schoolboard members w for subscriber you have dialed is not in service if you feel you've received this message in error please hang up and try your call again later Broward County Public Schools your partner in education choose the best choose BCPS roward County Public Schools the best teachers the best schools from prek through high school and Beyond choose the best choose BCPS Broward County Public Schools the best programs from academics to trades Athletics to stem choose the best choose BCPS Broward County Public Schools the best schools and programs for families choose the best choose BCPS for w Broward County Public Schools your partner in education choose the best choose BCPS Broward County Public Schools the best teachers the best schools from prek through high school and Beyond choose the best choose BCPS Broward County Public Schools the best programs from academics to trades Athletics to stem choose the best choose BCPS Broward County Public Schools the best schools and programs for families choose the best choose BCPS Broward County Public Schools your partner in education choose the best choose BCPS roward County Public Schools the best teachers the best schools from prek through high school and Beyond choose the best choose BCPS Broward County Public Schools the best programs from academics to trades Athletics to stem choose the best choose BCPS brard County Public Schools the best schools and programs for families choose the best choose BCPS hello taking to harassment training I mean not to learn how oh exam in there myand right you make I even yeah yeah I know um I I wouldn't know about it except the super me last night but anyways um oh my gosh my sister is is a hot M uh it doesn't it's just uh I swear to you she just creates situations in her head uh and it just is like the worst thing I mean I go through the wor that I'm still here Ellen he oh a oh w he oh a a you he oh a the a a oh a oh l l oh n you he he he oh oh oh w h w a oh he w I h oh a welcome back to the school board meeting we are going to resume um our SCH board meeting with item gg2 which is special Council Services agreement Weiss serota he hman Cole and Beerman PL any public comments Madame Vice chair there are no public register speakers awesome any board member comments all those in favor of gg2 say I I all those opposed gg2 passes excellent okay next we're going to go to A1 oh I forgot to ask for a motion chair uh I'm happy to move the my item uh are we going to then progress through this left column for priority it items after one yes so I yes I should have mentioned that we're going to go through the priority items first to make sure we get everything that has to be voted on today um because we do have a 5:00 public hearing for the dfp and chair just um in the interest of our community and anyone else that's watching can we share this list either online or just read it out loud uh or both uh Dr Fon okay can you have someone put this online sure thank you thank you sorry okay next item of business is A1 which is sorry jumping around causes an issue Madam chair yes just for the sake I'm not sure how fast we're going to get this online do you mind if I just read the the priority items real quick sure go ahead all right the priority items that the board will consider are A1 01 02 a A1 hh1 ff1 I i1 O3 o33 o34 pp1 pp2 pp3 pp6 pp7 pp8 rr2 thank you okay so gg7 yes gg7 um A1 is self assessment and Improvement plan and program goals and objectives can I have a motion and a second on A1 so moved second been moved by Dr Zan second and by Mr fogan holy any public comment on A1 no register public comments Madam chair great okay Mrs fam you pulled A1 I have a A1 on my list and I'll have A1 okay it says A1 there but all right uh Dr Zan A1 yeah thank you much uh chair and this is going to take a couple minutes so uh first uh it's amazing to do this uh process to look at Head Start and look at Early Head Start uh gather uh all of this uh amazing program data um and uh build an assessment leading to an improvement plan is definitely a best practice in K through2 education if not a best practice uh in virtually all organizations look hard make an assessment figure out where you can improve particularly if you focus on root cause and think about outcomes of what you're trying to do the item says on page 258 uh that our goal by June of next year is 80% of four-year-old children enrolled in Head Start will meet or exceed age appropriate developmental progressions in early literacy and pre-algebraic concept as measured by early childhood assessments that sounds like an amazing goal we would love to have our Head Start students uh ready to to move forward um as 5-year-olds entering our schools uh and and be fully prepared uh and we know from tons of Education research that kids who start kindergarten at the kindergarten level uh make significant progress compared to those uh that do not chair do you know where we are right now on that critical metric what percentage of our four-year-old children uh enrolled in Head Start meet these standards Dr Folton thank you we go to have have staff Miss Bailey come up to address that good afternoon I'm proud to inform you that the end of this year our four-year-olds we had 90% of those children score 80% are higher on those assessments that's terrific it's it's great news what I I'm wondering then chair uh um what should our goal be for next year because uh obviously we're at 90% of our students hitting 80% or better which is a remarkable uh cut score very high standard 80% score and 90% of our Head Start students do this I don't want to sign off on a plan that says now next year we hope to get to 80 I mean that's um in general not the kind of direction we want to go what should the goal be besides the 8 % that's listed in our Improvement plan well usually we try to aim at least 3 to 5% gains for the pre for the upcoming year so if by my memory serves correct I believe we aimed for another 2% increase for our children but I will verify and let you know oh thank you and chair what is the world record for for this uh standard because this is a big deal and I'm from Broward County we don't like coming in second to anybody but what is the theoretic limit on getting head start and Early Head Start kids up to this level of proficiency Dr Fon Miss Bailey um I don't have the answer for that sir but I will definitely get back to you with the data that we do have terrific and last question we have subordinate goals as if they are root causes of that supreme goal of getting to to 95 or whatever number uh you end up putting in the final plan that says you're going to increase parent Workshop participation by 7% increase sharing of one community resource by two percentage points and um and another increase of 10% uh for some participation in training are those the three things that we think will get us to the 95% or whatever your goal is yes I do and conversating with our team as well as with our parents that attend the meetings including policy Council those are some of the suggestions that did come about as a team effort of the goals that will help us achieve what we've set out to do terrific so subject to picking a different goal besides one that's 10 percentage points lower I think this is going to be phenomenal I just want to applaud how Head Start and Early Head Start programs that are not always steeped in deep measurement and great root cause analysis and picking grid totals and coming up with those things to make sure it moves forward uh have set a standard in Broward County uh thank you very much for doing that and I appreciate your work and all the work of your staff and if I may go back to your question with the 80% are you looking at what's on the report where it has the metric of 80% of the children with score that's a standard percentage so right but I'm from Broward County I don't like standard P percentages I want to break World Records uh and our community really wants that as well so I I get it that it may be a National Standard to get 80% but we're already at 90 and you know systems work better uh there's an old expression in business that often companies don't rise to the level of aspiration they sink to the level of processes and I want to avoid that sinking to the level of processes and the way you do that is make sure you set aspirational goals that are still achievable uh but really get people excited about running into work and Head Start and Early Head Start is just critical to our community it is I will follow up with you thank you thank you Mrs rert thank you um you know I've been a fan forever for uh Early Head Start and Head Start and way back when board members were appointed to uh look at all the documentation um I I do have my one question I ask every time we go through this which is how are our babies doing when they enroll into kindergarten because we would see in the past that our kids made incredible gains and Early Head Start and a head start and then they had a little leveling off in kindergarten so um I guess it's a two-part question is it is that still Behavior that's happening and or what is our Sol solution or how are we handling it Bailey that that's it I don't know who's going to answer but that's all I got I'm here I was just waiting for the bik was Rupert it's shironda Bailey what we did do last year hi we did get data from our um data Department about our children who transitioned into kindergarten from our four-year-old program we use the data from the fast assessment pm1 to look at how our children did comparing to leaving the program and now being assessed in kindergarten and we were on average um I don't have the data exactly but we were at an average percentage I am waiting uh for the data to come back when they do the fast this time the children that left uh the four-year-old program so once I do get that data Miss Rupert I'll be able to share that with you how our children progressed or if there was a concern with their performance um when we get that in the fall that's great and and I'm sure the whole board will get copied on that as should be um but but I'm I'm very appreciative I love you guys just uh with our babies you make an incredible difference and of course um Dr Zeman talked about getting them ready for kindergarten and really hitting the hitting the road there but we also know that if you're in a prek or in An Early Head Start or Head Start and you start one of our schools you usually stay there for kindergarten so um I'm for uh even expanding anymore if we we have the possibility so um thank you all so much thank you thank you okay okay the next item up is 01 which is technology comp oh sorry all those sorry all those in favor of A1 say I I I and opposed A1 passes unanimously next item up is 01 which is technology Computing device accessories and deployment Services can I have a motion in a second for A1 second moved by Dr Zan seconded by Mr fogan holy any public comment on 01 there are no registered speakers Madam chair okay so board members Mr Altin sure I've had a lot of uh back and forth on this um simple question and this is yet we're on 01 um was a short list done on this item was there a ranking or firms uh just kind of understand the process and I read the backup so just kind of maybe first question initial question thank you Mr Bradford good afternoon Jennifer Andreu business operations I would have to check and confirm that with the purchasing agent because this was just an ITB based on price as you know and so um an evaluation committee wouldn't need to be assembled I'm not sure if the purchasing agent did look at the price options that were proposed okay for me that's an important question um only because I know this is well at least for me um there's been commentary on this item uh is there a way for us to know that I don't know if it's it or whoever is appropriate do we know if there was some additional due diligence Mr Bradford do you know if you had staff that also looked at the price points before I even get to the you know the other item I can tell you board member Alon that I personally recommended this rejection because there were errors and missteps made this was done unfortunately under some previous staff uh back in February there were over six addendums with this invitation to bid got it I'm going to get to the discrepancy piece I got it we're on the same page I just want to know kind of the first step if we know just kind of on that area good afternoon Matthew Bradford task assigned Chief Information officer uh the technology division did not have any access to any ranking information as far as the bid is concerned so at that at that point what we did we communicated to uh procurement when it came to specs and things of the magnitude and then we let the procurement process the procurement process take over okay were were there multiple responses respondents responsible uh to this item do we know multiple responses were there more were there any responses to this item before the decision was made to reject all I think so do we know what that number is I do not okay do that what this 14 means School member alustin I'm sorry is that what this 14 means on the on page 488 it says 14 it I'm talking to staff but but thank you Dr Zan uh Mr Bradford or someone whoever is appropriate um just want to know what the if there were a number of responses uh to this item there there were a number but I don't have that specific number okay I like staff to tell me because you're the experts can you hear me yes there were 14 responses to this particular ITB got it um so now jumping to the second part of this so where there were various discrep well actually before I jump there we can confirm that of the responses received all 14 that we the district did not open we did not uh look at any information and then subsequently made a decision from a technology perspective no we did not okay the purchasing agent may have I would have to double check got it but if they did they did not share that information okay I just want to confirm that okay and we don't know we don't we can't quickly get that by chance this went through as I stated two or three different purchasing agents because we had some turnover and so I can check with the current agent if you give me a moment okay got it I'll pause but the purchasing agent that initially handled this back in February is no longer with the district got it okay both one or both one or both just the one one of two the chief procurement officer as well as the purchasing agent okay got it did you have more questions Mr El I'll pause for now okay uh next is Mrs fam run1 oh no I'll pass thank you Mr fogan holy oh she didn't have questions okay thank you very much uh Madam Vice chair um so Mr Andre you just said errors and missteps throughout the whole process what errors and missteps what kind of errors and missteps are we talking about here forms were not up part of it for particularly for EDC Economic Development diversity compliance I think it was unclear to the proposers if those forms were mandatory or optional so that led to some confusion um there seemed to be a lot of confusion uh for the vendors and we want to make sure that we get this right this is usually around a $95 million um item and it over 3 years so from a procurement standpoint we want to make sure again that we're operating with a sense of transparency and integrity so it was my recommendation to reject and I will personally work with Mr Bradford to make sure that we have a a better RFP that goes back out to the vendor community and we don't lump everything together as this one was and make it clear for all participants involved so when things are unclear who's responsible for that cuz this is not the first time that this item went out to bid correct I wasn't here in the past but it's my understanding that this did go out previously correct this has mult multiple times it has gone out we talk about and then now again we're doing this again to go back and fix something because something wasn't right errors and missteps um this advertise date was February 8th correct correct and at wh at what point did we see that there were errors and missteps at what point it was brought to my attention probably um sometime after spring break in April that's when I personally got involved with the process and as I said several addendums were were done but I felt strong that if we would have awarded this ITB we would be facing a bid protest okay so and then you also said that there were it was unclear if forms were optional and mandatory to the vendors out of the 14 people that responded um did any fail to respond or fail to send that in did all of them fail is that why we're rejecting all bids not all of them but some so it was clear to some vendors and unclear to others correct so I would think that the people that were unclear would maybe be left out or you didn't do what we asked correct correct but I think the failure was on part of procurement and I own that okay now I'm asking these questions cuz I feel a certain way about reject all bids and in this situation when we see the same item come back here multiple times this is why I feel this way because it feels like if I wanted to put out for a new vehicle for the district and I wanted a Lamborghini and maybe Ford one out I'm just going to say there's something wrong with the item and I'm going to go back out until I get what I want almost feels like we're trying to funnel a specific vendor and that's why we keep going out to get things right that's why I don't like reject all bids feels like these vendors go through all the work they do all these things and it feels like we're not providing them with a fair shot so yeah I just don't with so like to say the forms were filled out by some of the companies some of the vendors at which Step did we say this stops we had to we did we get numbers did we get bids from people did we get almost to award the the bid where do we get to say then now we're going to stop we did receive submissions we could have move forward with an award I don't believe that would have been the right thing to do I understand exactly what you're saying I assure you that's not the case um there was no if you will for lack of a better term bid tampering because again the user Department um from my understanding they were not privy to the price points so a decision had never been made other than of course the purchasing agent seeing the bids that were submitted um and that purchasing agent doesn't have the authority to say we're moving forward or reject um I just thought this was the right thing to do for our vendor community so they can feel as if everybody had a fair opportunity to bid on this and we want to break this up because it's multiple um issues if you will and it was all put together in one bid I personally don't think that was the way to do it as well so I've already had that conversation with Mr Bradford and his team that instead of having one large ITB with six seven groups we should probably break this into smaller proposals request for proposals where we can look at multiple things we want to make sure we look at for instance past experience because again if we just go on price they might offer the lowest price and we don't know if that particular vendor can service a district of our size so I personally would have done an RFP from the beginning I wasn't involved in it unfortunately in the beginning but I am personally involved now I understand and now so so now it feels like it was on the final step until we said wait something's wrong we got to go back feels like it was the final step correct between awarding it or stopping it was the final step in a flawed process okay you said it was unfair I think it's unfair for the people that put the work in it's unfair for the people that submitted the paperwork that you said said it was mandatory or not mandatory they still submitted it they answered the question they did everything that was asked right so now we're doing a reject all bit again back to my Lamborghini point I'm going to bring it back cuz Ford won and I'm going to say vendor must be Italian vendor must have a bull in the logo right awarde must I that's to me that's bid temp I think that's bid rigging and bid tempering mhm you you are funneling exactly who you want it doesn't matter if some you just said that if somebody is big enough to service the district or somebody's good enough they answered your questions they answered your bid now you're rejecting all bids to go back out and do the same thing you know what's going to happen 6 months from now when it comes back in front of the board and you don't like who won you're going to do the same thing and this is a practice of this District that has been going on for years we've seen people get in trouble for this type of stuff in the past I don't want to remind people but CH I don't feel comfortable with this I don't feel comfortable voting on this I really don't I reject all bids the other ones so until I see that information until we see the whole story but we got people in the department that are saying well I didn't see I don't see that it was on the final step to being awarded and we don't have the IT director knowing the results we don't know people knowing the that that's really it doesn't sound right to me so like I said if there were multiple people that that did the the work that answered the questions I don't see how how this is not getting involved in the process to sort of make it make it what I want so I'm going to I'm going to sit back CH I'd like to hear from my colleagues but those are my thoughts right now thank you Dr Zan thanks so much chair um what I'm curious about chair is the the impact of this um I understand Miss Andrea's Point uh and your points about uh we didn't get the ITB right we literally didn't ask for the right things uh I don't share any concerns about bid rigging but I am you know uh aware that the leaders of both of these departments are both gone and uh you know it is um unfortunately something that we just inherited and I trust Miss andreo to have made the right decision and a protest could have caused uh this question I'm about to ask to be even worse but chair what's the impact on students on schools or on the district for having to reject all these bids Dr heer Mr andreo are we on O2 or um I don't believe there's a negative impact from the conversations that I've had with Mr Bradford because I asked that exact question I would not have wanted this decision to negatively impacted students or student achievement and I was assured by Mr Bradford that would not be the case so I'm going to assume then chair that um principales teachers other people who needed this equipment on school sites to get their job done are still going to have the opportunity to continue to buy those under an old contract until we get a new one Dr he Mr braford if I may the current contract that we had expired so there is no vehicle currently to purchase any equipment for schools if reject all bids happens to today the vehicle we will go back to procurement and do another process with another vehicle as soon as that vehicle is done and approved by you we can move forward with purchasing equipment for schools we have enough equipment in schools now to start but I wouldn't want this to to drag out for an extended period of time because we do need to buy equipment moving forward when it comes to the school year okay uh put me on the list of someone who says that that has an impact on students schools and the district because they cannot buy technology equipment which is fundamental to our core process so the impact of this and again I don't I don't understand the big rig I just don't see the evidence of that right now but I sure see an Evidence on on our school sites who would like to buy smartboards and buy laptops and Buy iPads and and all kinds of technology and they can't do it because we had to reject all this stuff and get out so I'm hoping that we can minimize the impact um but that that sounds to me like real impact I mean you can't run a school district without technology and so uh I hope that we can reject this today get the RFP out hopefully uh to several of my colleagues Point get the vendors that participated in this and it kind of wasted a hell of a lot of time you know how much time it takes to write one of these proposals for a $30 million year contract you're spending thousands of hours per vendor uh to do this and now we're going to go back to them and ask them to do it again and now we want it real quick because Zeman's screaming about students and schools in the district um as as we all should be because that's what we really care about we're we're concerned that there'll be an impact on us achieving our strategic goals so I hope we can reject this and get this out quickly and uh and get this um ability to buy technology uh back as fast as possible Mrs fam Miss Mrs oh I'm sorry I didn't hear it my ears are clocked um thank you Madam chair um in my investigation of this this has gone out three times okay and the reason you put at least in the executive summary that it needed to come back out was that you didn't comply with Florida statute okay I can understand maybe once but three times having that issue that's really farfetched in my opinion but moving on from that point so you didn't comply with the statute you comply with the statute but then you turned around and you split up the B after these poor people have not submitted once but twice and now they're doing it a third time and you're telling them but we want to bring new people in to get the offer now what gives you um the right to go and penalize them for you failing to comply with the statute why all of a sudden do they have to get penalized where now it's more competitive because you didn't do the question should be going to the superintendent not the staff member I'm yes you're right um Dr heurn what um where do we stand with our vendors and alienating our vendors if we continually we make the mistake and we penalize the vendor not only in time and effort that they have to put into it to get started on a project but we invite others to bid on something that the bid has already been solicited and otherwise accept it on twice two prior occasions Dr heer Anda so the previous bid that was awarded had four vendors four vendors that made approximately $95 million and one vendor had the Lion Share of that we want this bid to hopefully or these bids these solicitations these proposals to incorporate more vendors so the purpose is to try to again increase competition and bring more people into the pool and it's not to penalize the the current vendors the current 14 who may have already proposed they should I hope and we will reach out to them after the cone is lifted and encourage them to submit a new proposal they can still utilize their same price points that they submitted so hopefully this will not be an additional burden for them but we want to get this right like I said I I I could not understand what a non-standard laptop was and the aspcs that we were looking for in a non-standard laptop and there was just there were there shouldn't be nine addendums to any of our solicitations right there it's a huge red flag for me Mr Austin thank you um Dr h just a follow-up question she just said they they wanted to split this out to give this contract because it was a large amount to other vendors when we did our um metal detectors we only got one response from one vendor and there was no issue with that contract was handed over we didn't put it back out we didn't rewrite it we didn't expand the time period for the person to bid now this seems like something discriminatory is going on either we have a policy in place or we're shopping vendors I just want you to say that this does not look good on the district and I think this is going to push away other vendors from even coming near us if we allow this to happen we put it out but we're not going to do it the same way for everybody we're going to pick and choose how we do it thanks Mr Altin yeah uh thank you Vice chair let me just follow up um and I know the work of these two folks one at the podium and one at the microphone um and they've done great work uh in different places um so this is at least for me uh I want to now focus on what I think I heard uh our I was going to say assistant superintendent executive director I think uh reference um on kind of what the next steps could look like and then I want to go backwards to understand the current folks whoever they are in this if the board does what you're asking on 01 is there any remedy uh to work with the current providers sounds like I think you said no we'll come back to that um so the going forward plan at least I know what we've done in different places so if there is a intent to break this up by quadrants you know multiple I don't know uh uh vendors based on region however however you choose to do it uh the intent sounds like to go from four to more a but I but I'm assuming the 95 million or whatever the number is is pretty much probably the same plus or minus right but the intent is to increase the number of larger and small firms who can do the work is that fair that's fair to say okay um so now to go to the other piece so I think I heard you say and I didn't know so the current contract has expired with four providers that was initial right yes so if this if this goes forward I know this takes a period of time what happens in between is there any and and I think you said uh that there is already enough sufficient Supply those are kind of my words but if there is there another mechanism to work with those four or whoever vendors in the short term while this other track proceeds no no as as the contracts expired from those previous vendors we would have to go into another agreement with any of them short term while we work on a procurement vehicle long term okay let me ask a boilet plate question so I'm assuming boiler plate now I know we have two new leaders so I'm talking forward I'm assuming boiler plate going forward all of our contracts have a mechanism to extend if needed or was this done because someone waited to waited to the last minute those are kind of my words so we exhausted all renewals from the previous contract so that were no more renewals to move forward with this vehicle so we literally had to go back to the market for that to be the case that was the case with all whoever the four folks were got it and how long was that agreement with those four I think that were they standard or different it was a standard agreement if I'm not mistaken 3 years I think in a couple of renewals on the back end I think it was a 5e total if I'm not mistaken okay all right you done oh no I'm good I just want to comment thank you both for the work that you do you stepped into a role you're finding things that were not um didn't pass the smell test for you and you're asking us to make it right in order for us to make sure we're following State Statute so I apologize um for members making you feel like and calling out things that um are illegal because that's not what you're doing so I appreciate both what you do and thank you for bringing this item to us so are we ready to vote okay all those in F in favor of 01 say I I all those opposed say no no roll call yes all right roll call on the motion board members uh Altin no no no fam no Fen holy no Dixon yes honas yes leonardy yes rer yes yes Zan yes alv yes 63 it passes thank you very much okay you want to take over okay the next item up is O2 which is web- based assessment platform I need a motion in a second for item 02 oh who's second I heard Zeman from the back Zan um and seconded by Leonardi any public comment on O2 there's no register speakers Madam chair okay great O2 Mrs fam thank you madam chair um the academic department has used this as a we web based Assessment program in the past um I'm curious about um I'm with some data as to what type um the academic department is currently using as a web- based Assessment program and the um data on the accomplishments the positives of what we're getting for our money Dr heer essentially if there's any difference between between the two programs yes there's um tremendous differences between the two programs um I'll let Dr con I see him itching to get to that mic so he can um Express what those those differences are good afternoon uh Dr con executive director of academics uh so this particular platform is what is housing all of our state adopted uh assessment tools it replaces one that we had before which was Mastery connect all of our data is what our teacher and our principles are using so as far as the data is concerned it's regarding usage so we typically have over 90% of our teachers and administrators using the platform or will be using the platform uh so this particular item that's coming forward is to reject all bids so we can find an appropriate web-based platform that houses all of our state adopted assessments as well as our formative assessments and and just to add it provides um better data analysis is for administrators and teachers um so we can intervene appropriately um throughout the school year when we're when we're diagnosing concerns are discovering concerns as far as academic progress with our students um and being able to house all of our Assessments in one tool um provides better data analysis so we can correlate different assessments with different types of Assessments to monitor progress throughout the year thank you he any other board members in O2 okay all those in favor of o2 say I I all those opposed O2 passes unanimously okay Vice chair yes are we going to bring back rr2 since I know staff that sounds like they were ready for that um I know that it had a motion there was a motion on the floor as well with that one yeah when I first started they weren't ready oh okay so we can go back to rr2 okay so we'll and now that it's back on the floor if I could Vice chair thank you um so I know the motion was on the floor I think it was properly seconded um let me just clarify uh for everyone so the resolution that's on our page 2,726 under number two under the now therefore be it resolve Clause so the motion on the floor uh essentially would remove number two and it would add the following language maintain the current adopted fee as reflected in BCP BCPS student generation rate and school impact fee study update dated June 14th 2024 so it's consistent with the motion that's on the floor I'm just highlighting for the board number two under the resolution was the item that I was attempting to modify okay can can you I was trying to write it down can you it's the same motion that's on the floor I'm just clarifying if someone's looking for what changes by the no change scenario which is the motion essentially number two staff is looking to insert something on the resolution on 2726 that's what we we inserted there essentially okay if there's no change okay so the motion on the floor is to amend the resol resolution and on two number two it would say maintain adopted fee can you finish the sure maintain current adopted fee as reflected in the BCPS student generation rate and school impact fee study dated June 14 2024 right okay well I think that just passed an open and regular session this it would say 23rd day you don't have to add that on number two do you ier the council right so number two would have to be amended um by striking the language that is currently there and adding the language that U Mr Al Alon is proposing which is the motion that's on the table correct okay all right any public comment on the motion register com thank you board member um comment on the motion Dr Zeman thank you very much chair we had a question outstanding when we broke I think um which has not been addressed yet which is um what is the difference um either an annual or 5year revenue from keeping the uh uh generation rates and the impact fee at the current rates um versus um option one which was one of the other proposed uh options what's the difference in Revenue either over one year or over five years Dr Dr heer Mr aaba P seven I'm sorry on page on page seven of your executive summary um where it says advantages um you will see on the sentence which SES are shown in an appendix D but the actual sentence says BCPS is likely to receive 1.5 million to 7.5 million of additional impact fee revenues annually so if the fees increase so that's what you're going to be losing if you stay with the you know what the uh amendment is so based on the increase for the four years annually because the variation is the building permits you don't know how many building permits so the estimate was if it increase you know table 11 12 or 13 we will receive approximately 1.5 to 7.5 million per year so on the flip side this is what you're going to be losing per year uh chair I'm I'm not comfortable with those estimates um they're they're just too wide um what I'm what I what I think the Board needs to know with certainty is U if in fact we freeze impact fees at the current schedule what impact does that have on our ability to pay for facilities facility maintenance uh Capital kinds of expenses in general or Debt Service which is also legal with these impact these uh and then I want to continue but I'm not comfortable with a 5x swing in the in the estimate so is there another estimate that um that would separate option one from the the keep everything at the current fee Dr heurn go ahead Mr shim yes the the first thing that I'd like to clarify is that you know in our in our budget currently we have not projected out for these rates to be included in our budget So the plan that you see tonight is going to be based upon a historical projections now those projections are based upon what we've received which is uh based upon how the the the the the number of permits that come in and the rates that those permits are charged under the current rate um now these projections that are shown in in this is based upon on the increase so the rate the the range that uh Mr akabu just referenced is based upon uh what the consultant and what uh you know this this report that's done there isn't a better one that that that I have than than what's there terrific then let me just continue let's just use those estimates um 1.5 to 7.5 the average of that is $4.5 million do and that's per year per year thank you so much so chair uh I want to broaden this conversation a little bit because I'm not sure that we're approaching this uh from more than one angle uh these are funds rough $4.5 million per year that are paid by developers that want to come in and enjoy the schools that we have the schools that we have paid for we borrowed money to build and there's a Debt Service that's owed for us to pay those things back in addition to that they're bringing uh additional students in and I think if I'm correct uh actually let me just ask you a question chair what's the average uh impact fee paid per unit in brard County Dr heurn Mr aabus or Mr Chim sorry can you repeat the question uh if I build an average siiz house in Broward County as a developer what do I pay on an impact fee on the table on each of those tables the current adopted um fee gives you residential type so through your left bedroom you pay $ 8,809 per unit foral bedroom you pay 11,000 uh 070 today that single family so it goes by the different categories so the the current adopted fee those are the actual fees you pay today terrific and what's the bottom end of that scale if you don't mind me asking well we have mobile home you know you normally don't build mobile home but right now two or less bedroom mobile home 3,000 688 through more 86 thank you so much that's exactly what I needed to know so a developer comes and builds a house the average price in Broward county is between1 and $1.5 million for a home I don't think that A3 to 11 million impact fee is going to make an appreciable difference on what a developer can sell that house for given the houses are a 100 times bigger than the impact fee there is also uh a current certified affordable waiver uh set at $450,000 and that could be raised staff's recommendation is to raise it to 600,000 uh not part of this item but that's uh certainly uh already taken care of I also want to add for the board's consumption that we collect $ 2.1 billion from our community to pay for Education uh these fees these impact fees are one more way to collect money to pay for the facilities that are required for K through2 education uh I don't think it's responsible as a board to freeze these impact fees I think we should continue to uh track as we have in the past um and I am in favor of option one is the most reasonable uh way to collect these fees it raises the fees from $3 to $1 to uh substantially more than that uh but again if we hadn't built these schools for which we owe uh Debt Service on uh they wouldn't be able to build the what they're building and take advantage of the schools that we offer in Broward County uh so given that there's really negligible impact on the cost of a house given that we're already taking care of affordable housing uh I don't think it's responsible for us to turn down $4.5 million of impact fee per year over the next 5 years the last point on this to make sure that the developers aren't hurt too much is we phase any increase in over four years so we have a ramp we have an off-ramp for affordable housing uh this has almost no impact on the cost of a house in Broward County uh but it does generate over 5 years between 20 and $25 million of additional revenue and our schools need that Revenue uh in order to put this together in addition to property taxes and other sources of revenue for Broward County uh I think it's just actually smart taxation policy to continue uh to tax uh new developers so that they pay a fair share of what they get in terms of the education benefit it certainly allows uh people to sell homes uh because the people who buy those homes and their children get to go to our great schools thank you chair thank you anybody else any other board members okay are we ready to vote all righty all those in favor of item the motion I'm sorry all those in favor of the motion by Mr Austin which was to change the resolution to for number two to say that we would maintain the current adopted fee as reflected in the in the student generation it's as far as I got um an impact generation rate and school impact fee study update all those in favor of the motion say I I I all those opposed say no no no I think it the motion carries did Miss Rupert vote did you get me I'm a yes okay so the motion carries 7 to2 now we have to go back and vote on the actual item so all those in favor of item rr2 as amended say I I all those oppos say no no no the item passes 7 to2 thank you very much all right do you want me to keep going okay we have a motion and second on aa1 moved moved by Fen holy second by Hixon public comment Madam chair there is no public comment however there is a scri error on the item if I'm able to correct it please okay what is the scrimish error on the dollar amount you will see uh 2,882 th000 it's 2,822 th000 okay please correct that for the record and I have Miss fam he one aa1 oh we're still on aa1 okay um according to what I have in my notes here um there is really no measurable outcome increase in the Florida assessment of student thinking for the uh the application we're looking at is for June 2025 our students are at 57% and then it's anticipated that in July 2925 that um um actually it says um we'll go up to 60% I don't know if those years are cor correct because the dates they're both in the same year so that's one thing but um I just would like us to aim higher and have a look for a bigger increase in our Target than 3% do you have a question no I'm I'm just commenting on the what I've researched on my okay thank you any other board member comment aa1 vvin I'm going to have Mr B just explain the scribers eror just to make sure we got it correct on the record thank you Mr suan Gyra MOA director secondary learning gra the three scribers errors one on page one where Mr suvin mentioned the 28822 it should be $2 mil 8222 and then on page two the top number is 9,278 40 it should be $ 9,279 th40 and then one more error I apologize board members the third to last line item $85,200 should be $85,200 all in favor of aa1 with the scribers errors corrected to approve the barow County Public Schools 2024 2025 K through2 reading plan say I I I those opposed say no item passes unanimously may I have a motion second on hh1 so move moved by Zan second by fam public comment board member comment Dr Zan I'm sorry madam chair there's a register public comment Dr J uh Dem manage okay go ahead you may begin my name is Dr Trudy germanovich um I do not believe that you should approve the proposal for a possible new quote teaching position which will take money away from scarce Title One funds this proposal is for teacher to focus on collecting and analyzing more testing data the district has a research Department with many people who do all the things proposed here teachers are already overwhelmed and do not need additional micromanaging since it it appears these student or these teachers will be task assigned to area offices and not be working with students directly I feel you should not put another layer of unnecessary emphasis on analyzing testing if you want to make a real difference then you should provide additional reading math science specialists at all Title One schools remember the overemphasis on testing has already greatly affected the time for actually actual teaching and learning this position is unnecessary and an unnecessary expenditure of scarce Title One funds thank you thank you Dr Zeman thank you so much chair um in my mind uh this is such an amazingly uh appropriate and uh uh overdue very necessary kind of uh change you know we uh see things here on the board constantly and I'm going to talk about this later on some of the O items where the measurement um is either about inputs rather than outcomes uh or there's just a lack of data to help us make uh good decisions so having data coaches out there uh working improving kind of the overall system view of data and analytics uh I think is uh is great the only challenge I think we'll have is once we get four we're going to want 40 uh because the need to really inform Decisions by the board or by the superintendent or Regional super principles um is really uh omnipresent in our school system so I applaud the people that are bringing this forward uh so that we can get data coaches out there uh doing uh the critical work thank you all in favor of hh1 say I I those oppos say no no hh1 passes with one dissenting vote Miss Leonardi may have a motion second on ff1 I said no uh am Miss rert thank you he said no may have a motion second on ff1 moved by Zan second by fogan holy public comment no register speakers Madam chair Mrs Hixon this is her hixon's favor any other um comments from the board all in favor of ff1 say I I those opposed say no ff1 passes unanimously may have a motion and second on I i1 so move moveed by Zan second by fogan ho public comment board member comment M rert Miss rert mental health I'm sorry did I I I don't remember pulling that item I'm sorry um can you tell me which one it was and then I see if I can find my notes mental health assistance allocation plan yes thank you um very appreciative to see this and um one of my questions uh that um I always ask about and I saw that in here we have um increased our our uh reaching out for suicide at risk I wanted to make sure that we still are helping our communities that are at very high risk um like our deerfi Beach Community and um to make sure that when there is um suicide ideation or um a death by Suicide to make sure that we follow the family meaning if it's a high school student that sadly passes away then and if there's elementary school kids that are in that household that we are making sure that there's a connection for the of each of the siblings uh at their schools as well which I know that we've um we we've done that in the past and I'm assuming we're still doing it but I wanted to make sure Dr he thank you M rer for the question um miss hudge good afternoon beta HUD executive director of student service initiatives so miss rer um hi are you um so yes we do follow through with the uh parents as a matter of fact um this year we launched this summer in addition to what you are speaking about um doing Wellness checks with all of our students that have sras um or who have um a history of you know suicide ideations and things like that there were over 600 students that we followed up with this summer so I had a team of individuals who actually called um and contacted those those families to make sure students were okay amazing work you guys do it and I I always am very appreciative uh about how expansive uh we are and and yet we still lose some of our kids um so I know for me it it's make sure that there's never one um and that is our goal but to also make sure that there's the um uh prething and to make sure that that it's you know that we're trying to prevent by having that conversation and then um for the children that are having ideations or or stress and uh and family stuff that making sure that um they are under our wings which uh you know that's that's your department so thank you thank you so much and thanks for really following through and uh that number of 600 kids is is pretty astounding um you know I'm very happy when um we are able to get out into the community and have our mental health Town Halls uh because it's just that important so thank you so much you're welcome thank you miss rer you bring up a really valid point and I just want to say I think it it's really important that we all look out for each other and for all of our students and and that we also give our students the the skills to know who they can speak to that they can report something on the safer watch app if their friend is thinking about committing suicide so we need to make sure that our students are aware of these resources and that we work with the student advisor and students and his team to to make sure that you're not alone and and it's okay to not be okay and to be able to get help and ask for that help all right may have a motion um all in favor of I i1 say I I I those say no I i1 passes unanimously my motion is second on O3 move second move by Zan second by Hixon public comment no register comment Madam chair Mrs Hixon thank you um I really don't have a question I wanted to make a point because most of my questions that I sent two weeks early like I'm supposed to were very similar and they were what does the survey say how many schools use this and so I want to say O3 is a great example of what these items should look like when they come to us it listed the schools how many teachers it talked about the surveys um it talked about all of those different things because just telling us how many times a teacher uses it I was a teacher and I know sometimes they'd say you got to use this because we have to show the data I want to know what the teachers really have to say about it because these things are a lot of money um so I just wanted to say I appreciate how O3 came to us and if you'd like me to stop asking questions about this you should have all of the items come to us like O3 thank you Z human wow this is uh reminds me of teaching college for a couple years they had just come up with a ratee professor and uh the comment about Zan was boy that guy gives really hard grades um and and I will on this one as well because to miss hixon's Point there's tons of data um in this item we know by the way um that Nella for $500,000 is designed to improve reading skills but um whereas I appreciate you know the performance scores the userfriendly scores the number of teachers to miss hixon's points um that 88% of schools have 10 plus teachers using newella um I'm just stuck by the the lack of outcome based metrics which is if this software is designed to improve reading skills and we measure reading skills for all the students in Broward County why can't we decide to look at those that use new Cella versus those that don't and see whether or not this really does uh what it's a to do so uh I love the data I love you know learning about the number of participants and the teachers um success rate with it how good the the software itself is if software is sold to do X and we measure x uh I'd really love to know how uh X changes for those people that use it so uh great item I agree with you miss Hixon but uh the outcome metric is the thing that was missing which is is how much better do they improve reading skills thank you chair any other board member comments see all in favor of O3 say I I those oppos say no item passes unanimously may have a motion second on o33 so move move by Zan second by Hixon public comment no register speakers m'am spam adult Workforce education advertising agency services oh I think if if I recall correctly um this really had a talk into your microphone sorry if I'm recalling correctly um this really had a large uh dollar amount for advertising and my my question was really um what other Alternatives have we looked at because it just seemed extremely expensive um for for what we're getting and if there's a possibility I I don't know um just to explore other Alternatives just for financial comparison Dr urn Dr fton or uh Dr tumer hi yes speaking to the back of your head so um the the advertising that um that funds this comes from Workforce funds and as you know this is one of the governor's initiatives so we want to make sure that we take advantage of um our Workforce dollars and and use them wisely so that we can really advertise and get um students in that can um benefit from the the vocational training um that that they'll receive in terms of looking at um other uh Avenues um we have to because these are unique programs we have to Market them uniquely so um we'll look into that but but I mean there's it comes from the funds that are um designated for Workforce thank you okay so the uh Financial impact is $4.2 million Dr H that's correct over a three-year term threeyear term okay and how are they going to be using these funds um specifically for marketing and advertising for their unique programs that they have in in in at their U particular schools how are they going to Market it oh uh various ways TV radio um all kind of different type of media sources so it's not just one it's just not throwing things out of social medias also TV commercials and things like that so done by professionals okay so we're going to start seeing TV commercial more TV commercials for Broward County public schools for technical for the technical colleges which I've actually seen on TV already myself okay so we're already doing this yeah I think it's separate from what um my office does this is the tech colleges they have they're funding a different mechanism so they use their own but yes they they currently already do some of that stuff so this will be a continuation yeah so I I I will add um unlike our general um population of students K through 12 where we have access to them and things like that when we're trying to recruit adults we don't have access to those adults so this is the other Avenue of how we actually advertise to adults that are at large trying to get them in into our technical colleges to take advantage of some of our vocational programs are our technal technical colleges vocational schools under enrolled that's a good question um Mr tumer I don't think so because we're trying to expand actually you're thinking of a different way this is to really recruit students to their programs my marketing that the board approv a separate budget is really to try to fill some seats and stabilize our enrollment this is really to um expand their programs because remember it's a different funding mechanism it's not through the ffp program yeah Cu uh we've been trying to find some additional space to redefine it to actually expand their programs no I I understand but I understand it's separate but my question is though is it is the schools is are they under enrolled no they are not they're not under enrolled so is it wasting this money to put that money there can the money go somewhere else well they I I know maybe u m Malala cancers is better but they're different buckets of money so I couldn't take the money from the tech colleges to Market our K through 12 schools is I I believe that's how it works Dr he miss mon Waller if you can talk about the categorical use of those funds so the monies that the technical uh colleges get especially like Workforce education that would have to be reinvested in those programs to sustain those programs so those funds cannot be used for other things like what so as long as it's supporting the program s at those technical colleges it's fine but if we wanted to use it for any other purposes for any programs that are outside of those technical programs we wouldn't be able to invest it in that okay but so it could be used for something very specific at that school besides advertising yeah that's true yes okay so for me I I think there could be an opportunity like Miss fam said this is a large amount of money to use for advertising this schools are not under enrolled they seem to be getting full enrollment uh and so maybe that it can be used to expand some type of program there robotics you know I don't know yeah it could be reinvested into different programs so I for me I would rather see that money go reinvested into the schools so let me also add to um one of the residual effects of advertising is is keeping the school sustainable so if we stop the advertisement cuz it's not like a Traditional School where you're going through k212 you graduate you go on um these individuals are getting certificates and Vocational skills and then they move on after a short amount of time so you have to keep the the uh enrollment constant which is that's what the uh marketing helps to do so as one crop leaves the marketing ensures another crop comes in um so that it stays sustainable so I want to be careful in uh diverting um money which could affect enrollment later on um literally probably a few months from now cuz some of those programs uh individuals can get CER certifications within a couple of months depending on the program so it keeps it this constant churning so the investment in marketing and advertising keeps adults at large aware of what's going on and interested so they can come into the program okay so I'll I'll meet you halfway I move to make the financial impact $3 million second that's moved by Ala second by fam so what my motion is to so they would get $3 million to use towards their marketing and then the the 1.2 would go back into the school to be used for whatever the principal you know whatever whoever you know Dr H you think is best needed for the school I see some hands up before I talk public comment remember comments Mr F thank you very much chair um I appreciate the spirit of the motion um I can use your line but um but no I just um one of the things just thinking about our technical schools um I use a specific example right if we're talking about Automotive we're talking about a Sheridan is it possible that we could use those funds because one of the things that we talked about was we have the truck that can go to a high school right and that trade program can be offered at a high school which it was offered in Hollandale high school that we were trying to get it over there um but they could not afford the teacher for automotive they couldn't afford to get teachers to be able to bring that to our high schools is it possible that we talk about reallocating or getting those things towards that is it is there a possibility Dr H so all of those are follow-ups that we'll have to research um to see what what we what are our current capabilities with these funds is to make sure that they're not so categorized that they can only be used for marketing and advertisement so we need to make sure if they can be used for equipment or actually Personnel also um I know Miss Batista is looking up because this is a negotiated contract so if we do anything different we would have to go back to the table with these companies to negotiate the contract which takes some time um a few months uh so the decisions could have some form of impact and not being able to move forward with these Services because this is negotiated contract and also uh really understanding the full capabilities of what we can use these funds for got it understood then another point also CH wanted to use because of course these schools may not be under enrolled right um again using automotive and shared in Tech when I look at a classroom and about 95% of the class is not even from Broward so that's another conversation we have to have as well right when we talk about our advisers and our we're telling kids to go to our technical schools we want our students there as well so we had kids especially the automotive when you're talking about GM nobody from SEO County South offers what we offer we're the only ones that offer certification doing that for GM Chevrolet all these guys and I had kids coming from Miami Palm Beach Orlando people were these kids were from everywhere but Broward and that made me feel a certain way so again not only do we talk about teachers but I'm talking about is there sort of u a way that we could reward getting kids in the program right um brace advisers whatever the case is what can we do to get our cuz these programs are amazing they're going to technical school shared and Tech and coming out making six figures immediately what are we talking about so we want to make sure of course we advertise it but as well we want to make sure we get our kids here in Brower to get these opportunities as well because other counties are getting it right by talking about how great our programs are thank you Dr Zan thanks so much chair I I uh I love your your motion I just want to make sure we get the facts right though for the community's consumption are we advertising right now for these schools Dr heer yes and uh what is the amount amount of money we're spending for advertising for these schools that are fully enrolled Dr I don't have that figure know if you have that finger Mr no we don't have that fig provide in a followup I think it's a lot more important than uh something that would come in a followup if we're if we're spending 3 million then we probably should keep spending 3 million because it's not just numbers of people it's quality of people it's getting the word out um if we're spending 300,000 then I'd be in favor of spending 300,000 because we're we are filling every seat and uh I think there's other ways to communicate to our captive audience in Broward County about these amazing opportunities as a way to make sure Broward residents at least uh are aware of it so um is uh chair is it possible to get that number in the near term or or should we uh or we could go in another way Dr um Miss andreo can we turn on the public speaker please the mic board member Zan we spent approximately 5.7 million since uh under the current um bid since 2019 if if um if I'm doing my math correctly that was a 5year period of performance yes sir so uh they're basically asking to for a slight increase in the average time go from 1 .2 to 1.4 uh but I fully support this amendment I don't uh I I just don't see this as a useful way to spend taxpayer dollars I would much rather spend all this money on the programs and then let the programs sell themselves because they're already awesome make them even more awesome would be great and you'd have more uh I hate to hear as my colleague pointed out about not expanding because you couldn't hire one more person uh that's a heck of a lot less expensive than $4.2 Million worth of advertising so even if this passes chair I want to make sure we progress monitor this so we can see whether or not the first million we spend over the first year is in fact generating some kind of additional quality or enrollment in these schools and I just had a question in regards to how many schools is this uh advertising going towards the way it's reads now the 4.2 million not the tumor so um yes so there is a cost of services section which is in attachment B and there is an a certain amount of money that is to be spent per year with within the contract so changing the 3 million or you know the the total uh cost as it is um stated in the financial impact that's that's not possible all right this is a response to an RFP put me back okay so what was the answer to my question so it covers all of our Workforce schools which are eight schools total eight schools so so 4.2 million I'm just trying to prove a point here because we're we're spending four we want to spend $4.2 million for uh promoting eight schools and then my next question is how much money do we use on every other one of our schools to do promotion like promotion and out there I would say the difference between uh this is of course there are eight schools but they have many programs and part of what our Workforce schools do uh as part of our service to the community is be responsive to the um to the needs of what the industry is asking for so that may fluctuate from year to year depending on what the Market asked for so us being able to be nimble and be able to Pivot and and to advertise as needed I think is um it's very important and I'm just trying to prove a point we're advertising and we're marketing for eight schools 4 uh $2 million and you know we are going through redefining Broward schools and how much money are we allocating per school for advertising and marketing well I'll just reiterate that this comes from Workforce funds correct so that's where the advertising dollars are I'm just trying to make a point okay so I have Mrs Hixon then Mr go ahead um I I think we're also missing the point that these schools make us money other schools don't right people pay to go to these schools so Dr heurn can you tell us how much money the eight schools bring into the district Dr tumer or Miss matala okay Mr Aus we'll come back we're waiting for that um similar kind of line of thinking Miami dat schools also does advertising for its let me make sure I got this right adult Workforce education is that correct I I can't say definitive I got you the answer is yes so other school systems do this exact service I don't want the board to Cloud because as we I guess I can now say publicly now that I'm no longer in a different setting we had the opportunity Mr superintendent to cut $100 million and the board chose not to do that um and the board still has that opportunity if the board chooses to do so uh to make sure that we can get all thep types of services and needs that this District deserves that our children deserves uh and our employees deserve so that's Point number one if other school systems if our neighboring districts are already doing this exact advertising service attracting folks to their system why wouldn't we be doing the exact same thing that's just a rhetorical question we can debate the dollar amount all day there going to be many contracts as we all will be on different sides of this on different items but the bigger point is not to shave a million dollar here $2 million there as the vice chair pointed out which I agree and we don't have the same talking points I don't have any there are benefits and there is value to our Workforce programs other districts are doing it and doing a phenomenal job if we cut back on this this is different than the conversation I just pushed a couple weeks ago with Communications should we be doing more highlighting all of our schools and school sites yes we're not doing that we haven't done that but the board thank you we all just allocated more uh marketing and advertising dollars to do that in all mediums including minority media and black media because a prior superintendent chose not to do that so that's not what this is I don't want the board to get clouded by that but I want to go back to the first point if the board is serious about finding dollars if the board is serious about turning around the hole that we know exists then the board should do that but we should approve this item as is we should not be number two or number three to a neighboring School District thank you I just want to clarify my motion my motion is that I'm not taking any money away from the eight schools I'm just saying that the the $1.2 million would would go back into the school based on how the superintendent believes and not into the the marketing aspect that's all I'm saying 1 1.2 million right yeah 1.2 Dr Hess okay um Dr heurn if um the marketing funds should be reduced by 1.2 million and you have 3 million in in your opinion how would this impact um the volume of students that would be exposed to the good things in these eight Workforce schools I don't have to sit down with the team to really understand the impact um I don't know Dr tum if you want to weigh in on it but I know we have to sit down with the team understand the impact and understand the reason why we went for uh the 4.2 instead of a a a lower amount so I'm assuming there's a specific reason why we went for the 4.2 um so I have to sit down with the team and the leads for those schools to find out would be understand is is Dr tumor going to respond you got any info to add to that Dr tumor I'll attempt and then I'll um Miss Batista I'll take it to miss Batista may I get on the list yes so very briefly I'm looking at the attachment B which is the cost of services and in very very tiny print it says uh the price so the monthly cost for 12 months is $29,400 which um a year that would be a lot less than the $4 million or even than the $3 million is $350 $2,800 times 3 years that's a, 58 uh 400 so so the the language in attachment B states that the prices offered shall remain firm through the first three years which as I just said if the first three years it would amount to uh a little over a million dollars and then a request for a price adjustment uh with proper documentation justifying the adjust adjustment may be submitted in writing 30 days before the third anniversary date of the contract so the contract itself is only um the the financial impact is 4,200,000 if you go the entire amount of years which is three plus then um two renewal after that so you definitely don't have to do that so even if you approve the contract as is right now you're not approving uh that you know that the district will be dispersing $4 4,200,000 immediately it's only 350 2,800 a year and then you can change it after three years okay Madam chair I can continue okay so um and I appreciate that information Miss Batista um I am one who believes that it's important that we Market the good things we're doing in BR County Schools um I believe that's one of the areas that we falter um and I appreciate that added information Miss Batista because it clarifies that that would be over time so I would I am in support of uh the item as it is and not reduce any marketing aspect of our Workforce um I think it's important that we continue the exposure when we have great products you have to keep marketing that's why Coca-Cola keeps marketing their products once you start to cut back on marketing you start to reduce exposure you start to reduce student volume and then we end up with other issues so I'm not in support of um the current motion I'm in support of the item as it is anyone else yes Miss rer uh thank you I I would would like to encourage my colleagues that I briefly uh ran into Bob Crawford I don't know a couple weeks or so ago and he said that he'd like to talk to the superintendent at some point and me and some other people about because I I think we've had this discussion before as to do we want to I know that Mr fogan Ho has brought this up we've had conversations about we have high schools that want to do programs what's the what's the plus to our district and what's the minus to our district um and he said it's a larger conversation when it comes down to funding and we do quite well getting the money from Tallahassee and have a great relationship Bob Crawford and his whole team um Nita now I mean everybody does a great job and when they go up there they really listen to Broward County because of that so I would just caution uh my colleagues that I really wouldn't be upsetting the apple cart on Workforce education at this time until we really have a bigger picture because I would feel much more comfortable if they could say yeah you know what as part of re repurposing perhaps we can get other grants or we can tweak some of them and be able to uh you know work through this and bring more people in but I I certainly appreciate um the motion that our chair has made about uh reducing the money having it go back to the schools but um I personally think that the item as is is uh is the best for our district currently and I don't really want to um upset the apple cart until we have um the the whole picture so that's that's my two cents guys thank you m fam um Madam chair I I like your idea and in um working or partnering with Mr fogan hly and getting that bus or or that um Truck moving I mean we could wrap that that would be its own advertising and that would sell so so many more people they see all these students and something that they handbuilt or participated in creating and I think that would bring it to life where people say wow that's really that's really interesting and I think if we do more more things like that where we have a Hands-On approach hands untouch that uh we are going to create and generate so much more interest because people are going to want to be a part of that party thank you okay any Dr Zan yeah I just wonder if this is a really this motion's a mute mute point because uh Miss Batista has pointed out that the the annual cost of this is it looks like in in the contract I mean we might have thought it was going to be 4.2 million but the bid price is 290,000 per year uh so they're not going to get to 3 million loone 4.2 um I just wanted to confirm that is are these uh figures accurate on page 2291 that roughly $290,000 was the bid price to do the work that was required in the RP he miss Andrea yes sir that is accurate the figures you see on attachment terrific so even if we approve this motion it's not going to constrain the dollars because the dollars are constrained by the contract at $290,000 per year correct terrific so how should we proceed do you think chair I'll remove my motion would it make sense to uh make a a motion that caps us at the 290 for the three years or should we just leave it at 4.2 million but they're really they're literally not going to spend more than the 290,000 that's the agreed to price MH Miss Patia right so um as you know Miss andreo confirmed for the 2425 school year the the expected uh will not exceed 1.4 million and then each remaining year of the contract the budget will not exceed 2.8 million and it may be lower I'm just curious about what we should do as a board because the contract says 290,000 and so in some sense I think the public would um be better served if we put 290 time 3 and said hey that's the limit because we got a contract in front of us why would we approve something that's so significantly higher than what the contract says so that's the contract right the the whatever it says on attachment B and I may you know the numbers are very small so sometimes I'm not reading them correctly but um as I stated before um and I think you that's a good point that it should just be an approval of the contract for the 3 years after the three years then you are able to do you know lower the price or do something different I think that would make the most sense chair to if you'd like I can make a motion yes please thanks so much chair I'd like to move um uh that the contract limit be set to the total of the figures on page 2291 times the duration of the contract and if I'm not correct that's three-year contract correct thank you so uh I don't want to give a number because I can't do the math in my head and the numbers are small I don't want to make a mistake but the motion would be uh these two numbers added together times three would be the limit of the contract second moveed by Zan second by Leonardi public comment on the motion board member comment on the motion Dr holness yes um Dr heurn based on the current motion on the floor is this what you intend for this item to achieve does it satisfy your um item on this particular you know does it fulfill what you're looking for um I would refer to Dr tumor on that um I see that the contract year amount is 20 call it $260,000 um per year but just want to make sure I think perhaps um board member holding is in the short term but for the duration of the contract probably not because I would imagine that the team uh sits and strategizes with the marketing team about a multi-year plan so I'm sure there will be some impact but to to what extent I'm not sure I can't say Okay so the current motion that's on the floor which is a definitive amount um is this any different than what was in the original item and if you think it is different how will it impact what you're trying to do with this item well my understanding is that this is for the first three years and again won't won't be the total of the contract as it was um submitted so again I don't um I would imagine that the the marketing plan consisted of the entirety of the of the amount asked for so I'm certain there will be an impact but to what degree I don't know uh I do know that our marketing for our Workforce schools and our Tech colleges in particular or second to none we are the standard uh uh in the state as it pertains uh to Workforce so we definitely don't want that start to dim so again I'm sure there will be some impact but I don't know to what extent okay so the implication of the original um item um I'm just trying to understand the difference the implication of the original item uh is more years or a greater amount or is it similar so I don't have the contract right in front of me but I U my understanding of what the amendment was was to only um fund the first three years of I'm understanding what the motion is okay and the original item is looking to fund what I think it's 5 years but I'm not certain okay is can we get a definitive answer on that is it 5 years on the original yes it's 5 years so we're looking to do 3 years instead of for 5 years and and so um the the next question that I would have is um I would imagine do you believe that through the superintendent Dr tumer that this will impact um marketing what is the benefit of having 5 years versus 3 years Dr holess I believe that the original contract was always 3 years from 2024 to 2027 what possibly and I'm not sure Dr tumer could um elaborate more but might what might be changing the price would be maybe how many you know commercials are going to be run so if they're charging $900 for say one advertisement a month but maybe in their original plan plan they were going to do 10 of those okay so the original plan provide more latitude because to do more right the quantity the quantity correct okay I understand and how important is it in your opinion that we have this sort of ability to to do more um in terms of uh student enrollment at these facilities um I'd say it's vital um obviously we want to continue to grow our programs uh again there's a state initiative uh around Workforce we do know that um more students are choosing this option and we want to be the choice because if not then they go to other community colleges or to other Tech schools and um we want those those students these are fee based uh courses so it brings in Revenue to the district and also I think it's marketing uh in and of itself that um our schools are are seen in such high esteem so I I I I think we need what the contract is asking for okay so I would caution the board again that for me it's important that we have adequate marketing it's not an area that I believe we should be looking to cut especially if it's going to have an impact on enrollment I believe we're proceeding in a Direction that is in opposition to what we're trying to do um we are suffering from a decline in enrollment in Broad County Schools that's what we're suffering from and to provide motions or options to sort of um reduce the ability to Market in order to put more money into programs I think it's counterproductive I think we need to proceed with the original item to Market our uh Workforce schools so we can continue to attract a high volume of students and also continue to proceed in figuring out how we can even get more students so we can be competitive with the other districts around us so again I'm going back to the original item I would like to uh I will support the original item as it is not a motion to reduce marketing that will impact enrollment over the long term I don't think that's good business sense as a small business owner um marketing is really important and I understand the importance of that in continuing to have a strong customer base we shouldn't proceed in this direction thank you thank you any other board member comments on the motion Mr charlon if you could just what is the motion on the floor I know I stepped away for a minute the motion on the floor is to fund the contract amount it's roughly $290,000 times 3 years okay so here is what I thank you madam chair so here's what I thought I understood from the information in front of me and I've been doing a sideb with Council attachment B and please correct me if I'm wrong these are advertising placement Services right this is placement right attachment B is in Bull yes ma'am 2291 is that correct Dr tumer Dr he Dr tum correct all right so now let's go to the spending Authority on the 4.2 million and I read at the scope of work so I think I know how to read and put this all together the 4.2 million this clearly is not an advertising placement fee correct Dr tumor correct as I understand it got it so the 4.2 million my assumption is for all of the media that we just spent 45 minutes talking about looks like that's the budget for that the ad placement is for company ABC they are only receiving what's on attachment B do I read that the same way actually let me let me refer to our procurement uh professional I just want to make sure I'm reading it right sorry Dr hurn no no you go I'm trying to figure out where this feedback is coming from Miss Andrea that is correct okay got it so two different things we we got you gave us information on the placement services and this is how they charge to design to do all these things working with some internal committee that you reference on the scope of work on attachment a okay and then the 4.2 million spending Authority covering 36 months is for all of the marketing and advertising all of those things right that we do over the period of time is that correct correct and all right I just want to make because that's counter to what I just heard and I know I've been can I add um you asked for this while you discussed I want to add the revenue um is 97.7 million from State allocation and fees um where they get money so the 4.2 is about 4% of their annual budget that they actually receive and I'm supportive of this I'm just I'm just trying to bring Clarity to the conversation because I think we went from this is only 200 and something, to it's only 4.2 but it's two different things we're looking at right I just want to make sure the professionals agree with that statement yes yes okay all right thank you Madam chair any other questions Dr Zan still want to go with your motion no no I think I think what we have is a contract for developing content and another one for placing content and uh uh I I'm tempted to uh table this until we can actually know for sure that that's what it is because this is confusing and uh um uh I just want to make sure chair that what we see on page 2291 is not the price for the whole contract but just for part of the contract Dr heurn M andreo through um I believe to clarify what Mr Altin was saying that would be the contract for this particular vendor Omni um but there would be maybe some additional Services because if they were doing a billboard for say Omni might not own that billboard on I95 so they're going to uh work with the marketing team to maybe come up with the concept but they still might have to rent that space per se or pay for that that billboard so there absolutely could be some additional cost and as I mentioned that is per item that attachment be I have no idea how many items are needed does this contract have a cancellation for convenience of the government Clause yes sir great I'm fine we'll move forward with the knowledge we have I think but um if the knowledge is different uh a board member might bring this back uh to do something different with it down the road thank you chair okay thank you all in favor of gosh let's see what's the motion Madam chair it's the approve the request for proposal between the school board bar County Florida and Omni Automotive South LLC DBA Omni advertising the original item yeah original yes all in favor and this is o33 Staff correct all in favor of o33 say I iose say no no item passes with one dissenting vote Dr Zan may have a motion and actually we need to take public comment public comment Mr suvan I don't have a list o34 no R do public comment it's public 4:00 Michael Sawyer Brown Michael Sawyer Brown winess brunat yes yeah good afternoon and thank you for the opportunity my name is Will buan and I am an educator at North Boward Community School I am here to present you uh motivational children book and the title is yes I can poor children what I did uh in this book I portrayed uh President Obama's Life as a source of motivation for uh children so I am going to read uh two or three passages for from uh this book uh to you please uh um be patient yes I can for children that's the title Obama in elementary school as a student Obama liked schools he obeyed the school rules he completed the classworks as he completed the homeworks since he was a good listener he was a good learner then because he had good learning skills he has a lot of success obviously children need to go to school so they can have their education like Barack Obama I can be cool and stay in school yes I can then I have activities uh followed the text from that text one of the questions will be have you notified at the end at the end of the story the author uses today contemporary language in the passage find the sentence and re write it so that would be I can be cool and stay in school another passage that I'm going to read is Obama in high school he attended Academy of panoho this is a prestigious High School in Honalulu his classmates were different but he was still confident he was a good basketball player they called him Barry aomber along with other seniors he graduated with honors like Barack Obama I'll do well in high school and make my family proud of me so follow this text I have activities and I'm going to read just uh one question connect your life with the story Obama graduates high school with honor and makes his family proud of him so children will get back to uh than so much and thank you so I will uh ask please yield the board thank you okay so thank you that's our PM speakers before I turn it over to the superintendent for his report I wanted to share great news regarding student achievement on July 1st the Florida Department of Education released the Florida assessment of student thinking test results also known as fast for the 2023 2024 school year the collective effort of our dedicated School administrators motivated teachers staff and hardworking students has truly paid off I'm thrilled to share that our students outperform the state in the majority of the test areas as well as end of course exams as a board my colleagues and I have M have maintained a focus and priority for the superintendent to elevate student learning and growth raising bar County Public Schools to an a district and while we await to learn if this significant progress means we met the grade it most importantly reflects that we are making impact on young lives through tireless commitment collaboration and a shared vision of academic success together we truly are shaping a brighter future now I turn it over to Dr he to expand on the district's fast results during the this superintendent report thank you madam chair overall brow County Public Schools made significant progress in outpaced the state in all grade levels for English language arts grades 3-5 and seven for mathematics and end of course exams for algebra biology Civics and US history based on the third and final assessment of fast in the spring of 2024 our students scor higher than a state average in 12 out of 14 tested areas in grade levels increased or remained the same in math and Ela and every grade level compared to the prior Year we're eagerly anticipating the release of the 2024 school grades as we will have many things to celebrate and we remain steadfast in our goal of 100% student achieving proficiency and becoming an a-rated School District I would also like to thank the board for their continued focus on student achievement and thank all of our staff especially our teachers for making this success a reality I'm also pleased to share that our weapons detection pilot program conduct conducted over the summer has been a success this initiative allowed us to gather valuable insights and refine our approach as we prepare to roll out the program across all high schools for the 2425 school year we extend our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated staff to their for their hard work and committed to ensuring the success of this pilot their efforts Have Been instrumental in making our school safer for everyone together we can maintain a safe and secure learning environment for all of our students and that concludes my report Madam chair thank you may have a motion and second on F3 so move move by hickon second by Fen holy public comment no registered speakers Madam chair Mr allson thank you madam chair uh now that we've had a series of conversations on cuts uh and other items uh Mr superintendent is this your uh formal budget recommendation Dr Herer yes so but meaning we're going to get some additional information other than this one pager I know coming soon is that correct correct all right uh what additional benefits uh would you say that our students will be receiving based on this tax increase that is being proposed uh we'll be able to leverage uh more resources uh leverage opportunities the bill teacher and also principal capacity um and also be able to uh address some of our shortcomings when it comes to um facilities um to make sure they're up to parts to have a conducent environment to learn got it do you think in the recommended budget uh that the board will see uh that we are guaranteeing all employees a raise in this upcoming year with this tax increase we are in so we are in the midst of uh realizing savings throughout this first semester to accomplish that goal and I'm uh happy to say uh Mr Austin and also everybody at the board at our last cabinet meeting I've challenged my team and we've made a goal to find aund Million by December to realize some savings for this District so we're we're taking the Bulls by the horns ourselves um and we're meeting weekly to go through our budgets we know a lot of our budget is tied up into people so we're going to start having some tough conversations early um because I know our student population has declined so our our uh employee basee cannot stay the same um and so we're doing a lot of things week to week to realize as much savings as possible by December and hopefully meeting our 100 million goal that we set for ourselves as a Cabinet sounds like you said 100 million before we fot on before we vote on the final budget so we can do all the things you just said uh along with uh doing uh a employee raise for all employees so I'm going to push back and hope that we can still move that $100 million number um a lot sooner I know we tried what a couple weeks ago the board started but the board didn't finish but I'm happy to help you do that in this budget by the way um and I again I don't have only the one pager so is the intent that we will be reducing all vacant positions in the next budget Year yes correct um matter of fact um once we get school started I plan to do a heart freeze on hiring and a heart freeze on purchasing so everything that comes across cabinet is very is essential and definitely needed to execute what we need to do to get to our goal of 100% Proficiency in the a school district excellent so the Lata budget actually increased FTE uh from one fiscal year to the next will the help burn budget uh increase FTE will they stay the same will they be reduced uh possibly staying the same or reduced all right uh last question maybe this is you CFO cuz I only have a one page so you can imagine uh most of my questions is the intent that we will get the details behind this proposed tax increase soon miss matala so today uh you just have the advertisement in front of you that's why it's the one pager this is only to get it advertised in the newspaper next week Tuesday we have the tentative um budget tentative budget that'll be presented to the board so that's when we bring you with the detail and go through it in more detail and that Madam CFO do you intent uh to recommend a decrease to the discretionary millage um no not at present got it so the intent is to maintain all current uh well to maintain uh and or increase the millit rate is that correct is that what this advertisement is telling us yes so the rle is already um what the state provided to us and the others stay the same okay and there is no intent by the administration to do something different in terms of reducing uh cost to families is that fair yes that's correct right because I clearly I think we all know the property appraiser and what the percentage increase is to the district so we're receiving more money which is counter to comments I've heard from the board is that fair yes so we are receiving more money we're receiving more State money we're receiving more local dollars from taxes is that fair yes got it so we're receiving more money we are guarant Mr superintendent Services won't go backwards we're providing the best education and quality to our children we're working hopefully to get some additional reductions so we can do more is that fair yes okay thank you Miss fam3 hold on I don't think I have much that F3 Miss fam back my the notice of the military one p got you um thank you madam chair I think um the reason that I had put that on there is because I wanted to speak to that in reference to um the earlier discussion that we had about the um impact fee so I think I just combined them by Miss thank you Dr Tan thank you so much chair uh I look forward to getting this advertisement out look forward to getting to the details uh next week uh when we put this all together uh like some of my colleagues there's a lot of unanswered questions about the overall budget uh there are uh going to be some uh uh opportunities to uh reduce overhead reduce management costs put more money into schools um and to continue to fund the things that get us to our strategic goals thank you very much chair okay any other questions roll call on F3 I think we're all in favor of this approve the submission of the advertisement of the proposed millage uh levies and tenative budget per chapter 200 of the Florida Statutes and I know it's just an advertisement roll call Miss fam board member fam yes Bogen holy no Hixon Honus yes lardy yes rert yes yes Zan yep a no Mr Austin no and Miss Hixon 63 53 sorry 63 63 passes W okay 63 F3 passes 63 uh three dissenting votes ala Fen holy and Austin may I have a motion and second on o34 so move second moved by Zan second by Hixon public comment board member comment fam fam yes ma'am I'm flipping back said O3 right O3 o34 oh okay sure cuz I don't have an O3 Hospital home okay um yeah I I have in just in my notes um yes I think that's a great idea for um us to have the the nurse on call with um at the hospital to work with the kids and and I really think that's going to help ESC I've attended several meetings where we just don't have a nurse um to attend to some of these children and I think this is a step in the right direction thank you all in favor of o34 say I I those say no o34 passes unanimously we have a motion second on o34 no we're done double P 34 did we do 33 yes okay pp1 may have a motion second on pp1 Mo mooved by Zan second by Hixon public comment we have several registered uh narni Pier Grant Miss Greaves Nicole Mo Mor most Mor moris Morris sorry I'm giving my what 3 minutes to miss moist six minutes good afternoon Nicole Morris Coral Springs um like I said earlier we would ask that you would send this policy back to looping uh there were three pages added it's vastly different from when we last saw it the version that you all got at the febru or the May 29th Workshop is what we last Saw and this is kind of a new policy so so I'll start with the over enrolled so right now the definition of over enrolled is 100% of gross capacity so schools that do not have Portables that is also their permanent capacity permanent and gross would be the same schools that have permanent uh Portables are now modulars has 100 has permanent capacity and gross capacity so I sent you the Ila the interlocal agreement earlier so um in the interlocal agreement it states that uh School Board policy 5000 which will now be 8010 should be consistent with the interlocal agreement which says that a um the level of service capacity is 110% of permanent capacity or 100% of gross so if a developer were to come in and build next to Coral Glades which is right now at 104 % of their um growth capacity because they they do not have Portables the growth Management Department would grant that because they're under their level of service capacity but that could trigger a boundary change because they would be considered over enrolled by our policy Mr Beck has said that they will not again do um a boundary change based on the capacity or if if they um may be deemed over enrolled but if your policy says that a school is over enroll at this capacity your policy should mean what it says and say what it means so right now we have five schools 1 2 3 4 5 six six schools that are currently over enrolled they do not have Portables so they are over their uh growth capacity Coral glaze is at 14% Fort Lauderdale High School is at 107% bayw elementary is at 101% Harvard Elementary is at 103% and silveridge Elementary is at 103% these schools are are all below their core capacity meaning they have the space but they're over their uh gross capacity or their yes their growth capacity because they don't have Portables so a school that is next to that could be at 7% of their permanent capacity but still not be considered over enrolled because they have Portables they haven't met their gross capacity so we're asking that this policy would mirror and be consistent with the interlocal agreement of 110% of permanent P capacity or 100% of gross my next concern is all of the areas where Community engagement has been removed from the policy you've changed um Community engagement to stakeholder and then they've clearly defined what a stakeholder is and it doesn't have community at large so it has PTA it has committee members it has um churches and education advisory boards it doesn't say community at large if you go to um page seven of the previous version that we we had on May 29th they have changed from District leadership shall establish and facilitate Community meetings and other opportunities for stakeholder particip ipation they've taken out the part that says facility at Community meetings and it just says District leadership shall have stakeholder opportunities when warranted in other portions of this policy they're removing diversity and Equity guidelines there's an entire portion under um repurposing and closing schools that states that they um students will maintain education equal educational opportunities in the event of school closure closures I can't remember the page number so I'm going to go to it so in the workshop version under K1 guidelines for the use of closed schools it said a rule a review will be conducted by the demographics Department to ensure that access to highquality educational opportunities is maintained for all students in the event of school repurposing or closure they have St they have stricken that and it now says that students will be guaranteed that students will be um appropriate L placed into a school in the event of a school closure so they have removed um guideline like Doc uh I'm sorry Mr fogan holia said so what if we close Olsen middle school and they don't have a soccer field in the um Elementary School that they're going to go to so we had made a guarantee for that and now they have removed that from policy so I just hope that this will go back to looping so that we can um have come back with something that is going to ensure that this is done in an equitable fashion thank you thank you our final two speakers are Jackie lumsum which I don't believe is here and Dr n lwal oh I miss SC sorry good afternoon Madam chair Vice chair Dr superintendent have burn and board members and staff speaking on community boundaries proposing Community involvement if it is not broken no need to fix it Pages 11 and 12 I'm asking the board to keep number five in policy so that the voice of the community and diversity committee remains every year committee communities submit boundary proposals for the board to review allowing this to be removed affects advocacy for needs page five letter r I'm asking the board to request that the definition of stakeholder include the community at large as this is part of um The Advisory boards you do have at large individuals so that this remain as part as the definition of stakeholder page number 84 a I do disagree with designating um adding designated District staff in conjunction with quote District leadership it is to General currently is assigned to demographics and student assignment um my rationale um is that this would create no transparency to the public and no accountability to a specific department so to designate a District staff can be Tom Jerry John and Jill who knows who District staff would be um and who knows who District leadership is so I think assigning it to a specific Department would um be very beneficial thank you for your consideration have a wonderful day thank you next speaker good afternoon Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh Plantation Florida I concur with the prior speakers from a big picture standpoint the way this is being perceived um is that we're try we're there's a movement to create less transparency bypass informed or affected stakeholders so that we can go out and have these town halls and giving too much power to whoever the superintendent is in a district that has had four grand jury reports and a failed Bond program like I said this morning long range facility Master planning has to be controlled by the board the framework which a prior board paid aeom to develop a framework that if you pass this language they don't have to use they don't have to have a long- range facility master plan steering committee it's too vague what's not in here is no definition of long range planning who knows what this means it's so broadly mentioned in here they could do anything with it the version in front of you is not the version from 529 is what was shared at DAC and other advisories except the faciliity task force which never they never looped it through there to this version where they're claiming that the addition of long range planning is merely a structural change no all but one sentence referring to long range planning was struck in what you saw on May 29th I went back and checked and Googled the recording you didn't say put it back in there was no direction from the board to put it back in there was one lone sentence under the school board that remained so this should have never been put back in and because it it was already struck nobody addressed it so you either pull it out now or send it back to looping if staff cannot prove that it is absolutely Mission critical for this thing to be passed today it needs to go back for looping and at a minimum all of that long range planning would need to come out but there are other concerns as the other speakers mentioned and you have language where it changed involving affected communities to things like providing the opportunity for stakeholder input those are words that are red flags because it's a lot easier to go out to uninformed community members who don't know what the policies and the state laws are and get something past them that's how we wound up with the bond other things uh let's see long range planning there's no the language was struck one subject per Rule now we're cramming in Long Range planning in here thank you thank you okay first up is Mrs Hixon thank you um So based on the public speaking and the idea that if we um leave the the policy the way it is that it's written more to allow Builders to it's more favorable for Builders than our students I would like to make a motion to table this and send it back for looping second second second moved by Hixon second by Leonardi public comment on the motion I apologize I can't hear you back there uh Miss hickon can you repeat your motion yes I was um making a motion to send this back for looping Pro um the looping Pro Perfection Perfection I I didn't I didn't hear you back there thank you thank you for the motion I agree I mean we I I can't even find where I was sitting with Mr Beck and he's been great at answering our questions I was sitting with him earlier saying show me where this is over here and he were and I were both confused he couldn't find things I couldn't find things we have highlights like we're all confused and so it it would be nice if we could bring it back work together get one copy so we can say you know see exactly where this is all of the languages has been changed I thank you for the motion thank you for the motion obviously I support it um I think Rel looping it now that everybody's we have um basically staff's best effort and everybody works together to come up with a policy we can all uh buy into thank you try now can we turn the mic up here on the right please hello thank you I just want to say thank you thank you Dr holness oh can I just real quick the the reason is as it was mentioned earlier before um this is kind of our blueprint for what it's going to look like to close schools or repurpose our schools and how the boundaries will change and we want to be sure that we're doing it right and it seems like there's a lot of questions on this and um you know I appreciate staff for all the work that they've done I don't want to come across as if I don't think it's right but I have a lot of questions in here and if I have that many um it seems like we need to to just try a second time so thank you Dr Hess thank you madam chair so um I do support the motion and um but what I would like to see because because it appears that based upon input from the public that what we have is drastically different um I would then recommend that as we go back to reloop that um The public's input is valued we have really um great um individuals in the public who um are working diligently to make sure we get this right so I would suggests to the um staff to be sure to involve extensively The public's input and to Value their input and to bring this back that is reflective of stakeholders um concerns um I think that it's important to work concertedly with our community and I do hope that when this comes back it's not drastically different than what's presented to the public uh and if you're truly seeking public input it need it cannot be one directional it has to be um it it has to be done in a manner that public input is also significantly considered and we're not just telling them what we're going to do but we're taking their input and we're valuing their input and we're seriously listening to what they're saying and incorporate that into what we're doing so I do hope when it comes back to us it is reflective of the Public's um feedback as well thank you Miss Ley may I have also I support the motion rert thank you um I support the motion but I would like to ask additionally for information um if you're if you have a child in a cluster and they their regular school is um overcrowded then they're going to be sent to the second one we don't really have very strict um procedures and policies in place that would um be able to speak to our swd so um students with disabilities so in in that mind when you bring the information back please uh make sure that you talk to um our ESC parents and community so they can they can um share this information and every one of our students all of them are are taken into consideration so thank you Mr fenoli thank you very much chair and I'm make it quick of course I think we're on the same page when it comes to supporting the motion um just think it it's kind of pointless though especially if it happens again right if it goes through the whole looping process and it gets changed last minute um ruins the whole purpose so superintendent I guess it's a question like why did it happen this way like why did it change from the last conversation because I feel like everybody was on the same page this is from here in public comment um and how can we make sure that doesn't happen again because last thing I would want is a whole looping process to happen then we're here again y so um for this specific item um I'll ask the ones that to to chime in on this one and then I can talk about how do we um ensure for this policy and future policies how to ensure this doesn't happen again thank you good afternoon addressing you in my new role um so I would ask Mr Beck if he could chime in on the um changes from the workshop to what is here today and then I can talk about processes going forward thank you good afternoon joeck uh director demographics and enrollment planning thank you thank you okay so the version that you see today the the version that was last um aired in public on on May 29th uh after that that that juncture it began the legal review process all of the changes that were made to this policy were made explicitly under the guidance of of of the general council's office she and I worked uh not the general counsel but attorney uh Kathleen shock Adams we spent 30 hours going line by line to make the policy legally sufficient the changes that everyone sees that are confusing um are mostly structural things were moved around it's now organized in a linear way the the attorneys have confirmed that none of the changes were substantive even the section on longrange planning at the end the language was there she put a heading on it because this is something that well it was sort of floating or in the policy as it was and she felt that it needed to be uh structured given context so none of the changes that were made were new material none of the rules were changed all of the things that the speakers were speaking about the level of service those were all already taken out of the policy that was presented on May May 29th these are not new features this is not a new policy this is just a reorganized and some of the language some of the words were changed for consistency I had added a word I'm not an attorney there are attorneys president I'm not one I had for example in the looping process I had added a word throughout um the boundary process um our attorney suggested that that was not a legally appropriate word because throughout means 100% of the time they can come and sit in our laps in our offices while while we develop scenarios so um that was changed to during because that was a more precise thing so everything that was done was done to be more precise and more legally sufficient not to change any of the rules so I I want to make that completely clear we didn't just go out and say okay we got your blessing now we're going to going to write the policy we really wanted that that absolutely didn't happen and this was all to obtain uh legal sufficiency approval from the general councel awesome that's that's extremely helpful thank you very much Mr Beck but so that's sort of solidifying what I'm worried about right because the steps you're going to go back into to Loop the going through the looping process again it's going to end up with legal and that can change drastically again we're going to be in the same Point again right so what is the solution to make sure this doesn't happen again is it legal being with you the whole time is it making sure that what's spoken with the community with stakeholders to make sure we're not changing verbage or how do we prevent being here again so I think the the response to that Mr folen holy is if there are changes that legal has said must be are necessary for legal sufficiency then we have that conversation with the community so that they understand before it gets here to the um to the board for final consideration for Ru making but I but I do want to say something if it's okay Dr Runner you can say it I I just want the board to understand that um our committees don't start meeting again until August or September at the latest so that means that we would have to get on their agendas if they aren't already set either in August or September so as soon as this policy may come back to the board May October so I I I just want to give the board a sense of you know what to expect when I go ahead if I may superintendent and chair I'd like to piggy back on that because I'd like just not this is not to frighten anybody but this is the policy that governs redefining Brower schools this policy explicitly is the policy that drives closure consolidation um and repurposing of schools as well as School boundaries so the existing policy polic which is what would be standing if if we don't move forward with the amendment now uh has some very problematic features in it that would pretty much um make it impossible for us to really embark on that work this year so that would delay us a year in doing any school closures because that the policy that's kind of encoded there enshrined there was envisioned to begin in in May so the workshop that will be happening in a at the end of August would have happened in May the board would have given given direction to proceed and over the summer the staff would have been doing the work to assemble the committee that's required in this policy um which would will not be able to happen because that's that committee is uh is recruited through safs and they don't start meeting until the end of August so um we wouldn't even it will just really uh really throw a a wrench into any of those plans if that's what the board's intent is I don't want to be non-transparent and then by the way and when we get to the Poli say well actually we have this other policy I don't think we're going to be able to do that another feature of that policy and not to Ramble On endlessly is that it allows anyone in Broward County once a boundary process is open anyone in Broward County can can submit any boundary proposal for any school they want it doesn't have to be qualified they don't have to be even necessarily a stakeholder so if we're actually looking at longrange planning or Master planning the district that is going to be a tremendous um uh hurdle to overcome because not only will be talking about schools that staff and the board have identified as priorities for for addressing that any other uh Community issues will also be folded into the same process at the same time concurrently got and I I appreciate that Mr Beck I you're saying that this is one of the main policies that's going to focus on redefining schools right this is the policy correct the stakeholders are aware of that that's why they don't want it to get out of hand and then sort of wait a second we don't recognize this thing and then you're going to find yourself on the tail end complaining later saying this is not fair that's what they're they're addressing my concern is that it's going to go through a looping process and again we're just going to repeat what we're doing so again I really want to think about what's the solution to prevent it going to legal on the final step but like you said then it's like to go back and meet with them and making sure that we're on the same page so so that's just like I said I just want to make sure that we're on the same page and making sure we get it done I agree but if it just happens again it's going to be painful thank you I need to make a motion to extend the meeting by 1 hour to 5:4 9 we have a a public hearing at 5:00 Madam chair ah we can't do that okay right nope then recess wants is gonna want to do can I just add one more point before you break CH I really appreciate I'll be quick um uh I know that we imagine uh advisory councils have a fixed agenda and a fixed time schedule to meet but this is such an important policy and there's been so much work done on it it might make some sense to invite them to add meetings and to get together faster we go back to school on August 12th uh if it's possible to get the Committees that need to Loop this together in sequence or to have a hoc meetings with people who are members of The Advisory committees who care about this uh I think there's a way to Loop this the second time around that it includes the critical people uh either by scheduling additional advisory C meetings or by having open sessions on this policy and inviting any member of an advisory Council to come or running it through the daak and have the DC invite anyone else that wants to come to an August meeting so that we can get this back we cannot be held hostage to the timing of looping this we have looped this we need to Loop it better but uh but we don't need to you know wait until uh such a long period of time that we're using a dated policy to make some significant changes and we can't hold those changes up to the fact that advisory boards uh don't have a schedule to meet so one way or the other we got to figure out a way to Loop this uh so we get the critical input from community members um and still get this back to the board in in a reasonable amount of time uh if I may one of the remedies to that could be and we've done this before is to um advertise an open meeting and and make sure our advisories are aware in the general public any and everyone who wants to come and provide input what I would just remind everyone is that we are still um Bound by time constraints for advertising when we bring policies back to the board I have a question how long is how much time is the looping process going to take so if we if we do what I just suggested have you know an open meeting sometime in early early August we would have to advertise it in the paper you know have it at a centrally located Lo location it it would still take us probably until September to get it back to the board that's okay okay at the earliest let's do it okay but what but what what I will say is I'm sorry Mrs Al not to cut you off but what I will say is is once we receive the community input we have what we believe coming out of the community is a working draft it goes to legal and there are changes I'm hearing the board that there's an expectation that those changes are at least explain to the individuals who participated so that they have an understanding of what's coming to the board that's why I said September um at the September board meeting at the earliest October will be at the latest okay so I so I suggest that we should vote this down and then Dr Hein you put it through the looping process and bring it back to us in September no later then if you don't mind Cher right I mean we need this Dr so just a Dr wano and um Mr be just a thought um I Heard the concerns from the um advisory um committee members and what they're saying is what was looped to them uh prior to May 29th is different than what they're seeing right now correct if you can nod your head is that so can we can that be a starting point absolutely right instead of us starting the whole process can that be a starting point um and then provide the information that uh the general council's office uh went over with them with with them so just to kind of because I'm listening and maybe we don't have to start from the beginning we could start at the last stop with the committee members and do the invite over the summer whatnot and so what you are explaining is essentially what I was thinking how but e so yes but we still have time constraints as it relates to advertising so we would have to advertise it by August 7th for it to come to the September 12th meeting so we would try to work in Earnest understanding that people you know still may be on vacations they may be but we would do it virtually we would we would advertise a meeting so that there are options for people to attend iners and simultaneously virtually txon thank you ju I I don't know if this is possible but just a suggestion once it goes through legal is it possible to send out an email or somehow make that available what like what the version is that's coming to the board so that they could see it before so that's what I what I explain I think when I answered Mr folen Holly's question is that once we have something that um the community believes is the working draft to go to the board and it goes to legal and if legal makes any changes we would send that right back out to them so that they can see what they are right okay I just want to make sure that was clear thank you okay so I move to vote down pp1 have policy 810 go through the lofing process and then to come back to the board no later than September second move by alde second by Zan public comment come on guys you don't have to do this okay uh thank you so much for um voting that down but I I'm not in agreement with the open meeting thing I don't think that's um going to work the May 29th version is a great version except for two or three items that are really minute and if legal can say that that's fine we won't have to go through this until September I just think that um legal needs to let us know why they came up with what they came up with cuz it's all over the place but um I'm not um in agreement with the open meeting thing I think we should all have an opportunity in our advisories to have that conversation Natalie Lynch Walsh Plantation Florida so I'm not in favor of the open meeting I appreciate you guys um Rel looping it just so you know and today I've been texting texting back and forth because staff is working on scheduling meetings diversity meets the first of August FTF meets on the 8th DAC doesn't meet till the 21st first I think that the area advisories are somewhere in there and then the school advisory that may be less of an issue because they may not even know who their staff chairs are so all of the advisories will be meeting in August so that's not a problem um and then there are usually additional policy subcommittee meetings that if need be that can all be pulled together so there's no need for this open mic night because the advisories are meeting in August thank you hello I just want to say that when we got the the policy it came from legal it had been through legal twice we were satisfied with the workshop version the May 29th except for the over enrolled um we were actually asked for this these policies school choice and boundaries to be put on our agenda we they weren't on our schedule we were asked during spring break that if we could get them rushed so I'm sure everyone would be happy to bring them back at the very beginning of year but it had already been through legal twice so I I don't know why if it went through legal twice and we made minor changes that it was changed um how it was but thank you thank you board member comment on the motion Dr oh I'm sorry go ahead you're on you're on thank you I'm not in favor of the open discussion um this is my whole concern is that what happens is a lot of changes happens before it gets to the board and you're not aware and staff tends to um have their version and then when you see a version is not the version that the community sees so against this is going against your characteristics traits of the school board with transparency accountability it's a lot of shift going on um we need a discipline Matrix for your staff thank you Dr Hess thank you madam chair so um I have a couple questions if we do have this open discussion um is there an what is the anticipated cost to do that or estimated cost will there be a cost involved and so approximately no I don't think there's a cost because we're attending their meetings that they've already prescheduled to Loop it through yeah but we're we're looking to have an open I guess my understanding is different we're looking to have an open discussion so from what I heard from the speakers um which some are chairs they are not um amable to an open no I understand but I'm going I'm talking about the motion that's on the table the motion on the table is for an open discussion I do hear what the chair said we haven't amend the motion yet so if we were to entertain the motion with an open discussion will that open discussion cost us and if so how much um go ahead Dr there would be no additional cost CU you're looking at staff we would have it at in a school board facility if we had to you know designate a time so we'll make sure staff is already there even if it's in the evening we have schools that operate in the evening and then we would do a teams link to allow for virtual participation so you we aren't looking at any additional cost if you will for the board to occur okay Dr I'm sorry I need to interrupt I move to recess this meeting to continue after the public hearing for 1 hour second second by Mr fam all in favor of recessing the meeting to continue after the public hearing for 1 hour say I I I those opposed say no no one to sensing vote the meeting is now in recess oh good evening this special school board meeting of the school board of brow County Florida for the tenative District educational facilities plan is now called to order please identify the exit doors that are clearly marked for emergency exiting we ask that all attendees maintain a respectful and professional demeanor during this meeting disruptive behavior including butl limitu yelling interruptive speakers or engaging and personal attacks will not be tolerated our primary focus is to create a safe and productive environment for all participants all please rise for the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all as we prepare to begin our special school board meeting we are reminded that our vision is 100% proficiency for all of our students aspiring to become an a school district our purpose today and every day is to achieve this goal the purpose of this meeting is for the school board of bar County FL to conduct official business of the district and any other items of the board deems necessary today the board is considering the following business one approval of the tenative District educational facilities plan for the 5 years running from July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2029 Dr he are there any changes to the agenda no Madam chair may I have a motion in a second to close the agenda moved second moved by fogan holy second by Hixon all in favor of closing the agenda let it be known by saying I I those opposed say no the agenda is now closed as we begin to take public comments for this evening special school board meeting the public will have the opportunity to speak on the item I remind that the public that speakers advis to ref from obscene or rogal conduct slenders Mark or statements that tend to incite violence or breach of the piece may I have a motion and second on item number one moved second moved by Fen holy second by Hixon good evening and Welcome to our special meeting for the Brer County Public Schools tenative District educational facilities plan for July 1st 20124 through June 30th 2029 the purpose of this meeting is to keep the public and the school board fully informed as to whether the district is using sound policies and practices that meet the needs of students and warrant public confidence in the district's operation the law requires the public be given the opportunity to provide input into the district educ ational facilities plan this evening is the first of two special school board meetings for the district educational facilities plan this plan will be presented to the school board for adoption at the second meeting on September 4th 2024 the superintendent will now give a brief overview of the district educational facilities plan thank you madam chair I'm pleased to submit this tenative District educational facilities plan for the school board's consideration and approval I want to off start off by thanking the board for their input to staff at all the workshops when the district's budget and capital plan were discussed the budget workshops were held on the following dates January 30th 2024 February 27th April 23rd May 29th June 25th 2024 I would like to I would like everyone to know that the district and the school leadership remain committed to providing our students with a worldclass education and a safe secure learning environment we're focused on keeping our schools secure and Implement and upgrades that were previously approved by the board along with the funding for security cameras Public Announcement systems and other ongoing security upgrades the this District educational facilities plan continues to deliver commitments we made for the smart program and has committed resources that are needed to address managing these projects to to continue towards completion of the smart program this plan also includes the leasing Authority needed to purchase school buses and to replace agent vehicles in our Fleet in this plan funding is being recommended for high priority needs such as facilities projects to bridge the gap by addressing critical Capital facilities needs such as structural repairs and Americans with Disability Act otherwise known as Ada projects Information Technology funding for enterprise software Communications safety and Equipment athletic funding to provide artificial turf fields at all high schools and athletic equipment replacement environmental health and safety funding to address underground storage tanks and mitigate the district's risk as well as FL control measures and traffic safety issues in addition to these Investments the district is embarking on a strategic effort to redefine our schools long range facilities planning is a focus of the 5-year Capital plan along with the funding previously approved by the board for for the facilities condition assessment the district has identified funding to begin addressing the effort to reimagine our schools or redefine our schools and a projects that would be recommended at the completion of this facility's condition assessment we appreciate the board support for these important Capital funding needs now the Chief Financial Officer and the finance staff will make a brief presentation and staff will answer questions that you may have after that presentation thank you good afternoon uh Madame chair board members and superintendent this is the first of the two special school board meetings to discuss the district educational facilities plan also referred to as the dfp the the second meeting will be on September 4th for the final adoption of the dfp the tentative defp presented today incorporates the board feedback from the budget workshops for the 20242 budget doing the clicker this slide which is the third slide it's not we get the okay just a second um Miss Mater getting that presentation up tell forti is there a clicker that you can manage is there a clicker so it doesn't work who's going to do it I can see the slide number if they want to do it that's fine yeah but for the public that's watching here we go a clicker okay third slide please this slide shows the projected revenues of $3.9 billion over the 5 Years From fiscal year 2025 to fiscal year 2029 fiscal year 2025 millage revenues reflect an 8.22% increase over last year's millage revenues based on the July 1st 2024 certified values for brow County Public Schools the estimated capital reserve funds as of June 18th was $ 51.6 million next slide please this slide which is the fourth slide shows the Appropriations the board approved in last year's dfp along with updated fixed costs such as debt payments leases salaries and Fringe this table also includes the new funding recommendations that have been discussed with the board at the last two workshops and summarized on the next Slide the majority of the carryovers are ongoing smart program projects and other facility projects that are not in the smart program unallocated reserves of $7.4 million include the funding available for board priority and the minimum 10% Reserve balance school by school and districtwide funding details are included in the tentative defp next slide please Slide Five shows a summary of the funding recommendations that were presented at the last two Schoolboard workshops next slide slide six shows the difference between the revenue and Appropriations that would be available for New Capital funds initiatives related to redefining our schools and the facilities condition assessment next slide and this concludes our presentation and staff is available to answer any questions Miss Hixon thank you um I just have a couple I first I want to say thank you for getting all of the projects that were up to 2015 and completed out of the dfp but it is concerning that we have about 17 um projects that are still listed as 2015 projects and we're in 2024 and they're not done yet so um I there's a followup and I appreciate that to tell us where we're at on this so I don't need to to to go over it all I just wanted to say that you know we need to make sure we're moving along on that um the one that I would like to ask about though is the Stoneman Douglas High School it's there as a 2019 um renovation it's listed as not complete but we know that the building has now been demolished so can someone please give us an update um because I do believe that that project is pretty much to completion drer Mr dors good afternoon Mark Dorset executive director physical plant operations uh yes uh building 12 has been totally demolished we're doing some uh superficial work with the ground and and clearing the ground and leveling it off and getting it ready for sad but uh for the most part the majority of that that that work is complete okay so my question is um because we know we're going to to put a memorial or something in that space do we need to add that into the dfp since this is a 5-year plan or is that money sitting in the dfp now Dr her no the money for the memorial um will actually come from the money that's left over from the demolition okay is that going to be enough to cover I mean we haven't discussed what we're doing yet but do you foresee that being enough to cover it Mr want speak yes we're right now we're expecting to get the the preliminary uh uh design from our Architect by Friday uh three different uh uh concepts for uh for the the the parents and faculty to look at to see if they agree with what we uh what what's being proposed and if there's any changes that needs to be made to those plans we'll incorporate that so we haven't started a physical design yet we're doing three concepts and we hope to have them for you by no later than next week okay and I love you Mr Dorset but we have to remember to say families because I'm not a parent I'm sorry so it's important that we I mean I am a parent but you know what I mean um so I appreciate that and thank you for getting um the demolition done and the building down quickly I know the community appreciated that I just have a couple more questions on the um on page three of the I guess it's the executive summary where it's Margate Middle School the kitchen cafeteria design I'm guessing that's just for the design it it doesn't include instruction um construction costs is that correct Dr heern um having a brain fart Miss Paul it's on no it does no it does not that is for design but I am working uh with uh Finance to put a number in there for the construction of a new cafeteria okay thank you cuz my concern is we'll pay to design it and then someone will say no we're not going to build the cafeteria and then we would have wasted all that money so apparently you were listening to my conversation with Mr Aim so okay perfect one last question um and that's in the back where in the back of the book page 308 this big book we have here portable transition plan and covered walkways so I appreciate that we have in you know information and we've put in here covered walkways for going from Portables to Portables that but there's also been discussion about covered walkways for the bus area the Bus Loop um you know where they're walking in in the beginning and I don't see anything in here uh about that and it we but we have been discussing it especially as um Miss Paul knows we we were talking about it for quiet water so where will we see that in in the dfp I think it's important that we get an assessment of what our needs are in respect to the covered walkways so we know of the ones that are failing but I think a a true assessment of what that dollar amount is and the condition of our walkway will give us better insight into where to go forward so we have the ones that are on our radar uh but I am concerned just across the district that we need to get a better handle on uh you know just what the needs are okay so and moving forward there the there are some places where there's no covered walkways at all so it isn't just replacing covered walkways that are failing there are places where those students don't have any protection from from the weather and I understand that but I also think it's important that when we change the flow of traffic or move a Bus Loop or something like that before we do that we take into consideration what the total needs are so I've seen a sampling of that that has occurred over time and so uh I think it's just very important that we take a we're mindful of those kind of changes and again that's what the assessment will do for us it will help us understand what the total needs are are regardless of what the circumstances are and I appreciate it I just wanted to say it out loud I I know probably won't go in here but I don't want it to get lost in the convers absolutely so thank you any other board member okay um I have a question on page 66 of 347 Coral blades High School can staff uh explain to me what the with where it says with the scope the construction of the auditorium and there's an asri with note that the funding is an order of magnitude estimate and that scope of work schedule and a detailed estimate will be reviewed with the board at a future meeting can you explain that Miss Paul 66 of 3 so the good news is that there's $23 million set aside for the auditorium the bad news is that when we expanded to 800 capacity as well as a black box that tenative number right now is about 36.5 total million dollar thank you and when is this Workshop going to happen tentatively we're scheduling it for August 27th okay thank you okay um I have one public comment Dr nalie Lynch Walsh good evening Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh Plantation Florida seeing as a I was still here for the defp I figured Let Me Whip out the Matrix from earlier that the facility's task force has been compiling so I'll start with the two things that I just heard um you may recall that there was a workshop where Deerfield Beach Elementary's historical building Markham and coral Glades came to the board and there was a discussion about next steps and it was supposed to come back so I'm glad that Coral Glades will be coming back in the discussion about the black box which to be clear black boxes are not part of the district standards however Markham needs to come back for discussion because what ended up happening instead of that coming back is within days after we got a new superintendent he went to Markham and started talking about how soon they were going to get their new building but as I keep saying it is not in compliance with sref which those are the district standards that your classrooms have to be a specific size in fact they are so small that you cannot put the Head Start program into the new building and there was a whole redesign initially to have Head Start where the parents could easily pick them up and that's all out the window because Head Start needs to stay in the Modell if the classrooms are not big enough so I would hope that Markham would come back for discussion because the delay have been staff created because 2 years ago when the architect was at 50% to stay within budget and understand that over 60 years what we're squabbling about at the time I'm not sure what the difference was maybe 8 million maybe it's 10 million now take that and divide it by the life of the building I promise you that we could find $167,000 worth of waste every year that every year that does doesn't need to be spent that you could have put into Markham Elementary if you're going to do it do it right that has been an ongoing discussion um Margate Middle you have not as a board had a larger conversation about the current status of all the cafeterias cafeterias were not part of the smart Bond and high school cafeterias huge problem there but middle and high middle and elementary as well so how did Margate and I'm not saying they don't have a bad cafeteria it probably is how is that one getting funded and you haven't discussed and this is where long range planning becomes important and the longer we go without having a meeting things like this keep happening the peacemeal crazy quilt approach to doing Capital programs because they keep shoving stuff at you guys and this list are the things we've noticed but we acknowledge they need to be part of a long range plan there are things that are happening in the short term and things that happening in the long term I don't know where Margate Middle came from thank you thank you Dr he can you please provide to the board in on email the dates for this long range steering committee the meeting dates I believe I've asked for in the past yeah we can we'll get those to you right in early in the morning thank you any other board member comments no see none board members is uh okay so all in favor of approving item number one say I I I those opposed say no okay item number one passes the scheduled order of business for this special meeting of the school board of BR County Florida has been completed seeing no obligations I now adern the meeting go home we got more I a h oh oh oh oh a a oh h to w oh you I a oh a he welcome back I'm going to start with Dr holness and then I have a change in my motion Dr holness okay Madame chair I I'll let you go ahead and have the change in your motion because I was going to make a motion and I'm expecting it's similar okay if there's no objection I'd like to change my motion on pp1 to postpone indefinitely and have the policy looped I second that by Ala second by Zan public comment board member comment on the motion only that uh chair um you know um our rules about looping are very generic uh they're about getting out to the stakeholders getting out to community members getting out to Advisory board members uh I would just Advocate that this motion is spoton with the wording because there might be some ways to accelerate that that looping in a way that we meet the intent uh maybe it's not going to you know seven advisory committee meetings over three months uh but a way to to gather you know critical input um uh and get it back to this board uh certainly by the September deadline thank you chair the other comments seeing none all in favor of the motion uh to postpone and definitely pp1 and have the policy Loop say I I I those opposed say no pp1 passes unanimously may I have a motion in second no no no it's uh postponed oh I'm sorry yeah postponed indefinitely sorry that's I meant may have a motion and second on o29 o33 o74 1723 o28 and DD three so moved moved by Zan second by fogan holy public comment board board member comment all in favor say I I those opposed say no items pass unanimously may have a motion and second on pp2 so move move by Zan second by fogan holy public comment no register speakers Madam chair board member comment Dr holness um I don't have any comments Madam Chen move on Miss fam no comment being any other board members all in favor pp2 say I I I those opposed say no P this is oh that's right we got vote down it was memo to vote down so correct yeah so it's fine say I yeah so all in favor to vote it down say I I I I I think it's supposed to be NOS it's different when it says vote Yes to all b or something Miss Batista supposed to say no I say yes yeah in the microphone so the vote a vote of no would be to vote down the item all right better okay the executive summary is asking us Madam chair the the item had to come back as it was because it was postponed so the item came back as it was but then we through through the superintendent a memo was sent to the board asking the board to vote this item down because item double P3 was coming um for the board to consider in lie of this item okay so they be voting no you have to vote no to vote it Down Right Miss Batista cor on pp3 yes pp2 I'm sorry pble P okay so all in favor of pp2 say I those opposed say no no no no item is voted down may have a motion and second on pp3 move moveed by Zan second by fam public comment yes we have a couple register speakers Miss uh Greaves Graves Nal Walsh and uh Nicole um moris minutes need to be microphone the clock minutes Beacon the mic on the right please the clock is saying 4 minutes and 25 seconds we can get the clock correct too please good after afternoon again Madam chair Dr superintendent board members and staff I just want to start off by saying perception versus reality um just want to say to you um I know you cannot get involved or you should not get involved in day-to-day operations but I do want to bring to your attention before I kind of go through is that the version of this policy that went through the looping process and even when it was voted on the last time the version you have is not the version that the community has your staff is is not providing you with the clean version of the original 54.1 the clean version of 6 6400 is not the same exact version of 54.1 I don't know if they're doing this intentionally or not I just want to bring that to your attention Okay so you may want to vote this down again so the staff give you the accurate information so you're not looking crazy I don't know if they're doing it intentionally to make you look crazy Community look crazy but I'm telling you it's not the same I did line by line on my own time so with that being said I just want to say um you have a guard rail in place um on the executive summary that talks about alignment to 2027 goals throughout this policy they're not using it for accountability um monitoring and Reporting has been removed throughout the policy um specifically Under The Innovation program opportunity scholarship throughout the entire policy except for one the application process percept is that is not working the reality is it is working it does not need to be changed I disagree with the word confirmed it is not and this is in reference to full-time part-time employees um verifying under assignment priority um they want to remove the word confirm against that goes against your guard rail because you don't confirm if they're part-time or full-time employees how do you know they should get assignment priority that goes against your guardrail um I disagree with adding Choice School school's Choice seats assignments um it does not realistically take all those apartments to verify if a seat is available I disagree on page three with the feeding patterns whenever practic practicable because it's very vague homeless students need to be there um on the word parents the Florida statute 102.1 does Define Florida statute there the attorney um well I'm not supposed to say name but the actual parent def in here is not exactly what Florida statute States and staff should not be able to dictate the law the law is a law so I'm asking you to make sure that it states exactly what it actually is supposed to be on the last page I disagree with removing the verbiage the rules used below shall govern that needs to be there you need to add Florida statute 102. 394 to reflect the new name for McKay Scholarship I'm trying to go by this time I'm sorry um eligibilities need to remain the same I'm sorry that's have a good day thank you thank you hello Coral Springs um a couple of things for school choice on page 26 under um reassignment appe pills they removed they removed language that says if a parent believes that any reassignment procedures listed in the policy have been violated so there will there's no longer going to be appeals for reassignments when I asked little choice about that they said that that's because you can apply for a hardship but the language for hardship states that only a hardship will be granted if one the student is currently attending and has a death of a parent two has a sibling a sibling who is assigned to a ESC special program or three has a sibling in 5ifth 8th or 12th so there are no uh appeals for re assignments if you believe that the process was flawed or and I'll give you an example so there was a parent that reached out to me last week she was uh believed that she was wrongly denied a school choice seat for McNab Elementary I showed her how to go to the um planning and enrollment tool we looked at the the capacity they had it looked like they had capacity she followed up with the school and she was granted the reassignment the same thing happened a couple of weeks ago with a student at riverg glaze Elementary who wanted to get into their uh dual uh language program so I I would hope that that would stay in place that if a parent thinks that the process was fed they would be able to apply for a um or would be able to appeal the decision uh another issue or concern that I've brought to you all is the change of language from 102% of capacity being the threshold for which reassignments will be granted to the choice um the new language for Choice seat capacity so there coming up with their own department and that's going to have a layered system and I understand it and I appreciate it and Miss um Collins has so graciously explain the the process to me where I'm concerned is that a parent can't go and look and see that these are the seats that are available and so if you have 350 seats and they say that there's no choice seats available Mrs Collins is saying well maybe that's because they're tied up in special programs or ESC clusters but how will we know that and the problem that I have stems from what happen at Park Trails Elementary when they were denying Choice seats for years and they said that that we don't offer Choice seats outside of Parkland and they were showing zero seats available and now this new program this new process is coming into play and there were there were conversations that were had after that happened with the Department of school choice the principal and the North Region office the North Region superintendent's office where they said we need to figure out a way to stay within legislation while also honoring the special boundary process in Parkland they were denying seats and they wanted to figure out how to not offer those seats but still meet legislation and I'm afraid that this new language taking out the threshold may be how they're going to do that so I just ask for transparency and that process thank you thank you narni Pierre Grant is the last speaker I'm not sure if she's still here she left she left all right thank you board member comment Miss Fam thank you um actually I'm going to make a motion because I I I I hear you and I'd like to make a motion that we Loop this back so that your input and your ideas and the fact that um the statutory number has been uh removed from the statute and the the definition of parents has been changed I want to make sure that that all gets put back into place and if it says here it says here formerly known as um policy 5004 .1 that should be mirrored that should be the same policy unless they're setting out what is different um in addition this policy now as it appears and I we I spoke with Dr wanza they explained that they had removed the Hope Scholarship and um I have um people that contact me I I get called um at least several times a week about Hope scholarships because I help children Escape so they're not cutting themselves they're not suicidal they're not quitting school um um they're not being tardy because they or or um skipping school because they hate school to get to a better place where they flourish so a father was actually he's been texting me he was trying to get here to speak they only have one car so it's very difficult and um we just got his daughter a scholarship so it's not about um tax money it's about saving that child that child deserves to have a good middle school high school SCH and Elementary School experience and if that means the tax money goes with it then that's what it costs and it's worth every penny because we had last year what did we have two girls that allegedly fell out windows come on so we we need to be acting and acting quickly when we have situations where kids are being bullied um to the point where they they want to hurt themselves so um I know that Hope Scholarship is included in the um disciplinary Matrix but I think because it plays such a crucial and vital role and it's not promoted as much as I'd like it to be we need it also with the other scholarships so parents are aware of that their their child doesn't have to be being disciplined to be bullied because a lot of people or a lot of children remain silent about it you don't even know what's going on till it's left too late and it's escalated and I can say that based on the fact that it happened to my own daughter so um I think we need to have that also in this um policy on pp3 and 6400 so my motion would be that this um policy uh 6400 school choice gets rolled over and um that these ideas or the ideas that you advis stuff today as well as the changes that have been made from the prior policy um be made mirrored the prior policy as well as the definitions contained in the Florida statutes for parents that should not be altered in any way so um and that this come back it I'm going to say the next Board hearing in September is there a second I'm sorry chair can she clarify that motion one more time sure my motion is that we roll over this policy so it it's um or postp this policy so that it can be heard at a later date so the policy 6400 mirrors the policy that it was replacing 54.1 which is how it's set out formally policy 50041 so it should be identical that the um definition of parent that's contained in the Florida Statutes should also be identical to uh what our state holds and that we we also have um statute numbers contained that were pulled out of the prior policy reinserted back in to 6400 and that the Hope Scholarship get readded back in to policy 6400 and that the suggestions made by the ladies that just came up now are considered and incorporated into those changes of policy 6400 is there a second second I'll second for discussion Chair moveed by fam second by F and holy public comment on the motion um I I agree to an extent because this policy did not come to North Area it came uh well first it went to DAC and then she uh wasn't ready to present so then it went to the area so it skipped DAC went to the areas came to North Area uh it was one of the policies we were asked to to rush through it came with Mr Beck's policy um we made a motion almost immediately because there were so many issues found in the policy that we there was a motion made to reject it for them to come back Miss Collins said she would not come back and so it was it was never brought back and so any issues questions concerns that we've had that have stem from what we didn't KN know or learn um is is what we have now and you know like it's the summer so people didn't come I'm here but um I did speak to miss Collins I will give her I I like to assume good intentions um but it would be nice if we could come back and get a thorough presentation and ask and get the questions answered um thank you thank you for the motion um just a suggestion um being that charter school is one of our challenging um and it currently sits with demographics and enrollment currently right now um that maybe it may need to be in the hands this whole policy in another different department because it's the second time and these are continuous same situations and concerns that keeps coming back we're dealing with adults adults and they're not getting it the board directed the staff to do certain things they didn't do it we're back again so that may be a consideration cuz it's being overseen right now by a charter school vision and that's our challenge so to put school choice with Charter Schools that might be part of why we're having these challenges with whoever is sitting at the table cuz I don't know who's sitting at the table with this policy thank you board member comment on the motion Dr Hess thank you madam chair so I do understand the motion to reloop um the motion does have added language as to recommendations for what to be included uh to present to the public um so I guess my question question is um so I can understand voting on the motion am I voting to reloop or am I voting to include this language in the Rel looping process that's suggested and that will be presented to the community stakeholders M fam maker of the motion um thank you madam chair and and thank you Mr holness um I would like it to be um personally I would like it to be identical to what's stated in the prior policy cuz we're carrying it over and it says that formly policy that number and I would also like the definition to be identical to the Florida statute number and um to keep it consistent I think we need to have the Hope Scholarship it these are scholarships all together except this one is omitted and I think it's important very very important that we have this out there for those people that that do need help and and want to flee I mean I I can tell you I have parents that they're hiding from spouses and hiding their children and when they need to go they need to go quickly you know but so you don't know the circumstances so we need to have this available so people know their options when they're desperate okay Madam chair yes um thank you so much I did get the clarification so I do want to possibly make a substitute motion but I wait for board member Leonardi to have her comment because her hand is up Miss Leonardi yeah just um I guess holistically a piece of the conversation that I think needs to be addressed as well is our students with disabilities and I don't know if that's in this policy or in ad10 um but our students who are being with disabilities who are being assigned to uh clusters at different schools um it's my understanding that they are assigned to clusters uh nearest to their home school but lately um they've been you know going to being assigned to schools that are not necessarily the closest so I think just for the future if we could have that discussion or have that be a part of the policy discussion um as well so we have some clear guidelines for our our parents of students with disabilities thank you good Madam chair okay so I'd like to make a substitute motion um that this is reloop um uh back to community stakeholders um to get further input without any suggested added language and then that be brought back to us for discussion is there uh second second move by wholeness second by Leonardi public comment on the motion board member comment on the mo can can you just clarify what you're said I'm not sure of okay go ahead go ahead I need to okay I'm sorry Beacon can we have the mic on on the bottom right please hello okay thank you thank you thank you thank you Dr thank you madam chair so Madame chair I would like for the community uh because they did give their input um uh today and they did agree with the possibility of Rel looping because they don't believe they had adequate uh input so I want this to go back to the community so they can give us added feedback we did hear some suggestions for example as mentioned on page 26 um appeals on hard hardship languages that that were removed um I think it's prudent for us to get substantive uh Community input so I don't want to include languages here I would like for the community to have the latitude to discuss what they believe would be necessary to be in the policy and then it can come back to us for discussion where we can then revise it as necessary so I rather it not be specific I rather it goes back for Rel looping get the community input and then we can always make changes when it comes back to us any other board member comment roll call on the motion roll call on the motion school board members uh fog and hly yes I'm sorry can we be clear about which motion thank you yes Miss uh Hixon Honus yes linardy yes rert Zan yes ahef no hon fam yes 51 okay so pp3 passes um sub motion we have a motion and second on pp6 move by Leonardi second by Zan public comment board member comment uh we have a couple of register speak speakers I don't think they're here but just in case I'll call their name into the record n Lynch Walsh Jackie lumsum those are the two uh that we have Mr Alon this is leonardy I'm good thank you any other comments all in favor of pp6 say I I those oppos say no pp6 passes unanimously I said I too okay thank you Mr rert may have motion and second on pp7 move so moved move by roer second by Fen holy public comment uh one register I don't believe they're here Jacky lebum this uh Mr Alon Miss hion and I have Al okay so my comments are I'm just going to go back to on page two of the policy 90 where it talks about reading the code of student conduct I know I talked about in the workshop to have a a video for the code of conduct student code of conduct for parents to watch the video Dr heurn where are we at with that Miss Washington I just trying to give you some time to kind of walk up before I call your name I'll let her confirm I believe there's two videos already good evening Jody Washington director Equity diversity and school climate uh the two videos that are currently there are out of date we're taking those down we are in the process of creating new videos for parents to be able to watch so Dr he would it be okay then for the policy to read uh video or read the code of watch a video or read the code of student conduct Miss Washington can we acknow can parents acknowledged by saying watching the video or it has to be read in the video supplements I would hesitate to have them acknowledge based on the video because it's going to be very difficult for them to understand what the consequences are for breaking the rules by simply watching the video because in the video uh we're not going to go into specifics about the consequences um or as in-depth because otherwise the video is going to be 7 hours long long so okay so is the acknowledgement form is that electronic it is it's going to be in the back School forms um that are going out through the Focus Parent Portal okay but there will be a video yes I'm actually going to break it up into smaller segments so that it's not as long but we are trying to make it more digestible for parents to better understand it but I do still think they need to be able to read it okay uh my next comment um is the well first of all the the policy name quote of suing conduct from my understanding that's State driven uh my next question is has this policy everything in this policy is it driven by State statue or did we randomly just put things into the policy so this policy has evolved significantly over time and it seems like it has become um a repository of information that we want everybody to be aware of so I am working with my team as well as the community to complete completely revamp the code of student conduct and then look where there are redundancies from other policies um so that we can streamline the code of student conduct it is driven by Statute um it does have certain requirements like dress code for example the statute specifically says consequences for dress code um but there are other things in there that go beyond what the statute calls for okay so Dr hurn does that mean then staff through the year will come back and try to revise this to put places things that are in this policy into the right policies correct okay thank you um and then my last comment is in regards it's on page two of 119 the last bll point where it says at the start of each school day all teachers will log into safer watch through their clever portal on a district issued device so from my understanding that if staff does their initial login in at the beginning of the year then they are logged in throughout the entire year so um I you know should this say something to that regard because the way this reads it reads that every single day that they're going to log in so there should there be something to say about doing an initial login to ensure that they are logged in every day Dr hurn um I I would say probably keep it the same knowing technology there could be a day when clever and uh what we intend to happen every day which is after the initial login it automatically pops up after that it may be a day that technology not function well so I would prefer to air on the side of caution to say teachers log in every day if it's up it's up if it's not log in okay y any other questions comments yes go ahead I apologize for speaking this late but it's very important regarding the cell phones on page sorry page are on page 16 2611 of the packet um the board members were emailed survey results um from students that clearly show strong opposition to a complete cell phone ban but also show that students are really willing to compromise on this um I'd like to begin my comments by really stating the obvious a survey sent out to students regarding a banner restriction on cell phones will most likely result in students not wanting the ban that's that's pretty clear but as our survey represents 98% of the students that were surveyed not all students simply students that were surveyed stated that they believe cell phone should not be banned however the survey provides meaningful feedback Regarding why students believe they should not be banned for example a student said as a female if I have a bathroom emergency I can quickly call one of my friends to help me out another student said if for whatever reason there is a situation inside school and there is no one around a cell phone could quite literally save someone's life for example in the morning or when students are there after school another student said I believe that teachers should be the ones to impose or tell students when to come off their phones especially when work is given so I'd like to encourage the board to adopt language that states that phones must be put away during class time and give teachers the discretion to decide whether or not phones should be allowed uh in that time or not I can give you an example in the policy that's currently um if if the board didn't make any amendments and the policy that currently would be approved would mean that students during study hall or during their personalization period would not be able to access their cell phones I can tell you that 95% of my study hall uh time I'm either doing research that I need to use my phone because there may not be computers available or I'm using my phone to submit assignments and that's a shared experience by a lot of students um I think a lot of students would agree that it's very beneficial to be able to have their phones turned off during class time that's something that myself and many other students would want to see to really limit distractions as well as ensure that there is a lot of academic Integrity um but I do believe that an allout ban or an allout uh restriction on cell phones especially including passing time and lunch would not be Bene beneficial to students and would really not be something that our students would uh easily adapt to happy to answer any questions regarding this thank you Landon is there certain bullet point you have an issue with and what page number on page 16 a line that says so the policy says that the phone should be placed on airplane mode and kept in the area um use of personal wireless communication during the instructional day is only permitted under the direction of a teacher for instructional purposes instructional time is defined as time from the beginning Bell and until the end of the school day what's being um taken out is saying that time before after the school day or during lunch is not considered instructional time meaning that during lunch cell phones would not be able to be used okay or during passing periods that's Florida State Statute samam yeah I just um Mr suin was supposed to um help me bring this Mo motion before the before we close today it's on um bb1 on this item on this item no okay we're not there yet oh I thought we were at the end okay we're on pp7 any board member comments on pp7 skip it Miss leonardy yeah just um I want to thank the student advisers for doing that survey and collecting student feedback and I respect that feedback I will say I you know we've had an exhaustive discussion about it um going over research and data on the impact of cell phone use um during the school day um and in life in general right um I think one of the the examples that was given was you know before or after the school day if someone's on campus and there's an emergency but this is merely during instructional time defined um in the policy and so I I think it's very important that moving forward we as a district um if this is approved as is we be we are very clear about how this is to be enforced who is enforcing it and we really really need to overcommunication you know people can feel safe um in our schools as much as possible thank you thank you Mrs lascon we have one speaker thank you so much I'm sorry I was outside and there was no live stream on so it was difficult to see where the meeting was even back I'm sorry thank you for this um I'm kind of torn on this one I'm not here to speak for it or against it but to try to introduce some perspective and ensure that some certain things have been thought of because as you know something like this is going to cause Community freak out this item is tucked at the back end of a meeting after two lengthy adjournments and you'd have had to be here about eight hours to still be here speaking about it um and you do know that once this comes in if this is something that you pass the cell phone part of it particularly is going to be um met with some dismay and outcry and push back from some uh folks who this is going to be a shock for so I want to ensure that that is being preempted because time after time after time if there's something controversial and take backpacks as an example it's kind of the way it's done rather than that it's being done or in element of both and I think you can preempt um some of that by convincing us that some of the things that we're thinking of but haven't been asked um are things that you two have thought of um I sit on the student code of conduct committee um Jody Washington runs a very fine committee it's got a very diverse um makeup to it so that there's a real richness of of opinion and and perspectives and viewpoints so what a a principal might bring up is not something that a parent might bring up which is not something that a teacher might bring up and in you all feed into that so I'm a little troubled that you didn't refer it back to the committee to say hey bring us some perspectives on this it's this cell phone part particularly where there is currently a an allowance for students to use their cell phones at lunchtime um uh that does um I'm all for the I call my kids buttheads 10 times a day for being on their phones so I I get it and something needs to be done at the same time technological Pro progress isn't something to necessarily be frowned on so if kids communicate different ways than we did when we grew up I've told my kids you know I didn't have a cell phone at school and nobody died and I turned out I think reasonable enough um but there are some things to be embraced about it and I want to give you some examples frequently after school clubs are cancelled on the day and they're only communicating to the kids by the teacher or you know they log on on canvas and find it's cancelled after school activities might come up um like hey Mom I'm going to be home late because actually I'm staying for JC uh activity that I didn't know about or that they've just come up with um those kind of scenarios are the things that students do legitimately communicate about at a lunchtime and I think if you introduce a a total and out utter ban it's not necessarily I I think there's a view that it's all going to suddenly create students who all go and do social things together at lunchtime there isn't time anyway they have 36 minutes to get from where they are to the cafeteria get around the cafeteria WF down some food and get back out again so I get it if cell phones are hindering that process but please find a balance and convince us that you have considered some of those things thank you very much thank you Miss Miss leonardy yeah I just wanted to clarify um I brought this up back in May um and it was the chair that recommended that we go through through um Tac so miss Greaves my appointee on Tac um requested that it be put on the agenda for August so we we are trying to go through committees and get input um so I just wanted to clarify that thank you thank you Dr Seaman yeah thank you very much and I uh want to Second how much of a robust conversation we had about this already and I want to remind people of the dramatic Improvement in mental health when this has been implemented in other districts we are not the first district in the United States to implement a cello ban from Bell tobell they did it in Los Angeles Unified School District they've done it in Orange County there's significant evidence that the use of cell phones particularly The Addictive nature of social media is causing our children serious mental health 10% of American High School youths have tried to commit suicide this is one step in the right direction we did uh come up with um uh um some mitigations in particular having a cell phone in an airplane mode would allow people to turn it right back on in the case of emergency and do the things that they need to do um it is all about us doing this together it's about us saying to students that we care so much about you we don't want you to use these harmful devices with these addictive tools on them which cause you mental health problems so what we've seen in other very large districts that have done this before is a dramatic Improvement in academic performance a dramatic Improvement in mental health and a dramatic Improvement in safety because people are paying attention to each other rather than paying attention to their phone and as much as I uh appreciate new data all the time uh I didn't expect students to to jump up and down and say this is a great thing but I've also gotten hundreds of emails from our own employees and from parents and not one of them has said that this is not going to be good for Broward County Schools so this is a bold move we need to be careful about how we train train principes and teachers to deal with it but it is going to make our school district a better school district and it's no doubt going to improve the mental health of our student and I look forward to this passing today uh okay so can you add me go ahead Mr Robert thank you guys I totally agree Dr zon um I really want to say that it's um it's a much needed for us at this moment and here am up in a small province of 21,000 students in the entire Island and this week's paper what did it say long team we stop we pause we assess before we evacuate going to recess the meeting for five minutes be can cut the feet till we reconvene please you welcome back okay everybody safe false alarm Miss rer thank you um I didn't really expect a a pregnant pause but here it was um what I wanted to say is here I am on an island a beautiful Province and there 's 21,000 students in K through 12 and they are implementing a cell phone Deb because they have seen the numbers from the districts and also from the you know the United States and and from uh other countries and I thought wow 21,000 students that's easy but that doesn't that doesn't exactly mean anything what it says is every single child in Prince debert Island they're worried about their Mental Health and for the sixth largest District in the country we are worried about our students mental health and I can tell you I'm up here I have no television blessing I don't go on any news blessing and I only turn on my phone to get my work stuff and my personal phone for my my kids twice a day and it is extremely freeing and less chaotic so don't we want our students now to go through the kind of childhood that we went through which was blissfully naive and we weren't attached to our cell phones so I am fully supportive of this and um I know it's going to be a push back but if parents up here in a province for 21,000 students can understand the ment health issues that their kids are suffering through we can in Broward County as well so I yield back Madam chair thank you thank you can I have a motion second to continue the meeting to 7 o'clock second move by Leonardi second by fogan hly thank you um H all in favor I say no okay I thank you okay we're back to Sev thank you Mr pooli did you have yes CH I had it on that item yeah um because really quick I don't know we just voted on it but I had a quick comment on there because I know no no we voted on the time the time oh extending time yes I'm sorry geez sorry thank you that's why you were like it's like why are you rushing okay um thank you very much chair no I did want to comment on this and I'm proud of everybody yes you know um with the cell phones been very clear on that um my question is to our ESC students right so in situations I know that there are certain students families parents that have whether it be cell phones or devices with their children um wireless devices that they're able to call and turn it on and listen in into the classroom or check in on their child um I know Mr Moyer was one of them that he would explain that that situation so is there anywhere in this policy that explains to that or is it something that we can make a motion to add that on there m Washington what i is it working okay so as far as the other devices that are I I know that the one that I know of is the Angel sense that goes in the backpack um I don't believe that those require a wireless device I'm not 100% sure that's not my Avenue um anytime there is a student with special needs there there are accommodations that are made and that would be the case for this as well okay that's Angel sens is the one I'm thinking of but of course accommodations I would want to know that that's that's being done as well so thank you very much thank you um so I just want to get some clarification on bullet point number two page 12 of 91 the the sentence that says all Wireless communication devices shall be turned off or placed on airplane mode and kept in the area designated by the teacher during all instructional class time activities that's Florida's statute so that's not something that the Broward School Board created we following Florida statute so is there something that we add it differently that's not the Florida statue that I'm missing I think the only thing we added in there was the airplan mode um part okay so the airplane mode is not Florida statute correct it's another mechanism to make sure the phone is inaccessible to to students um so technically um off or it's off or airplane mode correct okay so do we have like because we quoted Florida's statute but maybe it needs to be worded differently because it's not specifically Florida statute M was you want to expound let see you yes so the part that is relevant to the Florida statute is where the teacher designates that the phone where the phone is kept um statute requires us to Define instructional time um but it does not say what instructional time is that's why in the previous version of the policy instructional time for elementary was from the beginning Bell to the end of the day but for secondary students it did not include like passing times and lunch times so we do have the authority to define the instructional day but what is relevant to statute is that the teacher gets to determine where the cell phone is kept while the student is in their classroom okay and then bullet point number three I just want some some clarification I mean very happy this is in here due to school safety concerns headphones earbuds or other accessories are prohib prohibited but then it says during instructional time so does that mean when students are in between classes they would be able to pop in their um headphones or earbuds so the revision to policy defines instructional time from the beginning Bell to the end of the school day that all of that is considered instructional time so does include your passing time as well as lunchtime personalization periods um beginning bell end bell all that's instructional time with the change to policy so lunchtime passing in the hallways there there's they will not be allowed to wear the headphones or the earbuds correct correct that's considered in the revision instructional time okay perfect and I just want to make sure that is communicated effectively for the start of school year yes uh thank you I heard a loud and clear from the chair and also miss uh Miss Leonard and I think um Dr zimman alluded to this too um so we'll make sure and put out a blast way before school letting parents and students know uh we're also work with our principles um we already kind of preempted this with them but we'll have them work together um since they know their buildings intimately and their students more intimately than us to come up with some great best practices of how they implement this uh versus the staff saying hey do it like this for for blanket every school in the district uh we'll have them work together and um kind of check in with us just to make sure the practices that they're implementing for their specific needs on their campuses um address the the policy in in a in a good way and doesn't is instructional time to find how you defined it or do we need to add that to this so I'm not sure which bullet it is I don't have it in front of me but there is one of the bullets that says instructional time is defined as the time from the first Bell of the day until the school day ends I believe is the language if I can remember right okay I think it might be the second or third bullet bullet to Bullet thank you just to help you miss Washington thank you thank you is it Miss lardy yeah just real quick when we're talking about communication I appreciate um you know putting out a blast but I also think we need to like use human beings to communicate the in so I I was pleased to hear you talking about principles but I'm also talking about PTA Sac um s g like everyone possible um and I think we also need to make very clear what instructional time means because to some people it might just mean like in the classroom so Dr Zan just some of the feedback that uh we got uh in my office particularly from school leaders principles and assistant principles is how simple this policy is you may not use a cell phone during the school day it's that simple unless an instructional Personnel usually a teacher says I know you broke your arm you couldn't take notes in the class you can take picture of the notes and then put it away and so they really appreciated the fact that this is Crystal Clear um and I look forward to seeing the positive improvements that this generates in our schools thank you thank you all in favor of pp7 say I iOS to say no pp7 passes unanimously may have a motion and second on pp8 move by Leonardi second by Zan public comment one register speaker Jackie lcom pp8 pp8 no you're good we're good board member comment Miss fam I did all my PPS suspensions exensions oh yeah it was actually thank you m Madam chair um it was really relatively something simp um simple it was um a reference to the suspensions I know one of the things that um teachers have said um in response that they're not getting any kind of um support from parents when the child is suspended the child just um watches television or plays video games and really doesn't do anything and I notice all through the matrixes um you know suspension 3 days 5 days or 10 10 days so my question is um why can't we as part of the suspension um make a project or or sign that the student um and the parent both have to write is um how can I make certain that this doesn't happen again or how can I avoid this situation or how could I have handled this better so that way at least when the student returns they have something where they at least thought about the situation and um they can um open up a conversation with the teacher and try to work through it so it doesn't happen again so that would be my suggestion or consideration if anyone's interested any other board member seeing none all in favor of pp8 say I I those opposed say no I PPA passes unanimously we have a motion second on gg7 so move move by Z second by rert public comment no public comment Madam chair board member comment um Mr Austin is abstaining he's not here anybody want to speak to gg7 all in favor gg7 say I I I I those opposed say no gg7 passes with Mr allson obain him but he's not here um let the record reflect that Mrs Hixon and Mr allson are not present okay and miss rert oh you're on the line Miss rert okay I'm looking all right next we have a motion second on B1 moved move second moved by Z second by Fen Holly public comment no public comment board member comment this is yours yes M Fam thank you madam chair um if you recall this came before the board um u a pro Ely two meetings ago and what this involved is getting turf at three high schools for their football field so it would improve the the area I specifically during that time I I questioned what happens um well actually a statement was made by uh Mrs Brown Patty Brown and she said that schools get revenues from football uh Runing out football fields and also from their stadiums and that swayed my vote to switch sorry mad chair this wrong yeah this is a item to Appo to uh fsba members1 Bravo One Oh I thought you said b m rert do you want to start you were thinking um sure uh these are um assignments for advocacy legislative issues and uh it's extremely important I'm on the board of directors of fsba and have been for a while have also been on um the executive committee for fsba uh two times in the last five years and that is the first for Broward since like 1980 something so um it's important that Broward has a voice in the state but also that we can temper our voice to be able to um present what the entire State and the other districts are doing so it's an important thing I I go I up there I know Mr Altin goes as well I would um we always did this in November because that's our time to do it but they like to do it now so this is why even though Mr Allon and I are named on there and we're still named on there that um it's brought up now because they want it and then we will be able to vote again in November so um I ask that you actually vote Yes on this item so we can continue with our uh our year since November is not here yet so so M you would like to continue to serve yes yes ma'am okay perfect any other board member comments seeing none all in favor of B1 say I I say no B1 passes unanimously may have a motion and second on B2 move move move by F second by zman public comment no public comment member comment yes chair go ahead Mr P thank you very much chair want to make this quick cuz we're rolling uh want to thank all my colleagues for uh co-sponsoring this Proclamation um recognizing Emanuel George and David Paulo in our community um I think it's important to recognize young people that are doing some great things and these two guys started the black Broward project and it is a project that was not only it started on Instagram um but I came across it on black history month but they really recognize the history across our district all of Broward all of black history right here in Broward and we have such a rich history so it's amazing they do great work at the old Dillard Museum but also if you don't follow him on Instagram follow them on Instagram they have prom pictures from addict High School from years ago Dillard just everywhere across our district but it's great things and they get the community involved by doing you know gift giveaways and different things like that but they just did such a great job in black history month and every single day they did a different recognition from a different High School different Middle School elementary school but just did all types of things so just want to make sure we recognize people doing great things in our community so thank you very much much thank you very much um any other comments all right see none all in favor of B2 say I I I those opposed say no IEM passes unanimously may have a motion second on H7 moved moved by Leonardi second by Z Public comment no public comment board member comment who wants it who me ah me yeah than hold on one second uh positive behavior interventionist sorry one second I don't have M okay anybody have any other comments all in favor of H7 say I I there say no I item passes unanimously may have a motion and second on h8 so move move by Leonardi second by Zan public comment no public comment board member comment yes Madam chair go ahead okay so for the minimum qualification and experience I I am concerned um we're looking at the position of Campus monitor it's a um safety position uh that requires want to be um cognizant of the safety of our children and on the minimum qualification we're removing uh the second dotted item a minimum of four years within the last eight years of successful work experience so from what I'm seeing here anyone with a high school diploma who is at least 21 years of age can become a campus monitor with no successful work experience I believe uh some sort of work experience would be necessary um so if staff could tell me why that line was removed and then I'd like to make a motion um subsequent to that Mr Alber absolutely uh Dr hes the purpose of the intent for removing that line was to only broaden our our spectrum of employees that are coming in but you know we need to start considering security as a professional field in doing so we have created last year uh the Safety and Security operations Department implemented a training program to have these entry-level campus monitors uh be able to apply for the next level of position of security specialist so we want to be able to bring in you know fresh blood New Blood to come into the workforce so that we can train them according to our standards our department is now certified to be able to certify individuals in class D security license which is something new that we have last year so we have the the systems in place to be able to take that entry level security officer or campus monitor into the next level of security okay so when you mentioned in in the prior uh dotted item here that says um four years of successful work experience um what was considered successful work experience how is that defined any work experience any work experience so in this particular what we're doing here is removing removing any work experience correct so they can come in never work before and become a campus Monitor and we then train them to become an expert at it yes sir okay so I am not very comfortable with that I believe some level of work experience is necessary I understand that you're trying to broaden the pool I get it but at the same time I think this creates additional risk for children so I would like to have um a motion I can understand Trying to minimize the requirement but not to remove it completely so I'd like to make a motion for a minimum of two years of successful work experience I believe some level of work experience assuming a job like this where we're looking at the safety of our children is relevant and it is important and I think as a board is responsible for us to do that so I'd like to include language for a minimum of at least two years of successful work experience motion is there a second move by Hess second by theard public comment on the motion board member comment on the motion all in favor of the motion say I those say no motion motion carries with one Des sensing vote Mr F anything else Dr rman No that's it for that okay um I have some motions um Mr Fen Miss yes okay my um I printed out my motion my ad so you can understand is in bold so I'll read my first motion I move to on page two of three bullet 7 proactively communicate the need for emergency proac actions or a request for response by public safety personnel when visual auditory or smelling senses indicate that action must be taken to protect human life use appropriate forms of communication to form of emergencies including verbal warnings portable radios fire alarms and then I'm adding this Alysa alert or other communication systems or devices second um I'm I'm going to put them all together if you don't mind and then page 23 bullet 8 take prompt action as appropriate to protect human life in an emergency situation including the initiation of the standard response protocol that's what I'm adding because I believe it said uh codes before on school campuses or District sites as appropriate and then add an additional bullet point to support the implementation operations of the metal detector screening process ensuring students and visitors comply with safety protocols that's an addition new B point is there a second move by Al second by roer public comment board member comment all in favor of the three different um changes a motion say I I I I those oppos say no motions carry any other motions on this item all in favor of h8 as amend it say I I I I those opposed say no HH h8 passes unanimously may have a motion and second on j4 so move second move by leonardy second by Zan public comment no public comment Dr Zan thank you so much chair this is uh some phenomenal uh work uh by our chief operations and Facilities officer and their staffs uh this has been a long-standing issue with construction vendors in Broward County uh and U to move forward and pay people uh without you know uh the threat of potential liquidated damages is the right thing to do it's what Miami dat and Palm Beach and orange uh both do U and I'm just wanted to compliment uh uh Miss Paul and all the folks that put this together uh including Mr Cooney um so that we can move forward to pay people on time thank you chair I board member comments yes Madam chair Dr H we're on j4 j4 okay great so um a couple of questions on the executive summary of j4 uh on the recommended action um it indicates authorize the chief operations and Facilities officer to wave potential liquidated damages in AB bance until projects completion so how are decisions made on what is waved or not wave Miss Paul so uh Dr holus yes um it would be a caseby casee um situation for instance uh if we're looking at time and it's not a dollar value associated with it then that would be something I would consider if it's a a an amount that's less than the retainage or what we have for the project then I would consider that also so it wouldn't be just a blanket waving everything it would be a a very um a mindful process to look at each individual uh situation okay I have a few more questions Madam chair um and thank you um Mrs Miss Paul I appreciate it who will be involved in the decision-making process would it be just you or who's involved in so I would uh consult of course with our program management firm as well as my staff okay so what happens to liquidated damages that are not waved then we will follow the normal process okay does pmore mean Acom yes okay and will Atkins have any role in the review yes okay does Atkin has does Atkins have the ability to coordinate reviews I'm sorry does Atkins have the ability to coordinate reviews yes I meet with Atkins okay all right thank you so much Madam chair any other comments seeing none all in favor of j4 say I I say no JJ j4 passes unanimously may have a motion second on each 17 the move second move by second by F public comment no comments board member comment seeing no comments all in favor oh wait I have all in favor H17 say I I I those opposed say no H7 passes unanimously may have a motion second on dd2 no move moved by Leonardi second by Zan public comment public comment board member comment bd2 that's me that's mine oh no I'm B one I I had that one go ahead um so I just had two quick comments um on page 45 there was a prior recommendation that evidence of site visits visits uh exist and that was not addressed in our response um and then I had a one question do we have an explanation as to why the number of the day of days in architect res middle in the architect Rea middle queue increased Dr heer Miss Paul what can you clarify what page you're on Miss Ard um I think that's on page five it starts on page four and is on ends on page five can I have a motion to extend the meeting by 20 minutes so move move by second Leonardi second by rert all in favor say I I say no motion carries continue are we waiting for staff yes okay sorry so uh Mr leonardy can you repeat the question please so on page five the RSM report says that um the number of day the average number of days in the anq increased by 8% and I was wondering if we have an explanation as to why I would have to get back with you to get particulars on that thank you um and then I just had a comment on page 15 um it's talking about roof sub permitting process in the manual printed um so move four years ago you know we talked about or this was before I joined the board but there was a discussion of using e-builder to move away from this manual process and and we've been talking about it as a board for a very long time about fully utilizing e-builder and it is very frustrating to see that that is taking over four years now um so I just need to be on the record saying that it's you know we we've talked about it over and over and over again as board members we can't go in e-builder and you know make things happen but it's very frustrating that there's the the same issues over and over and over again in this department those are my comments thank you thank you Miss Leonardi any other board member comments so um you must have been seeing my notes I one of what I wrote down was why aren't we using e-builder right that's that's what I have right here um so I I know um you know we have new staff new superintendent so I'm hoping that you know the board is you know tell us the truth like we don't want I don't want anybody to lie to us don't say we're using e-builder we're not using it we're using parts of it or we need more money and they you know we so so one of my thoughts also was um the Strategic long-term BCPS Roofing plan and what it said in the report was that there was uh no system to manage that plan with the roofs and so I don't know what Dr heer and what that's going to look like if that means you're going to start being using Ebu Builder to that if you need to follow up with the board or have a plan but that is one of my great concerns I mean we're spending so much money on roofs and you know I know the maintenance of roofs and we need to make sure that we're maintaining them and we're not um you know doing something cuz we didn't do something now the um what's it called on the like the I can't think of the word right now but anyway we need to make sure that we're focusing on the the roofing plans the long-term Roofing plans and then what also was extremely concerning to me was the roof sub permitting process being manual and printed with printed plan binders um and you know they said in here increase the risk for long review processes incomplete documentation ineffective audit Trail uh you know all these things are a huge issue and at the end of the day it's just costing this District millions of dollars and then our students are ones that are negatively affected by you know this gross mismanagement um so I hope Dr heurn that you can come back to the board with a plan so if I can speak to that Dr heurn yes go ahead so uh I've been here I think I'm on my seventh week but I've you know we are using e-builder so I have to look at the report and understand what context they're taking uh or are using in this audit report uh in addition in terms of uh Roofing analysis and so forth that's one of the reasons as a large District we should do a facility condition assessment every five years so when when I go back and I look at what occurred in the previous assessment uh it is obvious that roofs were missed uh and so as we go forward uh one of the things I I want to do is have a lessons learned from some of the things that didn't quite go so well on this past Bond so that we can prepare and codify that information uh uh for the eventual next one at some point so uh I will uh delve into the uh issue of the 8% increase as well as what you uh spoke to in terms of using Builder may I be on the list please go ahead Miss rert um and thank you Chief I really appreciate what you just said um I think actually the Nexus for our problem for this entire situation is that when we had the new superintendent come on he he brought his facility Chief and everybody else and that facility Chief and the superintendent did not know what South Florida was like in the summertime because the roofs to do all the roofs they had planned to do that during summertime so it wouldn't disrupt students well you and I know and the rest of the board knows summertime in South Florida to do roofs is crazy so I I think actually just looking at that decision and you knowing this moving forward is going to get us to a better place and I appreciate that and I'm looking forward to your leadership and I understand you know there's Lessons Learned but there's also the you know you've been in Palm Beach so you understand what it's like certain times of the year for us so I I'm very appreciative of that and I'm very hopeful that we can get these roofs done because quite honestly a lot of my roofs in district 7 are a hot mess so I actually really need to meet with you when I get back to the country and we need to actually talk about that because it has been my my schools were actually rough before now they're desperate with their roof situation so I look forward to your Examination for that and your recommendation and meeting with you so thank you so much thank you and it was Roofing warranties I want to make sure they're not being violated because we're not properly following steps or paperwork yes I got it thank you understand any other board member comment seeing none all in favor of dd2 say I I I those say no dd2 passes unanimously may have a motion second on jj1 so move move by Zan second by Leonardi public comment board member comment uh Dr demon yeah thank you very much chair um this is one uh that requires a little bit of De handling uh I have nothing but positive things to say about hispanic Unity I have nothing but positive things to say about what we do down at Gulfstream Early Learning Academy it has been uh a dramatic uh impact on the community uh and we are going through closing schools and this is one where the mayor of the city has been very out front and vocal about this being an excellent opportunity to do uh some development in her City uh it's certainly something we're going to want to you know have uh in our options there are uh people being that would be impacted if this is on the list of closing schools uh but it's also a different kind of facility with different purposes uh than a Traditional School um what I'm worried about is a three-year lease to Hispanic Unity um means that it may be very difficult uh to keep this as an active option in our repurposing plan and I think we need to do that my suggestion uh and again I'm interested in hearing colleagues views on this instead of doing anything dramatic give them a one-year lease instead of a three confirm you're on jj1 uh third amendment to PSA Deerfield Beach Middle School no ma'am J1 JJ one thank you I was going to say the same thing thank you Miss Al I don't know why we're doing JJ one okay JJ one miss ruer I am actually for this obviously but I really have to ask the question which is 682 extra days to complete from now that is a question they it answered Dr heurn Miss Paul computer good good kisses good girl sorry I had my dog that's the total time that is not from this point forward okay so what is what is the number from this day forward ma'am uh give me just a minute let me get my book oh no no no worries thank you just take your time I I can yeah I can provide that to you uh later but it's not I want to Hur you it's not an additional uh amount of time it's a cumulative is rer do you need this to vote or can we do a board member followup a followup is fine okay all in favor of JJ one say I I those say no jj1 passes unanimously may have a motion second on J1 so move second P leardi public comment board member comment Dr Zan I'll just wrap up real quick uh and thanks chair I apologize for the misalignment um this is a this is a really deaf issue because you know I suspect there are many people that recognize the value of Hispanic Unity tremendous value of gstream Early Learning Academy and all the work that's gone in to put that together and at the same time your lease May preclude us from considering this as one of our repurposing options uh the only solution that I've come up with is to offer a one-year lease uh I need a little help on figuring how to do that because we have a contract before us that's already signed by the other party for a threeyear lease and so I suspect um if it's the will of the board to do a onee instead of three we need to uh make a motion to um have this redrawn renegotiated with Hispanic Unity see if they're interested in a one-year lease and then uh bring it back for uh further discussion so um I just want to bring this up to the board Gulf Stream again uh contributed and is contributing in significant ways um but the mayor has been very vocal about wanting us to consider that as one of the closures and uh the impact there is different than it would be on a traditional school I'm not going to say better the same or less but just different uh but I do want to preserve that uh ability to include that on list should we consider it um as that's part of our closings down the road Miss Batista do would you like toine so um as um mentioned there is an agreement in front of you that is already been signed on it's for three years so any changes that the board makes at this point we'll have to go back to the other side to make sure that they're um in agreement with it and general Council if you don't mind chair uh would that be done by a motion or should we votee this down with the intent to renegotiate you can do either way I I think at this point I would rather you um either postpone it to the next uh regular board meeting in in August to give us some time to go back and um and make that negotiation and see if the terms are agreeable terrific how about this what if um I I make a motion to postpone this item till next Tuesday because their lease runs out and the beginning of August I don't want it to to overlap with the intent of having two options brought back to the board for consideration a one-year and a three-year lease there second second move by Zeman second by Leonardi public comment on the motion board member comment on the motion all in favor of the motion say I I I I those oppos say no motion carries time for one more may have a motion second the whole motion no no I mean the whole item may have a motion second h10 so move second move by Zan second by Leonardi public comment board member comment yes Madam chair go ahead okay so on h10 under essential performance responsibilities the second bulleted item investigate student accidents and accident claim Nam as well as 1 2 3 4 the fifth bullet item periodically inspect vehicles and Equipment operated by School Board employee to evaluate their condition um wanted to find out why those are being removed if staff could speak on that for me Dr he Chief robber just give me a second I'm trying to pull it up right now to see exactly what you're looking at can you repeat that again Dr holess which line are you at what bullet okay um under essential performance responsibilities bulleted item two as well as item five uh just need um to understand why those are being removed um that was originally there under the fire safety Specialists yeah so what we're trying to do here because the job description was written long ago uh we're trying to up to what they're currently doing now what they're really doing is fire inspections and plans examiners um they support that function um so the fire safety um the hang on a second the fire safety inspector it's their job is pretty much to go through schools do fire and safety inspections they're not conducting any type of student accidents or student claims they're not doing any of that work okay and and no vehicle inspection of any sort they're not doing that either as well okay thank you yes sir any other comments on h10 all in favor of h10 say I I those opposed say no h10 passes unanimously at this time do any of my colleagues have any discussions or sooning successes to bring forth to the superintendent for consideration M fam I had I still didn't get to make my motion on we're we're going to carry over the rest of the meeting next Tuesday yeah the whole agenda goes up Dr Zan yes I just want to uh uh point out a traumatic success uh Brower County published a small business directory chair it's an amazing uh compendium it shows our commitment to local small business uh minority women-owned firms um it is uh a big big deal and I want to just congratulate the edcc eddc staff and superintendent for pulling this all together this is going to be a resource that we use throughout the year and I'm sure we'll update it every year thereafter thank you can it be accessed online through our website uh I'll find out and I'll report back next week okay thank you Dr Hess you have anything no Miss fam no I'm Le thank you Le ardy um I just was hoping if the superintendent could briefly update us on um the groups that he's visited for the redefining schools initiative um just a real brief recap yeah so um so far since early summer the Broward League of cities the um city manager associations um John help me out here if I if I miss anybody we also have the mayor's uh round table with city managers on August 7th so this would also be discussed and we have upcoming Faith uh scheduled meeting with faith-based organization um on August 13th and also we're scheduling all of the cities that we feel like it's going to be the most impacted first um to meet with them oneone to to listen and learn about what's to come in their cities and also talk about some potential strategies and practices before we start going out at large got it um thank you for that update um I wanted to ask my colleagues in light of you know sadly we've had students pass away from scooter accidents like riding their scooters to schools that if the board was is okay with asking the superintendent to bring back a scooter policy to help try to keep our students safe yes yes thank you thank you Mr for me especially my dog voted yes I don't know if you guys heard that but um yes but also to actually talk about them not wearing their helmets that's key yeah all items that have not been considered at today's meeting will be moved to next week's agenda on July 30th the scheduled order of business for the school board meeting of the school board of Broward County Florida has been completed or has is being moved to next week's agenda on July 30th I that's it okay I I had one more thing but I guess not sorry Mr I just I just wanted to actually tell people about the fsba regional meeting which is going to be Thursday September 19th um in at Sheridan Tech in Hollywood so I I would ask that my colleagues are available to come to that also the Tri County Area so we' be able to uh Converse and speak about state state issues as well so thank you so much thank you here e e