##VIDEO ID:4irRxutVC9Y## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e test test test one two one two e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good morning good morning this regular meeting of the Schoolboard of BR County Florida is now called to order please identify the exit doors they are including marked for emerging exiting while in the boardroom refrain from obstructing the exit doors all attendees must occupy a seat in the boardroom with the exception of media once the boardroom has reached a seating capacity attendees will be directed to a designated overflow area in the building upon activation of fire alarm system please exit from the room in orderly fashion and continue to exit building and remain outside until the authority has deemed this the jurisdiction has deemed this building safe to return our primary focus to create a safe and productive environment thank you so much for your participation and cooperation okay I will now introduce for Mrs fam her school to lead us in the pledge allegiance I would like to thank principal Amy wer assistant principal Angela Cohen and chorus teacher Angelica saintess of Indian Trace Elementary School for having their chorus Club students recite the pledge allegiance and song for today's board meeting please welcome our students as they recite the Pledge of Allegiance and song please rise please place your right hand over your heart and join us as we recite the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all please be seated hello my name is Sophia and I'm happy to introduce the Indian Trace Elementary course club we are honored to sing for you this morning we will be presenting American everyday written by Teresa J published by music G through [Music] 8 America [Applause] [Music] America we are American every day living we are living the American way we are American every day living we are living the American way if you listen you can hear it all around us there's a spirit it's a freedom we are and the blessings we are G we are Americans every day living we are living the American way we are American every day living we are living the American [Music] way America America [Music] we are American every day living we are living the American way we are American every day Liv we are living the American way if you listen you can hear it all around us there's a spirit it's a freedom we are here and the blessings we are GI we are American every day we are Liv in the American way we are Amic every we are Liv the americ way we are americ every day Liv we are Liv in the American way we we are American every day we are Liv the American way Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Amer America [Music] [Music] hi my name is Bren Clinton and on be and on behalf of in Trace and our course club we would like to thank you for for the opportunity to perform for you today we would also like to thank the school board for all you do to make brow County an amazing place to learn thank you so much Indian Trace Elementary School and thank you Mrs fam board member Hixon has requested a moment of silence for a staff member from pompo Beach High School Mrs Hixon thank you last week on October 10th 2024 we lost a longtime member of the Broward County Public Schools family Miss Lisa gold known and loved by many as blue she was a 30-year teacher and a longtime Student Government adviser beginning her career in 1994 at adct middle also teaching at Everglades High and most recently at pompo Beach High School over her 30 years with BR County Public Schools she impacted thousands of lives cultivating leaders in and out of the classroom through organizations including sgaa and all its acronyms Key Club best buddies Freedom Foundation history alive and many others Lisa blue G truly cared and loved every student she interacted with landed um did a good job of of getting some quotes from different students so I just would like to read those blue was one of my greatest supporters and push me to be a better person every day she encouraged me to strive for greatness and nothing less I wouldn't be who I am today without her and I'm going to miss her so much Derek Pano class of 2025 I was only 12 when I met blue at my first BCA convention little did I know she was going to be such an influential figure in my life she always believed in me even at my lowest and encouraged all her students to be better to be the change they wish to see without blue I wouldn't be at my dream College pursuing my Big Dreams still friends with the same kids I met in her classroom to know her is to love her blue changed all our lives for the better Alexandria Gan class of 2023 please keep her family in your thoughts and please take a moment of silence in her name and honor thank you thank you board member Allon has requested a moment of silence for a staff member from myar High School Mr Allon yes good morning Madam chair good morning members of the board I would like to take this time to remember Mr Canard Stevens Mr Stevens was a beloved staff member and football coach of Miramar High School Mr Stevens was known for his radiant smile outgoing personality and power to to light up any room he entered he touched many lives and will deeply be missed by all who knew him Mr Stevens is survived by his wife Miss Diamond Howard and a host of other relatives and friends please keep his family friends and those at Miramar High School in your thoughts and prayers as they navigate during this difficult time please join me in a moment of silence thank you thank you I would like to request a moment of silence for Jessica Waller Jessica worked at West Glades Middle School as a clerk typist shared by this staff of West Glades Middle School Miss Waller always brought a ray of light to all that encountered her she leaves behind a legacy of kindness and hard work she will truly be missed please join me in recognizing a moment of silence in her honor at this time thank you I would also like to request the movement of silence for erson Noel erson attended James S Hunt Elementary School from kindergarten to third grade he loved to play tag with his classmates and enjoyed math ion was super excited when he became a Big Brother last year and he aspired to become a firefighter when he grew up ion will certainly be missed by The Faculty staff and students at James as Hunt Elementary please join me in recognizing a moment of of Silence in his honor at this time thank you before we continue in today's meeting I want to take a moment to recognize two of our outgoing board members Tori Alon and Daniel fogan Holly Mr Alon and Mr fogan Holly your dedication and service to br County public schools has been invaluable you have both worked hard to support our students staff and community and your contributions have made a real difference on behalf of the entire School Board it's my honor to present to you these plaques as a token of our appreciation for your time and commitment thank you for your service and we wish you the very best in all of your future endeavors [Applause] bigger smiles pass this over as we prepared to begin a regular school board meeting we are reminded that our vision is 100% proficiency for all of our students as an a-rated School District our Vital task now is to sustain this achievement we will continue educating all of our students to reach their Highest Potential our theme this year is leave and power achieve one Broward May the chair have a motion and second to proove the minutes for the following meetings July 30th 2024 special school board meeting August 21st 2024 regular school board meeting September 4th 2024 special school board meeting September 10th 2024 special expulsions Madam chair I'd like to move with some corrections uh at the appropriate time okay moved by Mr Allon second by leonardy is there any discussion Mr Olson yes so for the minutes August 21st on page 25 of 26 on the rr1 item I was not present for the vote I was telephonically not present and also on item gg2 the vote should be be reflected as 70 I think it says 80 I was also not present for that vote thank you okay any other comments Madam chair Mr Alon I actually have a question so now I'm going to go to the July 30th special school board meeting uh where the item dealt with non-instructional separation of employment and discipline for 2425 I have a question for actually The General Counsel um there's a statement uh on page P three or five and I'll read it it says board discussion included but was not limited to referring to miss Norton clarification that the employee would remain on a lateral clerk position with the same pay um just my general question and I I know that uh as we approve these minutes every word and all the statements mean something uh based on I think what you shareed with the board just a few weeks ago um or a few days ago rather uh can you just explain what that means of the action that the board took and I believe the vote was was it 5'4 on this item so that the employee would remain on a lateral clerk position with the same pay what does that mean Miss Batista because I know we're about to approve action and right now today this is when the board will formalize whatever has taken place and I know this is very critical so I just want to understand what this action means right so that that motion I believe was made by Mrs Hixon um un seconded and the um motion or the action what it meant was that the employee is to be moved to a lateral position without any loss in their pay I believe that has already happened so just so I understand is this an adverse action to the employee I don't believe it does consider an adver adverse action pursuant to um the law so it's not an adverse action um was there any harm to the employee based on this action no all right so there's no adverse action and no harm and no pay uh that's been impacted by the employee is that correct that is correct all right thank you so much thank you very much any other comments seeing none all in favor of the minutes as amended say I I those opposed say no minutes pass anonymously the superintendent released a revised agenda with certain changes for this meeting and publish it on the school district's website Dr heurn yes thank you chair I would like to withdraw double P6 okay double P6 is withdrawn the chair finds pursuant of section 120525 Florida Statutes that good cause exists for such changes and accepts the revised agenda May the chair have a motion and second to close the agenda so move move by Zan second by Hixon all in favor of closing the agenda say I I those opposed say no the agenda is now closed the school board will consider today's agenda items in the order and operations outlined in the school board policy 1020 and Robert's Rules of Order school board members and the public have access to all written agenda comments related to today's agenda the chief Communications and legislative officer pulled the board for uh the agenda items they wish to address in advance of the meeting so we're going to start with the single letter items Mr Alon none Mrs fam yes I have thank you um i1 J1 and that would be it i1 J1 Mr pran Ry none chair thank you okay Mrs Hixon I have H2 and H4 and i1 Dr holness i1 L1 please i1 L1 Mrs leonardy L1 and i1 L1 I this rer she has L1 L1 and Dr Zan thanks chair uh single letter A2 i1 82 i1 and ala A1 i1 popular in J1 okay now we're going to move on to our oh is there anyone from the audience that would like to speak to a consent item that has not already been requested for discussion seeing none at this time May the chair have a motion a second to pass the consent items that have not been pulled for discussion moved by Zan second by Hixon all in favor of approving the consent agenda say I I I those opposed say no the agenda is passed okay for double letter items Mr Alon none Miss fam e E1 rr1 L1 o4 O7 and then um pp1 through pp4 okay M frog thank you chair JJ 13 and that's all thank you Mrs Hixon I have ff1 jj4 pp3 and rr1 Dr holness o4 pp3 Miss Leonardi Mrs rert I have hh1 E1 Dr Zan thank you chair jj4 jj1 14 thank you all right ala pp4 and hh1 perfect all right is there anybody from the audience who would like to speak to an open item that has not has already been pulled for discussion double letter item at this time May the chair have a motion in second to pass the open items that not have been indicated to be pulled from for discussion so moved moved by Zan second by hickon all in favor approving the open Agenda say I I those poos Say No Agenda passes next item of business in the agenda is H3 a motion to approve non-instructional appointments and leaves for 2425 May the chair have a motion in second on H3 so moved moved by Zan second by hickon it's been moved in second to approve H3 a motion to approve non-instructional appointments and Le for 2425 any discussion from the audience no registered speakers say that again no registered speakers okay thank you is there any board debate seeing none all in favor of H3 say I I I those opposed say no H3 passes unanimously the chair would like to take a moment to recognize new staff appointments we'd like to congratulate each of you for your career advancement with Brower County Public Schools we value you and your families Dr Heen can you please introduce the new leaders for a few remarks at this time there are no directors or above or principles but we congratulate all of our new appointees welcome to the team or if you got a recent promotion congratulations also take a five minute recess for a [Applause] picture five minute recess for a picture e e e welcome back Dr he do you have a superintendent report yes thank you chair I want to take a moment to provide an up date on the impact of the recent hurricane on our school operations and the adjustments we are considering for our academic calendar we missed three instructional days due to the storm September 26th and October 9th and October 10th we've been in contact with the state and they have informed us that they will not wave this semester's instructional time requirement this means we we must make we must make up missed instructional minutes for the first semester which includes both the first and second quarters our staff is working on options to ensure we meet the instructional time requirements while minimizing the disruption to our families and staff we will present these options for consideration at the special board meeting on October 22nd I want to assure you that we are committed to finding a solution that preserves the school Year's instructional Integrity while balancing our community needs thank you and more to come at the October 22nd Workshop thank you Dr Herer next is committee reports first is the audit committee audit committee okay we we'll come back to the audit committee Broward County Association of students okay student councils and student advisor to the board good morning good morning happy October on behalf of Alana barrero Al our alternate student adviser and myself we're excited to update you all on our work over the past few months we are making progress on our speak up speakout sessions including recent visits to Monarch High School and myar High School uh this month with you I'd like to take a deep dive into what these what these sessions look like for our students the sessions can range from 15 students to over 50 students and at each school we request that there's a diverse group of students that represent diversity of experience in school this often ranges from student athletes Club officers even students with mental health challenges students with behavior with habitual Behavior concerns and always any student who wants to attend throughout the throughout the session we discuss aspects of their school experience that are going well what should change and what they would like to see in the future following the session principles are provided with a summary report of the conversation and often times principles use that to instigate change on their campuses and we're grateful for the feedback we've received um from principles about using that feedback on their campuses uh we look forward to continuing to visit schools and gain valuable feedback on how we can improve as a district and at a school-based level at last month's superintendent student advisory committee we held a redefining our schools activity where students shared feedback on their school experience we gained some great feedback with common themes centering out around a desire to have increased industry certifications and career in technical education in high school this feedback has been summarized and provided to the superintendent and staff so we look forward to working together on this continuous Improvement next week we will hold our second meeting and we'll focus on quote things the superintendent should know these types of conversations are extremely productive and allow for Dr heern to hear what happens on our campuses we are truly grateful for his time and listening ear a common theme in the conversations at the school at our schools is the need for improved communication directly to students we are working on finding innovative ways to communicate with students using our existing tools I'd like to share a moment of gratitude to Mr Davis and Dr wanza for their support in this initiative we look forward to establishing a tool that allows for students to receive up to upto-date Communications both from the district and from their schools and we look forward to pting this with the re with the upcoming uh calendar survey as always if students need any support in solving a problem or have ideas for improvement please email student. advisor briard schools.com or send us a message or give us a follow on our social media pages on Instagram at bcps.org we look forward to another month of progress and hearing from our peers thank you madam CH thank you audit committee morning I don't think that's on Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh chair of the district's audit committee a Schoolboard established committee um we we unable to meet again it's happened twice now how many minutes do we have for committee reports she didn't okay five all right it's like Pavlov's dog every time you get targeted okay all right um so but last night I spent two hours because I was worried about what messages people might be receiving um in an advisory committee chair meeting on teams we have not gotten responses it's all well and good to tell us how much you love us but we don't want the kind of love that Tina Turner used to get from Mike we want a school board that makes sure that your actions are speaking louder than words the audit committee passed a motion and I have emails going back and forth that I think you're all copied on where we were told that if they're already transmitted to the board because the last time the audit committee passed a motion it was with comments from our July 18th meeting and to retransmit our previous motions understand that your audit committee has passed motions asking the chief auditor to read our motions and explain what they mean to you because when we pass motions and get responses like the one that legal provided with they purposely rewrote or got confused about the the questions and provided answers that were to questions that were not asked the audit committee is thinking well maybe they're just confused so we retransmitted and on today's agenda and I don't know if they changed it I didn't look again there was the motion but not the content of the motion it simply said there was a motion you've also had the entire packet of our prior motions so in a district where escalating is more frequent than deescalation you're escalating and giving the audit committee as a whole not just me because it's probably going to be the whole group where do we go next it always looks better when the board polices itself and its own rather than us having to go to the state and we don't have an IG yet and I say yet because they would have subpoena power the state has subpoena power State Attorneys is that where you want it to go because by not answering all you're accomplishing is limiting the options that the audit committee has to get answers to the questions it keeps asking over and over and the observations and understand like the audit committee understood about that intercom audit and and I'll have to share this with them at our meeting next week provided we don't have another storm uh on page seven of your F SSAT which we're going to have to start looking at there is a a there's a section on here called mass communication and emergency alerts people you don't have an emergency communication you do not have a mass notification system there are codes that govern what you can call things so so someone is once again confused again but calling it something does not make it that something the audit committee understood that which is why they kept coming back with more motions because we still have not uncovered what happened in 2018 and by the way the office of safe schools even has NFPA 72 mentioned on the website there seems to be a disconnect that's even happening at the state level but of all the districts to have gotten this completely wrong it's shocking that this is the one so whoever made this slide that is on your agenda today is confused or we're playing semantics mass communication and emergency alerts you do not have an emergency communication system that is governed by ul 2572 and NFPA 72 you can't just call something something that it's not you don't have mass communication you don't have mass notification cuz then you wouldn't be throwing speaker wire all over the place calling and then thinking you can do emergency alerts through that system it's not how it works there are other follow-up items your fund balance has been going down ever since you lost um the person that used to calculate it who used to to do it I think you're down to one CPA in accounting and Reporting that's concerning in a in a district this size and I hope that person shows up at our meeting to explain how the fund balance is being calculated because that's been a standing request booster clubs that's followup as well HR internal controls audit it's another one that you approved roward teachers union good morning Broward School Board superintendent Dr Howard heurn oh it's cancer awareness month it's National pug day it's a good day hope we're going to have a happy positive day just want to have a couple words about um what's going on out there with our Educators and all of our support staff in our schools um we ended our first quarter last week there was a planning day where our Educators needed to have time to understand Focus still I hope you guys are aware that focus is still a large struggle on getting the trainings out there having the trainings done in a timely manner having enough people to do the trainings and for our 13,000 Educators 3,000 support staff to be able to get the training and understand to be able to do report cards inter room reports and our ESC piece with our progress reports so I need you to guys be mindful as board members have conversations fruitful with your staff of what is really going on with Focus seriously each and every one of you should be having a direct conversation on understanding what's really going on with Focus because we walk schools we talk with multiple people and also principles and admin and they're all on the same page that this new program has been extremely um difficult and the trainings are different let me put it that way I'm trying to find the peaceful words so that's that's important piece we have to get progress reports done for our ESC population they have to get report cards done they have to do interims there's a lot of things they have to do that are dependent upon going through focus and when it's still a struggle because it was just thrown at them and it was um you need to be mindful of that so when people are not making deadlines it's not the Educator's fault and it's not the admin's fault so I need you guys to be really aware of what's going on with that I think I've said it four or five times I'm trying to make it important piece for you to know um negotiations we finalized you know last week with our esps we still have one piece left with our tsps I'm hoping that the uh HR department brought it forward to you um Brower teachers union cannot move forward with this year's negotiations if we haven't completed with the unit from last year I need you to know that if you don't know that so if this is your first time hearing it then shame on staff for not bringing it to you because this is not something new that I've said and we make it very public for our negotiations so it's known of where we are with negotiations still with our tsps um but we did agree to open the door early on for our teachers our EPs and you guys came with nothing you came with the as to take away you didn't come with the raise you didn't even come with the allocated funding from our governor you guys came to take away for people to pay into their insurance you want to fix your budget problem on the backs of the I what is it 25,000 employees in Broward schools now 13,000 are are teachers and support staff 3,000 are our educational support professionals that make $15 an hour and then you've got your foby group and you've got uh other groups out there that also make those kind of dollars so we're asking you guys to look stronger in the budget I know we've got a bunch of new people that have been hired hopefully there will be some fruitful knowledge of what's going on in the budget that you won't have to do that we're really asking you to honor your Educators that are working really hard there's a lot of things being piled on them that are building up a stress level you guys want to maintain this a and we're watching the District go by any means necessary to do that which is stressing out your Educators and your support staff so that's going to bring on some medical needs so this medical benefit is it's amazing and it's a benefit that they need and deserve they've earned it and to ask for them to pay into it in this time frame right now when you're not offering a raise inflation is still skyrocketing everything is out there we're asking you to to really pay attention on what you want to do to the emploees of Brower County public schools with a benefit that they need we still have many schools that people are sick in from whether it's the school in the air quality or leaky roofs or handlers and air conditioning is not working you know or you know groups of kids people get sick so we want to keep people in our schools working and healthy and not have an extra burden of an extra cost and then we have them they have to work two and three jobs because of the burden of not making enough money so please have a conversation come back in with a nice fruitful raise for this school year and halt on the insurance thank you thank you Broward County Council ptas ptsas Broward Education Foundation District advisory Council okay good morning again District advisory Council chair Natalie Lynch Walsh um I previously reported motions that were passed in August and September some of them are moot because you already approved policies uh policy 5000 um and did not incorporate the feedback uh in a meaningful manner um and related to that today you have the boundary resolution that curiously for the first time ever has the three areas mentioned in its membership but not DAC are we writing resolutions for whoever happens to be the chair that year or was that just a scrier error and an honest Omission don't know hope you fix it um another problem there's no design so now you're telling chairs Thou shalt be at these meetings and what if they can't make it what if there's someone on The Advisory that's more knowledgeable about boundaries or simply more interested they can't send a designate they're volunteers they're not paid employees third problem there's no Clarity in how those community members are appointed to the committee why is that a problem speaking as a almost 30-year resident of Plantation you could be doing something that in involves Plantation Middle and and if it's the the principle that's sending people they could be sending people that are reassigned of course they love Plantation Middle that's why they're there but you're not getting input from the people that are actually zoned by the board for that school and that could happen across the district so how are you picking people there seem to be some discussion about board members appointing people I don't think that was in there but again those three problems you don't have DAC you don't have the option for a design and there's no Clarity on how you're picking the community members and frankly I'm not particularly interested in sitting on the boundary committee been there done that and given the current process but if you're going to have the three areas it seems to only make sense that you would also have DAC I'm going to assume that was an oversight um our next agenda we'll look at academics and we're looking to have someone come and talk about focus and how and the continuous Improvement needed there um North Area advisory Council had a motion uh that they move that brow County Schools they recommend we're going to work on recommendations include a provision in all 504 plans for student with type 1 diabetes allowing the use of cell phones for direct communication between parents and students so this relates to cell phones this provision is essential for the timely management of blood sugar levels particularly in light of recent cell phone policy changes that have hindered parent student communication given the life-threatening nature of type 1 diabetes and the current challenges in school nursing coverage and diabetes management knowledge this motion is necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of students with this condition we had heard that there was supposed to be a workshop on the cell phone policy I I haven't heard anything about that and there's supposed to be a survey happening of students to see how that's going waiting for that one Central Area advisory Council met on September 19 the membership wanted an update on the available options to comply with the bill for moving the start time of schools by 2026 they inquired about juneth being a holiday for staff having to work that day because there are staff that it's off everyone else is off but them um and then there was a unanimously passed motion to add due process to the staff policy and bylaws that's the same due process that staff talked the policy 107 group out of keeping even though it had been vetted by legal and this is all documented um now legal is reversing course saying you wouldn't put due process in there and there's a bunch of explanations for that however the group did vote to put back in verbiage having to do with the removal of committee members other than Schoolboard appointees so it says in the event of the actions conduct or circumstances of a Committee Member other than a Schoolboard member appointee are found a conflict with applicable laws rules Schoolboard policies and or bylaws the superintendent May recommend May the removal of that Committee Member from office for the current year Andor one additional year the superintendent shall provide the Committee Member any entity represented by the Committee Member and the chair of that committee with written notice of the proposed removal the notice shall specify all grounds for which the removal um is proposed the proposed member removal shall be placed on the agenda of the committee essentially the committee has to vote for that removal to happen thank you thank you diversity committee good morning oh that's loud I'm sorry just want to bring some lividity up here all right so good morning to the school board members Dr superintendant and staff the diversity was unable to meet for October due to Hurricane Milton and subsequent School closure so but I am happy we were spared the brunt of the storm but sad our neighbors to the Northwest suffered considerably damage um and I know that b County public school stands ready to provide help if they are called upon diversity did have a site visit to Hollywood um Hills High we do not we since we didn't meet in October to discuss it um nor was I present because I had a medical procedure that day so we'll talk about it next month and provide a detailed report um in November last uh last night all chairs had a meeting with Dr Dr Mr Sullivan's department on chairs resources and sessions um along with several committee Liaisons during this this session some major concerns for me were the interpretations in parts of policy 1010 auxiliary templates technology and most importantly our motions um our next meeting with the board will be December 10th and I believe that that is the form for us to address our concerns however I plan to email all of you with my specific concerns and questions one thing that I would like to place on record today is that the motion process what are present what was presented last night demonstrates the continued dismissiveness that many committee chairs feel when we do not when we do this volunteer work I would like to reiterate my request to the superintendent and superintendent of teaching and learning to keep in place the resources that all our schools um that helped to get the schools to the a please consider leaving these resources in place for another year or to solid solidify our gains I want as much as the district does to keep the trajectory upward and onward and there is no better way than maintaining some of our resources in place longer another item I would like to address we would like to address um is the district's efforts in highlighting and empath empathizing with its diverse Community communities excuse me in Traditions holidays and tragedies through social media posts and email messages I believe the district tries to address add our communities for not only the purpose of inclusivity but also acknowledgement and taking the position of support I truly appreciate the district's effort in this endeavor however with that comes feelings of alienation uh with other groups in this County if the district's goal is to always uh be inclusive then there should be a way to acknowledge all groups equitably if several groups of our community are suffering in either Mutual conflicts or separate conflicts should be acknowledged I understand you will not please everyone however what you can do is acknowledge our diverse population based on this C this this County's demographics and community members who show up to board meetings and Advocate the group that has uh the group that have the loudest voices should not be the only group to addressed in a perfect world equality would exist and there would be not there would not be a need for diversity committee or any other terms or legislations that promote and facilitate fairness since we are not a utopian world then Equity will suffice and the district needs to demonstrate that more I will always end my reports with this phrase the power is with the people not the people with the perceived power we work better together than apart I reate the importance of community input and collaboration and I wish you all a great day today thank you thank you bpaa esmb Phi Copa PBA ESC advisory Council good morning Jackie lusum ESC advisory um chair um I have to apologize first of all last night I didn't make that meeting for advisory chairs my work has taken me backwards and forwards to the um Gulf for um the hurricanes and I um got back yesterday and um it passed me by so my apologies I'll Echo some of those points that um Miss Pierre Grant made as well about um just how advisories are um seen and worked with I get tremendous support for a great number of people and I so appreciate it but I think when we get the attitude or the push back or the misunder understanding and and the sidelining it can be incredibly dispiriting so thanks to all the support to suppor us but um I'll Echo some of those points too um at our last meeting I was so grateful for the superintendent to come along to our ESC advisory meeting it was a day after the last um Regular scoreboard meeting um uh covered a number of issues and I appreciated his um uh his positivity um I did ask at one point um if it was well understood the the scale of the lack of compliance still um that concerns parents and concerns staff um compliance with IEPs and now compliance of IEPs because of the focus issues um but particularly with compliance with IEPs I asked folks in the room and we probably had about 80 um if there was anybody anybody in that room who had had an issue with uh non-compliance with an IEP and pretty much every single hand in that room went up I don't think it can be underestimated when we keep bringing forward issues about um resourcing out at schools and staff being so of a stretch that IEPs can't be complied with or just um lack of understanding or or education or professional development to ensure that um we can't be underestimating that and saying it's not happening um I was also hugely grateful to um ESC Specialists who came along to that meeting there uh as they said themselves they do not feel that there has been a forum in which they can raise their concerns uh ongoing concerns about um uh about Focus I still don't think it is well understood either the the issues with Focus as it relates to ese are highly specific highly specialized are not being addressed we can say or we like well this form is missing and that form is missing and set a deadline for when that form's going to be placed online but the fact is as I highlighted in my report back in May there are so many features of it for example providing Advanced reporting options um integrating canvas through the sea app operating a process-based forms based a process-based versus forms-based workflow Dynamic translation um user action tracking and really importantly providing alerts to help staff stay on top of required time timelines and processes that's gone providing dashboards pie charts and easy draw down reporting to ensure IEP compliance and fidelity that's gone um the instructions given to ESC Specialists for um being able to even do progress reports and they just got this last week is Eight Pages of instructions eight pages and it's a workaround so you they're being given Band-Aids and workarounds and cobbles rather than this system being one that can do what we need it to do I I I I know I role whenever I mention this and I will just have to keep tolerating eyes rolling at me because folks aren't listening and need to um we will be discussing at our um ESC advisory meeting tomorrow night the $ 11 million or nearly $1 million rollover of idea funds last year um I know it was discussed here at one of the last meetings I was here for that discussion but I think what wasn't touched on or maybe folks might not have been aware of was that we had that very same discussion last year year when there was a roll over then too I know some of the board members were involved in it and and raised that concern too to to kind of represent that oh well let's let's not do this again and let's make a plan isn't going to be satisfactory and I think that's what um our conversation tomorrow night will be partly focusing on because we had that conversation last year we were assured this wouldn't happen we were assured there would be quarterly monitoring and Reporting on budgets and to just say well we fix at this time with quarterly monitoring and budget monitoring of budgets um is just a repeat of the last year so I think we'll be looking for more Fidelity there we'll also be discussing policy and bylaws and trying to get them finally sealed underway uh diabetes issue I would Echo as some of you know I'm hugely concerned and have shared some of the correspondence with that's been going on with parents um uh that students should not be made to relinquish management of their diabetes and the cell phone issue is getting in the way thank you very much thank you Esau Leadership Council good morning school board members superintendent Dr Hu ladies and gentlemen my name is uh Adrian escovar and I honor her to Ser uh to Ser at the chair of the steing committee to the iso Leadership Council for the 24 2025 school year today we are excited to present our first report of the school year while we wait the official enrollment member for this year it is important to recall last year numbers we ended last year with the over 37,000 is student making up nearly 50% of the our total student population among them see uh 16 uh, 599 are recent immigrant who have been here for less than three year our district is incredible diverse with a student speaking 10074 different languages and representing 1,57 57 countries we hosted five isol paring Leadership Council General meetings supported the international Welcome Center in their opening and attending variety of even to support our El students and families we kick off the 2425 school year with our first Isel paring leadership conso general meeting on September 11 2024 at Indian Rich mle School the bilingual Isel department is in partnership with the children service Council organize a resort fair and all about eel night despite the rign we welcome over 600 at attended it was it was hurt it was huren to see so many parents come together to gather Vital Information for the families we have already scheduled all our meetings of the Year our next guing will be on November 14 2004 and India reach Middle School from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m we will invite various District departments to share information about their importantly our meanings are always translated into Spanish aan Creole and Portuguese ensuring accessible for all our families the steing committee has enranged monthly meetings both virtual and in person unfortunately our more recent meeting was cancel due to the uran mil our goal for the 24 25 school year is to actively participate in different committees and support the growth of the Isel volunteers as well as initiatives from the par and Outreach office International welcome center and the bilingual Isel Department to this end we hosted an Isel paring leadership training at the end of the last year we saw participation from 40 parents we will continue to provide leader training throughout our year we look forward to sharing our accomplishments with you as we move ahead thank you gracias Mar m for your support and for all Judi for our ISO student thank you so much thank you facilities task force good morning again I got a phone call late last night uh so while I'm not the chair I'm the corresponding secretary for FTF our chair Kim could not make it but she was at that meeting of the advisory chairs last night and uh when the civility policy came up there was probably a longer discussion than they were expecting about staff using although I think it was the staff here that said not weaponizing the civility policy as a way to avoid answering tough questions and avoiding meetings um so that was one of her concerns because it's one thing when they're there but I can tell you for the past year we've been struggling just to get people to the meeting and this has been two superintendent so far um apparently the Chiefs are deciding not to come or not to send staff and that's been fine with everybody so um at the meeting in September our chair asked whether people would be coming staff would be coming to the FTF meetings no response we didn't have a meeting that we were supposed to have on octo October 10th um but we will be having a November meeting again barring any late storms um so she anticipates sending the agenda so everyone's aware of the topics it's the same topics we have every month because we're not getting responses um so one of the follow-up questions was about the master planner RFQ she was told uh it would be forthcoming uh the question is when is that cuz I uh forthcoming is not a date on a calendar it's not part of a timeline um it could mean sometime before the 12th of Never um so the mo and she wanted to reiterate the motion that was passed by FTF the last time we were able to meet and pass motions uh whereas the school board of brow County approved aom's proposal to develop a two-phase long-range facilities plan framework and whereas the framework included a facility condition assessment and long range facilities master plan and a steering committee and whereas the steering committee is defined as a team of BCPS senior staff and Community stakeholders to guide the creation of the capital planning framework aligned to the Strategic plan manage costs and review policies whereas aeom submitted the deliverables as approved by the school board and because of events that have occurred they delivered part A but the person that was writing it was not around for Part B AECOM is still still here but not the person that was writing we recommend the school board formally adopt the aeom framework and adopt a resolution governing the steering committee um that passed unanimously and they are not trying to make a steering committee the reason it's being brought to the board is so that this committee reports to the school board the goal is to not repeat history there are a number of people that sit on FTF myself included that were here for the entire painful process known as the smart program and are trying not to repeat all of those mistakes which leads us to an email that's another follow-up item I sent it because I'm more familiar with it it was sent to the chief auditor but copying the new chair because it has to do with part two when you approved the needs assessment it was for 4.2 million that's a million over what you had in the budget no response to this email that speaks to what is the budget for the total project meaning what is the budget for both part one and part two part two is the actual master plan so wherever the affir mention Master planner RFQ is what is the budget going to be for that because at some point in the future you're going to be hit with a request for millions of dollars more and I hope none of you thought that 4.2 million was a oneand done but why do they not have a budget for how much the master plan itself the master planner who will develop the master plan how much is that so it's 4.2 plus an unknown number and staff hasn't no one has responded to this so I hope uh the reason for having staff come to an FTF meeting is if they don't if you don't ask the question they don't answer it here then they can answer it at an FTF meeting uh that's how that should work that's the point of having a facilities task force so we can ask questions and they are compelled to answer um so there are also other follow-up current work order aging I think we got one last year and then they stopped open work orders had got that once that stopped a question was asked about the costs and benefits to reallocate Atlantic Tech to William Dandy or anywhere other than the Arthur Ash campus no response yet thank you gifted advisory Council good morning staff board Dr superintendent everyone um my name is Carla Figaro I'm gifted advisory chair um gifted advisory has had two meetings this year um our September 9th meeting we had a presentation from Focus to help guide parents show them how to use a system um since it's new and a lot of them um still had questions on how to sign on and look for records and things like that um the presentation was helpful um they showed us resources and the parent guide to focus um which was great but there was some concern because the gifted um educational plans the EPS were um while they're in Focus they're shown as archived which was kind of um confusing to parents there and it shows it seems as if um it's not an active um e plan uh EP plan so um that's something that is a topic of discussion um we also had a presentation on Excel uh which is academically challenging curriculum to enhance learning we initially passed a motion at the meeting um in May in our September meeting we had some background information on what Excel is and then at the September meeting we went ahead and uh passed that same motion unanimously at both meetings it's an L item today that you will have before you and I'll speak to that um a little bit later um our October 10th meeting was a great turnout despite the weather um from the hurricane um we had a presentation from secondary learning um regarding Advanced learning programs such as Ace AP dual enrollment um IB those are usually um great topics of Engagement for our parents um it's one of the highest actually attended meetings of the year um because it's again programs that parents are very interested in and we hope that these programs continue um and expand as we look at redefining schools um our next meeting is on November 4th at 6:30 at Plantation Middle um we're going to be discussing educational plans and training for parents on what to look for when they have those EP discussions at their schools um we're also going to discuss brace advising and how that can benefit our students um lastly I just want to give a big shout out to our ESC Department Miss Egan um Miss aasta uh suzan Rodriguez and her team they are fantastic partners with us and um we just hope to continue that partnership uh throughout this year thank you thank you green advisory committee human Relations Committee uh good morning uh board and District staff uh Nancy fry chair of the human Relations Committee um we did not get to go over a 10 during our last meeting we had to hold an informational meeting because although we had a majority of our membership there uh due to the qu policy of being 50% plus one and we have an odd number of people we have seven members currently and 50% plus one actually necessitates us to have five so we had a majority but not a um full Quorum so everything we had to do was informational uh we received an update about the human relations Council uh orientation for the advisers this year uh our push is going to be to really increase involvement with our middle schools we had a great um turnout from our high schools last year and we want to uh bring up our middle schools in the same manner uh we had 35 uh human relations Council advisers in attendance on August 28th and there will also be a makeup uh orientation on teams because we have a total of 71 uh middle schools high schools and alternative schools with uh hrc's right now uh our goal is also to collaborate with the prevention team this year and to uh do uh initiatives like no place for hate and uh sorry no place for hate choose peace and uh give out resources and mat materials along with that um the big discussion we did have at our meeting was regarding the uh calendar options for the upcoming school year uh we're very grateful to the board for asking for a new option that includes uh October 20th as a day off that would happen to coincide with dwali uh our concern is that whenever a suggestion comes up to make our calendar More inclusive it seems to be done in an onerous way to make it untenable uh like the with the current option that was provided which puts the last day of the first semester on the first day back from winter break and is a half day clearly people are not going to want that option and I think if we are trying to demonstrate uh our inclusivity and our our goals to be have a representative calendar we need to make sure that when we're providing options to include these dates that it's not at the expense of uh making our calendar difficult or it's not we're just giving an option that we don't really want people to take and we're just paying lip service to saying that we want to do these things um and then uh the last thing that we discussed um we wanted to speak to the discussion that happened during the resolution agenda item last month I didn't want to bring this up prior because I wanted to have the blessing of my committee before I spoke on behalf of them and we were all in uh complete agreement um there were comments that were made that quite frankly were appalling about our children in this school district and to allow this kind of behavior in a public school board meeting is is it's not right and it's not right for our students uh and specifically we wanted to address that there was a member of this body that falsely and slanderously accused our very own District staff and district teachers of transitioning students behind their Guardians backs not only is this cruel and aligning to the people that we count on to run our schools and serve our students every day these are the hardest working people in the district and we also know that the spreading of conspiracy theories draws out the worst and most violent in our society these comments put our schools our communities and most importantly our children at risk and through the chair uh I would like to ask because we cannot po uh we can not make an official motion at our meeting but we would like to ask that the board denounce conspiracy theories like this and stand on the side of student safety uh if you look to the resolutions that were passed that were voted on by this board and that are meant to be the voice of our school district we have two resolutions that specifically say whereas all people are created equal and deserve the same rights Privileges and opportunities and we have five resolutions that mentions that students should be free from harassment and that should include language coming from public and from the school board itself um and to one thing just cuz we're being told a lot that speaking out about these things is bullying people that hold different values I just want to speak very briefly to something called the Paradox of Tolerance uh and it says that should a tolerant Society tolerate intolerance and the Paradox of it is that unlimited tolerance leads to the extinction of Tolerance and when we extend tolerance to those who are openly intolerant the tolerant ones end up being destroyed and tolerance along with them so as paradoxical as it may seem to quote the to quote the um philosophy defending tolerance requires us to not tolerate the intolerant thank you thank you multilingual advisory committee good morning Schoolboard members and District staff I'm Joy Gomez Hicks Vice chair for the Mac committee we've had our second Mac meeting on October 22nd at 6:30 p.m. Eagle Rich Elementary that'll be coming up next week since our last update the committee has visited two elementary schools and one Middle School that was Eagle Point in Weston Eagle Ridge and also westg Glade and um Parkland and those visits were enlightening and wonderful to see students engage in classrooms targeted language being facilitated and cultural representation throughout the the schools through our conversations and observations however we have noticed that all schools struggle with finding a teacher that can teach duel and English and the importance of that is something that we want to make sure it's Paramount there's not a clear track for school choice eag rich is 25% choice and 20% of reassignments are for dual language where do they go after this and are they going to move into the programs that are local other programs that are out there we want to work to together to make sure that we have places for students to go they can continue in the program also there are nine different midd and the Mac is meeting to create a form and discuss how to store summaries on the 17th we have our meeting coming up we did observe classes of concern for Eagle Ridge and what we observed were well structured classes and teachers that had control and were doing a great job we are still waiting a reporting from district and some Administration as asked for that again our next meeting is coming up on October 22nd at 6:30 p.m. thank you thank you parent Community involvement task force good morning uh the parent Community involvement task force met Monday October 7th over the years we've conducted research in a variety of ways to better understand the needs of our community amplify voices and build channels to encourage collaboration one way way involves listening to parents and community members to determine what is working and what is not how can we increase involvement where our gaps um Etc we we do this through a series of forums and conferences and Outreach activities so we're in the process of scheduling some of our research events including the nonprofit Forum the secondary forum and the empowering parents conference uh which is a Conference held in four languages we thank District staff for working with us to host poost and promote these events Communications continues to be a major Focus for our committee as we review and discuss policies and practices that Foster effective timely and meaningful engagement we hope uh that Mr Sullivan will be uh able to join us at a meeting in the near future uh to discuss this Dr canning shared plans with us for family engagement month which is in November and other um other Outreach activities uh one motion that was passed regarded cell phone usage the committee voted unanimously to recommend that the board reconsider the process that the cell phone uh ban was approved in our district as it was not looped through District committees commit uh recommendations to bring the ban to advisory committees for looping to ensure fair and Equitable procedures and reconsider the policy details and implementation processes and protocols recommendations to align the definition instructional time with the state's uh definition which does not include lunch time and lunch and time between classes and to ensure the cell phones are taken are properly and consistently stored um Additionally the task force discuss the need to ensure that school communities continue to be informed and involved in the redefining our schools process thank you thank you small business advisory committee good morning everybody morning Brian F Vice chair we welcome a new appointee to the small business advisory committee Miss CH Christine hos Who was appointed by Vice chair Hixon it was a pleasure meeting her and we look forward to her participation and input as Vice chair I participated in the EDC August 26 goal setting committee meeting one key Point discussing this is the significance of having vendor pools on District contracts instead of having an awarde vendor with alternate pending utilization until issues arise with awarde the suggestion is for district contracts to include a pool of vendors where all awardees are able to submit a quote for an opportunity to get work another key point was including a vendor rotation to vendor pools also we learned EDC is applying new goals to contracts based on feedback from the small business community and one example of this is the application of reserved and segmented goals of the upcoming Carpentry Services and pressure cleaning bids the department will continue to set goals based on the results of the Keen independent research disparity study and the updated policy of 3330 Ed officer Denise miny Mills and staff gave an update on the department 2024 goals and initiatives notably the certification reciprocity with Broward County government started in May and over 70 Broward County small business enterprises are now certified with BCPS the department is planning to expand reciprocity to Miami Dade and Palm Beach County governments EDC seven part business excellent program kicks off this week on Thursday October the 17th the response for the from the small business Community has been phenomenal which each course having around 600 registrants Miss gin will participate there miss gerlin will participate as as a workshop facilitator and the committee members are supportive of this program and is designed to empower and support local and small business businesses the fiscal year EDC launched a partnership with the business support center to promote utilization of small businesses for school-based purchases the partnership would expand with the new principal spin initiative to introduce the by Broward push to schools Independence of the the business support center the bookkeepers are using edc's inaugural business Broward business directory to Source from it lists 1300 Broward based businesses that are each certified with various government agencies in the Tri County sbac has initiated a shark tank program to to develop young entrepreneurs of the three middle schools we identified two have confirmed their interest and planning has started the two confirmed schools are Sunrise Middle and Crystal Lakes Middle we are excited about this our first initiative involving students we are we are seeking Partnerships to enhance this for this incredible program I would like to say if you guys can make it to these um seven part business Excellence to have 600 participants from our County to come to this is important small business is the lifeline of our community if we have big companies coming in here taking away business from our small business we're going to look around and say what happened to all our small minority and women-owned businesses Broward county is hard to do business with but if we come together as a community and put oursel first as Broward businesses it will be well welcome by the community which we need God bless you guys thank you technology advisory committee technology advisory committee nope okay this is the time of the agenda where we have split the general public speakers to incorporate a morning session each register speaker is reminded to present their agenda comments in accordance with policy 1020 Dr n Lynch Walsh good morning Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh Plantation Florida so so where to begin I think you all received uh a thing called a complaint last night uh I've done two public records requests for a complaint related to the volunteer arrest from last October almost a year ago on 10723 haven't gotten the complaint yet nor have I received the procedures that's a problem because there are multiple State statutes forget about board policies because the statutes say You're supposed to have policies and procedures governing these types of things so first one 1 1.42 number five Personnel designate positions to be filled prescribe qualifications for those positions and provide for the appointment compensation promotion suspension and dismissal of employees that's one state statute another one 112.5 33 receipt and processing of complaints this one requires you to establish and put into operation a system for the receipt investigation and determination of complaints received by such agency from any person which must be the procedure for investigating a complaint against a law enforcement or correctional officer haven't gotten any procedures must be out of compliance with that one uh then of course there's 112. 533 that uh 532 that everyone seems to know about but it's 533 that speaks to the receipt of complaints and what to do in case your staff is confused uh the Florida safe schools assessment tool it's on today's agenda 106.1 1493 requires at a minimum this tool should have in it security crime violence prevention policies and procedures physical security measures an examination of support service roles in school safety security and emergency planning school security and school police Staffing operational practices and related services and as far as intercom systems goes uh intercoms a return on investment analysis of the recommended physical security controls I always take liberal views of uh these statutes are you out of compliance with that one probably so everyone always overplays their hands and people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones don't come for me with a bogus bullying complaint when you haven't followed any of the steps that should have been followed a year ago 6 months ago and don't put out a memo claiming that you can't do anything when you haven't received a complaint thank you thank thank you Corey Pinero hi I'm Cory Panero I am Park from Parkland Florida I am here because we did not get the full minutes that we were should have gotten back on September 10th when we were talking about the lgbtq resolutions being put in our schools and I would like to also comment on being uh called hateful and bigoted by other people here so I'm going to say to you um in John 15 Verse 18 if the world hates you remember that it hated me first this is Jesus talking the world would love you as one of its own if you belong to it but I do not belong to this world I belong to Christ and that is what I teach my children and you are discriminating against our religion and you are requiring us to remove our children from your schools because you are pushing our teachers and our students and our your staff to encourage sexual immorality and gender confusion in our schools this is not the role of the schools to teach us of our of to our children and you're not being inclusive as the other person said you are not inclusive of us you should not be teaching this at all you should not be pushing this on our children at all and I know for a fact that you are because I'm part of the superintendent review committee meetings and all the books that we oppose that are pornographic the staff that you have teachers principles on there are defending pornographic material and sexual orientation and gender confusion in our schools as young as Elementary you also have it in your teacher guides for other things and you push it we know that you push it know that there have been kids and it's not a conspiracy theory it is not a conspiracy theory that parents are having their children transitioned by the schools behind their children's their parents' backs we know excuse me and this is another thing this right here the time this right here res the meeting this is another thing here the meeting every time we come we get bullied every time I come okay bulli someone's got to stick up we're not going to see them to say about us teachers can she I'm not the only person that stands up for teachers so I got three men with guns coming at me that's right this doesn't happen at school I don't know why you guys let it can someone say something it's not happening and you're laughing about it e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay welcome back we will continue with our public speaker Corey Pinero you have 53 seconds left on your time you may begin it would be nice if I could have some minutes back but half of that was was people yelling out out in the audience so it would be nice if I could have some time back one minute on the clock thank you thank you so to continue with what I was saying about the it is loving it can be loving to not affirm someone's gender dysphoria it is loving to do the hard work to get to the root cause of it it is loving to encourage our children to enter in a relationship where they can have children of their own be fruitful and M multiply the way God intended these resolutions dilute the overall education experience and shift attention away from the subjects that students need to learn it is vital that our schools Foster an environment where students can engage in open respectful dialogue without feeling coerced into supporting any particular cause the majority of parents don't want their children being taught these social moral lessons outside side of the home and I show you here now we are bullied every single time we come in here I have actually been rushed by the btu president like she was going to hit me before and it goes on and nobody up here does it since the day I came the first day I came I have been bullied by the B thank and her Dana Sanders hi um I'm also on the speaker list and I'm going to give my minutes to Dana state your name for the record shaab okay six minutes quickly though um you have to as a minion of Brer County School District no you just healed your time thank you six minutes good luck good morning school board members superintendent counselor uh s is since it has become quite apparent that in almost every board meeting Mee members of the board continue to verbally attack the Broward teachers union president and demand baseless investigations let's actually investigate I heard your comments at the last board meeting regarding this investigation and I noticed that you said that bullying must be repeated intentional and there must be an imbalance of power I just want to make sure that you realize that an imbalance of power in cyber bullying can extend to things such as technical use number of followers and the ability to reach many people for example Mr Witherspoon has 7.6 th000 followers according to Facebook that is a clear imbalance of power when he is using social media to harass threaten and cyber bully a Broward County School employee this was clearly done when he went on Facebook lives made Facebook posts did interviews and shared them on social media an imbalance of power can also include size male verse female physical strength Etc so let's do some investigations let's investigate how the board is is constantly going after the union president in posts interviews right here on the dis making false claims about pay for play with no evidence false claims about people being in her pocket I mean if she had people in her pocket then I would assume that her complaint would actually get investigated and it not be turned around on an investigation on her if that isn't politically motivated to continuously go after the union while being on the board then I don't know what is clear VI viation of State Board of Education rle 6B 1.06 so yeah let's do an investigation also strictly prohibited in this policy is retaliation for asserting or alleging an act of bullying or harassment retaliation also includes reporting a baseless Act of bullying or discrimination that is made in bad faith when you are rightfully accused of violating Schoolboard policy 5.9 and then you retaliate by lying to the press and telling them that what happened was political and racial when it had absolutely nothing to do with either of those things that is a violation calling someone a racist publicly is a very strong accusation racism is real and it's everywhere so to throw that out knowing knowing it's not true is reckless and dangerous with the clear intent to demean dehumanize embarrass or cause emotional harm which again is in direct violation of stateboard Education rule 6B 1.06 5 5 5 so yeah let's do an investigation members of the board also violated these same policies when they outright accused Anna of using her relationship with people in the district to have Mr Witherspoon investigated that somehow she was behind his principal calling him to stay home not only did she have nothing to do with his principal calling him but even following the exact correct protocols to file a complaint absolutely nothing was done not an interview not a phone call not looking at any of the dozens of Facebook posts articles interviews videos when other people reported complaints through fortify after seeing this very disturbing video not one of them was called or interviewed but you know who did use their relationship with people in the district to retaliate against Anna after she reported that harassing video Jimmy Witherspoon who himself said he called up his friends on the board and they immediately de demanded an investigation in into Anna with zero proof zero videos no posts no interviews no articles no dozens of witness statements not only did his friends call for an immediate investigation they demanded that the normal procedure wasn't good enough and this investigation had to be handled by the superintendent himself the very thing that the board tried to accuse her of is exactly what happened when the board used their power to retaliate on the union president so yeah let's do some investigations it is Crystal Clear what's going on here and this abuse of power should not be okay with any of you thank you for your time n Nique Pier grant our last speaker good morning um I'd like to yield my time to Alina Abad she's on the list wait list Alina Alina Anil Anila I'll just read what she got thank you I'll take it okay so this is on behalf of her has to do with education so so good morning respective members of the BR County public school and board and everyone in attendance thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak today I'm here with the group of to express opinions about the Brer County Public School recent post REM on remembering October 7th my name is Alina Abad I'm hopeing I'm saying right my apologies if I butchered it I am um entrepreneur wife mother four children and enrolled in Brer County Public School my family chose this district for its diversity strong educational programs and commitment to providing equal opportunity for all students we are deeply we deeply appreciate the BR County Public Schools efforts to create a welcoming and inclusive environment Brer County Public School serves as a wonderful diverse student population with 233 schools that include students from 204 different countries speaking 191 different languages the this Rich diversity is one of the the district's greatest strengths however IM imagine if we began to Prior ize our side with particular countries it could create unnecessary division risk of favoritism and challenges in our community and uh that is exactly what the recent post did as a result our children are not being not feeling safe while I am grateful for the BR County Public Schools recognition of lives lost remembering October 7th post I believe it would have been more impactful and meaningful to acknowledge all lives equally it is crucial that we emphasize Unity among the diversities rather than creating div divisions uh every student regardless of their background should feel empowered valued and the most importantly safe in our schools I encourage bar County Public Schools to continue fostering the environment with safety inclusivity and unity are prioritized ensuring that all our children can Thrive together in the community that celebrates diversity without Division I would like to express special gratitude to oh Nar she said that any I just read it off Nar Nar Pier Grant which is me the chair of the diversity committee to allow me to speak well I was trying to thank you so much chair I appreciate it thank you that concludes our morning speakers May the chair have a motion and second on age2 so moved moved by Zan second by Hixon public comment H2 no public comment Mrs Hixon thank you I just wanted to congratulate the 13 um teacher retirees that we have on this item and wish you all the best in your future endeavors any other comments seeing none all in favor of H2 say I I those opposed say no H2 passes unanimously may have a motion to second on H4 move move by Zan second by roer public comment no public comment Miss Hixon thank you and again I'd like to congratulate the three um non-instructional management retirees and the 14 non-instructional non-managerial retirees on this item we wish you the best all in favor of H4 say I I those opposed say no H4 passes unanimously may I have a motion in second on A1 so moved moved by Zan second by Hixon public comment no public comment board comment I have ala uh so I just have a comment I I agree with this item it's helping to get our teachers certified to be certified teachers the only thing that I was uh hoping that there would be some type of level of commitment back to that the teachers would be able to commit to teaching back with Broward County public schools for a year and not take this teaching certification and go somewhere else um so I don't know if there's any uh additional way that we can retain our teachers uh more and and so my question is do we know what the reten rtion rate is Mr Aero You Can Shed any light on retention rate for those teachers going through the program or or Miss hollinworth go ahead hi there good after or good morning Simone Hollings with Chief academic officer of the individuals that are in that program we have an 85% retention rate so obviously always working to increase that okay so Dr Haron anything that you can do to make that closer to 100% would be wonderful any other question questions all in favor A1 say I I those opposed Say No A1 passes unanimously may I have a motion and second on A2 so moved moved by Zan second by Hixon public comment no public comment Zan thanks chair um this is an interesting item uh to some folks in our system it's uh compliance issue a checklist uh there are state standards for doing school Improvement programs but what's also interesting is to look at um some of the alternate uh choices that PR County parents have for placement and and the approach that they take to student Improvement programs uh both public charter schools uh nationally certified homeschool curriculum owners uh and private schools do more and they make school Improvement programs uh both done on time so that it's not the middle of October when it's coming to the board um but they also include a plan of actions and Milestones to accomplish what's in the goals rather than just to State the goals and uh you know talk about all the Committees within the school you're going to go talk to uh and the like so I'm just kind of putting it out there that Broward County does not have to live by the state's standards we have to accept them and be better than them sometimes when that's really what's at the best interest of our students so I hope we think a little bit about school Improvement programs both terms of timing can we get them done maybe in Back to the board by July so that what we plan can actually be implemented for all 180 days and the second is can we actually have tasks and Milestones built into our school Improvement programs for next year uh so that we can as a board progress monitor what our 239 campuses are doing so it's not any particular motion chair on this particular items it's a suggestion to the superintendent and staff I think it's a opportunity for us to make dramatic Improvement uh by making planning a fundamental part of what we do in Broward County schools and doing it so well that it leads us to achieve not just our strategic goals which we are not achieving all of them uh but to to go from being an a district to being one of the best school districts in the country thanks chair thank you Dr Z I just have a question on your comments I I may maybe I misunderstood what you said but you you said that we don't have to uh be compliance with the state standards uh that was ineloquent but thank you my point was the the state standard is a minimum standard we can do better than the state standard it's only my first time talking I'm still a little shaken up here from our morning exercise um but but the point was the state has strict standards for all 67 districts but that shouldn't limit our our using those tools to achieve bigger things and so we can do better than the state standard sorry for the uh Miss speaking no perfect any other comments seeing none all in favor of A2 say I I I those opposed say no A2 passes unanimously I have a motion and second on i1 so move move by Zan second by Hixon public comment one registered speaker DJ Ruth excuse me hip is a program that has students instruction instructing students in Comprehensive Health the founder of Health hip did a TED talk about hip that states what seems like an insurmountable problem actually has a simple solution take the adults out of the equation and put the kids in charge you hear that take the adults out of the equation and put the children in charge now you spend many many years all through Elementary and Middle School teaching these kids to have a trusted adult to have an trusted adult that they are to go to when in times of need and now you're saying oh no maybe you shouldn't trust the adult you should be listening to the other children who are not mental health professionals who are not sexual health professionals according to the article from State impact it says hip starts off with relationships but moves into mental and reproductive Health the founder in Ted talk talks about Juniors and seniors being free labor with a backdrop saying child labor works are you kidding me you're going to use our children for free labor as opposed to putting in the proper counselers into our school and mental health professionals into our school is this the is this the District's Solution on saving money and cutting Corners is by using our students on page three of the agreement it says you will deliver the full eight sessions of hip curriculum and a subject a subject a course subject that all ninth graders and only ninth graders receive not in personal fitness or PE and use the entire class period for that session which core subject are we taking our kids from how are they making up 8 hours of instructional time that you're taking away for this how can you implement a program that does Comprehensive Health without having an opt out for parents that don't want their children participating or taking their classroom instructional time away as far as instructional materials none of this is transparent in this agreement on Brower County Public Schools website or transparent on the hip website itself how can you vote on something that has not even been Sunshine Law for the parents to be able to review this instructional material and actually make a decision on it parents can't even see what you're giving 42% of the data shows that STDs and mental health illnesses and and suicide is up there's no showing in Miami dat that this does anything in the schools it's up 10 years of this and it's up first um board member Dr holess thank you madam I'm sorry thank you madam chair so um this is uh currently um in 23 Broad County Schools the the hip um Can the superintendent um confirm that Dr he um Dr Fon please yes that's correct we have it in 23 of high schools right now okay and can staff speak to the success of this in the current 23 high schools Dr Dr fter thus far um we have had nothing but favorable results on it one being that is a peer mentoring program where our students our ninth grade students are interacting with our 11th and 12th grade peers and part of the philosophy behind it is often times our students are more comfortable talking to other students and so thus far we have gotten nothing but positive results from it okay so have we had any measure of collecting um um outcome as far as the um whether or not this is successful and what it has achieved is there any whether it's subjective or objective um data that we've captured that um this is benefiting our ninth graders Dr F I can definitely def get that with you uh get that for you in terms of the statistical data I don't have that with me now but I can definitely get that for you okay so um just for me to understand is it that we we don't have it readily available or we have not gone through the process of collecting this data so we did have the founder she actually was on her way to provide a lot of that details for you so we'll be able to get that okay so can we have a staff followup on um any kind of data that can show success of this and and how do we measure the success of it um in terms of whether it's it's concrete data or it's subjective feedback um can we have that followup to the board absolutely okay and is there a reason um that uh 23 high schools are using it and I believe we have another nine right that's not using it right so we're starting with those and certainly like anything that that that is done well it starts to Wildfire and pick up all high schools have the opportunity to participate in it some of the challenges for those that are not participating is that they may not have a faculty sponsor to sponsor the program and when they get one they have the opportunity to do so and sometimes some high schools have other competing programs so it's it doesn't provide them the opportunity to pick up something else at the same time but it is available aable for all of our high schools if they choose to opt into the program okay so if this is actually beneficial which we we don't know yet until we have the data um to our ninth graders uh then what kind of advocacy is in place for the remaining nine high schools to have a faculty through the leadership of the school to sponsor this type of program so I do know we contining to work with them in terms of we we've had the advoc the advocacy of the program we spoke to the high schol through their level meetings so they have become aware of them and actually some are choosing to opt in at a later time so it is available if they choose to be able to have this program for their students okay so um Dr heurn uh I would like information to come back later um regarding um the success of this and if it has uh benefit to our students in 9th grade then I would like to explore how we can increase advocacy for the remaining nine schools uh to embrace this um but I don't think we can proceed forward with that until we have enough data to ascertain its success so can you bring that back to us um uh to uh kind of give us an idea if it's successful and then at that point the board can make decision is if we are to suggest increasing advocacy and support to the other nine schools that do not have it yes we can we can provide a followup all right thank you Miss zon thank you um so I asked a a question I wanted to answer publicly because I had a number of people reach out from high schools that were concerned that this item would um require all high schools to offer this and I'll say I have a friend who taught it in South Broward she loved doing it but there are other schools that um they don't have the staff and they're not interested in it so my question was what if a school does not want to implement this program or they don't have the staff to do it this reads as if every High School will have to participate and so the answer is while all while all high schools are encouraged to implement the program they are not required to do so the School principles have the autonomy to determine if implementation of the program is feasible for their school so I just wanted to say that publicly for people that had reached out to ask us about it um I kind of disagree with Dr holus a little bit I you know the schools know about it the schools that know they have the staff and believe it fits in their um their school curriculum I think it's great that they do it but I don't feel like we should be pressuring them to have it in their school if it's not something that fits for them so I just wanted to make that public thank you Miss Fam thank you madam chair um I have a few questions one is uh I didn't hear this response yet as to what is the current alternative that is being used and my second question is why aren't we offering both if we're going to make an offering for something to be taught by peers I think the parents should have to opt into that because we're taking out a qualified teacher for um health health and wellness we wouldn't pull out our qualified teacher for for composition or English or physics or or science or biology and that's what we're actually doing we're substituting someone who's certified to teach to allow a student to convey information and some of the information conveyed here in my research includes vaccines I think it's way out of their leag so I want to know what are the Alternatives that's currently being used at the nine other schools and uh why are we not offering both of these options if someone wants to opt in which as a parent I wouldn't opt in to have another student teach my my child that's why I'm paying my taxes I want a teacher sitting there so um if I can have those responded to Dr Dr F so thank you there may be a merit of um other options that are available it would be school by school so what we would have to do is look at the schools that are not offering it and have them provide us what additional opportunities that are similar that are being available to those students and we can provide that for you but it's not a one size answer that would would fit for all of the other schools that are not offering at this time I I'm sorry I think I was misunderstood first of all I'm going to break it down what are the nine schools offering now that do not have the H program what are they providing I I'll start and then Dr Fon you can um finish it up but the nine schools like she said they're they're offering various type of programs um it could be through student clubs and and other organizations where peers are supporting other peers um and also adult Le programs such as sponsors who are leading certain programs to help students with whatever uh mental health issues um um and and the like that's listed in in some of this um hip program um and then Dr Fulton any additional information because it does vary from school to school with the opportunities the make the makeup of the schools are different the different Graphics of the students are different so their needs U may be different and you will see clubs and and other organizations led by students or adults that mirror the needs of that school okay and just for a point of clarification so are these schools the N schools none of them are providing the health and wellness teaching by certified teachers because no one's mentioning that where they're saying clubs to do I'm talking about this is a a you're talking about okay required courses yes all schools uh provide some type of required course for health and wellness but at the high school real students can take those at various uh uh modalities could be you've done it online where we're Brower virtual or Florida virtual um you may have checked the box that way you may have taken your required physical health um course so at the high school level so little bit different students have a little bit more wiggle room to take courses on campus or off- campus or satisfy them in different ways that may not require them to take it on campus at all so is this course the the hip course is that going to be an extracurricular or is that a a required course it's an extracurricular it's not a required so it's an opin course okay um again because students teaching this being involved and and it if you look at the language it says a sponsor employee it doesn't say a teacher's in charge of it it says a sponsored employee um I will not be supporting this and um I don't think that our our students should be teaching about vaccines and also about health and wellness at this point in their career I think some of them are still learning and some of them um this could invade their personal privacy and their space because if they uh inadvertently disclosed something that they wish they hadn't it could uh end up in bullying and in a bad place oh thank you Dr Zeman thanks chair I I had a couple questions about uh participation um they've been answered the last one that hasn't been answered answer do we do this in middle schools yet Dr Dr Fon no this is for high school and the target audience is ninth grade students terrific we've learned a lot about uh mentoring though in schools we've learned a lot about how students uh can have a profound and positive impact on each other uh through a variety of clubs and alliances and activities um this is one of those that we've seen very positive uh uh outcomes from I look forward to it as my colleagues have said seeing some data uh on it uh but I'm glad that hip exists I'm glad that these conversations happen um and to uh speakers or anyone who thinks that uh kids aren't listening to kids I would just uh tell you as a parent of a teenager uh they listen to their colleagues a cou a lot more than they listen to their parents for a few years um and uh and I think that this this program is important to have uh so that they're talking to people about these critical issues uh that affect their lives thank you chair leonardy I don't my is microphone hello okay good thank you um first what recourse does the board board have if a member of the public gets up and lies during public comment Dr I defer that one to uh Miss batia would you ask that again please what recourse does the board have if a member of the public gets up in lies during public comment that's a good question um we have set in our policy that we will not respond to the the statements made by the public or that the public should not expect an explanation or or a u response um so that's that's what our policy says um as far as you know recourse if it's you know if it's a um slanderous comment um or lious comment against the um you know a board member or or or something along those lines you would have the same um ability to file you know lawsuit against that person if that's appropriate okay thank you I think it's important that that be clear for the public um both for this item and and uh earlier today um you know if someone wants to get up and lie that is within their First Amendment right correct to a certain extent yes I okay yes um and so that is makes it important for the rest of us to educate and uh say true facts um so with that said I'm wondering how can someone just briefly provide an overview because this hasn't been done yet today of how hip Works what are students learning about how are students being trained Dr Dr fter through the chair we also have um someone from hip in the audience Mrs Val Baron if if she's allowed to come up to probably get a more deeper analysis to that question go ahead yes thank you for having me I appreciate it and happy to answer those questions so um hip is a peer-to-peer leadership development program the 11th and 12th graders are trained in public speaking curriculum knowledge um uh classroom facilitation learning skills that they can use not just in high school currently but in their future careers in college um their training occurs all throughout the year there's a faculty sponsor um at each school that oversees the program works with them directly there's also a student board that serve as the student leaders within the larger hit program um they are teaching uh about nutrition relationships mental health um a curriculum that is provided to them they are um teaching their nth graders an interactive curriculum um they are not providing any adice advice guidance mentoring they are specifically providing the curriculum that your District staff has approved um we are in compliance with all state and District laws um as far as the curriculum and what is taught thank you um do par do students need parental consent to participate so if any parent wants to opt out of opt out of the program they can remove their student from the class and um the individual schools the teacher with the administration will provide something else for that student to do do the students replace a certified educator so hip was originally created as a complement to that existing traditional health education curriculum we love working with other health programs and um existing Health curriculum to support what you all are already doing in the schools and we as part of our curriculum make sure that students um we advocate for them going to The Trusted adults and mental health professionals and health Educators and administrators at your schools to support them when they need help okay does this replace uh PE or health or is this just something extra no it's an additional opportunity for each school and um we leave it up to each principal to determine what uh what class the program goes through a number of our partner high schools have selected study hall because that's an easy um course to implement the program in but again we are flexible and leave it up to each principle to determine what works for their specific school okay um and just a final comment um I'm I I really support this extra enhancement that we can offer to our schools um as an educator I think anyone who's worked in a classroom uh knows that you know giving students an opportunity to educate each other and provide each other information is a highly effective pedagogical tool um and so I I just I'm excited for this to continue in our schools um and I encourage anyone who is skeptical or maybe doesn't truly understand how this works um to go see it in action um and I I think they'll be inspired because our kids are excellent at uh delivering information to each other and it's exciting that we're using trusted adults certified Educators to help uh help them do that thank you Mr Alon yes I think well thank you madam chair I think my hand was raised earlier we spent a lot of time on a what I thought was a nothing Burger item um but I thought there was some conversation around getting more information or not so I'm either ready for to table the item or to vote on the item so if we're going to table because there are questions let's table it um if we're going to move forward let's move forward that's kind of where I met so and I know that I think board member holding this I think Rel I'm sorry is there a motion on the floor Madam chair there was a motion to there is no motion well it's the we just brought the item to the floor it's the approve the agreement between hi in the school board of BR County Florida all right so there was a so as one board member I think I got one more meeting board member foli um I've always aired on the side of a board member have a question you answer it so I just want to make sure all board member questions have been answered before we vote I've done that on I think probably every item if someone raises it even if I'm voted down so I know that I think one or two folks have raised questions either we can answer the questions at the end of the meeting or if we need to come back to do it at another meeting um so actually let me do this I move that we table this item uh to later in the meeting so staff can provide the appropriate information to board members who have asked questions is there a second second Mo by Elson second by Fen holy all in favor of tabling say I I those opposed say no no no roll call Madam chair I just want to clarify so we're tabling this to discuss just to have your question answered by the end of this Mee today yeah okay so um I'm in favor of that roll call Ala yes Altin yes fam yes Fen hly yes Hixon no Hess yes leonardy no rert no Zan no 54 okay passes all right item is i1 is tabled may have a motion and second on J1 so move second moved by rert second by Leonardi public comment no public comment board comment Miss famam I'm sorry got L here J1 J1 okay oh um yeah thank you madam chair um I'm a little bit skeptical on this item I just want to make sure that um I get confirmation that we're putting safety first because here we're cutting back on um fire sprinkler systems in area I don't know if they're segregated and not specifically attached to the school or or in close proximity but I just wanted someone to speak out on that to make me feel more at ease with um saying yeah you're Dr he thank you I starting then U Miss Paul can finish up but um pretty much the Chief Fire official um reviewed the scope of the project and determined that the original scope that needed sprinklers uh for certain buildings is not needed anymore uh since they have a sub sufficient amount of um safety um protocols especially when aderes to fire codes if you tell me it's safe then you have a green light not not determination from us but from the Chief Fire official understood thank you thank you um my my question on J1 was just in regards to the Des scoping uh of the fire alarm system but that you know when you're Des scoping there is amount of money that is then decreased within the project I understand the money goes back into the project but I I thought though it was important where it says that there's no Financial changes but there is and for transparency I thought it was appropriate to describe about how much money is defunded in each project each school but that it's going back into the project yes absolutely um I'll I'll speak on the item and then um Miss Paul can speak on exact amount but um this particular part of the project with G scope with um the not having the need for the sprinklers anymore the the money that's left over from that part of the project will remain in the project uh due to anticipated um um increases in costs um over time that we've experienced with certain projects that um got the notice to proceed few years ago um we know some of those costs are not the same um as they increase over time so the money that's saved from uh removing this scope of the project will remain in this in in the totality of the project okay and then my other comment on page two of two measurable outcomes return on investment that says these projects are in the various stages of construction fire spinker work was not included in the bid documents and therefore was not included in the contractor's contracted scope of work no further action is required so it seems like it wasn't included but then our Chief Fire official saying it's not included but it why would he have even need to say it if it wasn't included in the original document it was included I have Miss Paul um speak on that while I go through the the doct to F yes if I may call up uh Ashley Carpenter from Atkins she can give a better uh depiction of what what the events uh that occurred on this project on these three projects go ahead Ashley thank you um through the chair Ashley Carpenter with Atkins um so this is um basically a cleanup item because as the item mentions it wasn't included in construction the scope was removed from the Chief Fire official that was present in 2019 and the contractor never had it in their scope um however the board was not informed at the time of the award of the contractor that this scope had been removed the Chief Fire official back then did do a presentation to the board and explained how um they were uh changing the Scopes of most of the projects maybe all the project projects uh for the fire sprinkler and the board was was aware of that in general but for these three specific projects they had not been informed that the scope had been completely removed so this is just bringing the item to inform you and then it the line item can be removed from the dfp but the the the cost I mean two of them were very very small dollar amounts but um the cost was basically already absorbed by the other Scopes hbac improvements fire alarm you know other things that those dollars have already been absorbed through the construction okay so you just brought up another kind of point where it says the Chief Fire official is it possible in the future to write the name of the Fire official that we're speaking about since it's definitely yeah it it's important uh because I when I read this I thought it was our current Chief Fire official that made this recommendation understood that'd be helpful okay any other comments Mr olon yes you just raised a point I think based on your question and their response so the item says that the fire so the Chief Fire official reviewed the scope and determine that the fire sprinklers should be descoped from the project so just so I understand timeline because this has been a scoping and Des scoping is actually a big deal so I don't know if I don't want to gloss over this at least for me um tell me what occurred right so something happened there was a board action that said do something what actually trans transpired for you to now bring this item now cuz there's actually more to the story mhm we proceed thank you um so the timeline um in 2019 with the previous owner representative CB heri they did a assessment with the Chief Fire official at the time that was Chief May and chief May went through every campus that had fire sprinkler in the smart scope from 2014 and did an assessment on um maybe there was five buildings with group restrooms in each of those buildings and she said actually that's not appropriate uh we just want the whole building of building two because that's the auditorium or whatever and during that time when she was going through the assessments of all the schools there was also a board Workshop presentation made explaining her methodology and why she was doing that and the board said okay proceed so those Scopes were changed as the construction bid recomend I'm sorry madam chair proceed with what proceed with keeping everything together or proceed with I want to make sure I'm clear or descope what what are we referring to when you said there was proceed with changing the Scopes in some cases the Scopes were increased to maybe there was only 10,000 squ ft called for in the original smart scope and she changed it to 100,000 ft because there were several buildings that really required the fire sprinkler and in other cases um it was a descope because what was in the original smart scope was these minor areas and she said actually that's not necessary so it was just with modifying proceed with modifying the Scopes was there board action taken at the time there was um I don't believe so I'd have to go back and check but I don't believe so I believe it was a workshop and the consensus from the board was but that was but that's not appropriate correct just so I understand I'm clearly I right I just want to make sure I want to gloss over this right that was not appropriate for some action to proceed or occur if the board had not taken action to scope or descope uh or give uh approval to move forward is that correct I just want to make sure I understand I'm not sure if there was board action after that or not so i' I'd have to go back and check however I do know proceed no cuz the timeline is important because you're asking for something backward so now I'm sitting here as a board member so I I'm going to raise the point so Madame chair to our Jor counsel I want to understand now that this is before me um clearly the board has to take some action to scope or well let me back up the board has to take action on something formally to proceed in this regard is that correct that is correct all right so if the board and I I wasn't a part of that board so I don't know what occurred that's why I want to know timeline so if there was some Workshop where there was some consensus given or arrived to where uh staff then proceeded to move forward that is not permissible correct when it comes to procurement because I understand procurement I understand uh right I just want to make sure I understand correctly that was not permissible correct well so um from what I understand that happened um it was permissible to have a a workshop to have an explanation of either a a recommendation to an increase scope or the scope as you know Miss Carpenter is explaining then the actual vote on the particular items and schools that would have been um either descoped or or additional scope added would have come to the board on an item by item basis got it did that occur yes okay yes all right proceed I just want to following timeline here yes so that um those individual items came before the board generally at the construction bid recommendation phase so when the board was approving the award of the contractor it stated in the executive summary if the fire sprinkler scope had changed or what Scopes were included in the bid that the contractor was bidding on um there were some schools where that did not occur these three are included there was also maybe a year and a half half ago abort another J item that had some other schools just very similar to this clarification of the fire sprinkler scope changes where it had not been clearly presented in the construction bid recommendation so the board approved that one and then this this one is the second one Madam chair I am still not clear I have a motion go for it um so I I remember when this happened and I was I was bothered by it um so I I think that for me to feel comfortable with approving this our current Chief Fire official Nathan Sade should be the one on this to uh if he thinks it's appropriate to Z scope these projects his name should be on this document as our current Chief Fire official and if it is then I'll feel comfortable with approving this so I moved to have BCPS Chief Fire official Nathan and S go out to these three schools and approve review and approve the Des scoping of the projects for the fire alarm spr fire sprinklers second moved by Ala second by Leonardi public comment on the motion board member comment on the motion I have a question Char So to that so to the motion on the floor just I understand you're retroactively asking for something but something has already taken place I just want to now let's move to that point so I want to understand what has already taken place so even if if this motion passes then what nothing right cuz you've already done staff is somebody has already done something without board authorization do I understand that correctly correct okay I just want to make sure I'm not lost here all right okay but if Mr uh s comes back to us and says no there should be fire sprinklers in these schools or at this one school then the board can take another action to fix it I Madam chair I understand my question goes back to costs right so clearly there was some so help me understand the cost side of this because that's really what this is also about okay um so for Forest Glenn and tropical those two projects had very very small dollar values in the adfp for fire sprinkler um one of them had $166,000 the other had $33,000 so there really wasn't enough budget to hardly do any you know fire sprinkler there anyway um and that those small dollar amounts were as I said just absorbed in the project budget when the project went to construction um the other school Village did have a bigger fire sprinkler budget um it was determined that the building that the Chief Fire official believed needed sprinkler scope actually did already have sprinklers there the project had been priorly uh it had been completed prior to I guess the smart program proceeding so that's why in the end um that school did not require any additional fire sprinkler per Chief May and um the if the current chief Fire official determine that fire sprinklers were required at one of those locations um then there would have to be a board item coming to the board to ask for additional funding to do a fire sprinkler carve out for that which could be done through you know a fire sprinkler vendor um who could go out and get that work done but there would not be budget in those current project budgets to accommodate that right now you're good I'm no I'm not good uh based on the item because I clearly understand it um I clearly understand that um something should have occurred that did not um I clearly understand that there is a cost implication I clearly understand that uh someone or you know an entity uh should have brought this forward before today so no I'm not fine um and I'm hoping that eight other people people are also not fine because this was one of several types of things that have been raised to this board before um that were glossed over so no I can't gloss over it um so no I'm not fine Madam chair but you can proceed I didn't I didn't mean in that Cas no I didn't any other board member comment Dr Zan yeah thanks chair uh and I'll add to Mr Alon it's never okay to commit funds sign contracts or obligate the county to do anything without board approval that's State Statute and they got to bring it U here all the time uh I also uh I think uh was not on the board when this happened but I want to make clear that that it sounded to me like you said that Village Elementary School they had it in scope and then they went and looked at the school and it had a fire uh sprinkler system is that correct yes so there were several buildings that were in scope the Chief Fire official um did her assessment and said that only one of the buildings required fire sprinklers then it was that somebody did a site visit and determined that building already had fire sprinklers um that it had been I guess completed as part of a prior project so thank you very much I I I was not going to support sending the current Fire official out or asking them to do that if it was just you know someone thought they didn't have it and they walked in and they saw fire sprinklers it's pretty straightforward right uh but this is really two steps one the decision a building does or doesn't need it and then for the one that they said needed it had it so I think that this makes great sense thank you so much chair M rert my question was um are there is there another list or is there another part of um of of schools that we have that we would have to bring back to the board and if so what are they y thank you can proceed thanks um these are the last schools for um that Chief may had determined did not require fire sprinklers at all um at the campus so you know where there was something listed as part of the scope that is just not required at all um there were as I mentioned before a lot of schools where the scope was modified um sometimes increased sometimes decreased but you know when you look at the adfp and you see fire sprinklers there were fire sprinklers performed or included in the Construction contract um but these are the last schools where there there was no scope um after her assessment okay so what was the total amount of schools that were affected are you saying three no no um the ma majority of schools um as I mentioned before when the construction bid recommendation came to the board to award the contractor it was listed in the executive summary the scope was this and now it's been removed you know by the Chief Fire official or um or like I said we had one other item like this that came to the board possibly 18 months ago that was a a listing of five or six schools just very similar to these three um however she pretty much I think modified the scope of 90% of the schools that had fire sprinkler in them so that is definitely a common occurrence um but as far as removing the scope completely these are the last ones that the board hasn't already approved okay um yeah we we need to be able to have information that is current but also inclusive of history with it when it comes down to the form and this is not a a push back for for Atkins or the other people nothing to do with that it's it's how do we do our job if things are not brought to us within policy that we need to look at so um I think it's extremely important to have it um definitely spoke about at the meetings but it would have been obviously protocol to do this way before anything happens and I I mean I hate to be like the older person that's been here forever but e I'm older person been here forever and this doesn't ever stop does not stop and I don't understand Mr superintendent Dr heurn there needs to be ramifications for this there needs to be I don't care if you're in the job for one day two days 25 years you know what you're supposed to do you know policy you know it has to come to us so um that's a hard no for me and I I'll be looking um really to make sure that we you're given enough resources Dr heurn so that you could write this ship uh I I'm incredibly happy that we're a district a and and you've helped with that but we need some steer clearing here um I flipped that sorry clear steering um concussion School concussion I I'm getting better though people I'm getting better um yeah to be able to pull us out of this so I I appreciate that I appreciate the um the motion Madam chair thank you Miss fam I have a quick question and that comment um how much does it cost to descope and then I mean scope and then to descope on all these schools we we've now found out there's what at least eight of them maybe more how much is that uh cost being passed to the school district um I'll speak to that M Carpenter okay thank you um so uh in in those eight cases that you referenced and all the other ones that were brought through the construction bid recommendation board item um they were all um removed prior to bidding for the contractor so the contractor never included that in their price there isn't a need to get a credit change order or you know try to clawback some of those dollars it just wasn't included in the in the construction at all um and in a a lot of cases it was removed very early on in design as well so there wasn't you know really any cost with the with the architect if the architect did have it in there price I'm sorry in their scope then we would bring you know and have brought amendments to the board to descope the fire sprinkler you know for some nominal dollar amount it just seems to me that we've gone through a lot of extra work that we need do I don't know how it got scoped in it got scoped out I don't know where the miscommunication was and it sounds like this is bigger than just eight schools actually it sounds like it's much larger so how how does something like this happen where I I mean and especially when it deals with fire safety how did how did this happen if I may go ahead Miss Paul so part of this really has to do with the assessment the original assessment that was done uh in 2014 for the district so as I've stated numerous times if you get that wrong uh and you don't include these major items in it then you it haunts us throughout the whole program and this is just another example of that my my final question is I know in the executive summary um you state here that there is no cost for any of these three schools and I've heard you say today that there is going to be a cost for Village Elementary so what are we looking at there miss Carpenter thanks um uh sorry when I mentioned earlier about the cost for Village I was speaking of what was in the original smart scope budget for Village fire sprinklers not what it would cost today um the only way there will be a cost is if our current Chief Fire official determines that that there is some of that original smart scope is necessary to perform then there might be a cost um however if if he agrees with the previous assessment then um yeah then there isn't right thank you for your time M hion I just have a question because I think I just want to make sure we know EV every school that needs fire sprinklers or a fire alarm system has that system in it is that correct Dr Miss Carpenter yes so per um the original smart scope if fire alarm or an entire fire alarm system or a fire alarm panel was required it is included in the scope for the fire sprinkler Scopes um they have been significantly modified but these are the last projects that are coming to you as um you know removing that line from the defp to indicate that fire sprinkler scope was not performed at these schools so but it wasn't performed because it wasn't necessary because they already I just want to make sure our students in our schools have the systems because it's getting muddled in the conversation here I feel like so um the no one's at risk of not having fire alarms or fire sprinklers based on this item correct and the Chief Fire official at the time determined that they either were not necessary in those buildings or they were already present in those buildings okay thank you okay so I'm having a lot of aen with with this I think the the board should approve my motion to have our Chief Fire official look at these three schools but I think we all should should ask Dr heern to go back to all of our schools where this previous Chief Fire official descoped every project uh every fire alarm fire sprinker project because I remember there was there was certain reasons why it was descoped or why it was considered we don't need a fire sping in that area there was there was certain standards you know however I would feel more comfortable if our current Chief Fire official went back and looked at those projects as at the end of the day yes our schools have fire sprinklers however in some areas within the school there aren't fire sprinklers because it was descoped and I just want to make sure that our amazing Chief Fire official now certifies that checks that off that he also agrees with the opinion of the previous Chief Fire official Miss rer thank you I would like to add this to your to your motion which is basically it's a question so does the code actually allow us to descope Dr he um Mr s um morning hello board memb Vice chair uh superintendent um for all new buildings we are required to do fire sprinkers and fire alarms however for existing buildings we are not required per uh depending on the building the you know the size the hazards everything else you know um existing buildings can be exempt um most of the times from um upgrading M RT through through the chair um which code do you know the number of the the code that allows us to descope it well it's not Des scoping um I can speak with the code of when sprinklers fire sprinklers and fire alarms are required Des scoping is is a different thing it would be a policy I guess with with the school or or something it's not for fire code okay um I can say when they're permitted when they're required you know in that state go keep going um it what do what is it exactly based on is that size of the infrastructure it can vary um if classrooms open directly into hallways you know like your eager path if if classrooms open directly the exterior you might not need it on a school it you know if there's a certain uh once you hit four stories and the students start exiting down you have to have in that building no matter what it it's just it's circumstantial to the the site the occupancy and and you know it would have to be a case by case to to to look at it there's many codes many many codes yes uh the NFPA 13 what would that allow us to do for the installation of fire sprinklers it it it again it's with the the case by case on how the building is designed I can't speak for these locations I haven't seen the floor plans I I don't know the exact layout of the buildings I would have to review um the documents and and everything to be able to to to to give a good assessment or proper assessment pardon me all I appreciate your your honesty and your cander um Mr Dr superintendent I'm thinking that um if there isn't a a sop uh for when when people are are newly hired that if there's going to be an item on the board um and we're going to be discussing it that that they need to make sure they have all their information so they can review it before coming here um I mean that's just a I learned that as a board member from day one because you know you never know what question's going to come your way and I don't expect you to know anything everything um so we have to make sure that uh our employees who are leading this District know exactly um how to prep for their meeting and to to say this is this is problematic I see a pattern here whatever it may be with with their uh with their chief of facilities so um thank you okay so the motion is uh to have the Chief Fire official Nathan Sade look at these three schools to see if fire spinker should be descoped or not and to have superintendent Hein go back to have the Chief Fire official look at all the schools that were descoped on under the previous Chief Fire official and to make sure that that was the right call can I give you a second for that because that's a new motion second move by Ala second by Zan Madam shair yeah if I may suggest because you still have an item that um is going is before you and and you will be taking no action on the item so if um perhaps it's appropriate to postpone it um so that when the new Fire official comes back with a recommendation you can either vote this up or down or amend it so just postpone the item okay Miss seon Dr he and I just have a question is will is there an issue with us postponing this is there a reason you know like is there a time frame or something for this item being passed it's not no I'm confirming no issue postponing thank you madam chair Mr a or the easiest way cuz there was a first motion on the floor there's now a second motion on the floor you could just make a substitute motion and then we don't approve the item right so if you if yours is a substitute motion then this goes away we don't approve this item I think it's very simple we don't have to have 10 motions going okay and my my motion added the second part going back to all the other schools that were descoped to make sure that was that that our current chief file official thinks that that was the right call to D those projects yes okay and if I could Madam chair yeah the issue on this I don't know just so folks understand is the board did not take action so it's not that there was a safety issue currently there's not that there is some other issues the board did not take action so I want to be very clear only the board gives the Authority for someone to scope or descope that's a big deal period okay all in favor of my motion say I I I those opposed say no motion carries may I have a motion in second on L one so moved second moved by Zan second by roer public comment go ahead the first is Carla fera good morning Carla Figaroa with gifted advisory um one of our motions is uh before you which is um on the item L1 bar schools has many wonderful programs and opportunities for enhanced Learners uh excuse me to enhance learning um the problem is that many of our parents and stakeholders are not aware of these programs one of the programs is Excel which is available for elementary Learners where students are able to either whole grade uh skip or content grade skip on math science or Ela um one of the reasons for this recommendation is that if a child receives a five on pm1 uh there really is no progression to show because a level five means that the student has mastered the content for that grade level so we uh gifted advisory is recommending that if a student scores a five on fast pm1 that they be considered for the Excel program I want to clarify that um this recommendation is not to automatically place the student in Excel program but rather to um send information home to the parents or Guardians of the student um and let the families decide and choose if they want to opt into the program um because they have a small window to um get that done from the time fast P PM 1 comes out to October 1st which is generally the due date um the current student progression policy states that a parent may contact the school uh related to eligibility requirements for Excel but we feel that that's hard to do if a parent doesn't know that Excel even exist um and they don't have knowledge of the program so I just want to thank you for your time and we hope that you consider these recommendations thank you thank you any other speakers Jackie lasam hi Jackie Lam for ESC advisory we passed this motion actually in August and it's been mistyped it should say that we were suggesting a comprehensive review and Analysis of the changes in ese documentation management from last year to this um we want a plan of action not just cobbles Band-Aids workarounds and acceptance of mediocrity um where we had asked as well for a sharing of the tickets of concern you've been given I think a memo some few weeks ago I was never shown it but um it found its way to me reporting to show that all tickets have been um answered and closed those are uh only logging the official calls and tickets which a lot of Staff actually don't use they deal now with emails and conversations with program Specialists calls texts conversations with Focus tech people who don't respond or have answers in some cases and I would like to read you um a statement from an ESC um specialist that we um read out at our last ese advisory meeting um and um when Dr hbor was there she says all right as an ese specialist who's worked for over 20 years for BCPS I'm competent at my job I've mentored trained assist and supported other ESC Specialists over the years I've been called on to Pilot and help develop new systems in the past I know how to do my job understand expectations the switch to the SS the focus SSS system within um has made it already complex and at times overwhelming job simply unmanageable tasks and processes that used to be accomplished in a few moments such as generating a parent participation form and jobs that used to take an hour per student such as Drafting and re reviewing an annual IEP and sending a 5-day draft now each take anywhere from double to quadruple to quadruple the amount of time some process simply don't exist in focus at all and we're directed to use a word or PDF document um and then upload it IEP meetings are taking considerably longer due to the inefficiency of the layout of the IEP and uh documents been archived and them having to wake them up by physically copying and pasting every word themselves the truth is there was no piloting of this system no thought out plan for how staff will be trained and supported no input sought from stakeholders um and so it goes on um uh I wanted to just mention as well there are um a lot of features that it has not been assessed what we've lost in in moving away from Ed plan and that's the kind of report that we want done an evaluation preferably an independent one that highlights not just what forms are we missing in Focus but what processes they include that you have lost the 1,000 rules of completion that were built into edpl to ensure APS are complete and accurate loss of services flowing between modules loss of integration with canvas the sea app Advanced reporting a process-based workflow Dynamic translation in nine languages the parent portal is still a mess we could go on and on please support our motion thank you thank you any other public speakers one more Latricia Greaves okay good morning Vice chair Dr superintendent board staff I am standing before you today um in support of the gifted advisory Council motion and um my statement is that Elementary is vital for all Foundation of all children children I believe it will be a highly effective for all elementary school students it will attract students back to Bar County Public School System I ask that you support all the principles for this program that they would like to have at their school and to ensure that itel program has only certified Educators I as the parent Guardian taxpayer for all 200,000 plus children support this motion of what the gifted advisory Council has presented to you um especially with given the option that the parents have to make sure that their kids have a great Foundation thank you for your time and your service any other public speakers okay um Dr holess thank you um Madame chair a task um so with regards to the gifted advisory recommendation presented here um Can staff speak to that as far as the recommendation um that's presented in this item that Elementary School students score in a level five on their fast assessment in either Ela or math should automatically be considered for advanced curriculum can staff speak to what opportunities are there um when elementary students score significantly high on dear fast um Dr fton and miss hollandsworth and then and then I'll uh talk about acceleration period because part of some of our goals around that okay thank you we're going to have Mrs Egan come up and speak to that question Dr holess okay Diane Egan executive director of ESC and gifted as a new part of our division this year um in regard to the Excel testing the way that works is there is um grade level acceleration as well as content area acceleration and um the motion I was at the gifted advisory meeting when they passed the motion and they wanted to consider having everyone at a level five take the acceleration go through the acceleration process um we looked back at the acceleration process and there's a significant amount of additional testing in order to do that and we know that each family um should be able to make a personal decision whether that's right for them because there are some children children who really benefit from acceleration and that's perfect for them and there are some families that may not think that's the best option for their student so our recommendation is that we would provide the opportunity that everyone knows about Excel because one of the conversations that we had at the gifted advisory meeting is that not everyone is Avail knows of that option however the deadline for that option right now was October 1st so it wouldn't be appropriate to do that for this year but certainly we could look at how we could communicate that more effectively across the board to every student that scores a level five so that they would have the opportunity to consider that for their student okay so um Dr heern um I would like staff based on a recommendation to explore this uh ways in which to ensure everyone is aware who um students have scored five on Fast um about opportunities um with regards to excel thank you Dr so um acceleration is is definitely um one of my top priorities so we would definitely explore it um know Landon and Alana and I have uh had several conversations just to make sure that we are providing those opportunities for rigorous coursework especially when objective data such as assessments um provide information to let us know as school leaders that students can can meet or exceed a potential in that type of course work so um we we will work D diligently for our elementary we're already doing that with our secondary schools um as we with our what we call a master schedule analysis process so we will do the same for elementary too to make sure we're leveraging accelerated opportunities at that level too okay so um because based on what I've heard is that not everyone is aware correct um because we didn't have anything in place to bring awareness based upon um scor significantly well on the fast testing correct so we're we're going to create a campaign not just for this awareness but there's a lack of awareness across the whole K through2 Continuum um for certain accelerated opportunities that parents do not know about and in many cases students don't know about and they find out at the last minute so we're we're we have an initiative to close that Gap because it's important we're leaving scholarship dollars on the table we're leave leaving exceptional student um experiences on the table so we're going to close that Gap okay and is there a time frame in mind to which um you're considering to bring this awareness to these students yes you'll start seeing me um with additional Smiles on videos the social media uh every media Avenue that uh John and his team has um that's been part of the director for him and his team um the the the hopes is that we inform parents so much that they can hold us accountable better um the new the nuances in that is I expect parents to be able to go to their schools and say hey this is my child's test score why why isn't he or she in this classroom or in this course or having this opportunity um so the lack of knowledge by parents um leaves opportunities on the table so we want to make sure everybody is well informed so they can hold us accountable better okay very good and can you keep the board informed on the actions that you're taking to BR this awareness because I think this is really important absolutely all right so I have another concern um and I just have a couple of questions so based upon the advisory committee bringing recommendation here for this item there is no board member here that can make a motion we're just receiving the items but we can't make a motion on anything is that correct that is correct if you well if you wish to make a motion on something um you would have to bring like a BB item if you um um if you would like to direct the superintendent to take an action okay so can I uh at this moment direct the superintendent to bring a BB item back oh I have to bring it back or to add it to the uh to the agenda or do I am I the one I'm just trying to procedurally see what I need to do what so I'm I'm not sure what the action that you would like to take I mean may be appropriate to um you know make a motion also on this item after it is approved or received in other words it's not like a because there are many motions on this um on this item not just one thing okay so there's a specific part of this item that I want to um bring back as a BB item but I I also want to publicly uh make it known that I'm supporting this so do I need to do this am I able to to present that BB item public now that will be coming up at a future board meeting or do I need to wait you can certainly comment on the item now if that's what you wish to do okay so I will comment on the item um there has been significant concerns and I've heard it many times over with the um focus SSS um part of um of focus and um I've heard it from staff I've heard it uh from uh the public and and just recently um um you know the ESC chair um has also mentioned this so I am very concerned DC advisory chair I'm very concerned about it and so I will be uh coming back with a motion um uh to explore um an independent comprehensive review and Analysis of the switch from Ed plan ESC EAS I module to focus SSS so we can identify more uh any shortfalls and put forward an action plan um that will remedy the problem Dr yeah I just want to uh make sure the board's aware that we've already um completed that task and sent that to the board I want to say a week or two ago um so we can resend that to the entire board just to make sure you have it it does show show its benefits it shows it it shortcomings also and the things that we need to continue to work on and also the next iteration as far as phasing in certain certain aspects of uh the SS module that are not um part of the initial phase so I'll make sure we send that back out so you you have that comprehensive review and then if there's anything in addition to the information that's provided in that um that you need we can surely collect that information and then provide it to the board okay so um Dr heurn uh today um Miss lusum uh continues to express concerns that she's observing even with the review that we've already done there seems to be uh concerns that ongoing um so um is there any any have there been any meetings with say the ESC advisory chair or the ESC advisory committee um that capture some of these additional concerns that we can try to remedy yes um I know Miss lka met with um Mr Davis and Dr Fulton a couple of weeks ago to get additional to collect additional concerns from her and to find remedies for those I know the ESC team um led by Miss Ean um constantly meets uh constantly collects feedback to alleviate any concerns um that school staff or experienc it okay so I would strongly encourage that um these uh conversation continue with with Miss lusum um to identify and remedy any of the concerns that exists um as um she appears to be um uh a breast of what's going on as well uh based upon the position that she's she's um held so I would uh encourage continuing conversation with her and anyone else that has concerns with the um focus SSS part of ESC we'll do they'll be ongoing Mr allson yes thank you madam chair I just had a question so and we've I think asked this question at least I have several times clearly we can accept this item because that's what's before us um but now I'm going to maybe direct to The General Counsel a board member can make a motion on any item that is related to anything about the contents of this item correct Batista yes um I think there is also a procedure that was shared with the board related to this particular ular item or items that come with recommendations from the um the Committees and I thought that process included bringing a BB item separately but there's nothing prohibiting if I want to make a motion right now on anything in this document I'm not prohibited from doing that right you're not prohibited from doing that I just want to make sure at least because I think the impression is and I appreciate the process right I think the intent is or the spirit of the process is to bring something back so right the board it has ample time but the public has had ample notice of this document so if a board member wanted to make any motion related to any of these items it could actually be done today and right now from a Robert's Rule standpoint the answer is yes from a procedure point of this District No or suggested procedure it can actually occur okay I just want to make sure that no board member didn't walk away thinking they had to wait some time to make some suggestion today okay thank you Miss lardy yeah I I have some concerns or comments around the the document I've been observing for the last few months um and it was very clear in this in this um item today to me at least and I I think there's maybe like a miscommunication or a communication lapse between um The Advisory staff and us so the advisory bring forward a recommendation right um or they pass a motion and then in this document it says four board consideration and I think almost every single one of these uh the pieces of the for board consideration reads as a reason to for the board member to not bring a motion to to to move forward with the the advisor's recommendation and so I understand you know if I'm I'm taking at face value that the for board consideration piece is accurate and correct um I'm wondering how that is communicated with the advisories because there's clearly a different understanding um or different realities that we're all living in so I'm I'm just really curious about how this board consideration piece is communicated to the advisories Dr he that's as far as um what's written here um the document is is is noticed um so that theories and as far as the public can read what the board consideration is but I know for some advisories like M Dr Hol has talked about with u Miss lbum and staff has sat down and received her concerns that she's collecting from staff at schools and and try and sit down and come to a middle ground of how we solve some problems or or address some challenges and I think um staff just puts the considerations in just to let the board and also the public and the advisories know too that what what we are doing as a staff to address any issues and it helps the Board board members hopefully to kind of weigh on how if they're going to support the the recommendation or the motion that was made in that advisory and how to bring it forward or what type of questions to to ask okay so I I'm going to I'm not going to beat a dead horse here so I want to move to a different uh advisory the parent community involvement task force and look at one of their first recommendation for instance um so number one request for the school board to develop or consistently apply a standard protocol for building level or District level administrators to communicate to their communities in times of a crisis emergency or unforeseen circumstances at a school in a timely and safe manner to empower parents with information build trust Foster Equitable practices a AC Cross School communities and allow families to support their children at home and then the district's response to that is uh for Brower County Public Schools Emergency Management Department established a framework to prepare for respond to recover from and mitigate the impact of all emergencies this framework is provided to all schools in a book in a book of role specific protocols detailing standard protocols for etc etc etc right from the parent Community involvement task Force perspective that is not happening so there is clearly a a disconnect and I'm not saying that you know staff isn't doing what they're supposed to in terms of the Emergency Management protocol um but how is that piece communicated to the parent Community involvement task force because then it it's just like they're wasting their time passing these motions when staff is basically saying like well we already do this yep so um I would agree with you miss Leonard it sounds like there is a gap um the staff trying to figure out what we call this again um the staff or for board consideration part of of that recommendation does seem to kind of satisfy what the recommendation from The Advisory is asking so there's there's obviously a gap in communication there or misunderstanding if they are communicating I know like uh Miss fdick did talk to uh Mr Sullivan uh probably a few weeks ago or a month ago because this came up in a workshop or board meeting and so I know they had a a short conversation about the roll out of emergency notifications to schools because Miss ferdi expressed the concern so there's a gap of them receiving this information prior to submitting what they're sub what the decisions that they're making in their advisory groups are their task force so we can tighten that up talking that up we will have to find out um who's attending the meeting and and talk with those advisory chairs about any potential recommendations or or motions that may be coming up in their meetings and and get this information to them before they actually have those discussions in their meeting so I I appreciate that you're acknowledging that there is a gap and I would just say that perhaps there needs to be like a mindset shift when we are responding to and by we I mean the district right when we are responding to or or writing out these four board consideration responses um because so like our response to the par Community involvement task force is well we already do this okay but there is a reality that people are living in that they are not aware that we already do this so there is clearly again um a gap or or lack of understanding or communication that's happening there so instead of saying you know we already do this the question we should be asking ourselves is okay so we already do this why don't they know about this um so you know there's not a specific motion for me to make I don't think around this but I think there really needs to be we need to look at these these motions in a different way and not from a defensive stance but in a in a from a position of okay so we we do XYZ how do we communicate that better or what what do we need to do differently to improve that um because a lot of these responses feel like okay well we do this um and it and and it feels like we're just trying to check something off a list no I agree thank you I agree M hoert thank you um I wanted to quickly go to uh the part where where Miss Egan was talking about the deadline uh of October 1st and how we'd have to wait for um another basically another school year my my question is this uh to the superintendent is this a deadline for the state or is it a deadline for brard policy Dr missan because two weeks is a teeny amount of time to to from my perspective right um I think it's a local policy it's through Elementary learning um it's the Excel um Doc it's called Excel and the way that it works is because they have to um either have whole grade promotion or content area I think the deadline was put in place because you don't want them to miss the you know if they're going to be promoted from fourth grade math to fifth grade math you want them to be able to take advantage of the content and curriculum for the entire school year so I believe it's a local decision but that is what's currently in place and what I'm hearing is that we want to definitely take a look at the elementary policy in regards to acceleration moving forward right but for me once again 2 weeks is a teeny amount of time so I understand the uh the aspect of wanting our kids to have every opportunity of having the curriculum um and a as one little gifted bunny uh I know it's important to skip grades um for kids who were able to do that um also you could have Flex time take class is and you know I mean there's options for our for our students so um it's important that that they know it that the children themselves they're way much more um older than we actually think about when when you think about the their level of U knowledge creativity Etc so um I I personally think that there's time to still do this but I would um what could we have done better so what would the communication piece have been and that we would have been able to meet that October 1st deadline in regards to the motion yes I don't know that we were Pro I don't know that we had that information prior to so we basically the motion came forth for consideration um by the board and it was based on the fast testing that was just done in the first quarter of the year so upon waiting for further direction that there was no action taken because we were following the current uh processes and procedures that are already in place right um and I'm wondering when when was the ESC community and um told of this was it was uh and when did they come forward with this their particular motion of this item they came forward with it at the first meeting um they had this year August thank you what date was it your September 9th okay so roughly like a month ago M roughly okay um I don't know if that did us any favors because it was a little little bit late for that point but still I if I what could be done for those kids that are sitting in class right now that that's going to be um affected you know either they're going to be a little bored get a little antsy uh want to move on to more creative Etc I mean I know that we'd have to follow um an IEP and make sure that they're uh have given the opportunity for for their Advanced uh lessons that they need so um I think this besides looking at that I think it's extremely important that we support this the Motions from the diff different groups I've been part of those groups that's where I kind of have my training wheels starting and it's important for for them to understand that we're listening so as one board member I'm ready to vote today to accept this but um to accept it but also do a motion to be able to um move forward with some of these motions so be that as it may Madam chair okay M zon thank you I just wanted to reiterate a little bit of what Mrs leonardy said um especially around the parent involvement or the parent task force parent Community involvement task force motions because some of the things the items that came up um were around some issues that happen in the school for example the gas leaks and things of that nature so it's a communication problem it also has to do with something uh Miss Grant Pier mentioned about communicating to the public we are taking I think our staff does a good job in trying to look at a bigger picture to make sure they're being um as sensitive as possible but sometimes the picture isn't big enough and they're only looking at smaller things and they end up offending groups of people even though they took a lot of effort to try to be inclusive and to be um you know understanding of everyone and I think sometimes the answers we give in some of these make those advisories feel like well why are we even bothering to do this because you're just going to say oh we do that already or you know this isn't important so I we do have a lot of things in place but I'll say this sometimes people aren't following our policy sometimes our you know in the school they do what works for them or or they're in an an emergency situation and they don't think it all the way through so I think it's important for us to acknowledge the fact that yes we have a policy but there is a chance that people may not be following that policy with Fidelity so how do we as a board either fix the policy to make it more that it flows along with what could be done with Fidelity or you know maybe just its procedur and you as a staff need to make sure you're going back to the the principles assistant principles whoever it might fall in line with to say this is policy so you know what are you doing because there is a disconnect so we can acknowledge yes we have a policy but we also acknowledge that if you're bringing it up you're not seeing people follow the policy same thing with Focus we have a list of things because you did and staff did a good job like lining up what's missing from what we had before but what's the action plan now so how are we going to let them know we've heard you you know we're we're continuing to listen but here's how we're going to help make it better I don't know if those need particular emotions I just think in general it has to be as Mrs lean already said a mindset shift that we're not always defensive about some of the constructive criticism that's coming to us cuz that's why we have advisories right we don't we don't live in that world we're not there we don't feel the effects of what they're they're feeling but as a teacher who often as I tell you many times policy would come down and I'd say the heck were they thinking this doesn't work in my room and I didn't follow the policy because it didn't make sense in my classroom so we either have to tweak policies to make them make sense or if we believe they're good policies how do we change procedure to make sure they can be followed with Fidelity and I'll just throw out there definitely a conversation about cell phones because we we believe it's working but it's working because a lot of principles are just not dealing with the problem so thank you Dr Zeman thank you chair um I think uh this issue is a great uh issue and I um always look forward to hearing from uh advisories or from parents or from Council of great City Schools or Florida School Board Association or any of the other uh 12,800 districts in the United States we could all learn more uh from each other in some sense the procedure that we've adopted through our work with advisories would remind me to turn on the microphone I usually don't have trouble projecting but thank you Landis now I can save my voice for later uh I really like our current procedure in the sense that it incentivizes advisory groups and staff to work together and bring back items that are fully staffed um it wouldn't work as well if advisories came directly to the school board and made motions here which not legal right those are Schoolboard uh member uh options but it is very respectful of the staff to have the opportunity to describe in this particular case um I happen to have a personal uh involvement in this uh I have 2 fth graders that did uh very well on the fast score at the end of last year and chair their principal and guidance counselor and and a whole staff got together and said what are we going to do um uh there's no doubt Schoolboard member kids might get different treatment than otherwise sometimes better sometimes worse by the way uh but I saw this for lots of other kids at the school based on end of year test scores which is 3 months ahead of pm1 and that gave every everybody time to plan think of options and come up uh with it uh we were offered nothing less than eight different programs for our children one of which was Excel and at that point had that been the best answer for them uh there would have been plenty of time to enroll for uh the entire next year so yes uh as Miss Hixon points out there may be people who don't follow our policies to a te but also yes our policies ought to be our best answers to the difficult and challenging questions for which districts have a variety of different answers all over the United States in particular large urban districts like ours so I think the relationship with the advisory councils and Senior staff needs to continue to evolve continue probably to get better in some regards uh but a way to do that is to make sure incentives are lined up the right way so advisories are giving recommendations and advice staff then is looking earnestly uh as M leard pointed out not defensively but earnestly looking at these things and saying is there a better way to do this in this case I can tell you that at least for one of our schools in bar County uh they were way ahead of this recommendation and on the on the recommendation itself I think staff would come back and say automatically opting in a student to a program is generally not a good idea you want parents to have the rights to say yes or no you want students to say what are they up to sometimes students are not up for the extra challenge of an accelerated program because they're uh starring in a TV series after school and it's taken up 6 hours of their day uh so we have to really customize it um as we've seen in some of our some of our schools and I would never be in favor of directing uh somebody who got a high score on a fast test into any one of our many programs that we have uh rather I just encourage the school staff to work with parents and make sure that all those options are laid out and I really believe it's the end of the year test score that ought to trigger that so that everybody has lots of time to explore those options um and figure out what is best for them but in general advisory committees senior staff working together not defensively from the staff and not in a threatening manner uh from advisory councils is a good policy for everyone to work together to find good Solutions uh the school board has a role in that clearly we invent advisory boards we invent uh task forces uh we sign up policies that govern all of the the the engagements but I really think that we were thoughtful about how we created the procedure for advisory uh committee recommendations and I'm looking forward to hearing back from staff on them when we ask them to do that and to miss hixon's point I think we can do that by asking them to bring lots of data back like in a workshop or if it's a specific you know targeted recommendation say look can you come back and say is this really the best if it's not tell us what is working because to miss Leonard's point it's way too often that advisory groups see we don't have something but senior staff looks at and says oh but we have a policy well a policy doesn't make action happen remember policy without action is a hallucination you can have a policy if it doesn't create action you might as well cut the Schoolboard meeting 20 minutes shorter uh which would be good for everybody I think thank you chair thank you um so just to kind of go off what what you're saying so when the recomendation is made and then it comes to the school board members and then we have the option to bring a BB item forward that is when the school board member can work collaboratively with staff to get that history to be put in the item um and and then bring it forward to the board to have time to really read it understand it and then vote on it in the next four meeting as a BB item yes if there was someone that wanted to make a motion today that that they could you know however I just think this procedure is more appropriate because it gives us the opportunity to really understand all the information and research and then be able to make the the best decision um my recommendation on where it says committee then committee recommendation I think it just let's just make this very specific and then when it says for board consideration I interpreted that totally different way it needs to say something more like uh BCPS staff recommendation um or or whoever is specifically making that recommendation it's just background information Dr urn no I'm talking to myself but um I uh I honestly at when I'm as I'm reviewing it I just see it as um additional information right to so the the um advisories are making a recommendation based on motions in their in their uh meetings um staff is providing additional information that kind of correlates or or it correlates to the recommendation that the um advisories are making or or task force are making just to inform the board of hey here here's what we do or here's what policy says or here's the actual actions that are performed daily um but I also agree with Miss Leonardi that that information needs to be provided to the advisories before this happens before this is sent to the the school board Records Office to put on the agenda uh because then it may back up to say well like Miss hion just talked about well okay we understand that but here's the information we're Gathering from the community and parents so whoever the stakeholders may be this is not happening so how do we close the gap it's feedback for us to understand hey if it's a Communications issue staff needs to close the gap on communication so I think um adding an additional step to the process to ensure that we're communicating with advisory chairs or task force chairs um before recommendations are sent to the school board Records Office to let them know what we're doing how we do it so we can get feedback to close whatever gaps that are causing them to make these recommend okay my point is just that that for board consideration let it know who is that coming from Brower County Public School staff just to say it because when I first read that I wasn't clear who was making that that consideration and then the one that uh speaks to Communications in an emergency situation my question is are the how are the asms weighing in on auditing at schools whether this is happening and it it's following the protocols Mr Lozano can you repeat that question please um so one of the the recommendations speaks to communicating to parents in an emergency situation my question is how are the area security managers auditing schools that this communication is being done properly and following protocol so I don't know that that's in their spe specific purview right now to follow up that the parent communication goes out that would be more in our Emergency Management division who handles that process but that's definitely something we could look at to um add to to make sure that communication is going out to schools communities during situations so let me add to that um I I thought the question was about something else but for parent communication we've already just this week just to shore up uh some of some past discussions or recent discussions to ensure that there is uh providing Assurance to staff as as far as the board that emergency communication to parents is going out we're collecting that information in a spreadsheet so if an emergency situation happens a threat on a campus a bomb threat whatever the case may be be um the principles know that they should send information out and the time frame to send it out our um through Dr Fulton's office she's collecting information from the schools to ensure that that's um been sent out and we're keeping a record of that so if anybody needs that in the future we have a record to show that yes communication was sent out for this specific emergency on this specific day at this specific time to all parents and and through Parent Link um just to make sure that it is happening okay so just to be clear who owns that to check Dr Fulton's office owns that her staff created a spreadsheet to to collect that info thank you uh Dr holes thank you madam chair so um I have a a couple of questions um with regards to the um comprehensive review that was done um uh what department did this review Dr heurn for the ESC um focus as oppose uh versus the uh previous Ed plan EAS IEP a collaboration between ESC and also the IT department okay so it was a combined effort um there's um because I I I guess I'm wrong my my um uh you know my what I thought was done was the um ESC was primarily involved with this no since focus is an IT Tool uh for the purpose of um an Enterprise it tool for the purpose of supporting student information system and also ESC um compliance um so both um divisions worked on that together our departments okay so um part of the uh part of the document indicates that it it review as they own it should review as they own the support desk and determine timelines with the with the vendor under the ESC advisory um committee section that we're looking at today so I'm just concerned as to the extent and degree to which it was involved it appears based upon just what's here where it says it should review um uh as they own the support desk um I just want you to confirm to the public and to the audience here today um the extent to which it was involved and why would they have in this report here or recommendation that it should review now it is um deeply involved in this yes okay all right thank you sir appreciate it Mrs famam thank you madam chair um I would just like a a clarification for the board and and also for the public in the um ESC advisory committee recommendations you state that the um this module what we're trying to do is model after Lives in Balance in the balance um on its Behavior methodologies I was just wondering if you could just make that connection for us if someone can explain that I'm Sorry Miss um Miss fam can you point me to the number on the recommendation it's um page two and recommendation yes ESC advisory committee um in the middle of the page the second one down there's three there and if you look we recommend that Broward schol incorporates a collaborative and proactive solution including model from lives uh in the balance and I was just wondering if someone could just give us a descriptor of that and how this could be collaborated and how we could benefit um I would ask I would ask actually ask uh the ESC advisory chair since they actually made the recommendation right to kind of clarify that M thank you I appreciate that because with three minutes to talk about Tom recommendations and I've come from the Gulf Coast to come to for this meeting I appreciate that Mrs Fam thank you so much um so um Ellen K who made this who's the chair of our meaningful inclusion committee made this um uh motion at our um advisory meeting she emailed all of you about it um uh I'll tell you what was in that email for those who haven't seen it the collaborative and proactive Solutions model uh with lives in the balance um for 30 years this models has been applied and studied in settings in including schools both gened and uh special ed inpatient psychiatric units and residential and juvenile detention facilities so it's applicable to a whole range of settings and environments and it has some great um data I'm sorry the DAT the only data I have with me right now um goes back a few years but I want to just give you um an idea of it Durham community schools in Maine referrals and a number of referrals after they had used this um model um went from 300 188 in the first year to 37 in the third year this is in the school environment peer aggression went from 173 in the first year to 13 in the third year and Defiance and disruption went from 103 in the first year to eight in the third year um an important premise of this model is that um concerning Behavior occurs um because of something it's not just a kid's acting up or a kid's having a behavior but why are they having that behavior um and when people let the skills to respond to problems and frustrations adaptively um it teaches that it teaches FR um how to deal with frustration tolerance and problem solving and emotional regulation but actually getting to the heart of the problem that is causing the behavior in the first place and collaboratively resolving it that's where it focuses thank you for asking thank you any other board member comments on L1 okay all in favor of L1 say I I those opposed say no L1 passes unanimously I have a motion and second on hh1 so moved moved by Zan second by roer public comment no public comment board comment Miss rert um I I understand that these are new these are new jobs um am I through the superent is is that accurate Dr Mr Lozano so these were positions created in the 2023 2024 org chart for this year so actually the 2425 to start this year when Chief alberty had restructured position which overall brought a savings of approximately $250,000 last year in his reorg he added these positions to the Emergency Management division as he restructured that department so we currently right now have a manager and the coordinator Position will support the manager in doing the tasks like we talked about earlier in the advisory of going out training schools training supporting our Broward EOC during events supporting our local municipalities and Partnerships with Emergency Management So currently we have clerical positions but again through collective bargaining there's a lot of tasks they cannot do so these coordinator positions are critical to serve as a backup to the manager when the manager out again cuz the manager's primary responsibility during emergency situations is to report to the Broward doc so to have these coordinators here to support us at shelters if we open shelters during an emergency um again provide adequate training to school staff on our Emergency Management protocols so these are this is a new position but it's a critical position that will really support the Emer Emergency Management Department U and thank you Mr Lozano are are these two positions or one yeah so currently we're approving the job description but in the organizational chart we have two coordinator positions to support the manager gotcha so we already have two and their budget is already in it was approved in last year's reorganization and do we have people sitting there no ma'am this is the first step getting the job description approved know but I've also seen it the other way where people get put in boxes and then they get the job description afterwards so I appreciate that so this is the actual first reading yes ma'am okay so we'll have an opportunity I um this gives me pause and I am happy this is the first reading I won't take up more time just um I'm I'm not going to vote Yes for this only because I I really uh I personally need a little bit more time to to look at things here and to really make sure it coordinates um and what I can say is um talking to some of my colleagues around the state through fsba um they're interested in in hearing what we're doing about this and I know it's a it's a Hot Topic right now especially but um it's it's a little too rush for me cuz I'm you know still going through my stuff um and I want to make sure that this is the right fit for Broward the right time and uh that it's the right job description so thank thank you for that uh thank you Mr rert so um this job description is for the coordinator of Emergency Management and one of the things that needs work with across the district district is the training aspect of of all of our uh emergency drills and and training for school safety so I would like to I'm going to make a motion in the position goal where where it says in the last sentence um after the word response and before it says and Recovery response comma will play a crucial role in enhancing the capabilities I'm sorry sorry sorry will provide comprehensive training of Emergency Management so I'm adding will provide comprehensive training of Emergency Management is there a second mve by Ala second by roer public comment board comment all in favor say I I those opposed say no motion carries and then my last last motion on this is where it says essential performance responsibilities bullet point number three where it says lead support administer the district's emergency preparedness program to include drills exercise and training that includes providing technical assistance to site administrators chair could you locate that for us again chair I'm sorry yeah page one under essential performance responsibilities bullet point three yes ma'am and then to add to that um and assessments to measure proficiency assessments that measure proficiency because what's happening is we're we're Drilling and um they're training but there's no level of real assessment to measure that they actually understand what they're doing so it's so we're adding assessment to measure proficiency second R by Ala second by Zan public comment Miss Hixon I just on the next bullet down it says develop and assess Emergency Management training content so is aren we aren't they already assessing the training content and the bullet number four so I'm speaking to actually um staff being trained and then assessed I think unless staff can say differently I think that's speaking to yeah so I think bullet four is addressing the coordinator actually assessing the um quality of the training and the board chair is asking for the actual assessment of the participants taking the training at the end of the training to ensure proficiency of learned content right it's a big difference okay well yeah so I because you just said assessment to measure efficiency but if we're the efficiencies of to me is efficiency of the program but um Mr Lozano just said proficiency so there's different are we measuring to make sure the people are proficient or that the training is efficient because it's different you're measuring different things there right I'm speaking to I like so for example if they if they watch a video on um lockdown drills then after that video instead of them just checking a box that they watch the video that they would actually be asked questions regarding it so I think that you want to say to measure proficiency wa isn't that what I said I put efficiency down she said proficiency you might have misheard I'm sorry okay thank you sorry any other comments all in favor of the motion to assessments to measure proficiency on bullet three say I I I those opposed say no motion carries any other motions on this item all in favor of hh1 as amended say I I oh wait Mr charson yes I just want to make sure and I heard Miss rert only because I can't talk across to you I don't know if this item is coming back so I know you said first or second reading so you may just want to confirm with staff I think this is the only time right so I so someone may need to clarify from Miss rer before we vote okay CU everybody okay I hope oh miss Batista um so there is only one reading for um job descriptions we are we used to do it as a policy but now we do them we just have one yeah well I'm good with that because I'm going to vote how I'm going to vote for best for the district so thanks any other comments all in favor of hh1 as amended say I I I those opposed say no no item passes with Mr hoer dissenting may I have a motion in second on de1 is it moved second moved by Zan second by roer public comment no public comment Miss fam me E1 ech e yes thank you one of the things I I was just going to suggest is I know we're looking at the security and and emergency preparedness is um the flexibility that we have with drones if we had a drone and um some of our security staff if not all of them trained on how to use a Jone on the interior and the exterior of the buildings and one of the reason I I I say that is because I went on that tour of the margorie stowman Douglas campus um uh late last year and it was really it was quite shocking and devastating but more importantly I saw how um students were trying to get to their cars or to the parking lot to flee and how easy it would have been for that shooter to get them from the position where he had taken upstairs and I think that if we had a drone that could be circling where it can be look looking for one or more Intruders we don't know what's going to happen in the F future but that way we can protect our staff because when we have the stationary clammers the kind of limited this can go into areas if we have wooded areas next to the school or or um other areas or blind spots and I think um it wouldn't be that expensive to to maintain a joone and at least get some of our um Security offices trained on them or more than one even in the interior of the building this could go down the hallway and film if there's someone else hiding or where they are so we can at least radio that back and disclose that because they might be in that blind spot where our camera is not getting them thank you Dr pton Mr L Roa sure uh thank you for that uh board member fam so I'm I'm very proud to director L Roa Safety and Security um I think we all know at this point but uh very proud to say at least publicly we do have uh a drone program here in Broward schools right so one of the only one of the first and only School District to to stand up a program like that now it's not quite what you're describing it's not school by school not every school has a drone at this point it's not interior um but we do have a program um and with that program we are able to respond it's really meant for you know these large scale events whether there's an evacuation like you're talking about a lot of kids on the exterior of the school we want visibility on that so um that is live as we speak um and we're looking to expand as time goes on with with the board's approval that is so exciting thank you so much sure thank you Landon thank you madam chair um on slide nine of the presentation it discuss discusses training I just want to asked is is this in reference to training you know it says enhanced safety awareness training for staff and students um so what are the the current outside of drills um training mechanisms for students in regards to Safety and Security Dron Mr L Roa that can be shared publicly sorry I should sure uh to be shared publicly um in full disclosure not not a lot but that's that's why this is here right this is what we what we see as a need moving forward and a recommendation is we would like to expand further and reach out in touch more of our because we you know we we do a lot with with our staff we do a lot with administrators I to be honest we don't do enough with faculty and students so I think moving forward this is definitely something we want to do um I know we've discussed the the make our school safe clubs um possibly expanding expanding that and you know just reaching out and touching our student body a little bit more when it comes to Safety and Security awareness so I think um the chair I think it's important that the training that does go to students can be uh easily received by students and I appreciate all that's done currently um within the within the division but I've had I've seen personally with some of the the recent training that we did regarding threat reporting um and at times students aren't it's kind of like oh we're just watching this the teacher puts it on and it's like okay there's no connection for the students to say okay now how am I going to do this what in what cases am I going to do this so um I think it'd be great to to kind of find a way that this information is easily understood by students at all levels um in on top of increasing the training so we we agree 100% we've identified that as well and and I will say publicly students are our greatest asset in keeping schools safe and secure you know we get most of our information from the students um whether directly or indirectly and you know moving forward we want to uh to include them as much as possible so we we hear you thank you very much okay Miss hion thank you um I just want to make clarification of one thing and ask a question so and I already know the answer I just want you to say it out loud so um every single School in the district went through this process is that correct the ssra process ma'am yes yes and of every because charters because it's being it's being um it's not being perceived that way in some places so the number of schools inspected or reinspected 18 of all of the schools that were inspected 18 had concerns that needed to be addressed is that correct so so that slide particularly even though it's part of the fsat SSR dealt with the quarterly inspect inpections done by the office of safe schools for the first quarter of this school year okay so 18 + 4 is 21 so 21 were inspected four had no issues and 18 had issues is that what this slide is saying yes so of those that had issues some were again most of the issues were related to House Bill 1473 so again it could have been something like a definition issue initially a media center wasn't counted as an instructional space that when the office of safe schools showed up they said we are counting these now as instructional spaces please add a safer space decal to that location so even if it was something as simple as that overall it would have been a deficiency for that school for everything they checked out I can assure you that all our deficiencies were minor situations like that that were easily fixable and within the three-day time frame we rectified all deficiencies in every report okay um thank you so it is just a little bit confusing because two things got mushed together how do we usually get the quarterly compliance report so those will start to come quarterly to the public it has to be presented in a public board meeting meeting um again because this was the first time this was published as part of House Bill 1473 every quarter you will receive that report from the office of safe schools that my department will put on a board agenda for the board to receive publicly okay thank you I just wanted to clear I appreciate that that up and maybe something in front of this to explain so that the the public would have UND OD these were two different things absolutely um and my other question it was brought up in a public comments earlier can you define to us what Mass um communication is and if that there seems to be some confusion on that as well um which also relates to some of the other issues that we're having so we don't do we or do we not have a mass communication system technically no right but this is this is part of so so what we're looking at with this report and and you guys get this report every year right so you're familiar those of you who've been on the board so this is a you know this is a um a consolidation of what the schools are reporting their their their concerns are right that's what the ssra does so when mass communications specifically with this this this particular issue you know semantics become important so this is kind of you know for example when a school says we have mass communication issues they might not necessarily be speaking about mass communication proper by definition which would be mass communication via you know um you know digital means and remote monitors and all of that they might just be talking about being able to hear the PA system so this is kind of a consolidation of of that so what we what we hear the most specifically with this item is it's kind of a a mixup of all so we're talking about PA systems being able to hear public address systems in certain areas around schools mass communications which I know we're beginning to explore um as far as digital means remote monitors and things of that sort and then the intercom systems so all three of those kind of pulled together this is again what's being reported to us uh but not necessarily one of the three specifically if that makes sense and just to add to that under this category in the assessment um the state includes mass communication as electronic messaging emails texts PA speakers 2-way communication and lockdown wi-fi boosters desktop computer alerts so they have a broad definition of mass communication and they ask the school leaders and the security staff all of those questions on all of those ways we communicate as a district to see ways we can enhance in their terms mass communication when situations occur okay so on here mass communications is consistent with what the state considers mass communication because that wasn't what was projected to us earlier today absolutely okay thank you Dr Fon staff could you also speak to the Alyssa alert and how that configures into the mass communication Alyssa's alert in terms of could you speak to alysa's alert I'm sorry meaning that how the panic button is being used how does that work yeah so all of our staff have the Alysa alert St for watch with Alysa alert they can add it to their mobile app we also have it on every desktop device so that when staff opens their laptop if you go to my laptop right now you'll see it open ready so if something happened right in this room I would be able to push the button immediately and we would get help in this room ASAP and all of our staff have that capability um to access through their District issued devices all district issued cell phone devices also have the app on their device on the first page so it's right there readily available when a situation occurs that requires First Responders to respond to a location thank you you're welcome Dr Zan thank you so much chair this is really wonderful to see I'm I'm really over the moon that we're going to be doing this every quarter this is great for the community to see it's great for them to know that we're looking at this every quarter um and I want to say thank you uh for bringing this to us I just have two questions are our schools more secure as a result of our weapon detection systems absolutely 100% it's every layer we add to our school security provides an enhanced layer of safety for our students and staff and that in particular um has again decreased you're seeing a decrease in the number of prohibited items on campus because students know they can't bring them on campus so they're leaving it at home we find a lot of things maybe discarded in the neighborhood on the way to school because students know you know if they walk through that device it's going to to trigger an alert and that will be a problem for them so it has definitely um improved um Security on our campuses and we appreciate the board continuing to look at safety and add those type of layers to our school security thank you so much and I uh would just share a recent alert that's gone out from school district security teams about nitric oxide laughing gas uh it is now being sold at smoke smoke shops so you can buy a can of flavored laughing gas in order to do whatever the heck you want to do with it uh at Broward County Schools you'll never get on campus with that stuff um so even when new things come out uh it's nice to be better protected second question are we more secure with our new student code of conduct policy regarding cell phones I would I would when you say secure in terms of so uh Department of Homeland Security talks a lot about see something say something corre right as a foundation for real security of all facilities Nationwide not just uh schools you obviously can't see something if your face is head down in a cell phone if it isn't head down in a cell phone and you're talking to colleagues and you're walking around with your head up instead of head down is it more likely that you're going to see something so you can say something absolutely and I think the reduction in cell phone has caused students to talk and engage with each other and build better social relationships so I would say that has been a positive we're seeing on our school campuses thank you chair Landon forgot to add one thing does the district do their own Security checks of schools absolutely of the state and that state statute as well we've we have historically done our own site assessments our asms are mandated to um report to their um School locations that they're assigned to and do assessments but also through State Statute in House Bill 1473 our asms our area security managers have to use the same template and do the same assessment at all our schools so I I asked that for a reason because I think it would be great to get some student input on uh student input when those visits take place and I say that for a reason because as and I will publicly say a thank you to Mr Lozano for always taking a call and and when I have a concern about something but um we will conduct our speak up speak out sessions and I can give an example of a school where students were not walking through a metal detector right and I I shared that concern with Mr Lozano and it was resolved so I think it'd be important for students to be able to be heard of additional security vulnerabilities we hear at a a gate may be open or there may be an issue that a student sees that they want to be able to report um so giving students that venue to share that feedback I think would be would be really helpful absolutely and there are due to some privacy and security is very hard for us at times to share certain security gaps that may be identified but we always want to hear from the students because again they're are end users and sometimes they Pro provide us the best data for us to make better decisions as we keep our students and staff safe thank you very much thank you so on page 10 of 12 the overgrown trees bushes and hedges that seems like some loow hanging fruit that we could resolve this week is that something that can be done quickly I will say yes but I'll also have Mrs Paul be able to speak to that not here yeaha so I'll say there could be some Financial um cost with ensuring you know that we have the adequate Landscaping crew to effectively um manicure our school campuses you know some of the Shrubbery is is high you need equipment to properly um manicure and Landscape certain schools so while yes there is a lot of things we could do with our current staff there may be some things that could cause an additional cost to upkeep our campuses and who's responsible for that conversation to communicate between the the school and the landscaper that you know this area has to be cut down to have the cameras to be able to have a better View that would be um our po department and our school leaders it's a coll collaboratively between everyone especially when it comes to safety we we expect our site staff for safety to be able to make those recommendations correct and for the school to go ahead and take those recommendations and put them into action immediately okay and is this something the asms review when they do their checks absolutely okay and are we accessing schools safety.gov to try to get funding for these safety projects Dr Fon Mr Lozano we we access any Avenue we can to to try to allocate funds to improve our safety measures at our schools okay Dr Fon if you could provide a followup on how many grants that we've access through schools safety.gov in the last year to the board sure will thank you thank you Miss rert great um since being back from Canada there was a lot to catch up on and uh I don't have TV and I certainly as you all know have difficulty with the computer sometimes with the coverage but uh the point is it gave me a really good um opportunity to look deeper into some of the things that I'd missed one of them was um the Suns Sentinel article in I think it was in June or July right after June probably where it talked about um some of the functioning intercom systems which are also part of the review here for our safety stuff and and I appreciate that I I wanted a quick update um here it's at 19 to 53 schools are at or near completion what is that number now or is that the number 22 that we talked about Mr Lozano I'm going to defer to Mr Davis um I say maybe the Chief Fire official or the computer whoever Dr fton Davis is coming to theic is this on testing uh Trey Davis Chief Information officer I need to get that information for you on the exact number uh and I'll do that right now okay I might be able to help um Jamie alberty sent out June 18th uh a letter division of safety security to all um board members principes etc etc etc and it's the assessment of the first responder radio signal um and how they're able to have the functioning intercom system and I added this up and it looks like n and six 15 16 17 I think it's 22 that sound about right I I would need to I would need to verify that on the exact number but but you did you did mention something specific to uh the subject of emergency response and Communications and I would like to highlight the uh the o13 Wi-Fi radio agreement with the city of Fort Lauderdale the agreement has no fiscal impact to the district and acts as a model for other municipalities and bolstering school emergency response by alling First Responders as radio to leverage District wireless networks I think you alluded to that just a moment ago so I wanted to bring that to your attention as well I I knew that but but thank you I appreciate that super nice um okay going back to the the intercom system there um I think Miss Hixon had asked uh the difference between mass communication and the PA system during uation I want to say like two years ago um interesting thing happened that was that one of our special specialy uh centers special school centers and uh during the graduation there was a a weather alert but there was also a lockdown and they were unable we weren't anywhere near the office we were kind of set off from the office because we were in a special building and uh luckily they were able to uh utilize the PA system uh because they had that with them for the graduation so I I just wanted to say that not only um you know if you have issues there's always a backup and that this principal honestly had a really great uh I mean she didn't miss a beat before they were able to put that out so that that's a that's a good thing that we we're teaching our principles and they're pretty awesome okay thank you Mr rert oh not done I'm sorry thank you uh okay we're getting back to that okay can we go a little bit to the uh the codes that I had asked about before um and First Responders communication looking at code 11.1.2 General um in all new and existing buildings minimum radio signal strength for emergency service department commun Communications shall be maintained at a level determined by the ahj and based on the existing coverage levels of the public safety communication systems utilized by the jurisdiction measured at the exterior of the building got it so what kind of jumped to the surface for me and I I apologize my back is to you I would prefer if we had I don't know if you can go up there sure okay it's just I'm sorry hurts my neck to keep I'm you know doing eye contact with you because that this is uh that's how I roll I have to look at you I grew up and it's respectful okay so one thing that dropped out jumped out to me was we do have uh one building that's completely New MSD building that one special building right um did they meet their code we will have to do a followup on that for you I can't answer that question specifically right now and I don't believe um the chief offal probably could we'll get you that answer no it part okay each district school board must receive findings and the school safety specialist recommendations at a publicly noticed district school board meeting to provide the public an opportunity to hear the district school board members discuss and take action on the findings and the recommendations so later is not going to work okay this is we're reaching out you should have that answer shortly so the Chief Fire official is on his way we're working on that right now you're going to find out if he's coming or no no he we're calling him right now oh I thought you said you're going to find find out right now that's why I'm like oh okay um all right well a lot of them have to do with the radio signal strength codes uh those are my questions and so we're working on we're we're currently in phase one and we are doing assessments of our school sites um to look at the areas that um may need enhanced communication I could tell you the item and Mr Davis referenced it um a lot of our First Responders are moving to the new Motorola radios that have Wi-Fi tips in it um provide them much better access on um our school campuses so we're thankful for this first contract you're looking at to approve or agreement with the city of Fort Lauderdale we're most likely going to bring a lot more of those with our other cities as they continue to upgrade their two-way radios um you know there's some things we can and can't talk about here publicly with um where we have maybe dead zones or communication issues in certain areas which is why we're doing our assessments and we could later you know do a closed door session to dive deeper into that conversation I remember when I was one of the very few board members that read all this item encompasses and it was completely wide open and free it was online people could get to it the public employees families and board members to make a complete decision while I understand certain particular um descriptions and very close um a close eye on things has to be done in in closed door certainly mentioning that there's certain areas that have dead zones that's every single thing in Broward County I can tell you the City of Coconut Creek love my city but if you go from Coconut Creek Parkway and you're driving to City Hall it's dead I and it's kind of funny because my husband's the IT guy and I'm going to go a little bit longer than five because I've had to wait for my person and even then probably another five but anyways I I don't even know where to go from here how about we start with radio signals right because we're talking about having our our municipalities more responsive right the only way our First Responders can connect our Wi-Fi is by purchasing Smart Connect radios that will connect to the Wi-Fi so is that what you're alluding to when you're talking about correct that's what city of Fort lauderale has done in some of our other municipalities are currently doing right I can tell you the very first one City of Coconut Creek but they still have problems just saying so each radio costs between 10 and $15,000 that's the kicker most municipalities don't have these radios because of that cost so it then the ownness becomes it comes to our side where we have to go and pay for it but my my question is why are we spending millions of dollars on inter comes vendors or audio enhancement and rodlands which was mentioned already before that's not supported by the code and they won't assist our First Responders are those different things right I have other questions so the intercom is is different than the two-way communication right but they're they're both safety issues correct yes and so were you asking a separate question on the intercoms I'm just saying we're spending millions of dollars on those and that doesn't support our code and that's not going to help our First Responders correct not with two-way radios right but we're working on these Wi-Fi agreements I can tell you so looking at bdas the B directional antennas are extremely expensive yes which is why First Responders are looking at the upgraded radios which are 10 to $15,000 I can tell you we looked at a cost for one of our high schools just one of our high schools and it was like $15 million that would be a cost to this board to add the bidirectional antennas to that school and that was a lowend cost right so so again um a lot of municipalities and ourselves as we look at the improved technology of two-way radios and the coste effectiveness of just providing Wi-Fi so us doing this wi-fi agreement is greatly going to improve the communication for the city of Fort Lauderdale First Responders when they're on our campuses right you think that's going to work though what what about the other municipalities that have done such has it worked for them this is the first one we're entering into so I can't speak to other municipalities and their two-way radios on our campus but we could reach out to the City of Coconut Creek and see where they are with their two R two-way radios and see about a similar agreement we would like to have all these agreements in all our cities well absolutely but uh I I can say that City of Coconut Creek is an exceptional partner that way um happy that that City of Fort lale's come coming on but we really shouldn't be um honestly it it should be state grants that's just how I feel uh for safety and I know that um Miss ala had mentioned that um you know having us look for more of those grants so we're able to to do that and I'm 100% for that any way we can help absolutely definitely put it into legislation uh put it on our platform whatever you need to do that we'll do um are we miss ruber can you um restate your question with the New MSD building I asked yeah one second hold on I lose my notes you asked if it met code yes Dr Fon Mrs Paul yes we would not have been able to occupy the building if it did not meet current code yeah Miss rert I don't really want to say this okay sometimes we're given information that just isn't as factual as you think it is and I'm just going to leave that at that point um and certainly not for anybody who's brand new to our our area because um this is a culture to work in it's a culture that's been before me it will be during me but it be after me all of us will it be but the culture is really what what it is so what I'm getting at today is honesty answering the questions pertin pertinent information and if we have information that uh something is not meeting code hold on a second I'd like to take a 10-minute recess e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay welcome back Miss rert thank you I think we were uh I think Madam shair that you'd asked uh me to repeat my question um has the newest building that we have um built in the district um has that passed the code the fire code the newest building for um mstd buing 15 yeah that would have to to open we had to pass all codes and and and be compliance right you think so right for sure but recently pardon me I'm sorry that the background when did this building open Mr s you can get closer to the mic oh sorry part um what was the opening for this building what do you say recently um the bill when was the opening of the New MSD building through the superintendent um Miss Paul you got that on record of when that building was open I can get that give me a minute I don't have it right now well um I'm sorry what exactly is the just was the building compliant to open passing all like fire codes is is the question no cuz I'm sure it probably was but I know it had it been there's been a finding and it needs to be corrected okay and you're the Fire official and this is in regard okay okay so what I I don't want to make you any more nervous than you all are because I'm as nervous as you are doesn't look like it up here but we're the same it's just you know my hand shake when I'm nervous so um we're going to leave that for two seconds because I have other questions I'd like to ask you that would um would be helpful but we will come back to that I just don't want to feel like you you're pressured to answer your question um and I don't know if this is a you question or if it's a um Mr Lozano question I would think it's you um First Responders communication weak radio signals blah blah blah can we define and explain the finding and how did we discover those findings who did and why is it that it's only now coming to the board so bidirectional amplifiers for First Responders because you have them also for sell but for first responder radio and you're when you design and build a building you can't assess the signal strength inside the building prior to the building but we can um permit um in our standards like make sure the Raceway is there the access to install the system is there to make it easier if it is needed once a building is built then we can go ahead and test and it often happens with the local municipality the responders whether it's police or fire to test their radio signals throughout the the structure they'll go in all the hazard areas every room and they'll just key in and make sure their radios work so that's usually the way it's done um regarding when we're opening buildings we did just recently do a a study where a thirdparty company comes in and does an assessment with their um electronic devices and everything like that it measures the signal strength the bandwidth it it it's very comprehensive but the next part of that study if there are areas that were noted that don't mean the signal strength or appear there there might be issues the next step of that process is to call in the local municipality and have them walk the site with their radios to confirm right so that must be what you're talking about with the MSD building um yes okay um thank you thank you for that I'm not I'm thank you I'm so sorry it's okay okay yeah 2020 2020 okay these guys are great yeah see colleagues that's why that that's why we have an open meeting like this okay um okay the Safety and Security coverage uh I asked a while ago um the First Responders communication how did we discover these findings you're saying it was the third party that came in that came in to correct to to get a good idea of where our weaknesses may be or or or any um areas of concern it's good to have a a company provide a a you know a detailed report of their findings and that way we can pinpoint areas that we need to look into right and I I'm wholeheartedly supportive of that especially on page 603 which is number six of the PowerPoint because where it says security camera coverage finding colon similar to the previous year gaps in camera coverage remain a concern particularly in outdoor areas and blind spots within buildings and then there's a recommendation when I'm usually see this it's usually tells you which staff which department uh had that finding because this is you know this is a self you know self- Finding thing so um what who was that for cameras I'm sorry so so when you look at those findings yeah those are the top six findings across all our schools right our job is to take all 300 assessments and then share with the board the predominant findings from all those assessments so those were were the basically your top 10 items that were across all the assessments of ways we can improve Safety and Security um from Individual principles and the security staff on those sites okay but the I guess the part for me was that it's similar to the previous year that there were gaps in camera coverage when we do anything that has recommendations and you or findings uh pict um when we when we get the tax um tax watch findings and then management has their response to the findings it comes to the board we discuss it we accept it we move that way so I guess um in the years past uh we were able to see that findings there's gaps in this that and the other um and we're going to do this to rec ify those gaps does that make sense because how else did we did we find the um the radio signals and the communication stuff so the school reported that right when they did the assessment they reported that as one of their findings so that came from actually the individuals who completed the assessment okay so that should be noted somewhere right and if you think it needs to be a closed door uh x amount of schools had x amount of things had x amount of stuff I mean you basically said that in this paper anyway corre so that's not a this is not closed doorable at this at this point no but when you're drilling down to a certain school or a building that's closed door well depends no there's really only one new building or two right now so you could figure that out but uh you know whatever I'm stopping on that question I will for that question have we engaged oh where did the fired hi okay have we engaged our local emergency responders for their support and professional recommendation absolutely as part of the assessment all the responders do a walkth through of each site as well and they add their input to the findings okay who and what department or Department's leadership is recommending the Wii capable Communications across campuses so again that's a collaborative approach from our SSP division from school leaders who would like improved Wi-Fi access on their campuses so that comes from the um assessment that are done by each School location that was their finding and recommendations that they would like the wifi improved on their campuses okay number seven for me is is this recommendation being supported by the local fire and emergency responders I would say absolutely if if they continuing to improve their Technologies and they need Wi-Fi access on our site to be able to utilize those Technologies they would absolutely be in support of adding access to our Wi-Fi on our school campuses it should have what local fireing emergency responders I mean we used to have people come to board meetings when we discussed this and I'm talking fire officials Chiefs Chiefs Association um and what is the backup plan if the Wi-Fi fails so they have commun each municipality has communication plans now they're not using Wi-Fi currently with their radios because they don't have access on our school campuses for Wi-Fi radios Wi-Fi is the backup plan yeah but what if it goes there's always a backup to the backup plan corre I'm married to an IT guy so so a BDA system would be the backup plan for uh First Responders or it should be the you know if the the systems go down you have that we have done an assessment just recently of all of all the high schools and we are drilling down to to continue with the rest of the schools and then do our analysis with each municipality to work with them to test the systems in the areas that that came up during the uh for the report findings right and this is actually I'm trying to remember due November 1st right to the state I'm not a it's somewhere here on the hello Morgan Nik hi there I'm Morgan Nill I'm our compliance coordinator for safety uh in in SCP division so with this uh process we get the assessments completed by October 1st of every year these school security risk assessments rest are this reporting of the schools we have 30 days to review evaluate find patterns and provide you all feedback and recommend excuse me the findings and some recommendations uh from you we put that into our district assessment that has to be completed and sent to the state by November 1st okay so basically what I said November 1st oh yes apologies no no no no I I appreciate the the the background and the release when what you know it's it's a work in project and it's it's a statutary um timeline that I get that and I appreciate that um so we're staying in this that 220 traditional Public Schools 76 Charter Schools five technical three support other and then the last bullet on page four 100% compliance with statute and Rule requirements so that's the goal and have we met that now so what that means is within the school security risk assessments there are specific questions that are flagged by the state in the office of safe schools to identify that those SE those specific questions relate to compliance items and all of those responses that were provided by our schools were in that compliance uh meeting compliance within requirement okay and that's something that you're going to share with us in in detail in a closed door meeting is if that's something that we can bring up to discuss I don't see why that would necessarily be a problem super what was the request I heard closed door but I didn't hear the specifics around the request we're talking about specifics and what we can talk talk about publicly and what we can talk about uh in a closed door if I wanted to have specifics um oh yes certainly yes if there's a request consensus for a request U for a closed door about specific details for the um this uh safety assessment um we can provide thatd right um I move that we set up a closed door meeting as soon as possible to do that obviously way before November 1st is there a second second any public comment on the motion board member discussion on the motion all those in favor say I I all those opposed say no motion carries okay okay now we have to vote on the item all those in favor wasn't well are you your time's kind of I know I know and I don't want to be you know orinary but I've certainly seen board members take 35 minutes 40 minutes and not take a break between I very rarely do this I'm talking about my friend we have mutual love for each other right sometimes you need it okay I'm doing the best that I can but honestly there there's some things here that that still give me pause um I'm not going to keep hitting a dead horse here however I will say this our former employees are the best sources that we have in this District people will call you people will send you documents and this is from their time and and the last thing that I will say on that is I've looked for and cannot find Sops okay for the um operation system especially for the Fire Department fire offici there's I just we don't have them not in the way that Jerry graziosi God love him come back um Jerry graziosi used to have a sop for everything right and um there's something on an sop I'm sorry actually R found it here it is okay briefly when when I uh found out about the gas inspections I mean and the gas issues and the problems that we were having with evacuations right I looked up and uh old safety department according to State the LP gas guidelines all underground tanks need to be leak tested every 5 years has this been documented and may I please have a copy of the latest test dror heer y Pro so um facilities manages the I'm sorry yeah I can respond to that no no worries no worri so I can respond to that every time the tanks are filled which is approximately every 6 months they're leak tested they're required to be tested uh before they're filled so the range is you know based on usage but it's at least every six months okay so th those will I'll be able to get that yes okay thank you um and to make sure and this would would come from that would be in your with um Dr heurn is to make sure that staff is aware of the district's gas leak procedures and if not aware advise where they can find the procedures it it should be up it should be easy um I mean we teachers when we get evaluated we have people coming in looking for what look Force what am I looking at in in a teacher what should the children be doing are they engaged it should be the same thing for this what are the safety best practices is what what is the manual for this what is the standard operating procedure it should be up on the wall and very easy to do and this happens to be required to do filed every five years so um I look forward to that report from that and any other information but once again thank you to the former employees who've reached out to me and I I ask that you reach out to to the superintendent and Miss Wanda Paul and take it from there so we can be the best and the safest District that's out there and that's our goal because if we don't have our students staff communities families feeling safe we're really missing a basic necessity right there so I do have more questions I will put them in writing I will share them with the attorney and the information that I have and let her decide if it's something that needs to go to closed door or something I can send to the state so thank you so much thank you okay so we're going to vote on item E1 all those in favor say I I all those opposed say no no roll call roll call on the item Alon yes fam no fenoli yes Hixon yes holness yes leonardy yes rert no no no no Zan yes and alad yes motion pass 72 Lu item pass 72 may have a motion may I have a motion and second on ff1 so move second move by Hixon second by Zan public comment Miss Hixon thank you I just wanted to thank the Grants Department for and all of the schools that wrote grants we're bringing $ 26,6 125 to our district this month um based on grants so thank you so much for your all in favor of ff1 say I I those opposed say no F1 passes unanimously may have a motion and second on gg1 jj1 jj2 JJ 3 jj5 jj6 jj7 jj8 jj9 jj10 jj1 JJ 12 so move second move by Zan second by Altin public comment board comment all in favor say I I I those opposed say no I items passed unanimously we have a motion second on jj4 move move by Zan second by Hixon public comment I have a comment no public comment board comment Dr Zan thanks so much chair what's the impact to South Broward high school and the surrounding Community for a delay of 972 days in completion of this project I'm sor sorry off um definitely impacts our our students and and also staff at the school thanks superintendent Miss Hixon thank you um I'm happy to announce there were no consultant error U money values or or consultant omissions although jj4 did have a consultant Omission that added to those 972 days but just happy to report there was no Financial impact thank you all in favor jj4 say I I those opposed say no jj4 passes unanimously may I have a motion second on JJ 13 so move move by Leonardi second by Zan public comment no public comment Mr fan Oli thank you very much chair and just wanted to say really quick uh big thank you and shout out to the city of Coral Springs um I think every single year they do a great job great partnership um I know Miss rert agrees with me concert series and everything that they do in Coral Springs just want to say thank you all in favor of JJ 13 say I I those post say no JJ 13 passes unanimously may have a motion second on jj1 14 move move by Leonardi second by Hixon public comment Dr Zan chair I have my question answer thank you all in favor jj1 14 say I I those opposed say no jj1 14 passes unanimously may have a motion second on 01 02 03 05 06 08 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and 16 so move second move by Zan second by Fen holy public comment board comment all in favor say I I those opposed say no items pass unanimously may have motion and second o so move move by Zan second by roer public comment no Miss fam4 yeah thank you madam chair I just want to make sure we have the money to do this this year I don't want to put us behind the eightball so I just wanted someone to uh assure me that we're okay financially Dr urn yes we're okay financially this is within the the efp also thank you Dr holess I'm I'm good chair thank you Miss leonardy um since we're talking about Playgrounds um I'm wondering if we have an update on our fiveyear playground plan Dr Miss Paul yes we do um as uh previously discussed uh it's not a funding issue the money uh was moved forward the item that we're bringing before you is to uh knew the eight vendors that we have uh at this point we we can provide a detailed list of where we are in the process I don't know if Miss uh with Miss Alison uh wi chinsky she's here uh she can provide additional information Dr M wachinski good um good afternoon everyone uh Allison wosinski director environmental health and safety can you repeat the question I'm sorry just an update on the fiveyear plan for playgrounds so the five the playgrounds that were identified in the defp have been um scheduled based on the the schedule that we talked about um in the presentation um back in I think that was July um the initial seven have been cited and the designs for um five of them have been generated and they um well for all seven of them have been at least um conceptually generated uh five of the seven uh plan to be uh uh POS generated and the full design and all the work through the building department uh through the rest of this year and then we have identified another um five locations for uh sighting to to discuss with the principles and the best spot for them to go and then they will move through that same process thank you I'm good okay any other comments if I may I want to thank the board for putting such a great emphasis on playgrounds and providing uh the money uh approving the money uh to move these projects forward and Miss Allison for the work that she's doing thank you thank you all in favor of o4 say I I those opposed say no o4 passes unanimously may have a motion second O7 so moved moved by Zan second by Hixon public comment no public comment Miss bam7 07 okay I have here oh okay thank you m thank you madam chair I was just noting that the cost and the price went up from oh I think it was over a threeyear period one and a half times and um again my question goes back I I just think it inflation is so bad right now can we can we afford this extra 1,750,000 I mean we keep adding them on top on top on top are we going to be okay Dr hurn yes Mr okay yes we we understand the inflation too but yes we can I'm just want my assurances I don't want to put us in a corner thank you all in favor of 07 say I I I those post say no 07 passes unanimously may have a motion and second on pp1 so move mooved by Zan second by hickon public comment one public comment Mishka Sahar Ahmad Miss fa [Applause] PP thank you madam chair um okay I'm reading this policy I fear that it conflicts with Florida statute 102206 religious expression in public schools but sets out the school district may not discriminate against the student parent or School Personnel on the basis of a religious Viewpoint and religious expression and the school district shall treat a student voluntary expression of their religous Viewpoint or an otherwise permissible subject in the same manner it would as the student voluntarily expresses a secular Viewpoint so if you're cutting out that they can't Express their Viewpoint at a speech um that they're making publicly or even in speaking at a graduation or at any other time in schools then this would be in violation just as if you can have someone who says I don't believe in God then they wouldn't be allowed to express that so um for that reason I will not be passing this we're voting for it yeah public comment good afternoon school board members my name is Mishka Sahar mad implantation and with family in the public school system graduate of Everglades myself and was a former employee of Broward School I would say vote no on this until more Corrections and safety Provisions are made to protect public rights my proposal is to add the diversity committee as a final body to determine approval or not not an events coordinator or anyone individual also while listening to your Schoolboard meeting I got an idea that they should also had uh sop standard operating procedure on this on the restrictions of this policy specifically on 1910 and I quote it says historically accurate and free from hate speech who determines this unfortunately our state wants to whitewash our history removing books on black history already next they might want to erase the ongoing genocide perpetrated by Israel murdering in Mass Palestinians we need to be more your warning speak to the agenda item yeah this is specifically on this item I quoted it of course there should not be hate on any religious or ethnic group but let's make sure that this does not include criticism of any state especially a colonial apartheid state like the government of Israel this is a slippery slope we've already seen this body remove a teacher from Broward school's diversity Committee in a thir and manner on her free speech of Human Rights secondly and I quote any public displays such as Flags other objects must receive approval from the events coordin are prior to the ceremony who determines which flags are approved we should either have a public list which is permitted or instead of closed door decisions made by people who may not recognize Flags like the state of Palestine or Myanmar which the US still often calls Burma finally the last part of my concern on this policy is the school board welcomes respects freedom of expression and a provide a safe inclusive respectful environment for all I disagree on this section the school board has shown a pattern of not welcoming freedom of expression as recently as last week when they disabled comments on Instagram on their bias October 7th post after getting overwhelming concern from the community including students how do we expect any better at ceremonies and School Board sponsored functions without requiring it all life has value no matter what faith or religion including Palestinian lives they matter too and the school board has the responsibility and the obligation to make sure all students guests at such events are welcomed and not just some y'all didn't even post ID Mubarak or Ramadan this year and we noticed you do better on this agenda item and beyond your aim on the agenda is listed to reduce the probability of future incidents at functions and events that um we should be more inclusive in this and if you want to make Simplicity you need to vote no on this make the corrections and Implement for nonbi public events thank you thank you any other board member comment seeing none all in favor of pp1 say I I those opposed say no no one dissenting vote Mrs fam item passes may I have a motion and second on pp2 so move move by Zan second by Hixon public comment board comment on favor pp2 say I I those opposed say no AO to vote down ah okay all in favor of pp2 say I those opposed say no no pp2 fails we have a motion second on pp3 so move move by Zan second by Hixon public comment to Latricia gavves the first and then Nicole Mor first is second good afternoon chair Vice chair Dr superintendent hbr my son Landon board members in the community I'm um in regards to this item I just want to um pretty much go through my asks and my requests and my concerns um number one the application process throughout the policy should remain the same uh private and chared schools do have different enrollment dates and my concern and rationale is that just wanted to know what the exact month that the district would share the results with families because private schools and Charter Schools they do have their set dates and we do have a calendar review so our term of start date and end date changes every single year um my next concern is not co-mingling the school choice Department with the charter school office and um my rationale is that the chared school has their own roles and responsibilities um which we should you should look into on your own under the Florida statute that speaks specifically about the charter schools my next concern is on the redline version that deals with the word confirmed and my ask is that the word confirmed remains consistently through throughout the district throughout the policy one word one word changes a sentence and a sentence changes a paragraph in addition to that I will also ask that you look at on the redline version of 6400 page 20 Redline version with the withdrawals verbiage and that is that if a court order is provided that the district would automatically respect what the court order is actually asking for also on the redline version p 15 to 16 no schools application process that you um have it stated within the policy and procedure that the schools and family would be notified to please leave that in the policy as it's already established also that the monitoring reporting on page 35 remains throughout the entire policy even though staff says that the office does not process virtual application this would allow the board to know where the students in the district are receiving an education from we always have a concern about where our students are going and where they're learning at and leaving that there would hold them accountable which is a guardrail that the the board did put in place going through all my concerns in order also um on page five red line item the definition of parent I ask that the definition of the parent be stated exactly where Florida statute 1.21 has stated and that you do not deviate from that and I have a lot of other concerns but I'm going to bid you very fwell I thank you all for your time your smiles your patience your love and all that you want to do I am the proud parent of over 200,000 kids in BR County School Lon is my child and all of them are my children and I'm here for everybody north east south and west red white and blue they all bleed red love you all thank you next speaker hello Nicole Morris Coral Springs um I don't have anything prepared I literally just ran here so I'm a little bit out of breath but I do know that my main concern with this policy is um the reassignment capacity so they want to scratch the 102% of permanent and the 100% of gross and replace that with Choice seat capacity my concern with that was earlier this year as I've told you all over and over and over again I went to a meeting where I was told by the principal at Park trails that they did not accept reassignments outside of Parkland they had been doing that since 2017 and the district knew about it it was against the law they at the same time they were talking about closing down olula Middle School that was at 76% of their capacity and they weren't accepting reassignments at Park trails that was only at 77% of their capacity I hope that people are listening to me when I've said this because I've said this 15 times the principal said it to me I'm it's it happened and so shortly after there was a conversation between the principal Park trails school choice office and the North Region superintendent's office about how they could um come up with a plan to meet State statue while still honoring the choice uh thing that they had going on in Parkland so that says to me they want to figure out how to continue what they were doing without taking more reassignment seats they came up with a definition called Choice uh seat capacity I I I get it I hope that the plan for that as um miss calling has said her plan for that is to make sure that principles are reporting properly and there will be verification layers and I love that but I hope that it's not being used as the threshold for which reassignments are taken because then if parents look and see that there's 300 seats at a school but there's no way for them to um there's not a clear threshold so if it's 100% it should be 100% and not what we say by school I'm also concerned about the um Choice the boundary Choice areas we have four there's Plantation Cooper City um Parkland and Boyd Anderson but only one of them are open year round and that's the Parkland Choice area so you have a school with a um dual language program riverglades that's a part of a choice program that wasn't supposed to be in the beginning it was just Park trails and um the other one heren heights but now they've added that one so year round they're taking reassignments there and that's keeping other kids who who may want to apply for Choice there from getting seeds but they're not doing that in the three other choice areas it's not in this policy it's mentioned as a definition only in the boundary policy but it's nowhere in the school choice policy but it's a school choice um process you have to go to school choice to apply so my concern my my hopes is that you would leave the reassignments at at the threshold of 12% of permanent and even allow a 5% um discretion for the principales because they get the FTE funds from the reassignments high schools do well with more kids our school does phenomenal with our funds that we get from school choice so I hope that will be a discretionary window for the principals thank you any other public speakers no second M Hixon thank you um I have a couple of motions for wording to be changed so this may take a little while but some of them are redundant it just made sense to list them separately so I don't will I you want to go through each motion and vote on them that way uh yes okay so on page 4 of 27 or page 1027 depending on how you look at it the definition of parent as was mentioned ours varies a little bit from the state statute so in order to stay in line with State Statute if we added either or both parents to the beginning of that sentence we would be in line with State Statute so I move that we add either or or in front of parent second move by Hixon second by zon public comment on the motion all in favor of the motion say I I those poos say no motion carries two so the next one page six of 27 um everywhere else in this policy they give a website where you can apply at um it's not on this page so I make a motion that we add to um to add the website www.browardschools.com school choice on this particular if let's see page is there a second well uh second but we're on page six if I don't mind so under District sorry uh Miss Batista sorry under District application proces I think so let me see yes I'm sorry yes under yeah so B number 41b so it's at the bottom it says may apply to attend the district schools so may apply at browardschools.com school choice so I moved to add that to that page second move by Hixon second by Zan public comment board comment Mr olon yes uh no I was hoping that the vice chair would just move all of these CU these look like very easy things but I'll let her do what she was planning to do my question was actually on the prior one I was going to wait till the end cuz staff just verified I know we've already passed it already so I hate to go back but I need to before we actually approve the full item um is that aligned with State Statute I don't know if that's Council or staff if just someone could just validate that because I know the board just quickly moved on it the the first motion yeah the first motion does it actually align with State Statute to either or both parents I just want to staff to confirm that no I got you I just want make sure I checked everything else seems to be yes Madam chair yes it does align okay thank you okay thank you page nine of 27 first paragraph of the application process Miss T if you just want to we I we all have it written down just move oh actually no cuz then the public doesn't have it yeah do you want me to keep reading yep okay um on page 9 of 27 under application process first paragraph where it's down towards the bottom of the paragraph there um district schools and families so it here it says schools and families will be notified um before the application window opens through various media um it it just says various Media or variety of media period so I'd like to add some examples on there it was in the original policy so such as email social media radio and TV and then also on this paragraph applications may be completed online which is already on there so to add by the designated application deadline to be considered as an ontime application because it does everywhere else throughout here say you have to apply on time do you want me to Y keep going page 13 of 27 last last paragraph in letter A just um it says so this is about Nova very at the very bottom students selected so students selected to attend a Nova High School would be given opportunity to attend and remain in the Nova School kindergarten through 12th grade um and it moves on to the next page provide so adding provided the student has not be been withdrawn to attend another school public or private and remains in full compliance with so to add provided the student has not been withdrawn that was in the original policy and it was taken out of this um and then in paragraph B it's the same thing as before the first paragraph to add in as email social media radio and TV and then also to add by the designated application time on page 15 of 27 for re assignments it reads this way but it doesn't read this way for Nova so I'd like it to be consistent so number three at the top of the page a leave a request a request for temporary leave must be approved by the district school principal and forwarded to the director of choice sarter schools management support department um and a leave of absence shall be considered in the following situations so to change that because that's how it reads for reassignments and it should be equal for Nova um page 17 to 27 is this it's just a repeat for consistency of how what media and that there's an online deadline on page 21 of 27 just to add in the application where they go for the application for college academy and also Broward College because they have to apply for both of those to be eligible um page 22 of 27 again just adding those websites because they have have to apply at both to be eligible for that Academy and then in last one page 24 letter B the application process all students in everywhere else in this um policy it says students and for some reason for Broward virtual it says parents interested so I think we should be consistent and just change parents to all students interested in choosing Broward Virtual School must apply on online to Broward virtual school with the website because again consistently throughout the policy it tells you where you're supposed to go to apply and it was not on this and that is all of is there a second second move by hix I know it was a lot second by leonardy public comment board member comment Dr Zan yeah just on the last one um I'm just curious uh chair on the Broward virtual there are uh very young students that line up to attend that where um a parent would actually be the one that applies uh to that so do we need to say students uh all students or appropriate parent or put some kind of language in there that allows both to do that I'm fine with that I would just say that's true of any of the applications it may say student but there's a parent component to it right if I'm not mistaken so I was just trying to be consistent on any application a parent has to sign off with the student right yeah so that's why I was just trying to be consistent Dr Dr wanza I think she said yes yes the answer yes okay all in favor of all the Motions for pp3 policy oh I do sorry one question is this um oh what's the word they use substantive substantive Miss Batista I think most of them are not substantive um the first one I'm not sure whether is really changing the meaning um from saying either or both parents or just saying the word parents if that means the same thing Dr Dr W so I'm not a lawyer but FAU allows me to play one on Saturdays um from what I can see it doesn't seem substantive to me but I don't think it changes the meaning if you will wanted to make sure that on the application when you're applying the this you know the language that is not going to make a difference no it won't make a difference okay I'll just say I looking at the in our policy it said per Florida statute so it just makes sense to align the wording with exact statute so that it's not confusing so that's all I did are you good okay it means it means the same to me but I just didn't know in the application it meant something else I was just trying to be consistent thank you m and thank you for also writing this out amen thank you Mrs all in favor of pp3 as amended say I I those opposed say no pp3 passes unanimously may have a motion on second on double P4 so move move by Zan second by roer public comment one public comment Sophia Nas con she here say it again Sophia Nas a con not here any other public comment seeing none Bo member comment Miss famam thank you madam chair um I will not be voting in favor of this because of the um statement in which there's four levels of violations and under the first level of violation it doesn't provide for um the school district to contact the parent on the same day or before 5:00 before the end of the day or um while the occurrence is is being investigated now I understand on the second level it says um try to contact them on the same day or by the end of that day and also there's another one that says um when reasonably as soon as like reasonably possible so I would just like that language to be amended even include the lowest level that you have to contact that parent that parent whether you dismiss sit and say there's nothing there that parent has a right to know what's going on with their child and if they want to come over if they want to talk to you about it they should be given that option not when you feel like or when it's reasonable for you to get a hold of them because there isn't any language in there on level one so um I'd like to make a motion to amend that to include that the U parents or Guardian should be contacted the time of the incident or the same day where are you on the policy policy um the policy is 4 380 what page and then we going to have to pull that up now go second for discussion why you find it okay moved by fam second by Alon public comment on the motion board member comment on the motion Dr he can staff speak to the motion staff yeah yeah hia beeri I am the director of threat assessment per policy 4380 the schools are required to contact the parent for every level of threat including the parent of the targeted student and the student of concern so I'm not sure where where is on the policy there's no time frame for contacting the parent the others all contain a time frame it's in the state manual within the same day of the threat I can add it to the policy before yes that's what I'm looking for I think that even if it's dismissed on a level one that parent still has the right to know they don't they shouldn't their child go home on a Friday and they find out on Monday that that happened I I will add it to the Poli Miss fam where we're on the policy are you we're going back to that do you know what page the the policy levels are on like low threat the middle threat there's four levels you know what page that is I believe it's six five it starts on page five and okay yeah um so I think it's 5A you're speaking to miss fam can staff help Miss F out where would they recommend to put that timing in isn't I'm sorry madam chair is under notific when it's talking about the investig on under a page two right parental notification isn't that what you're referring to miss yes here um it's on page two on 4380 and it's um section two notifications okay it talks about level three if there's a primary level concern it must be the parent must be uh immediately attempted to notify the parent or Guardian go back to number one and it says if they close the case U the Desy must use reasonable efforts to notify the parent or garden doesn't give any kind of time frame so on the intake form on the actual forms notification is required within 24 hours and it's documented on the actual BTA form BTM form um as we go through from intake to preliminary level through the proc process to final it's all documented step by step on the documents themselves I would just like that language incorporated into the policy as well so within 24 hours we'll be fine thank you okay do I need to make another motion or we're good no just put it in there um so specifically where are you putting that it's um on page two of 4380 and it's under section two notifications and it's uh A1 and it just um so that go down to the second to last line designate must use reasonable efforts to notify the parent or guardian of the student concerned designated must notify the parent or guardian of the student within 24 hours the data concern wait spit say it into the microphone oh sorry I pulled away okay the designate okay must use reasonable efforts to notify the parent or Guardian within 20 24 hours of uh the student of concern and 24 hours after concern I would say 24 I'm meaning the same day I don't mean 24 hours after you end your investigation I mean 24 hours at the time it's commenced within 24-hour period clar okay board member comment on the motion you agree all in favor of the motion say I I those suppose say no no one dissenting vote Dr Zan fam do you have anything else no that's it thank you ma'am okay I have a a motion um for it is uh pb4 F number four that's um so on forward says additional bags are not allowed unless approved by the school principal um remains in place the duration of the active ssmp I want my motion is to add only if a student has an IEP or 504 plan accommodation chair could you locate that for us again please it's under F4 page seven page seven of the document uh f is four levels of concern determined to be high the following actions must be implemented and document in the final ssmp because right now it just says um not allow but unless approved by the school principal but I felt that it I what I was told by staff is that basically the principles approving this to have a bag if have some type of accommodation in their IE or 504 plan so I didn't want there to be a situation if the child didn't have a 504 IP but the principal says oh no they could have a backpack but I'm saying they have to have the 504 IP with that accommodation okay so is that I was second by Leonardi public comment board comment Miss Hixon just have a okay I have a question because where it says additional bags says athletic so that wouldn't require an IEP or 504 plan so just in case they're playing sports or something how would they make accommodations for that wouldn't have a Dr Herer Mr loo so again we haven't really had any um as by a principal of anyone who's actually had to use this yet so um for the most part it wouldn't be we could take out the word athletic if You' like it was more for some of our students have special accommodations for food things like that and we didn't want to deny an ESC student with the IEP accommodation or a 504 a special circumstance I I get that part they would have to not if it's a high level threat they my recommendation is they shouldn't have a bag to carry a baseball bat or a tennis racket I I think you lose that privilege so if they're high level threat are they not able to participate I just want to be clear participate but how would they do that if they weren't allowed to bring their their stuff to play the sport I just don't want to get School coaches have equipment okay I just I think the safety concern for a high level threat is at the level where I would be concerned to allow them to have a p that's that's my recommendation I don't I don't necessarily disagree I just want to have the conversation because if it comes up we don't want to hear that we were discriminating because you can't discriminate based on behavior in some instances so I just want to be clear on what that expectation was so there'd have to be some kind of work around or discussion with a coach if they were participating in a sports or if they had something banned right it doesn't necessarily just have to be sport so I mean I would hope we wouldn't ever have that issue but you know we don't want to wait till it happens to have the discussion so um maybe I don't know do we need to add that to the policy that there would have to if to they would have to pre arrange bringing items if necess I I don't know I just I think this this spells it out the the principal is making accommodation procedural yeah it's more procedural okay I just wanted to just make sure that we talked about any other comments on the motion chair did you uh want to strike athletic as part of your motion or no um if that's the will of the board says they're not allowed yeah they're not allowed Mr Alon yes I just a question could you just explain without this recommendation what happens today just plainly so I understand and then within mind the discretion of the principle today and then now with this recommended motion what does that do with the discretion of the principal if this passes so tell me what Happ so explain what happens today so what happens today is if a student had a high level threat and they received a student on safety uh management plan um there would be no backpack allowed okay if there was some special accommodation that the student or family needed that would have to be approved by the principal today what which includes myam chair if I can just ask does that include all students that includes all students right correct okay all right keep going all right so I think this motion is saying it would now be students who have an accommodation in their IEP or 504 specifically to do to to be allowed an additional bag or to have a bag because that doesn't occur today with the discretion of the principal it would today but today is for all students it doesn't need to be in your IEP or 504 according to this language okay say that one more time so currently today any student if the principal decided based on they had a special lunch they didn't want to embarrass the student you're going to bring it in a bag the student may wear diapers you're going to put it in a bag right right that would apply to any student right now the principal can make that accommodation right what what the motion is right now is saying that would have to to be included in your IEP or 504 otherwise you're not getting that accommodation is that restrictive I don't know what's happening you you all know more kind of in the in the on the school sites that's why I'm asking is that restrictive is it not restrictive I know it's it's a combination of discretion and what's actually happening I don't know that can you tell me I think in terms of safety as a board you have high latitude when it comes to student safety so um the student put themselves in the situation to be deemed a high level threat to the school so you're allowed to put any safety measures um you want to in place um as far as a bag again could we exclude it exclude them from playing a sport like board member Hixon no but as far as an accommodation to have a bag you can absolutely a school can put that in there um management plan the my only reservation um is if we the principles have some discretion and they use that discretion wisely if a student is allowed to bring a bag um based on an accommodation IEP um accommodation there's going to be other strategies that they Implement such as searching that bag every day right CU we just can't willingly have a kid who's a high level threat come to campus and because they have an IEP they get to carry a backpack where we have a serious concern about what may be in that backpack so I think the policy needs to exercise discretion for principles um to be able to do what they need to do to keep their campus safe and uh accommodate this kid as much as possible even though they're high level threat but um I think we have to think it through just to make sure the policy isn't tying a principle to saying you know what I have to let you have this and do nothing else about it right so it's thinking out loud to be honest okay I'm going to remove my motion I think it I would I would rather the the superintendent follow it like Pro you know mold over with his team before I don't want to make it worse okay second motion is um based on so the Florida model training currently now it says 60 days after appointment for them to complete training and I felt that it should be within the first 30 days because why would we wait for you know two months later for them to get trained I know it's already a sense of urgencies so I think that it would be appropriate for that to be trained within the uh six uh 30 days of appointment could you point us to the position again chair uh yes page eight letter C chair second move by Ala second by Fen ho public comment board comment Madam chair Dr hman okay so um the the 30-day um time limit for training can staff speak to any kind of a um challenge that that would create in getting training in 30 days than Mr loano so again we would have to add trainings to ensure that we had enough training so everybody could meet that 30-day timeline but again as the district we curtail to the will of the board so if the board says 30 days we will make that happen okay so um the answer to a short answer then is it doable absolutely okay all sorry Mr thank you very much chair and to Dr ol's point you know that's our reaction of when we talk about from 60 to 30 right so why not 15 it's not a problem why not 10 why not five you know what I mean so is it realistic for us to go from 60 to 30 like we need a real response here I think 30 days is realistic I think going below 30 days would put a strain on staff I think we can manage 30 days um to your point I think going below that would put a strain on our staff who has other tasks to do besides just has commits its training okay so um just a random question so Ernie you could help so why why was it 60 in the first place that state statute okay just to make sure got it thank you Dr Zan thanks chair how many people and in what positions would this training apply to so basically that's all your school-based threat management teams which consist of four core members and the person who has personal knowledge but they don't need to take the training then also County we train additionally we train all our school-based administrators all our guidance counselors and all our social workers but this specifically is for those school-based teams so as staff leaves those school and they hire a new individual let's say it's a new assistant principal or a high school principal with multiple assistant principles decides a different assistant principal is going to perform that role in his new a new assistant principal so realistically again right now everybody's trained in the district our current staff so really this affects our new staff that we hire moving forward or new individuals that are appointed to the school based team terrific and just as a follow on would the Need for Speed reduce the quality of the training absolutely not Roger that thank you any other questions see none all in favor of the motion to replace 60 days with 30 days of appointment say I I those opposed say no motion carries chair I hate to interrupt you um uh there was some uh additional discussion that was desired on pp3 we went directly from one motion to approving the item uh what's the proper way for me to request that to be brought back let's just finish pp4 and then um my apologies I thought you're so fast I thought you were done already may I reserve a spot when you're done yes all in favor of pp any any other motions before we if we can just when you say 30 days calendar days school days because that that will come up and those are two different things what would you prefer what would you prefer school days school days yeah because the state is 6 school so y okay uh any other comments or motions on pp4 all in favor of pp4 as amended say I I school days school days yes right school days those opposed say no pp4 passes unanimously so um Dr Zan I I'm going to open up the agenda um and then I'll let you give yours and then I have one too I I move to reopen the agenda to withdraw pp5 because of the superintendent's recommendation and Dr Zan did you have something to reopen uh double P3 please you want to bring back double P3 second it's been moved by Ala second by rert public comment or comment all in favor say I I I those fa say no have a question okay pp5 and pp3 are well pp5 is withdrawn pp3 is back okay Mr allson it was actually on pp5 oh okay but that's okay nope I'm not going to I'll ask I'm good okay thank you um may I have a motion and second on pp3 so move second move by Zan second by roer public comment board comment Dr Sean uh chair it's not for me it's for my colleagues thank you madam shair I had signed up to speak on this item okay okay thank you Dr H all right um thank you so much so um uh Dr hion I'll have a few questions for staff so if you probably may want to have somebody stand at the podium um okay so just for um public knowledge uh is the um does Private and chared schools have different enrollment dates than traditional um public schools for the application process Dr W uh thank you Valerie W Chief strategy in a officer so Dr holess I will tell you this I don't supervise Charter or private school so I can't tell you what like the exact dates for all the charter schools and um private schools are but I can tell you the parents through the um and when I say parents I mean through the advisory when we looped it back around right the um uh it actually came out of Central and then the other um advisories as well as District advisory agreed with us moving our window up closer so that we aligned our time with what you know the community has been known to do because our timeline was always later in the in the second semester so they did US ask us I can't tell you what all the private schools and Charter Schools um application windows are but there was concern from parent groups that our notification timeline was typically after those um educational institutions okay so was our response to um uh shrinking or bringing back the timeline based upon uh concerns about private or or Char schools having a a a uh an earlier enrollment or no our concerns were based on what we heard from looping from feedback from parents got it got it okay so a few more questions Dr wanza um for the for the um priority the assignment priority prity um was there any sort of order list for the category of assignment priority that existed before um for uh for those items listed under assignment priority was there an order list within that category that existed before so historically there was a ranking if you will and Miss Batista can speak to this as well that was taken out of policy because what we know is statutorily there are four groups that we must give a preference to right and then we added categories so um the based on legals legal sufficiency the the word and the process all around ranking was taken out and that was taken out at the um recommendation of legal to ensure that we were not infringing upon um anything statutorily or anything that would be considered a bias or discrimination okay so can I have legal respond to to that um based upon uh substantiating the rational for removing the ranking in assignment priority Mr Viola was our okay I'm going to defer to um Dante because I know she had the discussions with u Mr B regarding this issue yeah hi good afternoon through the chair Dante Collins director of The Choice Charter Schools man management support department uh to answer your question yes historically there was a ranking order as it relates to Priority however um the statute has changed and that's Section 102 Point 31 or 32 and it lists the top priorities as they are um the first one being active military the second one uh being court order um and the third one being foster care and then a resident of the county there are additional ones that have been added to the policy historic but you can no longer we could no longer continue to have that ranking order list that was originally in the red line okay so the ranking order list um somehow violates some sort of a so I'm not going to say it violates it it's not in it it's not consistent with the current statutory language right so so the the current statutory language as miss Colin said starts with priority given to military okay right and then we know that we must um our our students who are experiencing homelessness we know that we must um make sure that we um take care of them we also know that there's the um the court ordered anytime we get some kind of court ordered placement or court order consideration then we know that there's foster care and then it's um a resident of the county okay so one last question on that point removing the ranking does it have any sort of NE negative impact on the selection process of any particular group of students no okay just one for okay so I have more questions [Music] um on page 24 um item 3C where um a lot of it was removed and then what remains is due to a court ordered change in custody um is there a reason what is the rational for removing the um the added language um that continues from uh due to separ separation or divorce or has a serious illness or death of a custodial parent and so on and so on up to the end it's on the redline copy on page 24 hold on one second Dr what section are you in Dr Hess okay I'm on page 24 of the redline version I am in section three I'm looking at 3 C and this is under withdrawal s f so withdrawal started on page 23 and then it goes on to page 24 in the redline version item 3C yes if a family student moves due to that that language right correct Yeah so basically we just tried to condense that language into one due to a court order change in custody I mean that's essentially what we tried to do okay so if you look at so you basically um you felt it was wory I'm assuming and you try to put it into concise language correct because it starts with if a family or student moves to due to a court ordered change in custody due to and it lists a number of um court-ordered um instances so we just instead of listed because the the a court order could be something else so we just tried to make it more concise and say due to a court order change in custody okay so when I read this it says due to a court order change in custody due to separation or divorce and then it continues or has a serious illness or death of a custodial parent okay a leaf of absent may be granted to student already attending so my concern here is that we are removing additional language that would be impactful because we're removing the part about serious illness or death of a custodial parent um and I am not sure why there is um uh a concern with being um sort of uh would have greater language for clarity as opposed to con uh reducing the language to a concise manner that may leave information out so the the the way I read it and Miss Batista please read it with me so it talks about um separation of divorce and it says a serious illness and this is again the court ordered court ordered because of a serious illness of a or or death of a custodial parent a leave of absence may be granted for a maximum of one year so the whole serious illness and and the death is it is related to the court order so that is why but if you want the language back in I for I I'm fine okay so um I would like to make a motion to have the language in 3C on which draws item F remain um so that it can comprehensively cover all areas of a court order so second I think Miss Batista hold on just a second page 24 of 33 if uh the curent the past language has just creates guard rails for that specific language the concise language opens up those guard rails because a court order could be for anything that affects that kid that that where they have to change custody so if you're going to bring back the previous language you also need to add in there to say and or other uh other instances that that may result in a court order order that way this left It Wide Open so that we didn't have to judge before you make the motion just want to make sure I would like for my motion to include that added langage specified by the superintendent okay and and any other go ahead M Batista but I I get you're saying Dr H right so so the motion would be for a u maximum of one year due to a court order change in custody or as a result of or well can you would you say then as a result of any other um changing circumstances um leading to a court order or do would you like specifically the language that was there before okay so um what I'd like for item C to read and maybe this will bring more clarity uh if a family or student moves due to a court order change in custody um and I actually instead of due to I actually prefer to include separation or divorce or has a serious illness or death of a custodial parent a leap of absent may be uh and and after parent uh to include the superintendent's added language and any other and any other a Lea of absent may be granted to a student already attending for a maximum of one year understood and and the DU to we can change that uh to the words to include yes um do do I have a do I still have my second second move by holess second by Leonardi public comment on the motion board comment on the motion Mr allson I just want to understand impact similar to before um what does this mean plainly staff Dr impact well we it we would apply the policy just as we do today if if if a child has a court-ordered um situation we apply it just as we would today no you answer the question I'm I'm okay go ahead go ahead M thank you I would just mention if we're going to change that in reassignments we also would have to change it for Nova because to keep it consistent we will we understand that you want consistent in definition and yes any other comments all in favor of the motion say I I I those opposed say no no no I don't understand so no three NOS Altin fogan holy Al motion carries as fam were you would know I I'm we're on the I just make sure we're still on the motion that just voted we're not voting on The the actual yet oh cuz I didn't get I had also listed this wait I'll put you on the list t thank you I just wanted to um ask a question based on public speaking so for the definition of uh the school sorry the word keeps changing so let me find it Choice seats available um we it has on the policy here seats available at school with an enrollment um below 100% of gross capacity and the suggestion was to to make it 102% permanent or um 100% so in our boundary process can I just want to explain why we didn't address that so in the boundary policy that we passed before can you tell us what choice what the choice seats available definition was so what we did and I have Mr bet come up the one thing that we um heard the board say when the boundaries policy was passed 810 was to make sure the definition in that policy was consistent with the definition in this policy so that was the impetus for the original double P2 being voted down because we had to change our definition to be consistent with the definition in the boundaries policy but I have Mr Beck explain tell what the definition is because I remember off the top of my head I just know that we had to make sure that both of them were consistent thank you I just wanted to say that and then my second question to that there was a suggestion to give principal some discretion so can you um address why that would be or not be a good idea so um so first off let me say I respect and I love all of our principles I used to be one so let me just start with that what I what I will tell you is is that is why the principles are the first people that we the first well they're they're a part of the process and one of the things that we know and principles love all kids they're going to want to take everybody who wants to come but we also know that that there are times when and I'm going to um she didn't know I was going to say this but I will use Miss Paul for an example if there's going to be a project or something going on at a school and they need swing space um we can't just allow all the reassignments because then it would take the one or two classrooms or three classrooms that may be needed for the swing space to allow for a project to occur so principles are a part of the process and they are a part of identifying the seats available we go through a verification process that will include them the region office the boundaries office and then we have a final number so it isn't the district telling them they're a part of identifying the the seats that will be awarded for reassignment thank you and I have one more question based on um public input the the whole choice that happens in in Parkland it's not in any specific policy so how how does that come about and how would we Implement that in other places that meet the same criteria based on what was said so I'm going to have Mr bet come because I believe it actually is in policy and and I will say that the open choice is available in all four places year round not just one place okay important to know all that uh Joe back director demographics and Ral planning thank you for the question Miss Hixon it is kind of a complicated one but it falls under the boundary policy because that when that joint boundary was initially created in 201415 between just Park trails and Heron Heights it was the board's authority of assigning students to schools in that case it was to two schools depending on space available in 2017 a third school riverglades was added to that mix to maximize the the use of newly available classroom capacity there was a 24 classroom addition added at River blades that came online that year and there was still ongoing development in the what's called The Wedge area in Parkland so uh in order to uh allow flexibility in assigning students to schools and allow the students you know to to be to be placed in one of the three schools that school was added as sort of an overflow option so it it is part of almost like a three-way boundary and that's written in well it's it's written in statute it's the board's authority of assigning students to schools it doesn't say that it has to be one school you know for example other counties Lee County for example you're assigned to uh your choice of several different schools it's it's through the boundary process not through the choice policy the choice office handles how those students are are sorted between the schools but it was actually through the board's authority of assigning students to schools in boundaries so that's what I'm asking though is it written in the boundary policy no it's just something procedurally we do yeah yes it was it was adopted as a boundary that year so for the boundary books for 20145 and for 201718 I believe you'll see that the board adopted those those pink it's not it's not specified in policy not written in the policy that's correct and so but you're saying in those other places that it's also open year round so so let me so miss Batista when when the board establishes attendance areas which are boundaries right that is the policy for assigning kids to those schools that the board has adopted so that's why I said it actually is because it was official board action that established those attendance areas that has not been changed right so that so that's why it's still going on something very similar happened and that's why you have the other three I'm going to call them open boundary we used to call them control Choice back in the day um I remember when there was one years ago that included addict Driftwood Parkway and New River oh I'm good that was years ago and and New River right that that whole control choice so until the board um through action board action says that this is no longer um an open boundary if you will for these four schools that is still the and I'm I'm using the word policy that is the policy that we operate under because that is the official action that the board took when it adopted the boundaries so I would just ask the superintendent when B cuz that's not Spilled Out when boundary things come back to us wasn't even aware I mean I only know about the Parkland one because when I went to visit they told me about it I wasn't aware there was other ones so if you could maybe bring that forward I'm not saying it needs to change but it would be good the board knew it existed and then have be able to have a discussion is is it still needed does it need to change in that process or I guess you could have that discussion with your you know when you're bringing us back bound boundary changes that that should be included because I don't think it's a well-known boundary thing and um I in order for us to be transparent it should be brought as the package of whether it's continuing or it's being changed thank you okay Dr holess didn't finish thank you madam chair I was not finished but thank you for having me continue um so as far as uh on page 16 um Nova eligibility uh of the redline version I'm actually on the redline version um so is there any uh provision uh given to Nova uh High School alumni in terms of their children no there is not and I would caution the board in doing that because you have other popular School assignments that other people would say if we if you're making that for this school then we want the same thing for our school but we'll do whatever the board votes understand so so Dr wanza you think this would create uh a series of uh subsequent issues I certainly do if if we do this yes sir okay so um uh sorry no problem I'm going to still need you a little bit more stay here I'm sorry so I I will I will also have a conversation about that after so I can better understand absolutely now regarding um regarding the uh I'm sorry um how do how do you determine choice seat availability as far as uh what's in policy 6400 so I will I will let Miss um I will let Miss Collins um explain that but we we kind of talked about it right so we we obviously start with the principal right because they know their enrollment they know their demographics does a whole spreadsheet of space available we talk with the principal the principal then says you know what based on everything that's going on on my campus I believe I have 40 seats available for reassignment go ahead okay okay so um some um public uh individuals um have concern with that um degree of latitude provided to the principal as it may lend itself to subjectivity oh you weren't okay I'm sorry you can go ahead thank you Dr not a problem so the demographics has what it knows up front the principal um provides his or her input we then work with the region the the region office to verify what you know the the principal is um giving as well and then we do a final check through all four offices the the school principal obviously demographics the region office and then the choice office for final numbers okay so um in the past was was reassignment threshold based on 100% of gross or 102% of permanent 102 permanent okay so in the past reassignment threshold was 102% of permanent okay so um is there a reason for changing that so the board directed us when policy 810 was passed I think it was September 10th was the board meeting the board's Direction was to ensure that whatever is in the School boundaries policy is consistent with what is in the school choice policy so that's while we so the School boundary policy um what is in that language Mr Becks coming up that create consistency with this um thank you Dr holes so in and for one thing it's in the boundaries policy it's called Uh the definition of over enrollment and that's set at 100% of gross capacity 100% there was discussion at that September 15th I believe meeting around changing it to 102 to align what was uh proposed to be in in choice and and that didn't didn't pass okay so it's currently um for the record what is it currently it is right now because the the the uh the boundaries policy we'll call it has been adopted it is uh 100% of gross capacity is the threshold for over enrollment there is no choice seat uh definition in boundaries policy okay um so the reassignment threshold is um is what so 100% 100% of gross okay and that is aligned with the with the yes the definitions in the school boundary policy okay understand my last question um there was a comment made from the public that only Parkland open year round for reassignment is that true and why so that is not true I just said all four areas are open year round okay and I have the people here who do the work okay so I'm I'm just responding to what was brought forth and I I appreciate the opportunity to respond for the record okay all right thank you so much those are all my questions okay Miss Fam thank you madam chair um thank you Dr wano you're welcome I went through the the uh the rule I just want to make sure I'm 6400 and what my concern is you have on page 1038 at the bottom it says opportunity scholarship program OSP um page you tell me if you're in 15 to 27 no I'm not in the red one you're in the clean version clean version okay 15 to 27 that's at the bottom okay and this is my concern is that I've gone through it and I I can't find anywhere in here under this opportunity scholarship program or anywhere else where the the um scholarships are that we have the Hope Scholarship and I'd like to add a section um instead of the saying opportunity scholarship program OSP opportunity scholarship program and we put the different scholarships available and the reason why I think this is so important is because um this scholarship saves students lives I know that I've helped a lot of students with it um male female gay straight doesn't matter and it's important that these parents can be able to locate this provision find this provision and understand that it's available because you can immediately enact it where when a student doesn't feel safe at a school they can get to another place or they can do some type of uh V virtual school or homeschooling or anything and just till they locate something so um I think we definitely need that I was looking at here the the first pages of the stepup program and it sets out uh beautiful paragraphs of how we could even uh cut and pce that into there about eligibility what's it for bullying harassment all that kind of language and I think we definitely need that Forefront it with the and located with the other scholarships and um also um language that it's uh within or outside the district as long as it's within in Florida I think needs to be included because we have a lot of people that live right on the border so if they want to choose Dade they can go to Dade if they want to choose Broward they can go to Broward but they're not stuck because they live in dat they have to go to a school in day they can go to Broward so that would be my suggestion if you'd like the language for that I can pull that up on my phone and I would um make a motion that that be incorporated included in this so the scholarship is not overlooked and we don't lose um students unnecessarily you know for bullying even quitting school I had someone in the the 12th grade last semester was going to leave they said they were done and I I coached her parents with her and she stayed so um Madam chair you direct me how would you like me to do this would you like me to read the language a part of the motion or should we bring this back and revisit this area to get this um incorporated into or take a vote to see if people are going to vote to agree to incorporate into the other scholarships here so we have them in the Forefront it's up to you Miss fam it's your motion okay before if I can interject before we proceed I just want to make sure I don't think this is the applicable policy correct so I I was looking at Miss Batista because Mr Viola advis that we not put the state Scholarships in because the district does not administer them and the and this policy speaks specifically to school choice options that the district R administers so I I'm just I'm I'm not debating the I'm just telling you that's the um Guidance the direction that we got from legal we do work with families when they want to exercise a Hope Scholarship right but all of the other state scholarships are not administered by the district and that is why legal advis that that language should not go in this policy because this speaks only to school choice options that the district administers Madam shair um if I'm not mistaken there is another policy that does contain um the language for the Hope Scholarship I'm not sure if it's in our student code of conduct it is it is in the um code for student conduct right okay I I I don't disagree with that but I'm saying when people with parents they don't look for who's giving the scholarship the district or the state they just look for a scholarship they don't care where the money is coming from they just need financial support and making a choice that's why I'm suggesting that it's off also here because this is a option this is a choice that someone can make I hate this school these people hate me I want out so I believe we should have it also here there no problem with duplicating it but I if it even saves one life one life we're ahead of the game so I strongly recommend that we have it also over here to make it simplify it for parents that are looking at scholarships because they might not go past this they might not know there's another provision where is for district but we need need to at least give this scholarship the focus and the attention since we do have so much bullying and in our schools and the students have the the choice to go to another public school this is not about taking someone away from the public school it's about getting them to safety where they feel safe for school so that is my motion to include it in this section if you want me to go through um language later a later date I'll gladly do that but for right now my motion is to make sure that we also have the Hope Scholarship included in the school choice policy right here where it says um opportunity scholarship instead of programs or or program programs plural and that' be one of the opportunity scholarships is there a second where are you Miss Fam I'm sorry same question yes I'm on page um 15 of 27 the very very bottom number four and if you're looking at the side page numbers is 1038 is there a second no second motion fails Madam chair yeah thank you uh Miss fan were you also making a motion directing the superintendent to bring back an item as general Council just stated since there is another section somewhere that references the scholarships yes I am making that motion that sounds easier I'll second the motion thank you okay moved by second by Altin public comment on the motion board member comment on the motion M Hixon I'm not sure I understand the motion so I understood the first part but can you explain what just got added because I'm confused Miss fam um I think what we're looking to do is it's been suggested that the Hope Scholarship is located somewhere else we're going to bring that item back and look make a comparison between the two and one see if it should also be incorporated here and or if any of the language should be changed to refer people over to here and vice versa have something in this area that refers them over to that area I think it's that important that parents know students know that they have an option other than killing themselves let me try to help Madam chair Mr Charon so I think the motion you made that I second based on the general council's comment there is another policy somewhere that has scholarships that U are resources for parents in the community I think based on what you said you want to explore that policy you may want to add some additional language that's already existing that may be the appropriate place for it to be rather than here yes Andor there might be a reference in this area where we can refer them over and say there's also this other scholarship available but I I think it needs to go in both directions not just in one because like I said if parents are looking they're not going to say I want a state scholar I a distri they're going to look for a scholarship and you're going to assume that it's all in one place I think the average person would assume that so let's try to be the most informative we can and make sure that someone comes across this whether it's by accident or purposefully looking for it because a lot of the people that have come to me for help they had no idea the Hope Scholarship was out there it's not promoted so and and it's it's helped people all over the State of Florida I can tell you that much from the phone calls I received man if I see Dr Zeman has his hand up I want I don't want to be disrespectful to the board but I just want to say two things the so the Hope Scholarship is incident driven right these are just general options this policy is around General options for parents um for school choice um options that's the first thing on the school choice website Miss fam we do have links to the state scholarship options so they they are on our website and then I will just I'll give it back to the board but I will say that the Hope Scholarship process is incident driven and I'll give it back to the board Dr Zan thanks chair uh I'd like our uh work here to be intentional and meaningful and all those wonderful things but to me this is a a motion I can't support right now because it's just too uh ungrounded we need to know the number of the policy we need to know a lot more about what's on the website we need to know more about the Hope Scholarship and and and the like to to make a motion like this in the middle of a different policy is just uh it's a little bit too chaotic and I I would encourage uh any Schoolboard member that would really like to move forward on this to do some homework and bring it back as a BB item next time and we can have an formed conversation about this rather than U trying to become informed during a meeting uh which just induces uh um you know decision- making that's just way too casual so uh I'm only voting against this because I'd like to learn more between meetings uh but this is the kind of stuff that is perfect for a BB item uh at our next school board meeting M seon thank I just wanted to say that and going through trying to fix all the other pieces of um the policy it is the Hope Scholarship all the scholarships are on the school choice and I don't know how many parents actually go to our policy to find those things they're going to go to the website so it maybe a suggestion would be to have it the Hope Scholarship more prevalent on the individual School pages to have it on there that you're going to reach more people that way than embeding it in a policy that's really specific to school um to our districted school choices um so I just wanted to sh Dr yes if I may add U we have to uh due to request from the board we're bringing back the cell phone policy for discussion in the workshop that policy resides in the student code of conduct so we can talk about both issues um when we bring that back thank you Dr H um one of my concerns is if that if you're a victim you're not really going to look in the code of conduct you know to see what your discipline is you're to say hey they attacked me or or someone beat me up the other thing is um this is about choosing a school you can go to that's why I wanted it in the choice area as well it's not about whether it's student driven all these um scholarships are student driven you know they're choosing to make a change and that's what this is about whether they're doing it at the beginning of the year the end of the year this gives someone who's um has an urgent situation the opportunity to change immediately so um I I'm going to be add and hope that the um staff will will come back we'll do it in a workshop going to make a motion for that but um that you will consider incorporating this because this can be the difference in a a game Cher for a family and a student and uh it's that important that we need to make sure that our students know their options right so um my motion would be that that we do Workshop this where we can possibly bring this back in in the future to have it added that we have continued discussion and a workshop so you're changing your your motion now yes I will I'll withdraw that and pursuant to Dr Z is saying he wants more information I will show you all the information that we have um on this in fact the um principles and administrators are supposed to advise um students and their parents the minute there's any kind of allegation and bullying but from the people that have contacted me that's not happening so if the information isn't getting out there through staff then we need to step it up and this is one way so so a parent investigating what are their options they'll go to school choice they'll say well that I have to wait till the end of the year or I have to wait till beginning of the year um this will say no I can do this immediately because you qualify you're a victim here is there a second thank you second move by fam second by Zan public comment board member comment all in favor of the motion say I I those oppos say no no no motion sorry motion carries uh Leonardi rert ala voting no mam chair dress I'm a no on that oh roll call it's a workshop so is the motion to add an item to the workshop is that what we're debating right now is that the is that the vote on adding a a board item okay got it all right fam yes fogan hly yes Hixon yes Hess no leonardy no Robert no Zan no ala no Alon yes four five fails okay Dr Hess okay thank you Madam chair so um just to reiterate um with staff um Dr wanza through the superintendent um what was stated to us before is that the boundary policy the school choice policy as it relates to reassignment threshold of 100% of gross is aligned with the boundary policy is that correct it's align with the definition in the school boundary policy for is it overcrowding or what what over o over enrollment okay so in the school choice policy is is there anywhere in the school choice policy where that is clear that the reassignment treshold is 100% of gross hold on one second I believe it's in the definition section but we're going to check okay okay we're going to check it is in the definition section when what's the what page I'm going tell you exactly where so are we on the clean version or on the clean version okay let me go to that I'm so sorry no problem page two okay and hold on where it says um Choice seats available it's in that section and it starts seats available at schools with an enrollment below 100% of gross capacity um I'm on page two of the clean version right seat available uh first sentence okay it says seats available at schools with an enrollment below 100% gr Capac capacity right and then on page um 17 under the section reassignments um eligibility if you go to page 17 beginning um in that second paragraph any student at a district school have an enrollment below 100% of gross capacity okay y all right thank you you're welcome any other board member comments seeing none all in favor of pp3 as amended say I I I those oppos to say no pp3 passes unanimously may I have a motion and second second to bring back i1 so move move by Zan second by roer public comment member comment uh Dr heer do you want to kick it off yes um uh board asked us to bring back additional information there was a print out passed out to everybody and also emailed um that details some of the questions I think it was from Dr holess what are the other schools using instead of um The Hip um program and at list the two out of the nine that that are not using it are have interest in exploring a partnership with with hip representatives and seven out of the nine are actually implementing um other peer mentoring programs um is there any data to support hip um if you review the the attached data to the sheet um sheet number two and or page number two and three and also uh and four um have um accompanying data along with listing um how many high schools participate how many faculty sponsors how many peer Educators 170 and how many um current uh ninth graders that are also participating in the program which is 4,474 okay thank you thank you so I was up next to to speak I didn't get opportunity yet uh my question in you know I understand this is a peer mentorship program and this is extra uh above and beyond our regular Health curriculum so my first question is would this hip curriculum be focused at all on teaching reproduction reproductive C the reproductive curriculum Dr fter thank you so no it does not it is not a part of the curriculum that was provided to us for this particular program okay so you will not be they they would not be touching on the reproductive curriculum no okay and um my next question is you know where is our health curriculum at can Dr he can you explain where we are with that in the process um are you specifically talking about the sex ad curriculum that is been submitted to the State I think of as of last Friday for their review um and feedback so we're waiting on that feedback to be sent to us okay so what I'm struggling with is is not specifically really this health curriculum program it's that our health curriculum program is is still in limbo and it's in in the last few years it's just been really um shaky Rocky not really being um taught it's had issues so I I feel a little bit torn in the sense of if I approve this I don't want that to take away from our reproductive Health curriculum that we're still waiting for that needs to be approved by the state um I I understand that the pure mentorship part of this but I'm I'm struggling with having schools do extra and then thinking like that they've covered the health curriculum but they haven't um no so I don't want us to collate the issues um the reproductive health is reproductive Health this this not reproductive health so this doesn't supplement reproductive Health it doesn't take the place of reproductive health and the peer mentors aren't talking about reproductive Health it's more support um and correct me from Dr fton and also the hip representative this is more about um uh mentorship opportunities leadership um um any instances of knowing where ninth graders can go to get support for any mental health issues and and and things like that so it doesn't have anything to do with reproductive Health okay okay I'll leave with that and then now I would add to um um and the former principls in the room or assistant principles in the room can attested this uh all of us and currently most schools have some form of a PE mentoring program so it's not a it's not a New Concept um this is a more formalized more uh methodical and strategic process where where you have an outside party providing additional support on a specific curriculum that can be utilized um instead of an in-house created PE mentoring program which you know go goes through several iterations depending on who's the sponsor and who's creating it who's supporting it and I guess what I'm struggling with is that the the health issues that they're going to be focusing on that we now having Juniors and seniors lead ninth graders in really heavy things like depression and and suicide and and I don't know if if they're going to be qualified to be able to to handle that content um where if it's being taught by a certified health teacher they're going to be a more qualified person to to be able to to handle that content yes all the great things about PE peer mentorship I think are great I think it's just what they're they're being task to to teach Miss leonardy yeah I'd like to call the question all in favor of calling the question say I I those opposed say no no no okay roll call this place is crazy boogan Holly yes Hixon no Wess yes lardy yes rert yes Zan yes Al no Austin no I support board member conversation fam no 54 motion fails right because it need six has be six M ton thank you um I just wanted to point out we have a peer counseling program that's been in the district for as long as I've been in here which is 36 years and students do address those topics that students are more comfortable going to their peers to talk about why they feel that way and I would just say as a person who deals with grief sometimes it's much easier to talk to someone who's gone through the same thing than someone who I'm not really comfortable with that I don't know if they've gone through it so that's really what this program represents for students is a place and they're they're instructed they give they give them the curriculum but it gives the other students a chance to say let's let's just take vaping for example I don't even know if it's part of the curriculum but I guess it is you know someone us as older people saying vaping's not good for you you shouldn't do it as opposed to someone who's their age giving them information it just they absorb it differently but we've had peer counseling that addresses suicide depression bad relationships domestic violence grief all of that in our schools for a long time this is just another Avenue to do that um so I just wanted to make sure that I shared that Dr Zan thank you so much chair um we as a board have been very demanding about data and we've been very uh rewarded in this particular item some of the data that doesn't jump out is that every one of our high schools either has a peer-to-peer mentoring program or wants one so they're there this is an opportunity to formalize the curriculum give training to the older students so that what they deliver to the nth graders is uh done after they've learned how to do it the right way uh there's a huge amount of mental health issues amongst teenagers in the United States and they're clearly here in a county as big as Broward County and I don't need to read these numbers uh but they vary from 91 to 100% of the 4,474 students say that this is helping in an area where our community is suffering and chair how much does this program cost us to run Dr zero so I'm at a little bit of a loss here I don't want to snatch defeat out of the jaws of Victory this has huge amounts of data every High School is either doing it or wants to do it and it's working on something our community desperately needs better uh mental health higher self-esteem cessation of drugs cessation of abusive relationships um I'm tired of reading about the outcomes of these things when we don't have programs like this when we don't have positive directions um it gets to be uh uh really really frustrating so peer-to-peer happens anyway even if we don't have a program these are teenagers they listen to each other far more than adults it it it is either in all of our high schools or they want it in our high schools the results are overwhelmingly positive on things that our community desperately needs and the ROI is infinite because the cost is zero this is this is an unmitigated success and I hope we pass this quickly uh and continue to do this and I will personally help if hip ever wants to get from high schools to middle schools because guess what those kids are having the same problems they listen to each other more than they listen to adults even in sixth seventh and eighth grade and I'm hoping that the success in this program can be spread to many many many high schools and I'm imagining that a PR program like this uh would also be helpful uh in our middle school so thank you very much for bringing this and I look forward to uh seeing that the data for next year because I think they'll be even stronger thank you any other comments Madam chair Dr hes thank you so the um the data is very impressive I am I am so um impressed with the numbers that I'm seeing and looking at almost 5,000 nth graders responded and faculty and the Health Educators the principles um and the benefit to the ninth graders based upon their feedback is just significantly um you know uh above average in in terms of what it's doing for them um so I'm certainly supportive 100% of this I I suspected that the data was going to be really positive because I know there are other schools nine schools uh currently not having hip and I believe in this report here it shows that two out of the nine are interested and have met with hip representative um I know that we're not we cannot mandate or we're not mandating this uh to the schools that are not using it but Dr heern my intent uh is that um if there is any possibility of uh sharing this wonderful data with the other seven because I think two have met with the hip representative uh so they can look at get it and possibly meet with the hip representative the remaining seven um just to be introduced to the program and uh there's there's no mandating of it it's just uh giving hip the opportunity to introduce the program to the other seven schools that have not been um briefed on what it is so I'm hoping that that can take place but I strongly support this item and the benefit is just overwhelmingly good thank you the other board member comments Miss fam yes thank you madam sureair um this program consists of eight sessions um two of the things I want to bring to to light is one it was represented that you can opt out of this if you look at section 203 2.03 of the contract it says here that um the curriculum in the subject that all ninth graders and only ninth graders receive it says all nth graders so it's not giving you an option to opt out like that was represented so there's question number one the second one is the curriculum um has to be administered that is pursuant to this contract we haven't seen any curriculum I will never approve anything unless I see the curriculum and also if I know it's been approved because we're just spinning our Wheels wasting our time third thing is that there is a curriculum that exists it certainly wasn't publicized or put out there and pursuant to Sunshine where we could vote on a curriculum or incorporate in a curriculum because the parents have a right to see that review it come in here and talk about it that hasn't been offered here and the last thing is we are mandating that students take this class because what we're saying is in this contract that all ninth grader students have to take it and we're not giving the parents the option to say well I don't want a pure person teaching this to my my child or talking about this I want an adult I want a teacher doing this I want this uh discussion I want to make sure that that this is more um in a formal capacity and the last thing I would say too is that um it just it just doesn't feel right for us to just jump into this without knowing what we're doing we've done that in the past and it's we've end that up with egg on our face so I think we should go through the appropriate steps make sure that we do see the curriculum see what it's about because when I investigated said that some of these peer advisers talk about vaccines and I I don't think minors should be telling other minors what vaccines they should get I think that's a conversation between the parents and their children and I think that's a uh family issue not an educational issue so let's find out what exactly is being discussed before we just give um the sign off and let anything be let anything and everything be discussed thank you Miss ton thank you um I just had two questions for superintendent one did every I did every High School have the opportunity or are they aware of the opportunity for hip Dr Fon so yes they all have they have all had the orientation on hip and they are aware that this exists and also if I can just address every n it's available to our ninth grade students but parents do have the option to opt out thank you and that so that they've already been the ones that chose not to to participate they had various reasons I know a lot of it was Staffing um the second thing is have we is this new or is this something that we've already implemented Dr Dr Fon no it's not new we actually have had it uh I think this may be year three um that we've been doing in our schools thank you Miss fam point of order thank you um then I would move that we amend the contract that's attached as well to put in there that there is an opt out because as the language says right now it says all students so that student you know with parental consent are permitted to opt out is there a second moved by fam second by allim public comment board member [Music] comment Miss PTI oh I mean I was going to ask um you know staff has repeatedly said that students are able to opt out so um help me understand where that exists um um in our reality Dr the process of oping out Dr Fon you can speak to that so miss hollinsworth I'm going to actually toss that question over to you good afternoon Simone Hollingsworth in regards to the parents opting out when the students then are um registering for that or taking that they would have the option to not take that um you know curriculum and not be part of that so they would be um have that opt out option thank you so can we put that in the contract because right now as it stands the contract that we're entering in Broward County school district and them says all ninth grade students so we're saying with why don't we add with the option to opt out with the exception of those students that opt out that would be my motion to add that language with the exception of the students that opt out for member comment on the motion roll call on the motion boogen hly yes Hixon no holness no lardy no because it already exists thank you rert no Zan nope ala yes alustin yes highly in favor of fam yes M motion fails four to five all right back to the item any other motions I just like to say that in the past I've made recommendations where we could have saved hundreds of thousands of dollars with lata's um his uh package when he left resigned early and this is another one if liability comes back to bite in the butt where we have some other lawsuits not going to mention um I just want to have this documented that I argued this that you should have Incorporated it thanks roll call on the item yep pixon yes Hess yes lardy yes rert Zan yep ala no Alon yes fam no fogan hly yes motion passes 7 to two I have a motion and second on rr1 so move mve by Zan second by roer public comment no public comment board comment Miss Hixon thank you I'd like to make an easy motion this time I didn't write it out page 20 of5 um which is Page 1545 under Section 2 membership I move that in the sentence where it says the committee shall therefore be comprised of the chairs I move to add or a design of the following District advisory and committees and I move to add District advisory to the list second move by Hixon second by rer public comment board comment seeing none all in favor of the motion say I I I those opposed say no no motion carries Sean assenting Miss Hixon yeah was it any other comments motions all in favor of rr1 as amended or Miss fam did you have anything Yes actually um I would make a motion just to consider adding um two parents that are directly impacted from um each City that's within that District so we have we have PTA members we have that but I would be non PTA members second move by fam second by Ala public comment board member comment yes just have a question I guess one second I apologize M sorry M my question was in addition to that list or to replace the no no no no no because some parents can't participate because their jobs and they're obligated so I thought we could add two more just to keep um it Equitable yeah there you go thank you Dr Zan um I I find big committees to be unwieldy and generally unproductive and not even you know people don't like to participate in them because they get to be so big you know that they're one of 43 people um I don't support this because we already have two members from the community of each school being considered uh chair how many uh schools do we have this year being considered for a proposed change Dr I mean Dr wo we can hear you I had to take a double take just to make sure I wasn't Zing little comic relief there now right right now um in the presentation that we had the conversation with the board last week there there are four 14 Schools there there 14 Schools I appreciate that hold on what no but it grows because if in in considering the Broward Estates option we have to add two individuals from Dr Martin Luther King because they will be right and then as I explained to the board um I believe it's in the Silver Shores boundary if that is if that goes to a full K8 we have to add silver Palms because there's a Slither their boundary that would really and truly go to Silver Palms as opposed to Silver Shores so that takes it to 15 schools times two people so that's 30 right there and then we have the chairs that um are going to be added we know the student advisor is there so my only um recommendation to the board is in adding all of these people we have to remember that we have to go out and recruit and get them one and number two we are on a timeline so I I just want to put that out there and we will work at the will of the board thanks I appreciate that uh we also need to find rooms that are big enough I mean we have 30 parents already 30 excuse me community members and then all these advisory chairs or designes uh you know there just gets to be a point where that's enough we have so many voices like an individual participating doesn't even get time on the microphone uh so most members will come and attend and not speak and and we're not hearing their their voice just because the group is just way too big um I always felt committees over seven people were too big seven was the Max and uh and that allows everyone to be you know fully engaged to participate to have a voice and get things done but uh the community will certainly chuckle at a committee of 37 or 38 people and now we want to add two more it's it's just too much and uh uh I think a lot of those community members because they have to be recruited will be parents and so we'll have you know tons of parents involved in that and many of the designes uh in this committee through the advisory chairs are parents and so I don't see any lack of parents in this group um and it's already uh bigger than any reasonable sized group uh should be thank you chair thank you any other comments roll call on the motion holess no lardy no rert no Zan no ala yes Alon yes to more parental involvement fam yes Hogan hly yes Hixon no bails 4 five okay back to the item any other comments see none have any yeah all in favor of rr1 as amended say I I I those opposed say no no Austin the board won't do its job to close schools okay Austin no fam no item passes Dr heurn have we have exhausted the agenda exhausted it yes chair we have exhausted the agenda okay we are now going to move to public comment Johnny roas you may come to the mic put your mic up a little push the button if you don't mind Johnny can you push the button we help each other hello yes hello yeah perfect sry um I have a problem with my daughter's High School um Mona High School in cocon Creek they um they don't want to give her public uh um the bus because they say we live 1.98 miles from the school um I went to check that in Google and it says two miles so I request a remeasurement um of the distance and they did they they did remeasure but they did it like in a car they send even pictures of it um like in a car and they even go to the my door or this the school's door um like this statue says that um you have to do it door to door and if you do in a car you you losing the distance that she cross the streets and everything um I I call a lot of people to see if they they can help me with this and this is like my last resort because I don't know what to do thank you for coming sir Dr heern can staff help him yes absolutely I'm we have one of the staff members meet you in the pre function room which is through that door somebody to be with you thank thank you thank you thanks for coming Bobby Barnwell good afternoon hi my name is Bobby Dodson Barnwell I am an experienced ESC teacher with a continuous valid Florida certificate until 2027 from April the 29th 2016 to April the 5th 27 I taught at Western High School in brow County shortly before the end of my employment there the principal Jimmy aroha threatened me with the termination and a parent Unleashed a barrage of racial insults against me the parent publicly embarrassed me talked about my clothing implied that I had not earned my degree by stating that I must have purchased it and question whether I had a right to teach in the mostly white affluent neighborhood of the school rather than support me the principal gave me the option of resigning in lie of termination relying on his assur urance that a resignation would not adversely affect my employment record I resigned starting in 2019 I began to seek a position as an ESC teacher in other brow County schools there has been a need for ESC teachers However the fact that I eventually discovered led me to the conclusion that I had been back Blacklist and around March 2022 after being conditionally hired as an ESC teacher in another school the district required that Western High School provide the last principal verification the last principal verification from Western was never produced my public records request that all last principal verifications from Western High School have never been complied with I was informed that no such document existed and that the former principal of Western High School never did I then learned that he orally made unfavorable statements about me at least one administrator of a prospective school who indicated the need to speak to a rojo he never returned her calls and another administrator of a school said unconditionally to me you need to find out what he's saying about you and I live for my name I worked hard in the system I am passionate about ESC students and to think that from 2017 someone has been allowed to discredit me for no reason I have with me a copy of my resume and also my last principal verification from day County Schools and I'm asking at this time that you all assist me because my passion dies with someone taking everything away from me and I've worked hard and I live by my name I live by my name in my marriage in my church at my school I'm on the same Planet at all times and I ask and I seek out your help now because I've done nothing wrong I would like to leave my um resume if I could and a copy of my um last principal verification from Dave County yes um thank you ma'am Mr Aero our chief people officer he's going to assist you out in the pre function room Jimmy Witherspoon Omar Sal Corey sh Mor Seline anise good afternoon everyone sorry to prolong everyone's afternoon uh a little bit longer uh I know we can all agree that hate has no room in our children's textbooks curriculum classroom schools and in our communities we know that hate can take different forms whether it is driving an entire population from their native lands or the exclusion of people from a narrative marginalizing them as it has been done to Native Americans we just observed Columbus day yesterday I like to again bring your attention to the recent post on the Broward County School Facebook page that commemorated the horrific horrific attacks on October 7 2023 in Israel now I don't know about you but I see actions but not intentions I read words not the thoughts that led to them this post by excluding the suffering of Palestinians by marginalizing the suffering and deaths of tens and thousands of Palestinian children at the hands of Israeli military and settlers since since October 7th and prior to that this post is dangerous and hateful on October 14 2023 just a week after that tragic event a six-year-old Palestinian American boy was stabbed 26 times by the landlord 26 times to death and the landlord was driven by the same am the same type of hateful marginalized information that the post seem to convey Palestinian children deserve to live and be loved just as much as Israeli children just as much as our children and as my children's school board I would like to request that you publicly apologize for this post and moving forward to embark on an action plan to include marginalized voices in the classrooms so that we can sh Show the children our shared Humanity thank you thank you Ronald beish happy year from you Trudy germanovich okay that concludes our public speakers at this time do any of my colleagues have any discussions there successes to bring forward to the superintendent for consideration Dr Zan yeah thanks so much couple quick things a little bit more uh housekeeping than other things I'll be at the council and great City Schools uh meeting this week in Dallas um if there's any uh information that people seek uh at that meeting uh they have some robust discussions on chronic absenteeism some other things on Innovation and transportation and tons on academic success so I know there's a whole host of people going from bar our County Schools I look forward to being there with them but if anybody uh is looking for specific topics and can let me know uh I'll Vector my uh participation uh in that way um I also did an interview this week with um NBC National on cell phones and I spent a good deal of time uh doing research on a national level about cell phones and their use in K through 12 which I found fascinating um one of the things that we haven't talked about but probably need to formalize is how we're Gathering dat this year around our policies related to cell phones um it's something that if we're intentional about and forward-looking I think we can actually develop a plan that will give us some Keen insights into how this affects mental health safety security and and academics otherwise we'll get to the end of the year and we'll try and tease out why academic performance got better but we won't know exactly whether or not cell phone uh policies that we have uh really uh stretched it out so just a a couple announcements one Council great City Schools if you want to know any specific materials I can uh work toward Gathering it there um and second uh at some future meeting uh probably a workshop chair I'd love to talk more about you know formalizing a data Gathering plan on our new policies related to cell phone use so that by the time we're done with this year we have some uh evidence just like hip presented today you know 4,474 folks giving us feedback was compelling um uh I'd be interested in thousands of people participating particularly students and parents and community members on on what effect uh this had in uh overall uh barer County School's involvement thanks chair thank you so Dr Zan two things one is if you can bring a BB item on your on your conference that you're going to so we can all learn from that day brilliant days spot on and then um I'll start a new trend Dr heern can you tell us when the phone cell Workshop will yes we're working with Mr Sullivan and team right now we're going to have to bump um because we scheduled out our workshops um so we're going to have to bump an item in a workshop to to bring that back so um it'll most likely be sometime in November um both likely in November okay perfect um and respectfully if Corey Shear if you'd like to come and speak you're welcome I course sh son of Broward thank you so much I was taking a community uh call for some of the work we're trying to do in the community outside and thought I missed my opportunity um thank you all uh you know I'm Cory Sher early son of Broward you know went to Peter's Elementary Horizon Elementary loud Hill Middle and the Blan High School like this man over here and nor Rupert knows that and um listen I just want you to know I want to speak to what uh chair are awesome and very connected diversity chair arica Grant Miss Grant spoke earlier about the need for diversity and for Equity um if I can just tell you and I hope You' be proud of us and when we go to Congress and we go and knock and talk to our uh local Congress people as we're entitled to do a lot of times it's would sign after sign on the door that says we support Israel or concerned for October 7th yet we're there also out of concern for Israel uh knocking saying hey what about the Palestinians what about the Palestinian issues think about Gaza think about even the West Bank I want to pay for you what we what we talk about there by the way sometimes with Jewish voice for peace and people have served even in Israeli Defense Force but say there's another way there's another side we talk about that there's a stock market in the West Bank there are uh generations of textile um uh workers and olive oil makers and cafes that people sit down people sit down and have conversations and it's a nice place to be but when it's under War like this uh it's just excruciating you're talking about over 40,000 people being killed now does that mean that uh you know it's not like in conditional um acceptance where you have to say hey I I don't stand with Israel if I stand with the Palestinians um it's really saying hey we need to actually see what we can do to make the situation better and to do that you really need to look at both sides and have a balance and sometimes it's multiple sides right and you're connecting this to the Tweet right yeah basically so and I will I'll get there I just need to paint this for you first I know I'm running out of time but you know when you get a a Facebook post um that you know just says you know we stand with October 7th it's almost like having signs up that say Hey you need not apply here you need your your concerns don't matter and I know that you feel like uh it it may not be that big a deal but there's a big deal when the with the repetition over and over of not being able to have your voice heard and speak the other side and you just get bam you know here goes something from the one side and that's kind of what we're facing here so I want you all to be a little more careful a little bit more thoughtful I'd like for you to pass that down into your departments that we need to really have um if we are going to do a post and sometimes the post may not be necessary right if it's going to only be a a banner and can't really be explained and if it's only going to be one-sided maybe it's better right that we don't do a post I think we need to have some guidelines as to what we're going to do especially things involve foreign uh events right and they aren't really local events we need to have more guidelines on that thank you thank you Mr fogan thank you very much chair and I uh spoke to superintendent and told him not to worry because I'm not going to do what I did last time on my last last day um so uh but I just wanted to say take the time point a privilege to say thank you to everyone thank you to my colleagues um staff everybody in this District it's been an honor to represent district one I know sometimes we see chaos turmoil but in the beginning I used to say things at the end of the board meetings and used to say that this board was going to work together to accomplish great things that we were going to work together to move Broward forward and one of the missions that we set for ourselves was to see us become an a district again and we accomplished something that this board has failed to do for over 10 years and it's a huge accomplishment and it's not only just us it's our entire District everybody in this building our teachers our students the body of of students in this district has given me so much pride and that was honestly the the best part of this job every single time I was able to see them perform or do something just just be themselves just Express themselves is always the best part even our student advisers always gives me joy so it's been an honor um excited for this time I last time I said see you soon I'm not going to say it this time hopefully um but I look forward to serving on the State Board of Education doing the great work there in representing and making Broward proud there so thank you so much chair thank you all and yeah good luck let's go you Dan thank you thank [Applause] you any other board member comments all right I want to make my colleagues aware that as part of our efforts to inform the public about the Inspector General question that will appear on the ballot this general election I provided an opted in the Sun Sentinel that is already available digitally and will be in the print edition tomorrow for the public for more information on the measure you can go to browardschools.com a Amendment 2024 any other comments I have a question Madam chair Mr Alon and just to that um and actually first let me actually back up I'm going to miss you board member fenoli um so thank you for your service and we know that you're going to do great work uh for all the people of Florida uh on the state Board of Education um Madam chair uh to that point I just want to confirm we cannot in our capacity as a school board member advocate for the item but you can do so in your personal capacity I just want to ask that gray area question to The General Counsel um if you could just provide Guidance just so we're clear Miss Batista since it would be difficult to separate the personal from the official capacity of a board member um I would say that it it is my recommendation that you explain what the item is about give information as opposed to advocating one way or the other educ so if you have a personal social media account that is not connected to the school district is that a appropriate to State your personal position so I would say yes if it clearly is your personal account okay right and it has something in there that says this is you know or it could even be a private account where you just have you know followers or whatnot got it okay just one minute all right thank you thank you the schedule order of business for this regular school board meeting of the school board of Broward County Florida has been completed seeing no obligation I now adjoin the meeting where e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e