the contrary when I cross-examined the the then executive director for btas he testified that what my client did was exactly what she was supposed to be doing and I asked him again this is page 78 of the trial transcript question the students all indicated to the administrator to the behavioral specialist with respect to their statements as to the March 11th fight and indicated that it was resolved you would agree with me that no BTA was required to be initiated correct answer if the administrator was not aware of the threat question yes answer yes he would not have to had conduct a behavioral threat assessment that's your witness and again I too think the facts are straightforward I too think the facts are simple and with respect to the March 11th incident policy gave the administrator the discretion to determine whether or not it was a threat exactly what she was trying to do the policy and again she wasn't charged with respect to the anonymous call this was a after the fact you should have done a BTA and then gone back in time in as to the March 11th fight but nonetheless as part of the record in terms of the Anonymous phone call that too was examined that too was determined not to be uh worthy of doing a a BTA at that time those are the facts and they're Undisputed and nobody came in and testified that yes I made the decision and what she did was incorrect not the the then former executive director of btas and not the then former director so what happened was is the principal who too did his job and notably the purported charges against that principle have never been submitted to the board why not I suspect that they know that the charges against the principle are unfounded but even so at that point in time the principal was directed to administer the discipline that's Undisputed principal Howard may have signed that disciplinary sheet but he was directed to do that and that was from left field by a former director who said because you implemented a safety plan that means per se well there had to be a threat assessment and her reasoning at that time was well the governor was prohibiting remote learning which again this doesn't have anything to do with covid this doesn't have anything to do with the purported protections from some two years ago this was a safety plan that the principal had implemented several times in the past and simply because a safety plan is implemented by the administrator does not mean as just presented that per se a threat assessment is required you can certainly not have a threat or not have substantial evidence to cooperate a threat and still Implement a safety plan we all know that but that was the pretext to say well you need to go back 6 weeks later and issue a BTA and again as we know from our training as we know from the policy then and now under 2130 the 24-hour time period relates to the threat not a directive so when you have the threat you're supposed to respond within 24 hours to that purported threat which again not that my client did nothing is characterized March 11th and March 22nd she did that so lastly in terms of as I mentioned before how this case was charged the paragraphs which were just read to you in pertinent part and as the administrative law judge correctly found and I think the administrative law judge did correctly issue her conclusions of law and found within the scope of her Authority and didn't go outside of that she did exactly what she was asked to do she was asked to examine whether or not not my client completed the required btas within the specified 24hour time period and what the administrative law judge pointed out albeit correctly is that the policy doesn't require the BTA at least back then now it's changed with the new policy but it didn't require back then that the BTA be completed within 24 hours so her question was where does that come from in the policy point to me in 2130 where it required the BTA to be be completed in 24 hours that was her reasoning and I think it's spot on and and by the way so we can all sleep at night the assistant principal in this case as I've mentioned in our moving papers as I mentioned in the response to the exceptions as I argued successfully at trial did what she was trained to do she analyzed whether the fight was a threat she followed the recommendations from the team members and she acted in accordance with policy 2130 so accordingly there is no basis here to reverse the administrative law judges findings in the recommended order thank you thank you Mr White loock um can you put two minutes and 30 seconds on the clock for the B bottle for missen please I'm sorry Missin rebottle please thank you thank you um I'm just going to make a couple of um short points um first of all there was no interference with the BTA process and principal Howard wasn't asked to do that there was no going back in time they weren't being asked to go back and do a BTA over what happened on March 11th or what happened on March 30th what the point that was made by DR sha R is principal Howard expressed a concern about the safety of his campus with these girls on the campus she said if you have that concern you need to bring them back and you need to do a BTA it was for that point in time it was not to go backwards that that's all they were asked to do and principal Howard directed The respondent to go ahead and do that and she didn't do it for six or seven days whether it's 24 hours to complete or 24 hours to respond she did nothing uh the next point I'd like to make is that um you know she was charged with a violation of 2130 and 2130 talks about you have 24 hours to respond and the the policy 2130 also talks about the training that all of our administrators receive and everybody who's on these BTA teams and it refers to um the policy doesn't refer to the policy manual but the policy manual go is what they learn in training and with respect to that she's had notice of the allegations of a VI violation of policy 2130 that's what the notice was that she was given an administrative complaint she violated policy 2130 she didn't respond at all for six or seven days to the direction that she was given on April 19th and to suggest that the principal cannot direct the BTA team to go ahead and do a BTA is really kind of a fallacy I I mean just because an administrator doesn't witness a threat it doesn't mean the BTA goes doesn't go forward they get reports they get reports of a threat and then they're charged with going to go ahead and do the BTA process on that threat so principal Howard told the administrative principal our assistant principal listen this is what we need to do the BTA we now need to do the BTA we're bringing these girls back on campus thank you thank you so be appropriate this time for board for the board to have a discussion on the item and make a motion to reject or accept the exceptions any of my colleagues have any comments yes Madam chair but I prefer to wait and go towards the end you're that's it you're up you're the end okay all right thank you um yeah I just would like to discuss and I give you my comments on what I'm hearing I think um basically what we're looking at is a potential explosive situation could have gone either way it could have been a danger it could have not been a danger but asking us to consider facts in hindsight and saying ah but it didn't amount to anything this time we can't rely on this this time we have to investigate every time because our priority is to keep our children and our campuses safe I think in addition had this um a BTA being performed we would have been in a much better position to assess and see the situation in its entirety um the fact that principal Howard directed Smith to do a BTA is equivalent to a fire Chief directing his crew if a fire chief has concerns about the safety of individuals and you go to someone's home and you're there responding to a fire you don't you don't take action six or seven days later and this is what this was this was a fire waiting to be put out you don't take six or seven days to assess what there there's a imminent danger of that fire spreading within that household and that's what we're looking at here we're looking if there was a potential possibility that this could escalate and this fire wasn't put out so especially in light of the principles expressing his feelings that he was not comfortable and he actually put in his words that he was questioning the safety of the campus and the students I don't consider six or seven days later appropriately responding and I don't think it's reasonable to interpret the definition of responding as doing nothing until a disaster results thank you thank you Dr holess thank you madam chair so the um um comment was made that policy 2130 at that time did not clearly indicate 24 hours um so I just want to clarify that with the staff the policy as it was at that time in 2022 March did it clearly indicate a 24hour response time miss patista the policy at the time stated respond not not complete those I think that's what one of the things that the um alj took issue with it was that the policy stated to respond within 24 hours it did not say to complete the BTA within 24 hours okay so so the policy at the time did State um to respond within 24 hours but not necessarily complete right that that's what you're saying um Okay so based on what um I've heard um it appears to me that the AP at the time when the incident occur March 11th uh diligently tried to determine if a BTA should be done and it was indicated to her to him rather by the BTA team and others that there was lack of information to do so at the time um the policy to me seems um not completely definitive as to what the time span is or what it means complete versus um initiate the process there seems to be too many great areas um and it seems like there was an attempt by the AP to really do what's required BAS based upon the information presented to me um and at the time it was determined that there was a lack of information which led the AP to believe that a BTA was not necessary at the time and later on a BTA was then directed and the issue in question is the time frame um I would say that um my concern is that the policy is not in my opinion um at the time is not completely clear and um at the same time I believe the AP uh did attempt to follow the process um and so for me there's just um there's just enough doubt for me to want to uphold the administrative law judge Mrs Hixon Mrs Hixon thank you I just have a quick question was the AP um suspended because she didn't follow the direction of the principal or was she suspended because she didn't do a b BTA from March 11th Miss Batista I think that's a question for um Miss hickin and the charging doct doent what the what the assistant principal was charged with she was suspended for not timely completing the BTA process when she was told to do so on the 19th and didn't do so until the 26th and the 27th so it's based on April 19th the principal directing her on that day it's not about March 11th and the incident that H I just want to that's correct that is completely the position we took at the hearing yes okay thank you just wanted to clarify that thank you may I respond for a second to that or no yes yes if I may just speak into the microphone please sorry there was no charge of insubordination in this case right which they could have clearly charged her for failing to follow the purported directive from the principal what the charge was is that she didn't complete the uh btas in April related to the March fight March 11th fight that the team the psych services and law enforcement who she conferred with said it wasn't a threat so there wasn't even smoke in terms of there being a fire everybody including the district told that told her that it wasn't a threat then again 6 weeks later somebody with no personal knowledge only because a safety plan was was administered and again the record is board members that there wasn't any evidence to cooperate the threat so in an abundance of caution which this school and many other schools have done a safety plan was implemented so the director the then former director said well if there's a safety plan there has to be a BTA and of course that's not true that's incorrect and it was testified to by the executive director for BT at the hearing simply because there's a safety plan doesn't mean that a BTA has to automatically be dunp so to answer your question directly there was no insubordination charge and the April directive related to the March 11th fight May I respond um let's go to the next board member question Miss rert um my questions were pretty much on the same line as um Miss Hixon trying to figure out um the timing so um I you guys just answered that so I'm okay thank you Miss Hixon I I don't know if this is an appropriate question it's usually me that ask the inappropriate ones um why was the the AP not charged with insubordination why was it determined to focus on the BTA as opposed to insubordination I don't draft the administrative complaints um but I will say um it in subordination you know she did do the btas she just didn't do them timely so in looking at the administrative complaint it's not necessary to bring a charge of insubordination because really the charge is a timeliness okay thank you Dr Zan thanks chair um I'm uh aware of uh the challenge in a instance like this to make um what in the end turns out to be a subjective decision about something that we would love to be objective is this in fact a threat that deserves to do a behavioral threat assessment uh I'm confident that the training that people get is solid uh and that there are resources available from the district to help help do that I'm concerned about one point of fact though because um our policy that we approve uh directed the uh behavioral threat assessment team at each School to respond within 24 hours and I'm curious chair if You' seen any evidence that there was a response within 24 hours Miss Batista Miss uh uh with respect to this case I I I mean um you know Mr White loock keeps saying that you know nobody with any personal knowledge testified but Dr Char roll did testify and she had the conversation with principal Howard and principal Howard said he was concerned for the safety of his campus that's why she directed the BTA there wasn't a response time in doing the btas directed Howard directed um the AP to do this on the 19th and she didn't do it till the 26th or the 27 um if if you want to go back to the March 11th fight I think they did they needed to do with that they thought the issue was over with so there was no need to do the BTA every time you do a every time there's a fight you don't have to do a BTA they think the issue is resolved and there's not going to be anything further then nothing has to be done the March 30 incident when the parent came in and complained about Anonymous phone calls being received by the students BTA should have been done then and it wasn't done until 11 days later principal Howard said you know I feel uneasy about this convene the BTA team they convened it 11 days later but then never filled out any of the paperwork which why I have no idea but she was not written up for that I just um am curious chair if we could allow opposing Council Council to answer the same question yes so I appreciate the question and I think it's on the Salient Point um the purported threat that was charged in the administrative complaint relates to the March 11th fight again within 24 hours it was responded to she convened the team members everybody spoke and they assessed whether or not indeed it was a threat under the then 2130 policy everybody including psych Services which is all Undisputed said it wasn't a threat Council just said for the first time they had no problem with what occurred on March 11th so it begs the question then why are we here we're here because somebody outside the perspective of what occurred directed for some reason a principal and if you have any questions about what the principal was thinking read his transcript it's one of the exhibits in the hearing it's Illuminating he didn't agree with the discipline didn't agree with the directive he was forced to do it and so we did it but everything up until that point including the principal they conferred with the district who said it was didn't warrant a BTA however what did the principal do which he's done several times an exemplary principal a highly effective principle a respected principle he implemented a safety plan because they didn't know what was going on right to the fire analogy he put in the fire alarm he put in things that would prevent in the event there was a fire and that's what he did and so this pretext of well there was a that's all the evidence is there was a safety plan and therefore it was principal Howard in terms of the threat testified that he did it in abundance of caution and he too conferred with psych service because here was his concern back to MSD tragedy he didn't want to interfere with the sanctity of the process and what the team had that was assembled on two occasions to review he checked with psych Services is this what I'm supposed to do and psych Services told him yes what you guys did is exactly what you're supposed to do that's Undisputed in the record and the irony then is it's spun back around and now it's being represented that the principal and the assistant principal didn't do their jobs and that's not in the evidence it's just simply not chair if I could um just continue uh with one more question there's a factual question about whether or not when you implement a safety plan in this case uh the school's decision was to separate a team of students into two teams that seem to be uh having some difficulty with each other and only one team could be on campus at a time so that was the the response or the safety plan when a safety plan is implemented is it required to do a BTA Miss Batista um according to the evidence before you um I believe the answer is is no when you have a safety plan is not required if if I'm misspeaking uh if there's something in the evidence that I missed no that really wasn't addressed as part of the um testimony I believe Mr Lozano made have said you can Implement a safety plan without doing a BTA but so you'd really be the expert on that I I I just want to May Madam share yes um for as far as the factual um evidence before for you you have to give Defence to what was found by the alj so you have jurisdiction as a board to change the the the conclusions of law but not the findings of fact now she did not make a finding of fact as to your question I don't I didn't read that so if if that was in the findings of fact I didn't see it did you see it no thank you um what concerns me and I don't know how to proceed um is that our Cadre director directed The principle to do something based on something that turns out not to be in the rules you've implemented the safety plan therefore you must do a BTA is not factually correct the principal who conferred on her own on his own and with experts in the field according to his testimony and this was in the findings that uh beta was not requireed ire it wouldn't be surprising that the principal's um view of that colored the response of the assistant principal to whom the assistant principal reports and the AP went and talked to according to finding a fact again three experts in the area of btas about what to do what I'm worried about is that our policy which at that time said for a school administrator to respond in some sense and I did not find this so here's the trick trick that I have GC I don't know how to introduce this but the AP according to the finding facts went and talked to three experts and and what I would be concerned about is that they felt according to our training and our policy that that is a response and that the principal also could have inferred to the AP that he didn't think that a BTA should be done even though the contract director based on a an assumption that turns out not to be true that it needed to get done so uh insubordination absolutely uh a clean black and white case of of uh uh being suspended for the day I don't see that um I would like to read more uh about the findings effect to figure out how to go forward on this case just because by the presentation of council there's a lot more uh information beyond what I was able to read uh to come in today and make it as decision Miss Batista the only question before the board today is related to the exceptions that have been filed um by the superintendent Council um so you just need to address those exceptions um one by one I just want to um maybe a point of order here another option for this board is is to um um put this uh postpone this and just see it at another time is that also correct Miss Batista that is an option yes terrific and that would be my uh strong preference I I don't feel like this is nearly as um conclusive for the evidence that we presented so far and that the council uh has made Salient points that I'd like to do some more reading about and make sure that I make a an appropriate judgment so I'm going to move that we postpone this until our next scheduled school board meeting um and I'm sorry chair do you know when that is I didn't bring my calendar with me Dr wanza our next regularly scheduled school board meeting is February 21st yes that's my motion I'd like to postpone this till February 21st is there a second second it's been moved by Zan second by Hess board member comment on the motion uh before we proceed Miss patista do you want want to ask Mr Fen hly something well if if we're postponing the item we may not we may not need this but um I asked everyone U Mr fogan hly prior to you your arrival um whether they had read the entire record and we're ready to um discuss this uh item here today yes I did respond on the line but I'm sure our technology didn't catch it so yes I said yes thank you thank you thank you a reminder I believe the 21st is our afternoon meeting and we tried to limit that agenda to be out of here and dismissed by 8:00 just as a reminder and it's tight right now are the parties available on that day like 1:00 respond is M chair thank you thank you petitioner campy thank you any other board member comments we'll do a roll call on Dr Zan's motion roll call on the motion Mrs ala no Mr Austin Mrs fam no Mr fogan holy no Mrs Hixon no Mr Dr holess yes Mrs Leonardi no Mrs roer no Dr Zeman yes motion fails 26 okay back to the item as a whole any other board member comment I'm going to take all the exceptions I'm going to move all the exceptions at once so I move the exceptions as submitted by the petitioner in Pages 93 to 110 a second you're going to move that they're rejected or that they're accepted that that they are accepted I second is there a second moved by um ala second by rert or member commment on the motion roll call roll call on the motion Mr Austin Mrs fam yes Mr fogan holy no Mrs Hixon no Dr holess no Mrs Leonardi no Mrs rert yes is that a yes I'm sorry yes okay Dr Zan no Mrs ala yes the motion fails 35 Mr so since the motion failed regarding the uh exceptions then there there would need to be another motion to um affirm the order um of the alj or any other motion that the board if if the board only wants to accept certain um exceptions I'm not sure the reasoning for the voting it now down so Dr Hess I move to affirm the order is is that a motion that we can make yes yes and this would be upholding the um the recommended order got it okay that's my motion is there a second is there second second moved by holness second by Leonard Bo member comment M Hixon I just have a question I guess I was may have not voted the right way um I we were voting to accept the petitioners exceptions is that what we were right the prior one yes so the the no vote was we weren't accepting their exceptions so we believed what we said not what the petitioner said or we are the petitioner that's where I messed up sorry okay thank you okay so uh Miss paesa can you clarify what Dr hess's motion is yes Dr um holness motion is to affirm the order of the recommended order of the of the um alj and the recommendation of the alj is that um based on the foregoing findings of facts and conclusions of law she recommended that the petitioner School Board enter a final order of dismissal of all the charges brought against respondent Sabrina Smith in the administrative complaint and Dr holes is moving to affirm that recommendation thank you for clarification okay we'll go to a vote roll call roll call on the motion Mrs fam no Mr fogan holy yes Mrs Hixon no Dr holess yes Mrs Leonardi yes Mrs rert yes Dr Zeman yes Mrs alef no Mr auson the motion passes 53 M Batista do we have anything else to do um no madame share that concludes um this proceding the scheduled order of business for this special school board meeting of the school board of bar County Florida has been completed seeing no obligation I now address the meeting thank e e e e 5 four three [Music] good morning this Workshop the school board of B County Florida is now call the order please identify the exit doors are clearly Mark for emergency exiting while in the boardroom refrain from uh obstructing the exit doors once the boardroom has reached its seating capacity Tendencies will be directed to uh a designated overflow area our focus is to create a safe and productive environment for all participants thank you so much for your cooperation for member fogan Holly Will you introduce the school to lead us in the pledge allegiance to the flag Mr fogan Holly thank you very much chair it is my pleasure honor and privilege to introduce the wonderful students of Hollywood Central Elementary School to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance colleagues please join me greetings from Hollywood Central El please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge of alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you very much here thank you so much board member holess has requested a moment of silence for a teacher from disc Discovery Elementary School and also a teacher from West Pine Middle School Dr holess thank you madam chair I would like to request a moment of silence in honor of Mr Eric sat sanino who was a teacher at West Pine Middle School Mr sat Nino passionately shared his love for music and golf offering lessons and equipment to students his warm greetings and genuine interest fostered meaningful connections while his dedication to education created a dynamic classroom environment from homelessness to educator his journey inspired everyone let's take a moment to remember Mr s Nino please join me in a moment moment of silence thank you thank you very much and I have a second Madam chair I kindly ask for a moment of silence to honor the memory of Miss Maria uh castignoli an esteemed second grade teacher at Discovery Elementary School she served under the leadership of principal Julie de grief and has been a valued employee with the school board of BR County since 2001 Miss castig noi will be deeply missed please join me in a moment of silence thank you thank you for member fam has requested a moment of silence for 11th grade student from Cypress Bay High School Mrs Fam thank you madam chair um I'd like to take a moment to remember Sophia Dua um she was a student at Cypress Bay High School and principal Cassandra freed has kindly gave us some um a memorial to remember her Sophia Dutra and a radiant Spirit of all our cherished students Sophia DOA has forget unforgettably marked our entire lightning Community Sophia's courage kindness and laughter will resonate in the hearts of cyers space students and staff creating a lasting impression within our school community in this challenging time her family friends teachers and staff join together and we're seeking soulless in each other as we endure this loss dedicating ourselves to honoring her memory with love and resilience I'd like to take one minute thank you amen thank you people board member rert as request the M of science for an eighth grade student from Margate Middle School a 12th grade student from blanch elely high school and also the assistant principal of Deerfield Beach High School Mrs rert thank you madam chair I'm requesting a moment of silence for Deerfield Beach High School assistant principal gwendelyn Smith who passed way recently Miss Smith started her career in our district in 1994 as a language arts teacher at Lauder Hill Middle School from there she moved on to deerf Beach High School as an English teacher and then moved to the role of a assistant principal in 2013 our thoughts and prayers are with her and her are with her family her dear Phil Beach High family and all who knew and loved her take that moment now please thank you I'm also requesting a moment of silence for students sterland Santana who was a senior at blanch High School our thoughts and prayers are with his family his blanch High family and all who knew and loved him please reflect that moment now thank you I'm also requesting a moment of silence for student Mariah Witherspoon who was an eighth grade student at morgate Middle School our thoughts and prayers are with her family her morgate family her morgate middle family and and all who knew and loved her please reflect on her life right now thank you so much Mrs Hixon has requested a moment of silence thank you I'd like to request a moment of silence for Karin debacher from Nova High School she was a journalism teacher she was a loving mother a wife a teacher and a teacher who impacted countless lives by positively inspiring them please join me in a moment of silence I'd also like to ask for a moment of silence for Brandon Gordon Cabrera 11th grade student at Everglades High School we pray for peace and comfort for his family and all those who knew and loved him please join me in a moment of silence thank you thank you tomorrow Briar County Public Schools will commemorate six years since an active as salent at margorie stowman Douglas High School injured 17 members of the school community and killed 17 innocent students and staff members this morning the school board of brow County will pause for a moment of reflection to recognize the loved ones who were tragically killed on February 14th 2018 Aaron feice [Music] Elena [Music] Petty Alex [Music] shakor Cara Lin [Music] Ren [Music] Helena Ramsey [Music] Jamie [Music] Gutenberg Alysa alhad my [Music] daughter my husband Chris [Music] Hixon Wen [Music] Oliver Luke hoer Martin du K [Music] anguo Meadow [Music] Pollock Nicholas [Music] doret Peter [Music] Wang Scott [Music] ble [Music] these 17 remarkable individuals will never be forgotten thank you to the entire Broward County Public Schools Community for participating in the day of service and love tomorrow and for honoring these 17 loved students and staff members [Music] thank you the following topics are scheduled for board discussion at this workshop training School Board parliamentary training part two Bond oversight committee report fiscal year 24 q1 closed door 4x1 Academic School week part two a teaching and learning Workshop part one February 2024 Dr Lata would you like to say a few words yes very quickly uh I do want to uh mention that U this past week we had a our first um Community conversation regarding our redefining and repurposing and first of all I want to thank the entire board for being there um that was able to be there um I know everyone will be there at least one time what I found out and what it needs to be said is that the community spoke very loudly about several items trust was the first one I heard trust and trust and Trust over and over again over years and years of of information that was not accurate promises that were not kept and more importantly not communicating with them on how we were moving forward I want to say thank you to the amazing team that put everything together we have some adjustments to make that will be even uh better there are some things that we learn from from the community immediately that we've listened to we captured a lot of data we C captured a lot of perspective I from the community that's very important I really appreciate the board also being participatory and being with everyone and listening and sitting next to the the community they're not used to that we show that we are serious about this I spoke with almost every one of you or left your messages as well as the staff spoke with you um about some corrections or some adjustments you would love to see and we are going to adjust some of those things we are not changing the script for any of the meetings it is exactly the same we're just going to change some environments of making sure the classrooms are there for it uh we also want to make sure that everyone knows there is going to be complete consistency across the board for all of these Community meetings we also know that we have some tough decisions to make and as I talked with all of you uh we're going to do everything we can to make sure we're looking at Innovation first we're going to do everything we can to make sure we're hearing the public we have some major tasks to do the first one is always student learning the next obviously is going to be making sure we're uh fiscally responsible as we move forward student learning is most important and as we take on this massive redefining role we must not forget that our eye on the prize is our students and I know there's so much we want to do and there's so much we want to move forward but the eye on the prize right now is making sure we have support for our schools we're supporting in every way and we're also working with our communities as we redefine we we can't get too caught up in all the things because I want to do everything and I want to do it now but right now is crunch time for our children it's time to really support our schools it's time to make sure we're talking to the community about how we can be better I think focusing on all that really will make us a stronger District but it gets us back to where what what's our priorities I can't say thank you enough to all our board members all of you gave great um additions to how we can be better I did speak with Mr Austin last night on the phone because I know he's out of town and he indicated some things as well Mr Leonard you had a couple Miss Hixon everyone really came together and gave us some good ideas that we can work to continue but the community gave us the best ideas and we're listening and and we will continue to listen and we will go through this so I want thank the team because they're the ones who put it together and we're going to continue moving through this so I appreciate everyone involved there but there's a lot of work to do but our biggest job is to make sure our kids are educated so thank you thank you the first item is training board parliamentary training part two I'll now turn it over to the general counsel to introduce our presenter thank you madam chair um I'm honored to introduce Pat McDougall um she's a professional register parliamentarian with the National Association of parliamentarians with more than 30 years of experience serving as a consultant and parliamentarian to local National and international organizations of varying sizes uh including City commissions School boards condominium and homeowner associations unions and other uh political organizations um without further Ado Mrs mcdou thank you before I begin there's a couple of setup steps I have to take were were the material handed out Miss Batista right now okay and I'm also going to ask you to count off starting with Miss rert who's going to start with two well no wait a minute there's there's one more Direction and then when we go around the room skip number five so you're going to go 2 3 4 6 7 8 n it's a new way to count okay so remember your number starting with M rert then three three three four skip five six six Hixon would be seven and over here would be eight you would be eight what is Miss ala not participating no you're the chair chair remember okay so I'm eight okay and last is nine nine there's there's nine of you even though we skip sorry Goa okay [Applause] could you put up my PowerPoint please and I have another question considering that we're starting an hour late how much time do I have it was originally scheduled for two hours uh do I have to talk fast or skip things to finish by 11: 11:30 would that work I can adjust accordingly I just want to know 11:30 okay so I will watch the time okay starting here a picture is worth a thousand words and it's hard to do a picture of a meeting and get points across about parliamentary procedure so what I have chose to do to make the picture is to do a script and that hopefully each of you have received a copy of the script and what I want you to do is to go through this script as an example or a picture of following parliamentary procedure in a meeting and Miss Batista seeing as Miss Hixon isn't here would you uh take on the row of seven I think it was yes seven so so we begin with uh Madam chair who says the next item of business on the agenda is jj1 12 YMCA participation agreement for Cypress Bay High School is there a motion for adoption Madam Madam chair I move the adoption of jj2 just say Madam chair oh Madam chair member six I move for the adoption of jj2 second second is moved and second and adop aj2 is there any debate number seven I support approving this agreement it provides the swim team at Cypress Bay a training facility that is currently lacking I'm opposed I'm opposed to entering into this agreement the swim teams are currently practicing at the pool at Nova High a school district facility where they are no legal or insurance issues without with an outside vendor I urge you to vote against approving this agreement Madam chair the chair recognizes member four the most significant benefit of this agreement is that the students will not be required to travel so far for swim team practice the agreement should definitely be approved Madam chair the chair recognize member to is very much needed athletes cannot remain competitive without practice both the boys and girls team coaches have expressed their approval of this facility the board must approve this agreement Madam chair chair recognizes member nine I have a parliamentary inquiry the member will state the inquiry would it be in order to um amend the motion and add Weston High it would not be in order to amend the motion by adding Western High there is a separate agreement for each school is there any further debate the question is on the adoption of jj2 the YMCA participation agreement for Cy P Bay High School those in favor adopting the motion say I I I yeah those opposed say no the eyes haven't and the motion is adopted the next item on the agenda is JJ 13 thank you you're all ready for Broadway uh the point I wanted to make here primarily is in the introduction of of an agenda item and it it in my mind it needs to be in the record what that item is it's not just adopt um H4 or I'm not familiar totally with your system but not just to adopt jj3 but to identify what that item is so the chair in the introduction uh with the next item of business is identifying the item and its description of what it is also to uh Madam chair I did not include public comments I know that's part of it um but I did not include that but the it's important to note that the public comments the board debates you are a deliberative assembly uh here to make decisions and in the process of making those decisions you discuss pro and con as to whether a given item should or should not not be adopted we talked about this last time thank you guys in the back uh and that's the role of the chair the primary role of the chair is to conduct the meeting that means call the meeting to order announce business in its proper sequence recognize members who are entitled to the floor to speak and put to evode all questions that legitimately come forward the second role of the chair is to enforce the rules now what does that mean enforce the rules and how does the chair do that we will talk a little bit later about debate and decorum if a member or the public or a member of the board is being disruptive or is uh attacking a member of the board it would be important for the chair to stop that put a stop to that and enforce the rule that decorum requires that name calling is not in order or it is not in order for members to speak to each other one to another so that takes care of enforcing the rules the other thing the chair can do is expedite business and that is for example a chair can say does anyone have anything new to add it's not the role of the chair to stop debate it's up to the board members to decide when they no longer wish to debate and the chair can also expedite business by using unanimous consent if there is no objection the motion to postpone is adopted in other words taking an action without a vote sensing that the board is going to be unanimous in doing this or it's a fairly routine matter a chair can use unanimous consent how however if you object to the chair doing that all you have to say is I object and then the chair has to put the action to a vote the chair also decides all questions of order um Robert specifically gives the chair the right to rule on points of order and what is a point of order it is used to point out a violation of the rules so anytime any single member feels that the rules of the board or the rules of decorum or rules of debate are being violated they call out point of order and then the chair rules on that point of order and then if a member has an inquiry of parliamentary nature the chair must also respond to that the chair um as a representative member of part of the community she's elected for a specific District I believe uh but in a small board the chair may make motion speak in debate and vote without leaving the chair and I just said the chair may also use unanimous consent to take an action there's [Music] another another I'm sorry uh a consultant to the chair is the parliamentarian and the parliamentarian role during the meeting is purely advisory and consultive as I said before it's the role of the chair to rule on points of order and to point out herself if um something is not in order for example an amendment is not Germaine the chair could rule an amendment out of order but parliamentary law gives to the chair alone the power to rule on questions of order are to answer parliamentary inquiries and we talked about this last time Excuse Me Miss mcdou yes can you just uh go over and explain the the when is not gerine can you give an example um all right let's say that you I mean silly example but the you can I think understand the difference um for example if there's a motion to redecorate the superintendent's office does he does he like that or not he didn't want his office redecorated but just for the sake of argument let's say there is and somebody moves uh to amend um and schedule another workshop on March 5th well the scheduling of another Workshop is totally unrelated to the redecorating of the office and I think when I get a little bit further I'm going to discuss um and an item that the board dealt with in January and I think it will be clearer then uh something that is not relevant and that had to do with the uh standard dress code and an amendment there that I feel was not Germain so I think it'll be clearer when I get to that point does that help thank you it's totally unrelated is basically the way you can look at it or it introduces a new element that was not in the original motion okay in the process uh business is introduced by a member proposing action to be taken and the the decision or the process is not about the pro the procedure but it is about the final decision that you have to make basically these are the steps the first three uh member makes a motion another m member seconds the motion and the chair repeats the motion that brings the motion to the floor and after it is on the floor it is subject to debate and debate is debating the pros and cons should we adopt this motion or should we not adopt this motion and then also in that second in that debate step amendments can be made uh points of order can be made um but it's it's it's the most important step to be taken and after when there's no further debate the chair repeats the motion all should always repeat the motion before taking a vote that way everybody knows what it is that they're voting on and then the chair takes the vote and announce the result and that applies not only to main motions but it would apply to um uh to motions to postpone to motions to amend you you go through these same steps for all of the uh secondary motions we talked about this last time and that is disposing of a main motion once it's made obviously you can dispose of it by voting for it or voting against it uh you can uh kill a main motion without taking a direct vote on it and I want you to remember this because this is going to come up later when you postpone something indefinitely you are avoiding taking a position on it you're not voting for it you're not voting against it you're just taking it off the floor handle later postpone definitely um we had a motion like that this morning or postpone something to the next meeting uh which you can do you can also postpone something till later in this meeting or until after something happens you may you may also want to uh get more information or refer something back uh to the facilities Department back to the superintendent for further study and so on and then um a crossed outs lay on the table because the number of times that it would be appropriate to use lay on the table are are rare but it could be done and also uh it is possible to withdraw a motion but you have to have the permission of the assembly to do that the main thing I want to talk about to this morning is amend the motion to amend if a mo if a meeting is going to go off the tracks or off the rails it's going to happen when you get into amendments so amend as a subsidiary motion means it applies to a main motion so any main motion is subject to Amendment General Robert says that amendments are the most important and perhaps the most difficult part of parliamentary law and Robert in his latest iteration of Robert's Rules of Order this nice little book uh spends 39 pages on just the motion to amend there are three basic processes of amendments you can insert or add words or a paragraph to a motion you can strike out words or a paragraph you can strike out an insert words or you can substitute an entire main motion or paragraph why do they keep doing this Pon if you can please keep the presentation up on the TV thank you thanks guys U Miss McDougall while you oh well it's up already just wanted to um share with the board that postponing indefinitely uh uh related to an item that is employment related is not appropriate because the rules of um the rules of robber's rules are subservient to our rules um on the statutes you cannot postpone indefinitely and basically deny employment to someone so just wanted to make that known could we could we postpone for a year no that was a serious question so it again it would be it would be very similar to denying employment to that person so the answer is no you could not postpone for a year or indefinitely but under Robert when you postpone you cannot postpone beyond the next regular meeting because that takes it out of the hands of the next meeting so it must always be to the next meeting or to a special meeting but as Miss Batista points out there is a statutory requirement uh that would preclude you using postpone indefinitely uh in a particular situation okay also on uh I've said here that friendly amendments are not in order uh I think we covered that before if you have quote unquote a friendly Amendment it's better to um make the amendment yourself rather than go through a an unfriendly situation I guess I want to say okay what is the purpose of amend it's to modify the wording or and in some cases the meaning of a pending motion to give you some examples uh varies with the amendment itself I move to amend by adding the words I move to uh strike out paragraph three I move to amend the contract by striking out $50,000 and inserting $35,000 amend can be applied to itself it cannot interrupt you have to be recognized by the chair uh it is debatable if the motion is debatable it is generally amendable which means am menend can uh apply amend you can amend an amendment and it requires a majority vote for adoption uh to take you to go through an example to illustrate some of the processes of amendments um this motion is to allocate $50,000 for updates to the uh following schools school a school B and school C this is a pending main motion if we want to add or insert words into that I move to amend the main motion by inserting the words media center after the words following schools so in the process uh the amendment has identified what it wants to insert and where it wants to insert it the original motion if you look at it go back one was was vague on how to allocate this money or where to allocate it it's only saying allocate an amount of money but not saying where the money should be allocated so would one of you like to make that motion we'll start over here with Mr holness just read it is there a second second it is moved and seconded to amend the main motion by inserting the words uh media center after the words following schools is there any debate on the amendment the question is on adoption of the motion to amend the main motion by inserting the words media center after the words following schools all those in favor say I I all those opposed say no no there always one the eyes have it and the U amendment is adopted the main motion now reads to allocate an additional $50,000 for updates to the following schools media centers school a school B and school C so in handling that I went through those same that same process as for a main motion any questions on that procedure okay let's look at another amendment another process is to strike out and insert I move to amend the main motion by striking out $50,000 and inserting $35,000 um Dr Seaman would you like to make that motion I move to amend the main motion by striking out 50,000 and inserting 35,000 is there a second it is moved and seconded to amend the main motion by striking out 50,000 and inserting 35,000 would the maker of the motion like to speak to his motion make it up Dr Zan did you hear my question I did not I'm sorry would you like to speak to your motion well it's just too much money 50,000 it's a fund balance issue Okay the reason I look to the maker of the motion uh he doesn't have to speak only if he wants to but under the rules the maker of the motion has the right to speak first in debate if he so chooses so that was my reason for asking him uh if he wished to do that okay uh repeating the process is there any debate on the motion to amend by striking out 50,000 inserting 35,000 the question is on the motion to amend uh by striking out $50,000 and inserting 35,000 all those in favor say I I all those opposed say no no no oh chairs in doubt reender okay now um as as a school board you would have to hand you would have to deal with that uh because it would be a division and you would take the vote again um question for you miss Batista as I understand the Florida Statutes how each member voted U must be recorded in the minutes and that would be on a main motion but would it apply to these secondary motions yes it would okay okay moving on okay another process is to add and add means to add at the end not in the middle but in the end if it's a resolution you would be adding a new resolve Clause at the end uh if it's just a simple motion you would add it to the end of the existing motion uh so miss fam would you uh like to make the motion to add Miss fam asking you a question yes chair I I want you to make the motion to amend by adding that's on the screen I move to amend I moved to in to add and all schools within the district that's not the motion that $50,000 is not going to go very far for all the schools in the district yes no um so my motion is to amend to add and to include all schools within the district the chair rules the motion is not in order chair recognizes Miss I move to amend the main motion by adding the words and school D is there a second second all right it is moved and seconded to add the words and school D the reason I'm asking you all to repeat these motions so that you become accustomed to not only the wording but the process that and when you make an amendment you deal only with the part you want to change or ADD no explanation is necessary you don't have to justify it you just deal strictly with the words or paragraphs that you wish to deal with yes sir yes do um so I appreciate that I just feel when we do come across this situation it always you know you could start it off and say I move to AD school D what page are you on wait what are we talking about so the explanation is always necessary so is it recommended to already just get ahead of that and be proactive and share it or continue just to do that and then be reactive the motion should come first because that it not only does avoid confusion but then then you have something to go back to after you've discussed it or asked questions or referred to another document or ask the superintendent a question or staff question whatever but can always go back to the qu the pending question is on the motion to add and school D understood so it gives you a going back Point as well yes ma'am so kind of to Mr ph's point I I believe what occurs is that we end up making the motion as we go and it becomes this very lengthy robust motion and in instead of it being tight or I think last time you told us would be great to type it out and give it to our colleagues so it's very specific and I think that's what the issue that we run into is with the just going on and on and it's not tight and concise that's true I say I've watched a couple of your meetings and the one I'm going to discuss today really went was I say off the rails uh but it it's important I think as individual School members that you know how to make an amendment because it's your amendment is something you want done it's important to you so it would be important to uh state it correctly so there is no confusion um and it always begin when I move to amend so it's not I want to make a motion but be specific as to what it is you are proposing so that's the we that ad is another process of amendment um miss m yes sorry I I forgot to advise the board um at the beginning of the training as I did last time uh that you had requested that the recording of today's training not be subsequently placed on the district's website due to copyright concerns of your work uh but you do not object to the live streaming at at this time of your training is that correct that's correct thank you the the training has been specific to this board and what I have observed about your procedures how I would make a presentation uh in General on parliamentary procedure would be totally different because I would go through basically teaching the book where this is specifically for you and specific situations Okay so we've done um done add we've done in insert the next process is this dual yes excuse me um can I just get a point of clarification certainly yes okay when you're saying at the end can you please clarify do you mean at the end of a sentence at the end of a paragraph at the end of a page or at the end of the entire document just clarify for the record all of those uh except not the page it could be the end of a sentence it could be the end of the doc doent it could be the end of a paragraph uh the end of a page could be that doesn't make any sense so it needs to be an element of the document itself or the motion itself if you are dealing for example if you have a motion to approve a new policy or a policy um your amendments would be made to the policy so you might want to add another element to that policy or you might want to add another sentence to paragraph four within the policy is that answer your question because sometimes your your amendments are wordsmithing uh make clarifying uh say saying something in a better way rather than introducing a new uh provision exactly but add always goes at the end of a sentence a paragraph or document okay the next amendment process is strike out I move to amend the main motion by striking out the words and you only deal with the words you want to strike out in this case uh I'm sorry I can't read your name young lady my name yes oh leonardy Sarah all right thank you Miss leonardy would you move the motion to strike out I move to amend the main motion by striking out the words school be is there a second second it is moved and seconded to amend the main motion by striking out the word School B is there any debate on the amendment okay always always always and I'm going to say this again Madam chair always before taking a vote especially when there's been a lot of debate and discussion rep repeat what the motion is before taking the vote all right the question is on the mo Amendment to the main motion to strike out the words school be all those in favor of the amendment say I I those opposed say no no the eyes have it and the amendment is adopted so now I like that they know every time what does our motion look like um on the the the top example shows the four amendments that were made that we there was an amendment to change the amount there was an amendment to insert media senders School B was struck out and school D was added so the main motion is now what I'm going to ask you to read what the main motion is now got it uh main motion is to allocate an additional $35,000 for updates to the following schools media centers School a and school C and school D to allocate an additional $35,000 for updates to the following school media centers School a and school C and school D okay I only wanted the sorry think I read the whole thing what I wanted you to see was what is the main motion now so now you're back to the main motion as as it is amended it is now subject to further amendment I only did four but the important part at this point is you voted on those four things and you cannot vote to change them again in other words you can't decide well maybe we only need to do 25,000 but you voted to do 35 so it's not in order to uh change anything that was previously voted on I have a question on that but what if you're on the prevailing side that would be the motion to reconsider yeah um if if you wish to reconsider the vote on one of the Amendments you have to have voted for it being meaning on the prevailing side and um the motion to reconsider has to be made it has to be voted on it is debatable but what the the point was that you it would not be in order order to make a motion to change one of these things that we've already voted on except in the case of reconsidering okay the big one substitution the process by substituting I move to substitute the following for the pending main motion to allocate an additional $40,000 to replace a deteriorating gy gym equipment at the four schools identified in the facility study of July 2023 what do you think about that motion nothing I guess I was read okay let's let's look at it this way the pending motion is our original motion that we started with as amending and now the proposal is to substitute a motion with a different amount uh allocated for different funds and the schools are identified differently would you consider that Germain no and why not I don't think it's close enough to the original Amendment and it particularly because it's different schools it seems me like that would be a separate item would be what a separate item separate item anybody else well sometimes these things are debatable but let's let's look at it the uh intent of the motion is to allocate some amount of money for some update to some schools so the amount of money could be Germain what we're going to update could be controversial and where the schools are going to be allocated uh could be questionable so I would say that was Germain anybody disagree you're welcome to yes sir oh you disagree but you're not saying why I just don't think it's close enough I mean Jermaine is subjective but um it's a different purpose altogether for different schools uh and it's not clear to me whether it's 40,000 I mean so it's additional 40,000 above the 50 I get that um but I just I I would think that it would be ruled not terain okay yes Miss fam microne microphone um I would also have a question on whether or not your compliance with Sunshine because the first one says to update schools and now you're talking about replacing gym equipment and whether that would be considered properly proper notice in addition to the the whole um whole meet of these first Merion and substitute motion are different and that's why and I don't know if there might be public concern that they might have wanted to adjust this one updating is making new now you're talking about replacing um gym equipment okay Madam chair how would you rule how would you rule sorry I would allow it how would the parliamentarian advise the chair I would advise the share that it is ger main okay I course tried to make these examples to sort of relate to what you do but to also make a point um um Miss McDougall so if the um parliamentarian advises the shair that let's say that something is Germaine and then the chair agrees and and she rules it in order um can that ruling from the chair be then appealed to the body the Parliamentary ruling and what is that process if you disagree with the chair's ruling that this is Germain Dr Zan um you can appeal the decision of the chair in other words you disagree with the chair's ruling that this is Germaine now an appeal is requires a second it is debatable and the chair gets to speak twice but members only get to speak once the chair gets to explain why she feels in this case it is Germain uh board members can speak against the ruling and then a vote is taken on sustaining the decision of the chair and then in that case depending on how it comes out you either the substitute is dropped or you proceed to handle it because it is your main so yes ma'am I just like to like make a comment we're in a workshop so you know I guess my take on it if it's closely related to the main motion I think that you know a lot of times we end up debating kind of like whether it's doain we spend so much time on that debating we can just vote it up or down and be quickly be done with it uh within a short period of time but instead we spend a lot of time on debating whether it's ger meain right so you can short circuit that by the chair rules that it is to remain period you it it's not debatable uh as unless you appeal and there again it each member only gets to speak one time according to the rules so that right away shortens the process would you agree yeah I also think the the opportunity to uh as the chair to move forward uh by just saying in the absence of any disagreement I'm uh this passes and it gives everybody a chance to say if they disagree or not but it feel feels to me like we often get to consensus and it still takes five more minutes you know to kind of get that so that that might be a valuable like tool you know if you see that we're in consensus just say so and we if anyone isn't they can they can sound off isn't that I'm sorry I've got the wording wrong but what is the proper warning for if I if there is no objection unanimous consent okay right but you you're not saying unanimous you're giving everyone a chance to say no it's not unanimous I there is right yeah uh but does not work in a deliberative assembly because a deliber assembly is meant to debate and decide where consensus means you kind of all have to agree and with unanimous consent it simply means that you have no objection to it being done you might not like what is being done but you know it's a LW CA so why waste time going through debate and and taking a vote as long as no one objects y okay all right so at this point the chair has ruled that the motion is Germain and we can continue now substitute is an amendment so it is a primary Amendment to the main motion and that mean therefore means that it is itself amendable so it would be in order to amend by adding by inserting by striking out by striking out and inserting but you cannot substitute a substitute for a substitute wait seems like I've seen that somewhere okay go on explain well it it it's just not in order because one it gets too convoluted but The Substitute itself is amendable you can add you can insert you can strike out you can strike out and insert you just cannot substitute another motion or the substitute motion okay so you're saying motion substitute motion there's not an additional substitute motion on top of that that's correct did everybody everybody get that I feel like I feel like we follow that no we definitely have done substitutes on sub we've gotone both ways Dan really yeah I feel like we've always done a substitute and then it would be amend or asked to take away because we never keep adding okay but are we going to go through the process once a substitute mention um substitute motion is made say what are you going to go through are you going to instruct us on the next steps in the process on what happens after a substitute motion is on the on the floor thank you that would be great well that that's why I have both both motions up there the the pending main motion which is the one that we that has already been amended and the substitute motion now at this point I want to say it's not that it gets complicated but at this point both of those motions are amendable so the chair would say um under the rules the chair is going to take each motion separately for Amendment are there any amendments to the pending main motion see this is where it helps if you can have it displayed on the screen and the pending main motion is is that we allocate $35,000 for the school media centers are there any amendments to that motion are there any amendments to the substitute motion to allocate $40,000 to replace the gym equipment at four schools so Pat I just want to be clear at this point both motions are on the floor both get perfected right there amendments against both correct and then we vote then you vote on the motion shall the substitute replace the original so it's amendments on the substitute motion sorry so when you have the substitute motion people can make amendments onto the substitute motion that's correct it is amendable but okay remember itself it is a an amendment is a primary Amendment to the main motion Miss McDougall Qui one quick question I think another point that um can be confusing at times is when an item is moved to the floor does that mean that the question is on the floor and if there is a motion at that time it would be either a substitute motion or a motion to amend it would be already amending the item that is on the floor I don't know if I'm expressing the question clearly but there there seems to be some confusion about the fact that um when an item is moved whether the question is already before the the body or is just the item is on the table when I MO when a motion is made Let's Take main motion first M that brings after it's seconded and the chair States it it belongs to the to the board and it is quote unquote on the floor at that time at that time it is debatable and it is open to Amendment if it's amendable then if you have a motion to amend the immediately pending question becomes the motion to amend so the motion you now have two motions on the floor one the main motion and an amendment to that motion does that answer your question I see a question mark on your face no no I think it does I answer the question so so I I what I am Gathering is that once the shair asks for a motion and a second on an item the that question is on the floor and that is the main motion correct okay corre thank you Robert used this question uh question and motion basically mean the same thing um because if you have a motion it's something you have to decide it's a question that has to be answered um because in putting a motion to a vote the question is on adoption of the motion to do something but now in the case of the substitute the question is on substituting um go back one the question is on substituting the following motion to allocate an additional $40,000 uh to the pending main motion so the question is if the substitute is adopted what next motion to substitute is adopted now what anybody H I can't hear you you voted to sub you the the vote was on making the substitution now what now you have to vote for the whole item I can't hear you now you have to vote on the whole item that's correct that's correct the motion to substitute was an amendment so you would still have the main motion pending the question is what is the main motion it is if substitute is adopted The Substitute becomes the main motion and if substitute fails you're back to the original the other main motion so the result of the vote on substitute is one or the other will become the main motion can I can I just uh on that point so if if we went from Main motion to substitute motion if substitute motion failed we go back to the main motion and then someone make another substitute motion yes okay yes [Laughter] forever but what I have seen in some of your meetings is when the substitute is adopted you move on and robertt says adoption of the subid subsidiary motion amend does not adopt the motion thereby amended so it's important to remember with substitute that it does not adopt the main motion it becomes the main motion if substitute is adopted well I I I always say all in favor of the item as amend it that's okay okay so that's fine it's just indicating that you you you know they know that it's not the original way way way back right M motion right so any questions on the motion to substitute any questions on amend in general could you and I'm sorry about this because I just want to make sure we understand it um go back to the main motion and the substitute motion and have us go through the process of saying um you know if the substitute motion is adopted and then then you Mo vote on that becomes the main motion then and then you vote that on that again so how would that work let's say on this right here okay well let let let's go through the process Madam chair would you um who would like to make the motion to substitute go ahead I'd like to make a substitute motion to allocate an additional 40,000 to replace deteriorating gym equipment at the four schools identified in the facilities study of July 2023 second you're the chair so it is moved and seconded oh I'm okay it's been moved and seconded public a comment board member comment you want to re it's been moved and seconded to substitute you have the words in front of you you wouldn't necessarily have them it's been moved in seconded to allocate an additional 40,000 to replace detering gym equipment of for schools identify in the faciliity studied of July 2023 is there any debate on the substitute any debate on the substitute motion seeing none no back up now at this point um are there any amendments to the pending main motion which reads to allocate an additional 35,000 for updates to the following schools Media Center School a and school C and school D are there any amendments to the pending motion are there any are there any amendments to the pending motion yes chair Mr F hly I'd like to propose uh we remove School D would I be able to do that yes okay remove School D Deerfield Beach High School but it's not there got that regionals a game today nor I'm not playing around your your motion's out of order I'm playing dear field I love you okay so there's no amendments to the pending main motion now how about this how about the substitute is there any amendments to substitute motion no back to the main motion you can any any debate on the motion to substitute you open vote to Amendment now you want to debate whether to make the substitute this me off um it's it's very difficult to do it this way it's almost like if you see it uh like as a like you did the first one with the dialogue written out well that's why you can get lost in substitute correct well we but we need to get this because we do a lot of substitutes correct m okay well the the procedure is first you have the motion I move to substitute uh the following motion and give the wording of the substitute if you know you're going to do that it's very very very very helpful if you would give the words to the chair and advice to the chair because I I've seen you struggle to capture the wording uh from a member and it would be helpful to take the time uh to ask them to write it down and hand it to you it would be better than hemming and Hauling and stammering and trying to repeat it so it there's nothing wrong with taking a minute to ask them to write it down and hand it to you so the process is first you make the motion to substitute giving the wording of the motion then the chair ask repeats the motion and ask if there's any amendments to the original motion are there any amendments to the substitute then you debate whether or not to make the substitute after both are open to Amendment and depending on the vote on The Substitute what happens anybody one or the other wins that's correct one or the other will prevail and then at that point that is your main motion that you go forward with and you have to then you you voted on the substitute then you have to vote on the that adopting that motion whichever one prevailed everybody good with that question yes um what is the main reason for amending the main motion at the same time as the as sub can you hear me now what is the main reason for amending the main motion as well as substitute motion is that to have the main motion compete with the substitute so and make a decision between the two or I'm just a bit confused as to why we're not just focusing on the substitute motion and amending that why are we going back simultaneously to amend both of them what is the reason for that oh it gives you the opportunity to present to make the one motion more acceptable now that you've heard what the substitute is maybe I better change maybe the original motion needs to be amended again to compete with the substitute so it's it's mainly to to allow the main motion to compete with whatever the substitute is correct okay to perfect it or make it more acceptable to to be adopted or to Prevail and I'm sorry go ahead and any one of us can amend the main motion it doesn't have to be the person who made the motion correct correct okay correct I I've heard perect ing the I've been in meetings where perfecting the motion um has to happen because the substitute comes so quickly there wasn't time to make an amendment to the main so they brought in ideas that they wanted to amend it anyway and then a substitute motion happen so quickly they go back to the main motion to introduce changes that they wanted to do but just didn't get to yet but the whole idea is I think to compete one motion against another correct yeah in other words if you want to defeat the substitute you might have to twe speak the original motion to to begin with and if you want if you want the substitute to Prevail you might have to tweak it a little bit also and then of course it's a majority vote will decide which of the two will prevail it's easy to get lost in that process but when you take it step by step it it's not too complicated or at least in my simple mind uh you make the motion uh each are open to debate and then you vote on The Substitute but the important thing is that after the substitute is adopted to go back and um to the U and vote on whichever motion prevails because Robert says adopting the amendment does not adopt the motion okay now the fun part it's always fun to sit and watch these things but they're also very instructive I've simplified it to some degree there was a pending main motion to direct the superintendent of schools to uh initiate rul making for revisions to policy 5309 School unified dress what I got out of hearing the debate on that was that to adopt that meant you were adopting a unified dress code is that correct yes that's what I got out of the hearing the debate uh forgetting everything that went on in between uh there was finally a motion uh to substitute I Believe by Miss Hixon to direct the superintendent to initiate Community input on revisions to policy 5039 that's roughly stated what what the amendment was then uh I don't believe there was any debate there was a vote on the motion to substitute the chair announced that the substitute was adopted by vote of 5-3 and the chair moved on to the next item what is wrong with that process if anything didn't vote did it not go back to the main motion right that's correct the main motion the substit itute was an amendment to the main motion uh which was directing the superintendent on um coming up with rules for policy 5309 The Substitute was adopted and that and went on to the next item on the agenda so that left hanging a motion that was not disposed of nor amended pardon nor amended nor amend it it's just hanging there so what you want to do about that another question um but there was no decision on the main motion now what should have happened the pending motion again was to direct the superintendent of schools to initiate rul making for revisions to the policy now now what I got out of the debate was that the general feeling of most everybody on the board was that before undertaking making the rules that there should be surveys taken and get public input parent input uh what whatever staff teachers uh students and that seemed to be what everybody wanted to do so now the question is was it in order to substitute a motion to take a survey for a motion to direct the superintendent to start rule making yes why do you say yes because I made it in order well you could be challenged my thinking was it was not in order because it was to take the survey first would have been a prerequisite to making the rule making in other words the decision would be based on or at least gathered input from the community from the public but my thinking was that that motion was not in order and what should have happened was that the motion the original motion should have been postponed indefinitely in other words at this time we are not taking a position on going forward with the unified dress code we will we will take that up later and then a new motion could have been introduced that the superintendent initiate Community input um on the revisions to policy 5039 that would have been my thinking and then that motion is is can be adopted or it can be moved and then the chair can move on to the next item on the agenda can can the chair postpone something indefinitely Or is that need a vote all remember that the chair has same rights as everybody else every other member of the board uh to make motions to speak in debate and to vote without leaving the chair so the answer to your question would be yes so she would make a motion to postpone indefinitely there'd be debate normal process and then a vote in the end on whether we want to suspend uh postpone indefinitely the item correct okay if it's not coming forth from another board member that's how I would have seen that go down in other words to take a survey is not the same thing is not related to directing the superintendent to move forward with rules if you don't mind could that have been a substitute motion though what uh this a second um so the it was it was made as a as a substitute would you have found that to be proper to accept it as a substitute motion no I would rule that not in order because it it it's just it's related but it's not the same thing to direct the superintendent to make rules as to direct the superintendent to take surveys instead of you don't have to agree but yes sir yes chair so so in the situation that's what my question was right we weren't making a vote to make an immediate change is to initiate rul making so even taking surveys we voted yes that day that could have been an amendment to that motion to say that's going to be part of the process of rulemaking to start off with surveys but you're going to initiate Ru making but we have surveys made in the community get feedback um that's where I was and I didn't understand because it sort of like you said we sort of voted on something that was totally different you directed the superintendent to do another action instead of that rule that makes sense so I under I agree with you well I wrestled with this one because um you can put conditions on a motion um direct the superintendent to make rules provided he does a survey first but if the intent of the rules is to implement the policy and the public is against the policy then that doesn't make sense uh in that situation does does that make sense understood it does and that's why I decided that you had to get rid of get rid of you had to postpone indefinitely the original motion before making the motion on taking the surveys that had the had the chair done that would it have been appropriate then for any member while uh right after that item is uh voted on and postponed indefinitely to make a motion to come back and do the survey correct that would have been what after hearing the debate it would have been in order to the to postpone the main motion like you could say um I if if my colleagues agree um I will introduce a motion uh that the superintendent take the surveys but first we must postpone the main motion indefinitely and that could have been a chair statement the chair could have said could have initiated that I'll initiate that motion but let's dispose of the main motion with with a I hear you you know if there's unanimous consent let's postpone this indefinitely look around if there's consent great and then take the motion because the motion really is a different action the way Dan was describing it well it's a survey on the way to rulemaking is different than survey instead of rulemaking correct and I think the body has to make sure that we're making a clear distinction between those things and and uh it's probably yeah there we go thank you I have a question yes so would if it had been done the other way where a substitute motion was created for that main motion then that would that have been um that would have been as Dr Zan said uh um uh substitute instead of it would would that would just get rid of the main motion completely right if it because one would have to compete with the other correct so is that the reason we would not use substitute Motion in this case because we want to postpone inde definitely not get rid of it completely well see postpone inde definitely uh avoids making a decision you're not for it you're not against it you're not making a decision yet right so how how would a substitute motion um be problematic in this case because in this particular case it was to take the survey which was different from writing rules in other words the survey is a prerequisite to making the decision on whether to proceed with writing the rules so in essence the the um the substitute motion would have been to postpone indefinitely is the same thing no substitute is an amendment postpone inde definitely applies to the main motion but it is not an amendment in of in and of itself so by postponing it indefinitely you the board is not taking a position on proceeding with uh unified dress code but by making another main motion and I believe you said that would be in order under Sunshine Law because it's related to the motion that was noticed um to take the survey first but I want to be clear about that chair I I don't think there's anything in sunshine that prevents us from making a new motion that we never put on the agenda that's a leg question go closing comments I feel like I could raise my hand as a legislator and say I move a new item but isn't that uh new business right but you're now you're eliminating the public you have tot totally it's it's politically risky to do that but it's not illegal it doesn't violate sunshine to do that it's just politically risky because I'm basically saying I'm doing this quick and I hope the public doesn't know about it so I can convince for my colleagues to do something without the Public's input and it's risky for everyone to vote for that or even for the body to take that issue up but it's not illegal to do that there's nothing in sunshine that Miss McDougall if I may speak as to the sunshine so there are three elements to the any meeting so that a meeting is sunshine one is that the meeting um must be open to the public yep that there is notice of the meeting and that minutes must be taken of the meeting that's it and that's it so if something is not gerain uh under robber's rules that would be one you know it's out of order that would be a reason to not um consider a motion but it would not be because it doesn't comply with the Sunshine Law it would be because it doesn't comply with Robert's Rules right but at the end of our meeting when when the chair asks does the any Schoolboard member have anything else they want to add that's right I feel I I I am within legal limits to make a motion on a new item that has not been on the agenda before well I don't think so because the agenda for that meeting was voted upon at the beginning of the meeting and there was a certain number of items that were part of the agenda to be considered by the board so I'd have to start with a motion to amend the agenda yes if you wanted to add something I believe Dr holness actually did that at one point uh and and where uh Mrs uh Hixon was here as the chair and he introduced an item that was not part of the agenda uh but he introduced it before the closure of the agenda and so uh it was admitted for good cause and it was then part of the agenda um sorry so so you're saying two different things timing wise I think one is the beginning of the meeting when we open up the agenda somebody can make a motion I'd like to add to the chair I'd like to uh add or strike make any kind of changes to the agenda but once it's approved can't you also make a motion to amend the agenda as approved you can but uh first of all I mean as a general rule you shouldn't add items to the agenda as we have all discussed up here um that are not on the agenda like late items right I mean I think all the board members complain about late items so the source of the late item should not be the board member okay I mean you don't want the you don't want staff to do it you don't want the superintendent to do it so you should not be adding that at the last minute either but it's not illegal it is not it is it does not violate sunshine to do it that way and what is the basis for us not uh what's the basis for the statement we should not do it because again and you know well under robber's rules there is an agenda right and that's more of a robbers rule issue than a sunshine issue is what I'm saying there is a way to keep it out because it should not be added late or or it's not there is no good cost to add an item to the agenda and the the chair could rule that the item there is no good cost to add this new item on the agenda um that could be that's the way to keep it out am I making sense I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm getting into some details that can be handled otherwise but there are uh times that things happen in the two weeks before we announce an agenda in a Schoolboard meeting in which a school board member as a legislator on this body might feel obliged at the beginning either to amend the agenda or after it's been approved to make a motion to amend the agenda and that's up to the member of the school board to decide if they want to do that the chair has to make a decision about whether there's just cause good cause right excuse me uh good cause um but uh but that doesn't violate sunshine and it and it can be done within Robert's Rules and it's subject to the chair agreeing to the to saying hey there's good cause for taking that item up generally yes thank you Mr rber slippery slope very slippery slope right um I I I enjoyed the conversation and the little bit of debate that we had here but I'm just going to say two words and that's going to say it all for me and it's called grand jury so thank you okay is there um can you clarify under Robert's Rules uh the process for an agenda and how you know whether you can amend that like the day of the meeting or after the agenda has been closed well it depends on the organization Robert's Rules is does not apply to I mean in the sense uh where you have open meeting laws like the Florida Sunshine Law but what Robert does prescribed is an order of business to be followed you do not have to adopt the agenda it does have an item called new business under which anything can come up it does not have to to be noticed um but as a public body you something totally different so it's not a Robert's Rules issue it's a statute issue okay can we move on yes one another quick question does um Robert rules Robert's Rules uh speak about anything about public comment on motions or anything like that no and and I have purposely not addressed that because the I I think y yall covered that well the chair asked for public comments and uh that's again a statutory requirement um some organizations will have rules on non-members being present uh non-members having the Privileges of the floor meaning they can be there but they cannot participate so uh that's another issue that's statutory not not Parliament law wise I I knew the answer I just wanted you to say it see if I knew the answer I can get stomped okay moving right along for um a sum summary of the motion to amend uh there are degrees of amendments primary is the First Amendment which applies to the pending motion or resolution and a secondary amendment that applies to a pending primary Amendment now going back to the substitute uh example a motion to substitute is a primary Amendment and it is subject to secondary amendments by adding inserting striking out or striking out and inserting but it is not in order to substitute a substitute or a substitute and the secondary amendment is not amendable meaning you can have three processes of amendments so the processes are you can insert or add you can strike out words or a paragraph you can strike out and insert words or you can substitute uh an entire motion or an entire paragraph all right any questions on amend in any form everybody's cool with that yes great oh no questions great all right I wanted to review uh debate again uh in a couple of meetings I've watched I heard some great debate uh what I would call real debate so I I have to give you guys kudos for that because it was impressive uh or debate uh debate versus discussion discussion is a general conversation uh about ideas uh the kinds of things you would do in a workshop I think that's a good idea has that ever been done before uh do we have any uh data to support that uh in other words there's not a general motion being discussed it's to just discussing ideas and I think that's what you do in your workshops as I understand it debate on the other hand is um it again it is discussion but it's on the merits of a pending motion should this be adopted or not pro or Con in favor or against a given motion and it it's part of the democratic decisionmaking process and it's also um Roberts rules parliamentary procedure applies to deliberative assembly so in the process of making uh a decision you are a deliberative assembly and to deliberate means to debate what are some of the rules of debate I think I mentioned this earlier that the maker of the motion has the right to speak first if he so desires under Robert's Rules each member may speak two times for 10 minutes doesn't mean four times or six times or it means two times for 10 minutes uh you cannot yield or reserve your time and you cannot speak a second time until everyone has spoken once yes ma'am okay so good slide good slide so now is this fact or is this optional like do we this is two times for 10 minutes is fact or it's just we can change it based on BCPS policy I'm going to cover that perfect I'm this is what Robert says and your policy says you conduct your meetings according to Robert's Rules of Order amen time for 10 minutes everybody get that pat I there is an important one though that we should talk about I think here is it just impolite to offer a motion in the first round or is it wrong no anytime you're at the floor you can speak in debate or for any legitimate purpose so if you're recognized you C you don't have to debate you can move right away to making a motion you don't have to debate I I will just put this out there it feels impolite um particularly on some of our most interesting issues um uh the the the being called by the chair is subject to who gets her attention first and that's the way meetings go but getting her attention first to uh I mean I I understand that it's not against the rules but it doesn't allow all members of the group to share their original ideas about the item that's on the table so I I understand that you can do it I'm just I'm just it feels like I would be cutting people off from sharing their ideas before moving forward and so thank you but I got the answer yeah but you're you're also here to make decisions and I assume to get what you want done done uh and there's strategy involved in some of this so Dr Zan you know I think that like to your point even though I might make a motion like come right out of that and make a motion you can still speak to I feel like what you think about the item when you have the opportunity to speak so that's a see I don't think so see in in my work on boards when a motion is on the so an item's on the floor and then a motion comes out the debate now is about the motion not about the item that's correct and you could actually make a motion and then I start talking about the item you go sorry Zan you're out of order yeah I'm like what oh but I wanted to talk about the item you're like well so what and and I think Miss Mall's point is there's a strategy to legislating and sometimes you want to throw your motion out before people can debate to get the discussion about the motion not about the item and I think we do confuse that I think uh as board members and as an assembly we're not we're not following the rules when we when there's a motion on the floor that's what we are supposed to debate or discuss not the main item that's correct the last motion made is what's debate what's being debated yeah and so so if someone's trying to be strategic they do it by getting a motion when they talk second or third or whenever in order to constrain the debate about that motion and it I I understand why they might want to do that as Pat said some sometimes people want to win not have a public debate about a public policy issue well doesn't the public comments come before debate after a motion is made yeah I thought so okay well anyway on the rules of debate um you can't speak a second time according to Robert until everyone's had a chance to speak one time um debate is closed when no more no additional members seek the floor and the chair may not cut off debate chair can say do anybody have anything new to add but chair can't say that I I'll hear two more I hear this all the time uh two more speakers and that's it that's the end of debate that's not good procedure okay the other part of debate is decorum in debate and Robert refers to decorum as practices and Customs that assist in making debate smooth and orderly interruptions are out of order you must be recog iiz to speak and remarks must be gerain same as amendments must be gerain the remarks must be gerain and you want to avoid attacking another member uh or avoid name calling and address all remarks to the chair there's a general rule you talk to nobody in this room but the chair if you have a question you ask the chair to get the answer for you um that's just the simplest way to put it you only talk to the chair not to and definitely not to each other I did watch one meeting where there was a going back and forth between two board members and that would be a violation of the rules of decorum wrong button again okay now going back to the question on uh changing the rules of debate there are two motions uh on the chart um one is to limit or extend limits of debate remember now Robert has two times for 10 minutes and you can close debate with previous question or you canid can consider informally so if you have limitations on your debate for example um say you adopted a rule that debate on all motions shall be limited to 20 minutes uh and the 20 minutes is up and it's really a critical issue you can move to consider the motion informally and then the rules of debate no longer apply there's no more time limits on debate yes I have a question do you have to do this on every motion like you if so Robert says 2 times 10 but if the chair or the board members wanted to be able to debate it until we came to a consensus would you have to say at the beginning of that motion consider informally you could you could adopt a motion to uh extend the time to an hour it helps if you set limits on yourself but by the same token setting limits is like can be stying so there's a balance there between limitations and and no limitations so the unspoken idea is we we're going to do two 10minute um the limit is two times 10 minutes but if someone wanted to extend that you'd have to do that at the beginning or you do it while you're in the heat of the motion I I just trying to both you could do it at the beginning of the meeting you could do it for one motion only um I I think what she's saying can like if already in the motion I spoke there's a few people that already spoke can someone just say they want to make a motion to extend the bait yes yeah okay thank you and and to be clear the 210 is our policy because we've said we're going to follow Roberts and Roberts is 210 that's why we do it I just wonder if you had to set that for every motion or it's just unen agreement because it's a policy that is limited to 20 minutes total and you wanted to extend it where is it appropriate at the beginning is it okay to do it in the middle I think that's my next slide um that you can adopt a special rule that applies to all meetings in other words Robert says two times for 10 minutes you could adopt a rule that um debate shall be limited or rules of debate shall be two time or shall be four times for two minutes what whatever you wanted to make it but Special Rule is a rule that supersedes what's in Roberts so that becomes effective for all meetings all the time you could also adopt a debate limit for this meeting only in other words uh there's something critical going on you've got a certain amount of business to do before 5 o'clock and you want to be out of here so you could have a motion to limit debate for this meet for this meeting only yes I have a question about the 10 minutes sometimes board members ask questions and then staff answered the question does that does the staff time answering the question go in the 10 minutes or they pause the time and only when the board member speaking the 10min if you were really being correct about it the question and answer part would not be part of debate I was at a convention and they had so we stopped the time they had stop clocks for speaking in debate and for total time so but you have to be on your toes as the uh timekeeper to to make the cut off and stop we have an excellent time keep stop the clock but by the same token maybe you don't need to be military precise well it depends I my view is if we cut the public off at their time we got to cut us off at their time too we can't mean my own view is we can't treat the public any different than we treat each other that that's a good point too so and then uh you could also adopt a debate limit for the current motion only so you have a the choice of doing a rule for Universal rule for this meeting or for this motion only okay says here I got two minutes left uh the process again going over that the debate circle is where everything happens where you debate where you make amendments um so it it it is probably the most important step in the process but couple of other things I wanted to go over and one is a point of order a point of order can be raised by any member it is to point out a violation of the rules and the chair and it can interrupt member does not have to be recognized to raise a point of order um and then the chair responds by asking the member to State their point of order and then the chair rules I uh your point is well taken or your point is not well taken and and that's it give the reasons of your Mo the your motion is not gerain um as an example and then if the some member of the board disagrees they can appeal the decision of the chair yes M uh what's the difference between a point of order and I have a parliamentary inquiry next slide okay a point of order is pointing out there has been a violation of the rules a parliamentary inquiry is to ask a question about parliamentary procedure and then but there's no opinion given there I mean there's no ruling giving there the chair is giving a ruling on what she thinks the Parliamentary procedure is uh and may consult with the parliamentarian to ask like I don't know what the answer is uh could you tell me uh how to answer uh the board members question so point of order requires a ruling by the chair which can be appealed parliamentary inquiry is just an answer to a question about parliamentary procedure good m okay easy Andre I'm almost done three minutes four minutes okay yeah it's 11:30 oh all right I'll hurry I'll skip the next one you can also ask for request for information uh which you probably do a lot when to ask staff questions you want to ask the superintendent questions uh you do not have to be recognized to do that but those are not substantive questions those are questions about procedures no question or information could be about motions uh right right um I can't say in the middle of of uh moving into an item hey soup what do you think about the dress code no no right that's what I'm saying it's not substantive about the item it's about the process the request for information could be to ask the superintendent what surveys have been done in the past okay now I'm confused is that item on the budget uh would it be in order to amend the budget or how does that work could the superintendent explain that okay so you told me that I only talk to the chair that's correct but you ask the chair the question sure so I get it but uh that would be while an item is on the floor correct not while an item is about to be called up correct thank you that's I just want my point was you you talked about a point of order and a parliamentary inquiry and then you went right into you can ask questions you can't just randomly ask questions whenever you feel like it I'm trying to think of a situation there's no item on the floor yet you can't just say hey soup what do you think about those early release days no that would not be in order thank you okay yes ma'am yes would would it be simple he's asking for opinions what do you think how do you feel what you're suggesting to us as you're asking for factual information I think that's the distinguishing Point here am I correct yes yes definitely there's some information you need from staff or from uh from past experience feel that will influence your decision okay Rules of Order just to clarify what Rules of Order are um um first of all the caption on this cartoon is on second thought operator cancel the call to the riot Squad and send over a parliamentarian um Rules of Order refer to the written rules of parliamentary procedure such rules refer to the orderly transaction of business in meetings and to the duties of officers in that regard the key word is orderly okay just to review the basic principles of parliamentary law is that the majority has the right to decide it's not consensus the majority is more than half uh the minority has a right to be heard the rights of individual members each member has equal rights to speak in debate to make motions and to vote um oops the rights of absentees which doesn't usually apply here that's why a quorum is required to know that no decisions will be made in the absence of a quorum and then all of these things together and I put the chair in the middle because it's to the chair to see that all of these things are are done and kind of a last word thing uh debate when you're speaking in debate always discuss merits speak only to the chair only the chair rules on points of order and the chair should State motions before taking a vote always always always the cartoon says today is our first paperless and digitus meeting in other words we're switching over to ESP just a light-hearted note and even in small boards all proposed actions must be approved by by taking a vote and lastly in this happy little group uh it is very material Robert says that order decency and regularity be preserved in in a dignified public body and there's that word order again experience has shown that a board that functions in an orderly fashion achieved by the application of parliamentary law is well respected as a board concurrently the decisions made in an orderly manner are more likely to be accepted thank you for the opportunity to present the two training sessions My Hope Is that you have found the presentations productive and that you will apply The Rules of Order introduced and that board meetings will be productive as well as orderly and maybe even shorter thank you again thanks P thank you thank you Miss McDougall for being here and and helping us we greatly appreciate it um I believe this was passed out again if not always keep it with you because the next item is the bond oversight committee report fiscal year 24 q1 I will now now turn it over to staff for a presentation is there anybody on the line no one's on the line thank you are you thank you sorry you may [Music] begin morning Madam chair Omar shim director of capital budget um the bond can you can you hear me no is it green bring it closer if you could check check there we go ah there we go good morning Madame chair my name is Omar shim I'm the director of capital budget um I have laa krishnaa from the bond oversight committee uh to present um good morning uh Mr superintendent and uh board chair and board members um we have a few items uh we are pleased at this time I I I want to begin with saying that we're pleased with the progress that that we are seeing compared to previous times uh few of the pr things that we wanted to bring to your attention is we want uh to continue to concentrate on finishing projects uh that we feel is important that the projects that have already started be finished uh we are also uh a little bit concerned that we have vacancies on the board uh and we want that those vacancies also uh uh you know uh filled if possible we have a problem sometimes with Quorum because those vacancies are not there and the resolution States who should be part uh you know uh which profession should be part part of the uh uh the composition of that board and this would alleviate if we managed to fill them alleviate uh the one obstacle that we sometimes have to conducting business we don't vote on a lot of things the minutes and perhaps uh new members the positive thing is we did have one new member that we um uh that was appointed and we uh was on the board from from the last meeting uh so we are making Pro progress on that uh in that direction we also uh adopted uh not adopted but now we are meeting even if we're not uh don't have a quorum when we meet at least the presentations by staff are made to us and that is important because that's important for the public to see as well as uh us to see that what is happening so uh that is a positive uh we also uh would like if possible if members can not make the meeting if they can uh attend virtually at least to listen and if we have a full component uh members that are specialized in certain areas could follow up ask the questions uh so even if they can't be there to vote uh if a vote comes up but vote rarely comes up uh you know it's as as I said it's mostly the minutes are AO you know voting in a new member we are also asking the board to adopt uh an errors and omissions policy uh that is important because there was no policy at this time and if the board adopts a policy uh it will be helpful to staff to follow up if um you know there are errors and omissions I I believe um as I was just told that other districts especially our neighboring districts do uh Dade and Palm Beach do have uh policy of this nature so that'll be important uh also the risk assessment and I think we got it today uh we wanted make sure the current risk assessment is released in time and if the next one is ready uh or done that that also be released uh and uh so that we can review it in time so that's the other thing that we're asking uh we are very pleased with the Outreach in media social media effort they have ramped up quite a bit and and are reaching a lot more people so that is important because one of the things we were noticing is that the community was not really aware of all the things that were going on especially the good things they they they were concentrating on the negatives uh also uh couple of our members we uh sometimes we ask for things and uh I think we it was brought to you before but we want to make sure that uh some of the items that board members the oversight committee members ask for are brought to them or uh reported back to them in a timely fashion uh we are receiving a lot more information now on a very regular basis so we are very happy with that uh but members sometimes have questions about specific items or schools and we would like that information to get back to the whole committee as soon as possible uh I think this is also one of the issues that tax watch has brought before you before we don't really get a lot of the community come to our meetings orer uh public comments but if they do uh and they bring something to us even if it's outside the scope of the smart Bond uh you know people don't understand what was within that scope but they want something for their school and if they come before ask us and ask for that staff gets back to them uh but we want to make sure that uh it they uh get the answers that they are seeking uh in a timely uh fashion and also that the uh oversite committee is notified when that is done and lastly uh we are very grateful to Bob Nave and tax watch for all of their work their vigilance and their recommendations because that makes it a lot easier uh for the oversight uh committee to follow along and follow up so thank you very much staff do you have a staff presentation yeah staff does have a presentation and if the board wants to we can go through it um it's included and uh it's up to the board if you want to or you can go directly to questions okay all right all right we can every is everybody okay with just questions yes okay we'll just go to questions anybody have any questions okay doct I'm sorry oh is there I'm soor thank you any public comment on Madame Vice chair we do not have any um one registered online or signed up in person okay great all right thank you okay Dr Zeman I loved your comment about not getting answers I appreciate that like I personally appreciate that it's um it is um it's it's good to be able to get answers to a board particularly one like the bond oversight board which helps us tremendously with the perception of of this General obligation Bond and so I I hope that improves I will tell you board members sometimes uh might have that same ISS issue but uh I will say that over the last 6 months uh the relationship between the board and staff and the speed of of information has become tremendous and I hope that that extends out to uh something like the bond oversight board because that that is a board that helps us immeasurably uh in what they're doing two big points though that I got out of this report one I feel like one of my colleagues having to say this but our resolution is about financial closing out by October 2025 it is not about substantial completion and the chalk line has to be drawn for what smart Bond projects are called smart Bond because they will financially close out by October 2025 that's critically important and and I don't want to have to say it again and again but on page 29 the smart program remains on track with substantial completion but I'm not I mean I'm um I'm going to read the resolution the resolution says that it was approved by the board the board is set a requirement the smart program be completed by October 2025 this expectation includes the financial closeout and full expenditure of joh General obligation funds so it's important that we all sing from the same sheet of music I think um and the bond oversight committee I hope adopts the language of the school board uh which is about financial closeout and that's a high bar it takes us a long time to get to financial close out but uh the intent I think of the board as expressed in this resolution is to get to that point and whatever we have by October 2025 that's through financial closeout uh will be called a smart Bond project project and the others will flow over into becoming eventually we'll have a much bigger Capital uh project uh going forward the second major point is that uh I continue to be a little bit surprised by the role of uh vendors and the role of government and it's critically important that the government uh understand the role of government and understand what is appropriate to delegate to volunteers or to delegate to vendors and there's critical like governance issues that go on in this uh and I'll just give you an example I went to an Advisory board meeting where a government official offered a solicitation to volunteers I guess I just got to say that that violates every known governance standard in modern government history uh only government people can write a government requirement which is then turned over to a pool of vendors who get to bid on it through usually a proposal process and that review of what they turn in also has to be done by government um we just have to make sure that we're aware of that as a team um the same is true of vendors we hire vendors we write a contract they have things to do either deliverables or an amount of time they're going to spend on things um and that's the contract we give you money you do this and it's perfectly appropriate for the government on behalf of the board to monitor what's going on to look at time sheets to look at the deliverables and that forms a really great uh relationship and it forms performances that then those vendors can use to bid on on other work it's a it's a very clear market-based system but what government has to do includes things like right requirements for government work solely by somebody that has a Broward County or gov uh extension may not be shared with the public who could slant the solicitation in a way that they prefer it to be slanted that just cannot happen and so uh when I hear things like that I just have alarms going off um and I hope that uh that that we make it clear what government could do what volunteer do to help us as partners and what do vendors do because we pay them to do either deliverables or spend some time uh providing some Services it must be very clear what those three G groups do in this particular case the volunteer group that sits on this board is an incredible Service as a partner to this board and to Broward County schools in watching what's going on in reporting uh things that you've assessed things like the communication has gotten better things like we need to focus on closing things out and having ribbon cuting and showing the public that we've gotten things done I'll give you one example of what I think the Bond uh uh committee can help us with we're going to deliver $146 million more to the taxpayers than what we promised them in 2014 that's 18% above and beyond what we said we were going to deliver it took us a long time it cost us more than we thought there were challenges in the process all along but we also have to tell the public that we gave more than what we promised and that's very important someday a school board is going to go back and ask for more we're going to ask for another referendum for additional critical obligations for which we don't get enough money and the message that goes out is yes maybe slower than we want certainly construction cost us a lot more than we ever anticipated in 2014 but we delivered 146 million more more in scope than what we put on the list that you approved to give us this General obligation Bond so the communication has gotten better in my assessment as well uh there are more things we want to communicate I love your emphasis on closing out things uh and and in terms of an erors in AEM missions policy chair I volunteer a policy that we not have any Dr L Dr Zeman thank you for that that that goes right to that group sitting in front of us that that the performance of this staff in all aspects and uh coming together and gelling some of our uh new folks out there that I see U I can't say thank you enough they're the ones that have prioritized this as as a district we are far away from where we need to be but we're much closer than we were if that makes sense uh we're going to continue that I talk to tax watch uh once a month usually and and and discuss what's going on with them but what what this team has done here and coming together and making sure that we're we're we're addressing we still going to we still got a lot of work to do but uh they get it we get it I thank all those sitting out there smiling and nodding their heads because that team is incredible and I appreciate I appreciate them any other board member questions M rert thank you madam chair gun tight um can the superintendent expand on the oig investigation as it pertains to the bond work let's start with maybe um the point that you were notified and then um how I'm not asking for names and numbers um I'm just trying to get questions uh answered that I've been receiving from the public thought that give you the opportunity I can here yes I can absolutely expound on that a couple three weeks ago I received an email stating that we needed to set up a meeting with the state fla Department of Education oig and we did set that meeting up uh last week I believe and um they had their lawyers and such in the room and they said they wanted they're finishing up uh north and south of here and they wanted to review ours and they said specifically they're looking at any exactly what the bulletin said specifically to any information that might have been mislead or omitted during that process of 2014 up till now I don't know about how far now is uh but he said somewhere between 2014 and 2022 the others was uh some folks that were working for us inspectors that they wanted mostly to do with Roofing work they wanted to look at specifically and finally uh last year's uh separation agreements um as the bo memo said that I delivered I don't know 18 24 hours after the meeting and gathered everything we are cooperating fully I think this is an opportunity for us to move forward and look at some of the past mistakes if there were some but also more importantly that everything is open and I've contacted all the Departments executive cabinet told them they get free range of whatever they need to see if we can learn from something we can learn from something but uh I know they are Le finishing south and north of here or they finished one of them and just about to finish up the other uh you know it's it's taxpayer money and uh they were very cordial uh I told them let me know how I can help you and welcome you in if you need space any of that and uh here we are so we'll go through that and see what it is um but maybe learn from past mistakes if we haven't but U it's it's full on and we are going to cooperate fully and intentionally thank you thank you for that um and my second question is um about morgate middle school if there's an update um any information that you have on that that is uh more recent than the few months behind that we you know we follow so through the superintendent Dr L staff would you miss chowski I think you have an update on that real quick yes I do can you hear me okay um I I can but I'm almost on your lap so right here so Margate Middle School we are there was a big protest as you know but that has been pretty much resolved the item is going to the next board meeting next week and if approved by the board we'll be able to resume right can can you share with how much more delay this will be if if not I don't want to put you in a in a hard spot just I can get back to before next week we will follow up on on that for sure cuz I'd like to know as well okay thank thank you for that um oh this one's on the pink sticky note we've come a long way in answering questions I mean um this is from a board member who actually had a database called the database of unanswered questions for real um so we've I I wholeheartedly think that we've made some some steps in the right direction um what I I find a little lacking is on recommendation number four um and it could be any recommendation that that's it's not the actual verbiage for this particular item but this is like a pet peeve of mine the answer would be the economic development and diversity compliance you go through that and then this is the part that kind of rubbed me the wrong way marketing efforts include but are not limited to okay so that's always the same thing that the same answers that we get they're always the same um with procurement opportunities at surveying potential people outreaching to firms reciprocal certification availability those are same the same tactics that we've been doing all along so my question really is what is a new strategy or policy change suggestion where we will have a successful program not just making an effort and I'm doing the little air quotes here but actually increasing contract Awards um in our and money in our African American non minority sbes and our Caucasian women um vendors nearby so do you understand the semantic superintendent yeah I'd be happy to address that um I believe that was something we talked about my first month here yeah just six months ago uh there isn't a written policy but I have done that in person I've met with several of the contractors especially minority contractors that I've been familiar with that have worked for us or have worked for me previously in another place and ask them to come back on board um I know that Stevenson is a big part of ours but I've asked mayor messum to get back on board for us uh several uh women-owned companies and local companies as well I think we have to be a good um we have to be their good customer so they can be our good customer and I don't know if that's always to be true but I know that group sitting back there that I than before has been incredibly active I think some of it might not be a policy thing I think it might be U an approach right I know we have two amazing new people that came in from another District that have brought some uh vendors with them because because of how they've acted I think that's huge in in essence another one that we've really done a good deed on is um and I know couple folks out here bother me all the time with emails I approve every change order personally I don't know if I can sustain that but I think it's reduced the change orders it's given us an opportunity to ask more questions and if you you you just want to pretend like people are getting it done then it's great but I have to see it I have to know it I have to look at it and most importantly I have a board member to my left who monitors him very closely over here and we've gotten quite a few credit back lately and we're going to continue that so there are I don't know if we're doing it in policy but we're doing it more in practice right now okay and I think uh me being the superintendent and being out front and meeting with Builders or or out there in the community and my and talking to them directly we need you we really do need you because we're we're really limited on our people contractors that are bidding on our stuff right okay thank thank you for that and then um kind of a robin bartleman puddle jump um concerning the memo with the change of leadership um for aeom and the replacement for that person um I'm trying to remember back if in our contract we as a board had to approve um that's yes okay that is accurate um we were not excited by the first um group good people but we weren't sure that was where we wanted to go great great people actually so they refigured and they're bringing back uh Miss chowski was it yesterday or did they bring it back this morning so we will review it first and then we will bring it before you it is this board's final decision um on who is selected for that replacement okay um I don't want to take up any more time with that but I I have some questions for general counsel I will do offline um for that and um it's it's imperative going back to the 146 million more uh delivery Ables that um my learned colleague just brought forth it's um it's 146 million more that was in the scope but also is 146 million more taxpayer dollars have to be expended so I think we need to really keep that in mind and I love that there's a positive to it but did I say that wrong okay correct me because I I thought I was paraphrasing uh thank you for allowing me to do that it's $146 million of additional scope above the original smart program that this board approved so an example of additional scope would be rather than the promised repairs and Renovations at Northeast the board adopted to put in uh opted to put in a new building that's additional scope so 146 is above and beyond the the original promise to the community well yes but where's the money coming from from the capital millage and where does that come from our taxpayers that was my point okay that one see see what I was saying that part of your statement ma'am was accurate but it it was not original scope that cost more it was additional scope that the taxpayers indeed paid for yes yes yes yes and well aware what the measly amount was in the beginning but I appreciate the fact that we're um Mo moving forward in that way um and that I believe is all the questions that I have just let me double check with Atkins nope I'm good thank you Mrs fam Mrs Hixon thank you um I just have a question for the tax board and thank you I mean oversight committee sorry about that thank you for for what you did do in the process of when you were looking at why we don't have um the number of women in minority businesses did did you look into or did you find an issue with some of that being because we just don't pay in a timely manner and if that's the case what were some of the recommendations to to correct that problem I don't believe that ever came up uh the pay the pay part I don't remember that it uh was addressed but yes we do remind them that uh you know we look at the progress and uh that's it you know basically but we didn't delve into any details okay I I appreciate that I think it's something that would be moving forward something to maybe look into because I have had a number of conversations with contractors and Architects and architects in the last couple of weeks as I've shared with the superintendent and a lot of it is they just can't afford to wait on the payment so I would really like to know moving forward what maybe the committee's suggestion is for us to be able to remove that barrier because it seems to have be a long-standing barrier so how do we move and I know that I've spoken with Miss chowski about it as well so there may be something moving forward but just a suggestion from one board member as something that may be the overbond the oversight committee could also be keeping track of definitely thank you madam chair uh Dr holess Madam chair I believe um it appears Miss Marte wanted to add to that and I would love to hear what her input is I saw her hand was going up with um board member hixon's comment Dr Lata Miss morte thank you Dr Lata So based on the board the board's um close close out Financial closeout uh resolution of October 25th it became apparent that our closeout process is significantly different than neighboring districts so the actual final payments more reside in finance than with Miss chabowski but she certainly agrees with me when she came here um she was surprised by the amount of time our process holds retainage and things like that so we are benchmarking we've got the documents from neighboring districts Miss Andreu and I are working on uh revamping that process we'll bring it it's not a it's not a policy it's a process to reduce that time significantly which will address some of your concerns Madam chair okay and I had also spoken to miss chabowski in the past regarding the time frame and where the holdups are um in terms of if it's in facilities if it's in financing so um if I don't know through the superintendent if Miss J Kowski would be able to comment on that at all CU we did have that conversation at pass as far as holding up some of these um payment and I think it does impact minority firms um so uh you know we we had a good conversation and I would like to see if she could comment on that I'll open it up yes it does absolutely have to do with hurts it hurts our smaller companies it hurts our local companies that aren't massive but it's doesn't matter we don't pay well or on time we haven't but I I don't want to blame everybody in the world our process was very um cumbersome and with the rollover that we had was not nothing was fluid now that we've settled down a little bit we have folks figuring it out and working through it that's why we're able to finally be that good customer of the customer and and that's where we're heading so uh Mr chubowski you want to complete on that but we weren't we weren't the best customer to our customers shall we right because it appears that um sometimes when one area processed then it goes to another area and it sits there for a while without any um need to expedite the process and then it goes to another area so there seems to be no urgency but I think the board is saying that we want to see that priorities there in in the timeliness of this because it impacts how minority companies are able to function we're going to go ahead and put together together a a flowchart on what had been past practice and then we'll put together what we have for continued or future process that I don't believe requires board approval but it does shorten that flowchart significantly so um we will get that but Mr chabowski you want to finish any of that on there I think doc holess wanted some information I think you cover it all but basically yeah we're looking at processes as Miss Martin mentioned uh there there was a long process to determine the tias uh that we're looking at the change order process of everybody that was involved we already made some changes so and working with aom we're trying to come up with um a good process so that it doesn't delay as much but basically the same okay so can is it possible that as it moves through the required departments for processing that there are time limits set to each of these that would not um hold them up cause delays I I'm going to put her on the spot and ask Miss Andrea to come up real quickly and talk about what she'd like to see and what she's putting in for time and expediency and I know that you weren't prepared for this but I know you had know it on the top of your head so I'm not worried about your answer good morning Jennifer Andre executive director operations so yes I can work with Mrs Marte on that flow chart that was mentioned earlier and really um unless there is um extenda circumstance set some time limits of 72 hours for a department to process their piece of it and move it on to the next you know approver so I will work with her on that and setting those time limits I appreciate um I appreciate that um Mr andreo um because I think with the time limits um it will cause each department to move in a greater sense of urgency and I you know I think Marte wanted to add to it it looks like Dr L thank you Dr L I should have said this earlier one thing that did become apparent was the size of the aeom invoice which is about this thick in paper contains invoices from each of the subs and if one Subs invoice had an issue it was holding the whole thing so we changed uh shortly after Miss andreo arrived to to paying the pieces that are right so we pay the invoice in sections as each section is approved and correct um Miss chipowski will forward that along to make sure that because someone didn't do the right paperwork not everybody's penalized and that came as a result of the meetings that we're now routinely having with our subcontractors so we meet with them uh routinely and often as opposed to the last contract year Dr holess and that was at the direction of the board after the last after the renewal right and I'm glad you said that Miss Marte because I've had a discussion before and I've heard that that was the reason for some of the holdup because they're trying to approve everything at the same time and I am glad that you know we're we we're sorting through and not penalizing or affecting the other companies because somebody's not doing their paperwork correctly or are holding up the process so I'm glad that that change has taking place because I couldn't understand it why are we waiting on others to process everybody else's because they're not doing their work in time so thank you appreciate it Mrs Leonardi um kind of in the same vein to what extent have we collected data from our smwbe uh or those of those businesses that are not working with us as to why they don't work with us because I hear a lot of times um just like anecdotally oh we don't want to work with Broward schools I'm going to leave that for staff but I think miss andreo you probably have some uh direct responses and maybe anecdotal but it's directly to you for that and Miss Mills Miss Mills if you can assist as well good afternoon so yes as we completed the disparity study at the end of 2023 we had a lot of data and we spoke to those vendors firsthand and a big part was mentioned earlier the payment issue a small business cannot float their payroll so they need timely payments so if we can expedite that process I think we would increase the number of small local businesses minority women-owned businesses that would do business with the district Miss Mills is in the process of meeting with the her counterpart for Broward County we have a reciprocal process in the policy that was approved by the board um it has not really been instituted so now we would like to that's going to increase our pool significantly it's going to double the pool if you will now part two will be aligning those vendors to actual opportunities some of them we know are not areas that we might purchase you know there's a lot of Cosmetology there are a lot of Consultants it's a very um a huge pool of Consultants those are vendors that we might not necessarily ever utilize but of course our contractors our trades we absolutely want to bring in some new diverse people people who have never worked with the district so we are providing to answer an earlier question what we call coner service we're not asking our vendors to go on demand star or Reba or any other platform to look for opportunities we are calling our vendors and telling them the opportunities that are available we are emailing them once it's published uh to board memb Zan's Point once the information is published on demand star we are emailing them personally the ITB the RFP so we're doing a lot of that leg work for them to simplify the process to make it easier and now they know they have direct contact with a specific person in the economic development diversity compliance office that they can call or email when they have a question or they face some type of obstacle thank you um and that's why I'm so glad you're with us miss Andre um I I also had um I was recalling that when we started working with aom there was supposed to be a special program uh through aom kind of helping with our smwbe growing their work what is the status of that program Dr L that seems to be historic is there something um anyone here that would be able to get that historical perspective Dr Lata I can add to that a little bit and tell you that we have um two or three a comp people in our office three that uh Miss Mill supervises so they directly work with our small minority women veteran own local businesses okay that is their role specifically got it thank you I guess I would um I thank you for that response uh to this through the chair to the superintendent I would really like a more formal um status update on that program uh for followup um and then I just my comment about the the payment on time like being paid on time that's been a that's been an issue for a very very long time and so I would just um I would like to know why it's taken this so long to try to figure that out so I'm thankful that we are figuring that out now um but it's been years that this has been an issue those are my comments thank you thank you so my comments on page one of the tax watch recommendations so recommendation number two there's a list of four schools Margate Middle School was already mentioned riverglades Elementary School Coconut Palm Elementary School and P sadena Lakes Elementary School so each of these schools are at the high level of risk and because they're at a high level risk I think that it would benefit if the superintendent could in his weekly report just give an update until those schools are no longer on the high level risk then I think it can go to monthly so that is my recommendations my colleagues okay with that yes okay Dr L that is a uh great thing that we will put on at a seventh page but it's a lot of information there what we also do is we're going to be sitting down in a week or two with um the executive cabinet and looking at how our limited funds next year and how we avoid getting into this high priority or this highrisk piece in in our schools and planning The Limited Capital that we have have that finite number to expend it the absolute best way to avoid getting into these high-risk situations again and making sure we're taking care of the schools that have again been promised for a long time and now we're now we're in a in a in a tough predicament so we really have to get that pencil nice and sharp and we also will bring it forward to you all because it's part of our budget approval process but it'll be about those places that are so high risk that haven't gotten our attention because we don't have a big amount of cash and we have to spend it wisely chair to the superintendent's point if I could offer just one more piece to that those four schools are great to track there's an index of high- risk though that right now sits at $24 million so that's the high-risk projects that's Atkins assessment of what we might have to find down the road I would just ask if we could include that one number in that weekly report hopefully it'll track down you know as we drisk things but if uh with your concurrence if we could add that yes I agree thank you on page 10 of the bond oversight committee report the quarter results overview my question is this speaks to different followers on social media what handle are you referring to here on page 10 St um good afternoon um oops can you hear me now yes I'm sorry um would you kindly repeat the question on on which which metric were you referring so on all of them Instagram x Facebook what handles are you speaking to I don't see it on this page what is our address for this oh are our ad our actual handles oh you know what I'm going to have ask you to excuse my memory I don't have it up the top that's okay so my point my point is is that we we need to be writing that down here and I think that our our followers will increase if we communicate more effectively what those what those handles are not only here but I think just across the board in our Even in our schools so many times when I go to schools and I ask them because I want to tag them in a post they don't know what their handles are so it's very frustrating for me as a school board member and you know we always say we have difficulty with communicating uh and we want to communicate the great things that are happening in our schools so we need to be able to tag people these numbers and followers should be a lot uh larger and you know Broward schools has a lot of followers so we should be in these posts tagging at Broward schools um so that that's just my point on that um do you have the answer yes have two people with the answers yes I do have um I will ask um Denise to just um share the handles in a moment but that's great feedback thank you for that and um moving forward we'll make sure that we actually um write out the handles in all of our Communications you're welcome to the microphone and Mr Sullivan as your staff approaches you're more than welcome to add to that answer as well our handle on Instagram is BCPS smart and it's the same on Facebook Twitter and on YouTube perfect and it'll be in every publication as we move forward when we pointed this thank you uh that is all of my questions any other board members with comments or questions M all right thank you so much and we are now going to recess this meeting for a closed door meeting thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for e welcome back the school board Workshop is now reconvened the next item is 4 plus1 Academic School week part two I will now turn it over to staff for the presentation I would like to uh first thank staff for putting this together I know that a lot of our main academic team is sitting in the back and they never get the credit they do if anyone has noticed our scores are looking better and better through our PMs and we want to continue that way that is our Dr wo would you say academics is it's our Core Business Dr heurn is going to take it over from here with a brief presentation and then address questions directly take it away sir good afternoon check check you hear me yep loud and clear good afternoon um Dr heurn uh M you lost your mic sir testing testing there we go good afternoon Dr heurn Deputy superintendent teaching and learning uh we're going to start with the 4+ one uh info that we were asked to bring back um instead of going through the entire slide deck um give a quick synopsis of the information that we've collected um and we can turn it over to board discussion um in in summary uh we did do some research we did provide additional information um in reviewing the the school Uh current School model at PP at PPO Beach High School that kind of predicated this discussion um to see if we can leverage what's been going on at their school and scale out um those opportunities uh first off we want to make sure that uh the board and the public does understand that pumpo Beach High School um is a full Choice magnet with specific entrance criteria uh where all students uh having to have a level three or above on the fast pm3 um and also uh maintaining a 2.5 GPA through out their time there um without that GP if that GPA gets below a 2.5 students are dismissed from the program um they do offer uh school for four days out of the five day week uh Monday through Thursday with Friday um not being a requirement for students um and it's with optional uh opportunities for students uh many of those opportunities on the campus on Friday are um are voluntary by most of the teachers things that are are pre-arranged actually cost additional money um the the typical day uh for a student and a teacher on those campuses um usually instruction starts at uh 7 o' and ends at 3:30 um most of the other high schools around the district end at exactly 240 can't hear me testing this one's not distance worse turn my mic up okay yeah well I got to lean into it then all right all right all right um and so as I was saying student and teacher days uh instruction starts at 7 and ends at 3:30 most of our typical high schools around the district end at 2:40 so about a a 45 minute um shift in the time frame uh for many of those schools we did send out surveys to uh parents uh teachers at the high school level and also principals at the high school level and students um parents teachers and principes of course a a majority of them actually were in favor of a 4-day school week but when it came to impact um as far as on academics or concerns about uh uh instruction on campus um uh student well-being and and those things it was very mixed uh probably about uh I would say a a 5050 percentage split or sometime a 40 in favor and a 60 in favor uh not in favor or depending on that group um students were interesting where uh probably about 50% of them did not want to uh transition to a 4 day school week with some referencing um the covid shutdown and and the lack of the soci socializing with their peers during covid is a was a reminder for many of them I'm just yeah I'm not I'm not scrolling through it uh and with and in addition uh to that uh with BTU current um contract you can condense their work day um with the same amount of hours within the 5day work week but anything addition on the Friday would cost the district um additional money so we also included um some comparative schools um to Pomo that aren't four days out of the school week but five but they are full Choice with specific interest criteria actually the same interest criteria and exit criteria as u poo High School you have um uh mcfa Technical High School um you had Sheridan tech and and Atlantic Tech all have interest criteria of a of a level three or above on the uh fast pm3 test and also maintaining a 2.5 GPA um the all of those schools maintain an a grade the other full Choice school without an interest criteria was Nova High School um and they were a b School some of the things that we also compared uh bringing back to the board was community service hours um we didn't see any strong correlation uh with community service hours um in the in the slide deck you will see that many of the other schools actually have a 5-day school week had more community service hours proportionately for the students that they have on the campus than actually pompo High School uh we also uh put in a specific slide to actually compare pompo High to another High School within the same board member district that shows comparatively that there really wasn't a significant effect on the amount of community service hours um comparing a five-day school week to a 4-day school week for those two different schools um and within there you will see um challenges and also U potential opportunities um for all of the groups um from their feedback within the survey we we were able to use some generative um AI to conel all of the information that we gathered um for parents I know it was over 20,000 respondents um and tens of thousand respondents to students and there they mention a lot of great opportunities more more opportunities to to for internships uh uh extended time for for homework extended time for intervention and enrichment opportunities but they also mentioned a lot of challenges with concerns about the length of the day um um teachers mentioned fatigue at the end of the day students mentioned also fatigue at the end of a long school day um and also just just some additional um concerns about their the social aspect of their High School school life uh we also put some impacts on Safety and Security that we collecting from from our uh from Chief alberty and and um his SIU and security team um some of the opportunities are fewer days of course might mean fewer threats and fewer uh misconduct issues on campus uh but also some of those challenges again everything that's extra on a Friday is going to cost some additional funds so additional cost for supervision uh with security um especially for Friday events on campus and after school on Friday also research uh that we conducted looked at uh several uh peer reviewed um articles and also some U nationally recognized uh education articles and there wasn't a significant impact if none at all on academics when it cames to high stakes testings and also also school grades um the only in positive impact uh that was demonst rated by the research is impact on lowering student incidents on campus Because of course they're on campus for a less amount of time for for uh four days instead of the five we also collecting some information from Transportation just to see what would be the impact on the budget or uh the increased amount of impact on budget and as a result of a Poss possibility of shrinking the the down to 4 day school week and the starting um time is earlier and ending later it does have a ripple effect across Elementary and Middle School Transportation schedules which would require more drivers and possibly more buses having an impact of about $19 million we also talked to food and nutrition it talked about the impact of not having school on Friday for high school students um the revenues that could possibly be lost would be 3.5 million million um the food and nutrition service only gets reimbursed for the for the meals that are served so you would have a full day of meals that would not be served on a high school campus also the impact on the on food and nutrition employees uh without they would lose Friday daily salary which would be an impact about 290 employees also um the amount of of lunches and breakfast that are served on Fridays will be impacted uh we serve approximately 822 th000 lunches and 233,000 um breakfast meals at the high school level on Fridays so it' be less those meals also um also noted um we missed if I didn't talk about uh one of our fragile populations also with our ESC students where there are some opportunities um for them uh with more extended experience es on Fridays but also some challenges where for child care especially for our fragile population um also uh concerned about meals um that students would not be provided on the Friday after they're at home and the and the challenges of child care for some of our fragile populations of students um on those Fridays for our ESC students so with that uh board chair open it up for for any discussion Dr holness um thank you madam chair so um I just have a few questions and some comments um so could you um tell us again for pompino Beach High School and I know you mentioned um certain requirements to get into pompino Beach so for students entering pompo Beach tell us again what the requirements are it is a level three on um the fast pm3 assessment okay and they have to maintain a 2.5 GPA while attending Papo High School okay so I'm sorry so if they drop below 2.5 while attending they have to they're then removed from the school correct correct so um just want to make uh it was interesting that um which the I'm glad we did the research uh Dr heern but it was in really interesting that the community gave their input and some of it is quite surprising to me I I did not it shows 66% of parents would want to go to a 4 day um uh I did not know those numbers would have come out so High um so that's quite interesting and then teachers um 80% and then um you know students that was surprising I thought students would want 4 day and but the student numbers were actually lower than that of the parents and the teachers and and the principal so that was quite interesting but nevertheless I think we um community input is really Paramount when we're doing these things but I want to caution though that based upon what you mentioned with pompo Beach High School that the 4-day week is not a conclusive factor that we can use to to attribute to pompo Beach's success and their performance and with that in mind um we have to understand that uh part of their success has to do with um uh for lack of a better word uh cherry picking the students that actually attend there because you to get in there you have to have a level three or higher performance and you have to maintain a certain performance so when we're looking at this districtwide um we have to be careful that we're not looking at pompo beach success as having to do with the 4-day plan and it more so has to do with many other factors such as the kind of students they're getting in in the first place and the students that um uh the other criteria in in in in in order to stay there you have to maintain a certain GPA so what I would like to see because I do value the community input but I'm also very aware that um if we're using pomino as a model to say this is going to cause all of our schools to be Su high schools to be successful I think that would be faulty reasoning so um I'd like to see if we ever proceed in this manner that we pilot test this at um three or four schools with varying performance outcomes with varying demographics with varying economic challenges and see if this is actually uh a direction that we want to go um because if we move ahead in any form or way to consider this um districtwide I think it would be a grave mistake um especially if it's on the assumption that is going to lead to Greater success uh because I think that is unfounded when we look at the real reason pompo Beach High School is doing well so um but because the community gave their input that's caught my attention that we had a lot of parents and a lot of teachers who would like to explore this so for me I would I would love to see that we pilot test this approach maybe at three schools uh one maybe with econom challenges the other one with uh uh demographics um or or diversity uh a diverse population um and and another that has challenges with uh performance to see how this model would benefit those type of schools um without having a requirement for entering the school or a requirement to maintain any type of uh performance level um so so that would be my suggestion on this because um we have to consider if we ever move into this model there are many issues right we have many families who have economic hardship and that's why I mentioned having two or three schools that have these different challenges such as economic hardship students who are title one uh such as schools that have a diverse population and schools that are struggling or D's and F schools and see if if this will actually work because if you look at a school with economic hardship some of those families depend on the breakfast and lunch on Fridays and if you take this away from those families in those communities that have these challenges it's a major deal you know so and then we have others with child care issues um and then we also have additional impact such as uh to us such as the cost of District transportation and so on so my take would be just have just to do this with one or two or three schools with these specific issues that would enable us to determine what are the the the problems that we're not foreseeing that if we do this that would occur and that we can work through so that would be my take thank you Dr holess I'd like to respond a little bit to that um you know as we go through this redefining we look at a school like PP high and say what are they doing well my previous experience is this is what works what I don't what I can warn us against is when you have a criteria to get children in right it immediately becomes a discrimination Factor correct no matter how you look at it no matter how fair and judicious you want to be you look at the stats on the breakdown of demographics of pompo Beach High it does not look like our district yes so as we move th forward with this red defining and as we look at what really benefits us I do know the maintaining of a GPA works you just got to get the kids in there and then they rise up and they know that they're in a special place and they really want to maintain that so I I know that's in there it'll be included in there but we definitely don't want to um disuade a child who really was on the right track in eth grade maybe stumbled in sixth and seventh to keep them from coming to a really nice full Choice school that would prevent them so I I I love this I love the idea of Pilots but Dr heer and I have warn this out we want to make sure everyone has a chance to get in some of those schools and and show how great they are and I think that's some of going to be some of our success because we want it to look like our schools right and I appreciate that Dr L because I want to mention just just because you mentioned that that pompo beach has 22% blacks 28% Hispanics and 65% whites right so when you look at demographics as well as when you look at economic challenges and all of these factors you we can't say this formula will work districtwide right so pilot testing would be a great opportunity to determine this Mrs Hixon thank you um just a couple of things I wanted to point out before I give my thoughts um when we looked at how many principles responded although it was 64% there were only 25 principles um that responded oh that's true there were High School principles yeah yeah yeah sorry I like wait a minute yes it was more the teachers yeah sorry so teachers um the 1800 that responded what is that roughly in percentage of of high school teachers um probably about half probably a little bit over 50% so right around same thing would be true for the parental input right we had 22,000 if you average a little less than half correct so although it was you know thank you for doing the surveys and stuff I think we also have to put into context that we should look at and see who were those parents where did they live what is the demographics of that so that we get a better vision of who it was that answered the question that this was something they were interested in seeing that we didn't really get more than half of the people responding on there um my thought also was similar to Dr holess maybe do a pilot or two somewhere because as I've mentioned a number of times you could take the students that were at Pomo Beach High School and put them anywhere and they're going to be successful because that's just the caliber of student that tends to go to um Pomano Beach High School so we have to keep that in mind when we're looking at the fact that they're always an a same thing with and thank you for putting those up there McFatter shared in Atlantic Tech because they have similar um CR criteria to be able to come in true for many magnet programs I mean I was the magnet coordinator at South Broward we had similar requirements we also had waivers I'd have students come in do an interview talk about what it was that they wanted to do and we could wave them um so I think it's just important to put it in the right context to look at the surveys and see we were at um elely a couple of weeks ago with students from Pano Beach High School and we kind of asked them you know we going to talk about a 4-day week what is your input it was a small group of students so I'm going to you know say that but most of them really had more negatives than positives about the 4-day week and the students at Papo said you really have to be studious to make this work that it was really hard for them to be successful but they were driven to be successful and they had concerns for students who didn't have the support they had or weren't as driven as them to find the value in the 4-day week because it was long and they did have to give up some things to be able to be successful in that 4-day confine so you know those are important things surveys are great but I would love also if we could have more information on what that is and I think it's telling that the students are saying they're not sure about it and the adults are you know of course to have another day to plan and all of that but students also told us that they felt like teachers figured they had another extra day to do homework so they actually piled more onto them um it it wasn't a stress reliever so all of that was really interesting but I clearly it's important we continue the discussion because we did get enough information to show that there was interest so I would also be um would like to see a pilot or two in different areas that have a different structure than what PPO is to see if we could roll it out on a different scale so thank you Dr zon thanks so much chair um I didn't learn anything that would suggest a pilot makees sense Dr heord uh and I'll tell you it's it's uh interesting to think about Pilots for things that show promise but what I learned from 4 plus1 is if you have high standards for getting in and high standards for continuing so you have high expectations of students you often get high performance we only have 28 high schools and the disruption to the community that would happen if we pilot this is huge and so until there's some evidence that this would actually bear fruit I would not be interested in a pilot I think this is a a great demonstration of our agility to think a little bit about expanding this to other other places uh but clearly our other three uh technical uh adult colleges uh that have high standards for getting in guess what they get high performance standards as well so uh I thought Dr hel hess's point about cherry picking was the most Salient point that came out of this whole thing that when you cherry pick our best eighth grade students and put them in one place guess what they perform just like they did in eth grade uh which was very high um but the the cost the the social and Community cost and the financial cost of piloting this is substantial and I don't see any evidence from this work or from other work around the nation that suggests that 4 plus1 is some silver bullet uh for impr improving educational outcomes what does matter is clear but also the the research and the evidence on 4 plus1 is at best muddy um and and and a and I I don't want to undersell the impact that a pilot would have on the students and the light one thing I think would be fascinating to think about though given that we just talked about school uniforms is we have a standard for school uniform two-thirds of teachers two-thirds of parents want it and it comes before the board to have uniforms right it could be that there's a school in a special circumstance that would imagine 2third of parents and 2third of students wanting to go to a 4 plus1 or to Pilot it for a year and see what impact it had I would be persuaded by that but that's not changing boundaries that's not making radical changes it's going to a community that says look we really want to try something different our teachers are behind it our parents are behind sorry it's teachers and parents not uh not otherwise thank you um uh parents teachers both by an overwhelming vote want to try it I'd be persuaded by that but until that happens uh I don't see any data or information that suggests that this is going to lead to better outcomes or get us to our strategic goals um unlike the presentation we're going to get next which is full of amazing things that are is our core responsibility teaching and learning uh and I'm anxious to get to that because there's a lot of great meat in that presentation thank you so much chair thank you Mr Hogan Holly thank you very much chair and Dr Zan I appreciate those words because I was spot on um we all know our goal is student achievement our goal is to make sure our kids are moving forward have the brightest futures um I didn't see enough data in there to feel confident in any pilot especially even in my district um because we have to ask pilots in certain things uniforms that's fine you want to put a pilot for one year see how it works out how they like it sure not at what cost for Education right at what cost is student achievement if kids are falling behind for four days in our schools or in our district um so for me I would want to see more data more results uh to even consider a pilot um but I appreciate the presentation appreciate the time for us to talk about it at least we're having the conversation starting to look at those things um but yeah I just not right now that's where I'm at thank you chair thank you Miss rert thank you while I appreciate the interest um for parents um you have to ask is this the right time is this the time to actually um be spending money a significant amount Transportation also you would have um some employees in food nutrition that would possibly not get paid on those Fridays um how would the food get to the kids and the families um I think we need to spend a lot more time on doing the reimagining for our um our schools and being able to to understand what the public wants us to do so I think the conversation should be part of the reimagining education absolutely but at the moment we just don't have the money to be able to do this and I'm trying to think back um I believe and please Dr wanza get me if I'm wrong here um that Blan Chile did do a pilot and I I don't believe it was super successful thank you so blanch was the first school to operate on a four plus one um as you are saying and then when pompo Beach High opened as an off-campus to blanch elely they natural naturally open um as a four plus one and over the years because of issues cited in um the presentation the Schools administration were with the community and they elected to go back to the full five days right um but would I be interested in doing a pilot down the road absolutely it's just not right not right now it's not the right time for it we need to keep focusing on the student students um and our on our families right this minute and um I can tell you as a mom whose daughter went through um Pompa Beach High School it's extremely rigorous and um the best part that I can say is um I she's a teacher now I can't say this uh she did well um but she was extremely ready for college that is one thing that Pompa Beach High School does as well as at Atlantic tax and Sheridan they get those kids ready for the next step I mean completely ready um I think that was that was it for that I didn't really see the the data that would line up with this as well so um that's it thank you thank you Dr holess thank you madam chair so um although this may not be scientific research here but I think we have revealing data we we have 22,000 respondents from parents 22,000 people responded to say we're 66% said they would like for us to explore this right and then we also have have uh 1,800 High School teachers responded so to I think we have to be careful in minimizing the relevance of this information it may not be scientific data but it is relevant data and it is substantive because a lot of people who responded uh a lot of parents and a lot of teachers so I would be very cautious in um in creating the impression that this data that we have although it's not scientific that it is it is not substantive or relevant So based on that and it is really important that when we put something out to the community that we also convey a message that we are valuing what you're saying and there's a reason we're putting this out to you um so we did we we sent this out and we got their input so now that we've gotten their input I'm not saying it's the only factor that we should use to move forward we should look at all factors as I did when I question the reason pompo Beach is currently successful may not be attributed to the 4day but probably to their requirements in entering the school and so on however we cannot put something out to the community and then come back and and not put great relevance on their input so and I'm not saying that's what we're doing but I I think the the information the data is substantive having 22,000 people responded is substantive data um so what I think is since the community is saying to us and majority of the parents and the uh teachers are saying we would like to consider this and I think we should have some gesture in that regards to say well we heard your input and we're not sure this will necessarily work but if we pilot test one or two schools we can get back to you and we can let you know what the outcome of that is which would be more objective outcome because now we put it out there we tested it we have relevant information but to subjectively say say well it's not going to work I'm not going to test it um I think I think that getting their input in the first place uh knowing that this is the conclusion that we're going to come up with um does not put much relevance on the community input so I think pilot testing will give us the answer whether or not this works as long as it's done properly because I think the concerns that we have is will this work if we don't have an entrance requirement will this work for communities that have economic hardship will this work for schools with performance issues and so on and so forth and until we we pilot test we will never know the answer so um we may pile a test and determine that that doesn't work and then we can always retract but I think it would be a good gesture to the community to say we hear you we're going to Pilot test this and there doesn't have to be an urgency on this because I don't I think we have bigger things we're working on Dr L but so there doesn't have to be an urgency but I think that it we have to show that we value the input of the community and at some point move forward to Pilot test one or two schools with the input that we've got from the community to determine if this will work or not Mrs fam did you want to speak yes thank you um thank you madam chair Dr heurn um I'm interested in your pilot program I think it would be really great to explore some options here some of the things that I'm noting is um the greatest majority of people that want this program four days a week are teachers at 80% followed by our principls at 64% I'm sorry um by our parents at 66% and then are principles the lowest ranking here that didn't want the um 4-day Work Week surprisingly was the students which I would have thought it would have been the opposite um so I I would add to not to just pay attention to the respondents and and if they favored a 4-day school week or not but to actually look at the the two other portions of the survey to see the mixed reviews of how they think it would affect um them affect the school day or their experience positively or being or being beneficial to themselves or the community that's where you have your mixed results so you have a lot of folks that are in favor of the 4-day school week but when it comes to talking about how do you feel if it's going to affect the learning on your campus or your experience in school it starts turning into very mixed results uh about how they feel about that portion so that's what I would pay close attention to because I that's that's the first question yes I'm interested in 4 day school week and then you start getting to the additional questions about well how do you think this is going to affect your your planning time how do you think this is going to affect your learning experience um that's when the results start getting mixed well thank you we continue with thank you um I think I think the other concern as you just said is um outcome but also Implement implementation and people are concerned that how um transportation is going to be administered and one of my questions and I'm going to leave that to the end is about Transportation but I'm interested in is there any kind of information or data does um having a 4 day school work week uh reduce violence in schools does it impact schools at all I I'd like to know that because it just seems like our students are at the breaking point and i' I've never seen um so much behavior in which it's one student against another really aggressive or against a teacher um the other thing is um I'm wondering if there's any kind of data about students working independently if this strengthens that which will help their schools for college you know and their secondary education especially in high school um and also with the boundaries in reference to Transportation have to be changed and what of the times because now we have longer times during the day for the schools uh and certain families the eldest takes or is a caretaker of the younger siblings so um if that's going to be work in conjunction where they can still do that you know Monday through Thursday or whatever or if that's going to be impacted as as well thank you Dr L I believe there is some data on there about discipline um if you want to address that yes um I I did a lot of personal research myself on this topic um more more than the research that's actually included in this slide deck and overwhelmingly the research was inconclusive um there was no research that said it had a strong impact on student performance or academic outcomes for students um there was no strong uh research around diminishing misconduct issues some articles talked about that but they correlated that to you're on campus for one less day right so instead of being on campus for five days now you have one less day being on campus so of course your your incidence May decrease as a result of that um but a majority of the research um that I reviewed it was inconclusive just didn't improve nor did it decrease no it's just in conclusion couldn't make any strong correlations uh most of the most of the school district around the country um primarily rural school districts went that way for the purpose of recruiting teachers thank you for your response so on page 33 it says that results indicate that a 4 day school week de weeks decrease per pupil bullying incidents by approximately 39% and per people fighting incidents by approximately 31% um and so that's the one uh research that we put in there to provide some information on that aspect but a majority of the other research was inconclusive so we provided that um just to provide some balance uh for the research that we included in the deck yep well that sounds pretty good to me uh so a couple of my thoughts point of clarification yes so are you telling me that the the research indicated that there's less violence because there's 4 days corre and less time at school or that violence has decreased just because of that overall um atmosphere of of the campus so uh it's it's declined because of the the less the lower amount of days that school students are in school so if I have 100% of my problem over five days uh technically I'm going to have 80% of that same problem four days so because the students are in school less time less incidents thank you so the the one the information I could not find was about what happens in the community when students when high school students are out and about on a Friday unsupervised um so that's difficult research to find because um you know the law enforcements and all those entities aren't doing that type of research like educational researchers for for for K through 12 learning so that was the the research that I could not find U but I can tell you from experience in uh not for converting uh a 5day to a 4-day school week I as a principal I was part of a flip where the high school kids um were on the middle school schedule and the middle school kids were on the high school schedule and because their the older sibling was not home first and they were home last we saw um deviants in the community um working with law enforcement in the in the previous School District I worked in so but couldn't find any definitive research on what happens out in the community but I'm pretty sure anecdotal research if we talk to law enforcement and whatnot they're going to they're going to give us some information that may uh not support um students being out and about on a Friday un supervised so my question is what does it cost if we were to Pilot this at one school if we can if you look on slide think it's slide 34 so this is for all if every High School um was to do something on a Friday uh we would need to probably I got L we have Mr Marte right here beside me probably divide that by the number of uh high schools to get a more approximate number about a million per school um if so on slide 34 uh if staff was was to work 7 and a half hours on a Friday this is for uh supplemental instruction or supplemental opportunities and students were there for 6 and A2 hours if 100% of those students showed up it'll be about a million if 50% of those students show up it'll be about $500,000 um addition and so forth and then the bottom chart is if staff Works 5 hours per day and students attend uh 4 days uh 4 hours per that day um looks like what about 750 yeah 750 per school and so yeah the the largest cost is transportation because it's a domino effect um it would affect the uh routes for elementary and middle school because the length of day is extended and it Fringe ons both of those other levels Transportation schedule so you would need additional drivers and additional buses um to make it work so if we were to Pilot this it would cost $750,000 for one School per year no may I Dr Lata yes so if we were to have the same type of model that pompo has where the there could be teacher availability on Friday slide 34 outlines that cost so to Pilot one school with teacher availability on Friday would be a little more than a million dollars in teacher costs the biggest issue is transportation pompo Beach High's Transportation alone is about $3 million because they're all separate routes they're different start times so we currently transport high school and middle school children on the same buses because of the varied start time we lose the opportunity to do that so we have to transport them sep separately I believe uh the at my last count we had 30 separate buses going into pompo high school so it Transportation becomes honorous we are currently dealing with 80 bus driver shortages and we're covering those by managing our routes it is it is really a big stress to even do one pilot because of the transportation issues okay so this brings up another question are we paying more money at pompo Beach High School than say Coral Springs High School the per pupil cost at pompo high school is higher than most district schools yes what is the per pupil cost I I'll have to get back to you with that I don't have that in my head okay well that's a really important question because I think this board then it opens up a whole huge can of worms CU now we're providing more opportunity at one school than we are all these other high schools and that's not fair okay so I'll leave that at that let's wait till we get that answer that's not the only school we have a lot of schools with differentiated costs so um I'd have to get I mean to be fair Nova costs more because we're transporting kids from all over the county um we've got prek programs that cost a lot more so I think we need to magnet schools cost a lot more so that one data point okay so we need to get all the high schools and what the costs are so we can see the board can uh we do that on the district cost report it goes to the state they edit it and validate it so it becomes State data we'll get you last year's cost okay so my next point is you know we are trying to redefine our district we are trying to bring kids back to our schools so this whole thing came up because we're trying to think outside the box and what can we do that our kids are going to want to come back to our schools so I think this could be um an ongoing conversation as we progress and leave it up to the superintendent to possibly bring this back as an option if it works if it financially makes sense if it's going to bring our kids back to school if it's going to help us get more teachers to work in our schools I mean that's the other piece of it that we have to take into consideration I respond to that real quick yes so I I know some of you heard me say this the other day I was on uh ppin oh high doing an interview and I brought in one of the reporters um hatel who's phenomenal and we walked into a 10th grade classroom with 25 kids in it and I asked them who would not be in this pumpin Ohio if they did not get selected to go here have their kids raise their hand they'd go to a private school think about that that's a lot of FTE but also that's to me it's a better product as well so I think that leads to your point by the way Big Time leads to your point so my next question is what percentage of students go to pompo Beach High School currently now are they at the max capacity of taking number of students and there's a waiting list there's a waiting list right so we I'm again I know there's all these Logistics but I feel like we need to repeat that 25 times over what ever we are doing in that school we need to be doing it in other schools too okay Miss hion thank you um well I would say a couple of things I don't think the 4x4 is the only re or the 4 day week is the only reason that Pomo is successful but I I would make a suggestion maybe for the P to do one pilot look look at again the demographics of who answered and maybe put it in a school where it's not going to cost you that much for transportation because the students would be coming from that particular area so you wouldn't have to have the bus and you remember we have here comes the bus in registering now so that helps us to reduce some of those costs pompo Nova no one's boundary there so of course those costs are going to be much higher but if we did piloted it as part of the repurposing where it was a school that had boundar students that would lower that Transportation cost significantly so I think that's you know important so I wouldn't say just Transportation would be a reason to say no this doesn't make sense and then as Dr holess said there were enough people in the community who wanted to to in investigate it or you know look at it more so let's try one pilot we don't have to jump in completely but do one in a different setting than Pano because we already know pompo works so do it in a boundar school where the community was in in the positive that they wanted to try it and then shake it out that way I think it's kind of a compromise to what we're discussing here but I don't think it would increase the transportation cost that much because those students would already be boundaried to the area Dr holess thank you madam chair so um board member hickon that was also my thought because the transportation cost for pompino Beach High School has to do with the fact that a lot of these kids are bused from all over the place correct so um if we have this pilot tested with a boundary School we're not going to have that significant Transportation cost and as Dr lcard mentioned when he asked that question although it's um subjective feedback because that's just a very small sample that they would have gone elsewhere right so we're not going to get all the answers that we're looking for until we pile a test right and if we pilot test we can tell whether or not that's going to result in Greater enrollment greater student learning outcome and all these things that we're looking for everything else if we don't do it is just guessing and we have an issue with enrollment and I think it would really be important for us to Pilot test even one school and see exactly what the outcome is that would provide us with real concrete information to go back to the community and says look it it works here but what I would suggest also Dr Lata is that when whatever we're if we're going to Pilot test then it should be done based on um uh a high school that would show e uh a population of economic hardship uh with with some performance outcome concerns and the demographics is important as well so we can see does this really work or not um so I would be very careful in which school we're going to Pilot test um because I want to know with all these other barriers to learning outcome if we pilot test in a school with these concerns will this actually work so I would I would say if we're going to do it that would be my guideline that we also consider demographics economic hardship performance outcome of the school and see if it actually works in a school like that I can virtually guarantee you this will be a topic not a specific school but a topic that you will see in our first presentation about redefining that we will have as part of the menu plan so you will all be able to work through it and look at the logistics look at the clarifications it's there let's put it on the board it's there we'll keep it on the board and let you guys move through it however you want Dr Hein uh I had a question but I think you kind of answered it U but I do want to reiterate um something that Dr Lata said um over and over doing this whole redesign processes um many successful um strategies and practices that are going on in the district will be replicated because the the parents you know are demanding um schools like pompo so um we'll be pushing forward into creating those options with the whole redesign uh but as far as moving forward with a pilot just had two question questions um to ensure that for clarification for myself and the team we're talking about pilot we're not talking about replicating the interest criteria and all of that that pompo currently has we're talking about the 4-day um school week with some options on um on Friday um so I just want to make sure when I hear pilot that's what we're talking about M Leonard and are we are we uh talking about this upcoming school year or we're talk are we're waiting on this redesign process okay that's what I just want to clarify Miss leonardy yeah just so to that point um I think we if we are going to consider a pilot um it should be in in conjunction with the redefining uh BCPS process um I'm open to the idea of a pilot but I think it's really important that it it's not a top- down decision that it comes from a community um because I think the data that we collected shows that you know some communities are open to it and some are not and you know I've heard from parents and students reaching out concerned about it um that that we're going to do this like unanimously throughout the district um so I I I just think it's really important that it become it's coming from a Grassroots level and not just us you know arbitrarily choosing a school um and I I do want to just make a a com comment again to Dr hein's point I think that a 4+1 model just on its own is not does not translate and I think we've seen that in the data to Student Success I think that um you know we do see that a lot of it is tied to you know High performing students but I think it's also important to note um for me at least that we need to start expanding a lot of these opportunities and and not make them tied to test scores and GPA um you know as someone who worked at a a magnet um program in Coconut Creek I think that a lot of those programs um would be very desirable to students who might not necessarily have test scores and would actually improve student performance because it would be very motivating and authentic to them so I think that's a larger conversation um but I I did think it was relevant to this discussion as well thank you Mr F thank you very much chair and I appreciate those words from board member Leonardi um going back to your point of duplicating what pompo right and when we talk about the acceptance and certain students getting in test scores right I the last thing I would want to do is create silos in our district and make more kids be left out like that that's what I wouldn't want um at the same time trust me I'm I'm one of the fans of 4 plus1 I I like the idea I kept bringing it up right but I look at it and I look at our districts right District 5 district one and I think about my district that and a pilot to say let's try something to see if it works again uniforms I'm all about it right cool like I'm all about that but at what cost if it fails at what cost if it goes bad then it's going to be and I love surveys love parent involvement I love Community but we're not going to go to them when kids are failing they come to us that's our responsibility that is our choice to make so for me I I'm not going to I don't want to get to the point when I say pilot it's good to to try some things out try programs different our kids are not going to be guinea pigs to fail or pass I'm not I don't want to be there so for me I want to make sure that we're setting them up for Success if I see data that shows they're going to be successful I'm all about it but for me I don't want to test them to say we're going to be a year behind trying to catch our kids up because 4 plus1 didn't work in a situation or not um and like I said I want to go back to that I just don't want to create The Silo feelings I just feel like that's just what it's becoming because if we do that in every district and we start doing that and start pulling kids that's that's where I believe every kid deserves to have access to the best programs the best classes the best facilities redefining that's what we're talking about every child deserves that so that's that's just where I'm at thank you chair thank you so I think I have everybody's input except Mrs Hixon and ah okay Miss rert then miss Hixon Dr Zan thank you thanks to uh to my colleagues for sharing so openly um I'm wondering through the superintendent to Dr heurn um how many of our high schools currently have programs that we use to call um careers at our schools so I I'll use an example cosmetology carpentry Etc because if we want to keep our students where they are or we want to give them more opportunities I know a lot of my schools the kids ask me why can't we have this you know and I said well we we kind of do it in a a you know a career center and you know career in a year but it's not what they spe specifically want to um have at their school and these are kids that really need a reason to stay in school so I'm just wondering about that I don't know if you know the answer or um I personally don't have to answer with me right now I know Miss U fosa is here and I'll I'll start it with that answer uh Miss rert yes uh we have some of the best technical colleges in the state it was always the Envy of mine when I looked across the border I was so envious of what was here but again and I mean to lean on everyone's Point specifically recently Dr or Dr Mr Dr fogan hly um sorry um it just and Miss Le Ary said it gives a kid a purpose it gives them the reason to rise right they had a bad sixth grade seventh grade maybe half eighth grade and all of a sudden they get to rise but they get that opportunity and and we have to start looking at more electives in those areas I know that when you were hired what four months ago that was what we talked about expansion of that within the schools so we can have the kids staying at the schools and trying to transport them it's diesel fuel is the worst investment for Education keep that in mind it's the worst investment so if you want to add on to that I know you're a veteran now in in the field with four months abely director of the programs that were just mentioned so cosmology Automotive those sorts of programs are really at the technal Coles students are able to worked experience where they share time and they the time the teal Coles and then Traditional School we have a few schools that offer construction programs but again right and and I knew that because I represent two of the schools that we're discussing today um so I I don't know what this looks like but I do know that many of our students are asking for these and they would like to stay at their school so that's why I I said instead of a a pilot at this moment we really need to to figure out we know that we have a 300 or so student weight lless for Atlantic Tech and a 300 plus for Pump and a Beach High School that's 600 kids right there so but those are with the criteria that we talked about yeah the data from the other night also suggests from the parents from last Thursday and I I expect us to get more of that programming programming programming trust first programming second right so um and then facilities was third for anyone wanting to know that was their big concern as well nice um so that that conversation I'm hoping that we will hear from the public um that what our students would like to have I don't know call it an aart menu at their school you know we do the magnet programs and remind me again do we pay for the buses for magnet yes right so that's a big situation there so if we could get these programs in some of our schools where the high demands are high needed and these are our kids that are hopefully walking if not um you know it's it's a shorter term for them so I'm I'm open to the conversation I'm looking forward to going to this week's meeting to hear about that and um to listen more our our students about what they actually interest them so thanks thank you Dr Zan thanks chair um I'm not being cheeky but what I want to see is a survey of parents from Western High School or South Broward or MSD or Fort Lauderdale high school that would be compelling to me because a pilot in an academic sense and kind of a spiritual sense sounds easy go talk to the parents of Western High School and and the teachers of Western High School and see if they want to do this my view is that we have to take the voice of the customer what is it that the parents and the community want from our schools that's why these Community conversations are so valuable if the community is asking for 4 plus1 alternate schedules great if a school votes for it let's go but for us from this table to say that there's some evidence that's that the juice is worth the squeeze it's just not there and we have a lot of other things that we're about to hear about that are things uh that we need to work on uh the next presentation is going to show that 51 schools dropped in grades last year and only 18 Rose you know what the community wants great education where's the four plus one like leading to better educational outcomes it works in one school because we have high standards to get in and high standards to stay and high standards work in education when you really set high high bar uh things go well but as I said earlier if if there's a survey a real survey not 5% of parents not 20% of teachers but a survey of that's out there for the parents and the teachers to vote and they want something then we should bring it to this board and figure this out but I don't see this in the top 10 things that we should be working on uh I think the pilot would be a huge uh huge disruption if it came from the top down um I love being agile I love thinking about repurposing I love to think about uh re-engineering and and redesigning reimagining I think we got to give the customers what they want and if parents want an alternate work schedule in some area then we can do that uh but what they really want is great education they want teachers to be able to teach they want administrators who are clear and great communicators they want our people to reach out to the community and talk to them about what they're doing and they want more programming uh judged by what we learned we're going to know a ton by the way about the voice of the customer in 2 weeks and 3 days when we have the final results back from the thought exchange when we get to run them through the algorithm and come back and say Here's the top 10 ideas that we got from hundreds and hundreds of people that took the time out to come uh that will be persuasive to me but I worry about uh surveys being over emphasized when there are such low sample rates this is not a representative sample 5% % of parents 20% of teachers they're just the 5% that care the most and the 20% that care the most to fill out a survey form um that to me uh doesn't suggest that we have any one school that says their parents and their teachers and their Community want to go uh to something as disruptive as a 4 plus one uh so uh thank you very much for the time M seen did you want to weigh in well I thought I did but um I would like to see it as part of repurposing not something that goes goes on to look at again it's kind mine is kind of a hybrid of everyone's that look at the data and where is the area that was most interested in the pilot I mean most interested in the 4+ one and maybe do the pilot there but not as its own individual thing but part of that repurposing um when we look at where it makes the most sense but I still think it would be worth it to to try it and and see thank you so I also I agree part of our redefining Dr lcat is as part of his if he brings us back to the board for a further conversation I definitely agree with Dr Zeman as far as surveying uh different areas to make sure that this would be something they' want specifically at their school so I think it's a bigger conversation but I think it was a healthy conversation today to to Really reflect on this and you know we can continue continue talking about it and and seeing if this would be something we would pilot in the future all right moving on our last item up is the teaching and learning Workshop part one Dr Lata I'm going to turn it over to Dr Howard heern product of Glades and a very very formidable force on the golf course I see you have jokes Dr L with your single handicap all right so um good afternoon again everybody uh Dr Howard heurn uh Deputy superintendent teaching and learning um have my co-pilot behind me who will kind of navigate the slide deck as we move through um also want to thank the teaching and learning team um for all that they do every day and um supporting our students our our school staff um and leadership teams um is definitely the the the core um mission that we have is ensuring that our students get great learning opportunities every single day as we push forward to becoming an a school district um if we can jump to slide three all right so that's pretty much a overview of what we're going to discuss today um I know I probably sent you about 200 slides um but we're only going to go over about the first 40 just to kind of give a high level overview uh for uh we're going to discuss uh quickly going through some of the data leading and lagging data high level overview of first and second semester academic plan um also talk about regional office support for our traditional schools and non-traditional schools and also talk about a critical schools initiative that's anchored by a recent 5.8 million Grant we receive uh earlier this semester um discuss professional learning and also highlight our um 2024 Summit experience and talk about the outlook for our 2425 academic plan so first slide for the data is uh comparative results um with all with the five largest school districts in the state um and as you can see myid day um having the highest uh um student outcomes in Hillsboro um having the lowest and uh we're kind of nestled in in between um those two school districts and um comparatively speaking um most of the the large school districts when it comes to ELA and math ACH achievement are hovering around the the mid-50s when it comes to um overall student performance next slide um reviewing our our uh acceleration Middle School acceleration and College and Career Readiness um uh this is one area that we're putting a lot of support in um uh team led by L Loi Formosa uh who's doing a a a great job in shining a spotlight on this and because we've been ranked among the lowest when it comes to acceleration um and we've been doing a lot of work this year um uh and we're going to talk about that a little bit um later in the presentation this is uh our Baseline grades this this slide is going over the the number and percentage distribution of those letter grades for all the large the five largest school districts in the state the next one goes over our uh Brower County Public Schools our school grade history for the past nine school years of course 1920 school year no testing due to the pandemic shutdown and then you can see um the number of uh from a through uh F uh grade distribution for all of those years following is the tier three schools um coming out of school year TW uh 2223 um with their school grades and showing the outcomes for um their their school grades that were posted in December we had nine schools um on the state watch list uh with with a D or an f and we had five of those nine improve notably Endeavor Primary Learning Center moving up from a f to a b with the amazing principal Miss Beaver over there and um also uh North Fork um Elementary moving up from a f to a c so the next slide based on our informational grades um and I always like to uh highlight the caution when uh interpreting informational grades because it is missing a large component in student learning gains for ELA um and also math uh and as a result of those informational grades we have 12 schools um during this school year that either have a d or n f um that is getting intensive support from our teams in academic office and regional office the next couple of slides are just going over uh progress monitoring data pm1 data which is Baseline at the beginning of the school year and also mid year data and you can as you can see we're trending um up as we should going to hop over to slide 13 which goes over our graduation rate um that was released um at late in first semester um notably uh blany High School Bor Anderson High School Coconut Creek High School and also Northeast High School that had an increase of 6 percentage points or more for their graduation rates and Coconut Creek having a largest with a 10% increase which is which is huge which is huge um slide 14 interesting slide um had the team pull this to kind of highlight um uh our students trajectory that are actually enrolling in colleges out of our local high schools so if you look at the left side this is the graduating class of 2018 which would have graduated last year um if um if they were if they achieved their uh uh degree within a four-year timeline so you'll see uh how many kids actually enrolled in college and stayed after the first year how many actually returned which is the middle column 2018% enrolled and return and then you will see the percentage of student students that are graduating with four-year degrees uh or who graduated within four years and when you and most of us know who if you have kids in college the kids are taking a little bit longer to graduate these days so um I think the average now is like 5 or 6% uh for for Bachelors and then you can see several graduating cohorts and they're for from starting in 2016 graduates 2017 graduates 2018 graduates on the right hand side and um the percentage of students from those high schools that actually actually graduated within uh 4 years going talk about um first and sem semester first and second semester academic plans so um first semester um what we did we really analyzed and dug into our data from the previous school year really to identify Trends identify uh schools that are going to be priorities for us to really mobilize intensive support um and we continuously review data throughout the year not just uh student performance data but also classroom walkthrough data our team goes into go to schools and support the leadership teams actually walk classrooms with them um to actually see the work in the classroom to figure out what additional support the instructional team may need um to support their teachers and continue that reflective process on a weekly basis in our weekly teaching and learning meetings and we're always continuing to shift support um scale out any best practices that we see that could be leveraged in other schools um throughout the first semester within the second semester after reviewing midyear data um we we really start diving into uh what's working what's not what do we need to leverage better how do we need to shift our our support um so the academics Team U in central office um they're they're focused uh on acceleration too which is a lagging indicator you won't see this year's acceleration numbers in this upcoming school grade calculation it'll be in the following it's it's a lagging indicator and then re redistributing support um continuously analyzing data and like I said it's not always just student performance data it's also observational data from us with boots on the ground going into classroom supporting supporting principles and their leadership teams and their teachers and uh making the adjustments as we see fit based on all that information that we've collected and also ensuring that we're providing the best service possible to to our schools that we're prior ising for additional support So for elementary learning um academic support plan um the biggest here is realigning um uh the academic team does have what we call instructional facilitators within their office who are essentially uh teacher experts in going in and building teacher capacity so they can provide standard-based um um instruction differentiate instruction um uh for the purpose of making sure that we we are meeting our every child's need in the classroom um also meeting with school leadership and and uh at critical schools providing we weekly support to those critical schools and also ensuring that we're supporting that science of reading initiative so just like Elementary learning secondary learning are are doing similar practices uh one of the main differences uh is ensuring that we're focused on algebra Readiness initiatives algebra is a gateway course to many of our applied MTH math in Appliance science courses um and so if we're going to support um increas in our acceleration opportunities we really have to start with um providing intense support for algebra Readiness to make sure we can get to that and ensure our high schools are offering more of those accelerated opportunities Beyond algebra um our caste department is um doing amazing work going out um to um doing acceleration visits at high schools uh making sure uh principls and their team have a clear understanding of of the opportunity gaps that are in their building and making sure we're closing those opportunity gaps opportunity gaps are different than academic gaps you sometimes you have students who are not uh uh having opportunities to be engaged in rigorous college level coursework on their campus or CTE courses on their campus and we want to make sure that we're closing those opportunity gaps um also extended more summer internship opportunities and also various field trips and internships uh just to make sure students get those that that high level experience that supports their their interest when it comes to CTE CTE course coursework um the Esau department is also providing support um and as well as uh student services concentrating on mental health and well-being um without that students really does don't open up that opportunity to learn if if they're concerned about other things that are going on in their life in that school um ESC is always provid intense support uh notably um uh professional learning opportunities for for our teachers we know that many of our teachers that are coming to us don't have that level of expertise when it comes to to supporting ESC students and so we're providing intense support just to make sure they have professional learning opportunities um so they can go in the classroom and do what they need to do to support our our most fragile population of kids so it's an ongoing support cycle um regional office uh support for traditional and non-traditional schools as just see on slide 25 kind of breaks uh breaks out how our regional offices are set up um with a regional superintendent um and several directors and also instructional facil facilitators similar to the academic Department um in central office they have instructional facilitators that go in and support um provide direct support to teachers the the directors in Regional superintendents provide direct support to principles and their leadership team just to make sure there's a strong cycle of instructional leadership uh um supporting teachers and in turn providing the best um service possible to our students to ensure quality learning opportunities and you can see the the number of schools for each region at the regional superintendent uh that's under the regional superintendent purview and they also have a uh a support plan that they utilize to support schools um professional learning opportunities a strong focus on school and culture and climate um their structure facilitators go out and support specific content areas um if there's a weakness that they've observed from their from their observations and going to um observe um classrooms and walk with the leadership teams to see what's going on inside the building and also just constant leadership coaching with a school district this large is always turnover in leadership and so that is a that is one of the main tasks um that they perform is providing leadership coaching to make sure we have strong leaders in the building who can get the work done and support the teachers um community and staff as needed for for uh quality learning opportunities inside the building um also they have a second semester support plan that's um um aligned with the um central office academic team um same uh um um cycle of of analyzing data um ensuring that we're making the right adjustments based on the school needs and prioritizing our schools um based on the data um student performance and and also boots on the ground of what we've observed um and making those adjustments in in deploying support as needed um there and you'll see deep inside the the deck that we want the parts that we want go over that they do tiar their schools based on the support that they actually need so certain data certain key performance indicators when it comes to student performance um um discipline and misconduct from students um uh classroom observations performed by the uh the regional office director and their instructional facilitators to really create a tiered system um to make sure that we're providing support as needed based on what we've what we've the information we've collected as we visit our schools um slide 28 um just going over just the what one would call a crunch time plan in in in in most school districts of how we're going to support schools and how we're going to um um pivot and and and deploy support differently for second semester based Bas on the midyear data that we've observed and that plan is already in action uh one thing that we did uh probably about two or 3 weeks ago we had all of our uh focus and priority schools here in the building uh notably our dnf schools and also some some school some C schools of concerns were in the building to observe and listen for best practices and those principles came in they presented their action plan for the second semester and uh the most important thing they were able to ask us what uh about additional support that they need be it operations all the way to instructions um because sometimes operational things get in the way or or um interfere with instruction so we wanted to make sure we take away every barrier possible so that the school leadership team can concentrate on instruction in their building um I talked about uh the $5.8 million grant that we received earlier this semester um and we're using that um to Target our uh our critical schools and So based on uh State ke performance indicators we've identified 145 critical schools um and it the services that we're providing is totally around supporting leadership teams and becoming turnaround School leaders to do do the intense work that it takes to actually improve academics in their building so there's a bevy of things um listed there on slide 29 that we're embarking on right starting right now and also into the academic 20 24 25 school year um I'm going to jump to slide 31 to uh leveraging the opportunities through this grant um and as you can see this is a kind of a sliding heat map you can see on the left the unshaded is what all schools are receiving principls coaches and teachers as far as uh support uh monthly principal sessions and Extended Learning opportunity and the like and then you can see some of the intense support that the critical schools are receiving in the pink or or salmon color shaded area um to show the difference um in support strategies between critical schools versus um schools that aren't on our Focus or priority list of course is always a district-wide professional learning uh that we always embark on to make sure there's consistency throughout the district for especially some of our core instructional materials um um core instructional strategies that we're leveraging across the district and we've already started um um planning and executing for our summer experience 20 2024 which is going to be a four-week program sted on June 24th to July 18th and Monday through Thursday um uh focused on of course our statutory programs that we have to do for third grade reading um esy and VPK um we're also offering opportunities for Rising ninth graders who struggled in eighth grade math um to just to make sure they're ready um algebra is that Gateway course for those students who haven't had the opportunity to take it in middle school and we want to make sure those students have have some great uh accelerated opportunities later on in their High School career um boot camps for students that need concordance scores to graduate um also uh targeted seventh grade students to so our goal is also to increase algebra enrollment in 8th grade so we're going to Target seventh graders that are showing that potential and prepare them accordingly so they're success successful in algebra in eth grade also um and also some course recovery opportunities um throughout that summer experience and on on um slide 34 you'll see um the designation of of the amount of schools per area that we're targeting five host schools for Elementary in the North and the South seven in Central and um two host high schools per per region and make sure we can accommodate um uh many of the students that we're targeting for those opport opportunities um so uh slide 35 is just a start of what are the the outlook for our 2425 academic plan um and there's four themes or four pillars that we're going to be Focus focusing on for academic 2425 plan um the first is personalized and standard-based instruction and that personalization is centered around differentiation we want to make sure our students get exactly what they need to be successful in the classroom also acceleration um you heard earlier we're one of the lowest performing when it comes to acceleration and so that's going to be a a target for us to increase our accelerated opportunities to make sure our students are more competitive um versus our neighbors to the North and the South of us and also intense focus on Intervention we we you hear intervention intervention intervention but sometimes you don't hear the word enrichment a lot so we're going to make sure that we're focused on enrichment opportunities too um and also family and Community engagement I get opportunity as I go out and about visit schools or go to certain events to talk to our parents our community members and some times our students and um that is a gap for us and we need to close that Gap when it comes to family and Community engagement so been talking to um uh groups of people um our uh our uh advisory uh uh folks just to figure out you know what are some of the gaps that we need to feel how do we engage our community our parents better um so we don't leave any opportunities on the table um um as we partner with with our community members and parents so there's of course there's a process um of developing uh um the plan and it starts with U standard-based and explicit instruction um really continuing to focus on our on our science of reading initiative also uh a focus on our numeracy plan and of and uh continuing to support for our new teachers International and also our our our teachers that are here um um in our state and in our County already and and intense support for our leadership team as we do have um turnover in some of our schools especially some of of our challenge in schools and then that focus on Intervention and enrichment um instructional support for Math and and Ela um slide 37 just kind of goes over um what is standard-based and explicit instruction and how the academic team supports that and pretty much is mastering the content and U via tier one instruction uh we want to make sure that our teachers and our leadership teams are able to support and execute tier one instruction first before we start hopping into intervention opportuni so uh that's going to be a a core of our work uh now and also moving forward also uh continuing um year two for our science of reading initiative uh making sure that we're implementing that with Fidelity so that our our our leaders and our teachers have a keen understanding of what of of of how literacy instruction um should carry out in our classrooms the same with our numeracy plan uh we're we're we've already started that work but we also want to make sure that that we that we stay focused to ensure you know sometimes you hear about students saying oh I don't like math I'm not a great math student we want to change that conversation um to ensure that we're focused on lit not just on literacy but also on numeracy um and I think we'll see the fruits of that labor um in acceleration when students get into secondary school where they can persevere through those applied math and applied science courses and um 40 and 41 goes over our new our new teacher support um 41 specifically targets you know we have a lot of folks that within our system that want to become teachers that are not there may be Paras there may be secretaries and clerical staff and what not and we we have Pathways for them to become a teacher um and be certified throughout that process so we continue to grow our own um you know one of the difficulties we know in all of our counties in South Florida is is recruiting people from out of the area um but we have lots of people that live here already who want to be teachers and we're going to help them um become teachers um 43 uh talks about some of those intervention supports and enrichment supports um now I I don't want people to get confused that we're bucketing a student in just in in intervention support or just enrichment support some students may be involved in in both at one time you may be have a weakness that you need to improve on we're going to intervene and provide additional support and you may also demonstrate a strength in something else and we're going to make sure we enrich that area um and some of the and some of the uh strategies and and and resources that we have at our disposal right now but we're always continuing to uh talk with our partners to see what else we can leverage to provide better opportunities in those schools um for next steps and rounding out the academic 20 2425 plan um for the rest of this semester um especially at the end of this school year when we get the performance data that'll kind of give us our our Roi on some of the resources and and and instructional strategies that we supported throughout this year reviewing our classroom uh um walkthrough data just to see what type of support our leaders and our teachers need um really taking a Keen Eye on their instructional calendar what we planned for was to executed appropriately um and and do our teams need additional support do we need to make a shift in how we uh plan out our instructional Focus calendar analyzing our professional development offerings um um instructional materials um Effectiveness and also reviewing how we deploy Services um and looking at our team and and seeing if if how we deploy services and and who we deployed at specific schools did did their strengths actually match the need at those specific schools um and also looking at return on investment for purchase instructional materials this is something I'm I'm I'm diving into this semester uh we we spend a lot of money on instructional resources and we need to make sure that there's a high return on investment if it's and if it's not being utilized if it have a low Roi we need to get rid of it and figure out what's going to work what people want to embrace what's aligned to standard-based instruction um and what's going to support student performance um at the end of the school year so with all of that at the end of this at the end of that throughout this semester at the end of the semester we will be able to articulate a clear academic 2425 plan by going through all of these things um during the semester really looking at return on investment really talking to our teachers and leading through our teachers to find out what works really looking at practices at certain schools um to figure out what's effective what can we possibly scale out and many of you I see in some of my school visits and you know and I talk to kids I talk to teachers I talk to principal talk to community uh members and the sole purpose is to gather information to see what's effective and what we could Poss possibly scale out to further enhance our learning opportunities in our buildings and support student performance and so with that said um turn it over to the board for discussion and we have the team here ready to answer any questions I'm going to jump in quickly before that um we know that if we get every kid on reading grade level and math grade level we're we're in a right that's our ultimate goal 100% because there's still even if you get to 90 you get 10% of these kids that aren't on and that's that's someone's 10% parent we also know that we're going to look at uh earlier uh approaches to reading especially with the science reading pheic awareness we also know that one of the main things we talked about seven months ago In This Very Room was Slide Five and I need you to go to slide five real quick and see the disadvantage we are at where we were almost equal with everybody on a lot of things if you look through the data look at the middle school acceleration that's a lot we're giving up a lot there and we're not preparing we're not getting our students ready for that and that lends itself to what um Miss rert said earlier let's get our kids more involved with the CTE the industry certifications earlier let's get them in acceleration let's get them in algebra we're it's not about the points it's getting kids accelerated quicker and then the points will follow so we really are in a disadvantage because of the other columns we look pretty good you know we want to look like Dade uh if you add those points in there we look even better the only problem with some some of the this acceleration is its lagging data we will not see the results of this year till next year in the scoring but this is a high focus that's why um M fosa was here we want to make sure that every school understands the importance of kids learning how to read earlier but more importantly let's get him rolling in middle school for our high school credits and and our acceleration credits so Dr he thank you so much for that it was very comprehensive the team was awesome and it's a good uh research point for us as we move forward public comment Dr Dr Trudy germanovich you can go to Podium a my name is Dr Trudy germanovich I looked over the 200 plus pages and I was reminded of an article which was recently published in Forbes in thinking about how this District should be improving teaching and learning here are some excerpts a new paper from Maron and tanken sets out to determine whether a state's big standardized test measures student learning teacher Effectiveness or something else the answer it turns out is something else the tests are not measuring how much students learn or can learn they are predominantly measuring the family and Community Capital of the student in other words with a high degree of accuracy you could predict the results of the annual test of student learning and teacher Effectiveness without actually giving students a single test their paper entitled The pernicious predictability of State mandated mandated tests of academic achievement in the United States focus focuses on standardized um state math tests in New Jersey finding the same result and offering an explanation what conclusions can we draw from this additional research on the test scores first we can once again recognize that standardized test used to make definitive statements about student learning and teacher Effectiveness to assess the quality of Administrators to declare a school failing to pinpoint student academic weaknesses and strengths these tests are in fact simply reflecting the demographics in the students families second if policy makers must insist that the big standardized test scores must be used for a variety of uh policy purposes research like this suggests that the best way to improve test scores for students from less resource filled backgrounds might be to provide them with wider and deeper experiences aimed at building background knowledge rather than bombarding them with test prep exercises and workbooks move away from the overemphasize over emphasis on test scores and move toward Project based learning and real electronic portfolios make teaching and learning enjoyable again and you will bring back many of the students we've lost I would bet that pompo Beach High School has the freedom to use something similar to project base learning with their students and there are other successful examples which could be emulated also I don't know who put the rule in that if you do a written comment you aren not allowed to come and speak but that should not be done I've been told that two times and and if that would have happened the day that the uh teachers came you would have had a riot in here thank you thank you so much any other public comment board member discussion Mrs Leonardi yep um first I I do want to commend Dr Lata uh for his comment on 100% Proficiency in reading and math um I think we throw a lot at him as a board and it it is evident to me that he has focused on that first and foremost um to the presentation I really appreciated a few different aspects of it one that we included college graduation rates of our former students I think uh more districts need to to really look at that and I was really appreciative that we're starting to look at that data it's really important um I appreciated the detail in the data uh historically I can't remember seeing that much detail um especially with different subgroups of students um I wanted I had a question about graduation rates but first I want to shout out Northeast High School and seagull uh they had some pretty in incredible increases in their graduation rates my question was about um Fort Lauderdale high school and Sheridan uh Tech High School I saw that those schools that are like historically very high performing um that their graduations declined a little bit and I'm wondering if there is an explanation why Dr heern just a sec I'm pulling up that slide 13 and it was Fort laudale High and and Sheridan Sheridan hi and so um sometimes uh you could be a couple of factors sometimes it's not good data clean up right um and so if that student was let's say that student withdrew but didn't go somewhere else and didn't get picked up that student will stay on for your graduation rate also if they didn't enroll in another school after they left school or you couldn't find them maybe they went outside the country or they went to another state and somehow they got into a different school and nobody pck called to get the transcript so so that could be something too as far as the data cleanup and um or um simply the student probably didn't make concordant scores also uh but when when you have a minimal decline such as uh Fort ladale high with uh 0.5% it could be a a lost student that did not enrolled somewhere else or enrolled in a private school and somebody did not contact the school to get the records could be a factor of things but when it's that small it's it's usually something like that got it thank you um I just wanted to make one comment on the summer experience I'm glad we're planning now um I do think it's important that we include our principles and um ask for principal input when we are planning for the summer experience historically I have heard some complaints um so I just want to make sure that they are at the Forefront of the the planning for that um I appreciate the focus on Roi for our instructional materials and resources I uh I think this board um has spoken to that many times and I think it's really important that uh you know we give everyone the the resources that they need but not extra um and and what I mean by that is like as a teacher I was told multiple times like you need to use x program at least once a week because the district is monitoring how much you're using it because they they purchased it basically um and I didn't find all of those resources useful necessarily um so I I again appreciate the focus on Roi for for our instructional resources um and I'll just end by uh commenting on Dr der manovich's comments on standardized testing and I completely agree with her um you know I I grew up not being tested as much as our our kids today are and I think it's it's actually very harmful um but it is the reality of our school system and it's it's not determined by this board um but I appreciated the solutions that she offered and I I happen to agree completely about um you know expanding access to CTE and extracurriculars and electives and Project based learning things that we've talked about today um and making learning more of a motivating experience for our students and authentic and um tangible so I I'll just end on that note thank you Mrs hixen thank you um first I would like to say thank you so much for finally having a discussion about student academics and achievement um I feel like we just talk a lot about adult Behavior here and it was really nice to go through this and get a really comprehensive look at what's happening and was very happy to see the pm2 results and where we seem to be growing um significantly uh had a couple of questions and comments I you know have been around to all of the schools and going back to where there's new principles and when on the slide where we were talking talking about Esau I have a question because we we have a Hu a a larger than normal population of Vietnamese and Portugese students that we really don't have the Esau resources to support in Pockets across the district so how are we going to address that and no one's complaining because they've said the Esau department has been phenomenal it's just that the resources don't really exist so how do we help those pockets of schools that need those resources and we don't know where to find them so I'm going to um start the answer but also have our y good afternoon Vicki salala director for bilingual Esau and you're correct Vietnamese has actually been a population that we've struggled with through many years um we've advertised positions when schools have so schools uh receive additional funding to make sure that if they have 15 or more students that speak a certain language they have a bilingual par professional or staff that speak that language and that's required by meta consent decree we do have some schools that have vacancies for Vietnamese um have advertised have reached out to me um but it is a population that we struggle to fill at the schools um I know I've been working with non-instructional um to have at our next job fair make sure that we try to advertise to have esps um in those particular unique languages so that we could try to help schools fill those positions within my department we do have Portuguese interpreters uh we have a Portuguese Community liaison who's working as well with the communities um again languages that we struggle with because we consider them unique languages um and just really reaching out to the communities to try to help us thank you because I'm in the last couple of weeks I've heard a lot of um a lot of Need for Portuguese because there was a huge influx of students so just if anyone's listening and you want a job we need you um so thank you for that you're welcome um you know important information so along that same lines of the um international issues we have quite a few teachers that come from the Philippines now and I have some questions because we've talked to a few of them and they still don't feel like they have as much of the personal support as they need it sometimes it feels like we plucked them you know we took them and invited them over and then we just kind of set them free on the streets you know there are six of them living together in an apartment sometimes people take advantage of them for rent and stuff so we said we were supporting them but how do we check back and make sure that they have all the support that they need I'm going have um while U you going to take that while you're coming up I'm going to talk about um real quick of actually seeing this at work where our Filipino teachers who have been here for quite some time who have um gained a certain level of instructional expertise actually being a direct coach for many of our newcomers who are in the classroom and and seeing the exceptional work that they're doing to support those teachers and then also the the understanding the cultural Gap that they may have um coming up over here and getting them acquainted and acclimated to the environment and also in our classrooms too but that's turn over first specifics good afternoon my name is Angela Brown and I am the director for Department of coaching and induction we have assigned an each of the schools that the Philippine teachers are assigned to which is 87 we have an on-site Mentor that we pay a stien those mentors are trained and those mentors are the ones that acclimate them to the school and help them with to find resources and to get around we also have Master coaches that are signed to the um International teachers that assist them and then I do know that um some of our district departments we still have ongoing training and academics we have events that go on in the community for them I can give you an example I know Tom Albano's department they had something for the holidays for Thanksgiving and um the Christmas holidays for them we have trainings on weekends we have after school work shs with them so we have a lot of wraparound support that support them but most importantly we have that direct on-site School support with them with Master coaches and on-site mentors for each one of each of their campuses thank you so my question to that is do how do we evaluate that I'm just thinking um we often say when we complain about communication that we put it out right so we did everything but if people aren't perceiving it the way that we would like them to it's you know just like a teacher that does a lesson I think I gave a great lesson but none of my kids learned the information it wasn't really a great lesson so do we just make sure like do we go back to the Filipino teachers and ask them how do they feel supported maybe you know is that the right person for that that job we do that it's just like cuz I do support new teachers and it's just like some professions may not be a good fit for some so you have those outliers out layers but I can say that we do followup with them we do have group discussions where we find out what they needs are what they're missing and we try to connect them with that person or that contact at the schools but I'm going to say they are human they away from their families and they are are working hard here to send resources back to their famili so a lot of that do get in the way but we we have connected them to with mental health services and support for them I myself did a um a walk through it at one of the schools and I went and told the principal we need to get this this teacher cuz she was in tears she was in tears of missing her children and we did a referral for them to get the um the EAP services so we do check in and follow up we have had surveys getting their feedback we had surveys for the principes at the schools to see how they're working we have had District um meetings to look at those surveys and and to send support out to the schools to support them based on the survey data okay great thank you CU they are you know huge help and I know they're excited to be here but some of them you struggle um I also just want to mention about testing I have a a goddaughter who's in fifth grade and her stomach just goes into knots to go to school because she's tested so much and she's very smart but has such high anxiety cries and can't sleep all night ends up getting an A on the test when she tests the next day but that a anxiety factor for our students is so high and in fifth grade they should just be enjoying being in school that's why when they get to middle school and high school they hate school because they have they they're learning not to like it in elementary school so if there's a way I've heard from a lot of different places we test more than is required by the state so I know we need the information to move forward but I really think it's something we need to look at and see are we really only testing what we need to or are we over testing our students um and the last thing that I'd like to just say is the instructional material had this discussion with Dr heurn already I was at Bay viw recently and bayw is number one in the county if not in the state and they do not use very much technology at all they have a program where it's 90 minutes and it's all about relationships that they have with the students that they have with the um the staff and how they arrange their time same thing at Eagles Point they have the leader and me foxt trail has the leader and me these are successful programs that don't require a large amount of technology and as um the chair was saying earlier if we see something's working let's replicate it I really think we need to look at what's happening in Bay View and some of these other schools it won't work everywhere but it could be tweaked to works somewhere else you know in that that 90 minutes every morning that bay you does where they're they're really intentional in how they're interacting with their students I think could be very beneficial for the schools that are struggling so as I've already said to you but I wanted to say publicly um I think it's important it's not always we don't always need programs we need the students to understand their data to own it and to want to improve it and that doesn't require a lot of software so thank you m [Music] rert thank you um I have to give a great shout out to Blan high schools graduation rate increased by nine points and Coconut Creek High School by 11 um very very very proud of um those schools as well as um the rest of the the schools in our district um Dr heurn through the superintendent um you and I spoke briefly about I ready and the perspect perspect I can't talk today perspective thank you perspective of the parents and the teacher um how how it's a little skewed because of the benchmarks and like if you can spend like two or two two or three minutes on that yeah so I'm glad you brought brought that up too we had a meeting with I already recently where um and Dr con or or Miss Holland w probably explain this better than I can where the dashboard will be more parent friendly to and be able to interpret that information better cuz sometimes we have we think that parents could understand what we see every day and so um and and the little hint also how it did in the line right so you're looking at like if you're in first grade you're looking at second grade so parents are not they're not happy with that yeah they're looking at um um information um of a different grade level different threshold versus what's happening right now right go ahead Dr con Dr Dr K executive director of academics so I already has a scale score that actually does pair up with the PM data which is the state assessment so you should see a calibration of the scores you'll also notice the first time this year that we are also sending the parent Community Information uh forms out to parents so they actually can see what the data looks like in correlation with the state assessments so this is the first time we were doing Outreach to parents so they're actually getting the data similar to what the teachers are getting they know exactly where the students are in terms of their performance and they can provide some anecdotal datas in terms of helping them with tutoring and so forth and this and you've started this already it just started in January oh okay so recently yep that's what I'm trying to get it okay awesome that'll take care of that I love that thanks so much um also a lot of our our um our new teachers and quite frankly teachers period um need help behavioral help from their classroom they're um let's just say it's it's ratcheted way up and um I don't know if it would be redirecting skills de escalating skills and this goes from kindergarten all the way up um I I look through this and and I understand you know we're we're pushing out help as possible but what specifically are we doing to basically um the teachers toolbox where they have some quick um behavioral tips to be able to stop it in the butt and I'm not talking high school and this is elementary middle you know it's all it's across the board yes we we are aware of the uptake in behavior and I and I talked to my colleagues in other school districts and we're all experiencing the same thing and trying to figure out what are some possible solutions to kind of decrease what we're seeing um and hence the the initiative on more parent and Community engagement too so we can get some Partners outside of school to support that um but I'm going ask uh Miss Washington or Miss HUD good after good afternoon Simone Hollings Earth Chief academic officer and Dr heer and hit it on the head but also just knowing with Miss Brown's team for coaching and induction for our new stents as well as Miss hudge's team and student services really trying to go in and be have a collaborative approach so that if we're going in to help with whether it be teaching and learning and we're seeing some of those upticks and behaviors or just not having you know the best classroom management having those two teams work together going in with the regional directors so that we're having a on- lens approach to really support them and then determining do they need to take a specific you know professional development how do we continue to support that and less about just taking a class but if you take something how do we help you implement it and then put some plans together through some of our positive behavior initiatives and supports that are in the schools right and I think right now is the is a exceptionally key time because teachers are getting their requests for next year if they're going to stay at that school or the class grade um and it's we don't want them to have a defeated you know everybody goes into teaching because they want to serve they have a servant's heart and um we certainly want to give them as much as possible for that um I appreciate this love it love drilling down uh I believe every superintendent I've ever had the opportunity to work with I've always brought up the atrisk students and our subgroups and I'm super happy that we're having that conversation to a a larger extent now so I appreciate that and I appreciate Dr um heurn as well and Dr Lata thanks Dr Zan thank you chair um to be very specific uh to the team that put this together uh this presentation is thoughtful it's analytic it's very intentional and it's courageous in the sense that it measures outcomes successful organizations do all of these things uh but in particular they measure outcomes and over time they learn to love in the red yellow green charts they learn to love the red because they have so much courage and confidence that all they want to know is where things aren't going well so they can swarm take action and get these done so from a very high level uh thank you very much chair is this the action plan that the school board asked for or is this a presentation on teaching and learning Dr L this is both um we included the action plan of how we move about the logistics that support it how it goes through all the way down to the Regional Offices and the directors as well as the instructional materials the review of that combined with what our extending or extended day tutorials with a key focus on maybe summer the summer sites and such so it's actually a plan how we're moving the up how it's created the logistics around it and the personnel and the instructional materials that that build around it so it's all of them thank you and chair um in order to fulfill what I think we would like there may be some additional questions around budget resourcing and policies related to the action plan to make sure this board knows what we need to be making decisions about to support the action plan uh uh moving forward to the conscience of our community Dr Trudy Janovich uh I will ask you again who and I'm sure you have uh to go back to either the movie Waiting for Superman or any of the academic or non-academic articles written about Harlem children's Zone there is no relationship between a family's income and a child's opportunity or ability to learn the systems that fund everything equally create the statistic that you created but in Harlem they proved that income family status values didn't matter to to academic outcomes and what they did is they focused on every child mattering uh and they and they created an equity based solution that enveloped the entire Community uh and in that 100 block region uh they created Miracles and so um I'm constantly tortured by that because the statistics suggests that every child of brard County should be wildly successful but we don't have the resource allocation right and that's that's really uh a major torture for me which is how do we get the equity right so that we invest in students so outcomes are equal not make some kind of attempt to make sure that the that the resources are spread like peanut butter equally across all FTE in the district and we're not there yet we're not at the point where we're doing Equity based resource allocation to the point where we get equal outcomes where every student of BR County regardless of their family regardless of their income regardless of their race ethnicity age Geographic reason they all have a great chance to be widly uh successful in life and I think that's uh that that's important second uh point to you uh while test scores are have all the failings that you and Mr L already pointed out um the biggest issue that I have with with testing is that they don't test all the things we really want to achieve we want human beings to leave our system and be wildly successful in life not widely successful at reading math science social studies and the other things that we test uh but really to be prepared with mental health uh with the roundness of their character um and with other things that'll allow them to be successful one area that I'd like to learn more about in terms of uh the training uh and learning plan is is numeracy uh what I see frankly uh is insufficient and the reason it's insufficient is that we're moving into a brand new technologically enabled AI enabled world where numery is going to be the defining minimum characteristic for job holding uh technology and AI over the next 20 years is going to produce 95 million jobs in the United States and it's going to take take away 73 million jobs but those new jobs are going to be jobs where numeracy is a primary concern and alarm to me is that we spend 90 to 20 minutes a day on literacy and 60 to 90 minutes a day on numeracy I'm glad that we want uh more emphasis on algebra to motivate more people to take Algebra 2 and trigonometry and calculus and things like that um but I believe that that a swift shift to numeracy is reflection of what our community wants the voice of our community is that they want to create graduates that are be very successful in terms of jobs future academic success and the like and whether we like it or not as Educators numeracy is at least as important now as literacy and um I think we should take a lesson from our Asian friends in chinese vietnamese South Korean and Japanese where you cannot say I can't do math in those languages that sentence makes no sense and it's time that it make no sense in brow County so the questions I have are around numeracy about the equity test are we allocating resources to equalize outcomes and in our policies that allocate talent and I've talked to Mr azero I've talked to Dr heurn I've talked to Dr Lata about this but other districts don't require principles of difficult schools to go out and hire people that are willing to take on the bigger challenge of working in those schools they centrally hire them and they place them and they rotate them in a very intentional and and uh outcome based way I've advocated for that here in Broward for a long time I don't know what other Talent policies might make more sense but until we get to equity resource allocations that equalize outcomes and until that we use the talent that we have for the community that pays us the county pays us but we asked 239 principles to go out and hire Talent I'll never forget the job fair I went to where 200 people lined up at a at an A+ School the one that you just visit is Miss Hixon and nobody went to the principal next door the first school had maybe one opening they didn't know for sure and the other one had five known teacher vacancies but nobody applied at the school that was at was lower graded and until we get our arms around the reality of things like that um we're going to continue to see marginal growth but I really would like to get to the the best growth that we can get to lastly uh these are small points I don't understand charts that have Schoolboard members names on them by law everybody up here is going to work for the County's best interest and I'll just leave it at that uh one other small point if we're trying to communicate to our customers we won't use abbreviations and Jingo that only we understand a solution to that is to print a table of abbreviations or something or just don't use them um but these charts are brilliant they're intentional they're analytic they're courageous there's a bunch of wonderful things um I either knew the abbreviations or could call somebody to get the answer to them uh but at the end of the day there's just over 2 million people in Broward County that we would love to read this plan and love to see how hard we're working to give them the best school district they deserve um but we repel them a little bit when we use uh abbreviations or education Jingo that we understand uh but the community would not thank you very much chair Dr holess thank you Madame chair so first I'd like to thank Dr heurn for giving us such a comprehensive action plan for our schools in terms of learning outcome and I also appreciate the inclusion of our of having a an ESC support plan um what I would suggest as well in the ESC support plan is that we focus strongly on monitoring the learning outcome of the of our ESC students by monitoring implementation of ESC accommodations at the classroom level I think I've said it many times over that as far as our ESC students and I believe we have over 40,000 right um is I'm not sure what the numbers are but until we start to look at whether or not we're implementing the accommodations in the IEPs at the classroom level with Fidelity we're going to continue to have our ESC students struggling in terms of uh their performance and so monitoring for me for ESC students is not just looking at a well- written IEP by the ESC Specialist or department and then um concluding that they have um a good ESC plan in place I think the part that falters to me is the action how is it being implemented we dot the eyes we cross the tees but going forward in uh the upcoming year I would love to see a lot of emphasis placed on monitoring these accommodations at the classroom level through visits and this should include teacher training if there is a problem um in understanding accommodations and how to implement them and identifying and keeping track of these students in their classrooms and how to effectively juggle both how to deal with your ESC students in your classroom as well as the mainstream students so I think that's where I've seen a lot of the issues so I'm hoping in the ESC support plan Dr that emphasis will be placed on implementation at the classroom level and monitoring that as well um but I I do appreciate this uh comprehensive action plan that you presented here um and I have to say um uh I I'm very uh I commend you on hitting the ground running um and uh Dr lar is great pick um he's doing an awesome job I visited all of the schools in my district every single one of them and I've spent at least an hour or more at each of them and many of the schools that I visited they said Dr heurn was here so um I I I appreciate that sir and um it shows your interest in ensuring that our struggling schools we have some struggling schools in District 5 that you taking those as high priority um and so um you know uh we've met also every month every month I meet with Dr heern to go over the schools that we have with performance issues and we go over best practices and the type of intervention and the data driven um approach in ensuring that these DS and F schools improve and I know District 5 uh that I represent we we have concerns in that area and I I appreciate your attention to that matter and meeting with me every month to go over these things now um I must say that um I I am very impressed with um with some of the schools in my district Endeavor actually went from being F school to a b school I mean that deserves a round of applause right um and we also have Northfork went from F school to a c school and that deserves a round of applause so when when you look at this um it it gives us hope it gives us the the the the kind of energy we need and uh and motivation to know that we can we can actually replicate this in other schools and so when I met with Dr herper and I said we we need to look at the best practices of these great strides in performance of these schools and and and speak with the leadership and the the the uh the staff uh to see how we can bring everybody to the table to make sure that our schools so I I enjoy those discussions Dr her bur and I am I am so grateful to have you here because I think going forward this is just the beginning and we've seen many schools in District 5 too that uh other schools that have improved in in in letter grade like Plantation Middle and so on so thank you sir um I just like to congratulate um also La Hill 6 through2 100% graduation rate one of the six schools with 100% graduation rate so Dr Ron his teachers and staff do a great job and Piper High School 99% graduation rate uh Miss hardigan uh you're doing great and um uh Piper is a special school to me so thank you as well thank you thank you thank you Dr heern and to your team for this very thorough presentation the board hasn't received that in a very long time so greatly appreciate it my question is are we requiring the teaching of cursive and life skills and if yes what grade does that occur in no we are not um actually taught my daughter to write cursive myself because I don't think any school in the state is uh requiring that um anymore um but definitely we'll take that feedback and see how we can Infuse that because it is important kids don't know how to sign their names anymore to just print them so as far as the life skills a lot of that's Incorporated in our CTE courses by uh by every standard uh we know that um we know that um India turns out massives amounts of um computer scientists and such we turn out the in the IT world we turn out the managers in the IT world it's because we have that incorporated in our business schools and such so we have to keep that model and all our C programs and our CTE programs and I thank all of you and the applied learning as well making sure that that's incorpor at in there but again if the child is not in those programs which we're trying to increase they may not see it and and and that's that's that's on us that is definitely on us so thank you Dr Lata I think that it's extremely important that we are teaching our kids life skills when they leave us in bar County Public Schools and I do believe that cursive is that life skills that is extremely important because if their boss writes to them and something incursive and they look at it and they can't read it that's a problem M fam right thank you um I'd like to first of all give a shout out to miss rert miss Rupert had two schools with 100% graduation and also what they were 100% in each category white Black and Hispanic so there was only one other school that they had that and that was in my district and her second school was a virtual school which is great but um she should be recognized for her Equity efforts um in addition I I just wanted to respond to um Mr Z before he left I like the fact that our names are on the data because I get specific inquiries from um parents in my district about schools that may be five minutes 10 minutes from one another because they look at school choice and they take it seriously so they want to know how to compare and that makes it really easy for the rest of us to go right through those demographics and say here here and here the other thing I wanted to do is thank Mr Halper and superintendent Lata um I definitely see that Broward county is headed in the right direction and I thank the two of you for that you stepped into a very difficult situation and you're turning it around and um the community is going to see that and and you're going to um be recognized for that in addition to that I just wanted to say that um you've raised the standards and you have improved greatly the amount of commitment that the parents and residents have seen by a superintendent in a long time you and Mr Halper or or Dr Halper are attend many meetings you go to many schools you're all over the place and your energy is just amazing so I hope that you continue to make this County better and um we look forward to seeing what the future has to offer thank you thank you thank you for those remarks I do want to make sure everyone knows that the team back there has a lot to do with it too it's easy to orchestrate All Stars so thank you all back there uh I appreciate those remarks and we're going to continue to do that we got a long way to go and we'll be we'll be um pushing this hard because students are why we it's all it's the reason why we do it we all of us all of us up here all of us out there that's the reason we do it at this time do any of my colleagues have anything to bring to the board or Student Success to share Mrs Hixon thank you just want to give a shout out to the Bobcat competitive cheerleaders they were crowned the national and world champions this past weekend Dr holness thank you madam chair so um as we all observe the day of love and service tomorrow and I'd like like to ask Dr LC to ensure that our principls will allow our teachers and staff to observe this how they want and feel comfortable that you know some teachers may want to go ahead and do service projects and so on and and may want to leave um so Dr L if if you could ensure that principles give a lot of latitude to teachers and staff that that you know they can observe this in a manner that they're comfortable and that they're able to you know knowing that this is my first year in entering this into it and knowing the sensitivity and the importance of it I would appreciate that uh our leaders that we've chosen to lead children massive amounts of children at that that would use their best judgment in how they decide to have their faculty and staff celebrate this in their in their means and their ways so yes absolutely any other board member uh I just wanted to bring forward to my colleagues that our cell phone policy needs to be revised last time it was revised was in 2014 and in 2023 there was a a law that was passed and so we need to just bring our policy up to date Dr L we'll bring that forward with Cowart and coward I think it's close to what it needs to be if not has to be it's there but we'll just reaffirm it through coward and coward okay perfect what were you saying Mr Sullivan it's in the student code of conduct so it is updated the policy you're referring to I believe it's usage on Schoolboard property but I think that defers to staff and non students so we'll make sure it's okay perfect the scheduled order of business for the school board Workshop the school board of bar County Florida has been completed seeing no obligation I now adjin the workshop made it out ear e