e Focus good morning this special meeting of the school board of brow County Florida is now called to order Dr heern are there any items to be added to the agenda yes um Dr wza can you read those items for us please we are in expulsions there there are no additional items Madam chair may I have a motion and second to close the agenda to move second move by Zan second by Fen hly all in favor of closing the agenda say I I those opposed say no the agenda is now closed we have a motion and second to approve all final orders to move second move by Zan second by Hixon is there any discussion seeing none yes ma'am Mrs Fam thank you no mics guys M fam just testing um thank you madam chair I just wanted to bring up I'm not certain if this is the appropriate time but I just want to document into the record that I'm going to bring back the three items on the uh Turf that we're doing for the the football field this fam we're in expulsions okay just didn't know if I need to bring that does this have to do with expulsions no okay just documenting the record all in favor of approving all final orders say I I those opposed say no all final orders have been approved I now declare the special school board meeting is adjourned e e e e good morning this regular meeting of the school board of bar County FLA is now called to order please identify the exit doors that are clearly marked for emergency exiting while in the boardroom refrain from ex from obstructing the exit doors all attendees must occupy a seat in the boardroom with the expectation with the exception of media once the boardroom has reached its te capacity attendees will be directed to a designated overflow area in the building upon activation of the fire alarm system please exit from the room in an orderly fashion and continue to exit the building and remain outside until the authority that has jurisdiction has deemed this building safe to return we ask that all attendees to maintain a respectful and professional demeanor during the meeting disruptive behavior including but not limited to yelling interrupting speakers or engaging in personal attacks will not be tolerated if you engage in disruptive behavior interfering with the orderly process of the meeting I will issue a verbal warning to seize the disruption immediately and failure to comply with the warning will will res result in the removal from the board meeting by law enforcement removal from the meeting by law enforcement will be for the duration of all meetings held on this day our primary focus to create a safe and productive environment for all of our participants thank you for your cooperation board member rert will now introduce her school to lead us in the pledge allegiance of the flag Mrs rert um thank you madam chair it is a true pleasure of mine to introduce the students of pompo Beach Middle School to lead us in the pledge of allegiance to the flag All Rise please flates stands Nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you pumping a Beach Middle School you back there thank you Mrs rert I would now like to request a moment of silence for a staff member from Coral Glades High School I would like to request a moment of silence for Ruby Diaz Ruby work worked at Coral Glades high school during the last four years as part of our custodial team Miss Diaz is survived by your son and her sisters she leaves behind a legacy of kindness and hard work she will surely be missed please join me and recognizing a moment of silence in his honor her honor at this time thank you board member Leonardi has requested a moment of silence for a student from Northside Elementary School a student from Bennett Elementary School and a student from Northeast High School Mrs Leonardi thank you Ryan ett was a beacon of light at the Northside Elementary School bringing laughter curiosity and kindness to the school Community every day in the classroom and amongst his peers he will be sorely missed by the North Side Community and our hearts are with Ryan's family please join me now in a moment of silence for Ryan and shed thank you Carter Antoine was a beloved student enrolled in Bennett Elementary School he and his twin brother were in the same class in the prek program and my deepest condolences are with his family during this incredibly difficult time please join me in honoring Carter's memory during this moment of silence thank you Mark Gay was a very bright and curious learner who positively affected the lives of everyone he encountered when his teachers at Northeast High School were asked to share anecdotes or special memories of Mark they referenced special handshakes bonding over shared interests in musical artists and playing worldle with his liter literature teacher Mark will be deeply missed and we are keeping his family in our thoughts and prayers please join me in honoring Mark's memory during this moment of silence thank you or member holess has requested a moment of silence for a staff member from William Dandy Middle School Dr holess I would like to request a moment of silence in honor of Miss Dedra McDow she was a treasured member of the William Dandy Middle School staff for three years but was previously a beloved staff member of Village Elementary School Miss McDow was an active mentor to Scholars and coordinated various events on campus her infectious smile and sunny disposition will be missed please join me in a moment of silence thank you board member fogan hly has requested a moment of silence for a staff member for Holly from Hollywood Hills High School Mr poen hly thank you very much chair um district one request a moment of silence for Mrs Audrey Ruiz ESC education support professional Mrs Ruiz was employed by our district since 1995 having served at Hollandale high school and at her time of passing Hollywood Hills High School Mrs Ruiz was loved by her students and colleagues and will deeply be missed she leaves behind her husband of 30 years and four children please join me for a moment of silence thank you thank you tomorrow we recognize juneth and the school board of Brower County honors the African-American Community for their Journey towards freedom and equality juneth reminds us of the importance of recognizing and appreciating our diverse history in Broward and throughout our country in the continuous work needed to ensure Justice for All let us come together to reflect on our history learn from it and continue to foster a community where every student can thrive as we prepared to begin our regular school board meeting we are reminded that our vision is 100% proficiency for all of our students aspiring to become an a school district our purpose today and every day is to achieve this goal in achieving this goal we are committed to ensuring everyone counts our culture will be Student Center teacher supported and principal LED May the chair have a motion in a second to approve the minutes for the following meetings May 21st 2024 special expulsions April 16th 202 24 regular school board meeting April 23rd 2024 reconvene regular school meeting so move second move by Hixon second by fogan holy is there any discussion all in favor approving the minutes say I I those opposed say no minutes are approved the superintendent released a revised agenda with certain changes for this meeting and published it on the school district's website on June 12th June 14th and June 17th 2024 the chair finds that pursuant to section 120525 Florida Statutes that good cause exists for such changes and accepts the revised agenda May the chair have a motion and second to close the agenda Madam chair Madam chair Dr wanza Madam chair um we through the superintendent we are requesting to a permission to withdraw item 035 from today's agenda because that item is now under protest permission granted May the chair have a motion and a second to close the agenda moved moved by Zan second by Hixon all in favor of closing the agenda Madam chair mron yes thank you madam chair question on the agenda so I'm used to when we have our JJ items um it normally lists the district number um or the the school the districts that are impacted did we remove that from the agenda Dr has that been removed from the current agenda process Dr wo good morning again um through the chair Mr Austin so um proceeding with uh guidance that we received from the general council's office the actual District number is within the executive summary and it's not on the title page of the item got it I I guess I haven't seeing that guidance uh is there an issue because I think the agenda also speaks to the public um Council uh I'm not sure which Council made that decision or recommendation is there what is the issue um um because I recall where there was a district the districts were not previously on the agenda um and now I guess there's been a decision to remove them um I think it adds transparency to the public because many don't understand our agendas um I would recommend if there is no legal basis because I'm not sure that there is um that we put back on the agenda all of the districts that are impacted so when individuals see the agenda uh and they see the school sites they know what districts are being impacted so that's my recommendation I'm not sure why it was removed I'm I'm not aware of the um background facts of why it was removed I can find can you hear me yeah okay I'm not aware of the background facts as to why they were removed but I can find that out and let you know I don't think that there is um a legal impediment I'm not sure um but I'll find out and let you know okay Madam chair yes uh with no objection and since there I don't believe there is a legal issue I would recommend without objection from the board that we put back on our normal agendas uh when there is a district specific impact that it's listed if it's a countywide at large impact that it's also listed excellent idea all in favor of closing the agenda say I I I I those approv say no the agenda is now closed the school board will consider agenda items in the following ORD school board will first identify the consent items single letter items on the agenda that we pull for separate discussion all remaining consent items that were not pulled for separate discussion will then be approved by consent the school board were next to consider H3 followed by the other H items that were pulled from the agenda for discussion after the H items are considered the school board will proceed in accordance with the agenda's lettering system the school board will consider any consent items single letter items pull for discussion for a given letter and then consider any open items double letter items for the same letter the meeting agenda has been modified to correspond to this order the next item of business is the consent agenda board members have notified staff of the items they wish to address all those items not pull for separate discussion or consideration will then be approved under the consent agenda the following consent items have been indicated but we'll just go through it for single letters Mr Alon good uh thank you madam chair good morning I'd like to pull F3 F5 F7 S1 I'm sorry S1 S1 Sam 1 Mrs fam I have H4 H7 C1 F3 F5 okay yes ma'am spolie yes chair um H4 I think we're going to go over way pulled already and then 03 Miss yes thank you H2 H4 and O um sorry that's it for the single items can you repeat that Miss Hixon H2 and H4 H2 H4 for Hixon yes fullness no single letters Miss Leonardi no this rert yes um H1 um I'll need to separate my daughter's name from that um H2 it's strictly for a shout out congratulations H3 uh also congratulations for for someone uh O3 o is an Oscar 3 S is an Sam one and that's it on missles Dr Zan F4 just add F3 please chair F3 F4 for Zan Alf no polls is there anyone from the audience who would like to speak to an item that has not already been requested for discussion seeing none at this time May the chair have a motion in second to pass the consent items that have not been pulled for discussion Madam chair I just wanted to add H3 I'm sorry to interrupt but you right to the audience bam H3 move by Zan second by fullness all in favor approving the consent agenda say I I I those say no board me board members have also notified staff for the following items that have that they wish to address the following open items have been indicated Mr aluson double letters yes dd6 gg3 to abstain 029 Mrs fam I have hh1 bb1 BB2 cc2 o5 o9 o21 ep2 you have a lot more than what I have and O um 35 okay if you do not need any of those pulled you can you can let us know that one was pulled was 03 it's pulled thank you Mr vogen hly yes thank you very much chair uh BB2 dd3 O8 and that is all thank you Mrs Hixon thank you on uh bb1 BB B is in boy B is in boy One D is in dog D is in dog one um dd6 gg3 jj8 o1 o21 o38 and pp2 Dr holess bb1 BB2 pp2 and o38 this lardy dd6 Miss rert BB2 and uh CC1 Dr Zan I have ff1 gg3 pp1 pp2 that's complete thank you chair ala BB2 jj4 aa1 and CC1 at this time May the chair have a motion and second to pass the open items that have not been indicated to be pulled for discussion so move second move by Zan second by Hixon all in favor approving the open Agenda agenda say I I I those opposed say no those items passed as we begin to consider today's agenda in accordance with policy 1100a and Robert's Rules of Order each School Board member has the right to speak no longer then that is not right we didn't approve that okay we need to it's five minutes with in the first round and 3 minutes in the second round to extend board debate we need a two3 vote of consent that must be obtained when a member's time is exhausted for that round the chair will ask the board member to conclude their marks all published written agenda comments related to agenda's item has been shared with all school board members and placed on our district website for a public view the next item of business is H3 a motion to approve non-instructional appointments and leaves for 2023 2024 May the chair have a motion second on H3 so move move by Altin second by Hixon it's been moved in second to approve H3 motion to approve non-instructional Employments and leaves for 2023 2024 public comment yes Madam chair we have Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh um she may proceed to the uh Podium closest to her and we also have um Kennedy pachan and I'm I apologize if I pronounced your name wrong you may proceed to the other open Podium thank you um microphone on Podium a please just keep trying to talk can you guys hear me yes okay good morning everyone my name is Kennedy kateson I'm and today I stand in support of my mom Paula Peters uh the principal at Flanigan high school and her remaining at Flanigan she's done great things for Flanigan even through adversity she stayed committed to the students in the community um at her time there not to take away from any other schooler Community but if she's um done so well at Flanigan I'm just curious as to why she's being moved I understand um changes are bound to occur in the district however decisions to move principles did not happen overnight yet they were notified on the last day of school um I feel that principes should PE be a part of these conversations so transparency and genuiness may occur regardless of what school my mom um is a leader at I know she will rise to the occasion and do the job well um I just hope that she receives the resources and support that she deserves um I just asking you guys to reconsider moving all of these principles as I know a lot of the communities are not happy with the decision that their principles are moving um thank you for your time thank you Dr wza No No clapping please please go like this the only other registered speaker was Dr Natalie Lynch wal okay thank you Dr he can you kick off this item yes thank you um Madam chair good morning um to the public and everybody present and those who are watching virtually I know there have been concerns from some parents um and community members about shifts and Leadership at their child school I want to assure parents and the public that all decisions were made in the best interest of of the individual School communities the district and the leadership of these schools change is difficult but necessary to continue to advance through the performance and Foster environments that are conducive to learning safety and the well-being of our students we have talented leaders in our buildings that address complex issues with great success every day change in leadership creates opportunities for leaders to leverage their talents expertise and new environments while implementing effective systems mastered in their current environment in addition this also provides an opportunity for our leaders to continue to build their capacity and help progress their careers as such as being directors executive directors Chiefs and much more we have a robust system of support for schools and their leadership teams principal coaches area directors and Regional superintendents ensure that effective systems within a school are maintained and enhanced leadership matters but it's also the custodians the teachers the school counselors and much more that contributes to a school's success great leaders create a culture and a system that can function at a high level in their absence and provides an opportunity for seamless transitions school school communities will meet their new principal soon it's an opportunity for parents to meet and greet their new leader this is also an opportunity to provide feedback and input based on past experiences to continue to enhance students experiences and learning opportunities at your school for the future thank you um and looking forward to moving forward with this item Miss Jack Adams I just wanted to comment on with regards to Personnel actions taken by the superintendent so the superintendent's sole role um has a sole Authority rather to make recommendations with regards to personal actions and the board May reject that employment nomination of the superintendent only for good cause now with regards to good cause good cause is not statutorily defined however there is uh case law with regards to that um with regards to guidance uh good cause includes moral disqualifications and it also uh includes professional uh disqualifications moral disqualifications are not subjective values they are moral turpitude disqualifications with regards to professional disqualifications is the board is permitted to determine if the Nomine is professionally qualified thank you thank you is there any board debate yes Madam chair Mr Austin thank you and I appreciate uh the superintendent um and Council uh kind of kicking off the conversation uh first let me just say that I think 90% of this is good um so I support uh the superintendent uh Power which is to place individuals in positions all around the district uh that Mak sense um but I just have some big picture questions and I'll just start high level Mr superintendent maybe it's also somewhat counsel but I think it's probably more on the superintendent side um on all of the items under uh number five um I the superintendent Andor the chief of HR um are there demotions listed here here uh for any number of individuals are these lateral decisions or movements can we just talk through that yes so in this item there are um various moves some are lateral um some are also demotions and some are also um enhancements in um in a position okay uh so on a few of these uh particular uh positions and I want to be sensitive but also I know I have to get specific um there is uh how is a decision made uh to retain an employee um if there are very public things that have occurred [Music] um yeah how do we how do we land on that uh Mr superintendent Dr he so um just a comment probably would need to know um 101 if there's a specific person um that we're discussing um if there for the most part we're looking at performance in their current role task and responsibilities that they carry out every day but if there's a specific um employee we may have to discuss oneone sure well I can't do it one1 because unfortunately I'm here in public um so on page 228 um if I just move down uh a couple um I know that there's been some very specific comments and questions um and conversations uh as I Look to our chief of HR um probably around at least uh one of these on this page uh that appears to be a demotion and there's been a lot of commentary um just want to understand how we arrived to one uh recommend maintaining a position rather than going in a different direction so I want to be sensitive Dr I'm trying to find that page just just a second I am on Page 228 I'm on page 228 P just you don't have to you don't have to tell me who just I just want to know the yeah well I know they want to know that yeah give me one second because I'm in the individual item and not the entire packet sorry I'll show you H 12 from the individual show what page I'm sorry starts with oh really okay so I don't know then thank you and I guess while we wait there are some good things on here it's good to see a bland Shey tiger uh that's going to be a principal at Endeavor Primary Learning Center um and I can keep going down the list so as staff is um continuing to get ready to answer my questions on page 228 um I have a different question Mr superintendent uh and Council this board likes to survey the community on every decision we make um did we survey the community on any of these uh principal and assistant principal or other um decisions that were made today Dr no we did not did we get the green light Mr superintendent or did you get the green light from any uh principal or administrative uh person before any of these shifts today no we did not these were um cabinet discussions over a period of months um looking at uh performance at specific schools or a lack thereof of performance if there were um any demotions looking at uh student performance over time um not just performance but also culture um and environment and in in all of those aspects that makes a a school a well oil machine just to make sure we're leveraging um talents in the right place um to ensure that we're putting schools in a in a position where they can continue to progress and and and Excel and meet the needs of of our district and our expectations great Mr superintendent there was a lack of performance um were there any shifts made based on that lack of performance maintaining some of these administrators um at Key School sites or were they moved out based on lack of performance I'm sorry Mr a was little dist that all good so I I know that you referenced lack of performance I just want to make sure that we're not uh recycling individuals uh at our school sites who might have performed poorly uh that are still running schools but you can you can attest that you have no individuals running our schools that have lacked performance correct at all of our school sites correct okay correct let me also ask kind of the the last overarching question and I get specific on a few of these um when there is an overwhelming negative response from from the community so let me speak to District 2 and I appreciate at least the one comment which I did not anticipate um but there are at least two schools uh SCH School sites in my district um and communities uh and parents that have been very vocal um and I just want to be one sure that you are aware of the commentary a um and then B you're aware of the commentary but you're still maintaining the recommendation is that correct that is correct I think um as I've mentioned it to some of your colleagues one of the uh what I would say obstacles not a a specific barrier is that the one of the formalities is waiting for this meeting so those communities can meet their new principal if they had an opportunity to meet their new principal earlier um it probably would dampen some of their concerns uh and being able to meet and greet their principal talk about past experiences and and being engaged in in their with their new principal to actually address some of their needs to continue to enhance opportunities at their schools great uh and then I know it's HR is hopefully getting back to page 228 and then I'll have a similar question on my page 232 and it's just around the question and there's actually another page just around demotions I just want to understand uh when we demote someone or you are recommending a demotion is that is that my time or am I asking questions I don't know what I don't know what the new process is finish your comment because I'm not talking I'm asking staff questions all right thank you madam chair um so back to the uh the concept around demotions if someone has an issue with performance they can still be recommended to be retained by the district and placed in a different position is that still a fair statement that's a fair statement um also with the Motions um for specific positions we look at the type of support that person has received throughout the year or the type of concerns that we've dealt with throughout the year and uh providing an opportunity to actually do something different so they can continue to build their capacity so they don't repeat some of the some of the same um issues and then what is that threshold so I know that there are several uh at least a few names on here that are recommended for looks like a demotion I'm assuming um but I know there's been historical uh Personnel issues so if they have historical Personnel issues uh at least maybe I don't know and are recommended for a demotion at some point you know on some of these do you just cut do you just get rid of bad employees eventually okay and what's that what's that line how does that work um I want to say we have a a stark hard line on that we we try to work with employees give them put them in a situation where they can continue to build their capacity um and carry out the tasking responsibilities possibly in a new role and with the additional support they're receiving in a new role if it's not working out if they're not improving then we can um move forward with non renewal got it and then my last point is there also are a series of Administrators um historically so this isn't uh I'll call it uh the HPB bur era uh it was before the H burn era um have historically not had support in their schools um but many of them are also being shifted in different places so can you just speak to now the hurn era what does that look like in terms of support uh for administrators um many believe they've been picked on uh some believe they have not been listened to um so can you just speak uh to you know what that means for all these administrators uh in their respective places and positions yes so we have um a two or three prong system to provide support to leadership teams at their school number one with the leadership development team with their principal coaches they respond very quickly um when we actually get a message about a specific concern or observe a concern we actually walk schools the regional directors are also tasked with also with support not just supervision of leadership teams on their campuses and also the regional um superintendent provides additional support and that support is constant it's a disc it's a discussion to make sure um these leaders are actually building capacity over time um and if not we go back to the drawing board just like we do with with our students um and and triage that support great thank you superintendent last thing Madame chair council could you share uh what those uh prongs are to vote uh against a recommendation on this item sure for um items that the superintendent is bringing for personnel action you can um vote uh down for good cause and good cause is um pardon me through the chair good cause is either moral disqualification um items of moral turpitude or professional disqualification okay and to vote down the item uh I can vote uh is it based on individual names or is it a collective uh is my vote based on one Collective I mean clearly I could do it either way right it depends on the the facts of what you're stating so if you have um that good cause as to one person so State and if you have collectively good cause state that as well and I can just make a general statement there is no uh what what what's the I mean that's that's a gray area because I know we've been down this Ro so to Define to Define good cause because that is the standard uh good cause um like I mentioned before is not something that's statutorily defined however there is case law with regards to that and a school board is permitted to determine that a nominee is morally dis uh disqualified so in other words um matters involving moral turpitude and there's a statute um with regards to that that includes a whole list of items that would be considered moral turpitude and then and and also one thing to add about um moral turpitude is it's not a sub subjective standard great so um the board is not allowed to um to move forward with a subjective standard you must have um it must be supported by evidence and the second um once again is uh professional professional disqualifications so if for example a person who is being uh recommended by the superintendent lacks a a required license that that would be an example of that but you do you must State your supported evidence specifically sure so last question just around state law not specifying what good C how good cause is defined uh that means I can also be very broad as well I could also interpret it differently is that fair Cas long um provides guidance and the the guidance that I I just mentioned is supported by Cas La no I understand is there uh and you're doing you're doing a great job by the way um but is there any So based on what you just said because state law does not define good cause I can't make a general statement it has to be specific and supported by evidence well I I do have that okay go ahead Madam chair I ELD the floor thank you madam chair um I also want to go along and continue along this vein I've seen um hundreds literally hundreds of emails and my question through the chair to the superintendent is if any one of these people and staff were put in position where they were doing a great job they loved their job they love who they were working with in their team and then all of a sudden they received an email that said they're no longer going to be working there we're moving you somewhere else I think the people out here would be up in arms they would say wait a minute what's going on here it's um to me it's penalizing someone for doing a good job they're not getting accolades they're not getting rewards but they're actually being told we're going to make you start all over again and rebuild what you've done and we're going to keep doing that over and over again until you get used up so my question and I think you already answered this that no one was notified or even any kind of input from any of the principles prior to these decisions being made correct the chair that's correct um I just want to make a correction to your statement also miss fam is that we didn't send any emails we had conversations with our principles thank you for the clarification okay in addition to that um how does all the emails from the parents the hundreds you receive impact that decision if at all Dr AB I I would say this um this is changes one thing I know for sure working in public education or any organization changes a constant um the leaders in these buildings won't be there forever um eventually they will move on some will advanc in their careers um or some will take advantage of other opportunities we're leveraging our talented leaders and put them in situations to continue to build their capacity to continue to progress through their careers to continue to do great things at other schools um which is needed holistically in our system um as I said earlier one of the obstacles I think um that has gotten in the way is our communities and our parents haven't had the opportunity to meet their new principles yet which I think will put many at ease in provid an opportunity to meet and greet their new leaders um and also provide their feedback because I know everybody uh wants to maintain what's going well but they also want to provide some feedback about what improvements they want to see in their in their schools and their environments also they'll be afforded that opportunity post um sport meeting through through the chair I'd like to continue the conversation the superintendent thank you um I'm not discussing the the the people I'm discussing actually the rights of these principles what if they don't want to um go up the chain of command what if they they're not looking to increase their career they're comfortable with where they are so do they have the right to say no I do not wish to change my location and I'd like to stay where I'm doing well and I'm thriving and my family is right around the corner so I don't have to drive 45 minutes in traffic absolutely and they have the right to say no um from my discussions with my team nobody has said no as a matter of fact many have already started transitioning and started discussions with the principles that they will be replacing at their schools and also some of their leadership teams and would that that no be honored in other words they could stay there we would sit down if we received a no um which we did not we will sit down and discuss that and see how we can you know work with our principles to make sure they're in the in the best situation possible I'm glad you said that because I don't think um some of these principles are aware of that at least from the conversations that I've had and I also have another concern is I have a principal that was um technically not appointed he was elected through a forum where the community came together and they voted who they wanted as a principal he's been there approximately 16 months Community doesn't want him to leave and if it's my understanding he doesn't want to leave so where do you um is there anything that gives you the authority to supersede when someone is elected in a form by the community where that is put out for the choice of the community where allows you to remove them technically none of our principles are elected they're all appointed y so so it's your interpretation that after the um citizens nominated who they wanted to be the S the um principal then you appointed them so does that factor into situation the fact that there was actually an election um so I would tell you this um for decisions to remove or demote a person we look at a lot of um indicators that led us to that decision or to move a principal to another school to leverage their their talent somewhere else um so the community or the parents may be only privy to a small amount of information but we have an abundance of of of information data points um looking at culture environment all of those factors to to lead us to a decision we don't take these decisions lightly we put a lot of effort into making sure we're making the right decision that's going to impact the school in the right way in the community I appreciate it it's a very difficult decision I understand that but just for the record I'm glad we clarified if there are any principles and I know that leads that I've spoken to some um that do not want to transfer that wish to stay where they are they have that option and and I urge you to do that immedi imately if that's what you wish to pursue well thank you m zon thank you excuse me thank you I have a couple of questions and just one thing I want to mention many years ago um principles were only allowed to stay at the high schools for five years and they were automatically moved around and it it changed over time but just as a note for the reason that you want schools to continue to grow in times when you have a principal in one space they it's often felt that maybe the community and the principal aren't able to grow in that space I don't know if I believe it or not I'm just saying that's what used to happen um many years ago so this is not unprecedented it's just the point I'm trying to make I have a couple of questions and I'm not going to call anyone out really in particular but there are some some changes where um people were directors in their current assignment and their recommended assignment they're going to continue to be directors but their salaries increased um significantly so can someone maybe address why that is Dr yes I'll defer this question to Mr azerita but I know um we've reviewed um comparative salaries um for similar job types to to make the proper adjustments this is something that um I've also personally reviewed to make decisions um differently in the future of how we make these type of adjustments and increase salaries probably coming up with a specific percentage amount um in the future to to bring some consistency and stability across the board in these type of decision making because as I reviewed um past board docs to see how these decisions were made we're going to do something a little bit different this upcoming upcoming school year but I'll defer to Mr a a read on the specifics of how they came to those um decisions so thank you so through theair David azero Chief people officer so in addition to what Dr heurn said compensation Department looks at the market analysis looks at the experience of the individual looks at what the the uh the responsibilities of the new position are that they're moving into when they come up with their salary recommendation okay I just want to make a comment that you know we have have bus drivers we have facilities people we have teachers we have esps that um don't make a $6,000 increase because they have additional um duties that they have to do and and I I just have a pro I say it every time this comes up I have a serious problem I understand but it seems a lateral move I understand a bump some way but that's we don't look at the market for everything else um only people feels like that sit in this building and sometimes that's frustrating and now no clapping no clapping keep thank you sorry on page where it's salary adjustments also it's hard to follow along I guess 235 there and and it's not about the people so I just want to be really clear it is not about the people but when you're looking at this there's one two 3 four five people on the list the first person is $774 increase the next one's $1,724 the next one's 11,677 then 13,200 and then 19,8 58 how do we explain this to all the other employees that we have that this is and it's not a one-time bonus it is in perpetuity while they have that job so I know everyone says oh it's just a few people but this happens every month and I appreciate speaking to Dr heern and saying that we're going to look at it more as a percentage as opposed of this because I'm not saying they don't earn it I'm not saying that but when we're looking for example the last one they I the organ it said that we approved it in the organizational chart but I don't remember approving a band a Pay Band in the organizational chart in some of these positions so if that's the case when we do the organizational chart I would hope moving forward you give us more details where we understand we're bumping someone up two pay grades for for that position because it wasn't clear and maybe that's my fault so I'll own it if it's my fault but to see a $20,000 increase um for someone in moving in a position that's just it's a lot to swallow so um I just want to say that publicly I'm not going to not vote for it because it's here and and you've made this agreement but I say it every time and I hope someone listens soon that we have if we're doing it for a group of people we need to do it for everybody thank you thank you we're still on the first round any other board members comments um I do I didn't get called rert okay go ahead Miss rert um first mine was a happy one uh I would like to congratulate verica Winters we will miss her at Lion's Creek um but no very well that she's going to do well and I hope to see her uh downtown at some point um but I couldn't not comment um on several things that my colleagues had just said said um there needs to be a strict way to say this this job study will be done it'll be done exra time because honestly in the years that I've been on the school board it seems that the board rarely says let's go do a job study it usually comes from employees when we hear about um thear way ways that they're um that the way that they're treated in their job or people are coming in or making u a little bit more than they are um or somebody next to them is making less than that so um I you know I think we need do exactly what MX said in the college before it need to be across the board and you know it can't be oh um the director's reading or the chief reading I really want to make sure that my uh you know my people can you know be rewarded or whatever it may be um you know that family counselors and other groups of people have been waiting a very long time and um if that's not we have some people jump ahead and do a job study and then get that approved and boom and they now have that extra money and we have groups of people that are still waiting so that that's my comment on that thank you Miss rert Dr Zan thank you chair uh it seems to me you know we've danced around compensation for a long time and uh we are the largest employeer in brard County uh we do have an obligation to the public to have a compensation uh set of practices and policies that pass uh Community standards and I don't think it's good enough anymore to just pass a few of these things every month uh when everybody has to hold their nose and say that doesn't make sense to me and so I'd recommend to miss hixon's point to miss Rupert's point that we get a single Workshop item on compensation only and that would cover 32,000 employees of Broward County schools and we hear at one time about our collective bargaining uh groups about our meet and confer groups about our Executives uh and anybody else that we have to make decisions about so that we can get into the process of how we get to these decisions rather than continue to say I don't like this but I'm voting for it uh let's get into this and let's figure out what passes Community standards for a government agency like Broward County Public Schools and let's set those practices so David doesn't get stuck uh with a job study here or a single adjustment there or an A cretion of Duties over here uh and that the public understands both how we adjust compensation and the timing of those things the public doesn't understand for example why we give teachers and principles and assistant principal raises 8 nine 10 11 months into a school year it makes no sense to them particularly when our neighboring counties do it before the start of every year they don't understand job studies they don't understand a cretion of Duties and part of it is an education process for us uh but we need to have practices and policies in place so that when these items come to us we can look at them and say I feel good about voting for these things as a package because we know in the end to uh our general council's Point uh Miss Jac Adams we don't have the authority to reject people unless we have specific causes about moral turpitude about profession professional licensure or certifications that means we have virtually no authority to say no when the superintendent says yes or to say yes when the superintendent says no that's his job and I respect that but we do own the practices and policies around that and we ought to feel comfortable with the authorities that the superintendent has uh and set some limits on uh compensation adjustments that make sense so I just would like to add that to our Workshop list Su uh chair maybe in the fall to get like a solid presentation on how 32,000 position in Brower County Schools face compensation adjustments throughout their career thank you thank you Mr Fen thank you very much chair and um thank you colleagues for for the thoughts um Miss hion agree with you board member alustin and also uh thank you general counsel for clearing it up and making it very clear of our Lane right to stay in our lane as board members um but one question I did have is there a there is a survey is there a survey superintendent that goes out to principles and one of of the questions that are stated are saying are you willing to make a move for the best of our district C guess that is correct the survey does go out early spring um and some of the candidates with these moves actually asked for New Opportunities based on that survey understood and all of the moves is it fair to say that all of them answered yes to make a move to what's best for Broward County school a good amount said yes okay um you know and I think for my colleagues alike I I think we've all fielded calls emails concerns um because change is difficult change is hard especially when we talk about the leaders in our schools um the principles and and I've had conversations it was hard because I see a lot of my schools on the list I think all of our schools are on the list um but I'm familiar with a lot of the names on this list very close relationships good relationships with principles and leaders in our schools and having conversation with even some of them you know whatever that move is they are the right people for the job right these These are strong leaders strong principles great coaches right it's important for our district to know that change is difficult change is hard but change is needed right and it's also important for us to build our bench to see assistant principles become principles to see people move in fine leadership positions that they have been waiting for um is important give people an opportunity to lead um but I believe that these leaders I see them coming to district one leaving district one going over to District 5 District Four you see them moving around but I believe in the great things that they've done and I'm excited to see the great things that they're going to do um I said one of the things that we said in the conference the other day and I always said don't remember what you're you know you're not doing what you're asked to do you're doing what you're called to do you know this is this is what we sign up for to see change to lead um and just really turn these schools around so I know it's difficult and for the community it's difficult but we hear you loud and clear and I'm excited to see the great things that they're going to do in their new schools their new environments and believe that like I said we need to build this bench here in Broward County to to find new leaders and continue to to progress forward so thank you very much thank you okay so we're coming up at almost an hour on this item any new comments for round two yes Mr Alon thank you U and as I look at U Aquilla I I put my on you um and of course I put miss rert you beat me to the punch because I wanted to recognize and acknowledge a former student advisor to the school board um who now uh clearly is recommended to go from Principal to director of Mental Health Services uh Mr superintendent so want to just balance out all my comments because clearly I know probably 99% um of the individuals on this list many who I've worked with in different capacities um so so I appreciate your role so I don't want anyone to uh under to mistake my comments or commentary earlier U because I clearly understand the role of the superintendent but the board also has a role and the board has to ask the appropriate questions in a public forum uh because many of us well we don't talk to each other um individually let me also just get back to I know Dr Zeman uh I'm going to put him in the workshop caucus I'm not in the workshop caucus um I hate multiple Workshop shs more meetings meetings after meetings but I thought this board has already been very clear directing staff um to move forward on some job study and compensation review we've had that conversation at least two three four times so I don't know if we need another workshop and then another Workshop of 10 hours to get to the bottom of this I think the real question is we probably need an update from the superintendent and staff because I think we had already directed you to move forward on this so I I know and I'm again I don't know if it's appropriate now if I could Madam chair just maybe ask that our chief uh people officer um if kind of what is the update um on the job study compensation review that we've done I believe we started with a few groups and then I think we talked about districtwide so if maybe just give an update and then see if we need to do a workshop I mean we just said in our last meeting uh Dr Zan that we're going to spend a majority of our time focus on academics right in a workshop right clearly anyway so I would love uh for you to give us that update uh Chief um before he m d as before Miss AO provide update we've been having a discussion of really because one thing I've experienced since I've been here is there's been constant job studies over and over week to week month to month um so we've had a discussion of of um combining that into two times a year um and to combine it in a window when we're actually start discussing the upcoming budget uh for the following year and so the the last discussion we had is possibly doing job studies in in bulk and the November December window and also in the April May um window so that we can do it where it's not week after week or month after month and we're bringing a small set a small amount and we can actually look at these a little bit better in a holistic way um as an overall District approach to make sure we're we're being Equitable with our job studies and and um making decisions um in those two window so the short answer is we are about to start a districtwide job study in a couple months correct and then from that is then when you probably should do some update to the board via whatever the right correct okay so we don't need a workshop before you start a job study correct we not necessarily okay all right thank you that's good to hear M Leonard so in that vein and um in in the vein of some of Miss hixon's comments I'm wondering um will we be doing a job study on um our teachers our teaching positions so from my understanding I let Mr aaro weigh in on this too since they are a bargaining unit it's a it's different um than the usual job studies that come our way from other departments and other Personnel Mr AO do the chair um I agree with Dr heurn since it's negotiated it's a different animal so we're not the market stud would be looking at what our neighboring districts are offering their teachers and that's kind of what we use when we go into our bargaining sessions with direction from the board okay um I think I know the answer for the rest of these but I I would like to make the point what about our transportation workers M AO do the Chariots the same they're negotiated our food service workers the same right correct School based clerical correct our school social workers those are instructional yep our speech pathologist instructional and our ESC support staff there are also BTU ESP professionals they're all negotiated so and I know this comment has made been made before but it it does feel very much to the people who work in in the schools and people on on this stas that um you know job studies can be done for people who work in this building obviously they can't be done uh I guess I I'm I'm still a little bit confused why just because they're bargaining units but um and I'll ask a question to that later but it seems that the people in who work in this building um we always find a way to pay them more and the people who work in our schools we find excuses not to so help me understand a little bit more why because these are bargaining units why can we not conduct job studies on these these employee groups and I'm I'm sure I've left plenty out before I um give the mic to Mr Aero to answer that question I just want to say I I I do not um disagree with the board on the sentiment um so as I was uh talking to a board member um about the same issue this is why I want to approach it in that way with the job studies really making sure we're not inflating um salaries for people who don't who have the opportunity to do a job study versus those who don't um and coming up with a possible a percentage for increase if you do get a promotion just to make sure that we we have some level of consistency um because it's not from my uh review of past items um for uh this time of the year it has I don't see that level of consist consistency that I'm comfortable with so that's why we're approach trying to approach this a little bit different go ahead Mr AO thank you Dr he so for instance bus driers so we kind of did a job study when we found out what the other districts are offering what what Brower County government's offering things like that and that's when we brought the the data to you it's it's kind of like a job study about bring it to the board in a Clos session to then determine and give us Direction on is it okay for us to go back to them and offer this new amount so it's just the the process is a little bit different when it comes to the negotiations because you guys are more involved with that so I will just say and I'll speak from the perspective of a teacher because that's what I have direct experience with at no point in time in my years in the classroom were tasks taken off my plate every single year tasks were added to my plate and I expect and what I hear from people who were in the classroom now is that that has continued and when people have tasks added to their plate in this building we do a job study we find ways to add add more pay for to their salary we do not do the same thing for our teachers our transportation workers Etc um and that is what is very frustrating so I appreciate the idea that we're going to go back and look at these job studies and making sure that we're not inflating people's salaries in this building but we need to go back and look at how we're paying all of the people who directly touch our kids every single day thank you Miss thank you I just have a quick question because I asked for a compensation Workshop probably a year ago and kept saying we're going to get to it we're going to get to it going to get to it we have not we had the work the workshop we had wasn't we were going to do a second part because that was only a piece of it it wasn't the big picture supplements all of that stuff so when are we going to do the second Workshop as to um Mr Dr Zeman's Point Dr her go ahead Dr W good morning uh again supplements is on the agenda for next week next week's Workshop um the uh exhibit should be delivered today before you leave but supplements is a discussion item for next week's Workshop um and then if the board you know so desires a a subsequent workshop on additional compensation total compensation whatever the request is and that'll be added to the schedule okay okay guys let's keep this let's get this moving we are over an hour Dr Zan I just want to uh conclude my thoughts uh with the idea that we never got through the compensation that we asked and I think it's important we see this for 32,000 employees not for five today and uh 13,612 when we do teachers and uh 1592 when we do transportation workers and the like uh we need to see the whole thing and we need to start thinking ourselves about more than just the numbers of pay increases but the processes that get us there and the timing throughout the year uh there is tremendous advantage to paying people at the beginning of their pay period rather than waiting 9 10 11 months into a year to drop a big uh amount of money in their paycheck and that's why the second half of that uh Workshop which we asked a lot of deep and probing questions about in the first one we just have got to yet and I think the public would like to see that again largest employer in brard County government agency uh all of our Revenue comes from taxpayer dollars and we owe it to the public to make sure that they're comfortable with what we do with what we pay people and how we make adjustments at the beginning and once they're employed thanks chair thank you any other discussion seeing none the question is on the approval of H3 roll call and if you vote no State your good cause roll call Mrs alef yes Mr Austin yes Mrs fam yes Mr fogan holy yes Mrs Hixon yes Dr holess yes Mrs Leonardi yes Mrs rert yes Dr Zeman yes motion passes unanimously guys having H3 is approved the chair would like to now take a moment to recognize new staff appointments if we could have all staff based and District based appointees please stand up we' like to congratulate each of you for your career advancement [Applause] we would like to congratulate each of you for your career advancement with Brower County Public Schools we value you and your family Dr Hein can you please introduce the new leaders for a few remarks yes since we have so many of them um just go around I'm going to ask that brand new principles and newly appointed directors and above um if you can uh have keep your comments to about 45 seconds please good morning my name is Andrea Swift and my gratitude for this opportunity is nothing short of overwhelming thank you to the board Dr urn Dr fton Mr Strauss Dr wanza and those who have mentored and supported me during along the way I am thrilled to have the opportunity to support the most remarkable resilient and worthy students in our district as the proud principal of the quest I will remain dedicated to our special community and can't wait to represent Brower County public school thank you so much [Applause] good morning everyone my name is Eric O'Neal uh I guess they say stay ready so you don't have to get ready uh but it is my honor and pleasure to have been appointed as the principal at Parkway School of the Arts uh I've been an employee of Broward County for 24 years and it has been a pleasure to serve this amazing County that's all I have thank you guys good morning good morning first I'd like to give glory to God uh also special thanks to the board superintendent Dr heern and all of the senior leaders that have been instrumental in my leadership journey I appreciate you Broward schools holds a special place in my heart not only did both of my parents serve as Educators in this District but I also am a product of Broward County Public Schools and former student adviser to the school board the experiences I've had in this District as a student and an educator coupled with being raised by a mother with a of mental health disorder contribute to my years of passion about mental health and emotional well-being that has been at the Forefront of every role I have served in that is at the core of my why I appreciate the honor to have been the first black female principal in the history of lions Creek Middle School and the honor to be a role model for so many of our young scholars as to what is possible I appreciate my dad who dedicated over 30 years to Broward County Public Schools and retired as a school principal you have been my role model and inspiration and I'm grateful that he's here today to be a part of that experience special thanks to my family for their unwavering support my mentors especially Dr Grant my BST sisters friends students and staff who have supported me each and every day I look forward to the opportunity to be intentional about the mental health services our community receives and the opportunity to impact the lives of many in our community through this role remember as we let our own light shine we unconsciously give others the permission to do the same thank you for this opportunity good morning greetings to the school board members Dr heurn cabinet members and everyone in their respective places I am Anitra Fleming I am beyond grateful and blessed for this opportunity I certainly do not take this work lightly and I look forward to Leading and serving the community the staff the students of endeavor Primary Learning Center thank you good morning Iana edwi Miller new grants director in my 10 years with the district causing for dramatic effects I've touched every school-based Grant and more District grants that I can count I've worked on grants from everything from money for pretzels and Waters to comprehensive Safety and Security plans every Grant is an opportunity to move that needle forward collectively in improving student outcomes I am so grateful to have this opportunity to expand and deepen my work I want to thank Jennifer escandell the former director of the grants administration department Miss matala superintendent and school board members for your faith in me and dear Ed grants Administration team I have been admiring you and being so inspired by you every day and I'm thrilled to have this opportunity to support you in your endeavors thank you good morning Madam chair superintendent Dr heurn and respective board members my name is anarie stranac and I would like to thank you for this opportunity to become the new principal of jfood Elementary I am honored to serve as their new leader and I look forward to many great things ahead thank you good morning Dr superintendent and school board members uh Joe Beck newly appointed uh director of demographics and enrollment planning thank you I'll be very brief because you're going to hear way more than you want to hear from me over the next year as we embark on the very difficult work of redefining Brower schools but thank you very very much from the bottom of my heart for this incredible opportunity I'm tremendously grateful and tremendously excited to be doing this work good morning school board members Dr heern I just wanted to say that I am humbled and grateful for this opportunity to serve and continue serving um the Hollywood Community I will be the proud uh principal at Hollywood Central I cannot wait to meet my Hollywood Central Family I um also wanted to say my daughter is in the back room she is at University of Florida going to school to be a teacher so I wanted her to see this and be proud of her mom and hello Julia so um also I just wanted to say um I'm I'm just thrilled and thank you so much for your faith in me Mr azero can we make sure her daughter gets a contract now please good morning Ernie Lozano executive director employee Labor Relations and Professional Standards I want to thank this board and superintendent heurn this board gave me the opportunity two years ago to build out the thread Management Department I was glad to take on that challenge and grow that department to a place where we're ready to have some succession planning and we're going to talk together and have Kim puny take on that great work and that's what we do as lead leaders right we build build the bench so I'm excited to see Kim come in and take the threat management division to the next level and I'm excited to work with this board through negotiations and Professional Standards to move this District to the top District in those field so thank you for this opportunity and I'm excited to be here with you today good morning school board members Dr heurn my name is Camille or and I am so excited to actually be returning to where I started my leadership journey I will be at Maplewood Elementary School and I'm so looking forward to continuing the great things that they've been doing there good morning Kim py olivieri um director of threat assessment um I want to thank superintendent Dr heurn the school board Chief alberty and the executive director of whatever you are I am so grateful for this opportunity I look forward to collaborating learning and contributing to our Collective efforts to ensure school safety thank you did I get the queue I don't know you did okay good morning my name is janier Allen and I am deeply honored to be appointed as the principal of Markham Elementary School um a huge thank you to the board Dr helburn um Dr Flemings Mr Santana and the committee selection if there was one and um the community of Markham for um giving me the trust and support to make an impact on um Markham Elementary School I do look forward to working with the the dedicated teachers and staff and parents community members as well as the students to create and inspiring and nurturing learning environment for all children to thrive in so we will accomplish our goals markam and thank you again for this this incredible opportunity and honor thank you good morning Broward County Public Schools my name is Marvin sui to the board superintendent or Finance leadership Mrs Marte eram matala and the community thank you so much for this incredible honor I am deeply grateful for the trust and confidence that you have placed in me as your director of accounting and financial reporting this role carries great responsibility and I am committed to upholding the highest standards first and foremost I would like to acknowledge my team members in accounting and financial reporting which is made up of our accountants and accounts payable your hard work and commitment to Excellence Have Been instrumental in the successes we have had so far I am excited to continue and coll with our collaborative efforts to ensure our financial processes are transparent efficient and aligned with the district's goals and Mission education is the foundation of our society and managing Financial aspects of our school district is not just a job it's a commitment and to our future children as I step into this new role I am eager to embrace the challenges and opportunities at last but not least together we will work in maintaining the compliance of our reporting and our health of our district thank you again and I'm so happy at this time we will now recess this regular school board meeting for a board photo with new staff appointments [Music] [Applause] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] e I e right 4 2 1 Welcome Back next up we are going to proceed with our committee reports we have the audit committee please shut the back door good morning I'm doing a Jackie seems like we lost some people um good morning Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh audit committee chair uh the audit committee has probably met twice as many times this year as they have in any other year I've been on the audit committee um and we did that because we've been busy trying to get through all of these issues one of the issues that we've spoken about is something the board approved last year which and is on the audit plan for this year which is an audit of the HR internal controls because all of the discussion on H3 if your policies and state laws aren't being followed that would seem to be good cause for saying no to something um there was a lot of talk about principles so it looks like we're going to have to review the school-based administrator Poli policy in extraordinary circumstances is when you direct a point so in terms of policy maybe you have to site what the extraordinary circumstance is that creates pages and pages of direct appointments for principles but we'll talk about that in the future at our special meeting on June 6th we talked about the fund balance proposed policy again because the first time it came we just rejected the proposed policy the motion that we passed this time after reviewing uh gby 54 gby 34 Florida statute 101051 guidelines for General funds fund balance policies from other Florida school districts Miami Dade Palm Beach and I selected Manatee County because they were taken over by the state they were basically bankrupt implemented a an audit committee and so I thought they might have the most strict policy it's simple it's to the point but IT addresses the concerns that we had while looking at the proposed language because the thought from the group is that what they're proposing would make it easier it weakens the fund balance policy and would make it easier to move that 53 million that's been set aside and committed for workers comp and liability we reviewed the current policy the proposed policy uh they're also provided with the board resolution from 82020 uh 2013 approving the committed fund balance and explains why it's there so the motion was following concerns raised about the district's ability to adhere to a 5% fund balance the lack of clarity as to the composition of the fund balance lack of specificity about monthly reporting and the superintendent's responsibility uh the following motion was passed we recommend the school board incorporate the Manatee County fund balance policy language into the proposed BCPS fund balance policy pass you unanimously today you're seeing some earlier motions from the audit committee and I just wanted to go through those because we're not getting responses and it's taking months so the first one that's attached to I think this might be C1 uh let's see that's gifted audit so we recommend this is from our May meeting we recommend that the school board create a policy governing booster clubs that includes an audit provision that's in light of everything that transpired with the Western Debate Club uh language specifically tried to exclude booster clubs and other groups from the oig's purview but that don't that won't work because if the person doing it is an employee they're covered um but the response the district currently has guidelines yes we're saying it's not strong enough it needs to be a policy the response also says pursuant to the response from the office of general counsel for the motion below staff cautions the board on initiating rulemaking for a policy regarding booster clubs why they don't say why why would you caution the board against establishing a policy the response from general counsel has nothing to do with that topic it has to do with whether you're liable for what their employee did so that's one of them the one HCT the intercom audit the intercom audit that's going to be one that we continue talking about this week we asked for um a response as to whether any of the actions taken by staff were approved by the school board en closed door so the reports gone to General councel we haven't gotten a response we also asked for an expert to review the scope of the RFP because there is language in the RFP that clearly indicates an emergency communication system mass not ification system not just an upgraded PA system so the response there is no response yet and then there are others but those are two um having to do with booster clubs and the intercom audit thank you thank you Brower County Association of student councils and student advisor to the board Madam chair um in light of their absence today the student advisors did submit their report electronically to the board members and the chief of staff's office so we have their written report thank you brow County PT [Music] ptsas Broward Education Foundation yes and before you speak we would like to congratulate you shay Sago we are thrilled to congratulate you president and CEO of the Broward Education Foundation for your outstanding service and dedication for over a decade Shay you have tily championed the needs of our students and staff positively impacting thousands of lives across this District on behalf of the school board in our entire District we extend our heartfelt thanks to you shay for your unwavering commitment to education and the betterment of our community your dedication and hard work has made a significant difference and we are immensely grateful grateful for all that you have done you will be greatly missed and we wish you all the best in the ne next chapter of your life thank you shay thanks so much thank you [Applause] we're not all going yes as directed ma'am in the blank thank you so much that's so appreciated um I just want to say to the school board and to the staff that um I'm here today to express my heartfelt gratitude for the unwavering support and Trust over the last 12 years it has been a true honor to work alongside of such a dedicated Visionary group throughout my tenure I have been deeply committed to supporting teachers students and administration together we have navigated challenges celebrated achievements and continuously strive to enhance the educational experience in our district I hope the initiatives that we have implemented and the progress we have made will serve as a lasting Legacy continuing to benefit our community for the years to come thank you once again for your confidence in me and for the collaborative spirit that has defined our work together thanks so much and I will keep my eye open on what this district is doing thank you District advisory Council good morning again Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh District advisory Council chuck couldn't make it today uh so I'm going to share some of the Motions we were looking at saf area and DAC policies and some of the school-based members that are also staff chairs brought up an issue with the signing of the budget and who participates in the school budget so for that reason those are going to be looped again to make sure that all of those concerns are addressed we had a really good policy subcommittee meeting with the Department over mental health for the suicide prevention and intervention policy uh there was a lot of feedback given and if only all policies uh were treated that way life around here would be so much easier um the other motion though that was made at our may I think it's 30th meeting we move that the superintendent and school board act with urgency to adopt the recommendations made in the ESC advisory chair's report into the pending closure of Ed plan this passed unanimously this also ties into an item for today which is BB2 I believe which ask for an extension of the Ed plan contract for 6 months the ESC advisory chair did a 40-some page report and also did a one pager that she shared with the group that explained the issue um the issue at hand is there was never a gap analysis done so it is unclear whether or how much of what the edpl the case management Eep piece did is going to be done with the ESC module under Focus that the Ed plan module was built over 20 years Focus we're still not sure where that is and we're definitely not sure where the ESC case management pieces is so instead of and letting the contract end at June 30th this is an ask to extend it until you're certain 100% certain that you're not losing anything that is critical to the ESC community that is BB2 and it's also unanimous motion from District advisory Council and again with the principal appointments understand that DAC is made up of Staff chairs that roll up into the area school-based volunteers that roll up into the area and into DAC they are being cut out of the principal selection process when you direct a point instead of adhering to policy the policy is very clear as to the community involvement and the staff chair would expect to sit on the committee uh granted it sometimes looks like they're going through the motions people have said but there's a process because not all of the movements that were made in H3 have been welcome if you have a low performing principal at your high performing school what are they doing for that school that was a concern raised about one of the movements um I guess you'll have to keep your eye on Dave Elementary um next week we're all meeting with the board I guess at Plantation High School in the gymnasium we have sent out we're going to be sending out a list because we're trying to get the minutia out of the way haven't gotten a response to our any of our questions so we're not doing another presentation because we got no response to the first one or to the followup but we're sending a list of open items and concerns in the hopes that there's at least a response prepared by the time we have the meeting next week and that's all I have on this list so I'll be back for FTF thank you thank you diversity committee good morning make y'all a little bit fuzzy up there all messed up and everything be happy all right so diversity committee completed their last meeting on 66 you know what let me take off these glasses because I can see that this way um we had guy Bor guy what Bor what Bor morha guy I'm sorry boo don't be mad I was trying to mess up your name uh director of secondary learning Department to present uh Core Curriculum policies for 4,000 revisions the committee was pleased with the the changes being made uh to expand promotion criteria and expand more learning opportunities uh the committee made motions uh made a motion that was passed unanimously to revise condition 8 with revisions being made to indicator 8.4 and the creation of indicator 8.6 and the motion reads as follows um and this was all sent this should have been sent to the um to the board for you guys to get your uh so you guys can read it um whereas part as part of the August 1st 2000 CCC settlement agreement the school board of Brer County agreed to continue to implement the conditions ex um contained in exhibit a of the agreement designed to improve the educational opportunities for all children as part of its commitment to equity and whereas part of that agreement the school board of Brower County agreed to allocate funds to bring school facilities into parody with the district standards and whereas a divers committee is tasked with the monitoring the district's implementation of plans to bring facilities and Equipment into parody with the district standards we move to adopt the following as Illustrated in table one and table two um revisions of indicator 8.4 and criteria for compliance in table one and then the creation of 8.6 and criteria for compliance related to educational plant maintenance operations casualty safety sanitation uh and fire safety St standards and inspections of property reduction of re relocatable facilities in use and relocatable used as classroom spaces and table to all this should have been sent should be sent to you guys um for your revision lastly I would like to reiterate as the board begin their process to appoint or reappoint committee members please make sure that you are vetting your appointees explaining the time commitment and participation needed for advisories to be productive and provide this board with meaningful input I also would like to ask that you would consider when appointing um to appoint less staff and more non-staff we believe that uh staff input is extremely valuable but when staff outnumbers the non-staff we find that information and input is less forthcoming the fear of retaliation is very real and can be disruptive to the um Integrity of the work that we do so I just want to reiterate that also you notice that I'm dressed in my African regalia because tomorrow is uh juneth however ain't nobody going to be here however juneth is prity for me but I want to just extend uh Happy Jun te to all especially uh those who are um non-black because I I think you guys should just you know delve deeper and understand where we coming from so um you guys have a great summer hope to see you all and also I had a meeting with uh Dr heurn that was very productive and I look for forward to all of our collaborative work so thank you thank you Broward teachers union bpaa good morning Madame chair school board members and superintendent first of all I want to thank the board and the superintendent as we wind down another year this is my 30th um however when I started I was way younger than John Sullivan so that explains a lot um I uh also want to thank the superintendent and Dr Fulton they're I know the AG items there was quite a bit of change and um that tends to come with every new superintendent what's different is that this superintendent and Dr Fulton um kept me appraised of the decisions that were being made I know that uh when it came to some of the principal moves Dr fton went and met with them personally um and I really appreciate that and I believe the principles do as well it's not always easy to leave a place where you're so embraced and loved that's that's hard but I maintain that principles in this District are rock stars they can go anywhere they can be a principal in any school they will Thrive the students will Thrive and um we have a lot of faith in this superintendent and in his decisions and so we're going to go with that and so I appreciate uh being informed and being a part of that here today I want to speak to gg3 uh just briefly first of all I'd like to uh recognize the legal department for settling uh litigation with for I think it was 49 or 39 different Charter School entities that's pretty miraculous to do in like 120 days so um I I I want to acknowledge that because I think that settlement is very important and it's very important for us as a district to be able to move forward what is not understood um and needs to be understood is what does this mean in terms of the salary dollars that are allocated under the current referendum the 5.5% are principles and assistant principles along with other employee groups facing a 5.5% pay cut or is the plan is there sufficient funds to continue um when the supplemental pay starts up again shortly so everyone wants an answer to that question for obvious reasons it's very difficult to absorb that kind of a pay cut additionally this year's raise was disparate from the teachers and that's very difficult for your academic leaders to understand and absorb so I'm hopeful that today or at some point there'll be a discussion about how to remedy that and uh we submitted a list of questions for gg3 today I'm hopeful that the staff can respond to those um and that we are able to get back on track because this today represents to me anyway a fresh start it's a fresh start for schools Fresh Start for students and parents and it would be great if we could start this year with an understanding of how principles and assistant principles your academic leaders are valued in this District I think that's a very important thing to be able to communicate part of that communication comes with with pay it's just the reality of the capitalist Society we live in that's how we measure value and so uh we also have a situation where principles are signing paychecks for teachers that are making considerably more than they are and that's not a good thing for a district that's trying to really turn and make a turn so we have a lot of work to do on behalf of my assoc Association we're here to do that work we're here to roll up our sleeves work with this Administration work with the school board to have that happen so we appreciate you and thank you for another great year thank you asmb Opie Opa ebaa ESC advisory Council Miss Le lcom thank you can you hear me okay yes thank you madam chair for allowing this um under exceptional circumstances I'm in England primarily for Family Matter and believe it or not I'm actually very anxious and sorry at the fact I'm missing this meeting um because of it BB2 being such a critical one for ese um first though I want to address an issue that came up at our last es advisory meeting of the year which is the closure of the amn speech program the failure of ecps to publicly uh discuss or address or communicate and announce it and what staff and parents are now observing to be the peace meal inconsistent inequitable roll out or or roll back of this program um the ampn program is a half day prek es model for students with speech and language and or mild developmental delays it's run by slps who are required to have certain teaching qualifications it's been at 16 scores till now some of which have only a small number of students therefore the ESC Department identified a need to make them more lean in Staffing and financial terms however instead of consolidating a few classes the approach has been to close 13 out of 16 of them the only three identified to remain open are all out west therefore there is a glaring inequity issue in addition to the plain fact that there are students who benefit from this unique model parents who want it and BCPS does not have an equivalent to offer some parents have been offered the opportunity to put their kids in specialized prek Instead This is not equivalent if it was the amn program would not have existed in the first place so the argument that special precare can take its place is seen by parents and staff from feedback to ESC advisory as disingenuous um another option is for the for children to have what's called walk-in services at their local boundary school which means that the kids from the AM PM classes would at least still get their actual speech therapy session with an SLP which may be Sav 30 minutes a day or twice a week or whatever but not that very valuable accompanying classroom experience they had in AM PM there's been no centralized District level communication to parents no letter email no authoritative here's what's happening and why ESC Specialists were left to communicate it to individual parents one by one some did some didn't they're busy some got IEP meetings some didn't um I think uh what parents and staff would like this to be given an urgent second look because losing programs means losing enrollment and that's not where BCPS can be right now one of the dominant issues for ese over the last year has been the pending closure of Ed plan and the answer to why keep it open that's been discussed is because closing it will harm children staff and BCPS institutionally edpl is your tool for DEC complicated special ed processes such as building legally and procedurally compliant IEPs it is categorically not the case that edpl slows and complicates that process special ed is in itself a slow and complicated process Ed plans the tool that helps ESC Specialists and other navigate that process it thinks for them figures out compliance requirements tells them what needs doing and what doesn't and doesn't let them advance and close out the process till it's Tip Top that's a necessity and not a drawback Ed plan you can think of like turbox where you click a click a box and it tells you what to do next or what you've missed es is an area of high turnover ese Specialists have unfeasibly high case loads um and you'll be subjecting them to three steps back if you remove edpl like taking away their iPhones and replacing them with phones from the 1980s as one of them said Focus SSS is not a ready built platform it is undeveloped software it's like having a green Lego board with a few basic starter bricks on it and you have to start all over again over a period of years building up that Super Doo model that you just kicked down um at plan is not sorry focus is not free like a plan you need system maintenance you cultivate it you grow it out according to the changing needs of laws and policies and procedures and you have no contract with Focus to do that and it's not going to be free if you do you just have a forms-based module in Focus SSS that has no process flow you appear to have two choices today commit to edpl except it does what you do what you need it to understand its complexities and that of special ed and that it's got your backs leave it alone and focus time on energy and energy on the lengthy list of to-dos that you already have in ese or number two commit to chaos or at least continuing uncertainty by extending at least for a year um because a school year is really the only doable contract cycle take an independent evaluation of where you're at the comparative Merit of edplan versus Focus which was never done and make your decision by the six month Mark of that contract at the very latest so everyone knows where they stand please commit to our ESG community and to consistency and Common Sense and ke thank you esol Leadership Council facility task force facilities task force good morning again I just had to go check on my general speaker status good thing I screenshot so the facilities task force we had our last subcommittee meeting last week um our last regular meeting in person was in April because when it came to have our meeting we had no answers to anything that was on our earlier agendas that remains True to this day the only response we have gotten to anything that was on our April agenda was from it and it wasn't what was actually requested it was a response to the Deen heart of hearing project we asked for whatever they were using to track the schedule the budget and we asked for the scope we got a project Charter document that doesn't tell you what the schedule was it would seem that it's not being tracked the way other projects are being tracked we have not had a response to the budget to actual for the facilities related ARP and Esser funds is the next step to ask the state for an audit because we keep asking we have had no response but we see things pop up on agendas the Staffing plan the aeom renewal is on today's agenda um redefining we we don't get dates for a long-term facilities master plan steering committee meeting but it's an agenda item uh we keep bringing up the superintendent school site Review Committee do we get a response no but what's on the agenda for next week's Workshop staff's attempt to circumvent the interlocal agreement and there are three board members that sit on the oversight committee which is tasked with overseeing the interlocal agreement and what are they now trying to call the policy the superintendent school site Review Committee for the acquisition of new school sites what does State Statute 163 31777 require a way for the affected local governments to participate not just in New School site Acquisitions but also potential school closures and Boundary changes and significant Renovations that's all part of the Ila who is driving this bus are they doing their homework now I got to send an email to the oversight committee chair so that they're aware of this their next meeting thankfully is July 10th so we're all going to to that again so I don't know if policies matter but that is the problem we're having on the task force we're not having responses from staff but we are having meetings to discuss and one of the things we discussed that we can't discuss further than ourselves because again we're not having long range facility master plan steering committee meetings they'll happily have a community meeting but we uh one of the conversations we had was about looking at the feasibility of a public private partnership that would help fund new headquarters at the tssc and tssc Annex understand there are two buildings at that location um another thing we talked about was the building department understand that you still need a local Authority having jurisdiction so you don't actually ever get rid of that person unless you plan to farm it out to municipalities or the county the HCT performance audit the intercom project that ties back into codes standards fire alarms how everything interacts so that's something we're looking at we have a list that we had I think a year and a half ago on projects that impact the dfp so that list hasn't changed it's all the same schools we all know their names um the ARP let's see organizational chart that's going to be a continuing conversation about how that works out um but we are at a Crossroads with the faciliity task force nothing has changed you change superintendence I've met with the the current superintendent on May 15th nothing's changed I know we had a weather issue but nothing's changed nobody is providing the backup which is why I keep having to do public records requests and get crankier and progressively crankier so we need to have please direct your superintendent to follow your policies so that we can get responses and do what we're supposed to do thank you thank you gifted advisory councel human Relations Committee multi lingal advisory committee parent Community involvement task force small business advisory committee technology advisory committee figured I'd get a head start good morning chair school board members and superintendent technology advisory committee met on the 3D via team teams as it was the end of the school year and we were trying to be considerate of the employees that sit on this committee we were given an overview of the functionality of the final site website platform we were informed that the timeline to go live may be closer to March 2025 putting it8 months behind schedule therefore the way schools put information on their websites needs to be looked at starting now with new people moving in and looking at school websites they are determining where to place their children and you can't figure out anything on a lot of the websites that schools have compared to what charter schools have on their websites we are in the process of reviewing an Internet safety policy that was mandated by the state in 2023 concerns continue to be raised about Ed plan's contract expiring on June 30th and focus SSS not up and running especially with esy starting and the new school year just around the corner in July you're are going to be asked to reject all bids for ITB technology Computing devices accessories and deployment services this has raised concerns because this year's refresh program is now delayed by a year a concern is also if the money allocated this year will be rolled over into next year's budget in essence doubling the budget for the 2425 school year in order to keep with the refresh timeline thank you thank you so much this is the time of the agenda where we have split the general public speakers to incorporate a morning session each registered speaker will be allowed 3 minutes and a remind to address matters of rence of relevance to public education and demonstrate proper decorum no hackling shouting comments from the audience verbal Outburst or any other disruptive behavior shall be permitted no signs or placard shall be allowed in the board meeting no derogatory comments using the person's proper name shall be permitted therefore speakers are to demonstrate proper decorum and model the district's eight character traits cooperation responsibility citizenship kindness respect honesty self-control and tolerance persons exing the boardroom shall be do so quietly further at the conclusion of the public speakers the chair will provide an opportunity for the superintendent or his cabinet at his discretion to provide comments regarding any subject matter or issues raised by the public speakers Additionally the superintendent may have members of his staff to speak to an individual public speaker in effort to address their concerns and provide any follow-up to public speakers concerns back to the board first public speaker Michael Goldstein good morning Madam chair board members Mr superintendent my name is Michael Goldstein I'm not a lobbyist I'm a principal with Goldstein kite environmental I'm here with my partner Kelly kite we are buyers and developers of contaminated real estate we have an interest in a contaminated property owned by the district located at the southeast corner of South Hiatus Road and West Broward Boulevard on South Hiatus Road the district bought the property in March of 1997 for $1.9 million it had been under a contract to a home builder in 2019 the buyer subsequently canceled the contract we first contacted District staff on April 4 2023 to indicate our interest in the property and request to be included in any invitation to bid we Then followed up by email nine times between April 5th 2023 and April 19th 2024 asking for the status of the invitation to bid and reconfirming our interest in the property we had put the file on the Shelf until recently when we heard on the Evening News a report that the bo of the board discussing the potential sale of school sites to raise money to fill a budget Gap in light of that report I thought the time was right to say that we are still here and prepared to write a significant check to the district for a non-performing asset that the district is spending significant sums of money to remediate and navigate the environmental regulatory process and that so long as the district owns it creates exposure to the district to environmental third party legal liability we want to take all of that off of your hands and we want to do that uh quickly and with finalities specifically what I first advise staff on April 5th 2023 remains true we are cash buyers we are going to submit an we're happy to submit an offer with no financing contingency no land use contingency no site plan contingency we'll take the property on an Asis we as is Basis we accept all remediation obligations we'll provide an environmental release to the school district an environmental Indemnity to the school district we'll name the school district on a $20 million environmental insurance policy we only need 30 days due diligence we'll close within 15 days we're all cash purchasers so in closing we ask that you direct the staff to advise of the status of the invitation to bid accelerate the invitation to bid process if at all possible Andor to if allowed under your code accept an unsolicited offer from our group Goldstein kite environmental to act as a stalking hor contract for other biders who may be interested thank you madam chair thank you Dr urn if you can at a later time provide an update to the school board Judy germanovich my name is Dr Trudy germanovich and I'm wearing an alumni shirt for Shortridge High School when I graduated in 1964 Shortridge celebrated its 100th year as the first free high school in Indiana I'm proud of being a Public School advocate to my core unfortunately many in our society seem to want to dissolve this precious resource what can you do to help stop this process you must carefully consider every school before you close it do not rush into the process and solicit ideas online so that you really involve the entire Community my high school Shortridge was closed at one point but reopened as a middle school and then was brought back as an international Balor school it's very successful in a state which also has tried to degrade real Public Schools much much as we've seen in Florida I will now switch to some words from Maran Brady an educator and 97-year-old retired Advocate foundations and think tanks state and federal politicians have weighed in backing school choice high stakes testing teacher pay based on learner progress vouchers charter schools public funding of private and religious schools and other sneaky privatizing strategies with everything based on competition what drives effective schooling isn't competition but the need to understand to make sense of experience to solve problems to know how or why something works to CER satisfy curiosity to know oneself to prepare the young for an unknown future traditional schooling fails primarily because its disconnected subjects are isolated from reality proper schooling helps children lift into cons Consciousness the easily understood sensemaking relating process and put it to useful work doing in a couple of hours a day what the present curriculum can't do at all create thinkers that happens because traditional schooling emphasizes a single thought process recalling textbook text and teacher talk the knowledge creating relating process requires them to hypothesize infer correlate extrapolate imagine predict generalize synthesize and so on to use dozens of thought processes not taught because they're too complex to be evaluated by Machine scored standardized tests as you plan for next year let Schools go back to teaching for creativity and thinking rather than overemphasizing testing let's schools find their special Niche so School students students want to attend our Public Schools ask parents and community members what specialty they want to highlight in their schools make our school like my high school last for hundreds of years thank you thank you Chris Nelson good morning School Board Chris Nelson I'm a Fort Lauderdale taxpayer and I'm wondering with all this uh all the people that are leaving the district all the students that are Le leaving and we're having a shut down schools why are we giving massive raises to five people within this building I mean are they getting are there raises attached to the school district doing bad I me I'm specifically looking at uh the chief Communications officer now going from 176,000 a year to $190,000 a year annually I I mean uh and this this was unanimously approved guys I mean nobody voted against this so um so that's troubling to me it's like if we're if we're doing good okay fine but but right now I mean we're closing schools because of under enrollment all right so you guys have this other problem with the um the charter schools and uh Lisa Maxwell is absolutely right um that uh you know you guys could have settled this for um for 80 million and now because you lagged and you had to get the state involved because you wouldn't pay the charter schools yeah and now you have to pay interest don't you you do and you have to pay that I know that you don't think you have to pay that but you do and that's going to now come out of the um that's going to come out of the referendum dollars guys this is going to be a big problem so um I suggest you pay that and and you should have paid it when you were supposed to pay it now why are parents sending kids to Charter Schools because they're just getting a bet they're getting a better deal there it's mainly it's not controlled by the teachers union you don't have to deal with this the kind of politics and the stuff that we deal with in here which will bring me to my next issue guys the fairness in women's sports act says wi men biological males cannot compete compete in women's sports okay I know this hurts some people's feelings I know this is um some people think this is unfair um they can take it all the way up to the Supreme Court if they want but right now as the law stands you cannot have biological males competing in women's sports that's what happened over at Monarch High School I think that the uh the action to fire the mother I think that was the right action and I think that you should stick by that it can be fought out in the courts but right now uh that is where we stand and then the uh the final thing was with the uh booster clubs um you've got um one specific principal and I'm going to send you screenshots showing all this where a uh principal is that you can't uh make it a requirement for students to be to participate in sports for them to H to pay up a couple hundred bucks to be in a booster club uh that's not right there was actually a principal that was moved this morning that that uh that was doing this thing I have the screenshots and uh and I'm going to send them to you you know I know it's an election year and I hope that the people that get elected to this board or reelected are the ones that look at fiscal responsibility saving the taxpayers money and whether or not you agree with it obeying the law thank you I'm Chris Nelson thank you Jessica Norton my husband is going to yield his minutes to me okay can you just speak into the microphone and say your name and that you're in yield your time hi my name is Gary Norton I'm going to yield my minutes to Jessica Norton thank you six minutes thank you good morning my name is Jessica Norton and this is my husband Gary we are the proud parents of three beautiful children we have lived in Coconut Creek for over 13 years and all three of our children graduated from or would have gradu uated from Monarch High School since 2017 I have also been an employee of the Broward County School District I love my job and the students and colleagues that I get to work with in addition to being an IMs I love being The Trusted adviser to the Monarch seniors it is a privilege for me to be for them the person who I needed as a high school senior figuring out the next phase of life I don't have to tell you about all of the heart I bring to Monarch High School the public statements of support that you have received on my behalf tell the the story of who I am and what I have meant to the countless students colleagues and families at Monarch High School I'm also not here to beg for my job the decision to make a political example out of me was made long before the anonymous tip was that launched the disaster of this investigation was reported we are here to speak for our family and tell you how careless actions by The District's leadership have affected our daughter and our family for 203 days we have lived in a constant state of limbo and uncertainty it feels never ending this has added unimaginable stress of to our fam's lives I've complied with the requirements of the investigation at every step I have been direct and truthful but the district officials have not afforded me the same respect I have been disregarded by the district both as a parent and a dedicated employee the district completely ignored my rights under my collective bargaining agreement which requires that this investigation to be concluded in 30 days at my reassignment location I was re ired to perform manual and janitorial services for over 3 months rather than being assigned clerical work similar to my job function not in keeping with the district policy I had to sit through an interview where SIU detectives insisted on referring to my daughter as my son as he him refusing to use her legal name her legal gender even though my attor attorneys reminded them of the facts numerous times during the interview I had to read materials in the investigation in which the same detectives referred to my daughters to others as it I had to review documents that the SIU planned to release to the public that included identifying information about my daughter and when it was flagged for them no one would confirm that the information was redacted I have never seen a complete report of my investigation in fact I have discovered important information about this investigation not from the investigators but from the Press I had to find out in a Sun Sentinel news article that that the Professional Standards committees recommended that I be suspended for 10 days rather than terminated I have been in limbo limbo for more than 200 with the hanging thread of termination I found out again in a Sun Sentinel news article on Friday evening that my termination had been removed from consideration at this board meeting the district has yet to notify me or my attorneys of that decision why it was made or what will happen next for 203 days I have been Fort rght and honest and have not been treated with a bread of respect or simple decency District leadership tried to ruin my life but instead destroyed the life of an innocent 16-year-old girl they destroyed her High School career and her lifelong memories and experiences my daughter was flourishing at Monarch she was not just a volleyball player she was also very involved student she was freshman and sophomore class president she was director of philanthropy for student government and she was voted homecoming princess by her peers I Saw The Light In My Daughter's Eyes gleam with future f future plans of organizing and attending prom participating in leading senior class Traditions speaking at graduation and going off to college with the confidence and joy that any student like her would after a successful and enriching High School experience and 203 days ago I watched as that light was extinguished she walked out of the front door of the school distraught never to be heard from again and 200 203 days later no one has shown our family that they care not one person in the district who was responsible for her checked in on her safety or well-being they claimed to care about all students but they didn't care about my child my husband and I had to ensure that she completed her end of semester exams we had to enroll her in Broward virtual school and we had to keep her safe during those incredibly scary early days when because of the Reckless manner in which this investigation was announced her identity was outed to our community the truth is they stopped caring about all lgbtq students the senior leaders of the district should be embarrassed that they're in charge of the lives of seeing of children seeing as they had no problem destroying mine but you know what it's okay if I'm the villain in their story because I'm the hero of my daughter's story thank you Natalie Lynch Walsh thank you Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh Plantation Florida hearing that story whether you agree with them or not um rest assured that all parents are treated like that uh because it reminded me of when the then principal of Plantation Middle told a pack a lies to somebody that jumped on the bandwagon of the pack of Lies I was the PTO president saff secretary and sat on sack but banned from campus and you know who that actually hurt not me my child my child who I could not see at any award ceremonies or anything else that took place on campus why because people were willing to lie and as I stand here today the lying is at an all-time high the there were more lies packed into H3 than I can possibly count there are more lies going to be packed into H4 then I can count and I have reached the point where I am willing to file complaints on educator licenses of people that refuse to do the right thing and do their job if you're a CPA and you're doing something that you shouldn't be doing per for a CPA I'm filing a complaint so everybody needs to be needs to be on notice you have choices one of the things I heard when I first started volunteering someone said everybody has a price I know you're still searching for mine but we seem to be quickly finding the price of leadership in this County and it's coming too fast they ALS there's also a saying the coverup is always worse than the crime it always is I am not willing to watch innocent staff people be vilified and thrown under the bus not that I was willing before but you're doing it to somebody you allowed it to happen to somebody now that I've known as a professional for the past 12 years no more not that whoever decided didn't know that that was the hill I was willing to die over you picked the wrong employ employe to jerk around what message are you sending to employees that just show up to do their job and try to do it and not get fired on any given day because they say no to people that are trying to get them to do unethical things what message are you sending to people that are actually qualified for their jobs I've brought up the fact that we've so far wasted 12 Grand on the business support center director he's renewed so think long and hard you need to start holding staff accountable for following your policies and following laws thank you Anthony SI saaa Anthony okay thank you that concludes our morning speakers the next item on the agenda is H7 may have a motion and second on H7 so move moved by Zan second byess thank you public comment the public comment Madam chair board comment is fam H7 we got to get through the musos H7 propos new job description for the CTE instructional facilitator position yes thank you Madam chair I I wanted some clarification I wanted to know if the C instructional facilit position is a new position or this is someone that was um promoted from within Dr heurn um Miss Formosa yes hi Maria formoso Career Technical Adult Community Education director for Broward schools this is an additional position the reason that we it's not really we didn't change the job job description we added a new position so that we would be able to hire employees with industry certifications uh or credentials I should say so right now at the school-based level schools are able to hire uh from the industry and we're not able to do so at the district level so just to give you an example right now we have a culinary uh instructional facil facilitator position and the majority of our culinary teachers have local certification so I would not be able to to hire them at the district level with the current job description Sam yes yes thank you um so the reason why I'm asking that is if there was any prior um job description that you used that we could compare so we Ed the prior uh Grant facilitator position and the only change is that now we are able to hire with local certification and not just a 5-year professional so would be utilizing we can still utilize both job descriptions so they're interchangeable they're interchangeable the only addition is the local credentialing piece so that we can hire industry experts and through the chair are the salaries identical the salaries are identical and they're all grant-funded positions so it does not impact operational thank you so much any other questions seeing none all in favor of H7 say I I I those opposing no H7 passes unanimously may have a motion second on 03 so moved moved by Zan second by Hixon public comment board comment Mr fogan holy thank you very much chair and I did want to ask this is of course an item and it's a to reject all proposals um they want to have a question of how that came about and why we're rejecting all proposals here Dr heurn Mr tumer I'm sorry Dr Tuma that's quite all right sir um so um I'm going to defer to uh U Mr Henry and um risk management to address that question uh good morning Aston Henry director of risk management in regards to item 03 all vendors that came to present their bids they failed to provide cost coverage for short-term coverage for summer football training camp so what we've done is we've extended item 003 which will be presented to you today to extend coverage that is currently in place because obviously we want to make sure that the kids are covered during summer training and the vendors fail to provide coverage cost so therefore all bids were rejected yes chair so so O3 is going to continue service with um another provider or is it with the new provider how is that working no 0034 is going to extend coverage for the current provider okay so to clarify through the chair so we went out to bid correct for new provider um they were not able to provide services for the summer so we are going to continue on with the current vendor and not have new proposals and reject all bids for the those new ones correct no we're rejecting all bids we're going to extend the current contract for 180 days okay okay but we are going to put out a new RFP understand so with the original bid was that part of that to say to cover the summer or was it incl was part of it yes okay so with they just decided not to cover for the summer what was what was the my cuz I just feel like it's I want to have a better understanding these reject all bids I've said this before at the board meetings they make me extremely nervous they should because the way it seems is almost like it's navigating to find a certain person that's why I'm just nervous so it was part of the bid all of them just decided not to include it they fail to provide that coverage we always want to make sure that there's short-term coverage for kids that try out for football but may not participate in football throughout the year right or throughout the season rather so here the old bid had coverage specifically for summer training camp the vendors came they presented their proposals they failed to provide that coverage so therefore I said listen I want to make sure that all kids are covered during summer training camp and that's basically what happened we got it so o34 we're going to extend the coverage for summer and then we're going to go back out to bid for the rest not just for the summer o34 extends coverage that is currently in place not just for summer throughout the year for it's football baseball basketball whatever it may be it's the current bid that's in place that's going to provide full coverage for students as well as short-term coverage if kids want to try out for football that that's 0034 should provide coverage throughout the year for all kids we're going to put out a new RFP prior to the expiration of the 180 days to provide coverage once again we want to make sure short-term coverage is in place as well as long-term coverage for children you have to understand this bid doesn't provide if if if parents have coverage for their children that's one thing some parents want that additional coverage for their students that play football or play sports and that's what this contract does right it not only does that it provides interterm it provides coverage for students 24hour coverage as well as coverage during school hours thank you very much CH thank you Miss rert um thank you it's is um the the one about the um insurance for sports right yes 2 okay I'm Robin blean little I did speak to the superintendent yesterday so he should be uh able to give us this update um I since we're talking about kids getting injured during Sports I wanted to see if there was a an update on the who we play for Mr superintendent Dr PE yes Miss Rupert we have dat um the agreement is currently going to be routed to legal to review um so we can start that process of of implementing it into a few schools to start and then scaling it out afterwards okay well yes and I appreciate that I it does seem to take a very long time and I I hate to State the obvious but we' we've lost one student on the field during last school year I I would pray that we have something ready to go for pre uh fall Sports when they come back early um I I ask that the attorney's office and work with your office to be able to get it done as soon as possible because one child's death is on my mind now and I that's a horrible thing and I if we have the tools to make it so we can actually have some they diagnose them prior to is passing away on the field I I really urge um that there's a an emphasis for Speed here Liv are on the line so um with that that's my that's my request and um I hope that it it moves a little along further and that you can give us an update sooner than later sir thank you Miss rert and Dr he if you can just provide an update later to the board regarding Athletics you know for he heat uh related injuries you know there's a law regarding that what are we doing to provide water and ice at the fields and then also to miss Rupert's Point what are we doing to be more on the preventative side all right all in favor of 03 say I I I those oppos say no 03 passes unanimously I have motion and second on 01 moved moved by Zan second by hi could you yes I can explain to you what I'm doing have some items that must go so I'm getting through those must go items first could you share that list so we could be prepared staff can give you a copy of it may have a motion and second on 01 they're they're going to get for you Dr I I'm okay that they're getting that uh what I'm not okay with is not being being ready uh if we're going to I look forward to getting the list yes so moved thank you move by Zan second by Hixon public comment no I have Mrs Hixon o1 thank you I just um as I do every month just wanted to give a big shout out to the Grants Department um there's 100 and 21, 81,82 dollar that are included in Grants for this month Alone um really appreciative of some of the local Partnerships that are in here and I want to say thank you to the Grants Department for doing a great job thank you thank you Mrs hix any other board member comment all in favor of o1 say I I those opposed say no o1 passes unanimously may have a motion and second on o9 so moved moved by Zan second by fogan ho public comment Mrs fam okay thank you madam chair um in reviewing this item I noticed that the price increased by almost 1/4 and went up um to 400,000 I think that um I'd like to hear information from staff what other vendors they looked at um to justify this cost jump and um whether or not yeah whether not we should be putting this FD back out because of the um substantial increase in 1/4 the amount in a short time period of Time Dr M are you talking about 9 yes 9 okay um I don't see a substantial increase in costs um from year to year looks like a roughly about $220,000 increase I just want to make sure we're looking at the same item which is transition deferment program agreement with with Arc brow that's what I have I have a a difference of almost $400,000 in the amount of time are you looking at the price per year comparing it to the amount of time yes and was going up going up 30,000 going up $30,000 not $400,000 perhaps I got my numbers mixed up thanks okay any other questions 9 all in favor of 9 say I I I I those opposed say no 09 passes unanimously may have a motion second on 021 so move move by Zan second by Hixon public comment none board member comment Miss famam okay on on um o21 um I have that the cost for one year supplying substitutes with $25 million um I'm wondering if the superintendent would address if we would be doing much better um by um trying to obtain our own substitutes possibly by um trying to attract our resigning teachers or our retired teachers and set putting together a department that could handle that where they could um seek to get the those people to return they were already familiar with the system they already have knowledge of different schools our policies and um that way we could cut down on that $25 million cost and make it more cost effective by implementing some type of program Mr AO is the chair I'm actually going to defer to miss rocklan good morning Susan rocklan director Talent acquisition um in answer to your question Miss fam yes $25 million is a lot of money however that does include the wages that are paid to the substitute teachers that we would be incurring if they were still with BR County um over the last um two years we've been a partner with Kelly education and we have seen the fill rate of substitute teachers go up considerably when we first partnered with them prior to the partnering with them our fill rate was at about a 50% we are now up to an 85% fill rate with them so we have seen a substantial increase in that Kelly has a staff of over 50 employees that their sole purpose is to recruit and find substitute teachers for Broward County we do partner with them we share with them our list of teachers who have resigned retired um have gone on so that they can reach out to them so we do do a lot of recruiting strategies of marketing with them so that we can try to make sure that we are assisting them with building their pools that we would normally do if they were here for example we go out to BR we go to brow College to visit the classes we always are encouraging people to come to brow County Sub and we let them know the avenue to do do that Kelly comes with us to do those those um trips in those recruitment events that we attend so it is it is sounds like it is a lot of money however in my opinion over the last few years it has been very um a good worthwhile investment of BR at schools because we are getting substitute not only substitute teachers but we also use them to cover for esps for app Paras so we are also filling those requests as well so it's not only for sub teers but also for a teacher in classroom assistance as well and some of those are in some very um classrooms that really need that person in there to work with those children so and also we've received our survey which has given us a um customer service survey that we did to the schools which does say that the schools are satisfied with them there is some work we need to do recognizing that but overall I would definitely recommend that we would continue with Kelly Services because we at the district do not have a staff of 50 employees to do what they've been doing thank you for that clarification I just would ask makeone suggestion if you would separate out the amount that's paid in salaries from the amount of costs to run the program that would be great okay thank you Mrs Hixon thank you um my question on this and actually want to say thank you for sharing the survey that was really important I just want to make sure in the places where they gave recommendations to make Kelly Services um better that we've captured it I see there was a couple of pages of them and that were going to actually have a discussion with Kelly on how they can improve those services so I did hear you say that so I appreciate it my initial question the survey wasn't given to us so just as a general note to to everybody when they're surveys it's important that you include them in here because it would keep us from having to ask the questions so thank you thank you any other comments see none all in favor of o21 say I I I I I those opposed say no o21 passes unanimously may have a motion second on o29 don't move move by Hixon second second by fogan holy public comments seeing none Bo member comment Mr alustin yes and actually School emergency map I'm good no no I'm good um I need to find one thing um thank you madam chair uh so question for for I don't know if this is maybe pseudo procurement um and uh on the security side uh are the districts uh Maps do they fully comply with uh the legislation regarding this I know this is procurement or safety question Dr wanza there we go Chief oh sorry I didn't see Chief Al got good morning um Mr Aon yes um we're just had a meeting with law enforcement yesterday as a matter of fact trying to get their input on this mapping software and the company is dedicated to making sure that everything goes through as it should with the legislation they're also working with safer watch to ensure that it works through the safer watch app as well as an option to have as well so the answer is yes we are fully compli I just okay was a good answer okay actually pretty amazing okay perfect and we have talked to uh the sheriff we have talked to MSD commission we have done our due diligence on this well we talked with um the local law enforcement I mean the mstic commission is not really part of the decision- making but we talked local law enforcement yes sir okay perfect all right thank you and then also the uh the funding for this is It's a funded mandate correct and is covered by the state this is all covered through the grant ma'am yeah perfect any other questions see none all in favor of o29 say I I I I those opposed say no o29 passes unanimously may have a motion and second on o38 so moved move by zon second by Hixon no public comment or member comment Mrs Hixon thank you um I have a couple of questions one on page two or 4,626 um it says aom's proposal for this amendment is 23, 85 um 812 which includes a 5year labor other direct costs and contingency so can they break that out so that we know what's there and contingency um can we I'd like to ask for us to get a monthly update on what they're using contingency funds for on here I don't I guess I make a motion for that because I have a second part also but um so I'd like to move um that we in this contract ask aeom to break down the total amount into what is included for labor what is included as direct cost and what's included as contingency and then give us because this is only for a year a monthly update on what's been paid out on each of those categories second move by Hixon second by fullness public comment on the motion board member comment on the motion Dr Zan thanks so much uh chair do you know if these data are generally available to aom into our chief facilities officer already Dr hurn Miss Paul and M Mr coony had to remember to push the button uh so we do get information from uh Atkins uh which is the controls part of the agreement so they provide um information to us but we can definitely ask them to provide it the additional breakdowns that you suggested uh going forward okay thank you so oh sorry couple more things ma'am if you don't mind um uh these data are collected by Atkins and um you're you're asking as part of an aom extension to do this so I just want to make sure that we can um kind of do that in the right way I think we have to stay in the lane I think I am no no not you I'm say never mind right right yeah I think we need to stay in the lane in order to uh to get this right I think the data are critical though I think what we're asking for one of the other issues though is that we get invoices every 3 months and so asking for them to do it every month uh may be uh asking for them to do a lot more work and that's what I just want to get an estimate from chair how much more work would it take to to report these data monthly rather than quarterly given that we get a quarterly invoice T Miss Paul I would ask that uh Miss Ashley come forward from Atkins to answer that question Ashley Carpenter with Atkins sorry stand back just standing back um first of all aom does submit a monthly invoice right now the data that you're getting is quarterly it's um like compiled for the as part of the bond sight committee report um I don't think it would be any extra effort really to compile it monthly terrific thanks so much chair uh and I want to complement the I the idea of tracking these it's difficult when all the money gets thrown together and you don't know exactly you know kind of how it puts together my expectation is that uh past four years are going to be a good guide for this you know the split between labor and contingency and other PS uh I think is going to stay and has stayed pretty consistent for the past 48 months but it'd be good to see that report every month thank you thank you any other questions Charon think yeah I just wanted to make a note that I don't think we've ever had it broken down before and there were some concerns that maybe contingency is being used for things that it's not supposed to be being used for and that's why I'd like just to be sure we understand what the contingency is being used for Mr Alon yes thank you madam chair um I recall I think this conversation almost a year ago um where I think this was uh before the board and I asked a question then around the FTE uh number or rather sorry the FTE allocation So currently uh I think that uh we moved or accepted uh aom I think originally had was it 0.25 of an FTE uh for a program director I think now the recommendation is 75 so if someone could just explain we we were on the motion we're making a motion we have to vote on the motion I just she still has the floor oh okay she made no I was trying I apologize no I was I was seeing where you're going with it maybe it was with the motion sorry okay any other comments on the motion no all in favor of the motion say I I those post say no no I sorry Miss rert yes I said I no no so descending vote from rert and hog I said yes yes okay vog and H one toensing vote okay back to the main motion I still have one more um on page 7 or 4,631 um it's it's saying the new agreement term is July 21st to two um 2024 through July 20th 202 with one six-month period beyond the expiration date I don't think we agreed to that it seems like it snuck in here um and I would like to have a discussion on whether I mean I thought we were ending in 20125 so I just kind of want to throw it out there and ask what everyone else thinks because that was not originally what we discussed okay if I might speak Thomas goodone assistant general counsel so the current Amendment uh considers a potential three-month extension beyond the July uh expiration uh that gets us to the October deadline so we'd still have to come back to the board before the end of July next year um Dr Hess um did you make you didn't make a motion you just no thank you madam chair so um I have several concerns um uh with this um Fife renewal um it appears to me to be um more than uh the normal extension as we did in year four and there seem to be added language that creates some concerns for me so I'll just start with the executive summary um page three shows a table reflecting cumulative participation anticipated for years 1 through 5 um do the percentage include considerations for all contingency funds paid to Prime and and to each sub Dr har Miss Paul I'm G ask uh for Mr Cooney to answer that question Dr holess I'm sorry page number of the we're on the ex ex cutive summary yes sir page three of the executive summary shows a table reflecting cumulative participation anticipated for years one through five right so um if I could get uh the actual author that collaborated on putting that executive summary together is uh U not with the district any longer I don't know if Miss uh Carpenter Ashley Carpenter do you have any information that' be helpful in this regard okay um it's the the financial information contained in the executive summary please go to m excuse me can Michael McIntyre come forward please Michael McIntyre aom The Proposal um the the labor numbers the participation goals are based on the pure f te um allocations um the contingency um is not free for us to use without District allowance meaning the district must sign for us to use contingency the contingency in the past has been used to pay for expenses such as travel for construction inspectors project managers to go to sites for office materials um so those type of expenses contingency has also been utilized for specialized Services where additional funding was needed to supply those Services if cont if contingency is utilized for traditional straight labor meaning for aeom labor or for our partners labor then then then that number is taken into consideration in the participation goals in petition IP ation levels are adjusted okay right now contingency is not part of the percentages for participation it is outside the labor labor is part is what is followed for participation not the contingency okay so your short answer is the contingencies uh is not included in the percentage consideration for the prime and and sub and each correct not on the not on the front end if it is utilized for labor then it is calculated into the participation numbers so has it ever been utilized for labor before once in in this year four it was for staff retention and it was recalculated into participation and adjustments were made to the Aeon participation level where the our participation went down because of that increase so we actually eliminated a position because the numbers became skewed so we made a reduction okay so I'm going to move on to my next point but I I I am concerned about the contingency funds and how that's calculated um but I'll move on to my next point on Page Six Show shows a staffing for year five this is on the uh executive summary um the program director and and I and I realized I have this in in my uh notes as well board member Alon I realized you're going to bring that you were thinking of bringing that up but the program director is being showed at75 FTE aom's year four proposal had this position at 025 FTE so what is the total cost of the additional 0.5 FTE being proposed here Dr her Miss Paul I'm going defer to Mr McIntyre on this one my understanding is the year 4.25 FTE for the program D director was was done to rebalance participation goals because of underruns for our various Partners um to achieve or to regain that number we submitted the program director at 0.25 we basically lowered that that salary that billable amount to to get our numbers into balance with our partners I can't I can't tell you right now off the top of my head what the differential is between the point 75 in year five in the 0.25 is um but I I would assume it's two times more than what year four was um just just quickly working numbers in my head um we built this Staffing plan on basically what we thought meaning the team the team a comp team meaning us and our partners built the Staffing plan together all of our partners were involved in developing this Staffing plan it wasn't done in a room with the door closed and the lights out I worked with all of our part Partners in developing this Staffing plan the FTE that were assigned to each firm um the position types were worked out together as as a partnership team okay I understand that I am speaking specifically regarding program director from going from 025 to 75 I understand you work collaboratively with your team and all of that but I'm speaking specifically regarding program director and I am concerned with increasing in the FTE from 0.25 to 75 specifically for the program director so the question I have to follow up on that is will the program director since we're increasing this to 75 I can't get a direct answer as to what this increase looks like will the program director do all their work on site and will or will they be uh remote and if you could give us a a sort of approximation on if it's going to be remote what percentage of time will the program director be here in bra County as opposed to being remote excuse me Dr Hess may I answer that yeah hold on hold on a second Dr heer Miss Paul sorry to jump on there chair my expectation is that the program director is on site in District okay so miss Paul when you say your expectation is on site what percentage on site Dr herard Miss Paul if I could say a th% I would but really realistically 100% on site okay so I am glad for that reassurance that going forward the program director will be 100% on site has the program director been 100% on site uh in in year four Dr Miss Paul I have been here four weeks and two days so I can't answer what uh uh happened before me but what I can attest to now is the program director Michael uh is currently currently not 100% on site but as I said before and Michael if I'm misspeaking or whatever please interrupt but uh going forward uh with this uh new Amendment uh my expectation is and I think our District's expectation is that the person Michael or whoever follows him will be 100% on site okay so miss Paul I appreciate that response uh Dr heern is there anyone that can tell us in year four what percentage of time was the program director here on site in Broward County Mr McIntyre I don't know if you actually have that answer um for year four I don't have a hard number I am here at a minimum of four days a week um not billing the district so the district is not being built build for my time okay but I am working 4 days a week this week I'm here 5 days um I have not relocated here yet uh because I'm not theoretically a full-time employee on this contract yet um when I am I will be relocated here the plan is that I am a 1 FTE I am full-time 100% that 70 5% is the billable I am only billable to you at 75% I am working 100% I'm a full-time staff person on this plan okay so um I appreciate going forward that the program director will be here 100% that's what Miss Paul uh convey to us um I'm still not clear as to the percentage before but we're moving forward so moving forward I do hope it will be 100% uh because we're increasing this to 75 FTE and I think that we cannot be wasting money we must make sure that whatever we're being we're paying to uh Acom and any staff that they're they're here to do the job so that would be my take on that I'd like to move to the third amendment please um so I'm moving away from the executive summary I'm looking at the third amendment uh document section 3A of the proposed year five Amendment looks like it could it could remove important elements M ments of section 2.01 in the original pmore agreement this section establishes the term of the agreement so in the original 2.01 the district had termination rights that was pursuant to section 3.05 this should not be changed in my opinion so does the proposed year five Amendment impact this termination right that the district had and if so I'm very concerned about this I I don't think a year five should changed drastically from what year for extension was this is simply an extension for one year why are we making major changes uh that IC will not benefit the district so could staff comment on uh the change here and does does a proposed year five Amendment impact this termination right that the district would have Mr Cooney yeah thank you Dr he um this particular language it was added to the third amendment uh adds some conditions with respect to the Staffing analysis and whether or not we've come to a good faith effort to identify what a efficient use of resources are um there was concern expressed on aeom side that uh had we've been had the sole right to reject any proposal uh without any ability to uh make adjustments and complete the program that it would uh potentially affect their subc consultant and minority subc Consultants and local subc Consultants participation so this language had gone back and forth between staff and aeom and this was the language that was felt was a compromise uh and again the the Central Point here is the good faith aspect if efforts are not made in good faith then we simply would refer back to the original language okay so um I hear you but um I we do not need to change in my opinion the language in the p more agreement to provide one-ear extension the edits here arguably in my opinion change and weaken what was already agreed to and they're different than what was done in year four so I'd like to make a motion I'd like to make a motion that we replace the entire section of 3A with language stating the term of the agreement is hereby extended by one year commencing on July 22nd 2024 through and including July 21st 2025 because I believe that what we have now proposing to us uh will in itself um Wheaten The District in in terms of what we can and cannot do is there a second second move by holness second by Zan public comment on the motion or member comment on the motion Madam chair thank you um so since we're on this motion I still in in the queue on the original items um so Dr Holden is just so I understand your intent is to remove actually let me find it your your intent is only to remove the additional uh period after July 1 of next year is that the intend the motion I told us okay let me go back to that what page are you on page two yes so where where the where it ends at July 21st 2025 I would like to strike everything else um that would be on 3A right okay I know this is discussion so if we as a district has already given the green light to October of next year why are we removing to get to that point that doesn't make sense to me you're you're referring to me right yeah yeah just okay what's the intent of removing post July 2025 when we're trying to get to October of 2025 okay my understanding is that um we had previously uh a 6mon um extension correct that that would be the original I don't know well sorry madam chair could we ask the attorney Mr Cooney go ahead yeah thank you Dr heurn so at last year's board meeting um through motions made by DR Zeman the the six-month extension piece was removed so we no longer have that as part of the the term option that's why in this particular item we have the additional 3month extension at the end of next July to get us October 2025 so we no longer have the one the 180 the six month okay Charon no no I just I know that discussion I'm good no no thanks so much chair um clearly this is an option it's an ability for us if we want it to extend 3 months and 10 days it does line up to the board imposed deadlines for for the smart program uh given aecom's 85 FTE spread across all the companies that are here and their deep embedded contributions that they make I do think that this option makes sense uh it's not a you know six-month option or a 12-month you know standard contract language option it's tied specifically to what the board said and I believe that our new Chief Operating Officer Chief facilities officer is going to come back to a plan with us about how to balance the contractors and the government team in a way to build a long-term Chief facilities officer capability not just for the next uh 15 months uh so I support leaving this in I wanted a second you know just for discussion but just in terms of kind of good solid governance and the ability to keep a team together until Miss Paul comes back and works with us to develop the long-term solution I think it's just great to have this as an option and again chair to be clear uh this language this upon mutual agreement would be both aeom wanting to stay and the board asking them to stay is that correct Miss Adam I'll go ahead and ask Mr Cooney to answer that that's correct Dr Jon yeah terrific and I think uh to Dr hess's motion we need to be thoughtful about both of those and I'll talk about that in my comments uh when we go back to the main motion thank you chair thank you m fam ch um if we're going to proceed with uh a motion in order to Pro put a percentage of how much time should be spent um we have a motion on the floor Dr hess's motion this was part of his motion I thought wasn't he talking about the he said 100% of the time was that part of it no no that was not part of motion are you going to make that motion for the fde or speaking in regards to okay we're not going to go back and forth let's keep to the motion on the floor any other comments of the motion on the floor which is to remove from 3A and and upon mutual agreement of the parties and approval by sbbc may be extended to October 31st 2025 he wants to remove that language all in favor say I I I those oppos say no no roll call roll call on the motion Mr Austin no Mrs fam no no Mr fogan holy no Mrs Hixon no Dr holus yes Mrs Leonardi no Mrs rert yes Dr Zan no Mrs ala no okay the motion fails back to the main motion and Mr Alon thank you madam chair uh and thank you Dr holdes for reading my notes over here um somewhat on the 75 now up from the0 25 actually I have a different perspective I actually appreciate the number going up um I was actually uncomfortable with it actually going down so my view is actually the opposite uh compared to my colleague at least on that point um but to that point I think you've already answered uh kind of what that means kind of what's the district's benefit um of having uh that increase of billable versus on site versus percentage so I'm looking at you both so I'm I have no issues with that and I'm I'm going to support uh this item because I know where the district has come from before and I know why we're here um with all of our programs and what we needed for our school sites and both aom all the subs I've actually known for many many years uh I didn't just meet them um since being on the Das uh so I know the work both of aom and and many of the subs I actually have a a very specific question and I think I saw this but just want to ask um only because you raised one point kind of in your comments Mr director um do does the district pay for travel to and from school sites project sites is that something separate or is that inclusive of something that we currently already pay in what goes to the firm do you Dr hurn Miss Paul I'mma defer to Mr McIntyre Michael McIntyre uh Madam chair um expenses are a separate line item within our proposal travel for our construction inspectors and project managers to go from office to various sites that travel is an allowance that is built to the district but it's only traveled to site meaning if a construction inspector moves from school a to school B that EXP expense is covered by the district and those construction inspectors do submit expense reports to the district with all the the appropriate backup uh for mileage uh the the miles are are known between the the the the project sites so that is part of the contract got it so so essentially we're paying from when you go from office to School site number one is that standard that is standard okay and then from School site number one to school night site number two is we don't you do pay so the our construction inspectors each one of them may visit six sites in a day so they travel in their own vehicle right so so we do pay the mileage and that is part of the contract wait backup we the district does not pay from school site one to two to three to four or you're saying we do pay you do yes and we pay from cons from main site to School site if if they happen to be at main site more often than not the construction inspectors drive directly to their first school project site that is not billable to the first site to the first site from to the remaining sites they correct correct that's interesting okay I didn't know that um so let me shift to compliance because I remember a year ago that was kind of the big conversation um less you more the district um so just want to know how are we doing Mr superintendent on compliance um I know there was a lot of conversation on numbers and software and what tools you know this report that report um just kind of where are we on uh compliance uh overall with the country so it's less a you question Mr director I think it's more of a district question was to staff Miss Paul so we have um software that we use that came from um came with a com called e-builder and so in terms of how how the information uh is managed on each project that's all loaded in E e-builder uh and it's ours once aom completes their their um contract with us one of the things that we really need to focus on is how we transition from aom once they have completed their contract period And so I'm working uh with Mr Dorset to establish a plan as to how the district takes over that responsibility that's a very critical responsibility as we move out of one program one Bond program to another Bond program great well I like the transition and I guess we'll decide on going from one program to another maybe that's a different uh board discussion uh on the timing um and if we do that and what that looks like um I'm thinking on the positive side no you're good no no I got it I know what your role is my role is a little different um so back to District compliance so and I appreciate the e-builder side um but I thought I recall well I actually do recall um that the district uses b2g now that was a whole bit conversation on uh reports and numbers whose reports are right who does verification the contractor side versus the subs that's kind of what I was wanted to hear uh because a year ago that was the big questioning conversation so if someone from the district could just provide maybe that update um one ensuring the compliance side number two making sure that we are actually doing from our side the independent uh compliance that I recall a year ago was very uh questionable so I'm going call uh Mr Ryan Smith uh to to come forward on that but I would tell you that uh when I was previously in Palm Beach uh County Schools we used b2g and that was a big deal correct and it actually uh improved our participation rate communication all of that so it's a very very valuable tool right so if oh someone else okay hi uh can you introduce yourself and Miss Mills speak to that good afternoon through the chair Denise miny Mills director of Economic Development and diversity compliance uh I am thrilled for the question board member Austin um we have been working I've been here 7 months uh we have had two um quarterly meetings with AECOM and all of the subc Consultants so we are very pleased with the new partnership I'll call it since I was kind of in transition uh when it first came in uh directly to Mr Austin's comment um our last quarterly meeting was May 23rd so it was recent all of the subc Consultants were in compliance uh from the EDC side great uh we were absolutely pleased with that I I do have the specific numbers there are one or two that's a Stones throw away from compliance but I fully expect that that will take place in year five and uh we are absolutely elated that we've been able to establish this partnership with aeom and with the subc Consultants great so I hope that answ your question thank you for that no it does so the last note I have on page number 4630 um is around um there was a lot of conversation a year ago this time Miss superintendent just around collaboration and I think you answered some of that Miss miny Mills uh both with the contractor and the subs I don't see the same level of uh well what I saw a year ago so I just want to understand confirm validate so maybe it's District side maybe it's Pro program director side and at least I thought I saw once of maybe two where didon go yep I see one I just want and I don't need you all cuz I remember what happened a year ago so I'm not putting anybody on the spot I really just want to confirm as we hopefully now approve this uh item that's before us that we're in a much different place we're in a much better place we are communicating on all sides all the above so I see heads nodding but can someone uh I'm going to put on my County Commission hat at least I'm the one person that can do that if someone just comes the microphone and just can say that attest to that um because I know that uh that was a big question mark a year ago Mr McIntyre Madam chair um we are working as a team um I guess collaboration is a weak term for what we're doing together uh we meet weekly individually as well as a group um we move forward together or we say no together and and that's the way we've built year five it's the way we're going to operate in year five I don't know what went on before I wasn't here so it doesn't matter to me all I know is what we're doing now and what we're going to do in the future I hope that helps to answer the question it does and I'll conclude Madam chair saying that uh a year ago and thank you sir um I recall um a lot of the uh body language in the audience I don't see see that um I don't I don't see the same text messages and calls and telegrams a year ago um today so I appreciate the updates both from the district side um staff side um and uh the contractor uh and subs thank you madam chair Dr Zan thank you very much chair uh I want to uh just take a little bit of privilege and thank uh Mike McIntyre uh for your uh leadership on this team uh I hear from a lot of my constituents who work as part of your ecosystem uh and they are ecstatic uh about the way that you've led the contractor team I also want to thank suas mangay from aom It's a Long Way to come here and uh hang out with us over I guess $23 million will even buy you a flight from DC so uh thank you uh also for being here there's a couple things that I think I want uh the audience and the colleagues to understand uh our smart Bond construction projects will end on Halloween of 2025 uh it's critical that we do that it's critical that we transition from uh a perception of specialness and exceptionality uh to a period of a lot of capital projects and a lot of Maintenance as many of my colleagues have pointed out we documented 10 years ago that we had3 billion of backlog uh that's 10 years ago at current prices that's at least $6 billion because the smart Bond did about $1.6 billion worth of scope uh but in that time uh we didn't uh arrest the backlog we need help we'll need more help from the public in the future and it's important uh to move on to my colleagues though I think it's important to recognize that the labor that is here today the the the division between aom and their subs local Subs minority women-owned Subs are in very very scarce Supply uh they could be working anywhere and this is not a standard contract where we get to dictate terms and prices and conditions uh as much as it is really a partnership uh that's true of Atkins it's true of aom it's true of porino and G and all of the partners that we work together uh I want to thank you for leaning in when sometimes we're not a great partner uh but I also want to point to us and say we're going to become a better partner we have a new Chief Operating Officer Chief facilities officer I hope she does things like digitize the building department right now believe it or not chair all things come in hard copy uh well this is 20124 we can do better than that uh we can do better at flowing through subcontractors to get paid ahead of time if a major subcontractor comes in and does a major piece of a work why can't that be inspected accepted and paid by Broward County Schools so that subcontractors and primes don't have to add the Broward tax you know what the Broward tax is chair L it the Broward tax is an expectation that contractors that do work in Broward County estimate it takes 3 years to get paid and in order to make payroll and expenses they have to go out and borrow money to pay payroll to pay their expenses to pay for their equipment and their gear construction is an incredibly expensive Adventure what I've heard from subs and primes is that they're adding 24% to their bids because they borrow money at 8% a year and they expect to get paid in three years so for my constituents we've been pushing through some thinking and some ideas about how they can get paid uh in what the state mandates by the way is 20 or 25 days not three years and so there's work to do on our side I want to thank all the contractors that continue to come to work and do great things for us um and chair uh just to make sure we have one good piece of business uh before us does this contract have a cancel at the convenience of government option Mr Cooney uh we have the option to cancel um with or with without cause so terrific I appreciate that I just wanted my colleagues to know like all government contracts we have the ability if things go sideways uh to uh find another way to do it and I really look forward to hearing from Miss Paul about how we're going to put this ship together how we're going to make sure on our side we do all the great things that uh that we can do to be a great uh partner to all of these uh folks and I uh I look forward to uh learning more about this stuff as we transition in one year 3 months and 10 days from the smart program to a capital program which will be very busy and by the way the bow wave of the smart program does not get smaller after Halloween of 2025 so as much as we'd love to be able to buy less pmore support uh we're going to need more after October 31st of 2025 um and I look forward to kind of getting to the right balance of government and contractor folks so we have a long-term sustaining capability that represents what we need in Brower County Schools uh for our 239 campuses we're a massive organization we need lots of facility maintenance and we need a lot of construction and I look forward to finding that steady state so that we don't have to do the roller coaster uh up and down uh and I look forward to having uh great great industry Partners like we've had up to this point thanks chair thank you uh so first I'd like to say happy birthday to Ashley from [Applause] ains 29 one of the things that really stuck out to me and I don't really remember this really coming forward to the board uh was one of the one of the takeaways that they're stating here is that they're going to be providing Innovative strategies for Expediting work and minimizing schedule impacts and maximizing cost savings so I really want to highlight that sentence because I haven't really seen that and and so I've seen actually the complete opposite so I look forward for you guys AC comp to bring forward Solutions and and not you know to this board and to our to our superintendent so we can actually do what you're what you're saying in this document any other comments or questions Dr holess this is round two round two me too okay okay Mr rer I'll have you I can go ahead okay so um it mentioned in section 3C number three uh that a staffing plan would have been attached uh and incorporated as a exhibit a maybe I missed it but I didn't see that Staffing plan is that was that given to us what happened Mr Cony uh yeah there was a staffing plan I need I was an exhibit a I just need to make sure that I can locate it it should have been upd uploaded as part of the original item I'll look for that right now it was loaded what we have here didn't see it it was supposed to have been uploaded let me just verify that you have any other questions when they look back okay so I I don't see the Staffing plan attached to the document but in any case um section 3C number three um indicates uh this is a one-year extension for year 5 it does not seem practical to me or necessary to give aom a right to allocate between contract years as it is saying here it may have made sense if we were in the original three-year contract but we're not so we do not need that we do not need language that allows aom to allocate between contract years this is strictly a one-year extension it is not the original three-year contract so I'd like to make a motion that we strike the reference to and contract Year from section 3 C3 is there a second seeing none motion dies okay um in section D um section I'm sorry 3D give me one second 3 this language seems to modify the section of billing and payment in ways that make it easier for Acom to reject complying with local and mwbe participation we are 4 years into a contract and uh the concern I have is what what benefit could the district get from changing billing and payment language in our original agreement it has been perfectly fine for four years we should not accept any modification that could Wheaten the language we have had for years to help local and mwbe firms they should be no change made to requirements for billing and payment um that seems to be the intent of section 3D and so I make a motion that we strike section 3D of the proposed Third Amendment and um stick with the original agreement we had before for billing and payment is there a second second Mo by Hess second by Leonard public comment on the motion see none board member comment on the motion charlon thank you madam chair uh Dr Holden is so the section three D 2 3 D 5 section one that references both the S SW MBE and or the local requirements that's separate from 3 e that has the participation and the actual percentage so I think you I think you might be mixing two things right because I don't think the intent because under e it's it's clarifying what the percentage is and to who right I think that's just the the payment side I don't think we I don't think anyone can go back on article 2.06 okay so when we look at section 3D I items 1 2 3 4 5 6 I don't see the benefit of having that in there um in my opinion these changes restrict the district while making it easier for aom to avoid compliance um these were not in Prior agreements I'm not sure why we are now including this language here and so I think to protect the district that um section uh three D of the proposed Third Amendment um should be strike Madam chair this still discussion right just want to make sure doesn't you're not tracking my time made a motion right you're not tracking my time so if and I I understand Dr holdes if your if the point is around because the one thing we didn't talk about was payments to subcontractors right so I don't know if that's what you're getting to maybe that's a different point just timely payment of Subs because what I didn't ask which I'll ask when this motion is done are we caught up to date which I think I know the answer on all of our subcontractor payments and then where we are uh in terms of number of months that are still that way to the left not the right so how about I come back back to that because I think I know the answer but if that's your question if that's the issue Dr holdes maybe that's the right conversation here right timely payments to the subcontractors but I think to your point around uh ensuring what the percentages are that's another different section so I just I don't know let me ask the attorney if I could just since there's still a discussion through the chair um if Mr or whomever uh the appropriate uh attorney um so Section 3 D did did does the district attorney I'm sorry does the general council's office agree with this recommended language is it coming from both sides is it one side where is this language coming from to dress's question yeah thank you uh Mr Alman uh this was agreed to both sides and the office of the general counsel okay so both just by way of clarification if I might um 3D I through I VI was an an attempt to clarify the the process by which we would oversee and review and consider Staffing plans and so forth so it doesn't um change those those ideas so much as clarify the process by which both would work as a team to try and establish those does this change uh mwbe let me see what do we call it we call it here small women MBE participation or local participation it does not okay just want to confirm that right that's a different section so that is safe in what's presented correct correct okay so you're only clarifying so let now let me ask a does this speed up Andor guarantee that subcontractors will be paid timely I think you're going to I know what you're going to say attorney right we clearly contract with a contractor and it's up to the contractor but I know that in someone who's come from a different District I know there are other things that we can put in place to ensure that our subcontractors and subc Consultants are actually paid timely so put that in the back of your head as I see the program director nodding and the attorney does this do something with that uh it it doesn't it it opens the door for additional processes um you know it would be up to Mrs Paul and her staff on how they wish to go about this but it would not inhibit it uh in my opinion it would enhance that ability does it create more teeth for the district I'm sorry more what does it create more teeth for the district to enforce timely payment of subcontract I would say it does not decrease our ability to Force well you saying it don't go that way I'm trying to go to the right right so I wouldn't say this more teeth but yeah no I get it you're the attorney you're doing your your thing so I'm now asking an administrative side right so now I'm protecting the district's interest and clearly the contractors doing what they're supposed to do but we also have subcontractors uh who work hard uh who put out I would just say a lot of money uh because I think we can see this so how do we ensure uh Mr superintendent through to whoever is appropriate that section 3D timely ensures or what additional teeth let me ask the question can we put in here to ensure timely proper payments to subcontractors and subc Consultants Miss Paul so the intent of this is not to impact mwbe or SB uh negatively uh is to move in the other direction and then the other part of it is is to have the district in uh involved in the Staffing uh of of this program to have that conversation uh and to be transparent about how uh Acom and I'm not saying they're not but how aom is Staffing the program based on where we are uh we're somewhere around 78% complete uh uh with this Bond and just going forward we talked about acceleration of the program and those kind of things and I think just having uh this in the conversation will help us and give us more teeth uh to move uh the program along uh a bit quicker than we have in the past so if I could Madam chair I'm going to yield back to Dr Hess you have the floor but when I get the floor back I'm going to come back to this section because I think that we can put some teeth in today um and to ensure because other districts have done it uh that we ensure timely payment uh to our sub contractors and subc Consultants so I'll you the floor back thank you Dr Zan thank so much chair I just want to uh ask you a question and then comment on one piece of this chair are you aware uh as to whether AECOM has agreed to section 3D of this proposed contract Mr Cooney uh yes they've agreed to everything in this particular Amendment terrific and we're asking uh them the vendor to do some additional work unless they're already doing it in that make sense I do want to comment on 3D uh II which is the three-month look ahead uh that is wonderful is absolutely phenomenal that instead of just saying oh my gosh last week we lost this person or our staffing short on these kinds of people with these kinds of skills tias are going to take 18 months not 12 now they're saying hey we've lined their staff up for the next quarter uh and to me that's a real positive thing from the uh school board's perspective so uh 3d2 in particular is something that uh I look for forward to because it's difficult in this business to look forward uh but it's so important from the buyer perspective that we have that uh have that capability so thank you chair thank you so just to clarify Dr Hess your motion is delete everything in D um yes my concern with d is and I've heard the responses uh I am concerned that it may put the district in a position where it restricts the district while making it easier for Acom to avoid compliance um also I just want to mention that the 3mon look ahead has always been a part of the contract since it's been out since we've had the contract so I don't think the 3mon look ahead is anything new um but 3D I'm concerned that we are now adding all of this language that wasn't there in the prior year for extension or in the three-year contract we have now we're adding additional language um I'm just very um skeptical as to the reason we have this additional language when we did not need it in year 1 through 4 so I still have tredition about what it means and whether or not this is really protecting the district Miss rert did you want to speak on the motion um I'm not quite sure it's on the motion it's about something that Dr Zan said about making sure that we are um finishing our bond program um by the you know the fall of 2025 okay I'll come back to you then that that's not on the motion thank thank you okay ready to vote on the motion all in favor of Dr hess's motion to remove everything from D say I I I those opposed say no no no roll roll call I sorry I hit the wrong button roll call roll call on the motion Miss fam no Mr f holy no Mrs Hixon no Dr holess yes Mrs Leonardi yes Mrs rert yes Dr Zeman no Mrs alhad no Mr Austin no and the motion fails 6 okay are you done with all your Mo okay U I'm going to go to miss Rupert she hasn't gotten a chance to speak yet miss rert just quickly um going back to what I think I heard Dr Zan say is that um you know I know that we had board had made that a hard stop point for the bond um which is October 2025 if I'm correct right yes yes so the last information that I looked at you were going to be moving still past that point so I'm looking forward to this Contracting this company doing whatever they need to do to make sure that we meet um that particular goal and not another six months or another 12 months has to be added on here so that that's my expectation and if that requires them to put in more people to move people around that's that's what they need to do they all know exactly what they need to do to get to that point but it is a very hard um stop point for us and been it's for years that we cannot miss uh deadline at all so that's my point and uh thank you very much Mr awon yes thank you madam chair it's really just a general question um to the attorneys what can we do to uh add language because now we can do that um to really ensure uh timely uh payment to subcontractors a um is there any tools in our toolbox from a compliance standpoint uh that we can uh use to ensure that our direct contractor in this case but really all of our contractors are paying our subcontractors and subc Consultants uh timely so is there a sentence that we can insert somewhere uh that we can uh have in our back for enforcement and compliance purposes Mr goony can I just have a point of order real quick though are you referring to subcontractors on the pmor contract or subcontractors doing construction out on our school sites we are on this agenda item Dr zimman for the program manager owner representative services so I'm referring to the subcontractors and Consultants listed in this document so I because we the district have a agreement with the contractor I'm asking for our attorneys to give us the the right remedy so we can ensure that they are doing the right thing so I clearly understand law as you do too I know what our direct uh responsibility is but I also know that we all uh see many of these business owners as you do too um who reach out to us uh to ensure they're timely paid so I want to make sure uh that we can do that I know there's a way we can do that that's why I'm asking for the attorneys uh to give us what the appropriate language is um to do that Madam chair Mr Cooney thank you um so my review of the existing agreement inclusive of its RFP language and so forth already provides all the tools that we would need so it truly is just a matter of oversight and Reporting so uh you know it's incumbent upon us to stay on top of data that's provided to us and if we're not getting that data to ask for it in my opinion I'm not sure what additional information or teeth would need to be added to this um Beyond what's currently there but I would be more than happy to review that and we can absolutely come back to the board with u something that expresses desire I could Madam chair I would actually include in my motion um that we direct that this final agreement actually has that language other districts have it so that's why I made the point before um to ensure that we ensure that our subs are paid timely so let's just be clear so this is not a pointing the finger we know that today actually let me asked the question it's a superintendent if we could ask ask our program director whoever is appropriate um are all of our subcontractors and subc Consultants currently to this date or even 30 days ago or 60 days ago or 90 days ago you pick the threshold are we currently up to date on paying our subcontractors and subc Consultants easy question so tell me where we are um and give me where that uh where's that ticker are we up to date 100% if the answer is yes tell me and you can sit down quickly go ahead Mr M our partners are up to date they have been if we've been paid they've been paid contractually we have we have a requirement contractually to pay them our subs within 10 days of us receiving payment so we are we are up to dat on paying our subs based on us being paid now are we up to date on being paid that's a different question okay wait wait wait don't go there wait wait cuz I understand this I'm in this industry I've been here a long time so I my question is so let's be very clear today are there any outstanding receivables to our subcontractors and sub Consultants our subs have invoices in the system if we've been paid so the answer is yes I as to whether he wants this to be incorporated into this current Third Amendment or whether we incorporate terms into the third amendment that we come back at the next available board meeting with this supplemental language all right Madam chair Mr a I am to recommending we approve let me repeat approve the contract today okay approve language today giving direction I'm going to repeat for a third time for the appropriate person Mr superintendent on your side procurement whomever to do the appropriate research look at other districts look at language that currently exists look at the remedies and I won't use other words that currently exist in their language let's look at it let's put that in the agreement there's agreement from both sides I am not suggesting come back to a meeting next month or a meeting in August to do this for a 10th time however many times we've done this if someone wants to do that that's fine I think we can get the agreement approved today a and we can give direction today very simple Miss Fam thank you madam chair um and this is directed to general counsel and also answer your last name I'm sorry Cooney Cooney Mr Cooney um is there any way that we could put language in about an addendum with essentially the concept that Mr alon's setting out that will'll come back 30 days and sign an addendum with specific details so that way we know that everyone's agreeing to it we're just going to have to work on the specifics and we have have a a deadline a date certain that we'll be back here we could but I think it runs contrary to what Mr ol's trying to accomplish with his current motion excellent any other board member comment Dr Zan yeah um this is this is uh um I wouldn't suggest kind of the right way to negotiate a $23 million contract um we have uh a very very long and complicated contract between us and aom this is an amendment to that contract and uh to try and do any kind of serious additions deletions change of uh Direction uh during the day when we need to get it done I I can't support I do believe that um there's been um uh multiple uh reasons why why sometimes aom's not paid on time uh and those are not all aom's fault sometimes there are fault so this is a process issue as Miss Paul said it's not a contracts issue um and so to try and solve a process problem with that contract clause and introduce um all of this uh um activity today uh seems to be misplaced so I will not support this uh but I will continue uh to to do things including progress monitoring including process and Improvement uh by encouraging the superintendent uh to make sure that we pay everybody not just on the port contract but all of our uh direct contractors and all of their subs um in a way that encourages people to come back and do business with brow County Schools uh and that's really uh important but I think we should uh approve this contract uh as written and uh move forward on other ways to make sure that the process is running a way that P County would be proud of thank you chair Madam chair could I close as the maker of the motion uh I'm actually happy to support the motion that's on the floor um because as we just heard for the last 30 minutes that we know historically uh that uh our processes and laws that are in our contracts I appreciate but they haven't worked we just heard all parties say that I'm also excited to support this contract because I know the work of both aom I know the work of every subcontractor and subc consultant I didn't just and get to know them since sitting on the day my hands are clean so I'm excited to do my job as a school board member to hold everyone accountable a b to ensure that we pay all of our subcontractors and Consultants timely and see that we do exactly what we said Dr Zan which I think was your goal of getting us to October of 2025 so I'm excited to support this contract uh Madam chair along with the direction of really what should have been been done a long time ago we're still sitting here A year later having a conversation we know what prompt payments is we know that we're supposed to pay subcontractors and subc Consultants X number of days after a sub or after a contractor is paid yes we're talking about one today and they've done great work we haven't had a conversation disparaging any contractor or subc consultant that was a year ago where I think I thought that circus was taking place not today we actually all on the same PL I'm ready to vote thank you madam chair roll call on the motion yes ma'am roll call on the motion Mr fogan holy absolutely yes Mrs Hixon no Dr holes yes Mrs Leonardi yes Mrs rert yes Dr Zan no Mrs ala no Mr Austin hi in favor of Mrs fam yes the motion passes 63 okay we're back to the main motion so I mean I think we need to table this to give staff time no actually Madam chair no I think the motion that just passed this was not there was nothing to table we just gave direction to add right from what I thought was on the table and the attorneys please clarify you both just heard what I thought a motion just pass 63 giving you direction to craft some language a superintendent and team will work and identify what other districts currently have done language that exists and what's agreeable to both sides I think that's where we are and we're going ready to approve this agreement right now today so I'm ready to vote I don't think I need to table through the chair M chck Adams so I believe and please correct me if I'm wrong because I don't want to speak um for you I believe what she meant by when she said tabled is that the the language cannot be cre instantaneously so um Mr Cooney and staff appropriate staff needs to get together to craft the language and then bring it back so that you can see it that's contrary to the motion we just went through that the motion just passed you asked a question Mr attorney Mr Cooney when right just I apologize no no I'm sorry no you first when I say when I say come back I don't mean at another day they just need time to craft the language and then come back so that you can see that language I understand clearly that the motion no no it was not it was not that I think we're saying that I'm agreeing with you I understand you clearly no no I'm not agreeing with you I understand what you're saying I don't think the motion no the motion that just passed did not say the language was going to come back six of us just gave direction oh okay I see what you're saying to craft it you all figure it out and you will execute if this next motion passes we will not see the language now if well I don't need to see the language I mean I think we all just sat here for an hour and a half to you know talking about folks not getting paid so now that that motion has passed I think where we are is now we're back to the original item before us to approve this agreement which I'm ready to do so through the cheer another question so if that's the case and we're creating the language don't you need to come back to the original motion to approve the agreement because as it stands right now your motion is to create some language and I thought after the you create language just logistically speaking after you created language then you go back to the main motion which is to approve the agreement that's right that's that's that's that's what I thought so that's right so so um so there there needs to be a time period between your motion right now indicating that the language needs to be created and then the final motion to approve the agreement am I getting that clearly or am I was saying in his motion is that he wanted to give authority to The General Counsel to go and do research with outside uh districts that already have this language and he's giving the board vote to give authority to the general Council to create the language in the contract and um get Acom to to hopefully sign it and and move forward cor correct won't come back and with the board will not see it again correct so one last question through the chair so has the decision is it your opinion right now because I don't think I heard heard that I may be mistaken but I don't think I heard a vote with regards to the agreement itself no we didn't get there yet we're okay okay that that's what that's what I want to clarify okay got it all right back to the main motion any other comments on the main motion see none all right all in favor of o38 as amended say I I those opposed say no item passes unanimously M rert are you on the line yes ma'am okay Miss Rupert's on the line may I have a motion in second on oh pp1 moved move by Zan second by fogan holy public comment board member comment public comment public comment go ahead tp1 so um Nar Pierre Grant chair of diversity I just wanted to uh let the board know that the committee worked on several ad hoc meetings to um edit the policy so we can be in um accordance with policy 1070 um so this was a group effort uh it wasn't done in a silo we had uh comments and um suggestions from all committee members um and we do see that the red line has at the end uh chief of staff and um some other departments that are no longer um based on a new organization of chart that are no longer available so um obviously please don't look at that but I think the clean version does have removed that but we are in agreement with this policy in terms of the changes um and we hope that you all will approve them so we can be um in compliance I guess um come August thank you very much any other public comment pp1 Dr Zan how are you thank you chair just had a couple questions um and this just reflects uh kind of my experience on boards and serving on advisory committees before uh but I'm curious just to open up a quick uh uh check from my colleagues about the size of this committee um 30 is a lot of people it's very difficult to get Quorum it's difficult to appoint or or get people to serve when it's such a la on such a a large board and I'm curious if there's of any interest in the board of finding a number that's less than 30 is a way to and of streamline the work that they do that is so so absolutely essential to our district I mean I would be open to the idea if that came from the diversity Committee in itself if they came forward to us and wanted that but if not then I'm okay with how it is now anybody else me too same thing thank you m rert terrific thank you we'll look forward to uh that discussion in the future um the second is just a technical issue which is there's a change on uh 3293 page 104 about the student advisor uh appointing folks to other Geographic reasons uh to my knowledge the student adviser this is certainly Going Back 40 plus years doesn't always come from the central Geographic area um so if the student advisor doesn't come from that area and the other two come from the north and south then we're not going to have one from from each geographic area I wonder uh why we made such a change W or Miss Miss Washington sorry that sorry Jody Washington director Equity diversity and school climate um this was I believe and I'm I'm looking at Miss Pierre Grant one of the recommendations that came from cower and cower but the diversity committee is amable to that change wherever the student adviser is located that the other student appointees come from the the let's say the student advisers in the North Region then the other two would be appointed from the south and the central just so that there is um representation from across the district thank you very much I'll just make a quick motion then to it's not quite a scrier eror but it's just a a generally agreeable thing I think which is the change on page one of going to the central and um the North and South Geographic areas uh one to lines uh further down uh be changed back to its original so that we uh do as m Washington suggests and give the student advisor a role from the geographic area they are and the remaining two would come from the other two Geographic areas that's my motion what page number are you on one page one one what number letter one of oh I'm sorry yeah rule I uh 2468 10 uh 10th Line in red I'm looking at the red line version anyway it says uh uh representing the central geographic region so that was assigning the student advisor to one region when they uh may not uh come from that region the original language was his or her or their whichever they want to use their geographic region and then two lines down then it would go back to the remaining two Geographic areas rather than North and South is there a second second move by Zan second by Alon public comment on the motion I agree with Dr Zeman's motion thank you very much I said that in the beginning so let's just when it came to me I was like well why we changing I said it so uh I agree thank you so much Dr Zan for pointing that out and later we'll talk about how many people are on the committee n that's that'll be a good conversation for another day yeah for another day we'll get there thank you chair that's all I have on this one any other comment board member comment on the motion all in favor of the M fam I I just want to make one quick comment really appreciate you taking the time to put this together it really seems organized and I'm really well felt out thank you all in favor Dr Zan's motion say I I I those oppos say no motion carries back to the main motion Dr Zan good yes ma'am I I uh I finished with that's all I have for this policy ma'am thank you all in favor of pp1 as amended say I I those opposed say no pp1 passes unanimously I have a motion and second on S1 so moved moved moved by fogan holy second by Hixon public comment on S1 Madam chair we have nine registered speakers for this item we will begin with the uh principal of the school Mr uh Taris Williams what school um the historic blanch G elely High School I I said there for Dr holness I'm [Laughter] sorry you may begin good afternoon distinguished board members superintendent hurn district staff and BR County Community my name is Mr Tavares Williams and I stand before you today as the very proud principal of the historic blanch elely High School I stand before you today also alongside our beloved blanch elely and pompo Beach Community uh to seek the board's support in the affirmative for item S1 which is to rename building 15 the Miss Ernestine price Leadership Center and fish 401 at blanch High School the coach lilan greeves health and wellness room at blanch High School whereas coach Lillian grees was a legendary blanch girls basketball coach who led the school to state titles in 1984 and 1992 after guiding Coral Springs to a championship in 1979 one of Barett County's most successful coaches she compiled a 33879 record during a 16-year run at blanch elely that includes a four-year record of 97 and8 from 1990 to 1993 she was a beloved educator who was dedicated to her students her school and her community and brought health and wellness awareness to both students and staff at blanch high school and whereas Miss Ernestine price who is here with us today spelled e r n s t i n e whereas Miss Ernestine price in her orange and green is a longtime advocate for Blan Le High School the pompo Beach Community and for all students in BR County Public Schools Miss price has fought to ensure that children receive access to appropriate curriculum resources and advocates for affordable family housing she is an outspoken voice for equity and inclusion for those with disabilities in addition she and the host of others have contributed positively to the advancement of Blan High School whose names include of note Silas Brown Aletta Boyd Linda Holtz Ira blue Reverend Diamond lisis Watley Reverend CER Elizabeth Massie Eugene Gillis eat lens Willie Lawson and Reverend Mattis while the building naming and consideration may be for Miss Ernestine price a vote in the affirmative by you also represents and acknowledges respect of the AER mentioned for their efforts and honors them as well if approved they shall be recognized formally thank you thank you um next speaker contining with the speakers we have state representative Patricia Williams and then we have I Believe Miss Joanna Fields is um donating her time to Miss Mary ferdig and then I'll call the next speaker good morning board members afternoon board members I'm sorry and congratulations to our new superintendent I am state representative Patricia Williams a former student at the great board which which school you said at the great blanch Elite High School where I saw Mrs price fight hard for us as students and also miss gree as she coached the basketball team I am asking you as board members school board members to hear the Cry of our community today thank you thank you next speaker I believe Mrs Joanna Fields is donating her time to Miss Mary fck and then after Mrs ferk Mr James Sparks m Spar you can go to Podium B is Joanna Fields here yeah she's okay if you could just say in the microphone your name and you're giving your time Joanna fields and I'd like to donate my time to Mary ferik thank you than minute thank you um I just want to tell you that I first met Ernestine about 1990 we were at a boundary hearing at Plantation High School I had stood up and spoken for the school my children went to harbordale there was a break she walked up to me and she said don't let those people push you around get back up there and fight that began 33 years and uh numerous lawsuits maybe 34 I don't know my math might not be so good darness but um I want to a few years ago we were speaking to a group of volunteers and we wrote something which means she kind of guided me on what I should write and if it wasn't perfect we went back so I'm just going to read this and you're going to pretend like I'm earnest and she does not know I'm doing this my name is Ernestine price in 1965 my oldest do daughter started Head Start it was the very first year of Head Start in our country and our community there was a requirement for families to participate you had to volunteer one day a week at the time I was raising my three children in Bon Beach as well as my sister's three children I worked two jobs one on a farm where I planted gladiola seeds and in one in housekeeping at JFK Hospital I had two days off from the hospital but I worked at the farm on those days but when my daughter began school I took one day to go to school and volunteer after my daughter left hard head start my son went then my niece and I continued to volunteer one day a week we moved back to pompo when my oldest daughter started third grade at the time I had two children who were too young for school child care in those days meant babysitters I left my children with two ladies from from the neighborhood they began to take in other children as well about this time I95 was being planned as part of the project the US Department of Transportation and the Florida Department of Transportation bought a building known as the grace Apartments I worked with two ladies to convince them to give us space to start a child care center eventually they gave us one apartment then two and eventually a whole building we opened Peter Pan Child Development Center the daycare center opened because I needed a place to leave my children it continues to serve families in my community 50 years later at the same time my community was faced with another issue I graduated from blanchy high school in 1958 it was a segregated High School named after the woman who fought for education in our community she began at the pompo Negro grammar school later the pompo colored School eventually she got it rebuilt and everyone in the community wanted it named after her she was married to Professor elely who was instrumental in the establishment of other black schools in Broward including Dillard professor and Mrs elely lived next door to my family when I was bad on the bus I had to ride in I had to ride home in the car in her back seat my daddy cut Professor El's hair when our neighborhood was flooded we floated out in a boat together Mrs elely taught us to stand together as a community in those days if you took a test to take a test you would have to go leave to go to pompo high school when our students would leave to go to pompo high school we would all stand in the hallway holding hands and praying for their success Blan Le believed in prayer in 1970 the courts found the Broward County Schools were violating Brown versus the Board of Education a desegregation order was put in place to end the Des the segregation and inequities but how they did it badly hurt us they chose they closed blanch eely high school and they sent our children to Papo high school and to a new High School built in Co Coconut Creek Coconut Creek High School and to Deerfield the school closed in 1970 and every day for 5 years Mrs elely went to the school as if it was still there while we fought to get it reopened Mrs elely fought with her blood and she had prominent white people working with her it took five years but we did it when I was in school Mrs elely taught us we could do anything again in the 1970s Mrs elely taught me we could do anything I worked for the school board at the time people's jobs were threatened when they protested what the school board was doing but I went to those school board meetings I was working for them during the day and speaking out against them in the night I stood up for my soul my health my children and my community and I learned I could do anything over the years I have won many awards I have been to Washington and Tallahassee I have sat with Governors congressmen Schoolboard members County Commissioners City commissioners I have learned that I can do anything I've printed off a few articles many of you know ernestine's involvement with citizens concerned about our children the settlement that was put put in place all of that fact but I wanted to print off some that showed the early years newspaper articles dozens of them starting in the 1960s the 70s the 80s and these are just a few I could just really give you thousands of them but I wanted you to have a sense of this woman there are some pictures of it here you'll see see that she's aged a little bit over the years but she is truly remarkable and Ernestine when you talk about what's happened for blanchy and all the fight I want to tell you when you go to that school and you walk into the cafeteria or you walk into outside dining or you walk into the stadium major battle right here at this Podium when you do these things you can turn around and thank Miss Ernestine price she went to that high school she graduated and she's fought countywide for Equity but she has always kept her school in mind too thank you thank [Applause] you my name is James far uh we have a few people here let's stand up just in honor if you feel like it in honor Miss price she's worthy in other words Miss price if you you hear a lot of people just say uh she did this for the black Community or she was in the black community everything she ever did helped the kids of bra County and I'm I'm honor I was a young man had a few daughters and we were having problems and I looked I said man this lady here she's a single mother she's everywhere I go and I missed half of the other meetings she was there I said she says I got to get back for my kids I got to do this I got to do this she was always there and she helped everybody white black red blue she helped them if there was a problem I I'm just blessed I I never seen a person working hard and she encouraged me so when you see me up here running my mouth I don't care how you feel about it she encouraged me and i' like to say to all the new school people here she's getting where she can't make it but I still got a few more years left so look for me Miss price I take my hat off to you I bow and honor you and you see the other people around there was a lot of more people wanted to come and they just couldn't make it but we're here and we stand commissioner you you were living with her and she loved kids oh what more can you say you cannot find where she was negative against any kid in bra County everything we did we we we could have had a lot of more things that we said just for the black community we didn't say that if you look at our lawsuit it says for every kid of brow County hey I'm going to tell you straight up there's a lot of kids in bra County are more blessed than we are and they got a lot more and you guys giveing them more but she didn't look at it like that she said everything need to be equal so we don't start off and try to bring it up equal asking for what we needed to do then it's no need to us fighting because we are fighting one side always remember if you say I believe in every kid in brow County you would not let one kid go NE uh neglected I say it all the time I got four girls I couldn't buy shoes for everyone all the time but every time one needed them to the point where they couldn't get without them I we found a way and that's what I want you as the board and School Board of bra County to do I want you to find a way for all the kids of bra County if nothing else think about how hard she worked to get to that point I thank you I thank you Miss price I love you I love you I love you thank you thank you uh Elizabeth Massie you can go to Podium B and miss greeves you can go to Podium a and then we have two more speakers that register good afternoon my name is Elizabeth Massie pompo Beach Florida uh I Rise to ask you to please support um the proposal to name the building after both coach Lillian Greaves as well as Mrs ernes in price I was very blessed and fortunate to be a part of that Community growing up and having mentors like Mrs price when blanch elely closed in 1970 she was a part of of our parent group that helped prepare us for what we faced as we were bust all over this County she prepared us and to let us remember the words of Miss zeely that we could achieve don't give up no matter what the barriers were we have people like her fighting for us I uh went to bra Community College at that time it was called and uh Mrs elely was still going as we said earlier to that school every day Mrs price and um brista and several others instilled in me to go every evening from 3:00 to 5:00 and I volunteered with Mrs elely she was out there in a trailer she wasn't even allowed to be in the school she was in a trailer but we volunteered with her and working with Community Action migrant program Miss price and those we uh she was able to start a tutoring program where we tutored those individuals those Elementary School students in our community but both of these ladies are dear to the tiger family and we're asking for your important today because they didn't just fight for the kids at Blan they fought for kids all over this County Miss GRE may have been the coach at blanch but other athletes sought her out especially when it was time to apply for colleges to ask for recommendation letters and she wasn't even their coach but she wrote recommendation letters she made calls and these are the two uh uh individuals that we want to epitomize and teach our younger generation about the sacrifices that have been made and whose shoulders they stand on and I think to name these two buildings in these areas of the school in honor of them would be nothing more than just their just thank you so much greetings um board and staff um Miss gree for lale L Hill um I stand in support of wanting you to name the building after I'm going to try not to get emotional um Lillian Greaves who was my aunt who is deceased she did a lot a lot of people is trying to figure out who I am this is kind of who bir me my aunt Miss price poured into me so when I stand here and say I'm a parent of 200,000 plus kids that's where it comes from when I stand here and say I'm a taxpayer for all children that's where it comes from so to those staff members that want to know who Miss Greaves is that's who I am this is where it began for me so I want to thank the school um Mr Williams for honoring my aunt and thank you Miss price for all that you have done I love you all God bless thank you um it's Kim Burke mohorn you can go to Podium B and then Mary Jones you can go to Podium a Kimberly Burke mohorn Margate Florida I have a letter here from um the City Commissioner PPO um Beverly Perkins they are currently um they have a meeting today at 1 so she wanted me to read this um dear Brer County school board members and staff it is my pleasure to write a letter to of support for two very distinguished women these women each demonstrate exceptional commitment and dedication to blanch elely high school and the pompo Beach Community Miss Ernestine price graduated from blanch elely High School in 1958 she demonstrated her school pride by advocating for issues to improve schools in BR County and in the pompo Beach Community she believes in Equitable high quality education for all students The Works of Miss price have positively impacted the BR the school board of BR County and the City of pompo beach in a great way and continue to exist today let's name building 15 in honor of pompo's activist Miss Ernestine price Leadership Center Miss Lillian greed GES coach Lillian Greaves encourag students to further their education After High School she taught students Life Lessons by teaching basketball while at the same time building character and instilling in Integrity she was an awesome role model coach and motivator let's name classro 401 in honor of Coach Lillian greeves health and wealth room I am enthusiastically support the the proposals for both women thank you for your consideration sincerely Beverly Perkins thank you go ahead Miss Jones my name is Mary Jones I am the niece of Miss Ernestine price SL mother I am a graduate from Bland Gila High School class of 79 45 years and I'm proud to say I am a retiree from brow County School Board 35 years this has been a pleasure and an honor to come before you to see such great things done in the city of Pomo my aunt she ripped and she ran she ripped and she ran sometime she couldn't even get in the bed she was so so sleepy because she fought for our children school board meeting is are not like it used to be sometimes she didn't get home to 1: and 2:00 in the morning they didn't leave until things were settled if that's how long it took and they sometime they started at 6 so think about the hours and the sweat and the tears that was put in and I'm now volunteering at brow County School Board because I want to see our children achieve better and better and bigger and greater thing please take consideration and naming the building after Miss Ernestine price thank you thank you Miss rert thank you madam chair and thank you to everyone in the audience for your amazing comments about such wonderful women and uh I want you to know Miss Miss erine that it took two broken vertebrae and a concussion to keep me from being in that room with you so I'm sending you a hug and a kiss and and to say thank you for all that you have done but that you continue to do and I think that's the important lesson that I learned from you when I was first running out on my journey said to me why do I think I'm going to do why do you think I'm going to help you you know do represent my community and and I said I'm here I'm fighting I I understand that you are a fighter and honestly that woman that dear dear woman is a hero to not just our our community but to women and people all around because both she and Miss gr were pioneers and they continue continue even after we've lost Miss graeve they continue to inspire our community so I hold heartedly 100% um I'm very thankful to support this um very Worthy and um I love my BL community and I love you Miss ER so much thank you madam chair thank you Mr Altin thank you madam chair uh to state representative Williams to principal uh fellow Rattler and my friend Williams uh to president uh Burke mohorn uh uh to the blanch family uh to my fellow Tigers I have been uh both a student and a mentee of these two amazing leaders that I am excited to spend 60 seconds Madam chair maybe a little longer on Coach greeves I Walk The Halls of blanchy with Coach grees Trailblazer leader someone who touched so many boys and girls not just at blanchi but all across this County Mama price icon walking history as we all just saw Trailblazer fighter you were inclusion for inclusion was cool we sat on various committees Mama price many years ago dealing with this word that I think is the cool term today around inclusion and engagement and just doing the right thing by folks anytime there was an issue with blandi and our community you wanted Mama price on your side Mama price you've been there for me for a very long time and this community all who's sitting out with you we salute you and we appreciate you you were as Mr spark said along with so many other Trailblazers and Mary fdick CCC you were and still are have your fingerprints on every every major decision of course it comes from the principal that touches blanchy in the pumpo Beach Community Mama price and Coach Greaves taught many of us many things you taught us to speak up and speak out Mama price I'm still doing it today you taught us to fight you've been fighting for decades effectively efficiently but more so getting results and getting it done you taught us effective advocacy don't just Raise Your Voice get it done get results push the system change the culture we talking about the same thing still to this day Mama price and it's because of you someone like like me is sitting on this days because of you and the pompo beach and Blan community and I appreciate that I know blanch elely I know Irene Porter Kennedy my aunt who was the first women's basketball coach then alongside m e Madam chair and I want to stay in order and proper I know there was a maker of the motion I think to my right oh yeah and as the only Bland tiger Dr hold this on this deis I think it's fitting to be listed as the maker of the motion and I heard Miss Rupert so I want to tag team with Miss Rupert Madam chair and maybe she'll second or whatever but I'm going to ask the maker of the motion if he'd allow me to make the motion because as it's stated on this agenda the Miss Ernestine price Leadership Center the Miss Lilian Greaves health and wellness room at blanch elely high school it's fitting and I would love to be the maker of that motion as the only Bland cheile tiger sitting on this desk I'm honored Mama price it is long years of toiling fighting I won't say some other words that all of us have done together you deserve it we're happy to support it and we know that there is still many years left for all of you who've created the opportunity for all of us sitting up here Mr Sparks Miss fdick Miss price attorney Allen and so many others who have allowed the nine of us to sit here as we think about juneth on a de that's diverse on a de that did not look the same Miss price Mama price and Coach Greaves when you started your advocacy so many years ago we know what this deis looked like we know who was on the deis but guess what look how far we've come and it's because of you we can continue to look forward so with that Madam chair uh I would consider the maker of the motion to kindly consider uh that I'd be the maker of the motion listed in the record thank you Mr fogan hly thank you very much chair and by the way he went over his 60 seconds by the way he I was like five minutes U I like to remove my motion sh it's been moved by Altin R and rert jointly jointly Mrs Hixon thank you um I just want to say I also I'm an eely tiger right I worked there for five years learned how to be a teacher um great place for Learning and um I was very blessed to work with Mrs Greaves and I have to say she was a great mentor for Chris when Chris first got to elely he was it was an assistant athletic director you know he was very excited but maybe didn't know all the the things and she really took him under her wing and she I can I can close my eyes and picture her in her very fashionable um warm-up suits right she wore them all the time and she was the best dressed warm-up suit lady ever um so you know a very exciting to see this come forward two two amazing women Mrs price thank you so much for what you've done for the community and um I hope you continue to do it and I know that it's it's wonderful to have Mrs G's Legacy continue on in a Wellness Center where she'll continue to inspire students even though she's not here anymore so thank you Dr Hess thank you madam chair so um it is an honor to support this item and and board member Alon this Panther the only Panther on the board will wholeheartedly support the Tigers there you go look at that and I am going to support the wonderful work of Lillian Greaves and Miss Ernestine price it is such an honor to do so and I'll be happy to vote for it any other board member comment seeing none all in favor of S1 say I I yeah say no item passes unanimously we are now going to take a 5 minute recess to take a picture we'll go down here [Music] if we we know that there always tomorrow on me I'll be I you [Music] [Music] me you're I'll be I you we all need somebody to Le on on me when you're I'll be I [Music] [Music] you we all need somebody to on on strong I'll be your friend I hope you car on for it won't be long if you just call me call me call call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] B e e e e up e ready you can always count to be [Music] [Applause] welcome back may have a motion in a second on H one so move move by Zan second by fogan holy public comment board comment Miss rert H1 yes um I move that on page 170 my daughter's name is separated from the list Brena rert second thank youve by second by Z on my family member it's not like I I don't want to reassign you know what I mean proud mom proud mom public comment on the motion for member comment on the motion all in favor of the motion say I I those opposed say no motion carries um so we're going to now vote on the motion I mean the uh item without Miss Rupert's daughter in it okay Miss rer so you can vote Yes all in favor of H1 without uh Miss rert Brenda Brenda rert thank you all in favor say I I those oppos say no motion carries now we're going to vote on Brenda rert all Glenda Brenda brendaa withm yes sorry all in favor of Brenda roer say I I those opposed say nove motion passes all in favor so with that's one descending vote Miss Miss rert recused herself and we'll fill out the proper paperwor we're good hey each one passes we have a motion second on each two so move second mooved by Zan second by Fen holy public comment board comment Hixon I think it's just sorry I thought we were going to PP too on ag2 I just wanted to say congratulations to all the retirees that are um listed on here there's quite a few of them and uh we wish you the best of luck in your new Journey uh thank you Miss Miss roofer thank you um I'd like to give a shout out to two exception Educators whose combined 73 years of teaching have left an infallible mark on our community firstly social studies teacher Kim Sheffield who taught to 33 years at marate Middle School secondly math teacher Vicky Russ who dedicated 40 years of service to her students at Crystal Lake Middle School please join me in honoring these remarks teachers for their lifelong dedication and profound impact on our community thank you guys and have a wonderful wonderful um retirement but we expect you to come back and uh donate more of your wonderfulness thank you all in favor of H2 say I I those opposed say no H2 passes unanimously I have a motion and second on H three so moved second we did moved second uh moved by Zan second by Fen holy public comment yes Madam chair we have two registered speakers we have Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh and Mr Carmelo b b bores I don't see them M fam H4 yeah okay you want me to come back to you yes Mr fogan hly yes chair thank you very much I just want to say congratulations to Colonel Kenneth Green um on his retirement uh it's been great he still owes me because we he owes me jumping out of a plane with him but I'm not allowed to they said I'm not allowed so okay um but I've been wanting to do that but I just want to say congrat congratulations to him um on that and then also I do want to say you know best of luck to John Bridge Jr you know um always keeping us safe always being here want to say the best of luck to him as well thank you chair SE him thank you um I also would like to congratulate Colonel green on his uh retirement very excited for him but sad for us as a district he's done a great job with the RC also a shout out to Becky McMahon she's done a great job in budgeting and I know she'll be um a big loss to the district also miss Shipman I was very sorry to see her name on there she's been a director Cadre director for a long time and has done a great job and also Shelley Maloney and Jill young um you've been great at the district and we will miss you and then there's non-instructional we actually recognized him on Monday but Mr Curran from Cooper City Mr Cooper City they call him he's been a um a facilities person at Cooper City high school for over 40 years so that was pretty amazing and the last one I'd like to give a shout out to for retirement is um Adriana pan busard she's from South Barett high school she was the cafeteria manager for as long as I can remember there and um was sad to see her go also so I wish everybody the best of luck in their new Journey thanks so much dress um for that item I'm I'm good thank you Fam thank you I I just wanted to bring to the superintendent's attention um all the separation agreements that we're we're going through right now and I have a lot of concerns because it's my understanding that the procurement Department that consisted of approximately six individuals have all left and we've had many many um administrative high level administrators leave in the next I'm going to say four to six months and um I don't understand why this is happening I'd like um if possible for um us to look into it I to see what we're doing where we can get these people that have been here many of them for a long period of time to stay as opposed to leaving them and where you have to go through retraining and rebuilding these teams so um in light of that um and I I can name off a lot of people here but I don't want to take up your time but I think you're probably aware of this I just think you need to be on top of it so we're ahead of it and not behind it chasing it after um we're in trouble thank you Mr f thank you very much chair and I did forget him Dr Phillips also want to wish him the best of luck as well thank you another one thank you all in favor of H4 say I I H4 I not instructional separation of employment Mr Alon all right so mine is actually all right so we are so let me go to page 388 I know that was kind of the the conversation just make sure that's where I'm at so number five and I see the revision so superintendent just want to confirm this is there anything so I heard the I know the commentary um there was a recommendation it's been pulled is there anything that the board is being asked to do in this situation or anything else just kind of if you just kind of walk through where we are with that yes this T this recommendation was pulled to go to the July meeting so there's no changes as far as my recommendation if we're talking about okay got it so number five we're on page if we're on my 388 I don't know 388 page number five on the uh memo to revise revised is that this okay yes we're talking about the same thing yeah okay got it so all of so all of these items are now going to the July meeting no just that I understand that just that one okay so what's so July is dealing with one indiv idual correct from this um agenda from this revision only one person is moving from this meeting to the July meeting if if I'm understanding you correctly okay so maybe I don't because we I don't understand why is it going from today to July because we had some uh items that was going to that actually required a lot of discussion as I expected right um and I know we want to stick within our 8 hour time frame and I wanted to make sure if there's going to be discussion for this item that it allows because we're going to talk about this but all the other things have been resolved correct okay all right thank you okay any other comments on H4 all in favor of H4 say I I those opposed say no H4 passes unanimously may have motion second on C1 so moved second move by Zan second by fog holy public comment C1 no board comment Miss fam C1 C1 Charlie one Charlie one yes ma'am thank you so much for this um I know we received some motions from um several of the advisory committees and I researched this and I spoke with a petarian in fact last night we're on the phone pretty late and the way the mo the the way that the agenda item is sprayed is coming forward as a motion it's entitled as a motion and um it actually indicates that um the commities are making the decision in some areas and I can um read them out to you the the problem is is that committees cannot make motions only voting members can make a motion and therefore they cannot make a motion to this Bo they can make a recommendation but they cannot bring forth motions and they entitling this as a motion and they're saying we want and that kind of thing they can't do that they can say that we recommend to the board and it's very confusing and be very confusing in the record if all of a sudden we have committees bringing forth motions because when they go back and reflect on that they don't have the authority of jurisdiction and I can defer I can defer to councel here if they would also make um a recommendation as to whether or not non voting uh persons are allowed to bring forth motions in a school board meeting Dr heurn Dr wano um through the vice chair so um thank you Dr heurn we can certainly work with the Committees on how they phrase recommendations as opposed instead of um using the word motion historically it has been that committees made motions through their parliamentary procedures of um facilitating their meetings how however what the what the board is asked to do today is just receive the motions and then if board members actually want to um take specific actions then the board member would actually frame a formal motion which I think item BB one it is um is um kind of um demonstrates what that process looks like so we can certainly work with the Committees going forward Miss fam if that is the direction that we received today that what the Committees are doing is actually through their process they are making formal recommendations to the board may I respond through the chair yes M you the Flor oh thank you um that's my exact point that you actually just made it you said they're making motions and then were're making motions so it really um makes it confusion on the record who has the valid right to make a motion why is this another motion so it needs to come forth not titled as a motion not propose as a motion or command but as a recommendation and therefore that way we will have a clean slate it's important we keep our professionalism in case our records are ever reviewed by the state or for any other purpose so it's clear who's doing what and and um who's got the authority to act because we don't want to open that Floodgate where other people we a attendees say well I want to make a motion can't do it thank you thank you Dr Zeman yeah thanks so much we talked about this a few months ago when the policy for advisory boards came up and uh we we talked aled a little bit about how we could straighten it U out the guidance to the the the amazing volunteers that we have that come in but as part of their meeting they can make motions inside their meeting but what they make a motion about is to make a recommendation or to provide advice because they're advisory uh to the school board um typically those advisory groups would even uh pass specific language they write a paragraph or two paragraphs and they read it and they debate it and they vote on it and that's that's what would go forward but there there probably needs to be some more informing of all of our amazing volunteers uh to take the time during their meetings to give us great advice and to give us great recommendations they will make motions in order to do that they they used Robert's Rules of orders too all of our groups do uh but when it's done then they get to come here and read that to us we get it now ahead of time which is really remarkable um and then we can take their recommendations and advice and and move out or choose to just accept it and uh maybe bring it back uh related to a policy or budget decision uh later on so they will always make motions because they follow Robert's Rules we have to be careful that what they make a motion on is actual recommendations or advice not I make a motion to move $317 million from ese to construction uh those kinds of things uh are the sole purview of elected officials and appointed officials on a board like this thanks uh chair thank you very much uh Dr holess no I'd like to make a motion at the end of this okay thank you um Madam chair so um you know all of us belong to many groups and as Dr Zan mentioned all of these groups the oversight committee and whatever committee we belong to uh they introduce business that they vote on so they make motions now what they're asking us to do which is a completely separate thing is to is to receive the Motions they made within their group it is very clear that that is different from the Motions that we're making here I mean I don't see where the problem is because this item says receive the Motions made by this group so we're receiving their motions which is factual because it is their motion I don't think it's for us to change the language of what's decided within their group it is a motion that's made in that group just like there's a motion made in the oversight Committee just like there's a motion made in whatever committees you belong to so they're saying to us these are what we agreed upon you're receiving this and then you can subsequently make your motions if you agree with them or not so I don't understand why the confusion is very clear to me what it is and I wouldn't want to change the language thank you any other board members discussion Mrs fam yes ma'am there is a huge difference um when we make our motions they're limited to one topic subject here we're getting motions that are coming through from multiple groups with multiple topics so we can't convolute the process of our Robert rules if we're going to incorporate any one of these motions from the committee we have to do it separately and specifically by having this motion over here that's not titled and I'll give you the language on the very first one we move to create they don't have they don't have the right to come to this board and move to create they have the right to recommend that we create and this is the ambiguity that we're going to face all throughout the record I my suggestion is we make a motion and we entitle whatever they come forward this is something else than a motion just or a recommendation that's it therefore you have Clarity we don't have to distinguish what did this come from a committee or did this come from the board so we eliminate that um opportunity to create confusion in the record and I will give you other examples here um motion to ask the general counsel that's something we would do they can recommend we'd like we information from the general Council we want that but it's it's encroaching on our Authority it's going to create confusion I want to stay away from those those woods M samam you said you had a motion do you want to make the motion yes yes my my and with the assistance of of Mr ston our motion maker over here but um my suggestion would be to remove that language where when the Committees come forward motion on anything just completely substitute that with recommendation it's our recommendation period so substitute the word motion and limit it to the word recommendation and I gladly take suggestions from anyone else that would like to chime in counil uh what you said is well founded and I would I would agree that that would make sense I'll second just a conversation okay um just to jump in there I wonder I mean it's clear on here that these are um it says receive the motion so I don't know if we have to change it for this but I would say moving forward through Dr heurn that it's very clear to the um committee chairs that whatever wording comes forward from now on it says it's our recommendation I don't know that we need to change it specifically on this because those are motions we know that if we want to take that motion for forward we as a board member have to because that's what happened for Mrs Rupert and myself we took some of those recommendations and made them a motion so I don't know if a motion needs to be done now but I would say for sure moving forward I think we would all agree that it should come forward saying this is the committee's recommendation and we'll make sure that we do that differently moving forward I I'll defer to Council on that whether or not they they think you need to start the process now or in the future um a recommendation to to change the process to make it clear is certainly acceptable there's there's that's a a good recommendation I think she's asking do you think it's necessary for to make a motion to change what's in front of us right now it may not be necessary but I don't think it would be hurtful at this point to change the action of the board they're receiving recommendations in the form of motions but it's not accepting the motion itself it's accepting the recommendations being made and ultimately the school board would be the ones would be acting upon those should they choose okay so I would make a suggestion maybe Mrs F that on the action should say receive the recommendations not motions if we change that on there so is that your motion that would be acceptable and then we and in the future that all items come forward as recommendations and not entitled as motions or um we move to even the word move implies that a motion is being brought we'll fix that later so so motion on the the floor is to change the requested action to say receive the recommendations request request submitted by the various advisory chair committees any public comment on the motion any board comment on the motion we get a second oh we have yeah Mr fogan holy second did it right yeah okay all those in favor say I I any oppos no no did we have discussion I asked if there was any board we did that all right passes I like to hit so C1 passes as amended 6 to2 as amended yeah 6 to2 no no that was for the motion for so I think you have to go back and vote on the item as amended because you because you did a motion now you got to go back and the item vote on the item as amended oh sorry okay so the motion passes all right now all those in favor of C1 as amended say I I I as amended I'm sorry as amended say I I any opposed no no I hear Mrs rert can you say your I said no ma'am no okay so rert is a no I do three we have a motion and second on F3 so moved move by Zan second by hen ho public comment board comment charson I'm just voting no you can go to Z sorry Z F3 yes yes thank you madam chair um through the chair I know that um we're going to be repurposing and revital izing certain areas of this buildings and and properties in the school district I'm just questioning if we can narrow down what those specifics are so we know not to uh invest or plan on investing funds to to revitalize something we will not be using um M famam I would say we will have a better idea around SE September October of what those specific schools are and then we can start making decisions um that from the information We Gather during during that point in time of the process about uh spending funds on buildings Renovations and things like that one more question if possible um I noticed within the budget there's no money budgeted for food services and we're in the red each month for that I was just curious if there's an explanation why we don't budget for Food Services Dr AB Mr shim Omar shim director of capital budget uh food service has its own fund typically so it's uh we we wouldn't budget that in general fund point of clarification then why does the chart reflect a negative amount if it's not coming from our budget can you clarify for me there may be some funds that uh came from General general fund for specific items um I I'll have to check and see specifically what that uh that those expenditures were for but they're not typically budgeted in general fund thank you any other board member comment Dr Zan yes ma'am thank you very much um this is an issue that we've had for uh six months uh about of action that was taken by this board 12 years ago uh to set aside uh funds in case there was additional medical claims or liability claims uh made against the district uh we've done some research uh through Miss Marte and miss mwala about uh gasby and about other districts and what that revealed is that no other District in Florida uh does this um I'm uh willing in a variety of ways to move forward with this but it is a significant amount of money it's $54 million that is held off in a committed account and and the result of that is it doesn't count toward our fund balance this the effect of that is 2.5 percentage points and so uh whether uh we ask the superintendent to take some time and and bring an item back next month uh or whether we choose to take action now I'm I can go either way uh but given that other districts don't do that given that it has a a a really deleterious effect on what people think about our finances you know we're not a 5% fund balance County we're actually 75% fund balance and uh that makes a big difference when you compare us to Palm Beach to Miami Day to other big counties uh in Florida it looks like we're very uh risky uh when you look at uh credit organizations they don't know that our fund balance is artificially lowered by two and a half percentage points so uh I'd like to open that up for discussion and if there is none I'm ready to make a motion chair okay charson yeah so I recall being at legal at the time um and I think I made a similar comment when you did Dr zimon uh months back and I thought I also recall um there was a different superintendent who said that there was a recommendation coming which still hasn't come so now that we have a new superintendent to your question um I like to uh pause and give on this item and I don't like pausing um you know him the opportunity to bring something a b we also talked about the hundred million list that I'm hoping is next week along with so many other areas right so this is a piece of the puzzle this isn't the only this isn't the only right part of the pie that's a question for many of us so that's where I would stand because this is one of a couple different pieces uh of the puzzle that we're trying to solve thank you Dr Zan thank you very much uh with all due respect I've waited six months I've been extraordinarily patient month after month I was told this was going to come back and it was going to get right I wanted uh they wanted to take more time to go check with the other districts they did they wanted to check gasby they went and checked gasby uh but at the end of the day two and a half percentage points continues just uh for another uh five weeks until we can get back together as a school board six weeks I think actually uh with the books not being right uh so I guess chair I wonder what the superintendent thinks the best way going forward is to get this uh done in the same way that the rest of uh districts in Florida do thank you so we can bring something forward as far as a discussion for next week as we're going to discuss budgets um doing that Workshop anyway so I can do my research um gather all the information that the finance team has pulled together over the past six months or so and I'll bring that information to that Workshop terrific thank you very much chair I'll uh uh continue to move forward on the main motion and uh uh hear other people's discussion about anything else related to this financial report okay any other comments on F3 seeing none all in favor of f F3 say I I I oppos say no no Altin no alustin and no fogan hly two desending votes F3 passes we have a motion second on pp2 move by Zan second by Hixon public comment on pb2 yes Madam chair we have Miss GRE is the only registered speaker greetings chair Madam chair man Vice chair Dr superintendent board members and staff I respectfully stand before you to ask you to reconsider this item in terms of the Rel looping um my concept is perception versus reality the perception is that this department did what they had to do in terms of looping the reality is they did not the perception is that the document of that they presented to be um for consideration to be done was the official language document the reality is it was not simple policy 6400 which was formally 54.1 the policy was manipulated and edited document that was presented throughout the entire District therefore I respectfully ask that you have them go back through the Rel looping process with the correct document that is not manipulated nor edited secondly I still have a concern regarding the Florida statute 100216 not stating exactly the language that the state says also the original document was 31 Pages the original Red Line went to 42 and now ironically it's down to 28 in addition to that um I have been told um by advice mayor um of city of lot Hill that I am a thorn in the side um I'm okay with that um and that's fine because I'm here I see something I'm saying something um I do also want to ask you that when you end your board meetings that you ask security to clear it out because clearly after that meeting the vendors as well as some staff members made mockery of the bo board um in a bullying way in a bullying way which I had a problem with that um I will ask you to ask your staff not to ask me am I having a have a political interest or am I running for a political office as I stated earlier I am here as a parent of 200,000 children and I speak for all I have kids that live in the north east south and west they all ble red they're rich poor and middle class I'm here for all children I also ask that you respectfully ask your staff not to bully the public when they do come I'm okay I'm only afraid of Jesus Jus that's the only person I fear so I'm okay to stand here when I see them bullying me or saying something to me I'm going to respectfully let you know I will not call names out of respect I will say your staff members so I will leave that up to you to handle that in a professional manner which I know that you will um also when you have your policies posted on the district website to please make sure it's the current policies the policy 54.1 is not listed on the site so if a community person wants to compare it they cannot the only policy that's there is 6400 which of course was the manipulated edited document please trust your staff please know that your staff is not being honest um and thank you very much thank you Dr Zan thanks so much chair uh this is one of our uh most important and well- read commonly read well understood uh and we use it a lot uh to to generate a whole host of uh student and family successes or student and family failures um I'm Leary of uh a major change that has gone on here and I'm lary about why would we do it and I'm also weary about uh the lack of definition it's on page uh four of the unredacted version or page five of the line in line out uh track changes version and it involves defining a new term school choice capacity and I'll read it to you it says the school choice capacity is Choice seats shall be available at schools with an enrollment below 100% of gross capacity and then it adds with consideration of programming and facility constraints it finishes with seat availability will be determined by the demographics and enrollment planning department Regional Offices and the office of school choice my concern is is that this is not very well Define uh it could be used to uh limit the number of school choice seats that are available um and it also kind of asks three different parties to weigh in on a critical issue uh for families in Broward County if there is a seat at a desirable school that is available and there is a student and a family that can get them to that seat I think that ought to be what we stand up for we ought not to withhold opportunities from people to have choice in their schools um because of projected potential increases that other people might show up to enroll in those schools throughout a year there are ads uh to enrollment there are also subtractions from enrollment people come and people go in brard County but to say to a family and to a student who wants to go to a a school and to make the choice that they can't because of something that sounds uh very bureaucratic a school Choice capacity I don't even understand how school choice and capacity could be merged together into one term uh capacity is do I have a seat available to teach somebody can I help them achieve their potential in life by letting them go here instead of there um and so to say that that capacity changes because of somebody's attitude or perception of other people who might come to their school is uh wrong in a word and so I'm curious Mr superintendent why would we shift away from physical capacity which is what we've always used in brard County to an ambiguous school choice capacity that is determined by demographics enrollment planning department Regional Offices and the office of school choice M Collins and Mr B hi good afternoon uh Dante Collins the director of The Choice Charter Schools management uh support department thank you so much Dr Zan for the question and thank you for allowing me the opportunity to clarify so the intent of this definition is in no mean no means to limit um enrollment at any of our schools actually we have shifted how school choice seats have been reported in the past uh in the past uh the school choice seats were reported to the the office of school choice by the schools we're now shifting that process and it will reside within looking at the actual gross capacity of each of the facilities taking into consideration any facility constraints that they may have because um the fish capacity that's reported to the state does not take into consideration any form of programming needs that the school may have doesn't take into consideration special programming like an NC cluster that may be at the school that will reduce the number of seats available for school choice so this in no means uh is to reduce or limit families it's actually to make sure that we do know the actual number of seats that are available at each of the respective schools and allow parents the opportunity to apply um to any school that has not reached 100% uh capacity of their gross fish thank you very much chair uh I remain uh uh skeptical of this change um I uh understand that there have been principles in brow County schools that have uh made uh decisions that the central office may not agree with we certainly get a lot of emails and phone calls from people that say you know W there's a great school that I'd like my child to go to but the principal won't open up uh seats uh to the extent that that they should and I understand that I would prefer that the definition in our policy though be very specific and not be subjective and so if there are things in fish that would suggest that there's not an actual seat available um and we could numerate them as you have started to miss Collins now uh that would make sense the way it's written right now though we're asking parents to believe three different offices in Broward County schools are going to make better decisions than the principles did and they're going to do it based on some ambiguous things like programming and facility constraints without defining what those things are if in fact it's an es cluster and there's four or eight children that are allowed in in a classroom uh that's something we could Define in the policy if it's a program that somehow limits uh the number of students um in terms of participating I get that if it's a facility constraint you know that we know those 10 uh Portables are being torn down in October and it's August and we have to make decisions about Choice seats those things are all defined but the way that this is written um doesn't make I would just say it doesn't pass public muster in the in the sense of it doesn't build trust because what it says is trust us we'll get it right at central office it's the principles that uh maybe didn't make all the right decisions about opening up choice choice is a is a huge deal to Broward County and uh if we could Define those exceptions to fish Capac um and revise them as we revise policies when they come back up um I think that would be great I'd also be uh very interested in the superintendent being the authority of this rather than the rather than these three offices but uh um I'll leave that open right now for discussion with my colleagues and then I'll come back and make a motion for a change any other comments I'm shair yes M lardy yeah I guess in that same um say you know there there are people in the community who are concerned that that change um to school choice capacity May create uh like a subjective um application of that of the policy so I guess I'm wondering what the district's response is to that um and I share some of the same concerns thank you uh M Dixon I think she was asking a question chair oh I he asked for the administration's response to is this too subjective Dr heurn Miss Collins is this too subjective does it causes any additional barriers or obstacles for um school choice seats it uh excuse me through the chair um at this time no uh we actually thought that it kind of clarified some of the pieces cuz we would be working uh with with the facilities planning department as we have with school capacity uh gross fish capacity that is for the schools and then of course taking into consideration the factors that I did mention I do um hear and appreciate what Dr Zan shared about clarifying some of those extenuating circumstances and I do think that that is something that we can absolutely codify in the in the policy to clarify and the definition that is okay zon thank you um I had a similar concern about that so I agree what Dr Zeman maybe instead of calling it school choice capacity it could just be permanent capacity um so that it gives it a different connotation everybody's shaking their head Dr heern can you maybe have them explain why they're shaking their head though yes why are you shaking your head well through the chair uh uh I I didn't shake my head it was actually um the whole crowd yes but I can tell you why the minions um um actually uh what was shared um is that the state has shifted how they calculate permanent fish capacity and they will no longer include modular in permanent fish capacity hence the reason why we've shifted towards gross fish capacity because it will include those schools that do have modulars to be calculated right no I saw that but that's why I didn't say permanent fish capacity I just said permanent capacity not permanent fish we could just say per just like we said school choice instead of that um I think it just gives it a more concrete idea than saying school choice capacity because it's like you're Mak you're deciding but there's a number it's it's a solid number that's not negotiable really how how do we capture that as opposed to the idea that somebody else can decide if there's a number of students that can sit in those seats that number doesn't change unless a building goes to C castaldi or any of those things so um I I also have a concern with the idea that someone can play with these numbers they should be they should be very permanent numbers that nobody really gets to decide except for how many students are actually sitting in a seat so I have that question um and I don't you're going to make a motion so I guess I'll wait for that yeah but I'll make it based on your comments thank you and then my other question is about um the level of service the the numbers we're using for level of service which I think is 110% of the permanent capacity um I just those numbers can change for example like Fort Lauderdale High School is 107% of a permanent capacity but level of services is 97 that changes the numbers of people I think our numbers in this and our level of service number should be equal so that we have um some kind of consistency Mr B thank you sir uh through the chair uh to your question Mrs hixen um level of service capacity is I know that you were very familiar is just a measure to hold developers accountable for what whether or not their the impact of their developments uh causes enough strain on our capacity that they should have to build new classrooms or schools so and it it actually and I'm not saying that level of service is going to change anytime soon but it has changed three times so the the capacity standard that U Miss Collins is using and that our policy is continuing to use the 100% of gross capacity that's using every designed seat in the school as and those are real seats there's no 10% of extra space there's it's just that's the the size of the school so we felt like that was the most practical and defendable standard to use and to miss Collins's policy you know there there are other extenda circumstances where um directors or District leadership may have to actually vet what really is available there but the 100% of gross capacity standard takes into account every seat in the Portables modular and permanent buildings okay all right thank you I appreciate that um and you know Builders and developers they obviously directly impact how many seats are in there because if you have a huge development and there's a lot of families you're now affecting how many places they're going to have students in those seats if there's too much of it then we we have that issue in a couple of places now already through the chair may I quickly respond to that I I should have said before that through this inter local agreement for school concurrency we have never collected a penny of mitigation money from a developer because we've always we the way the agreement is structured there's always an under enrolled school next door to a school that's at capacity or over capacity so that that allows developers to not have to pay mitigation so that our only remedy is you know either ad Portables boundary change or some other remedy but the developers have not had to to pay for anything all right um thank you Miss Fam thank you um thank you so much um I have an issue with a few issues with pp1 that I think we can fix if we work together pp2 I'm sorry pp2 I said the wrong one on pp2 that we could fix if we work together on it one of them is the appeals process I don't know if you had a chance to review that but it says that the appeals are only um the on page six provides for an appeal process for athletic eligibility and does not provide for an appeal process for other extracurricular activities so I find that really discriminatory because we have a lot of other extra activities are students are on and I was contacted by a parent specifically in reference to not being able to have an appeal and also to be limited um to which school choice she can select because of Zone when they're not looking for transportation so um and specifically on page 19 if you look um in the agenda item it says um that the school district is not obligated to provide transportation so they're not asking for transportation yet they're limited to a Zone in which transportation is provided so that kind of seems hypocritical and that would be a perfect issue for an appeal but there's no appeal process for the student in addition um this student uh is an OBO player which apparently there aren't too many oo players in the brow County School District there's a handful so the school that he's Chosen and trying to go to is a um School in which they have an OBO teacher and they borrow him to go and play the opo there with their concerts and to do different events so they have extra seats available the um music teacher has invited him and personally uh asked him to attend the school and um he he he was advised that there's 100 seats but they're not giving him a seat and and the two things the parent has narrowed it down to is um one he is a ESC student but he really doesn't have any demanding special needs and everything that that school provides he would perfectly mesh with and on top of that they don't need the transportation because they um because they're willing to commute but they don't understand why he was not um invited to take one of those 100 seats because of the perfect mix and the OBO teacher also has um a background in a neurological uh mental health issues so he would be perfect to help this student um more importantly this policy doesn't even add um it's my understanding there called an open seat program so if uh there are open seats on a brow County School District school bus I think it's a a minimum of three then someone that is uh exercising school choice is able to get on that bus and I think that should definitely be incorporated because parents are not aware of that at all in this particular incident by parent doesn't need the bus but she learned about that the bus and um it just seems like the door is shutting on so many special special needs it's so difficult to match them up you know where they really get everything they need it at One Stop shopping and um especially when we have a rare instance of an instrument and playing in a band that um she looked all over the county I don't think she could find anyone else that's teaching OBO so I she really did her homework I was really quite impressed so because of that I I would ask that we bring this policy back we look one at the fact that the um appeal Appel of pro is limited to athletic eligibility I I don't think that should be there at all because what does that say we only honor we only cherish our athletes what about other special talents other than being an athletic so I think everyone should have an appellant process available to them and then let them address the bus route um that they're being captain in and not being allowed to go outside of that with this um the school choice that they want and also whether that can even be uh asserted when they're not even asking for something they're P getting penalized for something they're not even asking for nor do they want M fam are you making a motion yeah I I would like to table at least um this policy 6400 and come back and and have these issues addressed and also the insertion of the um open SE program and also the Hope Scholarship was emitted from here that should be included parents need to know that so I'm going to ask they come back all second to the next available public meeting that's I know required based on the motion there we go thank you moved by fam second by Altin public comment on the motion Miss g l um for l l h thank you very much um for actually catching that again that just confirms that what you're looking at is a manipulated edited document probably was in the original that you never saw all thank you Dr go ahead under Miss Collins wanted to add something yes sir um through the chair uh thank you uh I I would like to clarify uh two items one regarding um page seven uh Miss fam as you mentioned regarding the appeals process that is not something that's done through the office of school choice that's actually the Florida High School Athletic Association I I believe that's the one that you were speaking to on page seven um and that's not something that resides with us and that's that particular appeals process the other piece that you were speaking to uh regarding um uh the student that you mentioned um that process as well uh is handled actually in conjunction with the exceptional student education department um that's not something that resides in the office solely of school choice I I just wanted to make sure that those two pieces were clear and all of that was actually as it relates to the acade the Athletics appeal process that was included in the original uh policy we just actually spelled out the acronym and placed the words in this policy of course as you know um uh the family empowerment scholarship operates a little differently uh and we have actually included that language working with the ESC department they are the beholders of that information for this policy thank you Dr heurn m r maam yeah certainly um then it would just be great if we can include that in this policy so people know that exists and where to go because at this in my reading of it it just says the eligibility does not provide for an appeal process for other extracurricular activities I would drop it right then and there that seems pretty clear and just the fact that the Hope Scholarship wasn't listed to I'm I'm just saying we can we can do better I know we can do better because the whole goal here especially with e ESC students is to find that one place where they feel great and we just we owe that to them we owe them there and get them there as quickly as we as we can and to help improve the life they have and and the education education they're getting thanks Dr Sean um chair U if we push this back to the July uh regular school board meeting does this have any impact on the school choice process for the fall Miss Collins uh through the chair uh well there are some things that we were looking to shift in the policy regarding the timeline obviously taking into consideration the redefining process uh and it takes time for the platforms uh to ready the platforms as it relates to our open enrollment process could you clarify does uh pushing this back actually affect the school choice window um the anticipated school choice window that we were shooting for in November I'm sorry I just needed to think for just a second with all of the moving pieces and um with this one at this time I do believe we should be able to come back um in July if that's the will of the board uh and then we would be ramping up to prepare for um well to prepare an alignment with the redefining process the open enrollment period I'm just in favor of laying it on the table for a month it'll just give us some time to work through these wrinkles and and really have a solid policy the community believes in thank you Mr phone thank you very much chair and I don't want to speak to it I know it's the motion about tabling it um but I was hoping Miss Collins can help me out because I was looking at um assignment priority right and um one of the things that I didn't read here and I have a question about I've heard a couple parents that are struggling from children that they have in charter schools and they are trying to get them school choice back into public school they're having difficulty I think with redefining schools and what we were going through we're going to talk about boatloads of kids wanting to come back to Brower County Public Schools which I'm excited about but I don't think we should make it more difficult for parents to say you know what I want to take my kid out of a charter school put them back into a public school is there possibility of us talking about that and making that if a child wants to go from Charter School to a public school traditional public school is that possible that we could put that as a priority or make it easier for those families Dr Miss Collins through the chair that is something that I would have to have a conversation with the office of the general counsel as it relates to assignment priorities that are included in the policy understood okay because that's something I was thinking about for me I was struggling with that when I heard from those families and I'm saying why are we making it harder for them how many families are there that we have that may be waiting trying to go to a school and we're losing out on that so I really want to know how we can make that easier how we can make them of course attract them back but also make it easier not more difficult for those families thank you very much anybody else speak the motion you're supporter of of traditional public school all in favor of people think different great all in favor of the motion to table this until July 23rd regular school board meeting say I I those opposed say no motion carries unanimously items table I have a motion and seconds on F four so moved moved by Zan second by Hixon public comment no public comment board member comment uh Dr Zan thank you so much chair um I just want to point out to my colleagues U about you know throughout this this year we've been looking for money to do things we had uh I think a very uh passionate debate about compensation for educators we had very passionate debate about healthc care benefits uh we've had very passionate debate about Synthetic Turf Fields there's always a whole host of things we'd love to pay for uh that we're not and now we get a uh general fund Amendment uh that has a significant adjustment to revenue to the tune of $24 million uh we passed a motion a year ago that asked our finance department to uh provide uh middle of the road estimates we didn't want conservative we didn't want ambitious estimates um I hope that this doesn't happen again because if we knew that there was $24 million of additional Revenue coming in uh who knows what this legislative body would have done with that money uh but instead uh we weren't aware of this uh and yet I think there were debates even after this financial statement ended after this general fund Amendment at the end of April we were still having debates in May and even earlier this month trying to find additional money I noticed uh Mr superintendent we asked you to find $100 million uh and come back and talk to us well here's $24 million that shows up as if we didn't know that it was coming and uh I I want to reinforce to our staff and to our to each other that we believe in middle of the road estimates we don't want things to be too conservative and we don't want things to be too aspirational about revenue or expenses we just want uh the central truth about uh the data and we want to make sure that we are trusted to do what we are up here to do which uh one of our most important statutory requirements is to allocate $6 billion a year but we can't do that well if we don't have all of the information and we don't have it in a very timely manner so uh we're at 5.01 fund balance according to the uh tilted measure according to the state's measure for fund balance we're at 7.51 so uh I don't know uh when we're going to make that change to use the same formula that everybody else uses um but I also don't want $24 million showing up again uh that could have been predicted uh by uh by people who do that for us thank you very much chair well um yes uh Mr shim just correct me if I'm wrong um but a bulk of this money the about roughly $17 million is was received for school recognition funds correct to be paid out um at our schools that maintained an an A or increased the letter grade is that correct yes that's correct I just want to make sure we clarify that a lot of that money is going to actually leave this to go to schools to pay for their their uh increase in performance or maintaining their school grade in m and I and I think that's wonderful but I also think it's predictable when we did pm2 we had a pretty good idea of what our school recognition funds were going to look like and that's what we've asked for which is center of the road uh estimates of Revenue and budget any other comments on F4 seeing none all in favor of f4 say I I I those opposed say no F4 passes unanimously I have a motion and second on f5ve second move by Zan second by Hixon public comment for no public comment men here can I just ask a question you seem to be kind of skipping all over on the agenda is there any idea when CC1 will come up because just trying to follow the huh yeah it did no no no no it did we'll get to it we'll get to it okay it's just it's very hard to follow your agenda because you're kind of skipping all over board member comment Mr aluson yes thank you uh Mr superintendent and maybe to the right Finance uh folks so looks like this item because I think I asked the question when this first came up um so we are we have we have the district we've utilized $ 28.9 million for what that's my first question and then I want to go down to under number seven facilities acquisition and construction it references 35 million there's both a debit and a credit but the uh cont content refers to a realignment of $10.5 million for po HVAC projects I just want to understand there was Prior board action taken uh did we realign I'm sorry did the board uh realign uh funds or is this the realignment of funds uh impacting HVAC projects and if so where are those projects located Dr Mr shim thank you um yes as understand it this was uh what was discussed when we provided the summer experience and the realignment of funds for please talk into your microphone yes yes as I understand it these These are the changes that were discussed when we did the employee retention and the summer experience okay so so I voted no but I actually don't recall because I think that was the question that I raised and I thought others raised it so that's why when going ask the question again and you were not sitting in the chair um I don't recall who was so we redirected funds previously away from hbac projects yes we last month we approved uh I believe it was $10.5 million from Capital funds to pick up some of some of to offset some of these this uh 35 milli million that's coming from ARP but yes some of the the funds from ARP was realigned to fund those priorities that the board so the board realigned dollars for HVAC and where is that typical are those School sites Mr dors good afternoon through the chair yes there are there were haac projects we actually purchased equip and um we needed the ability to install those equipment so chillers and cooling towers and so forth were sitting in the yard we had no way of installing them without the dollars uh uh Mr Sharon was referring to so based on the prior board's action did we defer did we defer any HVAC needs or projects yes there were some that's deferred um again installation of some equipment we still have in the yard waiting to install um we we we purchased uh equipment through American Rescue plan dollars uh originally when the money was uh removed we had already purchased equipment and had it sitting in uh in the yard we wanted to install those equipment before they went bad got it so this board deferred hbac project so let me make sure I understand cuz I just see the number just so I understand is it the difference between the 35.2 million and the 10.5 million that's in the narrative is that the difference of can you just tell me what that number is yes Omar shim director of capital budget uh yes the dollars that were deferred was the difference between so it's about $25 million got it and the rest was done in capital got it and I understand accounting very well so I just want to be clear so when we show this uh going forward because clearly on one side right we show the 35 million which I understand uh but we referenced the 10.5 million offset or realign I know that's what we call it from the district side I just want to make sure that it is clear to the public uh what we as a board have done um which is the difference of 35 million and the 10.5 million uh and what and what's that difference again approximately $25 million got it so the board uh took away $25 million for HVAC projects at school sites and where did that go the 25 million yeah the 25 million was well uh the the dollars that are being realigned here is to again meet the um employee retention and the summer experience so that would include this $35 million but we did pick up 10.5 in in capital right so the but the need of 25 million is still there so what what do we what what would the district do with that 25 million I'm only focused on that because right I don't recall getting that answer before so clearly when I read this this stuck out to me on this item right right that we deferred $25 million for our school sites at least that this board member um has been clear that he would not do um that sounds like this board has done so I just want to be sure that because this board uh removed $25 million from school sites that we have a plan to actually put it back because the need is not you know so I just want to understand there's a need that's still there so what is our priority or plan Mr superintendent uh for us to ensure that that need along with other needs uh and I get the priorities I know what's on this page I get it um so maybe that's for you Mr superintendent Mr sh yes so the initially the art funding had $90 million in HVAC funding and that essentially allowed the the district to move up a lot of projects that were not scheduled um so what after this agreement to utilize the funds in this manner um we took some of the the the equipment that was ordered and to make sure that that that was installed and the the projects that were able to be rescheduled in the maintenance program over the years those are the projects that we uh shifted funds away from So So the plan is to utilize again going back to what what it was before the we got those dollars to normalize them in the in the based on priority in the maintenance program what's the number of uh projects or really schools that are impacted by this change Dr Mr dors up through the chair I want to say um not not 100% accurate but I want to say about 40 schools 40 schools impacted for hbac needs yeah but there the the projects are some of them are small in nature and some of them are large like it could be replacing one air handler unit it could be replacing a chiller or cooling tower so it varies from from but as you know you know I know you person right hbac needs if it's one child one classroom is a big deal yes it is so I know for me this one member sitting up here I have been anti- removing any funds impacting School sites and HVAC so I just want to make sure do we have a list of these 40 schools that have been impacted yes we do and where is that located um I don't we didn't provide it with this it this the item but we can get that list for you all right so if we could as a followup superintendent uh because this is news to me so I want to make make sure that the public is clearly aware um that these $25 million uh impact to these School sites one who the schools are but more importantly Mr superintendent uh if we could also identify what the plan is to make sure that we don't push out these projects impacting our students because we've said that yes we want to reprioritize other areas but for me students and school sites have always been off the table so I'm GNA vote against this as I did before because I knew this was coming um unfortunately um and I had to dig and get between the lines to figure it out but I appreciate uh staff you all did a great job it's not a youth thing uh clearly uh it's a board that has to take action thank you thank you uh Mr fam F five yeah thank you madam chair um I just have a few questions too for clarification um according to the financial impact on um page one says we're realigning more than $40 million close to um $41 million I just want to know where is that money going you know where is it going to be set aside pay what or what is it going to be spent on where where is that 41 was to $41 million um targeted for the Mr sh sorry can you point me to the 41 million sure on the cover page she's referring to the the actual executive summary Financial impact of the on the cover page yes F5 those those funds will be realigned again to support the uh employee retention supplement and the summer experience and do you have it designated how much is going for employee retention and the summer experience is it 50/50 is something different on the back no this the employee retention is much larger than the the uh funds for the summer experience I'd have to add it up but and when majority of it is for the and when you say employee retention you mean towards raises is that what you mean these were supplements supplements okay second question on on page uh 222 which is the second page actually um it's the exec summary it says another funding source will need to be determined to support these initiatives what funding sources have been identified um to support these initiatives what's replacing that because that's the money's gone from the American Rescue plan and that was it's nonrecurrent so what do you have what is the plan to replenish well specifically to the h vac we were just discussing how we would uh fund those things and again prior to having these funds you know we we knew that those needs were there and they were being prioritized for example in our maintenance budget to be able to pay for those on a priority basis and having this influx of funds from from uh the ARP dollars allowed us to move up a lot of that we still funded approximately $65 Million worth of HVAC through this program and the remaining dollars based upon this change would have to be prioritized in the maintenance budget going forward I'm sorry through the chair just just to clarify so the initiatives that you're looking to refund their non-recurrent or their recurrent where they we need a a cash flow stream to keep replenishing Miss fam are you talking about the employee retention as we're calling it well there's two it's a summer program and and then he said for the um employees yeah for the supplements so is this something that is recurrent because I think it is but we are not identifying anything recurrent to keep feeding this feeder correct me if wrong Mr shim it's the the funding U for those two specific programs out of ARP is one time out of ARP and then and the reoccurring is coming from other uh other budgeted funds in the future because this is this from if cor me if I'm wrong Mr shim does the art funds are sunsetting after this year we're not receiving correct so I just want to know what these it says we have to find other initia or other revenues to support these initiatives I'm just trying to identify specifically what they are because we're we're going to have these other recurrent debts that we have to pay where are we getting it from are we going to are we reducing something something do we have some other sources coming in some kind of um is this going to come from the selling of office schools or or real estate I mean this isn't funny we need to know if we're going to take money away we got to know how to replenish it when it's a recurrent debt so that's all I want to know is it to make us stable and more comfortable where's it coming from CH I I asked that question ahead of time and the answer that I got back was that's what we're doing next week in the workshop and the final budget is all of that's been baked in and so there options that are going to be presented to us including the $100 million and then how are we going to find sustaining money for everything we paid for with one-year money whether it was s or R so next week in our budget Workshop uh that's all been baked in thank you Dr kman feels so much better thank you I wish you had said that out right but thank you so much do you have comment yes I almost forgot what it was but thank you uh I do um you know these kinds of uh grants are wonderful it's just great to get $237 million of money uh that comes and the way we spend it is is uh always interesting uh these final adjustments are pretty significant I think for the member any M of the public that looks up and says wow you budgeted you know $35 million for something and it went to nothing and you had 52 million for this and you took 35 million out all of these though were kind of the the conscious and intentional decisions we made in order to use these monies before they go out and to mind knowledge this actually goes to October 1st it doesn't run out on July 1st uh but we are going to have expended all of these funds which is really the most responsible thing to do so the American public the American public I'm getting ahead of myself Tor uh the Broward public ought to know uh that their American rescued uh plan dollars or federal dollars in Broward County have all been accounted for and spent uh for the betterment of our students in Broward County thank you chair thank you Dr Zan so you actually bring up a a good point and you know I think it's important to ask the question has all the r funding money been used Mr shim thank you we are utilizing the AR dollars and we will we'll only know when we get through year end whether or not we actually spend it all by the end of this year um but we will certainly do it by the deadline so Dr heon I really don't feel comfortable with that answer in the past in history we've haven't used uh mental health ARP dollars and if this money is sun sunsetting and we're going to I guess we lose it if we don't use it so I would like to have an update to the board on what how much money has been used has not been used what that bucket area it's come from and and then to know your plan that we are going to to use it it would be a shame to leave I don't know how much money on the table but it would it would just you know we have this money let's use it for our students and our schools anything else anyone else okay see none all in favor of F5 say I I those opposed say no no alustin oh Alf no sorry no okay wait roll call roll call on item F5 on Mrs Hixon yes Dr holess yes Mrs Leonardi yes Mrs rert yes Dr Zeman yes Mrs alef no Mr Austin no Mrs fam no Mr fogan hly no item passes 54 thank you may I have a motion second here before you call the next item um would it be possible to give us a list of the next five items or something that you expect to pull so we can be ready sure CC1 F5 F7 oh we just did F5 F7 hh1 aa1 eb1 thank you ma'am eb2 you overperformed ma'am motion is second on CC1 so moved second move by Zan second by Hixon public comment Madam chair we have four registered speakers we have Miss Mary fertig she may go to the podium closest to her Miss Aaron go go I'm sorry may go to the um opposite Podium and then we have two additional speakers hi uh good afternoon Mary fering how many minutes do I have Miss salad three minutes three minutes okay thank you um you know when I Was preparing items for preparing my comments for um for S1 uh the recognition of Miss Graves and and Miss price I was taken back to 1972 when I began teaching and I taught at Coconut Creek High School as social stat teacher we talked about current events and a conversation that often came up in my classes was why blany had been closed a lot of students who would have gone to blany they were very bitter about what happened fast forward 20 years or so maybe 25 but a few years to the 90s when with the CCC um with the desegregation task force and then the CCC litigation we would hold meetings in churches we would just be out in the community in lots of different places and again I came across those students who should have gone to blanchi but did not because it was closed closed the schools that were closed in in in 1970 when judge kabat made the ruling affected the schools that were closed were only only the predominantly black schools and so as you move forward in this process I hope you come up with something that's fair and Equitable and that you give a lot of consideration to letting communities if if you look at a community an innovation Zone and you know in that Innovation Zone that you're going to have to make some decisions bring that entire Community together and let them talk about what that should look like um I I would tell you that I followed this along since 1972 and it always seems to have the same outcome I'm hoping you all are going to do something something different I don't think there's any doubt that you need to make changes um the next thing I'm going to suggest is just because we've been sitting here for many hours and I know others have been sitting here longer that on redefining if if it's a priority for this district and you want public involvement you set a time certain for it so the public knows when to come out I think that's important because you're going to have to make some tough decisions you can see from one of the articles I gave you today that 600 people showed up at the at the boundary hearing and in um 1995 about starbursting you're going to have to make tough decisions and you have to make them so what you need to do I I I just can't say it enough is Embrace this community and let this community have a voice and be as customer friendly as you can um I thank you for your work and um and I hope that you will uh come up with a process that will be successful thank you oh sorry um I want to just um go off of what Mary said um uh first of all I thank you for hearing us and and hearing our asks to include the community we really we want to be part of it we are going to continue to show up and there are so many more who want to be part of this um so please going forward remove barriers don't don't um you know build them um I um I want to um speak specifically to the language in the motion today um I it it very explicitly talks about closing schools um and and the timeline um and number for doing that I would strongly strongly Advocate that we add language to the motion that talks about expanding programmatic options for families um and really speaks to retaining and attracting families right without that this is just reducing BCPS it's not redefining BCPS um one other piece that as you're I'm imagining a lot of the conversation today will speak to the criteria that will be used to make these really hard decisions um and I I read the materials and and I like a lot of the ones that are included in there they're very important there's one additional piece I just want to have the board take into account um when the plan came out in April um certain communities were disproportionately impacted um I know the board has said the superintendent has said we want this to be a districtwide plan a districtwide approach I would consider adding some kind of Criterion that gets at that potentially proximity to other impacted schools we want to make sure that it's not just an attention but an actual outcome that you know certain communities aren't disproportionately impacted thank you madam chair on our um final two speakers that registered for this item are Natalie Allen and she may go to the podium closest to her and miss um Andrea cfir and I apologize if I said your last name wrong but you may go to the other Podium good afternoon thank you for taking the opportunity to hear my concerns uh this goes into redefining the schools and after research back in April the schools that were discussed were silver Pals Elementary Silver Shores Silver Lakes Panther Run just to name a few that are in the West Pine community and since we already struggle with Charter Schools and the loss of students throughout our entire District I don't see how redefining and doing boundary changes that have been requested over the years is going to impact and bring back students that we've lost to Charter Schools or to the private sector thanks to school choice I say school choice because as a mom who was a big huge proponent for charter schools did my research ended up at a public school and would not have had any had it any other way with the child who just graduated on June 9th from West Broward high with that being said looking at the middle schools there has to be something in place that we can do as a community to bring students in not exclude students and like what was just said with bringing in different programs there has to be more that we as a community you as a board should be able to do by listening to what the community has to say and not just saying that you're hearing us but actually listening to us thank you for your time I well thank you so much for having me and for the board members that helped make this happen today um my name is Andrea cfir I grew up in Hollywood Florida right down the street from oakd elementary my daughter goes to Summit Questa in Davey and I am a PTO board member there when I heard about the school's closing cuz it was happening at the end of my block and the News was there I felt really bad because I feel like instead of closing the schools it would be an opportunity to revise programs there being a PTO board member I had the opportunity to speak with Miss Judy Dempsey the founder and principal of seit Questa for over 30 years and who you all may or may not know runs the training programs for Monas school's Public monor Schools across Florida and has current contracts within Broward County she is open to helping expand monu into the schools that are closing especially oakd Elementary which I believe is the perfect location to create this as you may or may not know sua is currently at capacity with a very long waiting list so there are a lot of parents and students in Broward County who are looking for and would benefit from monor as a way to improve School enrollment instead of closing schools today I would like to get the ball rolling and ask for the contact of who I would need to reach out with to help facilitate making this happen I understand that this is something that would take a lot of time in work so kicking it off as soon as possible is important I'm here to help in any way I can to get this into motion and liaison between Miss Judy Dempsey and the school board I did just personally want to add that some A's testing results came in and the numbers were astounding with kindergarten ranking above the 90th percentile nationally in the Middle School 99% sixth grade at 97% and 8th grade at 99% monitory is something that is very specific in its methods and training that's a positive thing because it's not like a shot in the dark to make it happen we know what it would take to implement the changes what the classrooms would need how to optimize the learning the materials to be successful we know what the budgets look like it's a longtime running program with road maps that have already been laid out and proven to be successful when followed correctly and supported by leadership and the community so let's not take away let's give kids an incredible opportunity and please let me know what next steps would need to be taken to make this happen as I've said before I'm not the kind of person that just shows up to complain I and other members of the community would be more than happy to roll up our sleeves and help get it done any other public speakers no board member comment fam else want to go talk are were they registered no I'm sorry Fam I'm Che um thank you madam chair in the past um we've heard the superintendent express interest in partnering with outside entities um the monor schools seem to be in demand and um we seem like we have a shortage of them I think this would be a great opportunity to attract students back by uh exploring areas where we can open some monitory schools I know we just looked at um in the past the monitor school that we were looking to relocate in Miss lean 's district and the overwhelming support of the community to keep that school in place so I think that should be an indicator to us that this is something that we should listen to the community and follow the lead and provide uh this resources and the schools that they're looking for to um enroll their children thank you thank you and I just like to remind the board that the recommended action is to direct superintendent of schools to close a minimum of five schools for the 2025 2026 school year and approve the recommended timeline Dr holes thank you madam chair so um it is indeed unfortunate that we are at this point but we've lost 43 or we have 43,000 empty seats and they you know the question is how did we get here what are we going to do about it and how will we move forward to stop the leak so what we have in front of us today is a closed plan and meaning closing schools in addition to that subsequent to this we will continue with redefining and repurposing which could mean many different things but what we have here is closing schools today in front of us um in in order to align enrollment with capacity and it is implied here that there will be cost Savings in facilities maintenance Transportation supplies utilities and so on I would say as we move forward and I understand the necessity to look at closing some schools in order to align enrollment and capacity but it is important that the process Mr superintendent is Equitable that that it's necessary as far as the schools that we're looking at closing and that we number one have significant Community input and so as we look at a closed plan today and we're also looking at repurposing subsequent to this I would encourage the superintendent to also have what I've always referred to as a compete plan right how will we be competitive because otherwise we're going to still continue to close schools to repurpose schools because we're losing students and I believe that we should put together an effective compete plan to be competitive how are we going to deal with improving our customer service how are we going to Market our programs better to attract students how are we going to ensure that our facilities are aesthetically appealing so on and so forth and I would love to see a plan like that because we're looking at taking care of the current issue but how do we move forward so I I'm hoping that subsequent to what we're doing here that we can have an effective plan to compete so we can start regaining students and we can um start being a much better district and an a district thank you Mrs Hixon thank you I have some questions and but I want to lay this out in the way that I understand it's going to happen and have the superintendent either say yes that's right or no it's wrong so So based on the timeline and what I see here the idea is District staff based on what we agree as the criteria is going to select all the schools in the district that meet that criteria and then you're going to go to the different districts and you're going to present the schools that are in that District that meet the criteria for closing and with work with community members in a variety not just one meeting but in a variety of spaces to agree on what at least one school out of that list would be closed is that the correct process that's being laid out here Dr correct for school closings yes but as Mr not Mr but Dr hold has alluded to with the reconfigurations and um some of the speakers alluded to U more improving programmatic um structures that's also a part of it so we'll be going to the community not just about closings but also those other um portions too okay awesome because but we're just talking about closures right here so on page 2482 where it says proposed timeline number three says June through July 2024 initiate stakeholder engagement can you explain what that would Encompass Dr so first um actually next week we have a meeting with our advisory chairs and we're actually talking about this topic about how we're going to create stakeholder committees um who are going to be on those committees including students uh how do we start uh creating the framework for facilitating these conversations and then simultaneously we're going to start scheduling meetings with some of our um municipality or or city leaders to talk about some of these um redefining um concerns that need to be addressed to get their feedback and input during the summer before the parents and the students come back in the fall so we can have more robust conversations with with the community and parents and PTs a second like okay so you mentioned that you were going to train people so not just staff are going to be going out when we go to the communities it's going to be a variety of committee chairs students people that will maybe have a little less stress with them okay thank you and then the last question I have number 7 September 2024 resolution to establish boundary committee can you explain what um who would be on the boundary committee and what that would entail I'll have Mr Beck come up to talk a little bit more about the boundary committee and the makeup of that committee because a lot of these actions will be happening simultaneously or very subsequently um after some of the discussions we have with the community about redefining okay uh thank you Dr Huer uh through the chair to you your question Miss hixen so the boundary committee the composition of this committee this is still as a proposed time timeline right now this is a very sort of a loose framework but uh the composition of that committee U from what Dr heurn has has suggested is going to consist probably of you know some of our advisory chairs our committees our student advisor um but the resolution to create it as we've been advised by our attorney um we when we create the boundary process when the board approves a process to go out and start addressing these issues um with you know shifting students from school to school um the board will decide what structure they want the committee to have and then they will drop a resolution to invoke this committee and it's in the duration of its its responsibilities and its role so in this proposed timeline this is just a very very loose strong there's three three committee obligations right they would be they would be trained they would have an orientation meeting there would be like a general public meeting where any and all of the proposals that that come forward are shared and then they would meet one third time to vote on what they would recommend to the school board okay and since it's a a resolution this boundary committee is only for repurposing um purposes I didn't want to say that twice but anyway would have a a a sunsetting date then it's not a continual you said that much better than me yes exactly they would sunset at the end of this year's process okay and the resolution will be you're not crafting it and bringing it to us we're going to be doing that on the day we we would probably draft it for you to vote on I would imagine okay because but I don't want to get ahead of the superintendent this is not we haven't really had these conversations in full depth yet but that's that's how it has run in the past is that that that staff creates the resolution that the board approves okay whether or not that that will be the same process I can't speak to that yet gotcha all right thank you thank you Mrs lardy thank you um I think we've heard a lot from the community and from some of my colleagues today about the importance of not getting in a downward spiral when it comes to enrollment um so I'm going to make a motion but I have a few questions first um are there schools and I know that we've been through several iterations of a proposal for uh redefining uh our our system but are there some schools that are right for implementing new programs yes okay and and I the just to extend my answer I think once we get out and start evaluating all of our schools and their and their programs that they're offering and and evaluating the feeder programs for those offerings we will discover that we have a lot of schools that are right for some new programs okay do we know of a reasonable or realistic number of new programmatic options we could Implement um that question I can't answer right now I would have a better answer for you probably SE around September okay and would it be realistic to be able to implement new programmatic options for the 2025 2026 school year yes we could start creating a Runway to implement the start of new programs in 25 26 okay so I would like to make a motion um so that the the direction would read direct the superintendent of schools to expand programmatic options that's at I just put X schools but we don't know the number yet so to expand programmatic options at our schools close a minimum of five schools and develop a community Communications plan to attract students back to our schools for the 2025 2026 school year and approve the recommended timeline there second second moved by Leonardi second by Hixon public comment on the motion board member comment on the motion Dr Zan thanks so much Ed this is an excellent rewording uh of this because uh my comments were going to be really about this is a piece of an overall strategic plan you know and to say that we would like first to expand programs uh second reality is we still need fewer schools we could still close five additional elementary schools every year given the number of students that that are declining and again uh largely due to declining birth rate and and nothing else uh we have just a lot fewer students u in Broward County even with the population explosion and then third developing the plan uh to win back students which is a fundamental part of of what we need to do so this motion really puts us on a much better uh path and expands what we're doing from closing schools to really redefining what we do at prior County Schools so thank you for offering this change Dr Hess thank you madam chair so um Dr heurn regarding the timeline I would like to again get your input on the timeline I know we had discussed uh 2526 and we also mentioned 2627 so in terms of the timeline is this timeline adequate 25 26 for you to get um sufficient Community input for you to move ahead with closing a number of schools and as in this motion to expand programs and so on and to come up with a plan to gain back students um how how can you comment on the timeline and how doable is this yes thank you for the question Mr Dr holess I'm calling everybody Mis who has a doctor today my apologies it's okay Mr he yes please please reciprocal reciprocal love it um yes so my staff and I we've we've uh had uh many discussions around this timeline and we're confident that we can meet this timeline baring that we don't have any emergencies in the fall um so if we don't have any emergencies in the fall we'll be able to to meet this timeline and if there's any barriers any obstacles that we encounter we will definitely inform the board immed immediately um if there's if it um changes anything on our timeline but we're right now we're confident that we can beet this and you believe that you will be able to get adequate Community input within this timeline yes uh I want the public to not think of the uh Dr heurn Dr wanza and Mr Strauss Road show of of uh late spring um because it's not going to be that way it's going to be a lot of people uh our advisory chairs our our our um students um additional Community stakeholders uh mult staff U uh members in my senior leadership and executive cabinet and we will be out as uh in as different teams facilitating conversations uh to amplify what we're trying to do not an individual group going from place to place over time which could would take over a year to do that adequately so yes okay thank you Other Board member comments Charon yes thank you madam chair I appreciate the motion um but I have a question question so maybe it's first to the maker of the motion to understand the intent because what we have not talked about is the criteria which I know we spent a whole lot of time on before but looks like we're glossing over it today um which for me is the most important because based on the criteria and all of the attachments we're in the same place that we were a few weeks ago so maybe to first to the maker of the motion uh are you is this inclusive of the current criteria as Set uh or as recommended by the superintendent or you just silent on that part of it I'm not speaking to the criteria right now I'm just you know when we embarked on this journey we talked about not just closing schools but redefining Brower County Public Schools and I think new programmatic options are a part of that great I support that let me ask a question also to the maker of the motion uh one point for me just around fairness is really ensuring as you'll recall this um vividly when we look at the map every part of the county has an under enrolled school um so but before we get to criteria I won't go there but I want to ask a question if you would be willing to accept a friendly Amendment uh and I haven't I think I know your language but just adding on where you have I believe a minimum of X number I don't think you put a number there or did you put a number I did not put a number put a number so what x number of schools if after schools you add in all single member districts with under enrolled schools would you accept that friendly amendment I would okay all right thank you other comments so that's going to change a little bit sorry can you repeat that sure well let me look at uh minimum oh I see it yes what's wrong so direct the superintendent of schools to expand programmatic options at our schools to recommend the closure of a minimum of five schools and develop a plan to attract students back to our students for to our schools for the 2025 2026 school year and approve the recommended timeline correct So based on the maker of the motion after the word schools my recommendation uh was to add in in all single member districts and that that was for expanding programmatic options correct that was my understanding that it was after expanding programmatic options at our schools well it's actually both so it's both because really all single member districts is countywide right so I think what we just said is countywide we want to expand all programmatic academic options and what you just said based on the motion to close a minimum of five schools so I've just added in all single member districts that has under enrollment because that that will signify to staff where that is located okay I I would have to see it written out because I what I'm what that might mean to me then depending on where you put all single member just under enrolled single member districts is that we could potentially be closing Five schools in all no no right so if someone could just read it out to me in its entirety with the friendly Amendment then so I'll read it again so behind the word schools because I think it captures or we can put it in both places to your question okay that one more time motion direct the superintendent did you just write it is that on there no oh okay direct the superintendent of schools to expand programmatic options at all schools to close a minimum of five schools in all single member districts with under enroll schools so that's not something something I accept because the way that reads we would be closing 35 schools no it's your minimum of so that's why it's your intent if if the superintendent chooses five as a number we've now just set a geographic radius right now based on the four criteria that's outlined based off of the attachments okay let's be clear what's in front of us based off of what's wrong okay based off of of the criteria that's the four things in front of us it is very clear to me that I know exactly where these schools fall so I'm saying the same thing I've said now four times the same I 95 Corridor and the same part of South County where we know two things exist they're black and brown populations a and there's a huge Charter School population really in one part and maybe a second part of the county I'm not going to point where it is I think we all know so what I'm proposing is because we have just said we want fairness fairness means that we're going to have a countywide solution so all parts of the county should receive additional academic programmatic enhancements a and staff will have Direction where there is under enrolled schools in seven districts I.E we all represent about 200,000 people right that now is a countywide solution on closings CU right now without that you're going to have these same four criteria that's going to touch district one District Two your District district five and I'll put a period there so I don't believe that's fair what I proposed is a countywide solution that should be fair because it's countywide Mr yes chair and I board member Austin I think what board member Leonardi was trying to say is the way the wording sounds like it's going to be five per District so it looks like you're going to close 35 schools so I think just change the wording to make it be countywide approach that's what you're trying I know that's your intent I got you I understand what you're saying but I think the wording is is what she's concerned about and just as a port of order um there are no such things as friendly amendments uh there is a a motion made it's put on the floor it's been seconded that's ours all nine of us so you can make an amendment if you want propos and we can vote on it but the maker of the motion has no more right than the rest of us to change the uh what's on the floor do ask do have the floor Madam chair who okay got it okay you done okay anyone else wants to speak on the motion Dr Hess um so so Madam chair I am board member Alon has not corrected the language that's it to be suitable by Miss Leonard board leard right you haven't done that yet correct so no problem so my understanding of what board member Alon is trying to do and I I could be wrong is with all of these actions here in this motion um it's to direct the superintendent of schools to take action districtwide to expand programmatic options at our schools to recommend the closure of five schools is that what you're trying to say so can we in would would insert in to take action districtwide after direct the superintendent of schools to take action districtwide to expand blah blah blah is that what you're trying to can you just speak to miss lear's motion okay Miss okay Miss Leonardi um with regards to the motion um are you willing to accept the language after direct the superintendent of schools and insert to take action districtwide to expand programmatic options to recommend closure and so on and so forth to the end if someone wants to make that Amendment yeah I I think we've decided today that we're not doing friendly amendments anymore so um if you want to make that Amendment I'm happy to no it's fine whatever okay so do I need to make an amendment is that okay so I make an amendment motion to amend yep okay can you repeat your motion to amend to insert after direct the superintendent of schools the word to take action districtwide and then continue to expand programmatic options at our schools to recommend the closure and all of the language stays the same to the end so we're just inserting to take action districtwide after superintendent of schools Miss Leonard I accept it no no it's his motion second oh you're second amendment it's a motion to amend yeah yeah Dr Zan second it yep public comment on the motion to thank you I think that's a very important Amendment and I hope that you will support it any other comment board member comment do I have a couple questions Dr he can you define in this motion uh programmatic options what what exactly does that mean programmatic options are specific student interest programs um could be uh uhmy that are wrapping around stem initiatives engineering initiatives um cor and and the like uh could also be um having a brain fart of what we've been talking about earlier um monor um other types of programs like that okay and and then what is your um in this motion if we take districtwide action does that mean there would be then seven school closures because I don't know how you have five and then you take districtwide action so you're asking a question that I was just going to ask to just to make sure I have clarification is it the intent of the board to ensure that we have at least one school closure po per uh board member district that's how I interpreting this um this motion no I just want to make sure the intent of of the amendment is to look at the options to close school districtwide um that could include um uh you know a number of uh individual districts but to have a districtwide approach as opposed to to being concentrated in one or two districts got not necessarily close a school in each district okay and chair I think just to be clear that the process is very likely to bring if the answer is minimum five to bring 10 or 15 options uh across the district and then then it's uh through board probably discussion and and decision making that we get down to some number greater than five so just to get to a sub number you got to bring a lot more candidates I think to a board like this okay any other comment Mr Alon I support the intent and you all just uh Amplified the problem which was your question so based on the same four criteria that's here we still haven't changed the population of schools that's going to pop up so yes the superintendent is going to quote unquote look countywide based on these four criteria we haven't changed the criteria so the criteria will still yield the same schools based on whether it's 70% 60% we pick the numbers right that's not changing so the reason why I tried to insert it differently was because this does not change your schools if you're okay with that let's just tell the community today that we know the schools we know we're going to pick a percentage right and based on that percentage here are the schools that will be in that category let's also say today there's at least one area that may not have impact right there's also right so let's we know those subtle things so I don't know why we're dancing around it I'm not dancing I think we make a decision so if we're really going to have a district-wide view let's do that a but also the criteria has not changed so it's still going to impact the same 95 Corridor schools a it's going to impact the same black and brown communities B let's just say that so if we're comfortable saying that all nine of us should say that today I'm not ready to say that which is why I was trying to introduce another and by the way your motion I'm sorry your amendment I understand I'm also want the board to understand you really haven't changed the criteria so you're going to get the same set of schools if you're okay with that go forward Mrs leonardy so if we have an issue with the criteria then we need to change the criteria but I have been consistent and I will be consistent I do not believe that doing it making the criteria based on politically drawn boundaries that are in part based on how many Democrats and Republicans and npas live in each district and that are used for elections I don't believe in using those boundaries to determine which schools we close and which schools we we expand programmatic options um and I I mean I think we need to look at school by school and what are the needs of those schools and what are those communities asking for or what is their feedback what is their historical knowledge and I've said that from the very beginning of all of this I do not believe in using political boundaries to make these kinds of decisions it just doesn't make any sense to me Madam chair Mr aler let me say this differently and I appreciate your statements I've never used the word political in my comments up here on this board I've also never said political boundaries let me repeat what I've said 10 times publicly we need to do this fairly we need to do this so there is an impact countywide you are correct partially seven of us are in single member districts I didn't say the word political we all represent 200,000 plus individuals we didn't do that that's just the process the process that's before us will yield one area in this County that will not be touched by closings that's what this criteria will yield the process that's recommended before us will yield the same number of schools in the same areas that we've already seen and put the community through three four times I just want the board to say that publicly I this board member will not support that I will not support the same districts that we have already graphically identified showing where they're located based on this criteria I have been clear that it should be a countywide approach so Dr Hess I appreciate adding that word but it still doesn't get to the criteria of making sure that everyone shares an additional programmatic academic opportunities in their Community a and if there will be closings forget the academic programmatic opportunities we know that we're not debating that today we're talking about closing schools that's really the big cheese that everybody wants to talk about where are the schools and will the school board do it sounds like we're finally going to do it in 25 26 maybe I know you're talking about what year dress that's my problem so no the motion that is currently before us the recommendation that's before us doesn't go far enough I think we should I appreciate having a minimum number um I like a countywide view that includes all areas of this County but right now this criteria uh does not include every part of brow County and that's wrong thank you Dr Zan thank you so much chair um it's a false Choice uh to say that either we pass this or we're being racists that is a false Choice the criteria we use and the decisions that we make and the lens of equity that we put on our decisions about the candidates that are brought us will determine whether we're doing these things fairly or not this particular motion is about a process and it's expanding from closing schools to also expanding programs closing schools and making sure that we're trying to build the best school district in the county and I don't know how anybody could be against that and I resent the fact that I'm going to be called somebody who's unfair because I want to make sure we have programmatic options in Broward County I want to make sure we're building Great Schools I to make sure that the schools that we close are ones that we look at with an equity lens so uh I think we need to defend the Define the criteria carefully I think we need to think about our decisions on a school by school basis and we need to make sure that we can stand before the county and say that we made decisions that make a better education system for everybody uh that's that's the facts and saying it five more times isn't going to change that that's a false choice this Motion in no way makes anybody's decisions about what schools will be closed it does not it just says that the process we're going to use is going to be about expanding programs making schools better that don't close closing the schools that we need to because we need to think uh desperately about how put our money into K through 12 education because paying for a building that we don't need is a waste of money we want to pay for educating students and and no kind of discussion about fairness is really going to change kind of the value of the process we go through and expanding that out so that we think about all of our schools and our entire school system and try and make it better while at the same time we make it smaller which is inevitable the economics of Education will make us close schools so let's do it gradually let's do it intentionally uh later uh Mr superintendent I'm going to talk about the the community engagement because I don't think we can wait uh for a to kind go through planning I think we actually have to start earlier but this motion is an expansive way of thinking about what we do and what our commitment is to Broward County and it's about thinking through uh the monu options and the Marine Science options and the school of sports Excellence options uh that our our families and our students are crying for and Brower County school has been slow on on opening up programmatics unlike public charter schools which have led with programmatic options and they have want a lot of students that way so I think this is a smart and excellent way to move forward and in no way does it presuppose what schools were going to close in the end and nor does it even say what criteria we're going to use and we ought to be honest about the criteria but uh but those things are separate from this motion which is really a process to look at programs look at school closing and look at growing uh excellent schools all at the same time which makes great sense thank you Dr heurn yes um Mr just want to want you to clarify on in this discussion around um criteria is do we have any policy that governs where we what's our um starting point for school closures as far as seip um utilization uh thank you Dr superintendent through the chair uh the existing policy on School boundaries policy 5000 which is going to become policy 810 uh next month when the board votes on it hopefully um both versions of the policy contain three criteria for which a school may be considered for uh repurposing consolidating and or closing um one is the below 70% enrollment threshold having been below 70% and being projected to remain below 70% utilization of permanent capacity not including Portables two other two other criteria that may be used are the general poor condition of the the building itself if it is educationally Obsolete and exceptionally large amounts of capital outlay are needed to continue the operation of the school or the third would be um they have a um overall Financial impact to the district cost Effectiveness adjacent capacity Transportation requirements and or historical projected enrollment uh may also be considered so it it is pretty loose we were we were staying within one of those three by choosing 70% the the board was totally fine in doing so but there are other considerations that may also identify a school independently each one of those things can be taken independently to identify a school for consolidation closure or repurposing so I have another question just to clarify amongst this discussion that we're having um is it possible to raise the ceiling on the seat utilization if the board wanted to do so if they want to go above 70% so the the board can go above 70% in this one if they're identifying a school through one of these other two criteria right the the facility the poor facility condition can can be um determined at any operational level or in any utilization level so a school could be 90% but be such deplorable condition that it would cost you know aund million to bring it up to to standard that would that would warrant being designated for one of these three uh outcomes thank you Mr B thank you okay so based on what he just said why isn't all that information in this item or is it because I don't see it I see four things and and that wasn't what he said it's there it's in our policy no where is it in this item it should be restated where is it in the item Dr heer um if you go I will show you where it is two twoin number okay so page two of eight I so that's so that's where this is confusing I think where you have the four criteria I mean anyone looking at that they're going to think the criteria those specific things but then in the item there is there's more to it and it seems like it's correlating to what Mr Beck said but it's but it's not specifically so we have it in two areas we have it in that narrative memo um the first set is to find that preliminary uh number of schools with sufficient adjacent capacity and then you narrow it down to another specific number of schools with the other criteria also um in the appendix of the attached slide deck um you'll see the May 29th I think it was May 29th Workshop the criteria is also listed on page 17 of that slide that okay dras fam may I go on yes M rert thank you madam chair um I think we all know uh what district we're talking about is mine District six so let's just put it out there so we can discuss this um properly and openly um my district many of the schools especially the high schools there's weight lless they're overflowing um I think at last count Cypress Bay has more than 4,800 students it's like a college campus huge so the issue is is that my population growth is going up so do we take out or take down a school when we know we're not going to have the room to support the district as it is we have people coming from Dade halia that are trying to get into Cypress Bay and they're using other addresses Western weight list Cooper City weight list uh Nova is um my Nova schools are all countywide so everyone comes from different areas and we fill them up as well so the question is where do we go and how do we do this if if it's equitably take down a school for my district and the one thing I I want to put out there is that I honestly believe that certain areas of the county or certain schools were neglected and whether it was purposefully or unintentional the fact is they were neglected and the reason that people are coming to my district is because their schools um are in disarray their their um facilities are are run down and I don't I don't blame them for fleeing but what I I do think is that we should invest in those areas that we allowed to get decrepit that we allowed people to um run from or or not even attract people to them because of what we did or what we didn't do is maintain them I don't think it's fair that um my schools have pools and other areas don't even have football field I know we just passed where um three schools are getting high schools are getting Turf and what I I'm actually bringing that back and the reason I'm bringing that back is because I want the money that's generated from renting out that Turf to go to the schools that don't have a football field if if they have one in the middle of their track something to help them we can't just have um people getting the the luxury items the plush items and then getting a windfall on top of it I don't believe in that I don't believe in that for one moment so the the whole purpose that we have to find here is not just to put up schools but to rebuild and make some of these schools much much better to get them caught up if not surpass and I think that's the winning argument here is not just closing schools but what about we have to go in and to certain areas where these schools have been land that the roofs are falling down in certain areas and I I know Mrs Leonardi one of her schools has a food court indoor outdoor food court we can't have that that's that's not right we need to get on the Level Playing Field so what I'm asking is when you make your decision consider that I want that to be a factor the fact that schools were allowed to run down be run down and we cannot penalize people living in those areas because we didn't do our job effectively so I would like them make to make a motion to add that to the criteria the fact that schools that were permitted to get run down or um to get decrepit that should be a factor considered in order to boost that those areas should get improved schools get an improved school because if you're going to take a school down and you want to attract people we need to put something in its place so other people from the surrounding areas and in that area will come to it remember the that uh movie if you build it they'll come if we build a beautiful School brand new school take the money from these other areas where we're knocking them down and rebuild and give them something nice to work with I think they'll survive I think they'll land on their feet and I think everyone will be a lot happier and feel a lot better about the surrounding counties cuz they'll know that they weren't left behind that they do count and they are valued so I would like to make that we have to vote on Dr hess's motion first okay Dr Hess okay so Madam chair I'll just make a quick last minute Point here because I know time is of the essence um I understand the concern in terms of uh the um motion being approved and being Equitable um and being fair and so um it was the concern was that District y did not go far enough um I don't want to add this but I would like for the board to weigh in on after districtwide if we should include in at least five single member district um what their take is on that M rer am I speaking to the motion or is this I never got a chance to speak on the item yet what what is what is the conversation I you guys jump around all over the place we're talking about the motion okay well which would actually discuss the criteria yes we've we talked about a little bit I mean go ahead Miss ruer whatever you want to say okay um what I what I actually think right now that is missing from the conversation and I'm I'm absolutely 100% sure that our principales know the answer to this um our department heads know the answer to this and our area directors know the answer to this and this is should be part of that criteria which is if you are an under enrolled school you have a fantastic principal who knows better than the principal of the school what their school is lacking why do they feel that there's a piece missing and what could actually make that difference right so I know one of my elementary schools and two that are not in my little District have approached um communities and said what are you looking at what are you looking for and they wanted to increase prek ESC classes and one of my schools reached out to I'm not calling them out I'm calling them out as a absolutely we all should be doing this um a prek ESC at COC Creek Elementary they have room and they have interest and having three classrooms for that because there's a need so yes it might might be slightly underr but if the principales have reached out to their parents and they can see in their community that this is needed I I I think that has to be part of that process which makes me not 100% wanting to close one school in every person's District I don't think that needs to be the the concentration what I think is this you need to look at school to hit that number and then reach out to people reach out to the PJ and the communities and the family and absolutely The Innovation Zone what's missing what do we need up here in the North Area what do we needed in the Central Area why I mean we have the survey from charter schools and private schools the personalization and meeting the needs is important so that needs to be part of the process that's what makes me reticent about saying hey we need to do five school well it may be five schools or seven schools and maybe in that one school or two schools in the north area or one out west maybe they have an answer maybe those parents can tell you I don't think we need to be jump on the on the game here to say we're going to close this school um you know I think there needs to be we have a communication level on that that's part one part two is we need to welcome home our students that is it welcome home this is what's changed these are the programs that we're adding this is what you said we're listening to you come back come back to your home school and now you don't need a vote from us that's something that should be occurring now marketing social media have the TV Crews come hey these guys are doing you know grow your own vegetable garden and and having them hook up with some research team from a um a university and they're actually hands involved and guess what this is an elementary school that's newsworthy if we're going to get our parents engaged which is obviously our number one goal so they can bring their students back in and our number one goal is to help that family educate that child so I I think sometimes we put the cart in front of the horse spending hours talking about you know we need to do five schools we need to do a friendly Amendment on this one on that one okay I I think we're just getting a little too deep there that that's my thought process guys but thank you Mr U my question as far as the next steps with the facilities needs assessment so if we uh make this um to close a minimum of five schools will we have a facilities needs assessment on those five schools yes so we've been having extended conversations on that we have a strategy that we think is going to be beneficial to us to help make some decisions moving forward I'll let M Miss Paul and um Mr Dorset kind of weigh in on some of that strategy on our facility needs uh assessments we would uh uh through the chair we would look at uh the information that we currently have can you not sorry we would look at the information that we currently have and there is a possibility that we could do an assessment on the affected schools only instead of waiting for the entire District um um FCA so once we have that list we can uh uh look at one of our current vendors that we have uh yeah um sorry it's a lizard just right here so yeah but but it's still a lizard anyway new vcps mascot uh broke my concentration but we would look at um the schools that have been identified once we go through the process uh we would look at our current vendors that would have the capability of doing the assessment on those schools so that we wouldn't have to wait for the full-blown District uh facility condition assessment M okay and then as far as Surplus and properties is that something that is um just going to be starting in uh November or is that starting now if it I'm sorry chair could you repeat that question the Surplus in properties is that something that's just going to start in November or is that something that we've already started we can actually start that process now just to go ahead and get the procurement vehicle started for all that mhm okay thank you any other questions on the motion Dr Zan drus asked about some inputs and microphone please thank you very much sorry he asked for some inputs on uh a slight um potential amendment I think about um after districtwide saying in at least five uh member districts I um I I believe that the process has got to uh bring sufficient candidates for us to look at in order Define things and that uh that this board will make decisions on kind of where the right balance is between uh schools that uh ought to be closed and the enhanced U educational opportunities will be for the students of those closed schools to go to a bigger school that has more money per per student and better programs and the like so um I I don't think that that's helpful on this I think eventually once we work on the criteria and more details on the process we'll uh be able to uh make sound decisions about where we go this year and again this is going to go on every year we we have to figure out how to increase our attractiveness of of the schools that we have and to reduce the footprint we have facility wise um for for multiple years not just uh 25 26 any other comments on the motion think we're ready to vote we'll do a roll call and the motion is to direct the superent schools to take action districtwide to expand programmatic options at our schools to recommend the closure of a minimum of five schools and develop a plan to attract students back to our schools for the 2025 26 school year and approve the recommended timeline ready Madam chair yes roll call Dr holes yes Mrs Leonardi yes Mrs rert yes Dr Zan yes Mrs alhad yes Mr Austin no Mrs fam yes Mr fogan hoing no Mrs Hixon yes we have the motion passes 72 motion passes moving forward one one comment a broad comment before we take a vote on the overall uh uh I'm sorry are we finished with the item chair we are done with that amendment that that clears the item wonderful one thing we didn't get to talk about though is community engagement in any detail and just as something for you to think about not something I think we should vote on uh waiting until October to get started u forces everything done in 60 days there's a level of community engagement with broad groups with larger schools with uh Advisory Group folks that have great influence and great Insight uh I think that if we could do some of that in August uh right when we get back uh we're going to be you know kind of get a running start and learn a little bit about how to do it you know give people a chance to do it with some friendly groups so that when they do it less friendly groups they're fully capable thank you thank you motion second on aa1 so move move by Zan second by Hixon public comment board comment uh I would just like to thank our general councel Miss Jack wz Adams and Mr Cooney for and your staff for just being leaders and really taking on this really robust agenda and thank you to Dr Hein for making this also a priority for our students to be able to thrive this summer in summer camp any other comments amen all in favor of aa1 say I I those opposed say no aa1 passes unanimously may I have a motion and second on gg3 uh before we do uh Madam chair yes that is gg3 let me just make sure it's in my head which one is gg3 Mr olon while you're looking for that chair are you changing the order of items again yes I'm sorry we had the staff has told me I have to could you could you let us know the next handful so we prepare I'm going to go back to my order I told you before GG all right so Madam chair before you bring whatever your next item is to the floor um out of an abundance of caution uh and due to a potential conflict I will abstain on this item and file the appropriate documents and I will step away from the days thank you okay we have a motion and second on gg3 so moved second moved by Zan second by Hixon public comment seeing none board member comment M Hixon thank you um I had a couple of questions so hold on can can we get a little more detail on what this payment process is going to look like it was pretty broad on here um the fin it lays out the financial impact but it doesn't really break down how much we're giving each year and how much is coming from referendum how much is coming from general fund will we be seeing that at a future date this is it's pretty generic Dr he um you want to go ahead Mr Cony I was going to add I'll add if I need to go ahead thank you Dr he um I believe that Mr shim you might be able to answer some questions on the financial aspect of these settlement agreements you could redirect it Mr yeah so I I think I understand Miss hixon's question today this is about approving the agreement um as far as um specifics around payment options and how we're going to pay and um over and over time and where that money is going to come from will be discussed next week okay yes all right thank you Dr Zan you just have to go further with that Mr superintendent this financial impact does lay out though the sources of funds it says it'll be funded uh from the referendum this year $41 million uh interest coming from the general fund uh next year um uh 31.8 and and and uh 35.9 and 2027 40.4 and it again the other years do not site sources but in the first year um a $67 million reduction from the referendum is massive we'll never look at another budget item that big and then another 40.9 million uh excuse me 40.9 uh funded from the general fund because you can't use uh referendum money to pay interest but that is I think um a uh I I don't I suspect because that's in the summary that that is part of this item right correct um I think uh next week it'll be more detailed as far as how that how that ref spinning out of the referendum is going to affect employee groups and providing the board some options so they can make some decisions on how they uh how uh they want to move forward with um the referendum dollars to for some of these um chair I just want to clear this up uh if we uh if the board passes this item today does it lock Us in these being the sources of funds to pay this massive amount of money I just for that one to Mr Cooney and um M Mr shim canat yeah if I may um Dr Zan I don't know that um we are absolutely bound to this source of funding but we must have the funding in place and identified in some fashion in order to enter into the agreements as to whether the funding sources could change down the road that's a different question but these right now are the sources that have been identified for payment pursuant to the settlement agreement itself terrific because I uh to me there's really two uh two separate issues and I want to make sure that this board has the statutory authority to change sources of funds if it needs to and I ECT it does that every year with the passage of the budget um but to me I think today what we're doing is approving the payment um and there's one identification of sources of funds and just to be clear that is for all of the 108 million so 67 million coming out of the ref referendum and 41 in essence coming from the general fund I want to make sure that we still have the authority to make adjustments to that in subsequent years in case there uh better opportunities to do it that's particularly impact impactful about referendum you know that is a great source for our education salaries and so uh we have to be uh I think we just have to be mindful of where we take the money in the future M six I this was a big question I forgot so can someone explain how interest got up to almost as much as the principal for for this it's 67 million for principal and 40 I thought it was a 12% interest which would only be 8 million so how did we get to have to pay 40 million in interest that is is concerning to me and and it takes away money from as Dr Zeman just said our students that I I feel like we're being robbed how did we get to that number Mr shim or Mr K if you got anything to add Omar shim director of capital budget yes uh it looks like the interest is based upon Florida statute and it's uh that if the payment is past 10 working days uh that there that it come the the payment looks like it's compounded monthly um or it's or it's calculated monthly and compounded daily so therefore based upon statute um and what we negotiated that's what it is so what what state statute would we be following I mean you're saying State Statute there's a statute based on on paying Charter Schools referendum money there's a statute based upon paying them interest and it's l of Statute 1000 2.33 and just to clear it up chair if I could it started in 2019 so it's 12% per year for 5 years for the money we were supposed to pay in 2019 then four years for the 2020 money so you add all that up it's a lot of interest 12% per year compounded so just to be clear for the the public there is no negotiation here we when when we sat down with Charter Schools every other District had the opportunity to negotiate this through litigation and we were forced to just take it on the chin so just making a comment thank you any other public any other comments seeing none all in favor of gg3 say I I I I those opposed say no no Miss rer were you a no what I'm a no please he roer no Zeman no Altin abstained gg3 passes may I have a motion and second on F7 so moved moved by Zan second by Fen holy public comment no public comment board comment what item Mr Altin what item I'm sorry yes I think I remember the question on this so when did we approve this item back in 2023 Dr wanza Mr shim item F7 why is it needed did we approve it last year why is it now before tenative budget that's the kind of narrative I'm looking for yes this item is approved annually just as a continuation um because the fiscal year ends and we do do not have an adopted budget so until we approve the tentative budget between then dollars that are spent on salaries or any continuation budget items uh can be funded so that that isn't so we approved this item last year in 2023 yes it's my understanding this item is approved every year and we approved this because we are further authorizing we've already authorized to pull from budget from this year or we doing something in advance of funds for next budget year so what is this that give me explain that to me yes um essentially we approve an annual budget in uh September I guess is when it's actually adopted and that's for the fiscal year that ends on June 30th so between the time that you you don't have a budget are we October 1 no okay sorry I got two hats on sorry okay June okay I'm following you right and so you don't have a budget actually until you approve a tentative budget in July and so in between July 1st and the time that you approve the tentative budget you're authorizing payroll and normal expenditures up until that point from this current so from which budget from July from July 1st to so for the beginning of the fiscal year starting to spend money from a budget that we have not approved yet that is correct interesting why is it not the reverse sorry I I don't understand the question so we Clos the so we if we close the books on June 30th right still there are certain uh items that can still be paid later why don't we we can't do it that way we can't do it reverse I I know there's a cut off I get that from the audit perspective but there's there's no we can't do it from an A perspective the other way no so I think I'll use payroll um as the example this would authorize payroll for July 1 until the tenative budget is approved so you're not going to pay next year's payroll on this year's budget right we're right we're still doing forward okay so ordinary expenditures means what I think payroll is a great example is there something else just anything that's all right utilties so so it's the it it's really to allow District pay it bills for one month until to operate correct yeah to operate got it which includes all contracts everything just normal operations got it okay thank you any other comments on favor of F7 say I I those opposed say no I F7 passes unanimously may I have a motion and second on hh1 so move move by Zan second by Hixon no public comment spam hh1 the room hh1 can you come back NOP you're would it help to give you a copy of the items Fam I'm sorry I'm not able to locate that so I think should just move on I apologize any other comments on hh1 seeing none all in favor say I I do oppos say no hh1 passes unanimously I have a motion and second on bb1 so move moved by Zan second by Hixon public comments seeing none I have Mrs Hixon thank you um since this is my motion I um Andre is going to M or Mr h is going to pass out the the revised motion I want I wanted to change the wording on it so there's just some pieces that need to be taken out and clarified thank you so if you'll remember while they're bringing it around this item came up at the last meeting we postponed it so that staff could have a conversation and that we could um thanks get the wording right so that's why it's coming back today okay thank you okay so the motion is I move that all students with disabilities in schools that obtain midterm exemption waivers should be granted the right to receive a waiver on their midterm exam scores the end of course subjects this should apply to their course grading similar to their existing right to wave EOC exam scores as granted in State Statute this aims to align the rights of students with disabilities regarding midterm exemp exemptions with their rights for endof course exam waivers ensuring consistency and fairness in their academic exess assessments and this was um a a recommendation by the ESC Adis advisory committee second moved by Hixon second by wholeness public comment on the motion word comment on the motion bam yes thank you um I'd actually like to get some comment from the ESC committee I spoke with them um the other day and there seems let me I okay I just want to there there seems to be a debate because there's a statute the it's not quoted here in in the motion which I think should be but um IT addresses the waiver for the end of year final exams but not for the midyear exams and there seems to be some confusing confus confusion and the language is being Blended and um therefore I I think they're best in the best position to explain it to me and then I would like to defer to counil um and um have his professional legal opinion and you please provide that the statute number so he can be pulling that up I know you said you were going to get it for us so um Mrs Hollingsworth will start we also have Mr um boha here and I also see Miss hobet from the general council's office correct good afternoon Simone hansworth Chief academic officer and what we did provide to you Mr baroa is going to go through with you in regards to the policy and state statute so you have some additional and there's highlighted information he's going to reference to walk us through the entire process and understanding so that we have clarification through the chair guyra MOA director secondary learning thank you do thank you Miss hollingworth thank you Dr wza and so just some if I can be indulged chair just a little bit of background so everyone understands what's going on here so first of all I'd like to back up to policy 4000 so policy 4000 currently allows all students who have an A or B in the course to exempt a midterm bring it for any course an EOC course or or a high school course The Only Exception is for college courses so if you're in an AP course an ace course or dual enrollment course you're not allowed to exemp midterms but at every school of ours through policy 4000 if you have an A or B in the course you're allowed to exempt the midterm so that's policy 4000 now we have another policy policy 1403 that allows schools to wave local policies some of our schools use policy 1403 to wave that exemption piece of policy 4,000 so some of our schools use that policy 1403 and say this students who are taking EOC courses no matter if they have an A or B still cannot wave the midterm we want all kids to take the midterm for EOC courses so we have some schools in the district that live in that realm because their sack committee voted on that local change in policy right and then the third piece of information is now Florida State Statute that is strictly speaking about the EOC and it reads basically a student who has a disability students with disabilities May wave their ELC test score for grade in graduation if first of all they have to sit for the exam and then the IP team has to be convened and the IP team has to determine if that exam is commen with that student's abilities from all year long right and if and the one the huge thing about the policy is there's an ant statement between course grade and graduation so if the if the EOC affects the course grade and graduation the IP team may wave that requirement and allow that kid to graduate so those are the three pieces of two policies of ours and one state statute that's in effect here and now you heard Miss hixon's Motion in terms of how they how the ESC committee would like to have the Florida state statute applied to midterm waivers that's how I'm reading it I hope I explained that correctly Mr fam I hope I answered your question you good and I'd like to defer to council for his legal opinion so essentially we have um three different well you as you heard it we have three different statutes we're looking at I think two maybe policy one may be statute and the question is whether or not um the schools now that are currently certified they they came through there's a process where they um opt it out of the waiver so they don't provide the waiver we have I think one or two schools in the district so the question is now whether or not all schools in the district have to um provide the waiver or that the group that have opted out now under the statute they're allowed to opt out and they went through that process to opt out so they're trying to make it I guess consistent across the board and the question is can that consistency out Trump statute where says they're allowed to opt out yeah Mrs fam we've we've brought some assistance down from our 11th floor offices to see if we can address those questions for you Mrs hoffstead is sitting here and hopefully she can uh address your concerns and your questions through the chair can you hear me can you hear me no there you go okay um there is a a statute 10822 that addresses uh when a student with a disability May wave their uh grade and end ofe exam results um it only addresses end ofe exams it doesn't speak to midterms at all and what I understand this motion to do is to make applicable what would be available to a Disabled Student for an end ofe course exam to the midterm the statute simply doesn't speak to the midterms Additionally the sack committee at MSD has applied for a waiver of our policy allowing students to exempt certain exams so the sa committee has followed our process and our policy in allowing um decision that was brought forth to the board the board approved which allowed them to say all students will be taking their midterms and finals I think this polic this motion would be a um a workaround to the uh waiver that was granted to MSD I'm sorry if I may or any school that goes through that process because that's a policy 1403 that schools can go through so right now it's one or two it could always change it's going to be six I believe I hope that answers your question and so if you can just clarify for everyone so what you're saying is um the waiver for the end of the year final is not applicable to getting a waiver for a midterm exam is that's what I'm hearing correct the waiver doesn't address it doesn't address it so it's not applicable the motion would make applicable uh what how end of year exams end of year course exams are handled for midterms as well as I said the stat the statute doesn't speak to midterms at all so as far as the acceptability of this motion have you have you have you I have I've read it you PR it okay what is your opinion to the board on um whether or not this motion should be approved or or this will be in violation of the statute if if there is a concern about how our policy is drafted and it uh impacts disabled students then perhaps the board would engage in rulle making and change the policy as it currently stands but I don't believe you can engage in a motion to try to circumvent our policy oh that's what thank you so much for the clarification thanks so much chair chair are you aware of um the executive director of E's opinion on this particular item no that a question Dr I'm sorry Dr Z can you repeat that I wonder if you could share the executive director of exceptional student education's opinion of this item with the board missan through the chair um Diane Negan executive director of VC and I also have Sabrina Shai um director of curriculum so she's going to assist in the response for this okay so basically I think what we're looking at is that policy 4,000 states that a student may be exempt from the midterm and or final exam in a high school course if the specific criteria is met so we feel that that policy is already provide students the ability that is being sought in the motion policy 1403 states that a school can set aside a school district policy or guide or labor contract for the per purpose of school Improvement so this allows a school the opportunity to set aside the guidance in policy 4000 which is what the school chose to do there is nowhere in policy 1403 that states conditions to this right so as currently written 1403 does prevent denying the waiver as the school followed the process and received the waiver this is why the policy would have to be Rewritten to specify areas that a school could not wave for example stating that except for policy 4,000 a school could set aside a school district policy guideline or labor contract so it would really need to be a policy adjustment not a waiver adjust because we're actually would be you know negating two of the policies that you're currently have pleas chair thanks so much I uh again um I don't think it does this board any uh real service to bring things without full staff betting and looping of these things uh you know if this is really written in policy and we need to adjust policy this item is inappropriate um if we had the uh rulemaking process we could go through with staff and learn about the pros and cons of doing this and if we chose to change policy but it sounds to me like our policy already supports doing this and so if it does I I don't know why we take take time on items like this uh for which we really have no basis for Action Mr SE do you want to respond thank you well and I appreciate it coming back I wanted an opportunity for us to discuss it because it was a motion that ese a recommendation that ESC brought forth that I thought was important and really staff didn't have an opportunity to say anything until I made it a motion and then they kind of worked like busy ants trying to get everything situated for last month and it still wasn't right but the the way that it was presented to me from the ESC department is they're not trying to ask for students of special needs to wave taking the test they would still take the test so if the school didn't allow students to wave the midterm exams the students would still be taking the midterm exam but if it was going to adversely affect their grade that's what they're asking for here um is that they be able to to wave the score on the test not they would still sit and take the test the concern was if it will adversely affect them um in the grading of the overall semester grade that's what this is speaking to because in State Statute the overall grade can be waved because it it would hurt them graduating and all of that so that's I understand the concern to be and again I just brought it forward so we could have a discussion and everyone could weigh in on it um and so that's why it's here I don't think the question is a policy change they're not asking to do different from the policy that we have they're asking to say they'll sit for the exam they're not asking to wave the exam they're asking about the score once they've taken the exam and I think that's why it was going round and round and round it's no one's asking for a policy change we don't that that's not what the suggestion was here so I just wanted to be clear on thater go ahead miss hollingworth good afternoon again miss hollingworth and I agree I believe the intention is all you know very positive I think the question and concern is that the statute is for that end of course exam in regards to the grade and the graduation requirement being in question for that student so that's when the iepd committee convenes to determine if this is you know a direct um harm to to the student for graduation and the end of course exam our local policy is for that midterm exam which is a stu is a Teacher Assessment it is not the state assessment which is what state statute requires so I think some of the unintended consequences that we would need to consider are if that's what's going to happen at the local level for Teacher made tests will this be something that could happen I don't believe this is their intent but it could be interpreted for any teacher made assessment that's happening for a midterm exam so I think that's where it really has to um you know have that decision which is what the you know the ask of the board is and then for real it's not part of an i committee for that midterm exam so that's why it can't be a IEP committee at that point so that's where it really looks like it should be if needed to be in the direction of the board maybe adjustment of language and policy but through the rle making process but okay any other comments Leonard yeah just really quick um just to to address two comments that were made if po if our policy currently supports doing this it does not appear that that's happening in practice which I think like there is a disconnect here so I think that's the purpose of us addressing this this item and this motion um and and just to address something that was was just said the the motion does not say any teacher made exam it's very specific actually about midterm scores in end of course subjects so um I I think it's it's worth having this discussion thank you any other board member Dr Hess yeah um I I just wanted to find out how many how many schools are actually I think it was one school correct Dr heurn that has the midterm five schools correct currently it's two and next year it will be six because as the school uh advisory Council goes through the process this is something through policy 1403 they can elect to do if the sac chooses and votes on it okay so um you know my real concern is that we have our ESC students in some schools like these five schools that are um have additional um obligations in terms of getting through a course and obviously this midterm even though it's teacher created it it's meant to prepare for the EOC exam so uh there's a fine line here and I understand the state statute is pertaining to the EOC final exam but this midterm is in preparation for that final and I you know looking at these five schools are having a different measure for ESC students um it's concerning to me and I'm not sure if State Statute Prevail as opposed to um board policy um you know but there's there's certainly a disconnect here that I'm not very comfortable with thank you any other comments famam oh I'm sorry M go ahead M fam go oh I was going to say there there is a a really uh to me simple solution to this we can the board can vote and if we get I'm not certain if it's a majority or it has to be unanimous we can check into that but we can send up a question to them and they will provide a clarifying um information and respond to us and tell us exactly their interpretation so it puts us um instead of we're ahead of the horse instead of the the horse ahead of us so we don't get in the position like we did with the charter schools we know exactly what the expectations are and we don't misstep so I would like to make a motion to to um send this question up to the um Board of Education and and get a um it's called a summary judgment or a clarifying opinion from them any takers what topic Miss fam what are you saying I'm sorry what is the what is the request to send the our question up we write out the question and we send it up to the Department of Education and they will provide a clarifying opinion um so we don't take a misstep they'll say no you cannot take away the right for them to have a waiver if they want the right or this doesn't impact um the statute doesn't impact the midterm so at least we'll know where we stand that way and we are not looking U at being spanked later for taking a misstep we know we did exactly what we were supposed to do and and we um found out the information so we can um take the right steps in advance is there a second I don't mind doing it however if I could Madam chair could I also respond and have the floor if you don't mind is there a second maybe it's a maybe wait we need a second before we move forward is there a second well second just let me just have second by Austin Public comment seeing none Mr Austin all right so um I don't mind doing that but I think the attorney 20 minutes ago was very clear and I wrote down these words motion circumvent policy right I don't think any of us up here unless someone tells me who has been a ESC practitioner right I don't think any of us up here on this day has been the academic uh officer or the chief academic person that we all I think we should be out of the way of the academic side right now clearly some of us have expertise and we all defer to each other I think in certain areas but I don't know if this is one where uh any of us has that level of expertise Mr superintendent right this is in your ball part so if the attorney which I thought was very clear which is rarely happens with all due respect from attorneys right you can rarely pin them down so thank you right she I mean you were very clear early on I said well why are we still having this conversation for 30 minutes so Madam chair with all due respect I think we passed a policy before and it's 4:44 so I don't know if we still are this just a point of order um I'm going to make a motion okay all right so minut and we have a whole lot to go so I'm done with this item so I'm going to I just pulled it for discussion I think I already have my answer I'm ready to vote it down because I've heard from the academic side they've been very clear the attorneys have been very clear uh so I'm good so I'm I'm I'm removing my second uh but I just wanted to have the conversation thank you okay so let's vote on Miss hixon's motion all in favor of Miss hixon's motion say I I those opposed say no no no I'm an i okay roll call roll call on the motion for item bb1 that's why I made the motion skepticism Mrs Leonardi yes Mrs roer yes Dr Zan no Mrs aldea no Mr Austin no Mrs fam no Mr folen holy no Mrs Hixon yes Dr holess yes the motion fails 54 okay I need to make a motion to extend the meeting by 1 hour per policy we are now at the8 hours of our meeting second move by alaf second by public comment board member comment dress Madam chair I appreciate your motion um I did inquire from staff the remaining items and what is really important uh and Urgent to get through today and that was vb2 I believe the other items could could could wait for next week's Workshop um an hour is quite some time above the8 hours so um I would I would prefer to um to have us get through BB2 and postpone the remaining items any other comment Mr Al yeah U so an hour I think uh I'm good with an hour I think we can actually get through the business uh because I also have another item that has to come back Dr holness which I can't tell you because I'll do it from the de um so anyway I'm good thank you all in favor of the motion say I I those oppos say no no one to sentencing vote Dr holness motion passes we go to 545 hopefully sooner yes Mr Alon would you like to go yes I'd like to thank you madam chair I'd like to bring back for consideration 038 to the floor second move by Austin second by alaf public comment board member comment M yes thank you so what's coming around board members exhibit one of the exhibits was not included so we just want to put this make sure it's included um with the final package between the district and what we've already voted on with us and the contractor so with that I like to move the item with the attachment that was omitted okay and just get and the prior action right to the exhibit a just adding this back in give the board a minute to look it over oh does everybody have the exhibit a yeah please provide that to the media and on to the agenda any board member comments on exhibit a just a quick one chair what's the difference between this was just excluded cuz there was 's already a staffing table in the item yes sir that's correct in the microphone sorry Dr Zan yes that's correct it was already part of the item in the background executive summary yes uh but it was not physically attached as exhibit a to the amendment check thank you information any other comments say none all in favor of the item what is the item number 3838 including exhibit a as a amend it say I I those opposing no item passes unanimously I have a motion and a second on BB2 so move move by Zan second by Hixon public comment board comment this Miss rer um I think Prett much what I attach said everything I needed to however in the end term I have had uh parents contacting me telling that telling me that they didn't have access to their their kids IEPs today because their access was ended yesterday and also today es Specialists that was their last day and they cannot access their um extended school year students IEP today Dr so yeah yes um thank you so the the team is ready to fi any questions and I no this has um been a um concern for a few people um over the past few months as we transition to a more innovating solution um for our students both in the student Information Management side and also in the SSS module for addressing some of our compliance and I AP needs um and also I I want to remind the public and the board that the team has dedicated thousands upon thousands of manour in development um collaborating with our ESC team to make any customized um changes um to address the needs in Brower County Public Schools as we know with any large scale initiative those things are also ongoing during the actual go live and implementation to continue to um further make iterations that that that suit our needs and our kids' needs also the thousands of professional development hours um that staff across the district um has been engaged in over the past few months and uh We've also Gone live as of yesterday for pre prek esy and we'll go live um I think next week also for the rest of our our esy um program so I'll um yield the floor to the board if there's any additional questions um for me right now I don't see the purpose in extending a contract with edpl for an additional 6 months um doesn't make good business sense for edpl to even want to embark on a relationship like that um we've from my understanding and looking in review in the past we've already done that one time to extend it for a year to help us with our transition as we build as we build out um the SSS module for our needs for this upcoming school year and also currently in play for some of our students already this summer as we work out the Kinks before The Fall season actually starts but can you uh answer her specific question in regards to the IEP being down today yes um Miss Ean or um Miss Skipper um if you can elaborate on on that concern good afternoon Tina Skipper director of data intelligence through the chair we had a transition plan in place that we have been meeting since probably January on a regular basis with the ESC team as well as Behavior threat assessment the gifted team and our suicide risk team with an indate on a product of June 30th we needed to make sure that we took appropriate action to put into place something that would cover our students during our summer experience from June and July through the opening of schools in August so I have been meeting with the teams to set up a transition plan and that transition plan was to do a system freeze out it was supposed to have occurred Friday um on the 14th but due to the closure of schools we extended it to yesterday Monday that was disseminated to the schools so that they would be fully aware and I know that my friends and team have been working with their individual counterparts to make sure they knew that the system would freeze out that was imperative to do two things one to make sure that everybody was really clear what are we using for summer school so we wanted to make sure that they didn't duplicate work they didn't put work in the wrong system but the other critical need to that that was being met is we have to freeze users out of the system so that we can grab our 23 24 school year and move that data into Focus as you know we've been working tily for months and months to move 20 plus years of information into our new system and we've got to have time to get that data and move it before the closure of the contract on June 30th thank you and and maybe I'm going to be wrong in saying this but did we communicate this to the ESC committee chair ESC committee to the school board the parents it's no Diane Ean through the chair um I don't think that directly we did communicate with schools to tell them that it's really just about nine days that the um edpl freeze is there and we're going to be trans and all that data is going to be available we've also um requested extensive reporting so that if families do have a concern and they contact us we'll probably be able to provide them with the information but the actual copy of the IEP we have to wait for that to come over to the you know to focus so that they can access that information and focus and is it the 26th that that's expected so with our original transition plan freezing on the 14th we had an agreed date with the vendor PCG for a delivery of June 26 um they are working very hard to try and continue to meet that date but because of the extension and them losing a weekend we need to project that we could potentially have to bump that several days so they're working on packaging the data they were in communication this morning I don't have a final answer on whether they feel like the 26 is still attainable at this time so again and I'm sorry that is exactly the reason we need the six month thank you m rert Dr heurn so I would say this is that we have to do better in our Communications if we're freezing there's freezes if there's parents not being a to help able to access their child to IEP the fact that we didn't communicate is a big problem so we need to do a better job of making sure that we effectively communicate every step of the way we can't be in our own little Silo here we have you know we're a community we we have to we want to see this be successful but we have to know what the plan is and if we don't know what the plan is then that's a problem don't disagree with you on that um we probably could have utilized our board alert system like we do with all of our other um shutdown and maintenance messages we receive Dr heer with with your blessing we could put out a parent link right away and make sure that we communicate that um to the ESC community and certainly ask them if they have any questions or concerns and leave our contact information so that we can support them through this process pleas you can work with Mr suiv and his team okay I have um pH only good Miss vixon thank you I I know that change is difficult but I every single ESC teacher and um support facilitator or ESC specialist that I've spoken to does not believe that going to SSS is advantageous for them or our students and um I I I know when we went I said this to Dr heurn when we switched out a quarter deck I well I'm dating myself now but I still miss quarter deck because it was such a much better email system than than uh Outlook now so um I know that we will get adjusted to things but I I just want to say out loud to all of you that there is huge concerns that the SSS model is not going to do what Ed plan does and a lot of them said to me they just recently moved into edpl they had easy IEP for a long time and that like a year and a half they moved and I said we've had edpl forever so I did say that because I see you're going to jump right on there and say it but Eep was what they used for a long time the teachers maybe the ESC um support not support facilitators ESC specialist had edpl all this time but the the teachers were using easy plan um easy and now they're like a year and a half later you're switching us to something else and I think that's where a lot of the anxiety is coming from from them because I've had a large number of them say that to me I just want to clarify so EAS IEP and Ed plan are both products from PCG we did start off you know um many years ago handwriting IEPs then we moved into a FileMaker Pro process and then we moved into easy IEP and we did not think it was easy at the time um no one liked that and then it evolved into Ed plan but we've had Ed plan for many years I mean I I used Ed plan as a teacher so we've had Ed plan but it's been but there are changes all the time and that is common and I think that's what you're you know what you're hearing they didn't understand that Eep was part of edpl so I'm just yeah you know these are the end users so I think it's important for us to understand what their anxiety is about and what some of their thoughts are because the ESC specialist is is a different different level that the end user is the is the teacher and if they're feeling like oh my gosh you're going to change some we just still learning this and now you're going to change to that it isn't so much about them being comfortable in a plan and not wanting to change it it's just that they weren't really completely comfortable in what they're doing now and now you're switching it but they don't see that it has the same value SSS model as edpl does so I just want to make sure I share out loud than dress thank you madam chair so um you know I agree with board member Rupert regarding the extension of uh Ed plan I I have said before not just in this meeting that there that I have concerns um regarding especially the IEP component of focus and whether or not that will be um effective um and whether or not it's a better product and what we have with um Ed plan um I am concerned about this because um uh a lot of our um uh ESC uh staff uh have major concerns about whether or not this will provide the right medium for proper documentation of our um ESC students you know I was um part of the um ESC uh documentation when I was a teacher um and so I'm just really concerned that um whether or not this product that we have in Focus if if doc if the IEPs are going to be um just as efficiently documented and and user friendly as we had before um in fact I would even go as far as supporting a one-year extension um but I am going to support uh uh this six- Monon extension of Ed plan thank you thank you I have everybody went so I'm going to go back um I would just like to ask a couple questions one is it even feasible to do a six-month extension with PCG I don't think so from um brief conversations with my team um and also a brief conversation with another person with some connections with PCG it's not doesn't make good business sense for them so I don't think they're going to be amable to a six-month agreement okay and M shck Adams yes through the chair the the current agreement um has a term that only contemplates expiration on June 30th in other words it does not have a an additional addition language which allows for an extension okay thank you and so we can't do an extension with PCG it's not allowable okay so now what type of of training will teachers get moving forward with Focus so can we um discuss or or inform the board of the the recent or past training staff has already received and then talk about upom training good evening through the chair Stephanie aosta Castro ESC Department um initial training began the week of May 6 and that was actually a training that was provided to school psychologist related service providers ESC Specialists and District staff and that was a functionality training that was provided by focused trainers since then starting the week of May 21st we transitioned to our teacher processes we've been running those trainings three to four sessions per week two sessions per day those have recently been taking Place at Arthur Ash and we've had approximately 400 participants attend those trainings during those trainings the teachers are getting what we're calling our initial blush of training for case management case load um setting up their their initial services for the beginning of the school year um today we entered into seasons of learning so there's also summer sessions being held throughout the Summer Staff who is off calendar and attends those trainings does get compensated for attending those trainings and then with the the additional positions that we were able to secure for the 2425 Academic Year we have six allocations five currently filled where we will be providing training all throughout the year our thought process is we're going to have two trainers per region and then the teachers will not have to come all the way to Arthur Ash to get the training we want to work with um nebor Community Partners high schools to be able to offer that training for them and then they'll have a combination of trainer Leed trainings as well as opportunities for them to come in and actually get direct support in developing their plans and developing their drafts and ensuring that they have everything they need in place prior to sitting in front of the parent when they have to have those meetings thank you and the prek assessment center I'm sorry the prek assessment center did go live yesterday our pre- Assessment Center is not does not have a summer because we test students all throughout the year um between yesterday and today they successfully ran 22 meetings on the focus platform that was a combination of initial consents IEPs and eligibility meetings and we've had support there for them to to walk them through the first initial dayses and make sure there was no concerns Madam chair I would like to make a substitute wait Miss well hold on Miss rert I'm I have the floor so um the Ed plan system was 2.9 Million per year and focus is 1 .6 million annually for the next 14 years so it will save the district lots of money miss rert my Amendment or my substitute motion would be to uh actually amend it to not six months but for one year okay Dr Zan thank you so much chair um I'm curious shair you know when we try and think about the magnitude of this item there's been a lot of uh of information flow back and forth uh between lots of groups uh advisory groups staff groups U contractors and the like does Ed plan or SSS affect the services that are offered to ESC students Dr I'll just say ESC team because there a lot of you lined up right there the software system that we use as an electronic management system is to capture what those services are going to be and to document them however the implementation of the plan is where our teachers and our human capital comes in to ensure that students are receiving the services that they're supposed to receive thank you very much so just so that the board is aware of this this is our electronic management system it comes with uh focus at a significantly reduced cost I can't imagine uh a greater way to introduce chaos than to have two systems in place at at the same time um and uh the plan that's in place um is the plan uh that has been worked out and communicated at least internally um across the board I think every software transition is difficult though Miss six talk about going for one email system another we just converted my whole company over to Cloud you want to know about chaos try and tell everyone they still have all the software but now they have to operate it on a cloud and and on Monday when we turned over uh nobody could work for 6 weeks cuz they had to learn the new systems and it takes a long time but the cloud is significantly better than enter Enterprise based software systems and a single integrated student information system with all the components built into it including IEPs gives everybody here who's trying to do data informed decision- making an amazing ability to look across IEPs student information academic success teacher placements and all that in order to come up with uh real analyses in real time so when you think about serving the superintendent on any of these staff positions you're a big fan of focus or any other single integrated student information system because all that stuff is just all in one in one system uh on balance I think given that this doesn't affect the services that are provided to our ESC students uh it is the management system I think it's time to take that risk save the money uh and move on with one system I also uh just from a business perspective PCG uh extension at this point they could hold us over a barrel for any price so if we walk into them and say hey we want 6 or 12 months uh more uh today is June 18th last I checked it still is while we're here um and we would need something turned over on July 1st I think it would undo all the work that we did uh and I think we have to uh I just think we have to move on I know that there is a risk and SSS isn't a one forone replacement for edpl it's a different system but it's another electronic management system to support our uh special need students um and it's going to work out fine in the end we just have to go through the transition and make sure that our amazing ESC professionals have all the support that they can get thank you chair thank you what happened to my motion no we're still talking about Miss rert no one second the motion okay I have something else to add go ahead Miss rert okay I'm now hearing from social workers that they haven't even had any any training whatsoever and they won't get to it before the beginning of the school year because they're going to stuck invasive so what we've been trying to sound the alarm at I mean it's like the canary in the mind I don't know if I could say it any clearer uh it's not a good thing I mean I understand um you know making sure that you can get it right but it's been an 18 Monon thing and they're still not giving the information to our end users to get them ready for our students and I can't Clearly say that enough please listen to your social workers please listen to your ESC Specialists please listen to your es parents those are our end users D Miss Skipper U I'm sorry can you talk about um training for social workers the social workers will actually remain in their current system of record which is basis it's an in-house application that is supported by the Broward it Department um there were some hours that were lost with the standing up of the SSS module and I would like to continue to reiterate that the SSS module will service more than just our IEPs it will also Encompass our EPS it will be our Behavior threat assessment it will be our suicide risk assessment our mtss platform and eventually probably our bullying and harassment platform so it is all inclusive inside of one system setting up all of that with an end date on a current vendor of June 30th meant that we had to cut some places and unfortunately our social workers were one of them they had to be cut the intricacies that are inside of our current homegrown application because we have very gifted people inside of our current it Department we could not replicate that in the timeline that we had to spin up an SSS go live that went live yesterday so that was communicated with the heads over social workers they were in support of the decision to not move haphazardly into the system but to pause for a year we have provided a direct link inside of focus so they can actually jump straight into their current application that they already know how to use because that is their current system from focus and we will pull their data back into the system to give them just as Dr Zan talked about the ability to join or merge their data with everything else inside of the system for analytical purposes so that they can see us dis a student holistically from within the sis anything else M fam Dr heurn I don't think um I don't see that there's a choice here they've already merged they said 20 years of data um if I'm hearing you right they're ready to go and just less than two weeks and we don't even know where we stand with edpl we don't know that they would come in and be hero and and try to rescue us or do anything to fix any kind of situation or anything that's broken for us um tell me if there if there is any alternative or balance here or do we just need to Greenlight this because we need to know where exactly the district stands on this and how confident they are um as I said before I've been communicating with the team on a we weekly basis um I've read the report that many other the board members members received um I've even made my own phone calls based on the report did my own research based on that report just to make sure you know I'm not overlooking any concerns that are coming our way um and uh the IT team the ESC team has been giving me updates uh I understand that a a um agreement was made with PCG before to extend to allow what they've done for us to go live this upcoming fall and this summer um to get this uh uh software this program up and running um for a full-fledged go live in the in the fall so I I'm in the same realm of you that we're ready to go I don't I don't see the need to continue to extend extend extend because we extend one more time we're going to continue to extend we need to go ahead and make this change um use this comprehensive solution um that's going to be a benefit to all of our students um not just our ESC students with the SSS module but all of our students when it comes to um utilizing Focus the the student information um management system as well okay ready to vote Yes and just uh M rert uh you did not get a second on your one-year sension so the requested second okay Miss rert are you making a motion to yes to extend it to get to give opposition to the superintendent to reach out and um with pcga so they would extend it uh for one year is there a second second public comment Bo comment have a question Alon so I just want to confirm once again from Council I don't have the contract in front of me U and I won't even focus on where we have been just in the last two years um with a PCG conversation and audits that I know that this board um has looked at talked about but I haven't forgot about them so councel I thought you were very clear that there is no mechanism for the board today to do any extension did I misunderstand you m Jack ad oh thank you just to repeat the way that the existing agreement is structured it only has an ex a a term that expires on June 30th it has no language which allows for the option to extend it within this current agreement so does the board have does the board in its ability can we from the de just uh direct the superintendent to contract with any firm so with this type of procurement depending upon the scope uh there is an exemption to formal solicitation for computer software so if the scope is restricted to items that are within the exemption then they can negotiate with PCG for a new agreement with the scope that is desired that is not so in other words if the scope if this if the scope that is contemplated is less than what the scope is right now like there are five items for example on the existing agreement and they only need two items on um the desire was two items to be extended my suggestion would be to enter into a new agreement with whatever scope is desired I'm not sure what the parameters of the scope is but that is an option if it falls under the exemption if the scope contemplated does not fall under an exemption then it needs to be formally solicited so who makes the determination of an exemption is that legal is it procurement and depending on the answer or whatever regardless of the answer does legal or procurement support an exemption for the board to do today from the day so um procurement determines exemption and when the agreement is crafted our office looks at it and supports that based upon the facts and circumstances within the contract all right Mr superintendent uh do you have someone for procurement present because I believe they're the chief procurement officer not the school board uh do you have someone for procurement that can help us and and through the chair um um one more um point is that it needs to be clear um to procurement what the scope is because facts are are important they can't make a determination without the appropriate facts and the facts here are the scope M superintendent Mr Smith Mr Smith is you're coming forward as the I'm assuming you're filling in as the chief procurement officer you've heard the board discussion do you support an exemption today for the school board to do this Brian Smith director of the business support center designed Jennifer Andreu executive director of operations in this particular particular instance yes an exemption would be available if that's the decision of the board okay any other comments questions ready to vote the motion is to the requested action that you're voting on to rir the superintendant to negotiate a one-year extension to the Ed plan contract roll call through through the chair through the chair um did you did you um was it a one year um agreement yes um you mentioned exemption extension excuse me you mention agreement Miss rer is that correct yes ma'am roll call okay roll call on the motion Mrs Leonardi no Mrs roer no Dr Zeman no Mrs alef no Mr Austin no Mrs fam no Mr fogan hoing no Mrs Hixon I would have considered six months but not a year so no Dr holess yes the motion fails 72 okay motion fails we have a motion second on dd1 Dr Z that was a move am she changed our motion good right sir all right all in favor of BB2 as amended say or no no just no right well she made a substitute motion I thought so it actually kills it it kills it yeah that was a substitute motion so we're done have a motion second on dd1 move by Hixon second by po public comment or comment what is the motion amended motion she just made now no it was a substitute motion done yeah yeah I don't I'm sorry what I just need a a little help I guess um traditionally in rer Roberts rules if you have a substitute motion it could be voted down uh but that just means the substitute is not as good as the original motion no right you still have to vote on the original motion no she substituted it um a substitute is a substitute for what's on the table and that didn't pass which means the substitute is not as good as the original it's one against the other that's why it's called a substitute so Madam chair you guys can figure debated I'm sorry madam chair we've debated this before which is why I've said we shouldn't do substitute motions it's more of a Hos leave it up to our acting parliamentarian abundance caution abundance caution We Will We Will vote on the the requested action for BB2 which is to direct the superintendent to negotiate a six-month extension to the Ed plan contract welcome to the BR School Board all in favor say I I I those oppos say no no no it failed we have motion second on dd1 mov moved by Zan second by Hixon public comment Hixon thank you um on page 2028 in the it's a page two of the executive summary um where it says processes process Improvement recommendations so I agree 100% with the first one the delivery methods and content of the student orientation and so forth but my my next point is the second bullet the policy requires that the orientation to students in the school Community is provided annually I I'd like to make a suggestion on that is that it is done early in the year because when you just say annually you could be giving that um orientation in January or February which kind of defeats the purpose of why you're giving them an orientation so I don't know if I just want to suggest or recommend that we do it as early in the year as possible through the chair Dr Mr Lozano so through State Statute and our work in Brower County Public Schools as part of Statute all students need to be informed of 4tify Florida within the first five days of school so as part of that video we're adding a grade level specific for K to2 3 to five and secondary on see something say something threat awareness and threat reporting so our goal moving into this year is to inform all students within the first five days school is in session on threat awareness and threat reporting the state also put together the office of safe schools a uniform training for all school-based staff um that all districts will use so we are going to orient our Pres principls and chairs prior to the start of school and during planning week our goal is to have all school-based staff oriented on threat awareness and threat reporting during plan and week prior to the first day of school thank you and I'll just say we we got an email from a parent who they were familiar with four toy Florida but this was concerned about other people not knowing what it was and they had a good experience and were able to resolve an an issue through through that but she did reach out to us and say we have to do a better job of letting our students and staff know that four to five Florida exist so I appreciate that we're going to do something um very big in the first five days because it it clearly is needed so thank you any other comments seeing none all in favor of dd1 say I I those opposed say no dd1 passes unanimously at this time we have our 5:00 P public speaker Belinda Leon ex one right it looks like it oh no it's not good evening Madame chair school board members Mr superintendent I am Dr Belinda Leon from the women of Tomorrow program I'm their program director I wanted to take this opportunity to formally introduce myself and to also thank you for the years of collaboration and support women of tomorrow has been around since 1997 we are in the public high schools of Broward Palm Beach and Miami Dade County we are a mentoring program for atrisk high school girls so once a month we have an army of volunteers all professional experienced women that will go to their assigned high school and meet with about 30 no more than 30 mentees and they will mentor on topics such as how to build a resume interview viewing skills sometimes it's about healthy relationships or the dangers of human trafficking we also cover the college application process so our goal is that these young ladies will graduate high school they will go on to college or be on a well- defined career path the young ladies that go through our program we have a 99% High School graduation rate 96% of them indicate that they will further their education and up to date we've awarded about $8 million worth of scholarships right now we're working with all the south Florida colleges um FAU Palm Beach State College Nova Broward College Miami day College um FIU St Thomas Barry and Florida Memorial to create different programs and activities so that they can understand how to further their education but to also explore different career paths I brought with me a one pager that I'd like to leave with all of you that's got a little bit more information on the organization and it has the list of the Broward high schools where we are active and also the ones that were working to become active my my goal as program directors to be 100% in Broward County I look forward to working with all of you to make sure that your high schools have a women of tomorrow on campus and again thank you for your support and thank you for the time tonight thank you we have a motion second on dd3 so move second move by Seaman second by Hixon public comment board comment Mr F hly oh no chair good thank you any other comments seeing none all in favor say I I those opposed say no dd3 passes unanimously may have a motion second on dd6 sub Mo move by demon second by Hixon public comment Mr Altin yep thank you madam chair um so on page 2,547 which is the executive summary that's the number I'm repeating for the public so they know how many pages of documents that we go through here uh so and I appreciate uh trying to be comical a little bit so on page three the executive summary under the observations piece so we identify back to b2g now Madam C O O did I get that right c f oh I don't I don't even know what the acronym is um it speaks to b2g now uh noting that 10 of 11 projects did not meet um the appropriate contractual participation um and it's actually back to a similar uh statement or comment earlier it also notes discrepancies between data from b2g and various data sources documents Etc so my just a very simple question and if you don't have the answer now that's fine you can just do it as a followup were there penalties for non-compliance on these areas if so kind of what was uh what were the penalties so I'm looking at on under the executive summary um under compliance and monitoring where it references the 10 of 11 projects not meeting the contractual commitment I don't know is it or the audit side so whoever I think this m Mr Rose okay so it's more audit okay my my uh IT staff auditor just walked out the door I was trying to get her back in here to provide some answers for this please hold got it so it's on your side sorry about that thank you Chief you can do it okay while I try to reach them would it be possible to do dd6 because I got Auditors here from uh Tampa that have been here all day if that's possible do you need the answer to vote or can it be follow I do not you can do a followup to that for dd6 okay dd6 we you'll do a followup Mr RS any other comments I have Miss Hixon yes thank you um I'm trying to get to one I had a question on how many buildings had castal castaldi reports which is 20 I think it was 28 so my question to Dr heurn is um are those castaly reports part of the criteria for school closures yes possibly including that in our strategy when it comes to facility assessments okay thank you and my last question here and I can't find the actual page but um it somewhere in here it goes on to talk about how many projects are actually completed how many are not and I I've been asking this I'm going to ask it again I've been very clear with Dr heern I've talked to um Miss Paul about it we were supposed to have a workshop about our ending the smart project what projects would stay on the smart Pro Smart Bond what would become part of the dfp and that Workshop that we originally had Got Hijacked about um the minority and small businesses and stuff and we never really had a solid conversation that we could be transparent with the community about what schools will be done before the October 20 25 date and what schools will have to be moved to the dfp so I'm going to ask it again um I hope it will I know we've had a lot of changes in staff but I would hope that we will have that soon so that we can be very clear with the public what stays as smart what moves on to the dfp and I think in that Workshop we should have aom we should have Atkins and we should have some contractors kind of sharing with us what the concerns they've come across um in that Workshop so I'd like to see it maybe the end of August beginning of September thank you thank you any other board member comment Miss Leonardi yeah actually I'm getting in the on the stairs right now so um I have some questions on dd6 but not specifically for the Auditors more for our staff and superintended do you need do you need to have a commment question on dd6 on dd6 yeah I'm just getting in the elevator right now coming down any other board member comment on dd6 is leonardy yeah I'm in the elevator I'm heading down what are we waiting on it's a boat all right so the questions I had were in comments were particularly to the recommendations in our response to the recommendations so on page 29 it says during the planning and early design phases of the smart projects and during construction many consultants shared their views of the 2014 needs assessment data in scope concerns um these Lessons Learned were taken into consideration while preparing the current RFP so I guess my concern is it's been 10 years and if we got this feedback early on in the program why haven't we really why is it taken 10 years you know um why haven't we seen significant improvements it doesn't really feel like we've learned lessons so I don't know if someone can speak to that Dr her so I just want to clarify the question Lessons Learned in the the facilities assessment from 10 years ago and the current RFP that's out um and we're saying that the current RFP that's out is reflecting the procurement process with RFP of the past no so I'm I'm more talking about the program in general right like so we we we identified some problems in the past early on and I obviously this this predates you but I guess the larger question to the system is why didn't we improve in the last 10 years um um I can't I I guess I'll just leave it at that yeah I can't speak to 10 years ago on page 30 uh talking about um just get that right page the castal analysis um you know Fran High School really stands out buildings 2 through 16 um renovated not not replaced um I think it really speaks to how styan has historically been treated um it's really disturbing the you know if you look back on the history of strain ahan and the promises that were made um 10 20 years ago uh I think you know as we move forward in years to come and we look at the defp what is Equitable for the big three including strain ahan um is not not runov ations and I know that we looked at the cafeteria which is outside of the the the bond but um I would like to see more of more of that and really looking at using those castal analyses to improve our our facilities um and that also my comment to page 30 uh the our our response to the recommendation doesn't really feel like anything new you know we we did a costal an a costal analysis um in previous years and we mostly ignored those findings as you can see in in the the this audit finding um in page 31 uh the finding about the changing scope um this has been a problem for some time you know it comes to light at board meetings that a scope has changed without board approval uh I don't see that our response is adequate enough in addressing that and there really needs to be a system of accountability because again this has happened over and over and over again and it doesn't seem that anyone's been held accountable so as superintendent I would like to see you have an accountability system in place for for that um on page 39 um this is on the this is the recommendation on um the non-destructive testing reports um so our the we I can read the recommendation right and I see our response is that the pmor has taken has TK the design manager to validate the non the non-destructive destructive testing is uploaded in e-builder for all active projects but that doesn't really speak to the recommendation so my question is have we obtained these reports and how was this testing done T so what we can do um Miss Paul uh Mr dor said and myself we can review all of this in detail and look at these recommendations also just to make sure um the response that we will provide or or um address is actually addressing the issue here um because I I see what you're saying as far as some of the responses that are are being received based on the recommendations okay but so I mean I can someone do we know this if we've gotten the reports and and if the testing was done we know that yet um Mr Dorset do you know Mark Dorset executive task assigned Chief facility officer right now I'm not 100% sure but I believe um if uh Divine Mo can step forward he may be able to provide some information on that Divine Amur director preconstruction yeah we did receive some of the testers but not for all of them okay so I guess my question would be what is our recourse for that and continue well our recours was to is to go back to the contractor and see those things that they never provided to us that if we can back charge them or they should give us credit for what they should have done okay are we in the process of doing that or that I will not be able to tell until I speak to the program manager okay um I guess I'm just I the so I guess I'm wondering like again what accountability system do we have here this is you know we have a clear recommendation here our response I think is incomplete because apparently we do have some of these reports but not all of them um there is apparently some recourse that we could take but there is no plan to take that recourse so I'm I'm just really concerned that we have not we're not being very disciplined in our approach here well we will we'll follow up thank you thank you any other comments being none all in favor of dd6 say I I those opposed say no dd6 passes unanimously may have a motion second on ff1 move moved by Zan second by Hixon no public comment board comment Zan thanks much chair um my question is really about arba and success factors coming out of capital funding I just want to make sure uh uh chair that this is an appropriate use of capital funds Mr shim can elaborate yes can you hear me Omar shim director of capital budget yes uh this is an appropriate use of capital funds it can Capital funds can be used for the implementation of uh enterprise resource software but not the ongoing um cost terrific thanks so much chair um favor of ff1 say I I those opposed say no ff1 passes unanimously may have a motion to second on jj8 move move by Zan second by Hixon no public comment Miss Hixon thank you just um glad to see a credit and I'm just going to give my number so um consultant omissions was $9 8,985 consultant error was 55,8 193 for a total of 15 54,000 which sounds great but keep in mind there were only a few change orders that encompassed all of that money so just doing my monthly thing thank you all in favor of jj8 say I I those opposed say no jj8 passes unanimously may have a motion second on jj1 14 so move moved by Zan second by Hixon public comment seeing none um this is ala I have a motion I'm going to pass it out so this is uh sale of land oh at um Coral Springs High School and my motion is I move that all proceeds from the sale of this land be allocated exclusively to the Coral Springs High School budget for Capital purposes moved by Ala second by fogan holy public comment board member comment Miss Dion just a quick question I guess to Legal is or or the capital budget I'm not sure who would answer it is are we allowed to to specify where money from a sale is going Dr hurn Mr shim or legal you yeah there's nothing prohibiting the board from uh allocating those funds the way that can you hear me you okay talk louder please okay Omar shim director of capital budget there is nothing prohibiting the board from uh directing where these revenues go uh sale of land basically is similar to millage funding thank you any other comments from the board Dr Sean I'm sorry um this this is land we bought in 1957 right 1959 and it's just land that uh we have never used uh since that since that time can you why uh so in my own kind of logic uh we're at Broward County schools and we have a piece of land and it's connected to a school but never used and if we make $600,000 by selling it that's great but my model is always we put that into a pot and we'd use whatever our highest priority is for Broward County Schools it may very well be that the highest priority is SK Co Springs High School or it could be uh you know uh Eagle Trace Middle School elementary school name name your choice but I don't want to start a tradition of of of you know taking money and without going through some kind of deliberative process to spend it in a way that taxpayers would be proud of so I don't want to do this um um it just does it I really uh think think that we need to take all of our money as scarce as it is especially on the capital side and go spend it somewhere where we really need it uh this also doesn't like allow us to do Equity based decision making it just kind of takes it and keeps it local uh but that might not be where our greatest needs are any other board member comment Miss fam yeah my sentiments are with Dr Zeman we have a lot of acreage right now well the school district has a lot of acreage in Southwest Ranches that has probably a very extreme high value so if we're going to do that and set the president well wherever the land happens to be that's the person that wins The Bounty then Southwest wrenches is going to be very very happy so thank you madam chair atin thank you and actually speaking of Southwest Ranches I think I heard you there are no schools there um I think I was the first person that's been there in years um anyway um but not to make that a different point um I also recall when the item for Southwest Ranches came to the board um the discussion and the vote count from the board um and the word or words that really uh created some heartburn for some up here so I appreciate the spirit of what you did um so I'm not necessarily opposed to it um my question is one have we done this before a um two if we haven't uh is the intent going forward because we now know that there's going to be lots of land sales as the superintendent has already identified to the board so is the intent for there to be competing items um or competing priorities or is it just you know a one first or one you know first come first serve from the board Mr superintendent so I don't mind this being the first so I'm not opposed to that um if that's the answer I just want to know process wise one second before we we need to have a motion to extend our meeting 15 minutes so moved second second okay all in favor say I hi yep we got three items yep Dr heurn so I I would say that is a board decision as far as if we're going to prioritize this the proceeds from sales of surplus property um I'm going to work at the behest of the board's decision on what priorities that they that the the board corporate votes on as far as priorities that they see deem fit um as far as the use of those proceeds for I'm smiling because I expected you to say that so um uh so well I don't know can someone answer the first part of the question is it the first is this the first anyone know the answer Dr is it permissible is it the first go ahead Mr Mr akabo um Chris akabu director of facility plan real estate I just came in if you can repeat the question please so there's a motion I'm sorry there's a motion on the floor from the chair to allocate from jj1 14 the proceeds just to one individual school I'm just wondering is this the first time we're doing this as a district allocating to one school my understanding this is the first okay because we checked with the capital budget Department it is it is it is permissible corre right yes it's unrestricted because it's Capital funds got it okay so I'll just close does anyone else have anything to say I'll just close and and just say that Coral Springs High School um needs a lot as me all of our schools I know but cafeteria issues uh field issues and we talked the other day about extending our you know Turf to to our Fields they need Turf so this money would be used towards these these purposes and you know for the principal at that school to to work with staff to figure out the best use of this funding for Coral Springs High School s thank you I I don't mind it for this item but I'm also concerned about a precedent if we're selling property for $26 million I have a concern that we would say $26 million is going to a specific area so I appreciate the number is not large and the school needs that but I I the question came you know what is the board going to do so I would say that we don't look at this as a precedent but have to look at every thing that we do because we're going to sell some property some for some big money and I don't think that we should be directing those large buckets to one specific place because we do have lots of schools across the district in that place where we sell it may not have the needs of a school U more East thank you Dr thank you madam chair so um I do appreciate the spirit of what we're doing and um I do agree that you know we should not make this a trend but I just wanted if staff could speak to the needs of Coral Springs High School uh this is $600,000 um you know and what are the facility needs uh that are there so you will better inform me to vote on this item but certainly if I do vote to support it which I likely will is that it's not a trend um that we set with other properties that we're selling all across the district so Dr he Mr Dorset through the chair uh yeah there's definite need there at uh Coral Springs High School um I know uh there are some uh situations in the cafeteria that that need to be addressed and there's no no funding for that right now um if we're looking at um um installing turf at all of our high schools that money can offset some of that some of that funding in that area what we don't use in the cafeteria um the the difference with this particular piece of property is it was purchased um um back in 1959 like we said uh but the only thing that divides it is sample road so you have crawl Springs High School on one side you have Sample Road and then there's a sliver of property there that really is just sitting there right now so it was purchased with the the school and I think the the funding uh uh uh the proceeds would definitely benefit that school if the board decides to do that okay and the Acom projects are all completed for Coral Springs High uh repeat the question please doctor the Acom um allocations um for C Springs High that's completed it did not address the issue in the cafeteria as the principal ad mentioned okay got it thank you any other uh questions or comments roll call on the motion roll call on the motion Mrs rert Dr Zaman no Mrs Leonardi yes Dr holness yes Mrs Hixon yes Mr fogan Hoy no Mrs fam no Mr Austin yes and can't wait for District Two Mrs alav yes so the motion passes 53 thank you may have a motion in second on oh that was a separate motion now we have to on the um I'd like to approve jj4 as amended all in favor say I I I those opposed say no no one desending vote Dr Zan we have a motion second on 05 so moved second moved by Zan second by Hixon public comment board comment Miss fam buying identification card software 150,000 I was just wondering has has anyone looked into whether we could do this ourselves and save some money Dr heern yes um we don't have the current capabilities to do this ourselves that's why we're um utilizing this vehicle to make sure we get this done that helped me make my decision thank you um any other comments seeing none all in favor 05 say I I those opposed say no motion passes may have motion second on o so move second move by Zan second by Hixon public comment no public comment for a comment 08 yeah it meet chair Mr fog holy thank you very much and I'm going to make this quick asking questions again um this is to reject one bid or reject all bids here to approve the it you're saying to reject a bid from the nonqualified I just want to make sure go ahead Mr D yeah if I may uh Mark D said task assign Chief facility officer it's to reject the one vendor because he wasn't pre-qualified that's what I thought just want to make sure thank you thank you all in favor of O8 say I I those oppos say no 18 passes unanimously Dr wanza we have gone through the agenda Madam chair we have exhausted the complete agenda of 99 items at this time do any of my colleagues have any discussion on students sucesses to brings forward to the board Mr poen Holly thank you very much chair I just want to say congratulations to all our graduates and all the staff students for all their hard work paying off and also I wanted to say happy juneth and then tomorrow we will be celebrating in Hollywood addict middle school and we will be hosting Tommy Davidson for a comedy special um and that's going to be down in Hollywood so I'd invite everybody there just to check out tickets online and join us thank you very much Dr Hess thank you first congratulations to the senior graduates of the class of 20124 I also want to give special recognition to two outstanding individuals um Angelica Calvin and Jimmy faas from laud Hill 6 through 12 for their remarkable accomplishment in receiving the Agnes Wade and Isaac doctor scholarship thanks to Senator Osgood for providing students with this opportunity and Dr Riden and his team for their commitment to Children also in honor of Caribbean heritage month I am delighted to share that I will be joining lale elementary students on a field trip to the island space Caribbean Museum on Thursday during this visit we will explore the rich Arts culture and history that exemplify the Caribbean region thank you T thank you I'm trying to to find all the details um so we have a teacher from Oakland Park no Lloyd Estates Elementary that um is a full bright teacher and she is going to be doing some traveling in the summer oh here I'm grateful to say this summer I was chosen for the teacher field study tours of coaster Rica and Germany by the Nea and top through the Department of State so they'll be she'll be doing some Environmental Conservation projects and in Germany she'll be looking at Technology Solutions and sustainable development and this is an all um expense paid trip and we're looking forward to her coming back and sharing all that she learns so thank you so much thank you Fam thank you thank you thank you um I want to congratulate Gabriel Ro a senior from Nova High School being recognized and honored as a distinguished Cadet during a special celebration at the pass and review ceremony on May 24th 2024 in pompo Beach High School I think we passed our date Gabriel also received a scholarship and was evaluated uh on his academic performance and demonstrated leadership community service School involvement and jrc participation so Gabriel I will see you on Thursday in the morning but also from our Communications Department Broward County Public Schools offers the largest JROTC program in the world with opportunities in every high school and several middle schools the 2023 24 school year marked the 50th anniversary of the JROTC and between Broward County public schools in the United States Department of defense impacts more than 200,000 Jr jrc cetes from all four branches of the military so that deserves a round of applause thank you any other comments seeing none this scheduled order of business for this regular school board meeting of the school board of bar County Florida has been completed see no obligation I now join the [Applause] meeting e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e