##VIDEO ID:Qrivx88jIW4## e check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two e check check one two check one two check one two check one test test test hey this is teams test two I hear you you're good see you check one two check check one two one two 3 4 check one two 3 4 e e e e e e e two e e e e e e e e e one two 3 two two e Alex can you hear me yes I can okay good nobody can see me right uh just a very pretty picture with an night scarf oh good one all right are we have we started yet uh the is in the control room or probably not because I see that the Slate is still up okay all right so I I'll I'll put myself you want to put want to mute my mic until ready e countown yes welcome to today's special school board meeting we are happy to have you join us and we are thankful for your time and dedication to our district this special school board meeting of the school board of Broward county is now called to order our primary focus is to create a safe and productive environment for all participants please be reminded of the exit doors that are clearly marked for emergency exiting while in the boardroom refrain from obstructing the exit doors all attendees must occupy a with the exception of media once the boardroom has reached its seating capacity attendees will be directed to a designated overflow area upon activation of the fire alarm system police exit from the room in an orderly fashion and continue to exit the building and remain outside until the authority that has jurisdiction has deemed the building safe to return thank you for your cooperation all please rise for the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America I pled allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please be seated thank you we will now have moments of Silence um first I would like to ask for a moment of silence for Dr Bob Parks doc Dr Parks distinguished career and education spend more than two decades on the Brower County Public School Board being elected in 1986 and serving to 2010 prior to serving in the role he was a longtime Broward County Public Schools teacher and also a professor professor for some of our local universities he is survived by his loving wife of 25 years Linda and his brothers John and Alex Parks our deepest condolences are expressed to his family and friends we are grateful to Dr Parks for his selfless service to our district next um board member Bulman has requested a moment of silence for a student from The Quest center Mrs Bulman thank you chair um The District 1 Community Mourns the death of jazara sepold a past program student at the quest Center a student since 2015 The Quest center was often referred to as jara's home away from home jazara was sweet and gentle and loved by her family jazara loved to do singalongs and play with bubbles she was a princess who loved pink and purple she loved sensory input and familiar faces she found comfort and joy and interacting with her classmates and staff who greeted her gentle soul with lots of love and compassion jazara was very loved and will be missed by The Quest center family thank you next board member alhad has requested a moment of silence for a student from Marjorie St and Douglas Mrs ala I would like to request a moment of silence for maxim Georgie 11th grader at marger stowman Douglas High School shared from margerie stowman Douglas staff Max was a highly intelligent and motivated young man who was successful both inside and outside of the classroom he excelled academically with a SCH with a schedule comprised of almost all college level courses where he earned very high grades he was a member of MST swim team and was also active in the recruiting Club he is described by his teacher as a kind and very sweet young man he is already missed terribly by his school community and Friends Max will truly be missed please join me and recognizing a moment of silence in his honor at this time thank you thank you and m board member Rupert has requested a moment of silence for a recently retired staff member from Monarch High School so Mrs Roberta is requesting a moment of silence for Rosemary Bon Jackson Who tragically passed away recently Miss Bon Jackson was a newly retired teacher of 20 years from Monarch High School her loss is deeply felt by her family friends teachers and our entire School Community please join me in a moment of silence thank you as we prepare to begin our special school board meeting we are reminded that our vision is 100% proficiency for all our students as an a-rated School District our Vital task is to sustain this achievement we will continue educating all students to reach their High potential our theme this year is believe and power achieve one Broward today's special school board meeting will operate in accordance with the Schoolboard policy 20 uh 10:20 and the board will review the items as advertised and presented by the superintendent the superintendent released a revised agenda with certain changes for this meeting and published it on the school district's website the chair finds pursuant to section 120525 Florida Statutes that good cause exists for such change es and accepts the revised agenda may I have a motion in a second to close the agenda so moved it's been moved by Dr Zeman seconded by U Mrs Leonardi all in favor of closing the agenda please let it be known by saying I I I any opposers say no the agenda is now closed the first item of business on the agenda is item number one a motion to approve the fourth amendment to agreement between the school board of Broward County Florida and navigate 360 LLC may I have a motion in a second on item one so moved been moved by Dr Zan seconded by Mrs Leonardi it is moved and seconded to approve item number one is there any discussion from the audience any public comment no public comment mam chair uh is there any discussion from board members Mrs alh thank you so I have a few questions my first question is in regards to the First Responders training are they training with these emergency plans and the the mapping during the monthly drills and if they are not why or are we using a different mapping company Dr heer Mr Lozano thank you for that Ernie Lozano task assigned Chief safety security officer um we recently partnered with cix who updated all our mapping for all our schools and cix has partnered with safer watch so even when our school administrators and First Responders go into the safer watch application at each School location they can now access our Maps real time and they're much more integrated and comprehensive and interactive for First Responders to be able to respond appropriately and immediately to situations so navigate 360 house our Maps when we had the two-dimensional fish maps and now that we've integrated to more sophisticated Maps um we are using the um cix platform with our maps in January Chief nwoods and I are meeting with the Chiefs to safer watches providing all First Responders now access to safer watch to also have access to the mapping and we've also already brought to all First Responders um files of the map so they have it on file and they've integrated them into their platforms because our goal is 100% of First Responders are able to access the map real time on their way to a site location okay so then if another company is doing the mapping then why are we approving this where it speaks to um if we vote Yes the navigate 36 the Emergency Management Suite which includes the emergency plans and mapping and tracking of the fire drills great question um so we're looking at um the primary use of what we use as platform is to ensure our schools and locations are in compliance with House Bill 1473 and documentation of their um monthly required drills their tabletop their behavior threat assessment monthly meetings so this is the management system we use with our school locations to ensure they're in compliance with drill reporting um we've been using this platform for four years again looking to be financially responsible we are currently you know under the direction of the superintendent looking at how we can best integrate um all the information we collect and use into one platform um so we can be as efficient as possible and also financially responsible okay so the navigate 360 will not be using the mapping aspect of their program so again we will have the option to add the maps into that as well as a feature but that's not currently the primary mechanism we use to share maps with First Responders it is primarily used for um documentation of our required drills thank you thank you any other board members have questions on item number one okay all those in favor of approving item one say I I I any opposed say no the eyes have it and item one is approved the next item of business on the agenda is item number two a motion to approve the piggyback agreement between the school board of Broward County Florida and Staples contract and Commercial LLC I have a motion and a second on item two so move second it's been moved by Dr Zan seconded by Mrs alef um is there any discussion from the audience on item number two any board member discussion on item number two Mrs ala my favorite bulk copy paper let's go so um what percentage of this paper is going to be used in our schools and what percentage is going to be used for district offices Dr heer um The Lion Share will be used in our schools we we we've been cutting back on central office and regional office staff and using paper and and transitioning to more electronic means of um signature requirements and just the frivolous use of of paper in the system so the these numbers will get lower and lower for Central Regional Offices but we won't stifle what the um schools need thank you Dr heurn that's exactly what I want to hear thank you any other board member questions on that okay great um all those in favor of approving item number two say I I any opposed say no no the eyes the eyes have it and item two is approved with one descending vote the next item is item number three a motion to approve the First Amendment to the order agreement fiscal year 24120 between the school board of Broward County Florida and Civic plus LLC may have a motion and second on item three second moved by Dr Zan seconded by Mrs ala any discussion from the audience on item number three no registered public comment Madam chair thank you any board member discussion on item number three Mrs Fam thank you madam chair um I had requested specifically the annual amount that we're going to be saving by making this change is how we're advertising um board meetings and other committee meetings to the public um I know in there generally States approximately 6,000 I just want to know is that um the annual Mount well if I can have the annual Mount is that just for the Sun Sentinel or does that include other outlets that we used to use that's my one question and the other question is how are we going to to monitor the effectiveness of making this change and communicating information to parents do we have some kind of guardrail in place so we are certain that it is reaching the public that we're there um to serve Dr heer Mr Sullivan yes thank you superintendent um so over the course of the four years this contract will cost us about $30,000 uh more or less and the savings is about $260,000 uh utilizing this mechanism versus uh the newspaper um the newspaper I don't think a lot of people were uh looking at it anyway so we really never relied on that to get the word out we rely on our website or social media channels to get the information out to our parents because we know they are more likely to see it there than on a last page of a newspaper that they may or may not be a subscriber to um May I through the chair may I recom make the recommend then also an email go out to all the parents surviving this is a huge change for people that um would like to attend meetings and and and want to know what's going on so we're actually working with Civic plus now there is a feature that folks can sign up to get the email alerts as well so we're hopeful that will be implemented in the coming uh months thank you thank you any other board members on item number three okay all those in favor of approving item three say I I I I those opposed say no the eyes have it and item three is approved the schedule order of business for the special school board meeting of the school board of Broward County Florida has been completed seeing no obligation I now adjourn the meeting e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e welcome to today's school board Workshop this Workshop of the school board of Broward County Florida is now called to order board members I am advised The General Counsel would like to request an attorney client session at this time I am requesting all those not attending the attorney client SE session to exit the boardroom Miss Batista thank you Madame share I would like to request the school board convene an attorney client session in order to discuss litigation pending before the United States district court for the southern district of Florida in the following matter the Reverend Dr Timothy chass Stevens versus the school board of Brower County Florida case number 024 civil 6192 6 a certified core reporter will record the entire session the following persons will attend this attorney client session Schoolboard members Deborah Hixon chair Sarah Leonardi Vice chair Lori alhad Mora McCarthy Bulman Brenda fam Dr Jeff holes Rebecca Thompson Dr Alan Zeman Dr Howard heurn superintendent of schools Robert bushelle Esquire and Marilyn C Batista Esquire in participation in anticipation of this request the attorney client session was properly advertised for today December 10th 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in accordance with Section 28611 parent 8 of the Florida Statutes the purpose of the attorney client session is to discuss settlement negotiations and or strategy relative to the pending litigation thank you madam shair at this time the school board of Broward County Florida will recess the workshop for an attorney client session the attorney client session will be held in the boardroom on the first floor of the casy rate Administration Center 600 Southeast 3rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale Florida 33301 the attorney client session will take approximately 30 minutes at the conclusion of the business of the attorney client session the workshop will reconvene all persons not scheduled to attend the attorney client session please exit the room at this time the worksh shop is now recessed e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e the workshop is now reconvened we are happy to have you join us and we are thankful for your time and dedication to our district I will now introduce the students of seol Middle School to lead us in the pledge of allegiance to the flag all please rise please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please be seated thank you as we prepare to begin this school board workshop with we are reminded that our vision is 100% proficiency for all our students as an a-rated School District we will begin the vital task of sustaining this achievement we will continue educating all students to reach their Highest Potential and our theme this year is believe and power achieve one Broward today's Workshop will operate in accordance with Schoolboard policy 1020 and the board will review the items as advertised and presented by the superintendent our first item for discussion is the quarterly joint Schoolboard and advisory committee groups discussion for today's discussion we will open the item with presenting advisory Representatives with the opportunity to provide brief five minute verbal remarks for the board's consideration um just a quick reminder on that um as you speak in the five minutes if you're bringing up an item that we're going to discuss at the school board meeting next week we just can't respond to that so I just wanted to make sure um um to give you that information um that after the five minute remarks from all the committee chairs or committee Representatives will have public comments and then the board members will have remarks and discussion so we look forward to hearing uh your insights and and ideas on how we can approve our district for our students so I am going to start it says on my left so I'm going to start with uh Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh and since she's representing two committees I believe she gets 10 minutes good morning um oops sorry I'm trying to make sure uh Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh chair of the audit committee and District advisory Council uh before I get started I just wanted to remind everyone and for the new board members that these meetings came from a district advisory Council motion to have at least least quarterly discussions with the school board not five minute reports where there's no dialogue so if there's no dialogue then what we're about to do is the exact opposite of what the motion was and what the board agreed to have and we somehow got here this is what our third fourth fourth meeting so in four meetings we've managed to completely get away from the purpose of these get others it's supposed to be about dialogue so and speaking of dialogue um we put together those of us that were available last Friday put together a list of concerns um and there were five items on the list and those who were present wanted the B item that is coming next week to be first on the list the B item is to initiate rulem for policy 1070 District committees and their membership the second item was a boundary committee the third were calendar options the fourth is the open items because we have items that remain open from our March meeting and we haven't gotten a response um I will forward to the rest of the school board what was forwarded to the school board chair uh there are seven attachments most of them have to do with policy 1070 and and the concerns are around the four proposed changes regarding chair term limits and how many committees you can chair at the same time um the people that were at that meeting I if we can't have a discussion and get a sense for where the board is on this item then the rest of this meeting doesn't really matter because we have communication has been an open item the way the Motions are presented to the board doesn't work the way that communication we weren't even communicated to as a reminder about this meeting until 5:00 last night after I sent an email to everybody that I could think of that was involved in this meeting so it's entirely possible that there are people not here today because they did not put it on their calendar or remember and there was no reminder sent if that that just demonstrates what we mean by the lack of communication where advisories are concerned so for this first item there are four things being proposed and I'll be blunt I'm not under any illusion that this was aiming for anyone but me but the problem when you aim for one person is that you inadvertently send Friendly Fire to others so to promote Innovative perspectives and expand Community participation it is proposed to initiate rulle making for this policy and adopt language that committee elected officers to Schoolboard established advisory committees may not serve as chair or vice chair on more than one committee at the same time uh other than Linda being chair of cusac this only applies to me um no individual may serve in the capacity of chair Vice chair recording secretary or their equivalent for more than a combined period of two consecutive years without a break of at least two years so you'll be getting all of the backup and all of the work which several board current board members were on the board when the policy 1070 committee spent two or three two or three years two and a half two and a half years revi developing policy 1070 revising it are there things that we've since discovered need to be updated absolutely are there things that got taken out like due process that's not being suggested here what's being suggested here is to undo all that work and what's currently in policy so you can't serve for in those three positions and nobody ever wants to be recording secretary good luck with that and if an individual has served in one of these positions for two consecutive years their term will conclude on June 30th 2025 of the people currently sitting here I think the only person actually I'm not I can't see who's at the end but uh parent oh oh okay I was going to say say that is not marry um so it impacts I can only think of two people that it may not impact one being Kimberly Burke mohorn because she was just elected chair of facilities task force so this is her first year and the other person being um potentially Carla Figaroa who is I think in her first year as a gifted advisory chair she's in her second oh then it does impact her so essentially all the people you're looking at here today um I think Miss fry might even be in her SEC you in your first second okay so you wouldn't see any of us as chairs uh after the end of this year and if that's the goal this gets you there um so as such in the upcoming election committee cycle if you've served as two you're not eligible so now understand what I'm going to call it what it is the hypocrisy you're all elected to four-year terms and one of your colleagues is bringing an item and we all have to get elected each year we don't elect ourselves nor are we appointed we're all elected each year by our advisories so you who have four get elected once for four years one of your colleagues is suggesting that once you've served two years two year one two oneyear terms unlike a board member that's it you're done and think about how long it takes a board member to know what how the district Works what your function is I think some of you have said it out loud ites takes you about 2 years so right about the time a chair has a grip on what the advisory is where it needs to go what's happening and how everything works poof they're gone so what do we have chaos because you're constantly going to have new people being chaired and that's what's being proposed next week so what we were looking for is a sense from the school board as to whether five or more of you are on board with this and this does not have the thing that we said was important which is due process there's no do process unless you're a school board appointee which not all of us are so that's the first thing on here the boundary committee I believe Kim when she gets here will address that I know she's on her way uh calendar options I think the areas had concerns we we tried to mention them here I don't know if someone's trying to get in and then our open items and then a timeline for responses to the open items we tried requesting timelines but that didn't seem to happen um and now I'm going to switch to specific items having to do since I still have two minutes 30 seconds oh that was you trying to get in um oh Linda can you hand out this list please all right audit committee we passed a motion on November 14th regarding the fund balance and there are two parts to it the chief auditor has been working on getting a response from this District staff but what we also requested was an opinion from the auditor general which that requires board action I believe so what we're looking for is for a b item to be brought to ask the auditor general for an opinion supporting what staff is doing because it didn't make any sense to the audit committee which is why they passed the motion which requested a written opinion from the Florida auditor general on the treatment of the School settlement and a written explanation from the Chief Financial Officer reviewed by the superintendent explaining the reason for the current proposed treatment of the charter school settlement by December 5th we will be meeting on teams on the 12th and hope and I believe we're going to be joined by the Chief Financial Officer to discuss that we also had what is on the agenda for next week about the uh payroll system which is not the first time we've passed that um there's an initial staff response understand that as far as motions go staff has informed me that they are just going to give you the motion no rationale no attachment so we are our motions are being treated unlike any other board item and if there's an explanation so on this uh so it's the beacon about streaming on Beacon and an electronic payroll system um and I attach when we passed a similar motion and the district saying that it was working on it I think in 23 that's not included here and that's a problem as far as DAC uh goes we will be discussing focus and uh the back to school forms and uh it might have taken me about 12 or 13 years but I think the disconnect is that you have staff coming to meetings thinking that they're there to share information about how fabulous everything is and their purpose is to answer questions and learn how they can do what they do better so there's a dissonance between what we think we're there for and what staff thinks we're there for and this all rolls up into culture and the need to change the culture which is what we've been saying since March thank you thank you um I'm going to jump back since Mrs Mo Mohan just came in cuz we're going left to right so you you want me to do you left last okay um Miss Ferrara Mrs Ferrara sorry oh there sign that's okay good morning school board members chair Dr superintendent somebody calls you um there is really nothing to report on Tac only because very few things come before us uh from departments so like the uh Windows devices and accessories that did not come before us I had a number of questions on there but by the time I was provided with the RFP um it was already going out and there were a number of concerns that were identified in there uh which probably would have simplified an addendum that was 94 Pages um this past meeting we did uh speak about Maximo because we know that's approximately uh 8 to 10 years behind 6 to8 years behind I'm sorry 6 to8 years behind uh implementation and the implementation schedule that it's on currently and where it's going um and unfortunately for a number of items we can't move forward until the big piggyback comes before the board which now they're not anticipating until sometime in February so again that's putting us behind everything that PO needs to do and have done and to upload information that's being collected in another venue another um method so that you know that puts everything behind in that um rfps we did dress a number of concerns that were out there and we're finding out that there are contracts out there we're not sure what they mean and what they stand for or can find them so we're now delving into that uh a little bit further U teachers are offered things but they don't know about them there's no communication about them and that is posing a problem and a lot of questions um for our next meeting we are going into the update on Final site which technically is also behind schedule um which is supposed to take effect I believe in March hopefully um didn't look promising at yesterday's meeting uh the other items were the B item for next week uh this impacts area advisories tremendously because now you're also saying School advisory Council chairs School advisory forum chairs cannot serve more than 2 years trying to find people to fill those positions is very difficult I served for six years on one school and then as my kids went through I served also the other position is recording secretary try to find a recording secretary but if the district's willing to pay for one to take our minutes that would alleviate a lot of stress on the Committees I for one technology advisory committee cannot get a recording secretary so not only as chair I have to do the minutes and that is required by Sunshine Law that minutes are recorded as whether it's a regular meeting or a workshop meetings need to be recorded so um that puts an extra burden on the chairs facility's task force also doesn't have a recording secretary an extra burden that's put on their members and when you're saying people can't serve more than two years where's our succession plan going now our section plan is counts on staff chairs moving forward to sitting on uh areas moving forward to sit on dac's but you don't get that knowledge in two years I'm doing this 29 years and I still don't have all the knowledge as members who've been sitting on the board for a number of years you don't have the knowledge hypothetically if you were to implement this policy into your practice Miss Hixon couldn't be chair because you already served two years as Vice chair so we we need to look at what's really the root of it and get through that and it if it's a matter of having individual conversations with everybody then let's move forward with that but to put a blanket statement out there that infects the entire district is absolutely disrespectful to all the volunteers that put their times the 260 some odd volunteers that work at the schools or 500 because you're talking about staff chairs and Sack chairs about the people the 60 schools per area that make their commitment every month to come to an area meeting and then from those you get into other committees you get appointed to other committees because of where you sit as a Schoolboard member you get the opportunity to sit on children's services MPL those others does that disqualify you from being a chair of those committees because you're a chair of this committee no so we have to look in that respect and to see what benefits the district not an individual person as a policy writer number one rule you don't write a policy based on a person you Bas it based on the best for the organization and that's all I have to say right now perfect perfect timing thank you so much next uh I can't see the uh Central Area advisory hi good morning and greetings D Depo thank you for having me um so as far as Central uh similarly we really don't have a lot to report back I will share that um Central advisory um in in collaboration with the central region office we were able to host our um focus support session and um it was held at Dillard High School thank you Dillard on November 13th um this session guided participants through accessing the system understanding its features and ensuring that um they would be able to stay engaged with their Scholars academic progress every parent was able to navigate the system when they completed the session um some of the feedback that we received was thank you for the training I find it very beneficial to both child and myself I love the fact that it is all inclusive and necessary information from attendance not only grades but assignment specific so this was something that our community was asking for and we were able to deliver with the central region office um a lot of the things in regards to focus a lot of parents still don't have have access and it's because it's it's as simple as they don't realize that the information has to match directly so if my name is Debbie defo but I also go by Debbie defo Glover I need to know how I registered the child in order to do it so there are still quite a few parents who still don't have access so we're hoping to potentially do something like that again um in collaboration with the central region office but it was um it was well read and and we were happy that we were able to um to have that um so that's that uh going to the handout that was sent out in regards to the different information on here line item number one B the B item I'm really not in alignment with with that if if it was the case where we did um make these changes to the policy I wouldn't be a chair anymore I started sharing the year 2021 2022 and it's not because I really wanted to it's because there was no one there saying that they wanted to do it so I didn't put my hat in but I refused to let the school year start without there being a chair subsequently I've been here this is going on my fourth year if you attend any of my meetings you'll know that I consistently do not put my hat in the ring yet there's no one knocking saying that they're going to take that either so again I refuse for Central to not have representation but if this is enacted I'm not going to be able to serve um so that's with that in regards to the boundary committee and um the redefining I just have to say that when I attended all of the meetings I when I was Voting I was Voting based on what the community wanted so in some of the meetings the community wanted one thing the city wanted something else but for me and how I was Voting and you'll get that information when you all go through that I did it based on the community our community over brow Estates does not want that something that maybe we could potentially do because we didn't have an opportunity to share is perhaps for for that particular one they wanted to take the children from um brow Estates and move them over to M with the um Montour program potentially what could potentially happen and we understand why it needs to be done because those buildings were built back in 1954 55 and it's really not the safest place for our children to in which is fine um but perhaps we could do a two-phase process move them over for the year uh to M and then um demolish what's there and I know all of this is going to take money but maybe we can find a little money demolished what's at brow estate so that we can build a new facility for the children and then move them back one of the things that the community was was saying was that they felt that the 31st Street Corridor was very dangerous and and they didn't you know they didn't feel like that was a neighborhood school as as a far as location as compared to brow Estates and that being a neighborhood school and being comfortable for the children to walk to so um that was something that they were saying yes they would love to see the Early Learning but maybe all of that would happen at BR at the newly envisioned brow Estates where we would have early learning to fifth grade and I think even potentially moving over to make it us um a middle school having the middle school there so the entire campus would Encompass it all I know many years back um it was something proposed but I don't think the community had all of the information to make the decisions that they made maybe if we bring this up again we'll be able to do it but the community at brow states does not want to go to m thank you for your time thank you so much diversity committee good morning um thank you all for having us uh board members Dr superintendent um chair we appreciate this opportunity so um I just wanted to Circle back on um diversity in our last meeting last this last meeting with the board the quarterly meeting there were three policies um that sunsetted that affected the diversity concerning and related to the CCC settlement and I still haven't received any feedback or information from that I know I provided um Dr superintendent a a paper and I think I I believe believe at the time Dr wanza was still in her position so I provided that to her as well and so I just wanted to kind of um reiterate that we didn't get that back and I wanted to talk about that and make sure that we have that the other thing is um committee members on the diversity committee so again like I mentioned before I appreciate having um members who are on this committee who are staff however when there's so many staff members on the committee sometimes it h is our job well the committee's job in my opinion um so uh and then then you also have committee members who are appointed because this is you have to be appointed by a board member um that don't show up at all and I'm Happ to strip people off the committee because they don't come at all and so I would what I would recommend and and ask and and gently suggest is that uh you all uh vet your people better um and explain to them the commitment level and what this committee is about that way we could have people who are participating in there um to make sure that we do the work of the committee um written communication reports um I'm unable to um participate in that because and I know that that's still a thing that you guys are still requesting written I can't do that because I have a lot to do and I do show up to every board meeting to to to give my reports so I've been asking could I be exempt and I haven't had a response for that so I just wanted to know if I can get that um either in writing or verbal whatever um as far the redefining we I did go attend all the meetings just as de mentioned and I was also voting for um voting in what the community wanted um the only issue that I have in terms of this redefining the um I guess the the parameters of how we were supposed to vote didn't provide us with um enough information for us to make meaningful decisions on that there was a lot of stuff that was left out that we could not we could not consider to make our decisions in terms of voting and so I feel that the process while the process in itself worked but the information that that we should have what I believe we should have had in order to make a meaningful um vote was not um a available to us and so I wasn't really too happy with the the way that that was um and then our open items I'm I'm I'm making a recommend ation or suggestion that um the response to these items be be provided to all chairs by December uh December 17th right so I'm giving you guys like a week to kind of respond to that we've had these open items since the second um round table with the chairs and we haven't had any kind of response to that so I'm I'm making a recommendation that we put a time limit on there a time frame so I'm I'm assuming you may not get everything to us but at least some of the stuff that we've been asking for because communication is uh is not the best um and then the last thing is that now we've we've changed there's no longer a chief of staff now we're under is it Chief of Staff I don't know but now we're under something new and we just need to understand what our parameters are like our websites our communication who do we turn to um I know we've uh I have been in constant not constant but I've been in contact with um Mr Sullivan and some other people in his office trying to narrow down what that looks like so I just need to get something definitive so we know where we're at and what we're doing um and as far as the policy the B item I agree with the rest of the board the chairs in terms of this to me I feel like if you all are going to be putting things in place to hinder us then what I would suggest you all do is get rid of all the advisories that the law doesn't require you to have keep the ones you have get rid of them because if you're going to put limitations in micromanage and Big Brother us or whatever when we already have policies and guidelines that governs our committees then get rid of the ones you don't need that's I think that's an easy fix you all can vote together decide okay do we need this committee do we don't have do we some of these committees are just created get rid of them because to me it's just it's it's it's offensive if you have we put countless hours in so it's really offensive when you start trying to mic micromanage us when we already have stuff that manages us already thank you thank you perfect timing also uh human Relations Committee hi good morning everyone Nancy fry chair of the human Relations Committee uh good morning superintendent school board Welcome to our new members and congrats to those that were reelected um so just a few things I wanted to go through um first uh I wanted to uh thank the board for uh requesting those new calendar options that are going out we appreciate um that you asked the calendar committee to take the time and and give us new options for us to look at that we're a little more tenable with our student body and the community um and we wanted to talk about um the motion that we had made last year regarding the inclusive schools guide that we wanted um more training for our staff and uh to have it be known more within the community uh we've heard some really great things coming from Equity diversity and school climate with uh the trainings that they've created for the principes and assistant principls going into this school year um because of that the most notable thing uh I think is that uh the report is that there have been very a lot fewer calls regarding how to handle situations this year the the staff feels more secure in knowing what to do in different situations and and feels more capable handling uh any of these uh different situations that come up in the inclusive schools guide so uh having that training I think has been really Bene beneficial and i' like like to encourage us to keep going with that and uh perhaps expand it when we can I know it's also being tied in with uh professional development which is not mandatory but we've already had 120 staff members participate in sessions that have included training on the guide and um and I know we also have had the training go to our service support staff mental health and our mental health professionals and uh over 300 staff members took that training as well so we're really glad to see that this is getting traction and that people are going to understand a lot better uh how to care for our students um one ask that we have is that there is a bigger push uh from the district regarding the seriousness of online threats we've had an as you all know we've had a number of them this year and we know that there's think before you post and and different programs but if we and look at making those more of a priority so that we can address the situation uh we recently had our fall uh HRC agents of change Summits for our middle and high school hrc's it's the first year we've brought in the middle schools uh and it was great except transportation is a big impact on how much our students can participate and uh we didn't have as high a participation as we would have liked we did have over a hundred uh middle school students but that could have been a lot better and it was mostly due to uh trans Transportation limitations uh so we would love to find some ways that we could figure out how to make it so that our students can participate in these events and um obviously they need to get there somehow uh Also regarding feedback with the summit uh a lot of our feedback in general it seems like for students especially in the middle and high school age we seem to be giving them QR codes a lot which kind of goes in the face of the cell phone policy and and also just not all students have cell phones and I think we need to be mindful of that and not create divisions among our students for their ability to give feedback if it's only accessible to students with certain technology uh we did receive a lot of feedback also regardless of that we did receive a lot of feedback from the students and the advisers during the summit they're they top of the line they really uh appreciate to being able to collaborate with other schools and talk have the students talk with each other all the teachers and staff apparently treated all the students like they were their own the students were really happy to get to speak together and hear what's going on at other schools um and uh there were some very consistent themes among everybody uh there was a lot of discussion about toxic atmospheres at schools uh about school environments both facilities cleanliness food quality and then uh activities school spirit and um morale and I know that um we've been looking at putting in more mental health supports in and just the one caveat I would like to give with that is that a lot of times the schools that are not having these issues as much are the ones that are going to implement it and the ones that are having the issues are not going to be as productive with having some of these supports in and I would just really like to reiterate once again I ask that we start uh looking at some ways to address the administration at our schools that are uh creating a less positive environment thank you thank you so much next up is North Area advisory good morning my name is Nicole Morris I'm sitting in for our North Area chair Cynthia Dominique who could not be here today um one of the things that we care deeply about um at North Area is equity um we were asked or I was asked to attend the um some of the boundary Town Hall meetings that you all had and one of the ones that um I attended was Pines Middle School and I've reached out to a few of you about some things that we noticed when we were looking at um the over enrolled schools versus the inter enrolled schools and one of the things was Pines Middle School is at 30% of their capacity and they have a school four miles up the road a Pioneer Middle School that is at 129% of of their capacity and they have 29 Portables so at some point rather than doing boundary changes we just kept adding Portables so now you have one school that's in in deep trouble they have over 50% of their population attending Charter while um Pioneer has 8% of their students attending Charter and if you look at the the socioeconomic and the racial divide it it's sickening um when I talked to some of the parents at Pines I said why do you think that 50% of your students are going to Charter when four miles up the road they they're all almost all 92% are going and they said well those are Cooper City Schools I said there are no Cooper City Schools they're Broward County Public Schools so I think we need to take a look at what we're doing really well in in the Cooper cities and the Parklands and make sure that that's being distributed not equally but equitably equally is when we're giving everyone Cambridge but if you give everyone Cambridge then everyone's going to go to the best schools the newest schools so we care about that we've been paying attention to the patterns um vaping is a big issue right now we we hope to get um Vape detectors in our high schools in our middle schools I would hope that we could Implement some sort of curriculum when we do sexed curriculum um online uh so social media curriculum can we do something with vaping so these kids know what it's doing to their lungs so they can look and see and they're not only vaping nicotine they're also vaping K18 a synthetic marijuana that has dangerous um effects on their brain so um I I've actually uh helped host two town halls in the North Region on the dangers of vaping and um drug abuse we are working on our third we're in the middle of our third right now now when we had to Pivot well I asked them to Pivot because we've had two suicides in the north area in the last month and so I reached out to jod Washington's office and said can we Implement something on uh suicide awareness as well because two in one month is is pretty scary and and when we get to the B item I know that um there's been some divisiveness between the board and in the chairs but my area chair when she found out that there was a suicide last week she called me and she said we have to do something if she's driving through a school zone and doesn't see a a light she calls and says we have to do something this is a person that's on her fourth year as chair I've been on the nominating committee for the last four years with North Area I was on the nominating committee for DAC we're not beating each other up to be chair no one wanted it my husband said said I don't think so you're not taking on another thing so we need people that care if we just put anybody then we don't have Cynthia that's going and saying hey we need to do something about mental health right now and she didn't want to be chair again but no one else would do it and she wasn't going to let it fall so I I think that we have to be careful that we're not um letting go of people that really really care because we we've done a lot of good things in the North Area I mean I could write a list of things that I felt like we've we've done because we have we have people that care but we're not beating each other up to be to be chair so um okay typing um a lot of our parents are interested in having typing in the Middle School um so if we could start getting typing in in the elementary level so that they're ready for it in the Middle School um we have parents who come every month and they're concerned that they're students um one is at uh riverglades and her her child's still not reading and her IEP isn't being met so she's having to go out and pay a tutor because they're not giving her the services that her IEP says that she should get so I think I'm out of time thank you you had a few seconds left but thank you I'll tell you later um next up is ese good morning Jackie Lum ESC advisory and this is my first meeting where Miss Thompson and Miss Bulman have been here so welcome nice to see you um I diso everything rather than just say the same thing again but we did spend two and a half years on the policy 1070 committee and worked with the board um over that period to put in place a policy that we felt reflected um how difficult it is to get volunteerism these days and to ensure continuity and consistency in leadership um to an extent um at uh at some of the advisories and to help encourage um volunteerism so it is I I share the dismay that's been articulated I'm not going to take my five minutes to um repeat it all but just ditto to that um I do think there's some improved communication that could be done between the district and um board and advisory chairs I have found that we used to have Angel Gomez in the legislative affairs office who would send out regular bulletins to advisory chairs with um things like copies of um flyers for events and notifications of things that were coming up um that we could help publicize we're out here with our own networks of commun of communities and parents that we can be helping emphasize when um there are um issues and processes and initiatives coming up that need um shared promotion and we're not getting them um I've just been dealing with a parent on here actually uh whose kid was suspended or asked to be Tak or whose parent was told to take their kid home 30 times in the course of the last school year she reached out to a grand list of folks some of whom are in here for assistance um by email um she's had help only or response only from the same school that she's complaining about she says not from the district level so she's now gone to Florida Department of Education who have pulled together a meeting with Broward School staff and with her to try and resolve it and I want to mention that because that is symptomatic of every single day I am getting parents who are in a tangle with brow County Public Schools over Ese and uh they're just for all the good work that um Diane eagan's department does and I commend all the good there are just still so many problems out at schools particularly with how to deal with behavior we've asked so many times can you just tell schools it's not okay to just call Mom and say take kid home we can't deal with them that's an illicit backdoor suspension um and I don't know what it is that precludes somebody just being able to write a memo or pull everybody into a meeting at school school level and say you do not do this here is how we deal with these challenges um for if if we need to make a motion in order to do that let's make a motion at Esa advisory asking please could you just inform scores and remind them of this I've been got to go lobbying nine board members for them one of them to adopt our motion then get it on an agenda for um a board meeting which takes you know you know can take a couple of months so maybe in you know six months time then somebody might say yeah that was a good idea let's write a memo that can't be the way that we get business done we've got lots of good suggestions that can just be maybe suggestions that we make at meetings or information that we ask for to help inform us to Advocate that we're just not getting um the $1 million rollover of ese funds I am going to keep banging on about it because unless we do it will keep happening because last year we brought it up to that there was a rollover of unspent federal funds that is utterly reprehensible if there are that many um gaps in this ESC system in terms of Staff out at schools where salaries weren't being paid so that accounts for some of that money being rolled over then there is a serious crisis and we need to have an inventory of what staff we are missing where in the ESC network of providing for students um so that there is something actually being identified and done and so that we are seeing where the money is being spent um Focus you know my thoughts on that I'm banging my head on a brick wall trying to get anybody to still understand that when I bring issues forward about Focus I'm simply getting nothing back I wrote you a whole report in May zero response a whole list of things that we needed to have um crunched ahead of time before that uh leap over from um edpl to focus was made that now you know 6 months down the line of being identified and there's problems we needed to have had planning a For Thought cameras in classrooms glad to see um that that's still a thing but we've had no update on the timeline for that um mental health um I was out at Cross Creek a few weeks ago um as um was chair Hixon there was an awesome program that uh the school district used to run called um in in association with the uh Center for mind body body medicine it lapped under lapsed under Dr cartright and I think that would be incredibly valuable they have it out at Cross Creek and number of schools and anybody who was out there would have been really impressed to see how it benefited students and staff thank you thank you so much uh parent Community involvement task force hi I'm Aon go and I'm sitting in for Mary ferdig um our task force meetings this year have focused on how to improve Communications to parents from schools in the district how to ensure parents know how to communicate to the schools um and we ourselves have heard from parents as well as students staff and community members on issues of both celebration and concern over engaging the community in policy development implementation or policy development and implementation most specifically um on the cell phone policy um a primary focus of ours has been on creating accessible opportunities for parents and community members to access information learn from experts within our district and know how to reach out and receive timely response from schools when they need assistance to that end we have had two successful parent University sessions um one was on library and media resources that support literacy the other was on digital citizenship we are hearing a lot um from our community that we want more on that digital citizenship piece um I need to say a big thank you to Dr Wilson and the Innovative learning team for being absolutely incredible Partners on those um and we're excited to work with them and partner more um on future events to help engage parents and caregivers in ensuring our students are prepared for the future they will meet again that has been a really big topic that has come up repeatedly how do we make sure our students were preparing our students um in a way where they know how to use the the tools that they will have available to them um seeing the ways these sessions have resonated with the community we are hoping to extend the by creating a podcast um which would be geared towards parents and other caregivers to empower them with information to support their children we've had really exciting conversations about this so stay tuned in 2025 um about that um in January we are going to jump into planning our nonprofit Forum which is geared toward con connecting Community nonprofits with ways to support our students our schools and our Educators um and I do want to say a thank you thank you to Dr canning and her team they just provide such wonderful support and um access to help our task force thank you thank you that was quick um facilities task force good morning my name is Kimberly Burke mohorn I would like to um welcome the new board members um I'm a new chair and um things have been quite interesting as the chair um I really want to go over some things about the B item first because and to talk about the B item it it it sets the tone for everything else that we do so my question is you know what are your perspectives of as far as the advisors and the advisories and the chairs because we spend a lot of time and to have an item like this it's like a slap in the face we spend a lot of our and we are volunteers so the time that we spend to try to help our schools we are parents we are um taxpayers so this is our money and our time on top of our our money and our time um the majority of these women all of them I'm not going to say majority all of them are passionate determined they're driven they're very loving women but when it comes to their babies you might you do get some resistance from us you do get some attitudes from us but what you don't need to do is take it personally it is about the children always on where I sit as a t facility task force um chair we have schools that are absolutely filthy and when people tell me that oh you need to um talk to the principal or you need to talk to the um head janitor or I mean the custodian trust me when I tell you that we've done that when I reach out to a board member or Dr heurn or Dr wanza that means that we have basically gone through the chain of command at every aspect so we just ask that you really reconsider that b item I I you know you you really consider that because there's not a lot of people that are running to be chairs it is a lot of work I have huge shoes to fill after Dr um Lynch wash she it's it's in her you know every hour of the day I have a job and do this and this is her this is part of her job but anyway on on to some other things redefining schools we really need to talk about that um I'm with you chair of the um Central Area there has to be a better way between MLK and BR States I think that you know a lot of facility people may say well a 1958 school you know it's it's no you know the year doesn't matter but if it's been neglected for years and years and years it does matter and and my suggestion would be and we are you know with the community that yes that one of those schools they need to come together it'll probably be more than a year um they need to come together and and and decide on which school they're going to use and build a brand new school and and we will definitely support support that um again Administration doing site work the principles um facilitating or watching over um construction that shouldn't happen they don't have the knowhow please I I I don't know you know where this idea came up and I know we have a new Chief so I and I and I hopefully things will change a little different but principles don't know about construction sites assistant principles don't know about construction sites so we ask that um you make sure that let them do the teaching and learning and make sure that we have site managers on site to to facilitate and that is the end of my um report and I thank you guys okay thank you so much um next up we will go to public comments there's no register speakers Madam chair well we'll take public comment if there's any public comment but I don't have any on the list I did you know I did um all right thank you because it was available and I'll send you the the confirmation I don't know what's going on systematically okay but but this is yet another problem to talk about so um just going over all these um and starting at the end so the the thing with brow States um just to be clear because the boundary committee which I was on that as well and I was the one yes vote but there were conditions um and so some of those conditions are the right thing to do at FTF we had a discussion about this and we didn't have Quorum so we couldn't pass a motion but we came to consensus about consolidating the two schools and then doing the right thing and funding a new school and because MLK is in slightly better shape than the Broward estate's 1957 buildings which if you do a castaldi it's going to come back that it is more economical to replace than to renovate and renovating things that should have been torn down is one of the themes of the smart program and you can go back and see on tape where the decision was made to renovate things that should have been torn down and that's one of the reasons for the delays because you keep trying to fit Square pegs into round holes and we now have buildings that we can't tear down in the near future so anyway consolidating the community as D said is adamant about the 31st ab and that makes sense that you would want to put it within the community if you can fund a $37 million because that was the latest estimate we got for the coral Glades amphithe uh Auditorium if you can fund an auditorium to the tune of 37 million then you can find the money to do the right thing with Broward Estates let them know it's Christmas because it is and fund them for a new school that merges brow Estates and MLK and then you're going to have to do it again because North Fork is in a similar boat reassign the kids in the short term and part of longterm which this has been a Rec recurring motion that your long range facility master plan steering committee is reports directly to the school board so that independent of whoever is the superintendent that committee is reporting to the school board and making sure that long-term planning is happening which did not happen in 2014 that's a problem uh our motions and how they are on these agendas next week being an example we in terms of responses today the B item is key because if you're if the majority of you are on board with what's being proposed we don't have anything else to talk about but then to start wrapping things up and it's going to be a bumpy ride to June so the B item is key doing the right thing for brow Estates and MLK which is not leaving kids in 1957 buildings or just moving them forever to okay that's not the right thing either and then these these open items the Motions if we give you additional backup it needs to be included it is for every other item so I hope you guys um if we can have open dialogue about these issues that would be great thank you thank you is there any other public comment okay oh okay we next we're going to go to board discussion so sorry Miss L did you want to that's what I'm Keen for I wasn't sure how this is working if we're now going to go around and have another three minutes or if we're going to have some dialogue so I'm I'm in your hands I'm cool okay great so we'll move on to board discussion um anybody want to start Miss Bowman Oh I thought you had your hand up all right Mrs leonardy I'll be brief um I again want to thank everyone for coming for their participation in the Committees I know uh it is a lot of work and a lot of time and you do it um out of the goodness of your heart so thank you um I I takeen all of the feedback um and I know that the superintendent is hearing that um and you know I hope that we can get some progress especially on uh the pieces that um Miss Pier Grant brought up about the CCC and not hearing back about um some of the issues that were raised with that um and just as a former English teacher I have to Echo uh the desire for typing classes um especially you know from a very pragmatic place in a in a place that I don't love coming from which is testing um you know I I taught high school students and they would type like this um and it is a skill that they need to have um it is valuable it is useful uh across a variety of of different aspects of their lives so I just wanted to to reiterate that thank you guys so much thank you anybody else okay I'll jump in um oh okay go ahead Mrs Fam thank you uh firstly I want to thank everyone for coming in I I think this is really important that we share this dialogue and have these conversations and also that they are a part of public record because your concerns are a lot of the community's concerns you're hearing their voices so I really do appreciate you coming in um and going through this I comprehend that we just sitting on this board for four years now by law um and you were subject to renewals I don't see any reason why you should be limited and cap at two years and I don't see I it to me it seems discriminatory uh number D because it's if you're um have you served as a chair Vice chair recording secretary then you're not eligible for a recommendation in 25 or 26 why is that where did that come from I don't remember voting on that so anyway um I agree two years is not enough to jump into the fire just getting your feet wet so I applaud you for making recommendations I'm listening um Kimberly I'm so impressed I know you're a new chair but you're overwhelmingly incredible so thank you again for coming today okay Mrs ala thank you um so I would make um a little bit of a recommendation maybe for a future meeting that we do small groups in collaboration between the school board members and the committee members so I think with those small groups we could have a more back and forth conversation um so that's recommendation to miss hixen um also I'm recommending possibly to use AI notes to help record your meetings um this could help to save time reduce the manual effort and ensure accuracy in cap capturing your committee meetings and and details for your meeting um thank you for bringing up about the uh the issue that we have with threats to our schools and the need to do more about think before you post the Portables I know we have been trying to eliminate Portables um you know possibly we need to do that in a more aggressive manner to to help to eliminate those numbers for the the student count The Vape detectors um I hope that we're looking into to trying to figure out how to install The Vape detectors we got the funding from the settlement and so we have funding to to put those Vape detectors into our our bathrooms I absolutely agree there there needs to be more to be done with the the suicide awareness um not only that we've had the two suicides this month but we also have every almost every day a student that is doing self harm to themselves so we we need to do more to be able to connect with our our students and create those relationships and provide the mental health that that they need I also agree about the the typing class and um and also learning cursive thank you okay Dr Zan thanks so much chair and thank you all for uh your time and and energies uh to be uh put into this um it um advisories have a very special role in in our school system um and I note the frustration about getting answers to questions and about uh getting time and attention um and I hope that we can create um an even better system uh moving forward uh to set an example of what um really great looks like I want to thank Aon go and her committee uh last month I went out and attended the parent Community involvement taskforce um I was the bad guy there because I didn't agree with their opinion about cell phones um and we spent an hour and a half uh talking to real parents and real community members about their real feelings about cell phones I learned a lot and I have spent a lot of time reading about cell phones in K through2 environment and I have a a body of knowledge between books and articles about it and lots of evidence about effects that it's had on academic performance on mental health and on Safety and Security but I didn't know the perspective of the parents in the community and that was just a really useful way to do that um and so I just want to say thank you because that is what advisory board's intents are is to really inform the school board um and I use several points from that uh session as I've talked to uh other folks at conferences and things like that and as I've melded my opinion about kind of where these things make sense and with the superintendent thinking a little bit about what data we want to gather uh in order to prove or disprove some of the ideas that came up at that meeting so um I hope that that continues to be the model for Broward County whether the B item happens the way it is or it happens in a different or or or other way as that goes through um the partnership is really important and the frustrations about getting answers and responses I understand um this is a big system it's doing some things extraordinarily well it has become an a district because 800,000 people in Broward County work to make it that way and you're a big part of that um but we have to kind of keep working on the things uh that we're not doing well while at the same time we uh make sure that the a District activities that we've had in fact are are controlled and built into our system and into our culture so that they never go away um I also want to why we have all of you here thank your staff counterparts um that is additional duty for them as well and they do their job uh to try and get information to attend meetings to help um uh set agendas and get some things uh put together um I'm sure if if um an outside Observer came and looked at this partnership there'd be uh ways for the advisory committee folks and for our staff to do an even better job uh and I look forward to those kinds of improvements going forward um but for today thank you very much for your help and support and um uh thank you uh eron to you and and to Mary for hosting that meeting and having such a I mean it's not even an advisory Council it's a task force right it's a temporary group set up by the school board to handle a temporary problem I think parent Community involvement is probably not a temporary problem it's probably a perennial problem uh but I thank you for uh that meeting and for all of the meetings you've held for for for enforcing the need for parent University uh you know those are incredibly helpful things that everybody can point to and say all kinds of goodness has come out of that advisory uh Council and for what they've done and uh so thank you for setting such a great example thank you chair a point of order chair may I ask a question through the chair um would it be possible for the district to look into a grant for um Lighthouse Point in order to get um the blind up there when when I had my company we used them as transcriptionist and what we would do is dictate or you can actually submit a meeting and a blind person would translate that with the use of their equipment they would assign them and I'm sure there might be a grant out there where it could cut down on them taking their their meeting notes or someone being responsible for that if as long as the person would identify who they are as the speaker but um we could possibly partner with them and actually look for a grant to cover those costs Dr Hepper it's a not it will pass that information on to our grand team thank you any other board members before I jump in okay so I'll um I guess I'll bring us home I a couple of item thank you first of all thank you all very much for coming today um for sharing your your thoughts your concerns good ideas and things that we can do better I a lot of things were echoed so I hope that um our staff took note of that and I I agree that the communication has to to improve so we will work on how to do that um I want to point out a change that I'm planning on making to address something all of you have said so right now when you make recommendations to the school board it comes as an L item which is a consent item and we're going to make some changes to that in our um in our meetings consent items typically don't have discussion with them they just are their consent so you come along so we've made had a discussion about making them an LL item which would take them off a consent make them an open item so instead of just receiving them we would have an opportunity to receive them and then also direct the superintendent to act on those recommendations as they're coming before us so that it's more timely for you all to see we've we've heard the recommendation and we've acted on it through an LL item as opposed to a consent item so we're going to try it see how that works and hopefully that will help to address how quickly things are because some of them are just um are are things we can direct the superintendent to to do immediately when they're policy items of course that's something a little different but I think some of the items coming before us next week are really operational items that we could just direct the superintendent either we agree or we don't agree and we could do that quickly so that's going to be a change um hopefully that will work but I want you to know we've heard the concerns and we're going to try to do something to address those so that's um the first thing the next thing also we would like to ask your help with is that under policy 1070 it says that each Schoolboard established advisory committee appointee must regularly communicate with his or um with his or her appointing super um sorry Schoolboard member to provide updates and so we know you come to us every month um with reports but really who we have um put appointed they're supposed to update us I ask my appointees to either call me or email me and I know you're having issue with attendance but if we could work on this both ways and at the end of your meeting remind your everyone that's there please send a short report to your Schoolboard member on what the things were so that it's a constant reminder and a reinforcement of what happened in your meetings and what actions they would like for us to do so it's not falling on you as a chair to do that that's not really your job we each have an appointee and their commitment was that they would get back to us so we can work on making sure they show up and if you could remind them to report back to us then hopefully we can make that a better communication piece um as well so I think that's also really important um I'd like to ask some feedback from the superintendent because the mental health piece is huge and we know from all the baker acts that we see on a daily basis that we wanted to address the issues of mental health and suicide prevention so we hired using money um mental health coordinators and suicide prevention coordinators so there's a few they run through the district and we see this this epidemic happening so I'd like to just ask the superintendent how do those staff members get out throughout the district and if we have I think two Suicide Prevention coordinators what are they what's happening and how are how are we making sure they're getting to the places that they need to get that too absolutely I I'll start with um listing that we do have a plethora of services for mental health especially for support of suicide um I don't have all the specifics of how they're deployed um and we know we deploy based on certain circumstances I don't know Miss hollandsworth I don't see Miss Washington in the in the room but if oh miss hollandsworth not here even so um so we may have to provide a a followup on the specifics but um but uh one thing uh talking with our student advisers um that they gave feedback to us is that you know we advertise to students in an adult Centric way um right we have posters and lanyards and all those other things and you know Landon and the student advisors the last session we met with the monthly and student advisory groups from all of our schools that they represent um pretty much Echo that hey we know you have services but everybody's not aware of how to access those Services um so the Team Challenge the team to think a little bit differently to get information from students to find out how they want to receive the information in an easy and common way so that they aware the services because we think to adult cetric with the 2D art way of doing things with posters and lanyard and um posting more of these this information on on social media really working with our student advisors for their students on their campus that kind of make commercials for their for their peers and things like that so they really understand all services that we provide and know how to access them so trying to close the the communication gap with our kids too okay well I appreciate that cuz I also I hosted a town hall with students to get some feedback and um it was pretty simple what they want they want someone to talk to Y they don't want programs they don't want those kinds of services they want to sit down and have a conversation with a person and the second thing that they said which actually I found really interesting because think students just want to be on social media all the time they said the best way to get information to them is through canvas because they have to look at it every day so you're we're making an assumption that they have followed us as a school board that they're you know they have to do some steps before we just post things out on social media um and the parents interestingly enough said email was the best way to contact them but we think it's text and we think it's different things but um it wasn't a huge number of people but I'm just you know giving you the feedback I thought um giving them information on canvas made sense because they do open that every single day to start their day so I would make that suggestion but I just want to reiterate I think we've said it over and over again we need to invest in people that are going to be able to talk to our students when they need to talk to them that's why we changed the um job description for the guidance counselors instead of of having them to do a lot of the other things we wanted them available for our students but I would hope that a suicide prevention coordinator and a mental health coordinator through the district would be setting up times to not be just teaching other staff members but to sit down with a student that's having a crisis at the moment that they're having the crisis so if that's not what that looks like um I would make a suggestion that we do something for for that um I also would say I um agree about the online threats and we something more has to be done and I hope that when we get to the legislative section of today we um we add that there because I think we need help from the state in providing um more consequences for students doing that um typing and cursive are things that I think are important um so we can add them in there and at a younger age because I we hear that a lot even in kindergarten they have to take their test online but they don't know how to type it in their henpecking we just assume that they know or you know they're used to their thumbs they're not used to typing um and that was actually something we had to do when I was in school we had to take typing and when I did testing when you'd ask a student to sign their name they had no idea what that meant as a a signature so I think curf is also important and for um chairs so I'm going to say two things one I appreciate all the time that someone gives to be a chair to the the different committees when I went to sign up my son for Boy Scouts my husband said don't sign up for anything just go and listen and I came back being the leader of the whole thing so um it's very difficult especially when you have service in your blood and it's your nature to not step up when no one else is so I wouldn't want to limit that to a time frame because it's very um difficult to find people if there's obviously and and they're voted on so it's not someone imposing themselves but I will say something else cuz we were comparing what chairs look like to us being elected we can only be elected to one office at a time I can't be the school board member and the commissioner at the City of Hollywood so if we're going to compare it that way um I think being the chair of two things at one time is very difficult so I'm not say I'm just saying if we're comparing it we can't be the leader of two things so I don't know um how I feel about too many people being the chair of more than one organization but that's just doesn't mean that's how I'm going to vote I'm just throwing it out there because the discussion was us being elected so if we're comparing Apples to Apples that would be what I would say to that one more thing and then I'll let Dr Zeman go again um the K8 suggestion May oh sure I'll put you on the list Mr rert thank you the K suggestion for Broward States um we were the community was very strong and saying don't you dare bring that back to us again we voted a number of of times we don't want it and I think there's conflicting we were at one meeting where they absolutely wanted the Head Start in the the prek at Broward Estates and then we were at another meeting where they didn't so I don't know it's clear to me after the meetings that we've attended in the in the emails we've gotten what the community really wants so and I would ask what do we look at the community some of the people didn't even live in Lottery Hill that were telling us they wanted it to stay open they used to go there 50 years ago and they didn't like the idea of their school being closed but they didn't really have um skin in the game at this point because they didn't have students there so I'd really like more of a discussion about people who are in Broward Estates what they what they're wanting um so that that's just you know going back to that so um drct Zan and then Mrs rert you'll go after Dr Zan thanks so much chair um I want to open up a little bit more about the mental health challenges because this is not a Broward issue alone it's clearly a national issue uh disproportionately affects young women more than young men um we've tried to do things besides suicide pre uh prevention counselors we've also added 60 positions last year for uh School psychologists to be there to talk to people um we've also uh part of of our cell phone thinking was that that if people connected more to each other they might uh experience greater mental health which is clearly the the uh what the evidence suggests in other districts that have done that it seems to me though that we need a very pragmatic session at a workshop as soon as possible about things like can a student talk to somebody when they experience a crisis do we have systems in place to train people about suicidal ideation and indicators of potential suicides um and it's not just suicides it's also severe depression it's anxiety disorders it's a whole bunch of other things um that we need to take more seriously probably than ever um and I would be an advocate of saying can we get a a wrapper around all those things and start asking some practical questions like if I'm having a crisis in a school can I find somebody to talk to or if I'm going through um uh a a group outing and there's somebody acting in a certain way what do I do like what is a practical response to one of my uh colleague students who is experiencing things and what should I be looking for and then what do I do to Landon's very cogent point I think um we have lots of programs but if they're not exposed to the students then what's the point of having you know 12 more programs as opposed to kind of approaching this from an operational or pragmatic level of what is it that we need to do as a school system to ensure that the students are getting what they want that the staff is getting what they need to know what to look for um and those kinds of questions so I think we've talked about mental health in terms of programs and sometimes as part of a of an action but it would be great to kind of put all that one wrapper around it as soon as possible at a workshop uh the community is clearly asking for it and they're asking I think some very good questions as you point out chair if I'm having trouble can I get to somebody uh Landon's question uh I I need help but it's an alphabet soup of of Solutions um uh and then uh at that meeting I want to talk more about some other organizations too and and what they do to kind of measure in an ongoing basis kind of what the overall mental health of their staff and their and their students are um in a world that we live in today uh obviously the triggers of mental health problems are very real uh so much so that we have astronomical numbers of people who have thought about suicide and unfortunately a huge number of people who know how they're going to do it it and I think the reaction to that has to be kind of equal to the challenge and uh I would prefer to not do it in a program budget basis but to do it in a basis of you know what are some of the really critical questions that we'd like to know answers to things like uh you know being able to talk to people understanding the triggers uh and things like that so we've talked about that but it sure would be great to have that on uh a workshop as soon as possible okay thank you and we are going to end with Mrs Rupert and thank you hope you guys can hear my voice is in and out as we go um thank you all for your comments about the mental health U issue is very important um I've been focusing on that for several years and what I did want to mention is that we have certain ZIP codes in our areas of atrisk communities and uh how it really became an important aspect of me as a board member deciding to to actually take up the uh the torch was several um suicides in my pompo beach and Deerfield Beach area and upon further questioning our staff we actually have schools that are on a list that they have higher than normal um kids that had the ideation of uh mental health uh to die by Suicide and it's it's alarming um as long as long as we let it hide in the shadows we're part of the problem it's very uncomfortable to talk about things like that kids are nervous so I think I'm not sure if it was Dr um demon or if it was uh one of the other um board members about um you know instead of having a ones shop stop or or just talking about it in one session we need to make sure so um Dr heern do ask your staff about the ZIP code areas and the areas that are focused on because either they've had a high number of kids trying to and what important factor is don't just focus in on rert School of the Arts because if one child tried it at an elementary school and there's uh brothers and sisters in middle and in high school that act itself is already spread out in that Community it's sisters brothers family members neighborhoods and um our staff does a tremendous job um last year I was able to shadow um our mental health support people and to see how they fit stuff in during a day which is chaotic but there there was so much professionalism and caring that it just oozed out into the entire school so we're trying to get to the lunchroom Elementary School and um everybody's checking in with our mental health support person as she's walking she's checking with them hey Johnny how's it going today oh I've had us you know so and as we're walking I've had a so and so and such and she goes all right you know I know you have test today come see me at 3:00 or whatever it is they don't have to be seated in an audience or in an office because our Mental Health Providers our staff their hearts are so big all they're doing is walking around doing their job even when they should be taking a break but uh I was very fascinated to see that there wasn't a oh I'm going to talk to this child when it was I'm I'm responding to people in the hallway that are reaching out to me and uh that's an extremely part uh and I think successful part of what we do in Broward County so Dr heon do ask your staff people to explain that to us I would absolutely support um at having our our mental health specialist come and do us a uh a workshop I definitely support that um let me see here sorry mental health shadowing very important um I think we should keep our noses out of our committees right having type A personality I was chair of this and that PTA this staff that and if somebody told me I'm sorry you're not allowed to do anymore several of those committees would would be vacant and that school be troubling and the more trouble we have getting parents involved I think this is working in the other direction so I I would not personally support um term limits for lack of a better word and um believe that our community workers work incredibly hard and it is um I feel a slap in the face to them and to our parents our aunties every everybody that come in work with our students so um that's my thought on that and um was there any other answer that you needed from me um Madam chair no no answers right now okay thank you so much all right thank you um we want to thank you all so much for coming today for having a discussion again sharing some ideas on how we could do better um and also some of the concerns that you had our next joint meeting will be held March 4th and then we'll have it June 24th and then September 24th just so you can jot those down on your calendar so thank you so much for that um at this time we're now going to move into a uh two closed door sessions and we're actually going up to the 14th floor because they're going to rearrange the room while we're doing that um it should last for one hour so all persons not schedule to attend the closed door please exit the room at this time thank you so much m e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e check one one two one two one two one two hey can you hear me yes M rubert we can hear you okay I'll might mute myself thank you yeah I'm not sure T amongst themselves one two okay one two one two one two one two check oh there we go okay we're in one two one two one two check check check check check check check check one two one check check one two check check reset this one too so waiting for it to come back up one two e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e check mik one two check check check check one two check one two got is thank you this school board meeting is again reconvened U Schoolboard Workshop is reconvened the next item is redefining our schools I will now turn it over to staff for a brief presentation um thank you chair um this this Workshop that uh Dr W and team is about to embark on provides an update about the redefining our schools initiative um which sh review involves a recent um review our update from the regional stakeholder meetings boundary committee recommendations Surplus properties programmatic updates marketing initiatives and also detailing some next steps um in addition information about cost savings and potential revenue for reallocation of school buildings at under enroll schools based on board consensus consensus at the October Workshop will be provided at a later date upon verification of the plethora of information we've gathered thus far this will also include cost savings and approximate or expected Revenue from the surplus of some District facilities as well also want the board and the public to know that this is just the initial phase of our redefining our schools initiative with phase two starting immediately after the January 22nd regular school board meeting also see some of our our partners um in mods and uh City of Coral Springs thank you for being here um and City of Coconut Creek um see Coral Cove in the back uh U thank you for being here and and also uh members of the the boundary committee um thank you for being here and at this time I'll go ahead and turn it over to Dr wanza and her team as they'll provide updates of where we are thus far and some next steps as as we move forward good afternoon seasons greetings to everyone Beacon if you can load the presentation we would greatly appreciate it also um happy early birthday to my birthday twin Mrs tixon tomorrow um I would ask my colleagues seated with me to introduce themselves so that I don't have any in slips and then we will um walk the board through the conversation and look forward to um guidance and Direction Mr Parker good afternoon Adrian Parker executive director strategic initiative management good afternoon Willie Wood director of Performance Management okay now okay good afternoon Joe Beck director demographics and enrollment planning good afternoon Natalie Allen the boundary committee chair good afternoon everyone Dante Collins director of The Choice Charter Schools management support department so if we can um put the presentation back up the uh Dr hurn pretty much walked us through what we're going to um talk about we will try to get through the uh presentation as expeditiously as possible because we understand that the board um would want to um engage in dialogue as well as hear from the community uh this is our timeline which is you know we've been presenting at every workshop and where we are today is really to um have a conversation with the board around the recommendations that are coming from the school boundary committee and just so everyone's aware after um conversation today the superintendent will do his own analysis his work his thought process and then tomorrow he will distribute um a memo to the board advising what his recommendations will be and those recommendations will come forward to the board on January 22nd at the January 22nd um school board meeting which would be the final rulemaking we did have three Regional Community meetings as our timeline indicated and what we provided in this slide is just summary of um the participants the thoughts they gave and if the community members also the board want to Click on each one of those Live Links the survey um is still open the data is still there but this this is just a summary of the the thoughts and the information number-wise that we received at the three regional meetings um the week before Thanksgiving so as the boundary committee met on December 2nd the board in the resolution asked the committee to look at each one of the boundary proposals and the impact of these elements in feeder pattern neighborhood Integrity distance to schools School diversity and students with special needs as they studied each proposal and then um came up with their vote and final recommendations so the next slide provides for you a summary of the six proposals and whether or not the proposals were recommended or if they were not recommended and as you can see of the six proposals um five of them the Comm the committee the School boundary committee um voted to recommend to go forward and the one proposal that they did not recommend to go forward was to um combine Broward Estates with Dr Martin Luther King Elementary School and then create an early learning um uh program or early learning programming and services with Community uh resources at brow estate's elementary school and when we get to the discussion the representative from the school boundary committee is here so she can um uh talk in Greater detail about the dialogue amongst the committee for each one of the recommendations so um I'll just go briefly because the board and the community have seen these multiple times we know the first proposal was to reconfigure Pines Middle from its current 6 to8 grade configuration to 6 through 12 Collegiate Academy the second recommendation was to combine Silver Shores Elementary um and Silver Lakes Elementary School and then also um clean up a feeder pattern if you will that allows for a portion of Silver Shores to go to Silver palms and then at the Silver Shores campus create um the community has voiced a full Choice K to8 school and based on the conversations that we had out at the school we actually went Mr Strauss and I went and met with the school during their meeting and one of their um their their uh greatest interest is to create a full Choice K8 around um stem SL steam so they would like a stem focus with also a strand of the Arts um then the next proposal was to reconfigure Hollywood Central Elementary we know that this has come up multiple times but to reconfigure the school from a current K5 to a K8 school um and make the K8 choice if you will the students would still be allowed to go to Olen which is their bounded middle school but U remain for grade 6 through eight as a choice Coral Cove um we know that this came with much enthusiasm from the community to reconfigure that school to a um K8 it is currently a K5 with the same uh Choice option if you will for the students in grade 6 through 8 they could attend their what is their current boundary middle school or M at Coral Cove for Middle grades 6 through 8 the Coconut Creek Elementary proposal um as we know this came with much enthusiasm from the community as well to extend the grades of Coconut Creek Elementary School to also um be a school that would go from a K5 um to a K8 and with that choice option for the Middle grades as well and then the last proposal was the um propos to combine brow Estates and Dr Martin Luther King so that the students at brow Estates would transition to Dr Martin Luther King allow for any students um in the um in the magnet program that is currently at brow Estates to continue at Plantation Elementary School which has the same uh magnet theme and then transition this campus into an early learning uh An Early Learning Center with Community programming with input from the community and this was the one proposal that the um that the committee did not recommend going forward and that's some data from brow Estates okay um so that's it as it relates to the proposals we do want to move through two other things the board did ask us to provide some information as it related to District operated and District managed Charter Schools the what what is the difference what um options with the board have if that is a direction that we wanted to go in as a school district so I'm going to allow Miss Collins to briefly go through the next three slides and then I'll come back good afternoon again um the the slide that's um posted it really goes through the definition of what a charter school is and just understanding that there are three types of public schools that are currently in Broward County um the traditional operated chart uh schools um the Florida State University lab school which is in pimr Pines and the district has no oversight over that one and also the 88 Charter Schools um that the school board of brow County Florida serves as the sponsor over charter schools are public schools that operate under a performance agreement or a charter which frees them from many regulations created for your traditional Public Schools Charter Schools do not have to abide by sections 1000 to section 1013 and Florida statute but they are required um to follow those Provisions regarding health safety welfare uh civil rights and of course discrimination all charter schools are organized and operated by a nonprofit entity or governing board and the charter agreement is between the governing board and the sponsor in terms of the application and who can remit an application individuals teachers parents municipalities and of course legal entities can submit a proposal or application using the Florida the model Florida charter application uh template to an authorizer which the school Board of Brower County of Florida is an approved authorizer the superintendent has designated The Choice Charter Schools management support department as a department responsible for facilitating and coordinating with other District departments uh to review new and renewal Charter applications next slide we did have a conversation or I actually had a conversation with the office of the general counsil regarding uh District run Charter Schools um I'm not sure of Miss Batista if you want to share any information on that one I have Mr vignola on the line and he will be able to do that thank you good afternoon um the Florida Statutes have set up a very comprehensive structure for how Charter Schools will come into being and how they will be Opera and as the board knows from having approved such items um a charter school first of all a charter school starts off by an application that is submitted it's reviewed and it's approved by the authorizer which is the school board after a charter application has successfully been approved then the parties negotiate a contract for the operation of the charter school and that's in keeping with uh section 10233 Florida Statutes and that's the charter school statute and what it basically does is it bifurcates responsibilities relating to the Charter School the a charter school governing board has the responsibility for the operation liability Etc of the charter school the SP sporing School Board once a charter school agreement is entered into with the uh Charter School governing board the district's responsibilities are in general uh we're a we're the area through which funding goes from the state to the charter schools so we received that we distribute it uh we have various responsibilities for oversight for aspects of the Charter School operations so uh there are two parties to a charter school agreement the concept of a chart of a district run charter school is incompatible with that bifurcation of responsibilities and duties uh the Florida Commission on ethics has ruled that a district school administrator even a board member uh could serve as a member of the governing board of a charter school without having a conflict with regard to the code of ethics that governs board members and District administrators however that does not mean the fact that you don't have a voting conflict or an ethical conflict doesn't mean you can have the the responsibilities of Charter School operation and Charter School monitoring all in a single party if that was the case there would be no need for a contract because you would have the school board Contracting with itself and you don't need a contract for a single party to conduct its Affairs so under those circumstances and let me put it this way one way I've thought about this because yes uh there are high schools in pul County uh that are that were spun off of the public school system The District School System there and there are one or two in Miami day however those are not operated by those two school districts they are operated by governing boards for those individual charter schools and one way I think of it is where you have this split where in Theory the school district because we're an entity we could submit an application to ourselves for a charter proposed charter school and we could approve the application but when it comes time to go to Charter contract that has to have a second party and that would be the governing board I kind of think of this and maybe an awkward way to put of it but I I sort of think of a situation with a surrogate parent you know where a child you know is brought along at at the point you come to the birth of the child then the responsibilities need to get turned over to someone other than the the surrogate parent and that would be the same thing here the district could propose if it felt it was in its interest to do so could propose a charter school through an application and approve it but when it comes time for the the charter school to in essence be birth and come into existence under a charter school agreement at that point you need to have a second party which is that governing board we talked about so you could have you could have a situation that follows that path where you end up with what you might call a friendly uh governing board for the charter school of people who generally have supported and support the Miss of the school district you could do that but one thing to consider along those lines is if the what would be the interest of the district in creating a school to provide a particular program and have that be operated by a separate entity and take it out of the an Essence School inventory or possible School inventory of the district uh as to what advantages there would be for the district to do such a thing that is not a legal question that would be a philosophical question that the administration would need to guide the school board which thank you thank you Beacon can you put the the presentation back up please okay thank you so much Mr Viola um now that Mr vignola has shared um a district run Charter and um what the district is able to do with that um I would like to share that there is an option that the district could absolutely engage in which is that the school board of brow County can serve as an education service provider while maintaining the Charter Schools autonomy uh this could be done through a separate agreement uh separate from the current Charter agreement of the school the district could offer comprehensive Services services such as the general compliance uh operation management financial services and governance support as well as leadership support two areas to stay away from obviously would be legal representation because the district could not represent itself against itself and of course the writing of an application and that concludes um this section so the other part of the presentation um um speaks to the Surplus property that we know um Miss Paul and her team are working diligently on we know um this is an update if you will around what's going on with rock isin professional development center the Technology support uh Services Center which we all know is tssc as well as the tssc annex and then we talked briefly the last time around the um ESC administrative offices uh on the second floor at the current Arthur rash campus which is they are also there with Atlanta Technical College as well as our caste department and that's the employee count so essentially um I'm moving to slide 18 if you're in the middle essentially with these locations you see the status of where they are in the process um for Rock Island we know has been sold and there are those are the Departments that are there the number of employees that have to be relocated um there's the next steps that are uh planned out already for the tssc center as well as the tssc annex and the number of employees that have to be relocated once those um properties are sold uh and then lastly with the uh relocating the ESC administrative offices there are approximately um 5495 that includes itinerate staff itinerate staff are those employees who um like a school's uh psychologist who has a number of schools that they would report the schools but then if they have to come for an administrative meeting at um the ESC administrative offices that's what that number entails so um as we look at space in schools and we um the board talked to us on October 8th around partial closings if you will that concept so around so when we reallocate space what we are looking to do um our goals is obviously to to look for space for the expansion of Workforce programs on our current facilities also one of the um exercises that we are undergoing right now is um how we would relocate current academic staff that are in administrative buildings and I will use this building as as an example when you have two three or four floors being occupied by um instructional academic staff who could be relocated to schools um where they are closer to the were not that they aren't are there already but actually their home base would be at a school then that would free up space in this building to either um relocate operation staff here or potentially um an idea may be to actually lease space in this building to other entities so that's um one of the things that we're going through that exercise now and you can see our process we have um looked at schools that have available space we are also looking at how we strategically um pair uh department so that they are in the right spaces together and then hopefully we'll have that exercise completed um if not before we go home for winter break as soon as we come back from winter break many of our partners are out here in the audience today this is just a list um of some of the pro the Our Community Partners that we have begun to work with Mr Cox is here from the Museum of Discovery and science we've had a couple of planning meetings we have a follow-up meeting coming up as it relates to not just Northport but providing um opportunities across all of our elementary schools with the Museum of Discovery and science we had an awesome visit at Stranahan High School with um Junior Achievement and some work that they can do there the city of um Coconut Creek is here today and I know that they will sign up to speak and so those are some of the things and then one of the things that I just wanted to call out lastly um on the slide is we did have a follow-up meeting with the city of daa beach um one day last week the days run together and their their um intent is still to do everything that they came and spoke about as it relates to olssen daa and Collins the only difference is the EOC um uh component of what they were trying to do would shift to Collins because Olsen Middle School is east of Federal Highway and that pre that would present issues with them with at for FEMA if they if the building was to um incur any type of Damages during the storm but they still are committed to and invested in doing everything for all three campuses and then shifting their work um around the EOC to Collins one of the um uh Investments that they are looking to do um and this is going to make a few of you get really happy is to look at upgrading their playgrounds on the school campus uh and then um I don't want to speak for Mr Sullivan and his team because I know that in January they are going to have a full Workshop session on marketing but this is is just some of the intentional steps that they have taken we are in movie theaters now they are looking at mailings a just a plethora of strategies to do intentional marketing because as we know as our parents tell us consistently and constantly if they don't know they won't go but if you don't remember anything else you must choose the best choose BCPS and these are our next steps um OB as I said tomorrow the superintendent will distribute a memo regarding regarding his intended recommendations the district is having a districtwide School showcase on January 14th and I believe that's at the Amar Center and I don't want to take academics Thunder for it is January 14th um and we will have um we will have equipment there so if parents want to go in the choice options window and apply we intend to make that a full service experience January 22nd we will have the school board meeting as I referen where the board then will have an opportunity um for its final deliberations and voting and then we will start the process of um continuing the work and as Dr HB bur said once whatever decisions are made for 2425 the next week we start planning for 2526 and anything that comes in between and I hope I didn't take up too much time because I know you wanted to spend the bulk of your time discussing thank you very much next we will go to public comment and first on the the list is Jackie lusum hello good afternoon Jackie lusim I'm the ESC advisory chair actually and um a parent too um I wanted to speak on two fronts to this item I'm a member of the longrange facilities planning Master planning steering committee whatever it's called now and I didn't know uh as a member of that body that that body was going to kind of fade and that there was now going to be a boundary committee where that was going to be making formal recommendations I do feel a little lost as a member of the longrange facilities planning steering committee because we don't meet often we get zero Outreach anymore about the redefining process and the boundary committee did not include an invite to ESC advisory to be part of it even though one of the six impacts being uh considered was specifically named as ese so while I appreciate as that as having been flagged as a serious impact for consideration I think it's an OM mission that ESC advisory was not represented and that the communication with us on the longrange facilities planning committee has entirely lapsed so if anyone wants to put it on me that I wasn't aware of meeting feel free to do so but I do think if you're considering ese impacts then a logical pathway for communication might actually be ESC advisory and the advisory chair um that said I also wanted so I would like to encourage that from this point onwards we um show ese advisory that courtesy um I also wanted to address the matter of um a district run charter school we all maybe know what's behind this um there is a growing population uh of uh of um students with autism there are autism Charter Schools uh in in Miami Dade and in Palm Beach and uh right at the beginning of the redefining schools process I did have a conversation with Dr Lardo where I said this might be an idea that comes up of a district run autism Charter School um and we just have battered ideas around all kinds of other ideas um and there is a a very delicate line to tread as to whether such a school would be seen as segregating students and that actually attention needs to be paid more by BCPS to actually um delivering compliance to the students it already has but the fact is you have lost 96 students with complex autism to Miami dat Who attend their their charter school there for students with autism because there isn't one in brow so I do think it's a legitimate conversation to have um I was dismayed that there was a visit by the ESC Department last month to the autism Charter School in Miami Dade I'm not sure under what agenda or potential um uh considerations that was done there was Outreach to one parent not to ESC advisory to a company I heard about it third hand um and I would have loved to be part of any conversation that's going on around that there is a lot to Crunch down I know I'm told well it's not under consideration right now but let's face it uh District runcha school is on this presentation for a reason so do include us thank you thank you very much next up is Sandra Welch mayor of Coconut Creek hi good afternoon and uh thank you for allowing us to to speak my my first uh thought is that I we so much appreciate having the community meetings in the community and in the schools both in our high school and then the one elementary school that's being considered for uh redefining we are extremely appreciative of that and the consideration that our children the students and the families can go to school and continue their education somewhere right there on Coconut Creek Parkway or have options to do so and uh from K through 12 but specifically Coconut Creek Elementary it has been um I went on that campus my granddaughter's 30 years old I walked her to her first day of kindergarten when she was four and uh so to see it grow into something even bigger and better is personally very exciting for me and um also as our commission is very intent on keeping good relation relationships with all of our schools all of our principes and the staff and try to stay as in tune as possible as we can to uh have that connection and connectivity in our own City and I know other cities do the same but I'm just talking about Coconut Creek the only thing that I have heard subsequent to the last community meeting that we have is someone that was I think very uh integrally involved in the ESC clust that it happens right there on that campus at Coconut Creek Elementary that it stay intact and I know that you're carefully looking at that so that is my last consideration but again thank you for coming to the community and staying in the community to hear the feedback it's so important and uh look forward to what the decision is thank you thank you next up is bernardet Hughes thank you I'm the government Affairs manager for the City of Coconut Creek and as mayor Welsh mentioned the community input and feedback I wanted to speak to the to the interaction that we had with this group here first of all I want to thank superintendent heurn and Dr wanza and all of your staff for involving the city and conversations about redefining schools in the county and in particular in the City of Coconut Creek I actually have a list here where I've been keeping track of all the meetings all the conversations that we've had and we've had a lot of questions and you all have been very responsive to us and we appreciate it you even came to one of our Lunch Bunch meetings in the City of Coconut Creek that was attended by our principls and answered all of their questions and so thank you for that I'd also like to thank School Board member Nora roer and of course Ellen Tolson um because every time a meeting is logged we call her and say what can we expect can we speak what can we bring just to stay engaged in the process and so we appreciate their assistance throughout this and so finally I want to keep this short and sweet and reiterate that the City of Coconut Creek commission has previously given a consensus at one of our commission meetings to support transitioning Coconut Creek Elementary School to a K through 8 school we believe this transition will provide continuity for our students from kindergarten as we've said this multiple times from kindergarten all the way through Beauty School trade school college whatever you may have it on the Coconut Creek education Corridor it'll be fantastic and as such we support the recommendation of the School boundary committee for the Coconut Creek Elementary School K through 8 reconfiguration we thank you for your time and if you need any assistance or have any questions please feel free to contact us thank you thank you so much uh next up is Nicole Morris hello again Nicole Morris Coral Springs um I I have a couple of things I want to uh clear up that I spoke about Pine's um Middle School earlier uh Pioneer Middle School has um 16 Portables they have 24 on campus that's what's listed on the the website that's where I got that they have 40 they have 40 uh 44 on site I'm assuming 20 of those belong to the annex 24 um with capacity but Mr Beck has told me that only 16 of them are being used the rest or not last year we spoke a lot about grow capacity versus permanent capacity and one of the things I said was that was unbalanced throughout the district with schools that have Portables because often you'll have 44 Portables or 24 Portables on your site but you can't they're not using them so they are at 122% at Pioneer 122% of their permanent capacity 105% of their gross but they have a lot of portable that are being uh calculated in that that aren't being used but they are still at 122% of their capacity now the um data maps that we were given at Pines Middle School said that they were at um 29% of their capacity I'm seeing that that's not the case it's they're actually at 36 so it's just a slight increase but that's not what was presented to um the public but what I will say again and I'll stand firm on this is that at some point rather than doing a bound B change they kept adding Portables pin's Middle School is 93% free and reduced lunch and Pioneer is 31% Pines Middle School has 51% of their students attending Charter and Pioneer has 8% Pines Middle School is 51 I'm sorry 47% black and 5% white Pioneer is the exact opposite at 5% black and 47% white so the I don't think that the intention was a socioeconomic or racial segregation but that is the consequence I just hope that we'll take a look in the future at who's responsible for making these decisions to let one school go to the Wayside to keep another Community intact because they are not Cooper cities schools are pimber pine schools or Coral Springs Schools they're Broward County publicity schools and I was told today or I've been told you know people moved to Cooper City to go to those schools well people also moved to Coral Springs to go to their schools to go to San Douglas and then get told oh well I just hope that we will have some Equity here thank you thank you very much next is arthra Wimberly good afternoon thank you all for the opportunity to speak I want to thank a sincere um gratitude to the board and District staff for listening to the community when you came out for Community conversations regarding Broward Estates and the potential to convert it to An Early Learning Center we were uh we are the parents in my group that I'm speaking with are very concerned that that is the only proposal that was rejected as if the community voices from these neighborhoods are not informed or capable of saying what the needs are for the academic opportunities for their children we are experiencing an early learning crisis in neighborhoods like the ones adjacent to brow States Elementary School and within the 3 to five mile radius we have not received any of the um information to our PTA or our community groups about initiatives such as the one that was on the um overhead that the city of Fort Lauderdale is endeavoring to do to expand Early Learning Centers and opportunities for our children we're looking at ser ious um concerns for how this is going to impact our children's Readiness for Head Start and prek and so when you have the opportunity to be bold you have the opportunity to correct the disparities and the discrimination and the inequity that has been forced on these neighborhoods for decades now is the time to do it with this redefining process so I understand that this boundary committee U meeting did not include the two Broward Estates community members so I don't know if their votes were included I don't know if they voted by proxy I don't know what their concerns were or if they were value at all during this process but I do know that the district and the board members came out and heard from the community we express emphatically that we need early learning resources and tools accessible to our children Jack and Jill has been a premier top tier example of how we can help our children prepare for Head Start and pre programming and yet they are taking children out of their programs because they no longer have the resources to give kids at two years old these children are being removed from programs like Jack and Jill who are saying head um kids spot early steps they no longer provide the type of therapy and resources and instructional um training that these kids are going to need in order to be ready for elementary school so when you have Jack and Jill taking kids out and these parents don't have anywhere to go where is the expectation logically for our kids who to be prepared for elementary school in a way that's equal and Equitable and yes black mothers you should be concerned because black unwed mothers are specifically referenced in Project 2025 so you need to make sure that your children are actually getting all the resources that they can so if you're not going to move forward with providing this this opportunity at brav Estates what's the alternative for our children thank you thank you and our last um signed up speaker is Mr Joe Cox good afternoon school board members uh Joe Cox president and CEO of the Museum of Discovery and science so today I'm updating you on work that we've been doing with st on a really transformative partnership between the museum and brow County Public Schools this multi-layered approach really could redefine and reimagine a single School such as Northfork reignite the sprouting STEM Magnet School program and impact every single second and third grade student truly inspiring the next generation of scientists engineers and innovators the mods model school at Northfork or perhaps elsewhere focuses on grades prek through 5 and delivers highquality experiential learning in an environment that's inspired by the museum and importantly designed in partnership with administrators teachers District staff and the community that lives around the school mods would deliver Hands-On stem experiences at the Museum and an exciting new immersive Discovery classroom at the school students would participate in project-based stem challenges throughout the school year and then exhibit their projects at the Museum this discovery classroom concept could be expanded to reignite the excitement of the six sprouting STEM Magnet Schools for even broader impact let's provide every child in second and third grade with the experience of visiting mods perhaps adding programming specifically to support stem learning in those remaining SE School in the district as you know mods has decades and Decades of proven partnership with Broward schools through Chang makers we inspired students to explore academic and career opportunities school is cool helped middle school students transition to high school by focusing on stem as the foundation for their success in the early days of the pandemic we provided eight weeks of digital learning curriculum to support K through 12 and as one of only 15 museums Nationwide to be designated by the Lego Foundation as a playful learning mum we integrate all of their curriculum into our Frameworks over the last 12 months alone the museum has asked the community to invest $1.7 million in Broward County Public School students thanks to philanthropist corporations and municipalities like the city of Fort Lauderdale we funded programming including 100 paid High School internships for students field trips to the museum and even bus transportation for thousands of your elementary and middle school students with your investment we're excited to work with you on this transformative initiative we have the opportunity to refill North Fork Elementary to reignite sprouting stem and set every second and third grade student on the path to becoming problem solvers Inova and thinkers thank you thank you very much any other public speaking speakers okay now we'll move to board discussion Dr holes thank you Madame chair and uh I know that there are based upon the um School boundary committee recommendation there are several proposals and um I will go ahead and speak to the proposal that would impact District 5 and I'm looking forward to the input from board members for proposals that impact their District uh and will allow them to go ahead and respond to those and then provide my feedback subsequently but regarding the proposal that impact District 5 I have to uh commend um uh Community uh member uh Miss Wimberly I appreciate that input and Miss Wimberly is also the president the chair of the uh Grand United PTA um so I have a few questions for um the team dror wanza um the boundary committee can you tell us uh the composition of the the boundary committee who make who makes up the boundary committee and then I have several questions if you don't mind Madame chair because this is really important because when we look at these proposals only one of the proposals on here from all six that the boundary committee disagreed with the community's input which is uh brow Estates in District 5 so it's important that I have the time to make sure that we address this particular issue Dr W okay thank you um to the chair so I want to do one thing if it's okay we do have copies of another map um it's just so that the board has comparative analysis it's the same thing we uploaded the flickers map we know that we switch from flickers to fast but we made enough copies for the board and the community and will upload a copy um to the presentation after um so thank you Mr Solomon U but so to answer your question Dr holess um at the October 8th board Workshop the board gave the superintendent and staff Direction on the composition of the boundary committee and then at on the October 15th board meeting the board passed a resolution that pretty much established the committee and specifically the committee's membership um was comprised of the chairs of six of the advisory groups which is the district advisory Council the facilities task force um the diversity committee and the three area advisories as well as the student advisor and the alternate student advisor and then two members representing each one of the schools that were identified that could be impacted so there were um two representatives from each one of the schools as well there were two um individuals who were sent to our office who received the communications to attend the School boundary meeting we sent emails actually the night of the meeting when I realized they were not there I called the principal personally um she called both of them and then my staff even set up a teams link to allow them to attend the meeting by team since they physically one had a family emergency and we respect that and um the other members said that she did not realize that she had a scheduling conflict but in order to accommodate that we did set up a teams League Unfortunately they did not access the teams link but there was um representation that um from all six of the advisory chair people as well as the remaining schools and the advisor and Alternate student advisor and what I will say on um two I think the last two votes you see the count um as one person less than the remaining because the alternate student advisor had to leave early cuz she had to go home and study for an exam and we respect that thank you so um just to reiterate Dr wanza the two members selected from the brow estate Community uh to be a part of the boundary committee they were unable to attend the meeting where this decision was made um as far as uh um supporting the proposal or rejecting The Proposal that is okay now outside of brow State Community um were there any members from District 5 who are resident of District 5 present so not knowing the exact addresses of people just knowing what I know um the the Central Area advisory chairperson um I'm not sure if she specifically lives in District 5 but I know she has a child that ATT 10 school one in District 5 and one in District 3 I also know that the chair of the divers I'm sorry of the um District advisory council is a resident of District 5 I believe she lives in the city of Plantation which is in District 5 outside of that I can't be positive as to the residential addresses understand so for those who were part of the committee who you believe to be resident of District 5 are you able to expound on what their vote was yes I can um the uh Central Area advisory chair she voted no but the district advisory chair voted yes okay so it was two individuals one voted yes one voted no that is correct correct but residents of broad states were absent who were on that committee they were not present that so thank you so much so my next question is the community input that we receive uh can you um for the sake of the public uh speak to what the community desire was when we met at Dillard High School absolutely so the the meeting at Dillard High School I believe it was the first of our um eight Community meetings and it was that Monday night and emphatically the overwhelming consensus from the community was to transition the students um from Broward States over to Dr Martin Luther King and create an Early Learning Center at Broward State's Elementary School similar to um the one that we currently operate at golf stream Early Learning Center in Hallandale and they only um ask if you will was that as the community as the Early Learning Center was developed and the Community Resources to be um offered at the center as those were being developed their ask was that the community be a part of those discussions and those decisions but it came from the community the community consensus was to um transition the prek well the K5 students to Dr Martin Luther King and create an early learning center with Community Resources at the brow estate's campus with input from the community on what was to be offered okay so would it then be fair to say that the uh suggestion of the boundary committee is in opposition to what the community actually wants the vote of the boundary committee is not consistent with what we heard on um September 18th at Dillard High School from the community okay and um just to read the members of Broward Estates who are residents of Broward Estates were not able to attend the meeting to provide their input as well that is correct okay so my other questions how will Broward Estates students benefit from this transition could you expound on that so I can start I'm sure the superintendent may want to jump in and I will never take Dr uh fton Thunder or um I think Miss hudge is in the back as well but um so f first and foremost I think that one of the things that we all have to acknowledge is that the current brow States um the number of students in the boundary it is not one that the community is com um is uh replenishing for lack of a better term and so when you get down to where you have 200 students or less in a school there are less than 250 students in the boundary right so when you when you transition them to a school that currently has I think over 400 students so now that population becomes six almost 700 students you're talking about more resources more activities more opportunities because now a principal has um a larger budget larger resources that they can then um ensure that students and teachers are receiving I think the the other part um that the community was concerned about and we addressed it that night at Broward estate was if the schools were to combine how would we work to ensure that it is a seamless combination and we talked about how um if it if the board does vote to move this proposal forward how not only my office but Dr Fon miss hudge the entire team would work with you know bringing the school families together early in the second semester of this year so that the transition would be seamless when next school year um kicks off but I will tell you obviously a school with a larger population has more financial resources and opportunities to provides students with more wonderful so there are currently my understanding 116 students who are inbound students for br states that is correct and the the capacity of that school is approximately 700 695 or so for br States let me pull it up I yes M Mr Beck is saying yes okay so based on what you just said Dr wanza students from both MLK and bro Estates will benefit from this transition because there would seem to be greater weight on the use of the FTE dollar for students um learning outcome yes okay so how will the community benefit from having an early learning program so um I believe uh Dr canning is in the room and she can um she can expound as well and I I'll just start one of the things and and you see the the maps that we distributed as well as the map that was already attached to the presentation and um Mrs Wimberly actually um gave an awesome Preamble when you talk about readiness for School Readiness for kindergarten the the opportunities for the district to say that we have um created Pathways outcomes programs a foundation for the students to then transition into Kinder Garden um more prepared than they would had they not had this organized structured well-rounded experience number one number two you have a plethora of wraparound services for the community that would be offered there at brow Estates so if it's okay um if Miss C Dr canning thank you thank you good afternoon everyone Lori canning executive director for family and Community engagement back in 2016 we had the opportunity to transform Gulfstream Middle School into Gulfstream Early Learning Center we did that through an intense collaboration with the community building not just Early Learning and early childhood opportunities which they are plentiful but opportunities for outreach into the community we do that by leasing space on campus to Partners Hispanic Unity of Florida Broward College The Early Learning Coalition of Florida Florida mobile School Pantry other partners who come in and while they use the space to meet their needs as an organization they also use the space to provide services to representatives from our school and members of the community providing Social Services Outreach and family strengthening activities we do all that as a unified Community School on our campus we also have Head Start VPK prek ese Early Head Start many opportunities for early childhood education and yes we have seen the impact when you look at that map you could see that gstream Academy has a different color because we do have higher Readiness rates for those children we've also seen the impacts with the numbers of families we are able to support we have a clothing bank we have a mobile School pantry and again we have built many of these resources based on the needs of the the community can can you also add does Community School South provide programming there yes thank you so much for sharing that one of our largest partners that we have on campus is Community School South who provides adult education we have over 350 adults who come to our school each and every day to learn either esol or GED and those are also representatives from that Community coming from all around the world we are able to do that because we have a school within the school model with our Early Childhood Center separated from those adult education opportunities okay and Dr wanza Miss Wimberly who's from the community mentioned that there is a significant need for an early learning program in that part of uh District 5 would you be able to uh attest to that or speak to that so um Miss Dr Canon you can speak to that but I do know that when we had the conversation at Dillard High School and there was a lot of conversation around over uh 3500 4,000 uh families on weight list for early learning programming and early learning services in the central Broward Corridor but Dr Canon you can and we would be able to expand based on the site and the spaces that are available expand Early Childhood programs to Broward Estates if that opportunity is become does become available not only that but work with the community to determine who would be the best Partners to bring in what are the needs of the community so that we can map out those needs and then match with our Community Partners who we know are ready to serve within that Community provide them with that space provide them with the services and really work together I look forward to working together with you to make all of this happen as we all do I appreciate that Dr kenon and and those numbers are significant 4,000 You said Dr W on a waiting list that is what was um shared when we had the conversation at Dillard High School it was somewhere between 354,000 students families on um waiting list for services so not only does the community want this but there's a significant need for this and as you mentioned before students who do well in in uh Early Learning programs tend to continue to do well in kindergarten and you know third grade is an important year as well so for the life of me I just cannot understand why the committee would not uh support this proposal knowing that the community embraced this proposal knowing the significant benefit of this proposal not just in student learning outcome not just with MLK students and Broad Estates but with the community as a whole benefiting from early learning programs this seems to be a winner all around so I just don't understand it and Dr kenon I appreciate your input and Dr W Dr kenon will be working if this goes through to ensure that the program is implemented uh with Fidelity at at Broad Estates as far as ear learning program is that how it's going to roll out if it's going through that is accurate but um if you um would like to Dr holus we do have the representative from the school boundary committee um the vote as you can see I think it was like 74 and 15 against so um I think I'm right I'm somewhere close to it okay um and um Miss Allen could if the board so is inclined to allow her to expound if that's something that the board wishes to okay that's fine good okay so after the second meeting uh November 18th listening to the community members that attended the biggest concern that they had was having their children transition to a monor setting that they were already currently in a stem setting they wanted to know why we weren't looking at bringing in just the VPK Early Learning Center since we had so many empty classrooms in that school why couldn't we combine the two instead of moving the children from one setting to another even though it would be the following school year the concern was the monu learning and uprooting the children from what they feel is a general generational school okay so um Dr W and I appreciate your feedback when we had the meeting at Dillard were they aware that MLK is a montor yes type program yes and and one of the things that um was explained to the um committee and I I I said it so I didn't rely on anybody to say it I said it was that if if parents um did not have a desire to um have their child part of a monor approach to education that we would work with the families because remember the students in the magnet who want to continue in the stem their option is Plantation Elementary School which currently has the um the the STEM Magnet and because it is a magnet if they qualified if they qualified for transportation it would be offered so we do have a pathway to work with families who would say I I choose not the monor approach to education we do have a pathway um just as we would for the students in the school who wanted to continue with the stem they would transition to Plantation Elementary which is in the proposal okay so they have an option um So based upon what we've seen here and I appreciate and I respect the committee's feedback and this is not in any way negating the process by the committee but at the same time I think as a board we need to listen to what the community want and the community clearly stated uh that it is in support of this proposal we have a strong Community leader here with us today who said this proposal is what they're in favor of the community when we went to Dillard High School they knew about the montor aspect of MLK those parents who do not want monory have the option to go to Plantation Elementary uh so with all of that in mind and considering the benefit of this I think that this board should support the communities proposal regarding broad Estates and transition those students over to MLK and have a robust uh Early Learning Program at Broad states that that community so significantly need there are as Dr wanza mentioned up to 4,000 students on a waiting list in that Community to be in an early learning program so I think this will be overall beneficial and Dr on I hope if this goes through that we can expand the time from 2:00 to maybe 5: for the Early Learning Program at at Broad Estates as well so I'm certain I'm Dr canning's back that we would certainly work with um the community and Community Partners if because if that is something that the community says is a need for our community we will work with our partners we know that the Children's Services council is also eager to assist as needed I'm not committing them to anything so I don't want anybody to walk away and think that I said that I'll reach out to them hello but um but we would definitely work with the community and the Community Partners understanding that that is a part of the services that that Community thank you and I'm I'm just going to conclude Debbie it's it's important to me and to the community that the board listen to the community and listen to what they're asking and and I think that District Five looking at these proposal it's the only one here where the committee is saying let's drive the process as opposed to the community driving the process and I'm asking the board to do the right and responsible thing and support this proposal thank you uh board member Thompson hello um first I want to say thank you to all the community people who have come out and our boundary committee person because I know it was more responsibility than you thought so we appreciate it I am have several questions since several of the changes are in my district um the first one is could someone walk us through the plan for the ese students at Silver Shores especially the prek program Dr heer go ahead Dr okay um thank you Miss Thompson so um we actually had a very um a a very family oriented meeting at the school when we went to the sack meeting last week so a couple of things that the uh the school and the community have asked and we've been working with our ESC department is that the indd cluster remains one and if the if the school grows to the middle school grades that we certainly include the what what we call sve but the appropriate programming and grade level support in in in the Middle grades so that's the first thing the second thing is is as this so right now I want to say approximately 14 classrooms are used for prek um programs some of those students do not even live in that boundary so what what we would do is as we grow the K8 we may have to then start to um uh make different decisions about the number of pre classrooms that are there number one and number two could relocating those students to schools that are closer in their neighborhood um be an option so um coming right off the bat we would start to grow the School sixth grade seventh grade and then and then as the school grows then the number of prek classes may continue to decline however what we do know is is that um uh AC Perry I believe they have some prek classrooms as well as we know Beachside has some pre classrooms so it it wouldn't be that prek would just go away we would have to um re-evaluate each year to determine the number that can remain as the Middle grades and even the Elementary grades grow because it's another schooling option for parents okay and then for transitioning to Silver Lakes have we talked to pimber Pines about traffic concerns because that was Silver Lakes is a very Community School it's actually very difficult to get into so pimbrook Pines has come to us multiple times around traffic concerns at a number of schools right unfortunately um and one of the one of the options that they've asked for that I don't well I'm not going to speak for the board I'll just let the superintendent have his conversation but one of the um options that they've asked for is can the board consider providing District transportation to students under two miles I I don't know if that's something that we would entertain but I can tell you that we have been talking with the city of pimber pines and a number of traffic concerns around multiple schools yeah I've gotten that too um okay and then I'm obviously in favor of Coral Cove I'm obviously in favor of Silver Shores now that we know for sure that ESC is being considered because obviously that's vital for our community um for pinbrook Pines is there an opportunity to use some of open space to house staff Pim pin midle sorry Pines Middle so so what what we would do is we would see how the um how the school would grow in grades and then there's always the opportunity to um reallocate space to Staffing just as we are doing um now as we're going through the exercise in a number of the schools okay so if it's a gradual transition to the 6 through 12 we could put staff there we could okay cool um and then I do believe just for the next round that we need to start looking at middle schools especially since we're expanding so many k through eights we need to especially in my district what are we going to do with middle schools um that should be in our next re-evaluating conversation um and then I want to touch base on what Miss lusum brought up about the autism Charter school um as many of us might know our autism Community is growing exponentially and we do not provide the services especially that the high needs students would need I actually tour that Charter School um and they work very well with the district it's a district managed South Florida autism school they actually have several field trips they provide opportunities for these students that fiscally we won't be able to and so I would really like the board and staff to consider in the next round talking to them seeing if that's beneficial to us our students and the district um and then finally going to Broward Estates I agree with Dr wholeness in the community I think um Early Learning is so vital for the health and the well-being of our community and it seems at least prior conversations was that was very supported um and I think making it a Community School can only benefit everyone and it seems like Dr wanza and Miss canning Dr canning canning have an excellent idea to go forward so I would be supportive of that thank you thank you Mrs Al may I go on the list please sure so one of my concerns with the the k38 is that the the Middle School part of it will they have electives sports clubs will they be properly funded Dr heurn that's a yes to all of the above um and in order for a K3 rate to function properly and have the intended outcomes it it has to be funded like a middle school um I don't know the staff here with the previous K through R can probably talk about you know if you fund it like an elementary school is is doomed to fail um so it'll be funded like a middle school to ensure that it has all the resources it needs and then the students will have access um to the extracurricular um activities so they can mimic some of the same things in a traditional um middle school and are we looking at how we might potentially need to have to update the facilities like a science lab you know the gym Auditorium yes that's that's all in consideration um uh Miss Paul and her team are ready to press go as soon as we get a definitive answer from the board uh based on that Workshop from October 18th um and then from Community feedback um as I was telling one board member Yesterday Once the board gives us direction or or or comes to consensus about something we press the go button and we start moving we start preparing ourselves um for what inevitably we're we're we're going to have to do so we're already having those conversations and understanding um some of the the facilities needs for transition in school from a um K through 5 Tok through eight okay so I understand that you're going to come back with your recommendations and then there'll be um the financials will come for the board to approve so I hope to see what those costs are laid out any you know anything to actually make this K through 8 happen the the financials for that also you know staff like how are you know making sure that we have the proper staff to fill the the Middle School positions and then um also we talked about relocating staff correct and and what it what the cost is for that to relocate staff so I'm looking forward to seeing your recommendations seeing the financials and then also seeing the board actually vote to approve this and for then you to be able to move forward to execute this y absolutely um so the first thing um the board will get um as of tomorrow are are the recommendations based on the community feedback and also the the consensus from on the board and from the October Workshop um and hopefully before we leave for break or probably right after to give you the financials because we we've gathered a lot of information but I want to make sure it's as approximate or or um and verified as much as possible so we don't put um incorrect information out there in the public and Dr if I may and then the third step you spot on and then the third step on January 22nd that board item will then lay out the complete Financial impact to that but to Dr hr's Point prior to that board item we will give the board information right around the financial so you can start to ask questions have follow-ups but the actual board item on January 22nd will have the financial impact in it as well thank you and Mrs alidu can you weigh in on the Brower to State's question what was the question well um the staff the suggestion was to make States and Early Learning Center the boundary committee boundary committee voted no but we're yes I'm okay with making Broward to States The Early Learning Center with the recommendations in the packet thank you very much okay Mrs Rupert um can you hear me yes ma'am okay thank you um thank you to my colleagues it was uh interesting and for the public to be there interesting to hear people's um take on what is going to be the best for our students districtwide um I wanted to ask a quick question about excuse me coconut Greek Elementary and um I know that at one time and you've probably answered this but I need to hear it again um that we were asking for a a PK ESC maybe two or three classrooms that was the previous principal um Dr Miron before she left and I noticed that there the boundary committee was recommending a K through 8 so um can you explain that process is it a process that's going to go simultaneously or uh what what is that process Dr heer go ahead Dr W okay um thank you Mrs Rupert So currently the school does have um prek classrooms and there is and as I um I think I said it with the a previous answer around Beachside has prek and it's a K8 AC Perry has prek so they may not have the exact same number but we certainly would look for the opportunity to keep um what we can there um so I said I I must have forgotten the ese part of it yes because a number of their classrooms um their uh classrooms are ESC classrooms prek just like with Silver Shores yes yes so where are we on that process since Dr Miran had requested it for like two years running so so we would work with Miss Egan and miss hollingworth and the team um in the ESC Department to ensure that we are um able to provide that programming um on on that site um um I don't know how many classrooms exactly of ESC pre there but we certainly would not do anything to disrupt um that process because we know that one of the considerations that the board asked us to take was any impact on students with disabilities right thank you and then this is just a general question to to the superintendent um as we're looking through the data and uh you know your Gathering first there was a large Gathering then it got more focused and you know the circle got tighter um there are still I can't there are still under enrolled schools um under schooled elementary schools that when you look at the five-year projection outward it does not look good for some of them they're losing 200 or so children in the next four or five years granted everything that we're going to do and what we've already done is going to be bringing them back however um those that are needing it but didn't make qualify for actually having a change I know Dr he we talked about program programmatic changes I would like when we meet the next time um if if my colleagues agree is that we need to have that side conversation doesn't have to be very detailed it'll be something like you know having all the data looking at all this then um we need to make sure that um by Springtime the latest we're going to be talking about new programs for the following school year um so we don't let that dire two years three years four years re unenrollment rate get any worse we're going to recapture before that happens um agreed Dr heer yes absolutely we can provide additional information and some of the other efforts we're doing to let people know um as a district all the way trickling down to individual schools what we're offering to students and the community um because that's that's also a wide gap for us to where Community parents and um their kids simply don't know what we offer and what and the wonderful things we do in our school so um it's uh multiple variables um that we're addressing to get kids to reenroll in our schools okay thank thank you for that and um I think that is it for me I oh I answer the questions for um Broward Estates um I would be fine with whatever the community wants which they sounds like they want a early learning area so I'd be okay with that and is there another question um Madam chair that I need to answer no that's the main one okay thank you thank you Dr Zan thank you um I uh appreciate all of the efforts to learn from the communities and one of the things that we've heard uh which I think we would have expect is the community cares very deeply about their schools uh District single district school board members care a lot about their schools um we have a big problem though that we're still not addressing this year which is we have 40 to 60 more schools than we can afford and at the end of the day our challenge as a board is to build the best school district that we possibly can with the funds that we got and I appreciate that we're going to continue to do this repurposing for another phase as the superintendent and staff has promised um but I suspect um that we will uh have to find a new way uh to think about districtwide issues it's great to have criteria to look at um if what we were doing um was based on correcting past uh underfunding and under resourcing of schools so that we could get greater Equity I would be more in favor of it um but I want to make sure that we don't lose sight on the law of Economics because a law of Economics is like the law of gravity it doesn't go away so the law of economics and education and in public resourcing is that we have 40 to 60 more schools than we can afford and we will not have the money to pay pay Educators we'll not have the money to lift up our C school that we have our c-rated schools and we'll continue to to complain about resourcing when we didn't fix it when we had the opportunity so over time I hope we decide to do the right thing uh and build the best school district we can and fund the things that we'd like Mr superintendent would it be possible to get the presentation of your recommendations two weeks ahead of time of the January 22nd decision meeing meeting Dr heurn yes we should be able to produce that um the January 22nd go ahead Dr W I want to speak for you because I know your team is always diving into something so go ahead I just want to be very clear I am taking off winter break I have plane tickets I'm just I'm just joking um we we certainly will meet the first delivery um the first delivery for the January 22nd Schoolboard meeting and typically that's two weeks ahead of the meeting right the so we that that I will tell you Dr Z we will meet the first delivery date I appreciate that um the community appreciates it um people who may want to propose deviations from this will appreciate it um and I think given the gravity of this situation and the need that the community has remember this is the board that promised we would close five schools no it's the board that you joined it is the Broward County school board that promised Broward County that we would close five schools and we aren't talking about closing Five schools anymore but I think it's very important for the data and the recommendations to come out two weeks ahead of time because there might be a lot of work that's done over those two weeks to kind of create something uh that is different or better on Gulfstream Early Learning Center uh I am committed to go visit with everybody uh that uses that site uh I'm going to learn everything I can just like did in the parent Community involvement uh uh work task force um I want to make sure that my view uh is fully informed but I believe we are not in that business and I believe that if you're IRS you work on getting tax returns done on time if you're Customs and Border Patrol you worry about protecting our border and when you're a government agency you better be insanely focused on what your job is so that you can do your job really well and our job is K through 12 education but I can't wait for the visit and I might come back with a different opinion afterwards um uh I guess to you Mr superintendent and maybe to Dr wanza how did Equity play in the recommendations that was before the board today go ahead Dr wo so we have um for each um proposal we did some data to talk about um how so we talk about Equity I think the markers that we have pretty much used as a school district is around students with um students who qualify for free and reduced lunch meals we talk about students um who qualify for ESC programming and then I believe we also look at um racial because yes we look at racial demographics as well those and and that data is included in one of the attachments and and we also um not just Prov added in an attachment we also spoke about it at the Regional Community meetings we talked about the impact on um diversity when we had the three regional meetings at brow Estates Pines Mill and Coconut Creek Elementary School as it relates to the proposals that were under consideration I appreciate that very much and uh lastly um I look forward to diving into the data even more uh I am struck by our opportunity uh right now to rebuild and to repurpose and to reprogram and to do a variety of wonderful things Mr superintendent thank you for bringing the construction or Capital needs uh with uh with the recommendations that we'll get on around January 8th uh I think that's going to be important as well there may be an opportunity as some uh uh schools and individual communities are impacted to produce something with disproportionate resourcing that allows for those people to understand that they're not only going to a better school but they are going to be resourced in a new and different way not just the construction requirements because we want to open uh uh a k through 5 into a k through eight uh but also just a compensation back to the community so that they understand that when we talk about Equity that also includes um a Broward Estates like example of their suffering they're going to go through some pain if it's becomes either sold or becomes an Early Learning Center they're going to have to go to MLK or to other schools there's going to be a shock there I want to make sure that we open the door and think a little bit about how do we make sure where they land is disproportionately resourced for a couple years so that uh we can in fact uh lessen that impact so at the end of the day um we may uh make some things better we have certainly opened up a communication with the community that we have not had up to this point that communication is fabulous but the challenge we have as a school board is how do we stitch together 20 39 campuses and 206 schools to serve 197,000 students when we used to have 250,000 students and that's still a challenge we have not lived up to yet we have not come up with a solution that says this is putting the most amount of money into the ingredients that make the greatest impact on our community and that's what I'm going to continue to fight for is we've got to make sure that we're serious about how many buildings we want to continue to pay to maintain when we can't afford to pay teachers what we really need to teach them to continue to to do the hardest job in the world and that's really what it comes down to last last point because I know I already said last Point once chair um for the people like Dr Cox for the people from the municipalities that have taken this opportunity seriously and come and contributed uh a double thank you to you uh the $1.7 million you raised is noteworthy uh but the energy and enthusiasm you put into this kind of point out again what I believe which is public schools are the fabric of the community and we all should be willing to invest in them our time our resources our property tax dollars uh and sometimes some diff difficult choices so that in fact we build a better system and I look forward to continuing this for several years uh Mr superintendent um and I'm not going to forget about the law of Economics it's just going to keep coming to bite us until we take some courageous steps um and get to an infrastructure that's consistent with the needs of this community thank you thank you U Mrs Bowman thank you chair um thank you to everybody who is here today and for all the people that have been spending a lot of time working on this effort I know that volunteering your time is a sacrifice and so we really appreciate it um and I am very happy with the way that this has been going in the way that we've been able to get a lot of community feedback I think that um this has been much better than when we started the process and we have a lot that we can rely on now to make decisions so thank you for that um and I really appreciate as well the um the people that are coming out the municipalities the organizations who are here to partner to support our Public Schools I think that that is absolutely essential for us to be successful and it is just so much better for our kids to have that kind of structure and support behind them I think it makes them well-rounded student and well-rounded person so thank you for everyone that's doing that for us um to speak to district one specifically uh the Hollywood Central proposal for a k through eight that's been something that the community has wanted for at least the past five years I think that it fits very well into the location where Hollywood Central is and um the competing choices and so I really appreciate that that's been brought here um and I fully support that uh one of my questions would then be to if we're moving the I really appreciate again that Dania has come and is so supportive with their three Public Schools they had originally um suggested that they would put their EOC in Olen and then um reduce the footprint of Olsen but now since the FEMA issue is going to it's going to go to Collins I'd like to know where that puts Olsen in terms of it being you know so um thank you thank thank you Mrs bman it a actually um the city still wants to is enter into a joint use um type of agreement because they want to do something around uh Recreation after school programming so they still want to that that space that they would have done the EOC they still want to do something there as an investment and an uplift in the school um as you know from driving around they've already started whatever you do with the drainage and all of that stuff um and what was the uh facility they've also um talked about when we walked the facility last week what they would do to upgrade um the outdoor courts that are on the school side of um the park that's going to be um constructed so they still have and are looking forward to eagerly investing in programming that would still put some City resources on the campus that the school would have um availability to um in the times that they are not using them so for example of the things that they talked about was either um parks and wreck as well as their maybe their Communications and media departments moving there and then being able to allow the school to have access to those resources um during the school day Investments and mentoring mentorship I'm sorry partnership things of that nature so they are still fully um invested and committed okay that's fantastic to hear and I um am so happy that they're doing that and working with us they've been fantastic uh the my I guess to address Broward toates um I really appreciate Miss wimberly's email that she sent out I in the last little while is very well reasoned I read it um I very much appreciate the perspective and being prepared for that um one of my questions is because there's a uh 3.5 to 4,000 p uh family weai list will the people that are actually the surrounding community in that area have priority or is this something that's going to be like a countywide availability so I'll let Miss canning speak to it but I think that they kind of work with that surrounding Community as um priority first and I see Miss cannings coming to the mic but I believe that that would be something that would be a focus thank you very much Lori canning executive director family and Community engagement we would plan on offering a variety of programs there some of the programs are based on that um specific community and children that are within the community and then other programs families would apply and then they would be based on various factors like soci economic status ESC status family status then we would base it based on need from those families I I do think it's important that if the community is um supportive because they have the need that the community gets some kind of priority for that um um and then I had a just to go back to Hollywood Central just one question there too uh to miss Thompson's point that we have a a pretty uh significant prek ESC would that be affected at all it would be the same concept we we would work um very um intimately I'm looking at Miss Hollingsworth and I keep I see Miss Egan in the back we we would work very intentionally with um those programs and those families to ensure that they they receive the least impact if any okay great um and then and then to Dr Zan's point I we may have to close schools at some point in the future but I do appreciate that this kind of innovative thinking is a first step into bringing kids that may not have been choosing our schools to now have an option that's attractive to them um and I think that it'll be very interesting and I'm very hopeful that this will be very um positive in the outcome moving forward and we'll be able to start seeing that next year and I um also support the Brower estate's plan thank you Mrs Fam thank you so much and and thank you for coming today everyone that spoke and for taking the time to go through this so thoroughly um I just wanted to say to Jeff I was also at that um Town Hall at Dillard and there was a lot of excitement in the room with parents they were actually um upbeat and really look forward to some positive change and I hope you continue to get that momentum behind your community so you can bring about that change and I think it's important that we had one speaker today that was from Dillard that evening but um that more people stay involved because um I think they've been over looked in the past and and you can help to have help to H um have this happen um second thing was I just wanted to say um as far as golf streaming Academy I've also been there and I just wanted to advise the board that this was one of the um places where they were going to cut the basketball team that that man came in and spoke I thought twice not here okay then if I'm not mistaken Gulf Stream Academy also has a um a clothing Depot where they have service clothes for the students where people donate them and oh I'm thinking about the Middle School golf stream you know okay but anyway um so they really have some um neat Innovative programs where they they've thought outside the box and brought the community in and and have a lot of community involvement so I'm hoping that we can work through this for these two schools thanks thank you and Mrs Lee and Ary do you have anything okay so I'll end um just a couple of things so we've mentioned full Choice a number of times um Dr heurn could you just for the public explain what full Choice means Dr wo sure so um and and I'm gonna thank you Miss Hixon I'm going to talk about the difference right so golf stream K to8 golf stream K to8 is the assigned Middle School for the children in Hallendale but they have an option obviously through choice to apply to any option that they would like in the district when we say it is a choice option for grades 6 through eight the students um do they don't have to stay at the kada 8 school they could if they so choose go to what is their Bounder neighborhood middle school so I will use um Hollywood Central as an example since that's the last school that we spoke about the the the students at Hollywood Central have the option of remaining there for their middle school grades or or they could go to Ola Middle School which is their boundary um Middle School the same thing would happen with um Sil the the silvers Shores Lakes Palms but so Silver Shores would be the school sorry that we have too many Silvers Lakes trails and P Palms um that we could uh the students could opt to stay at Silver Shores for the middle school or they could go to Glades or on Walter SE or whatever is their bounded middle school thank you for the neighborhood yes um so and I just want to be clear I'm going to go through the five of them so for Pines Middle becoming a collegate Academy that's a full Choice option so the middle school kids that would remain their middle school very much like lot of Hill 612 Millennium 612 they would have to apply for the high school part and and if they you know don't make criteria or they don't want to stay they would continue on to Flanigan High School MacArthur or whatever you know it's well it's good I know these boundaries perfect uh Silver Shores would be a choice for six through eight yes um Hollywood Central would be a choice for 6 through eight Coral Cove would be a choice for 6 through eight yes okay and then Coconut Creek Elementary would be a choice so all of the things that we're giving cuz a lot of the concerns was how would it affect the local Middle School which also M um board member Thompson brought up right so um it's more not to take away the students that are going to those middle schools but an option to bring more students in so I I just wanted to say that out loud because we know what those things mean but not everybody listening might know what that means sorry Lon I'll let you finish um so and I would just make a comment because I have been to all of the schools there are two different K8 models in our district there is the Beachside model which funds them as a traditional Middle School they have sports they have electives they have all of that but we had one at Coral Springs K8 which obviously was not funded in that way and they were not successful because they didn't have the funding to offer all of those other things that a middle schooler would want to have so I know we mentioned already that we would fund them as middle schools I just want to point out that in the district there's definitely two visions of what K8 looks like AC Perry doesn't follow the same kind of model as Beachside and we know which ones are really successful and which ones are not so I hope that we would fund all of these new k8s um and treat them like we do Beachside so I'm just making a comment there um I was at so there were two meetings for brow Estates one at Dillard where they were very excited and the idea of becoming an Early Learning Center was something they definitely wanted and expressed a need for then we went to Broward to States and as I mentioned earlier there was a portion of people who again went there as children and didn't want to see their school be closed because it's a legacy school as we've said before um but what I also heard from them when we were there is they didn't want the students going to MLK because of traffic there was already a traffic issue the concern was if they're all walkers at Broward Estates now they have to ride in in a you know they'd have to get their different way and the traffic's already similar to P Pines an issue at MLK so adding another 200 students they had concerns there and then the other concern was of course maybe they don't believe or know what the montauri um programming is so they had some concerns about that so as we move forward and looking at this I hope that because I to um support turning it into an Early Learning Center I think it's necessary and um I think that the consensus here is to me move forward with that but um we need to take in mind consideration some of those concerns that were there um and I would also say I kind of put this somewhere else but you know there are there are organizations that want to come in and partner with us so I hope that looks like funding I hope it brings money with it right so that are going to come in and and upgrade where possible because some pieces of of our facilities just that's not possible but um I hope that in we're talking in Partnerships I love the fact that that daa beach their their commission is committed to not just saying they want to help but they're putting dollars into that I hope that other municipalities would be willing to do that in the um because they're very invested in wanting to keep those schools because as Dr Zeman pointed out out we're not talking about closing schools because we don't believe in them we just don't have the funds to do that so we along with the community would like to keep schools open but we don't have the funding so there needs to be a partnership where the dollars are coming in with the ideas because that's the only way that we're going to keep looking at just innovative ideas and not necessarily truly closing down a school or or you know leasing it to someone that doesn't have anything to do um with education I will make a suggestion moving forward I I actually made the suggestion when we started but um it didn't come to fruition and I'll give it the name Dr heurn gave it when um is actually um my my assistant idea the baseball card so a lot of people said when they got there they didn't know the programs that each school had they didn't they have we gave them these Maps but we need to give them a baseball card for the school and so moving forward what programs are there um what what Athletics do they have what Partnerships do they have all of the information on a single sheet of paper so that when they're sitting in a boundary meeting because that's what I heard in some of from some of the boundary people was well in fact I think I um the diversity committee said that earlier today they didn't feel like they had enough information to make an informed decision because they didn't know about ESC clusters there or the different programs so I I said it in private so now I'm going to say it in public so I hope that it comes to fruition moving forward that as we go to communities we need to make the baseball card for the school so that all the information is on a one pager and everyone feels like they have all the information to make an inform decision um as we go forward and probably more in a sense for phase two um but if there's more Community meetings I'd like to see them for this phase so if I may Dr F and if I may um so miss hion I think um and thank you we've had the conversation about that I I think that that is essential to marketing period marketing period right that a parent coming from the community just to register on the school counter is a quick scorecard if you will for this school of all and so I I think that that is essential to marketing period so I know that um uh Dr Fon myself and I'm glad you walked in Mr sullon um yes we okay believe that that's essential to marketing period you know as a magnet coordinator that's what we did and and I'll say there's a number of schools that do it already and they do a great job I might have copied some some of them when was my turn um but I I just think it's essential that we do that I was going to talk about Olsen but um you already did that and that's all of the things that I would like to add Landon did you want to add something okay thank you very much and I'll go quickly because I know we are over time uh I I want to start by thanking this group of people that's that's sitting in front of us uh there's no butt that's going to come after this sentence I'll let you know that so uh and and for their work in in supporting this initiative and uh the long hours towards this and I I think that it's been a really um it's been an effort that has engaged our community and one that has started a really positive uh conversation so I think it it'd be wrong if we did not uh recognize that Alana and I had the great opportunity well great opportunity maybe pushing it but we had the opportunity to be on the on the School boundary committee and and provide feedback I will say that I thought that our very big data sheets were very helpful uh I I think we had a lot of great information but I want to share two things that I think we had a very robust conversation on um hours long conversation on at our school boundary committee meeting and one is the ESC focus at Silver Shores I know that um you know we we talked extensively about ESC students being considered in the conversation and I know uh that's something that the board put as a as a commitment um so you know we had a great conversation about making sure that in whatever decision is made the ESC students are kept at the center of that decision to know that wherever program whatever new school they attend uh that that is a place where they will continue to thrive with the staff that are with them um and with a great you know educational experience so uh I wanted to share that was a extensive conversation at the boundary committee uh the other part was the Early Learning Center at Broward Estates and I will admit that hearing the conversation here today and as well as uh hearing the data points and looking back after that a that An Early Learning Center is something that could be very beneficial for the community uh and I'm looking forward to being able to see that won't say We'll host a speak up speakout session there because I don't know how that would work but um I I'm looking looking forward to seeing the positive impact that that could have and I I'd like to say because Dr holess uh and I met yesterday we had a great conversation and Dr wanza and well Dr he out in the room I guess I can call you superintendent Fulton for the for the moment but um we had we had a conversation Dr holess and I about hearing student input on programs and classes and um knowing what students are looking for so I'm looking forward to working with Dr wanza through the superintendent to provide an opportunity for students um to provide input on what are the classes that they enjoy what are the programs that they that are drawing them into our schools and also you know what are the programs that are offered at other non Broward County public schools that they find interesting that maybe is something that could come here uh so I'm looking forward to being able to continue to support this initiative in coming years uh all in the hope of making a better educational EXP experience for all thank you thank you and very brief I'm good okay perfect Madam chair yes just a quick second I'll be done in a quick second behind no problem just a quick second um I just like to um to reiterate what board member Bulman mentioned that uh Dr wanza that the community in Broad States and MLK that they have first priority with whatever happens as far as an early learning uh program or any other program that is at Broad Estates because their students are moving and they're the ones dealing with the consequence of that so they should reap the benefit first so I hope they will be prioritized they will be first priority so um thank you Dr Fon I'm just going to respond briefly so thank you for that Dr holess what I will say is once the board makes its final on January 22nd one of our very first meetings is going to be with the Broward estate's Community around what that whole um what the center the planning for it resources um programming everything so yes we do understand that they must be first priority and um Madam chair if it's okay can the boundary representative just have 30 seconds to thank the board for allow okay thank you I just wanted to say thank you uh it was very interesting and um an eyeopener to be at three different schools within the district the north the South and uh Central um I want to say thank you to Dr wanza and to Mr Beck and to Landon who is so incredible at such a young age um but on behalf of all the other parents that were not able to be here um I do want to say thank you for taking the time to let us speak and hearing our concerns related to the schools and what's in the best interest of all of our students well thank you and I'd like to say thank you and all of the volunteers for for taking the time as Landon pointed out it was uh time consuming for sure um and but this is this is a big deal and it's really important to our students and our families so we thank you for all of your time and effort so thank you all very much and I think you have answer to your question perfect so we're going to move on to the next item which is professional development opportunities um we'll give it about two minutes for staff to switch over and then we'll jump right into that item e e e thank you um as I mentioned we're do the next item is Prof professional development opportunities training series we are not going to do a full presentation the staff sent us um six different options right four four different options and they have a recommendation so they're going to give us that and then I'm just going to go around the room and ask everybody what their vote is so go ahead so based on the the timing um the the format and uh the price we believe option four will serve the Schoolboard best for their professional development okay thank you so much so you had you should have had a chance to look through there so option number four is um the certification no what is that's the it's the master master board program that's given by uh Florida School Board Association so unless you have a specific question anybody have any questions we're just going to kind of give a consensus and move forward Dr Zeman I'm just uh want to make sure that I understand what we're doing there's a whole bunch of uh other learning opportunities whether they're sponsored by Council great City Schools or uh conference next month on artificial intelligence in k through2 um in addition to individuals kind of doing their own thing these are kind of the sanctioned professional development opportunities that we'd have throughout this next year through the chair um Mr Sullivan yes or I should say through the deputies you know Mr Sullivan thank you um so this would this is really the professional development for the board as a group and as board corporate so this doesn't preclude you from doing any of the council breakout sessions uh the fall conference or any of the individual conferences that they do or anything else from fsba or any other organization that we belong to this is just the group setting professional development for board corporate and then just another question if this wasn't uh if you weren't concerned necessarily about time or reasonable expenses would you still recommend option for or which option would allow this board to be able to grow the most over the next 12 months in ways in which you feel like uh this board could and should grow I still think I would do option four I mean that one's the easiest for the board because it does not require travel outside of the county um so I know everyone either has other commitments or challenges uh to leave the county uh so I think I still would pick option four with the understanding that if there's something a specialty that any board member want they can go outside of this professional development process and go through um if there's a council great City Schools conference they're still welcome to attend that as an individual board member and to my understanding option four is uh training all done by fsba throughout the year correct they would be three on-site uh sessions four hours each and if I'm not mistaken we would do that during a workshop period is that correct uh correct there be through a workshop forum and I'm sorry there's one forum and then there's three on site can you explain what the Forum is Mr Hill can you expand please absolutely so the Forum is just basically like an O opening um ceremony o State ceremony an opening session for the board so that also will be on site it just will be longer so that will includ inclusive of 12 hours and then the additional three s uh sessions will then just be split up into four hours so everything will be on site the in the boardroom or a retreat setting off offsite okay thank you Mrs Leonardi thank you sorry my speaker was like moved um just real quick for option three um in terms of like sunshine and Public Access would would there be complications with doing like the bonly cohort Zoom sessions like I guess I'm wondering um was that taken into account when you guys recommended option four um to be overly cautious option four is better in terms of sunshine because I guess it again it's all in a format of a workshop um not that saying option three would necessarily be a sunshine violation we would just have to be more careful on how we conduct that those types of um training because it would not be able to be my understanding Miss Batista it it has to be in the county for it to be Sunshine we can't have a meeting outside of the county in sunshine that is correct okay yeah thank you um I well I'm done yeah thank you anybody else have questions I'm just curious about for my colleagues um I was always struck of all these opportunities by going to the closing session the day before the Council of great City Schools conference up in Philadelphia um largely because it's urban districts only uh fsba 61 rural districts and six Urban so what you get from fsba is typically uh more um controlled managed and focused on Rural districts that have 5 to 15 schools in their District um Council of great City Schools is the 78 biggest school districts in the country so you learn about Toledo and and LA and Seattle and Chicago and Denver and Dallas and and the like and having just gone there it it taught me in a few days what would have taken a year of Master studies to learn just to sit there and talk to people that had done it um and you just you just walk away with that full of great context for other things so I was going to argue very much for the end of option three is there a way of putting some fsba stuff in and then closing with the with the uh closing workshop plus the conference and again it's optional it's up in Philadelphia not everybody can make that fit with their schedule uh but it is a powerful conference and it's incredibly powerful training for a district like ours as opposed to learning what they do in Swan County which is amazingly important for Florida there's nothing wrong with Swan County but I heard so much at fsba that was about districts that were you know switching from this kind of hand towel to that kind of hand towel and I I I know that that's a big issue in some places it's not a big issue to us um uh so that's just my pitch is that I thought that the Council of great City Schools conference was almost essential for people to go to at some point while they're on the board and if they offer this training ahead of time time that would be a very uh powerful thing for br County Schoolboard to do if we could link some fsba stuff to get Florida things in and then and then go to that conference to the extent people were willing and able to go I'm ready to go okay well let go nor do do you well I'll come back to you Mrs rert um I think we could still if we individually wanted to go as was your challenge to us um earlier to go to the um the Council of great City schools in Philadelphia but what we have to do is a group deel professional development so that what they were saying was because it requires travel and all of that everyone couldn't necessarily commit but if we do option four it's here it's during a workshop everyone would be committed to attending those because that's the whole point is to attend the professional development as a group of nine so we could still still do that as an individual going as you know as a group Mrs rert did you have a question um no I was just going to tell you I'm ready to go man I was ready to vote oh okay we're we're getting okay well we're we're doing consensus we I haven't gone around there yet did okay M mine is you have my consensus for uh four and I also agree with going to every single uh training that you can possibly get to to make yourself a excellent Schoolboard member and that's our job so I appreciate that thanks thank you um Mrs Thompson um so my understanding is this we have this budget to plan the board total training but then we have an individualized budget because as Dr Zeman's recommending is going to Philadelphia I know as a new board member I want to go to the finance fsba thing in February so can we get our individual budgets so that we can plan out these trainings we want to attend Dr Folton Mr Sullivan thank you madam Deputy uh so yes the board currently has a budget for this particular professional development $177,000 option four uh that covers option four for IND individual travel the board does have a budget but I will have to get with Miss Johnson and we can uh we can share that with the board and and you can utilize that funding to do the outside opportunities outside of option for thank you all right I'm going to go around and see so you have option one two three and four so Dr holess which option for yes okay uh board member Thompson four thank you um for four Mrs Leonardi option four Miss Bowman option four Dr Zeman yes ma'am or and Mrs fam I option four with one Proviso I saw one of the dates is um July 29th I know Mrs Rupert's out of town usually during the summer and a lot of vacations are scheduled towards then I don't know if we could shift around a little bit to make sure that we make it where everyone can 10 that would be great ship the date Dr Fon Mr Sullivan are the dates flexible we will work uh with board corporate to make sure we pick a date that works for the hopefully the whole board but at least the majority of the board okay thank you all right you have your direction I have to do all the items I think that was unanimous okay thank you all right oh uh public we didn't have we didn't have any public comment by the way um um the next item up is rural development School Board policies 1930 and 6300 I'll turn it over to staff for a very brief uh presentation I believe that one is mine too Mr chisums um probably on his way down but while we wait for him are we're still streaming yes we're still streaming um I don't know if Miss Batista wants to guide us on this I know there was if not um unless there's any questions uh the board has seen this before um we had a discussion about it in a prior workshop and this is just now following the official uh role making and this is concerning U Banners at our schools and signage okay um does any board member have any discussion about the item for board policies 1930 which becomes 6,300 Dr Zeman thanks so much just one question um is there anything uh in this policy that deviates from the Palm Beach County policy on signage Mr Sullivan uh we mirrored um this closely aligns to the PM Beach policy thank you very much having uh been to a couple dozen schools up there it's very clear they have a single policy and a single usage and a single size and almost a single uh type font and color and things like that you go by their high school and there'll be 50 of them in a row and they look very professional cuz they're all uh same size same logo same design and they all come from the school saying thank you to somebody who gave them the money and so I just love what they have up there having seen it um and I'm glad that uh We've uh borrowed liberally from their policy we sure did thank you sir okay any other board members Miss Bulman um I just have a question I like what you did with this too by the way um the in Article 2 C the partners in education just like a little clarification on that I'm this is like a separate Bridge entity or what what exactly is this Dr Fon Mr Sullivan so um basically anyone who wants to partner with us so if it's a local business they want to uh make a uh donation or um be a financial partner we want to clarify what that meant in policy um just so we're consistent to how we're treating everyone who wants to partner with us in that regard and Mr chis might have more to add to that as well the I don't know if you heard um just perfect just clarification on the partners in education Eric Chisum director of strategic Partnerships I'm not sure sure what Mr Sullivan already shared but it definitely gives us Clarity right now this policy really aligns also to policy 8020 because lots of individuals utilize our schools and they're Partners in education this policy also will be that companion policy to that to ensure that we have Clarity consistency and our schools have pretty much what they need to go forward to partner with communities okay can I just ask one followup question go ahead Madam chair ohe sorry Miss Batista so the the the board maybe needs to be reminded what 8220 is which is the use of facilities by outside entities thank you for that uh and that policy is coming back I think in January so what we're doing together is ensuring that as we look at policy 1930 and 8020 we're ensuring that they're very much aligned because you'll have a lot of Partners who will come to our schools want to utilize the facility and part of the partnership and expanding that reach is to get many of them to become Partners in education so these companion policies really are very important thank you Miss Bowman did you still have another question Mrs Fam thank you madam chair I just want to put on the record that I believe that this policy conflicts with Florida statute and I'll read it to you 102206 and that is the freedom of religious expression in schools public schools and that I believe that the signage content is you're you're discriminating against the content because there's no violation here um churches or other religious groups are allowed to rent facilities on the school property be inside the school properties conduct business on the school properties but you're saying they cannot put a sign out front where other vendors are permitted to do so and I think this is is going to create a problem for the district so that's in the record thank you Miss Batista can you speak to that yes um so the the the statute that is being referred to uh deals with uh use of facilities our use of facilities policy as Mr Schism just mentioned is 8020 under that policy um any entity regardless of uh re religion or or whatever politics is able to use the facilities um and there is a different standard for the use of facilities uh by outside entities versus what the entity is able to uh put on as a message to the public that is um could be viewed as being endorsed by the school board thank you any other school board member input Okay so I'm guessing if there's no other input everybody's okay with the we kind of need a consensus I guess moving forward or we don't any consensus this will be presenting for board action on next Tuesday okay perfect all right thank you so much um any public no register public comment thank you okay moving on the next item is the state and federal legislative priorities I will again turn it over to staff um for a brief presentation I'm sorry I'm sorry Mrs Le oh Deputy Mayor turn it over to Mrs Elan thank you um all right so this is just a annual legislative platform that the board approves uh which gives the lobbying team the ability to Lobby on the board's priorities um there's not that many changes uh the changes are highlighted in red the the second bullet sorry third bullet and that's to reflect the school start time to give the board the flexibility to determine that if not that goes into effect in 26 27 and we'll have to uh adjust our start times which has financial implications and then we struck out some uh funding sources I mean funding requests just based on the current climate and some of the items that we've got in the past and also we crossed out funding for the uh BCPS police department since the board decided to go a different direction and everything else has remained the same for state for state okay any changes in the National I'm going to let Miss tety go over the federal changes for federal we included oh good afternoon Megan tety director of legislative affairs for federal we included one change to support the preservation of programs currently funded through the Department of Education okay thank you U hold on one second any public public speakers on this item no registered speakers Madam chair okay so Mrs Leonardi thank you um I did want to uh ask my colleagues for consensus on adding um something both to the legis the State Legislative platform and the federal legislative platform and that is funding for paid maternity and parental leave um recently the Surgeon General uh the national Surgeon General issued a report about the stress and mental health challenges faced by parents um loneliness workplace well-being and the impact of social media on the youth mental health um they've declared it a serious Public Health concern for our country and often I think about our employees going going through you know these issues the they issued an advisory recommending a national Paid Family Leave program um it's also important to recognize that Governor D DeSantis expanded maternity and family leave for Florida State Employees um the expansion was approved in 2023 and eligible state employees can receive paid maternity leave for up to S weeks and parental leave for two weeks which can be combined to provide nine weeks of paid leave for mothers um so I would I'm I'm asking my colleagues if they would be willing to include this both in our state and federal legislative platforms as this is both um you know been talked about nationally and at the state level okay maybe by a show of thumbs are we good with that yes okay thank you and on that point chair if I could um would you like to ask for the funding that would go be required for that well or just for the policy itself no uh I meant to say to add to provide fun funding for school districts and I'm glad that you brought that up because I I understand that it is also incumbent on us and that is something that I hope we can discuss when we're discussing budget um but you know every Everything can help from both the state level and the national level on this thank you you okay m is that it Mrs fam what Brenda you're being addressed your turn oh I'm sorry oh okay um two things one um I would like an explanation of exactly what um here the athlete mental health project that we're doing away with that request for funding could you just explain what that is to me first and then I have another issue Dr fton Mr salvano Mrs teski sure so I believe last last session we it passed through the legislature but got vetoed by the governor so we didn't feel was appropriate to put it back um knowing it would uh more likely face the same Faith did you just elaborate what the program went Mr resy can you elaborate exactly what so the F the program was funded two years ago in the legislature last year it was vetoed when we were requested it 2 years ago it was um in response to high rates of suicide amongst athletes and it was to provide financial literacy um youth Mental Health Training and otherwise so to support athletes in their mental and um emotional well-being as well as for financial literacy so was that for all athletes yes that was what the intent of the the than you and and the second thing is I would like to um request if we can get funding in here for uh cameras and classrooms for ESC students I know we have some funding but um I'm might from what I'm told is that not all ESC students are getting into classrooms when it's that the resources may be limited or it's done first Cur for serve or by a lottery but uh I want to make sure that no student is Left Behind and that we have um funding for camera equipped classrooms for all the C students that parents desire that okay by show a thumbs excuse me before I'd be interested in knowing whether we're short of cameras or not to our policy is if a parent asked for it you get it are we short of cameras right now in Brer County because if we go to Tallahassee and ask for money and we have 800 extra cameras uh that's that really destroys our whole platform we had a whole discussion about this recently um and we're short a couple of hundred cameras but yes Mr Sullivan yes and this is already been filed to apply to the rest it's going to be filed to apply to the rest of the state so if the board uh agrees we will include the funding aspect of it great so by a show a thumbs everybody agree with adding that I yes thank you thank you you're welcome anyone else you went already oh no you're next I'm sorry you jumped in a couple I'm sorry you're next damn I'm being such a good boy today I'm I'm playing by the rules here um this is a little bit uh um different so it's not something that we can all just agree on but it's a strategy issue that I believe in deeply um Florida funds education on the cheap National operating dollars uh for the average school district is 13,000 of student and Florida funds it at nine when we go and ask for a 5% raise in the operating funds we're not really taking an opportunity we have to ask for something meaningful to close that Gap Mississippi Alabama and Georgia all fund education higher than 9,000 we're our SAT passage rates are 47th out of 50 and our pay for educators in Florida is 50th out of 50 states and so I'm tired of going to Tallahassee and begging for peanuts I'd rather ask for $1,000 more per student and operating funding to kind of highlight the fact that we're just not getting the funds that I think Floridians really would like to be spent on education at a time where we have over $20 billion in our rainy day fund this would cost1 billion doar uh Statewide so instead of 5% I'd like to ask for $1,000 of additional money uh per student uh as we work up toward the national average okay Mr Sullivan I would I would suggest a different maybe approach and say get closer to the national average instead instead of putting the ,000 U per student that's is just a recommended approach I appreciate that um having worked the hill in DC for 20 years I think I have a a decent idea about how to get people's attention and the other piece of this that I think is important is the charter schools in Florida would also be receiving $1,000 so here's an issue where uh traditional public schools and uh and public charter schools together would be talking to legislators um uh and I think that kind of a approach like that has a much better chance and if you give them a number then they can score it through the economists that run the the scoring system and they can go tell the legislators it's $1 billion if you give them a soft qualitative Target they can't even score it doesn't get very far so I like this approach okay board members want to weigh in on that we have to so would you like to suggest that we change it from 5% to $1,000 I guess show of hands I have a question what is 5% now $450 dollars mhm I think let's go for the Thousand okay everybody good with that thumbs up okay very good thank you anybody else before I go I have a couple okay so I'll end this and we'll be back on time um so I have a couple of suggestions for the State legislation one one um hearing from a lot of people and going to the conference uh for Florida Schoolboard Association I'd like to suggest that we add a uniform attendance reporting request um some of the concern about chronic absenteeism is because every District reports the attendance in a different way so the as a organization fsba is asking all of the districts to ask state legisl to do a uniform reporting of absences so that when you're looking at it you can compare apples to apples so that's one and when I had this discussion with Mr Sullivan he said if we added one we had to take one away so I would say we can probably delete the one that talks about pandemic recovery efforts because that ship has sailed so see take one away add another one um and I this I would also like us to add ask for them to increase the penalties or to address online threats that are happening in the schools so some kind of state law that includes um consequences for parents I don't I don't know how we would craft that but to address the online threats that are happening in our schools with consequences um that come from from a state statute as opposed to us just implementing something if there's consensus we'll craft a language to make sure we're doing that and we'll put it under school safety okay then I have one more and then excuse me can can we talk about that or do you want to wait um yeah I have one National request so go ahead um it's my understanding that parents are already liable for behavior of children under 18 particularly for making threats uh bringing weapons to schools and like we've just recently had a parent convicted uh and doing something eight or 10 years in prison for their child bringing weapons to school and so is Florida out of the ordinary in terms of not allowing us to to punish parents so under the state law right now it is a misdemeanor with no Financial consequence I would like to ask it to be a felony with some kind of financial but that's specifically they're two kind of different things that's about bringing weapons my suggestion as we heard earlier is about online threats there is no I don't think there's a state statute at this time that has consequences to it not not for that you're talking specific about parents right because there is for students right but to include to make that a stronger State Statute to amended to include parents to strengthen the statutes for parents for online harassment that's great yes I love it so okay um thumbs up or down for oh sorry go ahead I just have a question about how like as well see that how we would craft something like that because online threats parents may have no knowledge that this is going on I know there's a lot of loopholes even no matter what you're doing to make sure that you're paying attention to what your kids are doing online there's like fake accounts that they make and all kinds of things that make it difficult ability say that but if you're underage and you are driving under the influence and you cause an accident a parent is responsible so I just feel like they kind of fall under the same with a physical item because you let them have the car or if you have a weapon that you failed to lock up properly but the vastness of internet access which the most prudent parent has a very difficult time kind of keeping their kids under control that really opens up a lot of liability with well and so I understand that I would say also but we have a cost so when there's an online threat the school board has to there's costs that are involved with that so we had a discussion earlier if a student is convicted right they go through the court system there is actually you can ask for what's that word no restitution thank you that's the word I'm looking for restitution um for both local law enforcement that has to go out and spend the time so I would just like to know if there's a way to do that on a higher level at a state level to to just make people understand the severity of what's happening so I don't know that we necessarily craft that the state would have to to we're just asking them to look at how to make those consequences stronger board member Thompson I agree with board member Bowman I don't I don't agree with going after parents because of the vastness of the internet and you can be very involved there's secret apps there's calculators and I think it would be better use of our resources to go out and advocate for more Mental Health supports more people in our in our communities that avoid these problems but well the board yep no worries so we'll do both of them first one uniform attendance reporting can we ask for that okay so that's consensus um the second one was asking for some kind of Greater consequence that includes parents for online threats so all those in favor thumbs up thumbs up okay all right we'll let Mrs fam comment and then we'll we'll try that again yeah I'm sorry but um if you could categorize um what if something is willful and wanting I would be you know if they they are looking the other way it's clearly plainly a danger and parents are just completely disregarding it then I would be more um inclined to to hold them accountable but in other situations because it's a sliding scale so if you want to put in different levels or or categories just like we do with our discipline Matrix then I think that might be better addressed but if one size fits all on that one then then no and I'll just say it's kind of up to the state how they write that we're just asking them to look into it Mrs alh yes thank you I agree with you Mrs Hixon I think that this is absolutely something that we need to do more to stop these threats from happening we are trying our best to tell students think before you post we're asking parents to have conversations with their students about making these threats but it's still happening you know and kids are saying oh I was just joking but it's not a joke and and so there needs to be something more to happen and and even if it is just brought up at the legislation and it's a conversation to bring awareness uh to parents that this is serious and that they need to have conversations with their child about not making these threats because it is it is hurting the education of our students and and it is traumatizing our kids in our schools and so we need to take further action to prevent this from happening thank you so go ahead if if I may um so once we're done um with the workshop item this is going to be presented to the board next week for fin a vote I believe I have enough where I can honor your request while taking account other concerns okay perfect and I have one request for National so I'd like to ask us to add that um on a federal level they make a a federal building standard for school safety yes okay show a thumbs okay perfect so we'll add that you had I don't know if we crossed anything out but um okay perfect anybody else have any additions or anything they want to add to the state or federal legislation I have the question okay go ahead Mrs rert um it's for uh for John are we getting the Consortium next week yes that's a that's on the agenda for board consideration perfect okay thank you Mrs Al yes and I think Dan Daly might have brought this forward as far as when teachers get certified to become a teacher that there is a safety training aspect of part of that certification I don't think it passed no I believe he just refiled if my memory serves me correctly I would like to support that can we put that on the sure there's no consent if there's no objection yeah perfect thank yes all right great thank you okay so we are done with that item thank you very much Mr Sullivan for your three sadly I'm not presentations um so the next item up is the superintendent's appraisal system I will now turn it over to staff for again a brief presentation we're back on track did very well I didn't know if we had to okay um one second the next item is superintendent appraisal system I now turn it over to staff for a brief presentation Mr azero thank you Dr foldon and School Board David azero Chief people officer I'm with Heather parente our director of employee evaluations uh we have the document it's been sent out to staff and to the board um so we can go right into questions or we can do the presentation are we are we good to go right to questions all right let's go right to questions perfect anyone have any questions or concerns they'd like to bring to staff so while we're saying the goal is to bring this next week to the board for for an official vote and approval um just looking for any feedback on what was presented got it Miss bman oh shoot anyone else oh sorry Dr Zan thank you very much chly nardy um I I think this is going to work out well uh I like the timeline I appreciate uh the factors um I I kind of struggled a little bit with this intellectually though um because the things that I value in a superintendent aren't really represented here very well and I just want to make a statement now that um having been to a conference where there's 78 superintendents walking around and watching 77 of them follow behind Dr heurn asking him questions um uh I've uh I've I've thought hard about you know what really makes him a special superintendent and it's not represented here these are um good things uh they are things that the district works on they're things that he leads uh other people to help us accomplish there certainly things that are important to the community um but we're going to be coming up to another issue in April about the renewal of his contract we wrote some things in there about what to do with the onee um and uh I will do everything I can at that point in April uh to make sure that we uh remind Dr heurn about how valuable he is to our community um uh so what we have here will suffice uh but the things that really make uh somebody a great leader are difficult to quantify and so what we end up doing is kind of looking around and trying to think about some good things to measure some of these we've already achieved like the a school district um but the ability for example let me just give you one the quality of the people that have been recruited to Broward County Senior staff and Beyond the senior staff is um a sea change from the quality of people that we've been able to recruit in the past that's something that a superintendent brings because when people come here and they want to be the CFO or be a deputy superintendent or CIO they want to know who they're working for how much support they have at the board and how long they're going to be able to stay and right now in brard County we've got all of those great things going for us um it's not reflected on his appraisal system so maybe what I wanted to do is just say thank you to Dr heern for leading in ways that will never be able to measure thank you very much thank you Mrs leonardy sorry okay um I just had me me two I hope quick um concerns or questions so for um I'm for the safety object itive um you know I don't disagree with the that July by July 31st 2025 at least 95% of active uh school-based staff will complete a course and pass an assessment um I don't disagree with that but I also recall um our training on outcomes um from several years ago and so I'm I'm very interested to to I hope brainstorm with the board um some like safety outcomes that we could potentially evaluate Dr heern on and the first things that come to mind for me um since we were just discussing this are like threats um and or like cesser incidents so an a reduction in um violence and and things like that in our schools and so I'm I'm curious to hear from my colleagues on that as well as the inclusion piece so um again I don't disagree with the the piece about you know at least 95% of schools will provide inclusion practices for students um such as peer group special events Special Olympics like I think that's a good thing to have but I also would like to see an outcome um an evaluation based on outcomes so like the the students who are impacted by these practices what are they getting out of it um so I'm just curious to hear from my colleagues about that okay uh Mrs fam thank you madam chair um Dr heurn I I give you Kudos you brought a lot to this County and um we can all see it we can feel it it's in the air the Improvement um what I would like to see added to this is um uh a category for Innovative School choices Innovative class choices Innovative club choices because you're bringing um a whole new vision to the school district that I think needs to be recognized and rewarded so um I know you're thinking outside the box you're combining schools um and and really doing a great job of it so if we could include that category I think you would really um shine even more and you deserve that appreciation and recognition thank you Mrs Al thank you so on page seven the the safety part so the part that I struggled with is that this is not actual physical training so in these emergency situations the body goes into fight or flight and then they go back to their muscle memory so by them just watching a video or answering an assessment that is not training so I think this is a very superficial way to calculate this I I just I think it would be uh much stronger or it should it would be a more thorough way if there was if it was allocated by the number of actual trainings that are done specifically at the school which we do do um I just think that the watching the video and the taking an assessment is not actually being productive in and actually learning how to physically train on an in an emergency situation and then if we're asking valuing the superintendent on that I want it to be meaningful and purposeful right now I think the way it is it's not I'll just jump in originally when this came to us it was um it didn't have the assessment piece I think however whether they're watching it as a course on canvas or there's an actual training I think the concern earlier was if someone goes in and does a training how do we know what they got out of it so I think what you're you're kind of aligned to that what you're saying also what was the value of the training so I wouldn't be opposed to saying complete trainings and pass an assessment but I think we need to know that they understood because I've sat in trainings before as a teacher the phone is a great thing um and you know sometimes they just don't take it as it should be taken if there's not some some kind of assessment I it doesn't necessarily have to be a test but something to know that they gained the information that you're hoping they gained so I don't know how you change that but I think it's important not that they just took the training but they can Implement as you said muscle memory um to be able to implement it if necessary so I don't know how if staff has a suggestion on how we might combine to fix that but I still think it's important to have some kind of assessment to know what they've done Dr heer no I'm digesting the comments and trying to figure out um what would a deliverable look like um for the board if we go if a school staff is going through some specific train TR emergency response um a lockdown drill which is essentially a training um right um how do we capture that information from the school to add that as a deliverable so go ahead Ernie I see he got that slow walk up there go um so I know we do log in the emergency drills um right and and schools do tabletops and all of that so go ahead I'll let you expound on correct so Ernie loano task assigned Chief safety security officer um schools do currently now do you know their mandated drills with requirements the school does an after action report but again to capture each specific individual that participated um and provide feedback could be a challenge yeah cuz we can get that information per school to set that they satisfy that specific training or that tabletop um but for each individual in the school that's the um the the hard part um but we know the schools are doing it on a monthly basis could we do both yeah I'd be comfortable with adding in the the drills drills y the drills plus the individual cuz then you get the individual plus you get the whole uh 2 six schools doing it and I think the standard U might be 100% for those because those are mandated you you know when you have a school and you do one a month it's 10 or you didn't do what you're legally required to do so it seems like the standard ought to be 100% of schools do the mandated um drills over the course of a year which I think is what we're doing now yep absolutely and I would say maybe the assessment is just one assessment at the end of the year if they're doing 10 trainings maybe there's a short assessment couple of questions in this situation what would you do because at the end of the day that's all we want to know is that if there's a lockdown or if there's evacuation or whatever it is you've been practicing you may practice different things we want to know that all the staff is walking away with that information so it doesn't have to be of an assessment every single time but at the end of the year we would want to know 100% of Staff knows if this is called what am I supposed to be doing so you know I just like students if we're not going to be assessed on it we may not be paying the same attention even though it's important um you don't realize the importance until you're in the middle of a situation correct and In fairness to the superintendent and our school leaders and the staff at the schools we get absolutely put together a quality face- tace training at you know a faculty meeting during one of the month but our schools already through negotiations have limited time to pull staff together to do certain things principles have already put trainings together for their staff but I mean so my main concern is that June 30th timeline like we can definitely make something more robust for the next school year with the right time and been planning to to get some more robust trainings for for staff um you know my concern is trying to implement something that Grand in the middle of a school year when they already have trainings scheduled and staff development for staff Mrs is all done wouldn't we be able to do those trainings during their monthly drill time where that's already allocated in that time yeah so they're doing them now but I'm talking about like to do a training and then have every staff member take in assessment on that training at the same time right that's that would be a difficult task to accomplish U my suggestion isn't to add anything except for at the end of the year have a short assessment give them a scenario and you know what steps would you follow and have them I'm not I'm not suggesting you add anything in addition if you're already doing the trainings that were that are supposed to be done but how do we know that they got something from the how do we we can't assess him on that just based on did they do the trainings we want to know where the training is effective and the only way to do that is some kind of assessment so if it could be a very simple online quiz here's the scenario what step would you do first what would you do something along those lines um just so that at the end of the day we have a way of knowing that he's on top of making sure that our staff understands what the protocols are for each of those scenarios so um just to add I would um say that doing that at the end of the year is for me is too late when I think about um trainings and then assessing for for safety procedures and protocols I would want um them to be assessed early so if they don't get it um yep yes because at the end of the year the school year is over um and I could tell you the superintendent as me and my staff accountable our asm's our directors we're out at schools now we're participating in the drills providing real time feedback is did the staff follow the protocols the schools are implementing and that's a powerful way to see to your point chair Hixon is the school implementing and the procedures the way we expect as a district and my team is participating when schools are doing drills and providing that feedback so then they can go back and retrain and readjust if the school did not implement the protocols we expect as Broward County schools with fidelity I just want to answer something and then board member Thompson you can go so in our in the situation on February 14th of 2018 it was individuals who made individual decisions that caused a lot of what happened I would want to know that every individual understands what their role is so that's why I to me it's important not as the school doing what they're supposed to be doing cuz that's great but the trainings are individual trainings so that every person understands what their role is and that didn't happen on that day and that's why we're here so to me it's more important to know the individual people know what their roles are and that's why I would continue to push for individual assessments um board member Thompson um I have a comment on the inclusive practices and how we're really measuring that because I think there's definitely a difference between on paper saying as a district we're providing these groups and we're being inclusive and then reality on how we are measuring that what's the measurable outcomes do parents know about these resources for their children and how they're being incorporated into the school Community more than just you go on their website and you see that they have best buddies which they might have had it six years ago but they don't anymore which I've found in several of my schools say they offer things that they are not so how are we going to be able to hold Dr heer accountable to that well um I don't know if um Miss eagan's um in the pre function room anymore but I know like last year they would literally go see what students are actually participating um in those groups um that's probably her walking in okay I'll let her answer that question but I know it's it's boots on the ground and monitoring what students are actually participating in these groups go ahead U Miss Egan just repeat a question I can try um so the questions referencing inclusive practices because in several of my Schools they're saying that these things are offered and they're not actually being offered like best buddies or or peer mentors things like that so how what is our mechanism for getting measurable outcomes that we can then hold Dr heer to accountable no you have to hit the button no it's a mic it's an actual mic no button I'll just talk loud a couple of years ago we started um an initiative with um an inclusive Champion identified at every single school and we meet with them quarterly and we give them um training and you know um build their knowledge base about different conclusive practices that they can provide within our school we work closely with the Florida inclusion Network which is a discretionary project out of the fldoe and we have established a PE mentoring program at every single school so if you're having a difficult time with one particular school please let us know we'll be happy to follow up and provide support to them so we do we have a database of all of our programs they're not all called the same thing you know some people might you know name it after their you know school like Bobcat buddies or something like that or they may have peer mentoring programs or best buddies not everybody uses the same title but everyone has established um a peer mentoring program within their school but how are we making sure that that's actually benefiting students like what are we doing a pre-post survey are we talking to families about them feeling like their children belong in our school like what is the thing we are measuring that we can then hold our superintendent accountable so we are currently measuring the establishment of programs but we can certainly look into other options of how to monitor feedback regarding the specific programs Dr holness oh thank you madam chair so I am I understand what you're asking and I'm in support of that um how it looks I I guess is a question but I think at the beginning of the school year um it would be nice to have an idea um what the knowledge base of the staff is right so there could be some sort of a formative survey or assessment to determine well what you know and not know so that could drive the training and then have some sort of a midyear assessment and then an end of year summi of assessment to see if the staff have acquired the knowledge base they need to ensure that safety Protocols are being followed so I think it it should be um an approach where we're determining what the staff knows and what we need to focus on and have continual assessment it could be a mid year and then an end of year and I think if if we follow that yearly we would significantly improve on the safety protocol um adhering to those safety protocol uh districtwide so that would be an additive to what you're suggesting that I think would be beneficial Mrs alh thank you so I just want to be clear to understand on on page seven for safety when you say complete a course are you talking about them watching a video and then how many questions are in the assessment so again go ahead Mr loano erano task assigned Chief safety security officer so we were our first iteration and again we'll take suggestions is putting together a canvas course and then there'll be we were thinking a minimum of 20 questions that dealt with the plain language curriculum specifically and the question question were immersed throughout each module and you wouldn't be able to go to the next module till you pass the first module okay so this is something that's new and will be Crea correct we're building in as we an anticipation of this we started um planning the iteration for rolling this out okay perfect and then then there'll be something added about physical train training and then possibly the three assessments throughout the year we can absolutely look into and build that in yeah and then just a reminder um about three assessments for the year that would I I don't think that'll help us out this year because we're already you know in the middle of the year but certainly can that can help us out um in the following year where we start um that pre-planning week when teachers come back or any staff not just teachers principes all School staff um taking any additional assessment about their U knowledge about safety protocols and emergency protocols and then I have another question is there a reason why we can't have two things in the safety category like good Dr heer can you expound um so I was thinking so the area security managers they're responsible when they go to a school they have a checklist of different safety requirements to to have at the school so I was think thinking that would be a great one to cuz you have the the evidence and and whether that actually is being done so it's sort of like the the Florida offic ofy schools they'll randomly come to our schools and they have a checklist that they go through like is there single point of entry are the doors locked are they being buzzed in are they asking what their purpose for being there is and so our asms go and are doing that each at each of our schools so there's a report and then that information could be another safety part of of this requirement because now you're not only looking at the the training of the staff but you're also looking at the the physical safety at the school yeah um so the only thing I would say about that is that it would be iter uh meaning that as Ernie and his team are looking at that data if they notice an ASM isn't doing what they're supposed to do right they follow up and they hold that person accountable and train them and Coach them whatever so the next time they go out they should see an improvement um so that's the only thing I would add is to understand um just like on the academic side of the house when we do walkthroughs in the classroom a teacher or or admin staff may not be doing what we need them to do right there in that moment and we take the opportunity to hold them accountable coach them up and all of those other things so that the next time the data improves so it would um if that's a portion we would have to come up with something to show that um the Personnel um with those tasks and responsibilities have shown improvement over a said amount of time instead of just hey you didn't you didn't do it right this time right right but as school board members our job is to hold you accountable as the superintendent and previous school board members they didn't hold their superintendent accountable for the Safety and Security at the schools so then you're going to hold your Chief and your asm's more accountable knowing that we're looking at this so I think um it's an end of the year a accumulative um thing right that by the end of the year 100% of asms are collecting data appropriately and in all the nuances of their jobs as far as the data they're collecting at school for safety purposes I kind of like that idea though chair because this is an independent group with an established standard M coming in when they want to with no notice and saying how did you do now they don't pass 100% of the schools they visit but they should pass 90% And that is an honest outcome to miss Leonard's point which is and I don't like Improvement in safety safety is a standard so I'm not interested that you were a 40 and you became a 60 I'm interested in kids being safe every day right so it's a standard not an improvement I don't I don't want a positive first derivative I want schools to pass at some level I don't know enough about the office of safe school reports although I've read them before I don't know if they're scored or if you can say you got to get a 90 or above on every uh report but I love the fact that they're random and they're not announced and it's an outside entity coming in and seeing that would be an assessment I think an outcome based assessment for Safety and Security and I think we need something like that to make sure that it reflects the the rigor that the board wants uh put on Safety and Security so I I would propose the individual exams at some point through the year and uh 90% passage rate for the highest Mark for OSS reports and then 80% and 70% for for lower points something like that that's clearly a tough test but I I want it to be a tough test I really do I I I think the community wants to know that their schools are safe any other board member discussion okay I'm sorry go ahead others like y'all just messed up my hole go ahead other parente a director of employee evaluations thank you for that information quick question for me um just to make sure that I weight it properly within the tool are you thinking that that would just be two objectives within the safety metric so it would still be weighted as one objective of the four or you looking for that to be a fifth independent objective no the the two objectives within the safety thank you very much it's going to work and and um Team just to recap can whatever notes you've captured can you kind of clarify what that is uh what you're leaving with as far as what that objective looks like so so make sure we're clear okay Heather PR um so I see it as two objectives within the one safety metric and the first one let me start with the second one since that's the one that we just discussed that would be looking at the data that's collected by the asms to ensure that they're because it's going to be the end of the year metric not so much looking for the Improvement but looking to make sure that they met um collecting the data correctly and will develop the scale with at least 90% or higher for the highly effective rating so heard something different after Dr Zan talked it was more based on the OSS is uh report um so cumulative report so per statute we we have taken the office of safe schools assessment it's in the fsat tssr platform and our asms are using it currently by Statute they have to we have to as a district assess each school on that same template both traditional and Charter One Time throughout the school year so we are doing that but again as Brower County Schools weekly you know I have the expectation that our asm's visit a minimum of five schools weekly and they use that assessment um during those visits and so we are we are implementing the state template currently throughout each week as our asm's visit and what I was proposing chair is when the inspections happen is when I want them to all be at 90% or above not it's great that they're being trained by the asms to the exact same standard that's wonderful but it is the random independent uh inspection that I find most compelling and I think the community would because then the ASM are going to be working very very hard because they have no idea when these guys and these guys are not friendly they come walking in and they're running real quick before you can fix anything and um and and I would like that I mean to me this is again not something where I want Improvement it's something where we have to be great and and it's 1/ half of 1/4 of one component in his evaluation so it's not going to upset the apple cart for him but it matters to the whole Safety and Security system that he's being assessed on on a real independent inspection rather than on inputs or number of people that have taken a class and passed a 20 question thing those are helpful too but if everyone in the Safety and Security knows that his evaluation is based on these independent inspections that's an honest thing and they're going to really be working toward honest Safety and Security and I think to your to your point the 90% um most of the time even now in our current visits by the state they do it by deficiencies not percent and most of the time you know a school may have one deficiency out of the 60 plus questions that are on that assessment that they assess better than 90% you know so that was going to be my comment or question um of how do we quantify their reports um in order to turn it into um a metric for this objective so I guess we can probably work on that um off offline but because I know they're they're re I I know the reports as they're reporting like like that as as a deficiency and correct per y right is it is it a uniform document they use every time yes okay seon this is a I just had a question on average how many times is the Florida offic of safe schools coming to randomly inspect the safety at our schools so that's we so that's pretty much weekly and on average they'll visit five to six schools a week randomly our CPS schools correct okay you were saying it was the ASM she's asking people from the office no I'm saying the state oh okay okay our expectation is our asm's visit a minimum of five schools in their cohort weekly a minimum the state also comes we have an assigned person to the region and they visit approximately five to six schools a week every week pretty much weekly it's 200 inspections a year thank you I would just ask one more question because um School Board member Thompson asked had a question about inclusion so what we have here just says that they'll provide inclusion practices her question was about making sure that they were effective so did you capture that as well and so what will that new objective look like I'd like to the opportunity to work with staff to be able to frame that include it but I understand the ask yeah and I think we need to discuss that now really um Okay so if you ask me if I'm playing a sport I'm playing football what does success look like for that football team is it measuring wins and losses uh when you know you don't have the athletes on your team to have that many wins and losses is it but what does that look because that's a um It's A Hard outcome to measure um because we're providing opportunities to ensure that we're uh uh that we're being inclusive as possible providing different types of opportunities for our special needs kids to be engaged and involved in things that they wouldn't or ordinarily be engaged in um so what would that outcome look like I I think that's the discussion we need to have now because that's a very hard thing to quantify because it's so qualitative right and then even if you ask a parent if all three of them are parents and all of them men best buddy um best buddies one of them may feel like I'm not getting anything out of best buddy other two may say this is awesome and this is great but the kid may actually as a principal who had a best buddies program thought it was the best thing since sliced bread but I have parents who's like you know I don't want my kid involved in that you it's it's it's a hard thing to quantify because it's about qualitative experiences to make sure our kids all of our kids are engaged and these are opportunities that we provide to make sure we can have an inclusive environment on a on a campus um so if we can have a little bit more discussion on what we think that looks like okay um and I'll just say I've also been to a lot of schools and sometimes I I think the idea is the Fidelity with which those programs are being offered not maybe not so much what everyone feels about it but you may say you have I'm going to give an example and I I don't want anybody to be offended but a lot of people will say they're participating in Special Olympics but there's different versions of Special Olympics so there's where you go and you participate throughout the year and do things and then there's somewhere it's a one-day activity and Special Olympics comes and there's nothing wrong with either one but the experience and the inclusion that happens like are they practicing for that one day event or does everybody just do the one day event and there's a big difference between participating all year as opposed to just participating and sometimes theal Olympics if it's not a unified partnership just because you participate doesn't mean there's inclusion because it should be more of focused on the unified part of it because that's the inclusion part so for me I I I don't know that it's so much you know asking parents to you feel more included now than before but really more of of staff um making sure that it's they're doing it with Fidelity and you know to be fair I don't know that staff knows the difference all the time of all the different events and you know um so I don't know how they would also know the differences in those things but I think it's more about us not just providing it but the students being able to participate and and feel in included because that's what inclusion is right it's not just checking a box to say corre yeah we do an activity once a year that that's not really inclusion so that to me would be that bigger piece of it as opposed to um you know just do they all have a program Dr Zeman I I just would like to offer a um a way to move forward on this um we could uh through Dr Egan's staff uh certify like actual programs right for this year and at the same time as do ask Dr heurn to start trying some things to measure inclusivity uh it's a big deal we know kids quit school when they don't feel like they belong people quit schools when they don't have one friend in the whole school um and we've done some things with cell phones we've done some things with psychologists we tried to do some things to make it better but there are objective surveys and often organizations will do a sample every month so they'll pick two % of their whole you know Workforce and they'll give them a survey and they'll track that survey result hoping that it Trends North over time I think it's such a hard problem I'd rather punt on it this year and say okay inclusivity this year will be programs and let's get them certified so they're actually up and running with real kids in them and then try some measures over the second half of the year and see if there's any that that are feasible and we can get done and kind of give the staff time to research you know how you would put together either Focus Group groups or surveys or something to to put it together I think right now it's asking a lot halfway through the year or most the way through a year to kind of add this uh this in a way just because it's so difficult to measure I wouldn't be opposed to that but I I just would like to say since it's inclusion that it shouldn't just say Special Olympics it should say Unified Special Olympics programs because that's what's inclusive Special Olympics just is a program for special needs athletes if you're not in the unified partner part of it you're not having that inter intermingling with janed anybody else all righty any did we answer everything you good yes you did thank you okay great thank before you go though could we ask the soup for any final comments I just feel like since this is his evil I'd love to I'd love to if he has any questions to the board or you know if he if this sits well with him that's important too um has to be fair as it is right now it it sits well with me um I like the idea of what we're talking about with the inclusion objective um pretty much focused on the making sure students are engaged in a program right now and then we'll figure out over the second semester ESC team and figure out how do we quantify student experiences yeah right because that's the difficult part to try and capture and um and Miss Hixon knows um um and some of the folks sitting behind me know who's been in schools um it's our special needs kids some of them um you know don't communicate well or some of them are even non-verbal um but we want to make sure they have those valuable experiences and feel like they're part of their school so how do we quantify that and so that's actually a great thing that we we we need to work on to figure that out so we can continue to enhance that over time um the uh safety objective totally agree um as I tell the team all the time we are the beacon of of of safety in in the country we're going to continue to be that and so we're going to continue to iterate and do what we need to do to ensure that we stay that that we're example for the rest of the country um and they should be calling on us when they have questions um and I'm I'm good with the rest I don't think there was any change with the rest correct because I walked in about five or 10 minutes um into this um so I'm good thanks s great thank you so much thank you for coming so we are on our last item which is the proposed 25 2025 2026 school calendar options I will again turn it over to staff for a brief presentation and then we will go to public comments all right good afternoon David azero Chief people officer see if my uh there he comes he's Che on an orange again we've um sent this out the sent the survey results to the board I have copies here I can pass out behind us and we can go through the presentation or we can just go straight to questions again I think that we could have a okay thank you we could have a brief um presentation maybe not all of it just and then um then we'll go to public comments chair could I ask for the survey results before the presentation sure I think they emailed them to us but can you do if you have them you can that's nice but I'm beon can we get the presentation up all right thank you good afternoon once again David azero Chief people officer Eric Chisum director of strategic Partnerships and we are here to talk about the 2526 proposed school calendar for the 2526 school year just said that twice uh so going to kind of we we did this a little bit couple weeks ago where's it going here we go so go ahead sure sure uh so what we wanted you all to have is some information because we did put the surveys back uh out to the community and this is a a a highlight of the what went out to the community so that there was clar around what we were doing um as we all know many times people may not be watching board meetings or board workshops but the idea was to ensure there was Clarity around what we were putting back out so this is just kind of a a blueprint a tip a template of what went out in addition to the actual calendar surveys uh next slide uh we talked about this before this is just historically I know we have two uh new school board members but on an annual basis we Orient the board and provide this information and this is just kind of the timeline that talks about what happens after the calendar is adopted on December 17th if that's the will of the board then we develop the employee work calendars which are about 25 calendars uh this these are the laws that are associated with it when we presented the last time we laid them out and at this point I'm just going to really just take us to the actual options and I think one of the big takeaways around the options is when we had very meaningful very fruitful conversation uh the takeaway was that we were looking to have October 20th um 2025 as a day off so all three of the options are presented as such and they have that off the first calendar option uh you will note that there's a footnote to that calendar that speaks to the fact is that the one we're missing the footnote uh with the minutes oh I got the wrong printed copy okay so at the top you will see that that's the middle school where we would have to make some adjustments around the Middle School uh bell schedule and we shared with the board I think there was some feedback from the board to come up with some scenarios that would look to that and that is what that option really does it actually still has school starting on August 11th and the last day of school for students would be June 3r and the last day for our teachers would be June 4th so we've definitely had conversations around how we do that we work with academics and what it would look like and it would definitely require some bell schedule uh time changes at the middle school level to ensure that we in the semester if you will on December 19th it will be a clean break you can see the semester breakdown 4242 and traditionally we try to be above 42 days in each of the nine weeks but the way we would accomplish this breakdown would be to make the adjustments to the Middle School bed uh bell schedule a calendar option two that calendar option again I think uh the similarities that you'll see the way we presented this was to ensure that each of the calendar options still had school beginning as early as we could start which is the August 11th in each of the calendar options and this calendar option uh there would not be any belt I should say any schedule change as it relates to the school ending the semeer semester it still will end December 19th but what you do see is that we would go to school on our teachers would be in school on November 24th and November 25th so that would not be a full week of Thanksgiving off uh We've we've experienced the Thanksgiving um window since 2021 uh we the last time we had a full week where we worked was 2019 2020 and since the 20221 school year we have been off of the full week of Thanksgiving so there would be this change on this calendar option but putting those additional days and bringing us back that also gives us an opportunity to not make any changes to the Middle School bell schedule as well as ending the semester with the start of the winter break that calendar would also have school ending on Janu June 1st for students so they would come back for one day based on that breakdown and our teachers last would be June 2nd and the final calendar option is also uh very similar again school would begin on August 11th and what you see in this calendar option is also one of the unique calendar options specifically because what would happen is we would come back from winter break we would do exams that last week but when they are gone for the two weeks we would come back and we would still have 4 days left in that semester the second semester the first semester and the second nine weeks and that would end the first semester so January 8th would be the last day for our students which also will be a early release day and January 9th would actually be the uh planning Day School the end of the school year would be June 3r for our students and our teachers last day would be June 4th uh I think because you have the survey data in front of you that is another component that was requested of the board that we share that and I think as a quick uh run through of that that's the information we have unless David have something else to add good um okay so we'll go to public speakers the first person on the list is Jay peta peta no uh Roy verman good afternoon Namaste my name is Raj Verma uh hold on one second we need someone on the clock sorry that's okay start again yes okay good afternoon Namaste my name is Raj Verma and uh I don't have anything special to say except express my sincere thanks than uh to the staff the board members uh for bringing this issue up to this point and but before that I would like to congratulate the new members the returning members uh the chair the new responsibilities so uh we are very much the community has been looking forward and they've been asking questions uh I did not ask them to be here and repeat the same thing over and over again I know it's the last item on the agenda and you had a very long day a very long uh uh meeting agenda so I just wanted to thank everybody uh you know for supporting the community and we look forward to having one of these options which is most beneficial to the school without incurring any any uh hardship to the staff and the teachers so thank you again thank you next is Shaker ready good evening Namaste my name is Shakari resident of Plantation hold on one second can you reset the clock please hold we need Andre there we go okay okay good evening Namaste on behal of Hindu Buddhist join sik American Community I'd like to express my gratitude to BR school board members Brad School staff and teachers thank you thank you so much let's reset the clock um and our last speaker is a j Joshi Namaste good afternoon um my Ajay josi president of Plantation on behalf of our community the Hindu Community want to like uh say our gratitude for the board members the broad school board members and thanks a lot for considering our request thank you very much thank you so much okay School Board uh board member discussion Mrs leonardy yeah I just want uh to give to express some more gratitude it's really lovely to hear from our public speakers who have been so involved and and collaborative and solutions based so thank you uh for for your input and your advocacy and thank you to our staff um this is really been my most lovely experience with calendars in my time as a school board so thank you thank you thank you thank you board member Thompson um I have two two questions so first to The General Counsel through the chair is there any issue for us giving a specific day for a religious holiday Miss Batista thank you madam share so um as the item on the before you States um on my memorandum if there is um a religious holiday you are not able to do that I mean I is very clear in the um in the memorandum The Establishment Clause in the First Amendment um does not basically says that you you as a governmental entity cannot either prohibit nor promote religion um so that that would be an issue if you're looking at the Wall-E as a cultural um holiday um you know that's a different different story so for clarification just because is also considered a cultural thing and there's an imp potential impact to our student attendance we have no issue having this day off Miss Batista so um again so if you're looking for diversity then uh you know diversity uh and and being able to honor that and that is the uh reasoning behind having this holiday then it is it is fine as far as you know the the board wanting to go in that direction um if he's strictly looking at that uh day as a religious holiday you would not be able to take it off U and I don't believe there is any data to support um that there is ABS absenteeism on that date or any other secular reason other than the fact that you know you want to have diversity okay and then I also just want to bring to board discussion the impact on working families and having an entire week off for Thanksgiving break it is extremely challenging for people especially with young kids in middle school or Elementary School to have that full week um I know we talk about economic impacts and the current situation of our economy I think considering having school on Monday and Tuesday would actually be beneficial to a lot of the families and I know that that was not the calendar option chosen on the survey but I also want to point out that only 12,000 a little I'm stealing yours a little a little over 12,000 people responded to the survey which Working Families generally are unable to do it 26,000 yes so out of how many families are district surfs is that I appreciate it's 26,000 thank you for the correction um oh I see that now wrong circled um however I just want to have a very robust discussion on how we can support Working Families and one of of those things that we can do as a board is giving them Monday Tuesday in school which I also think helps not having to have testing after the break or not having to we can end the quarter before the end of the break because one of the options was we would still have some of the quarter after after going a break Mrs leonardy I don't I don't want to are we going to a round two I don't want to skip over oh um not yet we're still on round one so Dr Zan I'm generally not persuaded by surveys anyway largely because of the sampling uh 27,000 though is is a is a great number I'm glad we do it it's persuasive in sometimes in a relative sense and the one that's very persuasive to me is that 70% of our principles and assistant principles uh feel like option one is the best their job is to deliver results for us um and they uh they have a preference pretty over whelming preference for uh that the fact that 220 of them uh participated I think is is a good number um I also think that option one if I'm not correct will allow us to finish before the winter holiday is that correct and that's the one that I think is most aligned to now I uh I appreciate School Board member Thompson's ideas about families um but um uh it's also true that we've had a week off at Thanksgiving since 202 21 or no I'm sorry how far back 2020 and in some sense uh there is an expectation that families can take trips that week now and and things like that too so it really Cuts both ways the only evidence that we have is the 20 almost 27,000 people that voted and they they didn't vote for option two by a big number um which would have given them uh those two days off so um in the past when we've had Monday and Tuesday School we've also had horrendous absenteeism and so people have voted with their feet and just not showed up for a couple days um and it was difficult to keep the curriculum going so I'm in favor of uh as are the principles of option one as well as the respondents who did participate this time in our survey okay U Mrs fam did you have your hand up thank you so much um I also note uh about the two days but the difference is those two days are added to the summer so either way the parents are going to have to accommodate their children and make some kind of arrangements for their care so it's Robin Peter for Paul if you've ever heard that saying before um I'm in favor of option three I think it's um um it's very favorable it's got the five days for Thanksgiving which I know a lot of people appreciate especially staff it's got um the full two weeks for uh Christmas and New Year's and also um it's got of course that the 20th off which all three offer so we really do appreciate that and I'm hoping that um we can continue to work this way together as a group and and accomplish things where all diversity inclusion and uh cultures are included and we're not cherry-picking just certain ones to be appreciated and celebrated thank you all righty Mrs all thank you uh so I appreciate the the calendar survey and its results I think that the the survey went out in different modalities from text messaging to emails and phone calls and and so I respect the the survey and so option number one with the highest percentage would have my vote thank you okay thank you m uh School Board member Bulman just had a question point of clarity um so in October having a half day on the 10th and then a day off on the 13th I know it's the end of the quarter but does that affect our ability to capture as many FTE credits or students as possible are we is FTE affected by having an relase jeopardizing our ability to maximize that no we are not we the FTE week and and Dr Fon or Dr he can can help me out so FTE it's if the student is counted if they're there one day of those 10 days the day the week before FTE week or any day of the actual FTE week so the fact that it's an early release day as long as they're there one of the other nine days if they didn't show up they're still counted for FTE great thank you Landon thank you Ernie oh did you I'm sorry well Dr can go after you yeah we can okay thank you madam chair um wanted to to highlight kind of the the student perspective on this uh very quickly we've received a lot of great student feedback um about the the clean break and the importance of having the the clean break uh for for winter break and and especially it's been brought up for students that are in uh single semester classes especially single semester classes that are AP class class ES so for example uh many students at the high school level will take a semester of AP government and then a semester of AP macroeconomics uh and the problem is is that the the yes the days are equal uh in the semester but you also have to take off a month for the the AP exam right so every time we chip away at the length of second semester um it continues to be detrimental especially for for those students as well as the students that that are enrolled in dual enrollment classes um so you know obviously the the student perspective on this showed option one I'm personally in support of option one but um I think you know overall the options that included so sorry I uh got a Applause for Mrs fam on that uh but the you know any any option really from the from the students perspective that supports a clean break is is beneficial thank you thank you Dr holness thank you madam chair so um Mr Chism and your team I appreciate all the efforts I know this was a lot of work I can imagine and uh thank you for having all three options include October 20th um and I really appreciate the survey just wanted to um be sure so the only major difference with option one and three is that with option one the uh teachers return on Monday and students return on Tuesday uh through the share go ahead I I just want to also clarify the the other big component of that is the third calendar option the semester ends after they come back from winter break so in three the semester would still end on the 8th of January so that calendar is one that this they would come back and still have four days to complete the semester so option one the semester and um before winter break it's clean break okay option one it is option one thank you you um I have a quick question and then one for me oh sorry Miss rert I go ahead I'll ask after she said one for me oh oh did you have anything else to add you're good with option one okay I'm good with that thank you so much all righty I have a um a quick question because you know down at the bottom it tells you when all the breaks are but as we saw when we had a storm happen and we had to close schools there's no contingency on any of these calendars for days that we would go to school if we lost days so don't we I've seen calendars where it's been on there I'd like to ask that we do that so that it's very transparent to everyone that if we had some kind of weather emergency or some kind of emergency where would we get that time back so that we're not scrambling and having to meet here again to to approve that afterwards Mr a can you let them know that the cushion that's built in based on the minutes of time are kind of replicating what some of the other school districts are doing where they don't have to bring kids back to makeup days yes sir so through the chair option one adding the 10 minutes or so to the Middle School bell schedule um provides that cushion so if we had the three the three days off for hurricanes we may not had to have made them up at all so the other districts that had longer Middle School um were able to absorb three of those days before they started to if we needed to after that then we could expand the early release days back to um full days to make up two hours here and two hours there but it's the really adding that 10 minutes to the middle school day that alleviates that that you know allows us to have that cushion so is it possible to put that on the calendar so it's very transparent that we can absorb up to 3 days based on the timing and then beyond that here's what we would do so that if it comes up because it may may be more than 3 days especially if we're unfortunate to get a hurricane like some of the other areas have done so I just want to be proactive in making sure that we have a plan and that everyone's aware of it before the school year starts yes Mrs Leonardi did you have something to add yeah just um real quick because it was brought up so um I am grateful for the survey results I I was recently at uh Fort Lauderdale education Advisory Board meeting where there was great frustration expressed um about us not listening to survey results and I think you know there's a tension there um for me a survey result is is uh one data point right so um I don't use it to make all of my decisions at all times but it is a piece of information that is helpful to understand um I think these survey results are are very helpful um I do want to speak to the the attendance and and and having Thanksgiving week off and I very much appreciate um the the case about you know Working Families and child care um during Thanksgiving week I can speak to my experience as a teacher and I know that information was requested about attendance during Thanksgiving week um but as a teacher it was very difficult BEC because attendance was very very low when we had school Monday Tuesday Wednesday before Thanksgiving um so you had to to design lessons that were engaging um but weren't necessarily required for all students to participate in because you would have you know a majority of your students having to try to make that work up um I I do think that one solution is that we work with cities um that provide child care during that week I know the city of pompo beach my former home um was very very good about that and they they do that not just for Thanksgiving but um on the severe weather days that we have they they put together child care for their for students um at the very last minute so I think sharing that information out and working with cities to do that um is one solution for our our Working Families who can't find Child Care during those days thank you oh and I'm I'm for option one sorry thank you so I just a quick question for new board members this op this will come back to us as something to vote on next week next week so will you just be bring will you be bringing all three options or you'll just bring the one that you got consensus for here today option one so let's make sure everybody gave their input so um okay Dr holess was one Mrs Al was one Miss Thompson was one I'm one Mrs Leonardi one miss Bowman one Dr Zan one and Mrs so oh and miss rert so it's unanimous we good okay just want to make sure okay thank you so much for that thank you okay at this time do any of my colleagues have anything to bring to the board or student successes to share Mrs leonardy sorry I have a few um a few things so I think given um the the anticipation of the oig working uh with the school district um and given some recent events I think it might be helpful to um if my colleagues are so inclined to invite the oig to come to us and do a workshop about what the oig will will specifically do the rules that govern the school district um or what they will and won't investigate um I know they've done this for cities and so I I would really like to know from my colleagues if they'd be willing to uh or if they'd be open to a workshop from the oig um and sitting down with us and educating us and the public about their parameters okay anybody oppos to that all right so Dr heer you'll set that up yes um work with um Miss Batista on setting that up thank you so I have three more things sorry um so in in that same vein I know that historically or the last few years we've as a school board have done our ethics training online I think it again might be helpful for the public and um for our new board members um and for me even as a as a refresher to have um ethics training performed you know in person um I know that the league of cities does this um so I think it might be interesting if we did something consistent with that but I'm I'm curious to hear from my colleagues if they'd be open to to an in-person ethics training as opposed to the virtual one that we've done over the last few years I'll just give my input um and whoever wants to jump in but since I've done it the ones that we had here in the Board Room were not a person we listened on the phone I didn't find that helpful I the online one that I take through the I think it's the league of cities yes well it's not FSB it's it might be fads fads yes it's it's very interactive they give scenarios um I know it's also virtual but I find it to be much more engaging and my preference would be to continue doing that to than to sit in a board meeting and have have someone speak to me through the phone for four hours yeah I wasn't proposing that I was uh I that's why I said in person I know the league of cities um does the this for our cities in person so um or they they use people who do that in person so I'm not asking because I also don't agree with sitting and listening on the phone but whatever the will of the board is okay let's see um Dr holess chair did you want to get consensus that's what I'm trying oh I'm sorry okay um again that would depend on the quality of the inperson and I'm not sure we have that information so um currently unless we have more information on that I would rather stick to the hot guy on yes I like it is this all H yes in person okay board member Thompson I don't have a strong opinion since I haven't taken the virtual one yet until December 31st December 31st so whatever I prefer the option of doing it on my own time in the four hours plus it's due December 31st so we have to we wouldn't have time to do that this year it's really kind of a discussion for next year but um Miss bman I think he answered the question at least for this year Dr Zan I'd love the idea um if it was like one hour hard-hitting ethics to may I finish thank you in addition to uh what fads uh does and ending with that really cool uh Jeopardy game you know where you actually get a lot of learning just by playing that silly game but I think six months later I'd love to have someone from League of cities come back and hit us again it's it's really challenging um the ethics laws they are there's all kinds of incredibly little minute things um and they're sometimes counterintuitive and I'm worried that once a year four hours is not enough and it would be neat to have like a good hard-hitting one-h hour thing if someone from the league could can come and update us um so Dr heurn is that something we could do like maybe April May time have like just come at a workshop Mr Sullivan we can look into it um for next year we can look into the April time frame yes okay just like a refresher kind of thing everybody okay with that Madam chair I was wondering as well because I do like the idea of in person I just don't know what the quality of that looks like so could the superintendent explore that and bring back a 4our ethics option that would be in person that could uh sort of elaborate on the quality of that program okay go ahead Mr again we can go look at what the league of cities do since they already do it in person it's here locally probably won't be a big issue so I know I'm going to see my league of City friends Thursday so I'll start asking them around and I'll see if we can contact a person that does it and assess if that's valuable for the board okay perfect thank you and and I was I'm very aware of the timeline and so I wasn't necessarily talking about our requirement for this year but in the future and because I think again like having a public facing discussion about these things and educating the public as well as us is is important um I have two more um things I'd like to bring up so um I know that we we have our quarterly workshops with the advisories and I think that that's great um I'm also interested in and I again want to hear from my colleagues if you all are interested in quarterly workshops with students bringing up student issues um I think you know the student adviser and I talked about this briefly yesterday um maybe going through BCC um not necessarily having principles choose students to come to speak to us but H having this really be student driven and hear about student student concerns and student questions okay wait I just have a comment I would like to make sure that we're including all types of students not just the students that are in sgaa or honor students but all students feedback is important and I feel like sometimes when we do these round taes it's only like a certain type of students Landon thank you uh through the through to to your point Miss Thompson and that's something that Miss Leonardi and I spoke about uh yesterday is making sure that that is not the the type of students that we are just speaking to um at all of our speak up speakout sessions we make it uh a point point to talk to a diverse group of students as well as a group of students that has diversity of experience um in school and if the board you know decides that this is something that you all want to do we definitely make sure that that's the group that comes here to speak and speak freely um in front of the board I I'd like to just point out quickly that we are scheduled for a board Workshop in the end of January to give you a kind of a midyear update on the work that we're doing in the student engagement initiatives um so that will kind of be the the the start of this conversation if the board chooses to go in this direction um Dr Seaman I I kind of like the idea by the way of um um not just high school kids but middle school and Elementary like if fifth 8th and 12th uh had a table with us of a whole group of people um we'd be learning about somebody's um sixth grades of elemente three of middle and four of high school and it would um you know provide a little bit of a of a draw for people to come because they're reporting out on what their experiences had been rather than catching people before then so I love the idea I I would actually prefer that uh to some of the options we have every quarter and I'll just I would just be con not concerned but we would need to how many students are coming where do we pick them from are they the same students coming every time we have a meeting or is it a different group those are not things I'm expecting you to answer answer right now but just in terms of thinking of the logistics of it and you know how do the students get here things of that nature um you know how did they get the opportunity to come so when you come back in January if those are things that you might Ponder and bring to us absolutely that'll be part of our our presentation in January as kind of a framework of what the quarterly discussion could look like perfect thank you for bringing it up Miss leard yeah thank you and thank you for clarifying I was no way implying that we should only hear from sgaa students and that was something that you and I discussed so thank you for for clarifying that um and then I have one last uh issue I'd like to bring up um as I've been visiting Schools attendance um for students has been a big concern of our school leadership um so I'm wondering you know I don't know if we need if I'm wondering if what what Solutions we can bring to the table with regard to student attendance um so I don't know if that looks like a workshop or if anyone wants to to if anyone has any ideas about that right now thank you Dr peer yes so we actually have a scheduled Workshop um coming up real soon to talk about attendance um it's been a concern that we've identified last year with our principles looking at Trends so we have an attendance task force or committee what you could say with with principles that had had they've had past attendance concerns but have overcame them and utilizing some of their best practices to to um scale out and as well as some other um innovating ideas that they've come up with to kind of chall this is actually a discussion that in the superintendent's um portion of fads um while we were in uh Tampa also so it's a it's a national concern it's a bit definitely a big concern across the state um and also uh more of a concern with the recent election too where a lot of the superintendents are in fear of of kids being afraid to come to school due to their their uh status of their parents and such so Mrs is all thank you so I would ask if you can at the workshop bring back msd's 101010 rule they Mrs keer rolled out this 10 10 10 Rule and attendance has been there's been greater attendance and their test scores have also increased so there's data to support that and I'd also add in the um fsba we there's a whole session also on attendance and there are some programs that are actually the norm in a lot of different states that we don't have here in Florida so um if we could add that discussion on some of those projects or programs to the workshop that would be great Dr Zan oh thanks so much I just um wanted to connect a DOT to another dot here uh today we talked in repurposing about traffic and transportation issues this board voted for us to have a day one policy for transportation next year that optimized our assets our 1,200 school buses that we have uh to make sure that as many people as we could uh we could get to to school that dramatically reduces car lines it gives parents or guardians or whoever is responsible for those kids extra time uh reduces pollution and the like so um I'm looking forward to learning more about that because I'm I'm hoping that that takes tens of thousands of cars off the road in the morning and in the afternoon um and and doesn't cost us necessarily any more money because we're already running uh uh buses with lots of seats second is there's an event coming up I think it's in January at Panther stadium is that ring a bell who's the audience for that event yes um Dr Fulton's here I won't steal her thunder in that one so I'll let her um talk more about the you're talking about the all School showcase not just the choice School showcase I'm sorry Dr Fon I'm probably going to steal a little bit of the Thunder for turn it over to you um so uh as we told the principles um um on our BC a call yesterday we we're trying to implement strategies not just redefining and uh some of the marketing efforts that we're doing and whatnot but all type of um things that we can Implement to stop the bleeding uh we do we do a choice showcase but that's not all of our schools um so we're going to have a showcase for every last school in Broward County um being showcased at the whatever they call it these days it used to be the BBNT Cent Amir Center uh where all of our schools will be there where parent parents can come and find out about information for for every last school especially the schools in their backyard uh we have tons of families that just not taking advantage of the schools in their backyards because they have no clue about the the great things that they're offering um to students so it's an opportunity for parents to learn about schools within their backyard or learn about other schools that they may be seeking through reassignment and other other efforts to enroll in um but it's pretty much an opportunity to showcase every school in the district instead of a portion of our school that have Choice programs okay but the intended audience is parents go to the stadium to meet with correct all 206 schools have reps there so they can if they know about it they find out about it and they have the time and energy correct and can get there they'll go and they can walk to any school they're interested in learn about it right there correct great thank you Mrs Leonardi were you done okay anybody else I I have something I want to talk about very quickly that we're going to change at the next school board meeting so um we're going to change the how we work on consent um to try to main streamline and make our meetings more efficient so when we get to the consent items we are not going to ask anybody what they want to pull we're going to assume that no one's going to pull consent items because they are consent items unless you let us know by 10 o'clock the day before the meeting so you'll email you're supposed to be emailing your questions ahead of time anyway so if you want to pull a consent item it's not that you can't but you need to let us know ahead of time and then what we are going to do is after we pass the consent we'll have a section for Schoolboard comments because often people are pulling those consent items because they want to say congratulations for retirement or you know they want to give a comment they're not pulling an item because they need to know something in order to vote on it um and it's something I had a long discussion with different people across the state on how their meetings don't take as long as ours and that it's one of the suggestions so when we come we won't be asking what items do you want to pull so if you've already if you want to pull something it'll be your responsibility to let us know ahead of time and then we'll obviously do whatever you've pulled after we've passed the consent and gone to the um to the thing also for public comments we're not going to take it per item they're going to have public comments at the beginning of the meeting and it'll be on Whatever item they want to talk and they have their their time limit for that and then we're also going to put the the superintendent's um report after public comments so that if there's something that's brought up in the public comments that needs to be addressed he goes right after them so he'll be able to to immediately address some misinformation that might be being shared um at that time so I just wanted to make you aware of a couple of those changes so really important for you to remember and again ask your assistance to help remind you that you will need to let us know by 10:00 a.m. the morning before what items you want to be pulled specifically for consent because otherwise we'll just pass those consent items all at once time to start the meeting um board member Thompson how are we notifying the public that it's no longer going to be public comment per item we'll have that discussion when they come because they're still they can still talk on any item they want to they're just not going to do it at the beginning of each item but if the items at 2 p.m. we've kind of trained them to come at 2 p.m. to talk so if you have people that com at 2 p.m. to talk on an item and we already had public comment in the morning I'm just trying to understand the process of that that's fine um Mr Sol Mr yes we are happy to communicate that out to ensure um everyone knows we know usually it's the same folks who typically come to these meetings so we'll make sure to reach out via email to them as well and we'll post something on social and our websites and you know again just to say at the School Board conference that we were at most districts um don't allow for the same amount of public comment that we do we are um not in the norm so this isn't reducing how much they can it's just kind of putting it all at the beginning of the meeting so that our meeting especially if we're going to do consent Alto together if they want to speak on one of those they have the opportunity to do that even if we're not going to pull it for discussion Mrs leonardy yeah I'm very excited about these changes it's um it's refreshing and and cool that you're doing this um to uh the that last piece the one other thing I would ask is um like when we on our website or wherever people go to register for public speaking there'll be like in red or highlighted that like this changes happened but I I think this is great thank you and and again we get a lot of comment like people are coming to talk on four items and one may be at the beginning of the meeting and one may be at the end and they sit here all day so this is actually to benefit them to be able to say the things that they want to say um all at one time and then we'll have that information so that when we get to the item we've already heard what they say but I'm just trying to be more cognizant of people's time and how much they have to wait around to give us their input so um Dr Zeman yeah like Miss leard I I'm really excited about this um I just want to be clear about the pulled items by 10 the day before that's both consent and open items you want them all by 10 I would love them all by 10 as would staff because that's kind of what we're supposed to be doing now but at for sure the consent items we could have a discussion about open items okay on the day of but I'm not going to be asking for consent on the day of can I um I get it um it seems to me like we'd be doing ourselves a big favor with that 10:00 deadline for both um the staff would be ready um we would all be ready because we could see by you know 12:00 you know the list could come out of what people had said that they were going to going to pull um and we would be able to put an um a greater amount of credibility in this board by running a regular business meeting because we knew generally what we were a school board member is a legislator they can bring up any consenter open item as they want they can talk all day long but um at the same time I think we'd be doing ourselves a big favor to get these things in ahead of time and if you don't know by 10:00 the day before which you're going to talk about I don't think you prepared uh and and it will kind of force us to do a little bit more work ahead of time it will make us have a much more regular item so I'll throw that idea to you the other idea that I'd throw is if we're going to ask people to come and talk at the beginning in the past we've had time certains and we've staggered them out through the day um if there's something that uh needs to be done because it has a broad kind of interest in the community it seems like it would be good to do that earlier in the in in the agenda uh where maybe we pass consent and have our two minutes of of of talking real quickly and then if there's one or two or three like huge issues why can't we just address them while the public is here so that they made their comments and then we dive into the ll1 and the O7 and the pp3 that are the kind of the top issues of the day I think that would also drive people to watch Schoolboard meetings again um I think our our online attendance has dropped tremendously and it would be nice to have more people watch kind of the most meaty issues of the school board okay thank you for those suggestions uh board member Thompson I still think I think it's a good idea I just think for the first time I'm concerned that yes we do blast out on socials we'll put it on websites whatever but if we have someone I just think there should be some leniency the first time we do this where if someone comes to talk about a like 2 pm meeting and they didn't see the other stuff that we allow them opportunity talk that's fine I don't I don't have a problem with that and um you know we'll implement it as we go along and and well obviously if someone's here we want them to know we're interested in what they have to say so we'll obviously do that um and I just wanted to remind you all again I said it earlier we're going to move the L so the The Advisory suggestions or recommendations right now they're an L1 which would be consent so if we leave it in L1 it means we never discuss it because as I I just mentioned unless someone pulls it we're just going to pass consent so we're moving it to ll1 which would then be an open item and so if there's something that you want to just direct the superintendent you think it's a good suggestion and you just want to direct him we can do all of that at one time the advisory will feel heard the item will be addressed you know we could even go through it you know what do you think about this one this one and um hopefully that will alleviate some of the concerns that they shared with us um at the meeting today so we will see how all of these changes go all right thank you Mrs Leonardi sorry I just had one question um and I this isn't necessarily for you as chair but I I'm curious about um and again I I'm in full support of of having the deadline of um 10: a.m. it's 10 a.m. the day before right um for pulling the consent items um um I guess I'm wondering about like the mechanism for holding us accountable to that um because I can Envision a situation in which like a board member shows up and they aren't aware of this or they don't remember and um they want to pull the item anyway well that's a great question because obviously it's a rule now and it's not necessarily being followed so um it will just have to be a just like the public speakers it will have to be a reminder that we agreed here that we were that these changes were going to happen and I'm not going to ask the question so unless somebody specifically says hey whatever I'm um going to make the assumption that we're all good on consent items and I I would just also remind you as people did um to me at the meeting if you have a question on consent beforehand that's going to wait whether you vote one way or the other you should be reaching out to the superintendent and asking him those questions so that you either no and if you know you're going to vote no on a consent item you should be telling me you're going to pull it if you're voting yes Save what you have to say for the comment part you don't necessarily have to pull it they like to remind us that Schoolboard meetings are specifically to do the business of the district it's not to educate people and they must have said said that a thousand times over the last few days at that Workshop so we you know we want to kind of get on that same Cadence so that workshops are a time to educate there's other ways to educate but we're coming on Schoolboard work Schoolboard meeting days to just do the business of the school board John Mr Sullivan I just want to make sure I'm clear so the the I I think I'm clear the public will get three minutes to speak on any item that they they so wish to that's on the agenda not 3 minutes for each item they wish to speak on I was thinking that as we were talking about this so we might have to go back to look at the policy because I think people have a 15minute limit to what they want to talk to so um I guess we're going to have to figure out they have 15 minutes right now so we can't change anything until we we change that look at the policy so if they wanted to to talk on five whatever they could have their 15 minutes at the beginning um I don't yes and I'll check with fsba I think what they do is to three minutes to speak on any item not three minutes per item but if that was the case we'd have to change our policy because policy says they can have up to 15 minutes this is all H I have a question in regards to the consent if I'm voting no on something but we're doing one group vote on consent how does that work because if I'm voting no on H3 I have to give my reasoning a why right you'd have to pull you'd have to let us know that you're going to pull H3 anytime you want to vote no on a consent item you'd have to pull it so um you'd have to let us know ahead of time that you not that you're voting no but just that you want to you want to pull that item got it Mrs Leon sorry I don't usually talk this much um to to the point that we were just talking about about um the 3 minutes per item so I I think it's important that we're very clear and I I and correct me if I'm wrong but it's my understanding per policy um that that someone can speak for 3 minutes per item with a Max of 15 minutes so what I don't I personally don't want to see happen is that like someone's allotted 15 minutes at the beginning of the meeting and they can talk for 15 minutes on two items you know what I mean so here's an actually remember remember now what they said so they sign up and they put what items they want to speak to and then you would know how many minutes that they had so um I think it was Lee County so we may have to tweak what we're doing and that might not happen by by next week but that they would have to to your point they have three minutes for each item if they're only signing up for two items then we'd give them six minutes for their two items and figure that out so I if I may I think what we can do is memorialize what you said in writing so everyone's yes and this is fluid obviously it's just a suggestion to to make our meetings more efficient so um we'll have to to tweak how we look at that and sorry um one thing I think might be helpful is like if if staff when they when someone comes to speak they're they say like okay so here's your three minutes for BB one and then here's your 3 minutes for BB2 um but I think what what you were doing Madam chair is really um really cool and I think like we can have discussions about this all day I think it'll be messy at first and that's fine that's how like these new initiatives happen it doesn't have to be perfect right away um so I'm really excited to see how this plays out is this effective just upcoming board meeting I would like to start trying so I would say you know we could make a card or even when they sign up you can sign up you can sign up to speak on up to five items or just what are the items no more than five however you want to phrase that and they have to write out what items they're going to speak to I think cards would be better to be honest we can do cards but I'll get with Miss Batista because is it 15 minutes or is it five items the maximum is is three minutes per item no more than 15 minutes total right so I couldn't pull more than five items you you're not able to pull more than five items right yes now the other thing is is that usually with the 15 minutes uh the one minute um when there is also speaking as to the motions and so that's included in the 15 minutes as well and can I still give away my time yes but not all 15 minutes I mean you will be able I think we're definitely going to have to revisit that policy right right all right well well we we'll start off and see how it goes and have them sign up and have to keep all those things in mind so they do have a minute if there's a motion um and we'll make sure to reach out again we know that usually the folks who are public comment are are the same individuals so we won't get everyone but we'll get the most of the folks who are the yeah usual folks most people come for one or two specific items Dr Zeman I think it it's very obvious to us that um there's in people coming to talk and sometimes those same people talk about a whole bunch of items what's less obvious to us is the people that don't come to our meetings because it's always the same people that talk for a long period of time whether you guys like it or not there's two million people in Broward County 800,000 of them are doing something actively to support education and my belief with not evidence is that there's a lot of people that might want to come and talk and they don't come anymore uh in the same way that I have a hard time getting really amazing people to volunteer for advisory committees they go and then they quit and it's and these are all real things uh and we have to be honest about them uh there's there's value in hearing from the public but there's also value in in constraining individuals comments so that we encourage more people to come and share their thoughts we're not hearing from the community when four people stand up and talk for 15 minutes and no one else comes because it just takes too long to sit and wait for them to go through their talk so I think we have to be be thoughtful about that and that's why I was so encouraged by what you're doing if we limit people to 3 minutes at the beginning we might get 50 people to come rather than four and I'd really like to hear from more people yeah and so I'm going to guess I'm going to direct the superintendent to bring the policy back for discussion but we can't change the policy right now so we can change the process and then figure out how we move the the policy but the policy says what it says so we can't change it to 3 minutes total today because that's not what the policy says is that correct U board member Thompson did you have your hand up I was just gonna ask about motions all right so we've got the direction and we press the go button so remember 10:00 a.m. the day before the meeting so that would be Monday the 16th any items that you want pulled um please make sure you and who would they email them to and I'll make sure we'll I'll send reminders and text messages thank you the scheduled order of business for this Schoolboard Workshop of the school board of brard County Florida has been completed seeing no obligation I now adjourn the meeting thank you so much for coming e e e e