##VIDEO ID:W3rffnmCFIY## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e students please [Music] remember e e e [Music] good afternoon this special meeting of the school board of Brower County Florida is now called to order Dr Heen are there any items to be added to the agenda may I have a motion in a second to close the agenda move by by Zan second by Fen holy all in favor of closing the agenda say I I those opposed say no the agenda is now closed May I have a motion and second to approve all final orders move move by Zeman second by fogan holy is there any discussion seeing none all in favor approving all final ORD say I I those opposed say no all final orders have been approved I now declare the special school board meeting is adjourned it's they good afternoon this regular meeting of the school board of Brower County Florida is now called to order please identify the exit doors that are clearly marked for emergency exiting while in the boardroom refrain from obstructing next doors all attendees must occupy a seat in the boardroom with the exception of media once the boardroom has reached its heating capacity attendees will be directed to its designate overflow area in the building upon activation of the fire alarm system please exit from the room in an orderly fashion and continue to exit the building and remain outside until an authority that has jurisdiction has deemed this building safe to return we ask that all attendees to maintain a respectful and press professional demeanor during this meeting disruptive behavior including but not limited to yelling interrupting speakers or engaging in personal attacks will not be tolerated if you engage in disruptive behavior interfering with the orderly process of the meeting I will issue a verbal warning to seize the disruption immediately and failure to comply with the warning will result in your removal from The Boardroom by law enforcement removal from the meeting by law enforcement will be on the duration of all meetings held on this day our primary focus is to create a safe and productive environment for all participants and thank you so much for your cooperation board member atin will now introduce his school to lead us in the pledge of allegiance to the flag Mr thank you very much chair please rise and remain standing for the presentation of Colors by Charles Flanigan high school jrc and a video presentation of the Pledge of Allegiance by the Panthers at Pasadena Lakes Elementary School please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all you may be seated Al I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with li and justice for all thank you very much we want to thank Flanigan high school and the team at Pasadena Pasadena Lakes Elementary School for the video presentation thank you thank you board member holess has requested a moment of silence for a student from Horizon Elementary and for a student from North Fork Elementary Dr holness thank you madam chair I'd like to request a moment of silence for Kyle Sinton Kyle was a student at uh North Fork Elementary School and was honored as the recipient of the 2023 2024 just do it award he was a strong and courageous young man who faced each day with a smile in his free time Kyle enjoyed playing with his cousins skating and bowling he will be greatly Miss thank you I'd like to also request a moment of silence for Amir tan Joseph a student at horiz in elementary Amir loved singing watching his favorite shows Miss Rachel and PJ mask he was also able to recite numbers in both English and Spanish Amir is survived by his parents and two siblings his high energy and vibrant presence will be deeply missed by his family friends and the Horizon Elementary Community thank you very much board member fam has a request from moment of silence for a teacher from Nova Middle Middle School Miss fam yes thank you very much I'd like to request a Moment of Silence from ment Joyce Miller she's from Nova Middle School and she has just recently passed away principal gishan shared the following about Miss Miller Miss Miller was a very passionate dedicated and compassionate teacher who taught students not only the social studies content but also the importance of being persistent and positive in life Miss Miller is gone but will never be forgotten our deep condolences go out to Miss Miller her entire family and friends for this devastating loss and I ask for a moment of silence thank you thank you again as we prepare to begin our regular school board meeting we are reminded that our vision is 100% proficiency for all of our students entering the new school year as an a-rated School District We Begin this vital task of sustaining this achievement we will continue educating all students reach their Highest Potential our theme this year is believe Empower achieve one Broward May the chair have a motion and second to approve the minutes for the following meetings June 18th 2024 regular school buau meeting July 23rd 2024 special explosions July 23rd 2024 regular school board meeting so moved second moved by F holy second by Hixon is there any discussion seeing none may um the minutes is there any such all in favor approving the minutes as listed say I I those oppos say no the minutes are now approved the superintendent released a revised agenda with certain changes for this meeting and published it on the school district's website the chair finds pursuing to section 120525 Florida Statutes that good cause exists for such changes and accepts the revised agenda May the chair have a motion and second to close the agenda move second moved by Zan second by F all in favor of closing the agenda say I I those opposed say no the agenda is now closed the school board will consider agenda items in the following order the school board will first identify any consent items and open items on the agenda that would be pulled for separate discussion all remaining consent and open items that were not pulled for separate discussion will then be approved by consent the school board will then consider H3 followed by the proceeding in accordance with the agenda lettering system on the remaining pulled items per policy 1020 the chief Communications and legislative officer pulled the board of any agenda items they wish to address in advance of the meeting board members were asked to identify the agenda items that will like to pull for discussion and forward the results for processing no later than 10: a.m. the day prior to the meeting the following consent items were identified Mr Altin do you have any single letters is Mr Alon on the line no okay uh Miss fam you have H2 H3 H5 h8 H9 A2 do you have anything additional yes that's just on the single letter that's complete okay Mr fenoli do you have any polls I'm good chair thank you m hion yes thank you H2 H4 one minute Miss rert Dr holess um yes h8 and sorry h8 and J1 please Mrs leonardy no Miss rert thank you H4 and h8 thank you Dr Zan h8 please chair I have also h8 is there any from the audience who would like to speak to an item that has not already been requested for a discussion seeing none at this time May the chair have a motion second to pass the extent items that have not been pulled for discussion so move second move by Zan second by Hixon all in favor approving the consent agenda say I I those opposed say no the agenda passes the following open items have been identified Mrs fam I have gg2 gg3 jj1 14 jj15 jj1 16 jj1 17 pp1 rr1 do you have anything additional no I do not Mr fogy Good chair thank you is there any of the items you wish to take away Miss fam no okay M zon thank you ff1 jj7 and jj1 13 Dr holness uh gj2 o16 this Le nardy I don't have anything thank you Miss rert no I'm good thank you Dr Zan thanks chair jj4 jj4 jj1 19 o9 P1 double P2 and I have pp3 at this time and the chair have a motion and second to pass the open items that have not been indicated to be pulled for discussion so second move by Zan second by Fen holy all in favor approving the open Agenda say I I those opposed say no the agenda passes as we begin to consider today's agenda in accordance with policy 1020 and Robert's Rules of Order each School Board member has the right to speak no longer than initial 5 minutes and 3 minutes for a rebuttal per motion when a member's time is exhausted for that round the chair shall ask the board member to conclude the remarks within 1 minute I remind board members at the public in the public that today's meeting has a hard stop at 8:00 p.m. with no option to to extend per the carried motion on agenda Item B B2 from December 12 2023 regular school board meeting school board members and the public have access to all written agenda comments related to today's agenda the next item of business on the agenda is H3 a motion approve non-instructional appointments and leaves for 2024 2025 May the chair have a motion second on each three so move move by Zan second by Hixon is there any discussion from the audience public comment seeing n board member comment H3 yep yes ma'am three Miss fam yeah and I just like to to just put on the record that um again it appears that the administration raises are out of proportion with that of the teachers and I really think we need to look at that to make sure that we keep them balanced because I consider our teachers just as valuable as our Administration and they should be treated as such thank you any other board member common ag3 seeing none all in favor I ask one question yes M rert um it's very hard to hear you guys you're a little garbled um what item are we exactly on H3 okay um I will wait for mine thanks so much okay all in favor of H3 say I I I those oppos say no H3 passes unanimously the the chair would like to take uh moment to recognize new staff appointments if we could have all school-based and District based staff please stand congratulations we' like to congratulate each of you for your career advancement with Brower County Public Schools we value you and your families we would like to um now have take a picture so we'll take a a short recess Mr Hill I need you to fix my thing I started getting my e e e e e e e e okay welcome back Dr heer yes I would like to introduce our new assistant superintendent of the school transformation office M SP hudge yeah [Applause] thank you Dr heurn thank you to the board members and all of my colleagues I just want to take a moment to just share with you how excited and honored I am to accept the position of assistant superintendent for the school transformation office I had a bit of time to reflect as I uh got ready to come to the board me meeting today and as I reflected of 35 years of serving serving brow County Public Schools um in the in various positions across the district but I would say that my most passionate position has been transforming schools I enjoy that work I'm passionate about that work um I am very fortunate that I will have a a group of talented uh leadership to work alongside me in this journey our students deserve our best and I'm here to work alongside in collaboration with our C communities with our schools with our students and our parents to make sure that we continue this journey of an eight rated School District thank you so much for this opportunity I look forward I am very excited about the journey that we're going on thank you thank you okay now we have our committee reports employee unions group BTU what is going on that's ano okay we got you back on thank you Brower teachers union she's just outside if you give her a minute maybe you can call another person sure BPA good afternoon board member um I am Lisa Maxwell I'm the executive director for the Broward principles and assistance association I just wanted to come down uh today to address not the specifics of opening day but the fact that opening day is somewhat em emblematic of what we've been going through for the past 15 years 15 years ago we did not experience these kinds of large public snafus I'll call them um and there was a reason that we didn't experience those and that was because we had a very set established process for vetting new ideas new Concepts new programs things that were going to impact schools very directly and succinctly that process was called looping and it was extremely effective it included a host of interests but I think importantly it included running by the various levels at their executive board meetings uh whatever it was whether it would be metal detectors in this case or the cell phone policy and it wasn't just here's what we're going to do uh take a few comments and move along it was a really engaged process where the principles were led to consensus and nobody moved forward to bring something to the school board for approval until that process was complete and I strongly recommend that you seriously consider going back to that or creating something new I've talked to the superintendent um about this I think he is very much uh involved and engaged in getting principal input he's actually added principles to his cabinet um so much to his credit he has expanded the involvement of school-based leaders in decision making but he has uh he is one person and he is trying to shift a culture that's been embedded for the last 15 years so he really does I think need support of the board and I think a process is really important to keeping everybody on track there are just too many instances where things are wasted schools can't metabolize them they can't utilize them uh and that can be stopped so I I'm just really encouraging the board to take that on as an approach um it may cause things to move along a bit slower but at the end of the day I think we save money and I think we save time on the back end because we're not constantly trying to go back and fix something that you know in in the initial stages could have been prevented so thank you for your time today uh that's my message and I appreciate your attention thank you thank you Brower teachers union first of all Anna Fusco Brower teachers union uh three words bye bye bye is what I have to say to some members happy to see you still joined us Dan sees that please keep your one decided this is my union time this is my union time because I sit and watch tons of speakers mention my name egregiously tons of times and I sit and take it and you allow it this is our Union time we had a beautiful win for the whole Community for Broward schools where we are going to have elected board members that want to keep funding in Broward schools that want to promote to make our schools healthy and happy instead of walking around promoting lies like Brenda fam does with her fake porn books Miss um Miss chair please I'm going to ask that the speaker be removed you already gave her the warning so I'm going to object and I'll stop the time my hold on stop the time I like a couple minutes back she took my time put 20 seconds back on the clock and please keep your this is your warning miss fugaso you need to keep your comments to the chair or the board as a whole please that is the board to the whole no you're specifically how a particular board member continues to come into our board meetings and say just egregious lies and needs to be called out on it we don't have that in our schools you all know it our parents know it our teachers know it and our students know it everybody else gets up and says it that it's not happening but one person gets to continue with an egregious lie it's deplorable Madam chair I'm going to ask again because the implication is sheing and I'm going to put an objection on the record and I want that on the record because this is harassment this time samam you're interrupting and bullying oh stop it what you did at the polls was bullying and harassing in your fake workman's comp running around i' like to recess the meeting for five minutes damn I didn't hear what you said yeah we have recessed the meeting oh recessed the meeting I thought you said reset my time okay we'll reset back e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e welcome back Miss Fusco Anna Fusco Broward teachers union president speaking on behalf of our units that are here in Brower County Public Schools we starting a new school year we're going to have a wonderful month coming up in the next couple months September October November 19th especially leading into a Thanksgiving break um our teachers came back fully excited our education support professionals came back fully excited we got to see tons of fresh schools and new classrooms that are redecorated to welcome all of our students back into our Brower County Public Schools and what all of our Educators and our support staff need to see is all nine of our school board members members that are all pro public Brower County public schools that are actually talking with everybody Community Educators support staff parents Business Leaders business owners and the students if you really care about our Public Schools we've got a ton of them that are pristine we have a ton of them that are mediocre and we have a ton of them that need a lot of work to do and we know if you guys work together as a collaborative group that's what you're elected for those that were elected and if you have been elected and you're not doing your due diligence I'm asking you to rethink and care about the community that put you in that says I chose you to help take care of our community you come in and find the good the great because Brower County Public Schools is the second home to 250,000 students the Educators and the support staff are their extended parents so when they're in schools that are not being taken care of and when they're with admin that are not being taken care of it turns into a position to where it can be cumbersome on our employees so we're going to ask the school board members that have been elected to continue to do the amazing jobs those that are doing it and the ones that need help seek help find the goodness in our schools and promote the ones that are here to stay that are staying and the ones that want to come the reasons why they should be coming because this a rated school district is because of the Educators and all of the support staff and all of the admin in every one of our schools and every admin and anybody else that Works in any part of our school district that help put it together to make us move to this a I don't count the school grades as a piece of what defines our school district we look at the greatness in our Educators and what our students can do one day test doesn't Define the greatness in our students our graduation rates Define it our amazing Sports programs our amazing magnet programs our amazing programs everywhere show that our students are amazing not one high stakes test that doesn't do it so I'm asking you guys to all get on board and work together majority of you do we have two units that are still out that I have not settled with because you've only come back with a bonus I wholeheartedly believe that there is money that you can find something to give our support staff that is one of the lowest paid groups in the in the county to give them some base pay raise including with the bonus and we're asking you to allocate that money for bonus to the employees and nowhere else whether I settle or foby settles or any group that doesn't settle yet we have to make sure that the money gets put into the pockets of our Educators so they could stop working second and third jobs I want to congratulate all the ones that went out there and worked hard and got reelected and the newbies that got elected this school district needs a refresh of that ones that care about our students because we hear it a lot it's about the students but I only see a piece of our board that actually shows it so Brower County Public Schools is an a-rated District you know who is the ones that have been tasked to create that that a atmosphere this a support of everyone not one person did it everyone did it and everybody's come back to make it continue and we have a great elected board that we're going to start off on November 19th and I just can't wait thank you thank you esmb madam chair yes Mr Al this is Tori aluson can you hear me okay yes just for the record I think I've been on uh but I think you now can hear me just for the record just want to stated that I'm online can you hear me yes we hear you okay thank you thank you esmb poy Copa PBA audit committee good afternoon Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh chair of the district's audit committee the audit committee has already met for the new school year we met on the 8th of August and we passed a motion so I'm going to relay the motion the motion has to do with the intercom audit I think we've had three possibly four meetings discussing the audit and the motion was to transmit the HCT audit with audit Committee Member comments from the July 18th audit committee meeting and retransmit the previous motions related to the audit it passed unanimously so that means all of the Motions that we passed related to the intercom audit especially those where general counsel's office changed the questions and answered questions that weren't asked are all going to be retransmitted till we get real answers so these are the additional comments if we didn't ask you about we didn't ask about contracts being approved and closed door we know that doesn't happen what we did ask was whether staff actions uh were approved by the board in closed door and things like that and I don't think procurement issues are um closed door items but anyway uh again engage an expert to evaluate the capability and if that's the timer um we're going to have a problem because I'm only 54 and I can't see it engage an expert to evaluate the capability of the system in its current state and whether or not the system acquired meets generally accepted features of such a system we also want to know the status of the original 53 schools and the status of the remaining schools the scope of the audit does not seem to address um one of the comments made which is also to be determined as whether purchases followed the technology selection guidelines and the original intent of BCPS is elected officials what they meant by that is that people thought they were getting an emergency communication system but that is not what the teles enteru was is or ever will be number three has the additional funding been approved and what exactly is included in the appropriation that is related to additional spend Authority 8 today is asking for another 19 million so by my count we have something like 15 or 17 million originally plus another 43 in the dfp plus another 19 and still no emergency communications system and from what we gathered at the last meeting they're now replacing Roland Borg Parts uh so that's number three number four did Roland Borg overbill the district or underperform according to its contractual obligations if you have this much this much done versus this much spent there's a problem so that's what they're looking for an answer to and then finally it appears that the Penton addition provided the additional component to give the district the state-of-the-art system originally contemplated what that means is the audit committee believes that the board thought it was getting an emergency Communication System but then the lay people ran into the code people and The Penton device was supposed to connect the two um in a way that audio enhancements uh device does for visual um intercon specifications in 2019 post award Roland Borg was made the sole basis for design and design specifications and in 2024 post award audio enhancement was made the sole basis for design and in the design specifications and those specs came from Palm Beach uh which removed Roland Borg and made audio enhancement the sole basis so what that means is in two instances solicitations were put out before you the district decided what they were soliciting which is the complete opposite of how solicitations are supposed to be done based on everything we've learned the issue needs to be turned over to the state fund balance policy the self-insured deductible if you will is 75 million that doesn't seem to be provided for in the policy but luckily we think that Mrs fam's new appointee will be right on top of all fund balance issues and financial statements and all things Financial thank you Mrs fam for that appointee um booster club revenues and expenditures the risk risk is inherent due to board approval and employee involvement lack of monitoring and auditing represents a weakness in internal controls and puts the board at risk so we're awaiting an update on whether the district will create a policy that that includes an audit provision and there's a choice here I can either do a public records request for the 2223 and 2324 records that are required in the booster club guidelines or you can just respond to the audit committee requests thank you thank you you Broward County Association of student council and student advisor to the board good afternoon it's been a very exciting past few weeks so we have a lot to report on first I'd like to begin my report with a moment of gratitude our amazing school and District support staff often hear gratitude from board members and other staff members but not enough from students on behalf of the 250,000 students that we get to represent we thank you for all that you have done over the past few weeks to prepare for a smooth start to the school year a big thank you to our incredible Safety and Security staff for their support of the metal detector roll out my peers and I could not succeed without all BCPS staff and we are incredibly grateful speaking on metal detectors although last Monday was not an add an initial success the feedback that we have received from students over the past week has been very positive have a theme song now almost all almost all students have reported smooth entry to school and have also provided feedback that these screenings have made them feel more comfortable in their learning environments a wonderful video was created by Beacon and marketing to ensure that our students know how to efficiently pass through the system we look forward to speaking with students to continue to receive feedback on the implementation and we'll be sure to share that with the board and staff speaking of speaking to students Alana and I are excited to introduce our tour of Broward County over this school year we will be visiting all BCPS high schools to host speakup speakout sessions more information will be presented to principles next week and we look forward to sharing these results of these sessions and feedback with the board and staff in addition we're in the beginning stages of planning an elementary and middle school Forum to also hear from our younger students who truly have great feedback to share in the spirit of feedback and continuous Improvement we do have some concerns to share with you regarding the wireless devices policy our students have truly been disconnecting to reconnect despite initial push push back to the policy I'm looking forward to seeing how this will positively impact our students however I would like to share the perception of the policy in many classrooms across the district feedback has beened that teachers are saying they are not allowed to have students use their personal laptop devices or or personal phones in many cases and per policy teachers can say that students may not use their personal laptop device but the perception in many classrooms is that teachers are not allowed to have students use technology period this includes laptop personal laptop devices with many teachers uh now adjusting their online uh use of canvas because they are saying that they were told that they were not able to use computers or phones at all in their classes um and this has been shared at many schools across the district so I just ask that it's clearly communicated through our principles to share that it is up to the teacher on what personal technology device can be used specifically for instructional purposes uh so hoping that that can get resolved we've loved getting to meet with chair alad Vice chair Hixon board members fogan holy and Leonardi to discuss our vision and goals for the year we look forward to meeting with the remaining board members over the next few weeks in addition I'd like to publicly thank Dr heern for his commitment to hearing student voice and engaging with the student advisers we're grateful for all that you have done to ensure that our students are listened to and look forward to a continued partnership the superintendent student advisory Council will begin meeting in September we have a large panel of students who come from diverse backgrounds and have a diversity of experience in our schools which is most important we look forward to meeting with Dr heurn and staff to ensure that student concerns are addressed and that ideas are heard finally for the first time in many years we have appointed a Full Slate of students to Schoolboard committees filling every spot that the student adviser gets to appoint to and this has not happened for a long time so we're super excited about this committee chairs and their respective senior leader have received those appointments we look forward to the meaningful impact that our student appointees will be able to make over the next school year we wish everyone continued success in school and look forward to a great school year ahead Dr aurn thank you chair um thank you thank you uh Mr spelberg um even though you're a student when you're at the St I call you mister um always a pleasure to hear feedback from our students it it is truly a gift that helps us get better quicker um so we will definitely work with our our regional staff to make sure principes get the message out to the teachers also heard a a lot of great feedback from teachers and also parents already about the cell phone policy and how students are engaging with each other differently uh one parent I met with earlier today um in a chamber meeting Express um just sheer gratitude she's just noticed the difference in her daughter when she when she's home um being able to connect with her friends and um get rid of that dopamine feeling that the cell phones can often um um create uh so thanks Landon for the feedback thank you ESC advisory Council good afternoon nice bright new day in Broward schools um I wanted to congratulate everybody first of all on the a grade um and those who are responsible the staff and the students who worked so hard to get this a grade there's still a lot uh of um of roadway uh to pursue and particularly for um our students with disabilities still um a lot of supports and attention that needs to be focused on them but um good job all around and we hope to be having those that kind of dialogue during the course of this year and lifting them up to our first es advisory meeting is tomorrow uh we had to bump it uh because of this meeting and DAC tonight we will have three committees so far this year autism Down syndrome and meaningful inclusion and tomorrow's meeting we have uh guests from the IT department ese um and um Mr Lozano uh representing ESET with Jim LaRosa so that we can cover a whole gamut of issues the dominant issue we um have and always have but now it's 10 times worse compliance compliance compliance um uh you cannot not know the difficulties that are being encountered out at schools but particularly in relation to ese um with not being able now to um fulfill the um digital case management requirements um which I'll get to in a bit um metal detectors we do need protocols for students with disabilities there's been some I think it's some schools moving of drop off routines that changed that weren't notified to parents um so those are conversations we can have tomorrow night with the um Safety and Security crew um we have had a number of issues I just want to give you a a taste of some of the issues that come my way because it's not a misuse of my time to be dealing with them I'm bringing them to you and and forward issues on to the right Folks at the district to help um but for example new cluster schools opening I sorry shouldn't call them clusters but ESC program schools um or program classes where kids uh students who should be in ESC classrooms are being put in gened because those classrooms aren't ready or didn't have teachers allocated students who needed behavioral supports and one-on-one attention like diapering coming home covered in urine that in one case um in attention to a child's allergy um which has greatly panicked parents um kids are now some in some cases three schools away from their home school because there are more cluster schools opening um process where you're going to need to be looking at how some of our students with disabilities are now very far removed from their own home school um and then if you go and close that one too they're going to be four wireless devices as Mr spelberg says um there are some issu issues that have not been um fully shaken down yet including um I draw attention to one and have already uh with regional directors um and the deputy superintendent um of um uh students with diabetes their accommodations cannot be blocked by members of Staff arbitrarily refusing accommodations or refusing them to have an 504 plan alog together these are life and death decisions that a member of Staff has inserted themselves into and prevented a student for the course of an entire year from having a 504 because of an argument over Protocols of being able to use their phone to monitor blood sugar levels unacceptable I will talk more on that later there were Transportation issues ese bus requests that were put in in May but then lost in the new digital management system transport blaming schools School blaming transport and in between it kids falling down through the cracks uh we also want to see videos being Faithfully employed on buses if there are cameras on buses use them and and we need to have some protocols and attention uh I think I brought that one up about 6 months ago and asked um senior staff for Clarity on whether video cameras are rolling on buses or not uh or whether it's just left up to bus drivers or whether that video gets lost uh when there's an incident um then to compliance uh I'm not going to be told don't speak about Focus I will keep on speaking about Focus there are serious shortfalls we're not talking teething issues I did have a nice chat with Mr castano in at the IT department yesterday uh and I I um am confident that he is listening to us but when you have staff unable to see case loads unable now to draw up 504s I don't know what's happening there teachers not all having access to focus student uh support facilitators some having no access because admins have disagreed with them having access same with some OTS same with some slps um we cannot be having this arbitrary um uh approach to rolling out a new software program the warnings that were sounded weren't uh listened to and as a result our children are paying the price most of all data security breaches we cannot have we have had and those are serious serious serious issues it is your responsibility to be looking after our children's data and it hasn't been properly protected thank you thank you brow County Council PT ptsas Broward Education Foundation District advisory Council good afternoon me again um District advisory Council meets uh its first meeting for the year is tonight at Plantation Middle since uh you guys are here um and we'll be discussing some of the back to School issues that have already been mentioned and we're also getting back to basics this year starting with school advisory form what it is what it isn't how it's supposed to work um signing off on the budget participating in sacs School Improvement plans and all that good stuff which is where I started Once Upon a Time um strategy and Innovation will be coming to us to discuss School boundaries and school choice so far the feedback has been leave 5,000 alone and when we discussed it at Central Area the same could be said for school choice um we did agree with the staff suggestion that if you have more applications than you do seats available it doesn't make any sense to open a second window um we agreed with the earlier application Windows um updating obsolete language uh but retain but retaining all remaining language and leaving the rest of it at is and solicit advisory input on procedures uh so we look forward to having additional discussion with them tonight metal detectors will be discussed day one sensitivity settings and what that created um when you have a solution that results in children on public streets they're not safer um a lot of people were concerned about where their kids were standing for hours on end um it was definitely not a smooth roll out but it does sound as though staff had advis that they should pile it instead of rolling it out everywhere um you also have a policy today um I forget which PP it is but please pay attention to two sentences Because by the time we discuss it tonight you may have already approved it and then there's not much you can do concern number one why are employees exempt I can tell you as someone who's been an advisory chair for most of the past 12 years their are days I definitely want protection from employees but seriously why would you exempt employees from going through a metal detector is there a belief that they too would not have weapons um you're you're screening the the seeing eye dogs why not employees um the the the animals are included headings would ex would under screenings which is on page two of five there are two sentences here and you can read these sentences multiple times and still not get what it is they're trying to say which it seems and this is where the employee exemption comes in that one is for schools and schools alone and the other sentence pertains to everything but a school the problem is that you don't have definitions for all these different locations so there's some confusion that comes in um so I would say before you approve this uh you might want to approve it next week or something but we'll be discussing it and it may be a moot point cell phone ban uh those of us who were sitting here on July 23rd had no clue what was coming and we even left and still had no clue because it's not in the executive summary it's not anywhere unless you actually clicked on the backup which you might not do because every other version was fine there have been issues with in school suspensions being reported before the Bell enforcement um the code of conduct language I pointed out for people uh I I'll be I I'm hunting down the studies that were cited on June 25th so far found one and uh you got to take the entire Theory not just half of it uh academic achievement we'll be discussing that and sort of peing under the one percentage Point by which the district got a be um in your own presentation it demonstrates that you're flat in terms of progress with before covid levels so we were at 60% before covid we're at 60% now so how do you get back to where we should have been had there not been covid and a change in testing it's questions like that and what you don't monitor tends to get away from you so we're also going back to the 2022 goals in guard rails and the monitoring that's supposed to be happening um in 2012 there were strategic goals that spoke to having I think it was 84% proficiency by 2015 uh Focus we'll discuss whether they're back to school issues here comes the bus have had some hiccups and we'll be discussing briefly the saf policy and um we'll see what else comes up tonight thank you thank you diversity committee it says 5 Seconds thank you all right congrats to the district from becoming an a district I want to give a special shout out to all the teachers and staff who made this possible and all our babies in the district who worked hard this year or that year um my request although is to the superintendent and also the superintendent of teaching and learning is that even though we've had achieved the a I would still we still need to keep in place the resources and all the schools that helped to get to the a um oh lost my train of thought okay you know how we go to the doctor yearly to get a checkup and so we can maintain our Optimal Health I think we should also apply this program also apply this through the programs and resources that we provided to all our schools um that demonstrated the need so please consider leaving those resources in place for another year or two to solidify our gains um congrats to all the uh all the candidates that were elected by the people last night the people have spoken and they have done so loudly remember that these seats are the people's seat and they dictate how they want to see the district be managed the power is with the people not with the people in power I wish you all success and ask that you listen to your constituents today and always not only during election season the diversity committee had their first meeting on August 1st we did we discussed the policy 56400 the committee put forth a motion stating that we move that the diversity committee reserves the right to reject all changes with policy formerly known as 5,000 that will be 8010 except where new legisl is required if our recommendations of this the recommendations of this committee is not implemented DAC had a similar motion back in April stating that due to the concerns about the interlocal agreement Ila the state requirements for educational facilities Equitable treatment of students Community boundary process Community member boundary proposals lack the parent organization uh and advisory committee participations um we reject the proposed 810 changes and recommend uh starting with Fresh So I want to thank the board um for deciding to allow him to reloop the policies specifically stating that our input should be included the diversity committee did not see anything in the original policy that would prevent any recommendations or proposed changes a proposed boundaries excuse me changes as it relates to redefining we provided Mr Beck with our assessments of the original policy 529 version and the 723 version 529 May 29th July 29th um I apologize for the late submission but I did send um that information in an Excel document to the board members this morning um I also noticed that the JJJ jj1 14 item um on Coral grade Coral Glades and their Auditorium I noticed that this on the agenda today my only issue with this is con um considering a blackbox theater that is above and beyond the district standards while Markham Elementary still waiting for uh classrooms for our Head Start program my concern are the equitable distrib tions of funds for what is the district standards versus the um for versus what is enhancement so um if you can carefully discuss that I might I may not be here to discuss that um the community the community the committee has had an ad hoc meeting on the 20th to discuss site visits we will finalize our list and commence visits hopefully by the end of the month our goal this year is to continue collaborations with the district enhance Equity promote diversity and maintain an a-rated school I look forward to working collaborative with everyone um this school year and I appreciate your time thank you Esau Leadership Council facilities task force good afternoon still me um all right so the facilities task force also met on the 8th of August and discuss with staff the boundary policy we did not really discuss the school choice policy because it it's a little less relevant to what the group does but FTF came to the consensus to retain policy 5000 for the coming year as there was no compelling argument made by staff that the existing policy would prevent boundary changes from being proposed as part of re of redefining um that is because the same policy that allowed the MSD boundary change which didn't violate policy uh could be used and there's no reason to change any of it for now so we recommended going back starting with a clean slate both Palm Beach and Miami Dade have something like two pagers that are called Student Assignment they don't have long range planning in there which is what's being proposed to to shoehorn long range planning which would then uh God only knows what would happen to the long range facility master plan steering committee because as of um two superintendents the word steering got dropped along the way um which uh there are dates being proposed for the uh group called the long range facility planning committee and they all fall from 1 to 3 on the same day as diversity and FTF um which is not convenient for the chair of diversity and I guess it's okay for me uh we can just roll from that into FTF but the point being no one was consulted about the dates and asked if it was convenient when the group met when it was still a steering and this could be I could be totally wrong this could be a totally different group but when the steering committee met they talked about having it be the third I think third Monday and monthly meeting so if we could get an answer and get some clarity because the steering committee was supposed to guide the creation of the capital planning framework aligned to the Strategic plan manage cost and review policies steer the process not just be informed of the process so uh maybe it's a different committee we're talking about um pp1 the superintendent school site Review Committee versus the acquisition of new school sites I believe when this came to the workshop on June 25th some of you noticed that new School site acquisition is the thing least likely to happen whereas potential school closures and significant Renovations are going on right now and certainly as a result of redefining there is no suggestion or sign that staff intends to bring subsequent policies that would address the superintendent school site Review Committee which is how the municipal um Municipal the cities would have additional participation we were told that that would be a followup and I guess this is the follow-up as we just keep bringing the policy forward as is and hope you guys are all too exhausted to notice um Coral Glades Auditorium versus Markham again um the issue is one it like uh narni said one is an enhancement it's nice to have a blackbox theater but it's not required by District standard on the other hand the classrooms at Markham and I do owe everybody an email show a lack of compliance with District standards I.E too small which means that they're out of compliance with the CCC with srf and the Head Start requirements so the in terms of strategic planning in the future you can never put the Head Start program into markham's new building they would have to wait until you add another building because the rooms are too small I don't know how many times I have to say this um and then the delivery method design build was the plan and now all of a sudden we're doing semar for the auditorium semar is going to cost more um when you have a complex renovation that makes sense but this is designed from scratch so I'm not sure how where we're coming up with that um and then oh it's the start of a new year it would be nice if we did not have the same behavior starting this year where we don't get participation from staff there was no one there at our August meeting besides our liaison um we don't get responses I we can keep doing public records requests all day but when we ask for something it would be nice to get it I just did a public records request for all of the AECOM and Atkins Capital program reports because we can't answer people's questions without the reports and the last aom report I have is from March March I think we're in August so either they are out in in breach of contract or someone's hoarding um but I hope that staff will not um repeat the same behavior it's a form of bullying when you withhold information and withhold staff um and it's not a good way to start the year but that's how we started so when we have our September 5th meeting I hope we don't have a repeat thank you thank you gifted advisory councel green advisory councel human Relations Committee multilingual advisory committee parent Community involvement task force small business advisory committee technology advisory committee this is the time of the agenda where we have split the general public speakers to incorporate a morning session afternoon session each resor speaker will be allowed three minutes and our remind to address matters of relevance to public education and demonstrate proper decorum no heckling sh and comments from the un's verbal outbursts or any other disruptive behavior shall be prevented no signs or placard shall be allowed in the board meet meeting no derogatory comments using the person 's proper name shall be permitted therefore speakers are to demonstrate proper dequorum model the district's a character traits cooperation responsibility citizenship kindness respect honesty self-control and tolerance persons exiting the board meeting shall be do so quietly further at the conclusion of public speakers the chair will provide an opportunity for the superintendent or his cabinet at his discretion to provide comments regarding any subject matter issues raised by the public speakers additionally superintendent may have members of his staff to speak to individual public speakers in effort to address their concerns and provide any followup to public speakers concerns back to the board is Hill sorry about that Madam chair the public speakers is at 4M okay well we're going to take it now okay I put because we had split session and this the early time and then we'll do okay I put the list right next to you yep Robert Pina Sean Greenfield Norm just say your name good morning my name is Sean Greenfield good morning School Board my name is Sean Greenfield I'm a student at Weston High School here in Davy and I wish to talk about the new cell phone policy this connect to reconnect now I do believe there were good intentions behind this plan uh student socialization abilities is very important as we enter this new era of Technology but I do believe this plan is highly flawed for two reasons one we live in a new era technology is now a quarterstone of our modern civilization so Banning cell phones for eight hours a day is just not practical especially for high school students who need a phones to access important educational content for example I'm a dual enrollment student I need to be able to access uh brow College to check my classes to catch up on schedules I can't do that I have to wait until I get home and I wake up at like 6:00 to go to school not to mention parents should have the right to be able to contact their kids whenever they want Weston High has around 3,600 students all those students have to go through the front office to talk to a parents there's like four phones in there that's a thousand students per phone it's just not practical not to mention um in addition to that in addition to that Lun oh yeah very important thank you lunch why can I use my phone at lunch I am doing absolutely no classroom instruction I'm not learning anything during lunch unless I'm learning about my food groups I want to eat and go on my phone and to be fair most kids at lunch already talk with their friends and not that many kids use their phones anyways but sometimes you know I just want to call a friend I have friends who've already graduated I can't talk to them at lunch I have to call them on my phone sometimes I just want to catch up on the news I like to read the news I like to catch up on County news I can't do that during lunch I can't do that going in between periods for 8 hours a day I cannot touch the phone in my pocket unless it has something to do with classroom instruction which we can already do on a computer so there's never really a reason to access your phone now phones are incredibly important need to be able to use them I need to be able to have access to it that isn't just for a 10-minute brief period in my classroom not to mention I've spoken with teachers I've spoken with parents I've spoken with my fellow classmates there seems to be unanimous opposal to this program teachers don't want to be police Watchdogs making sure they're not single kids on their phone no one wants to do that parents want to be able to contact their kids some believe as my dad does over there you know it is important that I do pay attention in class but I use my phone in class and I use it when the teachers in lecturing you know when we're doing busy work you know I want to listen to some music while I do my ABCs or something I'm not interrupting any lecture time when I do that I'm just on my phone not bothering anyone I was straight A student last year so thank you for your time I just hope you take my consideration thank you thank you Norman Feinstein good afternoon my name is Norman Feinstein and um appreciate this opportunity to address the Broward County School Board my wife Hana and I have been Broward County residents for nearly three years with our living in hendell and now Hollywood most of my career has been in healthcare and especially as a registered nurse for nearly 40 years one related occupation was a nurse's aid in the Broward General Medical Center in the six North Towers psychiatric ward um I progressed to go nursing later now I come to you as an orthodox Jew I was but I was raised in a secular environment with my formal education in the United States Public School System my highest level of academic achievement was with the master's degree in public Management in the Florida International University in the last eight years um I've been a volunteer presenting and organizing classes and activities for people who have no active uh religious background or interest but are still seeking out teachings that Judaism has to offer for the for the general World well Judaism does not have a Doctrine for conversion and as a matter of fact I put that on a matter of fact I um it doesn't we don't encourage convers conversion and we discourage it but it's possible if someone wants to pursue it nevertheless without conversion Judaism provides from to law an ancient modality called the seven laws of the children of Noah I think everybody's pretty much familiar with Noah in his boat okay this um is designed for the people of the world to have an opportunity to learn rules and regulations and concepts for the pursuance of a a life of life liberty and pursuit of happiness if I can use that phrase from the Declaration of Independence this introduction is made to clarify my interest in two programs one real and one proposed which would be for the public school system Under the Umbrella of religion the first the board is trly aware of was the Florida legislature passing the bill House Bill 931 this would authorize volunteer clergy to provide support to public school students after receiving governmental screening and per permission from the parents for students for so the board has uh each individual School Board has the right to design this program and accept it as they choose and I believe it's until the end of the year to make that decision how they might want to implement it therefore my wife and myself are here purely as members of the community thank you so much to encourages thank you Trudy germanovich n Nyla Sheron Keith Roberts Robert Graves good afternoon U my name is Robert Graves and um I live in the city of Fort Lauderdale I'm representing the Boy Scouts of America soon to be scouting America scouting programs are a vehicle for strengthening Community they make it easy for parents to help out and teach youth values that improve Behavior outcomes in schools Scout meetings are a place where families make friends and kids have fun in a safe positive environment we partner effectively with Miami Dade and Monroe County schools and we would like to do a better job with partnering with Broward County Schools this year the Florida legislature passed House Bill 1317 which encourages public schools to collaborate with the scouts and other wellestablished youth serving organizations I want to thank members of the board Dr heurn and staff who are working to leverage our organization and others to provide affordable programs to Broward School families this week 100,000 volunteer leaders started their scouting programs uh all over the country including in Broward County private and Charter Schools programs in Broward Public Schools were not able to open their doors due to billing issues I appreciate the attention that has been given to try getting this resolved uh and and Broward many Broward staff members have been very committed to helping us with the solution we just haven't found it yet our organization is committed to focusing significant staff volunteer and funding resources to uh build programming in Broward schools so that the kids in our public schools have the same access to programming that kids in private and charter schools have and I appreciate whatever partnership um we can do thank you thank you so much okay that concludes our public speaking time may have a motion and second on oh yeah sure Dr H Mr Graves thanks for the um um feedback and comments that we found a solution so I know you've been working with Mr Chisum U so he'll follow with you we have a motion second on each two so second moov by Zan second by Fen holy public comment on A2 we got uh one register speaker Jackie letom H2 oh I'm sorry no we don't have any H2 Mrs Fam thank you madam chair I appreciate you giving me this time I just wanted to put on the record that in reviewing it I noted that 27 teachers are leaving just in this one month and I just want to make certain that we're keeping tabs on um losing teachers because they have a lot of teachers coming to me and saying that their classes are overflowed that uh we out of compliance with fire marshal or Fire Marshal regulations specifically in science labs where there a limited amount of students that may be in there and they're um exceeding that capacity and also that um it's just the amount of students that they're expected to teach is just be becoming overwhelming for them and we really need to be cognizant of what's going on thank you m zon thank you I just wanted to say congratulations we have 54 retirees um in the instructional section here and I just wanted to say thank you we wish you great luck on your new journey and we appreciate your service to our District anybody else all in favor of H2 say I I I those opposed say no H2 passes unanimously may have a motion second on H4 so move second move by Zan second by Fen holy public comment we have Miss Carly Shaw I believe she might be in the pre function room she is like a well machine you can speak on okay Mrs Hixon H4 thank you also wanted to congratulate the non-instructional I had totals but then we got a new number the other day so um congratul ulations to everyone that is in non-instructional both managerial and non-managerial that are retiring uh we hope that you have a great retirement and we thank you for your service to our district Miss rert uh this is h3s H4 oh H4 okay great um I wanted to congratulate all the people that got um awarded today and best wishes for Bri Miran and Jeff and Jeffrey werman who are um who who left the the district for now and are on to bigger and greater things and I really support um felt their support for the community and um I look forward to working with them as well um I additionally as you go through H3 and you see um I'm sorry continue H4 okay thank you uh as you go through the list you see that there's uh job salary adjustments and and I just had a thought um we we've been approached by different employee groups and and certain employees but I don't know if we've actually ever done a job salary adjustment timeline and stay with me for a second okay so for last school year what groups what jobs what departments and the timeline for instance uh let's just say I worked in um Animal Control going to use something that we don't have animal control and I've working for the district for 20 years but somebody comes in and maybe you know gets a little bit more than me and then that could cause a little uh you know kind of a wave in that department sometimes the department it's self gets a Readjustment the whole thing but sometimes it's just one or two people so as a board member and a Community member teacher I always thought well we need to get a handle on how to do this for what is fair for every employee um so I I would love the opportunity to see the job salary adjustment timelines in the last year and moving forward I would like to have um tracked 2425 school year by department is there a list um how long is it and exactly how much money uh was raised but additionally um do we have cases where it goes through the whole job analysis and salary adjustment to find out they're making too much money um so kind of both sides of the uh of the page there but I I especially am sensitive to um to people who are working in the same department and are getting different pay for doing the same job um so when we do this and I know my colleagues we we've talked about this before is how how does this come to us how does an employee where do they go if they want someone to look at it or do they need to come as a group uh of of certain classifications to to us and what that process is so uh Mr superintendent I would love that we could get this done take a look at it and then move forward because in the end it it's our job to make sure that things are running as well as we govern and the policies that we put together so you can handle the Day-Day business so um that is my request I hope my colleagues um would agree and uh I would like to hear your you know quick thought on this uh Dr heern um M rubert Dr heern had a step out Dr Fulton's here um but we staff has uh your thoughts and Dr heurn will connect with you on it I'm I'm sorry madam chair you were very garbled can you move closer to the microphone Dr heurn is not in the room currently right now but staff has your comments and we'll connect with Dr he to loop back with you um okay do do I have consensus from the board does anybody want to weigh on in on what Miss rert said no I'm sorry sorry miss rert you are got to be kidding me okay well I I I guess we can just kind of U move on from there but I don't understand why people wouldn't want to help our employees and make sure that things that are going fairly but um okay but I'll bring that back up when I talk about h8 as an example because there's a specific example today okay thank you thank you may have a motion in second yes can I ask one quick question on H4 please yes thank you uh to it looks like that's the deputy superintendent I think sitting in the chair easy question I know that there was a recommendation that we've tabled a couple times now um what do we know when that's coming back to the board for uh consideration Dr Fon Angela I got it go ahead to the chair yes uh Mr Allon I'll be coming back at the next board meeting September 10th okay thank you September thank you thank you we have a public comment Dr n Lynch Walsh thank you Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh Plantation Florida um I wasn't going to speak to this but since I was sitting here when it came up I decided to um on this list and there are a lot of interesting things on this list of H4 people that are departing there's even somebody that I think is a name change I'm not sure there's anybody left that worked on Focus anymore but as of the 10th you no longer have two executive directors of capital programs so the time to have done the right thing with the one that is retiring has passed and when you don't do the right thing then you kind of get what you get because this person did was first told they were going to be non-renewed this is a person that had a highly effective from the previous superintendent and her supervisor and has been here forever but was per walked out like a common criminal so and she was told she would be non-renewed then that changed to uh if you resign we won't non-renew you then she found out she had to retire in order not to lose benefits so now for 6 months somebody who did nothing wrong except trying to do her job and has been beat up um belittled bullied by various superintendents and staff and God only knows if we'll get to the bottom of why she was pushed out the door um she's a professional with a lot of technical expertise and you don't have that you you're running short but for six months she now can't go into another F FRS system so one of the emails that I owe your superintendent because understand the chain of events starts smelling really bad and it started with your prior superintendent and the prior Chief facilities officer and I can't believe you guys have a slash you have a chief operations officer and a facilities Chief there're supposed to be two people but okay um and the current one the chain of events your superintendent has lost the opportunity to have done the right thing and so whatever comes next because that person is one of the hills I'm willing to die over because unless somebody can tell me that she did something unto War this is somebody that was railroaded out and it will be to the detriment of the district it might take six months for that to all percolate perfectly but it will because this was someone that was professional and that knew their job and is one of the people that falls into that category that got pushed out the door um and that will not benefit the district and we're already seeing that and I hope that I am not one of the reasons she was pushed out the door because this is someone that did not have an adversarial relationship with me or the faciliity task force and that seems like the kiss of death if you actually get along with us thank you thank so much Bo any other board member comment on each 4 seeing none all in favor of H4 say I I those opposed say no H4 passes unly H4 passes with one desending vote Miss rert may have a motion second on H5 so move mooved by Zan second by Hixon public comment no register speakers Madam chair Miss fam not present any other board member comment on H five all in favor of H5 say I I those opposed say no H5 passes unanimously may have a motion second on h8 so move moved by Zan second byen hly public comment Lissa Crawford our only registered speaker say it again Lissa Crawford she not here Dr holess okay h8 thank you so much Madam chair so for h8 um I am concerned about removing the typing requirement for executive secretaries for the board office um I don't think we should water down the requirements for this position uh it is a top secretarial position for the district and so um I believe that that requirement is relevant to to the task um so I'd like to to um I'd like to uh make a motion um to reinstate the typ in test requirement in the job description for executive secretary in the office of school board members is there a second may I help no is there a second second for discussion chair move by hi uh wholeness second by Fen holy public comment on the motion yes board member comment on the motion Miss rert thank you oh my gosh um I I think maybe we need to answer uh a part or add a part of the um uh the motion which be uh the hold on the second bullet above the preferred qualifications needs to be added back in hold on Miss rer we're we're going to go just by the motion right now which is to add back the typing test so that do you have a comment on that you I'm Sorry Miss ruer do you have a comment on the motion the actual motion I have a question on that go ahead thank you um as long as it has t the computer keyboard skills speed 40 accuracy 70 I'm fine I just wanted to make it clear okay Miss seon great thank yous thank you I I just would mention that I remember speaking to a variety of people and the the speed of typing is sometimes holds people up from getting the the ex ex cutive job executive secretary job and it's just not they don't sit and type like that anymore they don't learn typing in school like they used to learn typing so it's really difficult to require them to have a skill that we just don't even teach them anymore I I don't think they do it different than they they used to so I wouldn't agree with with adding that part in it's it's kind of an unnecessary piece to what that job is they do type but that's not what the test is and it's about um speed and accuracy we we have spell check now and all of these things that fit in there and it it just seems to be a combersome requirement for some of the the people who are applying um may I go back on the list yes Mr uh Dr Zan thanks so much chair um I think among my colleagues I'm the most recent to fill this job uh so I had 87 applicants which was was great ex said that was a lot of work to go through and and do the interviews so I have some current information uh about this based on on that experience running up until last week and for those who haven't met erisha Clark she's uh my new executive secretary and uh uh she's just doing a bang up job already School Broward County School employee of the year three years ago and now here working for the school board so aricia Clark uh I hope you guys get to meet her and welcome her to the team uh the perspective I got in the 16 interview I had is that there was very little overlap between this job and this test and that's a that's a real legal issue because you can't have a minimum requirement if it's not present in the job and we don't do this anymore we don't uh uh really sit and ask people to type up uh things a lot there are very important computer skills they're very important research skills they're incredibly important organizational skills uh to this job and when you think a little bit about Broward County's 20 5,280 employees school board members each get one and that person tends to become Partners uh doing a lot more than the minimum required of this job uh they do research they do writing they help with speeches uh they coordinate across very complex relationships uh between us and and organizations not just School boards but other boards that we sit on uh but what I learned from those 16 interviews is that there were really really talented people out there that were uh not applying for the job uh because they just didn't want to take the test they didn't want to go through the interview process and then get an offer and it's it's dependent on a test uh when what really matters was computer skills in general and some of the things that were added here about organizational skills communication skills uh meeting deadlines uh coordinating across diverse groups you know that's really I think what this job has evolved into U and when you look at the executive secretaries uh for school board members who are are really contributing uh to our system it isn't because they can type fast or type accurately but it's because they can do so many other things so I worry that there's a legal issue with this being in here uh because I don't think it is part of the job uh and I really don't want to inhibit really great well-organized uh good communicators uh like we have right now uh from coming in and do it so I would uh leave this alone I think it goes very well with the things that were added in uh on this job description um so I I uh I I just have done this and I uh I would just say that the that taking this out won't prevent fast typers from applying uh but it just will prevent uh highly qualified people uh from applying for the job any other comments on the motion Miss fam yes ma'am thank you um just in my notes I'm apologize for stepping out but I did want to talk to that student um he's on my district and and get some information um with that being said one of the things that I noted in here that we had taken out maintain information on school policies I would like that put back in no Miss fam where you need to speak on the motion oh the the typing only I'm in agreement with Mr Zan on that one Dr okay um so I don't believe it needs to be in but I don't my reasoning is a little bit different from Dr Zeman I do think our secretaries do type a lot you know I I will have um my secretary I will ask her to type things up so they are they're typing they're they're writing emails um but I think when I had conversation with staff it was for different reasons so uh Dr Hein can staff speak to that yes certainly chair um Mr AO forget you guys behind me yep so through the chair um so looking at industry right now you're not seeing the typing test inside job descriptions outside anywhere so was one of the reasons um the other reason is the minimum of 6 years of related secretarial experience we're already asking them for six years of secretarial experience that includes the typing test so we've had several issues of current employees that may have been here for another position they apply to it but however they didn't have the typing test we had to C start over go back um it's just a it's honestly it's a dinosaur that that's out there that it served its purpose but I believe that's why it should be removed okay All In Fear over the no no you put me back on the L go rert go ahead gosh thank you so much um and thank you to my colleagues it's really nice to hear all your voices um I I have a different perspective when it comes to this job if if there was a picture of a person who was the epitome of who this job is Ellen tulson Ellen tulson can tell you and any of the other assistants that I've spoken to previous and past that is extremely important because not only are they doing our job but like my Ellen she has been um nicely asked to attend meetings especially fsba and to actually be the recordkeeper and the typist and the person that takes short hand hand and do all that well it would be a little bit difficult if Ellen was not able to do that be able to type it up send it out the next morning and it's gone and fsba calls on her and she's on a special Committee of assistance throughout the State of Florida because of her business skills her executive assistant skills her people skills and more than anything her class and may I even say the command of the English language especially when it comes to grammar because we all know you could type up a letter and it you can do the grammar and you could do the uh the ABC line right but however it's going to put some weird ones in there and and people cannot catch that so you have to have that gumption but also the Acuity to be able to do this job so I support wholly Dr holess on this and um as someone who's only had two assistants in four elections that says a lot about how that person handles themsel publicly privately at work wherever she represents us and who do the assistants go to to ask for a how do you type up this which form do I use for that they go to Ellen and when new people need to be trained where did where do they go they go to Ellen and when Ellen tells me and the other assistants not all of them because I didn't speak to all of them they say we are adamant do not water this down do not take it out so I'm going to follow their call and I hope that you join me in representing them so when new people do become assistants that it's an easier flow and maybe so many will not be going through the 14th floor and we'll be able to keep assistance like they used to be please finish your comments you have one minute that is my comments and I thank you for your time Madam chair Dr thank you so I have to say that I also have um who I consider to be a wonderful um secretary and she has done a significant amount of uh what what would be typing related um and you hear from board member Rupert I believe her secretary has been here probably the longest out of all of them and and this is important for her job so you know I am very concerned about watering down the requirement so I wanted to ask um are we able to to get um information from um for example Ellen about the import of having this requirement because she's been here uh quite some time and I think that information would help uh in making a decision on this but in addition to that I wanted to find out if in fact someone does not have this requirement how long um does it normally take to acquire the typing requirement um uh to to fulfill the requirements of this job uh the reason I'm asking that question because because maybe we could um set a timeline on getting this requirement I've had 48 applicants when I hired their secretary and many of them had met the typing requirement so I don't see where this is a challenge for them to meet it I I think watering this down is a problem for us for me personally um so if we set a timeline to if if there's an applicant board member even that you really think can do the job well and we can set a time requirement to get the in completed I am willing to adjust the motion as such but I think it's really important for for um executive secretaries to have that requirement so I I I understand what you're saying Dr holess but I think that this is something that the secretaries have so it's it's not even we don't even need to put it in there because they have it we already know it and what staff is saying that it is uh making things difficult to put people actually in their jobs and it's creating more of more work for it to happen we're not saying that it's not that that they don't have this skill that this is not necessary it absolutely is you know but I also have I know that technology also has evolved where you could have uh a device an app a phone where it can take notes and type it all up for you so I think we should move on there's so many other things in this that we need to address so I think we should should vote unless anybody else anything else to say okay so can we repeat the motion Dr Hess yes I move to reinstate the type in test requirement in the job description for the executive secretary in the office of school board members roll call roll call on the motion school board members ala no Altin Altin fam no fogan hly no Hixon no holess yes linardy no rer yes and yes and yes Zan no motion fails 72 Austin Mr Austin what was your vote sorry six 62 no no no please thank you 72 okay Dr do you have anything else yes I do okay so um I needed to question the pay grade here says 11 and I am as having executive secretary being in the position they are uh as far as um among the top secretaries for the district uh is there a reason that the pay grade is at 11 um instead of 12 Dr hurn Mr AO that predates me not sure okay um so no one knows okay so I'd like to make a motion I motion uh to reclassify the EXE the executive secretary in the office of school board members from pay grade 11 to pay grade 12 additionally I propose a 2% salary increase for any current uh executive secretary earning above the minimum of pay grade 12 and I have the motion I can pass on MH is there a second second second moved by wholeness second by Leonardi public comment on the motion board member comment on the motion M Madam chair sorry Miss Batista I think Mr aaro and I are going to say the same thing um and um the secretaries for the the executive secretaries for the board members are part of the Copa uh group so if you were to um give them a 2% raise um that would then apply to the Copa group in its entirety okay so is that go ahead okay so I I will move to strike the 2% part of it and the rest of the motion remains okay thank you board member comment um I do have a comment so I'm going to pass out a job description um I think this is quite interesting this job description says that they're at a pay grade 12 and this was last revised in 2007 so I'm not sure how they went from a a pay grade 12 to a pay grade 11 good um and I know this predat you Dr heern so um you you can clearly see that they're at a p grade 12 um yeah and then yeah so got so that's that's it anybody M fam yeah Madam chair I'd like to make a substitute motion and just to restore uh my motion is to restore the executive secretaries to the pay grade 12 well that's his motion that's very similar he just said they we're at 11 they're not move them to a he's moving them to a 12 that's the same that's great same yeah any other comments see none all in favor of the motion to move them to aay grade 12 say I I those opposed say no motion passes unanimously Dr holness uh that's it for me okay any other board Dr Zan yes thank you much chair I have U one that may be quick it's not a major change um but on the top bullet of the second page we ask for uh as an alternate to the six years of work that you might have uh two years of work with two years of college um I feel and I'm happy to hear if I'm wrong on this but uh a two-year two years of education in specialized secretarial duties uh doesn't really kind of uh obviate the need for four years of experience I think any two-year degree uh any associates degree is a significant investment in the education and capabilities of an applicant for this job and I would just recommend that we delete the words in specialized secretarial duties or related subjects I'm not even sure you can get an associates degree anymore in uh secretarial duties uh but I think we should strike that and just replace it with any two years uh college degree second move by Zan second by Leonardi public comment on the motion board member comment on the motion all in favor of the motion say I I I those opposed say no no no no paon three I'm sorry Nora no yes Nora fam oltin or no motion carries Zan that's all chair thank you any other board member okay hold on I have a list here all right I'm just going to pass this out and then we can kind of go through it chair is this all on h8 what you yeah H thank you we might have covered some of these things just trying to figure out exactly how far I have to read yeah and then I just want to um my colleagues the paper that I job description that I did send out to you it was the records management assistant office of school board records so just to for all transparency but if that changes anything someone can make another motion I guess um okay so the job description so they you know I do think that they need to have excellent in command of the English language ability to handle a variety of tasks simultaneously and ability to understand and Carry Out complex oral and written instructions and must have experience in using office automation equipment and so that those were stried out and I think that they should remain so my that my motion is I move the following job description remain for executive secretary Office of the school board members moved by aldea second by wholeness public comment on the motion board member comment on the motion chair if you could just identify where these three bullets are I just would love to read it in the job description page two of the job description um about halfway y through the first set of bullets after or actually the fourth bullet I'm with you but uh how about the second bullet ability to understand and Carry Out complex oral and written instructions it's three six seventh pole point on page two thank you very much all in favor of the motion say I I I those opposed say no motion carries I'm an i you're an I I'm an i yes got it okay my next motion is I move that the following job description descriptions be removed for executive secretary office of school board members the proficiency and short and I I don't necessarily think that's needed um so that's my motion is there a second second move by Al second by Zan public comment for comment all in favor say I I those opposed say no motion carries unanimously um the next motion you know I find this quite interesting because there's always been this like there are secretary but they don't report to the board member that they report to the super intendent um and so I would like to add that they report to the board member second okay so wait I move the following job description to be added for executive secretary office of school board members to report to the board member second moved by Alf second by wholeness public comment for the board member they work for yes just so Dr H yes I wanted to just to make sure we understand any implications um Miss Batista you can if there's anything that the Board needs to be aware of Miss Batista yes so um there is no issue with them um with the the secretary reporting directly to the board member uh because they're not reporting to the entire board so they're not like a direct report to the board as for example the superintendent general counsel or something like that so it's appropriate Mr hon thank you actually this came up because um you know they my question to that would be though if they're reporting to the board member which they should because that's who they're working for when they have group meetings who is it and I think it's in discussion now who is it that they report to because that when there was a chief of staff they reported underneath there and then we shifted it around so you know somebody has to also help them when they're talking about you know what the procedures are just in general because that besides being a board member's assistant they do things that are general for the board as a whole so I'm Sorry Miss that's okay no we're check we're checking because I think it's already in there that it reports directly to the school board member that's what I have on M yes okay yes correct is it already in there yes okay it's already there but my question still have the same question though so they have staff meetings right occasionally because they're not individ they're working for a board member but they work as a team as the board office so who do who's in not in charge but who would be the direct supervisor in that respect because it was under the chief Chief of Staff now the chief of staff got rolled into communication so I think somebody that's I wouldn't say supervisor but guiding them along because I think it's a little fuzzy to I I nominate the vice Chair by the way Dr I don't mean us I mean inct to call the meetings that'd be a good Vice chair responsibility but they do they already call staff meetings that's what I'm Mr s yeah so right now Mr Hill does uh occasionally meet with them as it relates to to uh how we um can be more efficient in terms of board items and other topics that apply to the whole group um so we were already have that in place in terms of uh working as a as a team as it relates to the work that we do in in this board room so and when they have questions they also call Mr Hill so that's my question was that in the policy and there are some things like in here does it say if you're the the vice chair's assistant that you have to answer all the emails like there's a lot of things that keep changing and going back and forth if it should be in the job description is is that procedural is it part of policy is it a job description because it keeps fluctuating and it's it's very confusing to some of them I believe it's been practiced at the uh executive secretary for and then it was again so that's my point good okay so then we covered the last one so we're I'm all good anybody else have a motion all in favor of h8 as amended say I I I those opposed say no yes h8 passes unanimously may have a motion and second on gg1 so move moved by Zan second by Hixon public comment there is no public comment Madam chair and Madam chair this actually did pass already I uh if you can ask your or if you can bring it back since you're on the prevailing side I Believe Miss Batista needs a back on the floor yes if if there there could be a motion to to reconsider gg1 because it was passed to consent y I move to reconsider gg1 so moved moved by Alf second by Fen holy public comment board member comment Miss Batista thank you Madame chair um so we have here uh well let me introduce the item first the item States is is to authorize a super intendent and the general Council to enter into an agreement with the litigation group of Morgan and Morgan uh kopelowitz Ostro Ferguson weiselberg Gilbert and Haler pis and schwam PA to represent the school board of Brower County Florida in a multi-district litigation against insulin manufacturers and Pharmacy benefit managers for insulin price manipulation fixing and collusion and this is something that affects the entire District um we have um Mr Eugene pis who will um discuss the item uh further sir thank you thank you so much uh good afternoon Madam chair and Dr purn and others uh thank you so much for U giving us an opportunity uh we have been before you on other multi-district litigation we represented you all on the uh on the U je Jewel litigation we're representing you in social media litigation uh the team that we have here uh we rep we were together uh on opioids not with you all but with Broward County and many cities across Broward uh there's a deep bench in this litigation and the one we're here today on is insulin as uh Mrs Batista mentioned we have here today Scott weiselberg who's with KO lawyers we have uh James Young as well as uh Juan Martinez from more and Morgan uh I'm going to ask Mr Martinez uh to not I'm going to ask you to uh give some comments regarding the nature of this litigation uh we submitted a some material that I think you all have probably received and most importantly we want an opportunity to answer whatever questions you all have uh once uh Mr Martinez speaks thank you very much uh we view this litigation as very very important because prescription from Judge pricing across the board has gotten outrageous I think we can all agree on that uh particularly this litigation has to do with insulin which is a life-saving medication for about 12% of Floridians and the school board as a self-funded payer of insurance is bearing an absurd cost of insulin um if you're not aware insulin is about been around for about a hundred years and there hasn't been very much improvement or development or research on insulin yet the price of insulin has grown exponentially and that's for two big reasons it's one is because of rates that manufacturers are receiving from pbms uh due to exclusive placement on formularies the second is in order to kind of recoup those costs from those rebates it's what's called lock step pricing there are three major manufacturers of insulin which control about 90% of the market and every time one raises the price the other two raise the price and that's contined for about the past 20 years by our estimations for every single insulin dependent diabetic that the insulin uh that the school board covers you're paying in excess of5 to $6,000 per user which is which is money that the board could use for a myriad of reasons um if you've been able to look over the uh the presentation that we provided uh Miss Batista um it covers the full scope of of our are likely claims that we could bring forward um and it also gives it somewhat of a historical background I'm sure many of you are aware our uh Healthcare System pharmaceutical system are extremely complex flowing from manufacturers to Pharmacy benefit managers and phes themselves and a lot of those uh steps are very intertwined and the the purpose of this litigation is to First help uh self-funded payers like yourself recover those costs but second try to at least begin the first steps of untwining that that that system that ultimately you all bear the brunt of paying for so with that if you have any questions I'm happy to answer thank you so Madam chair um I just wanted to uh bring another point up that um I would need a motion at the end of my uh explanation so there is also a potential conflict or conflict of interest because of the firm Mor and Morgan some subsidiaries of the firm um have or file um claims against the the school board um but they we are seeking to have approval for a motion to authorize either myself or the chair um the general councel or the chair a conflict of interest waiver um the law firm uh that we are considering which is here before you um they uh normally do representation in the insulin price fixing litigation and they're highly qualified and well suited to handle the comp this complex case um as a result um of the potential conflict The Firm has implemented comprehensive measures from what I understand to insulate itself from the related entities to avoid any conflict of interest and the measures include restricting access to any systems or information that contain details about any potential conflicted claims limiting communication between attorneys and staff involved in the matters and notifying all Personnel involved in the district's case to avoid any interactions with those working on cases where uh it is um where where it also is a defendant so given these precautions um it is my recommendation that the district wave the potential conflict and proceed with retaining the firm uh as their expertise will be invaluable in this litigation so I would need a motion for Dr Zan thank you I moved that it would be the general counsel to sign the conflict of interest waiver uh thereby permitting Morgan Morgan our Law Firm to represent the district in the insulin price fixing litigation is moved by Zan second by Hixon public comment on the motion board member comment on the motion all in favor say I I I those oppos say no motion carries unanimously do you have any questions for the firm any questions yes Dr Zan thank you one thank you for uh being here your reputation uh not just in this case but in numerous uh related litigation is is amazing so thank you for building such an amazing firm I am though uh forced to be a fiduciary relationship to us in this case um and I know we're get we're not your first client joining this lawsuit is that correct so you would be our our first uh School Board client joining this lawsuit we currently represent the city of Orlando in this case um but we we're we have a very strong bested interest in in Brower County School Board I'm very glad you said that because uh what is your fee for representing us so we're operating on a contingency fee basis I believe our fee that we've outlined is 25% terrific and what I would like to know uh chair given that you this client uh is in desperate need for funds uh if this could be negotiated to 20% instead of 25% uh the 25% uh is pretty standard in in in what we've done uh and what what everybody does in this space it's all contingency to explain that if we don't win you don't you you're not you know you don't pay a penny we pay all expenses we take care of everything uh over the course of the litigation and that's why 25% which I do a lot of civil litigation and the percentages are typically higher than that uh significantly higher than I have you know percentages up to 40% but because of the relationship long-standing relationship we have with you all uh Miami Dade same percentage uh uh in these types of cases so uh it's already kind of cut down due to the public nature of of of the client that we're seeking um so I would ask you to have a little mercy and understand uh no but uh that's that's you know I I appreciate it uh but there's a lot of costs involved and you try to balance the cost and carrying of the money and all of that and and and that's the r um just for the record I asked a short question got a great but but long answer about the single number um you know this firm is a tremendous firm and you want a great strong litigator to handle this case but it's also a price fixing case which I think is going to be ruled very quickly and in big dollars uh for this and so uh if we uh sign with a 25% contingency uh I wonder if we could do kind of a limit on total fees or something just so that we can defend you know our role as a school board for br County if in fact this turns out to be $25 million you know 25% of $25 million $ 6 and A4 million it's a lot of money for the lawyers and so would you be willing to uh agree to a fixed cap on the on the fees for legal fees I I certainly I appreciate your your your interest it's something that I don't want to sit here and just pop out numbers uh sending here if it's okay we can talk to your general counsel and she can get get back and and if that's okay no that's wonderful and again uh I don't prefer to do negotiations in a public form either uh but this is the form that we have where we can you know Talk Amongst uh ourselves so yes that would be wonderful uh and I have no motion on that right now chair just wanted to to start that uh it is typical for public institutions to think both about the the the fee that you pay and a cap um and it might be that this is a significant amount of money we have paid for a long time and to my understanding we can go back 10 years on what we've paid for insulin and when you think about $66,000 overcharge per person who's on Diabetes times between 25 and 40,000 employees we've had over the last 10 years uh it is a substantial amount of money and I want to make sure that we're uh signing a contract um that kind of represents that to the best of our ability so I appreciate the dialogue and I look forward to hear it back from general counsel um so I all I wanted to share is that I did look into the insulin spent um in the district before I um asked this firm to come here today um and the spend on insulin from 2017 to 2024 for the district who which is you know self-insured is $26 million just wanted to let you know that good um and then I'll be happy to discuss um any fees um and or changes to the percentages with with with the law firms and report back to the board Miss fam yeah thank you madam chair um you said this time that we're the the primary client or we are your client are you planning to expand this into a class action so without giving I don't know how familiar you are with multi-district litigation so we don't believe that this would be proper for a class action instead there's a group of cases that have been all filed throughout throughout the country and then brought together before for one district court judge in New Jersey judge martinat um who is handling the uh Discovery aspect of the pre-trial aspect of a case so in the complaint it would be Broward School Board by itself it wouldn't be it wouldn't be a class action to where you would be a representative of classes of school boards it would just be a singular case brought on on behalf of Broward schools and my last question is I'm not really familiar with insulin I'm not diabetic but I what is it oen oen is that considered an insulin as well OIC OIC I'm sorry so those are gp1 drugs that some insulin dependent diabetics take or some diabetics can take and they are also included within the universe of of drugs that are u in dispute in this case obviously the defendants don't agree with that but they are within the universe of drugs which we are collecting the data from and looking at uh the expenditure all right thank you and if I made one more question to um general counsel did you consider OIC when you accumulated that data or was that not part of that data I I believe the the when the data was uh put together that was taken into consideration part of it okay thank you public comment thank you madam chair I'm sorry I keep putting put in the position of having to fight to be able to speak I did sign up outside there is a card with my name on it um and when you called if that said were there any public speakers you would hold no um thank you for um uh going back on it I'd like to uh just commend this um litigation it's really important um to stand up for abuse to abuses of power and to stand up for the little people against the big people um but I'd just like to mention something that kind of comes as an offshoot um which is we need to see that same energy put into BCPS standing up for its students with diabetes um and I wanted to make you aware that there is at least one who has been discriminated against for over a year um with not having 504 accommodations for a year so while negotiating with lawyers about their fee and I know whatever they get I'm sure they will earn it and I think this is a really important and commendable case please also know that you're going to need to negotiate with with a member of senior staff who has been making life difficult for a year now for a student in need of enshrining potentially life-saving accommodations in a 504 plan thank you thank you any other public speaker all in favor of gg1 approved uh as amended say I I I those opposed say no gg1 passes unanimously may have a motion second on 01 move move by Fen Hoy second by Hixon public comment no register speakers no public comment I'm sorry did you say o1 M1 I believe that was passing the consent o1 pass I believe so want bring okay may I have a mo no it's okay may I have a motion second on each nine so moved moved by Zan second by hickon public comment no public comment board member comment Miss fam Miss fam no I have my notes as okay on that one I must have SP any other board member common and H9 all in favor of H9 say I I those opposed say no H9 passes unanimously may have a motion second on A2 move move by F second by Zan public comment we have one register speaker Jackie lka thank you this is um A2 ESC policy and procedures these never came before ESC advisory last year and they haven't come before us this year uh they always used to even when there is even one tweak to a piece of punctuation um and having policies and procedures about how you're going to oblige your responsibilities to students in line with the law is great but policies and procedures are only meaningful if you actually observe them and have the Personnel the resources and the infrastructure and the will in place to oblig them with these I respectfully submit that you do not you can't now fulfill some of these procedures in your new digital platform you have a number of um uh situations that do not meet the standard uh that is cited in this document uh which I quote from it the school district assures provision of full education educational opportunity to all students with disabilities Age 3 to 21 using the kind and the number of facilities and personnel and services necessary to meet this goal you just do not you won't probably find a single parent or member of Staff who could tell you that these policy and procedures are actually met now and that you do have those resources and facilities and personnel and services in place to oblige them um there is also on page 26 I quote that the district quote protects the confidentiality of student records and information in your new Parent Portal it was pointed out to the superintendent about four weeks ago by parents that there was a major data security weakness in the parent portal for Focus there have also been data breaches of student data via the parent portal which have been reported we were told you would have our backs on this and you didn't and lessons from 2018 hadn't been learned and to find that we put our trust in this District to protect protect the confidentiality of our kids data and that it's being being taken so lightly is not only disappointing it's legally actionable you are on such Dangerous Ground with it we just want for the right thing to be done and to find that data security has been treated so lightly and that it's on parents to to point out basic security breaches um is not okay it does need immediate review we have an ESC advisory meeting tomorrow and it would be good to have an action plan brought to Us by then to reassure stakeholders that our kids data is secure uh in one episode I can tell you now that because do documents are having to be emailed back and forth because parents can't access them or there's any kind of difficulty accessing them um that I was sent a student's IEP yesterday on a reply or email to a parent thank you thank you Miss fam thank you madam chair um I spoke with staff and also with the superintendent about this Manel because in reviewing it I didn't see anything about the videos or continuing um videos from the pilot plan that the state had instituted uh for ESC students so I'd like to um ask Dr heurn if he would please explain where we stand on the status of that what we're doing to move forward and what your expectations of of uh when we'll be starting that program thank you yes um thank you m f good question so we know that the legislation has Sunset it for the cameras but we took it upon oursel as staff just to make sure we're supporting transparency and continuing that that level of service uh we are currently uh taking request from parents at the moment um checked in with the ESC leadership team today and today 600 requests have been submitted uh we have to implement policy first so we've put some information and there just let those parents know as soon as we're done creating the policy that's going to create the guard rails for implementation for the use of cameras will be full go um so that's where we stand right now so hopefully that policy um can get um um expedited and and implement it um within a month or so thank you Dr heurn for giving us an update and also for continuing with that program Dr Zan thanks chair uh we're in the process chair of shi to a brand new single student information system it's going to take time I know uh to to convert over uh you see those students are incredibly special to us and so uh I'd like chair to know uh how are we doing on this shift to the student information system Focus um and are we violating uh or excuse me let me just ask you this way are we uh failing to provide any services to special needs students in prow County because we have a new uh student information system Dr he I'm going to defer to Mr Bradford and Miss hollinworth in a minute um the transition to focus is going very well just like any other large enterprise software system that we Implement in the district dislar there going to be some bumps in the road and surely we've had some bumps in the road that we are addressing on a daily basis and during the summer and um smoothing things out um I know as of last week Friday day we probably had up to 10,000 parents that have created their accounts and uh I think a large portion um have also submitted their back to school forms and that's steadily rising and working with schools to communicate those those matters and um the ESC team um I've talked to them today about Focus 2 and the transition is going well of course large enterprise system um like you say change is is tough um and there's certainly some bumps in the road but everything is working out to plan and and and we're smoothing things out every day um and so if Mr Bradford or Miss hollinworth want to add anything I'll give them to floor to do so good afternoon Simone Hollingsworth Chief academic officer and I just obviously did know what Dr he has mentioned as well as knowing that we're providing Lots through the ESC Department of boots on the ground support to our end users the teachers um whether it be the ESC specialist those service providers teachers in the classrooms and not just um uh calling in but really truly having opportunities for them to go out and also help them in the classrooms and at their schools so whether they call in or us going I'm just trying to meet them where they are to support them through the new Endeavor of focus anything else I just want to reiterate the question though uh has any exceptional uh student any special need Student and PR County lost Services because of our transition to focus no um people provide our services not programs thank you very much um on on the looping to advisories you know I know in this particular case where our advisory committee uh deeply informed you know very interested in helping uh we had a summer deadline and we had to get this in and get it to hear today to get it in to meet Department of Ed sometimes Department of education's deadline precludes us from looping even the first time let alone looping and coming back and responding to to changes and things like that so uh I want to you know compliment ESC committee for continuing to be so passionate about this in this particular case uh I understand we were meeting a deadline um and the the the uh interest in looping is still there the the willingness and the ability obviously is there um but just didn't make it as a result of a department of Ed deadline thanks chair thank you m seon thank you um we had a guest speaker that mentioned that there are things in the policy and procedures that aren't aligned or we don't do anymore I've I've said this a number of times about policies that we have just in general um as a teacher you know you can check off that you have a policy but if it's not being implemented properly then it's just a bunch of words so can someone speak to to that part what are the things things that are in here that maybe are obsolete did they remove them do they feel that this is the best updated version can we come back to it are we going to Loop it can you kind of speak to all of those pieces because the ESC advisory should have had some kind of input in here Dr he yes I'm going defer to miss hollinworth in a minute but uh just uh what Mr Zan just spoke about um re we received the information from the doe um I want to say early June and with a quick turnaround and the implications of losing um tens of millions of dollars of idea funds uh if it's not submitted in a timely manner during the summer based on their deadlines um but I'll uh defer to miss hollandsworth about if she feels like there's anything in the procedures or or practices listed in this document that um we may not be able to to um address thank you Dr he again Simone hollingworth Chief academic officer and I'm going to have Miss aosta cash come up to the microphone as well please know that the policies and procedures document is a template that's driven by the state there are many um items in there that we do not get to um edit that they are from the state that we have to just address and I'll let her take it further that there's not a lot of um opportunities for um our uh review yes good good afternoon Stephanie Coster Castro director of support and compliance with ESC the ESC policies and procedures is a template that is created by the department of Ed and provided to every every district there are certain parts of the text that we cannot edit it is their template it is their ask and then there's text boxes which you'll see if you're going through the 300 Page document that is where we respond the policies and procedures are active for three academic years the policies and procedures for all districts in the State of Florida actually concluded on June 30th of 2023 and due to changes in the state they did not reopen that for us until May of 2024 at that time they asked us to have everything back to them by July 21st so that they could review and provide us feedback and then they came forward with an pre-approval process as they call it by July 3rd with a deadline of August 30th to be approved by our board and resubmitted to them the doe does not require us to keep a Redline version of edits from one threeyear period to the next so we don't necessarily have a red line edit but the person that helps us organized the parts that go back to the doe does keep kind of like a matrix where we highlight things that were added and the dates they were approved by the doe okay so is it is it something if it was looped or we went through a process could be revised it would have to first be a go back to the state so let's just say that we came forward and we said we want to be more stringent on an area the doe would need to still approve that even if we had looped it that's what I'm saying though is there a time period I know it had to be in at a certain time but can it be revised at a future date my understanding is that the doe only opens it every 3 years and when they open it they they tell us which sections are editable so if there's a major shift in policy they may reopen it halfway through the validation period and say you're only allowed to touch this process okay thank you for the welcome information any other comments all in favor of A2 say I I those opposed say no no no item passes with two dissenting votes ala and rert may I have a motion and second board I'm going to go on the priority pulled items on 06 so move second moved by Zan second by poogan holy public comment no register speakers board comment Miss Dr holus o6 Dr holus thank you very much just a couple of questions um for the firms that are here um the interpreting services for dep and heart of hearing uh can staff comment on um any efforts to attract mwbe firms um to uh as far as um uh to provide interpretting services I'm sorry Dr H can you repeat that it's a little distracted yeah I'm sorry I was eating I'm sorry okay so for the firms that are here we are approving the agreement for Award of request for proposal um interpreting services for the de and heart of hearing and I see that we have the following three vendors um are any of these vendors um that listed here mwbe I see Mr andreo and her team are here um give them a sec to look at the documents go ahead miss andreo when you ready good evening Jennifer Andreu executive director operations so these are three vendors they are not mwbe certified and and I would have to look at the original agreement to see what the affirmative procurement initiative was on this particular uh proposal okay so can I have a followup on what efforts were made in terms of um attracting mwbe firms absolutely thank you I will say though that this is not um a huge area for mwbe participation but I'm that does not preclude us from doing the Outreach okay thank you any other board member comments see none all in favor of o6 say I I those opposed say no I passes unanimously may have a motion and second on P1 so move move by Zan second by Fen holy public comment no register public comment M chair board comments I have Pam m am I just had I just had one change recommendation on the proposed memo and I'll give you that right now um one of my concerns is I I know that the um ethics rule and policies have been amended and they've been um additional definition have been added and one of the definitions is um that relatives includes not just immediate family members but it also includes uh brothers sisters sister-in-laws brother-in-laws that kind of thing and so my concern is that under our ethics um policies um board members are not allowed to even give the um impression of an impropriety we're supposed to be completely candid and completely transparent so what I'm suggesting is that um we incorporate into our policy that these new definitions that include those included in policy actually I think it was policy um 12 70 that I've Just Seen Rewritten I think it was the state policy so I think that we need that because at this point in time one of the things that I am uncomfortable with is my my colleague who has a brother that does business with Broward County as a contractor and I have all the respect for Mr Zan but I just don't want to go there where we give that appearance of impropriety and I I think that that should be included in there and I think also instead of two years that we're not allowed to do business uh with the district should be extended to four years so I would make that motion that one we expand our definitions to include brothers sisters brother-in-laws and sister-in-laws as as I've seen it written and also that we expand the term that you cannot do business with the district um to for four years that's my motion is there a second motion fails Dr can you repeat it please sure that we use the more expansive definition that is now being used by the department with of Ethics which includes relatives not just wife and children it's more expansive now where it says brothers brother-in-laws sisters sister-in-laws um as in the definition of relatives that the the definition of relatives has been expanded in addition to that um our policy we have up to two years where you cannot do business with the school district I think that should be extended to four years that after you leave um or concurrently you cannot do business until four years after that point and that's my motion is there a second now second for discussion chair it's been moved by fam second by F and holy public comment board comment nardy yeah is that um pertinent to the item is that motion pertinent to the item it is it's number 20 yes it's it's listed in the policy that's those Provisions were in there that's why I'm saying I we should use the expansive definition of relatives number 21 M leonardy okay thank you any other board member comment on the motion all in favor of the motions say I I I those opposed say no no no motion fails Dr Zan thanks so much chair uh I'm curious um and asked a question about this and uh the answer I got was an answer somewhat unrelated to the question but on the summary on page two second paragraph I just want to read what we're being told uh we held a workshop on June 25th and we talked about the first draft of this policy and I went back and watched that video but the summary here says that there was second sentence no specific consensus takeaway from the workshop uh one of the things that we talked about at the workshop is we'd like our policies to be readable by the public we'd like parents and students and vendors and volunteers and some of the 82,000 people that helped us become an a district who are directly involved in in doing something with priate schools to be able to read our policies and understand it uh and second it's a way to make sure that the public has confidence in what we're doing as a board and what we're doing as a school system and so uh when I went back and looked at the workshop we talked about that like hey why don't we try and make our policies more readable while we're going through them rather than just worry about the content or the steps or the detailed procedures and processes which by the way don't need to be in our policies and probably shouldn't um and so I object to this uh I believe very strongly that we reached consensus at that Workshop I believe very strongly in the idea that our policy should be readable by the public and I challenge anyone that's elected to public office to say it otherwise uh the people that asked us to serve here would like to be able to read the product of our work and so chair I'm curious how do we ensure at workshops that the consensus of the board is clear to the staff so that the work they do afterwards uh it is is you know taking good use of the time we spend at workshops well so specifically I clarify at the end of we Workshop something if staff has clarification you Dr hurn do you want to weigh in Mr siiv yes so I mean going forward we could uh have a better mechanism or an improved mechanism where we can ensure that we're capturing consensus and perhaps share with the board after the board meeting's done thanks chair I I it does impact the draft of this policy uh you know there were five things that were talked about and I'll read the reaction from staff BCPS Administration evaluated this suggestion and determined that the revision to Schoolboard policy this one's 1270 is balanced and clear and ensure this Provisions are properly interpreted by BC PPS administrative staff but bpps administrative staff is not always the whole customer set for our policies the public is too and that was the whole point and so uh I I uh I appreciate the that we could tighten up you know the uh communication between us and the staff about you know what the intent is and when we reach uh consensus um but this uh summary document is disappointing to me uh because there are five cases where we talk about something in five cases the staff came back and said we're not changing anything and uh that's uh uh that's disappointing and I look forward to participating in maybe a more clarifying way about how we reach consensus at our Workshop meetings thanks chair Dr Zan is there something in the five different ways that you need you want to add to this well yes I mean uh I mean that would be the time to do it see but the only remedy to this is to postpone this and bring it back because there were five specific uh items brought up so a member you know Miss Leonardi would talk about something and nobody would object and and you could either read lot body language we didn't go back at the end and say hey specifically do we all agree with Miss leonardy or not but uh and and I appreciate that we can do better communicating going forward but these five things were things that we talked about and we ought to talk uh at some point about whether we had consensus on them and do we want them reflected in the policy but the only remedy is to postpone it I don't know uh I don't know if my colleagues uh agree with me that this doesn't seem to be like a policy uh that we're ever going to use you know this is about buying new sites so a postponement is not uh has no impact so I'd be curious about what impact there would be if we postpone this item okay please make a motion to postpone I'd like to move that we uh postpone this to our next available Schoolboard meeting and that the staff uh rewatch the workshop and see if in fact there was there's another litmus test for us gaining consensus second move by Zan second by holess public comment board comment Miss P so the only caveat is that because it is a policy it needs to be advertised um under the under chapter 120 in a particular way so if if there are any changes to to be made um then I think uh it needs to come back um at a different time yeah and I I'll amend my motion to uh bring it back to the next available school board meeting that meets the schedule but again this is not a policy we're going to implement for a while and so I think it makes some sense to go go back and look at that video second the amendment yes okay any other comments see none all in favor of pp1 say as amended say I postponing postponed yeah postpone there's opposed to say no pp1 is post oned may have a motion second on pb3 so moved second moved by Zan second by P public comment no public comment board comment I'm good with my comment any other comments on pp3 yes Dr homas um I just wanted to say um this with this um policy on metal detectors um you know I I uh for the um the portion that says up to an including possible expulsion I still have a concern with that um which is on uh the the actual um Red Line Red Line version Redline version on page four or5 um where it says uh e item e students who refuse to submit to a metal detector screening will face disciplinary action up to an including possible expulsion um you know I would much rather see up uh will face disciplinary action period as opposed to up to and including expulsion uh you know for the record I'm still always concerned about that because I'm worried about uh any um any the extremity of this punishment or any principal or anyone who decides to exercise the option up to expulsion um certainly I agree with disciplinary action but I do not agree with expulsion um and I'm not saying anyone will exercise that option but I think this also lends itself to disparity in treatment um and subject uh the the treatment being subjective where um how do you determine what warrant expulsion and and who monitors and and check whether or not this is fair to to the particular child so again I uh I want to keep that for the record and I'd like the superintendent to comment on as far as expulsion to who uh determine when we get to expulsion and who monitors this and how do we ensure that this process of punishment is Equitable uh across the district um Why Can't This policy simply say We'll face disciplinary action why do we need to include expulsion here CH yeah thank you chair um so I think the language that they're using is reflected um based on the student code of conduct uh for me it sounds like we're saying the same thing uh will receive disciplinary action or up to an including exposion which is um more reflected on the language that's in the student code of conduct as far as how we monitor the schools when they actually encounter incidents that would lead up to an exposure they work with our uh uh Student Services offices uh specifically Joda Washington to help them work through that case just to make sure it it is eligible for exposion okay um so I I understand and I I just wanted for the record that I you know I think we we we agreed to something to this particular language in the last meeting but um I certainly still do not support that language but I'll move on to some other concerns that I have um so I visited Piper High School on the first day when we Implement metal detectors um and certainly uh uh there were challenges that we uh worked through and thank you uh Dr he and your team uh because it got much better as we moved forward um I also went to Plantation High School twice uh subsequent to um the um first day of implementing metal detectors uh but what I did notice on the second day that I went there it was a very rainy day and um on that particular day um there were different plans in place as far as how we the process in using metal detectors during the Rainy period um so I just wanted to find out um uh how do we make that determination I mean in terms of rainy day what is the the process and and also um if we're not having kids uh utilize metal detectors completely during the rainy day periods um I would prefer to see that each specific school um have some sort of a plan of action to ensure that as many kids um use the metal detectors for for safety so if you could just give us a better idea of what the Rainy Days look like for metal detectors and how and what plans are in place to um improve this process so the kids can actually um we you know so we can not defeat the purpose of what metal detectors are placed there for yes absolutely um so I'm going to defer some of this to Mr Mr Lozano um but yes um in the event that we do have L inclement weather especially a rainy day or even a tornado watch of some sort we don't want our kids out umide of school in the line um going through a metal detector in that type of inclement weather or even dangerous weather such as the tornado so we we did Implement some procedural procedures um and processes that principles Le leverage on a specific Friday U my weeks are going by so quick I think it was last Friday uh last Friday so not all schools but uh those schools that experience some inclement weather um so I'm going to defer to uh Mr Lozano to kind of give specifics um because we're always iterating our our safety procedures just to make sure we're addressing specific needs but also giving principles guidance of of how we accomplish what we're trying to with with metal detectors and trying to deter students from bringing certain things on campus um and having procedures when we do find things on campus too and and Dr he before he answers um I wanted to also know um how principls uh part of this um process because every school is different when I went to Plantation High School they had the auditorium right next to where the kids were coming in and the principal uh indicated that there could be a possibility of the kids going through the auditorium um the walk from the parking lot had a short walk that with a canopy would take care of the rain problem so our principls because every school is different our principles being involved in this plan of action as it relates to their specific school to which they're aware of in addition to the first question yes absolutely principles are proud of this process and and Mr lazano He he'll um provide detail on that too okay yep through the chair go ahead Mr loano Ernie loano T ass signed Chief Safety and Security Officer so after Friday we needed we realized we needed to bring consistency to that process and our goal as a district is to continue the screening process as much as possible so there should be very minimal times throughout the school year based on the Strategic placement of of these devices by the Safety and Security team most of these devices are already under overhangs inside a covered area so 95% of the time schools are able to proceed with the screening process as normal so in those very rare cases where the weather is not allowing a school to proceed we we are working currently on putting processes in place so that we are able to in almost every event continue the screening process Dr fton and I met with a group of principles yesterday morning to start talking about exactly what you talked about Dr holess every school campus is unique right and so when we thought of the first plan and we talked it through with principles and they started sharing the differences of their campuses we knew we had to include the principals to come up with an effective plan so we are also meeting with all principles at 9:30 on Friday with a larger group to continue to work out the plan for each site so they're able to in almost every scenario the goal is screening will continue in a safe and efficient manner for all of our students okay so um just one last question so just for the public awareness um so for each specific site there will be um an action plan that involves the principal's input uh as each site is unique in in the decision-making process for situations like rainy day and thunderstorm yes sir like I was at stowman Douglas this morning I met with principal kefford we talked about what that plan would look like if she had to make modifications due to weather and we were easily to talk through a plan so that their screenings could proceed as normal and that process will take place with every school our Safety and Security operation staff and those School principles to ensure we have a smooth seamless process when we have extreme weather situations okay and just for the record for the the parents and families who are listening if they're is rain say in Sunrise but there's not rain in Parkland only those schools will have uh an action plan in place and will be affected in terms of any um not using of the metal detectors is that right yes the adjustment of plans will be site specific based on the weather so again if only three schools who do screening or having an extreme weather all the other schools in the district are Ming are maintaining the normal protocols for injury screening great thank you so much you're welcome Dr Zan thanks so much uh I do want to highlight for anyone who's paying attention and my colleagues that we got somebody with a vape coming in uh yesterday and uh to the extent we can keep those out of our schools and encourage our students not to do it I think you know there's there'll be an interesting uh set of data at the end of this year about how much cell phon uh the ban of cell phone use contributed in many ways to to to Performance throughout our district but these metal detectors are also going to make our school safer people Vape less um and uh make everybody more aware of security by and large I just want to point out something that a student wrote to me about the student pointed out that in paragraph D if you bring a gun to a school your punishment subject to what it says in the student code of conduct in the next paragraph paragraph e if you don't go through a metal detector you run the risk of being expelled it uh to the student and to me and to Dr holess earlier that doesn't make sense uh I would prefer both of them to say the same thing whatever whatever we want to say but clearly bringing a gun to a school uh should be expulsion and worse and I know it is including arrest and the like but I'd also ask us as a board to think a little bit about e in particular because he says if you refuse to be screen you'll either be denied entry or you'll be escorted off a property in my mind and again this is something else some students pointed out you ought to be denied entry and escorted off not Andor uh so I believe that that's like a real change to the policy I don't know why it says and an or but if someone walks up to a metal detector and all of a sudden does a 180 and starts going the other way I would like them escorted off campus immediately uh that is an indication that they don't want to go through it and all of a sudden they remembered they got something and I don't want to free pass uh if you got that close U and and that so I am going to make a motion on that one um any person who refuses to be screened shall be denied entry into school board of BR County property and escorted from school board of barard County property second okay any public comment on the motion can I comment um Vice chair so I just want to make sure we're clear so I want to provide an example first we have kids that come to school on a school bus kid goes to the metad detector say I refuse to walk through we can't simply just walk them um or escort them off campus we're local parenti we're their mom and dads at that moment um our procedures would be that kid is escorted to the office with the with the assistance and watch of an SRO while we call a parent to come and pick them up so I just want to make sure we're clear in that um on the aspect of just simply escorting a a kid off campus Madam chair Dr holess so does the motion need to be amended to indicate the required procedures so we don't have leadership staff uh sort of escorting kids away without parental uh contact correct Dr of the sort my apologies for getting out out ahead of my skis a little bit but but the point is there's a big signal when you say no to a metal detector and it's not a good signal and so so uh if it would make it more clear would the better language be and uh escorted from the property or detained I mean what's what's the right language to do something uh if if they came on a bus in your example Miss Washington or Mr Lozano any any suggestions because I know um some of you gurus at the whole student code of conduct language you want to go first so again it's it's a progressive discipline policy we Implement um most likely any student would not be expelled on the first offense of it says up to right and when a student refuses to enter go ahead now you're getting yeah when students refuse to participate in the entry screening process um they will not be allowed to go further on campus without the process the superintendent talked about um being escorted by and Sr row into a secure location and monitored um so I'm going to defer to Mrs Washington to kind of talk about the specifics of the discipline side of that situation or the language I think the the board is asking for suggested language for the policy yeah so Jody Washington director Equity diversity and school climate I would encourage us not to use a word like detained that um implies law enforcement engagement I would say escorted to a secure area and monitored by school Personnel something along those lines um it would be my recommendation as far as the language until a parent can come in until right until a parent arrives to pick them up something along those lines thank you uh Mrs Le I'm sorry are you mind if I just restate it based on Miss suggestion so any person refuses to be screened shall either shall be denied entry into or excuse me onto Schoolboard property and escorted to a secure area until their parent can pick them up second okay um Mrs oh on the is it on the motion okay Mrs Leonardi um so I'm a little bit I feel a little bit uncomfortable with how we're like I feel like now we're right procedure on this as we're like into the policy as we're going um so I guess I had a question about this piece because if if if someone is refusing to go through the metal detector and they have a weapon on them um I feel like the implication in this motion and I know this is not the intention but the implication in the the motion is that there is no like search that goes on like what are what is the recourse if the child has a weapon um that's what I and that's why I feel a little bit uncomfortable with what we're doing in this in in right now because that's a staff thing like you guys are the experts we should not be doing that in my opinion so through the chair if if there's Reasonable Suspicion and not wanting to be screened is obviously an indicator of reasonable suspicion that you have something you shouldn't so then our school administrators will follow the protocols of reasonable suspicion and OT in almost every case those students would be um searched in in some fashion wanded searched and followed the safety protocol of the school right so I guess my concern is that that is not in the policy and nor is it in the motion and that was not like our responsibility to put that you know what I mean so like I would like to see that in the policy then um I think we really need to speak to in the motion or in in the policy uh when we're talking about refusal to to go through the metal detector you know then the school leadership will follow the appropriate Safety and Security procedures um regarding that and then they have that written out because my fear is that when we do this we are told as a board well they they know that this is what has to happen but then as we find out later with other things it's not been clearly communicated so I don't know how to address I I I I think I might have a way I I think you're spot on and I think the specificity was was not sitting right with me but I think the inclusion of this second half of the sent isn't necessary I think if we end it up by saying any person who refuses to be screen will be denied entry onto Schoolboard property and dealt with appropriately then the leaders the security people will will follow the student code of conduct and what they're trained to do in your case if they see have any suspicion of someone with a weapon they're going to move very quickly and do the right thing uh but I do think it's a good policy question to say if you don't want to go through the screen you don't get on our property um but then what happens after that is really I think a a process or procedure kind of step and we have people who are professionally trained to do that I'm seeing a lot of nods uh in the back so what I'd propose to my colleagues is that we just end the replace that sentence with any person who refuses to be screened shall be denied entry onto Schoolboard property and uh dealt with according to appropriate processes or procedure whatever we want to do uh or we could just finish the sentence at at at not allowed on property again the the the act of refusing to be screened is is a suspicious act by itself and I think having a policy says and you're not coming in on the property is is good um so U I will leave that up to some further conversation here on the board Mrs Al did you yes so to miss Leonard's point I was on the same uh thinking the same thing uh because there has been a situation where there's been a school shooting where a student has gone to the office with the principal with their parents had a gun in the bag they had a conversation and somehow the student end up going back to class and then there was a school shooting so you bring up a great point but if staff feels that it's it's already um acceptable the way it is and it's how the procedures happen after then I'm okay with I guess the way it speaks to it now and here's here's the problem with what it says now literally it says either you'll be denied entry or escorted from property and it's uh that's not a good option right I mean at a minimum I think our policy should say if you refuse to be screen you'll be denied entry onto Schoolboard property period and then the rest of that uh will really be up to kind of particulars of the case and what their suspicion is of why you didn't do it and that's law enforcement and Security's uh job all the time but yet at a minimum they won't be on our property and that's critical if you don't want to go in you can't come in Mrs fam yeah I just on sorry um I think that the language you know do appropriately that's too vague and ambiguous that's going to come back the Bas and they're subject to interpretation by each different principle I think if they refuse to go through the metal detectors we should have language then they'd be subject immediately to a personal search they don't have to go through the med but if they refuse to allow to be searched at that point they are escorted off the property I don't think we should keep them on the property because if we take them to a secured area and another officer brings another student we don't know what they have in their bag they could pull it out that could be the student they're looking to get so I don't think we should put anybody else in Risk so I say U manual search if they refuse to go through metal detector and if they refuse the manual search then immediately removed you know and we can have whatever if you want to have a police car sitting there to hold the student until the parent comes and gets them we don't have to just release them into the public because we don't know what they have in their bag we don't know the intent and at this point in time we just need to secure the area that's our primary motivation to secure the area and make sure no one else is hurt thank you Mrs did you want to make a substitute motion then specifically yes after if a student um my motion would be to amend the language um that the student after the student uh refuses to go through the metal detector or is observed avoiding the metal detector then he he or she shall be subject to an immediate search manual manual immediate search and if they refuse that then they shall be removed from the school property and I just want to say we've done this eight days now and we've not to my knowledge had one student refuse the process so the data is showing that our students are rising to our expectations I don't know if Mr lorosa you want to add anything um the escorted our property was in the policy for our visitors not just our students so if I can add I think that what Miss fam what you're saying I think the letter e and the policy kind of States what you're saying if they're not going through the metal detector they should and they and then they refuse a uh uh to be screened which is secondary could be performed whatever but um I don't want to use the term ambiguity um for the policy but there needs to be um some level of ambiguity because we create policy we create processes and practices and they could change in a three months in 3 months because we've noticed something different that we need to close a gap on and then if we bake processes into policies then we got to come back we have to go through the policy again so there needs to be some I don't I don't like the term ambiguity but there needs to be some form of uh of of governance or guidance uh and let staff deal with processes right because they're they're going to change we have to e u iterate all the time based on what we're observing based on how we're how we're reflecting on past practices this is what the the Safety and Security team does all the time so practices may change and if we back into the policy uh and then some of the instances it may not be applicable to automatically search a person it may be a a kid a special needs kid a BBD kid that's having a bad day and we know what protocols we need to implement to support that student and get through this process appropriately then I would add that excuse me thank you um then I would add language some kind of security intervention where you're not doesn't have to be a manual search but I would be more specific this to say what's appropriate that's way too vague and ambiguous in my opinion is there anyone to Second Mrs fam's moot substitute motion okay so we'll go back to Dr Zeman's motion um Dr holess thank you so um it appears to me that the the basic concern here is that if a student refuses to go through they don't go through and then what happens next um and as I heard from Mr Lozano that this doesn't seem to be a a frequent problem so we might run into this here and there but if a student refuses to go through and it will happen at some point um then uh why is it we couldn't simply uh um put language in there as Dr Zan mentioned uh that a parent or Guardian will be contacted for student pickup um instead of all these other things that we're trying to remedy because the kid is not going on the campus the kid walks up to the metal detector you can't go in this is not a problem that seems to be will occur frequently as we heard from Mr Lozano uh why can't we simply have security uh radio the office to call that parent to pick this child up the child is not going to go through the medal detector but to have the child escorted off of campus and the child rides a bus it's a ninth grader um that having a bad morning or a bad night refuses to go through um escorting the child off campus then what happens next so to me it's simply having a holding space for that child outside of the metal detector secur to contact the the office to call the parent to pick up the child so why can't we simply add after it ended Dr Zan where um why can't we simply add a sentence that says parent or Guardian will be contacted for student pickup and it's done because there's no need to have in my opinion additional search of that student if we're going to send the kid home and we're not going to let the kid through the metal detector so someone called to have the parents come and pick up so I don't know if you have that language in there but I think that would solve the issue so I'm going to jump in there um if you look at if I don't know I don't have my paper so I think it says in here already as Dr heer was saying students stud who refuse to submit to a metal detector screening will face disciplinary action up to an including pulle ex I'm sorry expulsion is that am I right reading the right one yeah any person who refuses to be screened shall be either denied so I think maybe it needs to be a student who refuses to submit to a metal detector or a screening because it says metal detector screening so you're reading it as saying if they don't do the metal detector then they could have wanding which would be good for students that maybe are having a bad day but that's not how it reads right now but I think all of so I I I'll make a motion for that but I um trying to to work all of that out I agree with what Dr he said in two weeks we may find that that procedure doesn't work and they have to tweak it so this is a policy not a procedure so we're just saying if they don't go through a metal detector and they don't go through screening they're going to get disciplinary action and have to be removed from the building so I'm going to make a substitute motion and change it to say students who refuse to submit to a metal detector or a screening a person does it have to say personal screening or just screening just screening just screening okay so students who refuse to submit to a metal detector or screening will face disciplinary action period um any person who refuses to be screened will be denied entry onto BR uh School Board of BR County property period I agree with that second that's awesome okay so any public comment on the substitute motion any Jackie lusam ESC advisory I'm going to admit I've not seen this document that was a lot added to the agenda at the last minute it's been too much to see but I don't hear anything in there about the accommodations of students with disabilities well that was that was the point of it to be wanded as opposed to walking through the metal detector or screened in some way yeah see we have an Esa advisory meeting tomorrow so it's kind of um C before the well that's why we were saying the procedure part will be flexible the policy just says screen and then the procedure part can be adjusted as needed it doesn't need to be Concrete in the policy yeah just the intent of what it is we as a board want to happen got it thank you I think it needs to be very spelled out because unfortunately people are will take things literally and that kid there who says no and has a meltdown and tries to run off their behaviors may not be read and there needs to be some very tight language in there so forgive me I'm I'm over overwhelmed with too much stuff um and I haven't looked at this document but I'm really concerned that we just get it right I know we're going to we have Mr Lozano coming tomorrow evening in Jim lose so we'll discuss it with them but whatever's passed today we'll need to have some yeah latitude for us to be able to feed into it too yeah and that's kind of the intent here is that procedure is operational and all of those pieces will be worked out and may change as things go but we as a board want to know that they don't go through a metal detector they're getting screened some way and if they don't agree to be screened they can't get on property I think at the end of the day that's what we're trying to say got that okay thank you we'll discuss tomorrow thank you you're welcome any Bo comment yes okay so I'll go back to my concern and I I agree with you board member Hixon um whether it's procedure or policy I think that if a child has any kind of issue and it doesn't mean that a child is uh it could be a very well-b behaved child that see that just have some hardship at home or dysfunctionality that trigger the child whatever it may be but I have a problem if we don't have procedure or policy that indicate clearly that that child's parent will be contacted so uh Dr heurn is that procedure is that policy but that needs to be stated that if you have it could be a a a kid that just started High School ninth grade having issues and decide I'm not going through um I I understand board member hixon's motion but there's nothing in there that says parent will or Guardian will be contacted so how do we ensure that that's included in procedural policy whatever way it's done because I want the public to be aware whether or not their child uh whether or not they will be contacted if something happens with their child refusing to go through a metal detector how will they be informed so I'll I'll adjust my substitute motion students who refuse to submit to a metal detector or screening will face disciplinary action period any persons who refuses to be screened shall be denied entry onto School Board um School Board of brard County property and students parents will be contacted second okay like any other uh any public comment board member comment okay all those in favor of the motion say I any post right there Mrs rert were you no okay so was that an I thank you okay perfect so no the answer was a not not an I not an i okay one descend so one descending vote can you read that one more time students who refuse to submit to a metal detector screening will face or a metal detector or screening will face disciplinary action period any person okay I I I'm I'm an I now sorry I didn't hear the end door okay all right so I'm just going to read it one more time so everyone has it students who refuse to submit to a medal detector or screening will face disciplinary action period any person who refuses to be screened shall be denied entry onto sbbc property and students parents will be contacted everybody's good with their vote Yes so let's try one more time all those in favor of the motion substitute motion say I I I any any opposed no Mrs rert were you a yes or a no I was a yes okay so Sarah you're good okay so the motion passes yes right substitute motion okay back to the the item um I just have one thing and then Mrs Leonard had something I just want to say that you know on Friday it was raining so I drove to South Broward CU I only live up the street to see what it looked like in inclement weather because it was a discussion we had when we were standing at Flanigan watching the pilot program run out and they did have a good procedure I was a little surprised that they didn't use the metal detectors because students were still moving through um but there was lightning in the area and so they were concerned about that but they have they had a definite procedure for buses for Walkers and you know I and they implemented it very well and the students they still walked through the metal detector and took their stuff out because they were just already um acclimated to doing that so I think that it'll keep getting better but I I would say the students were great about it and they did have a plan at South Broward so kudos to them Mrs Leonardi okay I had um a lot of questions first where and in the policy does it make exceptions for students with disabilities that's what I was wondering maybe I'm missing it Dr heer so I I'm going to defer to Mr Lozano but I'm uh those type of accommodations would be baked into the process or or or procedures um but I'm Mr Lozano if you want to um elaborate I the expectation is that every school serving our ESC students the staff that serves those students would work with those students to ensure there is an appropriate plan some of our students are not going to be able to access the entry screening so we may need to have an alternate plan where those students get wanted and report to and secure location to to go through the process we don't want to single students out either in front of other students so each school will have to just like when we create safety plans for evacuations we have to accommodate for every student who may need a special plan an individualized plan so each school has the ability to work with their leadership staff and ESC staff to develop an appropriate plan in to make sure the student is screened in the appropriate way Miss Jack Adams want yep I was just about to say that yes if you look on two of three c three and four and also five that addresses um people who may have a medical condition and um I'm sorry C four and five so four pertains to persons who may not be able to walk through an alternative and then um supporting what um Mr um um I'm sorry I'm going to butcher his last name but just supporting what what has been said you know whatever plan they have to support that um can be instituted and then also number five talks about medical conditions so when I read those I think mostly of physical conditions not um like cognitive conditions so would four and five apply are they only appc applicable to physical conditions it can be like a medical condition may be a a a a mental um disability that would be a medical condition as well okay in addition to a physical condition okay um I do want to reiterate though that every student will get screened in some fashion so we're not going to the expectation is we're not going to excuse a student to not participate in the process and again I'm going to go back to the data we've done this for eight days now and we haven't had so far to my knowledge any issue with our students with special needs participating in the screening program and some of that's probably a tribute to the staff orienting the students ahead of time to the process and doing those best practices with our students with special needs so it's not something that they're anxious about participating in okay I mean I this a separate point I understand that we've been doing this for eight days and we haven't had any issues with this particular situation but there are many more days ahead of us and we have hundreds of thousands of students so I wouldn't want to use the the last eight days and say like we are not ever going to experience or encounter an issue so I just want it to be very clear that that um there are exceptions for our ESC students um I guess my question is if there is a student who is having like a sensory issue and they they're refusing to walk through a metal detector they're refusing to to be wanded um and you know they they are one of our students with an exceptionality um what is the recourse what is the process because you're you're Mr Lozano you're insisting that no matter what all students are going to get screened in in one way or another but if a child is is you know having an issue um you know I just I don't want to get to get to a crisis point with with a child who has a documented um condition so if there's two things that get screened right the person and the possessions so we can obviously remove the possessions screen that ourselves in multiple Fashions and then we could look at what is the most appropriate way to screen the individual so again we have staff that are trained maybe it's the one process the screening process so we will look at the various ways we can make sure the process still happens and just to add um I did witness U while we were at Cypress Bay they created a totally separate entrance uh right beside where the where all the the other students was coming through they had their own gate they knew their students and they also they had a metal detect the polls set up but they also use the wand for uh many of their um exceptional students um cognitive and physical um I I I think we just need to make sure that just like any other school day where there's certain students that have specific accommodations and support staff to who really understand their triggers that may make them act out in a certain way that we communicate with our principles just to ensure that um they have that mechanism there proactively um if they know a kid on their campus is going to have difficulties experiencing it either walking through the pole or being wanded uh just so we have that additional support mechanism with the with the appropriate staff so we can make sure that we reiterate that as we're talking because we continuously talk talk with the High School principles throughout this process just to make sure the the improvements are continuing to happen so we can make sure we add that to our list uh and bake it into the process and procedure too okay um and I'm glad that you gave that example and my question is and I think you might have just answered it are these best practices being shared and made standard procedure throughout the district yes the high school principls have done a great job at collaborating with the Safety and Security leadership and um really becoming thought partners and coming up with best practices giving great examples of how what's working for them with the same building um configuration and some of the same instances with with um um the similar students that they may be sharing on their campuses okay um and so I guess I have a question to that point because I was going to make a motion um later can you explain can someone explain to me what the consultation or collaboration with the principles is looking like right now like is there a regular Cadence of meetings um what does that look like right now Dr heer um and I'll go ahead cuz I know Dr fton and um Mr Lozano has been kind of facilitating that so if you guys want to elaborate elaborate just your principal meetings and your there standing High School principal meetings at 9:30 with all High School principles and the non-traditional principles and all the individuals schools that participate in the program are in those meetings at 9:30 so again every Friday and again that's an opportunity for all of us to put together our thought processes to come up with best practices as we encounter because exactly what you said we're going to encounter some new situations that we haven't thought of and we have to be ready and prepared to address and deal with those situations got it thank you and uh kind of in the same vein are we currently collaborating with local law enforcement regarding um our our best practices with these devices so we have law enforcement on every campus and they participate every morning and the school Leaders with the school resource officer and the law enforcement officers are having those conversations and coming up with the plans jointly got it what about like the in what ways are we testing the equipment um to determine that it's working that it's working in uh calibrated properly I'm going to defer to director L Roa to talk specifics on that uh good afternoon everyone um M Leonardi so we are testing we've gone through significant or extensive testing with these systems and we have calibrated them to a to to the specific needs that we have we also have provided every school every location with a testing kit specific to this device which which replicates some of the things that we don't want in schools and they have guidance on how to utilize that every time they set them up how far apart they are they have you know a digital application to make sure it's set up properly an actual device to walk through and make see if it alerts so our staff have been trained on that trained to calibrate them properly they have the materials and it's it's it's happening as we as we expect are we do we have a regular Cadence of testing um planned my guidance is these systems are tested every time they're set up so every time they're set up these systems are are calibrated and they should be tested with these with these test pieces every morning um you know can I speak to if that's happening at every single location across the board you know it's it's it's probably hit or miss just like everything but it it should be my team my immediate managers are also out every day ensuring these are set up properly being tested I've been out there every day myself I know Ernie's been out there every day so we are we're verifying um and testing them we've also done some testing you know with with other materials that we don't want in our schools real materials uh to ensure they're working and functioning properly so if I'm hearing this correctly we are the intention is that we are testing these every single morning the intention is with the with the materials we've provided as part of the package right so the systems the signage the cones there is is a test piece which replicates you know like I said some of those items we don't want to or we do want to alert coming through the system those are provided that should be run through every morning um when they're set up yes okay um and are the SRO a part of that process in the morning the SRO typically are not so we we have to you know and I've had Communications with the SRO supervisors you know you know in in leadup the leading up to this implementation um individual sros have been part of the conversation we have to be careful with that because the threshold of search for law enforcement is greater right so um it's it's probably cause not reasonable suspicion so there's a fine line there I'm thankful for our SRO because they are doing what we asked them to do and they are in the vicinity of these searches so they're able to respond but they don't necessarily take part in the screening themselves because the standard is a little bit higher if that makes sense okay so then I want to go back to a a question I asked before um what is the role of law enforcement with regarding these devices so the role of law enforcement it's really not much of a change than usual they are there to respond in the event that there is a situation where an item of Contraband comes through one of our screening systems right so something illegal comes through they are there to respond and address that as appropriate okay I guess my concern is I've I've heard from people in the community that they're worried about the the reliability of the way we are testing and calibrating the equipment and I think um a way to you know kind of fix that concern is to involve local law enforcement in in the testing of the devices is there anything legally preventing us from having local law enforcement come in every once in a while like quarterly um to to test the equipment to make sure that it's calibrated correctly or is there anything procedurally um that would be in opposition to that I I welcome any law enforcements to to get with our team and we could work out some sort of test I'm not sure what that testing would look like I mean you know I'll openly say if we're talking about your typical service pistol that that a law enforcement officer is is carrying that's whether or not that'll alert that that will alert and that we're welcome for them to walk through at any time I've seen that we've done that with SRO on the ground so so if I can elaborate um so just to be clear so we we have our U uh monthly um SRO meeting and I'll bring that up this is more about um the willingness to collaborate on that issue to help us test those systems because um there like you said there's a different threshold and then there are certain things they can and can't do uh based on contract um because they're they're not our employees um so we can bring that up with um the SRO group that we meet with monthly to see if they can assist us in creating some form of a Cadence to to ensure that our systems are calibrated appropriately just to check it with their possible Firearms or whatever other contrabands they can assist us with and then um have a broader discussion about how do we kind of uh create a a good Cadence outside of right our contract doesn't sunset with them for I think about two years or so but there are certain things like we can't we can't give them a post on campus there are certain things that we can't tell a SRO to do there like you said there there to react um if there anything illegal going on they have arresting Authority and things like that uh so we can um bring that to the table I think we have a meeting either later on this week or next week so I can bring that to the table to have this broader discussion about it and also how do we kind of create a Cadence for that type of collaboration and support um and see where that goes and work with some of the the the Chiefs and also um um Sheriff Tony to see where that goes thank you and I just want to point out my time was running during that whole response so so um I don't often use it my whole time um but I just would like my time back please also I I want to um let the public know that we do there's data that's collected from the system as kids um walk through that we actually review so um uh Miss Rosa could probably elaborate on the amount of data we've collected thus far the the hundreds of thousands of kids when you added up per data to walk through and the percentage of the uh of times that the machine has actually gone gone off to that requires a secondary search so we review that data again just looking at this stuff all the time so we can um iterate and solve any um problems if there are gaps that we've identified got it thank you and I am not questioning you know whether or not our staff is doing the right thing I have the utmost confidence that we are but what I do want to kind of relieve is the concern in the community and help them understand that there is a checks and balance so if you are willing to go to you know BSO and our local law enforcement and work with them to collaborate with them about look even we have these outside law enforcement agencies coming in and checking that these are are doing what they're supposed to do I think that would be that would go a long way with our community for sure um I had another question does so is it the intention of this policy to apply to our employees so will our teachers be going through metal detectors every day that is enough okay um and then for after hours um the way I read the policy and I I could be wrong it will visitors and and students be going through metal detectors for events after school after hours at the moment no it could be used we most of the events that we have they are the wands are used um such as athletic events um before people come in so we're already using some form of screening protocol and so we have intentions once we get this down to start uh moving those items to locations where we can be more efficient with screenings for athletic events or other events um that we're already screening um guests or fans for you go ahead no just wanted to reiterate that um for athletic events that there is going on already of of everyone that comes into the stadium got it um my last kind of field of questions is around how many security Personnel are required to operate the the equipment the metal detection system I ask Mr LaRosa to um answer that question um but also the intentions is to to be as efficient as possible um and kind of replicate with other school district that don't have the plethora of security monitors on their campuses like we do kind of replicate that system because uh we're using a lot of Staff right now to make it work but as we become more efficient we should be able to peel back some of that staff to use in other places on campus go ahead Mr L Roo yes sir uh so we we developed a a standard procedure for each entry right and and each entry is the the most efficient way that they're operating right now that we found is it's a threers operation right so and the way we have these set up is two security staff and one administrator and I would like to publicly thank all the principles for for being a amazing with having their assistant principles out there and assisting and really all the the administrators to include my campus security managers all they're doing is is really just making sure the process is running smoothly making sure students are wearing their IDs and that sort of thing the actual operation of the system so to speak is one security staff member assisting with handling items that shouldn't go through your laptops and large binders and the other one is doing the secondary screen the nice thing about these systems is they're really set and forget no one is actively manipulating the systems as they're running got it okay so I I guess the reason I asked that question is because what I've heard from parents is a concern that you know we have all like most of the security Personnel Manning the equipment and then the rest of the school is going unsupervised um so I just want to I just want someone to be on the record to to address those concerns I'm Sorry Miss lard I was distracted can you repeat that I'm sorry no you're fine um my my the reason I ask that question is because I've heard from parents that they are concerned that you know all of our security Personnel are at the beginning of school day are monopolized Manning the the metal detection equipment and and screening students as they come in and not supervising the rest of the school so is that is that something that we should be concerned about that we need to address in policy I think it's a concern but also the school's admin staff is also out and about supervising their campuses as they should um one of the things that we're trying to uh add is providing um I forgot the name of the stiping really looking at how many of the what's that stiping called non-specific stiping because you have other employees that want to assist even when I was at Cypress Bay you had to you know we put guardrails around what what school counselors can do but they were it was like three or four school counselors hey we want to help what can where can you P put us and so we're looking at how much how many of those stiens are actually already allocated to schools and also increasing those just to make sure the people that want to support that are not admin can do that and get um and get compensated for it uh but uh from my experience what I've seen you do have security monitors Manning the whole process three per station uh for the most part and that the school administrators assistant principles and the like are out supervising their campus but we in uh other school districts mainly the one to the north that's been doing this in some of their high schools it's not totally security monitors that are that are dedicated totally to the screening process they have uh uh other staff that are supporting it and security monitors and assistant principles and the like are out and about supervising their campuses so that's what we we're trying to move to and we continue to look at that process see how we can improve that flow okay so just to be clear if employees are willing to assist in the supervision they will get paid for that work correct okay correct so we're not volunt telling any no we're not volunt telling anybody so if they want to volunteer we're going to we're going we're trying to make sure that the schools have the ability to compensate them excellent thank you okay Landon thank you uh Alana had to leave to go to District advisory but she uh wanted to also share that the experience that she's had is in line with with what Miss Leonardi was talking about about certain areas of a campus now being I don't want to say not watched over because we do have those security layers in place but just not as much supervision as it used to be um so definitely a good opportunity and teachers have even said to me I'll go out in the morning and you know so that's a that's a great thing to have um I have two questions about this because I've just heard from students about kind of a a different approach at schools uh for for an event like an open house would a parent would parents be and visitors be walking through a metal detector because it seems as if that that is an event on campus after hours and the policy kind of reads that that would be something that would be included in that so at the moment we traditionally in the past have not scanned or um done anything like that for open houses so I know right now we're not implementing that process for open houses okay just wanted to confirm that and then um something kind of more on the student side is students that arrive late or have dual enrollment um you know I can give a a a my experience but my experience is not what every student experiences and that's what we're going to solve through our speak up speakout sessions to learn more about this but in my experience at Western student arrive students arrive through the uh the student parking lot and then they're you know walked to an area they're told to go to an area uh to be screened and every dual enrollment every student that comes late is screened is that consistent across the district because I've had many students that have have said I did not walk through a metal detector today yeah so that should be the expectation after the morning entry screening takes place there's a screening set up in the single point of entry for all students arriving throughout the day to participate in that screening process so I just think from from somebody who experiences it every day the issue is that on a lot of campuses you have a student parking lot and then you have doors that go into the building and if a student's arriving during class change they can just funnel right into everyone else there's there's at a lot of schools there's nobody watching and saying like you just parked you need to go over here you know so maybe it's just something to to think about because I mean I can think about what some students have told me at some schools and they literally said I was just able to walk in so I just think that needs to be something that is that is just reminded to make sure that every student is is going through this excellent feedback I know we're meeting with the principles this week too so we'll make sure that that Loop is definitely closed thank you and I'll I'll just reiterate the importance of this and the student cooperation with this um and something that is really making a meaningful impact so grateful that this is something that's in our schools so thank you everybody for making this happen Okay um just we have to go quick so okay Mr fogan holy two coms my M even on you got push your button it's on got me it's it's green there it is but no uh Mr lazano I'm sure Landon's going to share what blind spots we have with the schools he could share that list that would be awesome thank you very much I was I was going to ask him afterwards thank you so much um so no keeping secrets we're going to vote on on pp3 as amended all those in favor say I I I any opposed motion you descend motion passes with one descending vote Mrs fam okay on I'm going to pass it back over to Mrs Al we have a motion second on so Mo second by public comment no registered speakers Miss fam yes um I just wanted to say we have a lot of resolutions coming forward and I'm glad to see some of these on here thanks any other board member comment all in favor R1 say I I those opposed say no R1 passes unanimously may I have a motion this is in favor of my motion oh with sorry one desend vote Miss fam yes this is um no constitutional week is on that resolution and I'm just so proud that that's passed and and that's going to entitle us to yes that's going to entitle us to Federal um tax revenue for that thank you you vote no correctly no no no oh okay I thought she said NO3 no no I didn't okay sorry not on that have a motion second on J1 so move move by Z second by Hixon public comment no register speakers noring to Dr holess um thank you um Madam chair so this item is um on uh Parkway Middle School in laud Hill and um um just wanted to mention that I met with the prior to Dr heurn I met with Parkway Middle School school leadership uh along with the city of lud Hill um uh couple of the Commissioners and at the time Dr lcard and part of the discussion was the rebuilding of Parkway and um the city had mentioned that it will work to EXP any approval process and in addition to that the timeline was recommended at the time to be 2029 and then that timeline based upon discussions with the superintendent with the city and so on was moved to 2027 so my first question for Dr Hepburn are we still in line with this timeline for the rebuilding of Parkway uh based upon this particular item and the and the process of moving forward that kaen Miss Paul so as as you may know this project was done in phases so we're moving forward uh with uh phase two and it is our intent to to meet the deadline that was uh previously discussed baring any unforeseen conditions okay so um Miss Paul through the superintendent so the deadline was shifted to 2027 so the intent is to meet the 2027 deadline yes sir okay and um can you um just briefly tell us what phase one involved for the sake of the community because this has been a major concern for them for a long time and um and what phase two looks like and is this process ongoing are we moving diligently um to try to meet these timelines yes sir phase one consisted of uh repairs uh some repairs and demolitions of buildings 7810 13 through 15 Building 19 27 and 28 and we uh achieve final completion on those uh buildings uh February to 29 2024 uh so now we're in the second phase of the project and phase two is U the uh addition uh for um the mdle scho okay so phase two involve the construction of a new building addition that's what it says here yes sir um for the sake of the community watching in Parkway can you uh briefly describe what the addition of a new building addition would look like so in terms of um what we have to do now is obviously uh demo uh some additional uh buildings we have attached canopies that were uh being used so uh we would demo those and in terms of the design if you're asking what the building will actually look like uh that is the purpose of going forth with uh uh hiring um uh construction uh management firm as well as uh professional Design Services so we'll make sure that we provide that information to the community as we progress with the project understand so this could involve the addition of several new buildings no sir my understanding is just one addition okay and it mentioned here that the most common it mentioned Three Delivery methods and it mentioned three commonly used delivery methods um can you very briefly just describe each of these methods and why we chose number two so the the one we chose is a construction manager at risk that is the most uh common um construction process and the intent is uh to provide uh uh speed uh in trying to get this project moving forward uh you have design uh bid and build which are SE or three separate uh processes uh that could be uh used okay so part of the major concern with Parkway Middle as you know we had temporary covered walkways installed will will um this uh moving forward will will that be considered in the building of the new building uh that kids have covered walkways instead of trying to catch that later or add that later is that something that is being considered yes sir absolutely absolutely okay and lastly um I just want to mention that uh well can the community continually be updated on every the progress as we move from one thing to the next so they understand that we are making progress even when they don't see shovel in the ground that we're actually making progress and can they be updated through um uh maybe as we move forward through a community discussion with Parkway with the HOA there or with the um small gathering at the school that can be announced is there a way that we can update them yes we'll definitely reach out to the community and uh I apologize I forgot one delivery method which was design build but I think the uh semar uh construction manager at risk is the the most appropriate uh to get this Pro uh get this project moving forward okay so we will and I appreciate the um description of the third method but the community can rest assured that they will be updated on a frequent basis in some form or way Dr he yes sir absolutely okay well thank you so much I appreciate it thank you any other comments seeing none all in favor of J1 say I I I I those opposed say no J1 passes unanimously may I have a motion and second on ff1 so moved second moved by Zan second by Fen holy public comment no public comment Mrs Hixon thank you I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who submitted a grant this month we have 1 million $652,500 that came into our district from all these different grants so thank you so much all in favor of ff1 say I I those opposed say no ff1 passes unanimously may have a motion and second on gg2 move second moveed by Zan second by folen holy public comment no public comment Miss fam g g the counc yeah okay thank you madam chair um gg2 the settlement agreement I know it's for um eight approximately $8 million I have that's what I have in my notes Here and um I'm just wondering is this um the full settlement or is this part of the prior settlement with the charter schools is this in addition to that settlement or um can you just clarify because I'm trying to just keep track of how much it is that we're ending up showing out for the charter schools Madam sh M patista thank you uh this is part of the same settlement so the um amount that you um have been hearing that is the total amount that is the total amount when everyone signs the agreements and we are able to bring them forth to be approved by the board so that would be um approximately 120 121 million okay thank you for the clarification appreciate it thank you all in favor of gg2 say I I there's oppos say no gg2 passes unanimously may have a motion second on gg3 move move by Zan second by f and holy public comment Miss fam okay right thank you madam um chair in this one I did contact and speak with staff about it and um they IND indicated that this is part of uh a settlement it's a partial settlement for approximately eight different schools my question is if we have any idea because this is only a partial sement what the total so amount is going to be for all the other schools what what amounts are we looking at I'm trying to keep a fiscal mine here as far as budgeting and what's going out and what's coming in so what is the amount Dr Happ thank you good evening Thomas cany assistant general counsel by May um so we did have a conver ation earlier today to discuss the partial settlement agreement um there are multiple defendants in this aom is also one of the defendants the amounts that this document represents is what's already agreed to and is owed to them the thing that will be um further litigating is um undetermined at this time but it's our position that we're going to defend it fully all right thank you I just wanted the public to be on us to be transparent with the public and bring us up to State on a stat us thank you appreciate it any other comments just clarification for the public okay all in favor of gg3 say I I those opposed say no gg3 passes unanimously may have a motion and second on jj2 chair uh my record say we already passed this or is yours different than that yep I'm sorry what was the item to jj2 no we don't have jj2 uh as passed so moved second mve by Zan second by F holy public comment Dr holess oh wait do I think he's good just double check yes ma'am any other comments on jj2 it's a great high school I love visiting that place moving on my brother went there all in favor of jj2 say I I I those opposed say no jj2 passes unanimously we have a motion second on jj4 moved second move by Zan second by Fen holy public comment no public comment thank you uh chair uh what's the impact of an 833 day delay on this job at Penbrook Pines Elementary School 833 days delay I mean it seriously what is the impact on our students and our schools when we're uh so late in delivering construction projects to an elementary school total is 1270 days delay Dr Holton Miss Paul significant thank you my point is that we keep getting these things and we just pass them and we don't stop and think about them uh we continue to pick one out of the list you know 1,270 days is a long time to wait uh when we uh make commitments to a place like pem Pines into the parents and it takes that much longer to get it um that's bad but what really is unfortunate as the impact it has on students who have to live through a construction zone and not have the facilities that we promis them thank you chair thank you any other comments seeing none all in favor of jj4 say I I those say no jj4 passes unanimously may have a motion and second on jj7 move second move by Zan and second by Hixon public comment no public comment Bo comment Hixon thank you um two two things I'm just going to read out the change order the consultant error and consult consultant Omission consultant Omission was $170,800 consultant error was $12,597.28 we we need to do better on that last month was actually better um and I just want to say for this one it was really nice to see a credit and almost a million dollars for this project so thank you thank you any other comments seeing none all in favor of jj7 say I I those opposed say no I jj7 passes unanimously may have a motion and second on JJ 13 second by Zan second by Hixon public comment no public comment board comment um I have Hixon yes so this I'm just very glad to see this colins Elementary this bathroom has been in the work since I was first elected um I don't know why it has taken so long and a lot of this is for work that um the con the construction company actually did in good faith because they wanted to make sure the students had a um a portable bathroom in the back there while they were trying to get the bathroom done so I'm glad to see this I'm glad they're going to get paid and I hope that something like this doesn't happen again thank you any other comments seeing none all in favor of JJ 13 say I I I those opposed say no jj1 13 passes unanimously may have a motion second on jj4 move moved by Zan second by Hixon public comment no public comment public comment good afternoon everyone finally I'm AER W the education manager for the city of corl Springs I do want to speak to you about the black box and Auditorium for cor Glades High School um as you know Crow Glades high school has since they opened in 2004 they've been without an auditorium or a black boox theater they are one of only two high schools with a full performing arts program um behind Dillard and West Broward they also are the largest title one school in Broward County with the most students qualifying for assistance um they have a huge program uh band Orchestra chorus Dance Theater Ceramics art and they have no space to provide for their students at their campus um they continue to grow they are currently over capacity over enrolled as well um and I cannot tell you I was sitting here a number of texts and emails and just my phone ringing about this item from the community from the principal um from our PTA members as well um begging uh we really want to provide this for the students um they deserve it and it's been a long time coming so we hope that you will vote um in agreement for this additional funding for the blackbox theater and really provide these students what they've been missing for such a long amount of time thank you thank you any other public comment Miss Fam thank you so much I I'm sure it's going to be a beautiful blackbox theater it's just the amount of money that's really concerning um this is another 13 I think it's another $1 13 million that's being added so it's a total I think 36 million yeah it's almost 14 million 138 and then when it comes out to the total um it's just really really out of our budget I think we're committed at this point but but um I think we need to really button down our hatches and stick to a budget that we this District can afford thank you Dr Zan thanks so much chair talked about this earlier um we uh talked about kind of a design to build uh option we talked about a fixed price maxed out option where we would say hey we can spend 23 let's see what the construction Community can deliver for us um we ended up going out with a semar and then the semar uh came back with a$3 million price tag um I just would like to get a little summary chair uh about how we went step by step from 23 million thinking that we were going to go out on a fixed price contract saying let's see who can build what kind of Auditorium for that amount versus going out and doing uh semar and coming back with an additional 13 million of requirements to build this Auditorium Dr H Miss Paul I I can speak to this uh the the history of the uh project is uh complex lady who's not been paying attention the whole time y I can speak to this but you can't M M ruer M ruer we hear you I can't hear so if I uh may continue uh this project is a uh has been somewhat complex over the over the years uh this uh started back in September member of 2022 uh as was stated previously by the Community member uh this high school was built without an auditorium and so consequently it has caused them to have to go out and rent spaces and find spaces to um uh educate kids so again this has evolved over the years um originally um it was designed or had started the design um and it was designed to be much smaller um there was a workshop that was held um to talk about this project um some time ago and part of that Workshop talked about needing more seating for the school as well as a a a black box uh they have a a robust uh program at the school um and the the reality uh is that I spoke with the principal uh in trying to understand the history of this uh it would be um to our detriment to build a space that's not adequate for the children that are currently at the school and so that would mean that we would build a Auditorium with 800 seats and then the black box because again they have a robust uh theater arts program uh so in essence because it has taken so long to get this project moving forward uh we have been also a victim of inflation as we have with other projects the cost of the black box is $1.6 million so it it seems that it makes more sense to go forward and include that black box in it because if we try to come back and do it later uh we can expect a bigger price tag a more Hefty price tag uh and in you know hindsight is 2020 if we we built the auditorium uh initially uh then we would not be having this conversation so this is an attempt to to get it right uh to provide uh the facility that the kids need to support their uh Endeavors in the field of Arts terrific thank you very much and I I am totally in favor of doing this and the black box but uh I'm curious uh chair what what impact does this extra $13 million have on our unallocated capital budget our dfb budget Dr Mr [Music] sham if I may interject so you know we started with this Pro well I wasn't here obviously but the project was started in design and then it for whatever reason had died um so I've worked with uh Mr shim to you know the thought process was to put money in for design I think that's disingenuous I think that if you just put money in design and have no expectation of actually building it uh it is not fair to the community so I uh it was my recommendation that we go ahead and put design money in there as well as construction money to get the project moving forward so uh that's my two cents on that Mr Shin good evening Omar shim uh task assigned Chief Financial Officer the as this item States we're putting this in the actual adopted uh version of the dfp um so it comes out of the the balance uh of the funds there terrific I what I'm curious about is balance before and balance after of this 13.8 million yes the reserve memo that we sent to you for this item the balance before was 51.6 million and the balance after is uh 49.9 terrific thanks so much thanks chair thank you Landon quick question um this was brought up and also brought up by students at the school that I know just want to confirm that this Auditorium will fit the size of their largest class Dr he miss Paul and also um the regional superintendent um if you can weigh in to just to ensure that the the student Pop um population is is approximate so part of the um issue has been as I understand it is it was originally designed for 700 seats and so that is the reason um we made the decision to move to 800 to make sure that it is adequate for the the current student population and I have uh uh Miss coie Coy in the audience in case she wants to provide any additional information but uh that's why you know we're bringing it back um to make sure we get it right thank you and students at Coral Glades are really excited about this so thank you for uh keeping on this project thank you Landon that any of my other colleagues have a comment so Coral Glades High School in Coral Springs has been without an auditorium for 20 years let's just say that again 20 years they've never had an auditorium and that makes this need for the black box theater and the extra seating even more critical while schools like Dillard High School and West Broward high school I'm hearing has a black box Coral glaze has 2,800 students and nearly 800 incoming freshmen each year lacks a dedicated space to Showcase its thriving performing arts program an auditorium needs to accommodate each class Coral Glades High School is one of two high schools D High School will be the other with a full performing and fine arts program that includes band Orchestra chorus Dance Theater Ceramics and art as Coral lead High School is the largest title one school in Broward County Public Schools the largest title one school in Broward County Public Schools corlad serves more students qualifying for assistance than any other school in The District in terms of equity Coral Glades deserves more than just the bare minimum being without an auditorium for 20 years a Sate of-the-art Auditorium would not only meet the needs of its large student population but also ensure that the school can continue to compete for students in increasing competitive educational landscape with more Choice seats than any other High School New facilities at Coral Glades would attract students away from Charter and private schools offering them the opportunity to thrive in a modern well equipped environment Auditorium with the much needed black box and extra seating this investment in corales high school is an investment in the future success and growth in its for its students at corales high school I hope that my colleagues support this you know as this is uh something that they have been without for for 20 years and let's do it let's do it right any other comments roll call on jj1 14 school board members Austin I don't believe he's on the line fam yes Bogen holy Hixon yes Hess yes lardy yes rer Zan yes motion passes 60 aladea oh ala sorry yes 70 we don't do it it's it's in your District we don't call you motion passes unanimously may I have a motion and second on JJ 15 so move mov by Zan second by Hixon public comment board comment Fam thank you madam chair um tropical Elementary is in my district and it's um I've been there several times and it's an amazing school because it's literally um focuses on hearing impaired and children that are deaf they have equipment there where children start um in school prek and K where they can't speak a word of English they can't speak a word of any language they can't hear and they either can get these headphones that help them to here for the first times or they um get advice on how to get a chip planted inside of their brain where all of a sudden they can hear sounds and noises so um many of these students I said they learn how to speak they learn they learn language they learn how to talk and they're just um so vibrant and it's so wonderful to see because um some parents when they bring their children they have no idea of options that are out there and um the teachers there are um are really trained well fabulous staff and I can't say enough about how wonderful it is and I thank you for approving this item so tropical can continue to give children the gift of hearing thank you thank you any other comments all in favor of jj15 say I I those opposed say no jj15 passes unanimously may have a motion second on jj1 16 move by Zan second by Hixon public comment Miss fam okay um I just wanted to say congratulations to deerfi beach I think it's wonderful that you're finally wrapping up from the promise program and um congratulations all in favor of jj6 say I I those I'm sorry I said promise I meant the smart Bond sorry for get it jj1 16 passes unanimously may have a motion second on jj1 17 move move by Zan second by some public comments no comments Miss fam same thing congratulations Silver Trail on wrapping up your construction from the smart Bond congratulations all in favor of jj1 17 say I I those opposed say no jj1 17 passes unanimously may have a motion second on JJ 19 so move move by Zan second by Hixon public comment no public comment Dr Zan all again chair uh jj1 19 is a example of uh something we look at real quick and and rip through um I do want to uh take a minute though because this agreement uh that I've seen twice as uh the Broward County School Board member to the Broward Planning Commission uh is going to set aside 650 affordable homes in this area and Broward County Schools uh having approved this uh is complicit in doing that so uh we have a crisis in South Florida not just BR County about affordable housing Brer County Schools uh by passing this education medication agreement uh is contributing to making that better by contributing 650 why is that important to us because a lot of our employees uh are in the affordable housing or Workforce housing pay category including almost all of our teachers and so now our teachers have 650 more units these have not been built yet chair but over the next 10 years we're going to have 650 more houses that our people will be able to live in thanks so much for your support to this item all in favor of jj9 say I I Say No jj1 19 passes unanimously and second 09 so move move by Zan second by Hixon public comment no public comment I have Dr Zan thank you so much chair chair how does a covered walkway get identified and added to our adopted defp plan Dr Zan I mean Dr I can answer it too if you'd like go ahead Dr Z um I'm ask uh um Mr shim if you can weigh in or or and um um Miss Paul necessary I can go first if you don't mind yes pleas so uh this is for one specific school but really the holistic approach is uh to do you know we're in the process of trying to uh um have a FCA done a facility condition assessment and so we have a lot of needs we have a lot of schools that were built kind of with similar design L uh that require covered walkways and so the best way to get a handle and to understand what the need is is through the FCA process and the second part was how does it get added to the dfp and so I ask Mr shim for money I I I just want to think through this as a board so we set expectations we are still soliciting I think chair for an FCA vendor is that true I will have uh Miss um uh Jennifer come forward and speak to that uh there was a protest on that particular item and so um I believe the the protest uh e uh has a few more hours left to go but you can you can go ahead and speak to that thank you director of procurement and warehousing services yeah so we had the protest meeting for that beat for the facilties assessment on Friday we still under the 72 hours for the vendors to refer to the DOA or accept the result of the beid so after that period that ends on uh Thursday we are going to be able to provide uh the outcome for that uh beid for the facility assessments terrific let me just be clear though in in language that the public can understand we're going out to look at all of our 239 campuses to do a facilities condition assessment so that we can think about items like this and make sure that um based on in equity lens a racial lens a district lens uh a lack of investment in the past lens we're spending money where we have the greatest needs and that's critically important to our community but when are we going to get the FCA done if this Pro let's just assume this protest uh is excuse me this protest is resolved uh by the end of the week uh there'll be an award to a vendor to do the FCA and then they'll be the FCA when could we roughly plan on seeing the results given that we're in August 2024 right now when will we be able to see results so that our capital budget can be based on what our requirements are rather than somebody's luck uh being any one of these schools that happens to land on the defb plane Miss Paul so just because we're waiting on a FCA does not mean that we're stopping work and so as we see the need based on safety security whatever that is whatever that may be uh we will still continue to work towards providing the walkways but I think it would be remiss of us not to understand what the what the total need is uh Omar shim I just want to also clarify that this project was identified in the dfp and there is funding for it I'm not doubting that I'm curious and as is the community when are we going to have the FCA results done so that we could make decisions based on what the certified engineering based needs are for brard County's facilities Miss Paul well first first of all uh you know uh we have to come out of the protest on the other end of that then we negotiate a contract uh then we put them to work and so that is just has been the process um in terms of when the total FCA will be finished um you know I will typically you know my experience has been anywhere between six to nine months but again you know just because we're waiting on uh the the total FCA does not mean that we're not doing the work I appreciate that it's August 2024 right now if it's 6 to9 months to do it and some that's an estimate some period of time to make the award could we roughly have the FCA results by this time next year I will to be truthful uh that would be my intent um my experience in I'm sorry I can't see you my experience in in dealing with these uh type of issues is that a year is reasonable uh but again it's going to look remarkably different from the one that y'all did in 2014 so part of the the reason we have so many change orders is because you know uh we we did not physically walk this is my understanding I wouldn't hear but we did not physically walk some of the projects right and so if you don't have a good FCA going in it shapes how your program looks for the next you know five or six years and so you know my my goal is to have it completed within that year but I want a quality project or product coming out of that yeah terrific and and the reason we get a lot of questions about this is we're ending the smart Bond right uh end of October 2025 which is a year in a few months from now and if in fact the FCA is not done by that time we're going to be making decisions as a board about the capital budget and how we want to execute that and those decisions are going to be different once an FCA is done we'll be able to look at the data uh pick some criteria it'll kick out some projects that we think are the greatest needs for the 150 or so million dollars a year that we get to dedicate in capital budgets but there's a Time connection between the FCA being done and Us ending the smart Bond and moving into an annual basis for how we allocate that Capital funds so I'm looking forward to at least ensuring that the FC is done uh by the end of October but you're thinking it might even be done by August which is wonderful and I appreciate I appreciate the comments I'm not insinuating that we're making bad decisions I'm just trying to tie two two streams of work together uh to our work on the board which is allocating that money and I'm hoping that the FCA is done we get uh past the smart Bond and declare Victory defeat whatever we decide to do and then we move forward in an annual process of allocating the capital budget based on real data of 239 campuses so that the insinuation from the community that we favor some schools here or some schools like that or we did East and then we did West or this quarter and that quarter it's got to end and it's a legitimate concern they have fact or fiction I don't know but it's a legitimate concern that they keep bringing back to us and so these streams are very important to line up together and I appreciate that you're working so hard on that and I appreciate my time chair thank you thank you any other comments seeing none all in favor 09 say I I those opposed say no item 09 passes unanimously Dr heern do you have a report yes thank you chair in lie of reading a written report um today I'm going the team is going to show you a video report that I will be doing um weekly um to close the gap in communication and getting information out not only to the public but also to our staff and to our students um so we'll be trying to do this uh on a weekly basis um unless I'm tied up or or out of town or whatever the sorts may be but our uh my commitment is every week and um this is and this is the first of a a series of videos that the public um our faculty and staff and also students will'll see Beacon you can take it [Music] away hello Broward County Public Schools family I'm superintendent heurn yes and I'm excited to share an update after our first week back at school this week I had the pleasure of visiting several of our schools and let me tell you it was incredible to see the energy and Bright Smiles on the faces of our students the start of the new school year is always special and this one has been no different as with the start of any school year we Face some challenges specifically with the roll out of our new metal detectors at our high schools the first day saw long lines but I'm pleased to report now that there are no significant delays getting into our high schools I want to thank our students parents and staff for their patience we expect to see continued improvements and increased efficiency as the days go on students please remember to remove your laptops iPads umbrellas Sports and music equipment before you approach the metal detector you don't need to remove your cell phones Keys binders or water bottles I also want to take a moment to remind everyone of our revised cell phone policy students must have their cell phones off or in airplane mode during the entire school day this initiative disconnect to reconnect is designed to help students engage more academically and socially with their peers and improve their overall well-being I truly believe that in the long term this policy will benefit the students mental health parents please remember to register for a focused Parent Portal account this is our new student information system and your One-Stop shop for everything related to your child's education it's an essential tool for staying connected with your child's progress as we close out this first week I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to to the 30,000 BCPS staff who work tirelessly to welcome back our 200,000 students your dedication does not go on notice I'll be providing these updates most weeks so stay tuned here's to a fantastic school year [Music] ahead thank you um Communications legislative team thank you Beacon um there are unsung heroes in the background that are working very hard every day I call them some of the hardest working folks um in BCPS um and also this video got over 10,000 um views and we hope to double triple quadruple that in the upcoming weeks that we put out more information just to keep our families our faculty and staff informed thank you thank you Mr suvan have we gone through all the items yes ma'am we've exhausted the agenda thank you at this time do any of my colleagues have any discussions or student successes to bring forth to the superintendent for consideration Dr Zan thank you very much chair before I go into my uh like nice comments about things uh would it be appropriate to make a motion now about future school board meetings Miss Batista are we still in a Schoolboard meeting yes yeah thank you very much I appreciate very much uh us having various times where we start Schoolboard meetings um but I also believe that the data suggests that night meetings are not serving any public interest uh we have very few people that attend uh it is disruptive to the staff uh it is disruptive to the process of getting ready uh I am proud that we tried it uh and it you know did what it did um and I will always be you know sensitive to people who have to take time off from work to come and attend meetings that's a big deal and I'm hoping that we can find another solution to that either through written comments or or other comments but um I'd like to make a motion that we no longer schedule uh night meetings uh unless the chair feels that there's an issue uh that requires us to do that second so hold on a second I just I from my understanding this was the last evening meeting so Dr he would we be voting again for the next timing anytime soon Mr San so during the November 19th reorganizational meeting uh the board would at that point establish the Cadence for the school board meetings for the uh following year right now there is no longer nighttime meeting scheduled terrific and in our next organizational meeting we might bring that up again for the following year we correct you would be voting on a schedule for next and that schedule would include timings of meetings correct terrific I still will stay on the record to say that we tried it uh it had some impact I'm sure there are some people that appreciated it but the net result of attendance and people watching online has not been positive and um I look forward to that organizational meeting in case we have any any body wants to talk about it otherwise thank you very much thank you Dr Zan Mrs Hixon thank you I was actually thinking along those same lines and actually it today was disruptive because there were committee meetings that kept people who normally would would stay from coming um but I also want to celebrate we had uh last weekend a regional special Olympic Swim Meet so students from Apollo and South Broward did phenomenal it was Dade in Palm Beach County and um those students will be moving on to the state competition in Sebastian so um I'll be happy to report who wins gold medals when we come back but congratulations to all of those students who competed Miss Fam thank you madam chair um I just wanted to bring up I think it's H5 and that was when we went over the supplements today unfortunately I stepped out of the room because I was talking to a student from my district but um this is directed to the superintendent um superintendent I have mentioned several times um on the record live streaming that we um we aren't recognizing our academic teachers that are um doing going above and beyond if you look here on H5 you see all these supplements for different areas but the academics is lacking we just got made into a a um a rated School District I think it's imperative that we continue to encourage teachers to stand out and one I would like to mention on the record is Kristen Murphy Esquire she is not only a teacher at Nova middle but they've also asked her to teach pre-law at Nova High School um I think it's important that students have the opportunity to learn law in middle school and high school because that will really give them a Competitive Edge in addition to that she um she is a part of raise the bar from Nova Southeastern University where they support Secondary School law programs she was nominated teacher of the year in 2024 and 2024 and 2023 her students her Middle School uh her middle school students are the national champions from Washington D DC of the We the People mood Court judicial circuit National Mock Trial Competition this is absolutely outstanding to have someone of this caliber in addition she's also um still continues to practice law she spends afternoons and weekends working with students as necessary um they students um reach out and try to earn money to go to these competitions because they're not funded so um I'm asking for the district to look to fund people that are successful not only one year but two years in these National competitions we need to help them um she now is commuting in between the middle and the high school and what will we want to do is get her a supplement and other teachers a supplement I'm asking the superintendent to direct staff to investigate and get data which teachers are not receiving or being paid for their afterwork school service academic services and not getting paid on weekends and who is excelling in that um area so we can reward and Rec those those those teachers so I'm going to just put it I I wrote it all out specifically and what we're looking for is identifying extraordinary academic teachers and academic achievement by teachers and include them in supplements I'm asking that when people I mean teams or teachers win uh win a National recognition achievement that they get awarded for that or some kind of incentive I think that should also be an incentive when winning multiple National Achievement competitions so in different categories we need to recognize these teachers I think we need to recognize when winning consecutive National Achievement competitions winning year after year after year that should all be appreciated and these teachers should be rewarded with a supplement and last of all like I said we should be providing financial aid to these committees to these U students students that are studying after school to help them get to these competitions so I would ask that you direct your staff to investigate look into it where do we stand with academics if we want to be an a student if we want to attract people to our schools which we do um this is a great way to do it people there's a now a waiting list at Nova middle and noville high school because of this woman partially because of this woman I attribute that to her so I I would ask you to direct that the reason I'm wearing the Patriotic hat is because in constitutional wake I wanted to point out that the deliveries will be made by Patriots wearing constitutional hats so um you will be able to recognize them easily so I just wanted to make that clear on the board as I see Landon laughing at me but I'm very proud of constitutional week and I am a constitutionalist so um can you just give us some advice or input or insight into what we can do to recognize and continue to make these teachers that do this effort Thrive because she's gone through three years or more of not receiving any payment yep um thank you great suggestion Miss fam give give my team and I an opportunity to kind of investigate this see where we are see what type of supplements are already out there see what people are already receiving or not and then uh we can follow up that would be so appreciated and I think the students will be really happy about that too they they just love learning law and they love having her as a teacher thank you madam chair I apologize but just to be extra careful my staff is tracking that Dr Zan did pull double P2 it can just vote on that item double P2 may have a motion second and double P2 so move move by Zan second by Hixon public comment board comment Dr Zan love the policy all in favor of double P2 say I I those say no double tp2 passes unanimously say that five times um I wanted to bring up uh the you know we just had our election and we had a school day during elections and I think we need to be very much more Mindful and careful about that when we do the calendar year in two years from now I don't think it's a good idea to have school on Election Day I think it creates a a safety uh Hazard and and that um you know our our schools were safe and our students were safe but we we don't want to put ourselves in that situation that we were in so I would just all of us just be mindful when we do the calendar in 2 years and hopefully the calendar committee can bring up uh this that we should have no school to to be able to work around that Miss leonardy to that point yeah to that point um I don't know if my mic I don't know okay now it is now maybe I don't know um oh there you go I'm sorry um to that point we also have Municipal elections um so I I I don't know what we want to do about that but it's the same concern that there are people coming in onto our campuses while there is school so uh not just during the August primary but also Municipal because we we already have the November elections as a planing day thank you great and then my second point that I want to bring up um is our chief auditor position the board should have received an email today regarding the process and and next steps and and so I just wanted to alert the board to that to that email and that we're moving forward in in the process of hiring a permanent Chief auditor all right any other comments nope at this time oops the scheduled order of business for this regular school board meeting of the school board of Brower County Florida has been completed seeing no obligation I now adjourn the meeting e e e e e e e e e e e