##VIDEO ID:_Qm3DvleyWo## take the time as necessary so Broward Estates is the first one and this is what the community told us they they did Express great interest in reconfiguring that school into a early learning full service Early Learning Center similar to what we have down at gstream Academy in Hallandale um they do believe that we need to collaborate with the community on the resources that will be provided they also want to ensure that the students who currently attend the school in grades 5 to 8 that they trans transition to a school with um a variety of programming that they don't go too far from their neighborhood but more importantly the facility needs at the bra estate site and any facility needs at the site that the students will be going to that those are addressed so this is what um The Proposal would look like um currently um I'm not going to read to you but basically the students at who are currently at Broward Estates would all transition to Dr Martin Luther King Academy it is within 2 miles um of the school and then uh any student who is currently in the magnet who wishes to continue in the magnet theme they would transition to Plantation Elementary because Plantation Elementary has the um same theme and it's nearby to brow State's Elementary School this is just a site plan so um we see the buildings that were that are older the buildings that are and the buildings that are newer and how they are configured on the campus and we do have and Dr hear you can jump in at any time we do have Community Partners who do um want to partner with us to address some of the facility concerns I don't know if you want to expand or you want me to keep going keep going okay all right um I pretty much explained that in the conversation that I um just had and so I won't read that slide again to you North Fork Elementary School so what the community told us is that they're very interested in reimagining that school into um a Museum magnet that if it is if it does have Choice seats if it becomes a full Choice then the students who reside in the boundary must have reserved seating so that they have the opportunity to take advantage of what would be a very exciting program in their neighborhood they would um want the um any facility needs to be addressed they're very um interested in making sure that whatever professional de velopment and resources are available to the staff are provided and they would like the opportunity because they've learned that there are schools like this one or two that exist um across the country and they would like the opportunity to visit uh those School those schools as well if this is an option that we go forward with there again is the data for the students residing in the boundary and the classes currently there as well as the facility usage that's their current site plan similar to what we showed you for br States and then again they would um so that so now I move I'm sorry I moved too fast so now I move to the next school the next school is tho Marshall Elementary so the the community told us that they would like to either be um a PK to8 or k to8 um they also um the community also expressed that the PK is there because there is a need for early learning programs in the community um so the suggestion or the recommendation here would be to create a pre- Cambridge and a pre-law or a dual thing program at the school obviously the school is named in honor of thir Good Marshall so that is where a part of the pre-law um emphasis comes from collaborate with the Community Partners to enhance the law theme they are also looking at um doing something that would be attractive um to students and families in that Community provide professional development and obviously um any type of facility and curb appeal need be addressed and there's the um enrollment data for th Good Marshall Elementary School and that's uh the conversation that we just addressed we know that there's some there maybe or there is some concern around um if it's a PK to if it's a PK to 8 what impact will it have potentially on Sunrise Middle School or William Dandy so the consideration here could be well then we just do a PK to five expand more Early Learning but then make sure that if it is a um PK to 5 then we do something to ensure that there's some continuation of theme for Cambridge as well as law Coconut Creek Elementary School um so we know that there is great con great um enthusiasm I think is a good word of um extending that school to either a k to 8 um the staff talks some about a PK to 5 because they also would like to see some early learning programs in their area as well um they want to ensure that whatever is done the students in um who are participating in Special Needs programs their families of students with special needs that they get to remain because they are part of their family and they do not want to see them excluded from anything that would happen at the school um if the Middle grades are added they want to see that phased in one grade level at a time they are very interested in collaborating with the city for ongoing marketing and support and again you see the um ask here to address any facility concerns and needed enhancements if the grades were expanded and that's their data um so that you can see um the data for Coconut Creek Elementary and currently um if you know for those we did the same thing for th Good Marshall currently um you see the students who do attend Margate Middle as well as lions crank middle out of Coconut Creek Elementary School Coral Cove um as we know from last year they are very interested and becoming a k to8 um there's some concern we'll see it on the next slide if it would have any impact to Glades mle um if the school if if the board's decision is that no we're going to keep it at a K5 they they at least want to be a performing arts program in the west and they want to see a Performing Arts Continuum that would um be at the elementary the middle school and the high school level and the City of myar is very interested with their Performing Art Center um of working and supporting them in this endeavor whether it's a PK to 5 or or I'm sorry was a k to 5 or a k to8 they also um let's see I think I've said it all um and then that's their um map as well for you to see and currently they have 68 students in their out of their school who actually attend Glades medal and 50 who attend New Renaissance medal so they they really believe in expanding to a k to8 that they can not only retain their students but attract more back who never come in kindergarten because of the concern at the middle school level so then we have have um the next two slides are the next two schools rather are Silver Lakes and Silver Shores they're both schools as you know as you will see I know you've read have some um enrollment concerns the silverlakes community obviously they believe that that small small school concept is appealing to families and they like the school they want to stay just as they are um they uh would want to offer more Early Learning programs and this is a community where they said that the district really um needs to take a look at the impact of charter schools and um vouchers on their Community um this is their data you can see it um 35% of the assigned um uh students are attending the school and so um they do have a number of um classes for special needs students that they would want to see remain like Coconut Creek Elementary School um they want to make sure that the families of students with special needs in their school and in their program so um Silver Shores pretty much told us the same thing that small school they have a number of um special needs classrooms as um preap classrooms as well um and so the data or the in input rather from both schools was pretty much the same and this is their um current uh capacity usage so the recommendation here is to um combine Silver Lakes and Silver Shores um into one School boundary if you will there there is a a piece I think of the silver it's either the Silver Shores or Silver Lakes and Joe will tell me in a minute that we may want to consider bounding to Silver Palms which also has um you know capacity to receive students as well but we may look at combining just a small piece of one of those schools and I get them confused because they're both Silvers but over to a third silver silver Palms um for just to clean up the feeder pattern and then look at making Silver Shores a full Choice um kada 8 school we will work with the community on what the theme of the school would be and what they would like to see um Reserve obviously some seats for the immediate boundary for families who wish to remain there and then um obviously they want to um make sure that we consider the needs of families of students with special needs Hollywood Central Elementary School is very interested in becoming a k to8 performing art school um they we've been partnering and working with the Arts and Cultural Center Hollywood around some programmatic supports um as some of you may remember the there is a full performing arts center right there on the campus and they have the opportunity to really utilize that and expand use of it they would obviously um need some additional training and resources if needed for teachers with the Performing Arts theme phas in the Middle grades one grade level at a time and then obviously um provide opportunities for them to collaborate with our current K8 schools as well as um we know that we have three signature um well three signature Elementary one middle and one high school um Performing Arts formal magnet program that do amazing work and they would like to have conversation with them this is their enrollment data um for the school as you can see they definitely um have space to grow and to accommodate um currently only 84 students from Olen Middle School that uh leave the school and go on to Olen middle school and 166 of their students choose to attend um a charter school and this is um Olen Middle School Olen Middle School um the recommendation is to repurpose it into a joint use facility with the city of daa beach we know that on September 17th the city manager did come and she did speak about their um interest in actually um partnering with the district to use a part of the space at the school as an emergency Operation Center for the city and then the district would have full use of it for programming when it was not in use by the city you can see some of the programs that they want to partner to create commun Communications meteorology stem and other electives um and then also the city is very interested in collaborating with the district to address facility concerns that that they are willing to address um for the district this is their map and their enrollment data uh and then I will move to Pines Middle School so this Pines Middle School is very interested in being reconfigured into a 6 to2 Collegiate Academy um obviously as I said before they they would like to see the successful program at Millennium 6 to2 replicated in the South they will be interested in adding the high school grades one grade level at a time they believe that there is um the need and so do we for them to actually collaborate with their colleagues to the north obviously professional development and resources look at partnering with Broward College and I will also add here the opportunity to partner with sharidan Technical College as well because they may have um an opportunity to do some programming with them and then there would be need to be an aggressive um marketing campaign as well for them this is the their capacity usage and their Maps so you can see their enrollment over time and then there are so that so that concludes the actual um School sites the uh 10 that we listed for school sites we know that um we are in the process of either we've sold some property we are in the process of um appraising two pieces of property for sale Miss Paul can jump in at any time um and then we know that at the Arthur Ash administrative site the entire second floor I believe it's building two is currently being occupied as the administrative offices for um our exceptional students education administrative um work and so they are looking for a new home because Atlantic Tech is eager to expand programs they've also Atlanta Tech has also added night classes at the Arthur rash campus so they're looking to expand the programs that are offered there and you can see um the employees who we now need to find um space um probably in some of our schools for them to um work so that those properties can be um the the top three obviously um are being one has been sold and two are in the process of um appraisal for sale and then the information I just provided about um exceptional student education administrative site so with that um we do have four other schools that can be added to the conversation um around consolidation repurposing if we want to look at something other than or something in addition to the 10 sites um that we went into greater detail this is the financial impact and some um there's been some debate on whether this is occurring or one time but this is the financial um impact by level for closing in elementary a middle or a high school and in the append the uh calculus or the methodology for coming up with um this dollar amount is in the appendix as well so this is what um we're I'm closing the conversation I hope I stayed within my time limit um this is what we are seeking consensus from the board today either the 10 schools um that we have gone into greater detail or um the other slides 49 and 50 we know that we have to work with um the any community that is going to be impacted um as it relates to community uh I'm sorry programmatic design and um we need to um we will then come back whatever is decided we will come back in probably December with a work to a workshop and actually go through all of the work before the superintendent would make any final recommendation to the board this is the timeline that we are proposing the one thing that I will say is you know it's a very tight timeline and I will um say that the community selection and recruitment Pro committee rather selection and recruitment process for what will become the uh stakeholder Comm uh committee as it is outlined in the policy we have to stay within that time frame in order to meet um the ultimate timeline and be finished in January and then we know that the school choice policy is coming back to the board next week because we also know that we want to make sure that parents have opportunities if they so choose um to Avail themselves of the school choice window if we are going to the the things that we're going to do programmatically that um the grade reconfiguration if it's if it's decided that we're just going to go with grade reconfiguration ation of programmatics that's the timeline for that um we've been through um this we actually the board actually gave a lot of input at on September 17th so these slides aren't too much different than what you saw on September 17th obviously we had the meetings we've provided to you the input um we will work with the community throughout the process and this outlines how we know that the um Community would be invited obviously to any rule making um meetings all all the workshops and we'll work intently with the community the School boundary committee the board gave Direction um on this you see that we do have the chairs of the advisories that the board ask us to um include we know that we would have to work to get two representatives from um any school that will be included in the process we will work with them through the process and then once the final proposals that will come to the board are decided then their work will come to an end so as it relates to if um in impacted communities are going to submit proposals this is what the board told us on September 17th to ensure that these um elements are included um in any boundary considerations and our next steps um as I said we're going to come back next week Tuesday with a resolution that codifies whatever is um uh we Garner from this conversation today we will continue the work with looking at Magnet in magnet and Innovative programs as well as where our um ESC programs are because many families have asked for the ability to attend if not their home school but schools closer um to their home so where our cluster programs particularly at the elementary school level where where they are placed and if we can do some work there obviously we will continue um with our stakeholder um Community meetings scenario development and then ultimately in December we would come to the board in a workshop to discuss um any um final thoughts or input that we need before the superintendent would bring his final recommendations to the board I'm done thank you very much you're welcome public speaking first I have mayor Sandra Welch from Coconut Creek sorry good morning and first of all thank you so much each and everyone that went out to the Community First uh the new model of uh community outreach was so well received and even though it was a stormy night robust conversations and they were coming uh they came with uh Solutions an opportunities not uh opposition so that thrilled me to have that scene in cocon Creek High School thanks to Dr ner and I know uh commissioner waserman I thought he was going to be here this morning but he told me that he had reached out to a number of you already yesterday so I'm just going to speak on a couple of things one was to thank you for the format in which you garnered uh the feedback from the community and the second thing is uh I can certainly promise you that whatever model is chosen for Coconut Creek Elementary School that the city will definitely be behind you in all the ways that we can for marketing that decision and uh do our very best and I did see that Realtor Outreach was also included in that marketing and we have some very great con um relationships with the TriCounty board of realtors and we would certainly use those relationships to Market further whatever the decision is so we're here to use this we're here we're ready for whatever is decided we're just very grateful to have that Community School stay in the community so again thank you very much thank you Susan Leon good morning good morning board chair superintendent heurn Dr wanza I'm here on behalf of the great City of Fort Lauderdale City commission it's okay uh I'm here on behalf of the city of Fort Lauderdale and the city commission and the mayor I bring you greetings uh as you know the city commission unanimously passed a resolution I'm here to assert that resolution this morning uh we are committed to supporting and working with the school board of bar County to create SE successful schools in the city of Fort Lauderdale and to that end they unanimously voted and passed this resolution that requests that school sites within the city of Fort Lauderdale that being considered for closure to re be retained by the Broward County School Board to preserve the opportunity for expansion of neighborhood schools in the future we ask that these Public School sites not be sold for private development but should be retained to serve the public good secondly we further request that you continue your community outreach within the individual schools and their local communities prior to determining the redesign repurpose or close of any specific School site in this City of Fort Lauderdale and finally we request that you take into consideration as you are thank you so much um the city of Fort Lauderdale's identified need for family literacy and early learning childhood schools and centers in the redesign program within the city of Fort Lauderdale thank you thank you Anna caruo good morning thank you for having me um um I'm here to ask the board um to consider bringing in or partnering with South Florida autism charter schools to bring their model into Broward County they currently have two schools operating at full capacity in Miami Dade County and while Broward has 2500 plus students in K through five clusters um they don't have that model of clusters come middle or High School um the only options after K through five are centers and many families end up leaving for a private school or home school um a lot of the issues to consider when bringing this in is one that many of the community members did ask uh for ESC students to be considered and I read the public comments two of the four comments that were posted said last night had to do directly with autism clusters um again it comes up that autism clusters are a huge concern um and also clusters are not equipped to handle every type of different behavior that comes on the autism spectrum so a model that is is a little bit more equipped could possibly um reduce the the support needs in current clusters as well as serve our students better um currently uh onethird of the students driving to H Alia every day come from Broward County so one of the facilities if it's up you know for for uh consideration and being changed is definitely serving a need that parents are are more than willing to drive a long distance for um I've emailed the presentation to the board members and the superintendent and I'm aware that the superintendent uh attended the ESC advisory meeting where this was presented before so I would really love to urge the board to reach out to myself and the group of parents that have banded together to try to bring this model into Broward County because currently we're the only County out of Palm Beach County and Broward County I sorry Palm Beach County and Miami Dade County both have two different schools that address this issue and we have none 30 years ago we were leaders in addressing autism offering services and now we're way behind so if we're really up for redefining our schools I am begging you reach out to us the community of autism parents and see if we can come together and get something done about this thank you Joe Cox good morning uh Joe Cox president and CEO of the Museum of Discovery and Science in Fort Lauderdale uh firstly I want to say thank you for taking such a thoughtful approach to this challenge know the museum has been working with the school board since we were founded in 1976 and since then millions and millions of children in the school district have come to the museum to connect with inspiring science you know whether it's our field trip programs our amazing educational exhibits youth climate Summit our stem mobile Outreach sprouting stem classrooms the list goes on and on as to how we've been part of this CommunityWide learning ecosystem for almost 50 years so as an accredited Science Museum and as last year the nation's winner of the highest award for museums The Institute of Museum and Library service National medal we are really excited to work closely with you to redefine our schools and particularly of course with Northfork so thank you thank you Jamie dandro good morning my name is Jamie de alesandro I'm an attorney in the community and I work with children with special needs uh thank you so much for the presentation it was very informative um I do have a few concerns after seeing that presentation um a number of places in the presentation it listed uh the community uh specifically what the community wanted to my knowledge there are still parents uh of children in these potential schools that will be closed that are not aware of what's going on um an issue is is accessibility um a potential solution to that problem is to allow the parents to have these meetings at the actual schools in question um it will allow them to to have an easier time to make it to the meetings um and and also to even have it at a different time whether that be at a pickup time um something that is a little bit more convenient for a lot of these parents um additionally I saw in a number of places on the presentation um slides uh the ESC class classes that are listed at these schools uh anyone who has worked with the ESC population knows that this particular population will have a very difficult time with any sort of change so I just urge the board to continue to to keep this in consideration when making any sort of decisions regarding these schools um I've always seen schools as a safe place for children uh with trusted individuals uh right now we have the free breakfast and the free lunch so closing any of these schools will result in negative impacts for these communities the families the relationships the services that are already in place uh will cause a breakdown um and in turn can affect Broward County overall uh and finally I did review the appendix that was referred to in the presentation um in hopes of seeing more concrete d data to support um that that benefit that Financial benefit that we will be be receiving in anti in with these potential closures um but I didn't see any concrete data um showing a cost benefit analysis um especially when we're making such huge drastic changes um in closures of schools I think it would be beneficial for the community to be able to see numbers um to see that data to see that cost benefit analysis and take that into consideration when we're making our decisions so thank you so much for your time thank you Benedict Benedict Hughes thank you for the record bernardet Hughes government Affairs manager for the City of Coconut Creek so since the last meeting where the City of Coconut Creek expressed interest in the idea of Coconut Creek Elementary becoming a k through eight we've spoken with members of our community we've spoken with our principles we've spoken with faculty we've spoken with students um at the end of the day the City of Coconut Creek has given 100% consensus to support the idea of a K through 8 uh school at Coconut Creek Elementary but throughout this process there's one word that keeps coming to me which is the interconnectedness of the system so there's a graphic that Andre just handed out to you to kind of show this and I thought I could show a poster so I'm just going to describe it to the room so they can understand throughout Coconut Creek um there's a snapshot of the education Corridor which goes right through the City of Coconut Creek it extends from State Road 441 all the way to the turnpike it goes through two cities it goes from Margate through Coconut Creek um along that Corridor there's more than 12 schools that are anchored on that Corridor they range from multiple high schools multiple technical schools multiple colleges there's even a beauty school down the end because you know you never know the pathway our students are going to take and so um along education Corridor you can also see the city is anchored off of it we have a community center which is actually a fleet to site for Coconut Creek High School down below that we have our uh windmill park and you'll see there's an arrow going from the park to Coconut Creek Elementary School because we built a pathway so that parents can park and they can walk their students over there there's a big Sunburst in the middle of the screen um that's where Coconut Creek High School is we're very proud of Coconut Creek High School they're connected to many of the other educational facilities in in the city for example there's a dual enrollment program with ATC and over the summer we actually had a student who was an intern with the City of Coconut Creek and the city manager's office building A grants database who's dual enrolled in both schools that was coordinated by Junior Achievement just down the street again everything is all interconnected within the city we've got arrows going from the high schools to the colleges because students move on to colleges or move on to Tech schools and there's a great Arrow that's um going from Coconut Creek High School all the way down to Coconut Creek Elementary and I put that on there to show the proximity even though Coconut Creek Elementary is right off of the corridor the students from the high school through a mentoring and a reading program actually walk down 45th to read to the students and they walk right back up it's that close even though it's right off of there so if you could take a look at that there's one piece that's missing um there's a couple of charter schools there they're actually is a charter middle school there and a charter VPK on the north side of the street but the one piece that's missing for that connectivity overall is a middle school um so when we went to these Community meetings we heard the community say having the students go from elementary school all the way through college tech school beauty school would be something that they would look forward to and the City of Coconut Creek supports that thank you yeah thank you so much and I love the visual for the record if you if you need a copy of it I can it to you thank you Aaron G good morning my name is Aaron G and I am a parent of three children in Broward schools I want to start by saying thank you for holding the most recent set series of community meetings the structure did allow for dialogue follow-up questions and the opportunity for individuals and groups to articulate concerns and advocate for their schools thank you to Dr wanza for leading those efforts today's proposal proposal does reflect progress and positive developments from those meetings bringing a partnership with mods expanding Early Learning options creating a law magnet and considering a different K to Str K to8 structure are all welcome and responsive the enthusiasm from several of the previous com comments are evidence of that but with that progress I feel the need to share immediate concerns and questions about that which is yet to be addressed first creating K to8 schools by moving middle school students has cascading effects that are not fully addressed here these include further depleting other under enrolled schools or taking students out of a school like Sunrise that is on an upward trajectory I would like to see modeling about whether these plans are likely to recapture Charter and private school students before these major decisions were are made and thank you Dr wza for addressing some of that in your presentation I do worry about the timeline of decisions and the clarity around that timeline once again we do not allow for families to have adequate time before making decisions for next school year and Beyond I Fe fear this will further Drive students away from BCPS schools this proposal does not not seem to adequately address the cost savings and need to reattach thousands of students that the board has noted is so critical it only addresses a small number of the empty seats at the core of this initiative the call on the superintendent was to expand programmatic offerings to create further demand for Broward schools the meetings were filled with individuals from schools not included here that have been publicly identified as struggling and individuals from those schools showed up and shared creative and aspiration ideas for how to improve their children's educational experiences and appeal to others most of those ideas are left out from this proposal with specific and tangible next steps I fear we have given those communities false hope that positive change will be coming I recognize that these efforts require cross collaboration among District staff and departments it is vital that that collaboration happens as part of this process not after the fact as Dr wans shared this must be phase one of a multi-year plan but please share this multi-year plan to ensure cohesion going forward and please make plans and specific details for future proposals transparent to the community and work with the community in the development of those plans thank you thank you Mary fdick sorry I have to follow eron she was so well prepared and I have nothing written I'm just going to talk to you from my heart I've been to all of the meetings that I could go to that impact our Fort Lauderdale schools and um and so I've been to your board meetings here I've gone to some of the long range planning committee meetings and I came on the 17th and I went to L high and Dillard and they were wonderful meetings and I was very hopeful and a lot of people said they already know what they're going to do are they just holding these meetings so we can then go to a meeting and they can tell us what they already think they're going to do and I really said no I think they want to hear from us but I have a me an immediate concern about Fort Lauderdale specifically I uh had a conversation Dr wano with you a couple months ago when you brought up a k thread it was the only time I've heard it I did not hear it at Fort lydale High I've asked other people that were in the room with me that night was this discuss I heard a lot of ideas a lot of enthusiasm a lot of support for the school district but here here's my concern you have a school that is surrounded by under enrolled schools specifically William Dandy is at 58% you're talking about taking a 100 students out you're going to put that school in a critically under enrolled St State and what are you going to do with them okay Sunrise Middle Sunrise Middle is at 91% that's good we're happy we've worked really hard to get where we are and you're going to take 126 students and then we're going to be down to say maybe 80 % and where are we going from there are we going to be back on your list of under 70 within a few years because of this impact and then I'm looking at Parkway which also is a contiguous boundary which is at 50% and I'm looking at Dillard and and I'm looking at the schools in our community and I'm just wondering how did you come up with doing a middle school population in an area that has got under enrolled middle schools that need support so um that's one concern I have about the plan that's in front of us today I hope that you if you move ahead with other parts that you'll take a pause on some of this um I hate to see you rush without really good data on what your long-term impacts are going to be as near as I looked at your chart of grade reconfiguration schools that are combination schools only one of the schools on the combination School list is at or above capacity and that's Beachside monory so before you get all in on this and all of your changes are going to either 63 through 12 or K through 8 think you do need to do an analysis now I've listened to Coconut Creek at several of the meetings I think they've done that analysis in that Community but I'm not sure it's been done in all of the communities I would just caution you um I I I'm a big supporter of thir Good Marshall it was built in the 90s out of an effort that I was a part of a community effort to get these new schools um but I would tell you I want to see the same plan for Walker I want to see the same plan for Northside I want to see it for all the schools and I really want to see it for Bennett thank you thank you so much that concludes our public speaking so to my colleagues um today we have a hard stop at 3:30 I'd like to give everybody the opportunity to prepare for the storm and staff first is Dr heurn yes thank you chair um good morning board also good morning uh Miss barrero and Mr spell bur no no this can be kind of a kind of a lull of a day with the rain and and everything so hopefully we have an exciting discussion U to help staff really move forward in the right stream of work uh for the duration of this semester so we can um really make the attended impacts that we want to see but I do want to have the board focus on page 5 on slide 52 of the deck uh we have a specific ask on consensus of schools to be addressed um that first bullet there's 10 schools that have been identified for potential repurposing reconfiguration slide no slide 52 first bullet so 10 schools have been identified for potential repurposing reconfiguration or consolidation I I want to be clear with everybody what consolidation means that does mean a school would consolidate with another school leaving that one of the two schools closed so we're asking the board for consensus on three of those option those options could be uh simply during discussion uh moving forward with some of the feedback that's been collected from community members and and also potential Partners uh that feedback to us or consensus to us could be some hybrid options meaning consolidating some schools um uh following through on some programmatic enhancements or reconfigurations um it could also include addressing some of our need with decommissioning some buildings on certain schools for joint use uh because we do have approximately about a thousand staff members to displace um over the next year or two due to three specific buildings that are going to be Surplus one has already been Surplus um and The Rock Island facility and then we have two two um other buildings that are up for surveys to be Surplus and then also trying to find space for to actually um um scale out opportunities at the Atlantic U Technical Center or at the actually Arthur Ash for additional programming um so with that said I'll give uh the board an opportunity to start providing some feedback to us we're ready for any questions to help you um come to consensus about any decision- making to help us align oursel to the right stream of work as we kind of hone in on recommendations um to bring back to the board later thank you thank you Dr hurn would like to kick us off Hixon thank you um thank you to staff for the presentation I and to the community I was say six of the eight Community meetings so I really appreciated the fact that they were honest that they were very passionate about their Community Schools um and they really wanted to make sure that we took into consideration the special needs students that were in their school so thank you to everyone who showed up to all of those so I have a couple of pages of questions um and some of it may be um repetitive but it's okay so to to jump off on the th Good Marshall conversation and I think that was one of the community meetings I was not at so um it it appears in the the presentation that this is something the community is asking for but in the same respect of what both Miss G and uh Miss ferdig mentioned how does changing that to a K8 affect the other under enrolled schools and with that also in mind what are we going to do to increase the enrollment at the elementary school so it would be able to support students that are you know in the area so I'm going to let um Mr Beck start and that's if you'll notice when I um I said or it could be a pk5 that would really address the Early Learning piece that the community was very adamant also because you saw on the slide they they had both um the the school had the advocacy for the K8 we do know that it is you know because because the school was there and they they had um representation there there was not representation from sunrise or Dandy right cuz sunrise or Dandy was not a school that was being addressed so that is why when I went through the talking points I said or it could be a pk5 to actually bring in more Early Learning but I'm going to let Mr Beck talk about the Middle School piece thank you thank you Dr wanza so one overarching comment about all of the KA proposals is that it's currently staff's recommendation that they would the the Middle School portion would be would be voluntary it would be a choice option they wouldn't be necessarily assigned there unless that's the board's direction to do that so it's not that necessarily all of these students would be moved out of their middle school and moved back into an elementary school uh it would be a choice option the second piece though specific to thir Good Marshall is you'll note that on slide 30 um we show the percentage of kids from the third grade Marshall boundary that are actually going to one of their two assign middle schools and it's only 63% so there's a huge I 63 correct yes 63% so there's there's a big uh uh pool of of kids who are not satisfied with either of their two Middle School options that could potentially be accommodated in a neighborhood K8 model so my question to that is what kind of data have we collected to see if we were to change th Good Marshall to a K8 and implement the pre-law and pre and this actually goes to almost all of the k8s really um in general because I have a similar question about Olen um what data have we collected or have we gone out and surveyed those people in the charter to say if we were to provide this opportunity what's the likelihood that they would want to come back to Brower County Public Schools so we have we haven't gone to the Charter and I don't know that we can go because we've had we we we've heard discussions on both sides about whether it's quote unquote legal whether whether we're even permissible to go out and Survey them but we would certainly um if we are allowed to we will but but here's what we know we know that the three K8 schools that we have all three of them are over 80% capacity that it is an option and and I will tell you um in the communities that we talked to and and you were there as you said a lot of them talked about wanting a K8 option in their Community because that is what attracted families to the Charter Schools was the K8 option I want to add um excuse me um to that um before I add to it yes the KA option um is a very desirable option um and I can speak for my experience in a previous School District um just a little bit north of us that soon as you open up a K8 the right way funded the right way funded as a middle school not as an elementary school make sure the right programs in there you have a waiting list immediately it's a convenience that parents want um with the familiarity of understanding who the administration is um um the leaders are on that building and the teachers in that building for K through 8 versus the scary transition that most parents have from transition to middle school but we will not I just want to put this on the record we will not be surveying anybody BCPS will not be service surveying anybody I think uh people are not engaging in our surveys like that hiring a market research firm to go out and do that for us where they can engage with people that we can't they can they can get information from private school parents they can get information from Charter School parents including our parents so we can get more rich and in-depth data um we I think uh we we can't uh get the information that we need um from ourselves continuing to push out the survey way to Charter Schools we don't have access to the parent School U the private school parents so we'll be seeking the service of a market research firm to really collect the type of data that we need so if whatever board come to consensus with today we will back that up to make sure we can that it is desirable um when we come to a hard firm decision to to bring back to the board like yes the community the parents they said they like this option if um if the board come to consensus about something today okay and I'm glad to hear that because I'll just remind us recently we had Coral Springs Elementary School which was changed to a K8 and I wasn't here when that happened but it didn't work for the community and I don't know if it had ever Community Support so because of the things that you just said they weren't funded as a as a middle school they didn't have the electives they needed they didn't have the sports so they weren't really a good option for Middle School school so I want to be cognizant of that as we look to open these couple of places in actually conversation I'll jump to Coconut Creek Elementary School I know the community is all in my question there is um is the facility able to hold a middle school for example their their their Media Center although lovely is teeny tiny how would that work for a middle school as we expand to Middle School are we going to put in the resources to expand that or work with the community there are different requirements I think that middle schoolers need that are in a elementary school and some may have the space and some may not so how do we address that so I think one of the things that we tis into your question is we learned from um AC Perry Elementary School that grew to AC Perry K8 in the elementary facility um one of the things when Beachside was first built it was built in an elementary building to accommodate K8 so there are a couple things that have to be done to accommodate like the science classes if you will that we know that we would have to work to do that and then um and then as it as it relates to the core it depends on how large the capacity of the school is going to grow to to determine if the if the core is sufficient I I I I believe in our preliminary conversations that that the core is sufficient to start to add the one grade at a time and then we um continue to grow out that way you want to say something Dr H yes um so there there's a particular type of student and parent that want to send their kids to a k through eight it is it is in many situations expected that you're not going to have all the same uh luxuries especially when it comes to athletic facilities like a um like a Elementary like a traditional Middle School um but yet you have a cluster of folks that want to take advantage of their opportunity so it's a it's an option that parents get the way hey I know I'm not going to have this but I want my kid Millennials 6 through 12 right they don't have all the they don't have the ball fields they don't have all these things of a traditional um uh high school but they're bursting out of the seams people want to take advantage of the option because the parent and the student want that option and not the the other thing so it's a it's a balance for the decision making for for parents but we do what I also want to is that we do have U money in our Capital um uh budget over time to ensure that whatever um upgrades that we need to uh to do at certain facilities that we can actually um accomplish those to make sure we can address some of the needs in in any reconfiguration of a of a building okay so and I'll just say two things to that although Millennium is very very successful it shows as it's under enrolled so I don't know that it's right or is is Millennial at capacity Millennium is at 90% capacity usage this year so that's in the desired range that how long how long did it take them to get to that from when they became so they they've actually been higher than they are currently now they've been kind of up and down but this is you know you know they B basically achieved this within the first couple of years so okay perfect and I the other thing I would say is beach side is probably our most successful k through eight and whatever we're looking to do at other places should reflect the same um resources and enthusiasm that the district put into Beachside there was a lot of parent support and and Community push to that um it's one of the elite kind of schools so I hope that we give that same enthusiasm and resources to whatever schools we choose to to to make the k84 because it's going to be important for them to be as as successful as Beachside to have that same resources and they do they have swim team they have all those Sports in there so to say that so they they they do so we would work with obviously the the Middle School Athletic Association they do they they have the the Middle School sports we make sure that they have access for practice um uh facilities and things that that nature right so that as we move forward I want to ensure I know the colic Academy maybe they're not so athletic but in the Middle School um you know and and I would also suggest what I've learned in a lot of those Community meetings because they were really concerned about the charter school is that a lot of times when people come to the United States they come with the idea that Charters are the Elite schools and they don't even give the public school and like a second thought so maybe we look at naming themmy or something that has an a more Elite kind of feel so that might also um bring you know it's all words matter so um I'll say that a couple of other things so Olen I love the idea of Olen um I'm going to call it partially closed right because we're looking we've asked about reducing our footprint and when we talk about K8 it's not reducing the footprint so I think what the proposal for ol Olen should also sorry I'm going to be long today one minute um the proposal for Olsen should be looked at across the board to either add Partnerships in with other community um you know people either private or or public and also to for our um our staff that are looking for spaces so in some of these other schools that are on page what page was that the other four that got added at the bottom talking about um Miramar yeah yeah so in a compromise because we did give I mean the elephant in the room is we gave direction to close five schools and the only one that's really being well maybe two that are being brought to us to to close so if we looked at at partial closures where we're reducing the footprint of the school to meet the the number of students that are there and just like we do with the international Welcome Center there's a fence that separates it so then you reduce the capacity of students the fish number let's you know whatever the enrollment number and then we're using it for district we are truly reducing our footprint but we'll not be closing schools we'll call it partial closure in in an effort to be um collaborative here compromising um so I would say maybe these schools Panther Ron Bennett those types of schools where they're listed on here is maybe a partial closure where we figure out what part of the school could be put off to students and then the adults and you know we also got something from ja where they're interested in building on Stranahan property so same kind of idea where you have some places where there's a private institution that schools under enrolled probably won't grow much right now anyway and they're willing to build and put the money investment similar to Olsen so that would be my suggestion on these other schools and we can um not freak out the community about what's going to happen um North Fork I had a quick question about that um so I don't know that we've had a real solid conversation with mods but if we were going to partner with them would they be helping to improve the facility because I know that first building is really under a castaldi um and if students that were boundary to go they decided not they didn't want to be part of that where would they have to go through the school choice program to pick a school or would they be B boundary to a different school so um so two things because you asked two questions and we have um and I'm looking at Mr Cox and they are interested very much so in looking at helping us to enhance the facility that that's one and so um we wanted to make sure that the kids in the neighborhood um were not excluded from the opportunity but if they said you know we we want to do something different we don't want this then we wouldn't make them necessarily jump another hoop we would probably work with like a choice area for either Walker or thir Good Marshall or you know what I'm saying the the next closest school because one of the things that we've heard whether it was last school year or this school year whatever we do the process has to be easy for families yes that that's why I'm asking okay um Broward States if they were to be moved to MLK would you change would we change MLK from the montauri because that's all the whole school and it was pretty clear in the discussion that they didn't all believe in that model of education so um working with the teaching and learning division we would actually sit down and look at what the programming whether we whether they go there or not what the programming is going to be for the school going forward and you you're correct we heard a lot of um um concern about whether the model um is desirable for them because one thing we know about monor is it can't be a choice it has to be a a schoolwide implementation in order for it to be truly successful so we would work with the teaching and learning division um to look at what programming would be um implemented in the school I'm I'm looking at Dr fton and she hasn't given me a crazy look yet so I must be saying the right thing okay um for I'm almost done for Coral Cove um I have great concerns about ever U glaze middle school and New Renaissance I do believe that they should become a magnet um art program because they have a phenomenal program U but Glades and New Renaissance are both under enrolled and I don't I and they're right next door to Glades so I I personally think leaving it a K5 or making it a a pk5 is a better idea um because that is going to have effects later that I don't think that we want to see um Silver Lakes and Silver Shores kind of had the same question but I have a question on page 41 uh the last bullet where it says consider availability of space to maintain current programs for students with special needs at both schools can you kind of explain that because the idea is to take Silver Shores and put it into Silver Lakes right and then do something with Silver Shores Elementary um which is up for discussion but does that that mean in Silver Lakes you would make sure all of the students from both schools have a space in Silver Lakes it was or whatever you chose to make silver shores would have space for their ESC students because it's a little confusing this so so both as you know both schools were very adamant about um ensuring that their es their ESC population is not negatively impacted right so one of the things that we would make sure is that if so Silver Lakes does have the space but if um but we want to make sure that we do have space in a K8 if um Silver Shores becomes the K8 we want to make certain that there are seats available so that they can accommodate their students with special needs did I answer that or no sort of if you made Silver Shores Elementary like Beachside right I mean not necessarily A montau but similar to Beachside um there may their ESC students may not want to participate in that then they go to Silver they would go to Silver Lakes and there would be room for them okay because I think the biggest concern that they were asking was that they move as a whole class with the teacher and you know maybe a different building but everything else would be cohesive for them so we're speaking the same okay um Pines Middle School I I think a 612 is good because you know gives us a certain other space um just again concerned about whether it draws all the people that we want I mean it has a lot of athletic things there so I think that that's not really a problem um but and then one other one more statement and one other question and I promise I'm done so again I'm just going to say I would like to see us do the partial closure and use those um schools for we know we have to house a thousand people so to spread it out but also to make sure wherever we're moving people it's kind of close to where their offices already were because this is a huge County so I'd hate to see them having to go way far further than they had to um and the last thing how does long range planning play into this plan and um the needs assessment because we're doing a lot of switching really right now but we haven't really even gotten into the long range planning or needs assessment so how do how do we merge all this together well that that's going to play a lot into this whole redefining once we get consensus of how we move forward with with some aspects of redefining today a lot of this information go to redefining it is inform where do we start with the uh facilities conditions assessment and really planning out based on what's needed as far as uh uh upgrades for certain facilities uh funds to make those upgrades funds for potential Partners um and scaling out what that plan is going to look like so a lot of that is going to start with the information that we collect today um also I just want to make sure uh Miss Hixon because um The Sims team is collecting the information that you that the board is discussing so we can repeat it back back for consensus purposes so we can kind of ganize this information appropriately and a concise way so um for consolidations or closing I'm hearing no for total consolidation total closing I'm hearing opportunities for partial closings by decommissioning buildings for students and using that space for for um shared space for either our staff or other potential um so sort of so Brower to States I think the general idea is that will close all right right and Silver Lakes Silver Shores is gonna completely well so it's gonna it's going to move and consolidate with Silver Lakes so that's sort of a closing depends on what everyone else decides is a good thing for that um then I'm I don't think Coral Cove should be a K8 I think it should be a prek-5 um also not sure about thir Good Marshall I guess interested to see what everyone else thinks but a prek-5 also because those areas are just very under enrolled um and then I wouldn't I personally think we do partial closures on those other five which means students are being moved we're just cutting off part of the facility that's not being used so we can use it for what we need um for staff thank you thank you Dr Zan thanks so much chair um I will give some some specific ideas uh on on the 14 superintendent as you ask um one thing I will ask someday is we get to single page numbers on our deck so that we don't throw off you know Ur while Schoolboard members who would like to stay up with people's comment I still don't know why we have two page numbers on all of our slides it's uh fascinating uh on a much bigger issue um we have to think a little bit about why we're here we're here because we're not the Monopoly provider of public education anymore we have 50,000 students in public charter schools that didn't exist 40 years ago um and we have homeschool options online options uh private schools which have been here forever um and we have the ability uh with the difference between capacity and enrollment right now to close 50 schools not five and if we closed 50 schools we'd be operating at Peak capacity we'd be putting as much money as possible toward instruction toward educator compensation to things that we know that matter um so I'm very committed to finding five because we've told the community over and over again uh that's what we're going to do if we thought a little bit about all the choices that are out there and took a very competitive approach to this and said how do we build a great school system given that all these things exist given that there's some tremendous support from the community to do things better uh I think we'd learned some things about spending uh our Capital dollars in ways that make our schools more attractive um and to make sure that uh we have uh larger schools uh as we've learned from public charter schools they won't open an elementary school without a th000 students they won't open a middle school without 1500 they won't open a high school without 2000 it turns out the economics of education shows us chair that bigger is both more efficient and more effective in terms of teaching and yet we have uh continued to operate some very very uh small schools in and and and all that the big thing I learned Dr wanza from these meetings was how much Broward County loves schools and how much they want the school system to continue to improve to get better and better that was masterful facilitation it was masterful presentation we got some incredible data uh as you might expect I'd like more um why because from you know a competitive approach to to Really if we want to win at educating our students we have to understand why people are making choices to go to private schools public Charters uh Miami Dade schools Palm beak schools Jewish Day schools all these wonderful opportunities that they have I feel a little bit like Miss Hixon uh was alluding to that we just don't have enough information to like like say yes this is the right way forward um so I'm hoping that we continue to do this this is our first year but I hope that we continue to gather more data understand more about the market and Dr heurn thank you for moving forward with market research that's exactly what we need in order to uh uh to know what decisions make sense the other thing I'd like i' like to open up uh for my uh board members and again we're not voting or anything today but um one of the things we might think about in the closing of schools is to take take half the savings that we have from the closing school and give it to the gaining school for a year let them hire more teachers let them have more resources for a year during the transition as a way to make sure that the uh the savings are complete let me go through your list Dr heurn uh Brower to States I think uh is something that we we you can get some more detail on but it looks like one that can close and be absorbed in the other schools uh North Fork um I appreciate mods's interest I have a slightly different idea um we have another school uh Norths Side Elementary School um that could be uh closed for now uh we could spend some money rebuilding it with mods and we could create a school in downtown Fort Lauderdale that is for downtown Fort Lauderdale residents to go so we have a huge problem in Fort Lauderdale with 7,000 new home home units going in in the downtown area and no Public School option that they're going to send their kids to and so we have to figure that problem out it's time to do that this year those those condos are being built and sold uh they are having kids in those condos and they're moving there with kids much more than our models would suggest um and it's something that we need to think about so just as another idea if mods wanted a new start and we could Prov provide some capital and mods could provide some Capital we could rebuild North sides make it what it's always been a glorious and and and historic school for Fort Lauderdale um and then figure out separately uh what to do with with Northfork my idea for Northfork was always to make it a Marine Science school to match New River is right down the river from them and um that has proven to be a very attractive program right that we do have data on New River it's over enrolled if I'm not wrong superintendent isn't New River Middle School over enrolled yes Mr bet uh yes that is correct M right so so here's some data that we know uh that area of Brower county loves Marine Science and loves whatever they're doing uh at New River and so I would propose uh something along that line at North Fork because then you have this feeder pattern of Marine Science maybe PK through five and then picked up a new River uh goes forward mostly onto Fort Lauderdale high school but other uh high schools there um love the gracious and generous offer from daa Beach about all middle school as Miss Hixon mentioned um there's something that we could do Beyond this so Olsen to me is a model of of uh declaring parts of campuses excess or Surplus and saying look here's an entire building we don't need right now at a strain of hand out a uh any school in Broward County it turns out that there's significant savings from that and really at the end of the day we're trying to husband our resources as much as possible to spend on the things that we know that matter which is instruction professional development uh larger schools uh to get greater efficiency and greater Effectiveness so um if we could learn more about that um when we come back together because I think it needs to be part of this we can't just sell tssc and someday sell our headquarters building if I ever win that fight uh but we we can save significant amounts of money in the 10 to20 million do a year category by declaring some entire buildings as excess and uh providing very minimal support to them uh I agree about Coral Cove at the PK to 5 level not at the K through 8 uh although I'd love to learn more about that but from what we've been told so far that that make great sense um I would close G stream Early Learning Academy uh I I know that that's not a popular choice uh to say out loud but we're not in the business of doing that and it's land that could be used somewhere else and all of those missions that are on Gulf Stream Early Learning could be done uh somewhere else I'm not in favor of the current proposal for Pines Middle School um I just don't think that that's going to win people to go there um so I'm looking for some more information about that hopefully when we get back together similarly uh third Good Marshall as a k through eight doesn't make sense to me uh as a PK to five as a school that specializes in law uh specializes in um uh Cambridge that's a beautiful feeder pattern to Sunrise which already has Cambridge um and speaking of Sunrise uh we're not talking in depth about the sports academy idea but boy is that a huge hit in that part of Broward County I get more phone calls about when is that going to open not is it a good idea or not but is it next fall is can we do it now uh the city of Fort Lauderdale uh thank you Susan for being here uh I can't wait to partner with them between Holiday Park uh getting another $25 million of Investments at Holiday Park three blocks away from sunrise in and Bennett and Bennett and sunrise under some name to to follow some previous comments about name being the Broward County Sports Academy that the community wants and I'm dying to hear the market research uh to confirm that you asked for questions on slide uh 52 which is also slide 54 I think I apologize 50 which is also 52 on that slide uh I would look at the three schools that are below 50% um I think there's a very uh amazing community-led opportunity for Bennett and sunrise um Sunrise is already on the path to doing some miraculous things Bennett is in a beautiful position to be a thriving Elementary School uh we just have to rethink uh what that school ought to do in order to serve Broward County chair did I answer all the questions I think I I went through all 14 Schools uh I hope I hope I hope oh did I talk about Silver Lakes and Silver Shores I'm totally down with only one of those surviving I think uh Silver Lakes uh is the one that will not survive in its current uh uh format but the bottom line is that this is a beginning of of coming up with a rational approach and it's all about achieving our strategic goal we want to be a great School District we want to do K through 12 potentially better than anyone else has ever done it the chair starts every meeting saying we want to get everyone to their potential that means we've got to spend our money on the things that contribute to getting them to their full potential and that's instruction it's professional development it's having larger schools that are more effective and more efficient uh we have to move forward with at least five schools this year uh five fewer skills uh I'm afraid that we're going to have to keep this open till we figure it out that market research will teach us more about what to do and what people want um and so next year when we do this cycle we'll be even deeper in what we know and I'm going to volunteer Dr Juan to do those facilitated sessions again next year because she just loves uh doing this uh so much chair thank you very much make sure we have different schools so I can have different jackets thank you Dr Zan um Dr on I guess you'll be on on the stage again next year for this uh so I just wanted to make sure uh that the Sims team is clear on what Dr Zan provided feedback on um just uh again on the specifics about consolidation is is more in line with Miss hion talked about as far as decommissioning buildings for some partial closings as some my most under Road schools okay just want to make sure was clear but I'm good with Brer States I'm good with Silver Lakes I love the reconfiguration of Olsen but we need to do that countywide I don't like Pines Middle under the current strategy I just don't see that winning in the marketplace and um I can't afford to keep great opportunities like a An Early Learning Center open I can embed Early Learning in schools why because those students stay and become Broward County students so that's how I justify doing that at schools where we have very strong uh education and the other big point is that this presentation doesn't talk about academic proficiency I wish it did you know one of the reasons that I think Coral Cove should be a pk5 rather than any other option is there an a-rated school we need to identify excellence and academic performance and make sure we don't do anything to disturb places where we're doing really well M rert thank you I'll be pretty quick because I know we're on a tight schedule today um sorry there's a a couple slides that I have questions on I'm actually just going to submit them um via email so not to take up that extra time I will save my my voice for some things that I've learned by being a board member for uh a little bit and um what we can possibly avoid doing or at least giving you like a heads up on on what could happen or what happened to those programs um first I'll start with Coconut Creek Elementary School it's kind of you know one of those Coconut Creek days I love it but um the grade configuration is brilliant you know I'm not I I if we could do a PK to8 or K to8 I'm not really sure which way what's what's the better option for each and the reason I bring up the prek is because um before our fabulous principal um Miss Bri Mira is that right before she uh before she left she she explained to me that um cook the Creek Elementary was asking to have three prekese classrooms to help with some of those um because we have the families and we have the need right there so I I would definitely want more information with that love love love my City of Coconut Creek um not only do I live there but uh they're great supporters of our public education and everything across that um the Coconut Creek educational Corridor so definitely supportive of that um I thought it was really interesting Miss hixon's um idea about partial closings I think that's a terrific idea you know where we have some of those uh that there you know I I know we have um Amanda's place on some of our campuses and I'm a huge fan of Amanda's place um two of my three kids went there and once they get there they stay there you know so it's definitely um program program attic um opportunities sorry um one sec 26 okay when it came to the other schools I of course I don't really know them 100% like I should but um it's I know we've been you know informing the public um I always hear people say oh we weren't involved or what did you do to promote that so if if you're um a a stakeholder and a parent if you're having trouble reaching um uh the information you just look at our our main web web page but also call my office anytime because uh Ellen Tolson lives for this and I love her and she certainly is a a wonderful asset to have out in the community as well um okay we did cross Creeks um I did have one major uh question and I believe Dr wanza had answered it already for me which was um I'm very protective of the schools and principles and our our staff and displacing them or having a a counterproductive um effect so for me it was can we do this and guarantee that morgate middle is not going to lose um some some of their students so uh and that's that's an important part because Margate Middle has worked tirelessly many many years to to make sure that they have um really good programs there to compete honestly against lion Creek because of a border change so it's important to make sure that if you're going to be doing something with the right hand to make sure it's that's not going to affect the other one but I I I would love to see the data that we've done on that I think it's an important part of that conversation and had it showed or any kind of um detrimental effect on marget midline have very hard time actually being part of that uh Lions Creek Middle is um pretty much at capacity if not over Mr Beck so Lions Creek Middle School this year is um is actually at 77% capacity oh interesting uh and and we have such a traffic problem there I'm I'm sorry you're here I have to bring it up um so it we really need to figure that out for safety for for everybody um and some parents are are talking about going to Charter because they they lose all that time when it when they're actually in the in the car line picking up their kids yeah if I may comment Miss rert on that yes U Miss Paul actually went out herself to go view the um traffic and the concerns um from the traffic flow and I've already given her permission to move forward to do whatever she needs to do to to alleviate that wow that's lovely yeah no it's a process but we're we're moving forward to assist the city and the school and and alleviating that concern thank you um and you know what I really am just going to um digress for half a second here is that thank you for looking through for that um thank you for responding to the to not only the municipality but to parents and um listening to to board members about this issue I really appreciate you're very responsive that way um the city I can't say enough good things about but just going to trip over this pretty quickly here um es classes seven and they're self-contained seven self-contained and is that it's an Autism cluster I believe it is yes uh and that's why they're very very strongly really want to make sure that they're servicing that um that clientele okay I covered that cover that one pump Beach Middle School um to me looking at it we have a success story as a middle school right there and Leadership leadership really is is a success story that's part of that and our staff and teachers um and the community um you know from what I understand here the utilization is 104% y so that that's an example of a middle school doing well which is um you know kind of bucking the system there with the data um and let me see part of the um the aspect of being excited about coken a creek elementary schools reconfiguration is we have and I forgot who mentioned um the realy U Association because in South Creek we are excited we love our community school uh I love when I'm seeing kids and parents walking together I mean that is a very old school so I'm showing my 60 year age here but that's what you want you want that fairy tale story you want to be able to hold your kids' hands walk down there and that's uh that's something that's that's remarkable but they move out of soon as they're getting ready to leave Elementary School is when my phone starts ringing and people say well what what are my options you know we we don't want to go to x y or z school this would be able to um attract those students that not are going to another magnet school those that are actually going to a charter school so if we um really can capture those um those families back I think that would be a tremendous idea also um when we just when when the board makes a decision that um it's going to be a PK to five or a k to8 um that we need to go out into the community and walk those streets um I you know we do that when we're campaigning but also you know you walk your dog you talk to your neighbors that's the kind of neighborhood South Creek is and um parents are you know they start very young and saying well I need to you know what what's going on with the school and and this is one thing about getting partial information out there as people are afraid that um we're they in the middle of their kids Elementary School experience that they won't be able to um to finish it I don't think that it's fully understandable that way however I as an elected official and and someone who lives there I I would definitely knock on doors as part of our media programs and information because parents need to know and we've all become kind of isolated with since the pandemic where we stay in our houses a little bit more um we need we need to get out there and walk and you know honestly board walk arounds in their neighborhoods nothing's better than that because then you're right there talking to the families and the kids that you need to I'm still moving fast 37 okay 33 and then then 45 hold on okay um joint use facility with the city of daa beach that's a great great idea just like ja world with with them um offering to to be part of the U I think it's new New River is it Parkway can't hear it strain of hand high school thank you my ears are clogged um so that that's a wonderful opportunity and we really need to jump around um and make sure that they they have the proper um way to do things so okay and all the other Pages 8 9 10 11 12 1317 I'll send the email today okay thank you so much and for the record support Community proposals and um I hope everyone is as um lucky as I am to actually have a city that's out there fighting for the kids so thank you so much m thank you um and first I just want to reiterate um how much I appreciate the way the community feedback portion went uh this time and I think community outreach was a lot better you can hear it in the comments from the stakeholders uh today and and over the last few weeks um so I appreciate the the changes that we made to improve that um I I'll try to be concise um I support Miss hixon's suggestions um around the the different uh plans for the different schools for the partial closures um I I support that and I think that one thing that would be really interesting for me to see is um for the spaces that we use as uh district offices and things like that um creating you know model classrooms for training facilities for staff I think that would be um a really great use of our space um for professional development um Can someone to speak to you know there was a public comment around autism clusters can someone speak to what programming exists for our students with autism in middle and high school um and how that differs from oure elementary schools Miss holl yep Miss holl hello there we are good morning everybody Simone holling Chief academic officer so in the elementary schools the special programs are broken up by the disabilities such as autism indd emotionally behaviorally disordered in the middle school and high school it's called Uh specialized varying exceptionalities where those students are clustered together so that's the difference in regards to the elementary versus the secondary model got it I think that the the comment um that was made earlier um around looking at what we do for our students with autism in middle and high school was very compelling um so I don't know if there's more research that we can do into that um but but I think that's something that we need to really look at um as we see our programs in the elementary schools expanding every year um the the proposal for third GD Marshall I do not support a K through 8 um I have concerns about where this proposal came from and creating more competition for our already under enrolled middle schools in that area um I would support a pk5 model um I was very pleased to hear that we were going to uh get you know hire a professional firm to get information from the families who are sending their children to private and Charter Schools I think we could have really used uh this information earlier um what is the timeline for that Dr we'll go through the proper procurement process so I'm hoping no more than a few weeks to a month at the most just to secure somebody um and then we can get them to start pushing out the the information and collecting the data immediately thank you um yeah and this is you know been a comment that we've been getting for a while now um you know why can't we get this information so I'm pleased that we're taking action on that um now [Music] um I have some questions about some of the suggestions that were made for north side and North Fork by one of my colleagues um the suggestion of taking a savings from a closed school and giving it to the gaining school for one year to hire more teachers um and and explore more resources can someone walk me through the the timeline So in theory um the gaining school gets more students they get more funding because they have more students but what is the what does that timeline look like Dr so I I'll start and any of my colleagues you know who are more proficient in the finance side can jump in so so typically um you know we we would repurpose a school and I'm just using that term right and um this school gains a hundred more students the teachers follow the kids I the teachers have historically followed the kids and then if the if the district decided that it's going to use a model to further reduce class size that kind of thing then that's how more instructional units would be assigned to the school but if I'm the incoming principal and I know that I'm going to receive a 100 more students and I'll just use an elementary school I'm probably going to get four more teachers that are going to four four to five that would more or less probably come from the school that is being repurposed so that the teachers follow the kids and there's some kind of continuity but you know there's a process that we go go through through HR um and you know Mr azero and Mr loano are back there that we actually you know the teachers for the school that is being um repurposed they would put in like where they want to go there's a whole process around teacher placement but the teachers follow the kids first and then if there's a model where we're going to implement something to further reduce like the class size or the um uh course offerings then that would have to come through the budget guidelines process and there's like a district process for that right um so as a principal I would have the funding to be able to to you know hire those four teachers from the the previous School immediately okay yes um I guess I do have concerns about um giving additional funding to a school for just a year and then what happens when that when that funding falls off and we saw that um this is a common concern I heard with with the art funding and the the extra tutors and all of that um for North Side what can someone walk me through uh the logistics of rebuilding a historic campus and historic building what that looks like drer Miss Paul um if you can contribute to that one yes yes you can you just have to keep the building good morning board chair board and distinguished guests uh when we deal with historical properties we get an expert to help guide us through that uh we need to make sure that we adhere to all the applicable codes and restrictions on that and often times uh there is a a cost associated with that because it is a historical um location so that's why we would hire uh histo uh arit or someone that has the credentials to help us through that thank you um and it's my understanding can someone walk me through the the historical uh distinction of north side as a as a property and as a building you want me to start go ahead Miss North Side was is um and know Miss ferdig is probably one to jump to the mic too I know we typically don't let um the community come once they've spoken but if I misspeak I would asked the board's um ability to allow Miss fdct to correct anything I say that may be um incorrect but north side is one of the County's original schools it was built like in 1927 I think it is um the Cornerstone is there on the building it it is on the National Registry of historic sites I will say um the the other thing that we have learned um in working with that community in previous um boundary process is is that is truly a neighborhood walking school and when you displace them for a year you are talking about a real adverse impact on families who literally came to this room to other rooms crying that I walk my child if something happens I don't have a way to get to my child so I think those are things that we have to consider but the the the building was built in 1927 um much of it is still if not all except for a few additions that we've done is the original building with some you know when you got to do repairs you got to do upgrades and to miss Paul's comment around bringing in an expert to ensure that we don't um disrupt or jeopardize the um Integrity of the Historic Site Miss Verdi did I did I do it justice okay especially comments about okay so yeah thank you and I mean I knew the answer to these questions but I think it's I think it's important for for for the the community here um and and it is a very the the the fact that it is a walkable school is evidenced by when you visit the school it is impossible to find parking so um it it is really such a special Community um and I I'm glad that that you touched on this Dr wza I was hoping someone could also walk me through the impacts of closing a school for a year and then reopening it um what that looks like so go ahead Dr W okay and then miss miss Paul is coming to the mic too so go ahead I'll just because I know that we have to literally relocate yes we have to relocate um traditionally in other school districts I've worked in we've had enough room to create a swing site um with a portable City for a year um and use that for multiple swing sites for multiple schools um in this case we may not have that type of property to create a swing site so we have to look at the neighboring schools to see if they have capacity to swing students um for for a year with the intentions of bringing them back um construction methods are different in the past and so you can build schools quicker with tilt wall construction but I want to Ste Miss Paul thunder so she can add to some of that I I think you already had uh so yes uh we would have to uh find a location uh for the students to to move to for that year or whatever that designated time is and typically what we would do uh and what I've done in the past is the transportation department would transport the kids uh pick them up at their current site or current school and transport them to the swing space or another school uh for that period of time thank you um okay for North Fork um how so the the suggestion was instead of going with a mods uh making this a mods um partnership the suggestion for making this Marine Science magnet to feed into New River Middle how I mean would that impact boundaries or feeder patterns or anything like that so Mr um Beck is going to elaborate but it's already a Fe but I I'll let him elaborate so uh thank you for the question Mrs Leonardi actually that school previously was a Marine Sciences magnet program up through about 2015 I think and the program was removed due to low interest in low academic performance at the school okay okay I appreciate that um okay I think that those were were all my questions um I do I would very much like to see uh I think one of one of the public speakers brought up the the fact that you know there are some identified struggling schools or under enrolled schools that we have not suggested programmatic changes for um so you know moving forward I think it's very important that that we identify those changes for those schools as well um since we have put them out in the public uh changes for Bennett and and for Northside I know I've heard from the Northside Community um an interest in stem program um for Bennett um I agree with much of the community feedback about around a sports academy um so I I think it's very important that we moving forward detail a plan for these these under enrolled schools that we've put out into the public and I want to be very clear I do not support a K through 8 for Thal I could support a pk5 thank you Dr holess thank you madam chair so um I just want to thank the team Dr on and your team appreciate it I've seen you at a couple of those uh Community meetings and um uh you know the community input was um quite valid uh so thank you so much I'd like to thank the community as well for uh giving their input I've always been someone who Advocate strongly that we take Community input and I am so pleased that we've done so to the extent that we've done it for the redefining repurposing of schools um Dr hebburn I uh as a board member I uh support a lot of your suggestions and I thank you sir for um your contribution here as well so I have a few questions um and uh this is for Dr heern um can I assume that um you have considered all necessary factors in schools presented for repurposing to us today as to how these decisions impact not only the proposed repurposing schools but surrounding schools repeat the question Dr Hess I was a little distracted I'm sorry that's not me no problem so can I assume that you have considered all necessary factors in schools presented for repurposing uh to us today as to how these decisions will impact not only the proposed repurposing schools here in the presentation but surrounding schools yes so we've sat down and evaluated potential impact of surrounding schools with some potentially um other schools we know when we create certain opportunities at these schools that our own District students will seek out some of those opportunities as well as charter school and private schools um parents too um in addition to additional data that we'll collect from the market research firm also so that'll be additional data that we'll consider when we bring back the final product um after consensus today okay great so um should I assume that the community input weighed heavily on the decisions um or the proposals presented today yes absolutely okay so I am going to go ahead and move to third Good Marshall um a school staff um I believe uh I heard I'm not sure if it was Dr wanza um that school staff had the advocacy for K through 8 at at thirwood Marshall um so the question is is is this more School staff driven or is this um proposal for K through 8 based on being Community Driven so at the meeting at for high we did have a lot of um the the school staff did speak to K to8 and then the community spoke to um they said there's room for early learning so it's it's actually a balance of both and that's why I said when I did the the conversation even though the presentation says PK to 8 I said or it could be a PK to five so um but the the presentation um takes into consideration both um and there there was advocacy on both parts but there was a a good bit of school advocacy for a k to a okay so based on that response Dr wanza it appears that the community uh certainly advocated for the prek option uh um more heavily and the schools staff advocate for the K through 8 so I think it was kind of balanced right I I do I I think it was kind of balanced but I respect the input of everyone I I I do and so that's why I voiced um in my conversation here today the PK to 5 because I did acknowledge the Sunrise Community Sunrise midal Community was not there the William Dandy Community was not there because typically if people don't see their school on a slide they don't come right and but but we did have um members you know Mrs ferdig was there um there were uh two other um parents who were who were there Mrs Gaul was there um and um um there were other people there so it so it is balanced but that's why I did give voice to or a pre- of five because the Sunrise Community wasn't there neither was the William Dany okay so is it safe then for me to uh conclude that the community appears to support a K through five but greater input might be needed from the surrounding communities to um have a K through 8 so I think that's fair and I think that that's a part of the process right when we actually now then whatever we learn from the board today when we actually go out to the community and we advertise specifically that we are looking specifically at and I'm going to use thur mark the option of um a k to 8 or a k to 5 get the community input and so now it's more targeted if you will and and we will get the surrounding communities there and then obviously come to the superintendent and then we come back to the board before any final recommendation is uh made but from listening to the conversation that we've heard today it sounds like the direction of the board may go to really a PK to five for that school with with the pre-law and the pre- Cambridge conversation okay so for me I would support the um certainly the PK through five however I am not ruling out the PK through 8 I just think that we need more information um in terms of potential impact on enrollment in surrounding schools and also the input from those other schools um so I don't think I have enough information to decide on a k through a or PK through 8 but I think the PK through 5 is certainly uh an option that the community seem to have exercised that they want um so I I am not ruling out K through 8 I just need more more information so um has the superintendent look at all factors for third Good Marshall regarding a PK through 5 or PK through 8 yes uh we reviewed all the factors including um possibly losing students from other schools too like I said when you uh present options and opportunities like that you're going to have a high interest um you know in a exceptional law program and also a possible Cambridge um K through 8 program also okay so um Dr heurn based upon the board's response today and I've heard it regarding th Good Marshall there seems to be some concern regarding K through 8 or PK through 8 do you as the superintendent based upon what's presented here support A prek through five or a prek through 8 um it would right now we're going to go at the bef of the board I can support either um because even if it's a a a prek through eight or a k through eight there are certain strategies we can Implement to ensure um that we're not exceeding a certain amount of capacity that's going to impact the neighboring middle schools to a point where we're concerned about their enrollment too so there are some strategies that we can use with a k through eight as far as the number of students that we will have in each grade level for sixth seventh and eth um so either for me either option we just need the direction of the board to really figure out what work stream we're going to be swimming in so we can be very intentional about what we're going to the community with um and um taking our next steps to make sure whatever program we decide on or whatever configuration that it's going to be the best option for the community understand so my last question On th Marshall and now move on to Broad Estates so um the information regarding PK through Aid and making that decision as far as added information through the superintendent to any of the staff Dr wano possibly um when will that information come back to us so we can make an informed decision on these two options for thir Good Marshall so we um we would more than likely have a board Workshop according to this timeline let me see December it' be in in early December because we because we we need to go work with the community do all of the gather the data have the conversation so it would be in early December okay and at that time we'll be able to have enough information to decide between the two so I do support the pre-law um for thir Good Marshall I currently I also support the pre Cambridge and the PK through 5 until I learn more about PK through 8 for brow Estates um Early Learning Center I strongly support that I've heard that many times over even before we had the community meetings cuz I've been at Broad State's HOA and different community events over there and they're strongly supportive of the Early Learning Center that's what the community wants so Dr heurn with that in mind and I we've had conversations about it what I've also heard is that if we have an early learning center they want it to be extended hours um where it's not over at 2:00 that it goes to the end of the day uh so these parents can work and take their kids and so on so I'd like you to speak to that yes absolutely so we have a couple of partners that are willing to work with us to um create an Early Learning Center um on that site so we can convey our needs as far as ensuring that it's not just a half a day or full day but it also has extended day opportunities too to accommodate to accommodate our parents so um that'll be a a work in progress with our partners that we'll work with to create that type of program there okay great I I'd certainly like to see that as top priority um for uh bro Estates because the community has expressed um um overwhelmingly that they would like an extended day in addition to that um since it's going to be an early learning center at brow Estates that's what we're proposing um what communities will this serve is it just going to serve the broad estate communities or will there be surrounding communities that will be able to utilize that service so so um the good part about this type of An Early Learning Center is there's no boundary okay so it can serve the greater you know Central Broward Community or whatever Community wants to Avail itself of it um so it won't be a boundary if you will like we have the um Endeavor Primary Learning Center it won't be anything like that okay great and I Dr W I think that is wonderful because there are many surrounding communities that would like to have an early learning option to take their children while they go to work um the other part about it is um I am hoping Dr heurn that uh the Early Learning Center is significantly academic driven and it's not just a child care type environment no absolutely um It's a Wonderful opportunity to have a lot of control uh uh based on academic outcom so we can create the the foundation for the elementary schools and so forth that those students will be attending okay wonderful um the other question is I noticed that with some of the surrounding schools we're pushing a PK option how will this impact uh Broad State should it become an Early Learning Center will it have any impact no no it no it will not sir okay so there will not be competing entities for students so third Good Marshall which if if third Good Marshall is a you know it's the pk5 right just where third Good Marshall is located at in relation to where brow Estates is it will not be it won't have a um competing interest and then we also have to remember that a number of our our prek programs also are designed um to be unique to students with special needs so we would we would look at the entire portfolio to ensure that we balance that out understand so I'm going to move on to nor fork um it indicates here that uh we're looking at repurposing the school into a pk5 or K5 Museum magnet school with a full Choice option in partnership with the Museum of discovery in science um was this uh is this proposal here uh Community Driven or is it more staff driven so we actually got um the idea initially from the community and then we started to um have conversation with the staff I know that the the conversation around the Museum of Discovery and Science and doing something with the school is not a new idea I think that it finally got life through this process so Dr wza would you would you you say that the community uh surrounding Northfork supports this option so they they do as long as the children who live there have the opportunity to Avail themselves of it and and and that's why you see it's very intentional where it says the children who you know in that in that current boundary who wish to attend there will be reserved seating for them wonderful I'm I'm glad you said that because that will be my next question even though it's stated here I want to make sure that they hear clearly that their kids will be priority should this option be exercised yes sir okay and just a couple more things um I do like the idea of the exit survey as we talk about um I think that's great um Dr hebburn I would also hope that uh we have it would be great if we have some kind of exit inperson interview um not sure how doable that is but to try to win back these students that are leaving um I think it's important that we have greater communication at the school based level with our parents uh I've known uh students who've been in school all year and they've never been a parent conference or parent Orient um parent conference of any sort parent contact with staff um so I would love to see uh some sort of a an action plan Dr heurn where at the school based level there's some kind of plan to engage uh every parent um because I think by doing so we'll be able to identify any concerns that they have we'll be able to look at uh priority students whereby parents are thinking of leaving the district when we have those type of a conference there can be maybe a communication uh initiative team at the school level to try to engage every student I know that the challenges uh you know if we say it can't be done then then it it it will it will not be done but if we say it can be done we'll find a way right so I would love to see Dr heurn in the future that um there is some sort of a school-based uh plan to communicate and engage every parent in every school uh whether it's some sort of an uh a team at the school for that purpose in order to retain students because we are strongly looking at recruiting students but how do we keep what we have and add to it and I think by doing by engaging parents more we'll be able to identify any concerns they have with the district with the school and then we might be able to um to kind of uh uh lessen some of the the volume of students leaving our district and that's all I have thank you Landon thank you madam chair sorry technical difficulties over here um thank you madam chair good good morning I want to start off by saying a gratitude to Dr wans and her team for their work at the community input forums um this was a very collaborative conversation and I uh attended many of them and was was grateful to hear that input I'm going to start by talking about the student microphone doesn't like me today the student market research uh now I will say I may create a student market research firm and get a contract Dr heurn I'll call spelberg surveying um but but we have taken on uh uh Alana and I have taken on the wonderful task of hearing from students about their experiences in schools and uh we held a meeting with Dr heurn two weeks ago at our superintendent student advisory committee where we talked about uh the concept of of well better next in our schools what's going well what could be better and what do you want to see in the future and we talked uh about the feedback that that students had regarding the programmatic side of their school experience and one thing that came up uh a lot in our discussion was talking about HOSA programs which is the the health opportunity programs um and one thing I I'd like to add is in my personal experience at Western we have a program called Allied where I believe Dr wanza began to mention it uh where students go and they actually are able to be in the hospitals Junior and senior I'm sorry senior year um and they get you know very real world experience um and when I when I think about my friends that have left to go uh to private schools they're leaving because of th and Charter Schools they're leaving because of those opportunities because of those uh career focused opportunities um and I really think we could do some great work with that uh but not focusing as much in the High School area I want to talk about middle school and the importance of um Advanced academic opportunities at the middle school level uh I say it often to people that I believe that middle school is where uh a student is truly formed and that middle school is an really important time to be able to begin uh possible Advanced academics but also um supporting students in in what they want to do going into high school so look forward to working on those uh opportunities at the middle school level I do have a question for Dr wanza and then I'm done um I'm a little bit concerned and and confused about the concept of doing one grade at a time um when we're doing these these transitions um because thinking about siblings and thinking about parents having to go to different schools so can you just talk about why that is that we are going one school at a or one grade at a time so that was the request of the community that the grades be added one grade at a time um because typically what happens is the fifth graders stay for sixth grade then they become the seventh graders and any seventh grade that comes and then and then it's the matriculation up that's that's what we did when we um when we did uh Annabelle C Perry uh when we transitioned that from an elementary to a full prek-8 we did it one great level at a time to allow for the continuity the programming the planning um and then but then when we opened I believe when we opened Beachside as a full school we opened that because was a brand new school full school pk8 we opened it with all the grade levels but um but our experience has been when we've transitioned a um an elementary school into a middle school we do it one grade level at a time to allow for the growth of transition the teacher development um so that and and that was the ask of the specific School communities that we transition them in one grade level at a time thank you answers my question thank you before I speak I forgot we have one public speaker Lori Sal salaro sorry that's okay boor Jan nobody ever gets it right so they don't all it up either so I know I get it I get it uh good morning everyone uh and thank you so much for the commitment uh that you are putting into this process really appreciate it I had the opportunity to attend a couple of the workshops in Dr wander I must confer uh they uh you did an amazing job at that at those sessions uh our board chair Andrew kanig was hoping to be here today but with the coming storm um he has uh locations on the west coast which he is uh preparing for you know we've had the opportunity uh and and Lon just spoke exactly to what I wanted to share today we have the opportunity because of our partnership and the number of students and parents and teachers that we um partner with to talk with them about what they want what do they want ja programs to look like what do they want their education to look like what does the future look like I can tell you here is just a few things that they say our students tell us they are really frightened about the future they don't know what they need to know they don't know what they want to do because they haven't had the opportunity to really figure it out um they tell us one word it comes up with every population we speak to and that is innovation they want to start their own business businesses they don't want to work for us unfortunately uh they want to solve problems they have ideas and they have good ones and we see that all the time in the ja programs our parents want Innovation our parents want their kids to be ready for the future they want them to know even though we think we want our kids to go to college we are we know most of us as parents that that may not be the right course but we don't know what's available and so we need to make sure that both students and parents know about all the options they want internships they want job opportunities they want pre-apprenticeship opportunities for their children uh the teachers teachers want to be Innovative but guess what they need the support and they need the opportunities uh and that is one of the things that I will say ja gets rated very highly on from our teachers our core mission is focused on Innovation and engaging Workforce education we're longtime partners and we have helped the district meet the needs and the wishes of these students parents and teachers not only do we align perfectly with your vision to prepare students with our programs but we are also a partner in helping you address other issues like parent engagement marketing and professional development around Workforce our teachers can't teach and reinforce what they don't know we hope to have the opportunity to build on the success we've achieved together the demand for our high school programs is through the roof we have no space we are renting space this year to meet the needs of the teachers the principles and the students who have asked for these programs we are prepared to continue and deepen our partnership including building an innovation Center that focuses on Workforce education for high school students using Innovative Technologies I could go on and on but I do I do really hope that as you're thinking about as you make your decision to repurpose to uh close to do whatever you're going to do that we keep Innovation and what our students parents and teachers really want for their education so thank you so much for everything you're doing thank you so first I'd like to thank Dr wanza and your team I know you put a lot of work and time into the community meetings and I know the community is very appreciative so my first um comment is in regards to Financial impacts of these decisions so what I would have liked to seen in the deck is that if we make one this decision for this specific School whether it's a k through eight or prek through five what is the financial impact of that decision because we're not doing this just because we wanted Dr wans and our team to spend hours and hours um talking we are doing this because we are significantly under enrolled and our footprint of Brower County Public Schools is too large so that piece in this deck and and you know maybe it's next to come but I can't really make decisions on whether it's a prek through five or K through 8 if I don't know exactly what the financial impact of that decision is or what is you know comparing the financial impact of uh if we close a school or we keep this if we close a school or if we keep the school or we just change the school right if we make a cake we can make a cake another way but it's still a cake doesn't mean that we're going to be getting you know more kids to want to eat that cake or come back to our schools so there has to be I just think a stronger focus on the financial impact of these decisions where I'm not seeing that so it's difficult for me to speak to these decisions specifically on a specific school to decide and determine whether that's the the right decision uh ultimately for us to collectively make as a as a school board you know and we get into the little details like are these recurring costs or is it a one-time uh savings to the school district I I don't know or I am I missing that Dr heurn so you're asking if the if closing a school is a one-time cost or Rec or reoccurring savings or or onetime SA or reoccurring savings well specifically on each one of these decisions so I would say if decisions are to reconfigure schools or um add an additional component such as a prek through five um when you reconfigure the school you're targeting uh uh students to increase enrollment which is going to be a reoccurring um Revenue because you have more students so if you gain 100 students multiply that by nine by 9,000 um my math f 900,000 uh so you will have a you will have a reoccurring revenue of $900,000 for that school by adding by recruiting an additional 100 students to that school uh mainly because you either enhance programs or reconfigured it to bring more students in for closing schools uh we have some numbers in there for I think it's for elementary 1.7 and 1.8 um that's totally taking that building offline right you're not paying for water electricity all the other components you're not spending money on maintenance uh staff or or custodial staff anymore um the students have left that building and gone to another um and so when you take the building offline that's that's your your uh your savings um for that school but if this building is not offline um you're not recouping a lot of uh uh savings there because you're probably still paying to have some form of electricity going through the building uh so you can keep the AC on but not super low so you don't get mold and all those issues um so many of the the savings of closing the schools if you totally take that school offline there's still going to be some some um savings but not as much as the total 1.8 mil for elementary school um because you still have to pay for some some things to ensure that your building is still up to par and when it needs to be used it can be used or leased out or whatever the case may be in the future okay so if we're closing a school and then what what are we doing with that site are we selling that site who are we selling the site to uh if we so if we close a school we would repurpose it for other purposes we do have approximately a th staff members that will be displaced within within the next year or two due to surplus of buildings and also a building has already been surplused in the Rock Island facility uh where we're being asked to um have the those staff members go somewhere else so the person who bought or the entity that bought building can go go ahead and do what they need to do um so we will repurpose many of those buildings for our use um also potential uh leas agreements with other entities that want to use the buildings for something else but we would not just totally Surplus those buildings uh and you know I pay attention to a lot of research for the county and we are expected over time to increase in population overall for the county so if we increas in population we increasing kids we're going to need those buildings in the future um and so if we just totally take them offine online and sell them and we can't recoup them um we're going to be spending a premium um in the future to try and find facilities to educate our students okay so if we decide to we're going to repurpose a school I guess what I'm trying to say is that you still have that footprint of the school so you still have the electrical cost the AC cost the maintenance of the ground so I would like to see if you some capacity for that school to bre able to bring in income so if it's you're going to lease it yep lease it um we can do those type of things lease it uh rent it out whatever the case may be for certain entities um but we would need some space for for staff because the buildings that we're utilizing right now I'm not sure Mr Becka if you can elaborate we we don't outright uh do we outright totally own the tscc and in the land so I I'll defer to to Chief Paul on this but there there is definitely an easement at the tssc annex I think we own the property but there there is a utility easement that runs uh runs through the property okay um have we looked into the possibility of doing District owned charter schools so I can answer that question um so we in in the past we have um we haven't looked into it in a while and we will be happy to do a workshop with the board we can do it you know on one of the next conversations because there are some um stipulations and some legalities that we would have to discuss with the board so that they understand um that we are and I'll let miss Colin speak to it because we are the compliance entity we can't be compliance and I don't want to get the term R so let her tell it but I think that it's worth us having a workshop with the board to really go through what that means and if we want to be a management provider as opposed to running our own charter school but I'm going to let her explain it but to your point Miss alep I think we need a workshop item so that the board can understand good afternoon Dante Collins director of Choice Charter Schools management support department uh thank you for the question so I think um I've heard some conversation in the past around replicating what is currently being uh exercised in Miami day County and I just want to clarify currently Miami Dade um they have District managed Charter Schools one of those schools is one that was mentioned during the conversation today around the I think it was the autism cluster charter school that is one of their District managed Charter Schools they do not have any District run charter schools and as Dr wanza alluded we can absolutely have additional conversation around what that entails and what that looks like okay that sounds good uh and but in the meantime if you can just send Dr heer and the board a followup on the difference between District own charge schools and District managed charter schools and the financial impact that would help us um and then my next question is in regards to you spoke about this like a phase one of a multi-year plan can you explain what that means absolutely so um I I'm a and if I'm wrong Dr hurn will correct me I don't think this is a oneandone I think this is a iter iterative process that every year we have to look at this and make some decisions um because we still haven't addressed the sports academy we still haven't addressed a number of other things so this is just to get us started and to make sure that we're doing it in a in in a thoughtful way and in a way that we can deliver the the um what is desired or or we have some intentional deliverables that we can deliver on okay perfect and then there was I don't know if it was public comment or staff comment there was a comment that Coconut Creek did an analysis can we get a copy of that analysis we will absolutely get it from our um our partners in the municipality and we can share it that's not a problem okay perfect and then some of the uh Choice options from my research that students want is things like broadcast journalism conversational Spanish Creative Photography digital design Esports engineering Minds introduction to law home and economics journalism oceanography and sports management my next comment is in regards to uh the names when we I guess we're renaming a school I I do think the charter schools do a good job with creating like you know whatever school of excellence and the academy it just makes it sound so prestigious and and so that would be beneficial for BCPS also you know one of our um issues I think with marketing our current schools is that we don't have a districtwide um way to put Facebook and Instagram on every school every school to have Facebook and Instagram account there should be on the homepage of every school a little icon to Facebook and Instagram to just click on it to go to their Facebook and Instagram account so I don't think we have um ever done that with Fidelity across the district not every school has a Facebook account or has an Instagram account or an X account um but I think you know this is the way that that families are getting information and seeing the great things that we're doing in Brower County Public Schools so we I believe we should require that M Mr Sullivan and his team will take charge of that immediately yes sir as he took his seat um so just to sum up I again I just um it's difficult for me to weigh in on specific schools without having um a more understanding of the financial impact of that decision um for me if I'm going to um close a school I want to go to that school to make sure I know what school I'm closing or you know or repurposing or what that looks like so it's difficult for me to to weigh in on specifics but you know we're I know we're in a workshop and so Dr H will come back to us yes um so what we'll do we do have some form of consensus on many options um that we've heard today so we will we will um gize that information um um and build a deck around what we've heard as far as consensus and also some additional ask for for extra information um for each and bring that um to the to the U next um Workshop so the next uh board meeting we're going to do a resolution and so what is the resolution just is speaking to for the boundary process or it's specific to something well it's going to be the boundary committee one um I think that we do have um some consensus on the schools to address right not saying what specifically like this is going to close this is going to the schools to address I think that when we have the conversation more and I'll just use th Good Marshall as an example it's a school to address right so and it could be out of that conversation now comes the PK to 5 with the um pre-law with the pre Cambridge that so it's the schools to address um we'll the the timeline I think you know we'll have that so that we know what the time line is and um the considerations that the board already gave us for stakeholder engagement as well as the um if proposals are going to be um taken from the community did I miss anything okay so I so just so understand so coming back in the resolution at the next board meeting will be the I guess I'm just say 10 or whatever Dr he chooses to address not to say specifically what is going to happen but that is what the what you're going to be focusing on and and the and the boundary committee and we'll put the the reference to the timeline in there so that everything is formalized and people know exactly what we're doing you know we we heard conversation today around looking at um reducing footprint through partial closure and could that be in the 14 that we look at and so it it's that whole conversation so that there's some um some C some formality of what was discussed here today yeah and um we will bring the cost savings not not to the next meeting but the workshop about partial closing so if we take a building offline for partial closing and uh such as like Daniel Beach would uh uh sh um what's the term I'm looking for joint use joint for joint use we will cost that out to say hey decreasing that school's footprint is saving us this amount of money for for uh savings and uh potential Revenue Source if somebody leases that building for a use or if we actually use it for our our own admin spaces and letting you know how much we were spending on that admin space and how much we're saving by utilizing this particular part of a building in a school for cost Savings Mr zon yeah thank you I just had a couple of final comments thank you for bringing the charter school back I've asked for that for the last couple of years and I think um there are definitely some programs that would fit into that Charter program however it rolls out um and there's a program we didn't really talk about it that we have that I don't exactly know if we run it or NOA runs it but the BWI program but somehow it's related to us so the to continue that autism it ends at when they go to elementary school and that's kind of the discussion in I know Miss Leonard said you know something also to look into so that would be really nice if that came back to us as well to make sure that we can give them and I don't know if that would be us maybe using one of those partially close schools or if Nova would be willing to or somebody would be willing to move that on in a elementary level we'll bring that back when we do the workshop on the district manag versus District um run charter school and I'm looking at Miss I'm looking at Dr fton and Miss Hollingsworth will'll bring back the conversation around um you're you're talking about Bodwin school right at at Nova okay yeah how we can do that and like I said I appreciate it because I've been waiting for that workshop for two years now so thank you Dr Zan thank you so much um I just wanted to put a little finer Point chair on your request for data on the finances though I think that there's three really interesting buckets one is um on annual operating costs are we saving money or in some cases is anything costing us more um the second is capital goes both ways as well in some cases there were some ideas but they said oh but we need this one lab or we need this fence moved or things like that but then there's also capitals that we're going to get by selling tssc and other property so if we could just get some uh darn good estimates of those things it would help me a lot in terms of uh thinking through some of the ideas as you referen as well but it really needs to to be kind of uh annual operational savings or cost and then one-time Capital requirements that are going up or um Revenue that we earn through selling property thank you and I'm sorry one more Point Miss Hixon and I both talked about partial closings my comment at least wasn't about these 14 Schools it's about 239 campuses like if we have a high school in X City and there's an entire four-story building that I've seen that they just don't use anymore and they're using it for storage and the like we can save a lot of money by declaring that Surplus uh we might also find other like significant entities that would like to use some of that space which is great because that would create a whole lot of uh of great social value okay any other my colleagues would like to speak on this item may I just say something Madam chair yes on behalf of um my team and my colleagues across the organization we just want to acknowledge that this has probably been one of the most fruitful collaborative non-hostile positive positive experiences for the organization and the community when it when it comes to the use of our facilities and um obviously what we want to do for our children to have the best experiences possible so on behalf of the organization we thank the board for the opportunity yep I I totally concur I was actually going to say um I love the great ideas that some of we didn't think about which came from this table today thanks Miss Leonard the training center great idea um Miss alad and um Dr zan with the additional data request that's going to help um move the process forward and everybody else with the with the questions to you know get us to think um critically around some of the solutions for some of the challenges that we have so much appreciate it and we'll bring back a lot more information um to Garner more feedback and decision-making in the near future all right thank you so much the next item is the school board policy 3810 purchasing card policy do we have any public speakers Mr Hill no public speakers okay can you give us a three minute presentation good morning Jennifer Andreu executive director operations this policy will set the parameters for the purchasing card program and provide guidelines to reduce risk improve efficiency and ensure compliance uh I'm excited to present rul making for the new Schoolboard policy 3810 the purchasing card program also known as pecard this draft policy was initiated at the direction of Dr heurn Miss Paul and the audit committee additionally the policy was looped with audit committee uh which um they they Al all of their recommendations were Incorporated and I would be happy to answer any questions that you may have okay four member comments questions Miss leonardy yeah thank you um I think I I heard something that I would like um repeated something about the the audit committee's recommendation Dr Fon thank you Andre yes the audit committee um made a motion to actually we only in the past we only had a PE card manual and so they made a motion to actually initiate a card policy and this was looped with the audit committee and they gave feedback which was incorporated into the policy amazing thank you so much that's really lovely to hear I wish someone from the AUD committee was here just speak to that but it's um you know it's really great that that uh we are looping and listening to it our advisories um so I just want to commend staff on that thank you Dr Zan thank you much uh chair um we ought not to do this in Broward County without recognizing some of the challenges that have happened in Miami date u in other other districts around the country what are we doing with our policy to make sure that um to the the extent possible because there are always you know individual failures that will bend break uh and exceed uh policies right in their in their actions but what are we doing to make sure that what happened in Miami day doesn't happen BR County Dr Poon thank you for recognizing the challenges Miami dat has had so I will throw it over to Mrs Andreu thank you Dr Zan so absolutely we know that there can always be abuse we recognize that this policy hopefully does have some parameters uh for that to eliminate that um so you will see in the policy that we address some of that by making sure that staff members have to be trained annually the staff member with the actual card as well as the approver which is their supervisor must sign off on an annual basis that they are aware of the rules and procedures you will also see in the policy that um there's disciplinary action if the card is abused also you cannot circumvent our purchasing policy policy 3800 that this is to allow for G greater flexibility but not to bypass any administrative codes or state statutes and all of that is outlined in full detail uh disciplinary action up to an including termination and being held legally responsible for any any charges that are not approved are part of this policy chair I'll just note that um that's great uh for staff we have 25,28 staff members uh we also have nine school board members though and one of the challenges that existed in Miami day in other places was that you can't fire Schoolboard members you can't terminate them you can probably you know say negative things about them and report them in the public space you could do other things I guess but um this policy doesn't really have any bite for Schoolboard members that might abuse a peard policy is that correct no that is not correct um because there's always uh a level of criminal prosecution so I'm sure that would not happen here but in the event that there was fraud um those steps would be taken thank you very much appreciate that Miss rubert thank you um and I actually had a question like going right after Dr Zan here um page 104 of the red [Music] line we have I guess about three4 of the way down that first paragraph misuse of the of the PE card may result in disciplinary actions to and including etc etc um May it's not strong enough you know misuse of the PE card will result in disciplinary actions up to and including without limit mation revocation termination suspension criminal charges and legal prosecution so um what's good for the goose is good for the gander so board members should be underneath this policy as well in part of that policy um and miss rubria miss Jack Adams ways in sure do you concur we with regards to um through the chair um we with regards to the use of the word may MH well um I I think the use of the word may considers like investigation with regards to whether or not that that PE card was really truly misused and if it was then whatever the results of that investigation would be would be the results of what would happen to that person I think Miss rert though is asking for stronger language do you make do you have a recommendation well I'm I'm I'm hesitant towards using the word shall because that right off the bat indicates that you shall do something prior to a um any type of formal investigation um Let me let me think about what other word we can put in instead of May right or how that can be restructured thank you I appreciate that I actually I circled it and I wrote will but um this is this is first reading or second first first okay good so I won't BLB the point um I'm I'm suggesting that our staff look into this especially uh if we can give it a little bit more bite um and then one to the third paragraph um each PE card has a declining balance go through this my my notes Here uh said board member limits um what are our board member limits and if that is written or spelled out somewhere Dr Fon Miss Andrea thank you for the question they're they're the same the balance is transferred most cards have a $5,000 balance but it would be up to um whatever your allotted budget is for your department um one thing I wanted to make mention of the real change the only real change to the current procedure that were in place are outlined in page two of um the allowable purchases one thing is that would be different than we currently have in place would be for travel for staff that currently was not the procedure for staff members I know for board members and for people in the intergovernmental Affairs office but this new policy would allow for staff to have registration airfare hotel and Rental cards be allowable purchases right okay um okay so I I maybe maybe to follow up as to what are our board member limits I know a while back um Miss alhed had asked for the budget for the um the board and I think it you know certainly would behoove us to to understand what those limits are and and um you know of course we're we're I can't say this sorry I was going to say something but we can't say it until after the election so sorry about that part um so we'll we'll discuss board member limits I think there should be um okay moving on to page two4 okay rental cars are restricted to a midsize or a smaller car I think that needs to be um I can't even say really an option I'll give you a quick example um I had to go to the greater Florida Consortium of school boards couple years ago two years ago or so and a tropical storm came and flooded um the ocean went right to past the pool area into the hotel and I had a teeny tiny little car that got stuck because the water levels were rising up as and there was only one way out of the place so I think definitely you know we this board we we don't go with a a truck or anything like that but just to keep things in in to um perspective if if there has to be um a restriction for that and then at least allow for something like this particular situation that we're going through right now um and then at the very bottom employee's obligation to reimburse um down here it says procedures may result in a loss of pecard privileges so once again really speaking to the same thing that was on F the first page so I look forward to hearing back on that ruling for that um disciplinary action termination and reimbursement um okay I think three and four was good and Page four where is the part okay one second go there page four I'm trying I'm trying to move it fast H okay and this is something that's just a pet peeve of mine and it happened a lot more than it happens now so kudos to to the board and to our staff because um there would be there would be a a very pronounced um am I trying to say here okay how many transactions do we have that fall at the 4,999 section you know people in the past did that on purpose so I my question for staff is this how many 4,999 transactions have we occurred in the last 5 years under emergency or utilities categories by Department I think it's important to take a look at that it does not like me I don't know if that may be a followup but miss Andrea do you have that information I I don't know if I understand the question so I can tell you for last fiscal year we had over 48,500 peard transactions are you specifically asking how many of those 48,000 transactions are under $5,000 no that's not exactly it what I'm actually saying is it it doesn't have to go to the board if it's less than $5,000 50,000 is that 50,000 that's the threshold that's the purchasing limit so uh in ex this that the $50,000 is the uh purchasing limit and it requires a competitive solicitation so okay but all right I I'll put I'll actually write it down and put it in writing so you'll understand and I can make sure that I'm expressing myself through that so thank you Mrs hien thank you I'm not sure where this is go I'm going to make a suggestion you tell me if it's the right place or not but on page two four where it says spending controls um I would like to add number five that says absolutely no personal use I mean I know it's implied throughout here but I think we should spell I don't know if that's the right place to put it or not but it says cash with withdrawals prohibited so I'd also like to add in here very clearly that you cannot use a PE card for any personal use whatsoever it is um delineated in the policy but if we want to State it twice we can do that as well I tried looking should never be used for personal items can you just say where I see okay allowable purchases um well was it doesn't but it it doesn't really say what would happen if they did like I just want to be clear that we have zero tolerance for using a PE card for personal use at any time so I personally think it's okay to add it more than one place so I don't know if we bold it or somewhere though I want to be very clear that there's there's no tolerance for you can't accidentally use PE card for your personal use okay thank you wait yeah I'm not sure where it would go but um so mi Hixon under section three the PE card should never be used for personal items or services does that suffice to your question I still would like to add number five because personal items or services but personal use period I I I think it's okay to say it more than one time to give the point across that this is not for your own personal use so I'd like to add under spending control number five um no personal I don't know how to word it but you get what I'm saying so thank you thank you okay so I was thinking for the board members uh with the PE cards that they board members are only allowed to use their PE card once it they're spending expense like what they're going on a conference or something like that it gets approved at a school board meeting right once that happens then they would be able where that would work they have to do the airfare beforehand it wouldn't work yeah but maybe there could be some language to T um tie it back into that it has to be approved at a school board meeting Andre thank you madam chair just want to remind the board that when it does come back to the when it does come to the board on the TDA and the board item that to approve it's an estimate so even if we don't charge the airfare or the hotel you can still look those things up we can still get the estimate forward and it can still get all the signatures on the back end from the superintendent and the board member and the board's approval and then go back and actually charge it the so there is a way to do it because those are just estimates however you do run the risk of that those two charges are different when they do go back and actually do charge it so if the board is okay with that small era of risk then you can still approve the the the estimates prior to the actual [Music] spending Dr folan do you know what I was trying to say that that is the current process now that Andre just described so leonardy yeah since this was an issue last time when I brought it up um maybe there could be language around like the per board approval or or if if it is not approved by the board board member will reimburse or something along those lines yeah yep Dr Zan and and to Mrs Rupert's Point um if we added generally to number four M rert there are people uh whose body size don't allow them to fit comfortably in midsize cars and so we have just be careful about so if we wanted to say generally restricted I think that would be more appropriate and I don't like the whole section to I don't understand it because it's not a sentence so if people want to consider making that into sentences so that people would understand what they mean I I'm a big fan of playing English so when you just say spreading controls and you have four or five to miss xon's point on not personal use it would be uh I think more it would communicate better if we made that into a paragraph instead of just a listed numers Dr olness thank you madam chair so for item five where it says state sales tax on purchases it indicates that the peak card holders responsibility is to inform the vendor that a transaction will be tax exempt um just wanted to find out um if it indicates that the P card will have the tax exemption number on it is that um the only uh uh proof that the vendor will need to to process or does someone having a PE card need to have some other form of documentation to get the tax exempt status in other words um if a PE card holder goes to a vendor and the vendor requires something additional and they don't have it they may end up charging it and then pay the sales tax right so is there what is required of the vendor that the PE card holder would need to have to be tax exempt is what's in here sufficient with with the tax ID number on the card through the chairs so thank you Dr holess the tax exempt number is on the PE card itself right some vendors um especially new vendors that might not be used to doing business with us might actually want the original tax exempt form and so that is supplied to all of the pecard holders when they receive pecard training so they have the option either or or both okay so um I guess I'm wondering with with the p card holders especially uh new employees and so on um are they aware that they may need to have additional um uh documentation for tax exemption number uh that some vendors may require more than just what's on the pecard so each pecard holder goes to training before receiving their PE card and they receive the tax exempt form the actual paper form as well as the tax exempt number is imprinted on the card okay so some vendors actually um from your um experience require the form or yes sir okay all right thank you okay seeing no other comments thank you so much you have your takeaways yes we do thank you perfect thank you the next item is policy 4900 audio and video recording of self-contained ESC classrooms do we have any public comments you can come to the mic it's Jackie LOM hi thank you Jackie lus Coral Springs and I'm chair of ESC advisory um I want to acknowledge first of all this isn't about wholesale distrust of teachers um ESC teachers we appreciate them we know cameras in class protect them too but experience has shown that a few bad apples can ruin it for everybody um so this um the state's pilot scheme for cameras in classroom acted as eyes and ears in classrooms where we have students with complex disabilities who are often non-verbal and it proved itself a valuable tool in that respect um on September the 19th I attended a virtual work group meeting convened by the ESC department at which a draft policy was presented we hadn't had foresight of it before that point it was a state policy with a couple of very minor tweaks and then one a large tweak that large tweak being the opening clause about limiting this scheme to just 300 of the existing cameras I gave feedback at that meeting and I'm glad that my suggestion of costing out what this program would be if it's not subject to that limitation was followed and I urge that we start by agreeing that this isn't going to be half a program or a third of a program it's going to be a fair and Equitable and available one for all who want it cheaping the Safety and Security of this District's most vulnerable students is not going to be acceptable um I'm a little dismayed to see that not only have you been presented with a draft that doesn't show which bits are the original state policy and which are the bits that have been added on by BCPS staff um but also that what you have been presented with here is not what we had at the work group meeting so there have been other bits added in I'm not sure by whom and why and there hadn't been discussion of those at the work group meeting um we have an ESC advisory um general meeting next week where we will uh go through this and um we will put all our things on one document and suggestions and feedback but I wanted to kick the process off here by saying that 300 camera limitation is going to be extremely problematic um we want it to be fair and Equitable and then some of the undiscussed issues that have turned up now on this document post work group discussion include introduction of a 5-day reporting window which means basically five parents have five days to find out if there was an incident with their kid in the classroom and by experience that's not necessarily a time scale that's um that's um practical the state had a 30day um uh a 30-day period uh sorry I think it might have been 3 months anyway it was longer um we also need to review the protocol and procedures for even implementing this policy there's a whole lot of um of protocols needed about how a parent can apply for pulling um video who it should be reviewed by I would suggest not by the principal um and uh there are a ton of um issues around the protocols uh I was after that meeting then given on my request a manual with the protocols in and that needs wholesale review there's a ton of things in here that are problematic and I haven't I'm not going to have time to um put them forward um I I don't think the process has been entirely inclusive as it could have been to have um given this a bit more forward momentum to this point we were told this was going to be an expedited process within one month and so far it's been three thank you thank you thank you Mr Moyer hey good afternoon Steve moer with Cooper City um thank you I understand um this is a draft um the one of the openings St is the the district will review the video to determine whether an alleged incident was captured on the video parental review of the video of the incidents will be limited solely to the incident if no incident was captured no review shall occur pre-screening the video and denying parents access because no incident was captured allows staff to deny access which the state did not um what administrator is going to allow a parent to view evidence of misconduct when they can just tell a parent nothing happened not on the video no video for you and that happened many times in fact for the first half of the three-year pilot program um schools were routinely denying access because it it had been pre-screened and found no incident until a state complaint was made and a particular school um gave up video and lo and behold even even though the parent had been told there was nothing there there was plenty there the state stepped in and actually proactively went after compensatory services this happened in Miss Leonard's District um uh what confidence does that give a parent and what logic is there in telling a parent we review the video there's nothing for you to see so you're not going to get to see it uh doesn't make any sense at all to um and it certainly doesn't build confidence in in trust in the district when something like that occurs first come first served as Jackie touched on briefly um you know I understand the reasoning behind wanting to use the cameras we've already bought it makes a lot of sense uh over the three-year pilot program uh the district spent $774,000 on the program uh I assume most of this was spent in the first year to purchase the cameras and the servers uh but you know given that uh average cost per year was 258,000 bucks uh in for perspective you know this District rolled over almost 11 million last year in Ida funds that they did not spend because they didn't need it I don't know but um 11 million bucks 258 for what is called to ensure the health and safety of students in ESC classrooms you know the way this policy is written right now and especially those sections is more about protecting staff the schools and the districts than the students because it protects School staff and students at the expense of students we're going to put in video cameras make them available to the parents appropriately thank you thank you any other public speakers on this item see none we can have a three minute presentation Dr Fon okay thank you for the opportunity to engage the board board and the public around this process of implementing uh cameras in our self-contained ESC classrooms so I'll turn this over to our chief academic officer Simone hollandsworth to kick it off thank you thank you good afternoon everybody and thank you for the time and certainly we want to be able to outline the uh proposed policy that's in front of you policy 4900 in regards to the cameras for Audio and Video in the classrooms based off of the legislation that was um House Bill 149 from before that did expire in June 30th 2024 so I'm going to turn it over to Miss Egan who's our executive director of ESC and Stephanie aosta Castro to take us very quickly through the deck and then we'll go to questions and Stephanie is's our compliance director Diane Negan executive director of ESC so we put together the information in the PowerPoint to kind of paint a picture that um if we use the existing cameras what the cost would be what the cost would be to um put additional cameras in place whether we go with the number of self-contained classrooms we have self-contained classrooms are classrooms that only have students with disabilities in them and we you know just to kind of paint a picture for the board about the possible things that are available to to um be considered under this policy so I'll pass it over to Stephanie Acosta Castro um to add some additional details good afternoon if we could stay on slide six um at this time we do have 66 67 requests that had come in at the time that the presentation was created that is up to 700 requests as of yesterday we do want to provide you with an opportunity to review the financial impacts of what those request we do want Equity we do want to ensure that the students and the parents and the families that are requesting those cameras um are able to have those installed in their classrooms however we do want to be forthcoming with the board and let them know that there are costs associated with that Continuum of services if we advance to slide eight we will see that there are approximately 23 cameras in the warehouse installation of those cameras would cost us $1 14,674 and that would allow us to have approximately 59% of request unfilled next slide we then set up an additional 300 camera purchase that would have the 300 that we currently have in our possession plus an additional 300 and the estimated cost there would be approximately $735,000 but because enrollment and eligibility for exceptional student education is ongoing we also forward to slide 10 please and you will see that we also provided you with the cost of having a camera installed in every single self-contained classroom throughout the district and that leaves us at about $1.9 million in cost and that's 3 seconds so I'll stop there do you have anything else to say I just want to um attach on in addition to having the cameras the process for the parents to review following our presentation today we're going to go into our formal looping process through advisories and other departments so that we can solidify what that would look like and we do want to um point out that Beacon is currently the Houser of redacting that film so we did put in some time for you to have an idea of what that looks like when a parent is requesting film it's about an hour and a half of time in the rejection system to redact about 30 minutes of film and again that's just to give the board an idea of what we're looking at when we're going through the request and if I may just um the policy that is in front of you was really based on the state legislation using that as the starting point we were the pilot program for the entire State we were the one District that was selected three years ago um so that was where the basis of this came from with obviously hearing from our community as well about wanting to keep this in play but using that as the you know the basis in the foundation okay board member comment Mr hion thank you and thank you for bringing this forward it was something that I I asked for us to do and I I'll take the heat for us saying that we were just going to use the cameras that we had so that because we didn't have additional funding so that was my request that we at least get it started with the cameras that we had so um I understand and it was something staff said they're not going to like that and I said I know but we we we have to start from somewhere so I did also on that note though ask our new it um Chief which His Name Escapes me at the moment Davis Mr Davis thank you and I don't know maybe if he can address this um he was going to look to see if we could use the recordex to supplement the cameras that we had if there was a way to make them work the same way since we had an abundance of those so if he could maybe address whether he's been able to ascertain if we can do that or not here we go thank you Mrs Hixon I appreciate that um depend ending on the model of recordex uh because there's different products in that line of recordex uh some are output only some have recording capacity so uh based on the conversation that we did have we are we were reviewing those particular assets that we have to see what could possibly be used the problem with those would be the scope of recording uh in a room um as defined by um you know 149 for example so that's that's what we're looking at as to whether that could be we could be using that do you know when you would have an answer as to whether and how many we would um gain from that yes we we should have that by midweek okay great thank you thank you so much you're welcome um my other question to staff is can money from the idea be used for cameras additional cameras miss aasta when we originally did the research what we found was that acquisition of cameras and other security devices are not considered an excess cost of special education and therefore would not be allowed okay all right thank you um and my last question of this well actually two more of the 700 cameras that were requested how many of them are in the same classroom we did preliminary data on that and I'm going to just refer to the slide to give you the accurate numbers on slide six 453 of the request are currently at 104 schools where there is a minimum of One camera installed there are 214 requests across 80 schools where there is no camera on that campus currently installed and in the appendix we did a breakdown by School location yeah but that wasn't my question so if you have two students in the same classroom you only need one camera so that's my question how many of those requests are are multiples in one classroom at this time we're still Gathering that data because classrooms are still being um balanced out for the opening of the school year and then we also have to take into consideration that at the secondary level especially on some of our separate day school campuses One camera request could result in multiple installations because the students switch classes okay um thank you thank you for that and the others if I could go to the actual policy let me go there um on page um what is this oh doesn't have a page number oh yes it does okay page three D where it says a video camera placed in a self-contained classroom is not required to be in operation when students are not present in the self-contained classroom is there a way that we can word that because it says is not required but did get some information from teachers where when their students are not in the classroom if they're making a personal phone call if they're trying to do because that's their personal time it it it's not really appropriate for us to be taping them at that point so is there a way we can reward that that doesn't say is not required but would will not be in operation and I don't know how you turn them on and off but I do know it was a concern for they don't mind it when the students are in the classroom it's just just that they would like to have their own personal time I'm going to defer to Jason and Rob Zimmerman on the turning on and off of the camera because I know that when we wrote the original site implementation guide there were some concerns about the camera being turned off and then not being switched back on and then recording would stop and that would put us in violation of the statute gotcha my name is Rob zimam and I manage uh it video surveillance projects for the district uh currently there's no way for a teacher to turn off a camera the camera control is controlled by the server so where where if if you would like that functionality there have to be some sort of switch installed in the classroom that would allow the physically the camera to be turned off so do those cameras just run all the time or or at 2:30 do they turn on is are they sense motion they're very and any motion will start the camera recording okay is there a way just um across the board that we could turn them off at 3:00 or 2:30 where at least in the afternoon when the teachers doing their things that the cameras aren't on because students wouldn't be in the classroom then and then they would automatically go back to that motion is there a way to do that absolutely recording could be limited by time so if we could add that in there that the cameras would be um turned off and I appreciate that you're going back I know the days of being able to report and the window and all of that um we are much different than what and I read why so I understand that um but I'm glad you're going to go through the looping process so we can get to a consensus and a agreement on what makes sense for everybody so thank you again for bringing the policy forward Miss lardy thank you um so I'll just get right into to it there was some concern about um what's being presented today isn't what was uh presented in the work group meeting um why is that Dr F Miss aasta because this is a brand new policy and we had to bring it to Workshop before we went through looping we did do a policy work group just to get some feedback from those that were able to attend that included departments and different advisory committees that were invited so we did um take that back to the drawing board to be able to bring forward to the board the modeled policy after the state statute with some information from our departments and our community got it so just so I understand um something was brought to the the workg group some of that feedback was incorporated um when we go back and and loop it what you're going to take through looping might look different than what's ultimately brought to the board because you'll be incorporating the feedback from the looping in yes and then typically when we come back we would also provide you with any feedback that wasn't included and the rational for why that wasn't included got it thank you for clarifying that um a concern that was raised was that the state reporting period is much longer than our 5-day reporting period can someone explain um the rationale behind that Dr heer St hello um so with the this goes into a little bit of the cost analysis we did the cost analysis at a 90-day retention but reducing it to a 30-day retention to put in alignment with our other security cameras in hallways and cafeterias would actually reduce the overall cost of the um program implementation we also in speaking with our friends and Professional Standards um feel that having a more narrow time for viewing and going back would help us with our students as far as identifying an alleged incident because if we're trying to go back three months you could have turnover you could have other areas where you would have a more difficult time completing that investigation so if I narrowing that that down we would be able to assist with those alleged incidences got it so I just want to make sure I'm understanding correctly then because a public speaker alluded to a 5-day reporting period so from in in what I understood from that was that a parent would have 5 days from the incident to report it is that correct or am I not understanding that correctly that was one of the considerations we were asked to bring forward so it would be five school days so that wouldn't take into account any holidays or time off from school and again this policy is still going to go through looping so we're happy to bring that back to community and departments and get additional feedback on that as well as a work group with families who could provide us input on the incident reporting form got it thank you um so the there was an incident that was brought up um a public speaker about surrounding an issue around pre-screening what have we done to fix this so that that just to clarify the incident was that a school told a family there's there's no foot there's no footage of the incident and then the state got involved and then there in fact was footage of the incident so what have we done to make sure that that does not happen again drer staff during the first year of implementation there was one appeal to the state which is the case that was brought forward today the department that wrote the statute is not the department that did the investigation so the department that did the investigation was the Bureau of exceptional student education and they um in the corrective action we had to retrain staff including principals administrators and ESC specialist in the process and the site implementation guide and at that time we also recommended that no administrator view the footage in a silo so there should always be two reviewers and after that we worked with our legal department and Beacon to ensure that any redactions that came through where there wasn't an alleged incident even if it wasn't on recording that film was reacted and made available to the families okay is it at all possible to have um like School staff removed from that process and have it be District staff like logistically does that work that is a recommendation that we can bring forward but I'm going to defer to Mr Lozano regarding investigations Mr loano ER Lozano Tas side Chief safety security officer so there is um options that the district could but again when you look at investigations there's questions sometimes when we start those type of Investigations with SW forign officers um so we would have to have further conversations in the best way to review those videos so there are options but usually when we handle investigations even outside of ESC classrooms for staff it usually always starts with the school administrator okay so maybe I'm not understand this correctly would someone from for instance from the ESC Department so someone who's not based at that school would they be able to use that footage or do we immediately have to go to sworn officers that's a possibility as well I think we would have to talk about it but um obviously um I'll have to defer to the ESC department but um you know that would be something that they would have to consider so in the original policy it stated um that the principal is the custodian of the video um you know of the cameras and the video and typically as a principal as a former principal um Mr Lozano is correct that we would do an investigation in our school and also we're all mandatory reporters so we are required to report any incident of abuse or neglect um as you know as part of our role and responsibility in our in our jobs okay that that um raises a whole other series of questions for me that maybe I'll talk with you offline um and just to to clarify do board members have the authority to direct schools to release camera footage Dr her no okay and do we do board members have the authority to view that footage Dr um I'll defer to miss Batista on specifics on what you can and under what circumstance I know um overall it's a no but I know there may be some circumstances that would warrant board member to be able to see some video that's correct the overall would be an O um unless it has something to do specifically with um for example an expulsion or some sort of a um Duty that you are performing as a board member got it thank you for clarifying that um are we able to place the cameras without the I mean we the district um is is the district able to place those cameras in classrooms without parents formally requesting us to do so I'll defer that to miss miss Batista also as far as U being able to place the camera in a classroom without a formal request I think Miss holling Wars is U ready to answer that question oh go ahead Miss holl I was looking at an attorney um but I know going going back to what we based the policy on was it was a parent request so you had to be notified that that was an option you had to request it so that it would be in there and then part of the other process was anyone else in the classroom had to be noticed as well and staff knowing that that was happening so um we didn't do it without the the permission of the parent um okay thank you um and to miss hixon's point I do you know there are things that that teachers are able to do during their planning time um that maybe they don't want on camera so I I think about like nursing mothers um pumping and things like that um so that is a really serious issue that I think Miss hixen brought up that I would like usess to to figure out a solution to so we're not filming um teachers during during their private planning time thank you thank you Dr Zan thanks chair um I know we're early in this but uh I'm not comfortable with policies having resource implications like we don't have any policies that say we're going to go spend money on a product or an item uh we have policies that say if a parent want requests a video we're going to get him a video and we might say we're going to get him a video subject to availability of cameras uh there's a lot of things we can say in a policy but we don't start policies off with two insure statements we don't start policies that say we have 300 cameras that's not a policy um there's some other issues with this policy um is the principal the sole custodian of the video camera footage initially yes great I think we should add soul and make sure it's clear um there's some interesting things here uh sometimes a person can't get to a school in 5 days they're on travel uh they're doing other things please consider maybe you say uh our preference is for them to view it within 5 days or or something I don't understand why as a school system we would direct a parent to do something within 5 days it's just not something I'm very comfortable with with in G I don't think a person who uh views the recording is uh required I think all Broward County Public School Employees who view it who see abuse are required reporters right but not other people that see it I don't think a parent has to report it so I I would just be careful about that we'll look forward to this last point is important to me chair our policy on looping says that we direct as a board uh which advisories get to see this have we done that yet Dr no I don't think we've directed um staff to Loop through a specific um committee or Advisory Group y uh chair are we allowed to do that at a workshop go back and forth with advisories is that your question um are we allowed to uh recommend to the staff which uh groups this should be looped through our policy says looping is directed by the board we don't do that very often we just kind of let it happen but I liked us to do what our policy says which is the board says here's three advisories W don't you go talk to these or here's two or 19 or whatever but this uh this casual process of letting people Loop it if they feel like it just causes trouble and by the way um please don't be too surprised when something you Loop comes back different that's the whole point of looping we Loop things we get advice from three different groups the first group may not know what the second or third group said and so when it comes back and it's presented it may be different and it should be different that's why we Loop things but I'd like to specify now uh which Advisory Group should see this particular thing if that's appropriate at Workshop yes Madam shair yes um the other issue to remember when um a policy is looped is that um by law the at the end of the day the superintendent is the one that has the responsibility to bring a policy that is his recommend ation so um I know that that staff when they Loop something and they do not um bring forth some of the items that are being looped that they give the reason why they're not uh putting that in the policy but anyway my point being that whatever um ends up being in the policy could be completely different from what it's looped I recommend this Bel looped with ESC advisory committee yes everybody agree agree agree yes six I would also um add the deck and maybe the technology committees okay do we agree with that ESC and Technology yes yes okay any other comments Dr H thank you madam chair so um I I did hear a concern from the audience and I just want to be sure that we don't have that kind of a situation um Can a principal or a um delegated staff who look at the video uh indicate that there's nothing there when there's actually something there and they the parent our Guardian did not have a chance to to look at it as a result or is there any anything in the policy that if something is actually there on a video um that will ensure that the principal will validate that it's there um and the um parent will be able to view it because I think there was a concern from one of the audience members who spoke that it could possibly occur where there's an incident the principal says there's nothing on the video and there is and the parent not get to see it is that possible staff I'm going to start by saying that when the initial policy came forward it was supposed to be for an alleged incident a principal or a custodian of the camera always has to review it first because they have to get the footage to Beacon to let Beacon know what's going to be redacted which students faces need to be covered so there's always a certain level of viewing that is going to take place at the beginning of the our process with the the pilot program we were viewing the footage and then determining if an incident occurred if that parent could come in and view following the corrective action from the state we worked more closely with our schools to create parameters to ensure that parents were able to view that footage and there is word wording in the policy that does say that the camera should not be viewed in conjunction with teacher observation or provision of services okay so if someone requests to view a video because of an alleged incident um walk me through the process again um the the principal will be the first person to determine that as the custodian of it or how does it actually work to ensure that the request is being met in in terms of there's actually an incident because I think there's a concern whether or not um there's a concern of trust whether or not if there's an incident it it will actually the principal will actually confirm or that there there was actually an incident that occur Madam Sher I miss P um just to um clarify the this this program that we piloted in Broward was as a result of a the statute um the statute defined the word incident as a circumstance stand an act or an Omission that results in the abuse or neglect of a student um So based upon that definition that's how the district was implementing the policy um in other words if there was no incident in other words if if someone looked at the video and there was no Omission or circumstance or act that resulted in abuse or neglect then an incident did not occur and therefore at that point pursuant to the statutory language there was nothing for the parent to view okay so who determines if an incident occur is there a team of people to ensure that the process is um taking place without any concerns of of uh so I can only answer as to what I know and maybe the implementation uh maybe somebody else can answer that but I know we did look at um you know how many people were looking at the video it wasn't just one person looking and making a determination by themselves that there was no incident okay and um I'm concerned about the the five days as well I think that that should be more than five days and under item five um where it says uh within seven school days after receiving a request to view a video recording a school or School District shall allow the following individuals to view the video and then Item B says a parent of a student student who is involved in an alleged incident um upon completion of the incident request form within 5 days of the date of the alleged incident um I just want to understand this clearly so it says within 5 days of the date of the alleged incident and incident form should be completed so if a parent was not aware that an incident occurred until later um but the alleged then occur say on October 1st the parent wasn't aware until October 6 and now we passed that timeline of the 5 days of the alleged incident um can you kind of help me to understand that because I would think it would be within five calendar days of awareness of the date of the alleged incident as opposed to five calendar days of the of the alleged incident because awareness of it is different from the date it actually occur isn't it as far as filling out an incident form it could be certainly okay so if I'm a parent of a of a child and I became aware 7 days after the incident occur but but the policies requiring that I have an incident report form within 5 days of the incident occurring but my awareness was n until after the 5 days then there's a problem so I think the language should show five calendar days of awareness of the date of the alleged incident right thank you um Madam chair those are all my comments okay anybody else do you have your direction yes we do all right thank you so much the next item for is our last item is the initial discussion sponsorships banners and signage and advertising policies any public comment no no public comment I'll now turn it over to staff for a three-minute presentation good afternoon uh upon advice of my attorney I'm going to turn it over to our lovely madam general counsel that was fast okay um so um the recommendation is to change the policy that we have on advertising and separate the banner policy uh from the advertising policy and really the reason for that is that there is a case that um came out in 20 20 uh 2015 the mech versus the school board of uh Palm Beach County uh case and in that case they had a challenge to uh Banner uh policy that they had so in that case there was and I can give you just a little a little background on it um there was a math tutor Mr Mech uh with a background in the adult film industry and he had banners for his tutoring business displayed on school fences as part of a Business Partnership program with the Palm Beach County School Board um after the parents uh from that particular Community learned of his past and the time the they had an issue with those banners being advertised so the school board removed the banners and uh Mr Mech Su saying that there was a violation of First Amendment of his first amendment rights so um ultimately what the case um said was that the district had the ability to remove the banner because the um placing of the banner um in some cases when a school or government entity allows private businesses or individuals to display banners those banners represent the businesses speech not the governments um and so in such cases when you remove the banner based on the content it could violate Free Speech protections however um if you take certain um if you you work some things into the policy and do things in a particular way then the Banners are looked at as Government speech as opposed to the speech of the vendor so um to that end that's what we're going to be trying to do with a new policy um we will have a policy that will um basically communicate a message from the school board meaning that uh whether it be a message of uh being grateful to the partners for their partnership um and then number number two one of the things that needs to happen is that a reasonable Observer would conclude that the district agrees with the message that is being displayed because ultimately it is the message of the district a message of thankfulness for their participation in and being supportive of the district uh and the last thing and probably the most important in my mind is that it has to have the district has to have complete control over the message so he has to control the design the content um the selection of the business partners to ensure that the banners remain aligned with the district's educational Mission and Community Values thank you and just to be clear this is just for discussion today it's not u a part of ruem so we will be bringing this back to the board uh through that rule making process so you will see this again in a workshop okay thank you any board member comments any board member comments see none you have your I'm sorry I do I just have one question Dr sorry I know I'm going to get a call this week and someone's going to say um I'm a real estate agent and I want to give my neighborhood School 500 bucks and they're going to put a banner up and they're going to say Alan Zan does Real Estate you know uh help call him uh can would we still be able to do this under the policy that you're envisioning yes um except the vendor or the real estate agent is not going to be able to say anything we're going to be saying thank you to Dr Zan real estate agent yes uh for their partner for their their partner in education and so we would have a standard language that will go into every single banner it would probably have the school colors it would be a particular size it would have a particular font uh that is used all across the board um it can have the logo of the business that's not an issue but it for the most part it would be something that is dictated by the district thank you and the reason I ask is these funds that schools get you know through sales of of things like this are wholly discretionary at the spending of the principal and they love these funds because of that um and so I'm just glad that we're being thoughtful about it so that we can U ensure that that flow of funds which is so critical keep going okay thank you all right seeing no other comments at this time do any of my colleagues have anything to bring to the board or student successes to share zon thank you um I just want to give a shout out to Driftwood Elementary yesterday they celebrated winning the How Low Can You Go competition and the Miami Heat came out and they had a great time and that's because they reduced they had the greatest reduction in energy uh water consumption and food waste that and the New Year competition starts today so if schools are interested they can go and apply to be that and Driftwood ele um Driftwood Middle School was also recognized as a as top in the nation as a magnet school of excellence so congratulations to Driftwood Middle thank you any other comments Dr Zan just a question chair uh uh I've gotten um approached by several Municipal leaders in in a area Brower County that has a uh um a school that's um a magnet school and I remember in our discussion when we talked about Virginia shman young earlier this year that's also a magnet school right for monori there's three of them in Brer County uh but they also have 150 seats set aside for their boundar area or their neighborhood area what's the process for a municipality that wants also to have seats like that is that should that be part of the repurposing effort or should that be a separate item brought to the board Dr heurn I would say if you can let us know the municipality and we can get with the city manager or mayor or specific commissioner we can have those conversations to see how we can accommodate them um we are for neighborhood schools and neighborhood children attending their neighborhood school so if uh if at all possible if we can make that happen we'll work diligently to partner with them I'll have that to you this afternoon thanks thank you chair thank you any other board members comment Dr H yes thank you um chair I just wanted to highlight uh some school visits from this this past Friday had an opportunity to go to three amazing schools cor glaze High School West Hollywood Elementary um and also Boulevard height um Elementary um amazing leaders amazing campuses um teachers are is palpable that teaching and learning is happening in those buildings as a matter of fact the principal at cor glaze was not there um but it did not matter that environment ran like a well oiled education machine which speaks to his leadership and and how he operates and runs his schools and also uh West Hollywood Elementary Boulevard Heights Elementary I just want to talk about the passion um that was exuding from the the leaders the teachers the students it was engaging environment we are in good hands with those leaders at those schools and we should see amazing results moving forward throughout the year thank you on October 6 three of our outstanding schools Boyd Anderson High School Dillard High School 6 through 12 and sequest treace Middle School took part in an exciting launch of a new partnership proudly showcasing their exceptional talents Boyd Anderson High School's Color Guard Dillard High School's renowned marching ban the force and toest to tr's girls soccer team were all highlights of the event additionally I was the honorary captain of this game further adding to the significance of the moment and this event marked the beginning of an incredible strategic partnership between Brower County Public Schools and Fort Lauderdale United FC Fort Lauderdale's first professional women's soccer team any other comments Dr Hess thank you madam chair so William Dandy Middle uh let's take a moment to recognize William Dandy Middle School for the successful launch of their Wildcat mentoring program a special recognition goes to the 45 dedicated staff members for their outstanding commitment to mentoring 60 Scholars your efforts will have a lasting impact on our students growth and success and then I also have dard 6 through2 thank you to Florida Power and Light Company for their generous partnership in transforming the dard 6 through2 stem classroom this $50,000 makeover feature an advanced technology like 30 3D rather printers and Robotics uh kits will greatly enhance student engagement and creativity inspiring our scholars in their pursuit of knowledge thank you the schedule order of business for this Schoolboard Workshop of the school board of BR County Florida has been completed see no obligation and now join the meeting e e e e e e e e e e e e e 2 two two one two 3 e e e e e e e e testing one two 3 testing one two three testing testing one two 3 e testing one two three con two two one two three four five I think he's 2 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 one two three four five six give it a little bit more two two 2 3 4 5 6 78 that's why yeah so bring the master fader down a little bit two two two two one two three 4 that sounds good yes sir one per we don't need any where you saw the last part e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good afternoon this special school board meeting of the school board of bar County Florida is now called to order please identify the exodor that are clearly marked for emergency exiting while on the board free from objecting the exodor all attendees must occupy a seat with the exception of media once the Board Room has reached its seating capacity attendees will be directed to a designated overflow area upon activation of the fire alarm system please exit from the room in orderly fashion continue exit building that and remain outside until an authority has Juris has deem this building safe to return our primary focus is to create a safe and productive environment all please rise for the pledge allegiance of the flag of the United States of America I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the stands na God indivisible andice as we prepare to begin our special school board meeting we are reminded that our vision is 100% proficiency for all of our students as an a-rated School District our Vital task is sustain this achievement we will continue educating all of our students to reach their Highest Potential believe and power achieve one Broward today's special school board meeting will operate in accordance with school board policy 1020 and the board will review the items as advertised and presented by the superintendent the superintendent released a revised agenda with certain changes for this meeting and published it on the school district's website the chair finds pursuance of sections 120525 of Statute that good cause exists for such change and accepts the revised agenda may I have a motion and second to close the agenda so moved move by Zan second by rert all in favor I mean move by Zan second by Hixon all in favor say I I those opposed say no the agenda is now closed the first item of business on the agenda is item one a motion to approve non-instructional appointments and leaves 2024 2025 may I have a motion and second on item one so move second move by Zan second by rert it's been moved in second to approve item number one is there any public comment seeing none board debate Dr Hess one quick question for the recommended candidate Benjamin salz um I did notice that uh there's a significant salary cut um uh in terms of his previous employment to current employment um just wanted to to understand uh if um if the individual uh fulfill the requirements of the job and um and the current pay that we offer which is a significant pay cut to the individual it could staff am I allowed to ask questions on that Dr heurn yes Mr AO so the candidate to the chair David AO Chief people officer so the candidate does qualify for all of the minimum requirements for the position um I'm not sure what the question is on salary now I noticed there was a significant difference in what the individual made in dat as compared to what we're offering so just want to just want reassurance that the individual is um fully acceptance of the job and and intends to to be longterm or to to be here for for a while yes so the the candidate accepted the position who wouldn't make it to to this point without that so we we are assured that it is on the agenda the candidate has accepted uh we if through our retention efforts and our onard in and our great culture here at brard County Public Schools we hope that he remains here uh may qualify for some promotions later on increase his salary but yes he's very qualified thank you appreciate that thank you any other board member comments Miss Le nardy I just wanted to extend my deep appreciation to principal padora and her long service of advocacy first granan High School um some amazing amazing things happen at straining hand because of her and her leadership and I'm just so so grateful and I'm very sorry to lose her but I'm happy for her continued career advancement thank you Landon want to take a moment of personal privilege and say Mrs Leonardi's lost our gain um Cong congratulations to Mrs padora on behalf of the entire Western Community we're so excited to work with you and welcome your leadership so congratulations thank you any other board member comments see none all in favor of item number one say I I those oppos say no item number one passes unanimously Dr he yes thank you chair gives me privilege to introduce um three amazing leaders taking the next step in their careers and also one new to BR County Public Schools and uh providing immense support to help us redefine our district um as I call your name uh you can come up to the mic and you have about like they have a minute I'll give you like 45 seconds trying to get y'all out of here for prepare for this storm uh to greet the board uh Miss Johnson our new Chief Financial Officer M good afternoon everyone my name is Romer Johnson I'm the previous CFO for Hillsboro County Public School I'd just first of all like to take the opportunity to thank all of you the board chair superintendent help bur and all the board for allowing me to be the CFO for hillsb I mean for Hillsboro Bard County public school and also I'd like to thank you for the opportunity to partnership and bring about financial stability to the district Financial transparency and overall reallocating resources to support all the children of H Brower County Public School worry takes a thank you Miss thank you Miss Johnson it usually takes a little bit of time to get rid of those names out of your vernacular so we won't hold we won't hold that against you uh miss heno our new director of HR operations wow good afternoon thank you so very much I'm truly honored to step into the role of director of HR operations this new opportunity will allow me to channel my passion for um operational efficiency and employee engagement in ways that will support the overall goals of the district with more than 24 years of leadership experience right here in Broward County Public Schools um particularly in the areas of process Improvement workforce planning and employee relations I'm excited to work alongside the amazing HR team to strengthen and enhance the HR operations um certainly my goal is to streamline um some of the processes to help Foster a positive work environment support the day-to-day work of our employees and ultimately to ensure that our schools in our district departments are able to recruit and retain top talent in the largest District in six largest District of the country um I just want to say if I could thank you to the South Plantation Community I have had the distinct pleasure of serving that Community for more than 16 years they are definitely part of my heart and I will miss them greatly um I am still a mom of a paladin so they're not going to be rid of me for um another year and a half but thank you all for this opportunity I'm really excited thank you the Miss Fedora new principal at Western High School good afternoon everybody my name is Michelle padora I'm a proud Brower County public uh School employee for the last 24 years started my career as a science teacher at dear Phil Beach High School my journey yes my journey has taken me through a couple different locations but I've had the privilege of serving my dragon family for the N last nine years created such wonderful memories that I will sherish for a lifetime with them I'm so proud of the work that we've accomplished there and I wish the Strand High School Community nothing but success but I am so thrilled and looking forward to this new chapter I want to thank Miss leonardy for your continued support I want to thank Dr heurn for this opportunity the board and all of the mentors that are in this room I truly uh appreciate the guidance that I have received I'm looking forward to serving and working alongside with my new Wildcat family um thrilled for this opportunity and can't wait to get the work started and bring the school to new levels of EXC thank you all so much thank you chair and that concludes U introductions okay congratulations to everybody Welcome to the BCPS family we're going to take a five minute recess for a photo e e e e e e welcome back everybody can have a seat thank you may I have a motion and second and items 2 3 4 5 five seven so moved moved by Zeman second by Hixon public comment no register speakers Madam chair public comment yes Madame chair Vice chair board members Mr superintendent uh I'm Dan Reynolds I'm president of the uh Federation of public employees and you'll be taking up the matter of ratifying the three agreements that uh came before you in the uh quasi judicial hearing a few weeks ago and then was subsequently ratified by our members um I would ask that you take up the fop 4 separately there's just a technical issue with the presentation on that uh but otherwise we're really pleased with uh how the board fairly resolved our impass and thank you for that thank you next speaker is Brower teachers union in this agenda item okay Anna Fusco Brower teachers union president we're asking you to approve the two contracts the uh 2.5 rays that it took you guys a year and a half to come to and uh we ratify with our esps 96% and we ratified with our tsps 99% so even though it was a small increment of AR raay that took you a year and a half to get to we know that building on AR raise for this year is what is what was wanted from those two groups so with that being said those that are here in the room believe you have Quorum we're asking you to move forward and say yes we approve after the ratification of the 2.5% raise that it took you a year and a half to get to thank you any other speakers any other any other speakers board comment this is leonardy yeah I'd like to make a motion to separate item number four second move by Leonardi second by rert public comment on the motion all in favor of the motion say I I I motion carries okay we're back to 235 and 7 board member in comment on 235 and 7 all in favor of 235 and 7 say I I those opposed say no items passed unanimously all right back to number four I have a motion second on item number four so move second moved by Zan second by Leonardi public comment on four again Dan Reynolds Federation of public employees um just a question on the uh backup information the previous fiscal year we had agreed to U paying forward a raise for a certain group of our employees roughly $914,000 which was to be deducted from any uh raises that we were to receive this year um it's included in your package here as being part of the motion we did present it to the special magistrate the special magistrate did not raise it as an issue in his recommendation and then when we had the Quasi judicial hearing this particular tranch of money was not discussed and was not part of the motion as I recall so I don't know if we have a little technical problem here or if we're just assuming that it was included because it was ratified the previous year so I just pretty much need clarification as we discussed it thank you thank you any other speakers Dr heern can staff weigh in yes Mr AO yes thank you Dr heurn so in 2223 when we ratified the F4 contract there was a stipulation in there in article 16 that says employees assigned to the trades and certified trades salary schedules shall Advance one step on the salary schedule effective January 1 2023 so their raise was their step was retro to January of 23 not July of 22 due to the cost of the step advancement the parties agree that the amount of $94,500 from any salary proposal for the 2324 school year so that was the agreement for the 2223 school year um Mr Reynolds is correct so it was brought up to the magistrate but was not discussed at the impass meeting uh so I included it on the executive summary to um to to remind the board that this was an agreement from before um as we discussed the 2.5 salary increase for this group moving forward okay Mrs Hixon thank you that was actually my question so um the the remaining 9,37 937 305 is that minus the 9914 or is 914 included in what you've presented to us because it's confusing on the executive summary no so on the executive summary it says the parties agreed to reduce any salary increase for last school year by the 914 th000 so was that taken out of what this financial impact is no that may be a scn's error that may not have been removed from that part check the number we should only be owing like 20,000 the impact should only be $20,000 correct so because that would reduce the so for the school for the 23 24 school year the total impact of the 4.7 that would be reduced by the 94,000 so I apologize for that run those numbers again but it would basically the remaining 937 through a five would effectively be 23,000 well that's a big big difference in the number so um I think it's important that this is correct so so that we all understand what's happening thank you he any other board member want to weigh in I think this is an eror chair just on the summary to us it's not in the contract um so if we can correct it for the record uh and and make sure that that's stored uh permanently in the record I think that we'd be whole okay Miss P says someone need to make a move motion well I mean so the motion that is before you is to approve the collective bargaining agreement with the uh prior agreement from the 2022 23 school year if you wanted to leave it the way that it is then that's you know that's what that's what the board would be voting on okay any board member comments I think I mean this is something everyone sees so I would like to make a motion to change where it says the remaining um instead of 937 305 it should say $22749 second moveed by Hixon SE second by roer public comment board comment all in favor of the motion say I those opposed say no motion carries any other comments all in favor of number four as amended say I I those opposed say no motion carries unanimously may have a motion and second on item number six is it can I motion and second on item number eight moved by rert second by Hixon public comment I'll have Mrs Batista pick us off well do we have any public comment let's start there see no public comment Miss Batista so good afternoon so this is the uh contract for the chief auditor um the board authorized the chair to negotiate with the chief auditor and he's representative and the um outcome of that negotiation is before you as item eight uh in a summary there is a table at the end that summarizes all the major terms uh but those are that there will be a three-year uh term uh is the the agreement the term of the agreement the salary is um $195,000 um there is um the notice for the any extensions or non-renewals is 90 days and let's see um the chief auditor will participate in all benefit plans uh made available to other school board administrative employees the valuation format is um to be negotiated with the board at a separate time and there is a termination without cost there is no um if it's without cost there is um an amount equ to 20 weeks of severance and if there is if if there is a termination for cost then of course there would be no severance pay which is similar to um what others um direct reports have in their contracts board member comments dress thank you madam chair so I'd like to go to um 2.15 termination without cause on page 8 of 15 so Madame chair um I believe maybe Miss Batista would be the person to answer this question um how is uh the item 2.15 termination without cause different from what was offered to superintendent uh Dr Hein so in the superintendent contract um in the superintendent's contract it it would be article 10 uh point2 termination compensation um there is a clause there that says uh not withstanding any provisions to the contrary Dr heern will not be eligible to receive severance pay until he completes six months of employment starting with the the 7th month uh Dr heurn shall acrw 3.33 weeks of severance per month until reaching 20 weeks at the 12 months um so that was the agreement um after negotiating that uh that piece uh there with the um superintendent and his Council and and this issue by the way did come up in the negotiations with the um Chief auditor as well um or something um similar to that um I don't think we really um I mean ultimately the agreement was what is before you now okay so I have a couple other questions um so I believe Mr roads uh how long has Mr rhods been in the task assigned and current position has it been 6 months yet M batia I believe so yes okay so um if we should give Mr RADS credit for the 6 months and modify the termination without cause section to match what we offered the superintendent um what would be the equivalent of that in terms of um in terms of the uh weeks per month over what time period Miss Batista okay so if um so giving the chief auditor credit for the six months um then then the chief auditor would uh commence or begin his acral of 3.33 weeks of severance per month starting with this month which would be the seventh month until reaching the 12 month in which case he will receive the 20 weeks okay so I would like to make a motion uh that we give Mr roads credit for the six months and match exactly what we did with superintendent Dr heurn in the 3.33 weeks per month severance until reaching 12 months is that would that motion be equivalent uh Miss Batista to what we gave superintendent heurn I believe so if you would like me to I can read the language from Dr heber's um agreement again with um maybe with the change that um that you would like yes my my interest is to give credit to Mr Ro for the 6 months that he has already completed his task assigned in the role and to match what we've done with Dr head bur in terms of the um severance pay um so it can be equivalent uh seeing that both of these individuals are direct report to us I think it would be prudent that we uh show fairness and provide uh the same as we did to Mr roads as we did to Dr herper um so the language would be uh not withstanding any provision well okay let me let me figure out where it would go here so it would go at the end of uh paragraph 2.15 termination without cost um then it would continue with another paragraph stating notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary um roads will not be eligible to receive severance pay until he completes um I guess one month of employment employment starting with um the second month um roads shall ACR 3.33 weeks of salary as Severance per month until reaching 20 weeks at the 12 months okay so I'd like to make a motion with that language second it's been moved by Hess second by Leonardi theard Madam share I just want to make sure that we ask the chief auditor because this is a negotiated contract so he has to agree to it okay Mr rhs if I may turn it over to my attorney Chad langing I'm just a bit confused by the language this is something that we negotiated during our negotiations part of the reasoning for the the package as far as the salary and all the different variations that we negotiated this was part of it Mr rhs had has given service to Brower County for 28 years 20 years of audit experience in Brower County and that was part of the reason and he's been in in the interim role for six months already so that was part of the reason why it was negotiated to leave the term in this was the proposed term it wasn't something that we changed it to this this was the proposed term in the contract originally in 2.15 so we would respectfully request based upon that that to remain as stated within 2.15 Madam chair drus okay so the motion is to give credit to the six months that Mr Road serve in that position when we hired the superintendent he did six months because he did not have experience in his position uh these are these are reports direct reports to us as a board there were negotiations that took place for the superintendent it came back to us with um servant pay uh being provided over a certain period of time I think we're being um fair and generous in giving Mr rhs the six-month credit um but mirroring what we did with the superintendent Dr heurn so the process can appear to be fair uh to the individuals who report to the this board um I think we're not doing anything different than we did for Dr heern but if we provide a lump some of uh 20 weeks upfront then we are doing something different than we did for Dr heern so I think it is prudent for us to show fairness in how we approach this and I would prefer to see that this matches what we did to the superintendent and that is the rational for my motion any other comments M rer um and to the motion if if you're proposing to have um parity between the two direct reports would it also uh be acceptable to the maker of the motion if it included the attorney's fees like we have for Dr Hein okay Miss Batista can you speak to to the attorney fees per the um superintendent versus Mr rhs sure um so the employment agreement between the superintendent and the school board includes a provision where uh nego the attorney's fees for negotiating the contract the employment contract up to $5,000 was was included um in that and that's not part of the agreement with Mr rhs sorry so the 5,000 up to 5,000 attorney fees uh was granted to Dr heurn that is correct and I can read you the language if if you're going to make that motion okay but that is not with Mr roads correct that is correct so I'd like to include that provision for Mr rhods as well thank you any other comments roll call on the motion school board members ala no Austin fam vogen holy excuse me um just a point of order I think a no came through the vote and you may not have heard I did not hear it a Mr Austin can you repeat your vote please no no bam I don't think she's on Bogen holy no Hixon no holes yes linardi yes rert yes Zan yes motion fails 44 okay back to the item as is any other other motions yeah chair Dr Zan I'd like to make a motion um that was equal to Dr hess's first motion without the uh severance pay do you mind reading it Miss ptia one more time okay um can she he do that we already voted on it well you voted on two motions together yep yeah or two items together so the item the motion would be um not withstanding any provision to the contrary uh roads will not be eligible to receive severance pay until he completes one month of employment starting with the second month roads shall ACR 3.33 weeks of salary as Severance per month until reaching the 12 month okay that's your motion is there a second second move by Zan second by Hess public comment on the motion board member comment on the motion yes do you want to speak on the motion I yes please thank you if you're strictly if you're looking at uniformity between the superintendent Dr heer's contract and Mr rhs as as Chief auditor you know part of this negotiation uh the super intendent makes I believe $340,000 a year Mr rhs in his contract makes 195,000 a year based upon the different smap uh roles and and based upon his experience his real salary should have been up around 225,000 a year we agreed to take significantly less Mr rhs did in in an effort of being the the auditor of the school board and knowing the finances he was willing to take less and to move forward this was part of the negotiation uh in that contract that termination without Cause part of the concern for that was we were discussing if if there was going to be it could be called a resignation there was some discussion related to that but this was the original language in the contract and it was part of the entire negotiation and look and him agreeing to take a lesser amount than what is ultimately in the asab and the different qualifications thank you and and just to respond if if this is the way we're going to handle this um I can't stand in front of 2 million people in brow county and say that I voted yes for a contract that had five months of severance from the very first day somebody gets the job that more um I don't know uh if we would ever do that again um it it really rankles people in the community when there is such a significant severance package for somebody that is separated and so I would prefer the negotiations not to have started at 20 I hope in the future we're uh um uh do that in a slightly different way I understand why it did happen that way uh but to be honest with you giving five month Severance on day one is is not what we do with the superintendent because it doesn't make any sense to the community and it wouldn't make any sense to Mr rhs with all the uh excellent expectations we have for his performance uh going forward as a chief aitor any other board member comment on the motion Dr thank you madam chair so I just want to note for the record that we are discussing uh 2.15 of the agreement um which is termination without cause uh other parts of the agreement has to do with salary and with all due respect the superintendent oversees 34,000 employees so to talk about salary difference uh I think is irrelevant what we're talking about is termination without cause um and consequently uh if we've had the concern in the past with this particular um section of the uh contract then I think it is important that we are consistent with um what how we do things and uh I echoed Dr Zeman's comments um that we need to we're answering to Residents and we need to um really be cognizant of how we put ourselves in a position um in in in wasting money so um I am going I second Dr Zan motion and I do hope the board will follow we did uh provide this to the superintendent because we had similar concerns a person can come in here uh and next week something happen and we decide without cause that we don't want these individuals and we are subjected to 20 weeks um I just think it's the wrong precedence I think we need to move in a different direction um and I hope the board will consider Dr Zan's motion Madam chair Miss Batista um yes I just want to make sure that um it is understood that you know Mr Rose would be receiving the six month uh credit for this um for performing the the position of uh auditor for the last 6 months so in the motion that we had because I was reading off of the the one that um um Dr hebburn had it should say at the very end um 3.33 weeks of um salary Severance per month until reaching the six months instead of the 12 months I accept that change all right I'm going to jump in here I hear where you're coming from Dr Dr holess however Mr roods jumped into this position as an intrum Chief auditor he was working for Brower County Public Schools and stepped in and helped us out and so it's not like he's just coming into this position and if you remember I was the one who who wanted to go through some additional interviews with additional Auditors to to make sure that we have the best person but the board decided to to go with Mr rhs and and and by doing that you asked me to negotiate this contract of which I did and it's not just like this one Clause that he agreed upon there was multiple things that made him agree to this contract with the ultimate decision so I think I hear what you're saying but he's already been in the job for six months he's already shown that that he can do this job so I'm a little confused right now why there is this hesitancy because if that's the case then we should not be approving this at all Miss lardy yeah um you know I I appreciate Mr R's service um and I I don't think you know I I support the mo motion I think it's important for us to to learn from the mistakes of the past um by supporting this Motion in no way am I I saying that we should not hire uh Mr rhs I just think you know we've and and correct me if I'm wrong but we've negotiated and and done contracts this way um other board members have made these kinds of motions for other employees um and and this is just the way we've we've been doing it over the last two years um so I I I do think it it is important again to learn from the mistakes of the past um it was clearly not acceptable to the community understandably when um certain employees got you know very substantial Severance um for a short period of time um and I I believe that this motion satisfies the uh you know it gives Mr rhods credit for the time he has served already um so those are just my thoughts and I want to be clear about why I'm voting the way I'm voting on this thank youness okay so I'm going to make my final comment um because this is concerning to me um this is not about Mr roads this is about being consistent um and we can't have two different standards uh with two different individuals um I think what we're asking is reasonable and I and I believe that it's important as a district that we are consistent because I know when Dr hebburn contract was presented to us there was a lot of conversation surrounding severance pay and that he had to do six months and then occurred monthly over a time period there's nothing we're doing that's different it is asking for a lateral approach to what we've done before so I am confused what I'm confused about is why are there now two different standards that appear with two different individuals who directly report to us and for the record I just want everyone to understand that it doesn't sit well with me thank you thank you um May you please uh repeat the motion if you don't mind I'd ask Miss Batista to read the Clause right out of the contract with that'd be great thank you m rer the motion is not withstanding any provisions to the contrary roads will not be eligible to receive severance pay until he completes one month month of employment starting with the second month roads shall ACR 3.33 weeks of salary as Severance per month until reaching the sixth month in which time he will receive the entire amount for severance which is 20 weeks okay okay but can you clarify that you already said he has six months yeah correct so for the superintendent uh contract cont ra it said that for the first 6 months the superintendent did not receive any Severance if he were to leave during that period of time and starting with the seven month he would start acre seven uh 3.33 weeks of severance per month so to make that or you know to change it over to the chief auditor and giving him credit for the six months that he's already worked then he he's always he's going to be acre through through 3.33 weeks the first month and so on until he reaches this the six months so just just to be clear uh general counsel this is the exact same time profile that we hired the superintendent under six months he if there was termination without cause there was Zero Severance starting on the 6th through the 12th month he de crew three and the third weeks until he got to 20 we're giving uh in this motion we're suggesting that we give six months of credit wasn't the chief auditor but he jumped in he did the job and then we're saying but in the second six you work up to 20 weeks and and the argument I think from a public policy perspective is we're committing taxpayer dollars and giving it on you know uh 20 weeks up front or even 20 weeks in one big lump sum rather than having a nice ramp to earn that um would make a lot more sense to the average person in Broward County to spend their money any other board member comments roll call on the motion school board members Austin Mr Austin wait I'm GNA call him yeah I was trying to ask motion be I was confing it's the same motion Clause the superintendent it it is it would the Motions to mirror the superintendent's uh Severance in his contract thetion to mirror it yes sir with giving Mr rhods the six months credit all right yep they can hear you so Mr alon's a yes for the record fam not present boen holy no Hixon yes yes Honis yes lardy yes rert yes Zan yes ala no motion carries 62 okay so we're going to take a 10-minute recess so you can discuss e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e action welcome back Mr Lan thank you and I'm not exactly ly clear on the procedural aspect of this as far as I understand you you guys just voted a motion to change the contract I I just wanted to point out again that this section was in the contract that was provided to us it wasn't a negotiated point that we made within the contract um one of the points that was negotiated in the contract is initially was a two-year term we said we wanted a three-year term that was originally in here because Mr rh's attent is to stay uh he thank you so you know in in the total totality of the negotiation of this agreement this was one of the provisions that was already there and this is also a termination without cause not the termination with for cause which 2.16 where if there was something that Mr rhs did there would be a termination for cause and he wouldn't even re receive this 20 weeks so it was just a bit of a surprise to us that we're even discussing this given that this was in the contract originally that was provided to us it wasn't a negotiated term and then discussions there was negotiation and it was left in there so we also want to point out that Mr RH served as one for one month as a design in the role as interim auditor before he was officially the interim auditor for the past six months so as of the 12th next week he'll be in the role really for seven months so uh we're we made unclear why this is being discussed or changed we are at the mercy of the board ultimately uh we want to move forward with the contract uh so we will leave it at that they accept the term do you accept the terms if it's just a point of accepting or declining yeah we we'll AC accept the term board discussion I I do just want to um Dr Zan make another Point Crystal Clear um this is really um not having anything to do with David rhs our chief auditor uh he is 100% qualified to do this job we cannot wait uh to have them in it officially after today uh and the second point is um you know sometimes negotiations like this go uh we have uh um uh opinions amongst the nine of us uh that sometimes aren't shared by one and that's why we vote and and and do things it's uh uh it may not be a pretty part of the process but it is part of the process but uh we look forward to having uh your client as our chief uh Auditor in about 37 seconds so U I just want to make that clear this is this is about what structure makes sense to the community uh and I think he's going to be here a long time and uh and this point will be mute we appreciate that thank you any other comments all in favor of item number eight as a amend it say I I I those opposed say no item number eight passes [Applause] unanimously congratulations if I may yes um thank you and uh let's make Broward proud thank you the scheduled order of business for this special school board meeting of the school board of Brower County Florida has been completed seeing no obligation I now Adin the meeting w e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for