##VIDEO ID:aKR31FGPT2k## that I don't believe deserve that so that's my comment okay thank you we'll uh we'll figure out the best way to do that um um sorry am I doing this right now okay um oh just as a a clarification the Inspector General item is gg5 just so that we're all on the same page um okay so Broward Education Foundation no one's here for that District advisory councel okay uh Natalie Lynch Walsh District advisory Council chair um I guess I'll wait for public speaking to say if you add an item ple the audit committee doesn't know then that's why we're bringing it up um so at our last DAC meeting which only had our liaison from that department um as support uh but we were joined by members from it members of the IT staff which we appreciate uh but the Motions that were passed at that meeting one came from Central area which was we and it uh we mov well we recommend actually we recommend that brow County Public Schools Implement a condensed academic structure schedule on Wednesdays when there is no testing or holidays that week to allow for extra academic support for students extra academic support includes tutoring homework help Etc this came initially I believe from the staff chair at Fort Lauderdale I'll forward you the rationale um it's for you guys to figure out but basically what that Community coming from Fort Lauderdale through Central Area to daac and this past uh was to figure out how to put more tutoring and homework help into the schedule doesn't have to necessarily be a Wednesday but that's where they're starting uh that's the message that they're sending there uh the other motion was supporting ESC and the DAC policy subcommittee review related to cameras in the classroom I'll be sending you that feedback for the most part staff involved with that has been collaborative but there were departures from the state statute that we pointed out and there definitely seemed to be and this was pointed out at the that meeting um efforts to sort of circumvent parental rights so that did not sit well with the group there's a matrix there's um feedback directly to the proposed policy and there's the state law so I'm not sure when that comes back to the board but that um motion passed unanimously so you'll be getting all of that back up Focus we spend a lot of time looking at the back to school forms from the perspective of continuous Improvement making sure that the problems that existed this year do not repeat themselves on parents next year there were straight up um things that they admitted were mistakes there are places where a couple of places where you have to print out a form as opposed to being able to sign it electronically and unless there's a legal reason for that the group couldn't understand hopefully it's a mistake there didn't seem to be there was someone who job it was to vet what was being done and they admitted that it was done in haste but whoever's job that was clearly they did not review these or else we wouldn't have spent almost two hours going through the back to school forms we have follow es issues and costs as a follow-up item this is where Ed plan comes in and then there there's going to have to be a discussion on that we did not get answers to how much has it cost we know what the system cost cost what we don't know is how much time cost in terms of time and effort is being spent to effectively recreate what you had in Ed plan that Focus simply does not do and the answer is you're trying to rebuild Ed plan um in one year something that took uh as my understanding five years but we appreciated uh it coming to the meeting because staff has been scarce of late which gets me to ACC academics so we had submitted questions and got responses back to academics which leads to a future meeting to discuss adding the syllabus and a canvas course to teacher contracts and people are interested in instructional time losses and reducing those we had asked whether there was a syllabus template available and the response we got was that teachers are not required to do a syllabus well we know that but is there a template was the question so we would appreciate having academics there to answer specific questions related to several areas of concern School Improvement plan there are quarterly Virtual School Improvement plan meetings that sa staff chairs do not seem to know about you just had Q2 we're trying to fix the problem because January 15th through the 17th there are more meetings happening and staff needs to communicate that to the SA and staff chairs if you want them there that hasn't been happening um and then we discussed the B item boundary committee and I'm signed up to speak on those thank you thank you uh did we have any employee union groups come in okay uh ESC advisory Council good morning Jackie lkim ESC advisory um our meeting uh general meeting tomorrow our monthly general meeting we have Richie Bal coming from uh the director of um evaluation research and Analysis to talk to us about um fast testing we specifically wanted to look at um students with disabilities also the Florida alterate assessment um and how they're doing we had hoped that some of the uh rest of the academic team might be able to come to the meeting and they're not or can't so we're missing that piece but um anyway we'll get back and that will be an interesting discussion with Mr Bal on that subject this week is utter tumult for parents the um if you're a ninth grade parent you don't know how this goes in high school you get at the beginning of the year a calendar that tells you when your kids expected at school and when they're not and then you get to this week and you find out well actually it's more not than anything else um students are having to you know go to school at at 7:40 and get picked up again at 9: 20 for for um uh students with disabilities particularly in sve classes this is an added impact they just not barely getting any educational week as are none of our kids so I get the all the challenges of testing but when we talk so much in this room about instructional minutes and the importance of it and last year talking about extending the school year to give kids an extra week this is a week when they are scheduled to be at school and then find out they're not so I think the communication of it um is really difficult particularly for n9th grade parents when they haven't been through it before um but impacts on ese I think it would be a good thing to be starting talking about um cameras and classrooms we've had no update but I believe the looping Pro well the looping process is complete according to the Committees you wanted that looped too I'd hope maybe it could come back um and be given a workshop date or be back at this meeting so we can get things moving because I know in August we were told um of the superintendent hopes that this would be expedited within a month and we're now at month six um focus ditto everything that Dr Lynch Walsh said nobody is talking to ESC advisory about a number of things that ESC advisory should be being talked about and have two-way communication with so I keep talking about Focus but we don't have a kind of line of collaboration as to how we can bring up um specific issues of concern and know they're being addressed so we did last year p a resol a pass a motion a recommendation um suggesting a gap analysis which is usually something that's do done before you embark on a software project and we still have not had that we still don't have a timeline for development we still have things that we are being denied as parents the ESC Specialists can't do and and as Dr Lynch was said trying to rebuild a system that took 15 years actually to build um in one year um and and ker said it's equivalent just isn't working out for us um there are heavy impacts um um we have also asked for data on the amm speech program that was closed last year and not discussed with us we had wanted that data was still waiting for it so I hope we get that um tomorrow night at our meeting um um compliance remains an issue or the time I've asked again several times at meetings whether it could just be um the subject of a memo that goes out to schools reminding staff or principls that you cannot just keep phoning parents and saying you're kids having a meltdown come and get them it's on schools to have Behavior plans do functional Behavior assessments if there's behavior issues tweak those plans and work as a team an IEP team uh with parents um asking them to just keep coming taking them home um is not the solution and we don't see fixes to that so A a great step one would be memo schools so that they know they're not meant to be doing that um and that would at least get us one step down the line um we're going to be looking at our bylaws tomorrow we've trying to get these passed for some time difficult to get Quorum um but um bylaws have been um redrafted in the hope that we can attain Quorum more easily I did have some input on the behavior Tech job description I'm not sure if that was an item that got pulled or not pulled or on the consent agenda I don't understand these meetings well um but um we would have loved to have seen um Behavior techs have um more training and more um Swift and efficient training before they're put on the job um in things like deescalation strategies I think you've given them six months in the new job description and they should have that training before they even uh go into the job um boundary committee I've talked about it does need vse representation on the boundary committee I was dismayed that there was not um and uh a number of other things I'm not going to get to we also had some input on superintendent goals I think it would have been lovely to see during your board your Workshop discussion last week when you said let's ask staff for some input on crafting an inclusion goal for the superintendent that you could have asked our meaningful inclusion committee um because that's what we're there for and we'd have loved to have helped thank you thank you so much uh next that we miss gifted advisory anyone here for that anyone here for green advisory committee human Relations Committee uh parent Community involvement task force small business ad advisory committee sorry I was late I was a little confused but good morning staff members of the board it's nice to see so many of my friends and it's also nice to see new members congratulations to you guys I wish you the best of luck in this new Endeavor so many years I've been uh an advocate for better Broward schools but I've never ever been in this room myself so thank you for having me I represent board member alh had on the small business advisory committee known as the sbaac the following report is based on our November 14th meeting the first order of business was approval of our bylaws and electing our leadership for the upcoming term Shaha Jarrett Gallen was elected chair and Brian Gellen was elected vice chair we discussed the sbaac Shark Tank competition which I thought was a great idea Committee Member Marie Compass provided an update on the sbac Shark Tank competition Sunrise Middle School will host a competition and Crystal Lake Middle has expressed interest we will also reach out to Pine Ridge to propose having a shark tank competition there as well in the alternative school setting I personally have volunteered to be a part of the Shark Tank committee and we are planning to conduct the competitions this school year I myself graduated from alternative school and then went on to graduate from FSU law school I think it's very important the school board gives alternative students the same opportunities that they give all students in Brower County then we discussed goal setting for district solicitations Ed EDC director Denise miny Mills gave an overview of the goal setting process and explained how the district sets goals for solicitations EDC sets goals for each solicitation and considers the availability of small businesses in the respective industry and other relevant factors additionally after goal setting EDC monitors the effectiveness of the goals to ensure they align with District objectives we went on to discuss the guest presentation or we had a guest presentation by BCPS Brower County Public Schools procurement and warehousing services the director of the procurement and warehousing services Mauricio stradiotti was our guest presenter he discussed a close working relationship with EDC and commended the robust progression of the Supplier Diversity Outreach program he emphasized the importance of EDC and PWS sharing best practices between the D the two departments and applauded the educational and networking opportunities provided by EDC for small businesses and encourages small businesses to take advantage and participate in networking opportunities as part of learning and assessing procurement processes in our discussion with him I brought up the need for name image and likeness agreements for student athletes as an emerging need sbac agreed it would be helpful the district to hold a workshop with industry experts to develop a structured approach then we went over the b2g now system implementation at our November 14th meeting Denise miny Mills the director of the economic development and diversity compliance Department who seems incredibly passionate about her job and I wish he was here today to be a part of this but provided a detailed overview of the Department's activities of note implementation of the b2g G now platform is well underway enabling the department to conduct certification goal setting and community outreach electronically the system also allows certified vendors to print their certification documents online streamlining processes and improving efficiency then we went over the business Excellence program graduation which has gotten incredible feedback the highlight of the EDC since the last meeting was the 2024 business Excellence graduation on December 5th in the Plantation High School auditorium a total of 225 small and aspiring business owners graduated from the business Excellence program which was developed to elevate Empower and connect small businesses on a journey of growth and [Music] impact Kirk gimenez founder and host of excel TV was the event MC and the key the keynote speaker was Dr Marcus brigh and esteemed educator and social impact leader and author of the book Bridges to a brighter future the graduation also featured greetings from superintendent heurn chief operations and facility officer Wanda Paul Brower County Public School executive director of operations Jennifer adrew and Brower County Commissioner Hazel Ro Hazel Rogers of District 9 eddc was also proud to include a special dance performance by students from the Dillard Center for the Arts and the graduation program in summary the small business advisory committee continues to make significant strides in supporting small businesses and the district the district's ongoing commitment to Economic Development thank you for your time and thank you School Board member Al for trusting me to do this thank you very much and welcome to your first school board meeting uh the last committee is the technology committee okay then we'll go back to public speakers first public speaker was Ronald beish okay next is Natalie Lynch Dr Natalie lynchell good morning Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh Plantation Florida I'm assuming this is regular public speaking and not the grouped public speaking on particular agenda items because that isn't changing correct okay thank you uh so as as f as 2024 draws to a close and we all go home um I'm hoping that there will be some New Year's resolutions made and one of those if we're going to look at policy would be the districtwide strategic planning policy which I keep bringing up which says and it's policy 1101 it was last updated in 1990 the school board of Brad County believes that strategic planning is the process by which The Guiding members of an organization Envision its future and develop the necessary procedures and operations to achieve that future it is the process of self-examination the confrontation of difficult choices and the establishment of priorities it requires an agreement on the beliefs and mission of the district and the establishment and attainment of clear goals and objectives to achieve the desired results within specified time frames it goes on with some specific rules I advise reading it and committing to it in 2025 if you haven't already because I'm committed to it and for that reason when we had the boundary proposals I voted no on most of them because we didn't have enough information and I conditionally voted yes for the Broward States MLK consolidation none of that context was brought to you CU apparently not all natales are created equal cuz if this one had been the spokesperson you would know why people voted yes and no so the reason for voting yes is found in your own rules your educational plant survey when you have a school that is as small as brow Estates it's not financially feasible it's not economically feasible so School populations that are too small you would consolidate according to your state plant survey that's part of your policy buildings at both schools require castal CES you need to be asking for a castaldi because the last thing that should be happening that goes against every bit of conventional wisdom best practice rules srf is trying to rehab the 1957 buildings that make up almost 70% of the seats at Broward Estates bulldoze the condition was that you would move the kids in the short term to MLK and then plan and rebuild on the Broward estate's property because between the two schools you have enough for an elementary school and then put in an Early Learning Center address the MLK playground and the traffic concerns but not to just move them and forget about them thank you thank you next is Sean conon I don't think I'm saying that right but okay Dr Javan spoke already Latricia Greaves okay Russell Baker okay and our last public speaker is narnike Pier Grant narni all right thank you so much chair for allowing me to speak because I did sign up but um apparently you guys they didn't get the information so I'd like to address the the the a few discrepancies during the redefining presentation at the school board Workshop 1210 un fortunately the the rep was chosen to represent the boundary committee was ineffective in relaying the accurate summation of our deliberations I was on the boundary committee representing diversity the major discrepancy is the vote for Broward Estates being in opposition of the community Dr holes did an effective job by way of questioning Dr waner creating the narrative that the boundary committee was in direct opposition to Bri State's Community using the September 17th meeting the boundary committee was given a directive from the resolutions 25-15 to attend three meetings post the eight meetings that happened to Garner feedback for school programs during the orientation with Dr wanser and her team it was indicated that those three meetings were to were to hear feedback from our from the community to Aid in voting I will speak for myself I want to every meeting walked around and um to hear feedback and voted accordingly the brow Estates community was present on the brow the Broward Estates community that was present on November 18th which is the part of the three meetings was loud and clear that they were not in favor of the proposal as presented if you wish to pull those who uh pull those members who were um at the boundary committee to or who were on the boundary committee and who were present at the meetings you will see if I you can tell if I you can check to see if my my assessments were accurate Dr Wanda has a list of all the people who um are part of the boundary committee and I encourage you all to reach out one thing about me I'm very clear about the kids in our communities um and how important they are to me and my advocacy for them to suggest otherwise is disingenuous I was extremely disappointed in the portrayal of the boundary committee being being in direct opposition during a Facebook live feed of a work the workshop a designate from the North Area was accused of having no skin in the game because they did not reside in District 5 ladies and gentlemen this is why I was extremely disappointed because the narrative is is the boundary committee doesn't care and we voted however we wanted to is totally false to add insult to injury I leave the workshop only to be alerted that the radio station H 105 St that the boundary committee rejected a proposal for school for close proposal to close brow Estates in the proposals we were presented we did not see anything about any school closures um yet H 105 the morning of the 10th prior to the workshop that's the information being distributed I would appreciated if Dr wanza and her team clear the record that the boundary committee did not vote in direct opposition of the community of brow States on November 18th 2024 that we were tasked to observe listen and subsequently cast our vote for we know that the district will eventually have to those schools that is why in the preliminary stages I was adamant about the district to be honest with the community so the folks would so folks would at least start to settle with the idea we are better together when we know all the facts even if we even if we work alongside each other begrudgingly to get to our destination thank you thank you now we'll go to the consent items that were pulled and we are going to start with item B2 and since Dr holess brought this item forward I'll ask him to oh we'll need to have a sorry um a motion in a second to bring item B2 to the floor moved that moved by Dr Zeman seconded by Mrs rert um Dr holess would you like to start this off thank you Madame chair I'm Madam chair I'm sorry to interrupt do you want to do public comment first we do public comments and you have uh we have 10 register speakers so I didn't know if you wanted to adjust the the time yes thank you I didn't get that list for I have the list if you ready for it yes um I'm just trying to think for a minute um yes so we could give each speaker two minutes all right the first speaker is going to be Dr uh Trudy germanovich and the second one will be Scott Evans uh B2 is to initiate room making for district committees in their membership I hope perhaps this policy should be reviewed but you should not limit volunteers being able to continue to serve in any capacity I believe that you should not limit a uh volunteers right because uh especially to be an officer when I was a teacher I was an officer in many state and local organizations in a time when we had excellent parent involvement at Sunrise Middle School we always had problem getting problems getting enough people to work on committees this is critical today more critical today it would be good to have a video recording at of every meeting if each committee had a tripod and a cell phone allocated to them they could have a student volunteer for points and that student volunteer could record the meeting and live stream it on YouTube that would also help and writing the minutes there are solutions just do it thank you thank you very much next is Scott Evans and Dr n Lynch Walsh okay let me just check one two okay it's good it's good uh good good morning my name is Scott Evans Hollywood Florida truth matters I'd like to because this is the first time I'm here seeing some of these the newly elected members I just want to congratulate all of them newly elected and reelected and of course your thoughtful efforts on behalf of all of the diverse student body here in Broward County uh I appreciate that uh this is real simple I'm here in support of uh initiating rul making for revisions to policy 10 70 and I ask that you just vote Yes uh Dr nyn schal and Miss leum kimbley Burke mohorn I would like to um give my time to Dr nalie winw we'll put four minutes on the clock thank you thank you Miss mohorn um Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh Plantation Florida chair of the audit committee and District advisory Council I'm also a member of the facili task force since 2011 so based on all the issues we've been having lately with getting administrative support for things like scheduling meetings getting them on the calendar uh making sure that teams functions making sure we have people at the meetings making sure we get lists of um not just board appointees but we still don't have a comprehensive list but also from the areas who are The Zone reps to FTF all of those things you would think that that would be the priority also because there was so much discussion about due process when it came to an employee you would think that that would be the rationale cuz we're not going to disagree that there are things that need to be changed about policy 1070 uh things like putting due process back in you would have gotten an email where I carefully described how due process was removed a member of the BL crunchy haired blonde superintendent staff because we can't use names but you know who I mean sent a staff member to the policy the policy group the work group 1.7 and convince them to take out the due process clause that had already gone through legal review that happened it's on tape luckily in there for to see the public spectacle of how that occurred so that needs to go back in because either you're for a due process for all or for due process for none can't just be for just employees and not volunteers I don't see any mention of looping here why in the world would you want to have rural development and not put it through the looping process so you can get input from the very people at least on the volunteer side that have to live with it conventional wisdom says that you get more buyin and this is basic management 101 that if you want people to be invested in something you need to let them have input that happened when people spent three years developing the policy there's no suggestion of that happening here you would have received uh because we were copied on it an email from Linda Ferrar who's currently the TAC chair um where she went through all of the people that have served for more than three years and some on more than two committees and understand that everybody you see here would be out essentially next year we itemized each of these because there are four issues here to promote Innovative perspectives and expand Community participation do you know how many members of the community come to me and I'm sorry if I'm not a real parent um but we get input from staff I have code names for your staff because I have to keep a confidence we have community members I get emails I even get Anonymous letters sent in the mail by people who are trying to make this place better so trust me we have Community participation and I think I'm fairly Innovative and so is everyone else here but we need the support to get new members we don't get support we can't even find out who our members are half the time this will create chaos so I hope you're going to be voting no I believe most of you will and then Loop it because we've discovered typos contradictions there are minor things that need to be tweaked but frankly the biggest one is the lack of due process where somebody got the idea that they could just up and remove me and you can't thank you you shouldn't be able to remove anyone else next speaker Miss L I believe it was Mrs luscom yes Miss lom's next and uh uh Beverly Armstrong thank you um Jackie lusum Coral Springs and I'm chair of ESC advisory um believe me if if this is aimed at personalities and characters and individuals just trust that the process means that when my kid ages out of the system effectively so do I am my tenure as ese uh if but in the meantime the um the process is clearly set and if stakeholders vote for leadership in a in a parent driven volunteer body and you want to overrule that or quash that or limit that or whatever it is that this is seeking to do be reminded that we spent two and a half years working on this the first bullet point on my note card here just said here we go again that's all I could think when I first saw this I'm dismayed that we spent so long as a board and I know there have been various iterations of the board but some of you were on that board um when the policy 1070 committee met over and over and over and over we spoke to you guys back and forth we spoke to Legal back and forth we crafted a policy that was unanimously I think uh approved by the school board and then here we come back down the pipe um an attempt to make new changes um I do think that it is not well understood um how some of the advisories operate um the job we do it's more than running meetings and coming here to annoy you or irritate you or whatever it is you think we're doing I come here to represent for stakeholders when I hear comments about well it's nice to get out and meet real parents and comments about how it's like the same old faces here you know why it's the same old faces because we're here here representing communities who can't be here and it's actually at the expense of my family and my job that I come here too I would urge you to please vote no against this we've been through it before let us do our job you do yours we collaborate and if more of you replied to stakeholder emails they wouldn't end up coming to us thank you next we have uh uh IET I'm sorry Beverly Armstrong and then um IAT uh SAA good morning thank you my name is Beverly and thank you for giving me the opportunity this opportunity to speak so I am here because I believe in progress and I believe for a progress to change we need change for Progress to continue so I am asking for approval to revise B2 this will allow for fresh visions and how our community are structured and how they operate I'm a grandmother and would like to see changes for or my granddaughter in the school system this I believe will strengthen our ability to serve our students and family better and this will also benefit the Educators and also empowering the voices that have been under represented in the past and so I'm asking for a change thank you while she's making her way up our next speaker is are going to be um Joe uh aronowski and uh Pier Grant narik thank you very much my name is IET and I'm addressing the initiate Ru making ruem for policy 1070 and I would really love to propose a yes as well uh good morning to everyone and um no disrespect for persons who are currently in their positions they come in they do a wonderful job they do it because it is their heart and soul their whole life making their communities better but we should also remember that change is necessary we have younger persons coming up we have people with brand new ideas it is a continuously changing world and we just have to go with it I remember when I was much younger I taught person stuff I worked with persons and I have to admit someone half my age and no disrespect to age either can know so much more than me right now so we have to give in at some point so someone else can come in maybe with a better better idea we can also train others to have that love and drive that we have that we want for our community so at the end of it all change is necessary and I would agree with a yes thank you good morning everyone this is Jill aronowski of Southwest Ranches welcome to the new board and those that were reelected to the seat I'm going to start in a different direction it's a new board a new superintendent that's been here for about six months and it's almost a new year we need a new direction for everyone to be creative to share their ideas and if we stay with the same people for any length of time more than two years or so we're not going to have that so what I feel is there should be rotating chairs at least every two years with new ideas and their creativity to bring it to our children to our teachers and the community and I've seen that work other places is and I'd like to see that here thank you have a nice day uh good morning again so narik Pierre Grant Parkland Florida I appreciate all the other speakers with new ideas new fresh and everything like that so the question I have is where are we going to find these new people because it's very difficult for you guys to just um appoint people when you do have appointees they don't show up I'm also the chair of the diversity where are the fresh people going to come from cuz we there's nobody beaten down the door to be in these committees that's number one number two um I have no problems with transition I have no problems with you know training people but it literally takes a a chair two two and a half to three years to just get grasp of the the committee and now you want us to just rotate every two years and then what the transition like the transitions in BR County Public Schools non-existent B basically most in most in some departments I'm not I'm not here to be like you know antagonistic but it's really really offensive for uh chairs who are currently in their positions and who are in their positions because nobody else wants it right and now you're talking about you know transition and all that other stuff that would be great if we had people to do that with and I like I mentioned last time at the at the board workshop look at your your committees check to see what's essential keep those and those that are not essential or that can be assumed to assumed in another committee so you can cut down the the amount of people you guys have if if you think that we're not that we're not there's too much of us because or there's there we're doing too much get rid of some of us that's all I'm saying but to to to to bring in Ru making After People spent two and a half years almost three years trying to get a policy done and then all of a sudden now what's there is not sufficient and we need new fresh people or whatever that's great I'm all about fresh fresh and new people but where you going to get them from where they coming from because there's people who our chair has been chair for four years parent teacher involvement task force 13 years she's been chair nobody wants it our next two speakers are lordes Diaz and Linda Gonzales good morning my name is RIS Diaz and I represent uh pimr Pines and I'm here today and first of all I want to congratulate our new board our new members uh new superintendent it uh brings new and fresh ideas and I'm here in support of the uh policy that um Dr holess has put in place policy 1070 I don't think it's a bad idea that you have um rotation like Jill said and you rotate them you can have a chair for two no more than four years that's the policy that we have at the League of Women Voters where I have chaired the gun Safety Committee for two years and then I went on to healthc care what it did for me is it broadened my uh knowledge base of Health Care issues and also of gun safety and I became an expert on that topic so I think it's very good for people to bring in new people you find them we have a big population in Broward County and I find it hard to believe that you can't find and recruit good members to sit on boards the person who chairs the board and has been there for two or four years or whatever they don't have to leave the board they can stay on the board but they should their position should be and this is what I did with the league is to build other people to take your place so that you start having more leaders in our society that is the problem we have we lack leadership and and this is one of the reasons that I think it's good to have the rotation so I want you to please uh approve policy 1070 thank you so much next will be up uh Linda Gonzalez and our final speaker for this item is uh kenyota Johnson thank you good morning my name is Linda Thompson Gonzalez I'm from Lauderdale by the Sea and it's truly a pleasure um to be here with the new board to congratulate all of you on your presence here it's good to be here and and see all of you sitting there um I also um would like to underscore and and concur with the previous speakers who have um spoken in support of Dr hess's provision uh for the policy 1070 to initiate rulemaking on um uh on our advisory boards you know when we think of our advisory boards It's a Wonderful opportunity uh both for the school board to hear new fresh ideas from a broad swath of our community but also for members of the community to participate and learn about the inner workings of our school board our schools what our uh how we can best help and assist our children in uh forging a path forward so I wholeheartedly um and respectfully request that uh we vote you vote Yes on this initiative Dr hess's initiative um to provide additional members of the public with the opportunity open the door so that they can have an opportunity to serve for two years perhaps with renewal up to four years um to hear the fresh ideas bring transparency and uh full participation of our community thank you so much I appreciate this and uh wish to congratulate all of you again and our new superintendent As you move forward thank you very much good morning I am kimada Johnson I am a grandmother I am also an educator here in Florida and I too support the bill I say please vote Yes it is very important that we add new ideas and New Visions uh to our board New Perspectives um I am an implant I'm from Atlanta and I did not know the procedure to apply for the Charter or to apply for the board so those are things that I think should be opened up and more communication out so that people can get involved and people in engage I would love to participate I'm here I'm a Kanas member I have a lot of insight I've been in education for over 20 years so I think it's very important to rotate it um I agree with what everybody else said I understand the concern um where there is a lot of work in the the harvest is ripe and the laborers are few so I do understand that but I do believe that we can get enough people out there to participate and and engage so again I say please vote yes thank you that concludes uh public speaking Madam chair okay thank you so much so now we'll go to board discussion and we'll start with Dr holess thank you madam chair and um I do have quite a few uh comments to make on this um item so I appreciate um being able to do so um I'd like to also um thank uh Miss uh grant for clarifying the um prior concern with the boundary committee so I appreciate that so regarding this item uh contrary to what uh some might have heard and I intentionally did not speak on this item last Tuesday because the item was slated to be discussed today so uh contrary to what may have been discussed outside of uh the board um this item is not about any specific chair it's not about any specific individual um actually this item has been in discussion by me with my secretary for about a year now um in fact when I look at my timeline which my secretary brought to me I brought this item up uh as a uh initial conversation December 223rd with my secretary I actually initiated an executive summary in February of 201 24 regarding this same item uh I originally planned on presenting this item in March of 2024 we had uh some major concerns that we were discussing including redefining schools and so on so I delayed the item uh Revisited the item in November and presented the item now so this item has been in discussion with me for over a year this is absolutely nothing to do with any individual chair um now um not about uh this is also not about disregarding the work of our diligent working chairs I appreciate the immense amount of effort and work put in by our wonderful chair um we have chair like uh Miss lusam who uh speak to me many times about issues uh and I I'm so grateful for the effort that she has put into it so does narie Grant and many others um it's not about disrespecting anyone it's not about disregarding the work I'm are the work of any chair um also uh I do have some members uh that I appointed who are chair in in uh one was Mr medvin uh he's no longer the chair he's a member and uh currently Miss nari Grant um also it's not about limiting membership this item uh does not indicate anywhere in there where there's any limitation to membership you can be a member of it any of these advisory boards for as long as you want the item is about rotating leadership on the school board it's nine of us and on the school board we rotate leadership we just did Debbie hickon is now the chair and uh we practice normally to rotate the chair every year and occasionally it may go a couple of years but we do understand that good governance has to do with rotation of leadership within the membership of a group and we are members of the school board we have members of The Advisory committees and the item is asking to and actually I just want to clarify that today we are simply voting to initiate the rul making process to then discuss in a workshop changes that we all may want to make I have provided in this item a couple of suggested changes there could be more changes that one want to suggest these changes that I suggest is for discussion they're not definitive these are ideas that I have and as we bring this forward if it's passed today we're saying we're going to discuss this through the rul making process in a workshop and every one of us can bring our ideas on how to make this better so this is about good governance it's about leadership succession it's about building leadership capacity we've heard from many of the community uh the community members and they agree so we're not here to vote on my suggestions as far as the chair being 2 years or as far as uh one can only be chair for one committee we're simply here to vote on to initiate the rul making process so we can all discuss it and see where it goes so that's what we're here for today now um I've heard the comments that no one wants it and what I would say is this is an attempt for us to work concertedly as a board with the chair shairs with the Committees with the community to see if we can develop interests in our Comm in our uh advisory committees that we have and to see if we can develop leadership now the motion um I just like to also reiterate that this motion is about good governance it's about leadership succession it's about building leadership capacity it's about bringing in fresh ideas and Renewed Energy it's uh making the process of good governance model for advisory boards is consistent with good governance many other governing bodies do this we do this as a board I think it's important to identify selected areas that you would like to change as board members as well there can be more for example I do hear concerns about um our board chairs being able to zoom in to give their reports now having to come down here wherever you're living you could be living in Coral Springs you could be living in Weston and come down here to give a 10-minute report can be a bit much for some chairs so those are things we can discuss how we can change that so we can attract more people who want to be chairs because that could be a deterrent why some people don't want it because they just can't take the drive every board meeting to come down here uh in addition to that we can talk about supporting training for our advisory committees so they too can want to be leaders we can talk about how our current chairs can develop leadership within the Committees by supporting them to be able to do so through training models and so on this is what this item is about it's about ensuring that our committees work more efficiently it's a it's about ensuring that we have leadership succession it's not about an individual I am not that petty this has been discussed for over a year with my secretary so I am asking the board to let's move forward to open the process to have a discussion on this so that way we can ensure that we have good governance we can ensure that we have leadership succession we can ensure that we're building leadership capacity that if any one of these board chairs for whatever the reasons maybe personal reasons or extenuating circumstances have to suddenly leave there is a depth of leadership that can take over we don't have that and that's what my suggestions are and there can be many more suggestions like I mentioned with zooming in and Leadership training by the superintendent uh we can even direct the superintendent to do a survey to see what are the factors the barriers uh that are preventing committee members from stepping up or what can we do to ensure that we support them to step up to be leaders and to be committee members so that's what this item is about and I'm asking you to support it thank you you so much next is uh Mrs bman thank you chair um thank you to everyone that's serving on the Committees right now appreciate your time and effort I know you guys have dedicated a lot of your lives to this and I personally understand the difficulty of being one of the few Volunteers in a particular organization and feeling like there's not a lot of people that are willing they have a lot of ideas of how you can use your time but not willing to step up for the execution portion um and I also appreciate the time that has gone into creating the policy um I know people worked very hard on that but um many times when you create policies laws when you put them into practice you're able to see where there could be some adjustments that could make them even better and I think that that's the purpose of this exercise um and so I think that limiting the terms will allow us to focus as everybody as other people have said to really build a bench to develop leaders because if you don't have a a process in place where people have to step up and have to take those leadership positions then you may not get those people to volunteer in the first place and you're not going to have the interest that someone might have knowing that they're going to have to step up in the future I know um like with the PTA you have a 2-year limit on the being the president and then it has to be passed along so other people are waiting and have those opportunities to be um to be in leadership positions to be developed and in my personal um experience I was in leadership and the PTA for a very long time and I had to step down for um to serve in this capacity and I have to say that people stepped up and I am extremely impressed on how great that they're doing and they're all going on without me and the um process continues so I think that this is a great idea and I support the um I support it thank you U Mrs rert thank you um to to really understand this um I think that you need to be a volunteer have have volunteered at all um growing up and and has continued to uh volunteer in organizations when I was a stay-at-home mom a big brother a big sister you name it done it we'll do it always there's always a certain amount of people that seem to be willing and ready to take over and um we currently have elections each year for these volunteers correct it's a yes right so it's kind of like every four years board members go to have um you know basically the endorsement of the community if people are going to run against that person or they're not going to run they're going to go in on a post it's the same thing you know leaders need to rise to the attention however they're very busy and sometimes leaders will carry many mantles I was one of those leaders I still am even groups that I want to get out of nothing personal um but you wind up still being appointed because you're for example the um Florida high school sports Association appeals group I did it for 3 years which is a term and then I thought it was done and then I got a letter in the mail that said oh no we've reappointed you so I was like okay I love it that there needs to be a um a constant reminder of um fairness when it comes to some of the groups um does somebody need to be president of 10 advisory groups I don't know but it's certainly not my responsibility to police elections of group of volunteers not my it's not my wheelhouse I respect volunteers I respect my volunteers I don't you know ask them to put a hat on and then call me every two weeks I respect that I've ad you're on on my advisor on this advisory committee that's how I am I respect people that stand up for kids and stand up for our people so for that reason I will not be able to support this I'm going to support the parents and the volunteers and the process that we have is a free public election so thank you thank you uh Mrs Thompson uh good morning everybody so I want to First reiterate that this is just for us to have a larger discussion as Dr Hess said I think it is very vital that we have this discussion um a couple of things I reread all of the committee policies this past week and I think if we're going to have a discussion on 1070 we actually need to incorporate the rest of the policies as well because there's a lot of overlap um I think this will also give us an excellent opportunity to see what committees purpose are both for the board and for the community how we can really make them more effective and as Miss Nar Pierre mentioned potentially we need to look at how many committees we have and how effective it is to have that number of committees uh when we had the round table multiple volun here mentioned that they wanted this to be a discussion well how can we have a good discussion when each person needs to have 5 minutes and there's 10 12 people in the room um I so so value people coming and spending their time here I think especially as parents having to drop your kids off and then rush to this we you are appreciated um but we need to have a better system in place and we also need to remember that we are here to make sure that our students are thriving and when we have long conversations about adult feelings that takes away from that mission um so I'm strongly in support of this item I look forward to a workshop I don't know if it's appropriate right now but I would like to add to your motion or add to your item that we're bringing back all of the committee items um because I think that's the best way to handle it and make the most effective change thank you thank you Mrs Leonardi yep just real quick um I think it's important to re reiterate that the the item just directs the superintendent to initiate R making um I know there was a lot in the the background um of the item but really this is just a conversation um I think Miss bulman's point about um you know seeing policy at work allows us to reflect and go back and try to improve on that and so I think um you know that's what as she said this exercise is and I support that thank you Dr Zeman thanks so much chair appreciate this item coming uh I look forward to the conversation with my colleagues um and I see this as a piece of a much bigger agenda which is this board has decided that we want to be the best school district in the country which means we need principls to do the best job we need senior staff to do the best job we need people to come to work and feel safe and secure uh in what they're doing uh we need advisers at schools we need advisors at District advisories uh in all regions and in the county um and we need chairs of advisory committees that come and and contribute um as as representatives of their Community as representatives of their background and the like uh so this is the next step you know we have to think about chronic absenteeism we have to think about uh retaining the amazing talent that we have we have to think hard about what happens if the state decides to raise the levels for reaching grades we have to think about fiscal sanity and so there's a lot of pieces to this puzzle but when you set a big goal like we want to be the best District in the country you got to look at every factor of production and say is it giving us not just goodness because it does give us good goodness right now we have good people they're volunteering they're coming and giving reports but the question is is it giving us everything we need to be the best District in the country um and I think we can do better I think 17 is too many uh we have a lot of advisory groups uh we just added them over time and maybe what we did as some of the speakers mentioned is added things for which that um uh it's harder and harder to get uh members but I would also ask my colleagues to think a little bit about the people who don't volunteer and the people who don't come to meetings and the people who have been nominated to serve on advisories that have gone to one meeting and then left because they didn't feel like they had an opportunity to contribute those people matter too and what we have to do as a board is think about how do we design the perfect ecosystem in each one of our factors of production including advisory boards and I know that uh we'll do that as a board this will take several months I know uh but I look forward to the outcome of that conversation uh into doing even better in every uh facet of Brer County Schools going forward thank you thank you than you Mrs ala thank you madam chair so I I guess we're talking about policy number 1070 and uh my question first is in regards to this policy each committee has their own bylaws so can it be different in one committee to another with the amount of years that the the chair serves or is it everyone is following policy 1070 Miss Batista thank you madam chair so the policy 1070 is related to District committees under membership so it relates to all of the Committees but there are many policies that we have that create specific committees and then each committee is uh by uh the language uh in policy 1070 each committee is supposed to have bylaws that they vote on right but can one committee differ in the the number of years that the chair serves in another committee or is every committee the same so every every committee is supposed to abide by whatever the rules are under um rule policy 1070 okay can you what page I'm policy 1070 does it reflect the number of years Miss I have to pull up the policy if you give me a moment okay I'll continue so I think it's important that the board stays in their Lane um the Committees are doing their thing they have their own bylaws they have their own meetings and I think the board has to be very very careful on what we focus our attention on we have a lot going on with re finding Broward schools and what I'm concerned about is that we're dipping our toe into this where yes maybe one or two things can be tweaked um but is that necessary because we're going to be taking our time to to focus on trying to to change this where we have so many other things that we should be focusing on so that is that is my concern that this is going to take away from all the other gazillion things that we need to to be focusing on and um you know I think there could be conversation that the superintendent has with the Committees after he speaks with board members on on what their concerns might be whether it's attendance you know that's up to us too as school board members we appoint people to these committees are we holding our appointees account able to go to these meetings do we have conversations with our appointees on what's going on at these meetings and conversations uh So my answer um yes through the share uh under election of officers on page 16 it states each advisory committee shall have the authority to annually elect their officers to serve up to four year one term thereafter an advisory committee appointee or member may not serve as a chair of that advisory committee for a period of two years following the conclusion of their term as chair okay so I'm I'm okay with that uh we we serve for uh four years um I know it's different but I I just think it's this is not the time necessarily that we need to delve in all of our um energy in into this when we have so much more to focuses on and focus on students and redefining Public Schools I think I feel like we're trying to manage adults and adult behaviors again and I want to focus on on students thank you thank you um I'll go since this is the order um I feel like you are in my head Mrs Al because those were all of the same things I was thinking um we spent a lot of time a lot of workshops um a lot of of energy to the to get to the policy where it is now I know some of you may not have been on the board at that time but it went through looping we this this was a work of labor for sure and I just wonder if now is the best time to be looking at that when we are looking at redefining schools and and there's just a lot of other things going on not to say that this is not important but on the scale of most important it wouldn't fall on the top of the scale for me so I just don't think that it's the right time to be doing this at the moment and I think Miss Thompson would like to make a a substitute motion because there's a motion on the floor already yes sorry um so I just wanted to move to add after the words policy 1070 that and their membership and all policies that create any and all committees currently in existence second okay um okay so all those anybody oh sorry Mrs leonardy Madam chair I'm sorry interrupt would you like to do public comment on the motion oh yes I'm sorry um public comment on the motion so basically just to make sure that we're doing all the policies at one time so to add the words after policy 1070 add and their membership and all policies that create any and all committees currently in existence okay go ahead uh good morning again Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh Plantation Florida um I am currently in my second year as the audit committee chair because having been on it since 2015 I was the Norah rert of the audit committee where I would continuously get passed over and in our second year we've really turned a corner in terms of actually doing what is in the audit committee's bylaws um so I was the f I am actually fresh and Innovative but to someone else's point it takes a couple of years to get a grip on what's going on because being a board chair uh School uh sorry a advisory committee chair is not the same as being the board chair as the board chair you have all of the staff supporting and giving you what you need in theory we don't get get that for the most part I will say that as the audit committee chair I get a lot of support but then the chief auditor has to then get that same support from the superintendent and staff we don't get that on other committees so I'm not in favor of either motion thank you uh appreciate the motion uh Miss Thompson however we all have gone through our policies already and we've done some revisions already so um I'm not sure if staff provided information to you all um with Mr with Dr hess's um item um but we several of us just went through our policy revision so if you're asking to put that in there you want us to go back again and revise all our policies and and the persons the people who are part of the revision of the policy is the committee and staff so I'm not sure if you can get a number of how many of us there's several of us that just went through policy revision so um I don't support your motion not because it's not a good idea just because we just did our policy revisions already thank you okay sorry ah good morning again I am kimada Johnson I just want to reiterate that I do support the motion I say please vote Yes because I also understand that this is just a conversation for for you all to have I see you having a lot of conversation up there but I also understand that this is for you to have a conversation and based off of the different opinions that I hear I think a conversation is necessary please vote yes thank you go ahead Miss thank you um I'd just like to register that I think the suggestions coming from both ends of this room feel to folks who have served who spend and relinquish thousands of dollars of their own Revenue who give up time with their families who go to dozens of meetings a month who run meetings who beg people to come to meetings who plead with you folks to get your appointees to come to meetings some of yours are wonderful and some not so some I didn't even know had appointees I hadn't even had the courtesy of being told about there are ways of working together without making volunteers who have done so much leg work for this for this institution feel like we have installed ourselves as tyrants when what we have done is served another year and another year when nobody else wanted to do it and carved out a niche where we understood systems and people and built relationships to be able to do it it's offensive uh Dr Trudy gerovich uh Fort Lauderdale um I wanted to to reiterate that this is working well enough that all you need to do is do tweaking so you don't need to have a full policy review this will take hours and hours and hours of your staff and of committee work this is silly you got too much else to do I want to point out that Mary ferdig was my best volunteer at sunrise middle school and you know who is serving on that committee the uh what the parent involvement Community they can get anybody else in parent involvement so please don't waste your time hello again I would really like to reiterate a yes you know just now I guess a volunteer came over and said put your money where your mouth is sign sign sign sign that you can do this we don't need people like those I I am sorry we need people who take their feelings out and serve it's not about us it's about the children it's about the community it's not about me please the conversation is necessary if you you might not agree with it but the conversation is necessary good morning again my name is Beverly now like I said before I am a grandmother right and my daughter goes to the uh brard County school and now my granddaughter is there I am also a kianian by choice I serve I know what service is and I do appreciate and value the work that the volunteers have done before and from what I've heard that stated before every everybody appreciate what you've done and we are not saying that we you you're taken away from what you've been doing from what I understand you will still be able to rotate your voice will still be heard you'll be able to suggest and make uh make suggestion for changes so my question is why are we afraid of change why are we not open to hear others opinion what are we afraid of and I heard someone say that where are we going to find the volunteer here I am I am right here we do serve I understand service so I'm asking for a vote Yes cim mohorn um I'm I'm not quite sure where this is leading but it doesn't look good um we have to remember that when it comes to volunteers parents um the in the chain of command it's the parents volunteers and then it's the school board but somehow or another we've we've come to be on this um war path of drawing the sand in a line I you know I I was talking to some of the advisers and I said this is what I see I'm very perceptive about the things that are going on here um even within this room right now today and how it's set up we need to really focus on the children and not try to fix things that are not broken and yes the volunteers we need more volunteers and as far as the chairs to these advisories they're not stepping up so this is not an issue Jill aronowski Southwest Ranches um motivation of everybody uh com working on the boards on the Committees is the most important item for anyone and after a while you get stagnant you don't have any creativity or any new ideas and we need to bring it to this community and I like what Dr Zan had presented in his speech when he was speaking before because it Incorporated everything I'm I I lost track of how many boards I sit on as a board of director or a member and I'm also in Palm Beach county in the school district for my grandsons and we don't have anything like this uh to contend with there everybody's ready to to work and in behalf of the children and that's the most important thing creativity and your ideas and motivation thank you lures Diaz pmro Pines uh I am again saying that I think you should support having a conversation about this I don't know what the big deal is uh you're talking to see if you can have a little bit more movement on your boards to have a board that is always the same people it's like Jill was saying you you lack the motivation I have sat on many boards throughout my career I've sat on corporate boards I've sat on uh you know boards that I got paid for boards that I didn't but we could be volunteers I think the the board members should go out and recruit more people and get them to uh get on boards and if you have 17 uh right now advisory boards I think that is ridiculous I worked at NBC we didn't have 17 advisory boards so I just want to say that I am Pro this idea of the discussion what's the big deal okay Scott Evans Hollywood Florida truth matters um I support Miss Thompson's revision um this is about having a conversation conversation is good that's what we're all doing in here right now um if there's a problem with having a spot filled then I guess that should be in the uh revision that you guys make so that in the event of that maybe the last person that was chair or whoever is still on the board can go back into that position if there is no one else so that is something easily resolved uh I serve on several boards for several Charities and it is our job to go out and Recruit new members to join us and that's what all these current beautiful people that are working hard should also be doing to get more people and I'm sure they do the best I know Natalie just tried to recruit me so and I may do it thank you very much okay we have a Time certain at 11: so do we think we can wrap this up and finish up and then get to that okay so U Mrs alh yes I just wanted to make the point that every year our people that we appoint we don't necessarily have to appoint the same person every year so if you want to give someone else an opportunity uh then you're going to appoint that that person like I have Hunter Pollock as as my appointee so I think it's up to us to bring those fresh perspectives new people to the committees as we put in our appointees thank you Dr holess thank you madam chair so uh once again as one of the um members of the public mentioned change is difficult and change is necessary change is also inevitable whether we like it or not um it's a part of life um I think that uh when we look at um the continuity and depth of leadership that we're trying to achieve here in bra County Schools as Dr Zeman mentioned to be an aid District it's important that we look at every aspect and some mention that this is uh um that we stay focused on students that's exactly what we're doing in fact if you just look at one of our items which is the Dual language uh committee that is suggesting that we have the Dual language badge on our website that we put it as a part of our choice program so that committee that chair bring those recommendation so this is about students this is not about managing adults that's not what we're doing we're trying to ensure that our advisory committees are working efficiently in the in serving the needs of our students so that is exactly what we're trying to do and it is focus focusing on students and I will support um board member Thompson's uh suggestion as well uh because we have to move into a broader discussion this is much bigger than our current chairs and we respect what they're doing I appreciate all of their diligent work but this is about continuity of leadership depth of leadership and moving forward so we can continue to sustain and be an a district and and embrace the community as part of the process thank you thank you and we'll we'll end it with uh Mrs Leonard thank you um just one quick question for the for the substitute motion does the item have to name all of the policies and committee bylaws um that we seek to initiate rulemaking for Miss Batista so the the um Amendment or this uh substitute motion as I understand it is to bring all the current policies that create committees as well as uh policy 1070 so that's should be yeah I I heard the motion but I'm wondering is that is the wording of that okay or do we need to actually name the policies no okay um so I I heard a few different things and I hear and understand the concerns around the need for staff support for our committees um you know at at the county um at several cities I've seen during um like e EAB meetings that there is staff there to take minutes so I think that is a suggestion I would love to bring to the table during rul making um you know we often talk about how important our advisories are and how important the feedback and guidance um that our advisories give us are and I completely agree with that and that's why I think it actually should be one of our priorities to improve what we do with advisories and as Dr holus said he's put this off for quite some time and it seems like in this District we always have fires that were putting out and sometimes it it never feels like the right time to do anything um which is precisely why I think we need to just you know move forward initiate ruem we you know we have the time and space for things that we want to make time and space for what our advisories do is vitally important um and so I I think again it is important for us to move forward to try to improve that process thank you thank you okay all those in favor of the substitute motion say I I all those opposed Say No No I um I don't think I need roll call yeah so there was three Madam chair I like to request a roll call okay go ahead roll call on the motion school board members ala no bman yes fam Hixon sorry no Honus yes Leonardi yes roer no Thompson yes Zan yes motion passes 53 thank you okay thank you so much the we're going to move to our time certain at 11 o' so wait don't we have one more time no no cuz it's substitute motion right clean okay can I please have a motion for item rr4 to a motion in a second for item four rr4 to come to the floor it's by move by Mrs rert and seconded by Mrs alh for Mo for rr4 we have any public comment Anar lair and Julie long doctor hi my name is Ana my name is Audrey my name is Andy and my name's Daman and we're all High School St students from Broward County and we're members of the Broward Sierra group junior team which is a group of high school students working to preserve the environment through advocacy Outreach and education and we're very grateful to see this resolution um being presented on the board and being voted on and this is a really big step towards very important environmental um justice so this resolution is more about than clean energy it's about a big commitment to our future every day we see the impacts of climate change from rising sea levels to increasingly extreme weather especially in South Florida so as young people we can't ignore this this decision proves that Brad County isn't ignoring it either with your with your action you're showing us that it's possible even in the face of this big challenge Thank You by making this commitment you are empowering us to believe in change solar panels in our schools energy efficient buildings and green initiatives in our classrooms can be Solutions within our reach with this decision you're making sustainability a priority and that inspires us students to do the same in our own day-to-day lives we are deeply grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this effort the Broward Sierra group junior team will continue to lead Advocate and innovate to ensure these goals become a reality this work shows that students can do more than just hope for change we can be a part of making it happen again we just wanted to say thank you so much this has been an entire IR L student L effort and it's really amazing to see our ideas and hopes into fruition thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you all so much for coming today to speak with us thank you for the opportunity to speak um that's a hard group to follow um congratulations to the new board I've lived in Broward County for 30 years I've also practiced pediatric surgery in this community for over 25 years I've been devoted to Children's Health I think these students are exemplify the future it's their it's their environment it's their health the environmental degradation I've seen in Broward County during the time I've lived here has been profound and I've seen it reflected in in the lives of uh infants being born I please hope you'll pass this resolution and provide the leadership that our young people need thank you so much thank you um now we'll go to board discussion and as the person bringing the resolution forward I just want to say it was truly my honor to work with the students it was a labor of love between students staff at Brower County public schools in the Innovative um teaching area the stem and I'm very excited to look for the future we've talked about this before making sure our buildings are um using clean energy that we're building buildings that look at how energy is being used in the buildings along with recycling reusing all of that so I'm very very proud to bring the resolution forward and I hope that my colleagues will join me in supporting this uh Mrs alev thank you I support the resolution my comments are in regards to how we are going to take the next steps forward with bringing solar panels to Brower County Public Schools you know whether it is solar paneling at a lunch table where students can plug in well can't have P self their [Laughter] laptops but um solar paneling they can plug in something and then also solar paneling hypothetical on our whether it's on our roofs or on our our walkways I was told we can do that are we going to be working with uh companies to be able to you know bring maybe it's uh electricity bring the electricity cost down so my those are my comments and questions to the superintendent Dr fton thank you so much Mrs ala also want to thank the Sierra group for your advocacy you're definitely the student leaders that really make our district the proud District that we have and the questions that you brought forth Miss um alad are very um received I will tell you that we are currently as a district we do compete we do participate in several energy reduction uh competitions I know annually we do the how low can you go Challenge and we um acknowledge many schools that really make a concerted effort and reducing energy in their schools and while that is a few of many other things we can do you did mention some other things that we can definitely take back and start considering and working with we do have a green energy advisory committee group as well too so working together and coming to the table and looking at additional ways that we can be more efficient because Energy Efficiency is real and we need to make sure that we take the charge that our student leaders have brought forth with us and really make some real sustainable changes in our district thank you thank you Landon thank you madam chair good morning it's great to see a group of students uh here this morning Ana is somebody that I was always scared to see in a speech and debate round because I knew that she would beat me um so I just wanted to to say a big thank you to this group of students that have put in hours and hours of work working with uh both City governments working with uh the school board and and you know great efforts to make positive change uh looking forward to seeing the great things that they do and also uh they've kind of set the standard now of students being involved and I hope that we see more students uh coming to advocate in this way thank you very much thank you Dr Zan thanks so much chair um I'm such a huge fan of this and of this effort um there are um solar panels there are all kinds of things that we could do um to be very creative uh in this regard one of them is actually turning our buildings into collections for solar it's not just panels now they entire buildings that are getting filmed uh that are converting I am feel very very strongly about this because this is a competitive advantage that Broward County Public Schools can do that other schools never will and parents and students want to go to schools that are doing things that are good for our world not just good for our minds and our mental health and our safety so this is something that a big school district like Broward County with 239 campuses can do in a wholesale way as soon as possible Miss ala I hope so that um people will think differently about br County Public Schools not just being a great academic environment because we are but also being one that cares deeply about your Safety and Security deeply about your mental health about your social emotional learning and about our footprint on this planet and to me that's just another competitive advantage that we have that another uh um one of our alternative education sources in brard County would not do thank you thank you and I'll just say the point of the resolution was to get the district moving towards committing to doing those different things so a vote in support of this will not give us an option to say no so thank you so much all those in support of the item rr4 say I I any opposed motion carries thank you so much we're going to take a quick recess so the board can take a picture with the students chair right down here thank you e e e thank you welcome back to the school board meeting next we have a Time certain for res uh resolution rr3 so can I have a motion in a second to bring rr3 to the floor moved second so it's been moved by Mrs rert seconded by Dr holess is there any public comment on item rr3 yes Madam chair uh first speaker is uh Dr uh Judy deanovich and we also have the mayor from Southwest Ranches I just broke my classes so I hope I can do this my name is Dr Trudy Janovich the south Florida Wildlife Center has been located near me since I moved to Florida in 1977 my most memorable patient was a pelican which had a broken wing my husband and I found it hobbling in the street I picked it up and we drove to the South Florida Wildlife Center as you can imagine the looks we got as we as I held the bird on my lap in the passenger seat of our car we were very thankful she wasn't scared and didn't relieve herself while being transported they let me know when she recovered and was released back into the wild I'm also aware of the wonderful educational programs this organization provides as I used them for years with my um middle school science students at Sunrise Middle School and with pre-service teachers in the teacher education Alliance I'm glad the school board has found a good home for the south Florida Wildlife Center as they can no longer stay in the Fort Lauderdale area I fully support the school board of Broward County entering into this 50-year lease with the south Florida Wildlife Center to use um the seven acre uh Southern Seven Acres of the property in exchange of the town's removal of the deed restriction for the remainder of the property that limits the property to a school board educational facility thank you for bringing this resolution forward thank you next you're welcome May Southwest Ranches um I'm I'm excited to be here thank you for bringing forth this item this is uh this is you know it's it's rare and being mayor normally issues come up and you have kind of like winners and losers and it's a tough decision I feel this one we have winners and then we have winners and then we have winners um from a school board standpoint this finally we're able to use this property for an educational purpose and not only will it not cost you money but it'll generate funds for you that you can then devote to other areas so certainly a win there um as the previous speaker just mentioned the south Florida Wildlife Center requires a new home and um we are super excited to potentially have them come to the town of Southwest Ranches we have so much in common with them and to be able to bring that in and have our residents participate and be a part of it um certainly our our town will be a winner and certainly South Florida Wildlife Center will be a winner so I'm really excited about this I did want to bring up one thing we've done some you may have seen there was actually two proposals one proposal was for um 7 Acres and uh would would net due to Wetlands considerations it would net the south Florida Wildlife Center about uh 2.58 Acres of actual usable space um they've done some work on that and they're really going to require not a lot more but a little bit more space the other alternative was to provide them with eight and a qu 8 and a qu acres and uh that would give them a full three acres to develop which would be critical for for them it's it's critical for not only the programs but also for the the school buses and this is really an educational facility and so the school buses the parking the turning around all that um would uh would really facilitate that so I I would urge you if you could please to move forward with the eight and a quarter acres and um and I think this is just a an exceptional exceptional opportunity for all of us I'm very excited about if it's any questions I'd be happy to answer thank you for your time and your support appreciate it thank you our last speaker is Alexandra Med hello again thank you so much for having me uh I am the executive director of the South Florida Wildlife Center I really want to thank that uh wonderful lady for saying such a nice things about the educational program that we offer um in BR County in the Tri County Area last year we actually reached like a 10 million people and almost 90 90,000 residents in BR County uh the majority of them they were children um we went to every single School in Brower County that you can possibly imagine and we are so excited about the prospect of building a premier educational facility for all the school children in Brower County that will be free to the public where we can really um have a group like the young folks that you have seen before for the sarra club you know spreading their wings and learning learning about why it's important to preserve our environment taking care of the wildlife and also preserve like what little we have uh that we have left so education is one of our Cornerstone of our mission so I want to thank you for supporting this resolution and please please you know um come and visit us I will be it will be my honor to show you the great work that we do thank you so much thank you now we'll move to board discussion and first I have Miss Bulman um I just want to say that I agree with the mayor that this is a winner winner winner deal I'm very impressed with it and as a frequent user of the Wildlife Center because we seem to have a lot of little baby animals and animals hitting windows and things of that nature in my neighborhood um I am happy to see that it's finding a home so thank you for everyone that put this together thank you Dr Zeman thanks so much chair uh winwin win for indeed um I am curious though about the change in the terms uh um chair I'm curious what does it mean to go to eight and a quarter Acres rather than what was proposed before today Miss Batista I I'm not sure if uh staff is here to be able to respond to that Mr akabo good morning board Chris akabu director facility plan real estate um the town had after we had prepared the item and it was finalized sent an email and requesting because of some additional calculations that they needed that additional acre it's not going to really it's not very significant um that's not going to affect anything so if the board is going to agree to do that I think maybe an amendment needs to be made on the dares just to reflect that but it's going to be pretty minor thank you chair and chair what was the original acreage in the item Dr fton Miss aabus Seven Acres terrific so uh I'm happy to to do that uh we'll make a motion now uh to adjust this item from 7 Acres to 8 and one quarter second Miss Batista did is doesn't the item did the item already change it or do we need a motion to change the acreage is the item already um amended I think it needs to be amended now correct yeah it can be amended on on the days yeah yes okay thank you um all any public speakers on the motion okay any board discussion on the motion all those in favor of the it would be a substitute motion again there was just be an amendment Amendment all those in favor of the amended motion say I I all those opposed say no the motion carry the motion just a minut say that again okay so now I thought we just did that but um all those in favor of the motion as amending I'm not done chair I have a couple other things I'd like to add if you don't mind so the amendment passed so it's now on the table at 8 and a quarter instead of seven which is great um I do want to think a little bit about the second half of this though which is we're going to work with the city we're going to fix the land use for this um and I'd love to ask the superintendent to bring the action back to the school board as soon as possible on what we want to do for that remaining acreage this is a win-win win but it's only a win for barard County Schools if we do something with this land and so uh I'm a little bit frustrated that these things take years to come back to us uh I'm frustrated with our inability to kind of find Partnerships and then fulfill our part which is great mayor for you and for the Commissioners in Southwest Ranches to make that kind of offer but we need to come back quickly um and we need to figure out I think what we want to do with that so chair um I just I I I want to um just share my interest to the superintendent acting here uh that we move out quickly on that but I don't necessarily want to make a formal motion to that effect thank you okay thank you all those in favor of the motion as amended say I I I any opposed motion carries unanimously thank you so much thank you very much okay now we're going to go back to our um consent items that were pulled and the next one is item L1 so can I have an emotion in a second to bring item L1 to the floor moved second it's it's been moved by Dr Zeman seconded by um Mrs Bowman any public comment on L1 yes we have uh five speakers Sarah Coral is uh next and uh Danielle Hoffman yes okay um hello everyone my name is Sarah Coral I am a parent of dual language students but more importantly I am the middle school chair on the multilingual advisory committee and uh our chair Danielle Hoffman who was supposed to speak after me uh had to leave she stayed as long as she could but I'll be speaking for both of us um the two motions before you um about putting a dual l language badge on the website of dual language schools and um allowing dual language to be checked off for school choice forms to allow us to collect data um these should be things that um if I throw out some buzzwords to you uh they should get your attention these are about marketing and this is about um be giving the school district the tools to make data- driven strategic choices and where to allocate their resources so um Danielle our chair is very big on using data to to bring um proposals to you all and this would give us data in the future to show us where families are who are willing to drive um to schools that have dual language programs if they could check off that box and it would help schools brand themselves that do do currently have the Dual language program um I will Pepper my comments a little bit with my own experiences having served now on this committee and attended uh three site visits to uh the Middle School's West Glades um to Questa trace and cor Coral Springs Middle um let's contrast for a moment uh to Questa Trace that is um over enrolled I believe they're not a school choice school but that principal told me anecdotally that um there is a steady drip of family is coming up to him contacting him contacting his staff um who are interested in dual language who live outside the zone and um are very dismayed to learn that he does not have the the ability to um to guarantee them a spot in the Dual language program um when they come up and talk to him um versus uh the principal at Coral Springs middle that does have a school uh dual language program they are uh 20% of their popul student population is scho choice and the the principal um gives her full-throated support of the program but those classes are the electives um in middle school for dual language at Coral Springs Middle have um around 20 students in them versus the non dual language electives that have 45 so clearly there are spots there so if there are families willing to drive out to taquesta for dual language I believe it is a lack of knowledge um uh out there about where these dual language programs are um and I can speak anecdotally from my own sixth grade daughter at westglades um that has about uhk you so much that was that was your thank you up next we have Dr Lyn Walsh and Jackie wbom oh good almost afternoon Natalie Lynch Walsh chair of the audit committee um I'm going to speak in general to this item and then specifically to the Motions uh since you just passed a motion to uh start trying to limit uh before you start getting new chairs I hope you will hash out this process with the recommendations um because if I were a new chair and I saw a board item that said if you vote Yes you'll acknowledge receipt and if the board votes no the school board will reject the advice and recommendations provided to the board by the various advisory groups would I want to state as a chair no cuz you just spit in my face we went through all this work to make a recommendation and you could just go nope and keep it moving those of us who have been chairs are not so easily dissuaded so we're still here um and I understand and appreciate Mrs Hixon that you're trying to streamline that process but you may want to get an opinion on whether the supporting documents that we're providing not being provided to the public is Sunshine law issue because they are not confidential and if we're submitting backup documents just like every other board item has that then explain the rationale for the motions and they're not attached and staff is giving you 10 million reasons why they can't be attached none of which have to do with transparency and compliance with Sunshine Law you might also want to Hash that out um I mentioned earlier that the audit committee talked about the the beacon streaming on Beacon issue at our last meeting which was on teams so we couldn't vote but when we passed this motion at an earlier meeting the response that staff gave is this and I want you to think about what this is saying to the committee this action will undermine and they actually use the word undermine the district's capacity to treat all advisory committees the same the problem is the lackluster support we've been getting please do not treat just all the same I had to create a teams meeting last night because they didn't even properly train Liaisons on how to set up teams meetings so get your infrastructure in place before you start inflicting rules on all of us so that's one in addition Beacon has a limited staff and vast workload and the focus should be on utilizing staff to promote and celebrate our schools and students and I mentioned the average viewership is that relevant no to ensure all committees have proper technological supports committees are encouraged to utilize Microsoft teams who's being trained nobody's been trained again so this is all a false economy as my English grandfather used to say the second one has to do with a payroll system there's no specificity in terms of dates and I submitted minutes from May of 2023 showing that this is not the first time we discussed this please get specificity out of these people thank you thank you Mrs lus oh she says no we do have kimy morh horn signed up I don't see her in the audience okay that concludes the register speakers Madam chair thank you um before we go to board um discussion I just would like to ask Dr fton to speak I think the superintendent had a few things he wanted to share with us about some of the recommendations so the superintendent and the team actually provided um responses that are um in the recommendation for the executive summary for L1 but additionally um for particularly the the recommendation of the district implementing an electronic payroll system he wanted everyone to know that actually this has been something that he has been working on for the past couple of months and making sure we automate a lot of our systems and not just with payroll many other systems to make to streamline the work that we're doing and we're actually partner with our strategic initiative management team who's been moving this project along and so we're hoping to be able to address this sooner than later but he wanted everyone to be aware that this was something that he saw initially coming into the the seat but not just payroll being automated but many other systems and structures that we need to move from paper pencil to an automated service so that we could reduce a lot of Errors that's been taking place thank you um signed up to speak is Dr holess thank you madam chair um appreciate the opportunity so um part of the recommendation here from the multilingual advisory committee is um that the district add a dual language badge on all dual language school websites so um the question I have um Dr Fulton uh sitting superintendent um is this seems pretty doable so uh what would inhibit us from doing that Dr Fon so you're correct Dr holess is is something that's easy to do but when this recommendation came it really made us think about other things we're actually revamping our websites particularly our school websites to make them user friendly we did an exercise whereas if you go on the brow County Public School website how many clicks does it take to get to certain information and not happy to say too many clicks to get to simple information so we're actually overhauling our websites and also when you go to a school website we want parents in the community if I'm interested in a school I can just go there and see everything not just particularly du language programs but any other programs that are offered so as a parent I can make a more informed choice so to your question Dr holess it is an easy fix okay and I appreciate revamping the websites uh I think that's wonderful um but what's brought before us is the recommendation today from the uh multilingual committee so while we're revamping and revising our websites and updating uh is it possible that in this process that this could uh be added to the website and we can always adjust and um you know uh uh update the website as we go along so what is the um is there any um any barriers to getting this done immediately so I'm going to say no but I'm going to ask Mr Davis to to to go ahead and chime in and give the technical um it answer yes um got to check my watch good morning aard Trey Davis Chief Information officer uh so I did want to I did want to compliment uh by saying that uh the site we're moving to the platform does allow for adaptive language with regards to the pages that you're on or site you're viewing because we realize we do we do have uh users uh that need that language support outside of just English for example so that's part of the platform uh is embedded within that as well so okay so um the short answer is can this be done uh and what time frame would we be able to get this done without having to wait for the full revision of our websites Dr hes I'm going to throw that over to John because his team is actually leading this website revamping process that we're doing oh it's all Mr Davis honestly I'm just a looks but we will get together and uh we'll provide a board followup to see how quickly we can do it okay so um I would recommend um that we proceed immediately with this we're we're trying to increase enrollment we're trying to continue to be an a district I think this is a very doable item uh we can add this now and we can revise the website and put it it needs to be later but I think at least the current visibility is important so um John I'm looking forward to that followup and um I'd like to I don't know Madame chair if if this is just directing the superintendent um with consensus from the board or do I need to make a motion and then I have another comment I think just cons just directing we have it we have it okay got it so my second uh question is on the the first recommendation of the multilingual advisory committee uh that the district add dual language as a reason for uh school choice um I do believe that uh this could um support increasing enrollment in our schools uh it provides an added choice for students uh they could commute to uh wherever uh dual language is offered so um Dr fton uh I did see your response that the district is considering the recommendation um that appears to be a rather uh I appreciate that but it appears to be a rather soft language um is how can this be done um uh definitively as opposed to considering um what are the challenges in doing this because I see where this could be supportive of increasing enrollment in Brad County Schools providing choice to students um that they can commute to schools with dual language Dr so I'm going to give that to Dr wano who's been leading our redefining schools initiative process so good morning um board public colleagues happy holidays Valerie wanza Chief strategy and Innovation officer um Dr holes thank you for the question the reason why the response is framed the way that it is and um the parent from the actual committee who spoke she gave a perfect example toqua Trace is a school that does not have seats available for reassignment because of its current enrollment and capacity Coral Springs Middle School is a school that does have seats available so in the policy right now that the board just um approved the revisions to policy 6400 um school choice the whole school choice policy it speaks specifically that students are reassigned to a school once they get to the school placement in a program is now between family interest you know what the school offers and all of that so that that is why we worded the um response the way that we did that we're we certainly want to go to them sit down and talk with them and see how in the current policy we can work um to help achieve this end but I will tell you we have multiple Innovative programs across the full spectrum you know there are schools that have created some very unique themes of study that are not magnet programs that are called out specifically in policy that have admission criteria and things of that nature so and I'm not saying that dual language is an Innovative program specific on to itself but I will say is that um the reason why it's worded that way is because the board just revised policy one and two when you have schools for example um and she um the the parent was very spot-on taquesta Trace is a school that is not accepting Choice assignments for any reason because the school does not have space to receive assignments so even if a you know if if a school does offer dual language but that school is not accepting Choice assignments then parents would be somewhat dismayed because they want to go into that program at a school but the school does not have capacity to receive students outside of the boundary but we certainly are going to have every intention of doing what is um scripted here and also if if um it gets to the place that Ru making for policy 6400 needs to be initiated we certainly are willing to do that as well okay so Dr w i appre appreciate that response um I'm guessing there are multiple schools that offer dual language correct yes there there are several schools and if uh just from my understanding and I listen to the uh response from the parent um if one particular School uh if a student is highly interested in dual language and a particular school is filled to capacity or not taking uh any more students uh wouldn't that open the options for other schools I I I just want that information for the parent sake as well so um I certainly would defer to miss saala who's in the back and because her um Department oversees dual language because I do know that there's a process to um develop and Implement a dual language um program I know that it's highly sought after and you will as we will all you know if I can remind everyone as a part of the redefining conversations we talked about the need to establish um without question some Regional anywhere like three to six across all regions that so that there is um Equity of choice if you will for dual language which which tends to be a very popular program but I will allow Miss um salala to answer that question because I don't know that we can just say we're going to put it at this school okay good afternoon Vicki sadala director bilingual Esau so I just wanted to go back that the goal of adding this question to the uh school choice dropdown was because the Mac committee wanted to capture how many students are actually or how many families are actually choosing to go to a different school because of the Dual language program correct so um because the school choice Windows already open and we couldn't add the question and it had to go through this process uh the director of school choice and I had a conversation that one of the ways that we can capture how many parents have selected that school because of the Dual language program is after it has closed we would reach out to those families so for example I'm going to always say I'm just going to say C Castle Elementary C Castle Elementary has a dual language program if parents chose that school as part of school choice we would reach out to those families and ask them a simple question did you select going to C Castle because of the Dual language program yes or no and that would give us an idea of how many families are actually applying for school choice to these specific dual language programs I don't know if I I wanted to make sure I clarified that okay and I just have a couple more questions so with the schools offering dual language throughout the count the county yes would you say because Dr wza mentioned it's a PR pretty popular option for students would you say that currently um those dual language uh program seems to be filled to capacity and that uh many students are eager to get in and can't they're not filled to capacity I will say that some schools have a larger program than other schools for whatever reason it may be and they have a more um structured program they've had it for a while they already have a k K5 program and parents have continued coming to that school for that program for example the schools in the western Zone every school in that in that area has it but also the community is highly sought after having dual language programs in their schools so some schools do have a large program and the principles have been amazing in a common ating it um but I won't say that every school has a full program yet okay so if if I have a child and I'm living in Sunrise and there's a dual language program that I have interest in having my child in and that's the main reason for me to be selecting schools and it's in Hollywood do I have that option as part of school choice I I would say yes correct Dr wanza if it is if the school is one of the schools if the school is a school that has capacity to receive Choice assignments the answer is yes and they're a dual language school and they're right and they offer the Dual language program now they would have to go through the process so we don't just dual language program is open to all students but in a lot of situations we also uh pre-screen students make sure that they are prepared to go into the Dual language program okay so Dr W I'm looking forward to further um updates on this particular item as you mentioned um because I think the recommend recation is relevant thank you thank you thank you Mrs rert I absolutely support the um the committee recommendations on this agenda item so thank you thank you um so no one else hasn't signed up to speak uh as we move forward as I mentioned we're going to move um the committee recommendations from the consent item to the open item so that we can have a disc discussion similar to this and make motions as necessary I think it's important for the committee to um hear the conversation in real time I heard loud and clear I think we all did at the committee meeting that the recommend they felt the recommendations were not being received or looked at and enacted upon by the school board so that's kind of the idea of what we're doing here you can see we've looked at them people are able to make motions or to make comments staff can tell what's already moving forward so I would say most of these items that are on here if we look at them the first recommendation about school choice we just spoke to the one about the um dual language badge on the websites I believe we have um agreed that we're going to move forward with that um we also heard about the payroll system so the only one left is about the board um live streaming audit committee meetings via Beacon is there any board member who wants to bring a motion to that respect or um is there staff that wants to speak to that particularly so that we can make sure we've addressed all the recommendations that are on here Mrs alhad uh if I can make a recommendation if we if we're going to do it this way we can go one by one and vote on it to make sure there is consensus sure we can go back um okay so item number one uh the recommendation that the district add dual language as a reason for school choice I think what we heard is it already is there so I don't think we have to necessarily vote on that particular one because we're already doing that Miss Batista would you yes that is correct I think the staff has Direction and they're doing that okay so the second one recommending that the district add dual language back BGE on the school websites um any all those in favor of directing the superintendent to that please say I I I any opposed okay we're good the next one again uh recommending the board continue live streaming audit committee meetings via Beacon um all those in favor of directing the superintendent to do that particular item say I M may I chair oh I'm not on sorry go ahead I I just want to be clear that this is if we do this for one committee we'll be subject to do it to all committees we have a limited amount of people in Beacon and this would be a huge uh Staffing issue and it will take away our ability to Market our schools because we will not be able to celebrate all the successes that we've been able to go into schools to capture that so and I I appreciate that I would like to just ask we heard that um they could use teams if they had some of training they could use teams the Liaisons as I don't think any of us specifically have received training on teams I think we've all got accustomed to how to use it uh but we'll reach out to the lons to make sure if they do need additional training we'll get with uh Mr Davis and we'll make sure they have that ability but yes so we encourage them to use teams not only for live streaming but they could also use it for their minutes um they can record their minutes they can record the meeting uh there's a whole host of things that they can uh utilize teams for okay and I appreciate apprciate that I would just say we we've grown accustomed to it but we cannot make the assumption that volunteers who don't use it on a daily basis are accustomed to it so I'd like to have a commitment that those committees will have someone that will be able to train them we'll reach out to the lisons to make sure that they're comfortable U utilizing the the team functions chair I have a point of order is there a motion on the floor we're just simply going through the recommendations to either Direct the superintendent or not direct the superintendent okay Miss Batista said we don't necessarily well I disagree with Miss Batista um very very uh directly uh these are recommendations from our advisory groups they come to the board the board is the only group that has the statutory authority to make a motion they are not they're motions within their meetings they are recommendations to us and unless there's a motion on the floor we're not following Robert's rules about how to make decisions on these things and I um I appreciate all the work that comes and I love these recommendations it Spurs ideas uh for things like putting the badge on a website um uh to follow Roberts we have to make it a motion at this body for us to take action on it we cannot take action on something that someone says or a recommendation that comes from an Advisory Board and it still be binding on the body Miss Batista can you address that yes so um my only opinion that I was asked to give if was whether or not you were you would have to vote on that first one and I said no because the board already had uh I mean the the staff already had Direction and they were already doing that so I wasn't asked as to the procedure to follow for this particular item um so I'm not sure what the question is the item before you is just to receive the item so there really isn't any motion before the board to vote on at this point with this item before you so what we're what what we were doing was asking for consensus be so do you need a motion to direct the superintendent to do something because we're not really acting we're just directing the superintendent to do or not do these items so that's my understanding does that need to have a motion because we'll do that if we need to so if if you need to direct a superintendent to do something yes there needs to be a motion and a vote by the board um I'm not sure that that's you know I guess what I'm hearing is that that is the process necessarily that um the remainder of the board members would like to follow so I I think that's something that you may want to discuss at a later time okay so just to clear this up then we'll ask for is there anyone who would like to make a motion about the board continuing to live stream the audit committee beaking meetings at Beacon Mrs rert yes um I move that the district um continue to live stream the audit committee meetings via Beacon so they're available to the public they're very highly followed meeting and okay I I think we' be doing us as a service to not is there a second okay there's no second so um we've we've gone through the and the last item the superintendent said they're already working on that so I don't think that there's a need to make a motion because they're already doing it Dr holes ma Madam chair I just want to make sure because I'm hearing um conflicting information and I I did receive consensus from the board but it wasn't a motion on the recommendation to add the Dual language badge on the website so do I need to make a motion let's be consistent okay motion to uh add a dual language badge on all dual language school websites as soon as possible second okay any discussion on the motion Madame chair yes I just want to hold on public gets to me I'm sorry for the record who second it was it Miss rert oh yeah not a motion yes okay thank you sorry I know I usually go ahead uh Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh audit committee chair um Madam chair I really appreciate what you're trying to do um I only wish that someone had seconded Mrs Rupert's motion just like someone seconded uh Dr hess's motion so you could discuss it and you could vote Yes or No but Color Me shocked so I'm in support because I'm not going to begrudge any advisory committee making a sound recommendation but I guess we'll just have to pass this again um because you're not even going please stay on this motion which is about the badges okay fine let them have their badges um and we'll just keep factchecking staff thank you uh any board discussion on the motion Dr holes thank you madam chair so um I appreciate the opportunity to make the motion and I I just wanted to also mention that um um my understanding of what we're doing now as opposed to what we've done before is that we used to have the recommendations coming from the committee advisories and then um those would be brought back if a board member so choose so I am expecting that in the future we may have 20 recommendations so I don't know if we need to go through each of them I think if a board member looks at it and want to make a motion on any of them to save time then we do so um so if there's none of the recommendations or there's a few of them that we want to consider but going through each of them can actually be very uh time consuming so I hear what you're saying but based on the rec based on the meeting we had with the committee they when nothing happens with a recommendation they don't there's no action they being able to just run through them quickly if you want to make a motion great if you don't you don't have to but at least they have real time action on their recommendation otherwise they leave it as open items and they don't know where it falls so this is an effort to try to I understand I am just suggesting that we we choose to comment on any recommendation without ignoring them and also provide motion if we so choose during the meeting as opposed to what we used to do before where we would just receive them and then come back that's why we're moving it to LL item so they'll be in the open items for discussion okay thank you Mrs Al thank you um so part of what Dr holess was saying is the item is to receive it so the board in the in the past they weren't you weren't just not doing anything you were receiving it and then the board member was if they wanted to Champion one of the Motions the thought was that they would bring it back in a board item work with committee and then also provide backup in that board item so that you know like for example with this with this number one and um you know there could be more backup like my question is well how much would it cost to do this for every single committee so that would be if that was brought by a board member they would have all that information in there because they've worked with Mr Sullivan to to get that information so that was the process behind it um you know and I I'm fine if it being a double letter but if we're going to go through and or a board member is now just going to vote possibly you're not going to have all the information you need to properly vote on that item so that was the the the um thought process behind a board member um taking on that item and champing that item and I I I'm I'll go I'll wait Madame chair may I make a suggestion um hold on one second Dr Zeman thanks so much chair I I um I really think we need more information on a lot of these some of them are putting a badge on a website and which case um I understand our general counsel and parliamentarians view that since that's ongoing we may not have needed the motion but for doing uh something that is going to dedicate money and time or staff effort to do it um I would strongly support uh waiting bring it back as a BB if you want it and uh it's great to receive these items um these are advisory boards they give us advice if we want to do something about it we should if we want to talk to people that are on The Advisory Board it we should um it isn't incumbent upon us other than to receive and listen to them um and to continue to do the work that we're doing to try and build a great school district and so um I I I think that just to keep good order and discipline on this body um if there's something as easy as adding a badge to a website I suspect the superintendent will just come back and sayy we got that one it's done already it's it's wonderful if it's bigger than that if we can bring an item to the next meeting that gives us the opportunity to talk to the folks that support these decisions and give us the background that we need to know how much it costs uh what are the other unintended consequences we didn't think about in the moment um and we do that for every item right every item's out between one and two weeks ahead of this meeting so that the public can give us comment so that the staff can look into it and that we can uh make very reason decisions about everything we have and so uh that's why we had that uh Miss aladea in the past and it's really I think a very good practice for a body like this thank you I I will just say again I'm moving it to the LL item so we can discuss it because it was felt before as a consent item there's no discussion or there there unless someone pulls it there's no discussion so I'm happy to to re-evaluate whether we make motions at the time or not but I moved it to LL so it would allow us an easier way to have a discussion and I was trying to hear what the committee said which was when we don't address it they feel there's no action and they leave it as an open item and it keeps coming back to us I think at some point we either say yes we want to act on it or no we don't and when you don't do it in a public setting and you don't do anything they don't they should know but we have not been very clear on that so that's kind of why I'd like to be able to have a discussion when the items come to us we did ask them moving forward to include a one-page executive summary on it so that everyone would know why they're bringing it forward and then if there was backup information to actually email that backup information to the school board members so so again we're we're change is difficult um and I'm just trying to be conscientious of everybody's time and effort so um we'll continue to look at this as we move forward chair I had a quick comment on it um and Madam chair I really appreciate the spirit that you're doing this and I think you're listening to what the committee um want and the public and I think that's important I think the concern that um I'm hearing is that um if we have a an immediate motion on a recommendation then we may not have substantive information to make a decision so there's probably a different way around it right because we get these recommendations in advance so maybe board members who are choosing to have a motion on any of the recommendations put that forth uh prior uh to the meeting and then that would result in a more robust discussion and it can certainly be discussed concurrently with receiving the motion um so I would suggest that we have some kind of a system or process in place where if a board member chooses to provide a motion on a recommendation that that is presented before the meeting um or however it needs to be done so it can be discussed in the meeting I'm not sure miss Batista how we can maneuver that process but I think the problem is not having substantive information at the time of receiving the recommendations to make an informed vote on it so how can we make both things happen while doing it at the same time Miss Batista thank you madam shair um so um I think this is something that you may want to bring again to a workshop to have some discussion as to how this will be what will be the protocol for it um because you know you are hearing from the advisories but you don't have the backup from staff to know whether whatever is being uh proposed is either you know a good idea or not okay Madam chair if I may yes sir uh policy uh 1020 is already on the uh agenda for the uh February 14th uh I'm sorry January 14th Workshop so we can include this if you the board likes as well okay great that would and that will be in prior to our next January meeting okay perfect this is all H uh yes so I would like to make a a motion on the second recommendation I did try to bring this forward as a BB item I'm not quite sure why I didn't make it onto the agenda um and I understand the superintendent is already doing this but I think it is very important that this board vote on it to um really make it known to the superintendent that this is something that the board wants so I move to uh vote that the superintendent implements an electronic payroll system eliminating all paper including adopting a workflow system and an improved process system second okay any public comment on the motion board discussion on the motion Dr Zan thanks so much um I I'm love this and I know that the group is working on it I think for us to be value ad it may be useful to put a date on like by the beginning of next academic year which we believe to be August 11th 2025 so I would offer that um I agree as an amendment if you don't mind I accept thank you Madame chair Dr H okay this is in response to Dr Zeman's comment so I would like to hear from staff what would be considered a reasonable time to achieve this because I think their direction would help us in determining a Time Dr fton so I'm going to um have Miss Johnson follow and if anyone from our Sim team is here also to add any additional information because we are in the process so you can actually share where we are with the timeline through the chair and board members I'm rir Johnson Chief Financial Officer of the Broward County Public Schools my comments about this process is going to be we're in the process of working with our outside sap team and our internal it team to see the fees ability cuz we know we got to do this but we definitely need to know what the cost is going to be cuz there's going to be an a cost associated with automating the payroll system but we are now documenting the process the workflow and we was going to bring it back at a workshop and also to the board as a communication form to show you how we going to process map it and also the cost that associated with it okay Madam chair Dr okay and Miss Johnson I appreciate the response and uh and I I appreciate looking into doing it but I believe the motion on the floor is actually directing the superintendent to do it and the concern is what time frame do does the staff need uh if the maker of the motion Miss alhed uh so chooses to change the motion but my understanding of the motion is to direct the superintendent to do this is not a question of doing it or not doing it the question now in play is what is the time frame that's my understanding of the motion and and if the district can give us an idea we're actually researching that right now so that's correct Dr Fon do you know when will you have an answer for us I'm G to have Dr wanza respond she was able to get her answer so um good at whatever time it is afternoon again um Valerie W the chief strategy and information officer the the Sim team has a timeline of completion for the beginning of the academic school year for next year so it is in line um with the date that Dr Zeman is proposing so their their goal is to have it complete for the start of our next academic year thank you good so Dr Zan that is your amend amended motion to beginning of the um yes that's the one that um I offered and the speaker of the motion agreed to amend her motion any other board member comment okay all those in favor of item l or those in favor of the motion of directing the superintendent to implement an electronic payroll by the beginning of the school year um please say I I I all those opposed say no motion carries thank you now we'll vote on just L1 in general all those in favor of receiving L1 say I I I all the post say no thank you we are done with oh well I don't think it was a as amended okay L1 as amended sorry thank you um we have a very exciting uh presentation at this time so um our own Miss Batista has been awarded is the recipient of the Edward Marco outstanding community service and professional the Lord leave someone's here to give [Applause] presentation go right ahead uh thank you madam chair members of the board uh it's a my name is John palmerini my day job as general counsel of the Orange County School Board in Orlando but I am here in my as the president of the Florida Schoolboard attorneys Association it's my absolute honor and privilege to be here in beautiful Fort Lauderdale today to present the Edward J Marco outstanding community service and professionalism award to my good close personal friend Marilyn Batista um just wanted to say a few words about uh Mr Marco for those of you who have been around um and for those of you in the public who didn't have the opportunity to meet him um that was it was your loss because Ed was uh the lawyer's lawyer in the state he represented this board from 1967 when it was called The Board of Public Instruction um not the school board of Broward County until 2010 um he had to deal with the first Statewide teacher strike he had to deal with the first special ed education case that was brought in this state um he served on our board uh for the Florida Schoolboard attorneys Association twice as its president and twice as its vice president that's extremely impressive uh he helped create the education law committee he helped create the board certification and education law if there was anything in education law uh in this state Ed Marco's hand was on it and instrumental in its passage and so um it is only fitting that we honor someone who worked just as closely with Ed as she has over the year Marilyn Batista with this award uh the everage a Marco outstanding community service and professionalism award goes to an attorney in recognition of her outstanding community service and professionalism in the practice of school law just wanted to talk to you a little bit about Marilyn uh Marilyn co-drafted the petition and presented evidence to the Florida bar to Institute the new board certification area of Education law she served as the editor of the Florida Bar's first online legal newsletter she was appointed the inaugural chair of the education law certification committee um we now have 45 education law certified attorneys in the state and she helped draft the very first uh education law certification exam I have you to blame for that now I know that that's great thank you um but more personally every every weekend for three years she volunteered her mornings to teach religious education classes to school aged children at their Church um she developed the next generation of legal Professionals for the past 15 years she served as a Menor to over 70 law students participating in the office of General council's law clerk program um also in our organization um when she was on our board uh We unexpectedly lost both our vice president and our Treasurer uh the vice president as we know that position in our off in our organization is The Hazing position where you have to plan four meetings a year and you have to get all the speakers and secure the hotel room and she served as vice president and Treasurer So Not only was she organizing all of these conferences we have four every year she was paying the bills on top of it um I sort of did the same thing right after her so I know her pain on that but there is nobody that I think is more fitting to win an award named after Ed Marco than Marilyn Batista and it's my absolute privilege to present it to her thank [Applause] you do we're we're going to take a quick recess again to take a picture so thank you e e there e e welcome back again okay we're going to allow Miss Miss Batista to say a few words um I'm deeply honored and humbled to receive this award especially one that bears the name of someone who has meant so much to me not only as a mentor but as a friend and a guiding force in my career standing here today I'm reminded of the countless ways he shaped my understanding of what it is to be a lawyer of professionalism integrity and service to the community I stand here as the test tent of what can be achieved when someone is nurtured by a mentor who at every step even when you are down continues to Believe In Your Potential I know that many of us in the field of Education benefited from Edward Marcos wisdom common sense and his stories so so many stories what many people perhaps did not recognize was his commitment to fairness and his compassion for students and Educators his steadfast believe that by advising our boards and following the law we can strengthen our schools and make a difference in the education of our students it was under his guidance that I learned the true meaning of leadership that it is not measured by personal recognition but how we uplift those around us to my colleagues both Educators and lawyers I want to say that your friendship and support has made all the difference in my journey we Face chall challenging and complex issues every day yet our Collective commitment to doing what is right what best serves the needs of those we represent continues to inspire me it is because of you that I am able to car carry forward the values instilled in me by my mentor I can't think of any recognition that would mean more to me thank you to everyone here for your daily dedication may we continue to work together Guided by the legacy of those who came before for us to ensure that the principles of fairness respect and opportunity remain at the heart of everything we do thank you to the Florida school board attorneys Association for this very meaningful recognition and congratulations again on behalf of the board I think I it's easy to say we're all very proud of you and um we're very um glad to be part of this recog nition for you so thank you okay moving on the next item up for um discussion is H4 so can I have a motion in a second to bring H4 to the floor so move it was moved by Dr Zan seconded by Miss rert is there any public discussion on H4 yes ma'am two speakers lyanna Alfred and uh Les Alfred good afternoon my name is lyanna Alford I'm currently a general clerk at addex Middle School um my name has been submitted to the board in recommendation for 3-day suspension and I have received the information that was submitted by um Cassandra aderly and Fatima Williams and upon reviewing the information it has been a misleading and convoluted representation of my employment throughout the past two school years at adex middle school I have made numerous attempts to transfer with the union and as well as um Miss Cassandra aderly and um assistant principal Fatima Williams and all of which have been unsuccessful um outside of that I've applied for 40 41 different jobs within the district as an employee who's already established and all of which were unsuccessful yet my renewal for addex Middle School is still in process or continuing Miss Cassandra adly has weaponized the bcpd against me and my family and other District employees preventing me from being able to just go onto campus I have to walk from the street to go in and from work and it's due to a police report that I have yet to receive the false reporting and filing of this information is not only encouraged by staff and administration but is supported by Cassandra Adie herself which continues to cultivate the toxic work environment I have submitted a bullying complaint against Cassandra aderly to which the results were unfounded and since then there has been Relentless targeting against me towards my ultimate termination um is the the board aware of the attendance in compliance at adex Middle School Miss aderly leaving her post at school to run errands giving her District keys to non District employees to allow entry to adex middle school and other other schools within the district who is on the board is aware of this the truth is this issue is not in regards to my attendance this has been a targeted incident since I initially reported The Bullying that is occurring at addex Middle School to undermine my employment with Broward County Public Schools thank you thank you there was a second speaker are they here Les Alfred thank you I would like for the board to seriously look into what has happened at Adu middle school regarding the general clerk position this is the second school year everything has been done on the employees part to resolve this issue no one seems to be listening and yet the path that V aderly has taken continues to to broaden and for the employees file to be tainted with such negative and misleading information uh that is not fair that is not right the hiring process is very expensive for any organization so here it is Mrs adly she has a competent staff member at the front desk the only staff member at the front desk and she is doing everything in her powers to derail and undermine having that staff there so I would like for the to seriously take a look at this if the employee needs to be transferred or to resign that's something that can be reviewed but under the um the present um position that Mrs aderly is taken it is wrong and I know the district would not support what she's doing if the board truly uh took a look at what's going on thank you thank you is that the end of okay excellent any board discussion on H4 I signed up so I have a question um on H4 there was an employee who was recommended for a 7-Day suspension and then we received a memo that changed that determination so can you just kind of and it didn't have any backup to explain why there was that change so could you please explain to us I'm not here to to to you know um embarrass anybody so we don't have to have details of names but can you explain how it went from a 7-Day suspension to termination and and it explain what the progressive discipline was in this case Dr Folton thank you Mr azerita will you take that please yes to the chair David azero Chief people officer I'm going to ask Mr Matt Bradford to um head up to the podium to disc the progressive discipline timeline for that he and his staff have conducted with this employee good afternoon Matthew Bradford executive director of IT services over the course of six months despite multiple interventions and opportunities for correction the employee has um in question has demonstrated a clear pattern of insubordination unprofessional conduct and refusal to adhere to directives these actions have left the district with no alternative but to recommend termination from a timeline perspective when it comes to Progressive discipline on August 16th 2024 the first due process meeting resulted in a written reprimand the employer refused to attend schedule weekly meetings exhibited in subordination through multiple unsolicited or and disparaging emails targeting her supervisors and demonstrated unprofessional conduct on September 16th 2024 a second due process meeting addressed gross insubordination for failing to follow directives corrective report issued on September 27 2024 imposed a 5-day suspension September 30th 2024 an excessive absenteeism letter was sent after the employee was absent since September 19th the employee was directed to return to work by October 4th which she did a third due process meeting was held October 7th 2024 to address persistent issues including failure to meet remote work expectations and ongoing insubordination following a meeting a corrective Action Report was recommended a 7 day suspension December 5th 2024 a fourth due process meeting discussed a continued pattern of gross insubordination attendance violations and improper conduct the employee had left worked early without approval failed to work to to return to work as directed and used profanity in the Microsoft teams chat directed at our supervisor in total in a total of 123 possible days uh of work since the employees returned from an administrative leave the employee was out of the office 54 days equating to a 44% absentee rating despite being placed on paid leave pending a board decision the employee posted messages in a department Department's teams chat December 9th 2024 indicating her Presence at the workplace then the employee entered the workplace unauthorized ignoring security protocols and engaging and disruptive behavior school police escorted her out after she verbally refused to leave and relinquished District property resulting in a veral trespass warning afterwards the employee further disrupted work environment by posting unsolicited messages and in and initiating an unauthorized teams meeting these actions are in violation of spool School Board policy 5306 uh created an unsafe and uncomfortable atmosphere from a workplace prompting the department to shift to remote work for the remainder of the week of the week in conclusion the employees repeated acts of insporation refusal to adhere to directives unprofessional behavior and a creation of dis of a disruptive work environment represent a clear and ongoing failure to meet the district standards of conduct despite multiple corrective actions employee has demonstrated an unwillingness to comply with established expectations leaving termination as a necessary course of action to uphold the Integrity of our workplace thank you thank you very much one more question and then I'll let Mrs all oh Point go ahead can he just clarify who he's talking about oh it's the um the revision it's the memo to revise it's that employee didn't want to necessarily can you just say the last name because it confusing Johnson Johnson thank you yes um one more question to Mr azero um was this employee suspended in November through board action do the chair yes so November 13th the 5-day suspension was approved she served the suspension the next week before Thanksgiving okay thank you very much any other board um discussion on item H4 okay all those in favor oh sorry Dr holess yeah um Madame chair I just have a question regarding the prior speaker um at addex um there were um some uh comments made regarding um uh what she believed to be a targeted um approach uh to disciplining her and um also that there seem to be some issues mentioned addex and I just uh this is not for me to get in deep with what's there I just wanted to know when when a public member um uh bring up issues uh relevant to the schools or the school district um do we have as a board any any um right to um direct any kind of uh investigation as to what's brought up uh PR aing to actions occurring at a school um or do we just hear what the employee saying uh because some concerns were brought up regarding addu um is there any do we have any action we could take in determining whether or not there is validity to those comments or do we not have the right to proceed in that direction Miss Batista so the item before you is uh for discipline um and the employee will have an opportunity once you take the action today to present all the evidence that she cited to you today um in in due process in a due process regarding this discipline that's number one so I just wanted to make that clear number two um as it relates to any um operational issues which relate to a particular school um you know I'm sure the staff is here the superintendent uh representative is here as well uh they can all um understand or or hear what is happening and they will take um whatever action is appropriate okay so based on your response Miss Batista um with Dr Fulton uh sitting in as the superintendent um then it would be up to the superintendent uh hearing concerns about any specific school to decide if uh uh him or her will uh take action is that how that works or are that that would be correct okay all right not a problem thank you thank you anybody else okay all those in favor of eight item H4 say I I any opposed motion carries unanimously okay we have two items I think we'll be quick to go through so the next item um is A2 can I have a motion in a second to bring a to to the floor so moved it's been moved by Dr Zan seconded by Mrs Leonardi any public comment no public comment Madam chair okay so I just quick wanted to say a congrat or a thank you to Mr Ralph canazaro he's been working on this particular um new course for a number of years I'd like to say thank you to our staff for working with him to get this moving forward it's an exciting um opportunity for students students not just at Cypress Bay where he's been teaching this class but once it becomes a state recognized class it will be available to students um across the state so we want to give a a great um shout out and thank you to both Mr canazaro and our District staff for taking um you know taking this initiative and and allowing people across the state to take the philosophy logic honors course any other board comment okay great all those in favor of A2 say I I any opposed A2 carries unanimously um the last open uh last consent item that was pulled was C2 um all can I have a motion in a second to bring C2 to the floor move it's been moved by Dr Zan seconded by Mrs Leonardi is there any no register public kind Madam chair and we had Dr holess but he said he doesn't need to speak on it anymore so all those in favor of C2 say I I any opposed say no thank you motion hold on mam I think uh you we need to take public comment oh he said no public comment I asked John said there was no public comment C2 Charlie 2 C2 Charlie two okay yeah no we're on C2 okay so one more time all those in favor of C2 say I I any opposed the motion carries thank you board members I am advised that the general Council would like to request an attorney client session at this time I am requesting all persons not scheduled to attend the attorney client session please exit the room at this time Miss Batista thank you madam chair I would like to request the school board convene an attorney client session in order to discuss litigation pending before the United States States district court for the southern district of Florida in the following matter gilbane Building Company versus the school board of Brower County case number 24 civil 6223 AHS the following persons will attend this attorney client session school board members Deborah Hixon chair Sarah Leonardi Vice chair Lori alev Mora McCarthy Bullman Dr Jeff holes Nora rert Rebecca Thompson Dr Alan demon Thomas Cooney Esquire and Marilyn Batista Esquire and osar eoto Esquire in anticipation of this request the attorney client session was properly advertised for today December 17th 2024 at 12:45 p.m. in accordance with section 286118 of the Florida Statutes the purpose of the attorney client session is to discuss settlement negotiations and or strateg relative to the pending litigation a certified core reporter will record the session only those persons noted in the advertisement will be permitted to attend thank you madame shair e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e and welcome back to the Schoolboard meeting this will be the part of the meeting where we will consider all the open item AG open Agenda items do any board members have any changes to the list of open Agenda items that have already been pulled in advance for this discussion Mr Thompson sorry I don't need to pull o1 anymore okay um um hello hi Mrs fam we hear you yeah I think didn't I have o1 and O2 yes ma'am we're not there yet hold on I'm looking right now just pop it right no I have no okay I'm sorry yes okay Miss know I do I have o1 is brain pop yes ma'am we have you down oh okay thank you for sending in in advance Mrs rert L1 it's a Time certain with pumping a each uh yes since it's time certain we yes yes thank you okay great I have a I have a question okay so miss rubert you just added ll1 to the agenda no it's it's a Time certain so it was already on the agenda yes ma'am okay this McCarthy Bulman than there um I I have already had my questions answered about rr2 r R2 yes okay so we can we can pull rr2 with all the other items oh sorry I need R too okay cuz you didn't um okay anyone else okay okay we're good all righty um at this time May the chair have a motion in a second to pass the open items that have not been indicated to be pulled for discuss well before we do that let's have staff read all the items that have been pulled so everyone's aware of what items are being pulled a A1 bb1 CC1 cc2 dd1 ff1 gg1 gg2 gg4 gg5 jj2 jj2 JJ 26 o1 O2 O3 o4 I'm sorry not four o5 o1 o13 double P1 double P2 rr1 rr2 rr3 rr4 and ll1 okay so remember that rr4 and rr3 have already been passed and rr2 um oh no no yeah Mrs all yeah that's that's being pulled okay Madam chair yes Dr H um gg4 and JJ 26 you can remove for me okay we we already have those no he's saying he doesn't need them anymore more so we can pass them with the big correct yeah okay thank you and that was gg4 and JJ 26 thank you okay perfect all right so now at this time May the chair have a motion in a second to pass the open items that have not been indicated to be pulled for discussion oh moved Mrs Thompson Mo um moved by Mrs Thompson second in by Mrs rert is there any public comment on any of the items that were not pulled no okay great all in favor of approving the open item the open Agenda items that have not been indicated to be pulled for discussion say I I all those opposed say no all of those okay okay it still passes um with one descending vote 7 to one okay now we're going to take the agenda items in order chair I think it might have been 8 to one oh I'm sorry 8 to one I was counting eight originally sorry thank you for keeping me in line um aa1 can I have a motion in a second to bring aa1 to the floor so moved second been moved by Dr holess um Dr Zan seconded by Mrs Rupert um is there any public comment register public comment Madam chair did you say no okay board discussion uh Mrs alh thank you so my question is in regards to this will this software be able to help us improve our marketing to the VPK families to try to get them to enroll in Broward County Public Schools kindergarten Dr Fulton GNA ask Mrs Bailey to come up and address that question please Dr Fulton and the board I have Paul gr with me our curriculum supervisor for VPK so he will help address those questions good afternoon Paul Gress supervisor VPK programs um the answer to the question is yes the this um this software and the uh program allows us to communicate directly to all of the applying parents and then all of the parents that end up being enrolled in our bpk programs we can communicate directly with them and we do okay wonderful so to the superintendent you know a lot of times we have different softwares and it's not fully implemented with Fidelity so I would ask that we implement this software to use to try to get our VPK families to enroll in kindergarten and Brower County public schools in an aggressive way thank you you're welcome just like you do for signing up for busing and other text messaging receive thank you thank you Mrs fam yeah I had a question through um through the chair I just wanted to confirm that all VPK uh kindergartens are going to be receiving this and it's going to be available districtwide I think I saw District wide but I just want to make certain that certain areas are not um omitted and cut out from the program can you please clarify Dr fton this is a districtwide initiative no one is excluded thank you that's what I needed thank you okay all those in favor of aa1 please indicate by saying I I I any opposed aa1 passes unanimously can I have a motion in a second to bring bb1 to the floor to move it's been moved by Dr Zan seconded by Mrs rert any public comment on bb1 there's no registered speakers Madam chair any public or so board discussion M um since it's Mrs Leonard's item we'll call on her first thank you um I just I think the item is pretty straightforward um in the past when we've asked for different opinions from the state on different issues we were given um you know the response that if there's a pending issue they can't give a response um and if a decision was made they can't give a response to you know justify our action so since there are no pending issues I think it would be great to just have some clarity on this um and that's why I put this item forward thank you Mrs alh thank you so I don't know if I missed but Florida statue 1 01463 is it actually in the item it is Dr fton Mr Sullivan uh give me one second just to pull it up real quick I believe it is so the statue listed here oh no that's the statue hold on that's for the Attorney General yes so it's in measurable outcomes and return and attain Clarity regarding whether section 101.4 63 floor statute applies to appointed superintendent right but what is the actual statute that's what I'm looking for do you want the actual language yes oh I can't I think it's really important when we quote statutes to actually put that Statute in here so we know what the in the backup so we know you know what it is the more backup and information that we have that supports the item I think helps and um I've noticed in this agenda there's a lot of items with missing backup chair you want me to read the statute um if you will and then Mrs Leonardi can go it's really short it is okay um it's V uh vacancy in the office of the district super uh school superintendent the office of the district superintendent in any District shall be vacant when the district school superintendent removes his or her resident from the district thank you Mrs Leonardi I was just going to to read the statute and you know ask if there needs to be a motion to add the the statute but I I thought that listing the number was sufficient okay well we'll no moving forward that we would like to have all of it Mrs alh were you done um can you just read it read it again Mr svin Sure vacan vacancy in office of District school superintendent the office of District superintendent in any District shall be vacant when the district school superintendent removes his or her residence from the district okay so I just need some help with connecting the dots with the what we're actually requesting from the Florida Attorney General's office Miss Batista can you lay in Miss Batista I will try so um I I think what what is important uh to keep in mind is that this is somewhat of an awkward um worded statute so this the statute states that a district school superintendent's office becomes vacant if the superintendent removes his or her residents from the district the language of the statute presupposes that the superintendent initially resided within the district and then left thus creating a vacancy however if a superintendent never lived in the district to begin with the statute offers no guidance on the scenario so the Gap in the statutes wording could suggest that it may not be designed to address the superintendents who are appointed and do not reside within the district from the outset and so that's the question that um that the uh item is asking for an attorney general opinion on so the it's it looks like the the Waring is more aligned with the rules governing elected officials who are commonly required to reside in their represented districts as part of the eligibility to run okay so I'm just concerned that um and Miss linari can speak to if I'm saying what she might be thinking in the superintendent contract it speaks to that he is to move to Broward County I believe within one one year period of time one and a half years so if the intent is to whether to hold a superintendent um accountable for that part of his contract or for this board to revise his contract to say that he does not need to move to Broward County Public Schools I think that's a separate item I just don't I just want want to make sure that what we're asking for um is going to lead us in the right direction which I'm not sure it sounds like it will Mrs leonardy so the reason I brought this forward is not because of this superintendent is because in the last you know four years we've been through six superintendents and this issue has come up multiple times and I'm just trying to be proactive so that this board and other boards throughout the state if the Attorney General so chooses to respond with an opinion um has the information necessary because there has been frequent debate not even I mean I remember back in 2021 when there was there were people applying to be interim superintendent there was a question of whether or not the statute applied to appointed superintendent or elected or only elected superintendents this has been a question that has come up repeatedly um since this is not a pending issue we're not negotiating a contract was a superintendent right now um I thought this would be a good time to have some clarity on this issue once and for all Madam chair Dr Zan thanks so much chair and I'm I'm just curious about one other thing which is the way this statute is written it's not clear I think to the average reader whether or not someone who never lived in the district would be at risk of losing their job it does not say for example that to be a superintendent in Florida you must live in the district it says there'll be a vacancy if a superintendent leaves I don't think that you can leave if you've never been here and um I wonder if we want to ask two questions you know one is does this apply to appointed superintendent which is I think very appropriate and a good question do we W also want to ask uh whether or not someone who's never lived in our district might be at risk of losing their job because they don't I mean I'm I'm worried about that because at some point we may have to make a decision uh in the future about either this superintendent or future superintendent and where they live um and I would really hate to take risks uh on their behalf and on our behalf uh without having some clarity on that do you want to make a motion to add that to the item I'd like to open it for discussion first and then come back if it if it see people find it interesting okay Dr holness thank you madam chair so um um is there any information on districts in Florida besides Dade County um where the superintendent elected or appointed does not live in the district Miss Batista I'm not aware of um the other districts in the county I think there there may be a couple up north uh in North Florida where the superintendent also lives in an adjacent County not in the county where they serve okay and I know date County the current superintendent down there does not live in Dade County um Miss Batista what is the uh should should there be action from the state or otherwise regarding a superintendent not in fact let me phrase it another way has there ever been any action taken taken against any superintendent in state of Florida who did not live in his or her District Miss Batista um thank you madam shair no there has never been any action by the state on an appointed superintendent who has lived outside the district okay and in terms of um I guess the item is to get the opinion of the Attorney General has there been any such item existing in the State of Florida where the opinion is sought from any one such as the attorney general for the superintendent not residing in the district I'm not aware of any other um times where the attorney general has been requested to opine on this issue okay so in terms of the Attorney General to which this item is seeking the opinion um can you give us your professional opinion on what do you think that result will yield based on the history of responses from the attorney general to inquir is like these well that's um a difficult question to answer um all I can share is that um the current attorney general um you know chooses very carefully which opinions she will provide an opinion on or which questions she will provide an opinion on uh for example last year she only provided I believe four uh I don't know how many were submitted to to the Office of the Attorney General uh the prior year I think there were three um um so there may be a likelihood that we will not receive an answer on this question um however even if we were to receive an answer I believe that you know that the statutory language um is ambiguous enough that you can make an argument that it does not apply to appointed um superintendent versus elected superintendent and that's what um I will reflect in the opinion that I write because that's the next step if you approve this then I have to write an opinion and send it to um to the attorney general and she would take that into consideration when she reviews this the question or questions whatever it is um the other um the other thing I wanted to mention is that let's say that the opinion is that there is a vacancy in the office of the district superintendent um then it would be up to this board to I mean right now the the the superintendent has a contract that says that he will be moving here but uh assuming that that wasn't the case uh then it would be up to the board to make any changes to that contract to make sure that we comply with the statute okay but it would not be they the state would not be removing or has not doesn't have the power to remove the superintendent that is appointed okay so based upon your professional opinion that should this pass that you will give to the attorney general um in in the history of anything of this sort or any other type of inquiry how heavily is your opinion v um weighed by the Attorney General how relevant is your opinion to the attorney general well I you know it's pretty I think it's pretty relevant I mean at the end of the day it is an opinion from an attorney it's not you know uh law uh per se but it's persuasive okay and if there is no response to this inquiry because you mentioned that this particular Attorney General um does not necessarily respond to a lot of the inquiries so if there's no response and uh board member Leonardi uh would like to sort of get some sort of a opinion on this uh what is the next recourse um I mean that that would be the only the only recourse at so it would end right there right yes okay thank you thank you um let me I'll just weigh in and then Mrs H can go again I I would love to do this when we were when I was negotiating one of the superintendent's contracts it was actually a discussion that came up um and we wanted an opinion but because we were in the middle same thing with Dr heern we were in the middle of negotiations and they didn't want to give um an opinion in sway whether we were hiring that superintendent or not so now that that's not the case and we're just asking the question for future information it has come come up every time and I hope it's 20 years before we even have to worry about this but I think it would be good to have an opinion ahead of time so we know moving forward that um whether we you know it's important to add into the contract or it's not as important so I appreciate the item coming forward Mrs alhuda so I would just say that this um is the issue with the superintendent residing in Brower County is going to be coming up rather quickly I'm I don't know the timing Dr H's been here but I think seven months maybe yes ma'am eight months right so this conversation is kind of going to be relevant rather quickly in regards to you know allowing if we allow Dr he to continue living where he is living or we you know change that in his contract or we decide to um stick to what his contract says in regards to him having to move to Broward County so um I'm okay with you know going for this opinion whether we we get her or not um Miss Batista said she was going to be giving her opinion and and then we need to bring this though Dr hein's part of his contract you know in the next 5 months or whatever sooner to um I think it's also would be respectful to Dr PE to probably bring it sooner than later because if we are you know set in stone that he has to move to brow County that gives him enough time to move his family and and find a home here in Broward County thank you um Dr Zeman did you want to add an amendment no thank you though for your Defence okay thank you Mrs Leonardi yeah just for some clarification um what does it currently say in the superintendent's contract about living in Brower County public or in Brower County Miss Batista um I believe it says that um he's to move within a year and a half of taking office right so to me that's not an open question it's in its contract that that is the expectation that that the contract will hold him to that so to me that's not an open question thank you anybody I'd like to speak as well okay Mrs fam go ahead go ahead all thank you um I'd like a question through the chair to um general counsel is there any statute one Florida statute it says a superintendent that is appointed by the board must be list must reside in the county um of where he will be working and in the alternative I want to know if there's a Florida statute that says um if a superintendent is elected he is required to reside in the county of where he has been elected he or she miss Batista sorry thank you Madame shair um so um no Mrs fam there are no um other statutes than the one that is uh currently before the board here 101.4 63 that speaks as to the residents requirements of either appointed or uh elected superintendent okay thank you it would be my professional opinion then um since there is no statute requiring residency in the county where you're employed then we cannot force that through with Florida statute and the only way we could proceed is through the contract the contract says a year and a half the contract has not been violated at any point in time I don't really think we should pursue this because we already know the answer to the question we just found that out despite um our general Council advising us what law are we relying on that should um reside here there's none but there is a contract provision that provides that so I I don't deem that we need to go further thank you thank you anybody else okay all those in favor of item bb1 say I I I all those opposed I I yes opposed so the motion passes 8 to one thank you um we are going to we have a Time certain for item ll1 so we're going to jump around a little bit and I can I have a motion in a second to bring ll1 to the floor moved it's been moved by Dr Zan second and by Mrs rert any public comment on item ll1 which is the limited license agreement for the city of pompo Beach and Broward County Public Schools Madam chair we don't have registered speakers but I'm not sure if we have anyone in the audience I don't I don't believe so is there anyone from pompo Beach would you like the opportunity to speak okay come on now hello good good afternoon I'm Laura ater I'm the city of pompo Beach's public art program manager I just want to say how excited the city is to work with the school and create a beautiful mural and also teach the students about public art and what artists do uh we also have our selected artist who is selected by the public art committee and has gone into a contract with the city as well to work with the students uh the work he will do with them will actually create the final design so we don't have the final design as of yet that will be created with the students it will then go before the public art committee for the city and then also go before the principal at blanch Eli here's the artist uh Andrew Hayes if just to introduce himself good afternoon my name is Andrew Hayes and um I'm so thankful to be here really excited about being able to work with the with the kids at the school really excited about being able to push a message of inclusivity excitement and joy um forward if there are any questions uh about what I'm going to be doing outside of what's already been um I guess fielded so far I'd be happy to answer them thank you we don't normally do a back great didn't know how that worked good afternoon my name is Jill zillick I'm the assistant City attorney with the city of pompo beach that worked with Mr Cooney to prepare the limited license agreement and I just want to say it was a pleasure working with him and um it was easy to prepare it and I hope that everything is in agreement thank you thank you so much is that it for public comment okay okay um Mrs rert you wanted to speak on the item it's your turn well while she's running up I'll just say um very excited for this item um the public artwork it it just brings the building to life and it's so nice for students to be able to see you working on it to be able to have interactions with you and hopefully you'll find time to Mentor some of them um and we really appreciate the partnership Mrs rer and ditto to everything the chair just said but it's it's a joy joy to see the involvement of the community especially our students um thank you so much we're very excited about this thanks thank you okay all those in favor of item ll1 say I I any opposed motion carries unanimously thank you again so much for coming out today um the next item up is cc2 so moved Madam chair yes it it says 2:30 you're right correct I'm sorry I know I messed up a lot today but I'm trying my best to follow along so um okay item cc2 superintendent appraisal system can I have a motion in a second to bring it to the floor it's been moved by Dr Zan seconded by Mrs leonardy is there any public comment on cc2 yes Jackie lebum I think she left okay any other public comment on cc2 okay uh I have board discussion um Mrs alh thank you um so my question is in regards to the safety component of his evaluation I know he had talked robustly in the the workshop on this and and thank you for adding in about the um part with the assessment from the Florida Office of safe schools but I was just wondering I don't see anything in regards to physical training M Dr fton so Mrs parente could you please address that yes Heather parente the director of employee evaluations so in looking at the safety objectives um the second one um remembering what was discussed at the board Workshop there is a way to add that component I believe or information about live drills in that second safety objective so we could adjust it to read by July 31st 2025 the average percent of non- deficiencies identified by the office of safe schools will be 95% or higher for all non-charter schools assessed including completion of live drills where in the board Workshop Mr Lozano had shared that during the live drills they're all required at school sites they come back they have after action discussions um and go forward and talk about any corrections that have to be made unless Mr Lozano has anything to add about that okay perfect so I move to add um by July 31st 2025 the average percent of non deficiencies identified by the Florida Office of safe schools will be 95% or higher for all non-charter schools assess including completion of live drills second sorry it's been moved and seconded to add the um statement about can you repeat that I'm sorry I'm just adding to what's already there on page 13 including completion of live drills okay so including completion of live drills it's been moved and seconded any um public comment on the motion board member comment on the motion okay all those in favor of the motion say I I I any opposed I okay motion passes um any other anything else I'm good okay uh next is Dr holes thank you madam chair so I know Dr heurn is not here uh Dr Fulton is here and um I just wanted to we did make some changes and um I just wanted to find out if you have any um input from the superintendent as to any concerns with this uh with the current um language of the appraisal system Dr Fon Mr Sullivan yes the superintendent will accept this change thank you you're welcome anything else okay Dr Zan thank you so much chair um I got several um phone calls and emails on page nine um and I think it's worth a little bit of discussion we've set a standard on page nine that says we'll maintain the district's a rating or improve the average scores on the 12 factors for the state grade by three percentage points um we've I understand why did that last year we were a b-rated district and it was really critical to get um uh the superintendent uh incentives and rewards lined up to what the district really wanted to do uh which was our number one strategic goal I think uh you know U to become an a district now that we are in a district what I've been asked is does this still make sense because um uh if we stayed exactly at the same level performance we're at now and the state maintains the standards for being in a district uh the superintendent is going to be rated as highly effective and we've gone nowhere and so I'm just going to open that up to the board um and say is that really what we want to Define is highly effective that doesn't pass my standards for highly effective um if we come back with those 12 subscores and we're a 64% again uh at the end of this year um I'm not sure that I can stand in front of Voters and say wow that's highly effective superintendent um so either we can say and uh a 3% and an a district so that it's not one or the other it's both uh we might want to come up with a number besides 3% because it's a lot harder once you're moving up the scale to continue to get uh significant improvements um but I don't think that um it makes sense I agree with the folks that have talked to me that it doesn't make sense to make that highly effective if you've already achieved that standard Dr fton certainly don't want to speak for my boss um but I'm not sure if Richie is here but it's something to consider with the 64% I know sometimes it's a moving Target with the state so that's something to keep in mind as well too because it was said at 64 because it moved up from 62 and so sometimes that Target is also moving so that's something to consider but I would also um see if Mrs parente has anything else to add and if not Mr Sullivan the thoughts of to head burn I don't know if M parente wants to go but if it's anything outside of um what just passed we're probably going to have to table this and we're going to have to have the superintendent uh part of the discussion because he um the only thing he was comfortable agreeing to was what just passed before so anything outside of that we're going to my recommendation to the boards to table this to the January board meeting if there's going to be changes the contract currently States this has to be done by 1217 we'd have to pass that again to move in his contract to to approve his evaluation in January 22nd do that and then also bring this back so a couple of moving Parts here Dr H yeah Madam chair we've seen this before we've made many changes and we can always continue to suggest changes the superintendent is not here and we have a time constraint um um I asked the question before on the prior suggestion of change uh would he be comfortable with that uh Mr Sullivan uh gain um gave us input but my concern is if we continue to move the bar higher and higher um then it would not be fair to him because we've had discussion and he's not here to weigh in on what he would see as the challenges to achieve those goals so um I'm just a bit concerned in moving forward with multiple changes to this because this is not the first time we're seeing it uh we've actually um discussed it in Great details before so I'm not sure why we have what appears to be um added possibly significant changes that would not give him the opportunity and he did mention he was going to be absent today um to weigh in on it so I'm also concerned if we vote on any of the changes is um we're not uh getting his input on the how doable it is and the challenges that it would create and maybe there are added information that we don't know and we have time constraint as Mr azerita mentioned so I would like to and I'm appreciative that he accept the current change that we just made but I would like for us to move forward as is um and I'm hoping the board will do that because we can always continue to move the bar um but at this point I think we need to move ahead thank you anybody else okay um were you going to make a motion to I mean you just discussing it so um I I will just um put this in the same box as the scores on inclusion you know we decided to uh maintain the inclusion definition that we had and ask the staff to come back and think about some ways in which we can measure inclusion even better next year um I'd like to put that in the same box uh just as my own comment of um I don't want to uh continue to have a highly effective rating for someone if the standard of if the performance of the school district stays the same so I can work on that next year uh separately thank you thank you and I would like to say thank you for um including unified Special Olympics as it is a discussion of inclusion and to Dr Zeman's point I would say you know this is we were a district for for one year I think maintaining it a second year is a big deal and then looking to see how we I'd still say superintendent is highly effective if we maintained the a after not having it for so many years so I hear what you're saying and I think you know we can look at how we improve that moving on so thank you um okay all those in favor of item cc2 say I I any opposed I motion carries unanimously okay next item is dd1 can I have a motion in a second for dd1 so move second so moved by Dr Zan seconded by Mrs rert any public comment on dd1 no registered speakers Madam chair hey Mrs Ola yes thank you so I was uh looking into the the audit that was done and some concerns came up as in regards to things that were missing so for give example on page 12 there was missing poly cams I'm like we just purchased poly cams during Co for the the school district I don't remember if that was 2.5 million but it was a lot of money and now they're already missing the one thing that I was I wanted to kind of ask how this came about a vehicle utility Offroad um is that a car is that a um what kind of vehicle is it and how how does that go missing on a school Dr fton going to Mr roads I just wanted to ask if you could give me a page reference because that was page 20 okay let me let me look at that and and then my other qu comment was in the item it would say like polycam and then it will give an an amount of money that was valued at like let's say $1,000 and then in next column it would everything was Zero I I I have difficulty with everything not being of value how is it zero it has some value it's not going to be as obviously as when you purchase it from one but there is a value to these items that's correct and um what we've been doing is we've been giving the uh unit cost at the time it was purchased and then we've been giving the depreciated value of the item as it sits on the books in our system right now and at a recent audit committee meeting some audit committee members asked for us to include a column that would now give what the current replacement value would be and so we're in the process of of updating that spreadsheet to Pro provide that information for the reader in the future that's not what I that's great but that's not what I'm talking about so let's say these glasses right they someone steals them I purchase them for $50 but then in the column there's a zero it's saying zero dollars that's generally going to be tied to whether or not it's fully depreciated or if it's beyond its useful life I guess that's the part I'm struggling with like there's still a value it might be a dollar but there's still some value to these sunglasses I mean to these glasses and with all due respect that goes back to the comment I made before about the additional column that's going to be added so we would be able to see what is the actual replacement value because if something is out of warranty or something is out past its useful life that doesn't mean that it's working functional piece is not still have some value within the district okay I guess I just don't agree I just think something still has a value regardless if it passed its its useful life like I If it's still working to some level even if it's $1 there is some value to that to that um vehicle poly Cam and that's the part I'm not getting why that's not being calculated Dr F defer that to Mr rhs um there is uh there's just a depreciated value that we have to look at and report on we aren't the ones who are making the decisions on whether or not something still has value we're identifying and Reporting on it in accordance with our standards so the there are accounting standards and there are auding auditing standards for reporting these things when something is depreciated to zero we report that we've gotten feedback that there's more information that's wanted for the readers to be able to look at that and have an understanding of what the true Financial impact would be we're going to go that direction but when you when you see zeros the zeros just mean that currently there's no Book value uh left on that particular asset okay just to give the board some examples like on page 12 the prium Whiteboard it's Z value value uh 3D printer it was originally a $4,000 unit cost now it's 0 so I'm struggling with that but so if you look in the First Column where it identifies the inventory number the first two digits identifies the year in which that asset was purchased and that asset purchase date begins the useful life process of this which which um Begins the depre iation process of that asset as well so I don't have a better answer for you than that because that is the way that the accounting for these assets work and what the value is in the sap system is what we report so that we can be as accurate as possible again um I don't want to sound like a a a a broken record but the idea is is that we too agree that there is um a value associated with what it would cost to replace an item and we're going to can we're going to going forward we're going to prepare and and include that information in these spreadsheets so that both the district and the people who can look at these items that are managing these items and accounting for these items can understand the impact be and for to that point we also have a a risk level of low medium and high risk and that just depends on how many items are gone even more so than the value of them because the internal controls to make sure that you're accounting for those assets is every bit as important as the value of the asset okay and what happened to the off-road vehicle I I'll have to follow up with you on that because my manager got called out today and he left at about 12:30 and I don't know exactly what that is but if you give me a second I might be able to look into the responses for and you said that was on page 20 correct correct correct all right let me look and see if I can find a response for that I have another question since there's no value to any of these things where do they go do they go in the garbage Dr F I know there's Surplus um depending on um the usefulness of the item but I would definitely um defer it to the auditor because that the processes in their department so there's a couple of different processes that work in that in that situation If an item is stolen we would verify that there was a police report that identified how that item is no longer accounted for or can be accounted for the other item is that there may be a a work order on an item that identifies that it was sent for um a a technician to look at it and identify if it can be fixed in many cases we have laptops that are considered Beyond economical repair because there was some kind of liquid damage to them when that happens the item gets REM moved from the uh inventory of the respective location because there's nothing that they can do to save that item so whether it's lost stolen or it's uh damaged in some way there is a documentation trail that helps us to determine whether or not this is something that is a result of poor management and oversight or if it was just of U unfortunate circumstances that caused its demise so are any of them reused are what are any of the items reused in this audit if they have a if they have a zero value and they've been unaccounted for that means that not only does the books say that they're not worth anything it also says that whoever was responsible for managing and accounting for that item no longer has an understanding or knowledge of where that item is and what if they were accounted for if they're accounted for they just show up in the accounted for or they're not identified as a finding did you did you get the answer for the vehicle aren't you waiting for answer I'm looking for that right now okay I'm going to ask Miss Andrea she did get some information as well too regarding the golf cart thank you the chair Jennifer Andreu executive director operations uh substituting for Miss Wanda Paul that is a golf cart that is over 32 years old and um I think they could not Trace back the history of that 32 2-year-old golf cart that is why it's on the exception list okay Mrs alep any more questions I think it speaks for itself thank you anybody else all right all those in favor of item dd1 say say I I any opposed I dd1 passes unanimously we're going to jump back to CC one because we have a Time certain C so can I have a motion in a second on item CC1 second been moved by Dr Zeman seconded by Dr wholeness is there any public comment on CC1 which is the proposed 2025 26 School Personnel calendar yes Madam chair we have five four registered speakers first one up is Jackie Lum and next one is Raj Verma so Jack Jackie had to leave just so you know is Raj here and was she's making his way up at the next one I'm gonna say the last name r rumar go first no you're still you're still first she she's just going to go to the other the other one yeah so that you're both speaking the first name goes first first is rash rash and then the other the next speaker will go over to the other microphone so you're ready when he's done thank you thank you it's on thank you uh honorable board members and staff good afternoon and Namaste my name is Raj Verma and I am a resident of Davy today is the day that not only the Hindus but also people of other faiths like Janes siks and Buddhist of Broward County have been looking forward for a very long time in anticipation of the yes vote with the same Spirit as in the workshop the communities would like to express their Eternal gratitude for this kind action it has been my longh held belief that the joy of being in public service is to make a positive difference in the lives we serve and leave a rich land Legacy behind as you approved today the proposed calendar with October 2025 as the day off you would essentially be doing the that your action today would be a testimony of promoting diversity multiculturalism fairness and inclusivity making you a leader for the other school boards to follow your example the biggest Advantage would be for the students to learn and understand each other at an early age thus weaving them into the secular fabric of the great Mosaic called the United States again and on behalf of friends and families of all faiths who celebrate the Festival of Diwali in a truly inclusive manner thank you so much for your kind consideration thank you next speaker is on Namaste and good morning my name is Farid Rajkumar I am a proud parent of two beautiful Broward County Public Schools students and a Hindu Community Advocate I may repeat a little bit of what Raja said because I think we all feel the same today I am joined by the Hindu Community leaders of this community in all aspects who are really really anticipating you voting today in a positive way so today serves as a positive reminder for any group and any community that is ever felt marginalized unseen or unheard that you can really make a difference today's decision on your part is about all children learning and celebrating and accepting dwali today is historic for us this sacred day for millions of Hindus Janes and siks is now acknowledged by this board and by broad County Public School the bra this Brave board that I have the highest respect for has really set a tone for all communities and confirms the fact that this board cares about the students in the classroom you are going to do what is going to be fair and Equitable today while choosing to embrace culture and fostering inclusivity this will help build understanding and acceptance at an early age for all of our students which in long-term creates a better Society for all of us I would like to thank all of you for the work you've put in in into this with a special emphasis to Dr Jeff holes Miss Brenda Hixon and Brenda fam for being a part of our community for coming and meeting with us for shaking hands for meeting the students and learning about our great culture and learning about our tradition and understanding why it's so important for the 35,000 students in the classrooms to know about this day you've actively been involved in backpack giveaways by our great leader in the community every year he does it you've been involved in toy drives and you've seen that this community cares about our students and we will continue to do those things to show that we really are a part of the fabric of the greater Brad Community I definitely want to thank Eric Chisum who jumped through hoops with the calendar Community to make this happen Eric you are so very very appreciated by this community working really really hard to make this possible and making sure that we we don't exclude or make anyone feel like we're putting anybody out of place to make this happen and how do we get here for those of you who are watching today young students other leaders potential Future Leaders how did we get here I really wanted to just share this really short how did we really get here it's board members like you that come out into to our community and say support us connect with us understand us and I think three years ago there are people sitting here who chose to become an active part of this community by suppor supporting our board members by coming out to meetings and most importantly choosing to serve on committees like Dei learn what the process is thank you so much that's the end of your public speaking time thank you very very much our last speaker is dear J Ruth teer Ruth Hollywood Florida I'm hoping that you are voting to include October 20 as dwali and actually recognizing it as dwali in this District we already recognize Muslim holidays Jewish holidays and even some Christian holidays kind of but not really but either way the Hindu Comm Community is represented in this district and they have a right to exercise their right to Faith just as much as every other faith in this District so I support the Hindu community and dwali being placed in our schools and I believe that we should have October 20 off 20th off for them it is time that if we're going to recognize one we recognize all we are here for all students we should be here for our whole Community not just one part of the community so I hope that you will vote Yes on this and that you will give October 20th to the Hindu community so that they can celebrate in the way that they choose to because that is their First Amendment right and their constitutional right thank you thank you very much any other public speakers okay we'll move on to board discussion and Miss is I'm going to go the other way Miss Dr holes thank you madam chair I'll be very brief and um also thank you Mr Chisum for all of the efforts I know this has been quite time consuming uh to accomplish and the survey results certainly um reflect that option one is um actually the most favored option by the different groups including the uh District staff parents uh students teachers school-based staff so I am ready and prepared to vote Yes on option one and to move ahead with this item thank you Mrs fam thank you madam shair um Eric uh I'd like to start with um recognizing Eric Chisum I want to thank you we we asked that he really look at the calendar which is a difficult job to look at days and shifting them around because you have to really consider all the options that um would be preferred by staff students parents the community and it's a very broad range that you're trying to make happy in Eric you you did it and we're so glad that that you did um secondly I'd like to recognize um farita Rajkumar she's been a driving force in order to uh work this she's been working on it with me for more than well close to um coming up on two years we were working on this last year as well and this is a very important holiday to the Hindus it's equivalent to their New Year's Eve and and actually to um I I I believe like a Christmas for them and it's a festival of lights which involves students of all ages staying up late to watch fireworks and in order to J um join the celebration they are out later and they're tired for the next day and it's difficult for them to get to school the next day because they are tired and it's difficult for them to maintain their um perfect School in his record so I'd like to thank Bita Rajkumar again for her um staunch advocacy in order to bring this forward um my message to the board is that I when I spoke years ago about them adopting a Muslim holiday I made it very perfectly clear if we open this door we had to open this for everyone and this is a prime example of it happening um we have more than 35,000 Hindu students attending our public schools and we need to make them feel that we are inclusive and that we um that they they care I mean we care that they are valued so I think it's very important that we send that message and not um just prefer certain religions over others I think it um has to be Equitable and that's exactly what this motion is about thank you thank you Mrs ala yes thank you so thank you for um giving the board the survey results I please ask that it be put into the agenda so the public can also see the survey results I know staff worked really hard on on getting the surveys out there and um 47.57 per went with option option one um and then the grand total was 47.88 per with option number one um so be proud of your your survey result work put it in the agenda and um I will be supporting option number one thank you thank you I have U just a quick not really question but suggestion we heard it earlier from the ESC adviser when she was speaking um when someone looks at the calendar they they are not sometimes aware of when we have half days when it is exam time so if we could include that in a visual picture or maybe put a footnote at the bottom so parents are aware that that week they'll have a half day so that they can plan accordingly I know that schools give that information but I don't think there's a reason why we couldn't add it if it's too hard to do it in the calendar even if you just put it as a foot note this is exam time or something so that they just have a heads up about it um as we move forward just to be a little more user friendly on that okay anybody else all right all those in favor of item CC one say I I I any opposed item passes unanimously thank you so much thank you thank you next item up is ff1 can I have a Motion in a second to bring ff1 to the moved it's moved by Dr Zan second in by Mrs rert any public comments on ff1 no comments Madam chair okay great um board member I just pulled this I wanted to say thank you so much to the Grants Department when we total up all of the grants for just this month it comes to 4,444 6399 um and that is you know something that's additional for our students and really want to thank the partners that um work with the school district to provide some of these grants some of them are local some of them are are larger and I just wanted to give a kudos to our Grants Department for that all those in favor of item ff1 say I I I any opposed I motion carries next item up is item gg1 can I have a motion in a second for item gg1 second been moved by Mrs Leonardi seconded by Mrs rert there any public comments on item gg1 no registered speakers Madam chair okay um Mrs fam yes um the only question I had is just for clarification in the record um could you please read in um the section on the referendum that allows us to make payment for settlements or uh the referendum M is for settlement agreements or for um accounts overdue acrw accounts or litigation settlements I just need that in the record because I have constituents that say they don't remember agreeing to that so if you would do that thank you Miss Batista I I'm not um I don't understand the question um what what it is that um that Mrs fam wishes me to read Mrs fam can you um clarify please certainly when the referendum was advertised and it was voted upon there was language in there clarifying what the funds would be used for and what I'm looking for is the provision that provides that referendum money can be used for settlement agreements for overdue debts for interest on overdue debts for um cases um that are litigated or or claims that would be potentially litigated my concern constituents would like to know because they don't remember to agree to anything like that where that language is that gives the school district the authority to use these referendum monies towards that thank you Miss Batista thank you madam chair so I I understand thank you uh for that clarification Mrs fam um so uh the 2018 referendum funds that's what we have before us on gg1 um as you may recall there was a uh there was litigation regarding this item um um and then the the board uh enter into mediation and a settlement with all the 87 uh schools and this is part of that settlement agreement so this is this is not the most recent um referendum and the funds that are being uh paid out here are referendum funds from the 2018 referendum uh the the interest is coming out of the general fund it is not coming out of referendum funds through the chair if I may clarify go ahead I'm not looking for um I'm looking for where okay you're saying this was from 2018 where in that referendum or any other referendum does it say that funds that are from taxpayers may be used for this is there any language that you can quote to miss Batista no the language would have to to be uh that we relied upon regarding the settlement was the uh number one the case law from the fourth DCA uh which uh stated that those funds were supposed to be shared uh proportionally with Charter Schools and secondly uh from the um mandate from the Department of Education which um ordered the district to come into compliance with uh that decision okay um again point of clarification through the chair go ahead okay the 2018 then if if I understand you correctly had nothing in any type of language that would put taxpayers on notice that these funds could be used for court settlements and you're saying any um referendum since 2018 didn't have any kind of language giving us authority to use taxpayer funds to to resolve uh Court litigation I'm sorry my dog's working but am I correct Miss Batista uh that is that is correct and also that um that language uh from that referendum did not have any language where um the district was supposed to share funds with Charter Schools but that was what was um um or order by the Department of Education and the 4th DCA and um point of clarification again through the chair please go ahead that to general counsel so the fourth DCA Andor the um Department of Education ordered you to take these funds from the referendum subsequent referendum funds you're saying because I don't remember seeing that they ordered where the source of Def fing for to repay this stat should be coming from where can I find that writing Miss Batista okay so I I'm sorry I I thought you were referring to the 2018 referendum funds uh there would there is no specific language uh regarding what what the funds uh what funds are available to be used for that uh for those settlements so that is a that that was an operational decision by um by the District um uh a point of uh clarification for a misunderstanding go ahead through the chair um Miss Batista I'm no I'm not asking that question what I'm asking you said that 2018 referendum um we didn't pay on it we defaulted essentially so we're using funds from a subsequent referendum and my question is you said there's no language in the 2018 that we could even use that towards settlement funds and are is their language in the subsequent referendum or any other place including from the 4th DCA or the Department of Education that instructs us to take monies for settlements from referendum monies where are we getting the authority to do that where is it in writing that we must do that or that we're allowed to do that because we advertised that we wanted it the funds to go for that thank you Miss Batista so um the office of the General Council uh is not uh part of the decision making as to where the funds will be coming from uh we negotiated the settlement based upon what the case law and the Mandate from the Department of Education uh was asking the district to do the decision as to where the funding comes from specifically that is an operational decision and one clarification in close closing please Madam chair okay so we have no we have no statutory language indicating that the settlement funds should come from a referendum and we never advertised that these funds um could come from um any kind of settlement funds could come from a taxpayer referendum did we miss Batista uh my understanding is that um the fact that the sement funds uh to call them settlement funds they're you know still um referendum funds uh that they're coming from a subsequent referendum uh it was a matter that was uh researched and um and I understand that the law also uh would support that for the operational decision that was made thank you and in my conclusion question please give me the law that supports that you said there's a law that supports that coming from referendum what statute are you relying on Miss Batista I don't have it as we sit here today but I can share uh the information uh that was presented to the district uh related to that matter I can forward that to um to you and to the rest of the board I actually I I would rather if we can open it in a statement next time I want it on the record for my constituents because they're asking me and I don't have the answers to these questions so I want to make sure that they have the statute so they can go and research it and look at up the eles because they're wondering whether or not we have the authority to do this so I ask that we do that when at the opening of the next board meeting can I make a motion that we put that on Madam chair um miss batistic a point of order is that something that we can do as a motion I think that can be handled as a followup and it can be uh something that is shared with the board and then um also shared with the public Okay so we've given Miss Batista understands what the ask is so we there's no need for a motion okay so um would you mind adding that to when we talk about things at the front of the board meeting so we can just give that followup to the public Madam chair I think the answer was we would unless something comes up to this on the next board item it would have been already disposed of but it will come to us as a followup and that will'll make it available to the public through that way Mrs ala um Miss patista would miss fam be able to bring her uh question or discussion Point as a BB item at the next school board meeting so um so the BB items are usually for um action um I think she would be able to bring it after the board meeting when uh when the chair opens the floor for board um members to discuss any other items okay so Mrs fam in the January meeting at the end of the board meeting you can ask for Miss Batista to follow up on that so that you can get it on the record at the end of the meeting okay thank you if if there's any other way that we can get it heard um during the actual uh course of the meeting I'd like to do that so I'm got to look into that as well but thank you so much for your patience you've been very patient today with me thank you anybody else on gg1 all those in favor of gg1 say I I any opposed opposed motion carries 7 to one next item is gg2 um is there any public comment on gg2 no register public comment Madam chair U Mrs fam so so moved did we move it I'm sorry so moved um can I have a motion in a second on gg2 moved by Mrs rert seconded by Mrs Thompson sorry about that no public comment board member discussion Mrs fam um if you couldn't I'm trying to pull it up I'm hoping my iPad didn't just die but um can you just read the um the item to me have here on the settlement agreement for Championship Academy yeah it's it's the um it's the same really issue I want to make sure we have the authority to do it so I don't want to um reiterate and take um time away from the board so just please put me down as uh ditto for my comments and questions and answers from gg1 okay thank you Miss Batista yes so this is uh thank you madam chair so this is actually a different item different issue this is not a settlement of the referendum uh monies uh this is a a lawsuit that was filed for breach of contract against the district um by another by a charter school and that's the settlement of that action Mrs do you have anything else no no no no ma'am I'm looking at it right now I just pull it all up again so but if it's a settlement agreement again I well point of clarification is the settlement agreement funds coming from the referendum money Miss Batista uh again you know the general council's office would not know where the funds are coming from uh the financial impact uh states that yes that the fund they would be funded from referendum uh on use referendum funds as it relates to this particular school okay thank you okay thank you all those in favor of item gg2 say I I any oppose opposed okay motion carries 7 to one the the next item is gg5 but Dr Zan pulled that so I'm going to come back to that he had to step out or something so we'll come back to that one um next item is jj2 can I have a motion in a second on item jj2 it's been moved by Mrs Leonardi seconded by Mrs alhf is there any public comment on jj2 no register speakers Madam chair okay thank you oh Dr Z we're only missing Dr Zan oh I didn't see Mrs rer I'm sorry it was what was it no there's six to one the last item passed six to one sorry about that I didn't notice Miss Rupert had gotten up U so jj2 um I pulled there are a number of things and I I know that the um staff answered some of my questions but I have a concern Rickers is already behind and it it's a new project so that is concerning um but as I like to do in all of the meetings the change orders Al together just on consultant error and Omission so for consultant error just this month we had $447,000 21 and consultant error is $288,400 a total of $735,000 in a year so you can calculate that we were down to much less but um mainly because of Records um on on this particular item so it's just concerning to me um that we still have to deal with the issues of errors and omissions from consultants and I still worry about how we will recoup some of that money anybody else on jj2 okay all those in favor of jj2 say I I any opposed motion carries unanimously the next item that's also the next item we'll go to is item 01 can I have a motion in a second for item 01 it's been moved by Mrs Leonardi second in by Mrs ala any public comment on o1 one speaker is registered dear J Ruth thank you o1 it doesn't matter which one you go to um I was registered for o1 We'll add you to the list I respectfully come here today to address issues with brain pop as before I discovered in other it applications for our children there has been inappropriate content so I'm asking the board to make sure that we have the proper it security walls to make sure that we're coinciding with the state laws I noticed in Discovery Ed we had definitions like M masochism and sadism that came up which thankfully Dr Howard heurn addressed I want to be sure that these same things do not occur when it comes to brain pop one of the things that brain pop encourages is actually not teaching proper English we're going to address he she and then make they a singular so this is what Brain Pop teaches like meet Mobi and Orbot they are my best friend friends actually yeah they can be used as a singular pronoun too like if you said I'm going to see my friend I could ask where do they live since I don't know your friend's gender identity and some individuals prefer they as a pronoun like meet Orbot they are my best friend that is one of the things that pop up and brain pop one of the other things that I'm going to mention is that critical race theory is also taught in brain pop it discharges the men and women that are part of the blue it dispares police by saying all police are prejudice against black people and that they're under the attack of the black people I think it what also is really sad that Brower District wants to make all students equal and that's your job to do that to make all children feel equal to make all children children feel like they can do whatever they want in life that none of those things religion color or social economic status holds them back when you put programs like this into our school what you're doing is you're dividing our children what you're doing is promoting improper English what you're doing is promoting a gender identity that doesn't exist there is male and female biologically anything else does not belong in our schools the state agrees with that and I think soon when come January 20th comes there's going to be some changes in that in the department the main Department of Education also I am tired of woke left ideology in our classrooms it's enough our children should all be equal should all have the same opportunities District Five should have the same opportunities as district one six or seven and we've had it as parents this is why you have a drain in your schools thank you very much next public speaker no more register speakers I'm sorry TR Duran MIT sorry great my name is Dr TR Trudy Janovich and looking at the supplemental materials purchase of brain pop science for the Middle grades I was encouraged that the survey taken by teachers showed that they were excited about having this program available for their students brain poop programs have been used successfully by teachers at both the elementary and middle school levels for years unfortunately at the end of the last school year the ability of schools to purchase Brain Pop Pro program was cancelled without first asking teachers if they were using these programs successfully with their students the way to use technology has been taken out of the hands of teachers and this highlights a systemic problem in Broward schools the elimination of the brain prop purchase is another example of the district micromanaging what happens in the classroom and will inevitably cause more teachers to leave the profession the loss of autonomy in deciding how to properly teach standards to their individual students is now being dictated by upper level administrators in the district teachers are creative by nature and wish to utilize their own strengths when teaching their students when this autonomy is removed teachers are not as effective and become less willing to remain in teaching when told that they must teach in a certain way and within a certain time frame they lose this autonomy I support the purchase of brain pop science for middle school and suggest that you should also consider purchasing the general Brain Pop programs for both elementary and middle schools I believe these programs should be made available by the district at no cost to the school's budget schools with lower numbers have difficulty making these purchases and so this leads to inequality of resources I believe if the district were going to absorb the cost that a survey would show many teachers would choose this program I also believe you should find a typing program for both elementary and middle school students it's an invaluable skill which should be taught and as it was for years in this District take away some test prep and find time for typing turned it off thank you uh any others public speakers that concludes public speakers okay on to um okay yeah but Mrs fam so Mrs Fam thank you madam chair I also did my own research on brain pop and um other counties and districts in the State of Florida have not accepted BL brain pop because um they find that it would be inappropriate it for their their students in addition it may or may not comply with Florida law um I know one particular County had brain pop put in guard rails because all AG students could access information that they shouldn't be exposed to it at such a young age so um they at least they were working on doing that I do not uh recommend taking or accepting brain clop one because I I fear that it may um promote white woke ideology or um indoctrination um some of the things I just heard about students saying well um gender and that didn't sound like a high school level um can be a they and we know that that is not permitted by the um anti-woke act Florida anti-woke act um in addition I'd like to address um yes we are losing a lot of teachers we're use losing a lot of teachers because they don't want to teach a lot of this stuff and I can tell I have emails that um where where teachers have resigned or I've gotten phone calls saying I don't want to teach this I don't want this is this is crazy I'm embarrassed to teach this I I I you know I don't want it anymore so that's a primary reason we are losing teachers we've already lost parents and students and we continue along that Trend and until this District gets this is not about social uh justice this is about teaching the basic core subjects um that we are going to continue to decrease in our enrollment so um this is not about how teachers are allowed to use Tech this is about um apps that are not legal under Florida law they are not legal and they're questionable at best so if you want to go down that route and open the doors again to any other lawsuits that parents or the Department of Education can bring we're just known as a chaing district you know we're like a a slot machine chaing chaing we just keep dishing it out for um these kind of um social justice Warriors instead of putting our money towards students and education so I again um just ask that you look at the consequences and and Choose Wisely thank you thank you Mrs leonardy um I was hoping someone could speak to to uh whether or not this product um adheres to state law Miss Batista I think it's stast I'll take it and also I'll have Melissa Holtz come to the podium um first and foremost uh the district has filtering capabilities so if there's any content that would violate the parental House Bill 1557 or anything else we could could filter that and the schools cannot override that so that's something that we are or have the capabilities of doing to ensure that we remain in compliance because as a district we do not violate uh policy statutes or law and so Melissa I don't know if I mentioned everything but you can certainly add to anything I left out thank you through the chair I think you mentioned everything I just wanted to confirm the fact that when we did a district-wide purchase of brain poop last year um we went through the same conversation and so brain poop did cont cont ract Holland and Knight which is a law firm specializing in education related legislation and they went through every single Activity video that is part of brain POP Jr Brain Pop Brain Pop science and they came up with a list of activities or stories that could potentially be in violation of House Bill 7 or House Bill 1557 and we do have content management tool and so we did filter out all of the potential activities that could be in violation of any of the state statutes or the house bill and so that will follow over into this year for any schools who potentially choose to buy Brain Pop if this contract is approved so the long answer the short answer to the long answer is yes we have acknowledged that and we've made sure to filter out anything that may be in violation thank you so what I'm hearing is that um there is no content available in Broward County Public Schools through brain poop that would violate state law um or any legislation staff has hired a firm to go through and make sure that all of the content in brain pop that is being delivered to students is within the confines of Florida state law that is what I'm hearing and what I'm also hearing from teachers that we received emails from and one of which I know also is a parent of Brower County Public School students um is that they have a strong desire to have brain pop in their classrooms that is very helpful um and so it is my understanding that not only is this content um you know it ad Heering to state law but it is enhancing the experiences of students and teachers in our classrooms um and teachers are able to deliver engaging lessons that students are learning from um that are very very positive both for their academic success and success later in life um I hope that moving forward there is not a a lapse in availability because that is what what we were receiving emails about um but yeah thank you for clarifying that thank you U Mrs Thompson thank you um so echoing what Miss lunardi was asking I'm glad that we have clarification that this software does not violate any Florida Statutes I'd also like to say as the daughter of a high school English teacher that they is the proper word to use if you are unsure of someone's gender so for example my boss is on vacation if you do not know if their boss is a woman or man you would say oh they they are on vacation um I would also like to say that our direct the superintendent to see if there's any availability of grant funding so that this isn't coming out of our school budgets I'd be interested in in exploring that option because I know that teachers really want this um but as miss our Dr Janovich mentioned it might not be available because of a school budget so I would just like to for us to explore that since so many teachers have reached out saying it's thank you Dr fton thank you would based on that comment would you like to share a little more about um brain pop and the what will happen moving forward so um we know there's a lot lot of fanf fair with brain brain pop and a lot of the other supplemental resources materials and software that we have um the board has tasked us very clear just to find ways where we can be more fiscally responsible and most of the usage of brain pop is in the area of Science and next year we hopefully will be adopting our new science core and with a lot of new curriculum will come softwares materials that are also supplemental and so it is our goal to be able to continue to look at only utilizing high quality M uh materials in curriculum and then um kind of take away the menu of very different options to ensure that all of our students have access to high quality instruction and curriculum so we brought Brain Pop as a continuation to finish it out this year because with a lot of our lesson plans it is written in that and we did not want to cut that off but I know going into it next year we would have a new science curriculum that will have some resources that do things just like brain pop so we're just looking forward to ensuring that all of our students across the district will have access to high quality supplemental materials and also software such as brain like Brain Pop thank you Mrs Al thank you so I would just recommend that we get the Buy in from teachers in regarding this software because a lot of times I hear that things are just kind of thrown at them and they don't know anything about it and there's no uh Communications and conversations with our teachers so if we can do some prep work before so that they're embracing whatever new software that is when we do uh textbook adoptions teachers are large part of the adoption committee so they they do have um they test all the prototypes give us a lot of the feedback and they really help us narrow it down to what is that one resource that we're going to use so teachers are a part of that process as well too but if we can go to the next level and actually get to the teachers in the classrooms because not all teachers are a part of that process thank you anybody um m I'm sorry chair Hixon I have some follow-up questions as well okay go ahead right thank you um I have several number one is um how much did it cost the district for Howen and Knight to make certain that brain cot um is brought into compliance how much money did that cost the district or was that refunded by Brain Pop tell me how that happened Dr fton yes Mrs Hol do you have that information if not we can Melissa Holt's director Elementary learning I can just tell you that that was funded through Brain Pop not through the district okay thank you um I'd like a copy of the list of suggestions they should be made part of public record since you're referencing them when you're speaking so do you have a copy of that that you can have attached with the court reporter or can you have sent someone out from the day is to make a copy of that record through the chair Dr Fon just clarification on what what record Mrs you said there was a list of changes that were recommended that H and Knight recommended for brain pop to uh make certain that they were in compliance there was ones that were recommended and then there was ones that were questionable so I'd like a copy of that list to be made part of this record because you you referenced that list Miss Holz can you speak to that please I can I can absolutely provide that record I provided it last year when we adopted Brain Pop and I can provide it again this year thank you so are you saying and that they go through to make sure that they're in compliance Dr Folton Miss Holtz I'm going to say yes but miss Holtz go ahead since you've been addressing it unfortunately I did not have the conversation with brain pop right now so that's I would have to do that in a follow-up answer to see if it's an annual thing that they review okay and my last question is did brain poop already make these changes are you coming forward prior to all these suggested changes being made by Brain Pop is this the final version of brain pop because I've been reading both um from other school districts issues Miss HS the list comes from when we adopted Brain Pop last year those are the changes that have already been created so if you're a Broward County student or teacher and you go in and you try to access any of those um activities that are on the questionable list of violating State Statute you're blocked so you cannot access it my followup from here I understand is to ensure that that list is updated and that we have filtered out whatever other questionable um story or activities there may be so and just for clarification point of clarification through the chair um so brain prop was not looked at for the year 25 you're going by last year's recommendations and there wasn't any new recommendations or they were never submitted and requested to review Brain Pop for suggested or re um recommendations to bring them in compliance Dr Fon Mrs HZ that again is a question that I have to get a follow-up answer to you um I was not working working with legal this year on the brain pop contract and I don't want to confirm something until I'm 100% certain that the updated issue has been brought that the updated content has been brought into um the filtered status thank you Miss I'm gonna Mrs Sorry Miss fam we also I think we have that information for you um Miss Holland work yes good afternoon Simone Hollings withth Chief academic officer this contract hasn't been approved so we won't be turning it on until until it is approved based on board vote so then that all of that will then take into effect as well with the filtering so no one's been using it at this current time okay thank you for your candidness I do appreciate that um you have concerns because it hasn't been confirmed or changed and I would never vote for something until we get the F the finished product I don't like when something comes through and say this will be taken care of in the future I think it should be done at the time of presentation all that work should have been front-end loaded we don't do after the fact so thank you so much thank you anybody else okay all those in favor of item 01 say I I all those opposed say no no motion carries six to one right so no that's only seven seven seven to one it's eight of us sorry okay uh next item is O2 can I have a motion in a second for O2 move second it's been moved by Mrs Leonardi second by Miss Rupert any public comment on O2 no public comment thank you Mrs fam hold on I'm going back to it it's the EMT emergency medical technician at Barry University yeah thank you no no comment okay all those in favor of o2 say I I I any opposed motion carries unanimously next item is 03 can I have a motion in a second on item 03 second been moved by Mrs Leonardi seconded by Mrs rert any public comment on O3 no public comment Mrs Al thank you so this item is to print the W2s or 1095 forms and I think there the threshold is or the money is 50,000 um and I just feel at this point like rip the bandaid off we just passed a resolution about going green like we can be 100% electronic and and no and no printing so I would be voting this down because I think we are we are ready we're ready to go to that next level yeah Miss Dr fton sorry so we agree with you however um in our research the IRS doesn't allow you to do that um if you're doing electronic um W2 form employees will have to opt in and there has to be an option for those that don't opt in and that would be the paper option but we can't unilaterally make everyone receive electronic by law they have to opt into it which I would add is happening right now because I just made sure I did it so if you haven't done it already you should um miss anything else Mrs Al okay so the 50,000 is the threshold correct that's the lowest threshold Mr Davis yes that is correct Trey Davis Chief Information officer Dr Fulton thank you stole my thunder uh so so so that it's kind of a sliding scale as well and Mr casanada executive director it operations was ready to address this as well um first of all thank you for raising this uh because the reality is we're working with a behind the times IRS publication 15-a is an alpha which does require us to opt in uh for electronic or online W2 and 1095s which of course we do allow uh for our employees to do about 45.8% of of our employees receiving uh W2s have opted in about uh 21 21.9% or 6,259 employees have opted in for the 1095 uh but again we know it should be an opt out not an op in but the reality is the IRS publication uh requires us to gain consent uh through written or online means to opt in to the electronic uh means um now that said uh January 14th very very important date you can still opt in uh and get an electronic uh version instead of the paper version by January 14th so again thank you for raising the question and allowing us to continue our awareness campaign and to educate everyone how do they opt in so so actually several emails have have been sent out um in showing employees how to log in I I just did it myself not long ago um so it's it's not a difficult process um you know but you you do again have to go make this selection uh to opt into to the online uh W2 or 1095 uh but is is done through uh main as you would access other um uh doc applications sap and so forth okay so you said the percentage that opt in is what was that again so the percentage is 45.8% uh that's 13,132 employees receiving a W2 uh and then 21.9% or 6,259 employees uh opting in for 1095s now in some cases there are there are envelopes that are that are stuffed with both of those in paper uh and just to give you information there uh January 6th by the deadline is a sliding scale it's uh a114 per mailer uh the max being $154 cents that do1 54 cents being if you have both 1095 and W2s inside of the envelope so how often are we sending emails to people to opt in if we want someone to do something going back to get signing up for the bus I mean they're rent Relentless every second you know opt in for the bus yes we we've had uh you know we've had numerous uh uh communication go out emails um we were just talking about furthering that campaign even uh even working through some some Partners relative to uh you know um kind of a extrinsic reward system of sorts uh to award some employees pop up and things for for making that choice obviously we can't do that for every single employee but trying to build that awareness uh and not just through via uh you know conference calls but but also emails and all um so I know myself I was reminded to do so as well just through that mechanism so and who's the email coming from it's um Mr castanada thank you for that uh Manny cing the executive director it operations I believe we're working with our through our payroll department that sends out those emails and what is that email address alert I I had to look up the subject matter yeah okay I'm just maybe after this conversation we can send out an email that everybody's probably looking too often at this point Thank you so I was able to find it it says payroll mailbox and it comes automatically to you payroll at briard schools.com and the last one that came was December 24 all right thank and you're welcome thank you Mrs Thompson um that was mainly my question about is how we're doing Outreach but I was wondering if we could also reach out to principles to send our talk about in their staff meeting or something especially when we get back from break because no one's really doing anything before break um just to remind them because it's the January 20th deadline Dr January 14 right January 14th and and and that's that makes total sense you know everybody has the uh the holiday slide uh and so after that we we need to send that back out again so thank you Mrs ala I found my email and I cannot read it I'm sorry it is you cannot see what it says I know I need glasses but you it's blurry you can't you can't follow the directions I'll just say I did mine through Dr fton what we can do is uh a happenings which might be a little easier to to understand and everybody gets it so I can work with Mr Davis on that thank you okay thank you any thank you Mrs Zelda all right all those in favor of item 03 say I I any oppose motion carries unanimously the next item is 05 can I have a motion in the second on moved by Mrs Rupert second by Mrs Al any public comment on o5 no ma'am Mrs fam yes thank you madam chair um my question is I I've gone through the numbers on this and we apparently up until we had a 36-month agreement from 200000 hold on I'll pull you up exactly um start um 120 January 2026 for 36 month term there was one amendment made to that spe uh additional spending so it brought it up from 230 plus 6 36,000 so um 296,000 okay for that's for three years so during that threeyear period um we entered into at the ending of that threeyear period we uh commenced another contract for with the same vendor starting again in January but this was 2024 and it's for 12 months and during that 12 months we've already come up to um 300 where is it I have it 315,000 so we're no longer getting um three years for 296 we're getting one year for at least 315 so my question is they were just before us um in June and they were here back in January so each time we're getting hit up for money and there's been a 200% increase since the 21 year until we commen the 24th and I just think um I we need an explanation if this is gone out for another bid because I think that's a um really huge huge markup so I'd like um to hear from staff Dr fton Miss Andreu can you respond to that please thank you through the chair Jennifer Andre executive director operations I'm not quite sure there's a markup per se I think that maybe we are using um this vendor more it's not that they've increased their price I think that the usage on our end has increased so as schools have to replace um IDs for students that has increased the usage okay and follow question through the chair go ahead Mrs fam do you have any data to support that and why is that not included in the executive summary because that is definitely something we'd like to consider Dr fton do the go ahead Miss Andre you thank you Dr Folton if you look Miss fam at the uh one of the attachments is a renewal letter and it states there that this V vendor is not increasing their prices so that was part of the backup the prices have not increased okay Mrs fam do you have anything else did you hear me no I'm sorry did I was I mut I'm sorry um thank you so much for that clar ification I would make a strong recommendation that you include that relevant very relevant fact in the executive summary so we don't have to keep going through items or we don't miss an item because we think that's something that should be um considered by the board so thank you so much again for clarifying thank you Dr Fon make a note that will add that into the executive summary thank you all those in favor of item 05 say I I I any opposed motion carries unanimously the next item is 011 can I have a motion in a second for item 011 second moved by Mrs Rupert seconded by Mrs alad any public comment on o11 no ma'am Mrs alhad so I I saw there was a a revision um and then schools were crossed out can staff explain what was going on there Dr fton miss coie or staff could you come to the PO address it please thank you I can do it 11 athletic tracks correct thank you uh Allison wosinski director environmental health and safety I am Mr dorset's Design for today um my understanding is that there was a revision to the item to add a table which identified the priority of the track repairs okay so what I'm looking at on page three of three is the schools were just crossed out I didn't see any priority listing of the schools okay Dr Fon Miss Linsky Dr fton if I may okay go ahead Miss andreo thank you thank you so I hope that you have received the revised item because as Miss weski mentioned the original there were strikethroughs this was revised and you should have received an Excel attachment that lists all of the various um schools that will be receiving running tracks I'm looking on the agenda item online and there's no revi no revision there Dr fol I'm being told that it is if I may I I can confirm this is Brenda fam it's not online where I'm looking either it it's on the online version It's a memo to revise the The Last Link at the bottom of o1 Last Link memo to revise I'm on granicus yeah when you look at that though they're all crossed out but but if you go to the next to the last um item that the attachment there is a collective history um it says it says high school track history and it has the high schools and the middle schools so it's the and Miss W shinsky would have to verify that or Miss um andreo so just before the memo to revise there's um an item that says high school track history and if that is the that is it in its entirety then you have the priority number you have the cost you have some history before it it talks about the status that's the first that's on page one the majority of page one and it has 26 schools listed and then the table just up up under that is all the middle schools with tracks and their priority and the history so okay okay I see it I think just you have to make sure that that's a revision so on so that we know it's a revision um okay so um I don't see margorie stow and Douglas High School track on here I've had lengthy conversations with Miss kefford and um Mr guzo regarding the track there there is cracks uh faded lines there's holes there's buckling protruding Turf so I would like to make a motion to add margorie stowman Douglas High School to this list is there a second can staff maybe speak to why it's not on here there there's probably a reason yes Miss wisinski Alison Wes shinsky environmental health and safety again um I don't have an answer for you at this time I'll have to do a board followup to get you that okay thank you Mrs rert hold on one second Mrs Al were you did you have anything else no I made I I'm making a motion right there was no second you didn't ask for second I'm sorry is there any is there a second I'm I was waiting for someone to say okay yes second okay thank you Mrs fam okay any um public comment on the motion board member comment on the motion Mrs rert is it possible to to read the the schools right now out loud Dr fton the ones that are on the priority list go ahead and do that Miss Wes shinsky because I closed it so I have to open that's where I was um Okay so they're in priority order but it's not like one two three four there's groups of one groups of two so um the First Priority One schools are deerfi Beach High School Fort Lauderdale and Flanigan priority two is Hallendale Hollywood Hills Plantation sorry three those three priority three is Western Cypress Bay and myar okay four is Monarch pump Beach and Stranahan five is Tavella West Broward and Piper six is Coral Springs High School blanch elely and South Plantation seven is Cooper City Dillard uh and Northeast eight is South Broward Boyd Anderson ever Glades high and nine is Nova and Coconut Creek thank you um and I I faintly remember that Coconut Creek um being on this list now did receive a a revamp maybe I don't know five seven years ago something like that so I would assume that that would be why they would be last because they were kind of last last ones that were fixed so it' be flipped and actually the note on the table when you get a chance to look at it does identify um the uh the history so uh Coconut Creek says 2024 Mill repair root damage concrete runways overlay and replace track service it was last replaced in 2010 gotcha okay I see um was every High School on our list right now I mean why why is it just Mar Doug it could have been oversight I think that's the only one that's missing oh okay thank you then I can support it than thank you that's important information for us to have um I have another question also so the has them in priority but it doesn't have a date as to like when will priority ones be done when will priority two so what um and if we were to add marjerie stowman Douglas where would it fit in the priority again I'll have to um get back to you on exactly where it would fit in but um regarding the priority One um derfield Beach High School is one of the ones that we're doing the um artificial turf replacement so that will be at the same time so um I I don't have the exact date but they they will be um you know as soon as this is approved and we have the funding already uh in the for through the dfp and the PO funding so okay so I'd like to ask as a followup to also um give us some estimated dates so we have an idea we'll do thank you Madam chair we can do a followup thank you Mrs Leonardi yeah I guess I'm a little concerned about this item now that we're hearing that perhaps MSD was left off just because of an oversight and um you know the chair pointed out a lack of of dates and where you know that that school would fit on the priority so I'm wondering um what the impact would be if we table this item until the next school board meeting so we can have a more comprehensive um sense of the timeline but also to make sure that there aren't any additional oversights um Dr fton so Mrs wi shinsky I guess the question is if we were to table that would that impact the timeline on what we have here especially for the priority schools wa I would say that we're trying to get the vendors on board with the same time that we're doing the Deerfield Beach and you know the other projects um so it is imperative that we get uh the vendors on board and and in the process to to do the permitting and all the necessary work at the same time but um if it's the will of the board we'll we can delay okay I just to leave a school off and we don't really know why um like I I'm not in I'm not trying to delay this any any further and I understand that there is you know a sense of urgency I'm just very concerned that like an entire School was left off students feel the impact of that um so I would hope that moving forward there there aren't oversights like that in the in the future Dr Zan uh just curious and again this may be something we have to address uh later if this gets tabled but what was what would the criteria be for selecting schools to do first so it was based on the history and the last time it was um either the or the last time that the track surface was replaced and that detail is in the table that you have available to you and and I understand that um um it I can already read the emails coming in which is why didn't we do an assessment of the track like I can some tracks last 30 years and some last 10 years uh depending on the conditions of the soil and the way that they're treated and maintained and things like that like I'd be much happier if we actually didn't an assessment of 26 tracks and said boy these are the worst let's get them done now rather than to use the date that it was put in so am I missing something so Dr Zan if I could direct your question to Dr wano Who has some information on what you just asked um thank you Dr Fon so um what I do know is that historically it has been a part of the def process where there was a schedule right of which tracks and why and and um that has happened multiple years and it's a part of the dfp process I think uh and then uh physical plan operations does exactly what you're talking about not just because this was done two years ago there there may be other issues or things of that nature where um Mr Dorset Miss W shinsky their whole team they have a process just like they um are assessing the fields right to determine what should be the priority order when we do um what do you call those new kind of fields we're getting synthetic okay yeah so so there's a a process just like that I think what the action today is just to identify this Bank of um vendors and if the board um the direction to Dr Fon to the superintendent is to go back and make sure that there's a priority um ranking or um order of schools that that is presented to the board that they understand I think the the action today is just to make sure that we have vendors um of you know prepared to work once whatever the priority order is approved or is shared with the public and there's a methodology that everyone understands and can you know have some Buy in I appreciate that um to my colleagues points both Miss Leonardi and Miss ala it seems to me like what might work is to go forward with the solicitation without and then ask for the prioritization to come back because that way we can get vendors but they're just going to be vendors that are going to do $6 Million worth of tracks uh those tracks will be TBD based on getting board approval again uh for the prioritized order uh of tracks um uh chair how might we move forward in that direction um thank you for that question uh I'm going to give my thought and then miss um Miss Batista can can weigh in on that so as Dr wanza just pointed out this really is just to award the vendor for the item I think we can it has to come back to approve them so we can direct the superintendent on that um when it comes back for approval that all of the high schools are on there including MSD and that there is some kind of um explanation as to why they're prioritized on there I don't think that that requires a motion but miss Batista if you could weigh in on that just so that we're following the right rules thank you thank you madam shair um so a motion would not be required since the item is returning to the board already okay Mrs Alf are you okay with the fact that I would like to vote on my motion okay um did you want to add anything to that motion Dr Z I do not thank you very much all right so anybody else have anything on the motion yes okay Mrs fam um before voting on the motion I just wanted to say I appreciate the information that was provided to us and um I would welcome supporting this motion so um marj s Douglas has not left off and I'm confused about the motion for just a point of order I think the motion is to put um Marjorie stowman Douglas on the list that'll be evaluated for a track is that correct correct thank you so much thank you um I I just just like to make an amendment to that and say along with margerie stowman Douglas and any other school that might be missing on the list so we make sure it's comprehensive um to that would you be amendable to yes okay great any other comments all those in favor of the amendment to the motion say I or to the motion I any opposed okay all those in favor of the motion as amended please uh say I I I any opposed great motion carries unanimously thank you so much the next item up is o13 I have a motion and a second so moved second it's been moved by Dr Zan seconded by Mrs alef is there any public comment on o13 no ma'am Mrs Fam thank you so much Madam chair um I would just like to um have put on the record if they would my my constituents ask a lot of questions and if you wouldn't mind putting on the record that there's no one that has a conflict of interest or anyone owns or uh is getting a percentage from any um sales of alysa's alert um on the board that there's that we have clean hands from all the members involved if that's okay with you because I'm the first one to say my hands are clean fon pelist Dr F can can you just address I don't think it needs to be addressed there's a motion okay Mrs Al thank you so for the record Alyssa was my daughter who was murdered at marjor stowman Douglas High School and after the tragedy my husband and I we started a nonprofit organization neither my husband nor myself or any of my board get a salary we do not get paid we work tirelessly for school safety and to pass alysa's law not only here in this state of Florida but six other states around the country and our goal is to pass it nationwide so I think that's all I need to say thank you so much anybody else thank you okay any other comments on the item hey all those in favor of item 013 say I I I oppose motion carries unanimously the next item is item double P1 can I have um can I have a motion in a second so move second it's been moved by Dr Zan seconded by m Thompson any public comment on pp1 or double P1 no ma'am thank you okay um board comment doc U Mrs Thompson um I just wanted to clarify ification for I guess implementation of the policy so this has happened in a couple of municipalities so if a political candidate who's running for City commission owns a small business and then they buy a banner supposedly to promote their business yes okay supposedly to promote their business but you can tell by their headshot by the coloring that it's it's actually for their candidacy how will we address that Mr Sullivan yes so what happened in the past there's been some of these um partnership bannard but it clearly indicated in the bottom that they were paid for political campaign so all those were removed that would not be allowable so there's one currently sorry through the chair I don't know if I can still talk I want to still talk you have the um there's one currently at Silver trails that was for a former city commission candidate that's for his business but the coloring and the head shot and everything else is for his matches his cany obviously that's over now but I think that's something we need to make sure we're aware of in the future and then also if is there a grievance process so if someone drives by and they feel like it is a political campaign or something similar to this what is our process for that through Dr fton we've put out MMOs to the schools so there's any doubt of what they're not allowed to do as it relates to political um banners for lack of a better description they are to contact me and if it's anything in that regard they uh do not put it and then a lot of times I will find out that they're up in the schools by a variety of ways and as soon as we hear from it we assure that the school adjusts and takes them down immediately perfect thank you thank you uh Dr holess thank you madam chair so with regards to to this item um this policy um is there anything in this policy restricting schools from allowing religious banners and so on Miss Batista thank you Madame shair yes um these policy just like the previous policy uh restricts religious banners from being um displayed on fences okay so um Miss Batista there has been recent concerns uh regarding um religious banners um um are we well let me phrase it another way um how do we how do we and this might be for Dr fton actually how do we enforce this policy so that way we are not violating the policy is there any um any recent actions in place plan of action to enforce the policy because I believe and I am not sure to the extent that I can say this but I believe there is a a current um concern um uh Miss Batista in terms of a uh is it a lawsuit or so I I can speak about the fact that yes there is a pending case against the district related to this particular issue um as far as like the operational part of it as how the policy would be enforced that would be for staff to respond okay so so it the concern is enforcing the policy because the the um the current lawsuit as in is in place is um has some is pertaining to the enforcing of the policy that we have in place so I guess the question that I have is uh Dr Fulton how do we plan to enforce the policies so we don't run into these kind of situations that we currently are facing as far as a lawsuit Dr Fon thank you for the question I'm going to throw that over to Mr Sullivan thank you madam Deputy so yes we expect all our school leaders and site leaders to be familiar with policies we're going to ensure that they're familiar with this one if the board does pass it so we'll make sure s not only electronic communication but we'll get in front of them as soon as possible as it relates when they meet as a group um to ensure that they are aware of the policy and the changes and just like with any other policy we um they're accountable to ensuring their following Schoolboard policies and that'll be subject to Progressive discipline if they did not follow policy okay so um Mr Sullivan I appreciate that response and I know the existing policy even without any kind of change um uh does not uh permit any Rel just display of banners and so on uh but occasionally we have one or two schools that might do it um how do we how are we doing what are we doing now different than we've done before um because it seems to happen on a school based uh basis as opposed to um uh being a districtwide problem so how do we ensure that all of our principles throughout the district understand the policy what are we doing differently now that we don't run into these kind of situations in the future sure so I think as a district we could always look how we can ensure that our site leaders are better prepared to react to policies and situations so we've learned from that so we're going to ensure going forward that we provide better assistance and training to the site leaders especially as it relates to bannard okay so how how do we um monitor the result of those training are we in incentivizing are we uh consequenc in what are we doing to ensure that there is compliance um with the school-based leaders uh that this is not happening or will not happen so we would probably do it during all principal meetings and those meetings are required to be attended by site leaders okay because I believe that if we just have trainings to the leadership staff of the school um that may not necessarily be sufficient I I think there has to be added consequence um that we have in place uh where we can ensure adherence to this policy because otherwise the district is faced with um lawsuits that would that are unnecessary again as with any policy uh District leaders including site leaders are required to follow policy so um we will make sure that the principles know it via a pivot memo which uh they have to follow but we'll also make sure to have that inperson uh communication with them so they're aware of it and after that um again they' be subject to Progressive discipline if they're not following this policy or any other Schoolboard policy okay I do like the part about Progressive discipline especially with this specific policy because it has gotten us into problems and I think we need to avoid those issues thank you thank you thank you Mrs Fam thank you um Madam chair uh in reviewing this policy I think it's extraordinarily dangerous because it puts us at risk of being sued because we are discriminating based on content that's the only reason they saying we don't want this sign up there because we don't like what you're saying we are um other vendors that we have on there and I'm considering a church church group if they're having a a a Christmas Pageant play whatever um they have the right to promote and advertise because you're allowing other vendors to do that there is no type this type of restriction on real estate there's no this type of restriction on air conditioning plumbing and um the promotion of others um what we're doing is we're selecting religious again because we don't like the language we don't like what they're conducting and you can't do that you can't not cherry pick these other vendors are up there without anything underneath them just as this church at that advertised in Cooper City and yet you come back and say well this is considered an endorsement so all these vendors would be considered the school district endorsing them because they're allowing them to put up their banners if you want to cure this fix this dilemma then what you put on all the banners is this is not considered an endorsement by the school district that's it otherwise you're going to have to take down every single banner from everybody else every and you're going to lose revenue from that so um it's up to you um I think the First Amendment rights is going to supersede um the school district saying that we we cannot do this yeah you can do this otherwise if you can't do it for the uh religious sector then you can't do it for non-religious sectors so the choice is up to you but liability is coming down the road thank you thank you anybody else have anything to say okay all those in favor of item p p double P2 say I I any oppos I'm sorry pp1 double P1 double P1 um all those in favor of double P1 say I I any opposed opposed the motion carries 8 to one next item up is double P2 I have a motion in a second on double P2 been moved by Dr Zan seconded by Mrs Leonardi is there any public comment on double P2 no ma'am Mrs fam Mrs fam you're the only speaker on this item sorry coming up and just as a reminder this item is repealing the old policy the policy that was just passed is the new policy that thank you thank you for that thank you for that clarification yeah that's why I'll be voting no because I don't feel that the prior policy is discriminating as much as the current policy being uh profer thank you okay thank you all those in favor of double P2 say I I any oos opposed opposed motion carries 8 to one the next item up is rr1 can I have a motion in a second on rr1 moved been moved by Dr Zan seconded by Mrs Leonardi any public comment we have Scott Evans register to speak I don't think he's here he's not in the audience okay board member bman uh McCarthy Bowman thank you madam chair um I just wanted to clarify the purpose of this and I think that I looking through it um found that why we're uh amending the original um grounds for or the original agreement for the oversite committee um is this to be able to better reach a quorum and find members is that the purpose of this or was there an Dr say yes and I also have Mitch Johnson add um anything additional to clarify the the question Miss Johnson m board member um McCarthy Bowman can you just restate your question Omar question okay Mr shim sorry hi uh good afternoon Omar shim director of capital budget yes the bond oversight committee uh had a motion at their last meeting um to review their uh membership and uh the actual resolution and in response to that we brought this resolution to uh lower the number of uh members um so that they could better reach a quorum does that answer your question okay Dr holess thank you madam chair so um I do have a couple of questions on this um I see that the number of members is being reduced from 9 to 7 and I see that the two members not required would be one member from the Florida bar one member uh with experience representing special needs children and so I am curious because the intent of this item is to gain Quorum I'm assuming from the language and to do so by reducing the number of uh members of this committee uh so I have a couple of questions how will reducing the number from 9 to 7 um provide a better opportunity for Quorum and why were these two particular members chosen to be removed um are you not getting attendance from members of the Florida bar or those are member representing special needs or do you have difficulty filling these two particular areas what is the the concern um or why why would we choose these two membership description and how does changing from 9 to 7 guarantee Quorum Dr Fon Mr shim than thank you for the question the those positions are unfilled um and those particular positions will put in place early in the program we only have a few more meetings to the end of the program as you know and those positions deal primarily with the design phase or when you're scoping the project um what that would look like um and the remaining positions really have to do with construction and things like that so that's why we looked at the positions that were unfilled and determined that these two would probably be the most rational to to to not have at this point in the program okay so these two positions are onfi are there any other position onfield that's shown here yes there are two other positions that are unfilled one of them is the uh minority Builder um which we felt it was important if we could fill uh that position to to have that one remain and then there's one for construction okay so out of curiosity why did we have as a part of the membership someone with experience representing special needs children um how does that how would that person contribute um in a meaningful way to the committee I I just want to see if not requiring that person will have any impact on the committee what was the intent of having a special needs member in the first place well I can't speak to that directly since I wasn't involved in in putting that together the committee uh membership together but I the only thing that I can see is that during the designing of the you know the scop scoping of the projects and and selecting criteria for the projects um that that would be uh considered in the process so that it would uh serve uh that population of our our constituents and so at this point you know we're already in construction and we're closing out projects uh and completing projects um so that wouldn't come into play as much since they're already designed and being constructed okay so the bond oversight committee wouldn't it be continuing beyond the closing out of projects Dr fton Mr Shem the intent of the bond for now the when the program ends the bond oversight committee ends as well okay all right another question item eight on page 3 of 13 um if you are removing the membership presentation from the Florida bar why is item 8 relevant where it says committee who are also admitted to the Florida bar must committee members must be must not be currently representing or will represent any client wouldn't this be irrelevant if we're removing that membership there there could be a member that is still a member of the Florida bar um that is not in that that spot so we left that in there okay so there could be a member that fits one of the other categories but is also from the Florida bar that's correct that's why you left that in there okay thank you understand thank you anybody else okay go ahead Mrs shert thank you um and thank you Mr shim for that information so removing the ESC membership um I guess I would get that and kind of answer my uh my colleague next to me seatmate um is Design for Learning Universal Design for for learning is an important aspect so if we are going to remove the ESC or we haven't had an opportunity to fill it then I would ask that um principles are well trained on Universal Design because that would just make sense and I know our principles there's no bigger advocate for the construction at their school and I'm just going to say his name again because I don't think it goes a week where I don't say love Tommy schroer um he was there on weekends on Saturdays he called every single contractor that said they were going to be there and made sure they were there so um I think it's extremely important that at the very least I don't want to pile more on principles but I know we as Educators had to take classes in Universal Design for Learning so I would ask that be part of it thank you anybody else okay all those in favor of rr1 say I I any opposed motion carries unanimously we're just going to go back um to two of the items that Dr Zan had pulled so can I have a motion in a second on gg5 so moved it's been moved by Dr Zan second and by Mrs Leonardi any public comment on gg5 no ma'am Dr Zan thank you so much chair this is um wonderful to read uh wonderful to move forward in this regard chair I'm curious uh when we think Broward County Office of the Inspector General will be open for business Miss Batista thank you Madame shair excellent question Dr Zima they as we speak are um they have budgeted this amount already as part of their yearly uh budget uh they are taking steps to um begin the process and they expect some time uh probably February uh end of February or so would be uh the date and they will make an announcement and prior to that the um Inspector General will be coming to make a presentation to the board at the beginning of February per Mrs Leonardi's request and the board's vote at or consensus at the last terrific and I want to piggy back a little bit on Miss Leonard's point from our last meeting and want us to start thinking a little bit about how do we communicate that an oig exists to our 25,000 employees to our 200 plus thousand students to our 400,000 parents to the community uh to make sure they understand that there's a vehicle in place for them to report the appropriate things and that that vehicle has teeth it has the ability to depose people it has the ability to bring charges to the State's Attorney's Office uh this is not a group uh that will be limited in their ability to investigate and to find fault uh like all inspector generals Doo I also have have one budget issue which maybe won't surprise you either but chair we originally budgeted 1.2 million for it and this tells us it's a $ million annual cost can you tell me why the price has gone down if I'm not mistaken and you can correct me we changed it when we were we knew we weren't going to need it for a whole year and we used some of that funds for um staff I'm talking about the the the ongoing annual cost in the paper says it's going to be 1 million a year not just this year this year we only need another 459,000 to fund a part year but going forward it says it's going to be a million a year when in the past we had 1.2 have we lost an investigator or or did we just get better estimates of the cost Dr fton this Batista so this um Financial impact was done in conjunction with the um the budget department so I I'm not sure if they Reed different information than previously uh um that we previously had but this is what um this is what we have going forward I don't have any any other information I don't think that there has been any change in the Personnel from the ig's office terrific that's all I was curious about thank you so much this is Le Ary okay okay anybody else all those in favor of gg5 say I I I all those opposed motion carries unanimously this is the time of the agenda where Schoolboard members Madam Madam chair I'm sorry I know but we have to don't we have to go to public speakers I missed them at 4:00 cuz we were on it I'm coming back this is the time of the agenda when Schoolboard member will'll hear from our evening speakers um do we have any public speakers for the evening session we wore them out I I believe we have the list Madam chair sorry I gave you my copy okay we we do I have Doren Millan is she here okay thank you all right moving on uh the next item to go back to is jj2 can I have a motion in a second on jj2 so move back up it's been moved by Dr Zeman seconded by Mrs rert any public comment on jj2 no ma'am Dr Zeman thanks so much chair um 1,96 days delay um and unfortunately these are things are going to start to have a real implication for us going back to the community and asking for future funding which is absolutely essential uh to the capital requirements uh of Broward County I'm hoping that this is the last uh item for which we got to 95% completion and never kind of pushed it over the the the completion line in this case it's an expensive uh opportunity the cost went from 3.6 to 7.9 uh for this project uh we're getting very close to October 2025 when we're going to declare the smart Bond over and have an ongoing Capital project and I and I can't wait for that um but to wait over 5.2 years to get a project done is just not acceptable to BR County and I I'm ecstatic that we have a chief operating facilities officer that has made huge progress one of the things that has happened since she's joined is that our time impact analysis done by Mike McIntyre and his amazing team uh has come from 12 months to two weeks and that allows us to get more things done but we have so many of these projects that are still lingering out there uh it's going to take a while for the Speedy time impact analyses and other change orders to go through the core that we can get these things done and get them off our books but the faster we can do this uh the faster we're going to be able to go back to the community I ran into a great statistic last week I'd love to share with my colleagues in this Regard in the State of Florida there have been 58 Bond issues where the school board has gone out to the county and asked for a substantial amount of money over $100 million our last Bond was 800 million out of the 58 bonds that have gone out the community 57 have passed and that's great Florida cares deeply about public education uh I don't want to be uh the second County that asks the county for money and gets turned down in a few years so I hope that we can continue to focus on this um and make sure that these things are the exception and not the rule thank you chair thank you anybody else okay all those in favor of jj2 say I I any opposed I motion carries unanimously the last item on the agenda to review is rr2 can I have a motion in a second on rr2 so moved second it's been moved by Dr Zan seconded by Dr holness any public comment on rr2 no ma'am okay um Miss uh Miss McCarthy Mrs McCarthy Bowman um I didn't have any comments I think Miss ala did though oh okay M ala thank you so this has come up I I'll just ask the question this has uh come up a few times um and and the board has already agreed to Surplus this property and and now we're in the the process I do have first question uh Mr a kabuso to superintendent in regards to the Ingress and egress if you can explain uh that and if you can speak to attachment number one I think it would be helpful for the board to be able to see the Ingress and egress for Broward County Public Schools and Broward Health Dr Folton sorry thank you Mr akabo Chris aabus director facility plan real estate so you have the exhibit attachment one right which shows the layout or where this property is so the Shaded area in kind of reddish or maroon color is the Schoolboard property which is 10.14 Acres the property that's in the green that's brow Health property so per Brad County administrative process we have to purchase property on two public rways so you see that our property has access from University Drive and then potential access from Trail end we never buy property to encumber us being able to get access through somebody else's properties so potential access can be through University or through Trail send to my knowledge we've never laid out um what the site plan may be regarding how the site may be designed but at this point in time the access can be from Trail sand or University Drive okay so so what you're saying is that we do have access to our property and and and Broward Health would not have the ability to infringe on that access correct okay okay well thank you for clarifying that um I do think that there is opportunity for us as Broward County Public Schools to engage in a conversation with Broward Health being that they already own the the property in front of them and it is a very awkward space and also from my understanding the the drainage of the area is very awkward and that's why uh heren Heights Elementary School ended up not building a school there and they ended up building in a different space in a different location so I have a motion that I'm going to make and I have handouts but I don't Miss uh Dr Fon do you want to make any comments on behalf of the superintendent Dr Folton yes thank you so thank thank you Miss alev thank you chair um this is from Dr heurn want to thank you for the opportunity to share his intentions regarding this property unless the board ejects the superintendent will proceed with negotiations with Broward help for the sale of this property board policy which is being passed around now 8030 allows the superintendent to negotiate directly with with other governmental agencies or nonprofit organizations the superintendent believes this is the best course of action as it ensures our students will gain access to enhanced educational opportunities as a reminder the board will have the opportunity to review and vote on the agreement at the conclusion of any negotiations thank you I thank you and policy 8030 is the valuation of real property for acquisition and Disposal so I move to hereby direct superintendent Dr heern to engage in direct negotiations with Broward Health regarding the sale of the trails and site in carrying out this negotiation the superintendent is to adhere to policy 830 and ensure that the minimum asking price starts at 13 m937 500 $937,500 for the sale additionally as part of the agreement the superintendent shall negotiate Provisions for the following one the creation of office space free of charge for Eagles Haven two opportunities for internships or other student engagement initiatives which align with the district's educational Mission the superintendent is to ensure these terms are addressed and incorporated into the final agreement with Broward Health second second it's been Boo by Mrs alhad seconded by Mrs Hixon um is there any public comment board member comment on the motion M Thompson I just have a question about putting the minimum asking price is that any impact to like if they know that that's the minimum that we'll take it for that they would just give us that minimum price Dr Fon Mr akabo yes um P the policy we have the process where you have the negotiation parameters committee um this said we present the appraisals to that committee it's a publicly noticed meeting the committee sets the minimum asking price and that minimum asking price is the beginning point of sale we can't sell anything below that number thank you and I just would like to say thank you I have been asking for this for a little while now um so I appreciate the motion coming at at this time there was not a whole lot of consensus moving forward with this before so very glad to see it move forward very excited for the opportunity for Eagles Haven and our students to have the ability to have someplace where they can do internships um and we work in this really nice partnership with Broward Health Madam chair Dr Hess Madam chair yeah okay so the minimum asking price and I just just want further clarification is this reflective of the appraisal value of this property I believe that's what Mr Rus okay I was quite correct got it no problem thank you m m I have some questions as well Mrs Fam thank you um I would like to know whether the minimum as U asking price contemplates two entrances or one entrance and which entrance that would be and also if there's any type of restriction I'm not sure if they're going to put an urgent care or anything else in there would we would have to have certain access um dictated because there's ambulance arriving or medal equipment or anything like that to get patients out of there in a hurry Dr F thank you thank you miss akabo the the the appraisal was Dawn and the we did uh throw appraisals for this property the appraisal takes into cons consideration the layout of the site but it doesn't um the price doesn't dictate you always have to look at access you know in anything you do regarding an access to facility so it contemplates but it's not um specifically based on that um in terms of access or ambulances at the end of the day any person who buys this uh property is going to go through the local government uh regulations and then BR Count's uh regulations regarding development of a property so that's going to be based on the local government regulations thank you anything else Mrs fam yeah um so specifically are we aware of any government um restrictions or regulations because we need to disclose that don't we Mr agabus there's no um there's no we don't have to disclose it because the government has BR County and then the city has their Land Development regulations on your website so that's a public information that any buyer will have to go through and then when to submit plans then those plans will be Ved against those regulations but they're publicly available in the city or the County's website okay thank you thank you anybody else have anything on the motion M Dr Zan thanks so much um I'm interested in the timing of this um we've tried to sell Surplus property uh I view our um existing policy and process to be very cumbersome and time consuming I think it scares buyers away because it takes a long time we've also seen sales where exceptions are allowed and delays um and I worry about that as well uh I am interested in doing this quicker rather than slower because I'd love Broward Heth to uh negotiate quickly with us to ex execute a contract and to build Eagles Haven better uh provide these internships quicker and I know Broward Health is very interested in in best speed as well is there a way chair that um we could uh either provide incentives for this system to happen faster or to set a deadline for bringing a final contract back to the board that might allow us to do this faster rather than slower Dr fon going to send that over to Mr akabo so uh Dr ziman I totally appreciate your comments um there are certain uh requirements we have to follow regarding including State statue when we dispose of property so those are part of and as you know when we did the sport survey we laid out those processes so clearly the next step is to go directly into through the superintendent the negotiations right um to pretty much do the contract so that can be done as soon as as we reach mutually reach you know based on what the motion was so a board item can be brought hopefully um depends on how fast we go maybe by March Maybe by February um so because all we have to do is go into direct negotiation then bring the purchase agreement uh to the board for approval terrific um I appreciate uh that um uh I'm I'm heartened by the fact that what I think I'm hearing is that a big part of the time that it takes normally to sell a surplus property is from the listing of the property and taking bids and competing and and the like and it turns out in this case we don't need to do that it's a superintendent of of schools being directed by us to go to a single buyer and work out what uh as Miss alep has pointed out here are some very limited Provisions right Eagles Haven and please run some internships with no square footage for Eagles Haven and no quantities for the number of internships so uh that gives everybody a lot of flexibility to come up with a really great plan um and I'm I'm hearing I think that that's the the the the secret to getting something done quicker rather than slower is that fair chair um I can you know not to again in the front end we've done all the front end work that's required by law this is the last piece to suplus and then if we were to put out on the street that's going to be the next point right so the next point now just go into direct negotiation then bring bring you your contract that's it that mind thanks so much chair thank you anybody else on the motion all those in favor of the motion say I I I any opposed okay all those in favor of the item as amended say I I I any opposed motion carries unan unanimously at this time Madame chair yes um as someone on the prevailing side I would like to bring back item rr1 okay um I have a is there a second to bring rr1 back to the floor second so um it's been moved by Dr holness seconded by Mrs rert to bring rr1 back okay so on rr1 board member Rupert uh gave a a an input that I believe um uh needed um some sort of emotion um so board member Rupert um could you reiterate what your input was because I know you gave it as a suggestion to the staff but I I thought maybe uh it appears that you wanted it to be some sort of a motion sure um through the chair go go ahead um it I'm sorry we're already removing the ESD membership um it's not been filled what my suggestion was and it should have been a motion um is that if we're removing it then all principles need to be trained in Universal Design for Learning um I believe they go through it just like we teachers have to every year so that would be my second to his motion is there a second to Mrs ruperts second okay any public comment on the motion any board member discussion on the motion Dr Zeman I'm just curious about the timing uh I think the Bond oversight I think the Bond oversight committee has either two or three meetings left before the end of the bond is there enough time for them the seven remaining members to get this training I apologize the motion said to train all the principles in the schools it wasn't about training the board me the bond committee members yeah isn't this item about the bond committee so the item is about the bond committee but they were removing one one of the members they were removing was the ESC member and so Mrs Rupert's concern was they were there because of refresh Universal Design of learning Universal Design of learning and since they're not going to be remaining on the bond she asking that principles be trained so that there is somebody who's looking out for that that piece to be in the schools as we move forward since there's no one on the bond to be looking out for that if if I'm speaking correctly that's it thank you you're welcome any other um I okay so I have a question I guess to staff is this is is it possible to do Dr Folton is it what would it entail to have principles be trained in this and is it prudent to do that considering I think the initial idea as we heard from staff was that those were needed in the beginning of the bond because you were designing things now we're in the end part of the bond so we won't necessarily need all of that input because that's not where we're at with the bonds so can someone speak to what this would look like or or how we would go about doing it so that was what my question would be as well too um what what is the end result of what what is the training what type of trainings uh what options will be available for principles as you consider um adding this right well I I'm not wanting to be the person that's responsible for their training I know as we teachers when we have to go training for ESC we have to take Universal learning for training so we do it it's like a yearly thing I am sure probably 100% sure please don't prove me wrong that all the principles know this already I just wanted another set of eyes there and I don't know about the rest of the districts but district 7 we are nowhere near completion of the bond from my perspective for my schools so I would actually welcome another set and I'm using Tommy Schroeder as the the guy that does this on a Saturday and I know multiple principles that do the same thing so um that that's my standpoint look out for district 7 still miss rer can I ask a question then I'm going to ask Dr Fen So when you say teachers have to do it is are you speaking to like the things we have to do at the beginning of the year we go through the ESC steps because I'm not familiar with the certification you to be keep your re your certification as a teacher you have to redo certain classes ese is one of them right that's not yearly though that's whenever you're because there is something the reason I'm asking is because every year and you can correct me Dr Folton every employee has to go through that ESC certification so would that suffice probably would because they already do that if I'm yes just wanted an extra set of eyes Okay seemed wrong to cut them out and I'm I'm trying to think um I don't know if anybody from PD in here what do we have currently for UD udl Universal Design of learning uh what does that look like um Simone Miss Hollingsworth sorry good afternoon again Simone Hollingsworth certainly um we know that our part of our certification recertification every 5 years is that we have to take the ESC course um regardless from the state so that's certainly built on there I would be cautious about the udl term because then that kind of narrowly puts us in a place versus you know um in part of our annual non-negotiable uh trainings aren't necessarily about ESC those are are you know required trainings that are larger and more over arching and certainly um I think we can always better perfect our craft and and learn more um we can work with our ESC team about you know they already are going out to principal trainings and principal meetings and doing big you know uh overarching trainings so I think we've got that covered in regards to the what's Best Practices that are happening perfect I'm good thank you so Mrs rert do you still feel like you need that motion okay this Leonard yeah um I just I I I'm curious so for I I understand that with the teachers we have to do our our ESC course um and [Music] I'm particularly intrigued by what uh Miss Hollingsworth said about um being cautious about udl using that specific term I'm curious like do administrators have to do that same or do do they have in order to recertify do they have to complete an ESC course um and then I'm wondering if we could elaborate on the the udl piece of that and why we want to be cautious about using that terminology Dr fton Miss hollinsworth yes so yes administrators have to take that ESC class as well um even if you have an ESC background and certification you still take that and then also just with the any type of time we use the curriculum term I think it just kind of locks Us in I think the premise and the best practices and the good teaching strategies and the good information is what we would be focused on not necessarily because sometimes things get redefined and get renamed so I think if we lock it into that that just kind of limits us and I'm also curious uh is that a specific curriculum or or content or professional development that is like proprietary that we would or is that just a general like uh theory of learning if I'm I believe it's General but still I would I would like to look into that but I think it's about the best practices that we'd want to focus in on and make sure everybody has that understanding okay so but just so for my own clarification or or to to reiterate what I'm hearing is that you know teachers and administrators do go through the this training in order to recertify so everyone has in fact been trained um in ESC strategies yes ma'am it's a state law so we have to do that got it thank you yep may I Mrs rert um I would be super happy with just an aster saying that we're removing the ESC uh you know because it's been vacant we're moving powering down whatever you want to say but to say that also there is training that occurs blah blah blah blah so people know that it's happening it makes the ESC um Concepts understandable the public knows that we take you know we're taking care of it we as teachers um staff we're doing what we need to do but it doesn't hurt to have a reminder when you're removing a specific classification of a membership for the bond oversight committee I think it it behooves us to do at least an aster G mention somewhere our kids deserve that do you want to adjust your motion absolutely okay so what would you like the motion to be uh I move that while taking I don't even know what the words are going to be for removing the ESC but wherever those words were were going to fall I would like to say that due to the fact that staff um take this class every few years for certification understanding that what's best for our ESC population in the classroom when it comes to construction etc etc we're all being Mindful and doing what we need to do to make our kids safe and welcome and inclusive how about that okay is there a second second I think if I could just to clarify that would go in the summary along with this item yes that's wonderful thank you thank you any other any public comment on the changes to the motion okay any other board discussion on the changes to the motion okay all those yes ma'am go ahead Mrs fam right thank you um Mr rert I I love your idea but um I'm not going to support it and I'll tell you why um because I think it puts to much pressure on the the princip princi and the teachers to carry the weight and we should have an expert in that area if not we should put in or by motion or whatever a require than an expert at least review the plans for ESC needs because once we get these plans rolling and cooking and construction starts it's so expensive to try to make amendments and and fix them and cure what we should have picked up and caught from the beginning so I don't think it's right that that we throw that responsibility on to the principes or the teachers I think this requires its own independent expert so thank you so much for bringing it and I I I do wish I could support it but but that's my hesitation thank you thank you any other comments okay all those in favor of the motion say I I any opposed opposed motion carries 8 to one um now we'll vote on the amended RR yeah the item itself the item as amended for rr1 all those in favor say I any opposed motion carries unanimously at this time do any of my sorry sorry I said opposed I was still on mute I didn't catch it in time thank you so it passes 8 to one at this time do any of my colleagues have any discussion or student successes to bring forth to the superintendent um do they have any discussions or student successes to bring forth for consideration um Mrs leonardy yeah I just wanted to get some clarification about a conversation at the beginning of the meeting regarding um the the suggested changes to procedures for public comments during school board meetings um you know I think our our general counsel uh talked about policy so I'm wondering um which changes will require a policy change and which changes um you know are are good to go for the new year here miss [Music] Batista thank you madam chair so any changes that affect the rights or responsibilities of the public would require a policy change if it's something that is internal related to just the behavior or the responsibilities of the board members themselves then that does not be need to be part of a of a a policy okay so I I'm going to go through because I really want to be very clear and H have us all be on the same page so on our website it says public agenda comments on items at regular or special school board meetings public hearings shall be received by registered speakers via online or speaking request card only at the start of consent and open Agenda sections of the meeting is that good to go or does that require a policy change that's already policy 1020 thank you the registered speakers shall be allotted up to 3 minutes per item to speak for a maximum of five agenda genda items not to exceed a total of 15 minutes during any single meeting including that person's written in general public comments that's part of our regular that's my understanding y after the public agenda comment section of the agenda the school board will receive additional public comments during the meeting only on motions and amendments relating to agenda items for for a time of up to one minute per speaker not to exceed the total of 15 minutes during any single meeting including that person's written general public comments that is also currently part of our policy 1020 okay so um I'm confused then why there was a discussion about having to change policy at the beginning of the meeting with the changes okay so um the there is a Florida statute uh 2860 0114 let me pull that up um and that uh that statute talks about it says members of the public shall be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard on a proposition before a board or commission the opportunity to be heard need not occur at the same time as which the board the board or commission takes official action or on the proposition if the opportunity occurs at a meeting that is during the decision-making process we do it at the same meeting usually um this section does not prohibit a board or commission from maintaining orderly conduct or proper decorum on a in a public meeting the opportunity to be heard is subject to rules or policies adopted by the board or commission as provided in subsection 4 and then when you go to subsection 4 the rules or policies uh that are outlined there are only four and the first one is provide guidelines regarding the amount of time an individual has to address the board or commission which we already have that in our policy as being three minutes uh prescribe procedures for allowing representatives of groups or factions on a proposition to address the board or commission that is not addressed by our policy currently uh number three is prescribe procedures or forms for an individual to use in order to inform the board or Commission of a desire to be heard uh to to indicate his or her support opposition or neutrality on a proposition and to indicate his or her designation of a representative to speak for him um we have part of that is is uh in our policy we do have forms that uh the speakers fill out when they need when they would like to speak the last one however designate a specified period of time for public comment is something that is designated in the in the statute as having having to um go through a policy process a Ru making process and that is not outline in our policy so if we you know the the default time for items or for speakers to come before the board would be while uh the item after the the item is called to the floor so when there is a first and a second and the mo and the item is placed on the floor normally that's the usual time for the last 20 years or what not that is the time when speakers have come and and spoken uh regarding the items if that specific um issue needs to be changed then it would have to go through a policy uh process uh pursuant to the prescribed um statutory language okay so I guess I'm a little concerned because we had a lengthy conversation about these changes the last board meeting and we didn't really that none of this was brought to our attention um right and and at that time um I had not um heard about the changes at the time that they were um communicated to the board and what I first did was look up the the um look up the rule look up 1020 and quickly go through it to see if there was anything that was in Conflict there I didn't find anything uh subsequent to that I had the opportunity to look at the actual statute that refers and talks about the rule and that's I brought it to the attention of the chair U Mrs zon that that was something that needed to occur okay so I'm still having trouble though in the two suggested changes uh for the new year on our website what exactly of those changes needs to go to policy making or to Ru making um I don't I'm not sure those are the the things that I read out loud that you said are currently in policy right if they're currently in policy those do not need to be changed the only thing that would have to go back to first of all the policy is coming back already um regardless of you know these changes or or what not because there has been a a change in law that we need to address uh but the only change that would have to be also part of the policy would be uh the fact that the speakers will be taking at the beginning you're designating a time uh specifically when the uh the speakers are to come and speak okay so that that should have then been very clear when I was reading those changes that are on our website I don't think those are currently on our website I yeah I read them out loud there so I think I know where you're referring to we did post that on Friday and I should be a note there that the changes are being delayed into the new year yeah and so that's what I was reading and I was asking what what is currently what would require a policy change and so I'm sorry if you if you read something where it said that the speakers would be taken at the beginning of the meeting I missed it um and uh that that the part that needs to come back in policy okay thank you Dr Zeman thanks so much um I want to respond to uh to something a little earlier uh when we got um into some issues um about uh make our school safe I want to thank you and Elon for all your work it's been remarkable uh it's quite a testimony and um uh what you've done is amazing thank you um for the staff that are here uh still it's 5:00 we started at 8:40 this morning it's been a long day um I personally am very very committed to you to be able to work in a place in which you um are uh respected and um and appreciated for the things that you do and I'll continue to work on that uh largely because it's the right thing to do uh but I also want you guys to stay and work hard on building the best school district in the country Full Stop on that um when I um get get back from the break uh I'm going to have a town hall at Gulfstream Early Learning Center it'll be on January 8th uh all the tenants um and all the other uh functional leads that use that facility will be invited and uh I um will hear from them about all the amazing things that they're doing on that site and I just wanted my colleagues to know that uh we're doing that at the beginning of the year uh I've made some very public comments about that facility and uh I want to show that I'm willing to go and hear from the people that use that facility to make sure that we're fully informed um and I'm at least fully informed about the things that are going on there thanks so much chair thank you Mrs Al thank you so over the weekend I was in Parkland and I went to the hate ends now cattle car exhibit it's a traveling exhibition designed to raise awareness about hate Prejudice and in the Holocaust the amazing MSD teacher Sharon Cutler she helped to bring this exhibit to Parkland and the exhibit uses a restored full-size cattle car a trained car used to transport people to concentration camps during the Holocaust as essential piece of the exhibit the exhibit exhibit is typically used to educate the public about the horrors of the Holocaust and how hate and bigotry led to the atrocities committed during that time the exhibit exhibit often includes artifacts images and narratives that shed light on the experiences of the victims of the Holocaust it aims to encourage reflection on the consequences of hatred and intolerance while fostering conversations about the importance of Human Rights and the need to combat hate and discrimination Mo in modern society the hate ends now message focuses on promoting Unity understanding and peace encouraging people to confront and reject hate and all forms the exhibition serves as both a memorial to the past and a call to action for the present and fure future Palm Beach High um Palm Beach county is is having this in their high schools and my ask is for this to be brought to Brower County Public School high schools to supplement their Holocaust Education and I've provided Dr heern with the contact information thank you so much uh Mrs Thompson um so just for board consideration or chair consideration since you set the agenda I do really think it's important to continue having the H3 H4 items prior to the chair reports just because it's really difficult especially our chairs that have young kids or middle school kids that are dropping people off to get them to their schools and then get them get them here um and then also the parking consideration otherwise I love all your changes and thank you thank you um I'm going to go next if no one else has anything to say I appreciate it and just I do thank you okay well I started so you have to wait till I'm done um I I appreciate Mrs Leonard bringing that up because I apologized profusely for the confusion earlier today I we were under the impression based on the consensus that we had from the board on the workshop on the 10th because it was discussed there and consensus was yes let's move forward with the changes and it came to me very late yesterday that there might be a concern from somebody so for um that purpose we are delaying it and I have pushed back and asked Miss Batista to please give us all a memo by Friday looking at what other districts do and what is truly the issue with making these changes without going through policy and what the she needs to prove me wrong because I don't think we have to I believe our policy allows us that flexibility and then what we do um moving forward so I appreciate you asking the questions and again I will take the brunt of the the concern because I thought I asked all the questions I thought I asked for consensus I wasn't just trying to do something on my own but um apparently some people didn't take it that way so thank you for that um I'd like to say congratulations to all the Broward Education Foundation Hall of Fame awardees this past um well I guess last week right yeah um we are are very proud of everybody and thank you for all that you do for our district and I'd like to also say congratulations to the all-star cheerleaders bands and football athletes they were celebrated last week the cheerleaders and football players had a banquet and they did a great job of um doing some public speaking and sharing what this meant to them and then it was wonderful to see the band play at the halftime and congratulations to the north side because they won um Mrs Fam thank you i' like to take a shout out for Griffin Elementary um your Christmas party was fabulous everyone really enjoyed it um the bicycle giveaway was really done very discreetly and um I'm sure those children appreciated um receiving a a bicycle for the holidays um in addition I just wanted to tell Mrs alad that I support her decision to uh extend her offer to bring the Holocaust I don't know if it's a van bus or or mobile unit to other schools and put on a presentation but um and if there's anything that I can assist with for my district I'm gladly here to help thank you Dr holess thank you madam chair so I'd like to express congratulations to the 19 schools that have earned the prestigious distinction of becoming positive behavior intervention and support schools I am especially proud to highlight that four of these schools are from District 5 a special acknowledgement goes to Rock Island Royal Palm Village Elementary William Dandy for their outstanding achievements and I'd like to say happy holidays and a Happy New Year to the board and to the staff and to parents and students and everyone thank you so much thank you the schedule of ordered business for this regular school board meeting of the school board of brow County Florida has been completed seeing o obligation I now journ the meeting and wish everybody happy holidays thank you yeah e e e e e e e e e e e e