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exception of media once the gymnasium has reached its seating capacity attendees will be directed to a designated overflow area upon activation of the fire alarm systems please exit from the room in an ordinary fashion and continue to exit the building and remain outside until this jurisdiction has deemed this building safe to return we ask that all attendees to maintain a respectful and professional demeanor during the meeting disruptive behavior including but not limited to yelling interrupting speakers or engaging in personal taxs will not be [Music] tolerated if you engage in disruptive behavior interfering with the orderly process of the meeting I will issue a verbal warning to seize the disruption immediately in Failure to comply with this warning will result in your removal from The Boardroom by law enforcement our primary focus is to create a safe and productive environment for all of our participants thank you so much for your cooperation board members Eman will now introduce his school to lead us in the pledge allegiance to the flag Dr Zan thank you so much chair I'm very very proud uh as a graduate of Sunrise Middle School to uh introduced uh my alma mater my Middle School alma moer Sunrise uh Middle School home of the Fighting Falcons and uh my uh my alma moer and a proud uh School in our system thank you so much [Music] chair please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God visible with liberty and justice for all as we prepare to begin this school board Workshop we are reminded that our vision is 100% proficiency for all of our students aspiring to become an a school district our purpose to and every day is to achieve this goal in achieving this goal we are committed to ensuring everyone counts our culture will be student centered teacher supported and principal LED the following topics are scheduled for board discussion at this Workshop corly Joint School Board and advisory committees discussion rule development P facility planning and real estates policies 1270 and 8030 playgrounds in the district rule development metal detectors rule development code of conduct suspension and expulsion fiscal year 2425 budget Workshop number six and employee supplements at this time nope okay at this time we will now have our quarterly Joint School Board and advisory committee's discussion I will now turn it over to staff for a presentation or we can go right to our committee chairs who would like to begin Dr Lynch Walsh good morning Dr Natalie Lynch wal chair of the district's audit committee and Facilities task force um we sent the board we met on June 7th and June 17th to discuss uh where we left off and what issues we had for this meeting and you were sent an attachment yesterday with the items so uh from the 320 quarterly meeting followup we were looking for any progress on the systemic issues that we presented last time and we do have some specific questions related to that um but working in reverse order back in October the former da chair was wrongly arrested and sent to jail and spent 27 hours being detained for something she did not do you just renewed the SI the SIU detective who wrote false statements on a police report and we all assumed or had heard that he resigned but he was renewed so what has been the accountability for that incident the best $2500 the district ever spent was spent on a report that was done shortly thereafter that found that she never did anything wrong and if anything that officer almost set her up so that when she put her bag on her shoulder she had no choice but to end up hitting him with it and that is not what he wrote that happened on the police report so is there no accountability not for him not for the chief of Safety and Security what happened as a result of that that's the first question on the list before we get into communication issues this isn't a board meeting where you guys don't respond we this is a question we're kind of curious as to the answer what's what's happening as a result we're all volunteers and on any given day the same thing Could Happen Dr heurn staff like to speak to that thank you um I can provide a followup but prefer not to talk specifically about a Personnel issue um so we'll provide a followup of of any um strategies or practices that ensure that you know our volunteers aren't put in in similar situation like that in the future which they haven't um after that incident we've uh reviewed our protocols with Chief alberty um he's updated his team and his staff to ensure something like that never ever happens again but we can provide a follow-up and writing just to lay out those protocols Miss leonardy yeah I mean I think some of the recommendations uh that were made were around training I think by the that specific consultant but also by the board we you know many of us did talk about training um is there a plan for that has any training taken place Dr urn Chief alberty good morning uh Jamie alberty chief of Safety and Security yes ma'am we did training back in January uh that was completed a deescalation training through um all SIU members back in January okay um and then I guess is there a a plan for like routine training like a Cadence to for for new hires but also um I I know at least as a teacher I had to do training every year on Child Abuse Prevention and things like that so I'm wondering do we have a regular Cadence planned for that we do chief yes ma'am Chief nowitz has been a price of the incident he was part of all the training now he's a chief of SIU um he's making a plan to make sure that we are continuing to follow yearly training on this type of the escalation okay um I didn't know if someone else had it I just want to be clear this officer there it is a violation to put something in writing which he did write something the police report statute 83706 it's a form of perjury to put something in writing that an elected official relies upon if it's a misrepresentation so that police report is what everyone is thinking happened but it did not so it's great that training is happening and all of that but you can't she can't unlive the 27 hours that this misrepresentation caused her to have the man was renewed as opposed to being non-renewed so we're that's okay he's renewed and he had there's no disciplinary action at all this Leonard have the floor thank you um so I my other question was going to be around um due process and any invest did we do any internal investigation is that a question that I'm allowed to ask um in in a Workshop setting Miss Jaz Adams I I think that's it thank you I think that is a question for chief Alberti um because sometimes um when you're uh in the middle of an investigation you can't discuss those matters so factually speaking um Mr alberty Dr heern Chief alberty yes if you're asking if there was an internal investigation no there wasn't with the superintendent of the time wanted to have an external person conduct um a review of the case and that's what happened okay um I understand the the reason behind having an external investigation but I would say you know if as a teacher I did something or was accused of doing something there would be an internal investigation as well um and it's important that we you know respect due process and follow the same protocols for our employees you know as we would historically um you know and I don't believe an external investigation has any bearing on discipline um so I you know I would ask that we would follow all of our policies and protocols for all of our employees um equally thank you thank you anyone else Dr Zeman thanks so much chair um this is an issue that's been simmering for quite a while and I appreciate it being brought up uh one of the issues that all of us need to think a little bit about is this is not something that happened at uh X middle school or Y Middle School this happened with Schoolboard members being witnesses to what happened and what we saw uh deserves an internal investigation and deserves action uh if for no other reason because this is not us relying on second person information this is what we saw in the room that we meet in and I feel like that there's two issues one been brought up by our volunteer uh adviser today the second is the the training uh for our law enforcement Personnel for the Safety and Security of school leaders everywhere um that is another area which I think is worthy of internal investigation and then uh internal action thanks chair M Fam thank you madam chair um just a few brief questions uh one is um was there not um an internal investigation conducted based on the outcome of the expert that was previously hired and based on his recommendations uh the second thing I just want to bring to the board's attention is um in order for there to be a crime committed there has to be intent there has to be intent on that person so I don't know if the investigative report found that there was no intent because I don't in reading that I remember reading it I don't recall anything recommending any type of criminal chargement from that law enforcement officer so I'm wanting to know if that's why there was no internal investigation is because we're relying on the expert that we paid for spent a lot of money on and hired to review the video talk to people and then assess the situation and give us recommendations Dr AB Chief alberie so the result of the incident um we had discussions with the superintendent he wanted to have an external person review the case and based on the recommendations um we put a training plan in place to make sure that we are aware of sorry we got Echo here make sure that we're aware of um you know how we're conducting ourselves in in the board meeting and how we're uh you know being aware of deescalation techniques and tactics and maybe new things that are happening that we may not may not be Familiar of so you know the training happen in January we'll continue to do it I believe we have additional training happening this summer and again like I said previously the chief is making sure that we're continuing to um keep our Professional Standards as we're conducting ourselves in our board meetings and throughout the day to make sure that our officers have the latest and greatest training Dr Lynch Walsh uh that did not answer the question at all um Mrs fam's question was whether there was an in intent and actually I don't have the report in front of me but like I said the first time the expert all but set said that mastriani knew because he was so close behind Debbie Espinosa that the second that she were to step back to put her purse on her shoulder and any one of us that carts one of these around knows you need some clearance that purse is going to hit that tote bag is going to hit him and he actually specifically mentioned that and all but said there was intent to answer your question so yes there should be and thank you Miss Leonardi and Dr Zan for asking for an internal investigation so that all employees are treated the same and this is not what we wanted to spend our time talking about we were a little shocked to find that he had been renewed so I guess the outcome of this is is there going to be an internal investigation started I keep hearing under the former superintendent that no that wasn't the plan but we're on a different superintendent so what's the plan now going forward okay before we continue we have one public speaker artha Wimberly good morning thank you is my mic on okay yes don't start my time now we ready okay so good morning I'm artha Wimberly I'm the president of grand United Community PTA and we are dedicated to helping all of our children in District 5 on the east side particularly have a Equitable opportunity to have um access to the public education system in brow County with that said I have two questions how how many of the community advisory chairs are selected from members of The District 5 Eastside Community a lot of the conversations about the deficiencies and the needs for improvement or related to those particular students yet they do not have persons from their Community selected as chairpersons to my knowledge on from the East side not just District 5 from the East side where there are more of the economic disparities as well well as some of the um access to meetings such as the focus training that is happening right now during this same time as this uh board meeting um how many of the persons in those neighborhoods have opportunities to take equal and full advantage of these opportunities these meetings these training sessions that are offered by brow County Public Schools again um I'm artha Wimberly I am the President of grand United Community PTA we hope that all of you would take this wonderful opportunity to join our Endeavor to diversify our parent teacher associations to give all of our children the opportunity to the benefits that are offered by a thriving parent teacher Association that many of the schools in District 5 on the east side have not had um we are so fortunate to have our current board member um as a member of our PTA we're so fortunate to have the support of Dr um hebburn who's the current superintendent he's been phenomenal in dispatching his staff to um assist us with the um implementation of some pilot projects that we believe would be impactful for our students but again unless we are everywhere where we're being talked about we are not being equally represented so I want to know how are the selections for these committee chairs um completed and why aren't more from from these neighborhoods District 5 East Side and similar communities um where those socioeconomic status may not be as affluent where those social determinants are more prevalent we're being talked about a lot but we're not in these spaces to speak for ourselves and influence the decisions thank you thank you anybody else would like to speak on the first topic are we allowed to speak can you guys hear me oh okay go ahead Miss rert um yes I actually concur with um Dr Zan and uh and miss leardi about having a a really a thorough investigation on how this uh you know occurred I'm not going to you know mention it more times than that but it's extremely important for us to um listen to what the experts said and um I also wanted to know if there was um any sort of a an apology or a letter that said you know we really messed up here something like that because I mean the backbone of this district is our children our families our staff and of course the um and our employees so it's it's extremely important that our volunteers are treated with respect they don't get paid and they volunteer sorry I'm not in the cold here um they don't they they don't get paid for that but they actually help us help children period there's no agenda for them besides that so let's treat them with more respect thank you thank you Miss Pier Nar Grant um I was just gonna say yes no girl say what you want um I was just gonna say that um uh are we allowed to say anything on speakers are we just we're gonna get we're that's next okay I'll wait for you Mr Fen hly talking about public speakers yeah resp I think she was talking I was talking about public speakers are we allowed to comment on that resp well we don't you can just comment but we don't go back and forth no no yeah fine no problem um I I while I um appreciate the speaker um points we do have a diverse group of people who are chairs um in all their our um what is this committees ad advisories whatever um and um we there is representation um sometimes you may not see it because you're not in the rooms but that doesn't mean that they're not there um however uh it's very difficult when you when uh school board members appoint people and those people are not um fully committed and so missed opportunities happen where they are not visible because they're not coming to the meeting so it's not it's not the lack of the school board members appointing people it's the lack of commitment that those people who were appointed that they don't demonstrate so I just want to put that out there thank you Mr fenoli thank you very much chair and um I just want to comment very quickly on the situation with Miss Espinosa um for the volunteers I feel like I hear the frustration coming from them and the right things are not addressed I feel like we're just skating around everything um um through this whole process has there been any apology or any public apology for Miss Espinosa through the situation of what happened drer not that I'm aware of unless any other staff member um Can comment got it so miss Espinosa as a board member and on behalf of the board I would like to say I'm sorry right it's very simple I think we continue to just skate around the answer or instead of addressing it and it feels like we're trying to cover something up or just hide it that's the frustration none of these volunteers are coming to volunteer and give their time and be put in a risk of being arrested like that that for for me was very ugly so even with school boards Across the Nation we've seen this somebody raises how they feel their opinion get arrested nobody's coming to a school board meeting to get arrested I hope not but I think for us we just need to address things head on if not they continue to linger this has been weeks months that we continue to talk about the same thing so again I apologize we should handle things better and we should know that and nobody should have a risk of being arrested at a board meeting so I just wanted to say that chair I just feel like we just continue to keep skating around this we want to get on with business but address what the concern is from our volunteers thank you thank you okay so Dr heurn you're going to circle back with the board regarding this issue correct okay thank Prov some information okay so next on the list is communication issues Dr Lynch wal do you want to kick that off yes uh what was discussed versus what was done uh since the 320 meeting there have been no updates or visible progress towards resolving communication issues or improving support provided to advisories uh and looking ahead to next year report templates web pages and Microsoft planner were discussed um we had a discussion related to DAC not receiving staff presentation 7 days in advance we took an informal survey and found out that esol and the parent Community involvement task force both confirm receiving backup in advance on a consistent basis but diversity FTF tax South area and North Area did not Central Area received backup in advance if they work directly with the staff that was going to do the presentation and the audit committee any backup could that was from the office of the chief auditor is generally available in advance um so that hasn't been an issue uh what has what has happened since 320 so first off is that's one of our issues and this was all stuff that we had hoped to see progress on uh on 520 there was a memo to District advisory committee chairs from uh Jamie alberty the chief Safety and Security Officer restricting access to the pre function room we had a couple of questions uh why was the memo issued did a security related issue occur prior to the memo does the memo apply to the student adviser and then uh item C on here on 521 pp4 School Board policy 1020 school board meetings and Rules of Order was amended all advisory feedback was disregarded the board approves requiring written reports from all groups identified in the committee report section of the regular school board agenda if a representative is not present to provide an oral report so there are questions like how do you enforce that what happens if you're not there and you don't do a written report and clearly there are groups that have never done written reports like esab Copa um are they all to now if they don't come to give an oral report because that is what was approved so um those are some of the communication issues then we have uh follow-up issues and the action item from last time but I guess we can start with communication all the items under that section Dr hurn thank you chair can you hear me okay there we go um for the first item uh a uh Dr W I think um we met in the was that the March 20th meeting no we met post March 20th with the advisory chairs and Dr W that talked about a specific um strategy and plan to address some of the issues of communication uh where items can be housed where requests can be made that'll be rolled out real soon um for Item B this is more about being proactive um uh personally I have a concern or have had a concern um prior to Chief alberie changing the protocols of of how people enter the boardroom and exit the boardroom where where staff is to be housed during board meetings as they're waiting for items to to come up and be discussed with the board um just to make sure that we're tightening up our security protocols to alleviate any possibility of security concerns in the boardroom um so those are specific strategies just to make sure we're more proactive and keeping everybody safe um during our board meetings it's not about uh if something happened before but it's a proactive measure to keep to keep everyone safe in our boardroom and have uh uh identify egresses and and and exits in and out of our building um trying to reread item C I'm sorry I don't have my readers today I think there are a couple of people that already have questions on a and b as the okay we can hop to questions on A and B if if uh while you review C oh I would um guess the item C would be more of a consensus from the board as far as um how we move forward with uh just felt with C that the consequence is that the board isn't get going to get the information provided by the committee so there's no penalty they're you're volunteers and so that the board just does not get the information go ahead yeah I just wanted to address the um concerns about the the various different rooms as you come to the boardroom the pre function room has gotten increasingly and and just to tell you I've been coming since the board moved into that building the the pre function room has become increasingly congested over the years as more and more staff people are down there but if there's an important matter coming before you and there's a lot of community coming out for it there really aren't that many places for them to congregate I mean you have a very small area around the vending machine Mach okay and you have the boardroom but short of that what is the plan for having the public there you have a whole building where your staff can go and pretty much get downstairs if they need to to address items but I I don't see that same planning in place for the public so I I um I think there are some other options that could be looked into and that you could potentially um Implement some other strategies but I don't know know that just closing the doors on the public to the pre function room is necessarily the best option thank you Dr wza good morning um I'll let Chief alberie speak as well so one of the things that we have implemented thank you Miss feric for that comment is when there are items that we um believe will Garner um significant public attendance or public input we have implemented alternate plans where staff is in another room so that we do open up the pre function room during those times but generally um that the plan that has been derived for the typical meetings when we um there are items that may not um call out as many individuals from the public but um his team has implemented alternate strategies and options when areas or I'm sorry when items such as you have referred to may come up Dr Lynch Walsh um okay so most random members of the public have no idea the pre function room exists so this is not about random members of the public which tend to congregate over by the um TV by the security desk on the other side this memo was addressed specifically to advisory chairs so I'm going to share my perception of what this was about and the reality because I am in receipt of text messages where Chief Alberti is informing um Dr heurn that he had a special um officer there to restrict nlw from going into the pre function room this is about treating advisories the same as members of the public it comes across as though you're putting out a message to advisories that we don't see you as any different you're subject to the same 15minute rule you have to sit with all the members of the public and we sure don't want you talking to staff and from my perspect just like Mary said that there have been increasing numbers of staff sitting there it never used to be that crowded but now you have a wall up and the staff sitting there can't even see and what work do you think staff is getting done there so to the point of the person that asked the question what precipitated this what precipitated this because this was of all the things you could work on of all of the things on this list we also have um the board chair would work with the superintendent on communicating the cessor data reporting and how it was happen because there were concerns that non- egregious things that are happening people know are happening in schools are not being reported have we had an update there no diversity committee staff Sunset it over time three policies that have to do with standards of service which ties to the CCC condition number three any answer there no gifted advisory had a request for identifying gifted students by school and demographics have we gotten an update on that you did okay that's one update so um and then we get to starting July 1 hold on hold on oh I don't want to upate now okay I got an update but not that um where they are they're still working on trying to find out where those Sunset policies are and how they're going to bring them either bring them back or discuss it so I did get something I don't want you to feel like I a get something I did I I did get something okay so then that leaves us because again what I'm getting at is in a list of 99 problems keeping nlw away from staff in the pre function room which is what this is about per the text messages and let me be clear no staff person has ever narked on anything in the pre function room because everybody can hear you but what we do manage to accomplish in the pre function room with staff is minutia um things that have dragged on that staff might have been too busy to deal with you see them you go hey you remember that email I sent you oh yep okay boom boom boom done and then it's done we don't have to nag them anymore it's things like that that we getting done that can't get done and now everybody's afraid we can't even see the staff because you have the Berlin wall up so how is that the most important thing and how does that tie into the Strategic plan and what message are you sending to us with that action nothing good nothing good so work on the list of 99 problems and then when you have nothing else to worry about you can think about where we're peeing and who we're talking to Mr fog thank you very much chair and uh so I look at our agenda and I see 9:25 to 10:25 yep for time and we've talked about adult problems this whole time all right I understand the pre function room that's not what's best for kids right now that doesn't benefit our kids I'm sitting in between the human relations committee and the technology advisory committee these two great ladies have notes on their entire notepad we haven't discussed anything discussing our committees let's go so I appreciate that I think superintendent please let's address these things let's get to it pre function room take the walls down right take this wall down sure let's do it but I want to talk about what's going to benefit our kids what these committees are suggesting how we can work together to move our district forward but I feel like we're not getting anything done right now recommendations thank you than thank you yes um thank you for that uh Mr folen holy um looking forward to talking about some of our student issues myself too but just just to close this out um thanks for the feedback also miss fdct we'll look at our protocols and we're that we have something in place and we have uh items that are U requiring large groups of people to attend uh and we will ensure that our pre function room is set up so our staff can do what they need to do and work appropriately undisturbed and also our visitors and guests feel welcome at the same time um also just to close this out real quick with the Safety and Security cessor data reporting we do have a meeting already scheduled I don't have that specific date um but that's already scheduled um to go over that information with the here on okay we do have a date right here uh July 29th um to go over that information Linda far so four months if you're so concerned about our security just have us fingerprinted I'm fingerprinted I'm fine with that but if security is an issue just do that simple and easy I'm sorry can you repeat what you said I couldn't hear you have us fingerprinted okay if you're concerned that GL I go through Global Entry Global Entry is much more intense than what we have to go through here so I feel Homeland Security does a better job in securing okay anybody new like to weigh in on any topic um on any topic on this sheet I'm trying to go in order of our list page well let's let's get let's get there cuz I need I want I want to be productive so um I can flip back to school planning because if we start talking about who's in charge of advis of facilitating advisories that's going to take up the next 25 minutes because I have a feeling nobody's thought that through so should we skip ahead to fiscal year back to school planning all right and then we'll double back um so we had a discussion on back to school planning because we were trying to focus on things that could be accomplished cuz we we aimed for 30 60 90 days and as you can see nothing happened in the 990 days so the next 90 days gets us to the start of school so let's we made a list of things that we were concerned about that we hope can be handled before school starts okay number one communication with parents there appears to be a disconnect when you get asked the question how would you like to be contacted versus how you're actually being contacted parents are given the option to select text email or Parent Link but may not be receiving messages from The Chosen platforms you know like you're getting emails or phone calls when you ask for a text message or vice versa uh they suggested using uh school name at Broward schools as the sender email address so parents know which school is trying to contact them I cannot tell you how many emails I get I have to learn the name of all these random people at my kids school because they don't use that format or anything close to it so you have to know that Joe Blow is actually the guidance counselor or the AP or is sending emails on behalf of the school because it doesn't say that so that's confusing um and then ensuring school websites and calendars are maintained with timely and relevant information that does not happen necessarily so if we could and then so that's all under a communication with parents B customer service training front desk customer service training needed before school starts someone suggested utilizing the secret shopper format to test if that that's occurring um back to school forms what will the process look like now that Focus has been launched the current process is some archaic Cobble together that someone trying to be helpful thought up but I'm we're thinking we now have Focus are back to school forms going to be different or is it going to be that same aric thing that we've been subjected to which is an improvement over the paper when my kids started school it was all paper um then it went to this back to school form Wiz Wizard or something um but we have Focus which is I believe is it 25 million for the next 15 years surely something like that but surely it does something with back to school forms so those are the three items under back to school planning so um what can we accomplish before school starts Miss leonardy I'm sorry I just have a question about the the format of this conversation um how are we ensuring that everyone has equal or equitable time to to speak they could just raise their hand and be put on a list got it okay thank you I'm just waiting from the list okay so since Dr Lynch Walsh is done um can we allow some of the chairs I just want to point one thing out um that we don't have the area chairs up here like we did last time I'm not sure if that was on purpose but pardon okay so if it wasn't I I I I believe that the area chairs should be allowed to be part of this conf ation as I mentioned to Dr hebburn when we were talking about redefining is that you have a group of active chairs here including the area chairs where you don't have to reinvent the wheel and I think they should be able to have a a seat at the table they did have like you know little things last time and so I'm a little bit disappointed that they're not here um and there's some items that are coming after our our part that you have um not utilize that group so I don't want you to reinvent the wheel you do have active people who are who are here and who are engaged with the community their ptso their sack staff and all those people so um please do not um uh disregard them because they are just as vital as everybody else so I've had a couple of times to talk and I don't want to take it over but I'd like the other chairs to be able to say something Miss verdick yeah I just wanted to say that just from our committee perspective we are going to be working on these first two bullet points well actually I guess all three but the first two customer service training and I know that we really had um as a result of the initial research from our our task force there was really a great customer training um service training module and I know you talked about bringing that back and so we're kind of doing a few things but we're not going to tell you what because that would ruin the secret shopper uh plan that we have and um also communication we had some conversations about how we can best be communicating and um and so just wanted to go back and say parents are given a choice and if you if they want to be uh contacted by text but you're you're robocalling them all the time then you're probably going to lose some people there so just as you're doing those back to school forms number c um if you just make sure to give them a clear choice on how they want to have that communication and then make sure that you do it thank you thank you ahead uh just real quick I would like to Echo about putting the names on the text messages I have other topics too but um I just want for uh the text messages are actually more difficult than the emails the emails I kind of know who the staff is at my child's school I can figure out where the emails are coming from but the text messages sometimes have no identifying information and if it just says like school is closing early or something like that it doesn't say which school and I have kids have very different schools so the text messages I think is actually more crucial to have that identifier on it um and so I just had a couple topics I wanted to hit on um I apologize this would have normally come up during my committee report uh at the last meeting I was out of town due to a death in the family so sorry for bringing it all now but um I there were just a couple really important issues that I wanted to hit on uh we had just had our student support and academic enrichment conference uh with diversity equity and school climate they put on a great conference uh got shut down a little early due to weather but um with had teachers coming from the Tri County Area there were some really productive discussions and trainings that happened during in um and just a few issues that had to come up uh during my discussions with the students and during some of the student panels uh the first one and this is something that goes back to the um uh fall seminars that we had had also um and just I don't know how to address above my pay grade to figure out how to address but uh there was a constant discussion about the students felt that they were mistrusted by Administration uh at a variety of schools at for different causes uh trying to come if they want to have an event they'll bring it to admin and then they say they just get shut down or they get ignored disregarded um but regardless of how they brought forth these issues the underlying sort of theme was that students felt like Administration did not trust them they did not trust them to put together events appropriately they didn't trust them to behave appropriately and I think it we need to look at working with our administrators on how they're communicating with the students and how they are making the students feel so the students feel like they're an active vital part of their school and not just being slept through a factory uh in essence cuz that's the feedback we got from a lot of the students uh additionally again going back to issues that were raised in the fall the infrastructure issues still we're still having reports of mold some from the same schools that I had brought up first in the fall um we're hearing about uh air conditioners being shut off in bathrooms which in as a um method to kind of keep the kids out of the bathrooms but it's becoming a health issue at this point uh with the bathrooms being so warm and so having all the moisture that they have in there um there are also complaints about uh noisy construction and uh fire alarms and things going off during the school day I don't know if there's anything that can be done about how we're I know we have a lot of construction going on at a lot of schools but anything that can be done outside of school hours that is nois not to say that all construction should be shut down but anything that's going to be noisy and disruptive to the learning environment uh any way that we can look at having that after school hours uh would be really beneficial to the students um also uh brace advising still getting reports that uh students aren't able to access brace advising in a timely manner uh that they're not getting to the kids until halfway through senior year when it's way too late uh I know um at least North advisor I don't know if District advisory it also brought forth uh the motion to move brace advising to middle school or have a a brace advising option in middle school but the high schoolers that I talk to actually love that idea so if there's any way to um I don't know what the status is of that motion but if that could be looked into further I think that would be really helpful and then um a topic we all love to talk about fights um the students are being disrupted by it as much as we're bothered by it and uh there's a couple inherent issues with it we all know that fighting is a problem but there's the issue of inequitable penalties for it different schools handle fights differently some are reporting everything as a major fight I know we're trying to uh revise a lot of these policies uh when we do the discipline Matrix revisions but uh just something to keep in mind to really keep an eye on the schools that are only labeling fights in one category because we know not all fights are going to be the same so if they're labeling them all as minor fights or major fights there's probably an issue there and then uh on top of that the feedback from the students is that a lot of these fights are happening just because the students don't know how to handle themselves and so looking into more preventative measures not just the punitive side of you're going to get suspended looking at the root causes why do these kids not know how to communicate properly why are they resorting immediately to violence there's a a saying that uh violence is the lowest form of communication these kids need communication skills they need emotional regulation skills they need emotional intelligence and um I think we need to address that more so than just the punitive measures once they start fighting so I think I've taken enough time with the mic dress job Madam chair I just want to make a suggestion because it's important I I believe I I appreciate our committees coming to us every 3 months um and for me it's important that I hear from every single uh chair and so I just believe that we should put a structure in place so we can have a fair platform for everyone to give us input in a reasonable time because this is scheduled for 1 hour and some chairs may speak for 20 30 minutes others are rushing to get their points across uh I think we should have some structure in place maybe going forward that we afford each committee chair because I'm sure each of them has something to say that's why they're here uh 5 minutes to give us their points that they have and then we could do a second round I also think one hour is not adequate I am suggesting that we in the future have this at 90 minutes but as a board member I have interest in hearing from every single one and I don't want others to feel they have to rush to give me information because I think this is important for me to take back and decide what I'm going to do with that information so I believe the Board needs to put a structure in place when we meet subsequently so we can hear from each and everyone and that each person feel they have a fair platform to which they can give their points without rushing so I think the board should Weighing on that after we're done so we can put some structure in place to make this fair this ton thank you okay um I had a couple of questions or suggestions I guess one what if we could go back to the idea of the the advisories if they're not showing up to give us a written report I think maybe working with staff or or having a better conversation CU we need to know what what's happened in that month it puts us in a bad place if we're not hearing from those different committees I mean that's the whole point of having a committee is to hear what they what's been happening and concerns they have so we know how to address them so I would just suggest maybe we have someone on staff reach out to them and ask if they could if we don't see that they're giving us written reports to do that because I think the information is very important for us I'd also like to ask Dr heurn um to work with u Miss Fry on what schools you're seeing those mold issues in and where the air condition is being turned off in the bathroom because these are Big concerns um especially when they're coming from students so if you could share that information with with Dr hebburn so that we can make sure that we um take care of that and I would just also like to ask Dr heurn I know I spoke with him and I also spoke with beta hudge from student services about rolling out something next year that focused on helping students to understand how to deflect some of those things and in the context of bullying but also kind of in what you're saying about being able to communicate and teach teaching them those skills to someone can say something that you don't like but how do you instead of absorbing it and making it turn to rage how do you deflect it back and make it something that you can have a discussion about and that's something that um I've been talking to them about for a couple of months now so I know we were going to try to put something and figure out where it fit in the curriculum so I was just wondering um if you could follow up and let us know where that's fits in because that's a huge issue and falls again into that bullying piece on how are we doing a district plan to address the bullying that's happening that turns into fights or or other mental health concerns that we're trying to combat so thank you thank you Miss six and and just to add to that I think you know what are those resiliency skills that we are teaching every one of our students to be able to deal with those stresses in their life and to deal with it in a positive way instead of fighting yeah Miss Fam thank you madam chair um thank you for coming today I really enjoy the information that you're sharing and I just want to respond with a few updates if you wouldn't mind um first of all it's my perception and I want this as a legal argument that um a shoe doesn't work without the sole and the heel they're um symbiotic which means they depend on one another doesn't have any value you just have the soul the shoe without the heel the heel doesn't have any value without the soul so the same thing here with what we're talking about safety safety and discipline go together you have to have them equally as important because they need to function together as one in order to come together to be effective so and that being said um one of the the um things that Miss batist and I have been working on and we're going to be releasing it soon is um we're actually uh doing a policy because we we research legally that um videotapes from students of incidents are not considered uh furpa they're not uh educational record they're clearly not based on the law and what we came through and I think in the future that we're going to have more evidence of exactly what happened and therefore it can be at least evaluated by parents and I think if they get involved at an earlier stage rather than it making it very difficult for them to see exactly what occurred I think that um we're going to be able to nip things in the butt earlier I think that the consequences are going to be easier to swallow and I think we're going to have them actually participating in the solution instead of defending the action so I'm I'm looking forward to that coming um in addition in reading some of the matrixes and I I was just looking on my phone we have um some of them that set out that there's consequences of um say a sixday suspension um for the second uh I'm sorry for the first offense and then the second time you commit that same offense it's only four days so we have inconsistencies that we need to work through and resolve so I I'm looking forward to that and I think most of all we have to partner with our parents because we cannot do this alone we are not the disciplinarians the parents are the parents have to be the one that sets the boundaries and then we reinforce those boundaries at schools and if we don't get together with them as opposed to keep budding heads with them it's going to be so much more difficult so if someone comes up with some kind of plan of action on that I I think that would be really helpful thank you Dr Lynch Walsh um show of hands fellow advisory chairs who was at the teams meetings one or other or both of these meetings I know I was all right um You you were earlier one all right um so these are this is not my agenda or my list this is a compilation of all the comments that were made just just to be clear which is why I'm talking so much because I'm reading down the list um so I think we're done with and it looked like we moved into individual committee issues which I'm CH these two committees I have plenty to say about but I'm not because we're not going to get through the items for today so I now have to work those into other board items today um um the 625 items for discussion just going in reverse order um at the 618 school board meeting we can all pass all the Motions in the world but if they don't get responded to by the board in some way shape or form we don't know what your thoughts are and whether there'll be any action taken so on June 18th there was a discussion on the wording of motions or the wording of the board item but not the content and there were time sensitive issues in terms of the Motions so the question is what's the board's intention is the intention for these motions to come back to you because you didn't respond to any of the actual motions there are motions from gifted advisory there were one 2 3 4 5 six from audit and we just passed a couple more since this went to you so how are motions what what's the issue because you had a discussion about the form but not the content so now we don't know we have no updates on the Motions that went to you and that includes gifted advisory so I'll speak to that the Motions that come to the board and agenda item the board is voting to receive the motions and then it's up to a specific board member to then take that whatever action and create another a BB agenda item to then have the board specifically vote on that motion so so so what I would say is that maybe you talk with a board member to see if they're on board with that motion and then they would need to bring that motion to a BB item to an agenda item okay so let's getting back to the what comes to the board like on the 18th because I noticed it said if the board votes yes the board will acknowledge receipt of the committee motions from the various advisory groups and if they vote no you will reject the requests and recommendations is that really your intent for that item to either receive them or reject them because that's different from what you just said and I Dr wano so um thank you madam chair so um we have certainly Mr Sullivan and I have worked in the transition that we can act um through working with the chair the superintendent and um the general council's office ensure that the if no um is abbreviated to some extent but the in the direction that we've received is the board actually receives the Motions which are recommendations from the various um advisory groups and then if the board then wants to now take that recommendation and make it a formal board item through a motion then that is what happened um with the exception of the last meeting the board gets the Motions ahead of the meeting so that they have time time if they so choose to then create a an item to put on that same agenda to for the board to consider whether or not they want to take action on a specific motion um but also so one of the recommendations for example from audit was because the no one was following those booster club guidelines to create a policy and then staff came back with a ridiculous response about um the individual not being it has nothing to do with it clearly a guideline is not strong enough what's stopping a superintendent from saying you know what I see this yeah let me bring this as a recommendation to the school board and um and that would be a motion because everything on your agenda is a recommendation that's coming from the superintendent all those board items are coming from the superintendent so if we pass a motion I guess the is the issue that staff disagrees and then you're saying that if the board votes no and an individual board member then has to sponsor the motion effectively no I think Linda had her hand okay we need to move forward forward we are almost done with this agenda item so next I have Miss Pierre Grant so um she said she wants to respond to miss fam real quick and I just have three points that's it and it's I'm just reading it I'm not asking for no response okay sorry I just asked if I could jump ahead just because I'm doubling back to uh things that were said previously um I I'm really happy to hear that we're going to be looking at some changes to the uh policies regarding videos on fights I do want to issue one caution as the mother of a middle schooler and from what I hear going on in the schools there is the other side of that in which kids specifically get involved in these things to get the videos and put them on social media and get some kind of notoriety so if we can just tamper the use of evidence with not encouraging the kids to videotape the fights at the same time because that we need to find a middle ground with that and then uh Also regarding par parental involvement obviously we want parental or Guardian involvement wherever possible but we also need to remember at the end of the day sometimes we are the only adults that are consistently present in these kids lives and as much as we want to bring in parents whenever possible bring in uh whoever their grown-up is so to speak we also need to make sure that we are we know our place in that and it's not that we don't have any control over the kids and we don't have any um duties to them outside of reading and writing arithmetic like we are these steady presences and we are their role models in certain respects so uh I just wanted to address those things and then also just regarding the meeting format in the future because some of uh us chairs are not able to attend these extra meetings on top of all the other meetings we go to uh that are being set up external to the district um if we could just have the chairs speak on their own issues and not have a separate sub agenda that's being brought forward that would be helpful because uh not all of us were able to attend the team's meeting okay Miss Pier Grant wonderful um so my three points are this um it's imperative that we get the information from the policy I know I spoke to the doctor superintendent and he is working on that and I appreciate it um for that um we also want to have productive site um site visits next year and so we just discussed we discussed um we discussed with um with the superintendent on um having um specific staff um with us during site visits so sometimes maybe some of our questions can be answered and some things can be addressed immediately um we would like for the superintendent or his design to at least come to one of our meetings for the school year if that's a possibility and then the last thing I would like if the superintendent will um update us well dat diversity when the impact forly known as promise program committee will pick back up um because I'd like to make sure that I'm part of that process and um be proactive with that is because we did talk about the dispar the disparities in terms of um punishment and um the last item is that we talked about um how parents are to be contacted but we also want to make sure that the because we're it's a partnership right so we also want to make sure that parents are held accountable for providing responding to the The Forum some of them don't um and so we want to try to uh create a mechanism to make sure that the parents are doing their part um cuz everything doesn't just fall on the district so that's my points thank you okay we have two more minutes left Mrs Hixon I just have a quick question for the student adviser and I think um Mary feric had her hand up I'm just wondering if you had any feedback from the students about the metal detectors from yesterday if you heard anything or how they thought it went um Elena yeah so I've heard specifically from Hollywood Hills when I started talking to um my student government about weapon detectors um I got a 50/50 response just because we never knew how it was going to work for our school um a lot of students were open to the idea um but I don't have specific data that supports it nor neglects it so um that's something we're definitely going to work on this year to try to get more feedback we would love to hear their feedback I mean I thought it went well yesterday and they seemed unbothered At All by it but just would love to have that feedback as we're moving forward of course thank you so much Dr Zan thank you so much chair uh I think there's an opportunity to uh clear up the Public's perception of school boards and advisory committees and that uh opportunity is to uh make it abundantly clear that an advisory committee meetings you follow Robert's Rules and you make motions to get things done but what you bring to us is recommendations and advice so you make a motion in your meeting and that motion is to bring us recommendations or advice that's incredibly valuable the partnership that that we have with advisory groups has changed public education in Broward County for the better in many regards when we bring something that is called a motion to this to this body it confuses the public that there is being a motion made by a brow County Schoolboard member when when it is not and so what I'd recommend is that we think very hard about motions within an advisory committee that bring recommendations or advice and that we label them recommendations and advice when we label them motions it seems like Mr poogan holy came up with an idea which is great because I'm ready to hear it right but if it came from an Advisory Group it is just a recommendation advice and that is incredibly valuable what is not valuable is judgmental statements about staff comments it is not helpful it reduces the civility of our meetings and it reduces the image that we have in Broward County our staff is our partners and our advisers are our partners and I will start to object every time I hear incendiary comments from an adviser about staff their comments are not ridiculous their comments are well founded and based on their experience and their education and they are to be valued and they're to be treated with respect just like everybody else in this room second uh and lastly chair um in order to clear up this motion and recommendation advisory stuff I'd like us to think about our staff support to advisory committee serving as parliamentarians in these meetings to make sure that what is being voted on is a recommendation and an advice and is perfectly clear uh what is being considered in advisory committees uh that has not happened up to this point and in almost all cases I'm desperate to hear from advisory groups about what they see and what they hear when Dr Pier Grant goes out and visits schools I'm Florida I know but it's thank for the doctor I have it year but thank you it's it's I I'm just foreshadowing uh the Future No Doubt um but I'm desperate to hear kind of what she saw when my student adviser comes back and says wow we had weapon systems here's what I heard from Hollywood Hills I'm like all ears I want to hear that but it gets colored when the language gets reduced to banalities and lack of Civility and so I'm going to ask us one more time before we take formal motions on this to please treat everybody with respect and civility the chair every day reads a statement about our core values and we all ought to follow them for the betterment of Brower County Schools remember people watch these meetings and when they see lack of Civility they transport that in their mind to lack of capability to teach our children so it's very very serious and I hope we can figure that out but going forward if our staff is in an advisory committee and they uh um see something that's not coming forward is advice or recommendations I hope that they recommend to The Advisory Board uh that they they format them in that way and then I hope that when we see motions or when we see things from advisories it comes through as either recommendations or advice which I think is the totality of what we get from advisory boards across the board thank you very much chair thank you Miss Fick you can close us out thank you oh do you want do you want me to say something and then go to Linda or willinda finish with me or what Linda do you want to speak it's just a quick just a quick question can we get a point person that we can discuss and cross off some of these items off our list we know that we don't report as as far as District advisory Council goes to a um Chief of Staff since that position has been eliminated please provide us with a point person today so that we can move forward in August since we can't meet in July we appreciate that for this is an automatic um thank you for the the question and comment my team and I will bring this back to our next cabinet meeting and we will find a point person that can collaborate with all the um advisory chairs once we go through all the items I heard some additional information come from some other advisory chairs of things that was we're not listing on this agenda um feel free to send me that information also and we can review that too and um make sure we're considering that as we meet and and discuss who's going to be the next important person Miss verdict yeah I I wasn't going to respond I this wasn't what I had my hand up for but Dr Seaman I wanted to let you know I'm sitting on I sat on many advisories right now I'm on Two And typically our motions are always framed I move to that we recommend to the board so I'm not sure where the confusions coming in I think the advisories clearly understand that it's a recommendation and we typically like I'm thinking with audit you're seeing going to see our things come forward that we either call something to your attention or we recom recommend it um but I did want to let you know that we will be moving ahead with app parent University in early August and Dr he bur's been you know great about giving us some ideas for this content if this is these programs have been so tremendously successful and um some of our best ideas come from the community but many of them come from you all and um I again want to tell you that we couldn't do what we do without your staff one of the after 35 plus years of working as a volunteer with the school board working on these parent universities has really given me an opportunity to see just how outstanding the staff is and I think I commented on this at a recent meeting we'll also be holding a nonprofit Forum in the near future um and we're working with Miss Hixon on that and um so I just want to thank you for all you do and um and just reassure you that we are recommending but we what we you know our conversations are so vitally important that I am glad you've initiated this as chair thank you Dr Lynch wal 30 seconds Dr heurn the audit committee needs to meet in July um staff has informed us that both myself and the vice chair would need to write you a letter requesting we meet in July um I just need to expedite this because we need to advertise it today so is the answer yes or no that's a yes Dr urn yes okay great thank you thank you guys thank everybody so much and have an amazing summer and our next quarterly discussion will be at the September 17th Workshop we're going to take a 5 minute recess e e e e e e e e e e I [Applause] [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come sit here [Music] [Applause] we're starting in 1 minute 1 minute [Music] [Applause] [Music] up Su I love you Je [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back the next item is rural development facility planning and real estate policies 1270 and 8:30 I will now turn it over to staff for the Pres presentation Dr heer Miss Paul Miss Paul and Mr kabuta back good morning board chair and board uh we are prepared to brief you if you can get closer to the microphone okay thank you good morning uh chair and board members and superintendent hiburn we're prepared to brief you on the first item uh I'll turn it over to uh Chris uh to start that process thank you Mr aquabus good morning board members uh Chris akabu director facility plan real estate say count oh okay okay cool see okay good all right we are here to present two policies to you um it's uh policy 7 uh 1270 um just again my name is Chris Aku director of facility plan real estate so we're here to present um policy 1270 and policy 80 30 which used to be policy 7,000 and policy 7002 DB specifically the um policies followed protocol and we reviewed by coward and coward and whose representative is sitting to my left and also the office of General Council Madam chair just hold on one second Mr alustin thank you this is my first time I'm speaking good morning everyone good morning um so and actually you just made a quick comment and good morning sir just wanted to ask a quick question because I know the last time we had a workshop that was a point of contention your statement so I just actually want to clarify um the policies that we have today Madam chair all of them have been reviewed by our outside consultant maybe that's a question a B I know there was conversation on the board if there was a difference in what was reviewed by the consultant versus if there was a disagreement potentially with general counsel's office and or staff maybe that's b um so maybe we can just have that maybe for this and all coming items that we're going to discuss I just want to know just kind of just set the stage for me Mr alabo M card um thank you for that inquiry as it relates to the two policies that's just that's been introduced by this department um policy 1270 and policy 830 carard and Cower has in fact reviewed those policies as it relates to the policies on the remaining the remaining policies on the agenda those were not coward and coward policies those were staff and general counsel policies the first two policies that's that is that were in fact reviewed by coward and coward we did review them we provided our recommendations there are subsequent changes made by staff and general counsel's office post coward and coward so what you're being presented here today includes coward and coward's comments but we didn't approve or review this current draft that's before you Madam chair Mr Charles last question just on process because we spent I think 30 minutes debating process before so I want to do it up front so you can confirm I guess as the outside reviewer of the policies that these all uh conform with the state law Etc that was pretty much your level of um due diligence just making sure that was it conforms with state law was that essentially it so we do it um we we do a little bit more than that we review it and make sure it conforms however if the statute has something that that says the policy requires this and if it's not contained therein then we'll go ahead and add that so we try not to write policy but to make it consistent with other other regulation so as it relates to these two everything by the time we it released us we made sure everything in there was consistent with the laws and included but we cannot attest to what changes cuz sometimes staff will come and say well once they get the general counsil they made some ch changes and we don't necessarily know about that so we don't we don't take a position on it um and sometimes staff make changes after us and we don't take a position on unless they circulate it back to us and ask us to review it again got it Madam chair last question um so the changes before us are not coming from coward and coward they're coming from staff and or counsel is that fair I'm sorry and or the general counsel's office but typically staff is that correct coward yes um yes so if you look at the first one 1270 and the version that was uploaded it had a lot of red and blue connotations the none of the blue connotations were coward and coward for instance some of the red were and some of the red were not so it's difficult for I understand it's difficult for board members to understand because it's difficult for on our side as well with staff and Council to to delate who did what by the time it comes to you for review we okay with the process such that we make our changes then staff and then legal that process everybody's fine with it's just I know you it would be helpful for you guys to know who did what when you addressing your concerns so we're still working on those things but just for today I think we're going to get better as we go along with the I think we have made some improvements but this is one of the earlier Pro policies and you'll see on that first policy um there's quite a bit of content that was not reviewed by carard and coward okay thank you madam chair thank you thank you um I guess my question is that at the end of the day I understand it's a combination of Staff weighing in general counsel weighing in you're weighing in but ultimately as the company that is responsible for bringing us forward the policy I would want to see an overall stamp of coward and coward that you're saying that this policy is meeting state standards Federal standards whatever those laws are um ultimately right and if you don't then we need to know right may I speak Madam chair M coward we agree uh we agree 100% And so the changes we made um with staff with the with the Department going forward is now that if they have changes they give it to us in a rubric format give us a matrix and we will incorporate their suggested changes with our review so if they have staff have feed that we get that up front in that format then when we submit ours to staff it incorporates what we've got from staff feedback and it also incorporates our changes and then largely just needs to get approval from The General Counsel General council's um changes thus far have not been significant so I don't think that's an issue they're usually you know you know District versus School Board Brower for instance so I agree with you 100% um we had some concerns ourselves but being rubber stamped as coward something we may not have reviewed so we do think this new procedure is going to work out but some of these earlier policies was the the old procedure before while we were still working out the Kinks amongst the three parties okay so if the board is okay with it I think that we should give the direction to coward and coward or through the superintendent to coward and coward that you know I understand there's going to be this back and forth conversation of edits But ultimately you're giving the stamp of coward coward approval that it meets the the state and and federal standards and laws is the Dr Zan can I just amend that uh because I think the clearest way to state that is that coward and coward does a review for compliance state laws federal laws even other policies so it doesn't conflict with other policies that we have that's incredibly Valu that impr promat from coward and coward means that this is a good one to consider it doesn't mean that the staff didn't bring their recommendations for how to dispose property or buy property things that's their job but just to make sure that's compliant and that uh and that includes to all other policies in BR County uh unfortunately U it takes a lot of Staff time not excuse me it just takes a lot of of of time to make sure it doesn't conflict and it meets all standards so that that stamp from card and cow would be incredible the staff I think still has to own the substance of the policy because that's their recommendation to us but just knowing that it's compliant with everything would mean so much to us yes I agree Mr Fam thank you madam chair um I also agree completely um I think we should have a written policy that says any recommendations from staff have to come in initially okay so and then after that you get the opportunity to review it but uh and then it would go to general counsel what I'm trying to shut down is the additional time and expense that you would expend if recommendations are coming in peace meal and oh I didn't like this and I don't like that you are the final gatekeeper you know what the law is and then you're presenting that for a signature of approval for someone to sign off so you don't want to go back and forth you don't have to debate you know what it is you need to do whether other people like it or not and that's um very important because we don't want to get caught in a gray area and we don't want to be put behind the eightball because um someone's feelings so I'm going to put it out there so I would um if I can make a motion that no no we're we're going work okay I'm sorry so it seems like we have consensus thank you to anyway I would suggest that we do a policy that way you're protected we're protected and we're not acre and acre and acre attorney fees thank you okay Dr wson I have the direction um to have the conversation with the superintendent right and we don't need a policy correct this is a proc this is a procedure correct y thank you okay you can continue presenting thank you both um just on this point again the sequence was it went to coward and coward what they sent was then provided to General Council General Council came up with what was given staff did not change anything that General council did so I in my professional opinion this P say I'm not a lawyer complies with state law I'm I I'm very confident so I can proceed um because we also have the inter local agreement and the policy complies with inter local agreement that school board has with 27 cities and bra County all right um just very quickly so we have two policies and then the first policy we're talking about is um the superent side Review Committee uh which used to be um policy 7,000 um and then we're going to uh eventually go into policy 8030 um both policies have been um revised most specifically to provide logical order and Clarity so there's no ambiguity so it's very understandable um policy 1270 includes definitions for commonly used terms policy 830 again provides guidelines specifically and we're using the word valuation which is appraisal of rare property during the acquisition and then disposition so we're trying to make sure that the policy are very very clear and uh comprehensive and again 830 was organized uh to provide um a logical and again um sequential so I'm going to pretty much go to policy 7 uh 1270 so the policy right now um is used to be called superintendent site Review Committee uh but we had work for for the acquisition of new school sites so it's very specific to the acquisition of school sites nothing else um so what you have in front of you I'm not going to go through them reading them is numbers one through eight kind of reflecting how the policy policy rules are organized so for example the rules are organized there has to be a need for new school keyword is New School the need has to be based on data okay so The Benchmark enrollment and then the 5-year projection the the the the school new school has to be acquired I'm sorry thank you Mr alabo we're going to go to public comment artha Wimberly okay good morning again um um artha Wimberly with grand United Community PTA um speaking at this early point in your presentation I don't know how relevant will be like it was with the committee um advisory um careair the point when I was asked to speak kind of seemed out of place but um these are just a couple of questions I have about this entire process here are there any projections for the charter schools to leverage opportunities to um to increase construction new construction or establish Charter Schools based on this current plan or of real estate um availability or vacating by brow County Public Schools if that's relevant in this process in any way um is there any data from any of the District 5 Eastside Community engagement and Outreach that was submitted by any committee or advisory chair related to facilities in real estate where those responses from the Comm Community have gone into um the consideration process um so as we're continuing to go through these um redefining processes all these things kind of correlate in my mind and I'm trying to make the connectivity so that when I communicate back to community members it all makes sense so I'm trying to understand um how this uh relates to our ability to be competitive um regarding enrollment in our schools in the future how this um conveys or relates to making District 5 East Side more attractive in the long term and is again when we start talking about being competitive with the charter schools over on the east side we're not part of that conversation because the charter schools leadership people are not interested in the east side they're not bringing new schools over there the real estate in our communities are not part of that discussion so it doesn't make the education opportunity and options Equitable for students and parents in District 5 east side there is nobody competing for us so how is all of these changes relative for the long-term educational opportunities for District 5 Eastside Community thank you narni Pier Grant hi um so on the presentation I notice it has the five Community representatives and I see that the put PTA and PT but they did not put anything about the area chairs so your area chairs your three area chairs are um essentially those who kind of connect themselves with the PTO PTA and also stack and saaff and I think that they should have a representative on this group um apart from just some of the community or the the other advisories on here so I wish I would i' like for you guys to kind of consider that um I I don't want you to under utilize your area chairs cuz I think that they um touch have the pulse on the areas that they're in and the last speaker talked about um East Side well D is the area chair in her area and she and a lot of other PCA parents are from that side who are representative who are who do come to places I didn't say that they didn't I just said that um in my last comment that um when you guys appoint people it's hard to keep them coming so um but if you could uh consider adding the area chairs uh or their represent somebody who represents them um that would be uh an added bonus or benefit uh for that part so that was my the the extent of my comment on the presentation thank you Dr n ly Walsh good morning Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh Plantation Florida the first statute I'm going to share with you is the one on false official statements because I hope you do not fail as a board to understand what the proposed changes to this superintendent school site Review Committee is aimed at doing and this is for staff whoever knowingly makes a false statement in writing with the intent to mislead a public servant in the performance of his or her official Duty shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree punishable as provided for so on and so forth next State Statute Public Schools inter local agreement 163 31777 it has to include a process to coordinate and share information but Al on any school Renovations and closures and local government plans for development and Redevelopment but more importantly participation by affected local governments with the district school board in the process of evaluating potential school closures significant renovations to existing schools and the thing that we haven't done since God knows when New School site selection before land acquisition so which thing do you think is most likely on that list to be occurring right now that is oddly not in this proposed policy because we do not want to have we have asked on FTF repeatedly we have asked for a long range facility master plan steering committee meeting isn't happening but we have asked when is that superintendent school site Review Committee going to happen and this was the response did we get any dates no this was the response to cut it out of the policy the problem is that this is the statute and I think they're setting up coward and coward because what they give them is just drips and drabs so technically are they in compliance sure but you're ignoring the two other things that are involved here then you have the Ila which your policy cannot contradict this contradicts the Ila it's badly written I'll Grant it that as was this original policy but understand what they are cutting out they are trying to circumvent the Ila and circumvent the municipalities and everybody else that sits on that School site Review Committee when it comes to this whole redefining and potential school closures and if I can't if you cannot be convinced of that today understand it's not that I don't have all of the contact info for the entire County I do but I keep hoping that you guys will outsmart your staff so today is the day to catch them on this ask about why they would cut out po school closures and significant Renovations because that is what this is all about it is about nothing else except potentially when you might open a school in Parkland because that's about the only time this would be relevant what they're bringing you today go read your Ila thank you thank you board member comments board member comments Mr Hixon thank you my one question when I was reading this was um How likely is this to ever occur we we're not in a place where anywhere in the near future we would be opening School sites so I guess to the point of of the speaker that we had is this policy supposed to Encompass all of those pieces or specifically about new school sites because I was wondering why we're having this policy come to us in a time when we're closing schools because we have under enrollment it seems kind of odd timing Dr wanza Miss Paul through Mr alabo Miss Miss Hixon you are correct okay uh this is the acquisition position of new school sites uh is very unlikely that we will acquire new sites as we're in the process of trying to redefined redefine our school district so it's relevant in the sense that um as I assume this new role uh that we update our policies that are not in compliance so this is just the first in the hopper okay so my my next question in here is about the superintendent review um that where superintendent school site Review Committee which does act in a way of looking about closures and and significant Renovations so it's conf it's a little confusing it's sitting in a policy that's only about opening new schools but so shouldn't that maybe have its its own policy as opposed to being folded into this because it's not just about those new sites and I I think it should be also more clear when they meet especially since we're moving towards that repurposing so that it's clear to everyone not just who's on it but what they're what role they're going to play in what what we're doing Dr wanza thank you Miss Hixon for the comment Miss Paul did you want to comment you or I'm going to comment I'm going to comment board when staff presents you with stuff will present you with facts I have the inter local agreement here s chapter 163 through 177 requires an interlocal agreement the interlocal agreement is between the Schoolboard BR County 27 cities the inter local agreement said to provide the inter local agreement addresses what the statute requires provide a list of potential school closures that's delineated in the dfp to local government for my in for my review to com for compliant with the comprehensive plan I have the interlocal agreement that's number one number two like you said in this policy office of General Council reviewed the existing policy I was involved in that officer of General Council coward and coward review this policy there's only two words regarding School closure in a definition called school facility that was never used in the policy so you're right the school board does not have a specific policy on school closure the title doesn't say School closure so we're trying to make it clear if the school board wants to have a separate policy for School closure that is fine so since I've been director of real estate all of the schools have been closed this policy have never been used because it does not delineate any steps this policy delineates steps to acquire school sites since 2003 2008 they've used this policy um from 2003 2008 I wasn't involved to acquire 12 sites so again this policy was never used for school closure if the School Board wants to have a separate policy for school closure I think it's a good thing right now there's only two sentences School closure in a definition on C school facility in this policy it doesn't talk about steps the interlocal agreement is specific about providing a list of schools that are going to be closed in the DF staff presents the dfp to local governments and then the local governments I have it here as opposed to do an review for compliance with Comprehensive plan that's what it says but that that wasn't really my question though my my question is it's confusing because the superintendent school site review is going to be a committee that's used in conjunction with school closing but we're seeing it and it's being defined in a policy about acquiring new school sites my question was doesn't it make sense to have two separate policies so that it's not comingled here because it's confusing we're going to use that Committee in both places whether we're closing schools or requiring 20 years from now new schools so I I'm I'm just questioning why the definition and and organization of the superintendent school site Review Committee is in the same policy as the acquisition of new school sites I think it should be its own separate policy because it's used for more than one thing Mrs Hixon you're correct that's what the policy is doing what is before you is that's why it's specifically delineating and it says for new s side acquisition so that's why we're taking out the word School closure which is only two places so you're absolutely correct there should be a separate policy so it's not going be not for school closures there should be a separate policy that organizes and defines the superintendent school site Review Committee that's what I'm saying that committee will work for both closures and openings but it's only in this policy for new sites that's the confusion that's here because that committee is supposed to be used in both places so I would think that you'd have a separate committee for the superintendent school site Review Committee formation or definition and then have a policy for acquisition of new sites and as you suggested maybe we make a new policy on closing schools because that committee isn't just for one piece it's for both and if you're describing it and and putting it in policy only for openings it's very confusing Dr wanza thank you Miss xon Miss Paul did you want to say anything yes I agree and so I think one of the things that uh I will uh take back and my team will take back to the superintendent is to have a separate policy for school closures and have the site Review Committee sit in both policies or be a part part of both policies and that I think that will tie it all in okay so would it be the same information for superintendent school site Review Committee in both places yes that's what I propose yes ma'am all right and I would also like to add that there should be some description of when it meets how often it meets when it would start I'm not necessarily actual dates but kind of you know if for closing schools the committee should meet before this happens and and meet this many times just so we're more clear on what the expectation of that committee is thank leonardy yeah are we um at this moment are we only talking about 1270 or are we doing 1270 and 8030 you can do both okay um so I had uh some I guess questions pertaining to policy 830 um one of in the presentation it said on 830 it said membership of the negotiation parameters committee was revised to remove as members of the m PC brow County employers that are respectively a licensed appraiser and broker and additionally related and obsolete language from the rule I'm wondering um because I couldn't I'm probably missing something what it what is the proposed makeup of the NPC the negotiation parameters committee Dr wza Miss Paul and Mr akabo Mr akabu currently the yeah you're right the um negotiation parment committee uh consist of five members of I mean I'm sorry seven members five School Ward and then two brow County specifically BR County Employees right licensed property appraisal licensed broker um that was added the last time the policy was amended but the problem we've been having is that the property apprais zo doesn't want to participate anymore right so the meetings we've had and we staff actually took additional step to go to government to go to the state to see if we can get somebody in government because you don't want to get a private um appraisal which would be potential conflict will be unsuccessful so we because of that we decided it's either you take out the two governmental BR County and then just leave it at the school board staff that's the reason because you can't find somebody okay um why can't we get anyone uh government related who works in a property appraisal space uh to sit on the committee the property appra office said they do not want to participate because they thought there was a conflict even though General Council actually went to General Council years ago they wrote an opinion so if we are doing a deal with the county there's no conflict but then the property appraisal's office told us they don't want to um volunteer somebody from their staff got it so that's the main point so for the makeup of the MPC then um how do we get that kind of voice uh represent someone who has experience in that space to sit on that committee um short of having a member there's no other way that I'm aware of because we don't want to go to a private entity uh that's a licensed uh appraisal um again like I said wish out to state government uh we didn't go to the federal level um got it okay the problem all right thank you and then um I know in 8030 it talked a little bit about the appraisal for different kinds of property valued at different values um so it talked about getting one appraisal for property valued under five between $100 and $500,000 um is it is it burdensome to get multiple appraisals is is there a reason why we're doing one for property valued under 500 but then at least at least two um for property valued at a higher level those two TI align with state law when a property is valued between 100,000 and five you have to get one appraisal when it's above five you have to get two the Schoolboard policy which would didn't change is if there's a percentage difference then you have to get a third so weitting state law but then we're going above state law got it so we're we're just we're complying with state law as why okay correct um how do we so how do we determine the value of the property in the first place before getting an appraisal that was a dilemma right I mean the state law says between 100,000 so what we do we're using the property appraisal's value as a benchmark to determine if it's between 100,000 and 500,000 that's the only way to do it got it okay and that's what we do all right those are my questions thank you Dr Zeman chair thanks so much um a few comments on these combined uh policies thank you uh for pulling together the first is really really important to me as a countywide person which is I suspect that a good standard for us to follow is that uh a resident of Broward County could read these and understand what they mean um these don't meet that standard I would challenge any of my colleagues to read the first three lines of policy 1270 and tell me what it means uh we ought to be speaking to the public in our policies not just to knowledgeable people in the real estate or other domains uh that we work in I just would ask you to think about plain English um as something that would allow us to win over the trust of the people that we serve um you bring up one really good point in this acquisition policy that's actually about not acquiring new land but about disposing uh um and that's really in rule number three when we point out in this draft that wherever possible we'll strive to locate a new school and areas that um have the opportunity to achieve diversity um it is something that means a lot to the county means a lot to me but I would ask you that when you think about going forward not for acquiring land for a new school but disposing of property that we add that to our list uh of things that we could look at if we're going to close a school it would be really important to the county to know whether or not by the closure of that school and the rebounding of areas around there whether we'd be making any change to the diversity of any student that goes to any one of those schools so that's just a a meaty concern that I'd love to see when this comes back I uh want to uh commend my colleagues though about thinking about a second policy uh that is about closing schools it's a little bit conf confusing to me and to the public to have a title uh the superintendent school site Review Committee for the acquisition of of new school sites um there's a couple other small points uh you know on page two you've got some definitions which I I generally are are helpful I don't think those words need uh definitions I think they're in plain language everybody knows what they means I don't like us dropping um the league of cities from the group on page five uh I would just ask you to think about that uh they do represent the municipalities in a very meaningful and substantive way and I find their meetings and their deliberations to be uh of Great Value I also on 12 excuse me on 8030 uh don't value you taking Authority away from the school board uh I don't like super majorities for virtually anything it's hard enough to get to five getting to six is even harder but on page six you ask for a super majority if the price exceeds the the average appraisal values uh I would ask you to think a little bit about that as well and and we can talk about it when uh this comes back my last point is kind of pervasive for everybody that um uh is thinking about these policies sometimes I read these and I think the 1970s called and wants their policies back a 12 member committee or a 30 member committee is unworkable you can almost never get enough people to even attend and individuals don't feel valued when they sit on such big boards and guess what you're trying to sell something you might have a buyer waiting to buy it and you go I'm sorry chair we got to have a committee meeting how long's that take oh well we got to call everybody we got to get scheduled and we got to have a public noticed and before too long we're shooting ourselves in the own foot I don't understand the value of the NPC like if the net input of this committee negotiating parameters committee is to set a floor and a ceiling of a price call me and I'll give you one call the chair call Soup call the deputy soup call call anybody uh to get that done but speed matters and I just don't think that we need to over committee everything and we certainly don't need committees that are 12 and 30 people big I commend you for going from 12 to 6 uh in this regard but I question whether we need a committee to set a sales price uh I don't think we do I think we could look at the appraisal you could come up with some from staff get it approved by an individual staff member not even the school board uh and we might actually be able to sell something faster I have talked to the superintendent and the superintendent before about disposal of property and when I said hey roughly how long would it take to get the cash from something we want to sell 12 to 18 months it's 12 to 18 months because of what we do not because the market won't support that or there isn't a lot of buyers that want to buy it but because we over bureaucratize something if we want to bureaucratize and committee something to death there ought to be some real value in it uh and I think an individual sale uh or an individual purpose doesn't really kind of meet that standard so if we could let's just think about the readability of these uh policies so that people can understand what we're talking about I think it's uh it's evident that we need two policies because you can't have in a policy that's labeled acquisition you can't talk about disposal and so it seems like uh we should have uh a second one or change the title but I prefer a second one because it's really a different kind of thinking when you uh are closing a school or or trying to declare something Surplus and move on thanks chair Dr Zan what number were you did you see the super majority at page six on 80 I know and the the hard copy is different from the pages on I apologize yes I forgot about that all all I brought with me is the track changes version I'm in what what number does it say like 17 18 19 Section number is that what you asking stand by rule 20 on the on the clim copy yeah rule 20 um last sentence an extraordinary vote is required when the agreed on asking price exceeds the average appraisal values so you said extraordinary vote yeah one more than the majority so in this case it'd be six of nine right but is Mr CH Adams is that how that's defined in that I I seem to remember and somebody please correct me um if I'm wrong I seem to remember super majority as opposed to that jargon term that you just used I I I I'm just for the record I'm reading what's in the policy and it says one vote more than the majority of the voting body so I'm thinking that means six I just don't find that to be uh a very good standard for selling a property if five agreed to it uh that's the will of the board yeah no I agree with you Dr Zan so um yeah this looks like the the board agrees with that so we can um just put that back to a regular vote in the policy [Music] um the long range steering committee dates uh Dr heern if we can I establish these dates for the year I remember this has come up multiple times um if by your next like weekly report if you could have those dates established in the report for everyone thank you chair yes we're in the process of actually scheduling those out um for the year so we can follow up with those dates okay perfect and then also Dr H if staff can provide the board with the most upto-date interlocal agreement we provide a followup okay perfect Alana do you want to speak oh Mr fog if you can provide your mic chair are you going to come back and ask for consensus later or are you doing it with each speaker um well if you you mean if you don't agree with anything with the policy you'll say it in your comments otherwise if you don't say anything you mean do you agree I I I made um a recommendation about not having a negotiation parameters committee and whenever you want to it would be interesting if that was U uh a consensus opinion El um so I don't really know who to direct this question to either or um but the committee composition is that like the structure that we want to go through with unknown participant is now joining is on this paper is that like the the structure of the committee is that how it is on the paper what policy are you talking about U sorry policy 1270 okay um the the committee position I don't see anything um stating student involvement um whether it's it's from a committee or if it's um like someone from the north advisory if they're student or depending whereof there is no I don't to my knowledge I don't see any student representation for the committee itself if do the deserve the board there was never there's an innovation member from The Innovation zone right that if the deserve the board is to include a student member we can as well add it but it's never there was never a student member okay thank you Miss Pam uh thank you madam chair uh this would be um through the chair um to the coward sisters for a recommendation that's okay um I was looking at the contract as well and and I think it would be lucrative if we annexed and Incorporated um an affidavit from anybody that's appointed to the committee about any potential conflict of interests and had that updated or uh required because it seems to me that um someone can get appointed when they don't and all of a sudden they have interest somehow our family member does or there's some kind of um circumstance that would suddenly bring that forward to the benefit of uh certain individuals on the board so I think just to keep our hands clean we should require that and then um I don't know if it renewed every six months or year or every year or something or that they have to disclose that conflict within 10 days or learning of it or something but I think we need a a um guard rail there a check and balance um the other thing is and this is going to be um addressed to um general counsel through the chair with permission is that a was that a question Miss fam yes can to through the chair to general counsel Miss jaquez Adams are you asking a question as to whether there's a requirement uh for a Committee Member to fill out a form for conflict no I I wasn't going to ask that but apologize no that's okay I just figured if we have the form if they don't want to sign it then it's our option whether we say well we're sorry that's what we require but no my question was actually um Dr Zeman had indicated if um the chair wanted to take get a consensus and in reading some of um Robert's Rules and the Sunshine Law it I interpreted that at a workshop we're not allowed to go around and and get a survey of how people would vote that would actually be almost like taking off fici action um by learning um what a vote or the outcome of vote would be outside of a Schoolboard hearing so I was just wondering if you could spread some um your knowledge on that whether or not that's even allowed to to get nods or consensus in in a workshop is that permissible or is that something that's we should not be doing thank you so what's impermissible is to go ahead and have a a vote on a particular matter but cons since for the purpose of giving direction to uh the super to staff through the superintendent that that is allowed you thank you for clarifying that on the record any other board member of comments okay um the only last comment that I'd like to make is that if could Dr heer and staff just make sure that they are looking at the most current interal agreement and that we are not contradicting anything in that agreement with our policies thank you chair we'll follow with that all right thank you moving forward our next item up is the playgrounds in the district I'll give staff a minute to turn over and then we will get to the playgrounds in the district well she wants me to St you can see all right board if um you're okay with it we can go right to comments I think we've all read this it's a very exciting topic and I'm glad that we're finally workshopping it does any board member want to start playgrounds Dr Zan sure I'd love to uh thank you you know one of the things that we've asked for as a board and that I think is uh wise is this facilities needs assessment um I wondering uh chair if we thought about getting requirements through the principles of our current campuses um this is not something that an engineer needs to do this is somebody that says oh U I used to have a playground it's been condemned I have nothing right now I'm I'm a K through five school um and and we have nothing but you know there's a standard requirement for playground that's actually great for academic achievement and it seems like we could have um established kind of a boundary of what our needs are and then we could have thought a little bit about the allocation of funds on how many years will it take given the amount of money we put in the budget to satisfy those requirements we may want to have a three-year replacement like look if there's you know $6 Million worth of playground equipments to meet minimum requirements let's put $2 million per year in the budget and let's get this done in three years right now we can't do that thinking because there's no at least in my uh discussion any definition of what the requirements are or roughly how much that will cost the other thing that's kind of fascinating um is that we've established uh a new part of our orc chart that's about building Partnerships and one of the things philanthropists and local uh organizations kuas clubs Key clubs uh uh even cities last year Fort Lauderdale donated $12 million to their park bonds to build playgrounds and recreation equipment on Fort Lauderdale School sites I know Weston has done that several other cities have done it uh and it would be interesting to kind of think a little bit about about that but in our discussion for the past couple years at least we've been very Pro playground we're like hey where are they why are they not operating we know that that benefits students having a break so they can come back in and learn more um as well as their social and emotional uh development um so I'm hoping that we get more information than what we have in just this presentation so we establish a requirement establish how much it costs and then let the board decide are we doing a three-year replacement or a 10-year replacement and what would we do with our new office of partnership through the superintendent to see if there aren't folks out there that would like to help us uh meet that requirement and maybe in some areas there are and in other areas we need to fill in the Gap uh to make sure that we have an equitable outcome uh for playgrounds across the board thanks chair Dr he may I go hold on Mr rert the staff want to speak to anything Miss W W chinsky uh so just can you hear me just to highlight um the the monies that we have asked for in the dfp um for the new plag grounds we set a baseline of uh like a k through2 or a 3 through five playground at every school and those playgrounds that did not meet that criteria as a baseline are identified in the dfp to spend over the next 5 years that was starting this year so seven were um were identified to be selected on where they would be put on the property two will initiate construction and then as of July 1st we'll have the opportunity to do five more for sighting and five more for construction so we are working towards that just on a baseline of the 2 through five and the 3 through five right I just think that the board would like to know chair at what point are we meeting minimum standards and instead what we have is kind of a funding first approach which is like here's some money go fix whatever you can as opposed to what this board has said consistently which is we'd like to know kind of what the assessed standard is of current playgrounds across our campuses and how much will it cost to get to that minimum standards and should we do it in three years 5 years 10 years that's kind of like a whole program to kind of fulfill the needs of the community um and we can fund it ourselves or we can get others to fund it it's it's not going to get done in 6 months um but what's missing is I mean to do the funding first and then just say we'll get to whatever we can get to is one way to do it I think this board has gone beyond that in thinking and said what we'd really like to know is for something as straightforward as playgrounds what do you need so that then we can decide you know how long uh will it take thank you but to Dr Zeman's Point aren't we doing safety inspections assessments for every playground so don't you know already at every playground what that assessment looks like M binski so we are working through that we have um one to two staff that are able to do those inspections so we have not done every single playground as of yet from the the environmental health and safety department okay so how many playgrounds have we done out of how many we have Dr heurn Miss W chinski thank you for asking that because I got that number um so roughly uh 350 playgrounds and then um we have still about 200 inspections to do okay and that's not necessarily you know you might have multiple playgrounds at one location one School location okay so I mean I'm just you know kind of processing you know every year our schools do a school security risk assessment it seems like that assessment for the playground should be incorporated in that annual assessment Dr heurn m w chinsky also um just to educate the board what do the principles do daily as far as playground inspections and do they provide an information to us the principles are to assign someone to be responsible to do a visual inspection that could be the PE coach or the head facility service person or someone we have a checklist in our uh playground safety handbook uh that they can follow and if there's uh things that the site staff can do they will do to to um let's say rake the sand or um um blow the sand off of the C in place uh surfacing or call in a work order so they the principal's responsibility is to make sure that that checklist is being uh done daily or weekly but so to answer so Dr if we were to ask for every schools all 350 playgrounds for this past year their assessment would you be able to provide 350 assessments twofold um May I one minute Miss rer you're on the list so twofolds uh from the principal's inspection my hopes is that every last principal would have their in um inspections ready to be a deliverable to us if we ask for them um and then what miss m shiny just talked about as far as her team accomplishing about uh a third of the inspections thus far okay all right thank you Dr thank you madam chair and to add to that discussion I think that um not only should we have these site based inspection through our principal but I think it needs to be done on a routine basis right um because this is to me uh alarming in the sense that we have no real comprehensive idea of what the safety looks like for playgrounds so um I would suggest that the superintendent with his principal team have some sort of a established routine of inspection of playgrounds for safety on a regular basis um so I wanted to uh go to page 17 of the presentation and the chart on page 17 let me just get there I'm sorry okay so it shows that for design it indicates I counted between year 24 and 28 I counted 25 locations but within the chart below that that shows the schools I counted 24 is there a reason for the disparity in in in the numbers Herer Miss vinsky so when we did the first review um there was an one school that was incorrectly identified in our documentation so we've corrected that I think it was um beach side actually has the playgrounds that it's that it the minimum two playgrounds so that's removed from the chart below but the defp was still uh included that total number okay so the dfp that we're looking looking the numbers we're looking at then is slightly incorrect so how will the numbers be affected with this one school being removed is it going to be affected with year 25 26 where will we have that so um as we get um the actual construction cost associated with each playground we will adjust accordingly it either you know plus or minus and we're not we we based it on an estimate per playground um and depending on how how the construction goes or what the the vendor is might adjust that price okay so we're we're looking at 24 instead of 25 that's what I'm okay correct all right so that chart needs to be updated then correct that shows well currently the that was that was what we asked for last year in the dfb and we can we can make that modification but what I'm trying to say is that uh depending on what we actual the actual quotes we get for the construction of the sites might include more adjust that so I I don't want to make the change at this point okay understand so how um through the superintendent how do you determine uh the priority for school for uh playground design and construction moving forward from year 25 to 28 um how do you determine priority what will be done in year 25 versus 26 what is what is the criteria for determining which school should go first Mr s chinski uh so as part of the the in departmental group uh there was discussion about uh if there is space available on the property you know to have it so we an initial cursory look at that um some uh discussion on uh the enrollment of the school and that percentage um and maybe if if there was two um facilities needed um you know that and that was all based before we got the final list so uh also is there an adjacent playground that could be used from the city so if they had you know maybe a k through two on the property but a 3 through five on adjacent City Park maybe that would push that down the list because they really they have access to two playgrounds but just not on the property okay so between year 25 and 28 do we have the school specifically um that will have the design and construction based according to this chart do we have those schools already scheduled only the ones highlighted in blue have been selected at this point for the sighting okay for 20 for fiscal year 24 all right and um through the superintendent how does the redefining process impact the uh construction of new playgrounds since we do not know uh which schools will possibly close and so on and so forth so how how will this process sort of work together so we're not spending money and wasting money Dr he thank you so this is our overall facility needs assessment for schools that we identify that needs to be addressed um I don't see the playground um overshadowing the overall cost or larger cost that would prevent us or U help us make a decision of what we're going to do at a specific school so for the most part it'll be about more the other buildings on campuses that are very costly to to repair or renovate um so as far as decisions about what schools need to be addressed I don't see the the playgrounds being just the overall decision- making but compassing a larger portion of the campus as far as how much money we're going to have to spend to possibly renovate or upgrade a campus if need be if we're going to do something else at that campus okay so Dr heurn we are looking at the possibility of closing some schools um we have 24 potential new playgrounds that we're thinking of constructing over the next four or five years um I guess my question is with since we have no idea what schools will be closed what is the plan in place as we move ahead to construct these playgrounds so we're not wasting in money in the event that a school that is then later to be closed uh has a new playground how do we work to ensure that we're not constructing playgrounds on schools that could potentially close so I think by mid September we will have knowledge of what those schools that need to be addressed are and then it can inform the process of what playgrounds to start with or um versus uh what was in the original plan of what to start with so we don't wait money okay so my understanding is that we could possibly close some schools in subsequent years it's not just a one-ear thing that could happen in in other years right so I guess what I'm getting at is maybe we should also consider when we're constructing new playgrounds and looking at the factors that we use to determine closure of schools that the schools that we know for sure will not close that maybe those schools are priority in in the in constructing the new playgrounds because um this closure of schools could continue in multiple years I I believe I've heard that from Dr Zan as well when he made that comment so I don't want us to go ahead and construct a bunch of new playgrounds and then 3 years down the road that school closes so can we look at the construction of playgrounds for schools that we know for sure will likely not close yes okay yes and um I have another question um on page 16 it shows that $450,000 were spent unknown participant is now exiting um and there's a difference of 50,000 was is that do we intend to to spend to the allocated amount of 500,000 or um where what will happen to that 50,000 M wensy so yes that was as of the date of us generating this um presentation we are actively um putting in more work order work orders getting quotes from vendors so we anticipate if uh that rolling over to the next one and being able to continue to spend that okay so all the funds will be spent absolutely okay and lastly I just like to mention this is really important to me and have heard what we've said earlier um I think when I look at the some of the pictures of these damaged playgrounds the first thing that pops into my mind is safety and uh there's one of the slides that showed some of the playgrounds and and what they possibly look like and when I visit schools I also see these playgrounds um it's on page 13 so I think uh Dr heurn for me it's really important that we have an effective process in place start starting at the local site base that someone is uh assigned by the principal is actively and in a routine fashion looking at the playgrounds that are damaged for the safety of our children and if they are then we need to do so in an expedited manner to remove any safety hazard on the playgrounds for students thank you please shut the doors in the back of the room thank you m rert thank you can you guys hear me yes okay good we had a pull in front of a a Starbucks for you guys um thank you uh to the superintendent and staff for uh gathering this information um I just instructed Ellen to uh send the PowerPoint to you guys and it's a district 7 uh playground assessment um that the wonderful people at Quiet Waters did and people from Deer field uh are partnering with their principles and PTA teacher staff people they've actually gotten a really good look at the playgrounds um and I I basically had said let's focus on the elementary obviously so they went and they they put it together by breaking out of our um our policy book that tells you on the stipulations what it needs to be what each playground should have what age group you have and um they really did a terrific job of doing this and uh making kind of a database for it so um they were very um accommodating this is a passion for them because it's such a shame to see our children not being able to play on the playground and obviously with the heat being so crazy you have to really look at some of the older uh conditions of the metal that the slides Etc I mean some of them even still have those so um I think it's it's something that we we need to look at throughout the entire District um since people had already started this process are um in district 7 they worked with the people that they could in the ptas around them and I find it very ironic that we sometimes I I don't do it and if I do I apologize already sometimes we minimize our volunteers and our PTA people and they work so incredibly hard and those are the people that are always willing take on another hat and what these ladies said to me was let's be the test case let's look together let's put this I'll work with the groups of the people we'll have the principles we all work together to be able to get to uh I can't say it's a engineering um status of of what is up there but that's why we have our po people and um talking about the required elements etc etc the crawl tubes the bounce beams sand versus Pip this is something that I would have liked to have um the district was going to do this like I thought we were already doing this as a district and I have to say I was a little disappointed in the in the of information and depth of um of the PowerPoint and so I didn't send the district S one because I didn't want to uh at all kind of really minimize what staff was doing but I I waited until I looked through it and I was able to get through on the telephone so um to share this with you because this is an assessment it's the elementary schools it's uh it shows pictures multiple pictures of each Elementary School what have what they don't have how long they've had their playgrounds closed um so this is and this wouldn't take six months or 12 months to do you could be able to get this done when um the schools were open during the summer or they don't even have to be um I mean it you could look outside and see what the playgrounds looks like so that is my U and I agree with my colleagues we've been talking about this for years years and I applaud um Ina and and the other people that have worked so hard together to get this um for for you know so I could share it with the rest of the school board to say hey we can do this in district one two three four 5 six and and kind of have a a starting point to let us all work together parents and as staff and board members and how can we work together with our municipalities and our vendors a let's assess them B let's put the money where it needs to be and I'm wholeheartedly support having money in the dfp um I'm was a little surprised at the schools that they picked because some of those schools are on the list of very under enrolled so I I I'd actually you know I I think my colleagues who spoke before had very good points on that very Val and I I do know I think he that Tina's in the audience I don't know if you guys have already done public um comment yet because I it was very difficult to try to follow it was like every three words I was I was only getting so that's why we pulled off and we're um kind of somewhere I'm getting hopefully you guys can still hear me um so that's really my thought process on that and we have the tools to do it we've got the people people we've got the power and we have the motivation which is putting our our students Mental Health physical health as well as our teachers because our elementary teachers are with those students all day long and they need as much as a break so the kids can go out and be kids um so when they come back to the classroom we're focusing on their educational needs so that those are my thought process on that um Dr heern I'm not sure did you guys receive the district 7 assessment it would have been in the last 15 minutes yes Miss rubert I'm actually reviewing it as you speak okay it's so good to hear your voice thank you thank you m rert um yes I'm I'm all done and I I'm glad that you guys received it um I just wasn't sure about sunshine if we were going to be giving an indication of what we were doing and so I figured if I sent it to uh Dr heer and John and Val then then you guys would have it so thank you much we really need to push forward with this especially the assessments um and and really each board member loves every single School in this District that affects every one of our communities and there's one more thing I wanted to say which actually was on the prior uh the very first topic this morning um which was about communication I was speaking to um one of our one of our employees who happens to be on uh one of my committees and we were talking about uh the repurposing of the district and how many people couldn't make a lot of events because they didn't know that they were happening so I said wait a minute you're an employee don't you get Tex from us every day uh about it and she said no and the reason she doesn't get it and I really want you to hear this the reason she doesn't get it is her kids go to school in date so she's not a parent quote unquote but she's one of our employees so I would highly suggest um Dr he that when we with our fabulous Communications team send these out we need to I didn't even think about it until until the employees said that she because we do not get them if our kids are in private school or if they're in another County school and I I thought to myself that's 30,000 people right there and they already love Broward schools because work for us so we should be advertising marketing our schools of choice our magnet programs all our our schools here in Broward so we can get them and because they she told me that they get in inundated by pal Beach and Miami day for Charter for private come this way come that and they never hear anything from Broward schools so I think if there's an extra button that we could hit that actually is every single employee gets to notice about reconfiguring the district repurposing the district we want your information and um I guess sometimes we're all in silos and we forget about it but um we have access to 30,000 more people and I think if we could at least talk to some of those people and and show them these are the programs I mean they work in instruction they work in etc etc but they don't know what everything is so I think why not Mark it to the people who already have a relationship with us just a thought but that just kind of floored me you know so if we don't have kids in this District on something that's happening at a school or something that's for a parot meeting they get left out so I would I would suggest that we add every employee back in and let them op out as they want to that's it thank you Mr allson thank you madam chair um actually I'm going to follow my colleagues from District 5 and district 7 um just on page 17 so I'm going to start there um because actually it was a similar line of thinking that I had um and I was hoping that they would say along with others on the board um that because now we're in the month of June and if there are schools that are listed on this plan that is before the board that I think we're sending a message that these schools are absolutely off the table um so I think I heard something a little different uh from the superintendent but I'm hopeful um because at least there are several schools that stand out on here um that we have all seen in different documents so I'm I am personally hopeful uh that some of these are off the table um question for staff great information by the way um what is the difference between I think I well let me just ask so there is a K2 playground and then a two playground bur missiny uh no actual difference but depending on how the school was organized or oh it's on sorry there no no difference for that specifically but depending on how the school historically had playgrounds or um uh the construction was done uh if you're looking at page 17 I think there was probably uh K through one and a 3 through five and so the missing one in that specific signage from that playground is a two um but uh as a committee we've been discussing that recently um to um make sure that we we can maybe expand um access to students uh on playgrounds and that's all dependent on the height of the equipment and the accessibility and things like that so um we we will look closer at that one and see if we can um make do with what we have on site already or if we do in fact need a new playground but that's part of the whole evaluation process so there's really no difference of a two versus a K2 right right okay got it it's um it's just how how it how it got signed the signage got identified um originally got it and kind of back to the initial conversation around assessing all the playgrounds in the district um does so this Tech technically does not cover all the financial needs of our playgrounds because we have not done a full assessment is that fair correct okay um so the visual inspections that you referred to from let's just call it school sites because know principles or whomever um my assumption is that those are just base level inspections right that's there's a yes from yeah from from the checklist that we were talking about earlier yes it's indidual all right Mr superintendent is this an opportunity for um so because for me safety is kind of like my it's in my head and I don't know if this is something that we need to wait for months and months I mean School sites are empty um if we can if this is considered an emergency procurement um if this is deemed a safety issue I'm going to defer to you all you're the professionals um but this may be an opportunity for us to identify local inspectors if we only have two individuals that do it right that may need some assistance um um and then we can get this done you know within the next you know 30 to 60 days max and then we have information back for uh the for the board is that something you would consider yeah so actually um I made some notes to myself to follow up with my team to see how we can speed this process up and um what supplemental Services we may need to support us in speeding that process up let me be the first to go on the record which is why I asked the question I think we should so I support uh hopefully that will be approach uh I didn't know that there were only two inspectors but sounds like there's a need for some additional supplemental Services uh to make sure we don't have any safety issues um last point I'll make is once we know uh what the formal assessment is from the remaining 200 plus or minus schools um that we know what the financial impacts uh is or are uh for the district uh so if you could maybe do that as a followup uh to the board uh once that's done and if you could also share uh if you do formalize you know moving forward with those formal inspectors or additional inspectors uh just share that with the board um because again we talk about uh small businesses or local businesses um and there are a series of inspectors who do this work um who could absolutely be helpful um instantly uh to the board so uh thank you for that last Point uh again I'm going to end how I started this is June and we're having another public document with all or with some schools that are listed I know we're only talking about Playgrounds I actually have a slightly differ a different view that playgrounds or any Investments that we put in the schools actually send a signal to a community so we have pulled out publicly that we intend to invest in was it 24 schools uh Dr holness so I am hopeful that because we are publicly saying today uh through consensus Miss fam uh that we are uh investing in these schools I am hopeful this District does not go back uh and go in a different direction on these schools that are listed on page 17 thank you Mr Frog thank you very much chair and um appreciate the thoughts of my colleagues I know it's important to all of us we've talked about Playgrounds time and time again um want to say thank you to staff right and I what I'm going to say next is not Testament of you all I know you guys work hard sometimes we have skeleton staff small Crews small and mighty Crews um to get things done but for me playgrounds is one of the most frustrating things right ties ties to what I say about our our football fields our facilities of when you pass by because that's something we pass by and we see while driving by and also as a parent dropping off my child in my community as a board member it's frustrating to see playgrounds with yellow tape around it during the school year where the parents have to drop off and see their playgrounds with spray paint because of what they have to fix and it hasn't been done it's the whole year it sits there that's frustrating um and it's discouraging right I challenge superintendent I think to show priority in this I asked the question how many charter schools and private schools have playgrounds that look like ours we talk about redefining and people coming back to Public Schools how many of those schools have playgrounds with yellow tape around it spray painted broken down not being used I could tell you probably none so if we truly want to compete with these people we have to do something right we have to compete it really is embarrassing and it's discouraging to parents that have to do it time and time again I drop my child off and see this see the fences falling apart the playground's falling apart this this is what I'm putting my child in right so for us to compete we have to do better and I think for we hear so many people vocal about that talking against school choice talking against vouchers and this is what we provide to compete this is how we are competing so that's why we continue to bring It Forward I think I've heard it said and saying hey we we're looking at schools and if are we going to invest if we're looking at closing School site are we looking to fix the playgrounds and sites that are going to be closing that's scary to talk about too cuz some of us have expressed concerns that schools in the black and brown communities are going to be affected and now you're telling me they don't deserve to get a fixed playground I disagree with that we're going to look at equity in every child getting opportunities at beautiful schools new facilities new playgrounds we should look at it fairly I think um for us we have opportunity I've said this in in again the football fields are facilities but playgrounds we have the opportunity as well I shared a story of when I went to I think it was Okala or Orlando and I saw one of the most beautiful playgrounds I've ever seen and it was partnered with Publix right you saw their sign everywhere and saying we provided this and we built this for our city beautiful right what are we doing I say thank you to daa Beach City commission when we did a tour of Collins Elementary and they said this is unacceptable we don't want our community school to have a playground that looks like this we will not accept that and they stepped in and their City commission said we'll pay for it we'll find a way to partner up and invest into our school how many City commissions have we gone to and asked and said would you be willing to work with us this is your school these are your children it's become difficult with money with us but I feel like at times when we talk about Playgrounds it's something small it feels like people look at it like a small thing but it's such a big difference when you pass by and you see something it it's what our children deserve it's what our families deserve they deserve to have a new playground a good playground one of the biggest complaints I used to have Mr fogan holy my kid keeps coming home with sand in their hair braids are expensive getting these let's fix this why does that school have turf and had that school have rubber and something so nice but yet we have sand and it's it's it's a mess we talk about Equity we talk about being fair we we have to we have to invest better and we have to compete better but it it doesn't feel like we compete at all and it's discouraging as a board member but discouraging as a parent too because I don't want my child in that environment either I wouldn't want that so if we want to really talk about a superintendent kids coming back we have to compete we have to compete and we have to do better so thank you thank you chair Miss Hixon thank you I have a couple of questions and just some statements I guess uh earlier on you mentioned that if a playground had an issue that a principal would either have someone fix it or put or call in a work order so my question is how long does it take for someone to come out and fix the issue through a work order that happen Mr W chinsky so we we put in the work orders um or they go directly through the Zone um it it depends if it's a vendor or if it's done directly through po so I I don't have a good time exact time frame for you because it depends on on what the item is we can provide that information uh to the board cuz going out to schools um what I hear is that it takes way too long for a work order to be addressed so you know I I appreciate that principes have the opportunity to tell you when something is wrong but if we don't have the ability to rectify the concern in a timely manner it it's not really an answer to the problem so if that is if it if there is a concern I'd like to really look at how we resolve that concern and and if I may I'm sorry uh we are working to improve that we just recently got um another contract for a vendor that was uh a sole source so those kind of things were were were lingering and we're we're we're trying to improve perfect and and based on what I just said about people complaining or not complaining but pointing out the issues of the the um playgrounds I can tell you there's absolutely someone on that campus that can tell you every single thing that's wrong with the playgrounds because they Point them out every time I go to visit so to that question what's required to be certified to to to inspect a playground a very hard test from what I understand um it's um through the sander can you answer that for me good afternoon Florida Parks and Recreation thank you uh let's have the test on the course for certified playground safety inspector so because my question to the through the superintendent is is it possible to to have someone on each campus be certified as um an inspector for playgrounds so they could be doing that continually throughout the year or you know once every six months or or whatever or I'm going to guess no based on what you just said but enlisting the help of PTA or or someone where they go through the training if it's just a test to to be able to increase that to Mr Austin's Point um two people is just not enough it takes too long how do we increase the number of inspectors we have do we give incentives to people in po to go through it like what what's the barrier to having more people be inspectors m [Music] vinsky i I agree with all of your statements uh yeah the the the funding um for some kind of re additional activity to their job especially from a school like a supplement or something like that from a school level um it it is a rigorous test um staff who have taken it from my department spend hours of their own time studying it in some cases uh lots of memorization and um uh not saying that anybody couldn't take the time to do that but that might be um a barrier that we face um but open to additional um input and and people to provide to provide that information Dr he I'd suggest that you know we maybe put a I don't want to say a survey but kind of have a discussion with with the staff to to see if they're interested in what that would look like and you could bring back to us where we could give some kind of incentive for people so we expand that right I think the important part is to notice that the um um you know the the it's not that it's um uh what am I trying to say um there there is criteria that need to be met but in some cases it can be kind of how you see something uh in addition to a measurement so we just the consistency of how the information gets distilled and put into a work order and then you know that we need we need those staff too to to make those um Communications with the vendors and do some of that work from from the physical plant operation side too perfect a couple more questions on page 17 um it there's two School schools North Side Elementary and brow Estates that for some reason is po is singled out to say equipment needed does that mean all the other schools have equipment it's a little confusing don't they all need equipment so sorry about that so uh at those particular schools uh they have an area demarcated as a playground um but they the for whatever reason old equipment was removed and then uh at the time there was no concession made to put equipment back in and I don't know how many years ago that was but that was the situation so could you say it would cost less then to playgrounds okay so that was important to know um and I would are all of our playgrounds ADA Compliant chaper M vinsky I believe the answer is no do we have any additional input from the group so would new school play new playgrounds new playgrounds will be okay and we'll work towards doing that because our playground should be accessible to everybody um that's important and my last Point kind of to what everyone said you know right before and it was a good thing that this the students from Lauderdale Manor were moved back over to Sunland Park because thank you Mr Dorset the roof was completed and they got their space back but right before that they got a new playground it's a beautiful playground and now there are no kids at Lauderdale Manor that use the playground so to everyone point that we've had that was a lot of money necessary for the little bit of time that the students were there but now there's a beautiful new playground and no kids to play on it so I don't know what the balance is to that I understand what Mr fogan Ho is saying because it may be a couple years before we get to closing school so you don't want to deny the students at all of these schools playgrounds but maybe move them since we have them in a in a year order maybe move them to a a later year in this process so that we're you know we don't put a playground in there while we're while we're deciding but just a kind of an example of where it did happen very recently and unfortunately it's a beautiful playground that just doesn't have anybody enjoying it so thank you thank you so my comments are on page 16 and for the dfp funding and the repairs uh so that last row where it's schools and playgrounds I would like to see that Ro that that row should be filled out with the number of schools and playgrounds I think we would know that information and then my also my recommendation for the repairs and then also the next bucket for the poor in place if it's practical I I see your hand SP um that we put all the the money in years 26 27 and and then 28 that we put all that money in fiscal year 2025 for repairs and for in place that would be my recommendation is that Dr heer practical this would or Mr dors yeah that is uh practical uh we do have vendors available but it depends on how you know how if if they're available to address the the the the installation in in that time frame that's why it's spread out like that but we do have vendors I think there are three contracts now available for us to use uh and to the point to uh the uh timing of work orders being respond to I have to own on that um and I will definitely be looking into that because um it shouldn't take that long to resp respond to a playground I know that pieces of playground from time to time may be broken uh the plastic pieces we don't store them uh in in the in the stock room that's something that we have to order or have a vendor uh do for us so sometimes uh uh situations like that might take time for us to be able to attain the the the the uh equipment needed to make the repairs but that is no excuse I'm not using that as an excuse uh we will be looking into the timely timeliness of responding to uh work orders and playgrounds so okay great thank you so if the board members if you could weigh in on that if you're okay with UPF Froning the money to fiscal year 2025 and then my last comment on the new playground uh plan my question is how much money does it cost for I don't know if it's there's different costs for playgrounds but the the playgrounds how much does each of them cost m s chiny I believe we used an average of about $300,000 per playground is that cor yep that sounds about right I built a playground for Alysa um so my I guess to Mr poen H's point you know with us seeking outside Partners so maybe they can sponsor a playground and maybe they get their their logo by the playground that they've sponsored this playground I think we need to creatively make those requests and and present it to different companies um who might want to partner with us to help us be able to get some of the to these playgrounds completed and funded now but you know I don't necessarily know I haven't heard of us presenting it in any capacity to two companies to sponsor a playground Dr heern yes um you must have been ease dropping on our Mr Dorset in our conversation earlier today so that's actually going to be a part of our discussion and think outside the box to see if we can find um for uh Pro for-profit or business partner uh sponsorships for playgrounds perfect Mr fogy on that point yes very much chair uh thank you um but I would ask that we start with our cities first right of course outside partners are great start with our with our cities and see how they can help thank you yes fam okay I'd like to U go back to speak on the origal agenda item um first of all it's really ironic we're talking about returning um students getting them to come back to public schools and I just want to share one story that just when you started talking about sand at the playground that um reminded me of our daughter our daughter when she was is um in five and 5 years old I think kindergarten we got a call from the school because a little boy had dumped a bucket of sand on her head okay that happens kids play but that wasn't their concern the reason why they had us come in was because she didn't react when he dumped this bucket of sand she didn't get upset she didn't cry she didn't get angry she just completely shut down now we would have never known that but for one of the teachers being very observant and watching her whole response and letting her go through her response and what they actually did is they pulled her out of the class out of and put her in a special class to become more self- assertive and and stronger and more self-confident where she could express when she was upset and one of the things I'm the reason I'm bringing this story to the board now is because that's the kind of teachers we need that's the kind of programs we need where we're so on top of our game that the parents don't even know or realize what's going on and someone says no this is not normal she needed to stand up and say I don't like that or stop that don't do that again so um I didn't mean to deviate but I just thought that is a way to lure students back and parents back when they see that kind of connection um some of the things I wanted to go through with the playgrounds is one is that I reach out to my principles approximately twice a year and ask them to look at their prgram is there anything they need and they outline the safety issu in fact I I asked Andre over there he's supposed to be giving out some papers and we have them for you as well you can see the correspondence he actually documented and took photographs of the different issues I'm going to just show you some of the issues and he wrote in here that his concern is that the P the playground is more than 20 years old so I know you said that you look at school enrollment but we need to be looking at the age of the schools the age of these playgrounds to really go in and redesign them and to bring them up to par and he said that um it's been more than two decades and they don't mean his playground does not mean the current safety standards and in addition to that that his children aren't getting um they don't have an interactive structure to get skills on their playground and he said that they really need that playground updated so I I given you a copy of this so you have this and I think this helps make your job easier because we have cooperation on people that are there every day now in addition one of the things I it seems like you're overwhelmed because you have two inspectors well I'm going to tell you to be an inspector you can have a GED or a high school diploma okay that tells you one thing that we have a broad range of people that we can actually try to solicit that are already hired to become inspectors the other thing is the getting the inspection um training and the course is um approximately 2 and a half days if you're in person or you could do it virtually all in one day or or over a period of time so my suggestion would be two things one is we have U the diversity team which is fabulous they go out and visit schools um every week and look at schools and part of that if you guys prepared a sheet an inspection sheet for them to look at it and check off Andor we could get someone from the diversity team actually credentialed they're already there that would knock off how many of the schools that you need so and we might even have a parent volunteer that says oh I'll pay for that I'll do that I I'd love to do that so that and the other thing is um although we we don't want our maintenance men to travel around I think we do have certain ones that do go to different areas and different schools so that might be the person that we want to single out and say hey we would like to take you for this training and therefore that will take so much pressure off and ease off of you because the bad thing is if someone gets hurt it's too late we should be proactive and not on the defensive not try to uh litigate limit our damages let's not have any damages let's get on top of the situation and move forward so that would be um my suggestions and and I hope you'll heed it thank you public comment narni Pierre grah thank you so much can you hear me all right um just a couple of points um the playground standard committee is there a policy that governs them and if there is where can we find that um also I I noticed you talk about Partnerships but wanted to know if you guys have um considered as part of the committee uh the city EBAs on how they can be involved and help maybe provide opportunities where they can fund and help with the uh playgrounds um and other the in other municipalities that don't have EBAs but I'm pretty sure they probably have someone on their board uh and or part of them so they can be part have like some kind of input on your playgrounds CU it is expensive but if we're working with our with our municipalities and cities um we can kind of partner apart from the um contracts that you guys sign with them for reciprocal agreements um Miss Fam I'm not sure if you meant diversity group cuz we don't really do what you say that we do um we look at everything in total as with the nine conditions but um I do appreciate your comments um on that but we don't really F I was a little bit confused when you mention that because we don't go out there doing exactly what you said we do a little bit of that but um if we can expand that that would be great thank you thank you Kimberly mohorn can't believe mohorn um Margate Florida um just had a few questions that that were kind of touched on but weren't hit um when it comes to the playgrounds and understanding that we're we're looking for funding um understand that our children are not um going outside as much as they need to and we're talking about Mental Health um this is a point where they are going to be running and playing and they haven't gotten that outlet so some of the funding hopefully can come from the mental health Prospect of it um so that we can use some of that money to make sure that they get what they need a lot of the schools do not have that recess and they need it they not only do they need it one they need at least twice in the morning and in the afternoon and if we want to tackle mental health then we definitely need to deal with this issue with our playgrounds there is funding out there we can find it yes we can work with our cities but we need to also work with um the health care sector to make sure that our children get what they need thank you thank you Dr n lynall good afternoon Dr Natalie Lynch wal Plantation Florida so it's been a while since the facili task force brought up playground so I had to go look at the last schedule we got from staff uh because um there was a painful process where Norah rert tried to get an answer to how much would it cost to go poured in place uh I just added up the different categories I came up with 23 million there's something else where they had 32 million um but I'm not sure if they're double counting things so now I got to follow up on that which that gets us to the issue of equity versus safety because what district 7 did is they went out and they cataloged based on Equity they looked at the equipment versus what the district says is in the specifications that that so you could have a school that says they have a playground but what have is old crap that yeah is repaired and the the playground isn't closed or they could be missing pieces so they identified where they were missing pieces and we had talked to it about coming up with a way to replicate what they did the district to replicate that and I guess if we have to we're going to be using PTA and saff moms to do it because that's how it got started um and they did a lot of work on that but understand there's a difference between safety and Equity um and then on SL SL 17 I said surely we're not going to have brow Estates yes we do um and I get it it's an election year but at some point MLK and brow states are not sustainable so please don't put equipment unless it's for safety reasons into brow States Bennett you had a whole conversation during redefining why would you I hope hopefully this one isn't going to be prioritized because as you now know half the school needs to be demolished and they don't have the fire alarm upgrade there yet so would you be putting students in there when most of them are reassignments probably not that's probably not at the top of the list so that's two right off the list right there um and I'm always confused when bayew shows up on a list um and by the way bethon only because I wouldn't have thought it was old enough to need a new one that's why don't get worried um but bethon needs a k to five because what they have is a playground for babies basically so not just two to five the whole thing but you're replacing buildings at bethon so that needs to be master planned um so it's not as simple as just plopping one down there because there's more to it but that could cause delays if people don't think these things through um and again this demonstrates why it's important to respond to the facili task force and have a longrange facility master plan steering committee meeting because all of the data that should should be getting discussed is not getting discussed and is not being analyzed we're sitting on data and no one's use doing anything with it thank you thank thank you Tina Lynn hi thank you for hearing me out um I am actually the person who created the PowerPoint that nor shared with you guys I am super passionate about Playgrounds I spent a week going out to district 7 to to do this analysis it took me a week I'm a parent I'm a PTA vice president in charge of advocacy at our school um I'd like to say number one I understand that the current focus is on the 24 schools right now that don't have current facilities however it doesn't take into account the schools that already have a playground set in place with zero equipment on it um I represent one of those schools at quiet water's Elementary School we have a facility in place it would be very easy to put a playground in there I have the quote from corat to get this done um I'd like to say with that quote the poe in place which is required by this County to be used for any new equipment that is going on PO in place is required by the county so with that the PO in place quote that I received for 300 square foot 300,000 Square 3,000 square foot facility area was $14 to $19 a square foot however the county when they came back with the numbers is $30 per square foot so I would like to understand the discrepancy on that my quote was $83,000 from corat which again is a Broward approved vendor for the same Po in place that the county came back to me with a number of $150,000 I think if we re-evaluate what we're doing and who we're using for our vendors we could accommodate more schools for this issue um I've read the handbook I know what's the required equipment for each playground um I want to know if they're going to update that because like they said the the metal equipment on our playground is from 1991 when our school was built the school nurse at our school played on the playground when she was in kindergarten and her now fifth grader is playing on the same playground equipment that she played on 30 years ago it is unacceptable to us there's no cover it's metal it's falling apart they came in and they painted it and they said it was fixed it is not um like I said I I'm glad that you guys all have the PowerPoint I hope you guys take it into consideration um you know if you guys actually want to go out and visit these schools I visited all the ones in district 7 it's sad it brought me to tears to see what these facilities are and all of the families there wanted to help and they were so excited that somebody was coming to look and make a difference um I'd like to reference what Dr Zan said I have met with the City Commissioner I met with mayor droski um vice mayor droski and mayor Gans about this and what they told me for the city of Deerfield Beach that is a Schoolboard issue and they are not putting any money into our school um I have consistently been going back to them with it but that was what I was told I did have meetings with both of them um so like I said oh and to the Ada they are not accessible um Ada accessible if they did they would have pour in place 90% of these playgrounds are sand and they are not accessible for the whole school thank you thank you so much artha Wimberly Tina thank you uh Wimberly with grand United Community PTA one of the reasons we move forward with establishing this PTA is because we discovered that there is actually a PTA or PTO desert in brow County District school dist um The District 5 area and especially in neighborhoods um like the east side of District 5 where they do not have active parent teacher associations or other parent teacher organizations I've repeatedly heard from board members as well as staff and other community members um committee and advisory chairs how ptas and PTO are influencing this playground assessment process we are very interested in partnering and becoming a part of this process so that the parents in District 5 particularly East five East Side are also involved so when people say the playground should be um not replaced over whatever rep period of time we know that the parents understand why these decisions and choices are being made also if they have anything valuable to add to the conversation because what we don't want to see is the historically underfunded historically marginalized schools continue to have additional years without the assets that really influence a child's learning environment and a playground is an opportunity to actually Max maximize Play and Learn experiences when you do not have a functioning playground you are actually depriving a child of an equal education opportunity so um we would very much like to be a part of this process so those parents who are not engaging in these um committee meetings advisory meetings or other processes with u board members that there is an Avenue for them to also be a part of these playground assessments because again I've heard over and over PTA PTO but there is a PTA n PTO desert in District 5 which we are trying to um correct that situation now my other question is um it kind of plays into what board member fogan holy already said to be more intentional to make these um these campuses attractive and alluring we know that students are more vulnerable to become a part of the school to prison pipeline by age three and when we looked at the um per persistently low performing schools in Brower County District our students who are in District 5 East Side those elementary schools there are multiple of them within a five mile radius that are persistently low performing schools this is an opportunity to utilize these playgrounds to be Play and Learn experiences go to foundations who have particular interest ask them to um sponsor um equipment that is stem pafic specific that will actually enhance their playground and playtime experiences thank you thank you so thank you to our public speakers um I just want to make a comment one of our public speakers said how large the price tag is that we're charging compared to outside entities you know what they're charging and when I was thinking about that my daughter's playground listless playground was about $300,000 but it's a compin state of thee art high level The Best of the Best of the Best of playground and it's not um the level playgrounds that are in our school so my question Dr Hein is why are we paying so much for our playgrounds when they're not at that highest level playround pay extra for everything pay triple for everything that's what we do U Miss W chinsky or Miss Paul I think that's more proberly of a procurement um question um but if you have any answers that you can provide yes procure can you hear me sorry um but also we we do have slightly stricter standards than a a community playground might have um for liability and insurance purposes and things like that so that could be contributing partially um but the the the prices that we get are based on the contracts that we have so I I I would have to do a deep dive I I don't I'm not I can't answer that specifically I contain what I want to say okay but I think we can do better we need to do better because we need to be able to meet the funding give our schools new level playgrounds and I think we're getting ripped off Mr fogan Hy thank you very much chair and to your point I feel like that about every contract we sign here at Brer County Schools um but I do want to add this on here and I I think that at times it feels as staff I'm looking at you all and it feels like always feels like whoever's sitting in those seats get gets beat up right but I think as a culture and I hope it's a question that you can answer right because I always feel if I went to your floor went to your office after this meeting I can get the real scoop right but for me I ask how as a board how as a superintendent how can we support you all better better to get things done how can we how can we help you um if that makes sense I hope you can you can find an answer because I know it almost feels like it's two separate sides here but we're on the same team so for me I want to know what how can we be productive and be supportive as much as possible what what can we do better Dr H great question um in general um many of the board members have some relationships with folks um outside of our our our world as bro County public school so ensuring that we can leverage those relationships to uh push some agendas and doing some things better for our students are offering better products and services to our students such as what we're talking about right now playgrounds um like I said uh working with um business partners to leverage them to help us with these opportunities and then if there's information that individual board members or relationships that individual board members may have with some folks that we don't have access to I'm sharing that we do have access or or utilize them um those relationships as a springboard to do something innovating and outside of the traditional box that we play in with our procurement processes um in in the like so I would say for item such as this or similar it's about leveraging different partners that we don't have access to currently that board members may have access to so we can start those discussions got and I uh appreciate the answer um Dr hman I feel like I tied you in with us right because I that's why I was looking this way I would want to hear from I'll let them answer to how can you I want to hear from staff how can we support you all how can the superintendent support and let me say this and you can be candid since he asked it's on it's on record too so thank you so I I think uh in my experience uh the best way to leverage um improving our district obviously um is working with our municipalities uh our government officials uh and creating um great Partnerships with them I've seen it work in many cities um I know in Houston we have the spark program that's been in existence for I don't know 30 years um that has been very instrumental in uh providing funding uh the schools bring a certain amount a minimum amount $5,000 you work with the um and it's a element or a part of the city government uh that has vastly improved um Parks uh or uh equipment being available playgrounds being a available across the city of Houston and there are many many other examples across the country uh playgrounds are very important to uh children um and to release of energy and I especially love the monkey bars uh when I was a kid uh so I think we can do better without a doubt I appreciate the community uh input uh the board's input in helping us to become better and so I you know again we have a lot of work to do in Broward uh obviously and I think we're on the right path um and going in the right direction to improve uh the student experience so again we have a lot of work to do playgrounds are fundamentally uh so important to especially you know K through three kids uh and uh five and six by the time they get to middle school they're too cool uh to do that kind of stuff but you know we have work to do and I I thank the community for coming out and expressing your views and uh do you want to add anything and thank you for that uh and I want to say kudos to the cities that are contributing I know there there are some cities that that that that that are involved in helping us move uh things forward I know City of Fort Lauderdale is one I know uh city of mar um uh Miramar is another one that we that we partner with I think city of North Lauderdale um so there are there are there are quite a few cities and I don't want to name all of them or because I know I would miss one or two so I want to I want to back up from that but um we have leveraged uh uh uh some partnership with some of the Cities but uh any leverage that you can provide to the cities that uh may be a little difficult to deal with uh any help you can give us would be greatly appreciated uh we would we welcome the uh the the partnership to get us to where we need to be because we know uh within Broward County uh Public Schools it's it's a difficult thing money is a is is a tough thing to come by so um any help uh we can get with any uh City municipality would be great so thank you for that yes chair thank you very very much but again Mr dorsette Dr Paul I appreciate it but you all are in the room with does right I'm I'm asking staff again I feel like with the people that are day-to-day you guys are in in the room with us so for me that's where I want to hear it I I feel like you all have been sitting here I see environmental on the shirt been sitting here didn't say a word I want to know how we can support staff do what they're doing and I know you all cuz but you all in the room with us so I I really want to know how we can support really get even if it's one thing a person I want to do it quick just hey you guys can do this better I just want to know what we can do better AB absolutely uh you know Dr uh heer mentioned it being candid we need help I need additional playground equipment mechanics to help me do this work right um one of the reasons why it takes so long for me to to to to get to some of these things is I don't have uh staff the foreman is down there uh Tom iron he he he runs our playground equipment uh Department he's short staffed uh um uh so so any and we we we try to get as uh as up to dat as we can with the equipment that that that we have um I'm going to take a look at that to see uh what the needs are I know there's some some some equipment that we can get that's going to help us um but staff uh is a big thing uh uh in order to get to to these schools in a timely manner we're going to need some help there so so if that answers your question that's that's that's where I would I would go it doesn't I'll let it slide Tri because I don't want to take time but I'm saying Mr Dorset we talk all the time I I want to hear from them okay I want to hear from them thank you Miss ton thank you um just real quick recess in schools to address one of our public speakers isn't recess in school superintendent required it's a required part of the day Dr Miss H's word cuz I know that law changed a few years ago to make sure we have um recess but I don't know if there's been updates later it's on there we are good afternoon Simone Hollings Earth Chief academic officer yes that is it's a 20 minute requirement for elementary schools so just 20 minutes one time corre day and how how do we ensure that they're getting at least that in the day sorry M I couldn't see you Mr fog h chair was blocking me so um that's in their schedules at the schools that's scheduled in so with myself as well as the regional superintendent and directors um actually work on that okay and they can have more than correct so it's 20 minutes of recess which is the minimum and then there's a 30 minute PE requirement as well so it's in top so even if they don't have PE as a special they still have to provide that they still have to provide the PE and the 20-minute recess correct thank you you on page 16 um if through doc Dr heurn that information on page 16 is about repairs specifically right not new playgrounds but specifically is there a list of schools that that money is being earmarked for for repairs Dr heer m w shinsky yes yes sorry okay and you've shared that with us I think through the dfp right yes I believe so okay thank you and chair if you could again you you asked us for consensus on something could you just repeat that so we can give you an answer to yes so on page 16 the DF funding if the board is okay with pushing all the money from your 26 27 and 28 in the repairs or the PO in place to push everything up to the year 2025 so my question to staff would be if we move that money up do you have the capacity to do it in that time m w chinsky i no okay uh short answer um we we could definitely spend more than the 750 per year or the 500 um if we want to kind of partially move up but we we when we identify a school we do a full inspection we're looking we're not just looking at the types of equipment we're looking at uh bolts and details um and then um and then it goes to PO or the vendor so we might be able to identify um the repairs that need to be done but it may not be that the money is actually you know spent and it's completed okay so I don't mind moving it but I I think we kind of have to find out how that looks because I don't know if we move it all into one year does that become an issue with moving it you know out and there so I don't mind but I think we have to have a bigger discussion with that Dr Zan yeah thanks so much um I appreciate the response it's not okay uh the the barer county needs playgrounds built much faster than that like a lot faster than that and if this board decides to move the money which I think what we could do today chair is say to the staff bring us an item so that we can approve this as part of dfp I still like to go back to my first point which is what's the whole requirement and then let us decide can we get it in three years or four years or five years what how long is it going to take us to get playgrounds in our schools all of our schools particularly K through five elementary schools uh to get that done and I think we can do that we've got the ability in the unallocated dfp uh to do it but if the if the best answer is we can't do more we got to find a better answer like we're not going to sit around here and discuss this and have a an issue for this board and just say I'm sorry there's a lot of nuts and bolts U that's just not acceptable we we're going to figure out a way to get it done faster to meet the needs of the community Dr holess oh and then miss L thank you madam chair um so um I would caution moving the money up um I don't mind shrinking the timeline uh but my concern just as before because this would include building new playgrounds correct no this is just for the repairing 16 the POR in place repair and repair so just for repairs okay so in that case um I would support that yes thank you Miss leonardy um yeah I support moving the money up um I do want to ensure that staff has the capacity to do the work um am I able to give comments or about uh Dr heurn can speak to that point Y so the team and I we'll we'll analyze our current capabilities and capacity to do the work and then we'll go out and see if we can find some Partners to help us with that work um to accelerate the the the amount of work that needs to be done within that timeline got it can I make my comments about the rest of the okay we're going to end with you okay um you know I really appreciated Miss moh's comments about how this is a mental health piece as well um 20 minutes of recess is not enough I understand that that's State Statute um but I think we need to do more um M I had a question about the 30 minutes of PE so I think Miss Hixon asked you know if they don't have PE as a special um how are how are the kids how are we ensuring that they're getting the 30 minutes of PE what does that look like and how are we holding people accountable to that Dr aburn miss hollinworth the 30 minute PE how are we holding people to how are we ensuring that that's happening good after hello good afternoon again Simone Hollingsworth as I mentioned before that is um in regards with the regional superintendent and directors that monitor that because that's through the scheduling as well as knowing that even if they do not have PE as one of their electives or specials that elementary school teachers are are by the state um considered PE teachers they can teach that as well so that can be scheduled within their day okay um and I think you know there's a lot of data to support the idea that our kids are really suffering from a lack of outdoor play um I think you know as we go on generation to generation there's less and less play free play outside um so miss mohorn was exactly right that this is a mental health issue I'm wondering are we able to use any mental health referendum dollars towards any of this since it is a mental health issue Miss morte do you have a mic over there yes you do so um thank you madam chair Miss Miss Leonardi the language of the referendum and I'm doing this from memory is other essential programs and that would be determined by the board but based on the current allocation of dollars the board would very likely have to foro something that they that's already being planned to do that I I did I did the math I looked at the gfp what the board's asking is to move 4.1 million from the out years uh of capital dollars and the other comment I think I'd make Miss Leonard so the answer the short answer is yes you can if you want to but it is much more appropriately paid for out of capital yeah okay thank you and I I the reason I asked about that specifically is that we've the board I think every year we have rollover funds we haven't spent all of the mental health dollars um so that's very frustrating you know we we we know that there's a mental health crisis in our schools um we're not spending all the money um and it feels like over and over and over again we're not coming forward with solutions for that um I appreciate staff's comments uh and requests to us as board members of going to our cities and reaching out to them about um you know helping out with these playgrounds and I know Mr Dorset mentioned the city of Fort Lauderdale City of Fort Lauderdale is has done an amazing job partnering with us um in building playgrounds and and doing joint use Parks agreements um I would ask you know if you're if you need our help uh if we could have some sort of toolkit um looking at like the successful Partnerships you mentioned Miramar um that we can go approach other cities with to say like look this is what other what's been successful with the city of Fort Lauderdale city of myamar um you know we want your City to be involved too this is a a win-win for all of us so if you could do that um you know I think that would be helpful um and then the the last piece I'll end on is I know there's the playground standards committee but it seems like when we have for instance diversity um or the the mother who's in the audience today um who go to our our facilities so not just our playgrounds but our facilities they are able to find things and see things that we might not necessarily catch as a district so I think it's really important that we involve families and students um when it comes to reviewing the the playgrounds and Facilities moving forward thank you Dr har would you like to speak to the mental health comment yes so um with the mental health allocation that money will be spent down to the to the dollar um I know a lot of that money we've been using to hire people we will um Implement some strategies to fill gaps with supplemental Services um and encumber all of those funds so to ensure we're not rolling over some very important um some funds for some very important um issues that we're trying to address in our schools thank you that's really good to hear and that speaks to your leadership thank you all right so staff will bring back a item for the board to vote on to move that funding for repairs up Miss rert sorry yeah um I actually concur with moving the money up if it's AB absolutely feasible uh that we can do it make sure we have the capacity and um just miss Leonardi and pix in Tim mohorn and every board member in that room and probably Chief staff and person impr pres to say that we need more recess we need better playgrounds and we certainly need um to focus on our our the whole child and make sure that they are physically fit and also mentally fit to be able to um in their stress because the Obesity level is just growing larger and larger as we do nothing and the best way is for us to have those playgrounds available for the students and um have them walk their kids to school I mean we we celebrate that one day we go it's Walkers K kids of school day which is wonderful and I believe it's I forget which organization does it but it's it's wonderful but we need that more we need kids telling Mom and Dad hey you know what I learned it the um my my teacher told me that we can do this and U we walked around and we we counted our heart rate whatever it is um also involve their own community and their mom and dad and um have a fitness um explosion I hope and and moving forward in health so those are those are my points on that and um thank you so much and thank you to staff um for having all this put together and of course um to my my board members uh thank you so much for um your all your knowledge and review of this so thanks okay next up we're going to talk about the rule development meta detectors policy 2010 I'll give a two-minute transition for staff do we have any public speakers I couldn't get your answer Kimberly Market in Florida so we saw that the the um metal detectors have been rolled out um yesterday um excited about having metal detectors um however the one thing that we've um that I've noticed is that there were a lot of Staff members there yesterday and we just want to know if there's going to be the same amount of staff members when school starts um when blanchy has their metal detectors rolled out um considering that they said that there need to be have three different um three um staff members at each station and we're going to have three stations and we have a total of um 10 security um and that's including our manager so if we have three people at each station plus you're supposed to have your AP at the station um who are who who are the people that's going to be watching the children after they um go through the metal detectors um and also um watching the perimeter and making sure that things are safe within the building um please consider that we probably we're we are short already so um we we will probably need that help hope in the morning it might not be all day but in the morning when the kids come in they need that extra staff um and we just want to make you aware of it I know that the principal and the aps have said it but the community is here and we want to say it again because sometimes um they make things happen because that's what they're supposed to do but we want to make sure that our children children are safe and not just with the metal detectors safe thank you thank you now turn it over to staff for a two-minute presentation good morning board members morning is the PowerPoint coming up all right good morning um this policy change is policy 2010 uh changing from uh our handhel metal detectors policy that we started a few years back and we're are B basically including now in the new policy they walk through metal detectors uh with me to my right is director Jim FL Roa who has been spearheading the metal detectors um the walkthroughs and as I want to thank every board member for showing up yesterday thank you for your support um it was really nice to see that um and I know that yesterday was complete success so I want just want to thank uh Jim L Roa publicly for making sure that his staff and we prep well prepared to welcome the students uh coming through at JP terella and at Flanigan so the policy change here we basically Madam chair we basically I'm going to go right to page five we just basically Incorporated the walkth through metal detectors um into the policy we also incorporated as you know we're moving into having K9 usage so that was one of the options we also want to leave ourselves the ability to continue to conduct a randomized metal detector um wanding in the classrooms in addition to the walkth through metal detectors that we'll have up front so the polic is there um the changes are minimal all the interest don't incorporate what we're doing moving forward Miss leonardy thank you um and another piece that I want to speak to that Miss mohorn mentioned um in terms of staff so I I mean there's a larger conversation I think to have that we need to have at some point about um the number of security Personnel but I think what I might like to see in the in the policy is something about um some sort of guidelines around staff running the metal detectors in the supervision of the rest of the school um so that because the concern came up yesterday that if this is where all the security are at the beginning of the school day running the metal detectors what about the rest of the school as they as they enter the as they enter the buildings um but my other concern is I would be very disappointed to see for instance guidance counselors um having to take over the role of security Personnel or um uh you know running the metal detectors um I guys say guidance counselors because they are often the people who are called on to fill in for for other positions um so I would like to see some guidelines around that um as well as you know actually I don't know let me back up the other piece that the policy speaks to that I want wanted to address is it says that the policy applies to all people who enter the the property how does that work for like weekend activities um for instance I know that at Nova our band director had uh band practice over the weekends um what what does that mean for early morning activities extracurriculars um you know football games and things like that so I'm wondering if someone could explain that heer Chief yes ma'am yes the policy it's a stands uh the intent is to do it during school day during school working hours for for sporting events um R he may want to add but we're looking to add um to use them during football games and things like that so we can actually use them because they're portable so it would be make sense to use them during sporting events but for right now we're looking to do it during school hours okay um and maybe I missed where it says that in the policy where it it says during school hours but if if um I think that would be important to to Define that as well thank you Miss Hixon thank you um yeah I would also say and and thank you for yesterday think it went fairly smoothly I know that there's some things that need to be tweaked but um I thought overall it went well but as we were standing there in in Prior discussions um with community members the concern is if you need three people people per station and you have three stations in a school that's nine staff members who need to be trained you just can't have anybody there um who's watching the rest of the kids or what actually came to me when we were there yesterday is as the buses were pulling up the students were able to get off the bus and go through but the conversation I had with security monitor yesterday was often they hold the bus the students don't enter the school they have to wait and the doors open at a certain time my concern with that is if you have hundreds of students coming off the bus at the same time and they have to wait in a line who's watching that line and does it make sense to do that and I know I had the discussion with Dr heurn and he said in Palm Beach they I don't know whether it's just procedural or policy where a couple of buses come out they walk out and walk through the line and then another bus has come out so there's a lot more piece is to what we did it was it was great for a small number of students that came in and and I don't think the students had any problem with it it didn't phase them at all really um but strategically to continue to make sure it flows um I I don't know if in policy we need to be sure so that we're not tasking guidance counselors or teachers because they're preparing for school before school they're preparing for their students I don't want a teacher to be tasked with having to go and do any of that work it needs to be a trained person so in this policy maybe we need to add in there that you know only trained people would be doing that and maybe a behavior Tech or or a behavior Specialist of that sort that this is already kind of in their line of what they do and they wouldn't be seeing students directly like right when the bell rings would make sense I know you spoke to me about um the The Substitute or revolving security that we have bless you but I think it would be important for them to be consistent because as you move through it they're going to get to know the students and it just will make that process smoother I don't know if it's more of a a policy Logistics or needs to go in here but as a as a teacher I would want to make sure that in this policy it says a trained person running those those that equipment so that no one thinks that they can just ask me as a teacher to jump in there and try to resolve the concern I know as we ask teachers to stand in front of their doors and monitor as the school is going forward but I don't think we should ever task them with having to work the metal detectors that needs to be a trained person so I'd like to see something to that effect in the policy thank you thank you Miss tixon um my question is in regards to why did you use walk through metal detectors why didn't you just say weapon detectors or weapon detection systems no particular reason just the fact that that's I mean they're walk through metal detectors and we also have hand hm metal detectors just to be able to disting between the two that ones you walk through and the other ones are you know also did not want to be married to just particular um vendor so that way we if if something happens in the future or we grow or whatever want to make sure that we have the ability to have walkth through metal detectors okay so well I wasn't talking about any vendor I was just speaking to weapon detection that term can I can I add here U I just want to clarify because we went we talked about this uh a few board meetings ago and I just want to make sure am I correct and now my clarification we have a metal detection system correct but based on our use how we calibrate it it's we're using it as a weapons detection system we can easily calibrate it to find even a paperclip in somebody's pocket correct which would change the nomenclature of how it's used and it'll be a different type of detection system I just want to make sure that we understand the nomenclature around that it is a metal detector we have calibrated it to find weapons hence the term that we've been using um is weapons detection but in essence at the core of it it is a metal detector that is correct uh but also we wanted to make sure that you know we we included that a the weapons detector is a type of metal detector I mean it is a type of so also the public is easy to understand metal detectors versus Weapon It's a little bit have to you have to explain a little bit more versus everybody understands what a metal detector is and what it does because the handheld is a metal and the handheld is actually something that you know the officer would have and they can actually use as a oneand to use person okay no I I appreciate you explaining that uh my next uh I guess statement and and I don't know exactly where this would go but I would like to see some type of language connecting uh Alyssa's alert panic button with the policy because if someone's walking through the metal Det protector and they have a gun I want staff in the policy to know that they need to push their panic button lock and lock lock down so if we could somehow connect that and then maybe also that they're required to call a lockdown and connect it maybe back to the lockdown policy MH okay we're taking notes yes all right Dr Zan uh thanks so much uh chair um I'm curious uh chair on and and maybe superintendent why on um letter C under the rules we would threaten students with expulsion for not walking through a metal detector so it says up to I'll repeat my question why would we enumerate in this policy the threat that we're going to exp expel someone from school because they choose not to go through a weapon detector Dr heurn I I'll uh shift over to Chief Alber in a minute but my assumption is it is a u Act of defiance um and it could lead up to based on what that student may have on their on their person at that time for the reason why they are refusing to walk through so that's why um the language is up too but I defer to uh Chief alberie and I know um this will probably come up in in our um student code of conduct conversation too yeah in conversation with the folks from the student code and conduct part um we wanted to make sure that you know every student that walks through they have to walk through the metal detectors that was one thing that we wanted to capture in the policy uh we want every there'll be no exceptions there'll be some students that will of course have to make some adjustments because not everybody walks and some people may go in a wheelchair we have to make adjustments but every student will go through the middle detectors and that's this is one of the way to capture that make sure they if you're refusing there'll be consequences for refusing to walk through it I think um it's sufficient to say if you want to get into school you're going to have to go through a metal detector full stop uh I just hate threatening students um some may walk up to a weapons detection system and remember that they had something that will set off the detector but is not uh a weapon uh and they have to run it back to the car or they want to go back and check their backpack and make sure they don't have uh something that was left over whether it's a vape device or or something else uh it just seems heavy-handed uh to me more important to me is letter e um this the sentence reads in a way that I'm not sure is clear to our school-based leaders the district reserves the right to conduct random screenings within classrooms I would like it to say the district reserves the right to conduct screenings within randomly selected classrooms it's really really important that we make sure that people understand that we randomly select classrooms we don't do it for racial reasons or ethnic reasons or because we think there's some gang member in one of the rooms and we're going to go out um so if we're really going to do it the right way and random the the classrooms themselves ought to be defined uh as the thing that we randomly select on uh letter A uh again I just uh have um I'm wondering about the need for this do we really need to post notices at several prominent locations around each school facility we already have them sir okay uh and my concern with that is we have like 507 around every school and after a while people just don't read them um so uh we we run the risk of being uh overly communicative but communicating uh even less on letter A also at the bottom the paragraph you might want to resequence those sentences so they're chronological you would do the first sentence the third sentence and then the second and then lastly uh when I'm really mad at somebody I do all caps in my emails and I want them to know it's I'm yelling it's just it just comes through in a text or a or a thing is there any reason why we're yelling at people in this policy by going all caps so it it's the way it was written from the last policy I have no idea why it was all caps to be honest follow the last format and made some edits we do not have to put them all all gaps absolutely not as to my previous comment you know this is for the public to read too we want them to understand our policies and and maybe we can uh uh use plain English and appropriate capitalization thanks chair Mr allson thank you madam chair uh when I yell at someone I just don't respond to their email um that's normally the simple message um so let me start with kind of the first couple points I think we must be strong on safety I know we had this conversation before thank you all for what you do um I know we had the conversation on ensuring that we get these and I thought they were actually weapon detection systems um at all of our high schools so I'm glad that we as a district took that strong stance uh I'm also hopeful that uh we begin to consider what the Elementary and Middle School uh roll out will be uh on how we make those campuses also safer I didn't say safe because they're already safe but safer um and that includes uh and I know we're going to have a budget discussion later um you know looking at uh the appropriate Staffing um you know should there be uh law enforcement or armed uh person Personnel or someone else and I would just say that and I think they're pros and cons to all of that um but if we and I just kind of and I just kind of heard you know and kind of thought through this and I heard your point at least on one of these uh to my colleague but if someone let's just say does not go through um a metal detection system going through TSA right what is the consequence or what is the reaction Dr TSA in the airport sure they can't board the plane they can't get past the security checkpoint so there or yeah what so it could be up to all these different things right so I support just back to the point of keeping the up to all the different types of results because I think we have to be very clear and firm that every student must go through a weapon detection system period I don't think we can waver on that point I think when we start wavering on that point we send mixed messages mixed signals and that's not where we want to be um the second point I'll say is just back to posting and signage you can't over share right I get your point right then you're on the other side there's only one sign right only on one door on one side of the school um I think you know there is no um anyway I don't see how you can over promote advertise advocate for safety so I'm actually on the other side if we need to have 500 more signs I'm okay with that um so I'm going be very clear last point I'll make um and I think I support everything that's presented so no uh issues but just on the no by adding in and I get the connotation but by adding in random in front of other classrooms only because we all get these alerts on different things that occur in all of our schools if there is a report let me just ask it in the a question if there is a report of a potential weapon on campus that is not a random search right that is a search in response to um I don't know some tip or some Source or you know something that's been shared right so I would just propose and I don't know what all the scenarios are you do cuz you're the experts consider that as one scenario kind of what you just said Zan as one scenario um because all of those you know are important right it's balancing making sure that it is um no one feels targeted but in certain cases you will be targeted right if there is a tip that says it's in classroom ABC so I just want to be clear on the language whatever is there probably has to balance both scenarios it cannot just shift to the one scenario that I know we just talked about all right yes sir I hear you I think what you're asking is to search based upon Regional costs whatever you say um page may I go on the list sure go ahead Miss rubert thank you sorry I know it's pain for you guys we'll be home in like 45 minutes uh in Canada hopefully um okay so two things really really um and I absolutely agreed with um what Mr Alon was just talking about um it needs to really be a tip from somebody or a signal from a k9 um but it can't be random all the time although City Cen Creek does do just rotates through classrooms and does their stuff but if you're actually working off a tip or or a dog a k9 came in and you and sat down then then we're going to the next level um but what I didn't really hear about and uh was our ESC students our students with disabilities our kids with varing exceptionalities right we're going to we'll we'll be able to you know deal with it or uh I don't like that kind of a term what I want to hear is that there was there is a plan in place for um somebody to be there that's a behavioral test or has been trained to help students go through something like that because these children um you know everybody everybody's um bearing exceptionality does not show we have no idea so if a child I who's 504 her 504 um has for extra um PLC you know something in a stressful situation might trigger something they need to be able to be kept a part of the school but with their rights intact or accommodations and I don't know what that looks like but we need to do a lot more thought on that uh especially as we move down to the middle schools Etc but we have to be you can't put the kids through extra stress that's going to trigger them so I I would like to know from the superintendent what is being done on the um you know the the Forefront or we roll it out completely or we're going to be able to um assist our students under the ESC umbrella with going through that process with with a heart um you know what what conversations what protocols do we have in place that's going to help our students all of our students walk through this so Dr heer Dr hurn thank you um chair um actually great um input uh Miss rert um we will definitely um um take some information from the playbook for my neighbors in the north they've been implementing this for some time and you know their their uh demographics kind of mirror ours um especially with our special need populations in some of their high schools um also it reminds me of the situation with Jet Blue with autism in Flight where you have some special need kids kids who don't do well on airplanes and Jet Blue has opened up their doors to create an environment where they can actually be exposed and engaged with that process before they actually get on the plane so we can put together something where we can do the same uh for our special needs kids especially our students who have those real stressful moments and situations like this so we can follow up but the uh Chief alberty and his team meet meet with us uh uh weekly and then definitely formally in cabinet every two weeks to go over how implementation going providing feedback and input so we can certainly um dive into this situation too just make sure we're providing accommodations for our students who can't handle that level of stress very well right that that's so nice to hear and I'm sure the parents as well as the students will feel um you know less yourself at that I would love to see um your plan for that uh when you get ready with staff and hopefully prior to beginning of August um whenever your timeline would be acceptable um so thank you thank you madam chair those were my my comments uh about the metal detectors so far so thank you Mr Fen hly thank you very much chair and um just had a couple questions uh Chief alberty well the big concern I got from when we talked about metal detection when we talked about these rolling out um lot of security Specialists were saying hey we don't have staff here like how are you going to pull this off like we we have way too many kids not going to have it so currently if we were to roll this out districtwide are we currently short staffed right now to man these these metal detectors we are not I believe we're the high 90% Staffing for security okay close to 100% almost but because people come and go you know we are Jim can talk about it but we we're pretty well staffed and that's in every single school that's in every single school and um matter of fact I'm going to let Jim talk about how his Staffing plan is so that he can actually answer your question aome can can I dive in real quick before you start Jim um or Mr L Roa so Palm Beach has been implementing these metal detectors for quite some time um they have significantly less security monitors than we do it was one of the biggest um largest things that I saw when I came like oh my God the high schools are have like 10 plus security monitors we're in Palm Beach County I was used to at the max of probably three and they're they figured it out and and they're getting it done so we have the staff we just have to think differently and put them into situations um where they can implement this with Fidelity without any gaps without any hiccups so we just got to think differently of how we secure our campuses how we implement this new process um cuz we have other districts that have significantly less staff that are getting it done so that's not going to be our excuse at all we we'll get it done thank you yes so uh without getting into the Weeds on numbers but that's thank you Dr he that's exactly right so um this is a threepers operation typically um on average two of those three should be our what I would call our blue shirts right the third I and this has been part of the discussion from the beginning we need some leadership present at at each one of these that's the ideal right and that's going to send the message that we're all in this together that may be one of my managers that might be an assistant principal and that's that that'll be the simple job of determin you know welcoming students and determining you know if the light's red or green kind of thing uh that said we're looking at on average two to three entry points per School times two blue shirts that that is going to release a number of Staff members to do their other duties at the school now does it help to have additional staff of course it does right can we use additional staff always um can we make it happen with what we have yes um I also have you know about 50 security specialist floaters these are higher level you know security Personnel their job typically is is to float right is to substitute around the district for vacancies that are out I've already put out the guidance that you know their place of Duty every morning is going to be in their home High School supporting this operation right they can they can float out as needed after that so we're making adjustments and we'll make it happen um but I'm not going to sit here and tell anyone that you know staff and you know Miss F and I had this conversation yesterday right additional staff will can always help um but we're not going to be to the point where we're where we're going to where the mission will fail I appreciate that um and what kind of training does it require to man one of these metal detectors so the nice thing about these systems is they're they're pretty much said and forget right as long as they're configured in the morning by by leadership or or by Design they're they're pretty easy um they're configurable Via mobile phone I've acquired the app and phones for all of my managers out in the schools it should be pretty simple to get them set up um so operating them is really a non issue and anyone who was out there yesterday really saw nobody was fiddling with the systems right I mean there's no operating the systems it's it's everything around it right it's it's ensuring that we have staff who are you know monitoring the students as they come through for alerts um we have a staff member who are passing items around the system because there are some common items that will alert right so you know your laptops and things of that sort um and and probably the most skilled position at every entry is our secondary screener right so a a security specialist who is providing that secondary screen if an individual alerts right in which case that's going to consist of you know checking a bag you know Finding what the source of that alert is um you know we as part of the the randomized you know metal detection program for the last couple years we have a lot of Staff in the district who are already pretty well trained on on how to do that um our campus security managers are are trainers on that um and we are doing additional training this this summer on on all of that so that's really I would say the the most critical position and then obviously that that's supervision understood and um so you said bags so let's talk about bags let's talk about uh instrument cases are they getting searched every single time they come through there well bags are not bags are bags students walk through with all their belongings right only if it alerts will the bag be searched musical instrument cases should be handed off before they go through because it's pretty obvious those are going to alert and the guidance to my staff is if you get a musical instrument case pop it open take a look and then pass it along so so you know if there's anything going around the system you know another good example is we have three ring binders which you could tell pretty easily that you know there's there's something in it or not but we also excuse me if we can just try to stick to the policy I know we all have questions and and maybe you know staff can meet with you individually to go over this but specifically to the policy understood I'm just thinking so going back to the policy and we're talking about Staffing it right um two to three cuz I can see the bigger schools I can see those numbers of kids coming through and then two or three two of them might get pulled to either search it like I said and you're talking about big student bodies coming through there um so my question really where I wanted to get to and we talked about training we talked about what they have to do to be part of that crew but I'm thinking about coaches to miss Leonardi's Point staff that may be help helpful in that situation to welcome students and be part of that process um you said 90% but with the 10% is there any supplement or any way that we can actually help to get a little bump or any pay for anybody that's willing to help in that morning process to be able to well welcome those kids and be part of that is there anything that we can sort of supplement and help with that Dr thanks chair um so I know we do provide supplements for uh teachers to help out with other duties um we provide supplements for that and we can to take a look at additional supplements I think that's part of the discussion also today you'll see the list of um um uh additional supplements that are available to staff on on on campuses got it now I would like to I would like to look into that right to to have anybody that wants to sign up to that have that opportunity um but not be wasting time let's get them paid also if we have you know the ability to be able to pay them and take care of them give them a little extra you know it' be awesome so thank you very much uh Dr H thank you madam chair so on page three of the red line line version um item C I am like Dr Zan I have concern with that language um I don't understand why it cannot simply say students who refuse to submit to a metal detector screening will be denied access I mean the point of all this is for safety of the school so if students are any student who refused to go through the screening is simply denied access um why is there a punishment up to expulsion for refusing to go through a metal detector um I think um I am concerned with even the term expulsion how do you define also refusing and how do you determine the degree of punishment based upon refusing it just appears to me like it lends itself to subjective biases that I'm concerned about uh um how that will how students will be punished based upon refusing I would much rather the language change and certainly I don't like expulsion being in the language M can I make a comment yeah just can I make a comment yeah um Dr Hess just keep it mind that this is not just strictly about walkthr Metal Detectors there's also the randomized screening so if you're you're already in the school and you're now refusing and now you're in the school and you're refusing this search now that becomes a problem so that is subject to disciplinary action so it's not just entering the school but you're already in the school and are you refusing a randomiz search because we have selected the classroom and all students will be searched so at that point it does become a disciplinary issue I understand that but I'm still concerned about the general term refusing um that could involve also entering through the metal detectors correct in addition to so it involves all of that so if you have a student who walk up to a metal detector decides that I'm not going to go through I'm going to go back and check my bag as Dr Zan mentioned or check my car if I'm a high school student uh who defines refusing is refusing at that moment where principal can say well you're refusing to go through we're now going to inflict punishment on you and it could be up to expulsion I just think this whole thing will lead itself to a lot of biases and subjective determination of what refusing means and what is the degree of punishment based up on is a degree of punishment based upon the degree of refusing I mean it's just very vague and general I don't like it I think it's going to lend itself to um a lot of biases and I'm concerned about that thank you I would just say based on what we saw yesterday students this is the world World they live in they're used to walking through they have to do it in sporting events I didn't see anyone having any real concern about it and the expectation is you're going to walk through this to be able to go to school so it says up to I think it's important discipline is important we've said that earlier today there are consequences to actions you choose an action you know what the consequence could be so I I think it's important to leave it as up to and I think I realized what you trying to say to me now um I want to just be clear that I don't think teachers should be responsible for safety so could be supplement for some other job in the district but I think our teachers need to focus on teaching so thank you thank you Miss Fam thank you I tend to agree with Mr Alon and I'll tell you why because you'll get that student That'll Walk up and say I'm not going through and then he's going to stand there and make a scene back up the whole line and then on top of that they're going to have to physically move him from obstructing the other students and it just creates this whole Snowball Effect if the person isn't going to go through then they don't need to be standing there they don't need to be on school premises they need to be removed at that point in time if you're coming up and you're saying no I'm not going through not that I'm going to my car and I'm coming back no no I'm not doing it I'm not doing it then it should be considered trespassing if they're not going to comply to to get in if they were at an airport they would remove them from the premises security would take them outside the building and say Sirah you have no reason to be here you have no reason you can't get on a flight you can't go into the building then you're just loitering at this point so I I I am for that we have to have boundaries and we have to protect the innocent ones not the ones that are are uh refusing to prove that they're not weaponized okay that's what I say it seems like Society is always protecting the person that is the agitator as opposed to the people that are victimized and I think we need to protect our our students that are being subject to that what about them being nervous what about them being scared people walking in because they don't want to be searched then they don't need to be there they don't have to come to school they can go virtually they have their options now so um the other thing I just wanted to go back to to Mr fogan holy um yes say it was really fascinating I was at one of the schools and what was um amazing about it and I some people know this but I have titanium rods all my back from a bad car accident so when I would go through just with my titanium rods the alarm wouldn't go off I had a belt on when I had my belt on went through it would go off when we took the belt off and put the belt through the belt wouldn't go off so it was the escalation of the amount of metal that I had in my body and I thought that was fascinating because they could dial and adjust the amount so it's not going to be slowing down the people going in they can go at a faster Pace but they felt necessary to have a certain level where it flagged me when I had the two together so um I I just thought it was great for for at least keeping the traffic flow going and and I think yesterday from what I observed we didn't have one objection by the students nothing everyone everything went along very very smoothly so I I appreciate this item coming forward thank you I have a comment on page one of the policy the second paragraph I just want to understand if I'm understanding this correctly so it says this policy applies to all students employees visitors and contractors who desire to enter Schoolboard property and trespassers who are present on school District property so does that mean now that all staff employees visitors and our contractors are going through the walkthr metal detectors Dr heurn Chief uh no ma'am so what that means is they may they may be able to subject a search I don't see that I see this policy applies to all um it's a second paragraph the the first sentence so under with the red lines little difficult section e all persons entering a designated school facility may be required to pass through a walkthrough metal detector that's under Section e that second paragraph look at second paragraph page the first page okay Miss Jack Adams so as a suggestion microphone yeah speak louder hello as a suggestion we can remove that paragraph add a definition section and Define persons and then that way that um provision that you just um stated can be a May and not a must so in other words we Define persons as being all those and then they may be subject to Mr Alon that work got it Madam chair so I actually read this thinking the opposite so is the intent that this only so let's back up is the intent from from you staff our Security Experts that this applies only to students or is the intent that we now have weapon detection systems just like today we all go through a single point of entry right are we now saying we now go through everyone goes through a single point of entry for admission to schools regardless of these categories students employees visitors contractors a good idea so during a school hour cuz we have to break this down right so we're doing school hours students only if you're going to a football game everybody's getting searched so everybody this policy applies to also after school events so if we're having these detectors that we spend good money on and we're going to put them in a football game this now applies to everybody going through that game to go through that football game so we also want to leave the door open in case we want to expand in all the areas but as I read and I understood it the reason why we have these randomized is because we had an incident and we had to make sure that everybody was able to be searched so that's why this policy exists all students employees visitors who may enter may get searched in any one of our facilities or events right so Madam chair I don't see the word May so I'm actually so I I have a different view so let me ask a different question the way this is written and I'm not a lawyer I think they're at least two around the table um this actually applies to everyone with no m M so your intent is for employees visitors and contractors not to go through the single point of entry weapon detection system that every student will go through correct they will be checking at the front office which is a separate entry from students so we're now going to so how many interestes do we have on a School site well for students they may be going into a different single point of entry for students only as they enter the campus if you're a visitor or parent or a contractor you're going into the front office to get checked once students are in we're working through a procedure with director L Roa to what are we going to do with these detectors are we going to put them inside where we going to put them inside are they're going to are we going to put them inside right before you go into the actual school grounds from the front office as students com in late because we want to continue the search throughout the day because we have students that we know are going to come in late so but the search is intended for students but again the policy applies to all hours of the day so it also applies to sporting events and after hours but if it applies to all hours of the day I interpret this as applying to all these other groups and categories so let me ask a different question sorry because this I mean that's just the way you c yeah you caught it correctly because I actually thought it was would be for everyone so back to numbers have we ever found a weapon by an employ employee a visitor or a Contractor on any School site in the past 5 years Dr Chief alberty yes all right so because we have found a weapon from an employee a visitor or a contractor similar to I know the data points we've seen for students I actually favor the language that's in front of me cuz I think what you're suggesting is to actually EX exempt these other groups I actually read it to be inclusive of everyone so now let me ask a different question there so there so there are more than one point of entry on a School site yes yes okay one for students one for everyone else is that typically the right okay so for the everyone else side we have only paid for a weapon detection system only on the student side yes it so for this to apply to everyone we now have to double what we just did or I'm not asking the or someone has the answer right or can everyone go through one single point of entry I'm just asking a question I don't know somebody no I'll let Jim answer but no we don't want students going through the same point where the visitors are going through because students are coming in through the Bus Loop they're coming in through their student parking lot um and sometime you know you're not going to have the same entry point for adults when they're coming in to check in the front office or a vendor so the intent is to prevent an incident from students coming into the the school grounds that is the intent of this right uh but it's whatever the board wishes is if we we get direction to say hey all visitors will get wanded and we'll go that direction so let me separate myself from the other eight and they can speak for themselves I anticipated this would apply to everyone Point number one second point if I wanted this to apply to everyone what needs to happen next so before you answer that um Chief Alber if this was to apply to everyone can you hear me I can't hear myself yeah they it's very low somewhere testing if this was to apply to everyone employees we would have to employees come to a school it's any school high school middle school but we're specifically talking about high school they they arrive at C on campus at various times prior to their the start of their day right uh we would have to work on saying employees you could you have to show up at this start time because this is when we can staff um the the the weapon detection system for you to walk through um so that would be some of the logistical challenges we would have um to work through to ensure that all employees out of school will be able to walk through and not arrive on campus early and all those other things that we're used to as teachers administrators um arriving at campus various times before you actually start your day got it because isn't the superintendent actually maybe you the intent of this policy is to make sure that let me read this right that we provide a safe environment for the school system really for every student every employee anyone correct correct right because if we're only just limited to students and then now I understand that there are data points where visitors employees and contractors have brought weapons on our school sites in the past how do we prevent that from happening if we only focus just on students so I think the the visitor um issue is a little bit easier than the employee issue cuz we we have a set time that visitors can start visiting our campuses as well as vendors that's an easier issue cuz there's a hard start time to allow them on our camp visitors country employees is the big is the big challeng employees is the bigger challenge cuz if you say hey your workday starts at 7:30 if you were like me when I was a high school teacher I got there at 5:45 right right I like to get there early get my stuff done as well as a whole lot of other people so that's the challenge in telling an employee if your start days is at 7:45 and an employee who or the few employees that are there to start the process of having you walk through can only start at 7:00 um all right last question Madam chair and then I'm done so if this only applies to students visitors and contractors let me now separate the employee question in the past 5 years just approximate how many employees have brought weapons to school sites separate from those who are permissible to have a weapon on our school sites do we know that number I do you know that number Chief I don't that number top of my head and I remember I can't even tell you the top of my head I know that one of the one of the weapons was discovered in a vehicle so it wasn't even on their person separate from that right you can everyone can have a right you can have I'm not talking about a weapon in cars I do the same right not that I'm talking about someone who had I do not here yeah not um anyway anyway so um who what data points do we know um where employees have brought a weapon actually on the campus do we don't know we that's a different subset that's kind of what I'm asking for and and got caught with the weapon we'll have to do some research have the data I could tell you if this school year no cuz I would remember something like that so zero this past year zero this past year also some other things to consider with the employees is there may be some contractual um issues too that we need to go to the table with their with their uh their unions to discuss um this whole parameter while walking through metal detectors last point I think this should apply to everyone I anticipated this applying to everyone so I don't know what your reaction was um I thought this would apply to all of these I'm going to call them classification students employees visitors contractors if and I heard your point Miss superintendent I appreciate it if the employee um if this policy having to apply to employees on school sites maybe we have to get there but I am in favor of this applying across the board because different question Casey right separate I guess if you come from the garage right but visitors contractors come through the front right come through right the same entry point right so I think if this only applied to students that is totally counter to what we're already doing anyway so anyway I'm in favor of this applying to all these groups if we have to figure out employees we have to figure it out yep and I uh concur with you I brought it up because I I think that nobody really realized the language and the policy how it stated so I wanted to have the discussion to work out these Kinks Mrs Leonardi yeah me too yeah um I I do have some concerns about this applying to everyone um you know our employees our volunteers go through fingerprinting to you know add an extra layer of security and um you know they go through a certain amount of vetting um to ask them to walk through metal detectors to go to work um you know they are largely Educators not law enforcement uh professionals they don't work um in the Safety and Security business by Design um obviously they they do as much as they can to keep kids safe and keep each other safe at schools but that is not supposed to be a part of of you know what they are worrying about day-to-day they're supposed to be worrying about teaching and learning um the other I guess that was why I was asking the question about like extracurriculars and things like that because the policy does read that it would it would apply to everyone but the point that I I would like to make is not everyone at kcw does walk through a a metal detector so if we are going to have this apply to everyone I hope that it's applied to Schoolboard members um I think you know it it those those metal detectors should be outside the elevator they should be at every entrance then um so I you know I do have some concerns about logistics um it often feels like teachers and a lot of our School site employees have more and more obstacles to doing their jobs every single year and being told that they have to arrive now between a certain time you know that's going to be very difficult because you know our employees they show up early they stay late to be able to do their jobs um and that is serving kids uh so I I have some concerns about where this is going thank you thank you Mr fogan hly thank you very much Madam Vice chair um no I agree with board member Leonardi I think we should be held to the same standards as our students you know if we're going to make them go through it and I I think uh I got ask board member fam um do flight attendants and Pilots have to go through the metal detectors at airport yes we do I I will tell you this I will share this we have a a secret door not supposed to talk about oh gosh it's not secret anymore exactly mess everything but anyway um but uh we still get random all the time it's like every third to fifth person I think but um yeah no we we go right through that like everyone else and we put our bags up and and so and I I'm glad that we do I'm really glad that we do because it makes me feel better makes the passengers feel better it's one less thing they have to worry about that's right so okay thank you so and I think um and I've brought this up before right I want that we're stepping into a school the same way I always say I like going to Legoland like going to Disney World right because I know for a fact that there's nobody with a weapon in the premises I feel good about that right I feel good on a plane because I know no one on their hat I feel good about that but if we have the hole in here if we have students only this this person no contractors yes contractors I don't think that you have that security there that that feeling of security um so I do agree it has to go to everyone board member Allon I agree with you I know we talked about up to expulsions per students so if a teacher refuses to go through it if that's the case what would be their punishment Dr wanza hi yeah you would ask that question when the superintendent left the table right um so there would be an element of due process and then we would go through the due process to determine you know what what would be the outcome but it would have to go through the employees due process rights and we would determine what is the outcome that's good okay thank you I think um and our students have brought this up before every single time I've brought up even uniforms right I believe every student should be in a uniform and they say well does it apply to our teachers too cuz they dress a little crazy as well so hey I think it's one of those things if we hold the standard to our students I believe that we all should be held to that standard I have no problem going through a metal detector I have no problem being wanded if needed to I went to the restroom and they asked for my badge I appreciate that right thank you because it makes you feel safe if you're doing the job do it for everybody let's make sure everybody is safe so thank you very much CH thank you Dr Zeman I think we're getting uh uh far from the topic the topic is the policy not the operations and so the operations will change over time uh after 911 we changed Pol uh practices and operations very quickly we we shifted we shut down the skies um and we came back this policy is supposed to outlast all kinds of operational decisions to get made but all we're talking about is operations not not about the policy if the policy said this policy applies to all persons required to be searched period that would be a policy the superintendent with the advice of the board might apply it to employees might apply it to with their discretion contractors uh certainly applies to trespassers you know that are caught on our school ground without permission um the intent of this from the very get-go and the logistic hurdles of just getting students through this system is going to be a a high hurdle all by itself and we got a lot of things to learn about that but I don't want to tie this superintendent's hands about the operations of this I just want to make sure we have a policy so one way to clean this up is say this policy as written here applies to all persons required to be searched period and we don't have to list all the folks because that's an operational issue it is not uh something that the school board up to this point has directed uh We've allowed the director of security and the superintendent to make decisions about what groups need to be searched I do not support uh searching employees I don't uh support searching uh security officers or school board members I don't support uh searching uh people who have to come early or stay late um uh this was designed to make sure students don't inadvertently or intentionally bring any weapons uh to school um it's a system that's optimized for that for the flow of people walking through it's an excellent system for that specific purpose uh but at some point we have to kind of balance risks and reward and the risks uh of employees the risk of our school leaders the risk of school board members the risk of security Personnel are we going to ask them to go through this um it just gets to a point where that's really something we can decide or maybe the superintendent can decide otherwise but the policy can be just simple it applies to all persons required to be searched and then we'll let the system kind of pick those operations along the way sometimes we may want to search everybody we may have tips that say we don't know who it is but someone's bringing something to this school and we get there 5: in the morning and everyone coming in gets searched everyone get gets searched or goes through this uh weapons detection system I wouldn't want to tie the Hands by having a policy to describe who should and who shouldn't um but if we just said if you're going to be searched this is the policy that applies to you uh that would balance out policy from operations in my mind thank you thank you I have one additional question so Cory had open heart surgery and you know they have to put metal back back into your chest plate to after they finish the surgery so he set off alarms all the time do we have anything in this policy as Mrs fam mentioned she has a similar issue if there are medical devices or metal in in students they obviously are going to set off the detector so do they do we just know that that's them and you know pull so that they don't have to be inconvenienced every single time is there a way like we would have a list and they would just automatically go to the second stage I don't know if that's necessary in the policy but I just want to make sure we're addressing that because we probably have a lot of students that have those concerns yes ma'am so part of the communications we're working with John Solomon's office is to add what exactly what you just said to make sure students understand that dos and don't or going through a metal detection system um but director LaRosa and staff you know they've been trained and they understand people are going to have exceptions to I have something else maybe we use the wanding instead of the walkthr and you know they all identify that you know there's no weapon of course if you have something as beeping then you can identify where the weapon could be okay you know hidden thank you Mrs f um I'm glad you gave me an opportunity to speak because I I just feel that everyone should be treated the same I I I'm very strong on that um and I I just want to give you example of something that I learned that really really upset me that during Co when the schools were mandating that the teachers and the students wear masks then on our executive floor that wasn't the rule and I just think that's horrific and I would never participate in that and I will gladly walk through a metal detector and people some of these board members are saying oh no that didn't happen yeah it did so anyway I just want to say no one gets to be treated differently we're either all in or we're not but um so I will gladly walk through and I do have metal in my back and it was adjusted where it didn't even flip it I I go through the metal SE at the airport they Flip Flip It I pull them out they search me and that's the end of it you know I explain to them so it's just a minor inconvenience that gives everybody else Safety and Security mentally and emotionally thank you Miss Jaa Adams um now we're in a workshop is this work are we workshopping it again or it's coming to a board for a vote next in this Workshop you're giving staff Direction on how to uh go no I know I'm saying is it going to come to another Workshop or is it going to come to the board agenda to vote it can it can come to the board um for for the board's approval and then when the board looks at the policy as it's been amended if they require additional changes then it would need to come back to another board meeting if you make substantial changes if changing that sentence is that a substantial change it it depends upon what the what the change is because you you have to notice the public so in other words right now you've you've given direction to staff to go ahead and update the um the policy staff will do so um and have it you know reviewed um by our office as well and then it's going to come back to the board for the board's approval if when the board sees the policy it makes substantial changes then it would need to come back if not then it's approved Mr Aly I just need clarification Madam chair on a letter C we had some um board members that wanted to um exclude the part about up to and including possible expulsion uh so I just want make sure that I'm we're Miss Jack Adams and I are clear on what the board's consensus is go around I'm okay with keeping it Mr Allon uh the up to portion yeah oh yeah I thought I heard five yes I'm there too keep it Fen Hy highly in favor of fen H we're not voting just giving direction Miss leonardy I'm sorry I don't have a simple answer I feel like it it should be outlined in the discipline Matrix so I don't have like in in the scenario that was laid out earlier by some of my colleagues like a child wants to go back and and check to see that their bag is clear for whatever reason I don't think that they should be threatened with expulsion um now if a child or a student you know whips out a weapon like then yeah I mean I think they should be you know expulsion is obviously an option so it's not a clear answer for me because I I think this should be really be clearly laid out in The Matrix this fam at this point I don't think that um expulsion would be applicable to that but it said up to so you're going from 0er to 100 miles an hour and there's no in between so I think we need the speed limit set on each end zero to 100 and then you have that room between so I'm for leaving the way it is thank you Dr Z I I don't think a policy on metal detectors is a place to identify uh um penalties for students I think uh there are certainly cases where it's not appropriate I don't believe in having threats in policy that we're not going to back up with action we're not going to expel a kid for walking away from a weapon detection system I just think it's it's frivolous and it's unnecessary and it's disrespectful to students the way we've written this and it doesn't belong in this policy this is a student conduct issue not an issue about weapons detection system again we are doing this to keep our kids safe why are we threatening them and we're threatening about something we're not going to do just doesn't make any sense and it's in the wrong place misson I know we are so I don't think it's a a threat to students I think this is very important being someone who's been on the other end of someone that had a weapon um so I would the up to I do agree it needs to be outlined in the student code of conduct I I do think that that's important but I don't mind that it says that up to expulsion and then that will be better explained and detailed in the student code of conduct but we have this policy because we're concerned about things happening and I don't think it's out of place to say there will be discipline and it could be this severe so I'm okay with leaving it okay Mr Albert you have your Direction with that with that piece yes yes okay and then as far as the other piece um I think you'll weigh in on what all the board members said and bring forward to us what you and the superintendent thinks best Madam chair I I just want for the record um that in no way my comment is meant to compromise safety I did mention that if a student refuse uh to go through the screening then they should be denied access for the metal detector and if uh and the other option is if they're refusing to be searched then they go home so in no way safety is compromised so just because I mean I've heard comments regarding that I just want to clarify for the record that my point was to deny access simply if they refuse to go through the metal detectors and then safety would not be compromised I don't agree with ex uh expulsion of students who decide they're not going through the medal detector send them home simple okay all right we're Mr Alon I'll be I thought this was the easy policy um so you presented you superintendent staff presented this policy as is as written yes I think we're debating a word that doesn't exist I think I heard the word may which is nowhere on page one I think we're debating what should apply or not but this current policy is very clear on who's there are you now because I did not hear five people say something different so I want to be clear about where we are on next steps with this because this is cuz red is what changes right yes sir all right so I don't see a change into the categories of individuals impacted by this policy from staff so my interpretation council is this is the recommendation coming from the superintendent for today's Workshop is that a fair assessment for me to assume yes okay and if we need if we need to um clarify and I work Miss check Adams to clarify that the policy applies to students and may apply to other I got that's a different I got it that's a different I know where you're going that's a different piece but as presented today because that's not a part of the red line what's presented is what's substantively in front of the board today is what should come back unless there's been a consensus essentially otherwise is that fair there may thank you there may be some additional clarification changes that are made to meet whatever the so let's play out that response right if there's a change from students employees visitors and contractors for different groups to only include one group that is a substantive change from today is that fair I I believe that it would be because you are changing the classifications of people who are subject to this policy right so if from today the next thing we get there is a change to only have one category let's just play that out now back to your question are we now back to a workshop yes or no can something substantively change between now and this coming to the board yes yes yes it can by the superintendent by the superintendent okay all right Mr superintendent now that you're back um on this policy which is current this is a current existing policy is that correct yes all right so there's a current policy on the books um that applies to students employees visitors and contractors and operationally I have no idea what they're currently doing I'm only reading the policy that's before me okay is your intent to change students employees visitors and contractors when this comes back to the board at the July or August meeting whenever that is and if so please tell us is I'm just want to make sure the question is right is it my intent to just apply this solely to students and remove the rest of the groups no I'm not asking that the current policy what I don't know how it's been applied you all will answer that differently because that's what Dr Zan I think is alleging I have not I don't you will figure out the operations the policy in front of us says students employees visitors and contractors who desire to enter any Schoolboard property and trespassers who are present clearly this policy applies that's what this is my question is when you present something to the July or August meeting do you intend to keep these four categories or some combination thereof whatever it is what is your intent it maybe a combination of just to make sure what we're trying to execute in our schools for because this policy is a changed to um adhere to our new met detectors or walk through weapons detection system so it will be applicable to that just to make sure that we're addressing the right groups of uh of people that are walking through the those machines so maybe a combination of when we bring it back Madame chair yes uh Mr Austin I just want to clarify the policy applies to on school hours after school hours right um so looking at the policy as a whole and this is the previous policy that was previously submitted to the board and approved want to say that it applies to everybody so if you're entering a facility that or a football game or a basketball game or something where you may be wanted you will be searched so I believe that was the intent of that right now their intent of the metal detectors and the walkthroughs is you students must go through the metal detector walkthroughs we also have the randomized metal detector program um so the policy also has to apply to that program for students that are already inside not that you're refusing to come in but you're also refusing to be searched at that moment in time so just want to add some context to do we support visitors and contractors going through a weapon detection system yes I've actually witnessed that at visiting the school where so that won't change the only the key point is employees right that's that's not where we are okay just understand okay all right thank you so not to labor the conversation but if we change employees then do we have to come back to Workshop M Shak Adams no the change can be made and you can bring it back for the board to go ahead and improve it okay all right we're good done two seconds two seconds now I was wanting to request that uh student adviser go and get the uh opinions of some students to understand if they want it to see across the board to everyone or just to them thank you thank you all right the next item up is Rule development code of conduct suspension exposion policies 590 5100 public comment artha Wimberly good afternoon and thank you all for your kindness and attention this this morning and afternoon so um what I want wanted to ask about this particular item is how do these changes or new F policies affect or influence the root causes for parents who unenroll their Scholars from brow County Public Schools uh we want to see change in regards to the code of conduct suspension and expulsion policies where there is no biases or prejudices that are influencing the discretionary measures that are um currently being utilized by principles we heard that word um discretion quite a bit when I attended some of the um school to prison pipeline committee meetings which are now the impact um committees and whereas these policies are not ensuring that there is any kind of consistent uh response to disciplinary issues on campuses therefore students are still subject to um discriminatory or prejudices or biases when it comes to discipline and enforcing the code of conduct so um I it's my understanding that some of the parents who did um take their kids to other campuses Camp um Charter Schools or private schools were partly because of the disciplinary issues and how they were um responded to and the parents did not feel that they were there was a um insurance insure reassurance for safety or that their kids were being treated fairly or equitably on campuses so I would like to know how this is really going to address that as part of our redefining efforts and um there was one other question that I had is we want to make sure that when we're asking for change in these areas that when we say we want change that we are clearly being inclusive in that we because sometimes it seems that we is not we it's just y'all so I want to um hope that all of the voices of all the parents who are affected by the changes in the code of conduct suspension and expulsion um that those voices are heard and that they are respected um we do know that the promise program no longer exists but we also know that the school to prison pipeline is real and from all of the conversations that have been had here this morning we still know that in District 5 on the East Side in similar neighborhoods that our children are more likely to be exposed to higher rates of incidents for disciplinary measure we know that they're are exposed to more um likelihood for the penalties to be more strict or stringent than other student populations so I really want to know how um this is going to be addressed in our redefining efforts thank you thank you narni Pierre Grant thank you uh n Pierre Grant Parkland Florida so um parent but also the diversity chair so I in the diversity report we had back in um I don't know April I think it was um in my report we talked about the um prior to the Inception of the discipline Matrix we had black and Black and Hispanic children were at a higher rate of suspension versus their white counterparts um suspension and discipline action since the Inception of the discipline Matrix um that was supposed to be that was created to to to ensure fairness um for the past 14 years nothing has changed I don't see anything in the language of the new discipline Matrix or of policy and the the department of diversity equity and cl Equity climate whatever how it is lab labeled today knows how I feel about that but I don't see anything in the um language or uh any efforts being made to change and apply this fairness so um the the policy doesn't provide for any changes based on what I saw um we we were talking about mental health I think this this is something that's part of mental health when you're um introducing um discipline if children are seeing that they're not being disciplined fairly how do you think that it affects their psyche um so the question becomes I know that you guys are mandated by state law but also uh create other opportunities to provide discipline um alternatively um so I just wanted to point that out that this new this revision doesn't um have any wording doesn't have any direction on how we can make this fair so um I hope that you guys take it take that into account I mean I have ideas but um I just hope that the board members will discuss that in length and and point out the disparities thank you so much thank you board member questions or comments seon thank you thank you my computer's in the way here um first I want to say in the presentation thank you for adding the Deep fake to the the discipline Matrix it was really um something that was important and we need to be sure we're up to date on the things that are happening with our students I have a couple of questions on the red line portion so the first one is on page five um where it talks about the mental health allocations sorry I went to the next one um almost there so my question is um under that mental health assistance allocation um what there I don't see any mention of the district um mental health coordinator that's required by law or what their responsibilities are and since it's a policy I think it's important to add it into that space to make sure that everyone is aware and and we're following that um on page 10 what page were you on oh on the red line of policy 90 on page five the section is titled mental health assistance allocation um and you the district mental health coordinator is required by state law um so I think it should be included in the policy and what the responsibilities of they have um on page 10 of the same one the red line um I have to get to it hold on uh where it says the Broward truancy Intervention Program it says for elementary only I'm wondering why we don't have the truancy policy for Middle High School where it's probably even a bigger concern for treny than it is for elementary but it says for elementary only sorry the mic is short good afternoon V HUD executive director for student service initiatives so the B tip program is typically um aligned to Elementary however we do address attendance throughout um all the way up to 12th great um so that is something that we're working on I can follow up with you on more specifics around that um after the board Workshop okay and I would guess that it would be important to include that in the policy whatever it is that we do since we're we're we're singling out Elementary School I don't want it to look like we're not concerned about the treny issue across the board um Point well taken thank you thank you my other question on this policy is on page 30 where it talks about inter Scholastic extracurricular activities and it kind of said you know to to to participate middle school students must meet the following right following requirements I'm just wondering where and there we specifically talk about our our ESC students so that you know maybe they don't have a specific GPA in some instances or or any of those things and about the conduct I know that in our field trip policy we made some consessions and specific um sentences for ESC so for middle and high school eligibility I don't know exactly what it will look like that's not my my part of the job um but I think they should be somewhere included you know how are we including them in being eligible to participate in field trips cuz I know it came up as a concern um in another conversation that we were having and then for the other policy which is specifically about 51 um 100 about the code of conduct and suspension sorry I have to get there um suspensions and expulsions so this is obviously a very big comprehensive policy and I just wonder first of all it taught you in the first part it talked about how you included some of the uh recommendations when you were looping it through but we didn't really see what those recommendations were so it would have been nice to see what DAC or some of the Committees had suggested so we could see where it it came in to play here and the discipline Matrix is very very very difficult to read and I don't know how we make that easier for parents and for people in the community I mean I know that our principles have to understand it but it's very if if my student got in trouble and it happens a lot people email us and say you know I don't understand the district the the discipline Matrix why are they getting this and it's very difficult to to decipher for them so I don't know how we make it look different in this policy or maybe there's a cheat sheet somewhere that we can include but I'd also say that um there's a lot of pieces to that Matrix and I don't know that it's followed with Fidelity or consistency across the district so that's more of an operational part you're just writing the policy but we also it should be in like if you have a a first instance and something happens if there's a second instance it shouldn't be less of a consequence it should be progressively more more of a consequence um and at some point no more con you know they shouldn't be able to continue it depends on what the particular infraction is but there are some serious infractions where they shouldn't continually five six s that we shouldn't have all of those in the ones that are you where they're hurting other students um maybe stealing things bullying things of that nature um so I don't know how we change that because it is such a big piece there and it falls in a lot of places but I know that I've heard a lot of concerns from parents that um there there's not enough consequences or they're not being implemented across the board consistently so thank you Miss lardy thank you um to that point I I do think that we need to communicate the discipline Matrix out to our employees could you get closer I I said I I think we need to communicate out the discipline Matrix to our employees specifically our teachers because what I hear a lot is you know there's no consequence for for excessive there's no consequence for um excessive absence and there is um but to miss xon's Point as well I'm not sure that that's being followed with Fidelity throughout the district um so I I I think part of that is communicating it and making it you know easier to to read um and I think perhaps at the beginning of the school year to have an open discussion about um about the discipline Matrix at you know a faculty meeting or something like that so everyone's on the same page like you know as the teacher you you need to call the parent for X offense um you know Etc so just to make sure everyone's on the same page [Music] um on page 14 when we're talking about cell phones it says for elementary students instructional time is defined as time from the beginning Bell until the end of the school day um and that's in the context of cell phone use right so if a fifth grader for instance is using their cell phone during lunch um the way I'm reading the PO the the code of conduct oh sorry I didn't even say which policy um I'm on the code of conduct um if if a fifth grader is using their phone you know on social media or whatever during lunch um they that is out of compliance with the code of conduct correct okay so I would just again make want to make sure that we're very clear with all of our students um about cell phone use and I think that's a larger conversation that that I'd like to have as a board I know it's going through Tac um but for the policy that we have in place now I think we really need to be uh serious about enforcing it um I had a kind of a larger question about social media use and complying with state law so I I'm pretty sure um that there there is law now prohibiting the use of social media um for stud for children I think under the age of 14 um so how does how does our policy connect with that because I think in our policy I saw that we're that we're allowing social media use under the the supervision of a teacher or um you know so I'm just wondering if we need to add something about the age at which we're we're allowing students to use social media um so we're complying with state law um I'm sorry I just one or two more things um attendance is a is a big issue um again I'm hearing from teachers pretty repeatedly that they don't feel like we are enforcing attendance um the way it needs to be enforced um I think that was it thank you any other board member comments Mr fam thank you madam chair um I'm sorry but I had done all my notes on the the first copy that we had gotten and I sent a lengthy email with suggestions I hope you're did you get that okay I'm hoping you utilize that one of a few other things and um they said they did not incorporate any of those suggestions at this time and they told me to bring it up at the meeting so I'm doing what they asked me to do so um one of the suggestions we had that I had was in there we've had a big ISS with defending oneself in a fight what is defending oneself and what do you get to do um in the past we've had it as strict as where you're not allowed to hit back or uh do anything other than protect yourself and um luckily we're changing that we're going away from that because protecting yourself means you might not survive because you're not you're not enabling yourself or or being offensive enough to get out of the situation so I'm glad that we're changing that where we can use Force especially if you're locked in a room like a bathroom and they're obstructing a doorway that you can't get out you have to use everything you can to get out of that situation because you might not make it out if you don't um so in the policy that I just saw um in the prior book that now has been amended to this book but I just got in the last 48 hours it stated that when someone is um gotten away from someone or pack of kids that they uh should stop at the first person the first adult and and I guess take action there and one of my suggestions was is that when you have an individual or a pack of people um chasing you that you should be the answer to that question is that you should be able to flee till you get to safety because that first person you might get to might not be able to handle the situation they might be a lot smaller in stature or they might not want to get involved and it's best that you don't stop moving you keep moving until you can hide you can get away you know or get to a public place where other people may intervene and help you so that's some of the things that I'm asking them to look at um in addition I actually have a whole list here um one of the things as I I mentioned earlier that Miss Batista and I are working on is um when students are videotaping or taking photos they're documenting a crime so under our criminal evidence statute if the teachers or these administrators instruct a student to destroy that evidence it's called spoilation of evidence and the uh parents or the students involved can come after the school district for charges for liability because that evidence shows either what's called a scul evidence which means why they um are not at fault or um you know criminal conduct why they're at the blame so and because the school district may not have been doing their job in protecting those children the perception is that that evidence was destroyed because the school district didn't act quick enough or the school district didn't act at all or the school district overacted there's so many things so it's really important that we keep that document um documentation of that evidence now one of the things I'm even looking here where in this proposed here it says that the students are not allowed to share information on social media okay I get on social media but it also says or through messaging apps with friends I don't know what law that's coming from that you can't share information with friends so I think that's a broad overreach um I don't think that will fly I think um I agree that we have to have limitations on what messages is shared but for example what we could say you can't um you can limit uh information being shared for bullying you can limit information being shared to harass but to outright say you have no right to share your own property because this is their property their video and in my opinion as well as an attorney practicing attorney that there is no right to privacy when you're committing a crime you've lost those rights by committing that crime whether at being a public area or a private area you're violating the law the people have the right to document you violating the law in order to prove that you violated the law because naturally 90% of the people plead not guilty that they did not violate the law and as a former prosecutor it was a stand of the run run-ofthe-mill that every person that came through that was uh represented by a public defender not guilty not guilty not guilty maybe they plead guilty at the end with they overwhelming but initially everyone was not guilty there was no one to sit up yep I did it I'm sorry you know so anyway in going through these things I'm recommending and I already gave them the changes I recommended as far as uh just verbage but also I I noticed that the um hope SCH Hope Scholarship which was in the previous role was pulled out and omitted we need that there we need that included in here in that particular area under parental rights because if a child is bullied um the parent and the child have the right to to pull out of that school and to move to a school where they can find a safe environment where they're not afraid to go to school they're not being harassed um and especially they don't quit school i' I've had several situations where the the children are I want to say at that point their High School 12th graders have been in their last year of school wanted to quit school that's how frustrated and overwhelmed they feel so we cannot let that happen we have to do whatever we can in order to keep them in school and enrolled and if that means going to a different school so be it we have to keep them safe that is our number one job we can't make their life miserable High School is supposed to be wonderful in an exciting time but when it's not it's hell so um so that needs to go back in also in there the furpa rules the rights under furpa where parents have the right to get the educational records and in those records if um there's allegations that you're child has done something and it's incorrect then you have a right to fight that you have an absolute right to fight that and you need to have the rights there that are available to them because a lot of them aren't aware of them the Hope Scholarship I can't tell you how many people I represented had no idea you know why because we didn't tell them within 24 hours of the bullying incident and we're required to do that by law and we we're still not doing it in a lot of cases so um in closing I I and you have my recommendations I hope you go with them but I I just want to share one story because it really impacted on me and um and it has to do with video I was contacted by a parent not in my district whose daughter was involved in a fight because she went to save her best friend because her best friend was being beaten up by several other females so they pulled they pulled this this girl she ended up going to an alternative school but the officer that um was there at the scene wasn't responding and that's why she ran in the middle of it so at the uh at the end of the day he accused her of kneeing him kneeing her yeah that she need him in the groin and all the videos were destroyed the school said get rid of the videos we don't want the videos well the father went through the criminal process spent thousands of dollars on defense to fight to get her and came up with a plea deal and at the end after all this happened they found a video a video suddenly surface on YouTube and that girl she she was wrestling with them her knee never touched him it was at least a foot away he never put his hands over his crotch he never bent down he never flinched and that girl was in an alternative school and went through criminal court for that we cannot let this happen this is why we have to rely on video material if the father had had that from the Inception from the Inception he would have had a legal defense that's not true that's not true and the father was so excited so ecstatic that he contacted me because I'm the only attorney on the board and asked please help me I don't want my money back I want my daughter back back she was so happy where she was well any we work with him and we got her out and I'm pretty sure that her record was a sponge because that never happened it never ever happened so please when we're writing these things let's really think about it this really really think about it because we want to make sure that we get to the truth and that we follow the truth and that other parents don't go through this so I'm I'm Mr Zan is getting upset because I I'm I'm very passionate about this as my husband says to me I save one life at a time but thank you so much for listening Madam chair Mr charson very quick Miss fam Miss fam sorry madam through so through the chair to miss fam do you had the list that you I know I heard you just you want to go through them or does staff going to share I I already submitted them to them and I have all the page numbers I emailed them about 10 days ago but I think Mr Zan would go crazy and um I think Mr holess as he said well we don't want to hear you nitpick which I think is a very sexist statement by the way Mrs fam that's inappropriate he didn't say anything so I don't know what it wasn't today ma'am yes he did but it's well let's let's be appropriate please no I'm I'm just saying I just said I'm just repeating his words to me so well we can be repeating a lot of words and I don't think we want to do that here all right so through the chair to miss fam so the list that you've given to staff um we can't it's just a question if we don't do it now if we substantively change it we it can we substantively change the policy when it comes to the board yes I just thought the answer was no before what I was saying before is it you didn't give me the answer no no you no I'm listening but someone I thought said something different what I was saying earlier was that if you bring the policy to the board to be approved right not not Workshop approved and and during that that meeting M you substantively change it then it needs to come back understood so we don't go through these items now then if she brings something when it comes then it will require us to go backwards right if it is if it is a substantive change okay Miss fam and I was I want to follow and I don't know if staff could help is it like a quick two three kind of recommendations oh it's a whole lot of stuff okay see I don't know would you like me to read them into the record do you have a copy of that I mean I could I could have printed it out I had no idea what I was just and I'm sorry through the chair when I I received a letter saying specifically to bring them up now and even though they were sent in more than a week ago and I don't know if any were incorporated or not or consider Dr Miss Washington so good afternoon everyone jod Washington director Equity diversity and school climate thank you Mrs fam I believe that the the direction um I think Mr Hill if he's in here responded was that Miss fam needs to bring them we need consensus from the board as to whether or not they agree with the recommendation she's bringing forward so without having the consensus of the entire board to be able to incorporate those after the item had already published wasn't something that we were able to do so I think that's where we stand Mr Hill if I said something wrong please correct me okay thanks okay point of clarification yes but then it was republished again because the the item I have is completely different the page numbers and everything I received so there was no revision to this item um from the initial time it was published okay M frog yes chair and I think uh I understand board members alon's point I don't think one board member has the authority to be able to do that to say hey I see the item I want these things changed before it comes back to us so I understand I and I think the question is whatever those points are can we just hey number one this is what this was this is what it means consensus cuz I believe it if it shouldn't be fair for any of us to send an email and say hey these five points I want you to change these things can you do that and have it come back does that make sense no I understand and it's up to the board member to bring those forward to the to the workshop yeah and to get asked for consensus during their speaking time un understood are you done yes any other board member comments Dr Zan thank you so much chair uh on page 14 of uh policy 90 uh and we've had some discussion about this already we continue to talk about uh Wireless communication devices or cell phones in a way that I think is inconsistent with uh the damage that they do we talk about them as a disruption the phone goes off or uh the like uh it has become Crystal Clear uh amongst academics and the research uh Community uh in advanced economies including the United States that cell phones cause mental health illness uh they do that by uh creating addictive apps through primarily social media that um encourage people to use cell phones in a way that are destructive to themselves and to other people um I will propose this now I'll continue to propose this next year I'll propose it the year after that until I'm not on this board anymore because Jonathan Height's book and all the research is very clear that schools that do bell-to-bell exclusion of cell phones have higher academic performance higher mental health greater social and emotional learning and we treat these cell phones like they might go off and a buzzer interrupts a lecture and we asked teachers to my teachers on this board to police cell phone use when there's no way in heck they can do that they're busy teaching they can't see someone under a desk or walking down the hall or at lunch it's time that Broward County stand up and do the right thing for its students my uh recommendation that I'd like to seek census on is uh the second bullet on page 14 says it's okay to have your cell phone device as long as it's turned off or in the silent mode our kids know how to use the cell phone during the silent modes no one sees it so I think that on this or placed on silent mode should be struck I think uh three Li lines down the or during lunch should be struck I think during lunch kids might want to talk to other kids and the evidence it's most Ave to me is that they've surveyed high school students and middle school students in the United States and asked them about banss what would you think about a Bell tobell cell phon things and surprisingly over 80% support it they don't want to be on social media during the school day either why are they on social media because everybody else is so if you take it away and they're not using it and they're not tempted to use it because people aren't counting clicks throughout the school day they're able to focus on social emotional learning academic proficiency what their teacher saying the homework they're supposed to take home the things they're coming home to their parents and the like so I just think it's time that we uh get get moving in a policy sense with a bell-to-bell exclusion of cell phone use stop asking teachers to do things they cannot do they cannot police cell phone use why did we ever ask them to do that I don't care if it's in silent mode or off or on it ought to be zipped up put away and then get it at the end of the day so the evidence on this is just overwhelming I hope Broward County does that this year if they don't we'll look at more evidence and and come back and talk about it next year uh but this is an opportunity to do the right thing for hundreds of thousands of students and focus them on the things that matter the most so I'm I would like to strike that and I think if I right chair if we take out or placed in silent mode or or during lunch what we'll have left is wireless communication devices shall be turned off kept in an area designated by the teacher during all instructional and class time activities use of it during the instructional day only permitted if a teacher says go get your phone get it out I need you to take a picture of this on the chart I need you to look up something you know that's related to this specific instruction okay now go put it back that would be uh revolutionary um and right now we already say for elementary school it's defined as from beginning Bell to the end of the school day I think it's time that we do that for middle school and high school and say save our kids from the tyranny of of social media corporations that continue to create things that addict our children and they don't want to be on it anymore we can't just fight them through lawsuits we have to fight them through better policies so that we save our children thank you very much chair does anybody want to speak on that point Mr F I do thank you very much Dr Z and I agree with you um and one of the things I did want to mention also is even on the bottom of that we're talking about headphones earbuds if anybody has done any tours in schools drives me nuts when they're in the classroom with an earbud in their ear I don't care if it's one ear um having a discussion with the class I had brought that up before right what if we took cell phones away or what if we took it all all together and of course some of them were like no no and I said well what do you think and I pointed to the person with the one ear button they said what I'm s I'm sorry what I'm like exactly that's exactly my point so if we really want to get back to being an a district want our kids learning our kids Focus I do agree with that but also at the same time I want to make sure we make it clear through policy to not put our teachers In Harm's Way by touching any property of a child right we've seen videos we've seen these things online that teachers say hey you know what I'm going to take your cell phone don't touch my cell phone and then you have a student hitting a teacher that's I don't want that so seen multiple teachers do it successfully have it on their walls they have the little cubby holders they get the shoe holders then the kids put the cell phones in their little Cubbies and pick them up as soon as they leave whatever the case is but I do want to get our kids to focus again get off the cell phones and then also to address cheating right here and anwers through an earbud or or on a watch right but how far does it go the wireless it's on everything so we do want to address that I do want to get our kids focused again thank you Dr zema for bringing that up thank you Miss hixen thank you so although I'm an old teacher older teacher um when I was in the classroom um cell phones were just becoming popular and the this has been a policy for a long time in this in the bar count public schools and I had a student who was using the phone and I I'm going to say it's probably 20 years ago I said you know you need to give me your phone and then the policy was you had to take the phone up to the office which of course you can't do until your lunchtime or in between so I put it in my bag under my desk CU so I would know students wouldn't get it and the student came across my desk to jump in my bag to get it and there was a scuffle and first time I ever had to have Security in my classroom um so I'm saying that to say there's a concern for teachers on how this gets implemented now I have as I progressed being a teacher I had a Ziploc bag in a a plastic container and I walked around with it because I was afraid someone would take a phone I will say a couple of things students have burner phones so they will give you the phone that makes you um you know know that you I learned a lot um so the I there's just a lot of pieces to that I don't necessarily disagree with what what's being proposed but the implementation of that um I I was the teacher in a classroom who thought why the heck are they making this policy like why did they not know what it was going to put on us as a teacher so I would hate to do that right now I think it would make more sense to if cuz there this is just coming to us now to maybe Loop that idea through some of our committees um to see how especially teachers and students to see how we could really Implement I hate making a policy that's just in words and we can't implement it in the classroom and that happens a lot which is why as a teacher I'd say why the heck did they make this policy so I I agree with the sentiment of what it is but I don't know that today is the right day to just just do that I did we there are a lot of teachers who do have the like the shoehorn you know has the numbers and they lock it up in their their um closet but you know from from a a student perspective and this is a lot what I hear and you can jump in and say that some of it what if there's an emergency and they need to be able to unfortunately we live in a district where it's happened right how if it's locked behind a door how are they or or in the office somewhere how are they going to get to that if they need to tell their parent or someone I'm okay or you know I'm not okay Chris didn't answer his phone you know so it was important to be able to try to make that connection so I I don't know how I feel about saying you can't have it in your bag off because it's important that it in an emergency only you would have access so there's lots of pieces to this but maybe if the student adviser could weigh in a little bit on you know how you think this could be implemented I think um a good word to use with this is vulnerability I feel like a lot of students without their phones they feel like they've lost a part of themselves I mean I can't tell you how many times I've walked in the hallway and I've almost bumped into someone because they were on their phone um even being a student in society now we revolve around technology that's all we're doing is form and technology is technology grows we grow it's just it's how it's going to be um I feel like we in a sense need to step back from the phones but it doesn't mean strip them away I feel like there should be kind of some type of structure um and it's something I can't do it's something you guys can do um but I can't say that um students are being affected by the phones and I've seen it over time from elementary not have having a phone having just a randomware phone my dad let me borrow and then getting an iPhone and seeing when they would take it away for a test I'd freak out I'd be like wait where's where's my phone I need my phone it was kind of just like a disconnect so um yeah I feel like a lot of students are very attached nowadays thank you and I I appreciate that that's why I think it's important to have a bigger conversation on we want to do this I I think we would probably all agree we understand that it's important to do it but how do we do it in a way that's respectful of students of of what parents want because do you think the the clear backpacks were an issue put this policy in place and see how many people are sitting in there because they want their students to have access in case of an emergency I mean you know so I just think it's important to take a step back and be more intentional on how we roll it forward so it's a policy that we can Implement and not cause teachers because at the end of the day it's going to cause teachers all of The Angst so um how do we do it in a way that's collaborative that still does what we want it to do so I don't disagree with what you what is being proposed I just don't know that just sticking it in the policy right now is the best way to do it drer thank you chair um I love this conversation thanks for getting our student advisor um involved in this because student voices matter in this topic especially um so this is has been uh some discussion with our team already and especially in my network of principles that I have across the country um that have already implemented uh just totally no cell phones at all in their schools and some that are uh way loose than other school district and looser than way loose than us when it comes to cell phone you on campus um so I discussed some of the challenges that we have in Broward County Public Schools and you're correct there's going to be a whole bunch of parents out here in the audience if we say absolutely banned cell phones so as we as I listen to additional feedback from board members to see how we want to move forward think about this airplane mode it's it's technically off but it's easy to turn it back on if there's an cuz that was the sticking point for me and having that discussion with my principal my um superintendent work it's like we can't just abruptly turn them off we're in a situation where they've exper they've experienced the real emergency that nobody else has yet right so how do how does a student uh have the ability to turn on their phone quickly without restarting up and all that time it takes um how does a parent have that security that they can reach their kid when they know it's an emergency at their school besides what we send out as a as a dad and as moms and dads here and know first thing you're going to do is pick up the phone and call try and call your child um but think about what you have to do uh Mr Austin brought up the TSA and security what else do you have to do when you get on airplane you have to put your phone in airplane mode it's technically off the network it can't be used it nobody can call you nobody can text you it shouldn't be going off but in an emergency you can quickly turn airplane mode off and hop back on the network so your phone could be used in emergency situations so I'm just throwing that out there as we continue this discussion but it's been a point of disc for me with my network and I know it's been a point of discussion um with the staff also to see how we can come to some consensus of how we move forward in the future because this is a a topic that is affecting our students mental health and and um increasing some issues in our campuses when it comes to students in abilities to socialize with each other Dr Hess thank you madam chair so I do like the superintendent's suggestion with airplane mode I I do not um support no cell phones at all um I would support the phones being turned off uh I do support the suggestion by Dr Zan though to remove the silent mode option that's here um I also understand that um it's important for our instructional staff uh to be able to determine if they want to have the students use the phones for specific specific instructional purposes sometimes it has to do with a child that may have some sort of a learning challenge sometimes it has to do with unforeseen circumstances where a child may have broken uh an a writing arm and need to take pictures of the assignments on the board uh a teacher can make that discretion so I wouldn't want to remove that part um the only part that I would certainly agree with is um removing plac on silent mode and I could entertain theide of airplane mode Dr he Mr Alon thank you madam chair um so when I was student advisor um actually I did the unpopular thing when it was speak up and speak out initially um and I actually was in favor of a cell phone ban I still am more than 20 plus years later so Dr Zan I support um your view um I could get to a compromise but I think that's just the in me um I don't think that's where we like to start on the last conversation we didn't just uh survey what's the district term here Loop to Loop to Loop right we didn't just Loop the last conversation where we just landed quickly as a board on a very important policy right on metal detectors we'll come back and figure out the who but now we want to Loop then Loop then loop on a very to key topic that everyone clearly is aware of so I support uh the recommendation uh actually what I would like to see um is from Wireless all the way to the end or the the parentheses the period after the citation to statute keep that sentence and then the only sentence that would remain instructional start with instructional time in the last sentence all the way through school day that will be my recommended change because essentially what you're doing in between you're actually doing what you just said Dr zimon right you're operationalizing how to do it right and how to you know you're given the opt out for uh the teachers right there that's not what I'm in favor of so I would support keeping the citation and then instructional all the way through school day um yeah that's where I'm at Miss fam thank you very much Madam chair um I like your idea Dr heurn about the airplane mode I'm just not sure of which direction we should take do we start with um the airplane mode and if that doesn't work then we go to consider actually a possible complete ban do we start with we're not going to have phones and then um then if that works out well then we go back we say we can lighten up a little bit we're going to go to the airplane mode because they've showed how responsible they are so that's where I stand wait so wait you where are you phones with on airplane mode I I like the idea of the airplane mode I'm just not sure of the process if we want to start where we have a complete ban on phones and if that works well we move into a less restrictive mode of the airplane mode or if we start in the airplane mode and the event that that fails then we more move into the more restrictive mode okay um so I'm going to weigh in um I don't agree with the with the recommendation I I think that it's for us to just move forward with this without getting any feedback I think it's going to be a huge issue huge problem um that's why when board member Leonardi brought it up the other day I recommended that she we she starts it with the technology advisory committee to to weigh in on it and looping it would would I think be beneficial uh but I think that there could be some um starters right where I would recommend we eliminate bullet point three on page 14 uh due to safety concerns personal technology headphones earbuds or other accessories is restricted um um I just think that it should be banned not not be able to use it so I would eliminate that ability I mean we're saying Oh but you can put one of the uh ear pods air airpods in and not the other right that's that's just ridiculous so I would my recommendation would be to just eliminate the the headphones and the earbuds or whatever accessories um I would be open to the conversation of having bull Point number two go back to our committees I would want to get more student input um you know talking to our different student student advisory groups uh government um committees and then [Music] also talking to our teachers right because at the end of the day our teachers are going to be the ones that are going to have to regulate you know phones on off air pane mode I mean that's it's a big deal so that's that's where I S uh before we go around again miss lenardi do you want to weigh in I wasn't able to access online so I I was we're talking about um Dr Zan made a comment to uh eliminate cell phone use I know you brought it up the other day yeah I mean I am very strongly in favor of that but like you said I think it's really important that we go through um the right Avenues and um you know talk to kids talk to teachers talk to administrators um you know I I think we need significant Community buyin I think the data is very clear that it is very unhealthy for kids to have cell phones in schools I also have like safety logistical questions about it so um I'm in support of it but I I think it needs to be well thought out and well vetted okay we're GNA go around again Dr Zan thanks so much chair hold on Dr I just want to um put this information out there for your consideration as you give consensus on some feedback that this has to come back in July the July 23rd meeting because it has to be enacted before the start of the school year so I know I'm hearing about going out to additional committees and other stakeholder groups um so just keep that in mind as you uh provide some feedback okay Dr Tan uh you know in the interest of um maybe walking before we run a little bit um and given that we have four weeks until we come back on July 23rd and given superintendent heer's uh views on airplane mode I think going into next year we ought to do that now I think we replace silent mode with airplane mode we make the changes Mr olon recommends to tighten that language up you guys can do that um and eliminate to your ear Point uh anything in your ear it's ridiculous so we ever did that I don't I don't understand um how that's consistent with our mission our mission is to teach kids and why would we want half their hearing organ blocked off and sometimes uh it's more than one and it's just the issue but I want you guys to think about something in terms of the speed with which we do that 40% of our high school children have a symptom of mental health illness 20% of our students know how they're going to take their own life 10% of our students have tried to take their own life and we know it's related to this awful Insidious thing called social media use and we're enabling it correct and it's time to be the adults in the room we can Loop it all day but let's do something now so we're telling the students of Broward County that we care about them we don't want them to go through Mental Health crisis and this is something we can do we can just say look if it's in the school keep it in Airplane Mode we'll work out the looping and the advisory committees and and Staffing and we'll go look at the research but the the the evidence is overwhelming that these devices cause mental health illness not correlate with it they cause it and the students don't want to have it anymore like what else do you want to hear 80% of students when asked if you would be on social media if no one else could be on me and said no like we want to get off the loop man talk about looping this is a real Loop Loop to Loop they get on they count clicks then they stop then they get back on I I get it you think that this is part of your body it is not and I want you to know that I want you to know you can go six or seven hours without a dang phone we have people taking vacations right now in the United States that are going to silent meditation Retreats because they take your phone away they want a week with no phones I want that it's not possible for me right now but I love it when I put it away right why don't we be the adults in the room and take this first step to ban it uh bell-to-bell except in airplane mode so for right now you could run and grab it and and turn it on and and do anything you need to do for security but when you think about the security of our kids isn't there mental health security important like we've got to take some bold steps on this and I think it's time to do that so I would put these ideas together and say for July 23rd what I'd suggest that we say up or down on you bring back a policy that says airplane mode Bell to Bell only for instructional uh purposes so a teacher then has to tell them now you can take it out your your arms are broken or whatever some sorry Jeff I thought it was her she's usually got these great ideas uh Dr holess had this idea that someone can't write and they need their phone okay you can take it out and take pictures of the books and the and the things on the board and and on the screens and things like that um but other than that we ought to be doing our kids a favor a mental health favor big time time uh and and uh and do this through airplane mode now and if in fact we learned that they really don't like being on these devices all day during a school day so they can focus on each other and focus on their academics then the next year maybe we come back and just say look zip it up turn it off we'll have some other ways to deal with uh with security and by the way Dr he the superintendents that have done this that are participating and research projects are saying that this has universally been a positive thing they still have to do workarounds for and instructional purposes and the like but in terms of increasing academic proficiency this was a net positive uh big help though to their mental health and that's what's really driving the passion that I have about this change so that's what I'm proposing chair that we we think about just this year starting August 12th decision J July 23rd did our policy say nothing in your ear and airplane mode if you have it and only an instructional uh person can tell you to go get it and turn it on not you get it and ask permission Mr thank you very much and thank you Dr Z I appreciate that um you know because we talk about these policies these decisions I'm glad chair you brought up clear backpacks right uniforms this board doesn't have we don't have it in us to do it we do now as adults to make decisions bold decisions that are what's important for our kids we don't have it in us to do it um but I'll tell you who does your competition cuz we want to redefine right let me show you St Thomas that did this policy in 2021 and it says mobile phones watches earbuds will be off and Away in your lockers during the hours of 8:45 to 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 3:23 p.m. Coral Springs Charter cell phone usage by students is not permitted in the building if a student is seen using a cell phone it will be confiscated and the parent will be required to pick it up Pine Crest phones will be turned off at the beginning of class teachers will store students phones in a bin and it will be monitored during class teachers will allow students to use cell phones if instructed during class classes phon should be returned to students during the last few minutes of class to preserve transition those people are bold enough to make the decisions that's why they continue to choose them to educate our children that is why we continue to lose in Brower County Public Schools we keep asking for opinions and people to tell us what to do instead of Being the adult in the room like you said Dr Zeman and do the right thing that's 2021 it is 2024 and we are still asking for things to be looped that that's where I'm at we continue talking about kids coming back to Broward County they will not do it families will not do it because you can't make decisions we can't I'll say we I'm one of them right we can't make decisions but people are education systems are those institutions will make decisions of what's best to educate your children for them to be focused and protect their mental health St Thomas wrote that we care about your education and your mental health so I wish we would do the same thing I just wish like man the sixth largest school district cares like you said we care so I just wish we could make decisions but I I don't see it happening so I I I appreciate the the gesture and I appreciate your words thank you Elena sorry um so I've heard a lot during this discussion um and I take your words because you know you guys are are I wouldn't say old but you're older so it's good to sorry acknowledge they're older I'm old it's all right um but I feel like instead of the word baned we should really use disconnect I feel like we're really connected to this ideology that we have to be liked we have to be liked by Society we have to do what we have to do to get the most likes I mean when I ran for Student Government president I wasn't liked by a lot of people but I did what I had do to get where I want it to be so I I feel like when it comes to this issue and I can promise all of you that I will put out a survey I will try to reach out to as many students as possible I will work with Landon even though he's not here I miss my best friend um and I will get the feedback from students and make sure that students are being heard for the right reason um but it's up to you guys if you guys feel like it should be banned you know what what else can we do we never know until we try it so I'm always a i don't do it until I believe it or I don't believe it until I see it so um on behalf of that I'll just make sure by you'll get an email from me before July 31st 23rd 23rd yeah thank you Miss seon thank you uh I just want to update something the latest St Thomas cell phone um policy says cell phones must be turned off um and stored during school hours the only exeption would be during the students lunchtime in the cafeteria so they do allow them to do that and any student phone usage during school hours outside of the school's lunch period must be with the dean or administrator and headphones and earpieces are prohibited so I would say a couple of things I think we are all saying we agree that this is an issue and we want to address it so saying that we are not strong enough or that we don't have the capacity to do it I think is disingenuous we're all sitting here saying we will I think we also all agree that the earbuds headphones any of that should be nixed and prohibited so I for sure we can we can do that my concern isn't changing the policy it is changing it in a way that is where teachers can be able to implement it being a teacher who sat where the board made a policy because they had great intentions but it didn't translate to that in the classroom and it made it impossible for us to do so what I'm asking for in terms of the looping process is to co collaborate with students and teachers and community members on how we can best implement this and I have to say the whole parent right how come that only deals with certain things if we're talking about parental rights you know we should be including them in things so that's what I'm asking for it isn't whether we will or not not allow cell phon I think we're all saying we we believe in that but to just blanket make it in a policy and not know how to roll it out in a way that makes sense for students and teachers and parents is just causing that policy to fail and teachers won't implement it and you'll have a policy that says it has to be on airplane mode but who's going to check that it'll be on the teachers to check that so that's where my concern is I 100% agree that cell phone are are ruining the lives of our students um and you know some of that is because their parents let them have it so don't forget about that part um but I I think leaving today we could all agree that we want to get rid of the headphones and the earbuds part so I I don't think any of us were against that and the point is how do we make this policy so teachers can implement it in the classroom because at the end of the day that's who's going to have to do it and just making a blanket statement today it won't happen I'm just telling you there's no way a teacher has a capacity to do that without understanding all of the pieces that go to that and they'll be just like me and the kid will be coming across the the thing to to choke them and and grab their cell phone and then no one will learn anything that day so that's really the point of why I think it's important to Loop it so thank you okay anybody new information on this topic so man Dr heurn by may just to um just to manage expectation for the group cuz I think that they're panicking a little bit the yes you are because the the code book typically has to be ready for the start of school committees do not work in do not meet in the summer and we're talking about looping for the most part our teachers are off calendar and we're talking about looping so um I just wanted to manage the expectation of this group as it relates to this comes back July 23rd but there are expectations of the board that they they may find challenges with Miss nardy yeah and I guess I should have been clear it was not my expectation that we ban cell phones in this code of conduct because of of what you just outlined Dr wanza um and I do think it's important to so I hope that but moving forward we are starting that process because I know it takes a long time and we want to get um valuable input from our stakeholders um there have been studies done that students actually have offered to pay for everyone to get off social media so I think that's I mean to to Dr Zan's point it's not that just that they you know don't want the cell phones they would actually pay us to do that um I'm not suggesting that we we do that but um I think repeat that students would pay us an but I think it speaks to the the the strength of the data um I just I want to reiterate something Miss Hixon said um the idea that we don't have it in us to do this is just not factual I I think we are all on the same page when it comes to our our kids and their mental health I completely agree with everything Dr Zeman said but like I said earlier today our stakeholders see things and they understand how things play out in ways that we cannot and I was in the classroom when the board made some top- down decisions and it just didn't work out the way in theory we think it will so that is why it's very important that we include students we include our employees we include parents in this process because like Miss Hixon said if we just you know do it and see how it rolls out it's not going to roll out I mean I saw that with IDs right we we required IDs for a long time but they weren't actually enforced because that there was no real roll out of it um so I you know that's why I think it's very very important that we include our stakeholders thank you thank you Mr allson something new kind of maybe more of a question yes unless you're about to do you're about to go around what uh I still needed to weigh in on the comment on the item um so my comments on page two the responsibilities of parents and Guardians bull Point number one it says read the code of student conduct but I wanted to ask the superintendent is it possible there could be a video that the parent could watch um of you know I because I think it's not the reality is parents aren't reading the student code of conduct however but if you're working out and I can watch a video of someone you know reading like a podcast right the student code of conduct I think you might get a lot more buyin of people actually getting the information of the code of student conduct absolutely um we can work with the comm's team to make that happen okay perfect and then on page page four number two so a couple of comments um oh jeez this one school safety it's the policy 5090 okay so page four under a a school safety number two so safer watch is one word you have as two words and then I would also I would quote the law in that first sentence instead of kind of you know what I mean what you said is factually true but quote the law and then and then again save for watch is is one word and then I was Wonder ing if we could incorporate something where all staff will log in to alysa's alert on all district owned devices because there's an issue right now that you everybody has a Lista alert on their computers but they're not logging in so they have to do an an initial login to be logged into Alyssa's alert so if they have to push their panic button they're already logged in but if they never initially log in then they would have to do that but in an emergency situation they're not going to have time to do that and then is there an ability to maybe work with Mr alberties to somehow put language in there to use Alissa alert and training mode in our monthly drills and then I just wanted to mention I know we were talking about attendance somewhere in in the policy uh margorie stowman Douglas High School did the 1010 rule so I know Dr heer and staff is they're looking into maybe incorporating that in all of our high schools but MSD their test scores went up tremendously and their their student attendance went up so it was a complete win-win even though it was a tough rooll out for us well probably the parents more than the students to get used to but 10 10 10 please look into it thank you anybody else on this topic on this item where did we land um actually Dr he can staff repeat back where they think we landed Miss Washington I'm going to give it my best shot um so in the mental health allocation area make sure that we add reference to the district mental health coordinator um include the interventions we do at secondary schools for BP uh address the es needs of ESC students or eligibility of ESC students in inter Scholastic Sports and other extracurricular activities uh make the discipline Matrix more user friendly I'm going to go through I thought we addressed all of the consequences where there was the second consequences was was the second consequence was less than the first I thought we caught all those but I I've heard it a couple times so maybe we didn't I will go back and double check that um make sure that we communicate the discipline Matrix to all employees and teachers that they understand that uh potentially creating a PowerPoint deck that could be used in the faculty meeting regarding the discipline Matrix make sure that we're addressing well I'll get back to cell phones um make sure that the social media references in the policy are in alignment with the new legislation regarding the age of students [Music] um the just to to board member fam's Point The Hope Scholarship was not eliminated from the policy what's eliminated in The Hope Scholarship section of it was to align it to updates to legislation this year um so that it directly aligns to the new legislation for the Hope Scholarship because it's encompassed under all of the school choice options on under the voucher program so what was omitted is what was omitted in the law um then we got into the cell phone discussion and what I took away from that consensus I believe from the board is to remove headphones and other accessories from the policy uh that phone should be off and in airplane mode and the one question I do have I think I heard it on both sides that some agree that teachers should be able to direct the usage of them dur during class time and others felt like they should just be off and away so that's the one that I'm not really sure about and then also the final thing is that we Loop the implementation of a potential like taking the cell phones away not necessarily the policy of taking them away but how would it roll out so I think and then the making a video of the code book where we've actually have started work with my team on making it like short clips even like this section try to get it as like a two 2 and a half minute clip so that they don't have to read through it and they can go through the different sections I will go through the entire policy and make sure I change all the safer watch to being one word quoting Alyssa's law um make adding to the responsibilities of staff and District staff um that they must log into uh Alyssa's alert on all their devices um taking a look at the attendance the 101010 at MSD and seeing if that can be incorporated and then also looking at the monthly drills I don't know if the I'll look where in the code of con student conduct that might be but that might be more of an employee type thing and then the elimination of the earbuds headphones yeah okay got that the chair want to address that I I don't think we just want you to eliminate the section I think what we want the policy to say is they're not allowed to wear headphones or ear bites so I don't want you to because it sounded like you were just and you I I just would say also about the airplane mode as a future discussion or to the superintendent as as a teacher that needs to be kind of explained who's going to make sure it's and if it's not on airplane mode what happens because I don't disagree I appreciate what you're saying but I just know that that's going to be a huge huge issue for teachers only because they don't they won't understand who's supposed supposed to be making sure it's on airplane mode and what happens if the phone goes off because it's not what are they supposed to do so that's probably more in the the discipline Matrix part of it but I I don't want to just disregard that because I know teachers are listening thinking how am I supposed to do this so thank you Miss fam yeah thank you point of clarification um Miss Washington I just wanted to say that to save you a lot of time if you look on page 18 says um first offense procedures 1 A and B and you're talking about second exposure with the the minimum um being lesser than the initial are you which policy are you in I'm sorry uh it says it's on page 18 of which policy 90 or 5100 I'm on the discipline policy suspension and expulsion okay and if you look on first offense procedures number one A and B oh wait that's too different so it's a different population of students it's for a different grade but the grade the higher grade is less 4 days suspension when this the younger students are six days so it it's it's not less of a consequence it's if they're an elementary age student and they engage in substance abuse counseling it will wave 6 days of the suspension whereas in secondary it will only wave four so it's not that it's less of a consequence both are 10 days um but it will wave more days at the elementary level they're they're younger they're engaging in the counseling component whereas in secondary it's only going to wave four days of the 10day suspension so it's actually not less of a consequence it's an opportunity to send an elementary school student back to school sooner so it's not like on the first time you do this and on the second time you do that it's two different age groups of kids and based on the intervention that's put in place there's a difference in when they can return to a Traditional School all right thank you for the clarification and one last thing um chair to Dr heurn just so uh you realize with the airplane mode if you have a music library already downloaded you can still play music and everything you're not excluded from getting that so you can't get it over the internet but you can already have it on your phone you won't get it on but M Charon yes thank you madam thank you madam chair so have we landed on so we've landed on eliminating bullet number three on page 14 right and adding the ban so that was kind of your point but I think staff just uh alluded to the reference of personal wireless communication devices used during the instructional day is only permitted under the direction of the teacher we have not landed on that sentence so it was my recommendation that we remove that sentence to your point uh Miss Hixon because I'm trying to remove areas for the teachers to still be involved right um so we're in a gray area right now right so I get we've landed on some compromise around airplane mode right but this essentially is what we're creating a gray area so either we do a full band which is kind of what you you proposed which I know the board is not there yet today um but because we're in airplane mode I'm going to call it meeting in the middle that's unfortunately what we're what we're dealing with can just as as a point of clarification as a teacher I used to use cahoot as a review and you have to use the phone for that to do that so I think when it's saying instructional use there are times when a teacher will allow the students to use the phone because they're playing they're using an app that is in instructional so that's what I understand where it says the teacher would tell them for instructional purposes you can use your phone for this but that would be so if you eliminate that you're going to take out some of the curriculum piece that a lot of teachers use okay um to engage the students because they beg me to use cahoot okay all the time so and and to be honest just what Miss Washington said I think is way I described I think it's a lot more than a compromise though uh airplane mode is not using your phone no earbuds means you're not listening to anything this is a big change for Brower County school and I look forward to learning more about how to implement it well next year but this is a big change because you cannot use your phone if it's in airplane mode it's almost off what about this is a like on you know when you're in the airplane when it's on airplane mode you can also Access Wi-Fi right I think you can it no it's an it question I think no right so that's why you're still in this gray area tell but you're on the district's Wi-Fi okay so now let's talk about District Wi-Fi so on District Wi-Fi you can access like right now I don't think I'm connected but I can access any website is that correct no no no they have blocks Mr Bradford if you can um clarify what is accessible on the district Wi-Fi and for a student how do they access District Wi-Fi good afternoon this Matthew Bradford task ofci Chief Information officer uh you can't just get to every site right we have Security in place that that blocks certain sites we can get that list for you if you need to followup uh Tik Tok for one you should not be able to access Tik Tok right uh so we do you know blog sites we get that list for you if you need it but it's not just wide open that can just randomly be used not at all so could you clarify for how does a student log into a Wi-Fi is do they put in there uh like for us we put in our personnel number and our password and then we can get on the the the Wi-Fi for students um how do they access it and then are there uh specific things that are blocked just for students versus staff one second Manny do you want to take that oh I guess the mic is off it was on mic on oh there thank you for that question uh as far as student profiles and Wi-Fi there's different profiles for Wi-Fi oh I forgot to introduce myself Manny castanada executive director it operations there are different profiles for Wi-Fi access and for the different access points that are uh or ssids that are available lean to the mic so we can all hear you just get closer to the mic eat the mic eat the mic very good there's different profiles that are used to uh provision and allow access to websites and student profiles are significantly restricted in what sites they can access when they access these Wi-Fi profiles whereas employee uh accounts are not as restricted so you do have some variation on what sites they can access got it okay okay we're all good thank you very much spoken only yes very much thank you very much chair just another another question of when it came to airplane mode um like we said there's burner phones that a kid would use um and I'm sorry to give the cheat code to the kids so one kid would be able to put a hot spot and put the phone in the corner somewhere and hide it away and everybody would be able to connect correct let me tell you as a former Middle School and High School principal the kids are always a couple of steps ahead of us um they're creative yes so so if they want to put that much energy and will into figuring out they they will um to the point I've experienced as a principal where there's uh other sites out there that teach kids how to get around our firewalls right so this will help us with a large number of students but there's always going to be that small percentage that put their time and effort there'll probably be a potential cyber security um CEO later on in life because of the the things that they're learning how to do here that's right yeah I know that there's a lot of holes in airplan mode that's why I I say the Safeguard is to turn it off so thank you again all right thank you so much next up we're going to take six and seven together fiscal year 2024 2025 budget Workshop number six and number seven employee supplements going to do public comment and staff can get their space Point order do you still intend to be done by 5:00 4:25 no um yes okay Dr n Lynch Walsh public speaker Lisa Maxwell you have to get real close microphone try again yeah just get closer it's not on oh Mr Solen microphone come on you have a loud voice we're we're working on it you want to use this one there there okay um my name is Lisa Maxwell I'm here representing the Broward principles and assistance association um I am not a lobbyist um I want to convey to the board if I may the dismay over the fact that the referendum dollars for principles and assistant principles remains a mystery uh even as we speak we were are very hopeful that perhaps today as a part of this budget discussion you'll have a robust discussion about it but 5.5% salary decreases is facing every principal and assistant principal in this District right now next month the supplements start up again so families deserve to know are they going to have 5.5% less pay and is that something you really want to do to your academic leaders it's a question and they deserve an answer and they deserve an answer now I get it the charter school issue came but that's gone now you resolved that at the last board meeting and we should have a discussion today about what's going to happen moving forward and what these families can expect that is an imperative additionally there was discussion about trying to rectify the inequity and the raises uh versus the bonus that they receive for the coming year we'd really like to have that issue resolved and I just want to point out on slide 23 and I brought this to the attention of Staff this is an FDLE slide I'm not sure why we're using FDLE data because it's really not correct um if you go to the midpoint of the teacher salary schedule it's $60,000 but this is also misleading because people on this schedule are not all on the same calendars and that makes a big difference if I'm a teacher working 10 months and I'm making $60,000 that's the equivalent of $72,000 to someone working on a 12month calendar and when you add the supplements and everything else on top of that trust me when I tell you they are making more than APS in this District that's what's happening right now this issue has to be resolved I have principles calling me who have not said this to me ever that they're looking in Palm Beach County they're looking at Dade to go because they know how to treat their principles and assistant principles this County seems to have lost track of that and at a point in time when test scores are going up you're about to have a banner celebration for school grades that was because of the hard work yes of the teachers but you're that doesn't get done without the academic leaders in these schools trust me when I I tell you so please have a discussion today let's get this issue resolved thank you thank you Kimberly mohorn vente thrower desire Desiree Grooms okay Dr heurn at this time uh we'll be prepared to take board questions um Miss uh matala and uh and staff Mr charson sure I like that so no presentation good information by the way I think you know we've all gone through it um let me start off because there's someone who's not sitting at the table um Miss Marte I thought that you would also be over there but I can't see you um and I believe I I'm not looking at the date um but this is your final Workshop potential board meeting oh final day okay final day thank you for all that you have done um thank you for your leadership um and thank you for answering all of my tough questions uh and probably all the tough questions from the board so sorry that my back is here but I just want to go on the record and first say thank you uh for being a a strong leader for the district so now Madam CFO and team let me jump straight to some questions I'm going to jump to the the back of the presentation first um so I appreciate uh so I'm on slide uh 43 um and it's probably more comes because I'm going to start from the marketing effort so I appreciate the $1 million effort you are absolutely correct mdcps uh we all hear their ads on different stations and the above so I appreciate uh BCPS having our own approach to it the one thing that's missing um which I like to add without objection um is uh a targeted Focus as a minority uh strong heavy District um that's missing here so whether those are the newspapers clearly I see radio um but that's not here that was also a similar criticism from before um so I'm not going to spell out newspapers and radio you all know that um and I'm not sure if even 1 million is the right number I was actually going to offer another number uh because I know we are at least I'm ready to talk about uh a part of the $100 million effort on what can come off the table so I was ready to do that I'm not sure if other board members will be ready for that um but I'm I think that uh what's proposed uh is solid but I just want to make sure that we add that to it so if that means adding another I'm making up a number 200,000 to get that I'm fine with that all right so now I'm going to go backwards to slide 34 so and I know that uh the first conversation at least I got the board to move to the 5% I know there's another board member who's going to probably raise pulling some money from a different place um but my question is the 27.3 million that number are you looking for the board to give you an answer because I know there are several questions in here um on how to get to 27.3 million or is the intent of the slide to say here is what we need to do what's the what's the what what are you anticipating from the board today the attent of that specific slide is just informed the board of this is what it takes for us to get there and as a team we'll work to get there we'll realize Some Cuts and and um some tough decisions to to get there so you don't need any additional action by the board you will get to the 5% because we've already voted in given Direction correct we wanted to ensure that the board understands um the amount of money to get us to that 5% great and actually interesting enough and I just heard uh one of the public comments on slide 23 um so I know that these are and some of these were alarming uh well positively alarming to me um because I didn't uh look at it in this way do we share with the public um and again whether this is the right data point or there's a different data point do we share with the public or have we shared probably in the past um where we as a district compare to the state averages where we compare to the tri count districts and other similar siiz districts have we shared this in this way Dr I can't for current um no but I can't speak for pass I'll turn it over to miss matala and team moala associate superintendent of Finance to my knowledge we have not provided this slide or any comparative data with state in the past so this was our first attempt and I think it's good data and also reflects the board's commitment to provide raises for all employees and again it's just base salary it's average it doesn't include FR and supplements right I think HR has provided some comparisons um but I don't think it included the state average okay let me keep going so I want to combine my slides 22 and 25 so I think I asked the question before about the F FRS classification for is it cabinet and above or senior staff I don't know what you call it um it was executive cabinet executive cabinet okay along with uh the board's desire to do more for all employee groups if the board says yes we want to do more for all employee groups and you've given us a menu of $100 million along with another pot of money that I believe one board member may want to touch um how do we get there today so I think at as we go or whoever brings up the review of those specific slides for the $100 million and really have a discussion around that the $100 million is a discussion Point not so much of a recommendation so the board understands uh what cuts could be realized and what cuts if they are realized what impacts do they have on this system um as an as a district in its entirety right so but to that point because I think I asked for the $100 million in cuts um and the board I think accepted so assume I want to start is the intent you want uh if there is consensus today you will accept that as direction for the next budget cycle in these areas yes depend on um what's actually consensus for for what specific items okay because um I I'll provide some additional feedback myself just to just ensure that the board is well informed of how that impacts this system uh moving forward all right well then I will pause because I'm ready to make some reductions um because I believe that it is more than needed a b I'm ready to talk about um additional uh compensation for all employees if we can B and then I heard the comment also from the public around the referendum dollars and uh you know kind of what we do overall my assumption is that's a separate conversation than what I'm referring to correct CFO correct yes yes when do we get to that conversation on the referendum impacts I know we've talked before just we're hoping over the summer got it so the referendum conversation for principles APS Etc others is not today not today and that's and why is that not today um because there's some decisions that need to be made by the board and we're waiting on information from closing out the year got it okay all right Madam chair how do you want to handle the reduction round there're different questions in here so I don't know how who want to handle and I'm ready to do that I would just say just go with what you have and every board member could do that yeah but then there were you know folks like to react to me so you know what I'll wait I'll react to other people this time thank you okay Mrs Hixon I keep forgetting that we turned it off okay sorry okay um we're doing both yes okay perfect so on the budget can you hear me it feels like you can't hear me um on pages seven and eight my question for that is how does redefining a line with a Phil facilities condition assessment that's going to take 18 to 24 months and planning projects over five years so the redefining U what we're trying to accomplish is have the uh the vendor that is going to do the facilities condition assessment start with the schools that um based on our metrics that need to be addressed and then they can go work on the other schools so we should have some robust information to inform our redefining process about how much money it may potentially take to recondition a facility renovate a facility or um if a building just needs to be torn down what would that cost to rebuild some some information so we can make some um informed decisions as we move forward redefining okay great thank you on page 13 um first I want to say thank you for adding Margate Middle School cafeteria I appreciate that what was also missing from the dis email and discussion that I got from Miss chowski which I forwarded to um Miss Paul is also when we're talking about covered walkways Quiet Waters was supposed to for their car Loop was also supposed to be added to the dfp um which is a new one so what I noticed is the walkways that we have in the dfp are kind of replacements for ones that are there but there aren't any discussions on where new ones should go or that's what it appeared to me when we were looking there so Quiet Waters is one of those where they um have requested and sent a ton of pictures and a conver and a conversation about the walkway for their car Loop so that was um on page 13 um and oh so on the D also on page 13 we add added eight schools so let me go back to their page 13 not 18 I'm sorry um that's not even the right one sorry I think this is in a different spot sorry um I'll go back to that cuz I don't know what I was looking for but we had eight schools that we added to the dfp for for covered walkways in 2023 but we didn't add any additional for this year so I'm just wonder I thought we were going to add those covered walkways each year like to the new additional year on the dfp so that's why what my question is I didn't see Quiet Waters or any other school really added I thought we were going to continue to add them so um I don't know where we stand with that on page 15 my question is how many schools still need intercom um Mr um Bradford and Mr um alberty Chief alberty both of you guys can chime in on the the amount of schools that still need a upgrade on the intercoms good afternoon um So currently the project is ongoing we have a vendor Rand Bor that is working to get the uh upgrades on some of these intercom systems as well as audio enhancement I know for audio enhancement we have 26 sites that are going in addition to the four dhh sites um for the other projects I don't have the numbers on top of my head but if you give me a few minutes I'll be able to pull that up for you if you need to get that information unless Matt you have that information it can be a followup but there's some discussion and concern about it was in an audit committee if I'm not mistaken the discussion about schools not having the needed intercoms that they need and where we sit with that so if you could just maybe send us an email with an updated information on that that would be great um on so I just want to address that so all of our schools have operable fire alarms and operable um intercom systems I just want uh the board and the public to be clear this concern is more about upgrading the intercoms so um we can work differently with when a fire alarm goes off so the intercom can actually be used during that time to alert students and staff if they need to to to stay put where they are instead of evacuating but the intercom and the fire alarms are working we're just upgrading multiple systems to to increase it its ability okay great and you'll update us on how many are still in process we'll provide follow okay so um on page 23 seems to be a popular page um the our public speaker asked a question and I I'm just going to ask again how how are these numbers calculated um because we did also hear this when we put out something to say what the average salary of a teacher was when we were doing our increases and we got back a ton of emails that said where did they get this number from because it's not even close so where why are we using this specifically did we not calculate like based on what we know teachers are making what their average is or how did we come to this page Miss Malla this page was only for informational purposes because we have never presented a comparison to Florida Department of Education because they do publish the average salaries um across the state for all school districts and this was just a comparison to show where Broward stands and as you can see in every category pretty much we are higher than the state average but again as I mentioned before this is just you know base pay doesn't include Fringe and supplements okay perfect thank you and I'll say it it is nice to see we're higher than Florida but it is not enough um as we all know and we'll continue to work to to increase that on page 35 sorry since this is a page that says it's additional Revenue so on the top it says estimated additional Revenue but after the the first one all of them are in parenthesis which would indicate it's actually a decrease not an increase so it's a little confusing if we have additional Revenue why is it less money this is the same information we have presented before and um it's the net at the bottom it's an additional Revenue so even though we got additional funding we still have to account for the family empowerment scholarship and charter schools and other buckets of money and after you deduct all of those categories there is a net increase and that additional revenue of 9.4 and I appreciate you saying that because we keep hearing from from people how much more money we're getting and it looks like a big number until you look at how that gets chipped away and although the state may have given us $145.8 million as additional Revenue what we actually are seeing as useful money is 9.4 million that's a huge difference between the two and I don't think people understand that difference so I appreciate you explaining that um and one more question on budget and then I have a question on supplement um so I appreciate all of this information but it's really generic and it's very hard when we're going to look at where we get to extra money when we don't see them as true line items so do we and we haven't seen it I've asked the same question every time we've had discussion so we're not going to see those line items until the the bigger meeting I guess we have in July but it's difficult for us to look at what's here and understand how money's actually being spent when we're just looking at Big generic categories with hundreds of millions of dollars in it as opposed to to more specific ones so I it's it's frustrating to me because then we get the we'll get a big book that has every little line item that we haven't seen until we get that big book I really as we move forward in doing this different um I think it's important that as this information comes to us whether it's in an appendix or something additional besides the PowerPoint to give us some better information like central office eliminating well that's not what I wanted to say but I'm I'm looking at the wrong thing but if we looked at something to say okay um you know Central we're we're spending $5 million on central office what the heck does that mean does it mean how many clerical positions how many is it supplies is it travel things what what does that number mean because just giving it to as a bucket doesn't really help us to see how that money is being spent so I it's concerning to me to look at it that way and and we'll go through all those little teeny tiny lines that you send us in the big book um next month but I just wanted to give my two cents on that um my last thing is on supplements so kind of the same idea so it was kind of interesting to me to look at this because when we look at supplements um let me click on there sorry this is not very comprehensive and and I appreciate you're bringing it Forward because I've been asking for it for a long time but if we look on page six types of supplements Athletics specific specific extra pay period specific National at least those are more non-specific what does that mean what what are those and then when we look at supplements ppens by District it has football coach track Department shair band director and you can see there but there's probably at least 50 other positions that are on here so I thought we were going to have a an honest discussion about what the supplements are for all of the POS all the supplements that we have and what does it look like if we're going to be able to increase it because they have not had an increase in supplements since I started teaching and this is my 35th year in the district so um and as you can see there what we pay is much much much less than they pay in other places so this is an important conversation and not to be able to have there's an assistant football coach there's a swim coach there's a water polo coach there's a debate coach there's all of these other things how are we really going to have a conversation on how we increase that if we're just looking at smatterings of of what this is and then specific what is you know specific we only pay 78,000 um dollars in specific supplements that doesn't seem like a lot what does that mean so it's very very um frustrating to be able to have a conversation when I don't have all the information so I hope that's going to come through in the conversation thank you thank you okay Dr Zeman thanks so much chair um let me just share a few thoughts uh as we work through this um the very first one is really about uh capital in general our defp budget on pages eight uh particularly on page eight you we talk about our Outreach to understanding what our requirement is um and we know that we're underformed due to a lack of facility needs assessment we don't know um that in particular uh but we also don't know is kind of the general participation in identifying requirements for this budget I for one am not satisfied that this process gets us where we want to go nor does it inform us as a board nor allow us to make the decisions we need to make what happens is um process happens and um it's almost like um we miss kind of the the rich details about what was not funded uh what was not even submitted by people um what we get is kind of a list as a deao list and I think that this board is matured to the point where we'd like to see more um rigor in this process uh in particular it's important to understand like we tried to chair on the playground issue what's the whole requirement um what's a projection of you know private funding versus government funding what do we think we can raise with municipalities and other funders and then how many years do we want to take to kind of work through that backlog that's a kind of mature conversation this conversation is here's a shopping list that the staff's uh pulled together and we don't know how to represent that back to our communities are we we on the path of getting better or getting worse in capital I have colleagues that point out that we're $6 billion do behind in capital expenditures and with $500 million of new money $600 million uh per year it seems like we're never going to catch up right I mean that's just a lot of money that's 10 years of funding if the facilities don't degrade but we know over the 10 years the facilities are going to degrade right so um I'm having trouble kind of communicating the decisions here uh to the people of Broward County County because there's just not a a requirement or sufficient information to really uh talk about it now having said that there's a lot of greatness uh in the capital budget in the in the proposals I don't think there's anything that um hasn't been uh well constructed and well created as as a way to spend money uh it clearly has uh High Roi but where I run into trouble is in the next test which is is this our highest priority and I challenge any of my colleagues to say this is our highest priority cuz you don't know we don't know we don't know what our facil needs looks like right and so until you have a shopping list to choose from you can't really uh justify the next level so next year I want to make sure that we can say that to Broward County or to any District group or to any residents as we're spending their $6.1 billion that we know what the priorities are and we went right to the top it eliminates questions about racism about eth ethnic disparities about I95 or 595 or Saw Grass Expressway you know I don't have any kind of compelling argument against that because we don't go through a process that allow us to rack and stack uh priorities uh top to bottom and like with this the uh playgrounds chair uh these data are discoverable I think in one email to 206 principles we could had a damn good database about our playground uh conditions and and we don't do that uh but we ought to uh do the best job that we can so that we can communicate well on page 21 I just reject the premise of this question if we wanted to treat every employee the same we'd all start at $53,000 if we wanted to treat every employee the same the average supplement is $1,278 12 we'd pay everybody the same for every supplement we don't do it in starting pay we don't do it in benefits we don't do it in retirement we don't do it in in supplement and other special pays and overtimes uh we have to figure out how to spend our money to deliver on our strategic goals and that means some people remember slps we had them come sit in our room and they made a compelling case that said they're not going to stay anymore and we're going to have to hire very expensive contracted out slps if we don't make some salary adjustments the board was compelled to do that and amazingly those people decided to stay because we showed them some love through uh additional uh pay so I don't think that the question of how do you give everyone the same amount of money is interesting to me what's interesting is how do we get to be a district and then once we're in an aid District how do we achieve every kid's potential in Broward County and I think that's by looking at every individual occupation and trying to make sure that we pay them the appropriate amount uh every year in order to get the staff together the dream staff that delivers uh High Returns on page 23 uh you present some information that maybe to Mrs hixon's quick point I don't think is particularly relevant you know P county is not Broward County and not that I don't love PK County but I can buy seven houses in P County for one house in BR County and so why are we looking at data about related to this if it was Palm Beach in Miami maybe even Hillsboro and orangish U I could see those comparisons being interesting particularly Palm Beach and Miami because our employees can leave um so I don't find uh comparisons like state things uh particularly compelling on page 27 uh there's a $100 million I'm going to join one of my colleagues and say nice start 1.6% of the Budget moving that's not heroic that's just kind of a nice beginning we got real compelling needs in Brower County we got to pay people well so that they can stay and live here number one two we have some fundamental things that we have to pay for if we're going to achieve our strategic goals and so I like virtually all of these things um and I look forward to to hearing more conspicuously absent on this list Mr superintendent is the delayering of management I'll will continue to pound the table can anyone else can anyone else in this room point to an organization that has four levels of management between him and the people who produce our output tell me the difference between what a a regional superintendent and a director does I've asked everybody I can talk to about that and they say oh they do the same thing it just depends who's available okay well then we don't need both of those pick one and let's move on we need the money to be spent where we uh have strategic goals and where we can apply levers and get things done uh one of those layers would save us $13 million I'll add it to the list and I'll see where that goes as well lastly on page 35 someone please tell me how $12 million became $12.8 million because what I get beat up about is the state budget reportedly gave an extra $1.2 billion for teacher pay raises and what I'm I think being empowered to say is that may be interesting on a budget slide but in reality after the third C that really only gives us only 10% of that 12.8 so can can I just get a technical explanation of that line on page 35 how did we go from 112 to $12 million for teacher salary increase allocation Dr hurn M moala that was just a change from year to year so my friends at the Florida Department of Education say they given us another $112 million for tsia did they also take away the $90 million in the third C of last year so the net increase is only 12 million a portion of it is also shared with the charter schools and the FES as well so we have to deduct that but the bulk of it is the third C right yes okay so um how do we square that circle like how do we kind of make sure that the communication is clear that the state gave us money but they just took a whole bunch of money away and the net net is really only 10% of what they're saying that they gave us so we could do that for the next presentation and show you the breakdown of that I I'd appreciate that it's a big deal I mean uh and and you know I will tell you that the State Department of Education over the past four years has treated education very well at the at the bottom line we've seen significant increases in education budgets what's missing from that sometimes though is what are the other things that happen not cost of living increases but where where else did they take money at the end of the previous year so that the increases that come through may be a little bit of of ghosting and if there is ghosting going on I want to explain it to people so they really understand how much uh increased uh Revenue we have we have real bills to pay this year and this $100 million list is going to be an interesting uh is going to inform a very interesting conversation uh and I look forward to doing more that on July 23rd else Miss Fam thank you madam chair um well i' I've heard a lot today and I I'm really appreciative that everyone took the time to go through these budget numbers um one of the things I want to say though is um I'm really concerned about the principles since we did not give them the same amount or even more than the teachers got in their increase and the reason why I'm saying that and we we all know it here it starts at the top with leadership and it flows down so they are the ones that are the captains of the ship so they must be compensated they cannot feel undervalued and we cannot afford to lose them did you see how much they're they're earning in Palm Beach so just compare the supplements you can see there's the difference in the salaries so we need to address that we need to address it as soon as possible um I would also agree with Dr that we have to cut the middle of the fat we have to cut the bubble from the middle and there's just too much there we don't need all that and people are going to have to consolidate and step up and and really carry their own weight so I would agree that if we start in the middle that's the best area and work from there and we can save some dollars there um some of the other things I wanted to bring back on a on a personal note is one is the turfs I know you've heard me talk about the turfs the last two weeks but one of the things I'm bringing that back next week is because um it was represented that some of the schools make in Revenue income from renting the property that has the turf I want to make sure that that money because we don't have a policy on it that that money comes back to the school district and then what we do is we keep it on in fund because according to this page 16 there's going to be $ 33.8 million used for Turf over the next 5 years that we put that into a fund to go through the other schools any Revenue that's generated and that will offset the amount for the other schools and then we continue that fund and that fund will be used to um maintain all the turf fields so if there's extra extra Revenue coming in that shouldn't be a windfall to the school where the turf is gone the windi the uh windfall is getting the turf itself so we need that Revenue so I'm going to come back with a motion on that um as I said in a week in addition one of the things that I brought up several times is the supplements that we don't have for academics and I want to go over this because I think this should be and I if they can take a picture of this I have a school that has won it's Nova Middle School and they're lost students have won the mock Congressional hearing National Invitational championship for the last two years this is Middle School and these are kids taking law classes okay so this cost to even go to this Championship is more than $660,000 that they have to come up with and we need to fund these people we need to fund these students the teacher right now is Kristen Murphy and she's teaching this at Middle School level however she's also been asked to take on the high school level so she's going to teach the same class at Nova High School at this point in time she gets no supplement she spends just as much time as the athletic coaches she's there every day with the students working and she works on her weekends and she's also a Florida licensed practicing attorney so she should be compensated I'd like to add this to the special cat category um for supplements and any others where we have people that are putting together academic programs and they're succeeding especially I think we should also include when when we have a team that becomes the champion it's so important that they return to that championship and we should absorb the cost for those teams going and if a team gets there on a national level and wins we should be reimbursing them the cost to get there so at this point in time they don't know how they're going to get there for the third year but how can they not go when they beat every other state in this country and illegal competition so I think they've earned their due so I want the board to think about that when we come for the board hearing and putting in additional supplements where they're warranted and reward the academics we keep saying we're going to go be a schools here's a woman who's getting a schools for us people want to go to Nova Middle because she's there teaching these law courses they actually did a mock bar exam which that's a test you have to take after your three three years of law school to see if you pass and you can practice law on that state and they passed more than 90% passed these are students that would never had the experience or the opportunity to do anything legal and they're coming from all over the county this is a open Choice school all over the county we have to keep these doors going we have to go keep that feeder going so we can take these young students students and continue with this profession so anyway um I I just wanted to go over that as far as with the budget there are we have to cut the budget no question but there's certain areas also um we have to redistribute the budget and other areas we're going to have to add to the budget so keep that in mind we've got to reward the winners thank you madam chair Dr Hess thank you so um I am uh everyone can hear me right Tes in okay good so I am in agreement with the having the fund balance uh meet the 5% objective I believe that's around $27 million that would need to get it to that point I'm also supportive of a 5% increase for teachers and all other groups um I am looking at the superintendent's recommendation for the propos uh $100 million in reduction and uh let me clarify it's not my recommendation not your recommendation but information for discussion information for discussion that was um mentioned by one of the board members and I can tell you this um any of these that I look at should we Implement will significantly impact safety mental health enrollment and so many other things I was looking at even the software suggestions so it's apparent to me I don't know if this was meant to be comedic but it's apparent to me that um that this is not doable uh based upon these suggestions that are here um to get to that $100 million um so I think they we may need to have a different discussion on what a realistic reduction looks like um as we move forward but I I I don't like my time to be wasted or any other any other board members um but I it's obviously that this cannot be done in this fashion so I I look forward to discussion on in that regards uh how do we get to a reasonable number if we're looking at reduction because this is certainly not doable and I would not I would not support any of these um that are here um so hopefully we can come back with something more um reasonable and doable thank you Dr holness uh so I have a comment on page 30 my question is in the description it says reduce safe School officers as for contracts only one safe school officer on each campus to maintain a one:1 ratio what do you mean by the one: one ratio Dr he chief alberty ma'am I spoke with u Miss montala and with the one:1 ratio what they're going with that savings is they're trying to say to meet the statute and the requirement for the statute you only need one officer per school so that's what they mean by the one to one ratio okay so you're saying that one officer one school okay you might want to clarify that in parenthesis and then um I think there needs you know if this the board was going going to reduce this there needs to be a conversation a more in-depth conversation on what the S uh you know the SRO what they're bringing compared to what the Guardians bringing with the safe school officer uh because this says here in the last bull point that it compromises safety and I think that is somewhat subjective to to say how you are you basing that with evidence so the reason why it's alluded that it compromis of safety if you have one officer if you think about a large High School having one officer for that number of students in a high school it's just not safe you need to have another additional officer or Guardian to support the one officer that's there so that's how that statement was made okay I totally agree with you with that but that's by reading this that's that's not how it's perceived at all so you know I I thought we always kind of went by the standard whether it's an SRO or Guardian one per a thousand students correct you are correct but miss monal's goal here was to find some savings and this is an option no no and I'm okay with that because this is this is saying okay so you're so some of our schools I guess my question is I'd have to better understand how many of our schools we're paying for a school resource officer compared to we can pay for a guardian it'll be less money it would be less money yes right I know but I'm I'm saying Dr heurn is that I I would me need to have more details to be able to make a a better decision as a school board member to say like if we're paying for um say five SRO at school a where we could be paying for five guardians the Guardians would be less money I'm just saying we need to have that conversation because I do think there is an opportunity to save and still be safe and and still meet the the state law but there needs to be yeah a hybrid approach but it needs to be a more in-depth conversation any other conversations Mr allson well no one else is saying anything okay um so are we now doing reductions or because it is not a laughing matter Dr holdes um because if we want to get 5% we got to find 70 million so I'm going to ask the board to join me uh in finding 70 million if you want 5% um so let me go down let me start with what I think are the easier ones or at least I'll start let me start with one by one um and then you can poll the board and see if there's an appetite um so I am okay uh with and we've had this conversation before um on uh health insurance uh contributions um so I am in favor of the first item for discussion not being recommended by the superintendent um so we can pull the board on that okay so the health insurance impos health insurance and employee contributions employee contributions would be improved 24.7 million is the savings okay so Austin is yes Dr Zan yes Hixon yes ala yes boli Miss leonardy yes Hess discuss for discussion wholeness fam yes okay there you go 24.7 I'm trying to get you five keep going so let me jump down uh so let me jump to eliminate central office instructional positions not designed I'm sorry not assigned directly to schools um and I just want to have a conversation on the impact and I saw the impact statements I think the intent of this is these positions are outside of school sites but they could be redirected to do something different is that correct Mr superintendent if we went with this item so I'm going to let Miss um um hollandsworth um provide additional information on this but these they they are not particularly assigned directly to Schools they're assigned to central office and regional office but they go out to support schools help build teacher capacity um help uh plc's all those things to do what we've been doing this this this entire school year to ensure instructional continuity and support student performance go ahead um Miss Hollingsworth thank you good afternoon again Simone Hollingsworth Chief academic officer so yes those central office staff just for clarity our regional office support academics Talent acquisition behavioral threat assessment school choice and Charter Schools Athletics and Student Activities so that encompasses all for Central so it's not just academics to Dr hein's Point those are instructional facilitators school psychologist mental health counsel crisis teams um let me see that's Dr heer mentioned coaching um and induction team members all so they some do have select schools that they work with some are assigned per School some are assigned um as needed but they all are out working with teachers students and staff to really provide those approaches to um support all of our initiatives throughout the district both through academics our Regional Offices and then all those other um you know groups that I mentioned so that's behavioral support Support Services family and Community Services we help with student services School operations um statutory requirements such as our Ida snet Choice Charter and then Federal grant requirements through Title One title two title Three Head Start so those are all different uh uh positions that are providing support to students schools Madam chair I guess what I'm asking if the board were to recommend this as a reduction uh to as direction to the superintendent so the way I read this all the positions would no longer sit outside of a School site they would now be at a school site and offer an instructional position is that correct yes correct there will be um absorbed um in instructional vacancies where there certifications okay so yes I would like to make this also recommendation Madam chair is the second recommendation for board polling chair before we vote I just want to be be clear uh these individuals will be offered jobs but the positions go away that's how the savings is is is made so under this 162 positions would there be nobody here to do the work I understand completely what this ISS this says put back to your point I think you've talked about supported and supporting right put them at school sites yep okay that's my recommendation okay is fix yes I just have a question on that so we're still going to keep the 162 employees so how does that reduce $12.6 million because they're still going to have to be paid so is the difference in a teacher pay and whatever position they're holding right now that much different that that it's a little confusing if we're not we're eliminating the position but we're putting them in a spot to be an instructional staff how are we saving 12.6 million Dr urn so the the the teacher vacancies are existing positions that we're already paying for so they will be absorbed into those existing positions but I do um just want to Echo all the services that um Miss Holland words just labeled um for many of these positions and it will have a significant impact on the quality of service um that we provide to our schools and to our students from that run the Spectrum for special needs all the way up to our our best and our brightest so just want to make sure the board understands understand these are teachers right these are in for the most part these are instructional facilitators right so so they're teachers going back from central office positions back to school sites but they will be going in a classroom I understand but there there are current L teachers currently teachers downtown not at a school site so they they are on paper they are labeled as being downtown but they are out at school supporting schools for specific reasons yep so it's just a matter of uh of on paper where they reside but there the services they provide are at all of our schools go ahead Miss um holl I'm sorry hello again so yes they are teachers that most of them are 196 employees again school psychologist mental health workers and um maybe getting personal about it but the work that those individuals do to support schools I think if we did speak to principles and speak to teachers because we're also doing teacher support would be incredibly impactful to our district and the functioning of it on a day-to-day academic behavioral mental health all services to students I'm very passionate about that and I do believe the work that we're doing across the board collaboratively is showing a difference based on our student performance yeah go ahead Miss so um so I I may not sound as passionate as you but I want to make sure we explain it so that the board understands when you say school psychologist that means students will not you right explain what that means so a school psychologist is assigned to the ESC office they have a case load of schools that they work with they are part participating in multitier um support uh programs they're doing the school evaluations for the students not all of them are obviously certified to be a teacher they're on a teacher instructional um uh collective bargaining agreement but they're not all teachers but that they fall in that teacher region so they might not all be able to be placed however also without that impact they're in there doing evaluations doing observations being part of a team to really see and determine exactly how the students performing with the school staff what interventions are needed what other supports are needed so truly they're considered instructional teachers because that's how we label them but they have a very you know distinct role in what they do as well as a lot of those individuals do for instance our ESC um instructional facilitators are working in schools working on specific things with teachers with students based on need based on how they get determined on you know where they're working with those schools so they're out in schools on The Daily they're in schools non-stop all of those individuals as well as the academics team doing PD with teachers helping provide Prov support to schools and students pulling small groups at times and truly being interactive and supportive of our our schools and our students and our teachers so I thank you done I don't support this so I um for those reasons they're they're they are directly providing services to schools um but my point I guess really was I don't think you're going to see a 12.6 reduction if you eliminated if you put them back in the school for a variety of reasons so that was what I was trying to point out there I don't know that that number is is accurate but I for reasons that they are directly supporting schools I would not support getting rid of those positions dress thank you madam chair so Dr heurn um I am going to speak on the instructional aspect of this the instructional facilitators because I visited all 35 schools in my district and as many of you know some of my schools um there are concerns as far as performance um and I would like Dr heurn to speak to how these instructional facilitators um support these and F schools within the district and what kind of improvement have we seen because I know personally that I have seen significant Improvement for example Endeavor went from F to a b School North Fork went from F to a c school so if we're here talking about getting to be an a district but we're cutting instructional support to schools and putting them back in schools as teachers um I can tell you we're not going to get there through that path and I can tell you that not just as someone who visits schools but as someone who has been a teacher for many years and understand the importance of these roles in terms of support to our instructional team at school so Dr heurn could you speak to that for us please yes absolutely um especially for our priority schools or schools um in um academic um need versus others it's a full court press they go in they build teacher capacity they help them um plan lessons they help them understand the transition from our previous state standards to our new pre to our new and current state standards they help them uh with new um and Innovative instructional strategies um they help uh uh teachers also with the discipline misconduct aspect so they can actually get to the the work that needs to be done in the classroom which is providing um um great learning opportunities for our students um and then just that Weekly type professional learning community that they create with our teachers so it's this on it's ongoing continuous Improvement model that they support day in um and day out and we see the fruits of those labors especially this year um where we've seen a lot of learning gains a lot of performance improvements in in our students especially in those schools so they are they are vital to the success of our dnf schools and priority schools cuz those are the schools that we actually have high turnover um and so usually every year or and definitely every three years we have a turnover in those schools and the instructional facilitators or as I call them instructional coaches are vital just to make sure there's instructional continuity and um see miss hollandsworth you want to add some some addition info to yes because as I mentioned this is also Regional Offices have instructional facilitators through that collaborative approach with academics and the um Regional offic is really going in and looking to see where exactly we need to support those teachers especially around our dnf schools making them a priority as you know we had our science of reading rollout this year prioritize those schools making sure that we were getting those teachers trained along with the regional ifs so that we when we rolled back into those schools supporting and giving Hands-On um training and Hands-On followup and feedback so making sure that we were really doing that collectively and collaboratively okay and I can tell you that the input that I've had from the leadership at the school based level principls assistant principls their um instructional team has always been positive regarding the support they get from facilitators from the uh uh central office and so I cannot support this item I visited too many schools too many times in fact I I I just counted over 90 visits of schools in my last year and a half and um when I look at this this would significantly impact our schools that have performance issues and I have quite a few of those in District 5 taking this away would be significantly impactful and I think districtwide it would impact our goal of becoming an a district so I cannot support this Dr Zan support it Fam thank you um this is really tough decision um one of the things I would just like an from Dr heurn because you said initially this would have a significant impact and I want to know if that impact in your opinion and based on your experience is a positive impact if we did this change or a negative impact because that's how you started out when we started speaking so you mean cutting the this $12.6 million worth their positions yes it will have a a uh negative impact um just for the sake of how we need to build teacher capacity and maintain instructional continuity we have a lot of second career teachers we have a lot of which I still call new the first zero to threeyear teachers that need this type of support especially in some of our high priority schools that we focus on and do you have any alternative Solutions of I I would say um for giving us an opportunity to review this throughout the year I've already talked to my team um yesterday in cabinet was yesterday Monday my week's always crunch up together that we we're going to make additional cuts um especially coming back around with the next um reorg and we've already had those conversations that as our student enrollment decline we have to decline also as far as staff uh we can't continue remaining the same size as we are as a staff when our student population is steadily declining um so we're already having those tough conversations and start looking uh above the chart below the chart all over the place and see where we can realize those cuts uh many of those positions people are sitting in and start having these conversations early right being respectful having these conversations early with folks and giving them opportunity to find somewhere else in our organization or find some opportunities outside of our organizations but we know we have to make some tough decisions when it comes to staff because a bulk of our budget is wrapped up in people and if we're going to realize um some savings we're going to have to have those tough conversations with people and we're starting those conversations early and in answer to your question Madam chair then I would be waiting for the next uh round of budget Cuts before I would vote in favor for this so no I would not support this at this time Miss leonardy I support this some of it um I did have some questions so it says on let me pull up the page 162 positions includes 48 instructional facilitators 24 therapists 23 staff developers so um and the then some of the school psychologists were referenced but the 48 24 23 only gets you to 95 so what are the I know that you know there were some other positions that were stated but I would like to be very clear about like what those are so just like um I want to put that to the side for a second the 24 therapists why are they not in schools like what are they doing Miss H wordss can you elaborate right again I think it's the terminology of central office they are in schools they are in schools daily working with students doing with so there are ESC family counselors they're in schools working on IEP goals for individuals that have family therapy goals and I will just say sometimes in our um I guess our district we use terms very L broadly and interchangeably because for instance instructional facilitators there are a lot of individuals that are underneath that broad umbrella of what they're doing to support students so for instance I have academic uh instructional facilitators through Elementary and secondary they're instructional facilitators to the Regional Offices so that gets lumped into a very large um group that I'm sure we could do a followup and provide the list of each individual in different group that's why I started with this is not just academics or the Regional Offices there's Athletics there's student um activities there's what else I put behavioral threat assessment Talent acquisition there's a lot of individuals that fell into this bucket so that's why I wanted to make sure that there was Clarity for everyone on who those individuals were I can speak to the individuals that report to my um end of academics the goal the expectation and the the direction is we are in schools supporting schools that we need to make sure we are handson doing what we to do to support teachers students and their um and the uh administrators sorry I'm very passionate about this because I do believe that the only way we get to move students is to be with students thank you and I I'm really more I I was really asking about the 24 therapists you mentioned School of psychologist so at least in my experience um the school psychologists who would uh who would you know serve this my students for instance they were responsible for several different schools so are there some school psychologists that are only assigned to one school or all School psychologists kind of floating between multiple schools it truly depends based on the case load of those students for instance when I was a principal at a very large population I had one school psychologist that was assigned to my school to help carry you know take care of that um case load we do have schools that have um that or School psychologists that share multiple they re-evaluate their case loads constantly to make sure that they're being Equitable and fair to the actual school psychologist as well as the school there are times we have to assign an additional school psychologist to help with that case load there are times we have to assign school psychologist that have um that are bilingual so it's constantly being re-evaluated and addressed to make sure we're meeting the needs of what the school um is need is requiring okay so let me ask the question again so the school psychologists that are central office based are they working with kids or are they working are they like training other school psychologist help me understand are they do they have a direct case load of students that they are serving yes so for instance I think again this is one of those um semantic situations they're centrally they're considered central office because they sit on the budget of the ESC budget which is a central office however they are out working with students doing evaluation being part of that mtss cpst team meeting working in those things doing observations we do have I believe there's four School psychologists that are team leads they still have a case load of students but they also help manage and work with all the other um School psychologists in regards to any additional training that they that they would require but they also have a case load okay so I guess I would say to say that these um those positions that are not assigned directly to schools is not factual right cuz they are serving actual schools um same with a therapist so I cannot support cutting therapists School psychologists um those who support students with disabilities um Can Can someone elaborate on the crisis response so that sorry those would be those same individuals I'm Miss hudg is here if she would like to provide more clarity but without our Mental Health social workers those individuals that are part of the crisis team that are considered again central office staff and part of the reason why they sit on a central office budget just for clarification is that when we do realign their case load if they sit on a school's budget then we can't move them as need be so when you sit on a central office budget then the I can send them out and deploy them based on need as um the you know uh group fluctuates or case load fluctuates okay so I want to be very clear I support eliminating some of these some of these positions but not the mental health piece not the behavioral pieces the crisis response the students with disabilities so it's a a complicated answer from me thank you f yes no yes yes okay sorry um so I'm going to look at this a little different ly I would um make the recommendation to direct the superintendent to eliminate $2.6 million from this amount and give him the opportunity to figure out where he's going to take that from I think there is some wiggle room as far as staff developers I don't know what the the cost the total cost for that would be but you know teachers have professional development you know it seems like there's maybe some redundancies but I would leave that up to the superintendant to to try to figure that out and also with the instructional facilitators is there some redundancies Miss hixen yeah i' also like to ask a question because you mentioned this a couple of times so you said the behavior threat assess team is under this and also Student Activities in athletics so can you elaborate on that because with this list not being truly comprehensive if we just say if not me but if people just say yes I don't think they understand all of the positions that they're eliminating and some of those would make it very difficult for the the activities that we're expecting to happen to go on so Dr may I sorry and I'm only saying it I did speak with Dr H bur so he's aware of what I'm about to say go ahead two two individuals are sitting here in the audience if their positions at the district level are eliminated we can say goodbye to the coordination and successful implementation of all High School athletics and all Middle School athletics they are in instructional if you will employees who work under a director but they are responsible through their director for ensuring that all athletic functions in this County go um smoothly each and every school year and they do a Yan's job at doing so and they have been doing so for many a years I I just have to say that we um and I have been their supervisor and I'm now going to be their supervisor again so miss Hollingsworth now I'll get pass it I'm just joking but and then they also have a third um employee um she's not here today but she supervises all of the activities that you see as it relates to our student advisor Student Government all of the Student Activities so if if those our positions that that we um as an organization determine will no longer reside in the central office then there is no central office coordination of those activities at all thank thank you cuz that was my point point and and Clump in their JC because they also do all of that work and and I'm absolutely against getting rid of those that staff as well as the behavior threat assessment we are are at the top notch of of what Behavior threat assessments look like people in in the na Nation look at us and they do that because we have a department that oversees it makes sure it's being implemented properly and I get wanting to make cuts on positions that maybe aren't directly related to our students but these two are um and probably other ones on there so I don't think it's fair to say 162 positions and make it seem like they these instructional positions it needs to be more specific so that everyone knows what they're voting on because I don't think anyone would want to see the threat assessment be reduced or our student activ ities or our therapists or any of those things this is not specific enough to just make it look like yeah great we can we can get rid of 12.6 million um I I will also also be passionate about this because we're just putting in all this money for turfs and we're doing all these things about Student Activities why did they come to school sometimes only because of the activities not the academics and they know they have to do the academics to do the activities so I implore all of you not to just say a blanket yes to this without knowing all the details we're not voting we're just yeah I'm just saying I I don't want to see a budget come back without those positions so Mr hson yes I was going to say well I yes uh I don't know if this is 459 I'm sorry 4559 30 seconds uh so I agree um um and I'm going to continue to push the envelope on cuts um I think that the way this was positioned was not what I just heard probably in the last 5 minutes so I'll support your recommendation Madam chair um to get to 2.6 million with the superintendent uh to figure out where it comes from um I think that's a compromise um I think the way this was worded because I know how to read very well I think all of us do it says that 162 positions were mentioned but they would also be offered another position that's what I took from this and that these positions eliminate CEO instructional positions not assigned directly to schools I mean it's very clear so who well anyway I won't I support the 2.6 million uh that recommendation and I'll continue uh if needed chair I just want to change my vote um I I voted no but but I'd like to learn more about the 26 and the ideas Miss Le already brought up and two other quick points I'm tired of hearing about bad databases coming to a $6.1 billion organization if they're not central office then don't call them central office and the information you bring to us like we're smart enough to break this down into things that we can consume so let's do that next year okay let's direct your comments to the superintendent please I was I'm I'm just looking uh in a different direction uh it's frustrating chair um because we want to have a conversation we read a bullet and then we find out there's a whole B different conversation that isn't consistent with the bullet uh and this is two years in a row of doing that and I don't want to do it a third year second is we asked for $100 million reduction list if we're going to get a $100 million reduction list and everyone says but but we don't recommend that why did we do this drill I I don't I don't understand what we wanted was thep top hundred million that doesn't deliver to our strategic goals and if that's not this list we need another list Mr Alon I agree with you Dr Zaman you're happy to hear that statement um because the intent because I think I offered the recommendation and I'm going to continue to do this on the board we need to think about how we can be more efficient with our dollars period I'm not moving back from that position to your point we are a multi-billion dollar Enterprise and we have a CEO that knows how to manage it but it's also the board's position to make sure that we're doing everything we can one to make sure we're maximizing taxpayer dollars that's been a historical comment in this community and I will make sure as this one board member I will continue to emphasize Advocate and I will not Retreat from that position last point we all know how to read you are correct no one on this board was looking to have a negative impact on the school district that wasn't the intent the intent was let's be thoughtful about the cuts that are not being proposed but a menu of options for the board to consider so we can begin to rightsize the district period I'm not moving from that position so if this is not the list board superintendent let's have the conversation one colleague from District 5 wanted to get to 70 million today I'm trying to get there to my colleague from District 5 but we're not there yet keep going we're barely a third there anyway let's see if other board members want to make some Cuts today but to the general public I have no problem making Cuts I will continue to propose cuts that make sense that's smart that doesn't impact school sites that doesn't impact our children let's see if the board uh will join me in that thank you okay anybody else want to weigh in Miss fam yes I just want to I just want to thank Mr Alon for being brave enough to actually start proposing things because um a lot of people aren't throwing something out there to where are we going to get this money and I'm throwing in a tidbit with the turf we got to keep getting that Revenue back and you're working on your angle everyone needs to be contributing to this conversation to help not one of us can do it on our own this has got to be a team effort so everyone look at find where you can find something and bring it back so we can at least have a a deeper conversation and and make a move here thank you okay seeing no other comments I do have one more Madam chair since the board does not want to make any additional Cuts looks like there was only agreement to add more to employees okay got it so Madam chair what I'd like to make sure um is there was a comment that I made regarding the marketing piece assuming that was accepted without uh any issue is that correct to our chief of communications and legislative affairs and our marketing and Communications team we will gladly accept the additional $200,000 to make sure we reach all markets thank you all right just want to make sure seeing any other comments at this time Mrs Judith Marte I would like to present to you in recognition of 6 years of dedicated service to Brower County Public Schools and over 33 years of dedicated service devotion and commitment to K through2 public education cile [Applause] thank you [Applause] Judy okay so we have gone through all of our agenda at this time do any of my colleagues have anything to bring forward to the board or student successes to share Miss uh Elena sorry again um so recently at Nova Southeastern University the south Florida Leadership training camp and Camp equal Advance leadership training camp just occurred um I just want to congratulate a couple schools Hollywood High School myar High South barard High School Coral Springs High School pompo Beach High School Plantation South Plantation High School blanch elely dealer high school and I know missing a couple of schools but so proud of you thank you to Dr mum Miss Santiago I know you're watching thank you so much thank you Miss Hixon thank you and in conjunction with that conference there was also the jrc stem um program that went on so they had different stem activities robotics they had drone activities and just congratulations and thank you to the student um Student Activities and athletics department and Roc for putting on such a phenomenal program for our students it they really enjoyed themselves so thank you any other Board member Miss Fam thank you madam chair I just want to remind any soon as it have an interest in learning the law that um Nova middle and Nova mid U Nova High School is now both going to have the same legal program and I want to congratulate those students again uh for winning the national invitation Championship from the monck Congressional Hearing in Washington DC for two years in a row so thank thank you very much Sharon I just had a quick question for superintendent I know we had sent out and I know we spoke about it earlier months ago sent out a survey to see what the community thought about uniforms and I wanted to see if we got that back Dr we we do have that we have that survey my only issue with the survey is there was not a disqualifier in it um so I don't know how we can send we'll send it to the board um but it one thing I noticed after we received the data when I looked the survey there wasn't a disqualifier in it but we'll uh create a memo send send the information to the board to see if it's usable um but yeah that that subject is actually come up yesterday from some City officials actually asking us about uniform so there's some qualifier what do you mean by that well uh just saying uh that you don't want uniforms it it was um I I'll send it to you and you'll actually be able to to see what I'm I'm talking about um to see if it's valid enough information that we can utilize to to make some decisions when do we receive that uh we can send it to you hopefully by the end of this week when did we receive that as a district as a district uh earlier this spring we put that survey out yep I just want to say to a superintendent's point the problem with the survey there was really no way of saying no yeah yeah sure understood um so my points are as everybody knows the 1200 building is down and they're they're working on get getting it completely removed uh my question to the superintendent is you know we um need to move forward in communicating with the 17 families as far as what's going to go into that space the you know Legacy field and um I just want to make sure that those meetings are are planned and and then that also we're getting feedback from students and and staff from our stowman Douglas High School in regards to what's going in that space and then as far as the funding issues if there needs to be any um ask from the state if there can be money used to help fund the space yeah so quick update Mr Dorset has talked to an Architecture Firm that is actually going to U draw up a really good rendering for us to actually see the whole concept of the field and once we get that rendering we'll schedule some meeting some meetings immediately to get feedback from um the families um and any other uh um St stakeholders that are part of um this this um whole um Legacy field um for the site um Mr Sullivan is working on the um additional ask um with the legislation to ensure that we can use the leftover monies from the demolition to to um do what we need to do out on the field and if I may chair if unless your colleagues uh object I think you as the chair should send a letter to the state requesting the usage of those funds for those purposes is everybody okay with that Miss hion yes yep okay and then my last just comment point is um our chief auditor position I kind of wanted to uh bring to the board like where we're at with that so we're still waiting for um the job Chief auditor job description from the audit committee to for them to weigh in on it but we have we choices so we can either wait until that happens or we can have staff bring forward to us a chief auditor job description for us to weigh in at a board meeting and then anyone can obviously be a public speaker and weigh in on it uh but it's kind of being delayed and so you know I wanted to just bring that forward to the board to see how quickly you want to move on that I'd like to move fast but I'd love to see the Miami dat and Palm Beach job description in the same package okay thank you chair good uh it's just that the audit committee hasn't been able to get to it at their board at their meeting let's go yep okay perfect so this scheduled order of business for the school board Workshop of the school board of brow County Florida has been completed seeing no obligation I now adour the meeting [Music] [Music] [Music]