##VIDEO ID:kxocs1xB4OQ## forever TR nothing [Music] I wish you by okay I'm do boie e e green on he lost I need a favor she said she was coming so she wanted all the um these dates just let her know because these dates are Froman that he's going to be asking and she wanted dates are all in Orange just let her know that all the dates that she wanted are orange thank you good morning this special meeting of the school board of BR County Florida is now called to order Dr heurn are there any items to be added to the agenda no items to be added may I have a motion in a second to close the agenda second it's been moved by Dr Zeman seconded by Mrs leonardy all in favor of closing the agenda say I I all those opposed say no the agenda is now closed May I have a motion in a second to approve all final orders I move second approve moved by Dr Zan seconded by Mrs Leonardi is there any discussion all in favor of approving all final orders say I I I those opposed say no all final orders have been approved I now declare the special Schoolboard meeting is adjourned [Music] thank you appreciate it yeah it's fine for good morning again this regular meeting of the school board of BR County Florida is now called to order please identify the exit doors that are clearly marked for emergency exiting while in the boardroom refrain from obstructing the exit doors all attendees must occupy a seat in the boardroom with the exception of media once the boardroom has reached its seating capacity attendees will be directed to a designated overflow area in the building upon activation of the fire alarm system please exit from the room in an orderly fashion and continue to exit the building and remain outside until the authority that has jur jurisdiction has deemed the building safe to return our primary focus is to create a safe and productive environment for all participants thank you for your cooperation board member Leonardi will now introduce her school to lead us in the pledge of Al allegiance to the flag Mrs Leonardi please rise and REM remain standing for the presentation of Colors by Northeast High School jrc and the presentation of the pledge allegiance thank you forward March left turn March arms to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all order arms Time March right turn March forward March thank you to the jrtc team at Northeast High School thank you board member rert has requested a moment of silence for a student from Monarch High School Mrs Rupert is requesting a moment of silence for student Dylan Grove who tragically passed away recently Dylan was in the 10th grade at Monarch High School his loss is deeply felt by his family friends teachers and our entire School Community please join me in a moment of silence for d thank you as we prepared to begin our regular school board meeting we are reminded that our vision is 100% proficiency for all our students as an a-rated School District our Vital task is to sustain this achievement we will continue educating all students to reach their Highest Potential our theme this year is believe and power achieve one Broward May the chair have a motion in a second second to approve the minutes for the following meetings September 4th 2024 special school board meeting September 10th 2024 regular school board meeting September 10th 2024 second public hearing budget October 15th 2024 special expulsions moved by Mrs Leonardi seconded by Dr Zeman is there any discussion all in favor of approving the minutes as listed say I I I I all those opposed say no the minutes are approved thank you the superintendent released a revised agenda with certain changes for this meeting and published it on the school district's website the chair finds pursuant to section 120525 Florida Statutes that good cause exists for such changes and accepts the revised agenda Dr superintendent are there any other changes to the agenda yes chair there's one change to the agenda I have Mr azero read it to the record hi good morning David azero Chief people officer we have a revision at H2 in the section instructional suspension termination dismissed during probationary period we are removing Britney Brown Casas thank you may the chair have a motion in a second to close the agenda so move all in favor of closing the agenda say I I I all those oppos say no the agenda is now closed the school board will consider today's agenda items in the order and operations as outlined in the school board policy 1020 and Robert's Rules of Order school board members in the public have access to all written agenda comments related to today's agenda the chief Communications and legislative officer pulled the board of any agenda items they wish to address in advance of the meeting the following consent items were identified so we're going to go through them oh I Mr Austin's not here Mrs fam are there any items that you would like to pull on the single letter items' just brought in my thank you yes ma'am um they just brought in my black boxes they didn't get carried in for my car please okay thank you oh no worries um I I pulled H2 H4 J2 and FF one Dr holness thank you madam chair um B1 okay that's it for single letters okay thank you Mrs Leonardi no thank you Dr Zan oh so Dr Zan I have for you H5 and that that's it for single letter items that's it thanks chair okay Mrs fam are you I'm I'm sorry I'm going to need a few minutes okay we'll come back to the single letter items then um okay is there anyone from the audience who would like to speak to a consent item that has not already been requested for discussion okay uh Mr Austin do you have any single letter items okay great thank thank you okay we're going to go to the double letter items and then we'll come back to Mrs fam for all of them so let's see Mr Austin any double letter items okay uh I I already read mine I guess already ff1 for me Dr holess none okay thank you Mrs leonardy I'm good all right it's going to be easy Dr Zan uh for double letter items I have for you dd4 e E1 jj1 jj2 jj3 jj4 jj5 jj6 jj7 jj8 JJ n jj1 jj1 jj1 12 JJ 13 jj4 JJ 15 jj1 16 JJ 17 jj8 jj1 19 o1 O2 O3 o4 o5 o6 O7 O8 o9 o10 o1 O2 and o13 anything more oh uh no but uh the audience and you can uh calm down that's a mistake so apologize for uh the typo that got the all of those um I'd like to talk about jj1 and jj2 but none of the in the middle okay on sorry for taking so much time oh no worries and on the o item it's just o1 uh only jj1 and jj2 yes ma'am okay so let me cross those and then o one one only and then gg1 too g g sorry G G1 okay if you'd like I could just read the list so we're good um sure bb5 CC1 oh wait a minute I didn't have bb5 oh that's the presentation on Council of great City Schools okay okay I'm sorry yes yeah okay which I'm Happy to Skip if the board is inclined uh CC1 dd4 e E1 gg1 jj1 jj2 20 And1 okay thank you okay and Mrs fam are you ready yes ma'am thank you okay single letter items yes I have um H5 I have B1 03 and that would be the single letter NS okay and then the double letter items um aa1 BB3 dd1 dd2 dd2 um dd3 dd4 wait a minute yeah um jj10 O3 I'm not sure if it's 03 or o4 I'll check that but it's one of them um jj1 16 um [Music] um o10 o11 O2 and that's it okay thank you so much okay Madame Vice chair yes sir my apologies to go backwards um you've already gone through the minutes correct yes okay um actually let me let you conclude this and have a question okay um at this time May the chair have a motion and a second to pass the open items that have not been indicated to be pulled for discussion it's been moved by Dr Seaman seconded by Mrs Leonardi all in favor of approving the open Agenda say I I all those opposed say no motion carried Madam chair you you have to also pass the consent items oh sorry it just says that one on there okay um May I also have a motion in a second to pass the consent items that have not been indicated to be pulled for discussion so moved second moved by Dr Zeman seconded by Dr holess point of clarification are we also talking about the items that are the policy changes for the rul making that are if the items have been pulled they're we're not passing them because we'll discuss them but all the things that no one pulled just on this yes okay thank you just to clarify okay okay awesome so motion carries Mr Austin you wanted to yes thank you uh Vice chair question on and my apologies I had to step off for a second um and I know the minutes from the get this meeting right the September 10th uh special meeting was already passed on the second public hearing I actually had a question am I okay to ask the question sure thank you um so during the board meeting uh the item related to the oig funding allocation passed the board 62 uh where the board removed I believe $800,000 to go towards another program so my question is really now that the voters have passed the oig um implementation Council U and I know that there'll be a new nine uh that will help oversee that um my question is maybe through the superintendent how are we going to handle the 800,000 that the board moved um is that on I know that's not on the discussion for today but I like an answer for on that just yes and I need some help from general counsel also for my understanding what the money that was pulled previously um it was an allocation originally for the entire year but since we knew um that the services would not be rendered until the second semester um we have money for that and I think the contract hasn't been fully negotiated to start those Services yet so you want to add anything that's that's correct um so the contract um has been fully negotiated actually EXC uh the only part that is that is missing is the actual amount of the money um so that will be coming forth uh at the December meeting for approval by the board the the county has already approved it and after that then it will move forward got it is your thinking because in terms of implementation and setup because we need a oig yesterday um do we do you anticipate that because I thought the number was around 1.2 million that is correct so if if we've moved 800 out there's how much remaining did I get that 400,000 yeah it would be 400,000 approximately so does that 400 is that enough for the initial months of startup because is probably closer to the sixth month if it's a quick startup correct correct so that's a discussion that um we would have to have with the county and the oig's office and um as soon as we do that this week we'll go um forward from there great and what's the anticipation of startup so if it's approved in in December at the December board meeting it should start up right after that so instantly correct great thank you so much this District needs it thank you thank you the next item of business on the agenda is H3 a motion to approve non-instructional appointments and leaves for 2024 2025 May the chair have a motion and a second on item H3 so moved second second second thank you moved by Dr Zan seconded by Dr holness it is moved and seconded to approve H3 a motion to approve non-instructional appointments and leaves for 2024 2025 any discussion from the audience no public speakers Madam chair thank you any discussion from board members okay the question is on the approval of H3 those in favor of of those appro those in favor of approving H3 say I I I all those opposed say no the eyes have it and H3 is approved [Applause] the chair would like to take a moment to recognize new staff appointees we would like to congratulate each of you for your career advancement with Broward County Public Schools we value you and your families if we could give the appointees another round of applause Dr heurn can you please introduce the new leaders for a few remarks yes we have two new principles um principal of South Plantation High School Alexandra Rees AR principal of Stranahan High School nicolea Gail yeah come forward we can go to the podiums uh for some quick remarks good morning everyone again my name is nicoa Gail I would like to thank Dr hebburn also I'd like to thank the school board members and Senior leadership and most of all I'd like to thank my mentors in the building as well as my family members who have supported me through and through I am a broad girl I went to school as a student in brard a teacher in brard a curriculum Co coach in brard assistant principal and now I am the proud principal of Stranahan High School and as we are one Broward I am entering into the home of the Dragons which will be my home and I hope to continue the Excellence that they have started at Stranahan High School and I hope to propel my school to the next level thank you [Applause] everyone good morning my name is Alex Ree and first I would like to thank the board superintendent heern and all of my mentors in the room for their faith confidence and trust in me the school board of Brower County and their dedication to our students every student student is truly inspiring I would like to take this moment to thank principal Griffin and the Boyd Anderson zone for really making me feel supported and part of the Lauderdale Lakes Community for the past six years I'm honored to be here today as the new principal of South Plantation High School and and I want to express my deepest gratitude to Christy henel as well as my supportive family my husband Tim and my family as well as they take on this new role I am filled with excitement and optimism South Plantation is a community of extraordinary students dedicated teachers and supportive families together we'll build on the strong traditions of South Plantation High School and aim even higher I'm eager to work alongside each of you as we guide our students to success open doors for New Opportunities and cultivate a culture of respect resilience and Unity thank you for this incredible opportunity and let's make this a year of Student Success great achievements and Lasting experience for our South Plantation High School Community thank you thank you so much and congratulations on your new principal ships at this time we will now recess this regular school board meeting for a board photo with the new staff appointees e e e e e e you I guess now we're good thank you this regular school board meeting is now reconvened uh Mrs rert you had a um comment on H3 uh yes ma'am thank you um I was looking through the information and it's a little little loud um I I actually have a suggestion to add current previous work calendar days um I think when the public looks at the items sometimes we include it if we know the work days and other times we don't but when you're talking 20 to $30,000 pay raise I think it makes public understand if they were on a 244 and they went down just uh I had some examples that showed it so staff can get with me um page 29 31 and 33 are examples of of where we could have actually put that um 29 31 33 those three pages yeah I'll catch you between I mean it's nothing that to vote on it's just I think it would be more transparent and help the public understand so thank you thank you uh Dr superintendent do you have a report yes thank you chair I want to remind the public where we are with redefining BCPS at the October 8th School Board Workshop we agreed on schools participating in this year's redefining our schools process focusing on expanding program options creating feeder Pro patterns and exploring alternate facility uses on October 15th the school board established a School boundary committee for 2425 school year defining its scope of work a revised timeline was presented at the November 6 Workshop we will hold Regional stakeholder engagement meetings to together GA Community input on Boundary adjustments and program options for the identified schools meetings are from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on November 18th at Broward States Elementary School for Broward States and Dr MLK monor Academy November 19th at Pines Middle School for Coral Cove Elementary Hollywood Central Elementary Silver Lakes Silver Palms Silver Shores say that 10 times a lot of silvers glaze midle Olsa middle New Renaissance middle and Pines Middle November 20th at Coconut Creek Elementary School for Coconut Creek Elementary Lions Creek Middle School and also Margate Middle School we invite our community to participate in these discussions as we continue to enhance educational opportunities for all students thank you chair thank you madam chair if I may make a correction I had asked for um I think I stated 03 to be pulled it's o04 and 05 thank you thank you for the thank you for the clarification next we'll have committee reports first up is the audit committee good morning I don't think it's on it is oh okay then I guess I'll have to use my committee voice um good morning Dr Natalie Lynch Wall's chair again of the district's audit committee I believe we just had elections at our last last meeting um and at our October 10:24 meeting we passed a couple of motions those will be coming to you in um December but one of them is time sensitive because we have our next meeting tomorrow and those motions are as follows see my different backup the first motion was to continue streaming audit committee meetings on Beacon uh our last meeting was streamed we're not sure if tomorrow's is supposed to be streamed but this motion passed unanimously the motion was re re recommend the board continue live streaming audit committee meetings via Beacon so they are available to the public and it passed unanimously the second one was about the um was following the audit of payroll policies and procedures of selected locations uh with the aim of reducing errors increasing efficiency and Effectiveness the motion was that we recommend that the district urgently Implement an electronic payroll system eliminating all paper including adopting a workflow system that also passed unanimously and a few of us remembered that we seem to have passed a similar motion and maybe not not just one so I went and dug up the prior motion which was from the May 18th uh 20123 discussion of the payroll procedures audit which I provided to the board uh our attached minutes and that motion recommended the district research what other districts are doing for payroll and timekeeping and use those results to implement an electronic system so that's a motion from May of 2023 and it is now November 2024 and there's been as far as we know no movement in that direction so uh if we could find out whether our meeting tomorrow will be live streamed or whether I will be playing Beacon and Facebook living it please let um the chief auditor or someone know that would be great um the Motions that we passed prior uh one of them was the HCT motion it came to to the board in October uh under the audit committee motion item and I signed up to speak to L1 I'm not clear on whether that's open or not uh it was my understanding it got moved to write after committee reports but it's kind of a move point if you passed it on consent so if that could be brought back if it was passed that would be great uh because we passed a motion it came to you in October and the motion included commentary from July and that was not included with the motion even though it was part of the motion and that's problematic is there were five bullet points that needed to be included I just sent you these motions that I read prior and those had backup that was that in theory would not come to the board as far as our meeting tomorrow one of the things we're going to be focused on is the fund balance we talked about the discipline audit that will be coming back but fund balance we got some backup from Staff last night late it are essential question there was a payment for the charter school settlements and this is important there is a payment made to Charter Schools from an accounting standpoint did staff acrw it in fiscal year 24 or not it's a really simple yes or no question you either booked it in fiscal year 24 for a payment the amount of which you absolutely knew about or you didn't it appears to be based on what we received last night sitting in the fund balance we did not get a detailed breakdown of next year budget Appropriations explaining the 54.6 million the journal entries that we got there seemed to be missing journal entries when I did journal entries you had to have a debit and a credit and if something was coming out of something it would be nice to know from whence it came we asked for approvals and other disclosures for the amounts being placed in the assign fund balance there is a note of 32 million being additional referendum but it says settlement next to it what does that mean I hope we'll have staff on hand to explain we ask for a breakdown by bargaining unit and again the charter school payment fiscal year 24 yes or no thank you next up is Brower County Association of student councils and student advisor to the board good morning Madam chair and board members Landon spellberg student adviser to the school board we're excited to update you on our work since last month's uh meeting we've made great progress on our speakup speakout sessions including recent visits to Coconut Creek High School Atlantic Technical High School JP tlla Hollywood Hills and Lauder Hill 6 through 12 uh to talk about those those visits we heard some great feedback especially uh when it comes to the Technical High School and the 6 through2 experience uh we got some great feedback about the experience that students are having at those schools and it was great to learn uh more about the Innovative programming that's offered there upcoming we'll be visiting Coral Glades Coral Springs Everglades Fort Lauderdale Dillard 6 through2 Boyd Anderson and Plantation uh as we continue to take take our speak up speakout sessions across the county and get great feedback uh from our students about what's going well in their schools uh what improvements need to be made and ideas and suggestions that they have for improvement last night we were able to join uh Vice chair Hixon for a student Town Hall we had over 30 students attend um our town hall to be able to get some great feedback about the different resources that students have in schools uh and the ideas that they have for improvement so uh looking forward to Future discussions and also would love to partner uh with each of you to host one in your District uh virtually or in person to be able to have a conversation with the students in your District about their school experience tomorrow the superintendent will be joining us at the brard County Association of student councils uh to meet with over 400 students about redefining our schools uh the students will be broken up into small groups to be able to have a conversation about the redefining our schools initiative uh and specifically about the programming side of programs that are offered in schools so we look forward to getting some great feedback uh in front of the superintendent tomorrow the superintendent student advisory Council will meet next week uh we're looking forward to having a mental health specific conversation something that's come up in our speak up speak outs uh regularly is that students uh feel like there is a gap when it comes to the resources for mental health and this came up a lot last night um with Miss Hixon is that they feel like we have uh we feel here in the boardroom that we have the resources and that we're giving the resources but from the students perspective uh that's not really the same feeling so I know I've had a conversation with many of you about this um and I'm looking forward to being able ble to delve into this in the future uh to you know address that Gap because we do have resources in place um but if the students don't know about them they can't use them so we look forward to elaborating on that um in January we will be presenting to you in Workshop form on the work that we are doing as student advisers and putting together a lot of the themes of what we're hearing at schools for improvement and bringing those uh needs for improvement to you all so we look forward to that conversation uh overall we continue to be here for students for whatever they need we're here to uh share those concerns as well as share those ideas um so as always students can reach out at student. advisor at briard schools.com or through our social media pages and we look forward to another month of meeting with students and hearing what is going on across the district thank you very much thank you very much next Broward County um Council PT and ptsas okay Broward Education Foundation District advisory Council okay Natalie Lynch Walsh District of advisory Council chair um District advisory Council met on November 6th at Plantation Middle School our meeting was delayed starting for 20 minutes because there was no one there to make sure that the team's portion of the meeting would be up and running I don't know what's going on communication wise and that was sort of ironic because the staff that was going to speak to the academics knew that they were coming via teams which we found out I think earlier that day or the day before and yet nobody made sure that teams was functional I'm hoping it was a gigantic misunderstanding and not purposeful that being said we did pass a couple of motions and we have a number of motions on L1 today most of which are now irrelevant but some are still relevant so we passed a motion after a discussion about the calendars and needing to have calendars approved earlier we recommend that the brow County Public School school board develop finalize and receive school board approval for school calendars at least two years in advance by the first school board meeting held in October that's to avoid where we are now and to plan ahead um they wanted a better calendar proposal and a confirmation process the request within the written motion allows for better planning for both families and staff and uh there's a note in here the district has not begun any planning for the change in the school start start time as required by the new state law so when the new law passes has passed and will come into effect this is to help the district plan ahead there was also discussion about surveys that are being administered to students um North Area will be bringing that back once they Identify some specific surveys that they're concerned about uh as far as back to school goes there's one concrete example where life skills and wellness that is the one thing you have to print out it doesn't tell you to whom it should be delivered and you have to hand hand carry it into school because you can't email it it's the only form seemingly that you couldn't approve electronically and the effect is if they don't get it then they can administer this survey to your child I would argue based on experience as I did that night that that would increase the response rate because if you don't opt your child out they are automatically opted in so that's one example and North Area noted that there are surveys that pop up on the website that are being given to students and the parents don't know anything about it so that will revisit um Central brought the long range facility master plan steering committee we had a discussion there but did not have Quorum we did have Quorum at DAC so once again the request is for and they changed the motion at Central to include to specify that the steering committee is a committee reporting directly to the school board so just like the bond oversight committee was was established via a resolution by the school board and reports directly to the school board that is the request in this recommendation that has now passed at facilities task force and it's passed at Central area and is passed at District advisory Council it passed unanimously each time whereas on 119 2021 the school board of brow County approved aecom's proposal to develop a two-phased long range facility master plan framework and whereas the framework included a facilities condition assessment and a long range facilities master plan and a steering committee and whereas the steering committee is defined as a team of BCPS senior staff and Community stakeholders to guide the creation of the capital planning framework aligned to the Strategic plan manage costs and review policies whereas aeom submitted the deliverables as approved by the school board we recommend the school board for adopt the AECOM framework and adopt a resolution establishing the steering committee as a committee reporting directly to the school board so we'd like a response to that as far as the academic presentation went um we did not have the revised presentation nor did we have the school by school breakdown all of the areas now have that but there were concerns about being able to compare apples to apples the 6 to8 grades 6 to8 they need to pull back the high achieving kids and look at all the kids thank you thank you so much diversity committee morning uh narni Pier Grant you're you know I look at these meetings I keep forgetting I don't even say my name so I remember to say it this morning um good morning school board members Dr superintendent and staff the diverse university did have uh site visits to Hollywood Hills High Dave Thomas Center Watkins Elementary and Margate Middle so far while all these schools have in common are the bane of this District's existence is the facility issues several schools are experiencing AC issues in the need of replacement for items that are considered safety hazards discrepancies with Maximo and workers work orders projects stalemated and poo non-communicative one school has a rat and mice infestation in classes students frequently as well as one Administrative Office the PO witnessed it and verified this information while we were on our site visit uh safety protocols assessments guidelines are inconsistent all schools visitors thus far have blind spots one to two schools have um inoperable cameras uh two schools have single point entry issues a few schools do not have a PA system or is the system is inoperable making Cod drills problematic a few schools have items stor right under the designated area for COD drills uh or full code you know when you the little picture things you have there um a few schools have not done a security assessment yet one school has all electrical panel doors throughout the school inoperable and the school are using like masking tape to close them um that's the real issue I've had this conversation already with the doc with the superintendent as well as Miss Paul and they are on top of it uh we we also discovered inconsistency with standard of service and student progression plans we are noticing that grade weight vary from school to school which can potentially create grading disparities throughout the district we also are seeing dis inconsistencies with the level of teacher engagement and parent engagement there is also a concern on how the district engages the brow County Community we have place the request on the process by which the district vets compiles and sends out announcement messages and um addresses to the public as I mentioned in my last report a recent address from the district has uplifted one group in our community and un marginalize another while I believe this was not intentionally done a group in our community was affected and the district should address it the standard of service condition expresses the importance of maintaining the equity and educational safe spaces in our district we recommend moving forward if the district takes a position that the district acknowledges all affected communities encourage open dialogue and support clarify anti-discrimination policy and conduct family and community outreach throughout the parent through your parent Community involvement task force and the Communications Department we are still seeing schools with media clerks instead of the media specialist which should be in accordance with the uh hb1 1476 the committee has observed the cessor data is not um is still not displayed on individual school websites we were told by Kathy Keith in the department of diversity School climate that it's because there is an issue with focus in the transitioning of data so we hope that someone from that department can look into that the recent audit of of discipline was discussed and the committee is concerned with the number of discrepancies we will be fully uh discussing the findings in our December meeting um technology protocols access warranties and distribution are currently inconsistent on a good note we did observe some great programs available in the school and in the schools and we would like to make sure that during the redefining process that those programs are considered for duplication throughout the district I will always end my report with this phrase the power is with the people not the people with perceived power we work better together than a part I reiterate the importance of our community input and collaborations and with that I wish you all a great day thank you thank you very much next up is employee union groups BTU bpaa esab phy Copa PBA okay next then is ESC advisory Council good morning Jackie lusum ESC advisory um at our last ESC advisory general meeting we reviewed your draft cameras in ESC classrooms policy we passed a motion about it to enshrine all our um feedback I'll won't go through that motion now it's uh lengthy um but basically we had a lot of feedback um uh largely about some of the limitations being um proposed against uh parental rights in there and the proposed limitation although I know that was addressed at Workshop of limiting this um essential security layer to just the first 300 people with their hands up that's not how um the Safety and Security of our kids can be assigned it needs to be um for everybody I know that was discussed um at workshop and we would hope that that um Clause will be disappearing from the draft policy um um next meeting is um next week we haven't at the last two meetings drilled down really and had time to drill down properly on the 11 million nearly 11 million uh rollover of idea funds uh which has occurred for the second year I still have not seen uh conversation and dialogue uh decrying this and uh assuring us uh especially now um that that the district has our kids backs on this this is why it's important we're looking at a potential now abolition of the Department of Education which is the body that assigns idea funds and funds special ed not properly but it funds special ed um to know that we are given funds as a district that then are not being managed to the best use of for our children that students are being starved of staff and services to support their needs whether it's because you can't recruit them or or for other reasons um but to see for the second year in a row that money being rolled over and it kind of being blown off which is the perception we get out of here out here so if it's not being blown off please help us to emphasize why that was really egregious and um understand how it happened and be doing something about the staff gaps that we're told are responsible for some of this money having been held back um as some of you know in the last couple of weeks I came up a few weeks I came across a school and I shudder to think how many there are I've asked and I can't get the figure but that doesn't have an ese specialist that is a full-time job and more especially now with focus and to find that there is a school that not only didn't have an ESC specialist but the roles of the ESC Specialists all of them are not being fulfilled the end result is that students are impacted students don't get Services parents hadn't even been told even when I had a conversation at Regional level about it uh my understanding from a parent at that school just a few days ago was that there's still been zero Outreach to parents to even let them know well how are we managing your children's supports and services in the meantime who's the contact person how will IEP meetings be done how is recordkeeping being maintained when there's nobody there to do it or you're having to borrow or school's having to borrow off the district for some of those roles um our autism committee met last week um great meeting drilled down on um on the cluster Provisions uh ESC clusters and we discussed that um issue about under Staffing as well um and we welcome Brandon Dietrich who's a new addition to the team which I found out third hand uh but he's the new curriculum supervisor for autism joins us from joins the department from uh Palm Beach and we're delighted to see him and then the Down Syndrome um Committee of ESC advisory held an exceptional educator Training Day in collaboration with with the ESC Department which was awesome teamwork and um and a great um education for uh teachers to understand and help um their interactions with students with Down Syndrome compliance continues to be a concern across the board focus problems continue uh if anybody has got comfortable thinking well Focus you know we're going to have all the issues troubles shot by it December that is absolutely not the case I can tell you categorically from firsthand experience that parents now cannot get their federally mandated right to have an amendment to their IEP without having to hold a full-scale meeting at the school um and we still have no answers to a number of questions that I enshrined in a report back in May about how compliance will be monitored um an ESC Specialists are now spending twice as long um having to do their jobs uh if not more more students with diabetes uh we had a family that was refused the cell phone accommodation uh we fought it as much as we could at this point and in the end went to the state the state overturned the ban on a student having a cell phone accommodation in their IEP or I 504 and I think that needs to be a lesson learned thank you very much thank you Esau Leadership Council facili task force good morning um Dr heurn Madam chair and esteemed board members Kimberly mohorn um as the chairperson of facil facilities task force um Thursday proved to be another eventful meeting um particularly as I had the honor honor of serving as chairperson if you're not prepared to address the challenging questions or commit to transparency or speak truthfully then FTF may not be the appropriate ven venue for you please remember we take notes and if you choose to evade us then we'll remember that um we had Quorum in attendance um our meetings are scheduled the first Thursday of each month at 700 p.m. at miror Lake Elementary just for we we had to move a significant item on our agenda was the installation of the carbon monoxide detectors and we were informed that all devices are anticipated to be in installed by the end of 2024 during our new business discussion um Maximo was a Hot Topic we learned that leadership has begun um the roll out of the um program of Maximo um setting the stage for one particular um custodian as the tester of the um program and we were encouraged that it will go out to other custodians um I don't know how effective that will be with just one one custodian but um that's what we were told also um there was a discussion of $168,000 it was um put before us as a roadblock that was um has delayed the reimplementation of Maximo um has delayed it for eight months um we were not pleased with that um as $168,000 is not um a significant amount to delay the possible um reim implantations of this Maximo that we so need in this County um we we wanted to know if the board members were aware of the $168,000 um road block um we we know that we that was the first time as a committee that we had heard of of of the delay so we passed a motion requesting a detailed project timeline for maximos considering that it has been delayed again furthermore we um had a motion that was made to send the 20th Statewide grand jury report to the office of Chief auditor for exteral review um this was passed unanimously amongst us and we we thought that it would be great for the auditor to go over it cons and considering that it had a lot to do with facilities um and we wanted to have a um review of it and get a report um back to our committee also again um we welcome everyone to our our meeting Dr heurn um Mrs Paul we welcome you so that we can have some um dialogue in our meeting and our committee and our with our community thank you thank you very much next is gifted advisory Council green advisory Council human Relations Committee multilingual School advisory committee parent Community involvement task force small business advisory committee and Technology advisory committee okay thank you that concludes the committee reports next this is the time of the agenda where we have split the general public speakers to incorporate a morning session each registered speaker is reminded to present their agenda comments in accordance with policy 1020 first up for public speaking we have Mr Ronald beish good morning morning ladies and gentlemen uh I have uh something I I i' have to say I've been here I've been working with the school board since 2010 I will say that um I'm all I'm against all kinds of bullying I want to create that they all kinds of bullying I'm against everything creating a bob scare on social media creating a Miss mass shootings on social media here I will be calling and sending an email to Governor Ronda sanis to change the penalty for what I said from a third degree felony to a second degree felony listen up parents this is going to be this is for you too Guardians and everybody okay I want to install I want installed metal detectors in all middle and high schools if not not done yet okay try not to close any schools if possible to many students would be in the classrooms they wouldn't learn that much okay now also I wish to honor the following school board members and two that became state reps Nora rert laori alaha Miss Leonardi State Representative Robin bman state representative Dr OSG good I have honor you for your safety and health that you have done since 2010 and I hope the other on other people that I don't know yet will do the same will do the same thing you have done we have to get this done it's important that we get it done I don't want to see any more bullying or anything like that the parents have to be a aware of what's going on and they have to be they have to be responsible for what happens I just want to let you know that thank you very much and uh I want to tell you also that uh you all are great people I've always known you I've known the the ones that I said and I'm so happy to be here today because this is the day I really wanted to wait for and I thank you very much and I want want to tell you one more thing I almost I wanted to hear from uh from sandre bulock she never made it thank you so much sir next up is Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh good morning again Natalie Lynch Walsh Plantation Florida I'm not even sure where to start anymore with this um but let let's read some facts I noticed you guys had the superintendent appraisal system I don't even bother pointing out that this is flawed anymore it doesn't seem to tie to the contract because the most important thing to me in this contract is at the very beginning under official duties and it says in the contract Howard heurn Ed shall Faithfully perform the duties and responsibilities of superintendent of schools as specified in that position's job description as from time to time adopted by spbc and as prescribed by the laws of the State of Florida the rules of the Florida State Board of Education Schoolboard policies and this agreement as May otherwise be assigned by sbbc they attach a job description and it says the superintendent shall comply with all sbbc directives state and federal laws applicable rules and regulations and Schoolboard policies as exist or may be adopted or amended and you know of course that there are Florida Statutes in1 I think it's 3 something point4 usually applies to the school board so due process has been discussed and I appreciate that Mrs Hixon brought up the looking into although I think it's now being called an after action review or reflection things drag on interestingly enough when you don't follow due process due process is used as a weapon or as a get out of jail free card around here when you want to punish somebody they bastardize due process as we saw with Dr sha R and as uh Mr Alon ma Alon masterfully pointed out in great detail as to all of the flaws in how this place operates conversely when you want to not hold somebody accountable we don't follow due process there either because despite you guys can put out as many memos as you want that you followed the law but it was not followed there are and in the last one from general counsel our girl can't even get the statute she's quoting correct the number is transposed please Google Florida statute 112.5 23 good luck finding it there is a statute 112.5 532 in my experience if you're going to call someone on the carpet or tell them you know too bad so sad get your stuff right thank you so much next up is Paul valan good morning Dr heurn Madam chair board members and staff my name is Paul volan and I'm the executive pastor at the Pentecostals of Cooper City thank you for your service to our students and Community I'm here today in a good f Faith effort to both communicate and find resolution for an ongoing issue as a church our goal is to change the world around us by loving and serving our neighbors well because of this desire we were very happy to enter into a partners and education sponsorship with Cooper City high school in February of 2023 we paid our funds and our thank you signage was placed at the school as the policy allows we were told that our signs would stay in place until March of 2024 in early December of 201 three we realized our signs had been taken down upon inquir inquiring we were told by local school officials that there had been a complaint regarding religious organizations and that our signs had subsequently been removed this was done by the direction of the Broward County School's office of legislative affairs this action had not been shared in advance even though we had an agreement in place we were given no further information and the county failed or refused to communicate with us and remedy this circumstance after multiple attempts on our own to resolve this matter we retained Council who communicated with the district in July of 24 the district responded to our Council and requested 90 days from July 1st which concluded October 2nd to remedy the treatment of the church conceding the banners were hanging eight months before they were removed four months shy for the full year sponsored moreover the district stated that it would complete the policy revision process so that all banners for the 24 25 school year conformed to the revised policy that once the revised policy had been approved the school board at its own cost would agree to have a banner made for the church and will hang said Banner for a 12-month period while we believed that the appropriate response on the part of the district would have been to Simply restore our signage alongside those of other sponsors who were not removed we agreed to the district's request for a 90-day extension 90 days have come and gone we're now at almost the 120-day mark and we've had no further communication from the district we are simply asking for equal treatment under the law and for churches not to be seen or treated as second class citizens no one should be singled out and targeted because of religious belief our goal is to resolve this situation quickly and with as little difficulty as possible we have no desire to move to next steps we desire to be partners and not adversaries sadly removing our signage and singling out a religious organization very clearly violates Free Speech free exercise in The Establishment Clause of the first Amendment because these principles are so vitally important to all of us we're willing to move on to next steps if we can find no resolution I'm here today as a last gas gasp effort to bring this to your attention and prevent this from happening please do the right thing and restore our signage before November 18th as communicated to all of you and correspondents from Liberty Council we would love to continue to be supportive Partners thank you so much for making this happen today thank you very much uh next speaker is Dr Trudy Janovich okay then next up is um Miss Corey Panero hi good morning Corey Panera I am the chapter chair for moms for Liberty in Broward County and it is a great day to be an American the Americans have spoke the Florida Florida people of Florida have spoke they don't want woke ideology IND doctrination into our schools and let me tell you there was recently a book that was removed last year because it was part of desantis's press conference called let's talk about it and what happened it got removed but all of a sudden in September it was put back why do I need to have to watch you and I'm describing this this is two men naked on top of each other doing some sexual act talking up about pornography when people talk about there's not pornography in school you're not pushing this in our children how did this get put back at our schools if it was removed last year how did it get put back in I would like for somebody to investigate as to why this got put back in M MacArthur and Charles Charles fenan high schools this book here shows graphic pictures as well and when I complained about it I was told I needed to to uh put a request for an objection in uh for the SRC committee which needs to be on Beacon as well SRC needs to be on Beacon so everybody can see um and I so but this was also State I know you're watching also put back in our schools so let me just tell you right now there needs to be a huge change because it is coming change is coming to you guys and y'all are not going I like it because you can teach our children to be loving and kind but not push sexuality on them because all this stuff is gender confusion and sexuality it is not about inclusion it's not about this stuff it is about take teaching our children to learn about somebody's sexuality period if I was to tell my 10-year-old oh you know it's about love he says oh I love my best friend who is a boy I must be gay no honey you're not you it is not about just loving somebody it's about who you have sex with so I also would like to say that before whenever people were talking about online people talk about me online and that's fine you could talk about me online all you want I do not care I know who I am but when they tell we talk about transitioning our children in these schools we're talk about socially transitioning them giving them a different name giving them referring to them as a different gender that is what we are talking about not sex changes in the the bathrooms and also I would like to say that in this committee the SRC committee I have been told one to put my child in private school somebody going to pay that for me I also have been told that um that somebody pulled a pornographic book gave it to two of their students discussed it with them and then went to the counselor and then went to the parent it is backward and you need to change have a thank you so much yeah um next I'd like to ask for us to have a motion to bring back agenda item L1 can I please have a motion in a second to bring L1 back to the floor so moved second thank you it has been moved and seconded to bring L1 back to the floor is there any public comment on L1 we have two registered speakers for that uh Miss n uh narni Pier Grant and Dr nalie Lynch was uh am I speaking to the motion to bring it back or to the actual item to the actual item okay it's the motion to bring it back did you guys approve it no we just approved that so now we're on the item sidebar is going I'm sorry I thought we did all those in favor of bringing L1 back to the floor say I I all those opposed say no no the motion carries okay thank you for bringing that back um and uh also inadvertently pointing out one of my points uh the Motions the way that staff is treating these motions is not working hasn't ever been working for years but currently I now have to do a public record request requesting documentation and I'll just read from it please provide the school board policy procedure memorandum or any other District document that would prohibit advisory motions from being uploaded to the Schoolboard agenda with supporting documentation or explanatory language because what is happening is our motions are coming to you and we can write rationale we can provide background information we can attach the minutes which I did yesterday yesterday and got a response from the uh advisory correspondent and this was in response to the audit committee motions these recommendations only will be reviewed and received by the members and there are other email Trails where every time I try to attach supporting documentation they don't give it to you so on today's agenda and this is the only item being treated this way we have a a bunch of District advisory Council motions most of which are no longer relevant uh one was policy 810 uh on School boundaries that's already been done then we had um the choice not quite sure where that landed uh wireless communication we asked for it to be looped we understand from the last Workshop that you're looking for more research I had somebody send me I think eight or 10 links to quote unquote research research to me is not research unless it's peer-reviewed and you have to put things into context if all the research speaks to before and after taking it out of a classroom you can't apply that to the entire school day you can only apply it to the impact it had from taking it out of the classroom so you you can't have research that doesn't apply and and call that research and statements have been made that cell phones call me CA C mental illness I would argue that the mentally ill probably shouldn't have cell phones and people that can't handle social media posts but that's a whole other problem um we did get sort of a response on putting a task force together at the state level um we supported Ese and gifteds motion and um that's it so I guess our question is what are we doing with the cell phone policy the survey uh would probably not pass the psychometric smell test and um hopefully you won't do another survey and then the other thing on here's the facili task force motion which of course we're in support of at DAC thank you thank you so so much next up is uh n Grant thank you for bringing that back uh Vice chair appreciate it um so there's a couple of things that kind of meshes with diversity on dac's motion but uh to Dr Lynch Walsh's Point um I'm I'm not I'm just confused about what's going on with the motions and so um diversity has agreed to bring recommendations on our monthly reports when we come into the district um I I I really don't feel that it's prudent for us to Lobby a board member in order for you all to um Champion our motions because what's the purpose of having motions or that that particular process if it's just going to be like well we'll think about looking at it so um I hope when we meet in December that the board will reconsider how that looks um and talk to staff about that um if we have a a process put in place we should be able to use it uh we understand that our motions are all recommendations we get that um but they shouldn't be ignored or and or you know Lobby by us to a board member in order for you to Champ in it so um that's just my take on that I appreciate the time thank you very much any other public speakers okay any board discussion on L1 okay all those in FA well we already voted on it but all those in favor of L1 say I I I all those opposed say no passes unanimously thank you next item up um next item of business on the agenda is H2 may I have a motion in a second for H2 second it's been moved by Dr Zan second and by Mrs rert to approve H2 all those in oh um any public comment on H2 board discuss no register public comment thank you board discussion on H2 I have Mrs rert thank you thank you madam chair um I would like to offer offering congratulations to miss Jill ringer on her retirement um speaking directly to you Jill you are to be lauded for creating and celebrating our students at Coconut Creek High School especially our magnet program students we love you their success is your success and we all we all succeed helping our students but uh I know not I know that we will be seeing you still and I'm let you maybe relax for a couple weeks and then we're going to call you right back to to help and volunteer again so thank you thank you Mrs Leonardi I just want to Second those uh sentiments um I was a teacher under misri anger and she was just I don't know that anyone in Coconut Creek is as adored as she is by our students and our our community and she's just an amazing mentor and educator I just want to thank her for her service thank you and I will triple that I worked with her as magnet coordinator we went out recruiting students together and um she's an amazing person she'll be very well um missed I also want to congratulate the other 10 retirees on H2 item we are wish you the best as you move forward in your new Journey all those in favor of H2 say I I any opposed H2 carries unanimously thank you next item up is H4 we did H we did H4 that move right we did H4 sorry H5 I think you did didn't you I did but that was I didn't mean to do H4 oh yes H4 I also want to on H4 oh sorry all the I need a motion in a second to bring H4 um H4 so move second thank you it's been moved by Dr Zeman second and by Mrs rert H4 any public comments on H4 yes ma'am we have two Leanne Alfred and Liz Alfred okay are they here she's coming okay good morning my name is lyanna Alford I am a general clerk at addex Middle School I've been working at um addex Middle School since January 13th of 2023 currently I am being faced with a 3-day suspension um initiated by my principal Cassandra LLY and my assistant principal um Fatima Williams the information that has been listed in this disciplinary action was dated September 24th 2024 and the information is false I have requested documentation from Cassandra aderly to prove the falsities in this disciplinary action but um both the principal Cassandra adly and the assistant principal Fatima Williams of addex Middle School have refused to provide me the information that I have requested on November 7th of this year I received a notified letter um informing me that my name would be submitted to the board for a recommendation for suspension I received a letter on the 7th however it was dated um on the 13th today and I'm requesting that the board remove this suspension from the agenda to allow Cassandra aderly time to provide me the information that I have requested um this has been an ongoing issue since I started in um January of um 2023 and I just asked the board to assist me with providing this request so I'm able to prove that the information in this disciplinary action is false thank you thank you very thank you very much next public speaker Madam chair there are no other registered speakers okay board discussion just a question chair the name of the last speaker please if you could share that Miss alred uh Liz Alfred thanks chair okay Mr Austin did you have your hand up to speak okay thank you um Miss Batista do you know if this particular um employee was able to to go through all of the steps so could you explain to us what the process is when there is a recommendation for consequences suspension for an employee um since I'm not familiar with this particular um employee maybe Mr um asero can provide that information but generally I can tell you that um this employee is not a uh is not a teacher correct so correct so that that process is different from like the CC items where you have a complaint in this particular case I if Mr asero has some information that would be helpful as to what exactly happened related to this particular employee chair we are Mr Lozano is getting the file on this particular employee however as Miss Batista said as a non-certificated employee once the the procedure would be the allegation it's investigated this I believe was a school-based or um site based uh situation so I went through the supervisor as well as Professional Standards uh employees given their due process to explain their their side of the story uh determination is is then determined if if there's cause or no just cause uh and then the 3-day suspension was determined um we're getting the the actual file on the specific case right now if I can add in addition um this process didn't just recently start from what I'm looking at um as far as the process started in February of 21 of 2023 um so it's been going on for over a year now with several um meeting summaries and performance evaluations done by her principal um and discussions of of disciplinary action on February 8th um of 2024 so process has been going on for quite some time okay thank you and if I can also add so as you know as a as a member as an employee with a A labor union group there's a process for grievance on the on the back end so once it's approved by the board the employee has their right to to grieve it and it would go through those steps okay thank you so much um I also on a different note would like to congratulate the 13 retirees that are non-instructional in this particular item again we wish you um the best of luck and and enjoyment in your future endeavors Madam chair yes sir can I ask a question on the what we were talking about with the previous employee sure go ahead okay so um the employee indicated that she had requested some information that would be pertinent to her defending herself um question one was she privy to that information and number two was she denied that information Dr Dr um so that specific question I can't answer um we have to follow up with the with the principle but what I can tell you based on the summary of action starting on February 21 of 2023 um the employee employee concern is mainly an attendance concern um just not adhering to uh uh prescribed work hours and and such okay so Dr heurn the employee seems to think that the relevance of the information that she requested would assist in pleading her case and I think if she's entitled to that she should be given that opportunity and if she wasn't because we don't have that information now I am requesting that we delay any consequence of this employee until we find out if she can be provided with that information or she was and whether or not it would be relevant for her to use that information to plea her case Mr AO any does a delay cause any situations with this specific case no okay so can I make a motion sure okay I'd like to make a motion to delay the consequence of this employee until we determine if she is able to receive the information she's requested or if she had already received it um in order to be able to plead her case second and may I point of clarification Mr holess would you consider amending that motion to include that um we would learn why she would not be entitled in fact in in other words when there was a ruling they're not entitled I want to know what policy we're relying on what statute we're relying on what's applicable to why the assertion is she is not entitled because I believe that the um accused should get everything that the the school district has from the accuser thank you okay I would like legal councel to weigh in on the added part of what board member um fam is requesting M Batista but I'd also question do in an item like this don't we just want to remove the that employee from the item I don't think postpone is the well you would you would postpone um the uh you would postpone the um item to the next board meeting and to bring her back to the next board meeting and to allow for whatever information to be provided to her okay so um Miss Batista board member fam would then have that opportunity at the next board meeting to to have any additional correct okay so this motion is uh board member fam this motion is simply to uh to come back and then M Madam chair I'm sorry I interrupt I believe you need to separate her out from the entirety of the item that's what okay so I'd like to make a motion to separate employee Liz I didn't get the last name uh Alfred Alfred Alfred uh from the um the item the the employees within that item to separate her to the next and to postpone to the next meeting so that's the motion it's been moved by Dr holness in second by Mrs rert to one separate this employee from item H4 and then postpone it to the next Schoolboard meeting any public comment on the motion Natalie Lynch Walsh Plantation Florida no big surprise here I'm totally in favor of this motion I think we've seen over and over how flawed and bastardized um the process of disciplining employees which the school board is in charge of establishing policies including the dismissal of employees and to do so consistently and fairly and maybe if part of the process was people had to make a sworn statement much like they do for officers because we're learning a lot about what officer rights are um if everybody involved in disciplining an employee had to make a sworn statement that everything that they were writing was accurate and truthful we would see less of these or they would provide receipts and people wouldn't have to come to a board meeting trying to defend themselves because the district says whatever when I'm looking at a memo where general counsel can't even get her fact straight thank you so much next public speaker thank you for the motion Dr holess appreciate that you are um open up to see other people and what they're struggling with and I hope that whatever issues um this employee has in terms of attendance because I heard Dr hebburn state that that maybe we all be a little bit more caring to see what people are going through because some sometimes sometimes people struggle and I don't know the whole thing because it's been a while but I do appreciate that you guys are taking a step back to kind of review um and appreciate it Dr holess thank you thank you next public speaker Ronald B barish just remember one thing and according to United States Constitution any person that is any person that is uh any person that's innocent will be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law thank you next public speaker good morning I'm speaking on behalf of lyanna Alford regarding the employment issue at Alex Middle School yes uh it was mentioned that it has been ongoing and one of the reasons it has been ongoing simply because Mrs aderly refuses to do what's requested all requests to Mrs aderly have been ignored including a simple copy of uh the employees evaluation the employee misplaced an evaluation that was done and Mrs aderly has refused to Simply give a copy an extra copy of that evaluation so all all requests made all requests that have been made have been ignored thank you very much any other public speaking on the item Madam chair yes I'd like to call a question on a motion okay um I guess roll call on calling the question oh sorry Mr azer I have the I have the file if you would like me to read that first he's called the question so um roll call on calling the question roll call on the question alef Austin no no fam no Hixon no holess yes lardy yes rert yes Zeman yes 43 I believe it fails because you need a you need five to call the question okay thank you so we'll continue on and a board member discussion Mrs Fam thank you so much um thank you for coming forward and speaking today um I personally would like to see um the background on this entire file if we can get that to the board members if if we don't get it to the board members you can certainly send it to me because I'd like to review it but I also would like to make a motion I think that everyone I feel strongly we're still on Mr Dr hess's motion so you can't make motion until okay after this motion I'm going to make my own motion okay thank you sorry any other board member discussion Dr uh Dr Zan chair I'd like to request our chief people officer to uh share information on this particular case before we vote thank you um Dr heer Mr AO all through the chair uh David Azo Chief people officer so all of the documentation on H4 suspensions revision was sent to the board last night so you already you have the copy of all of that information uh but in this particular file in this uh a statement from miss aderly the principal of addict middle on October 15th to Professional Standards on August 27th 2024 I held a due process meeting with lyanna Alford regarding her insubordination for failure to adhere to directives related to attendance concerns during the meeting lyanna Alfred was unable to provide me with a compelling reason as to why I should not recommend her for a 3-day suspension without pay for her subordination therefore I request that her name may be placed before the school board with a recommendation for a 3-day suspension the employee has previously had a meeting summary which is not disciplinary but it's a discussion about and expectations about um attendance as well as received a reprimand for attendance concerns so this is a progressive step along that line can you clarify Mr asero um the progressive step was she having attendance issues then the principal met with her provided a um meeting summary it continued the principal met with her and provided a reprimand it continued can you be very specific so correct so she there was attendants concerns that had a meeting summary so again it's it's a three-day notice we need to discuss your attendant concerns they go they have back and forth um the individual can have representation there if they like and then at the end of that there's a meeting summary that meeting summary discussed the attendance concerns it it happened some more along the way then there's another meeting with a three-day notice employee can have the representation there at the end of that since they still determined there were attendance issues there was a written reprimand that continued attendance concerns continued so now we're at this step where another three-day notice another chance to bring a representation discuss what's going on and then what the letter I just read from the principal is the result of of that meeting now three days suspension and just to clarify this started February of 2023 correct one second correct I'm not done yet chair okay Dr Zan thanks so much chair um uh I am very comfortable setting this aside so we can learn more um and I respect the rights of everybody to come here and talk but just because public speakers say something doesn't mean it's true I work very very closely uh on investigations with our senior staff and I want to commend them uh for the thoughtful intentional and purposeful uh steps that they take uh I'm impressed very much with the uh process processes that they follow it has nothing to do with this individual case I'm happy to pull this out and let's get some more information and figure it out but the fact of the matter is is that um uh we do everything we can um through our processes including last week bringing the process to public domain and showing the community what our process is for learning about uh staff um uh complaints that are made um we we have five of those on our agenda for today um the the record on those five is exhaustive it is not brief it is not blown off it is not dysfunctional uh the process that we follow is functional and we're looking at the process to see if in fact we can make it even better which is just what healthy organizations do so uh on this particular motion Dr holus I'm happy to set this aside and let's get it back um when we can in December um but I just want to make sure that our staff knows that um the board spends a considerable amount of time meeting discussing asking questions getting answers and the like um and I'm impressed with how much time and effort that our team puts in to uh delay when delays are appropriate and to bring things to the board when they are I want to balance this out one more way though chair which is one frustration we have as a board I think is that these things sometimes take a year to get to us um and and and to my point partly that's to give people due process to let them review the record and let them to present what they want to to let them say whether they want to go to administrative law judges into Doha and the like our process takes forever and the the public uh cry about that is when the punishment is a year or a year and a half after something happen it's not likely to really have the same to turn effect as if it can happen in a few months so uh there is um a big balance on this I'm impressed with the way that that we do these things in general not that every case turns out to be perfect uh these are all human beings that are working on it but I just uh want to make it clear that uh I've spent a lot of time staring at what um our senior leaders do on discipline um and while we can do it better uh I I have seen great um flexibility and great intentional steps within our current process uh to make sure that we get the full record before uh cases are brought back to the board I'm going to talk about this more when we get to the discipling action on the balance between speed and um and the rest of the process thanks chair thank you Dr Holan thank you madam chair so um Dr Zan I certainly concur that I appreciate the effort that staff has put into all of these different cases um the premise of the motion and I appreciate indication of possibly supporting the motion as well the premise of the motion is that the um employee has indicated that um she has requested information that would be relevant to her being able to understand her cont consquences and be able to make a plea a better plea for um um whether or not to be relieve of those consequences so I think that she is entitled to that and she should be uh the motion was made because um there has not been any clear indication that she was provided this information or that she can be provided this information if she's private to it or not so I think it's really um important that when we make a ruling as a board that we ensure that everyone is given Fair opportunity including what the staff has presented and what the employee believe um they information they were given are not given so I think this motion is to ensure that the employees are treated fairly in given the information that they need to defend themselves as well so that's the reason I made the motion um and I thank you Dr Zan for your comments and I look forward to the motion being approved thank you any other board comment on the motion Mrs fam okay thank you so much um for bringing this forward I really do appreciate this um opportunity to address this specific issue and one thing I'm going to say is I received today um this morning uh all these added on agenda items which I have never seen there's an email going out at 608 M saying that there's things being added um they were not presented at any um time to me prior to that and they were left on my assistant deaths who found them in the morning so I I think this is actually I'm going to object to everything that's on here and and say no no no no no because we have not had the adequate time to review it at least I haven't maybe other people were given that so going back to that this is on this motion um what my concerns are is this is not the first time that we've heard that the due process of people are being violated we also heard it in Dr Shaw's case where she had requested information if this um teacher wants documentation we should give it to her and if we're not giving it to her I want the documentation why we're not and I want to know the legal Authority the president why we're not so we have to be fair and consistent across the board we're not going to be a FEMA here and select who who gets help and who doesn't so in addition to that um I would also like to know what why parties when statements are being made um or accusers are are U making allegations against the accused why they're not getting the exact copy of the statement why are they getting a third-party synopsis of someone else's opinion of the statement I don't like that either because bias is in uh included in that and also Prejudice so I think we need to really took a good analysis of this and pursuant to Dr hess's motion go into more detail what are we doing here why why isn't she getting into this why is she here asking for this today why wasn't this already automatically given what's going on so I appreciate what you're doing on the school district but are you following the law that's not the question of how well you're doing your job it's whether you're following the law while you're doing it so and that's what I'm going to stand up for and I support your motion wholly Dr holess that we roll this over and get to the bottom of it and at least get more than not even five minutes to review something of this kind of importance someone's life their job is on the line come on guys we can do better than that thank Youk you any other board discussion U Mr Austin thank you Vice chair and I was actually going to try to be quiet mostly today um so I appreciate your comments uh Miss fam uh I know this board has gone through a couple different iterations at one point you know if you got something the day before uh was heartburn um and then at one point right then it could come 2 days before 6 days before 7 days before uh so I hope that you on this new board um that you uh revive that discussion because there are some up here who've kind of been all over the place on that um I will support the motion uh that's been proferred uh from board member holness um I think it's the right thing to table um but I also want to strongly object from a comment uh that I think I heard from my colleague to my right um that speaks to the investigations process because I'm not the superintendent and I don't work for the superintendent I don't think I'm a part of his staff and I don't think the board members are as well so if I could for councel I just want to be clear for the public board members are not involved with the investigative process when it comes to this this is totally staff driven is that correct Miss Batista yes that is correct and board members only get involved when it comes to to the board clearly there is information that's shared to board members in advance uh to make informed decisions is that correct M Batista yes okay I just want to be clear at least to this individual and to others uh that board members should not be involved with day-to-day operations um and I want to be clear about that at least from this one departing board member because I won't it won't be my issue Miss Rupert who's been here uh who knows the process very well so thank you Council for clarifying any other board discussion great okay all those in favor of Dr hess's motion to one um separate this employee from I item H4 and to postpone to the next meeting say I I any opposed motion carried no okay so one descending vote so we'll go back to the item then all those in favor of H4 as amended please say I I I any oppos hi uh H4 passes unanimously thank you next item up is H5 I have a motion in a second for on on item H5 so move okay so it was moved by Dr Zan second and by Mrs Leonardi for H5 any public comment no register speakers thank you board member discussion Mrs fam H5 okay thank you sorry H oh thank you yes um this particular um agenda items involves the passing of uh funds in order to supplement teachers um athletic coaches and others that um work to improve and provide additional um clubs and services or athletic events to help our kids um back here almost every month and I have been trying to get on specifically a member of Nova High School and now NOA middle school as well um Kristen Murphy who runs the legal team over there or the legal committee I'm going to call it a m Court committee and she trains students now in in mid-grade and high school and for the last two years she's won the National Championship her team but she doesn't get compensated at all I look at every month all the compensation that we provide to other people I've asked I've requested staff has said they're going to look into it there's never any feedback this woman we're so lucky to have a licensed practicing attorney let along someone that's bringing us national state champions not State national two years in a row and we can't give her any kind of supplement what kind of message does that send to this District that says I want to be an a-rated District this is because you're an a-rated district for for commitments like this so until such time as this um staff and board takes me seriously that this woman and other teachers providing extracurricular AC academic functions get recognized I'm going to be voting no on every single supplement so you know that that's how important this is if we don't recognize our academic excellence and only our athletic Excellence what does that say about us so I'm academic bounds so I'm staying firm no thank you Dr Zeman thanks chair um and I look forward um in our budget work looking at supplements and making sure that we are sending the right um statements about what we value in Broward County um we are primarily our core function is K through2 education and so if we don't have that balance right through the budget process uh this board has the authority to uh make changes I want to talk about um a little bit of a trickle down issue which is last year we made um some balancing in our budget at the last minute really in the very very last minute uh the board was presented a list of things that we voted in favor of several of those things reduced School budgets and those School budgets being smaller I'm concerned about supplements not being used so what we do miss fam is approve the the amount available for each supplement but not every principal uses every one of those so one of them that I'm more said about maybe even than you are about the academics is that we have a volunteer supplement that is dramatically low and is only used by nine schools and so uh I feel like institutionally we have shut out Volunteers in Broward County we did it first with margorie stow and Douglas and single points of entry and all the other appropriate uh security steps we took followed by covid where we put up even more defenses and and kept people out and we haven't got the muscle memory back uh nor do we have the processes right to encourage people to uh volunteer uh I continue to hear in this past week as I shared with the superintendent in my role as a school board member sharing informations um a mayor's spouse applied uh to be a volunteer in a school uh and waited two months for not hearing back and then finally ran into me and said look you know what's going on uh there's some work that we can do on Vol there is as we reduce the budgets available for principles to spend on their campus on things like supplements on all the little gift cards they do on the rewards and incentives that they are able to provide to their staffs and in addition to sometimes even paying for uh instructional staff instructional coaches and other things uh given that those were reduced did the spend on supplements and therefore overall pay to teachers go down this year Dr heurn thanks for the question we did not reduce supplements um nor decrease pay for teachers um principal do have the autonomy to utilize supplements um in the categories that there are for right for the appropriate staff that is carrying out the specific extracurricular duties um that they're assigned to terrific but when I add up uh if someone were to add up all these supplemental um uh supplements provided to staff on schools did the amount of supplements go up or down last year to this year Dr heer supplements didn't go down they did not no so the total total supplement play did not that to me says a lot and if I can add we actually gave additional supplements this year to assist with um security and um metal detectors as well so we approved additional supplements for the high schools terrific and that was U additional um that was a budget change that allowed for principles to have more money than we ended last year's budget with correct we wonderful yep I had to think about three different supplements this is with security person it's um yeah and to miss fam's Point yes academics is our primary goal but but security and safety is Paramount we've got to make sure we get that right uh always and so I understand why you would add uh to school's budgets as we start our budget process though um we have to think very clearly about how much money schools need to have in order to do those things um that are available on campus I'm glad that that uh has not gone down I'm glad that uh we're going to continue to think about the supplemental schedule to make sure that it reflects the values of Brer County Schools um and I look forward to talking more in the future about volunteers this is um an untapped resource for barer County Schools uh if we had the same per capit of volunteers as Fairfax County has we would have 12,000 more people working in our schools it's a remarkable amount and there's this untapped uh amount of energy and contribution um that if we do things the right way on our side uh we'll make a huge difference moving us even beyond the a level that we achieve so thanks so much chair just wanted to get a couple points out as we talked about supplementals thank you and just a quick question because we've tap danced around this a lot we have had discussions about increasing supplements they haven't been increased in athletics and also academics I was a club sponsor many I didn't get paid for some of them $500 but worked 50 hours a week on that job so um can do Dr superintendent can you just give us an update on where we are with with the supplements and looking at it and how we can adjust it cuz we did have a workshop where it showed we were way underfunded when we compareed to the other districts around us on things specifically like Athletics and also some of those academic clubs Mike um absolutely um before I do that if I may um Miss fam the teacher in question that you're talking about she does receive an extra per extra per per pay and a social studies supplement for extracurricular things that she is doing nice um just to clarify and Mr esero because our district does supplements differently than other places I've been it's very unique how we do that here and the constraints around um increasing supplements I'm going to have him go in detail to the reason why thank you to the chair uh exactly so all of our supplements are in the btu contract and there's many non BTU members that are coaching so we're in the process of of working with the btu to move the supplements out of their contract that are athletic can leave the academic ones in because those are mostly from our BTU employees once removed it is part of collective bargaining so we do need to come to you to the board to get direction on an amount what we're looking at we've we've already been comparing ourselves to the other districts North and South um we are lower as as we stated in that Workshop we talked about so it's still in that process of trying to gain uh the direction from the board so it's something we can bring very soon to you guys to to gauge what you'd like us to do but in the end again it has to go back to Collective bar bargaining thank you so much for the update it was fun Mrs Fam thank you you Happ to the list okay um just one brief comment to that don't take too long because at the rate she's going she's going to get poached and one of these Charter Schools or private schools she has twoyear track record of number one in the country we want to move along when we have that kind of Excellence we don't want to lose that thank you Dr Hein can you just reate what you stated because I don't think Mrs fam for a particular teacher that particular teacher is receiving an extra period pay supplement and also a social studies supplement for the extracurricular Services she's providing to our students so just some just a clarification remember you bringing this up um in the past and we did do our due diligence to do some research and found out that information thank you Mrs Al we'll see how it goes the future will be all telling Mrs alh thank you so in order for us to give additional supplements or in increasing salaries the Board needs to right siiz the school district we need to make tough decisions whether it means closing schools or other possibilities so I just want to make that statement that these are the tough decisions that we're going to have to make in the future to be fiscally responsible also I'd like my colleague Dr Zeman to weigh in on what he meant by his comment about Marjorie stowman Douglas High School Dr Zan thank you uh chair alade the um my statement was in the context of volunteers on campuses um as a result uh of increased uh security measures um things like single point of entry all uh appropriate measures that we took after margorie stowman Douglas uh the community found it more difficult to get on campuses and that's their own perception um I have no criticisms about the steps we took after MSD in fact I think we should have taken even more and I think we continue to focus on that in a right and appropriate way the Second Step about volunteers was the covid response to uh close schools to move kids out of schools and the like um add restrictions and distance between people uh pre created a further perception of volunteers not being welcome on campus so the I was talking about perceptions that people have in the community about being able to get on campus um um so that was that's a clarification if I didn't say it clearly before thank you thank you anything else Mrs ala no great all those in favor of item H5 say I I I any opposed no one descending vote uh H5 passes the next item board item is B1 can I please have a motion in a second for item B1 so move second it's been moved by Dr Zan seconded by Mrs rert any public comment on B1 we have one reg speaker Dr Lynch wal morning again um all right just making sure the time was three minutes not one I thought maybe we changed the rules um Natalie Lynch Walsh Plantation Florida um luckily B1 came up next uh I'm in favor of initiating rule making and developing a discipline manual I suspect that if those things were in place per state law Florida statute 112.5 33 uh that there wouldn't be a bullying complaint against me because we would have followed due process and things would have transpired the way they should have but because this dragged on and I'm often elected spokesperson um we have a pack of foolishness going on so in whatever happens I hope it will be looped um I can imagine you will have input from the advisories seeing as we've been impacted Ed by this and um I want to make sure 4.9 is the current board policy it should include because they're part they're a bargaining unit understand that currently when we went to look in 4.9 it says the collective bargaining agreement language will prevail in the event of any conflicting language with this policy okay let's go to the PBA agreement wait they don't have an active PBA agreement and even if they did you know what's never been in there discipline so now we're back to 4.9 but 4.9 can't supersede state law what does the state law say state law says 112.5 33 every law enforcement agency and Correctional agency shall establish and put into operation a system for the receipt investigation and determination of complaints received by such agency from any person which must be the procedure for investigating a complaint against a law enforcement or correctional officer and for determining whether to proceed with disciplinary disciplinary action or to file disciplinary charges yada yada yada that didn't happen that's why this keeps dragging on that did not happen and I am still waiting via public records request for the complaint that launched 180 days I have yet to receive a copy of the complaint the response that Miss Batista wrote to Debbie Espinosa won't even call what she submitted a complaint and she put in quotes something that was paraphrased from the statute as far as I remember if you put something in quotes that's a direct quote out of the statute maybe it was because she was trying to avoid using the word complaint again the only complaint I suspect that's ever been received by anybody is the one that Debbie Espinosa just sent because if you had a process then someone the custodian should have been able to cough up that complaint back when it was asked for and in 4.9 make sure you don't miss things like the superintendent has a statutory Duty Dr Lynch making sure these things get in here you have to stay on topic I am I'm saying make sure that what's in 4.9 we're literally talking about a discipline procedural manual thank you but we could do ethics complaints to the state too any other public speakers okay board discussion Dr holess thank you madam chair so I brought this item because um since I've been here for a couple of years I have observed the inconsistencies in how discipline is is administered and so um I believe this item will provide guidelines that we can follow to ensure that there are consistencies in how we discipline employees and and I believe this will ensure or reduce the likelihood of subjectivity in how we administer discipline because we'll have a structured guideline to follow and So currently our district faces inconsistencies in disciplinary outcomes for employees leading to ambiguity and often times inequity I believe a procedural manual will establish clear and consistent standards across all schools and Department and that these guidelines will align with Schoolboard policies including policy 4.9 so um Dr heern I have a couple of questions and I have met with a couple of Staff members before and I'd like for Mr Lozano to elaborate if possible on how would a procedural manual support policy 4.9 to ensure consistencies and disciplinary consequences Dr heer Mr Lozano thank you Ernie Lozano executive director Professional Standards so again the procedure manual you're talking about Dr holess will bring consistency to the process for all site supervisors who Implement corrective action um procedures and then from the direction of the board through the workshop to really look at what are the appropriate conse consquences we feel as a district should be applied to certain infractions that are not mandated by State Statute okay and Mr lazana can you for the sake of the public uh provide an example of how the procedural manual could support policy 4.9 Dr heer Mr Lao so again as a site supervisor would begin to Once asight supervisor received an allegation of misconduct from an employee they'll be able to consistently follow the guidelines and procedures that are outlined in that manual as they work towards resolving that alleged U misconduct okay and I remember in Prior board meeting we talk about looking at other similar districts in terms terms of consistency in how discipline is administered in major school districts uh have we started doing that and how will this impact the procedural manual Dr heer Mr Lozano we have received information I think we have about um information from four or five other districts um in Florida right now how they and we've asked for any documents that they have and how they Implement corrective action and then we're we've also asked them if they actually have a matrix that they have created and we'll take all that information and look at it and decide on the best practices that we want to implement as we analyze the data from other districts and present to the board our recommended procedure manual and guidelines moving forward okay and my last question Mr Lozano would you agree that a procedural manual that supports policy 4.9 will create a greater degree of consistency in how discipline is administered and reduce the likelihood of any sort of ambiguity or inequity in the process absolutely thank you sir thank you Mrs fam all right thank you so much um I have a few questions first um we're talking about creation of policy do we also have a policy for discipline for parents in place and if we do what is that number Dr heurn no we're not talking about policy more so a procedural ma U manual for policy 4.9 um to bring consistency to discipline process for employees or people who working under the opice of the school district as a volunteer and such um specifically to miss fam's question I know if General Council probably has more can shed some light on that a policy for discipl policy manual yeah for disciplining parents parents and then I I have a few others actually it's parents vendors visitors and contractors I just set them out in different categories do we have that and if if we do where can I find that Miss Batista the policy that applies to parents and vendors Etc is the civility policy um that that would be the policy that is applicable and what ises that um I believe it's 2010 believe it's 1010 it it's 1010 1010 okay any other policy numbers are it's limited to 1010 limited just say it on out loud I can't hear you you're correct 1010 okay thank you all right um one of the things that I I'd like to explore is we're looking at staff actually contributing and making recommendations right for this procedure and policy but I find that there's a conflict of interest with staff participating I know I would feel more comfortable if we got other District's manuals and then we turn we sent them all over um to a third party and also had them look at them and consider and then write this and I'll tell you why um in the past we have on some of the Committees we have committees voting for salary increases teachers voting against other employee groups and including themselves to vote what amount they should get and that's they're not recusing themselves they're they're voting to get paid more than others Mrs fam got to focus on the discipline I I understand but this all goes back to this point that's why I'm saying a conflict of interests exists when you allow your the people that are being um I I I I don't want to say disciplined or judged or or uh even appreciated to judge what amount they should get it becomes dis disproportionate because of a conflict of interest so my suggestion would be I I like to have a procedural manual I would but I I don't think that it should be done in-house I think it should be outsourced and just to keep the conflict of interest out there and I see you nodding yes Dr Zeman so anyway that is my recommendation thank you Dr heurn do you want to address what that would look like um Madam shair if I may M go ahead Miss PTI very briefly so um a procedural manual if it affects the rights of employees it's it should be part it can be called procedural manual but it would have to be part of the policy um so that's number one I wanted to clarify um and then the second item that I wanted to to discuss is that we do have a process right now we have a contract with coward and coward and they have you know they're outside uh vendor and they are looking at our policy so that would be one Avenue that we can um follow to be able to get um this policy manual in place okay great thank you any other board discussion on B1 okay great all those in favor of B1 say I I any opposed I I mean no I like I said I want to Outsource thank you just be okay so no uh one descending vote item passes next next item up is J2 can I have a motion in a second so move second it was motion made by Mrs rert seconded by Dr Zeman any public comment on J2 yes kimbley good morning again um I want to just thank everyone for finally bringing this um before as we've been waiting for a year now um our facility is ready and we're excited that we have this um collaboration with the community um based foundation and thank you Nora for pushing making sure it goes through legal it took a while but um it's here and we're excited thank you thank you any other public speakers no other register speakers M Mr O Bell go ahead good morning good morning let let me try that again good morning good morning morning uh look I I can't than you all enough thank you to the leadership of this School Board District um I know I'm dressing my Sunday best because I was ready for this marriage we're going to go into today and uh I just want to take a moment as we celebrate 15 years many of you all have supported us in this journey Community Based connection and we have had the opportunity to expand the option that changed the odds and what we're doing today is taking social services and partnering with Medical Health Care Systems and providing grassroot approach to families and children right here in County on a in partnership with a Blan Chile High School William Danny because our community need it and so I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart on behalf of our board uh over the 60 staff we have at Community Based connection part-time and full-time we want to thank you all um you know I had the pleasure of working with the superintendent with uh Debbie uh Madam chair and with Nora uh and and as well as uh you know some of the other board members um that have been a part of our journey and so we know that Community Based Connection in this last 15 years have poured Millions into Bri County school system and we're grateful for the partnership that we have together and we look forward to doing more work uh together uh I I do want to add one thing is that as we go into this next phase of another 15 years um Shameless plug that on the on Saturday December 7th we will be celebrating our green Blazer Gala and I do welcome all of you all to partake in that um because you all have been part of the journey so we're not just celebrating 15 years of Community Based connection but we're celebrating 15 years with the Schoolboard District because our organization was founded was founded in partnership with the school district to start at Sunland was known at s Academy today and so today if I'm correct we have touch just this year alone we have touched already 3,000 families um and that's a testament to this partnership so thank you madam chair thank you superintendent thank you Miss rer and all the supporting board members that's been a part of our journey and um I got to tell you I love working with you all and I look forward to identifying more financial resources and cooporation partnership to continue enhance what we're doing in the community so thank you so much thank you any other public speakers Mrs rert thank you I'm beyond excited today and uh not to get political but Mike and I are the actual I don't know what to even say goodness personified when it comes to being political and running for office and not trashing anybody coming away as a gentle and as a gentle woman that is the only way we were able to go forward and make these changes for our families and kids because our egos did not get in the way it was all about the kids so so thank you and um it just goes to show you when you're nice at the polls lots of things can happen and I appreciate you guys so much thank you all and the rest of the board and the superintendent this is a great program thank you all for supporting it thank you I um very also very excited to see this come forward as Miss Mohan mentioned it's been a long time coming it started off as a conversation that I had with Mr oel at a um a backpack giveaway for the last school year and just having a conversation on things that I would like to see um in the district and then he said hey well we have the money to do that and then it moved forward through the staff and um really really happy to see that we're going to have these wellness centers because our students need them and our families so very appreciative of that and um thank you for the partnership any other board discussion Miss fam Mrs fam I just would like to congratulate Mrs rert and I'm I'm so proud that you're really making changes bringing about change in your district and I just want to say Kudos anybody else great all those in favor of item J2 say i i i i i i and I any opposed motion carries unanimously thank you the next item up is item 03 can I please have a motion in a second on item 03 move that's me need a second motion made by DR Zan second by Dr holess uh any public comment on 03 no register speakers okay board member discussion Mrs fam if you can just skip um Skip and go to the next person I'll be with you in one minute you're the only person that pulled that item all right chair why uh she's um getting her points put together um uh and I've shared this with uh um our superintendent you know it's come to my attention that there are procurement policies that Broward County Commission uses that are fundamentally different than ours um I know that we're going to look at that and think a little bit about that in in view of of 03 um but I look forward to learning more about that uh to find out if they can figure out how to do things like uh they have a 12% set set aside for certified uh interns to do work on their services contract and what that does is it promotes everybody hiring apprentices and interns to learn how to do the profession while they're accepting government contracts to do the work so government you doing good government by making sure that everyone who gets a Services contract are hiring apprentices so that we grow the next generation of blue collar and other workers so more information's coming on that but it is um very connected to what we're doing today in 03 great thank you Mrs fam are you ready thank you I I must have um I don't have any notes on this and um I don't see any notes on my other page so I just must have misspoken okay thank you um thank you all those in favor of 03 say I I any opposed 03 passes unanimously the next item up is aa1 can I please have a motion in a second on aa1 I moveed moved by Dr Zan seconded by Mrs rer any public comment on aa1 no register speakers ma'am any board discussion that's Mrs fam it's the FAU contract yes ma'am um I see that this is a cost of let's see was I believe 300 and some additional thousand um no here it is amount from 130 to 261 and I have here increase of $13,815 however and looking at the notes this one of the things that goes to is um increasing social uh emotional learning which we're all trying to get away steer away from that because we want our our children to learn facts and not be driven by a motion so I will not be supporting this thank you any other board member comment all those in favor of aa1 say I I opposed no passes with one descending vote thank you the next item up is BB3 can I have a motion in a second on BB3 to move moved by Dr Zan second by Mrs rert any B any public comment on BB3 no register uh public speaker Madam chair board discussion Mrs fam keeping me on my toes here as fast as I can yes ma'am thank you um what my concern is with this audit report it's not accepting the audit report it's something Madam chair I'm sorry I interrupt BB3 is U Oh I thought you said DD is Miss hixon's travel to fsba I wondered why we're going to audit your request to go to the conference is did really I thought he said DD I promise I'm going BB I'm very excited one two three here's my notes here um oh this is actually um uh request or payment of um Miss Hon's travel cost um we're all going to a a um uh seminar up in Tampa for yeah um fsba which is um where the Board of Education employees and nominees and I just wanted to bring it to your attention I try to be very very careful about the money that we spend in fact I got grilled last time because I was going to Washington DC and it was at $383 I got up at 2 o'clock in the morning to make a flight that was leaving about 6 and I flew back at um approximately 9:00 on in at my home maybe around 1:30 or 2 so I didn't incur a $750 hotel bill okay and this the seminar I went to included food and everything I just wanted to note that in my traveling up to Tampa my costs are $1,200 and some doll and you're are more than 1,600 and I'm renting a car and I'm just wondering if we could all each board member do their part because I definitely staying and getting out up at 2 in the morning am doing my part and I just want all the board members be mindful that we don't need to stay in these really plush hotels if if the hotel is something that I wouldn't pay for I go somewhere else and I'm very cognizant about saving the district money and I think we should all be that way so if each save $400 it just adds up over time for every event we go to so I just wanted to bring that out that um we need to be very aware of our spending because we're setting at a leading by example thank you thank you guess I'm going to vote for it any other board member discussion all those in favor of BB3 say I I I all those opposed motion carries unanimously next item up is bb5 can I have a sec of a motion and a second on bb5 so mooved moved by Dr Zeman seconded by Mrs rert any public discussion on bb5 no registered speakers great uh Dr Zeman I'm shocked that there are no registered speakers um but this is um again uh I think uh a thoughtful recommendation uh to my knowledge it was started by our chair Lori alde when people would asked to go to conferences hey can you come back and give us a little uh Insight on what happened uh I've prepared a handful of slides it takes three or four minutes uh just to share what I learned this is about uh a conference that myself and and many senior staff attended uh the council and great City Schools if I can go to the next slide uh here's a summary of the things that we did uh there are task forces on African-American students on Hispanic students on the special needs students on uh stray gate all gay straight alliances on uh various uh uh task forces that were set up again this is 78 large Urban school districts out of the 90 that there are in the United States so this is a bulk of them all joining together to learn from each other um so these task forces make a lot of sense there are Keynotes uh at this conference um this year they were absolutely eyeing and I'll talk about those in a minute uh breakout sessions over 60 breakout sessions on topics from uh bus transportation to Federal funding for title one uh to uh academic issues to athletic issues to supplementals to budgets one of the fascinating breakups that was very breakouts very popular this year is what are we going to do with Esser funds going and uh being in a large Urban district with declining enrollment so lots of good learning uh going on there and then we're a member of the board Dr heurn and I are a member of their board of directors and so we participated uh in a board of directors meeting the task force meetings uh that I found uh fascinating really had to do with these five things U achievement and professional development that's academic achievement Miss fam I mean that was pounded at this conference people uh forget that in Broward we're under tremendous pressure to be in a district stay in a district continue to do better in our core Mission uh but at the same time uh that pressure is felt by other large Urban dist districts as well uh black and Latina young women black and Latina young men Latin young men uh English language Learners uh and then the fifth a lot of discussions about leadership governance uh and the like next slide we had we had some keynote speakers uh that were brilliant people like Chuck Todd people like Kya azarita the astronaut Isabelle Wickerson who just published a book called cast an absolutely fascinating uh uh presentation what's cool about these speakers is every one of them graduated from a public high school and so there's an opportunity to see our products uh out there doing uh amazing things uh the key keynote U speakers uh really brought some new and exciting perspectives to what we do in K through 12 they're shown on the next slide just so that you can see them uh Chuck Todd was brilliant as always Isabelle Wilkerson uh raised in DC uh told the story about her family her father was a Tuskegee Gman and and and shockingly uh chair what what is the one thing tusky Airmen were not allowed to do when they came home from fighting the war these are the best aviators in the history of Warfare at the end of World War II and Mr superintendent what did Isabelle tell us they could not do in the United States when they came home who segregated uh they couldn't fly airplanes an airplane in the United States nobody wanted African-American pilot to fly you know seats where we you know had uh all kinds of of folks so her father moved North from Alabama from Tuskegee until he got over the Mason Dixon line and that's how they ended up in Washington DC she grows up first African-American piter Prize winner uh and she's just written her fifth book and she stayed afterwards as Dr Hein in attest and answered questions from anybody that wanted to go talk to her it was uh absolutely moving uh about the things we did uh Landon's one of our heroes in Broward County but I met so many students at this conference not just people who came and sang and performed for us but then we had a student town hall and we had a dozens and dozens of students come and talk to us about things that matter so much uh finally uh we had a board of directors meeting uh it is an opportunity to to slew the research toward the things that we care about in Broward County so we've asked them to do some research for us on what we do with student deaths you know we lose a lot of students as a large herma districts um and the question to the council great City Schools is could we do better in in honoring and recognizing all of our students uh when we have uh students like we did this uh past weekend um uh die so by take away from all this and I could uh be happy to uh share more information with anybody that would like more uh individually um but next year this conference in Philadelphia goes from October 22nd to the 26th uh when I looked at Palm Beach County and Mii day they were either all there or almost all there uh there were other districts like Dallas and Los Angeles that brought their entire board um it is an an unbelievably great conference 1300 people uh this year but the quality of sessions and the quality of speakers and just the learning that goes on there is remarkable uh as are the connections where you can find other people in uh topa and Chicago and New York uh who have similar interests to you and you can learn a lot about what other districts are doing so miss alade that's what I did on my field trip to Dallas um I hope it's been a complete and useful report thank you very much Dr Zeman it was was very informative and um very grateful for you sharing that information with us will you join me in Philadelphia next year I think we made a commitment as a general group that we were doing that if I'm not mistaken I it'll make a big difference to BR County uh if we can and I'm sensitive to spending money as you are Miss bam that's my hometown I'll be sure to to you around yeah that would be fun but uh but this is um Can Ring that Li when you look at the money that you spend for coming back from that conference with so many new and different perspectives um and those things will all be infused as we think about the things that that other counties are doing I'll give you a quick example in one large one of the top three large urban districts there's 121 failing schools their principles all report to the superintendent and the superintendent says when the principal has problems uh they get detention because the superintendent knows about it and I don't know that that's a good answer or not but it certainly opens your mind a little bit to what the organization um uh other organizations are around K through2 education so thanks chair thank you so much the next item up for business is CC1 can I have a oh I'm sorry we have to sorry we have to vote on The bb5 Madame Vice chair yes sorry presid madam Vice chair just wanted to ask um is this a motion to accept or we're just sharing insights are we accepting this item is there anything we need to approve Pro on this I don't think we do well since it's I just want to make sure because at least that last comment I don't support so I just want to make sure these are just insights from one board member is that is that correct yeah it was great we're just accepting his report well no I don't think we're accepting anything right it just says share some insight so we just heard from a colleague those are in his words only correct I we had this discussion before though if it's an item we have to vote on it yes well I mean just like the the recommendations from the I'm only read reading was on the agenda so it just says share key insights so there's no act there's no board action normally when when there is an item such as this one what the board does is receive um key insights and you approve you receive them so is that both written and verbal Insight yes it would be yes receiving them yeah right so the action of the board would be to receive them so the last Insight I think given by my colleague to my right spoke of I think something he's referenced at least two or three times right of getting rid of these are my words central staff I guess is that the kind of insight that we'd be accepting from this item we're just receiving them we're not accepting anything we're just receiving is there a vote that we're going to take yes okay all those in favor of bb5 say I I any opposed absolutely opposed Austin okay so it passes with two dissenting votes I'm having trouble counting the moment I'm trying to keep up um okay thank you it's um just for a record it's Miss roer and also Mr Austin and Miss rer are the descending votes next item up is CC1 can I okay so Mrs Leonardi um moved by Mrs Leonardi seconded by Mrs rubert any public comment on CC C1 no register public comment Madam chair board member comment Dr Zeman CC1 thanks so much chair um my comment is really about the amount of time uh that these take uh we have the process under advisement I know people are working on this um it is uh a general good policy for consequences to come close to actions uh that cause those consequences uh this stack of them is between 7 and 11 months from things ago but um and I know the staff is working on it but I hope that the policy and the process that we approve in the end um are uh things that can reduce the amount of time between actions and consequences thanks chair thank you I um also have a comment on this so Mr a Dorito through Dr heern um was the process for CC1 followed um we received an email and also conversation from someone that the employee did not have the opportunity to speak with the PSC is that the process is that the correct due process before it comes to us or is the them being able to present to the PSC after as a as a grievance piece if you could please speak to that Mr AO thank you Vice chair David Azo Chief people officer yes so that all of the the due process was given to this employee the statements that were received through email yesterday were part of the part of the packet that that they went through to make their determination um if this went through PSC then the employee along with their representative would have 20 minutes to go through their side of the story and present okay know if that happened yes so on May 3rd hos attended her due process meeting regarding the recommendation for suspension on May 21 it was issued a corrective Action Report regarding the recommendation for a 3-day suspension so there was there was a due process meeting for her okay and do we know that if she was able to speak at that due process meeting yes it's a due process meeting yes okay so this kind of strikes me as did the other item that we had because the the teacher is reaching out and saying that she was not given the opportunity to speak similar to the other um employee that was before us a few minutes earlier so I'm sorry so this individual did not go through PSC this was a site based administrative so there isn't a PSC so sometimes when a when a case comes in there's determination if it's going to go through PSC route which would be their old that SIU detectives would look through it the other way is is through the site base of the supervisor and Professional Standards work together so there is a due process meeting where the the representative and the employee have a chance to plead their side so I think what what she was saying and she didn't have a chance to go through a PSC is because this incident was determined to go through the site based route not PSC and how does that get determined that's through the date of this May 3rd would have been the chief of police at the time so they all the items come in it's determined if it's if it's something that could be criminal in nature that goes more towards the PSC side if it's something attendance or truancy or um other types of just inappropriate conduct it may be determined to go through the site based administrative and who is it just the principal that is part of the site based it could be the Principal it could be the assistant principal whoever the supervisor is it could be a director if it's an employee down town and so who when they have the due process who did they speak in front of the the site supervisor and Professional Standards okay so I'm just wondering why the this particular employee along with um her union representative reached out to say that those things did not happen but you're saying that they record show they did did happen it's in the complaint in the administrative complaint and is there any paper work from those [Music] meetings I'm sure there is but administrative complaint kind of gives a summary of it and it's line which line was it okay so line 23 of the administrative complaint talks about the due process so on May 3rd she attended her due process meeting regarding the recommendation for suspension okay at that time is when they would be given a chance to talk but you don't have anything that shows that she actually spoke Madam share I yes so hold on there's a the lawyer is going to speak go ahead my good morning Maya Moore with the general council's office I am looking at the corrective Action Report which is what our office gets to prepare the administrative complaint and within that report which is what was issued by the principal states that she had that meeting on on May May May 3rd May 3rd 2024 so I I'm again I get that we're saying they met but this particular employee is saying they were not given the opportunity to plead their case or whatever so the question I'm asking is do we have documentation of what was said in those meetings we we do so on line 22 right above during Hoss's due process meeting hos admitted that she kicks the same students out of her classroom every day who are not on her roster they continued to come into her class without permission hos has never reported the issue to Administration nor has she requested assistance she's talking about one of the allegations but during the process she admitted so she's she's at the meeting and she's talking at her du process meeting okay it's also on the second page of the corrective Action Report okay says that she admitted to yelling at the students and denied cursing at them Etc okay thank you so much I just wanted to put those two things in context Mrs leonardy um um I know we just had a workshop on this but can you and I know Miss Hixon just just asked some questions but can you help me understand um like some details around why this didn't go to PSC so again a PS something that would go to PSC may involve a lot of video it may involve again a um CIS allegation or something that requires a more formal investigative process due to the complexity of the situation where this situation was primarily dealing with allowing students who shouldn't be in your class into your classroom um it it can easily be handled through management rights through the site supervisor so um based on the complexity and the situation um it was determined that the site supervisor could handle this situation okay thank you and if I could just say and again when you talk about because we heard from the board issuing discipline closer to the time it happens um when things do not go through the PSC process it's a much quicker um process to get to a resolution okay thank you thank you I also just like to mention that if whatever is passed here there's still a grievance process and the employee could go through that process and then something would come back to us M Dr holness thank you madam chair so um I have a few concerns and um when I this is for Jordana hash right okay so when I read her background I'm I'm quite um impressed with the teachers accomplishment that was provided to me where it indicates that well she wrote an email to us that her students achievement ranks is in the 92nd percentile that her AP scores are consistently above national average she founded a robotics team in partnership with Florida power so her um achievements as an educator is quite impressive but um one of the concerns that I noticed that she mentioned and I read pretty much everything what was presented to me I have 20 I think 20 student testimonials here as to what happened majority of them seems to and I'm assuming these were students in the class that were witness to the actual incident and majority of these seem to um be supportive of uh Miss H um Miss h indic ated here that she believes she's been targeted and misrepresented and one of the she mentioned here in one of the emails that I want to note that Miss Thompson last year tried to have me take responsibility for an incident in which another teacher used a former teachers credential to complete a certification exam this allegation was eventually drop and then she also provided to us um as I mentioned several student testimonials um and it indicated here that the student who's in question uh retracted allegations of Miss H touching or grabbing her um the other concern that I saw is that Miss H had requested statements written by students on October 30th and also requested again on November 4th and that this was provided to her yesterday at 8:20 a.m. so my question is if a staff a teacher has allegations been made against him or her and their requesting information and I believe that was kind of similar to the last I think it was Liz where information was requested and she stated she wasn't given the information in this case information was requested according to the teacher on October 30th November 4th and the information was not forthcoming until yesterday so what is the reason for either not providing information or delaying the provision of information to someone who is accused of doing something Mr aaro or Mr Lozano you can provide some details on the steps and what information is provided I know many cases we give them the investigative packet with with all the information in it correct correct um also some of the dates so if if there is information being requested October 30th and November 4th the board agenda the items have already been mailed out so the notice for the employee saying that at this meeting your your name's going to be on the agenda was October 8th um she received an Affidavit of service also so there's information about her already October 11th is when she received it so if she's requesting information after October 11th that's it's it's on the agenda for that okay so what what I have in front of me is that she requested information on October 30th and November 4th regarding student statements um during the investigation process she wasn't provided that information until yesterday at 8:20 and we're voting on this today why wasn't she given those student statements so she can understand what is being said about her and that she'll be able to defend herself or to at least um use that information to advocate for herself so she can absolutely use all that information after you make a decision on this item okay but but it still does not answer the question I'm so sorry Mr Lano my question is she requested this information is she entitled to this information and if she is why did we wait 12 days to give it to her Dr heero I have to do a follow up on that correct okay um I think um well let me ask a few more questions a lot of the student statements that I've read and I guess I'll ask the question uh through Dr heurn has the respective staff read the student statements and there are 20 of them that I have in front of me Dr heer Mr ASO if the student statements were part of the investigation then yes they were part they would have been an investigation and read throughout the process okay so we have have about 20 student statements and at least 15 of them indicated that there was a disruptive student refusing multiple times to hand over her cell phone that she was asked multiple times and these are different students given information and at least 15 of them and I need a couple more minutes I'm so sorry at least 15 of them gave similar statements that the teacher had a very difficult time getting the student to not use a cell phone in the classroom and then we have one statement which I believe is from the student who indicated that the teacher grabbed her and then that was redacted late that was retracted later on to be not true um and then we have this particular teacher who feels that she's been targeted so there is just some gray areas here that I believe is is questionable and so could there be I guess it leaves me with the question could there be tension and conflict between mass and the AP that needs to be resolved or to be explored or to find a solution and is there do we have any clear Direction Dr heurn Regard regarding use of cell phones in the classroom and the the procedure in place for a teacher to deal with the issue if we have a persistent student who's refusing to put away the cell phone or continue to use a cell phone is there any clear direction that is uniform throughout the district that a teacher knows what actions to take and if there isn't how can we put that in place Dr heer yep so I answer the cell phone part um yes we've provided guidance to staff including teachers about cell phone use in the classroom and um providing guidance to not confiscate but to um work with your administrator if you do have cell phone issues so doesn't escalate um but of course um schools and also by law teachers have autonomy how they want to handle that in their classroom um but some schools may do it a little bit differently than others as far as procedures on how to collect cell phones and when to call for for those typee of issues in the classroom okay so we have I'm sorry go ahead this this happened May 3rd 2024 before the board voted for the cell the current cell phone policy so this was before that current policy okay so Dr hebburn before the policy was in place were students allowed to use cell phone as they please in the classroom no they were not um we followed the State statue for Florida for not using cell phones during instructional time in the classroom and we provided guidance via a memo to all School staff um to help them use some discernment when addressing those issues if students are using cell phones and during instruction okay so during that time before the policy was implemented a teacher had the latitude to determine uh how they deal with a cell phone issue which would include confiscation correct okay and in this particular case the teacher confiscated the cell phone Mr Aero we can Prov DET yes and Mr Aero would you ascertain that the student retracted the um allegation that the teacher touched her Mr AO I'll have to read that statement I don't have that student statement in front of me but I do want to say in addition to the cell phone there were other issues other allegations that were part of this investigation so in addition to the cell phone it was not letting students go to the restroom when the assistant principal said you need to let them go that's when the teacher said know I'm leaving you find somebody else to do it um writing passes uh there's statements in there from the assistant principal um advising her that she must write passes for students go to the bathroom hos responded I'm not writing any passes to go to the bathroom they can hold their P for 90 minutes uh state law requires be allowed to use the restroom hos responded then I'm going home you can get coverage she told her you need to contact the up front office to secure coverage for your class then there's also incidents of students coming into her study hall that are not on her roster um happening multiple times um during H's due process she admitted that she kicks the same students out of her class every day they're not on our roster so they shouldn't be there but she continued to come in her class she hasn't reported this issue Administration she's not asking for help so it's not just the cell phone policy the cell phone incident okay Madame chair I know my time is up but we're going to have a second round and if we are I have more to say Madame share if I may miss Batista um I just think it's important to to clarify and and uh put this process in perspective um the the process that is being followed um which is under 4.9 and uh well in this particular case it was a school-based um investigation and then the process that is followed is pursuant to um statute which is 101 12.33 in that statute um it is um it states that the employees must be not fiing writing of the charges made against them and the school board May suspend the employee pending the outcome of the of the hearing and if there is a hearing that is requested as in this case I believe the the teacher is requesting a hearing then it would be uh the board has decided this board has decided that instead of listening to the evidence here and having a hearing in front of the board that you have delegated that authority to the dis to the um division of administrative hearings and an administrative law judge does that um so this is not the Forum to have evidence weighed um as far as you know what somebody said whether that there is credibility as to a what a student may have said or not said what the teacher the teacher's response to that is all of that will be adduced at the hearing before the administrative law judge in turn then the administrative law judge issues a recommended order to the board then if there are exceptions to that order based on what the alj said then that comes before the board and then you have a hearing here um a hearing where both the the teachers representative and the superintendent's representative are present and you listen to their exceptions to the recommended order and then you make a final decision after reviewing all of the evidence and that is the the time to review all the evidence weigh the evidence based upon the recommended order of the administrative law judge okay thank you m Madam chair I just have a question on that so we have presented before us as a board to vote to suspend a teacher is that correct that is correct so the the review of or the role of the board at this stage is to look at the complaint and if based on the the four corners of the complaint you believe that the information provided there in by the superintendent Rises to the level of discipline the discipline that the superintendent is recommending then you would approve the process to move forward so that it can go before the alj and that's where the person would have the employee would have the additional due process rights and be able to present their evidence in front of that judge okay so miss Batista um with the information that we have here as a board can this board look at that information and or does this board have the right to look at that information determine if the information is substantive or credible or questionable and make a decision whether or not to suspend or not to suspend Miss Batista the only um um thing that you are that you should do pursuant to the statute is to look at the complaint and if you believe that what is you take what is written there as true what the the superintendent is sharing with you you must take that as true if you feel that based upon those allegations in that complaint that that's the um that a suspension without pay is appropriate pending the the remaining um part of this process then that you you're able to do that okay so am I able to make a motion that this particular case uh goes through uh instead of the site based process the PS process can I make a motion to do that Miss Batista I don't believe that would be appropriate that's something for um staff to uh decide they may they have their internal procedure those procedures were followed and at that at the time the SIU um Chief decided that it was not something that should be uh reviewed by SIU um if you feel as a board that that is not an appropriate process you certainly have the opportunity to go back and look at those processes and Define when and what are the criteria would be moving forward as to how those cases are uh whether they go through the SIU process or they go through the um site based process okay so if if the information presented to us today we determined that this particular teacher um for whatever reason did not receive information that she should have received earlier can this board motion to postpone this item until that teacher has the opportunity to digest the in she received that she requested 12 days ago Miss Batista so if you feel that the fact that first of all we as we sit here today we do not know whether the information was shared with the teacher or not right I mean we we we don't know that right well the question was ask and staff cannot confirm that and if staff cannot confirm that we can't assum it either way right so normally I would tell you that when there are um when there are witness statements that are from students because of furpa the way that it is done is that they redact the statements and they provide that information to the um accused so whatever that may be whether that happened in this instance or not I I I don't know I cannot tell you um but yes if there is an issue where you feel that the fact that the teacher the teacher not receiving information would affect your ability or your decision to suspend at this juncture then it would be appropriate to make that motion if on the other hand that would have no impact on your decision to suspend then you would just move forward and suspend and allow the alj to figure out whether the teacher had you know was a due process issue uh violated it uh with respect to the teacher okay so I believe that information if a teacher or a staff is entitled to information and the information is requested and not given in a timely manner that person would not have had the opportunity for example to email board members or anyone to say this is my take on it I just believe that they should have the opportunity to be given what's entitled to them in their defense and for them to so use it in the manner that they think would be beneficial to support them and if if a an allegation against someone a staff uh that is entitled to information and that information is given a day before the board meeting that teacher staff may not have had the opportunity to digest the information to email the board this is my take on it so I think it would be fair to give that individual the appropriate time and also the the bigger concern is why aren't these individuals given the information when they requested because I think it was the same issue before so um I think it would be appropriate and I'll I'll wait for others to speak but I think it would be appropriate to make a motion to to delay this so that this particular individual Jordana H will have the opportunity to review the added information Ed to her yesterday and be able to to take whatever action she sees necessary subsequently but I'll wait to make my motion and and Madam shair the only thing I can I can say is that we have um documentation um that there is that information the students um statements with the information redacted was attached to the uh corrective Action Report whether that was actually provided to the teacher again I I'm not sure whether it was or not but I think um somebody in HR should be able to answer that okay so that that's the question Miss Batista that we that I'm waiting to have answered because the teacher claimed that that information was not given until yesterday and it was requested on October 30th and November 4th and it wasn't given on until the 12th of November so at this point no one has um confirmed that she did receive that information and I believe that it would be fair for her to have that information in a timely manner and it would be unfair to to provide that to her last minute and then um vote on um on a 3-day suspension Mr Aero yes to the chair so received um the corrective act action report the car um from Professional Standards where it says during the due process meeting you were provided with copies of the witness stat ments you denied touching the student when you confiscated a cell phone you admitted to yelling at students but denied that you cursed at them you claimed that the students were conspiring against you in lying however the evidence does not support your claims you admitted to leaving your students unattended you claimed that you requested a substitute and that after 30 minutes no one showed up concerning the bathroom incident you stated you have two bathroom passes and that students must wait to use a bathroom of both passage are in use concerning the students who are not supposed to be in your room room you explain that you kick the same students out of your class every day and they continue to come into your class without permission however you've not reported this issue to Administration or requested assistance and then it talks about her prior discipline so the first the first statement there is that she was provided with copies of the witness statements okay and when was that Mr azero at the due process meeting during the due process meeting you were provided with copies of the witness statements May 3d okay thank you any other and I'll ask a quick question so you said there was other discipline so is this part of a progressive discipline for this particular employee it may be if it was for the same thing so um verbal reprimand for inappropriate and unprofessional behavior towards a parent and student 20 that was 2018 2022 verbal reprimand for inappropriate unprofessional Behavior towards a parent and student June 2022 written reprimand for having students in the class that were not on the class roster that was 2022 then it happened again during this corrective action December 20 2023 received a written reprimand for insubordination concerning inappropriate behavior comments towards students and staff okay so it's part of a a progressive discipline correct thank you any other board discussion before we move forward um chair just wanted to add what we did confirm that the employee did receive the statements during her due process meeting and additionally got the statements again um just this yesterday so she received them twice thank you Mrs fam um thank you um Madam Vice chair um one thing I I just one clarification before I make any kind of statements um several times it was mentioned that the teacher felt targeted can you expand upon that through the through the the chair Dr heer Mr ASO I can only say that that's what the teacher says if she felt targeted by the assistant principal so there was no followup question to that how how have you being targeted in the record anywhere I don't believe she's filed anything formally about that and no when on our on the admin stative side asked that question how are you being targeted how do you see that nothing that have to follow up with I'm not sure if so I'm trick carefully on this but I I just want to make sure that every discipline that we bring for because we had this workshop last week to really go detail the process um so staff can um educate the board on every step and how lengthy that process is and the am of do process that employees or afford it um dur during this process so you know I I suspect that many employees if they know they're going to get disciplined if they know that they're going to be consequences for something um a percentage of them are going to contest it we we we we know that but I I have confidence in the staff that we are following the right procedures be it if it goes through the psse process or the administrative process on campus um so I just want to make sure that we're very careful that as the general Council mentioned before that we're we're we're not um overstepping our bounds um to really just draw a whole bunch of other different type of conclusions after staff is really Dove deep into going through these investigations and doing their due diligence before we bring it up to the board so I just want to be be careful as we move forward on that thank you and again want to reiterate that the sorry go ahead yeah um that was just my first question uh I just want to put on the record that um I don't have any witness statements I didn't have the opportunity to review them I didn't have any indication of any prior discipline in my file and my file was and I'm putting this I'm saying voting no on everything this file was put on my desk after working hours yesterday and I didn't even have the opportunity to review it so I don't feel comfortable um making uh a decision on discipline to be administered when when I haven't had the time to accurately digest and review the materials but um I understand where you're coming from Dr heurn but I think these are some of the key questions that need to be asked and if if the staff isn't trained in how to ask questions then that's a huge um Miss for me because that's this woman is saying I'm targeted tell me how you're targeted how are you going to be impartial and fair if you don't know and say oh you're targeted okay me just move on to the next thing I don't know how you do that um at least where I come from in the legal practice so um I I would um respectfully decline I'm not going to vote on anything of these since I I didn't have the files and I think it's completely unacceptable that they're not even delivered to board members and we're making decisions on suspension and and you know expulsions when we're not adequately familiarized with what's going on and that's all I have to say thank you thank you any other M Madam Vice chair yes just I believe the CC items were uploaded Friday so the administrative complaints for the CC items were sent to the board so the administrative complaint has all of the information in it um the H4 item we talked about earlier was sent to you yesterday but these items were uploaded a bit earlier this was added yesterday why would I look at something that's not even pending yet if you're not ready to fly on it until you tell me that no he's trying to clarify Miss fam that sorry sorry yeah that these the the CC items um were uploaded Friday is the the backup for H4 which was earlier was sent yesterday they got to so and also just want to make sure clarify that the employee does have an opportunity to appeal and go through a separate process um and that Miss um uh Batista just detailed too so there's opportunity for that employee to go through another additional process to appeal the decision um that's made here today okay any other board comment Dr Zeman thank you chair um I think it's really important um to go back a week and think a little bit about what we got last week in the workshop on the process right there were 10 steps laid out one had an 84 day window I remember that one very clearly I'm hoping it comes back as less than that in the future and that there's tremendous uh interest in in making uh best speed through the these whole things but miss Batista made uh a point that's really important for us as a board which is I think what we're deciding today is if we accept what's in the administrative complaint as factually true then this punishment is appropriate if it is now there's still seven more steps in the process including going to administrative law judge and going through the formal process of presenting all the information that they have at that point so and then when that's done the 10th step is to come back to the board and say do you still agree with that because the judge sometimes will tell us you went too easy or you went too hard and we have to come back and at that point uh make a decision I'm very comfortable uh saying that if this is factually true the 3 days makees sense it kind of fits into the the body of of work that we have seen before in the board um but I just want everyone to know this is step three in a 10-step process and we still have a whole bunch of appeals where uh all the evidence comes forward where those that are accused can either hire Union reps or their own reps uh and can choose to go to an administrative law judge and and present their entire side in a proceeding that makes sense we don't have a school board that sits as a quasi judicial board on these right we only get to decide does this punishment meet what the fact are here accept accepting all those facts and then it goes through the seven steps along the way where everyone gets all the data and there's total Discovery and then it comes back to us after an administrative law judge uh has has played that uh played that role for us and I I really applaud that process because I I love having a labor law expert judge uh understand uh what the what the the basis of law is uh for the claims and to hear bar County schools and to hear the accused both have equal C Court time uh to make their case so if in fact this is correct general counsel I'm I'm okay with the 3 days um but I am using your guidance here which is we're at step three and we have to accept all this is factually true for right now and say that if this is uh in the end proven to be true we think the three days is about right and I think it is thank you thank you any other board comment okay all those in F in favor of C1 say I I all those opposed opposed no no alustin roll call board members Austin no fam no Hixon yes hus no lardy no rert I think I heard yes yes Zan yes aha Mrs AAL motion fails 34 thank you at this time we will now move into our closed door session for 45 minutes all persons not scheduled to attend the closed door session please exit the room at this time board members I am also advised that the general Council would like to request an attorney oh well 12 o' okay closed door sorry because it said it would roll into okay all right just just the closed door for right now e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e board members I am advised that the general Council would like to request an attorney client session at this time I am requesting all persons not scheduled to attend the attorney client session please exit the room at this time Miss Batista thank you Madame shair I would like to request the school board convene two attorney client sessions in order to discuss litigation pending before the 17th judicial circuit in and for Brower County Florida in the following matters the first session is Championship Academy of Distinction High School Inc and Championship Academy of Distinction K8 Inc versus the school board of Brower County Florida case number CA 23-01 18741 the following persons will attend this attorney client session school board members Deborah Hixon Vice chair Brendan fam Esquire Dr Jeff holness Sarah Leonardi Nora rert Dr Alan Zeman Dr Howard heer superintendent of schools Francisco Sanchez Paul ranis Esquire and Marilyn Batista Esquire BCS second session is the school board of Brower County Florida versus TNG Corporation doing business as TNG Constructors case number CAC 22-00 7439 the following persons will attend this attorney client session school board members Deborah Hixon Vice chair Tori uh Brenda fam Esquire Jeff holness Sarah Leonardi Nora rert Dr Alan Zan Howard heurn superintendent of schools John Michael Kendrick Esquire Thomas Cooney Esquire and Marilyn Batista Esquire BCS in anticipation of this request the attorney client sessions were properly advertised for today November 13th 2024 at 12:45 p.m. in accordance with Section 28611 parent 8 of the Florida Statutes the purpose of the attorney client sessions are to discuss settlement negotiations on our strategy relative to the pending litigation a certified core reporter will record the sessions only those persons noted in the advertisement will be permitted to attend Madame shair thank you okay I hear it at this time at this time the school board of Bara County Florida will recess the regular school board meeting for two attorney client sessions the attorney client sessions will be held in the boardroom on the first floor of the KC wri Administration Center 600 Southeast 3rd Avenue Fort Fort Lauderdale Florida 33301 the attorney client sessions will take approximately 55 minutes at the conclusion of the business of the attorney client sessions the regular school board meeting will reconvene all persons not scheduled to attend the attorney client session please exit the room at this time thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] the regular school board meeting is is now reconvened so the next item up for discussion is dd1 can I please have a motion in a second on dd1 so move moved by Dr Zan seconded by Mrs rert any public comment on dd1 board member comment Mrs fam you had dd1 two three and four these are the audits yes touched us answer meeting are you talking thank you so much I just want to thank you for doing your audit so I don't have any comments here other than that thank you thank you thank you so much um all those in favor of dd1 say I I any opposed dd1 passes the next item up is dd2 can I have a motion in a second on dd2 so moved um motion made by Mrs Leonardi second by Dr Zeman any public comment on dd2 board member comment Mrs Fam thank you so much um through the chair I uh thank you again for doing these audits we really appreciate them one of the areas of concern you had it was it listed as a high concern area rating um you said that the information was insufficient could you be more descriptive and tell us what was lacking what information was there that you were seeking that you were unable to obtain Dr heer uh Mr rhods one second I'm just pulling that one up okay thank you so this um this audit had been ongoing from a 201728 audit plan when it when it was originally put out um over a period of years the field work began and it went over an extended period of time to look at the number of years that we looked at that uh one of the things I wanted to do was I brought with me um my director Ali riss because she oversaw and directed she's more aware of the um the nuts and bolts of this but in general uh just to give a an overview of this there are statutory requirements and there are are requirements that have to do with from the moment um a discipline uh a discipline complaint or notification is made there are steps that uh take off from the very beginning that have to be documented in a timely manner and that have to be documented in accordance with state requirements and for cessor is what this end up really looking at with the cessor type of of Discipline matters and so I'm going to let Ali go in and take a little bit more uh detail into that and help you guys out with that nope also staff um we're hearing some noise up here I don't know what it is but if we can turn it down I think it's on now can you hear me now okay great good afternoon Ali RIS audit director for the office of the chief auditor um if I may ask specifically what observ um you may be referring to specifically sure one you gave me the other one there's several different categories where it's talks about the concerns and I think it's the number second one down from the top and it says a high concern and um you were unable to um obtain sufficient information specifically what I have is oh only because I was looking at them but from an observational standpoint but spe I mean I can go through several of them um I I was interested in the high concern ones especially these are specifically High concerns the ones that I um summarized um so in observation one there were no written procedures ures so schools didn't have a written procedure to follow um in addition to that um the issues created a risk of missing serious violations because some of the uh records were missing so that to us became a High um high incident um because if there's information missing then the proper um discipline may not be uh applied correctly um in observation two um it looked looks like there was a lack of documentation for disciplinary action um which prevented the school or District administrators from progressively applying discipline as well so that's another component if um we're not able to apply the proper component there's no historical information for that student so then that becomes a high issue as well um observation four um we highlighted that there was no standard procedure for tracking case manager case loads and followup for the supervisor at the beginning of this audit um they may have implemented something throughout the process because this went through several years of auditing um but at the be you know that that was very concerning is that there was no procedures for them to follow suit to ensure that the case load and the follow-ups are being done appropriately and then observation number five um the errors We Believe were creating over and under reporting so if we're for reporting something to the state and it's incorrect and it's not being um fixed and re-reported or resubmitted or adjusted accordingly then the wrong information's either not being uh recorded correctly or it's it's recorded incorrectly so that's the other component that we're over or under reporting depending on the the concern so the chair and um how long have you given them or are they being given to bring about compliance and will you be getting back to the board um with another report giving us an update so we do have a followup in our audit report this year um so we will be doing so of course we have to give them time to implement the changes allow them time to be able to um update their procedures um but we do have it is part of our audit plan this year that U was approved uh that includes a follow up on a lot of these components that we want to make sure that not just the high but the mediums as well we're going to follow up on all of those as well um and through the chair just for clarification what time frame did you say that was that was my question what is the time frame oh the time frame before the end of the school year so um you know we're trying to balance out uh this specific division is lacking two Auditors right now um they are actually on boarded today so thank you for approving those Auditors um so we're going to have training that we have to do cross training uh because they're both within the same area um so it's going to take us some time to get them trained on board processing so they're also going to be working on our behavioral threat assessment Audits and um some of the other operational audits so we have a lot on our plate for this area so I'm hoping before the end of the school year for sure but um we can make this a priority thank you you're welcome thank you any other board member questions great all those in favor of dd2 say I I any opposed passes unanimously then next item up is dd3 can I have a motion in a second for dd3 I moved moved by Dr Zan seconded by Mrs rert any public comment on dd3 no public comment board member comment Mrs fam um you said there was a motion on dd3 just to bring the item oh oh okay okay no yes all right thank you through the chair um I found this really concerning this is one of my schools here and unfortunately it's mcfa attch and there's more than $33 million in items in assets missing and I just want to know what what are we doing about that I'm looking on page 547 it's a summary of the explanation and if I'm reading this right it says unaccounted for assets Dr number five and it's 33,100 94,000 or maybe it's 33,000 but still that's a lot of asset so what are we doing Dr hurn um Mr Rose can you come clarify the specific amount yeah the the amount is is in excess of 33,000 okay um and and one of the things that I wanted to say about that is that the assets that were um unaccounted for were purchased anywhere from about 1985 to as late as 2019 so um many of these items were completely out of their useful life um and had a very uh the ones that still did have some useful life left they were only uh a very nominal amount that was left in the value of these items and so we identified there being a high risk just because of the number of items that had been missing and not accounted for but the high risk isn't associated with the actual value again um if anybody has a car that's out of its useful life they know that if they're going to buy another car they're going to be paying a lot of money to do that but the truth of the matter is is that we look at what the real value of the asset is and so we try to give both in the table we try to give both the um initial cost of this as well as the depreciated value and the depreciated value is nominal okay then my response to you thank you for that is yes thank you thank you any other board discussion on dd3 okay all those in in favor of dd3 say I I any opposed motion carries unanimously next item up for discussion is dd4 can I have a motion in a second to um for dd4 so moved it's been moved by Dr Zeman seconded by Mrs rert any public comment on dd4 no register public comment Madam chair thank you uh board member discussion Mrs Fam thank you again I'm following the money um question on page 608 and it's uh quiet wiers Elementary School it's continued on yeah this is uh dd4 um are we considering or are we implementing a probationary period because um there's been retroactive changes to the payroll entry so we we get this under control and make sure that that's not an ongoing occurrence Dr heurn I'm going through the item right now um can you be specific M um fam a probationary period for what specific purpose so um they had four different payroll quarters where they looked at and it's just it's not a large amount but it's a bad pattern where ours are being added retroactively but what I can tell you is that we have a robust uh process Improvement project for payroll um not just for this school but for the whole entire District um because we do have some payroll issues that we are aware of um to um address as far as going electronic and many and many different aspects and making sure that we're recording um payroll before folks are actually paid also so it's a whole huge process Improvement going on in that area period so that'll actually help Quiet Waters as well as all of our schools and departments in the district oh it sounds to me like you're on top of it right thank you um and Mrs fam I'll just I asked the same question my question was Quiet Waters issue says it's a repeat issue so what are the consequences or actions put in place to make sure it doesn't happen again so I think the response is going to go out to everybody so that you can see but specifically it says the process will be reviewed to ensure accur accuracy of the retroactive changes uh when changes are made they must be updated in sap and once that has occurred a new copy will be printed by the principal and they also said the process has been established for printing the time management and earning sheets on Monday and then signed by the Principal Honor before Wednesday of that week so that's they don't keep um having that issue so that that's exactly why I suggested a probationary period so you just monitored that to make sure they're following the G guidelines thank you thank you any other Mr Dr Zan thank you um I'm always fascinated with these um Audits and what they find but sometimes I'm curious about other questions uh that um may also have been found on this and I get a lot of emails from people about payroll and paycheck check problems like a crazy number of uh of people who get errors along the way and what I'm curious about is in this audit were we able to document the percentage of paychecks in Broward County that have mistakes or the percentage of employees even of the 2,280 employees how many have received an inaccurate paycheck in the last year well the the short answer to that question is no and the reason for that is is because the way that we're doing our payroll audits currently uh through our annual process is to look at individual locations and individual payrolls to take a look and to see if procedurally and according to policy if these payrolls are being done correctly meaning all the information is gathered reviewed approved before the payroll cycle is closed out so that all the necessary leave documentation all the necessary um if there happens to be overtime various departments and schools have different things like that um workshops that people might attend and then have to put their documentation in later it may look as though it's some kind of a error or a correction when in fact it's just catching up with the documentation that has to go in after the event is taken care of um but the for some additional information again this is another one that Ali oversaw and was they were working on some of these things as a part of this overall process for the last several years um at least the last few years years that predated me so she might be able to give you a little bit more information but I I was I was interested in um the idea of across the district because one of the things that we're doing as we conduct these audits is we're grabbing information that we think would make sense for us to include into an audit program when we did it more at a district level for a a a payroll audit so instead of seeing it in little silos in in schools or in different departments we would now get the ability to take a look at that data let's say we found uh 2,000 um corrections to an uh to payroll reports throughout the district we selected a sample within that 2000 we would then be able to drill down in and find out what's the root cause of that was it an error or was it just simply something that um had to be done later because the documentation wasn't available and they had to carry it over into the next payroll period um I can leave uh this with to answer some additional questions but I would like to Echo uh Dr he bur's point um and that is that the sooner that we can get the district into um an electronic system instead of such a paper intensive system the sooner that we're going to be able to get this information entered into a system proactively instead of always looking at things in aars which is the thing that causes people to get paid late and to cause your phone to ring off the hook well it's um it's important and I think it's important both in reality it and in perception yeah because one of the things will happen in an organization is if you perceive the workforce perceives the payroll system not to work they stop complaining about it because their expectation is of course my paycheck's wrong it it's uh it's been wrong in the past it'll be wrong again in the future and and they might not complain if it's not a substantial amount of money I just um would appreciate uh greatly audits that go uh look microscopically at things at a school at a program at even employees experiences and things like it's great audit methodology I think it meets all the government accounting and auditing rules that I've ever learned right but at the same time you're in the middle of something that's like a big policy discussion which is can we have a payroll system that works 99.99% of the time like industry has uh offered to us and as we're transitioning to that it would be interesting to document kind of what the the real error rate is and and kind of match that to the perceived error rate um I've watched the payroll system now three different payroll Cycles over the past two years that I've been here to see like how hard is it to to submit the data that needs to kick off and it is an amazing amount of time and effort as well for people to just submit the data that's required to kick out the paychecks and when I've seen it those three times um I'm not surprised you know that there's errors in that manual uh process so look forward to kind of making the workforce feel like we've got their backs by making sure that we have a much more reliable uh payroll system and their expectations and their perceptions go back up understood and and to that point um the idea of doing a more holistic look at this as well as as you mentioned drilling down into some of these locations and departments to get a little bit more of the why for these various uh discrepancies or Corrections that happen retroactively we'll we'll be doing a look at all that and I appreciate your seating because you're sitting right next to somebody for which Enterprise databases are SE nature and when we do not just focus but other uh enterprise software it opens up an opportunity to find things much faster at least get General context of big issues uh how many laptops how many work student workstations are there without a laptop how many uh paychecks did we have to fix over the past three pay periods you know those kinds of things I think will be more uh available as we move forward into these Advanced Enterprise wide databases so thank you any other board discussion okay all those in favor of dd4 say I I any opposed dd4 passes unanimously the next item up is E1 can I have a motion in a second for item E1 so move it's been moved by Dr Zan seconded by Mrs rert uh board discussion Dr Zan I apologize I didn't hear the agenda number Miss E1 the volunteer thank you very much yeah one of my favorites um uh again this is um to borrow some more veteran Schoolboard members a little bit of a puddle jump but uh but it's really really important to to think about this doing a $40,000 system and and continue it uh is wonderful um but we're you know Paving over cow paths in a way you know we're automating A system that does not work very well because we continue to have people who come to us board members staff members principales um and want to volunteer um but we're not um probably um thinking about it in a way that allow us to achieve our greatest goals so um I'm looking forward to learning more about a volunteer program again 12,000 people if we just followed an example of a similarly sized School District like Fairfax how cool on top of 25,000 full-time employees would it be to have 12,000 volunteers working um for the betterment of our goals so thank you very much thank you board member Zan any other comments on E1 seeing none all in favor of the motion signified by the sign of I I any oppos motion carries uh could we bring gg1 to the floor so moved it's improperly moved and seconded I don't have the sheet in front of me there comments on gg1 no comments all right all in favor actually miss Batista you want to make a comment are you good oh I do I sorry I apologize Mr a board members amen this is exciting uh almost well I'm not going to say how long it's been it's been a while since we approved an additional budget to hire attorneys and uh it is so exciting that we found one on staff actually right here in Casey Wright who has been proving her value uh for a long long time and is now moving up to the office uh of the general counsel so I just want to take a minute and applaud uh our general counsel I know Miss Batista it's it's hard to do the General council's job and find time to recruit uh people but you did it and uh thank you very much for finding an internal candidate fully qualified for this job Miss Batista anything else sure thank you um we are excited to welcome a new attorney to our office um her name is Virginia balansky and she brings a wealth of experience having been admitted to the Florida bar in 2001 and having worked in our district uh for the human resources department for the past 10 years additionally she has 5 years of specialized experience in contract management for a governmental entity uh which will be a tremendous asset to our office great any other comments from the board seeing none all in favor of the motion signified by the sign of i i i any oppos motion carries unanimously thank you next item is jj1 motion properly moved and seconded by board member rert uh any discussion on the item board member Zan thank you very much um you know this is uh uh uh another um change order uh that we're getting and I just want to kind of highlight that um while uh it's nice to know about these things you know as a board we've set some limits for the superintendent to be able to approve these things and we still run into this 3% part of the rule um that that clogs up our agenda and uh and the worst part is it slows down construction 30 to 60 days um so I'm looking forward to the item that comes back to the board so can think hard about what the limits are that make sense so we can continue to build great schools and great uh facilities for all of our students in the fastest way possible thank you chair thank you any other comments from the board see none all in favor of the motion signified by the sign of i i i i any oppos motion carries thank you JJ hi thank you uh thank you madam chair all right jj1 is there a motion to bring it to the floor so move properly moov by B ran seconded by miss rert any discussion jj10 board member Zan I I thank you uh I'm curious chair about uh the penalties involved in this and um and the inability to close uh real estate transactions you know there is uh a need sometimes for extensions and then there is um uh a number of projects that we've seen where the buyer continues to extend the closing um and then may or may not in the end and so my question really is is what value is there in selling property where we've agreed to a a reasonable market price in this case if I'm correct it's $600,000 for something we paid $36,000 for a bazillion years ago so it's gone up quite a bit in value almost 20 times but I don't understand why we continue to sign contracts uh that allow the buyer to extend extend extend which prevents us from realizing the gain from the sale and using that money for the betterment of Brer County Schools doctor superintendent yes um Miss Paul and doesn't see Mr aabo in the room but miss Paul good afternoon uh board chair board members superintendent heurn uh Dr Zeman you're absolutely correct on this uh we do need to uh adhere to initial deadlines when we enter into real estate transactions uh barring unforeseen circumstances but I do not believe this is the norm uh in terms of handling um real estate transactions in general so uh we will definitely uh make sure uh going forward that we are only asking for uh extensions of time when uh absolutely necessary uh and I look at the dates of this and this has gone on for quite some time but typically this is not the norm and should not be the norm chair appreciate that uh my point um uh confirmed and that's wonderful the reason I bring it up is we're selling more than one property and uh we would like to establish a process that is as efficient as possible because as chair alad pointed out um um you know we have to make sure that we're being as uh wise as possible with taxpayers money and we have plenty of ways that we want to spend it to become an even greater District than we are today thank you very much thank you uh board member uh zman are there any other comments yes uh M if we're okay board let me just ask for a two-minute uh recess we're in recess thank you thank you for e e she okay John can you e e thank you we stand we're back in session we're on item jj10 board members any further discussion seeing none all in favor the motion signify by the sign of I I I I I have discussion I have discussion okay I didn't get one chance one of the things no problem go ahead Miss fam okay sorry sorry I just um Dr Zan I agree with you completely that we're just pushing things down the road and they're not even working to our benefit it's really actually a a negative thing we're doing but in addition to this uh did you note that the contract got changed where it was supposed to be a medical building and now it's a car wash they want to do that and my uh if you if in the event that the an extension is granted I would definitely put language in there something that would benefit the students of the school that are right there I mean uh you could put a school of rock you could put you know karate training or or something yoga you know what I mean but but something Car Wash kids are going to be hanging out and you know it could end up being very detrimental so if if I was negotiating this I would definitely negotiate something that is going to benefit the school because you're giving them something get something in return thank you thank you any other board comments seeing none all in favor of jj10 signified by the sign of I I I oppose motion carries and I heard the chair passes 70 we're now on to JJ 16 is there a motion so moved it's been properly moved and seconded by Zan and rert any board discussion I think I have Zan no sir not not one of mine no any board discussion no seeing none all in favor of the motion signify by the sign of i i i andos motion carries 70 with the board chair uh we'll now move to JJ 20 is there a motion to move it's been properly moved I'm going to say by Miss Leonardi second uh by board member Zeman is there any discussion I don't have anyone so on this one all right board member Zan your Rec thank so much um and this is great news um not not that one of our Architects um uh went bankrupt it's unfortunate that aai someone who's done work for us for decades um has lost their license but um I just have to compliment uh our uh general counsel's office for uh moving very very fastly and saving the day this is a case where a year ago we might have taken a year to go through the Contracting to get a new architect this is a really challenging thing as aom and Atkins will attest to get a new architect to come and take over a job that's 90% done they don't like to do that you know you got to rely on other engineers and other drawings and other Concepts it's a it's just not something that works in the profession uh but they did it more remarkably they got them to do it for the last 10% of the price so unfortunately Architects go out of business and you got to deal with it but chair um this is an example where Brower County schools on the construction side new Chief facilities officer new Chief Operating Officer new system in place and um the outcomes that we're getting is faster delivery on construction minimum almost world record time on change orders and on time impact analyses and chair I don't think you saw that a year ago uh so these are really really remarkable uh changes in the construction system all to the benefit of our students and our staff who are getting these facilities modernized and replaced uh faster than ever just in time for us to finish the smart bomb which is awesome and I'll get back to the smart bomb a little later in my next comments thanks chair all right any other board comments seeing none all in favor of the motion signifi by the sign of i i i any opposed motion carries 70 with the board chair we'll move on to1 is there a motion so move been properly moved and seconded uh Zan rert any board discussion I have Zan is that correct I defer Miss Rupert first please I don't see that Miss rert I didn't I didn't oh we go Zan yeah happy to do that um this is you know U just a a moment to reflect a little bit on on more progress which is you know the the public and and all government agencies know that uh ComEd competing uh contracts wherever you can gives you greatest value at lowest cost and this set of things is is Shifting back to more and more competitive Awards uh I just want to stand up on behalf of the county and say thank you it takes a little bit of extra effort to do this but all of these o items uh except one are competitively sourced and that means uh we're starting to get things at better prices and better contracts across the board thank you chair thank you sir any of the board comments on1 seeing none all in favor of the motion signifi by the sign of I I I oppose motion carries 70 with the chair online thank you we'll move on to3 to the floor is there a motion to move it's been properly moved and seconded Zan rert same combo any board discussion uh I have you up zan3 and you as well okay no okay all right let me go to miss rert and then board member fam Miss Rupert um this is this has been a wonderful initiative uh the rally to tally for new Floridians it's it's absolutely uh it's a fabulous academic and um wonderful agreement it's uh it shows kids where they can go and they actually can see the um you know where things happen how it happens and that a lot of conversations are had in the hallway as you're passing through so I think it exposes our children to um a bigger lens on the world and I 1,000% uh agree with it so thank you great thank you Miss rert Miss fam than on sorry my thoughts are similar to that uh it's really a beneficial program for students and very eye openening so um I'm encouraged to see that we're expanding upon it thank you all right any other board discussion seeing none all in favor of Mr Charon I just had a question yes Madam chair go ahead you recognized thank you in regards to the closeup Foundation is that new no Mr superintendent Mr Sullivan no they've been doing it for several years but if I'm missp speaking Dr Fon will jump in but they've been doing it for quite some time okay and and in what capacity do they interact during rally to tally with the students so I think there's some confusion you're probably thinking of our rally to tally Madam chair when we go with the students as the uh as a school board uh this is separate and AP part to that this is uh primarily due um funded through uh title funding so it's not through um the event that you're accustomed to going to okay because I that's what I was thinking it was and I think my colleagues might have thought that too but so is the so there will be additional students from Brower County Public Schools yes so this going to this the what is the timing what are the date differences for ours it's sometime in March uh we first week of March we do it with u the delegation the Brower days and then when is this uh I I don't believe this is during a session they usually go outside of session and it's a much larger group I think it's over 200 students where the one you're custom to is about 50 kids right okay thank you you're welcome all right uh board member Zan I just uh Wonder in light of um rampant uh confusion if sometime we might want to call this the student rally to tally or something like that in the future so we don't get confused or we can call ours the Schoolboard rally to tally yeah we we changed ours to Capital days yeah Capital days awesome there we go all right any other comments hearing and seeing none all in favor of3 signifi by the sign of i i i any oppos all right motion carries 70 with the board chair we'll now bring 010 to the floor is there a motion so move properly moved by Zan seconded by rert uh Miss fam your recognized thank you so much um and looking at this I just want you to recognize that the price has doubled and if you go back to it initially um when we contracted with him back in 2020 it was for 36 months and um they had one two yeah close to almost three supplements during that time which brought it up to more than than half a million dollars so after that we started Contracting in 2023 for 12 months at um 301,000 for 12 when we were previously getting um 36 months for 221 and I just wanted us to be uh cautious and if there's anything we can do to put out for more bids because of the way this is increasing each year um I think that that we need to U at least be competitive and make certain that we are so again we were getting 36 months for 221 initially I don't know what happened why all these other supplements went in there but they did and now we're getting um 12 months for 300,000 so that's my only statement all right any other board discussion seeing none are there any public comments all right hearing sir thank you hearing and seeing none all in favor of the motion signify by the sign of I I I any oppos motion carries 70 with the board chair next item is1 we'll bring that to the floor so move it's been moved by zimon seconded by rert uh any one from the public wish to speak on the item no register speaker sir all right board discussion okay seeing none all in favor of the motion I'm Sorry Miss fam I have you down for1 I'm looking for my number 11 and I don't see it here I see 12 on here I just have my notes on it I can't help okay let me see with my 11 um something on page two that I brought up okay again and this is another increase that we should be watching uh we started out with 36 months that was supposed to be for 476 however somehow although we're getting 36 months they put in another 796 th000 which brought it to over a million so now we're getting um for 24 well it's it's lowered to 660 but I want to know why we went up to a million um in 21 when we and why we're paying um more where we paying even though we're still in that 36 month time period why are we paying so if anyone can clarify about that Mr superintendent Miss Paul good afternoon uh this is for uh districtwide repair of our fire and sprinkl systems in all of our buildings so as they uh have issues uh this money goes for repair parts uh uh to pay for it as well as inspections and uh whatever else is associated with our fire sprinkler systems in all of our buildings all right Miss famam yeah point of clarification so this is not for services being rendered this is um just is or is it just an estimate for services being rendered and the other amounts being charged for parts it's for inspection and repair of our fire uh sprinkler systems uh there are two vendors uh assigned to this account or to this uh item so is for testing inspection certification and repair of all of our fire sprinkler systems in the district and does that fluctuate from year to year depends on um it it just depends on when uh they need to be serviced repaired or inspected so yes so the date of the equipment the age of the equipment absolutely okay you correct yes ma'am have more questions all right any other board discussion seeing none all I have a comment yes you recognize Madam chair thank you so does this item have any connection with the a previous board action where we asked the superintendent to have the uh fire chief go back and inspect the not needing I guess fire splinks in certain schools go ahead M uh no ma'am this is a separate item uh this is not um this is for our current systems that we have and as I said before for inspection testing certification and repair of our our current systems that we have installed in in our buildings Madam chair thank you thank you all right all good any other the board discussion seeing none all in favor of the motion signified by the sign of i i i any oppos all right motion carries 70 with the chair all right we'll bring 12 is there a motion to bring it to the floor and properly moved by Zan seconded by Leonardi U is there anyone from the public that wish to speak on the item all right hearing and seeing none board discussion Miss fam I believe I have you down oh thank you thank you okay I'm looking at my notes here um again my concern is and and you're explaining it away hopefully to me that the term of it 30 contract from 121 was 36 months but yet we're still um making payments of additional amounts during that three-year period even though the contracts were 36 months so if you're telling me that's because of the age of the equipment that additional services that weren't anticipated are now being charged then I get that if there's any other reason for that I just like it to clarify Mr superintendent yes your summation is correct Miss Miss fam we got a lot of Aging equipment and aging facilities and need to be replaced aren't you glad I just monitored the situation like it's my own money okay appreciate it Miss fam anything else from you no thank you any other board discussion clarify seeing none all in favor of the motion signify by the sign of I I I oppose motion carries 70 with the board chair I think we need to bring back4 and5 Miss F did you want to reconsider those items tell you right now 04 I think it passed already on consent so we need to reconsider if you still want to discuss the items hold on the wrong page here this is um This was um yeah I just like yes you do want to bring them back yes all right think we did this I think we brought 04 and 05 back I was told we have we yes this past was not pulled originally so if you want to discuss it it has to be brought back to the table thank you my my apologies all right so is there a motion to reconsider both 004 and5 yes so moved has been properly moved and seconded any public speakers hearing and seeing none board discussion seeing none all in favor signifi by the sign of I I I in all right now4 and5 are back for discussion right we have to get it back together do them together all right Miss SP all right thank you um yeah this is just for additional spending Authority and I'm just saying I know we're really watching our perch strings right now and this what this is for is to we already have a system that's working and this just is to um like add a special perk to it we have design plus now we have design tools and now we're looking for design plus if we can hold off here's $78,000 we can save guys I mean we're working through this system do we really need to go for the Mercedes right now that's my question all right Miss superintendent miss hollw good afternoon Simone holling Chief academic officer I'm gonna have Miss Sherman from our Innovative learning uh program and Department come up and explain that what the 77,000 $724 is going to be doing for us good afternoon board Jaclyn Sherman project manager for Innovative learning um the design plus is actually the newest version of design tools with City Labs so City Labs is our um one of our partners that works with our canvas courses to help us to design the canvas courses create the modules create all the pieces that um all of our courses many many of our courses uh use within different departments um and different uh purposes for the courses with teacher and student use so design tools design plus is actually the design tools the new name for design tools and part of that process it's an integrated tool system that we work with within the canvas LMS thank you board member fam yeah through the chair so just clarify so what you're saying is we can't continue with design tools we or we have to go to design plus there the design tools is is the original program design plus is their new program the 77723 is for the three years yeah and do we need to do that at this time that's my question too it is something that if we don't have it um for future use then we won't be able to uh continue with the designing of those courses that we have clarified thank you all right any other board discussion Miss superintendent no discussion all right all in favor of both 0045 signify by the sign of I I I inose all right motion carries 70 with the board chair telephonically I think we have double F1 is that correct we to bring back yes all right dou F1 is there a motion to bring it to the floor all right properly moved and seconded Zan rert any discussion on double F1 I think I have Miss fam you do I think so okay let me I believe that might have been miss hion yeah it's usually Miss Hixon that'll pull for the grants to congratulate all right any comments from anyone on dou F1 all right seeing none any member of the public wish to speak hearing and seeing none all in favor of the motion signifi by the sign of I I any opposed I all right motion carries uh with the board chair telephonically all right I think we've exhausted all items is that correct yes Mr chairman all items have been exhausted all right so we can now move to speakers are speakers ready yes yes sir you can call the two speakers all right so we'll now move into the next part of the agenda where we'll allow for our evening speakers I think first up we have Ernesto Ruby are you here oresto oresto Ruby all right Carolyn cron carollyn cron CR cron that's right cron Ernesto Ruby Carolyn cron they may have expected this to be later in the afternoon chair all right hearing and seeing none uh we will continue to proceed uh colleagues do you have anything to bring to the superintendent for consideration for success stories actually we'll go around uh board member Zan thank you so much um just a few things uh to be clear uh about um one is we had an item uh added uh yesterday to our board meeting I know these things happen and this makes great sense we had to move uh $5,000 what bothers me is that we take up board time and handcuff superintendent of a $6 billion a year organization with a very very small amount of money we've been uh uh clear and I think maybe um not um expansive enough in the authorities that we would like the superintendent to have uh but you know renting out a City Auditorium for a high school to do a play for $5,000 is well below what I think is an appropriate level of decision-making and my question chair is when we gave the uh superintendent $50,000 signature authority to sign a contract often in times where you need someone quick and it's either a natural disaster or or or or a need for outside help that we hadn't thought about in the budget and he reports that back to us whenever he does the contract it's part of the deal um but we need some agility for small amounts of money and then we bring this $5,000 item back what prohibited us from uh allowing the superintendent to spend $5,000 on this particular item superintendent yes thanks for the question Dr Zan um uh General counsil and I spoke yesterday there are some specific language and contracts that prohibit me to sign and move forward so I'll have Miss batia kind of dwell with the legal Lees around some of that Council thank you so yes there are um certain Clauses that um the school board has not delegated authority to anyone to sign off for the school board such as Indemnity Clauses waiver of uh trial by jury for example uh amongst many um so those are the reasons that even if a contract is of of a small amount of money uh that it would come to the board for approval for appreciate that I appreciate that answer um I'd like to learn more about it in between now and the next meeting so we can think about are there some Clauses we want to add uh we want to consider adding uh to it uh we've had several colleagues including Miss fam talk about getting uh items late here's an example of a I view as self-inflicted wound you know we just didn't give the right authorities for a small amount of expenditures and so we we bring stuff Miss fam at the last minute uh to the agenda um and so I look forward to learning more about that with the general Council and we'll see if there are some Clauses that would make some sense maybe even some other examples of large urban districts that give their superintendents the authority to to uh to do that the second bigger issue chair is we are today 19 JJ items um I worry about change orders time impact analyses uh uh refunds of credits and things like that if anything's going to trip over the smart deadline so the smart deadline's end of November next year excuse me end of October I don't want to extend it Mr superintendent uh end of October next year Halloween I guess believe it or not um and I'm just curious uh chair or or maybe to the superintendent did any of the 19 items we have today extend the expected deadline of a project beyond the end of this smk uh deadline superintendent um I have Miss Paul weigh in um but as I've heard before and as we' said when we have to bring an item to the board it does delay that work from happening for 15 to 30 days depending on when the change order was actually um initiated so yeah I know the uh I have Miss Paul we in to see if it's actually delaying um projects significantly but we know we have at least a 15 to 30 um day delay that work could be done yes sir and uh having done some work in that field it's often 60 because it takes 30 to get the item put together and staffed and then 30 more to get on the calendar and all that so it is a delay I would just appreciate uh if you can keep the board informed of anything that goes beyond that and we can shift it from smart to Capital program so that we uh make sure that we stick with our I think well-intended program uh of ending this at the end of October um I also want to uh just have a general idea for you Mr superintendent which I'd love the board to hear about maybe even weigh in on we're going to hear about a a outcome based data plan on the cell phones and what data we're going to collect at our next meeting um I talked with our student adviser a little bit about whether or not students might help you in that regard I just think it's a fascinating uh example of the Brilliance of students who might be able to tell us what we should be tracking about things that affect their daily life and um some of the the things that we can track are not very meaningful to me but some things are incredibly meaningful like emergency room visits of teenagers who have harmed themselves that's like a clear uh non-manipulable uh statistic and I'm hoping that um by coming up with rightmed policies across our schools that we can reduce the Mental Health crisis in the United States but I suspect that our student adviser uh if he if if uh properly employed in this regard because he has nothing else to do uh in his schedule uh might be able to contribute uh through his Association so I just wanted to throw that idea out publicly um in case that uh they come back and contribute to what you're doing if I may uh Mr President I mean M Landon um we've had some discussions even up to this morning uh about uh the student Advisory Group helping us um a lot around cell phone policy and and and other activities associated with it awesome and thanks chair for the last one uh I want to thank Mr Sullivan who I raised and criticized and threaten all the time with all kinds of things because he delivered a great room this is really awesome to hear each other and to hear staff and to allow the public to talk and for these things this is our first meeting so I expected you know all kinds of startup costs and this was a dang good meeting and uh it's hard to do that it's really really difficult to do it you and your team pulled it off so thank you Mr svin it was on my team all right anything else Dr Zan I think I'll stop at that point sir all right Dr holdes all right uh Madam chair do you have anything yes thank you yes thank you uh so first I'd like to congratulate the mar stowman Douglas High School boys soccer team for backtack wins and my second thing is I just wanted to bring up and not really know where this would fit in but in our schools if there could be some type of adequate classes where we teach social skills math ERS conversational skills not really sure the superintendent where we could fit that in but I think that it is a good opportunity to create life skills more life skills for our students and you know with Co I think we we lost a lot of that etiquette and then lastly I would just like to thank Mr Austin for your service to Brower County Public Schools and I wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors thank you madam chair for the kind words you want to respond sure um yes um thanks M for the the the input um I know for I think a a better goal would probably to ensure that all of our students are involved in some type of extracurricular activity because that's where they actually learn those skills um since our teachers are so impress with time in the classroom uh we know our Roc programs do an amazing job in preparing our our young ladies and young men uh for those soft skills that are necessary in in the post-secondary opportunities in the workplace and many of our athletic um um sports teams do the same so I think we can definitely emphasize that through many of our extracurricular programs and monitoring how many of our students Middle School and High School especially that are actually involved in something extracurricular where they can gain those soft skills cuz I I I know everybody and the professional uh and business world is as concerned as you with the lack of soft skills from for many of our kids all right thank you Miss super you're good Madam chair yes thank you all right again thank you for the kind words Miss Leonardi thank you um I have two things I'd like to bring up one you know we've had several workshops and different conversations about child care that's available to our employees and I think we have some really great options um but I don't think that we uh Market that at all um you know when I just do a quick Google search there's no like central place that outlines all of the options on our website for our employees and and connects them with the necessary information so they really would have had to be watching one of our workshops to to be aware of that information so so I'm just I would just suggest um as one board member that we you know put that information out there in an easy to find accessible place for our employees um because we we talk a lot about you know the cost of living and and the cost of child care um it is exorbitant and making things easier for our employees is is always uh front of mind um the other thing I wanted to bring up were uh is is progress on the strain ofan cafeteria and Rickards Middle School so I'm wondering um if we we could have just a brief update about when uh straining hand students could be potentially able to use the their new cafeteria um and then a you know an explanation of what's going on at rickords Mr superintendent yes um have Miss Paul weigh in on that in regards to strand ofan cafeteria they are still uh going through their final inspections uh there as you know uh the floor had to be replaced because it wasn't up to standard uh and then uh once we get the final inspection there then they start going through the punch list uh in other words things that we will not accept on the cafeteria so they are still in that process uh of doing that uh the certificate of occupancy uh you know I'm just waiting until they complete all of the inspections uh for that uh initially we thought it would be sooner rather than later but I'm more cautious because I want to make sure that those things are uh corrected um such as the flooring and some of the other issues uh with the uh inspection so um realistically occupancy um the soon as would be in December uh by the end of December I think uh if I'm I'm being cautious in in regards to rickords we're still moving forward with it uh we have uh just for your edification we have meetings every week on the status of all projects uh I'm particularly focused right now on the projects that are at 90% like the aai projects that you saw uh that company went out of business we were able to uh move to another architect to take take over that and so we are uh really moving with a sense of urgency on our on our projects I want to clear uh somewhere between 11 and 13 every single month up until October 31st uh 2025 so um again we will provide you more detailed um updates uh in the superintendent news and notes um also I am available to meet with each board member if you have specific questions on any of the projects uh based on you know your availability but we are putting pressure on the system not only to finish out the smart Bond program but to do it with Fidelity so um again you know um I will provide you as much detail as you want uh on these projects uh we have uh improved certain processes between uh the building department and uh Fire official to make sure that we're speaking the same language um we are trying to cut through a a lot of the the things that have held up projects over the years um and so the team and I are uh working very diligently to to close out as many as we can so that they will not transfer over to the capital program Mr lardy yeah thank you for for that um I guess my I have two concerns one both projects have experienced significant delays um and I'm wondering again what systems of accountability we have in place for those delays that we're experiencing um because again they are significant and two how are we communicating with the school communities about this because I I think specifically to rickords uh you know according to the follow-up that I got it says the the new anticipation completion new anticipated completion date is September 10th 2026 whereas the the original date for completion was August 12th 2025 so that's a year um so if I'm a teacher at rickords and and I'm expecting you know all the information that I got was that I would be in my new classroom um by August of 2025 no one said anything about another year in the portable school so I'm wondering like what what are the systems for communication to our school based staff but also to the families that are looking to send their kids to records thinking that they're going to send kids to a new building and then it's another year in a portable campus Miss Paul so to be clear uh I see my role as trying to recover as much of that time uh as we can from from month to month week to week and that is the sense of urgency that I spoke to earlier uh I cannot go back and recover three years where the project may have just sat there uh but uh our uh focus is on moving the projects reducing the barriers um bringing um completed uh actions to the board as soon as possible for your approval so as we go forward you will see that I will have several late ads on projects just to move them forward um but we are in a recovery mode to be clear on many of these projects um when you look at eror and omissions um there was one there where we're going to go and try to recover some of the money from that time delay so we are being very aggressive in trying to close out these projects uh accountability I think we we're on our second or third program management firm um the intent is to finish this this this uh uh program out uh with aom the last year of their contract I am holding them accountable uh for their actions and producing those uh uh guide that guide of 11 to 13 projects uh closing out a month uh it is extremely aggressive I'm holding our contractors and our subs accountable I've met with many of them to talk about specific projects uh on closing them out and speaking in very plain English in terms of what the expectations are of the new Broward uh in completing this program Mard y I think we didn't address the communication um to the community so I know we putting additional information on the website but we'll do a better job in making sure we contact the principal and their staff to get that information out just so they know the specific timeline how we're trying to catch up time um and the like and also the surrounding Community too just to make sure they have Clarity on the whole entire process we did this for um um um Parkway Parkway and so we can do something similar uh for the uh the the rickords um Community too so they understand the specific steps and the specific timeline and how we're trying to recapture time to to to bring that date back as much as possible right and I'm I you know I am very aware aware of my role as a board member and not getting involved in day-to-day operations right so I don't think you want me going to the school and and you know like but I am ultimately the person held accountable for those things um and again like as a if if I'm a parent a teacher who's looking to send my my child there and I find out just like you know when I register my kid that it's going to be another year of a portable campus um that's problematic and it speaks to like our larger issue as a district with under enrollment um and then I just to continue to harp on this piece of accountability I very much appreciate the focus on recovering schedules and going month-to month and and focusing on the projects that we want to to close out but the problem continues to be like these delays have been a problem for my four years as a board member they were problem they were a problem before you know years and years and years before I joined the board and whenever we ask about accountability the the buck is kind of passed to well that was before my time or we've you know those people aren't around anymore but that's part of the problem right like we continue to to say that we can't hold people accountable and then people see that these are problems that are not uh ever resolved and and we can kind of get away with whatever we want and I I appreciate that we've had different program managers but that's kind of my point too we've had all these different program managers and the problems still exist um and ultimately it is our students and our families and our staff that are suffering as a result superintendent anything else um no um Point tanking I do we we do have some mechanisms that we try to leverage to hold folks accountable um sometimes it's monetary sometimes it's Shri is as M Miss Paul can explain what what those things are more better than I can um but just to Echo what she says she she and her team are being very aggressive um but we I note taking to get the communication out better also so we'll take care of that all right Miss Leonard anything else from you all right Miss rert thank you um and I wholeheartedly agree Miss Leonardi um I agreed when it first came to topic I I stood up and said where's the implementation plan and there was no implementation plan from day one that's the problem and every group that's come on since then has been taking um their job extremely seriously and I appreciate that but it's very hard to go back and try to pull somebody over the uh the starting line I guess or Finishing Line so um but I I do want to say one thing about Dr Lata and also about Dr heurn they have their eyes wide open that's a huge benefit it's a huge benefit when you have somebody that's not denying when you've got somebody who who is putting kids first and it's holding staff accountable um you've got my respect and that's hard earned it's hard lost so um I'm very happy to say that um I did want to say on a different topic that I was at the greater Consortium of school boards which I was President two years ago and Patty good before me a couple years ago and we just finished a two-day power packed 48 Hours of working on our legislative package and I believe John Sullivan that is going to be coming to the December 13th meeting for the greater consortiums are platform yeah so it'll be coming then for you guys and the cool thing about is this organization we have 11 districts and they are uh usually we have kind of a coastal flow to us so a lot of us in that group took a big heat and are still closed and honestly we're the we're the place was to go to um lights were completely uh the traffic lights weren't on I mean it was a it was a different uh aspect of that but the cool part is that as a group you get the platform bring it to your board you discuss it if there is one of the items in that platform that you don't agree with Broward doesn't agree with it it's out of the entire package so it's all in or all out so I appreciate that as well because very different if you're going in and you kind of believe in something or you believe no that that's why that we're bringing it back to each of our districts and I appreciate that um and then on what Miss alhf was saying uh the mentoring about courtesy and really the etiquette um David Rosenthal no that's still with the concussion I know that's close to his name but it might not be with big dog construction he mentioned this to me four or five years ago and said we have great kids coming in for to interview they look great on paper they don't have eye contact they don't shake hands so I I think it's and he had said you guys need to have one um so in in any capacity what we can do uh I know when I go to 5,000 role model or some of the um mentoring classes at the different actually they're in my elementary middle and high schools they work on that you see those boys and girls and Shake I mean really firm handshake but important to me as well because I'm one of these people eye contact you know I'm G you're going to get 100% of my attention if I'm looking at you and this is really how you are young children ourselves you you impart respect and you get respect from that so I'm wholeheartedly would love to work on that as well and uh back to be I'm happy to be back to Broward uh from our trip so thank you all thank you Miss rert Miss fam well thank you so much um appreciate all the comments just a few issues not many that I'd like to bring up um at our last Workshop meeting I don't know if anyone realized it but we um the video stopped taping and we continued on and um certain parts of that were are omitted specifically me looking for me with certain words so um I'm wondering what we're doing to make sure one that that doesn't happen and when it does happen unfortunately um do we have a backup plan where we stop we have another video um videography mechanism where we can start implementing it um because we're not live streaming so we need that on top of that we don't have a court reporter there only notes are being made so if we even try to continue in my opinion my legal opinion um then we should document it with a court reporter's transcript so that way at least we have um effectively an accurate record rather than someone synops um and and presenting what they believe happened and their interpretation of that so I think we should address that and whether or not that is a um Sunrise issue when we have an actual public meeting and all a sudden we're halted what we do under that okay um the second thing is um I also I'm looking I keep going through all the policies and everything I'm looking for any type of policy that has sanctions or discipline for visitors contractors or parents where the school has that authority to to act and what the limitations are what the consequences are anything like that so I I would like um ask the superintendent if he would direct staff to at least get me that information because I'm having difficult time locating it I know we talked about earlier today but I don't know that that's applicable uh to all situations so that would be great I thank you for your help and um I again uh implore that we do everything that happens because usually well from what I've read in the um reports from um when what's it called the report that we had that was sanctioned no it wasn't an audit it was the um the report that the governor used yeahor General yeah exactly um the people that did not get sanctioned or penalized were ones that could go back to their the transcripts from our board meetings and quote to them I did inquire I did ask I I I was curious I saw a red flag so that's why I'm very much concerned and want to document everything that happens as a protective mechanism thank you superintendent yes I'm going to have Mr Sullivan um address your first concern Miss fam yeah thank you for the opportunity so there's a couple things one uh we do have a Bo a board Clerk and we have minutes so that is capturing uh all the board AC ction as it relates to the video we have two systems we have granicus and then we have edu Vision edu Vision captures everything so that Workshop is entirely online uh if there's an issue with granicus it still is on edu Vision there hasn't been a time that we omitted or edited any portion of a board member's comment during a board meeting so I'm happy to share the link to the workshop and you can view it for yourself and if there's something wrong with it you can let me know but thank you I would appreciate that because I searched my words you know specific keywords and it didn't come up nothing came up under my search we also have caption so we can send you that file as well great thank you please anything else Miss man anything else from you no no no that that's wonderful to know because like I said I've searched keywords and they're not coming up so I don't know why I'll just say there we can debate later on a different day if there have been edits to comments from uh board members in video or not Council were you going to say something yes if I may um just to reiterate that there are no sunshine issues because the sunshine um asks or has three elements um and none of them require the transcription of War for war verbatim um discussions or um or videos you know recording for that matter but you know obviously if we do it it has to be accurate but it's not a sunshine violation all right thank you ma'am board memb zman thank you very much um to miss Leonard's Point there's um a topping ceremony coming up at Rickards and I um have a different date in my mind when that building was supposed to be open not 2026 but 2025 so I'd be interested to find out because I just read something about the topping event coming up in early December and when I asked there was a 2025 in there for when kids are coming back to school so it be interesting to see um what the real plan is uh second Point uh Miss Hixon is okay uh she will be okay um she said thank you for everybody uh responding so quickly um uh but I didn't want to end this meeting without people getting you know a little bit of an update that she's she's physically fine and there's no need for alarm and she'll get through what she has to do thank you sir student advisor as we close Mr auditor as we close off set Madam general counsel as we close oh good here Mr superintendent as we close yes I I have a one comment just want to um thank the teaching and learning team we had our data Dives last week Thursday and Friday a full day of 61 schools um having an opportunity to discuss their action plans progress thus far what gaps they see what type of support they need from staff or we can react right there in real time just to make sure they have everything they need to continue the great work that's happening in their buildings to ensure that we maintain our standing as a a school district and also helping our individual schools improve their student performance uh one of our goals is to be a world class system not just the best in the state but the the best in the country um and I think we're on a trajectory to do that and so kudos to the teaching and learning Team all the Regionals the directors uh Dr fton and all the academics team and principles uh and also the rest of cabinet and their teams for sitting in in that meeting to ensure that they that principles and their schools have everything they need to complete the work that needs to be done in our schools so there was awesome two days of meetings um well worth the time and effort all right thank you sir and I think I'm going to take 60 seconds if I could uh to the board uh of course I did not expect to chair uh and I thank you for that comment uh board memb Zan um but this has been great um I I'll just kind of reflect uh I guess brow County Public Schools taught me well uh to stay ready um so thank you Brower County Public Schools uh this has been a great experience uh working uh and serving alongside this board uh really I guess being what the first student advisor to serve the first Blan Le tiger to serve joining a different uh group of former County Commissioners School Board chairs um my wife my kids they have been there from the start thank you honey uh thank you little Tori and Elliot um thank thank you to the governor uh but more so thank all of you that are sitting here uh and all of the employees uh of this great school system you are Dynamite uh many of my teachers I know are still here uh many of the administrators and counselors and advisers thank you all for what you do thank this board we've had a lot of interesting debates and discussions but all good uh keeping uh students at the core of what we do so again to everyone thank you to this board both to my left and right and that just doesn't mean anything just those of where you sit um anyway if there are no further items to come before the board we are adjourned thank [Applause] you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e