orders so moved second moved by Zeman second by hickon is there any discussion seeing none all in favor approving all final orders say I I I those opposed say no all final orders have been approved I now declare the special Schoolboard meeting is adjourned for for good morning this regular meeting of the school board of bar County Florida is now call to order please identify the exit doors that are clearly marked for emergency exiting while in the boardroom refrain from obstructing the exit doors once the boardroom has reached its seating capacity attendees will be directed to a designated overflow area in the building upon activation of the fire alarm system please exit from the room in an orderly fashion and continue to exit the building and remain outside until the authority that has jurisdiction has deemed this building safe to return we ask that all attendees to maintain a respectful and professional demeanor during this meeting disruptive behavior including but not limited to yelling interrupting speakers or engaging in personal tax will not be tolerated if you engage in disruptive behavior interfering with the order process of the meeting I will show a verbal warning to Cease the disruption immediately and failure to comply with the warning will result in your removal from the board meeting by law enforcement removal from the meeting by law enforcement will be for the duration of all meetings held on this day our primary focus is to create a safe and productive environment for all participants thank you so much for your cooperation please rise and remain standing for the presentation of Colors by JP terella High School Navy JC Trojan Battalion and the pledge allegiance by riverglades Elementary School [Music] guard we are please for the pledge of aliance I pled of alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for [Applause] all ready H right turn Mar oh thanks we want to thank principal Joanne Seltzer and the team at riverg glaze Elementary School for the Pledge of Allegiance as we prepare to begin our regular school board meeting we are reminded that our vision is 100% proficiency for all of our students aspiring to become an a school district our purpose today and every day is to achieve this goal in achieving this goal we committed to ensuring everyone counts or culture will be students centered teachers supported and principal Le May the chair have a motion and second to approve the minutes for the following meetings March 12th 2024 special exclusions March 12th 2024 regular school board meeting so moved moved by Alon second by Zeman is there any discussion seeing none all in favor of approving the minutes say I I is opposed say no the minutes are now approved Dr lard any changes to the agenda yes there are Dr wanza would you please read them in complete form and not abbreviate so everyone in the public can see that we're reading everything out fully thank you yes sir March 12th 2024 regular school board minute meetings added item H3 non-instructional appointments and leaves 22 23 20 24 school year as well as 2024 2025 school year a second revision item H4 non-instructional separation of employment or discipline 2023 2024 revised item B1 proclamations presented by school board members additional information was added item F5 special Revenue American Rescue plan ARP Grant funds Amendment one was revised item G1 sbbc versus Serena Perry extension of time to file exceptions Revis item BB2 employment agreement task assigned Chief auditor that um has been identified for a special order at at 10:00 a.m. item BB3 immediate termination of general counsel without cause that has been identified for a special order time of 10:45 a.m. item bb4 mayor Wayne mum's 7th annual Aviation Expo 2024 that was added and identified for a special order time of 10:30 a.m. item bb5 no employee left behind resend prior vote and realign budget that item was added and it has been designated for a special order at 2:30 p.m. item CC1 committee motion requests that item was added item gg3 compliance documentation 2018 referendum revenues for charter schools that item was added and it is designated for a special order time of 1:45 p M item JJ 21 2024 graduation use license agreement with Nova Southeastern University that item was added item JJ 22 to 2024 graduation contract with Lauder Hill Performing Arts Center that item was added item JJ 23 graduation performance venue agreement with seol tribe of Florida that item was added item 04 membership in power buying group PBG that item was revised item o13 fiscal year 22-14 type 2B modular buildings that item was revised item ss1 2024 agreement with Coral Springs Center for the Arts that item was added we also have speakers for the a speaking Time Dr Trudy Janovich Chaz Stevens Melanie Mestre Chris Nelson and Steve tassen and a speaker added for the PM speaking time Kevin Flynn and then an attorney client session is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. that item was added as well that concludes the recommended changes to the agenda Mr Alon thank you madam chair uh if I could uh would you allow to appoint a personal privilege for 60 seconds yes thank you madam chair um I want to pull bb5 and withdraw the item from the agenda um I know how to count to five Madam chair um and I know four others clearly don't support my view that raises should be for all employees teachers non-instructional staff bus drivers cafeteria workers clerical staff security custodians the biased media in my view uh in a special interest group clearly attempted to twist my words inaccurately nice try it's also sad to see that 14,000 employees were left behind and will be left out going forward I will continue to do the right thing that won't change but more to come later today with that Madam chair I will withdraw bb5 at this point and we'll continue the discussion at another point Thank you thank you Mr Alon Dr L Madame chair and board members it is with great sadness that I write this letter informing you of my anticipated retirement on 1231 2024 I communicated to the board on 1217 2023 which is protected from the public record regarding a status of a medical condition that I have been receiving treatments for after confirming recently with my doctors my wife and my four adult children it is best that I retire from this incredible role as an educator after 30 plus years here in South Florida I'm giving advanced notice so you can properly prepare for the next superintendent it is an exciting time for Broward County schools and I believe there is an amazing staff that's been assembled here for great things I can't thank the community enough for their faith and trust in me I have forged some incredible relationships and I believe the district is on the right path for even greater accomplishments thank you I move for good cause to add to the agenda to accept Dr lata's retirement letter and move that we mutually moveed to separate with Dr Lata immediately and terminating his contract without good cause and according to his contract and move that we place Dr Howard Hein Deputy superintendent as the superintendent second second so I'm just I'm adding it to agenda we don't need to yeah the changes to the agenda proposed by the superintendent are accepted by the chair after being determined that good cause has been established for set changes May the chair have a motion and second to close the agenda move second move by Zeman second by Hixon at this time i' like to make a motion um it needs a 23 vote I move that the board shall consider any given agenda item not to exceed a total of 1.5 hours should an item remain on the floor for longer than 1.5 hours the question shall be called or the board shall vote to extend board debate on that time second it's been uh moved by aldea second by rert public comment on the motion board member comment on the motion being Mr Alon do you want to go down or is an hour and a half you believe that's sufficient we can extend it we can vote to extend if we need to okay all right I'm good you didn't vote to close Dr Zan thank you chair um to close the agenda you know this is probably uh overdue and so appreciate uh the motion uh We've continued through a number of uh decisions and changes to accelerate the amount of time to limit uh speaking to try and stay on point and and keep with this so uh I look forward to this and I appreciate the out clause in case we're in the middle of something that legitimately should take more than that but our issue should be done well before 90 minutes thank you for this idea thank you any other comment seeing none all in favor of the motion say I I I those opposed say no no uh motion carries with one dissenting vote from Mr FY I already close the agenda right m yes all in favor yes use your mic mic Brenda microphone I I'm asking for a point of clarification when you say 1.5 hours to speak does that include um with the speakers or is that just for the board everything on the agenda item then I would like to descent we already voted but that's okay so for the record uh Mr dam was that's the senting vote so thank you for the clarification Still Still passes all in favor of closing the agenda say I I I those opposed say no the the agenda is now closed y um Madam chair I'm so sorry I didn't mean to interrupt but I was just informed that because I have motions coming forth that I should bring them at this time or do you prefer that I hold no you could hold them we didn't get to the item yet okay um they're waving over there Dr wanza do you have something if I'm not mistaken Mrs fam your request is to ask for consideration to add an item to the agenda for reconsideration an item that was already voted on and approved by the board at a prior meeting so you got to move to re open the agenda back up to reconsider I'm I'm asking not to reconsider the vote I'm asking it to be reconsidered because they um was a failure to comply with the Sunshine Law so there I just for clarification I want the item brought back not to reconsider the vote or how the vote went but for the board to reconsider whether or not that AEM um agenda item should have gone forward based on the fact that there's violations of the Sunshine Law move to reopen the agenda is there a second second second been moved in second by Mr fogan Holly okay Mr SC what would you like to add to the agenda um my motion is what's the item it's not not the motion oh I'm sorry what is your item that you want to add to the agenda it's a it's the uh metal detectors from uh March 20th which I believe was number four agenda item four on March 20th item four it B24 d247 metal tors approve the award of the invitation to bid so okay thank you v m fam what is your good cause for adding this failure to comply with the Sunshine Law okay I'll accept it uh chair point of order please yeah um it would be interesting um to uh think for a minute about what proper redress would be for a sunshine violation um there are uh other opportunities to handle list um that include uh reporting this to the appropriate authorities uh for them to investigate and to uh do their jobs uh it's unlikely that a a school board would be able to um consider this and have kind of the proper reaction to it violation of the Sunshine Law is a crime and and I'm just curious if our board is the appropriate place to hear and to seek redress for this issue Batista so if the um the objective of the item is to have the school board rule on whether there was a sunshine violation or not that would not be appropriate because the school board it that's a legal question that the school board would not be able to respond to or or answer under this circumstances um if you know if the item uh is to resend the vote but that's not what U Mrs fam has stated that is her goal with the item is just to have a finding that uh Sunshine Law was violated so that therefore um the the request um this would not be the the right Forum to have that uh discussed okay M chff respond no I'm still going to accept it and then we can vote it up or down that's it it's on the agenda all in favor of closing the agenda say I I I those opposed say no the agenda is now closed great job as the first order of business I would like to address my motion about Dr LC may have a motion and second so move second moved by Hixon second by Leonardi so on page 10 of of 177 of Dr l this contract I'm just going to read it because I don't think my colleagues have it uh with them it's 10.7 retirement says this agreement shall be terminated upon the superintendent's retirement or death if this agreement is terminated due to lata's death Peter B Lata estate or designated beneficiary shall be entitled to receive such benefits under any death benefit plan that may be in effect for School District employees in which the superintendent was a participant and any salary reimbursement accw benefits or other payments due in owing under this agreement as of the date of if this agreement is terminated due to lata's retirement Lata shall be entitled to any salary reimbursements accured benefits or other payments due and owing under this agreement as of the date of retirement so I will repeat my motion and Dr wza if you could type it out and give it to all my colleagues so that they have it I move for good cause to accept Dr lata's retirement letter and move that we mutually move to separate with Dr Lata immediately and terminating his contract without good cause and according to his contract and move that we place Dr Howard heern Deputy superintendent as the superintendent second we already did that sorry uh first we're going to take public comment before we do Madam chair Mr 10 seconds so I know that the motion has been written um or typed but separate from that I'm not interested in that because I actually do carry all the employment agreements of our direct reports what I would prefer is if we can uh extract the part of the agreement so all board members actually have it that's actually probably the most prudent thing um so we can actually see the full agreement uh because just to have a portion of the agreement is probably not fair for nine people who have to make a decision on one of our direct reports so if you could uh Madam chair uh to the chief of staff I think that's appropriate for nine people up here it has been emailed to the board please check your inbox point of order though I I'd like a copy yeah just yeah if you don't mind yes sir we will make copies thanks Chief staff you in public comment yes public comment thank you hello Madam chair Chris Nelson For Lauderdale taxpayer who pays a the largest portion of my tax bill to this school board and and uh wow Dr it feels like I just got to know Dr LCA he just came on last year he's been very very nice to me what on Earth is going on that we cycle through superintendence so fast and I'm sorry about your health issue sir um uh very sorry that to hear that um but it just seems like we go through we went through this is the third superintendant we've had in the last four years I I just there is something else going on here and I would say that we should look at the dysfunction of this board that's been going on over the last four years I mean $80 million now owed to these Charter Schools please keep to the agenda item you're is the agenda item I don't know who would want this job as superintendent right now and if I was superintendent right now I would probably start having health problems and want to resign guys get your act in order please for the good of the students for the good of the taxpayers and for the good of the next person person who's going to be superintendent so we're not going through this every single year and then paying out money to the person leaving every single year this board has been the exact opposite of stability and you talk about being an example for students okay and and this is a bad example for students and that's a bad example well what students need what kids need is stability and I doubt any of them are watching the school board meeting I'm sure they're on Tik Tok right now because that's what kids do all day long there at Tik Tok but if any of this makes Tik Tok and they see any of it they're going to see a lot of dysfunction so it's very sad to see another superintendent after we went through this again and paid out the last one hundreds of thousands of dollars to go away and now we've got another one leaving I hear it I hear you on the health concerns sir and God bless you but uh I got to think that there's probably something more behind this thank you for letting me share thank speaker ingred Ford Lord Hill Florida um I just want to express my um you know uh superintendent lado we're just trying to uh started getting to know him and we really uh I really regret today to hear this news I want to bless him and his family and also I want to ask a question if whether uh rushing to terminate uh Mr LC today will allow him to keep his insurance benefit for what he needs uh for his treatment thank you thank you madam chair Chris caner Hollywood Florida first of all Dr lot I've worked with you in two districts now very very disheartened to hear that news but I'm wishing you the best and you will be in my thoughts prayers and Communications as we move forward secondly board I think there's some question among parents and people here in the audience and some parents I had on text as to whether we're moving forward with a permanent superintendent with Dr heurn or an interim I think we'd like some clarification on that whenever you get to your discussion points please thank you good morning board chairs um narie Pierre Parkland Florida um Dr lar I'm sorry to see to hear that you're having health issue I wish your family and your um as well as you um good thoughts helps and prayers um sorry to see that you're having these issues now but it's very difficult for us in this District when we've always been in this upheaval we haven't been settled yet um and so now we're going from from going through a whole search getting a superintendent to now having to look for another one and then as as Mr caner mentioned again we needed to get some clarity on if uh Dr Heen is going to be our fullon superintendent or inum however with that being said um I think all board members should understand that this is something that is extremely extremely troubling to be in such a transitional period on a regular consistent basis um I think that you all have your work cut out for you but I hope that you are making your decisions based on the students and the staff that look up to you and look for your leadership um moving forward I do like uh m Dr hebburn I think he's great um and I hope that that's something that you think about in terms of permanency rather than us making a search that's just my put in there um but I also am disheartening to see Dr Lata go and not really kind of um come to his own um but again there is great we're getting text messages from everywhere and people are very very concerned about this transition and this upheaval and I think the Board needs to make it a priority um as you move forward to kind of create some stability um and then you probably May create some public trust but until then um we're always feeling unsettled and uncomfortable and um we need this more than ever so um please bear that in mind as you have your discussions thank you thank you any other public comments seeing none board member comment Dr Zan thank you so much chair and um is a sad day sir um and I'm sorry that we've gotten to this point for you for you personally uh I am curious chair though um it seems to be essential that we understand uh more about the urgency of this and uh within complete respect for people's private lives particularly their health uh issues I'm curious if you are aware chair whether or not um our current superintendent Pete Lata can serve successfully until December 31st 2024 you mean as far as the 60 days no ma'am um uh he is uh tendered a resignation letter with a separation date of December 31st 2024 is that correct it was emailed right yes and and and I'm curious I mean the I understand uh the value of of uh having I mean the superintendent job is incredibly demanding in many ways but is December 31st the date of his letter I'm pulling up now so I mean it depends on how you know we want as the board to work this out if we want to directly appoint Dr heern as the superintendent then you know miss ptia you could speak to it would there there could be this handoff period uh of time correct there can be a an amendment to the contract where the superintendent would um use a transition period um and then have Dr hurn serve as the superintendent during that period of time I understand that and I appreciate that and I think that that would be um in my own opinion a better uh um addition to this motion or to or or some form of of solution here I'm still curious though um in terms of understanding the urgency because this is a surprise um and so we're all kind of processing the information personally and professionally and trying to come up with a good solution for bar County schools are you aware whether or not Dr Lata is able to serve uh as superintendent as he suggested in his letter until December 31st first 2024 I would ask Dr L to speak to that Dr Zan that is uh how it is written I know there are transitions that will take place on this we're in the midst of something significant uh we also know that we have a staff staff assembled that may be pursuing opportunities elsewhere and I believe that this transition um which I would stay here obviously for the 60 days uh would be the smoothest uh least um concerning as I stay on work with uh potentially the repurposing piece of it with our new Chief uh strategy person uh but this allows us to um potentially um lock in an incredible Talent as well and uh make sure we do have some stability as we move forward uh I can't I can't give you um what the future holds but uh that was where the letter States uh but in consideration um I think in order to have a smoothest transition uh while I'm on for the 60 days I think it would be best served for our district to smoothly transition as such terrific um thank you very much chair um it's such a shock uh it's hard to kind of uh absorb all of this at a short period of time at the same time we need uh a superintendent uh that is fully committed and fully capable to do this incredibly difficult job I do want to speak um in favor of Dr heer's leadership uh I am sometimes uh shocked at the Quality uh of somebody with so few years by the way as a man a little bit senior to you sir um of the depth and the uh capabilities of Dr heurn so to the extent that that um we are fortunate that uh we have a deputy superintendent who has always been fully capable to step forward to do this um I am amazed at his leadership and I'm amazed at the opportunity that we have before us and I look forward to learning more from my colleagues thanks chair thank you Mrs Hixon thank you um Dr Lata thank you very much for your dedication your passion and your compassion for the staff and the students of BR County Public Schools this is really hard um but it would be selfish of us to make him stay longer then then he should because he is he has a personal issue and this is a lot of stress and he may want to stay till December 31st but that's selfish of us to do that and it's important for our district to have stability as some of the people in the audience have already said Dr heurn has been hand inand with Dr lot on all of the items that have come forward to us um he has shown great leadership the community loves him um he he's a very Innovative forward-thinking person and I think that it makes sense to not do a search to give stability to our district to let Dr Lata work with Dr hebburn um for those 60 days and for us to just keep moving forward in the posit positive direction that we are so thank you thank you Dr Hess thank you madam chair um I have to say I am really so saddened to learn of um Dr L's uh situation and leaving based upon his medical uh concerns I am sure that it is um a wealth thought out decision by not only Dr L but I'm sure his family and so on and um I appreciate you Dr Lata you have been a really great leader for us you have a big heart you have a good heart you love children and and we are so appreciative of you and I believe that your suggestion for Dr heurn knowing that Dr heurn has worked very close with you uh in Palm Beach as well as here here I think that your goals and vision for the district will continue through Dr heurn and um and I just want to say I appreciate you and I appreciate what you stand for stood for and um I hope that you'll be able to take good care of yourself thank you thank you Dr Hess any other of my colleagues m rert i I'm not going to talk about all the great things about Dr Lata I'm going to because it's just I don't have time in the in the day however um I know good leadership when I see it and the Man by his side for many years is Dr heern and Dr heern knows what is right for kids he doesn't cut Corners he knows academics he knows the soft whereare he knows what works he knows teachers matter in the classroom and I fully support Miss alef's motion and support Dr LCA in throwing his support for Dr heurn so I will be supporting this thank you thank you Mr rert M fam thank you madam chair um Dr Lata I just want to say I'm I'm extremely shocked I I feel awful this is a terrible blow for Broward County um I just want you to know that this is a great loss for the school district this man has so much energy and has done so much for this County in this short period of time he's been here he's brought so many changes so many needed changes in the short period of time he's been here I have never seen any other type of driven person in the superintendent position since I've been here as Dr Lata I feel bad that you just recently moved to Broward selling your home in Palm Beach which Dr Lata referred to as his dream home he had given that up to come here I know this wasn't something foreseeable this was not something planned or feied and I just want to say that under your direction and with you handing the Baton to Dr heurn I think we're on a safe straight course we have a solid foundation because these two men worked as a team and I have every confidence in the both of you and Dr heurn individually taking over this task and you just stay as as long as you're up to and you make that decision don't let anyone push anything push you out or force you to stay but this is a personal decision and we respect that thank you thank you thank you leonardy um I'll just make a quick comment uh I want to thank Dr Lata for his service to this District this is quite a shock and quite a blow to Broward schools and our students and our employees um and I just I'm thinking of you and your family and your health and I want to thank you for your leadership um You' have been the best superintendent I've worked with um and you know I hope that we can come together as a board and move forward in the best interest of our of our students um and try to um bring some calm to this District thank you thank you Mr Alon thank you madam chair um youve been a great public servant Dr Lata um and I support the decision by you and your family um I 100% always believe that family first um so I agree with a few statements made by my colleagues um it would 100% be selfish of this board to ask you to do something that probably all of us wouldn't do so I'm not going to do that today I do support a smooth transition I support stability I think we all do I know that academics and teaching and learning that's the 2024 term Dr heurn must continue the Financial Health of this District as we've been talking about is also vitally important regardless of who sits in the seat Dr hurn has done a phenomenal job we have several deputies who have also done a phenomenal job I want to make that point as well and the entire leadership team that has done a phenomenal job so I want to be very clear uh and I know the superintendent supports that statement the entire team has done a phenomenal job the motion that's before us I support the spirit of it Madam chair but I also recall this board has been in this same posture not long ago I support stability I support a handoff I also know I had another conversation uh that I probably won't go into detail um publicly so I do believe that if the board is heading toward a task assigned superintendent of schools I support that but I also saw many districts do something that the community push back on and that was to make a rush decision on a permanent superintendent of schools I don't support that today do I support stability yes am I ready to task assigned a superintendent of schools today yes yes will that allow calm stability yes what I also don't support in the proposed motion and I know that we'll have a chance to discuss it as a board is as it's written I support the separation immediately that comes first with Dr lot and his family we need to talk through what the transition looks like that's important what the handoff looks like that's important and then at the appropriate time Madam chair we need to immediately talk about what a national search looks like because we' now have three things on today's agenda with two board direct reports or three that we're talking about so this will show if the board is consistent we have a separate item that's coming as we're talking about our chief auditor but that a Time certain so I'll wait for that Madam chair we have another item talking about our general counsel at the appropriate time Madam chair and again I know that staff is pointing out or sharing the contract details between this board and Dr Lata because that's most important because there are two things that are important at least for me on the vote one giving Dr K Lata and his family what they've asked for in terms of immediate separation making sure that we do it compassionately mutually separating with Dr Lata selection of a task assigned superintendent today but also not increasing the financial burden because we've been here before on the district that's critically important to this one board member so at the appropriate time Madam chair when you're ready I'm happy to recommend a friendly Amendment because I don't want to be hostile that's not what this is about I don't want to offer a substitute motion right substitutes for those who know is hostile right you you want to take off the the main motion on the floor it's your motion it's your recommendation as chair but I think you've heard now from a majority of the board and I think there's one more I think who needs to speak um but I think we are all there in spirit um but those are just a few slight tweaks I recommend to them friendly for your consideration motion Mr fenol thank you very much Shar and um keep my comments quick I don't like to speak long but sir I want to say you know thank you for your service um to our students everybody Broward County um and I will continue to pray for you um it's not something that starts now right since you've been in that seat I've started so I will continue to pray for you and your family sir thank you thank you Dr L I'm heartbroken here that you're retiring your dedication leadership and positive impact on our school district has truly been admirable I've always respected and appreciated the way you've prioritized well-being and success of all of our students you're the only superintendent willing to have the tough conversations regarding redesigning Brower County Public Schools Dr lado you will be greatly missed and your legacy and undoubtedly continue to inspire us all Mr charson thank you madam chair uh for your consideration Madam chair let me just start with the probably the most obvious um I think the recommendation before the board is designating Dr Hepburn as the superintendent of schools so technically I know as you all know by law we must have a superintendent of schools but using the Brower uh nomenclature uh I think that we need to uh proceed with a task assigned superintendent of schools and the board to have subsequent conversations on what the next steps look like uh if the board then chooses you know to place Dr hurn as uh the permanent superintendent of schools we can do that but today is not appropriate I think we are designating a task assigned superintendent uh we are showing that this board supports stability um and we're showing that this board uh clearly uh admires and supports uh the leadership that is here in the district so that will be my friendly suggestion uh to the motion that's on the floor I think it'll be appropriate if we can all weigh in my colleagues can weigh in on that before we we change that motion Miss leonardy I think that you know we've done this before um we've done two national searches before um I'm not interested in spending another $50,000 to get the same results um I think it makes sense that a deputy superintendent would move into this position um I think that you know a shock uh has been given to the district with this news um and I'm really interested in writing this writing the ship so um I'm not interested in doing a task assigned or interim or uh you know another National search um that I I you know I was unimpressed with um not with the results of it but um with with the process that's where I am thank you Dr Zan thank you so much chair um uh we are truly uh blessed to and I hope we continue to to have uh people behind all of our senior leaders who are incredibly capable we meet with the people that are assembled in this room but behind all of them is many great people uh who are ready to step up and do great things and all all I can do right now is just point to the people in the front two Rose here many of whom are brand new in the roles that they're in and and uh admire kind of the way that Brer County schools has persevered this is a resilient organization uh we are only a teeny tiny part of the 31,500 people that show up to work every day as Brer County Schools but I think um uh one of the blessings that we have is we have a deputy superintendent who's ready to move into the job uh like uh Mrs Leonardi I am not miss Leonardi I'm not interested in doing another National search uh it's just not not uh the right time we are not by the way hiring a permanent superintendent there are no permanent employees that are direct reports to this school board they're all subject to Schoolboard review constantly uh it's part of the pressure uh I hope it's not that that kind of pressure that um is overwhelming but our direct reports serve for as long as the school board uh sees that they're doing a great job for our students and for our schools uh so I'm in favor of this motion uh as it's written and uh looking forward to moving uh forward with someone who's been recruited by a number of school districts across the United States uh for their amazing leadership and their ability to stay around for a long time and so I think we're uh truly blessed uh I think there is one issue that we'll have to deal with subsequent but I think what we're doing today is designating a superintendent subsequent to that there'll be contract negotiations and the items will come back to the board uh to suit that up uh the only um question that is pertinent to this substitute motion chair is has anyone talk to Dr heurn about his willingness to take over a superintendent yes I have I just wanted to make sure because when you have some as wise as Dr heern you might think that he's thinking about it a little bit so uh Dr Hein thank you for your willingness to step forward too um but I I appreciate the thought that went into this motion uh uh as is and I'll support it fully thank you chair Dr holness thank you madam chair so Madame chair when we hired Dr Lata um we understood his passion his vision and he brought with him to Broward County Dr heurn to be in charge of teaching and learning I have worked with Dr heurn I've met with him every month I've also spoken with him multiple times on the phone and I can't find I can't see a better fit for this District to carry out the vision that we saw in Dr Lata is going to continue through Dr heurn so I am not interested in a search I don't believe this District uh we should put this District through the instability of going that route when we have an individual who has worked closely with Dr lcard and that I have worked with and that I have seen his passion his dedication um I believe the most responsible thing for us to do is to accept this motion as it is and I believe that what we saw in in Dr Lata we're going to see that resonate in Dr heern and we're going to move forward as we are in an optimistic way to continue to move this District forward so I I am going to support the original motion because I think it's the right thing to do for this district and I believe that we will get from Dr heurn what we're getting from Dr Lata and it's going to be a great transition thank you Mr famam thank you madam chair um I'd like Dr heurn to chime in I'd like to hear his opinion on how he would prefer to re proceed what he feels comfortable with and confident and and even a transition phase I think it's important that we have the input of Dr Lata and Dr heurn today thank you Dr Lata now is the time to talk about a career and a legacy leaders do not count their victories by certain things they count it by what they do for children and the Legacy they leave the legacy of 30 some principles and Beach County uh a superintendent that I trained chief of staff that I've trained deputies that I've trained uh there was one person that was always by my side it's Dr heer and that's a legacy right there Dr heer thank you Dr Lata and board um as with everybody up on the DS I'm also in shot um Dr lat is a boss a mentor a friend um um and if the board has full-fledged um commitment in my capabilities of moving this District forward stand on the right course prioritizing our students um and being student centered as we have started this school year in in supporting our principal supporting our teachers um supporting innovating Solutions um to move our district forward the way we want to see it um to uh help our community understand what we clearly offer is the best choice um um to make communities greater than what they are right now in brow County um especially our underperforming and underserved communities um I am fully committed um to do what I need to do to help move this District forward so that's where I stand um and that's my commitment M famam that that was what I I wanted to hear thank you I I think everyone feels a lot more comfortable um knowing again that if this torch gets passed in this way that we are on a solid foundation and have a steady course thank you m rer thank you um I am for a permanent phys I know it's not really permanent because they everybody gets a yearly contract but for us it's uh keeping a man at the very center of things is his heart and um I've seen the way that staff looks at Dr he I've seen the way that staff and the public listen to him and that's all part of the healing process because lower knows it's been the crazy Carousel of chaos I have no desire to get back on that again and approving this motion as is is how I'm going to vote because I can slightly hear the carnival music and I don't want it to get any closer thank you okay so I um I I need to after oh sorry Mrs Hixon thank you um just going to weigh in also the fact that we keep saying we have Financial instability or we want to be financially responsible to go out for a national search um to do community Town Halls to have staff do all of that to probably end up with Dr heurn because he is in the pool now of um people looking for superintendence he has had multiple offers and probably through a national search would land back into the pool of who we would be looking at it seems to me that would spend aot lot of time and money on on someone who's already sitting right here in front of us so I also agree with the motion the way that is written or apparently how it might be tweaked um but I think to make him the super intendent not task assigned makes the most sense for the stability of the district at this time thank you thank you Mr Bogen Hy thank you very much Shar and um of course I thank kly of Dr heurn um again I think all of us have a good relationship with him he's done great work in the community um the only thing that makes me nervous about this especially when we talk about permanent we alone are making a decision the entire County without getting public input getting Community involvement when we talk about a superintendent so for me I I think it's very this board has made a decision similar to that in the past of leaving the community out again so for me I don't see why we couldn't task assign someone you start the process if you would like the permanent seat he can apply for that as well and just go through the process he's the best candidate sure he's going to come out getting the seat but I just think for me it's we had forums q&as sitd Downs with our our people that we put in there there's so many Lata went through all those steps personal interviews changed my mind right without having those conversations I just think for me it's it's cutting them out and we're making a decision without getting any input from people you know me I love Community input but for me I I think it's important for everybody to have a voice to have that opportunity to have that conversation um I believe stability will be there because he'll be in the seat ask of signing it and continuing the process continuing what we're doing we can do it but to to make a decision to make someone permanent really worries me um so that's where I am chair I know how to count but we're making again the same mistakes of the past thank you thank you any other board member comments I just have a question for you possibly to the to our general counsel it says without good cause and his contract says without cause will that cause any trouble I'm going to make an an amendment on that subject thank you ma'am okay so the change will say this I move that we accept Dr lata's retirement letter and move that we mutually move to separate with Dr Lata immediately and negotiate an appropriate transition with Dr Lata and move that we place Dr Howard heern Deputy superintendent of teaching and learning as the superintendent of schools is that good been moved in second public comment on the motion all right Chris Nelson Fort Lauderdale um yo we've been here so many times and we've gone through the uh the search process and it's turned up with a bad decision before I don't think with Dr Lata but the last time so moving with Dr heurn Who I have just heard Dr heurn for the first time today he's a good-look guy he sounds really good in the couple of sentences I just heard but I really don't know if he's going to give the stability that we need I hope he will because if he's been working here for the last four years he sees it right here that that there's been a lot of instability I don't like the idea of circumventing the whole process but I even agree with um with board member Leonardi for once ever that going through this I mean we went through this thing and it was this long drawn out process but I'm going to tell you there's going to be people in the community when this hits Sun Sentinel they're not going to be happy with this that people uh were left out of this process so I it sounds like the board has made up their mind to go from Dr Lata um to Dr heurn I hope this is the right decision it's one of those things where only time will tell but this District needs stability so I hope through the chair I can say Dr heurn please bring the stability and the financial um stability we need and the grownup that we need we need a grownup in this District running this okay we're lacking some grown-ups all right tough decisions are going to need to be made emotional decisions are made up here all the time we don't need emotional decisions and I think the reason why we go on so long sometimes is because board members crying and and getting emotional and and and and it's not thought of like okay the um we're we're talking about basically running a business here running a a a huge um business with like a billion dollars but what's the budget here it's huge okay so um I hope that this will work that Dr heurn um if I don't know what his political views are but that he'll stay within the law even the controversial ones even the ones he doesn't agree with and come up there and Lead this District like a man and be the man be the father figure be the um be the grownup that this District needs so if you vote for um to Mo to move on making Dr heurn the superintendent I wish him godp speed thank you next speaker Chuck Harper Parkland Florida um the district is under a lot of situations with you know obviously we're looking at repurposing and redefining schools and part of that vision is Dr Lata and his his Lieutenant is Dr heon I don't think we have the ability as a district to hang out go through a process of of looking for another superintendent and and and trying to find that and then having that superintendent come in and say you know what we're going to go back to square one with redefining and and and I have a whole different vision and all of a sudden we're not in looking at repurposing schools in in 2526 but now we're 2728 or 2930 and you know we're going through a process that will never end and unfortunately or fortunately because I look at this situation as a positive to make fundamental change to Broward County schools and I my hope is Dr Lata will help uh Dr heurn in that process but we have to get moving forward we don't have time to to hang out and you know decide well you know maybe uh in three or four months we might find somebody that might be really good when we have somebody and I will tell you I have worked with Dr heurn on a bunch of different things he is he is a little new to me but he's an amazing amazing individual so with that said we do we have a deputy superintendent who is amazing let's move to him as the superintendent and hopefully Dr lcot will help thank you next speaker good morning Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh apparently there is a bad day to have traffic and a breakdown on Broward Boulevard um okay so I know most of you seem to be in shock but this is about logistics that's why you keep hearing the word task assigned because you have a contract with one superintendent and in the past when someone's been leaving who's going to be the superintendant the rest of today is the question that needs the answer needs to be clear because I'm not sure how it works to make Dr heurn the superintendent without a condition until the contract is signed uh because who is going to be the superintendent for the rest of this meeting I'm not clear on that with the motion as it stands um the law says you have to have a superintendent but just be clear on who you intend to have as the superintendent starting once you vote on this because I seem to remember a meeting where we started with one superintendent and then we came back the signs change and it was a different person as a superintendent I think that was when the mutually separated superintendent left I could be wrong we've had a few the other so we have that going on you also have a key position later for the chief strategy and Innovation officer which would not have been made by DR heurn and to the point of making sure you have the right people on the right bus in the right seats you may want to defer that but we'll get to H3 hopefully at some point today uh so I'm concerned about logistics so the two things do not seem to be mutually exclusive you can task assign make acting or do whatever until a contract is signed with a permanent superintendent and decide not to do a search you could decide after everybody recovers from the shock that you're going to go ahead and direct appoint him I think that's an option and just to remember why the searches have failed when you do a search poorly with the wrong firm at the wrong time of year you're going to end up with what you end up with for choices that's the mistake you want to not repeat the National search is National searches are done by everybody all the time they just don't do them like we do them here that's the problem but again a temporary fix does add stability and is not mutually exclusive to doing a national search or deciding to direct appoint him unless I've been misinterpreting and you guys have been doing it all wrong this whole time but you need to be clear on who's going to be the superintendent for the rest of this meeting the rest of this day and moving forward forward thank you next speaker good morning Kimberly mohorn um I tried to get in earlier to speak um for Dr Lata when the announcements was made but someone is at was at the door blocking the door because they said that it was filled they didn't hear the com um the comments section so first of all I would like to say to Dr Lata um thank you um for what you did for blany and and um we'll be praying for you we hope that everything works out in your favor we know I know that God Is A Healer um so we thank we we know that um with enough prayers we can we can we can make we can counted assurance that you will have Victory um also I would like to say that we need this process I know you guys don't like the process and how it goes but we can't avoid process esses okay um that's where we get in trouble we need to uh check our history and see that that's how another superintendent got in trouble by giving them a position and not going through the process so let's give uh Dr heern um a an a process um we know that um we TR we and trust that he will do a great job um but but let's give him a process so it's not given and it's earned thank you thank you next speaker good morning Madam chair board Chris caner Hollywood Florida um so few things just first of all having worked in um Palm Beach and knowing Dr het bur's work in fact having worked directly with the principles that he um has supervised I just want to say and having seen his work here at the board we could not have a better choice for at least an interim superintendent and someone to take the helm right away so first of all thank you Dr Hein for your work for your dedication to children and for your love for kids that's where our Focus has to be we've got to get out of the noise and get back to our love care and teaching and learning of children um secondly my concern is this um I don't know where we need to go with the uh timeline but if we're talking about a $50,000 search or more we're also talking about closing schools right so just kind of a reminder to you if that means that my daughter's school has one less teacher looking at about teacher salary minus benefits um that's important so I think we need to learn how to balance that a little bit um maybe if we're going to go to an interim uh spot not saying that that need what needs to happen but at least giving a full year of stability with Dr heurn would be good for us um because we're about to start the school year and we've got a lot of major things coming in place um but before we go there I just want to say once again I could not say that we have a better leader um ready to step up behind Dr lcot than Dr heurn and I think we're going to be in a good spot with that thank you next speaker hey Jackie loim um Coral Springs and ESC advisory chair Dr Larder I'm so sorry um I really am devastated I would absolutely support the um appointment of Dr um bur is in as interim those of us who have worked with him know him he has a moral compass that points firmly North he's compassionate he knows that the small things are the big things he listens Cuts above the noise um and it would be good to see that echoed on the board as well that we could finally please have some Unity um and some Unity behind a superintendent or an interim superintendent um so that they can serve what they're here to serve and who they here to serve which is the students um I absolutely support this thank you thank you next speaker hi Heather Tanner um I just want to say Dr Lata that we appreciate uh the leadership that you have uh LED our County and I I'm grateful for the compassion that you've had and being able to uh hear our the parents speak and I appreciate the leadership that you have brought to to us as well and um my heart goes out to you for your health issues and I pray for complete healing for your body in Jesus's mighty name because God is the great physici so we'll be praying for over you and I also support uh Dr Howard heern to move into that position because I do believe he is your legacy person and I've had the brief opportunity to interact with him and I like how he um mimics how you have led and so I think that he is your legacy person so I do fully support him moving into that position as well as superintendent thank you so much bless you any other public speaker oh good morning narik Pier Parkland um I um am really excited about uh Dr he bur's intrum permanent I don't know whatever the board decides but um I've worked with him in the past and he is what Miss Lum mentioned um has a moral compass and he's always been kid- centered every single time we've had a conversation every conversation diverts right back to kids and staff so um you can't get any better than um Dr heurn although I am partial to Dr wanza too but you know throwing that in the mix um I think both of them are are absolutely exceptional so um again I want to Echo the fact that we are um for the from what the community has been saying to me we are very very um uncomfortable with this transition because we are not we haven't been settled in this District so I want you guys to bear in mind that we're constantly on this seesaw and we want to get off the ride we don't want to be on the ride no more um and so please focus on trying to make us as stable as possible possible I think with stability comes a little bit more of public trust and that's where we're at um so if Dr hebburn is the guy whatever you have to work out in terms of logistics to make that happen great um but we need to have a we need to see something on the horizon we're very very uncomfortable we have Weir defining that we have to think about we you know there's talks of schools closing and we just need some Calm before the storm tell people the truth up front let us know what's going to happen in 18 months um and be honest and I think we can all work together to come to some sort of consensus for our children but I appreciate you all taking this time to talk about it and really work through it thank you thank you any other speakers board member comment okay I just need to um Miss yeah um thank you everyone for chiming in we had the committee members which I know noted down that seem very much in support of Dr heum we have um some um members of the public that are here and I also heard praise again for Dr heon and I'm wondering if the board would consider some type of hybrid because I hear the concerns that the Public's not involved and uh they want to be involved they and they deserve to be involved at the same time we know we all know that Dr heern is very qualified and in my heart I know he's the man but if we can do a hybrid and if we can toss this around and discuss it of him being appointed as an interim superintendent with the probationary period where then we come back re-evaluate and vote whether or not we want him to be the permanent superintendent without doing or conducting a search I think that would appease everyone so we wouldn't be expending the funds on a nationwide search the same time we would be giving the opportunity for the public to chime in on what they see as far as his progress um and work performance as an interim superintendent and if he would be willing to accept that we could lay out a time frame while Dr lot is here and watch the transition and and um make everything work very smoothly any type of transition so I'd like my fellow board members to chime in on thought or or give an alternative approach to that some type of hybrid thank you Miss hion I think one way you could kind of do what Mrs fam is saying is do a one-year contract with Dr heurn as as the superintendent and at the end of that one year we either renew it and continue on or we don't based on performance but still he's the superintendent I it might be one way to do that M rer I'd like to call the question all in favor of calling the question say I I I those opposed say no no no no roll call roll call on calling the question Mrs ala no thank you Mr Austin no I believe in full board debate Mrs fam no Mr fogan Hy no Mrs Hixon yes Dr holess yes Mrs Leonardi no Mrs rer yes Dr zon no and motion bails okay so we are back Miss hixen you're done and well I just wanted to say one thing there are times when people on the board leave for for various reasons and sometimes someone's just put in that seat so it's happened before we we're here we're working with it so I don't think that it's something that's usual that's happened on this particular board and I look forward to to moving um forward with Dr heurn shortly so I just want to add to the conversation you know as we talked in our board retreat like some board members might have more information than others on this and I just uh recently actually wrote a recommendation for Dr heern because he's applying to be a superintendent in another school district so I am afraid that we are going to lose him to another school district to be superintendent and we have a diamond right here and we need to keep him and make him the permanent superintendent you have a contract which there's uh Provisions within the contract that you could end the contract with him if needed if he's not doing a good job um but I have full faith that he is going to do an excellent job and you know his expertise is teaching and learning and that is why we are here for our students to learn and so for the stability of this school district I think it is extremely important for this board to hire him bring him on now as the permanent superintendent and not do a search not task sign cuz then we just leave this well maybe something else is going to happen and we are in a time of a lot of change and we need that stability and I truly believe that Dr Lata has helped Dr heern become the top leader that he is and I know that he will help lead Brower County Public Schools I do um just need to add something to the end of my motion to authorize the chair to negotiate both contracts with Dr Lata and D Dr heern separately Mr allson thank you madam chair and I agree uh with uh the spirit of your comments um and I don't actually let me back up I too support Dr Herb bur um and uh I didn't think we weren't I was I don't want to have a Personnel conversation in the first motion I was having a process conversation uh with the board clearly if you have a difference on process then clearly the next motion is clear um and I was not going to disclose about public searches and all the above but it's already been disclosed come no I don't I got it right I wasn't going there anyway um so you know we don't disagree on that point um I think we all agree um and know who we have in front of us um and I'll just say publicly many of the folks who I have known uh in different parts in different quarters of the state um have been 120% uh supportive um of Dr hurn but that's not what I'm debating right now so I want to put the person aside because I think it's important for us to have a first process conversation um and I thought we were heading for a compromise and I think I heard you madam chair uh which I think many of us were just in a workshop where we said let's hear each other out right I mean to call the question on the most important conversation that we're having as a board I mean come on really um let's hear each other out right it's all about mutual respect and I think that's what we're trying to demonstrate to everyone watching so maybe it's a question and I think I heard the majority of the board essentially say no we do not want to go out and do a national search I think I understood that okay so if that's where the board is that's not on the I get that is not on the table now let's go to the second process conversation where we are talking through one a decision today two uh how we make a decision whether it's task assigned because uh actually I'm going to ask our general counsel if I could Madam chair um the separate item that we have coming before the board we have a task assigned Chief auditor uh what are the provisions and time frame in that contract that the board is considering Miss Batista the negotiated contract is for one year got it so we have a chief auditor where later today whenever we get to it we have one of our direct reports it's a task assignment for a year uh which I thought I heard uh that suggestion but then you know someone retreated from it so I would love for that conversation as well because I think that's also another uh model for whomever we decide in the next motion should sit in that seat so for me process I'm open to showing consistency because we're we may do the same thing at what 10:00 I don't know what time it is anymore whenever ever the chair gets to it right so that is back to being consistent back to us showing stability uh for all of our direct reports that's where I'm at so I would love that process conversation not about the person because I think we all understand the nine of us I think have said who the person uh will be but process-wise U if the board will consider uh similar to what we're about to do soon I think on a different direct report a one-year task assignment for our superintendent of schools um I don't want to make that back to what I said before Madam chair because we all sat through the workshop I don't want to make a substitute motion right it's just a friendly conversation and dialogue if there is at least some appetite for that so I'll pause Miss Batista can you speak to uh the superintendent's current employment agreement and how long that's for the term of the contract according to the um to uh provision 2.2 is uh until June 30th 2026 so it's a it's a threeyear it's a three-year uh contract okay Mrs Hixon I have a a question because I don't disagree with u Mr Austin about being consistent so for the auditor is are we actively going to be searching for a new auditor or are we going to wait until the year is up for hit because I was not didn't realize we had a contract for a year because I'd like to do it the same way so can we switch the Auditors to whatever we decide to do with the superintendent so the contract with the uh Tas assigned um auditor has Provisions for termination if there is a new you know once a new um auditor permanent auditor is hired then that task assignment would end um it could take up to a year or you know whatever amount of time is necessary so maybe we when we get to the auditor item we have a discussion as to whether we want to continue that or see in a year if we want to keep him as the auditor just as we're going to do with the superintendent so that we're consistent that's my suggestion Dr Zan thank you chair I wonder if you could just for the benefit of the public and for me in particular to read your Motion One More Time sure I move that we accept Dr LC's retirement letter and move that we mutually move to separate with Dr Lata immediately and authorize the chair to negotiate an appropriate transition with Dr LC and move that we place Dr Howard he Deputy superintendent of teaching and learning as the superintendent of schools authorize the chair to negotiate both contracts with Dr Lata and Dr heern separately dite and chair um in order to provide you the guidance you need from the board on negotiating that will we open that discussion up later today no talking about it now uh okay so what's on the floor right now is a request for comments about doing a one-year task assignment uh I support um I don't think it's not task assignment it's just a one-year contract thank you very much for for uh to limit the new superintendent to a one-year contract yes uh I don't support that I think that we've got to move um and for a variety of reasons uh primarily in terms of retaining the talent that we have um I would prefer to make it a permanent move for now but it's all permanent subject to the school board deciding um that uh any of our direct reports um uh aren't serving in the capacity that we need them so uh I vote for you know a full-throated endorsement of Dr heurn and a and a you know a contract to be negotiated and I look forward to that discussion at another round M samam um I have a point of clarification um I would like Council if she would to explain to the public because we're talking about several well actually four different terms here and can explain the differences between that we're talking about a one-year contract which I'd like to explain that in the consequences being tasked to sign um this is second concept interim superintendent that concept and then the permanent superintendent and what those consequences would mean for the district thank you madam chair um the task assignment process I think is something also that HR can speak to um is is under the rules or the policies of the district is usually for 6 months um so that is a limited a limited process pursuant to our policy um then there it can be it can be extended uh depending on uh the task task assignment um if it's an interim or uh a one-year um contract um those are similar in nature in the sense that um you know the one-year contract it would be it would be a permanent but it's only for one year so you would have to renew it after that but that particular year uh the interm superintendent uh position it's it's just really a title as we all know it's it's really you know you have to have pursuant to Florida law you have to have a superintendence so whether you call him interim or or even test assign it is the superintendent um so it's either you know an interim superintendent would could be could be there for multiple years I mean there is there is no um rule or policy that speaks as to uh an a particular amount of time I hope that helps and if you just the the last one permanent superintendent what that would mean that mean we would lock him into a contract for three years as a permanent four years uh usually Madam shair uh uh usually that would be what is expected um in such a position it would be a 3 to four year contract thank you Dr holness thank you madam chair Madam chair I do not support a one-ear contract I don't believe that we are reasonably uh comparing Apples to Apples here when we look at the um Chief auditor position the superintendent has work very closely with Dr heurn he highly recommends Dr heurn we've been through multiple superintendent in fact I've been here a year and a half and I think it's four uh you can't speak the same for the chief auditor right so we're not comparing Apples to Apples I believe that it's important for us to uh be responsible in how we move forward here um it makes sense that if we have an individual who's worked with Doc uh Dr L for many years and also understand the vision of what uh we're doing in brow County under Dr L and Dr L will be there as an invaluable resource to support the new superintendent um and and the new superintendent will take the Baton uh so why would we want to restart the race to success in a short period of time I believe we're on a good track and I believe that uh um uh making Dr heurn permanent um is the right thing to do it makes sense and it is responsible so I will support the original motion I will not support a one year thank you Miss leonardy yeah I just want to um speak to process as well um and a few of the pressures that the district is facing so um we did we had an interim superintendent we did a national search in 2021 2022 we held Town Halls we had meetings we got a lot of public input whether or not people you know were happy with the the choice the board made at the time you know not everyone's going to be happy in any decision that we make that is the reality of being an elected official in 2022 2023 we had an interim we had a task assign we did a national search we held Town Halls we had meetings there was a lot of public input so I'm not sure how we are repeating the P the same mistakes of the past by moving in a different direction with this um I do want to remind us that other districts do direct appointments like what what's on the table today um I think by doing a search having this whole interim process puts way too much pressure on this organization during a time that members of the public brought up that we trying to redefine our our schools um I think you know I've heard from many of my colleagues in my time here that we need decisive action um and I can just speak from my experience in working with people who are serving as inter superintendent a lot of people feel like when they're interim or task assigned they can't make big uh changes and they can't take decisive action because they're just an interim or they're just a task assigned and I believe many of us have made that argument um on the de as well so I think that this time we need to do something different um this time we need to show leadership and be decisive um and I I guess my I have one last question um about this one-year proposal would we be doing a search during that one year okay that's something that we also did last time uh we did a search while we said we were you know going to stick with a particular superintendent um so you know whoever we go with I I think that this board need needs to show leadership and um make a strong decision today um and I I don't think that that's repeating the same mistakes of the past it's really moving in a different direction that than we've done before okay any other board member comment so just to be clear my motion is speaking to a three-year contract for superintendent I'll repeat the motion and we'll do a roll call vote I move that we accept Dr lata's retirement letter and move that we mutually move to separate with Dr Lata immediately and authorize the chair to negotiate an appropriate transition with Dr Lata and move that we place Dr Howard heern Deputy superintendent of teaching and learning as the superintendent of schools authorize the chair to negotiate contracts with Dr Lata and Dr heern separately second Madam chair one final question yes thank you so with a motion on the floor the immediate superintendent of schools will be Dr hiitburn upon the approval of the motion correct correct okay just want to make sure and last point so the letter so we will so the the transition period is how long with Dr Lata is it through December of this year or is it for 60 days subject to negotiation so it's it's I just so it it's subject to negotiation the transition with Dr Lata got it so it's not okay got it because I know the letter is asking for December right so that is now a part of the negotiation process yes okay is the intent so back to the intent of the board is the the intent is to have a transition period yes correct yes I hand off right okay got it all right M Dixon just a point of clarification as was brought up by someone in the public will immediate means Dr he's going to come sit for the rest of the meeting okay I just want to be clear because they were asking yes have a clarification as well M fam and the term length of the contract you're negotiating is going to be how long three years so that would be 3 years after the transition period or that would be inclusive of the transition period it would it would yeah subject to negotiation and then remember after it's negotiated it comes back to the board to vote on it so you will see it again okay thank you Mr Fen thank you very much sh so just to clarify um I just want to make sure because I know we're talking about December as a possibility I know it's going to come back to the board so is it possible that we're going to be paying two superintendant for a whole year or for the rest of the year that's a possibility yes that is possible yeah that is possible this transition period is going to be paying two superintendent salaries correct no no it says 60 days in the contract that's where I'm at thank you sure this lardy in the contract um is there a a provision about severance I know this but I'm just think that should be out in the open Miss Batista there is a provision uh for severance of 20 a maximum of 20 weeks uh that is pursuant to immediate termination that provision would kick in and then that's that's the amount of uh time well 60-day notice and then but the severance itself is 20 weeks right so under different scenarios we would be paying to superintendent for thank you any other questions no roll call on the motion roll call on the motion Mr Austin yes Mrs fam yes Mr Fen holy no Mrs Hixon yes Dr holess yes Mrs leonardy yes Mrs rert yes Dr Zan yes Mrs ala yes motion passes 81 [Applause] we request recess we're going to take a 10-minute recess for e for spe e for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for e e e e e e e e e hey welcome back back the school board will consider agenda items in the following order the school board will first identify any consent items single letter items on the agenda that will we pulled for separate discussion all remaining consent items that were not pulled for separate discussion will then be approved by consent the school board nexts considered H3 followed by any other H items that were pulled from the agenda for discussion after the H items are considered the school board will proceed in accordance with the agenda's lettering system the school board was consider any consent item single letter items pull for discussion for a given letter and then consider any open items double letter items with the same letter the meeting agenda has been modif fored to correspond in this order the next item of business is the consent agenda board members had notified staff of the items they wish to address all those items not pulled for separate discussion will then be approved under the consent agenda the following items of the consent agenda have been indicated all right m Dr wanza can you um call it out sure on the consent agenda single letter items only Mr Austin uh H4 F2 F3 F5 Mr Austin okay keep no no keep going do um Hixon I'm you want me to keep Mrs hixon's items are item H1 H2 H4 that is it more and then Dr Zeman indicated item F2 and item F3 those are the consent items that we were provided with okay Mrs fam do you have any polls yes it over Mrs fam has indicated item H1 item C1 item C2 those are her consent items Mr fogan Ali any polls yes chair uh B1 F3 F4 okay Mrs hion besides those three do you have any other polls not single okay Dr holness any polls no miss leonardy any polls B3 BB3 single letter Mrs Leonardi no double letter sorry BB3 Miss rert thank you single letter H1 2 3 4 C1 F5 and the rest are double Dr Zan I F2 and F3 alaf no polls Madam chair yes we have um three four members of the public who have identified that they would like to speak to item A1 A1 yes a is an APPA okay at this time is there any other one from the audience who like to speak to an item that has not already been requested for discussion at this time May the chair have a motion and second to pass the consent items that have not been pulled for discussion so moved moved by Z Zan second by Alon all in favor approving the consent agenda say I I I those opposed say no the items are approved board members have also notified staff for the following open items that they want to address Austin so bb4 pp2 pp3 pp4 pp5 pp6 anything else no ma' bam do you have any double letters yes maam aa1 jj1 jj1 14 JJ 13 I'm sorry 14 14 11 and 14 JJ 20 O2 O7 o13 o4 pp1 pp2 pp4 okay at this time I have a request to reopen the agenda to have an item removed may have a motion to reopen the agenda motion a second move second move by fogan hly second by Hixon bam uh the agenda is now open Mr fogan yes thank you very much chair and I'd like to request to remove BB3 off the agenda please okay your removal is accepted BB3 is off the agenda I have a motion and second to close the agenda Madam chair could you just as a point of order uh share with the public what BB3 is please you have it on your list open can you just tell them absolutely uh BB3 uh to my knowledge was the termination of our general councel without cost thank you and it was just removed I have a motion in second to close the agenda so moved uh moved in second by Hixon and Zeman all in favor of closing the agenda say I I I the agenda is now closed the BB3 is off Madam chair um I didn't get I didn't get to do my double letter items y I'm coming to you okay sorry Mrs Hixon I have BB3 uh sorry bb4 bb5 jj9 o1 pp2 do you have anything else fullness BB2 bb4 bb5 CC1 o145 gp2 and DB5 is off right yes it's off yeah five's off which one's off any others any other polls thatness no you're good okay Leonardi no rert doubles thank you um CC1 gg3 PP 1 through six Dr Zan dd2 a24 pp2 pp3 PP 4 pp5 pp6 anything oh I apologize chair but um you could take me off for uh even though I know others are going to discuss it pp3 excuse me um pp5 is the one I don't have any comment on thank you okay P pp5 I'll left no polls at this time May the chair have a motion in second to pass the open items that have not been indicated to be pulled for discussion oh sorry M passing right by me it's okay thank you very much chair I'd like to pull uh jj2 jj2 JJ 23 o11 thank you you're welcome so uh Dr wanza can you say all the double letter items that have not already been pulled and we're going to be voting on all of them okay I'm going to start I'm going to start and then either Miss Batista or Mr um Hill will make sure okay so I'm going to start so item uh bb1 item DD is in David 1 g g 1 g g 2 JJ one jj2 jj3 jj4 jj5 JJ 6 jj7 jj8 jj10 JJ 13 JJ 15 JJ 16 JJ 17 JJ 18 jj9 JJ 21 JJ 22 O3 o4 o5 o6 o9 o10 O2 o6 o 17 O8 o19 o20 o21 o22 o23 o25 o26 o27 and ss1 and O2 and o28 I'm sorry I like this say that again the microphone like so Mrs rert pulled o28 did you not miss rert no you didn't okay all right all in favor say I I who opposed say no items passed unanimously let's go let's go as we begin to consider today's agenda in accordance with policy 1100a in Robert's Rules of Order each School Board member has the right to speak no longer than 10 minutes to each debatable motion for up to two rounds to extend board debate a 2/3 vote of consent must be obtained when a member's time is exhausted for that round the chair shall ask the board member to conclude the remarks for 1 minute the next item of business of the agenda is H3 a motion to approve non-instructional Employments and leaves for 2023 2024 and 2024 2025 May the chair have a motion and second on H3 to moved moved by Zan second by Hixon it's been moved in second to approve H3 a motion to approve the non-instructional appointments and Lease to 2023 2024 and 2024 2025 is there any discussion from the audience Madam chair May 60 seconds before you go to the audience because this may impact uh audience comment thank you madam chair uh to our new superintendent of schools I have a question for you um so on page 112 um there is at least one direct report uh that will be reporting to you um are you recommending that the board uh continue some of these appointments or would you like more time to come back to the board in Your Capacity as superintendent of schools I recommend the board continue with the appointment okay thank you public comment P May Madam chair our registered speakers we have Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh and Miss Trisha me or mve I don't want to say it incorrectly M sorry you may begin good morning Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh Plantation Florida I've asked this before but I'm going to ask it again the second you realize you have something controversial going on that would make the people that are non-controversial for H3 sit here for hours please adopt a standard practice to approve them and let them go about their business it not only detains them unnecessarily you can see the rest of us who are here for committee reports are acting like pack mules so please in the future um thank God I have strong shoulders all right on ag3 I sent everybody um backup from Houston Independent School District which serves as a cautionary tale to this District because we have been marching lock step in their footsteps for years um this is about getting the right people on the right bus in the right seats or not I understand that both the former superintendent and current superintendent have worked with this person in Palm Beach in a different capacity but the title is Str strategy and Innovation not operations and not facilities in which case I wouldn't be standing here so I'm asking to separate that one table it defer it till it can be reviewed because once you do these things and I'm speaking as someone that's a member of the long range facility master plan steering committee that doesn't have its next date set and didn't meet for 6 months and we're just starting to get data to table that one position go ahead with everybody else because it is a direct report to the superintendent and in the spirit of not having two people in one position at the same time I might have missed where the current chief strategy and Innovation officer separated from this District I haven't seen that separation so if you approve this how many Chief strategy and Innovation officers are we paying for starting today or tomorrow because I believe this one is effective the 17th and we still have one that's got one and a half fet up in Vermont so this is the same question who's your who's going to be the chief strategy and Innovation officer starting on the 17th because I must have missed where we separated from the first one thank you thank you next speaker H yes um Trisha me representing Friends of Man VA dual language um here we're we're here representing our parents uh primarily and our kids as you know last year year we we came through and and and proposed to Dr Lara that they continue to support and continue to maintain the Dual language program at dual at manate Bay dual language so right now we're standing here because we are questioning a bit the process that was taken a hold on the interview process and stakeholder process for interviewing the candidates we felt uh there were two top requirements for from teachers and parents uh that the Dual language be a a requirement one of knowledge of the Dual language as well as some experience with the program and as well as Western School experience uh we wanted this from the candidate uh we also want we want to emphasize that we're L elll Focus school so we need Spanish speaking directors and and and APS because they cannot communicate with the immigrants that are coming to Weston the reason why Weston is what it is with the schools and the top rated schools is because we have parent interaction and we know exactly what our children want and we know that dual language is a program that is very highly regarded we're questioning the process we sent emails requesting that all candidates be reconsidered and that we choose candidates that are very knowledgeable of the Dual language that speak Spanish and that also are have teaching experience in the Dual language uh we got none of those uh in our opinions um we also remind you that we suffered this big blow last year and it's very adamant that for us it's it's very important to keep the Dual language program intact and we have communicated this with all the candidates I was part of the stakeholder uh process and we know for the fact that we did not vote uh at least my understanding is that we had other candidates that we thought were better candidates so there's a lot of questions out there we had a petition out there uh in a lot of signatures I want to request that I speak with uhp Deputy superintendent who's now a superintendent and welcome to this team but we want to speak to you to understand the reasoning behind this candidate and we also want to make uh clear that there was a petition being sent out and there's a lot of parents that were disagreeing with the process overall again we think that for Brower schools in general the Dual language is a sticking point it's the lwh fruit to get student population up and to keep those populations from going to Charters and also to uh private schools so we urge you to really take on the legacy of Lata and make sure dual program is a priority at our schools thank you thank you next speaker hi good morning Adalina Snell I'm a parent in Weston um I just wanted to touch on that same subject um the process of picking the candidates uh we were allowed to be part of the interview process um and I in my opinion I believe all four candidates were wonderful I think they would all be great fits um I have an email that I wrote recently that I'd like to read um I said I was writing to address a recent discussion that was circulating regarding the selection and the process of the candidate uh to replace our current principal um as a member of our school Community I trust that the decision was made with careful consideration and with the best interest of all of our our students and our school community at heart um additionally I wanted to emphasize that the sentiments expressed by a vocal minority don't reflect the views of the entire parent body uh while their perspectives are valued and supported it's crucial to recognize that they neither constitute the majority nor speak on behalf of all of the parents our school Community is diverse compromising of individuals with varying needs priorities and perspective and as such is imperative that the board's decisions are always made with a holistic understanding of the collective interests of all stakeholders and I trust that this was kept in consideration while making your decision um I speak for myself but I've also been in contact with many many parents and I know that they reflect my sentiments when we say uh moving forward we're committed to working with um working collaboratively with the new principal to support the continued success of our school um I have encouraged parents to focus our energies on fostering a positive and nurturing environment and to be prepared to embrace and support our new principal the current candidate um who or whoever you so choose uh with an open mind and a positive outlook um I also wanted to thank you for your dedication to our school district and our our school and for your commitment to upholding our missions and values thank you thank you next speaker okay I had signed up but um they call my name Dr W he said he gave you the paper anywh who um he said he gave coer said he gave okay well um Cooper you didn't get my name um I wanted to talk about the the chief strategy in Innovation uh so I'm a little bit concerned about that especially from where she's coming from and also reports of her resignation in Houston and then you know coming here I know that you worked with her before Dr heurn um but I'm just a little bit concerned because this district is constantly picking up Strays no and no disrespect I'm just I just that's the word that came to mind uh from other places that are doing badly and then you clean them up and you bring them over here and then we're back in a position where we're looking for someone else so um I hope that the board will take into consideration that we are in a position where we have to get the best not the mediocre not the ones that are coming from a troubled past um we're we're not in a position to do that um and I know it's kind of difficult difficult to get people to come and work here because of some of our issues um but I think that um those who consider kids their priority you can get the best of the best so I am not saying that this woman is not um qualified and or not uh ready for this position I'm just concerned with the issues she's coming from and coming here when we already have issues again I'm going to keep consistently saying that we are constantly in this mode of transition there's always this uncertainty here and we're looking for stability and kids need stability employees need stability um and I I just implore you to kind of look at that um I I just don't want us to be in a position and especially with redefining especially of school closures and underserved communities that we don't put the right person in the right position so thank you m arique Grant I do have your card let the record reflect Dr Wan any other public speakers no ma'am I do not have any more reg remember comment Miss rert H3 right yes um I wanted to thank um Edward um for going on military leave and thank he and his family sacrifice for our country and we will see you um when you come back so God's spe thank you any other board member comment Miss Pam yes um Madam chair I would request that Vanessa matchin be pulled from the list and I want to just put into the record I know I have to State specifically why I have an objection under the Florida Statutes unless I have a an objection as to morality or professionalism um you're not allowed to object to the superintendent's recommendation I've spoken with the um parents some of the parents from Weston um Miss matchin was recommended to be the Principal over there at Manatee Bay um the group that is here today is the group that is trying to get Statewide legislation so we have dual language schools throughout the state they're very strong Advocates and they're very serious about their dual language schools they love it they have people that drive down um that are located close to Palm Beach just to come to manop Bay school cuz it's it's it's a flag running School flag Runner so the reason for my stated objection is that the current principal at manate Bay and um is also the director for the Dual language program does is not um fluent in Spanish so um myself I requested information whether Miss Mansion is fluent in Spanish um I did not get a response these ladies from from Weston had sent several emails also looking for answers to questions whether or not the new principal appointed is fluent in Spanish I think we all can recognize and acknowledge that we have a lot of um migration of Hispanics that have come into Weston and other areas of Broward County I think it's imperative that we have someone on the administrative level that is bilingual that can communicate with parents where we don't need an interpreter in the room or um a assistence in communicating on the phone it's my understanding that the vice principal speaks on a third grade level of Spanish So based on the fact that we can't get an answer whether or not this um candidate is bilingual I I have an objection to whether or not um the professionalism quality of that position has been filled um the other thing I would say is that there's a concern that the parents want to make certain that the person in this slot um is Hispanic so Hispanic Traditions can be carried on and there's that connection with the community remains strong and um the the school continues to thrive they're looking for someone that has experience at a bilingual um School a dual language school it's my understanding this candidate does have experience at a dual Language School however that school lost its dual language language program so there's concerns with that as well so I'm not saying that um this candidate may or may not be qualifying I'm saying right now the questions that were posed have not been answered and I said based on that I would like our new superintendent to meet with um the parents and make at least clarifications as the you know the quality of and the caliber of the principle they may be receiving and whether or not that person um fits into the community and and the school as it is currently thank you Dr he Ken staff answer does she meet the minimum qualifications thank you chair I can ask that question yes the candidate does meet the minimal qualification and is bilingual no I missed it I'm sorry yes okay thank you any other board member comment she have to give her good cause or is that acceptable good cause that she stated she didn't vote enough we didn't vote yet she has enough okay if she votes no got it all in favor of H3 say I I I those opposed say no H3 passes unanimously would like to take a moment to recognize new staff appointments uh you've already stood thank you and congratulate you and your career advancement with Brower County Public Schools we value you and your families Dr Hein can you introduce your new leaders for a few remarks Dr wza absolutely Mr Dr superintendent okay on behalf of um Dr heurn and Mr Alan Strauss the south regional superintendent we have Miss Vanessa maen the new principal at manate Bay Elementary [Applause] bu good morning every my name is Vanessa mine I am thankful for the opportunity to join the manate Bay Community I am so eager to get to know the students the parents the faculty and staff together we are going to move forward with the Innovative programs the many achievements and the traditions of manate bay thank you thank you on behalf of Dr heurn and Dr Fulton the central regional superintendent we welcome and congratulate Miss Christy berdick rippo new principal Nova Eisenhower Elementary School good morning board members and Dr heurn and Dr heurn before I talk about myself from one UCF night to another congratulations sir um I am very very excited to be joining the Nova family as you know it has a history and a tradition like no other I look forward to continuing those Nova traditions and getting to know my Nova family very quickly I have been working for br schools for 23 years but even more importantly I am a brad School alumni so I only time I left was to go to college and I came back and I'm committed to stay here all the way through the end thank you congratulations on behalf Dr het bur and in her absence Mrs Deborah chipowski and Mr Mark Dorset we welcome the new director of physical plan operations Mr Manuel Bonia good morning board members Mr superintendent Madam shair um I am a very quiet person difficult to me to describe myself I just want to say that uh I'm very excited to come back to Brower which is have become a family to me since day one I start as a custodian in my career in facilities and several years later now I have this great opportunity in front of me um I just want to let you know that if you heard the story of the person that was traveling from Kimi to brow every single day to work and come back that's myself with that same level of commitment I'm planning to serve our students in BR County Public Schools thank you thank you and lastly um as the task assigned chief of the special investigative unit Mr Kevin nosowitz good morning thank you board staff um it's truly a humbling honor to be placed in this position to move our uh District forward in the protection of our children and our staff and I look forward to it thank you thank you at this time we'll now take a five minute recess for a regular school board photo with our new staff appointments e e e e e e was [Music] this regular school board meeting is now reconvened now we're going to do committee reports audit committee good morning morning time Andre yes Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh chair of the district's audit committee all right so we passed a bunch of motions recently let me see if I can get them all together um at our last meeting which was I believe April 11th we reviewed the HCT audit on intercoms and I believe the uh Chief auditor would have forwarded to Legal some questions because we passed a motion to ask the chief auditor to send the audit to general counsel and look at whether one the Schoolboard procurement policies were violated that seemed pretty clear but just to be sure two whether any of the actions taken by staff were approved by the Schoolboard in closed door because in reviewing the actions there were people that don't typically go Rogue that are being accused or painted to seem as though they're going rogue um to get an emergency communic ation system instead of an intercom system but I'll get to that in a second three whether any money can be recovered from the vendor that's been doing the work and four and this is the most important one actually recommending the board hire a technical expert to review the scope of the RFP because as we discussed in the meeting we are not sure what you have now after all the work will be done is it an intercom system that would replicate what happened on 214 is it an emergency communication system that would mean that when a fire alarm goes off nobody's going to go running into the hall because they will know it's not a fire we did not have anyone with technical expertise at the audit committee meeting to answer those questions but if the bottom line is the same thing could happen again in the future that happened in the past then it's then we are making these recommendations as the audit committee a group of people that do not want to see that happen and so we our expectation is that you will act upon the Motions it's in four parts uh the other thing we looked at the Western High School booster club which is really less about Western less and less about just Western and more about booster clubs in general you have booster club guidelines that say that the booster clubs are to submit their financials on May doesn't say on May what in the guideline apparently that wasn't important when they wrote the guidelines it just says on May that they go to the principal every year so our first motion related to that was we asked for a list of booster clubs by school that apparently does not currently exist which is surprising even to me and to the group our motion was to ask the general counsel if the district has any liability for booster club activities because understand there are Debate Club students who the perception throughout the country is that they owe money to different venues because of the debate Club coach who I've never seen when you think the word con artist it comes to mind for additional context what is the district's liability for the Western High School booster club and debate coach debts if the principal failed to ensure the booster club guidelines are being followed which is what happened so that that was related to that we finally discussed Enterprise risk management we started that conversation with the board at the workshop on the 20th the motion that was passed is to implement Enterprise risk management districtwide and assess the internal control system of the district the entire District in the past you've supported HR and procurement we're saying this needs to be comprehensive Soup To Nuts top to bottom and that would involve hiring an a firm putting out an RFP so that is a motion that will be coming to you we don't have the minutes yet we also talked about in light of internal funds and the audit exceptions that keep happening and getting to the root cause of why they keep happening the responsibility for updating standard practice bulletins year to date there have been 22 exceptions 16 of them have been through the B from the business support center bookkeepers only six from non bookkeepers bullet number eight in the job description for the director of the business support center speaks to responsibility for that function and that person was hired in 2021 so why Cherry Becker was author was approved for 50,000 to do the job that should have been started three years ago is beyond me um the audit committee also in the past it's part of the backup they would like to see no limits on time and that chairs not subjected to the same time limits as the general public and then there are motions that came forward to you in the workshop that are attached to today's items thank you so much brow County Association of student council and student advisor to the board good morning everybody my name is lon spelberg and I'm your incoming student adviser to the school board I'll be with you thank you thank you I uh I will be with you all officially starting next month but today I'm here on behalf of Ava havic and Bianca jmi your current student advisers to the school board who are not able to be here uh first I'd like to well welcome we've worked a lot together but officially welcome Dr uh heer and and we wish Dr Lata well um the bar County Association of student councils will be meeting this Friday for our annual convention we'll elect our new slate of County officers um as well as have a great opportunity for a bunch of students uh to come together and learn from each other through both workshops uh and learning from for those of you that know the legendary Michael Roland um who will be joining uh us as our keynote speaker later in the meeting you'll be discussing policy 1330 which is the student adviser to the Schoolboard policy I'd like to thank Dr wanza uh and Mr Hill as well as Miss Brown for their dedication to getting this policy um in front of the board and as well as you've received received uh comments from many former student advisers to the school board uh who have reached out to share their opinions on this policy I look forward to that discussion and uh look forward to joining you officially next month thank you we look forward to having you Broward County Council PTA ptsas an email was sent to the board okay and and also be put into the record broud Education Foundation good morning congratulations Dr heurn it's awesome um I'm here this morning to brag a little bit about our organization the fifth annual western themed hoot Nanny sponsored by Broward teachers union celebrated over 20 uh 250 teachers who received Innovative teaching grants um for close to $500,000 and that impacted 26,000 students our school supply Center is projected to equip free school supplies to teachers valued at more than 2.1 million by the end of the year it looks like our graduating seniors will receive over two 2 million to further their education at a college University or technical school these scholarships range anywhere from ,000 cash to a full 4year ride tuition only based on need along with a 100 heart students receiving a laptop computer and a dorm package so they have everything they need when they go to school and equip their rooms this year with our programs and District initiatives that we support we are looking forward to and I am so proud to announce that this organization Broward Education Foundation a direct support organization of BR County Public Schools will be contributing right at $5 million to the [Applause] district with all that being said I too will be passing the Baton on and my retirement date is June 30th I want to thank you all for all your support over the years um not only not only the board but the staff as well it's been a tremendous honor and privilege to serve this District [Applause] thanks thank you for the incredible impact you've had on all of our students in Brower County Public Schools and you will be greatly missed District advisory Council good morning almost afternoon um Chuck Harper District advisory chair it is very difficult to follow that I mean what amazing situation Broward educ you know the the found has done such great things for so many and uh you know that is is a loss but at the same token you know we we we got to remember the importance of of the Education Foundation I also want to say Landon who I think just stepped out I have worked with the last two years as my liaison on the student side of the equation what amazing young individual and I'm sure you all know up on the day is how young he actually is so to be in the position that he is in now I think great things for uh the student side of the equation for us um and and there he is walking back in so you have got a superstar coming up um now on on District advisory I actually missed Thursday's meeting it was the first district advisory meeting that I I think I have ever missed and you know as the committee chair it is my responsibility to talk about what happens at the district advisory level to you guys to to you as a board and and I feel a little you know uh selfish in the aspect that that I had to miss that that day but I I do want to say one thing in regards to giving P or reports by the chairs now it is so important and especially when situations happen like happened this morning where as chairs we have to Pivot our conversation immediately because the remarks that I was going to say you know revolved around Dr Lata and those those remarks now have to change and have to Pivot and if I had submitted a written report last week to you guys many things would be different um and and that's kind of one of the reasons why it's so important for the committee chair chairs to be able to to speak you know um you know on their own words um at at the uh at the time um there is concerns about policy 8100 um that that'll come up later um but I do want to because I like just about everybody today has said Oh my days are number my days with you guys are number too I have maybe six weeks left then my youngest son will graduate from Brower County schools and with that said you will elect a new DAC chair um I I just want to stress the importance of the vision and and stress the importance of of it's your opportunity right now to redefine Brower County Schools it's an amazing opportunity and I look forward to helping with you in whatever Capac capity I can you know I I joked with somebody hey I'd take a bus driver job but I'm not qualified for being a bus driver as much as engineering school of Florida got me to where I am I don't have the qualifications to be your bus driver so um you know I I hear all that but you know with that uh um I I want to thank you all thank you diversity committee what happened motion my bad there is a motion in due to cons this is the motion due to concerns about the interlocal agreement Ila and the state requirements for educational facilities Equitable treatment of students Community boundary process community members and Boundary proposals and a lack of parent organization and advisory committee participation we reject proposal policy 8010 um I'm sorry policy 88010 changes and recommend starting fresh with Community input from the three regions that's why I need to be at these meetings with that I think I'm done thank you diversity committee good morning Nar Pier grant for the diversity committee um the committee has completed the response report for next week's workshop and look forward to not only presenting and find our findings but also provide this board with some recommendations that can be implemented immediately and others that can be uh achieved over time the school site visits continue with a persistent and consistent theme of facility issues another theme that is being observed is the level of inconsistencies with standards of service and reassignments throughout the district I've asked staff to provide me the explanation for standard of service and I have yet to have a direct answer in reference to that hopefully Dr he burn now since you're at the helm you can make that happen I will have more on uh on that next week I've asked the office of school choice for information on the process of reassignment which they provided I found some Inc consensus I also requested information on how schools provide seat numbers for the reassignments I have yet to get a string answer on that um how that is determined what I was informed was that the process initially was District based then it transitioned to being School based and now it's now it's in the process of being District based once again in any event the process of reassignment appeared not to have been done with Fidelity under the school-based model this month's site visit was uh at Fox Trail Elementary we were pleased to observe that the school had minimal facility issues and limited work orders the district had crews out during work on the playground and covered play area there was an issue with a outside playground canopy that was currently under work order we had some concerns on the metal bars on the upstairs Windows um and we inquired about the safety protocols we were still waiting response on that we pointed out a few issues with bathroom toilets and wall and the wall and floor cracks their overall site visit was satisfactory while we do these site visits we also observe the level of service the School receives from the district the mediacy to which they receive responses and followup I will be discussing that next week's Workshop as well lastly this committee has Express frustration that the lack of looping in the policy review for specific departments that are directly mentioned in our policy 1.5 that governs this committee we still uh we are just getting notice on uh policy 5000 that we that will change and um change to 8010 we will not be able to address it until May and we are very concerned that this policy goes before you in June for final vote uh as Chuck was uh he wasn't there but I went to the dec meeting last week where the department of demographics presented and I was appalled at the fact that everything to do with communities uh committees and all pertinent stakeholders have been stricken in the name of removing specifity I would argue that this District needs to needs in many instances specifity also phrases like equal education were used in a way that is not clear I was pleased to see that the DAC felt the same and the uh same way it made motions to reject the entire revision some board members don't believe in ad advisories one stated to me advisories are here to work with the district and not hold them accountable to which I disagree we are here to alert you to issues that may not be that you may not be aware of help hold this board to a level of accountability that promotes transparency and to prepare and strengthen the Public's trust we are here not to only help but Elevate Elevate you allow us to do our jobs thank you thank you BTU bpaa thank you madam chair school board members Dr heurn Mr superintendent my name is Lisa Maxwell and I'm here today representing the Broward principles and assistance association I hope you'll bear with me because I'm still absorbing the shock um I will say that and I have said this previously that Dr LCA brought more positive changes than any superintendent that I've worked with in my experience in this District uh he also brought Dr heurn which frankly is truly a gift the principles and the assisant principles have been extraordinarily impressed and feel very supported by Dr heurn as they did by Dr LCA so we're so glad that you're here and uh anything that we can do to assist and work with you we would want to do that Dr heurn to welcome um I'm here today actually to ask the board to please consider uh directing the staff to address the referendum question um in approximately 45 business days or last pay period in June all principles and assistant principles will cease receiving payment for the referendum that they had been getting this past year that net result is a 5.5% decrease in their pay so I'm urgently asking that the Board address this so that there's no Gap uh assuming the board intends to continue with referendum payments to other employee groups and I hope that you do um and that you would consider during this decision to also ensure that that's for the next three years as well as you have for all of the other Union groups that certainty is important for people um um and certainly for employees who uh are at the lower end of the pay schedule who also are not in a union but are receiving referendum dollars uh that question mark in their mind is troubling they don't know what's going to happen and they're certainly hoping that you will address that as quickly as possible I also just want to say for the for the record when raises are allocated that are not allocated across the board um it creates difficulty in the school when you have halves and Have Nots among the employee groups it is extremely difficult to manage that it's also difficult to be a have not and so um I know that the financial situation that the district is in is urgent and it's extreme and someplace we've never been before um and this board did not create that situation you're trying to solve it but we need to as going forward consider all of the employees there are all very important they all work very hard and I can assure you that principles and assistant principles are working diligently to serve this District each and every day and so thank you for listening today and I appreciate anything you can do to resolve the referendum issue thank you thank you asmb good almost afternoon um chair Alf Schoolboard members and Dr superintendent heurn congratulations we would first like to express our thanks to Dr Lata as he was very amenable to new ideas and also working with us we're sorry to see him lead but we welcome you uh Dr heurn and working with you my name is Pete tingum and I the executive director of esab I uh Echo much of what Lisa Maxwell said having been a member of that Organization for a long time our first and primary task is to educate every student in Broward County appropriately every employee's purpose is to support that task it is now April 16th 2024 and many groups are still discussing compensation for 2324 without really an end in sight I know that the district's Financial p position the fund balance and those types of things are very critical but that type of planning needs to start in June for the next year it was really a novel idea that maybe all meet and confer and collective bargaining agreements would be settled by the first day of school for students I cannot in my rather long history ever remember that happening recently I think it is the duty of the board to try to settle those issues early rather than later the citizens of Broward County have approved two referendum dollars smab was not included in the first referendum dollars but as Miss Maxwell said we have been included we'd like to reiterate the fact that we would like to have that continued for the next three years the second ROM dollars were distributed equally I remember when the b2u contract was settled Dr Zeman made a comment how can we snatch defeat from the jaws of Victory and I think sometimes we overthink things to the point to where we have to look at all of our employees equally to be treated fairly the perception is that that doesn't happen happen and when you direct your representative to issue a final last and best offer and then it's not the final last and be offer you reduce the trust within your ability to award raises and compensation to other people again I would recommend that you try to not have that happen and as compensation is somewhat unequally distributed if you have one group pitted against another group such as employees in the FI agreement or principles or teachers or bus drivers anytime one group is treated differently than the other group you get morale issues and it also pits one group against the other I'd like to refer you back to a chart that was distributed on February 27th that showed the non-instructional raay situation on page 10 of that if you look back to that agreement it had a long red line with nothing there for the non-instructional side of the issue again it takes all employees to make this work and again I'd like to welcome Dr heurn and thank you for the time thank you so much OPI Copa reports been emailed to all board members and is uh shared online PBA BC advisory Council hello again Jackie lusin ESC advisory chair um happy Autism Awareness Month um our autism subcommittee we have three subcommittees they're all out there actively engaging with um your uh constituents um to try to build a bridge between brow County Public Schools uh and parents um who are in uh some going around in circles of Despair so I aside from being advisory I want folks to know the kind of support role that we play uh not only on Main advisory but in our subcommittees too uh we frequently have parents in tears at our meetings I have parents every single day on the phone to me uh I or on messenger and and uh other um Forum um who feel their only way into Broward schools to get resolution to problems is via ESC advisory and me or our committee chairs so please know that we are more than simply when I say simply we're more than only advisory to you folks um we are advisory back the other way to the parents as well um and it's a frequent expression um from parents that without us they don't know where they would be frequently I am telling Dr Dr um heurn and welcome uh to the role um about parents who we're trying to save from walking out the door of BCPS and giving up and going to Charters or private or homeschooling and I have personally stopped some of those folks from going by getting them help but it is a tangled web um and there does need to be a big untangling of the way um parents are served and students are served and how customer service is delivered uh and accountability delivered um and the right thing happen for students when there are problems um our advisory meeting tomorrow night um our guest is from one of the uh strategic account managers for Kelly education um for discussion on the training of qualification requirements for subs and Paras and what specifically preparation they have for the specialized demands of working with students with exceptionalities and particularly in self-contained ESC classrooms that dialogue with Kelly education and I was triggered by an incident that came to light last month in which a student in an sve class a self-enclosed um es classroom was tied to a chair by a sub uh and another sub came along and um happened across this scene and did not appear to know who where or how to ensure that it was reported up the ladder so it wasn't until I got involved um and then I believe there was an investigation um but we need subs and Paras properly trained equipped prepared and supported um to be working with with the specialized demands of um students with um with with disabilities um we also be discussing what training subs and Paras have in reporting child abuse and neglect and the difference between that mandatory reporting Duty and how they also report professional misconduct and they see something say something thing as the lack of knowledge about the difference and the various different Pathways that you take for for reporting needs to be known again not only by your staff um but all uh those hired in and out on on a daily basis on a temporary basis we'll be uh also be looking at um uh some of your policies that are under review uh we've got guests coming tomorrow night to present on the enrollment and withdrawal school choice and the redefining schools policy thing um uh where else are we um Behavior we speak often at um meetings will again tomorrow night about customer service and meetings and in particular um behavior issues and how schools are dealing with with them disabilities related behaviors that don't appear well understood in some situations we know there's a fantastic um uh core of people in Brower schools who know how to work with students with disabilities but those who don't who think that there is uh that you deal with um with behaviors by just constantly writing kids up um and not actually intervening and and um drawing up functional Behavior assessments and behavior plans and supporting that child to be success uccessful um also we spoke at the last meeting about um how schools are repeatedly some um calling parents and telling them to take their kids home rather than being able to deal with behaviors and know how to support and manage them that is a backdoor illicit suspension um and we did ask at our last meeting for there to be renewed reminder to schools about that um and I have signed up to speak to CC1 to Lobby on the Motions that we have but I'll mention one quickly now the cameras in classrooms pilot program by this date is coming to an end in June that means that parents in ESC classrooms can no longer request a camera we are asking for you to continue this um scheme yourselves you already have the hardware you've spent over $700,000 on that Hardware so we're asking for you to continue it too thank you thank you and Dr heon I'd ask if you can follow up with the board and how Kelly Services is training the substitute teachers to work with our ESC students thank you chair we're already on that Gathering that information thank you Esau Leadership Council facili task force still morning uh good morning again Dr Natalie Lynch Walsh chair of the district's facilities task force which was put in place after grand jury report in 1997 uh just to reiterate the motion that was passed because we will be talking about this in our subcommittee meeting and Main meeting for May the absolute rejection of the proposed boundary policy changes is unprecedented in the 12 years I've been a volunteer I've never seen an entire policy just toss back at by DAC so I don't want you to um I I I want to make sure that that's highlighted that's never happened and in trying to figure out where they're going with it based on a policy subcommittee discussion we had it seems we're trying to bypass Ila requirements regard related to level of service School concurrency because one and one of the proposals directly conflicts with language in the Ila the interlocal agreement which governs how uh which is required by State Statute you have an oversight committee superintendent school site Review Committee and all of that so you cannot have a boundary policy that directly conflicts with language in the Ila just can't but that seems to be what's happening and that's coming to you on 423 the workshop next week that's why that that happened because nobody was buying what staff was selling that night I'm not even sure staff was buying it uh facilities task force our last meeting was April 4th and um uh through the chair Dr heurn I may not be uh gushing with welcome because you've been here but I did make sure that we knew that you would be sitting in the seat the rest of this meeting because that was a concern uh because the last superintendent I have an open bullying complaint in reference to one of his direct reports that needs to be resolved so that's where I'm coming from because I'm still living with that it hasn't been resolved yet uh and what that means is the facilities task force is being treated differently than other advisories we have items that are open since January one of them is a request for ARP and Esser budget to actual for facilities there have been crickets in terms of how have you spent the 90 million that was allocated not $9 not 9,000 90 million we don't know because we won't we can't get a response on the it side there's an item today where the money for raises is coming in part from it I believe the diversity chair has asked for specificity and hasn't received any um but those are the types of things that remain open lack of transparency there's an RFP I advise the board of concerns regarding the RFP it has a conflict of interest a lack of Independence Allowed by it the scope is unclear the requirements are unclear the it requirements are not in there it could be canceled it is not as of yesterday so FTF will not be putting a design on CC because we are not mandated to participate when we know there's a problem with the process we are supposed to be independent it's nice when we can collaborate or support but that is not our charge we are supposed to tell you of potential problems and we do over and over um RFP ARP items not received I think I've covered everything uh what we'll be looking at uh oh long range facility master plan steering committee we've been starting to get data but we have to meet in sunshine before we can really discuss it there is no steering committee date that I can advise people about no date yet we didn't meet for 6 months we lost a lot of time there's no date it isn't dependent upon whether you've hired somebody we need to be meeting so we can discuss because we're the community members that know our communities and the data means something to us so if you could help with that that would be great um this week we meet this this week and next week and we're looking at the proposed changes the Ila we're going to dig into that we're going to look again at the facility condition assessment RFP so when that comes before the board for final approval uh we'll have more to say on that and then next week we'll be reviewing the annual diversity committee report to provide them with additional feedback uh the data we've received so far the hid efficiency report because it is relevant here redefining our schools looking at pompo imp Plantation and uh getting ready for the dfp recommendations because that's one of our functions is to make recommendations to the dfp our immediate problem though is resolving the lack of information we have been reduced to 2020 when there was a single point of contact and people were acting as though they would be fired if they spoke to us this cannot continue thank you thank you gifted advisory cancel as email the report to all board members and we be shared online human Relations Committee uh good morning Nancy fry human relations committee chair uh first off I want to offer on behalf of the entire HRC our well wishes to Dr Lata as he goes through his treatment uh we really appreciated all the time he spent with us this year in the open line of communication and we are looking forward to hopefully having that same uh kind of relationship with Dr heurn uh additionally uh also looking forward to working with the uh upcoming student adviser to the school board Mr spellberg uh and looking forward to his installation next month um at our meeting last month we received a presentation on all of the behavior Summits that had been happening around the county with Kathy Keith and uh previous to that we had just held our spring teen Leadership Summit that Monday and we invited the students to bring their feedback to us at our meeting uh because we didn't have time to collect at all at the summit we had 65 high school students attend our spring Summit from schools across the county in particular they wanted to highlight that they really appreciated uh that Transportation was provided and that the students were still engaged in the discussions that took place during the summit the whole ride back to their schools uh we must continue to provide our students with opportunities to give feedback and contribute to improving the culture within their schools and around the district Especially since one of the points they raised is that they find it's much better to talk to people than to a form uh we also will continue to provide our hrc's with chances to meet and talk with their counterparts at other schools as that was a highlight for them as well in terms of what the students discussed behavior and discipline were top of mind which is no surprise given the current discussions within the district one of the big takeaways was that students wanted to see more interventions and educational opportunities instead of punishments they felt that the focus is on consequences instead of the root causes of issues and that students aren't understanding what they did wrong or why it is wrong let alone receiving any tools to learn how to fix their behavior um they wanted students to receive strategies to learn from their mistakes as especially when it comes to the category of acts against persons it seems to them that while uh many of the drug rated offenses receive interventions the interpersonal misconduct does not additionally they felt that too many violations led directly to out of school suspensions and that in school suspensions provide more opportunities for lessons and education uh another request that came up was for better discipline and behavior materials for students uh including a suggestion for a simplified discipline Matrix uh that the students can find a little more accessible uh this promise videos from Sandy Hook promise were a huge success students said they felt empowered and encouraged to take threats seriously and they asked if they could get more videos or slide presentations that they could then distribute or present to other clubs uh in general there was significant discussion around more student Le presentations and greater peer involvement in the educational side of conduct and discipline uh this is also something we are going to look into helping to facilitate through our hrc's going to next school year uh bringing in student voices to help get these messages across to their peers uh one other suggestion that came up during our meeting from my fellow committee members was to provide information about the appeal process for COD of conduct violations when a student receives a consequence uh much in the same way that we provide the Hope Scholarship information when a student uh reports bullying uh parents and Guardians don't always understand what their rights and their students rights are when it comes to discipline and that's a way uh to make it easier for them to access that due process information uh as we begin to wrap up the year we are going to start goal setting for next year and review what Chang changes we want to make as well as where we can improve and grow our human relations councils in the schools uh thank you very much for your time as always we look forward to continuing to work with the board in the district as we focus on our school environments and our students to ensure inclusion belonging and Equity thank you thank you parent Community involvement task force small business advisory committee technology advisory committee ah still morning good morning everyone uh school board members superintendent congratulations Dr heurn um welcome we look forward to working with you um we had a meeting last week uh unfortunately we did not make Quorum so we just had a discussion on our policies uh for technology and where we going moving forward with them uh I also want to give uh parent Community involvement task force a um congratulations on their presentation on Focus uh for their parent University it was informative it's better than what we got ATT tack uh the other issue was um in one of our discussions uh we were addressing one of the indicators for from the CCC from January's workshop and we asked that uh going forward when the source is identified that also the person responding is identified because a comment was made that it was met that the the district has a written take-home procedure that allows students to take laptops or similar internet capable devices home for educational purposes but we don't know who made the comment and neither does technology they'll have to research it but we could not find it where they identified policy or in the um what is it the business practice uh bulletins that was identified so we will be addressing that that's it thank you thank you now we have our morning public speakers we have five speakers first up is Trudy germanovich we again my name is Dr Trudy Janovich and I want to point out that the website's written comment section has not been updated since February 21st please make that process work for those who cannot attend meetings I'm now bringing you some words from the founder of stop moms for Liberty she states my name is Liz megarian I am a retired Florida teacher and the founder of the national movement stop moms for Liberty I have been watching events unfold and Broward and have felt compelled to comment board please make a clear position are you against pay raises for teachers don't let extremists undermine your teachers because they are anti-union for pretty transparent reasons your board is under scrutiny don't be fooled to think that state interference with the governance of your board is anything but geared toward driving people away from public schools excuse me actions by the state and local extremists are all part of the privatization effort it's meant to drive families into for-profit education news flash educating children should never be about profit but thankfully right-wing extremist strategies are backfiring this is there is more support being generated now across this country for public education than I've seen in 30 years book Banning is a distraction bathrooms are a distraction CRT fear is a distraction all is meant to distract us from the privatization dangers this is about the money that can be made off the backs of children stop it now while you still can keep Broward in control of their Broward schools don't let extremism take hold those of you who have been duly elected have an obligation to represent your community and save your public school system now I switch to my comment Mr heer or Dr heurn congratulations and your new position is really just an expansion of your old position we still want to know what's happening to sex said this year students are being deprived of a program which has been successfully implemented since 2014 teachers are in limbo and have not heard anything about whether we will have a program or not please use Monroe County's program if the state hasn't moved on the program which was sent to them by this District in October as several board members have requested please give us an update thank you thank you Chaz Stevens she can't help us no Melanie mastre Chris Nelson St Tass Steve tasson Cooper City thank you to the whole board for allowing me to speak would it be a good idea to go running through the woods at night as fast as you can run without a flashlight not very wise you'll get H quickly but if you have a flashlight you can see the path and Mist the trees in Psalm 119 verse 105 it says your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path the late Carmen a famous musician has a son song from the 9s called America again here's are some of its words George Washington Thomas Jefferson Samuel Adams first Chief Justice John J names synonymous with the spirit of our country founding fathers of the USA over 200 years ago they shook off the chains of tyranny from Great Britain by Divine call citing 27 biblical violations they wrote the Declaration of Independence with Liberty and justice for all but something happened since Jefferson called the Bible the Cornerstone for American Liberty then put it in our schools as a light or since Give me liberty or give me death Patrick Henry said our country was founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ we eliminated God from the equation of American Life thus eliminating the reason this nation first began from behind or beyond the grave I hear the voices of our founding fathers plead you need God in America again of the 55 men who were formed who formed the Constitution 52 were active members of their Church founding fathers like no Webster who wrote the first dictionary could literally quote the Bible chapter and verse in his farewell address Washington said you can't have National morality apart from religious principle and it's true because right now we have nearly 150,000 kids carrying guns to these War zones we call Public Schools in the 40s and 50s student problems were chewing gum and talking in the 90s rape and murder are the trend Abe Lincoln said the philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next so when you eliminate the word of God from the classroom and politics you eliminate the nation that word protects America is now number one in teen pregnancy and violent crime number one in illiteracy drug use and divorce every day a new Holocaust of 5,000 unborn die while orogy floods our streets like open sewers I believe if you remove the word of God from schools what you have left is Darkness I have gone to the Broward County Main Jail for 22 years as part of a jail Ministry if the kids have access to the word of God in schools we can help to prevent many from having to go to jail to get it thank you thank you please please St ref frame from clapping go like this please thank you so much we have a motion and second on bb4 still move moved by rer second by Hixon public comment on bb4 that was moved by Austin for the record correct this is my item sorry thank you move by Austin second by Hixon public comment bb4 yes Madam chair hold on I'm sorry have we're doing public comments ma'am we have mayor Wayne messum City of Maramar good morning Madam chair board members and congratulations on Dr um heer and on your appointment to superintendent um first I would like to thank board member Tor Austin for bringing this item forward um what you have before you is a request for the school Board of brow County to formally um partner in a more um financial position um to partner with the myar aviation Expo um this December will be the seventh year of offering the aviation Expo um the city of myar has a vibrant aviation industry um and uh many of our businesses Services both F and Miami International Airport um this event has grown to be perhaps Florida's large largest Aviation Expo specifically um catered to children to inspire them our next Generations of Pilots repair mechanics um aviators and Engineers um we have um been able to assemble some incredible corporate Partners um like Spirit Airlines American Airlines JetBlue and the list goes on and on um with Aviation being one of the targeted Industries not only in Florida but for brow County it only makes sense um I would like to thank the school board for allowing Broward County school children to attend the event which takes place the first Friday of every month where we have over 1,700 Broward County Schools being exposed to Pilots uh air traffic controllers schools the Air Force and many our Broward um Sheriff's Office and um and because of that effort we have seen these children matriculate and go on to go to Embry Riddle and other schools to be Engineers um to attend brow College in their repair uh program so we are formally asking that the school board be able to cover the cost that my office feels the burden of um it averages about $330,000 a year to transport those 1,700 students as well as to feed them and we think that because of the last six years um we've we've spent at least a qu million dollars in just providing that small aspect um of it so we think because of the academic contributions that the aviation Expo presents um the real life transition from the academic setting to um career choice um that this is a natural partnership and we would like to see if the school district would help us to create more certainty that we can rely on every year the trans the Safe Transportation of our students as well as to be able to provide them food so that they can see what their minds um perhaps explore to in terms of Aviation thank you so much for this consideration thank you any other public speakers no Madam chair no no other speakers Mr Alon oh go ahead I want to know why you all moved on to another section without allowing additional open comments on the last section so uh you were supposed to sign up for public comments and fill out the card I did I did that I did I did all of the above and I was I was not allowed to we must have missed it so we're in the middle of item so let's finish this item and then I'll come back to you thank you um Mr Alon thank you madam chair uh and I'm excited Ed to have proferred this item that's why I brought it Forward um it's hard to follow the eloquent mayor of the city of Miramar who I think uh did an excellent job uh because this item supports kids I think this is the first item today uh and many of us up here talk about uh our love and support uh for children uh and this is one example of how uh the district uh can continue to support this effort I think the mayor was clear about the hands-on experience provided for stem opportunities uh for our children uh countywide uh so I look forward to my colleague support um this has been going on as you all have in front of you I won't uh uh repeat uh all the information that you have uh for a very long time I was actually excited uh Mr Mayor uh at your invitation uh to join you uh your city uh your colleagues and other stakeholders uh at uh last year's event uh and let me also if I could Madam chair uh as the mayor did o commend uh the district uh because I know that we have continuously supported uh this Expo as I know uh our uh uh I'm sorry your staff Mr superintendent uh knows intimately uh and I look forward uh to uh this item passing what also uh will uh happily uh share as the item recommends uh this is a $30,000 effort or up to $30,000 effort uh in our budget uh that uh in my view I'm happy to also on the day is share how we can do that uh but I'm not the CEO Mr superintendent you are uh that's why this item uh does not prescribe uh to tell you uh how to find cost savings which I believe at the last meeting uh the prior superintendent uh talked about many of those millions of dollars of savings uh that's already been identified but I'm happy to do that uh if my colleagues will ask me to do so uh but I know that uh you are a sound leader uh and I know that based on all of the cost avoidances uh and savings uh of a $30,000 effort and a multi-billion doll Enterprise uh I know that those savings uh can be realized so again Madam chair colleagues I'm happy to support this item happy to support this item for children uh happy to support uh uh continuous teaching and learning uh and exposing our kids uh to experiences uh that some may not have the opportunity for thank you and I'll close at the appropriate time thank you Miss Hixon thank you um I I know that the aviation Expo is is a fantastic opportunity for our students I appreciate the fact that we want to partner with them but I do have a motion for this item because I think it's premature for right now and I'd like to move to postpone item bb4 uh Wayne mayor Wayne messums 7th annual Aviation Expo 2024 indefinitely as it will impact the budget for the 24 25 school year and it should be considered in those budget discussions which we're in the midst of now and I do believe it should be included in the caste budget as act castes where all of these particular events take place so I want to be clear I am very supportive of the item I just don't know that we need to vote on this item now through for this budget that is very tight I think we need to incorporate it into the budget for the following school year because the activity happens in December which is actually our next budget not this particular budget so I make that motion is there a second second mooved by Hixon second by Zan public comment on the motion board member comment on the motion Miss famam yes thank you um there's several um agenda items today addressing students going on field trips going to different locations and they're all in different locals in the past Broward County um certain high schools and districts have been targeted and forgotten and left behind um I'm going to say Miramar is one so today when I vote and I think there's at least two more in addition to this it's an all or nothing package either we give to all our students and allow them to go on trips but we're not going to cherry-pick which schools get that luxury so if this is denied then I will not support other schools getting that privilege thank you m Rupert it has nothing to do with the motion it was something else to do with the item so I will you want me to still say it I'm confused at this point the floor okay um mayor messum we don't talk back and forth but I just had to say hello um and I have been contacted a lot of my friends in the in the state are are U working with the space industry and just an idea if you haven't there's a ton of Grants out there and I think it would be a natural progression for Aviation to include the burgeoning um space industry and open up that um that career path for our students and um just an idea so thank you thank you uh Dr holness thank you madam chair so I do have comments um I'll make some comments on this motion and should we have to go back to the prior motion I'll also have some comments on that one so for this existing motion by board member Hixon um I would like uh to find out uh I know the event is in April um I would in December rather I would like to find out how will a delay in having this on the next years's budget discussion impact the funding of the event itself Dr h u thank you chair um so we can plan this out as we're planning the upcoming budget if this event is in December correct this upcoming December I okay and we can plan uh accordingly to make sure we afford students this opportunity okay so I have another question and I and I thank the mayor uh Wayne messum for being being here we appreciate you appreciate what you're doing in mirar as well so if you don't mind me Madame chair uh for me to be able to look at this item uh and consider it um in any form or way I would like if um mayor messum would be able to if there's a delay in approving this item and I know that if it's not approved then obviously you'll get funding from other sources or you'll attempt to do that but if there's a delay for this to go to the next school year budget cycle as mentioned there might be concerns with budget constraints in this budget cycle how will that impact the financing of the transportation aspect of your event is can I have the mayor respond to that Dr heurn mayor thank you and through the chair um thank you board member holess for that inquiry um because a the aviation Expo in its um prominence and significance um the there are costs that we have to forecast out months in advance um for one um speaking of um space um our next um in speaker is a former astronaut so to confirm that we have to book that out months in advance arrange travel and security and and releasing These funds instead of going to transportation and food it allows us to be able to do do that second I did not want to say this and I'm going to walk on a thin line because currently right now we are in the process of um Landing a significant partnership with a major airline carrier with myar high school and their Aviation Department which we cannot announce at the moment until it is formal and there are resources that have to be committed to Preparing the city as well as with um Mr um and myar high school to ensure its success so the timing is actually critical um as a mayor I understand and respect the budget process um because there are competing interests for limited resources um but in this instance the timing of this request if it could be um allowed and approved it would ensure the success of many elements that surround not only the aviation Expo but a direct Rel relationship with one of our thriving Aviation magnets located at myar high school that we desperately need those resources to be able to contribute to ensure its success when December happens and if it is delayed until the September October one time period of when your next budget will take place um it could put in Jeopardy some of those elements that would ensure success wonderful and and Madam chair I have a few more questions um so uh mayor um how is this normally funded in the past as far as the transportation well this is actually unprecedented there is no precedent we are thinking beyond the we're outside of the the a square wall boundary um as a municipality obviously educating our students and our future leaders that's you have the fiduciary C custodianship to do so but as a municipality your students are our students and we want to be as Innovative as possible to help lessen the burden of school districts to think outside of the box and perhaps be more Nimble and things that you may not be able to do that we can leverage so that we can have this partnership you're providing the students and the education and we are providing these experiences and collaboration to allow you know programming that you don't have to be burdened with but with your support it can be successful as well as benefiting our students okay so um I I believe I read that normally this event attracts uh upwards of 2,000 plus students which is quite a lot and um I believe my prior question though is uh I know they've always needed Transportation right so in the past how was this normally done so we have worked closely with District staff to ensure that we're using your approved vendors um we take your recommendation um your staff sets it up the city writes the check um to pay those vendors that you don't have budgeted to transport the students and what wasn't included on the second day on Saturday we provide a free forum in our Amphitheater for your robotics program to either host the competition or to practice for competition it allows the community to see the wonderful work you're doing in schools we have dozens of teams from throughout the district competing it's on a big jumbo um video screen it's just an exciting experience for our students so that's not directly avation related but those are just some of the additional benefits that the aviation Expo provides for not only um our students but the broader Community okay and so the 30,000 that you're looking for here um will that cover the transportation cost in its entirety for the 2,000 students or are there other partners that are helping to offset the cost of that or is it the district that will be um providing the total cost for this so we have um we have vendors that pay for their space to outreach to the to our community and the students we have foundations that also contribute over the past six years this is the very first time that we have actually asked the district for support we've just always have been appreciative that you allow the students to attend as a field trip but because of the interest and because of the potential and the resources to really maximize this opportunity it's requiring more resources so now we feel that um you know we've shouldered this burden over the last six years without reaching out to the school district um so we believe that the um the the track record is there the event speaks for itself um we have cities over the country that are trying to replicate what we're doing and um so now I think it it's it's necessary for us just to grow the relationship you know maybe one day we'll be standing before you and the school district will be doing a half million doll contribution because you're seeing the students that are leaving out of our school district and going right into industry um becoming pilots in fact one of the airlines um actually has a program that will take students right from high school graduation and put them in the cockpit in less than three years with a job um and and and and those are the experiences that we are trying to to grow here so it's an amazing opportunity um and um this small ask um will go a long way and helping us to build on our momentum well thank you mayor messum and I wanted to tell you as well um I appreciate that program my son is planning on becoming a pilot he's 13 and I took him plane spotting over the weekend as well and he's looking forward for some in uh flights when he's 14 uh training flights um so thank you for what you do appreciate thank you thank you Miss lardy yeah I mean as a teacher I saw that TR access to Transportation was the biggest barrier for students participating um in things outside of school so I I definitely um see the need for this I would just ask um our superintendent um to consider you know there are a lot of cities that put on different events and kind of job fairs and things like that um and try to provide like internships and connect students with indust local Industries um but again transportation is a barrier for a lot of our students um so you know I love this proposal uh to work with the city of myamar I would love for us to work with every city that is trying to connect our students with uh opportunities uh in advancing their careers M zon thank you um and again I want to reiterate I love this plan it it wasn't about that it's about the timing of the money so I'm just a little confused because the item asked us to cover Transportation which wouldn't be necessary until December which is why I was asking for it to be moved to the next budget since we are very tight on our budget this year so it isn't about not approving the item it is just asking for it to be part of the next budget cycle as opposed to this one because if the ask is for to cover transportation then that's it won't be necessary until December so that's really what the the ask is I mean we can approve the item and just say it will be on the next school budget as opposed to this one because I don't think if it's only for transportation although I'm listening to Mayor messum maybe that's not what it was supposed to be used for so I guess I'm a little confused right now cuz the item came to us as paying for transportation which was why I made this motion so we we could move it to the next budget and have transportation ready for you for December so there's no in no way am I saying I don't think this is a fantastic idea I do I'm just worried about the budgeting timing so um if someone could address that if if it has to be right now I can remove my motion but if it is for transportation that's needed in December that's really what I was trying to speak to Mr Hogan hly thank you very much chair and um thank you board member Austin for bringing this item thank you mayor for being here and thank you for all you do for our kids as a board member that does have mirar as part of his districts I really appreciate this um and I do agree with board member Leonardi right I think for us it's building more Partnerships with our cities to have that I know a lot of them do great programming for our kids they do so much but for us I really want to see us become a better partner for our cities um and work together I think this is a great thing um this has been great for the last seven years um and I just want to see a grow I think it's been great but I I do want to see more cities involved and us become a big a better partner thank you very much CH and thank you for the item thank you and I just like to say I think this is super exciting uh I would maybe in the future or superintendent can try to seek out some donations to maybe pay for lunch or possible sponsorships from the airlines to help pay for this transportation and creating those Partnerships and and I do have one question as far as security at the actual event because I know it is a school day will we have an armed security officer at the event yes Dr heurn yes mayor yes all excellent questions um first by this passing today then we know that transportation is covered and then we can dedicate resources to the other items so that's why it's important in terms of the timing um as a part of any event that takes place at the myar amphitheater it by by policy it is required to have not only security but we have our myar Police Department detailed present at this event because it's a large assembly you're talking a couple thousands of visitors on the Friday for dedicated strictly for for students and the community day in which most students come back and bring their families in the broader community Community comes out on Saturday and there is um security there provided by the mirar police department thank you I appreciate it Mr Alon did you want to make comments sure I'm happy to close um I was only just going to add that and the mayor uh alluded to this I think there were upwards of 30 to 50 plus officers uh that clearly are armed uh by the city so thank you mayor uh for your comment um I don't believe there's another motion on the floor uh I know that this was uh shared or at least passed out uh to the board um but I think the motion oh you made a substitute oh I didn't hear that subsidary motion I could oh okay sorry go ahead and then I'll get back to because I do have the floor so okay hold on Dr Zan uh after the motion ma'am it's okay Z okay so so based on that answer I will remove my motion but I would like to make the direction that the money come out of the next budget that was really all the concern that was here so I'll remove it to make this easier but I with the direction that the money we're we're committing ourselves but the check won't come until the next budget cycle thank you Z do you remove your second yeah I um um no no the motion belongs on the floor not to me but yes absolutely but I'm ready to speak after you uh vote to remove the motion motion is removed we Dr Zan Mrs hixon's motion's removed it's REM by so the motion belongs on on the floor not to miss Hixon anymore and we have to vote in order to remove the motion back to Mr alon's motion without objection the motion is removed wonderful thank you um by definition this will be brought up Miss hion as part of our budget review for next year I think to a number of points uh Beyond uh uh mayor mum's uh amazing event There's an opportunity for us to set aside funds to partner with all 31 municipalities and make sure uh whether it's Transportation or coordinating communication just sharing information about uh Municipal events uh we have a long way to go uh I spend a lot of time I came out of a a municipal Organization for six years on the on the Fort Lauderdale education board and we were screaming to get people's attention we never had uh a request for funds that's that's even better I like that uh but what we did uh was to try and and lean in and coordinate with Brower County School Board as much as possible on from this side I want to think hard about all 31 municipalities and what support do they need Beyond a little bit of money for transportation $30,000 we spent uh enough time uh thinking about this by definition this meets our standard we set up a rule this year that we wouldn't spend money without having an offset but this is money for next year and so by definition we're going to have to find an offset out of next year's budget uh to pay for this my hope is that we think about setting aside 10 times this amount of money as just a year one investment for how do we reach out to every myar every Coral Springs every uh West Lake and and lazy lake for that matter and figure out what is it that we can do with just a small amount of money to make this partnership uh significantly better your students are our students and our students are your students absolutely but we have to put some tangible resources behind that relationship rather than just uh putting out bumper stickers and emails that say we care about our Municipal Partners uh I think there's some real room to set aside some funds to do this uh for the little things that that we should be able to do to make sure that these events are as good as they can be it is a shame that Transportation or security or a notice in a Friday backpack back is what stops some Municipal events from being two three or four times bigger and better than they could have been otherwise I hope we continue Mr superintendent to find ways uh to work with all 31 municipalities in a much more uh substantive way thank you mayor than winess thank you madam chair so um yes part of my concern was what board member hickon mentioned and it it appears now that um um we can vote uh on approving this uh and then the money comes out of the next budget cycle and I saw the mayor nodding his head a little bit on that so I am uh hoping that that timeline is good enough to um to go ahead and plan for his event uh if it's approved thank you Mr allson thank you madam chair and it will be approved because I think I heard uh many of you support this $30,000 investment for kids uh I'm going to repeat a comment uh well actually again thank you all sounds like for your support um I think I'm going to go back to the workshop cuz I thought we were learning Madam chair uh that we spent 30 minutes on a $30,000 number and I won't look at my colleague who I think made that comment during the workshop and the only first item we're talking about well right is kids self report so my hope is as we continue this new Direction Mr superintendent uh that we show the direction here right we just went to through a workshop that we all I thought raised our hands uh and said that we will try to abide by what we learn learned collectively so I'm hoping that we will demonstrate that uh here from the de so I'm excited uh that the board will support this item thank you mayor uh thank you uh to the city uh thank you to all the partners but more so this is not just the city uh or Miramar High I think I just heard that right these are students coming from all across the county so I'm going be very clear for those who are listening and watching uh who uh have the opportunity to attend uh this Expo uh every year last point I'll make regarding the budget clearly this was a motion to direct Madam chair uh I think I brought items uh probably every meeting and I'll continue to do so um we have budget conversations every meeting directing staff I'm sorry directing the superintendent uh to come back uh and bring items regarding next year's budget this item never talked about this budget cycle next budget cycle because that was the intent of having a conversation openly um but I appreciate the spirit of the comments and with that U I won't hold up any longer let's take it to a vote because I think I heard five all in favor of bb4 say I I those opposed say no bb4 passes unanimously all right I have a motion and second on BB2 so move mve by Zan by Hixon public comment remember ah public comment for the one person come I had a sticky note to is John Aman chuku founder of I know god. us I'm here to address a book today entitled Push by Sapphire the real name is Ramona Lofton this book is in South Plantation High and this book is rated adult now we all know that a 14-year-old or 15y old or 16y old is not what an adult you're not an adult until you are 18 years of age I'll read from page 25 it says I've been knowing a man put his dick in you gush white stuff in your booty you could get pregnant I'm 12 now I've been knowing about this since I was five or six maybe I always known about and dick page 32 dad daddy put his PE PE smelling thing in my mouth my but never hold me I I see me first grade pink dress dirty sperm stuffs on it no one Combs my hair she's saying that because her father raped her several times and impregnated her twice page 35 I feel Mama's hand between my legs moving up my thigh her hand stopped she getting ready to pinch me if I move move I just lay still keep my eyes Clos e e BYT public comment on BB2 employment agreement of task assigned Chief auditor yes Madam chair we have Dr Natalie Lynch think it's on oh now it is um audit committee Plantation Florida uh I'm the chair of the audit committee we did not vote on this uh however I can share with you that in the two meetings we've had without the former Chief auditor the air in the room has changed and I personally support this uh in the spirit of stabil not so much stability as much as moving forward because that has been completely necessary um in the office of the chief auditor and on the audit committee it is nice to go to an audit committee meeting and not have to be in full battle gear ready for a fight so uh that's been really nice the past two meetings thank you any other public comment no yesing bring any other public comment one more okay you can read it read the name Kenny men Kenneth men we don't have those books in our library I'm not so sure about that um when she carried on this is in the um Ezekiel 23 1821 when she carried on her open hold on Mr one second hold on Madam chair the card I have is to speak to item A1 I believe the current item on the floor is item BB2 yes it's item is BB2 employment agreements T assign Chief auditor okay that's it no more comments board member comment I have Dr holness thank you madam chair um I just have some questions I know that we have a negotiated um salary here for the um task assigned Chief auditor um I wanted to find out what's the typical um percentage increase um for task assigned position is there a typical percent increase from their original salary to what they are tasked assigned to make and if so what is that percentage normally Miss Batista do you want to speak to the or okay Dr ha David Aero hi yes there's no set standard there's no average percent that we use each one is separately by compensation thank you have we task assigned in the last 5 to 10 years a chief Auditor in the past Madam chair no okay so the current salary of 165,000 um represents 1% increase of um the prior salary of the current um uh of the uh T current uh task assigned Chief auditor Dr he David doing quick math it's about a 35% okay so this represents 35% increase of the the prior salary of our chief auditor correct no no his it's a 35% increase from his current salary as director the previous Chief auditor made more than 165 that's what you're asking all right um and is is 35% increase um is that about average as to other position similar for task assigned are the leadership position I'm just trying to get a some py on the increase if this is being fiscally responsible has this been typical because I don't know so I'm trying to see if there's some comparative with this increase of 35% from his prior salary if this increase is would be considered typical or usual for most task assign of this level of leadership I believe through the share I believe this is typical as a director who's going to a chief level so director executive director Chief that's a two steps up and so going from his current salary 122 up to the 165 the previous uh permanent Chief auditor previous Chief auditor again was at 175 I believe so this is still within that range of a chief um it's not it's it's within the Pay Band It's I believe it would be typical yes okay and I have one more question and I'm done uh the current um Chief auditor um I know there was a minimum requirement for this position and I wanted to I know there's a question being asked about minimum retirement minimum requirement um did Mr roads fulfill the minimum requirement that we're looking for do the Mr AO do the chair currently know that's why it's a task assignment understand just wanted to clarify thank you Mrs fam did you have a comment yes I have a point of order what's the point um the book that this gentleman just read was approved by the we're not on that item we're not we're not speaking to that SP I'd like to make my record point of order according to Robert's Rules Mrs you're out of order this is not the time to say speak to that when should I speak to it at the end of the meeting any other board member comments on this item I just have one question Mrs this was found not to be pornographic and yet his microphone was caught off his microphone Sil micone thank you thank you for allowing all in favor of I don't BB2 BB2 say I I I those opposed say no no BB2 passes with one dissenting vote Dr holess congratulations Mr [Applause] R Madam chair Mr Aon since there's uh nothing on the floor uh what I was going to ask as we're still in this Spirit of uh camaraderie we just left a workshop I'm reminding everyone we now have a new superintendent we now have a new Chief auditor yes so in continuing that Spirit what I was going to ask Madam chair if the super intendent and clearly we never respond to public comment um but if you could maybe just share uh what the district uh just explain the district's process right because clearly folks heard you know those comments I think that is what's what I would just recommend just take 10 20 seconds to do that and then clearly if that and I have no idea you would know that staff would know that right to look into what was just uh read on the record if that was the if that was the case then what happens right just explain the process um I think that is The Prudent thing as opposed to getting into all the other stuff I think that's all Miss was to do I I got it I just if the superintendent could just 20 second district process yes um we have a clear District process we're on our website there is a link where you can put in information to challenge a specific book um and then we will search to see if that book is in our circulation and we will start that that process a review um and there's several outcomes uh from that review one is removal of that book one is making sure that book is only available for the correct uh grade level or age group of students um and I know uh Miss Holland's words not in the room but miss Holland work probably could provide some additional information that I probably missed but we do have a specific process that starts by looking on the website um and starting that challenge process and we have a Review Committee that will review that book and make a decision on next steps Madam chair the last 5c thing if the superintendent would oblige as the chief academic officer is walking back I'm sure that you will direct your staff to get with the individual to look into the issue and get back to you if needed it's yes um sir they're actually right behind you miss hollinworth they'll assist you well okay please go out the and she'll assist you Mone please please this is your warning I just want to put the record enough I have enough we're going to bring an item forward you'll be able to speak to it that's at the end of the day I want to put here now M fam please stop talking you're out of order I'm just documenting for the fam you need to wait till you're called on point of order draws attention to a breaching rules please silence her microphone breaching of an established practice and you're allowed to have it addressed immed her microphone you don't have wait till the end of the day I want that documented in the record and you just cut off my microphone because you're not listening I have a motion second on A1 so moved second moved by Zan second by rert public comment on A1 superintendent Review Committee report yes Madam chair we have um a few registered speakers the first one we have is uh Chip Moore he may go go to the closest uh Podium next to him the second public speaker registered is John amuku I'm sorry if I said it wrong you may begin so my name is Chip Moore I am the senior strategic manager with TP USA fate of division attorney Point USA I would like to point out one thing you didn't allow Miss fam to speak but this gentleman made a comment that was not on point of order so if he can make a comment you should be allowed to as well but having that in mind I would like to relinquish my remaining time to John am anduku okay so come to the mik you have five and a half minutes I thought he was going to go outside thank you so much uh I was going to go outside and speak to the chief e e e e e e which felt better but not by much he be masturb day after you all reviewed this book and said that it was educational and you're muting my mic again why because you don't want to be challenged I want you to know something every person on this board especially those who who claim to be Christians you know we claim to be Christian when we campaign we claim to know the god of the Bible in the audience there's no clapping we need to keep theorum the theorum is removing the trash theorum is not censoring me for reading what you have permitted to be educational you are a hypocrite Lori you're hypocrite you're silencing my microphone while I address a book that you all said it's educational is it educational because you all want to make black men the poster child for lgbtq is that part of the problem you know because Society loves to dress black men up in dresses and make them the poster child for for everything that's Sinister and disgusting even men who who allow people to you know play in their rectum but you want theorum theorum is not sitting on your bully pull pit sitting in that chair smug ready to explode because you're embarrassed theorum is not you sitting back and telling the Qui the crowd to be quiet the crow can the crowd can never shut up you want to know why because we have truth on our side and the Bible says blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord It also says that righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a reproach to any people It also says if you sow to the wind you will reap the Whirlwind the reason why we're in trouble and reaping this mess today is because of snowflakes like Lori who sens the microphones allow his strash to take place that's why next speaker Madame chair for the record we have 10 more registers speakers for this item okay Heather Tanner Amelia uh MWI and I'm I apologize if I said that in correctly okay Heather Tanner and wow that is really hard to follow thank you so much for bringing attention to the corruption in our schools and these are things that not only have I spoken at this microphone and I have brought these attent the attention to these books as well and I've had my microphone cut off as well so it is such perversion but I do want to share the good news the good news is for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life for God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved that is the god that we serve and God does hold his account he's the god of Truth and we have to start recognizing in what is going on in our schools I have sat here many times watching these review boards I've been a part of the review boards as several other parents have been a part of these re review boards that there's one parent sharing the same language that you cut this gentleman's microphone off John's microphone off for and yet there's eight other people voting to keep these books in our schools so yes these books are going before a review board however the review board seems to be tainted so why is it that you're going to cut off this man's microphone for for the language that he said but yet you keep the books and yet you have the same people reviewing over these books thinking that it's okay they said oh well it's not titillating to me that's what they've said on on the review board why they say yes this is educational well that is disgusting this is perversion I do agree with him this is pervert you're either pervert or you're you're a punk that is well said but we need to get back to the truth and you know what in God we trust that is the motto of our state our country and without God you this is what you have so you put God back into our country and we have truth is what we stand on in truth and we will uh Prevail in bringing peace and and getting back to what this is really about bringing God back into our country and into our schools and to our families and then you bring back love and patience because God is love and love conquers all but we need to start recognizing what is going on and if we don't start calling out what it is then this is what's going to continue to happen in our schools so I thank you for this gentleman coming forward and bringing forth this is what's been going on in our schools as well so we need to just U make the decisions to take all this garbage out of here because we don't need to be grooming our children and get back to the basics so the math the reading the science which is what the children are supposed to be learning not not being groomed and teaching 5-year-olds to masturbate so this is not what we need in our school systems bring God back in there may God bless America Next speaker Dr not sure if ailia mwis is here okay please go to the mic closest to you and then the next speaker um Miss Kenneth mchu I believe pastor has a little bit more to say so I would like to relinquish my time to him I'm sorry to who no you already spoke on the item Mr menu you're next speaker Madam share um according to the school board rules um policy 1100a allows only one person to donate their time to a speaker Mr M point of clarification for the um general counsel Madam chair there I go yes um can you please say what rule it says that you have to um if it's limited to one issue because he's speaking on multiple issues I was my understanding and I think I've seen in the past where people have surrendered their time if it's a different issue I I'm I'm almost certain with um natal wash that she's gone for more than one um her time has been dedicated um by others just clarify where that would be so we can find that rule says that it's limited to one agenda that is you can only give it um cumula individually to each agenda I know can you just find where that is yes is the school board policy 1100a thank you up thank you Mr Manu thank microphone I'll try again can you hear me yes all right thank you look faith is important but Faith should be left to practice in your church Faith is something that should be left to practice in your home or even contemplated while you're driving and and and connecting um with your religion whatever that may be but we don't we don't have groomers in our Public Schools Miss fam oh I'm sorry I'm not supposed to say names that's right that's right I'm sorry my bad the Bible belongs in church the Bible belongs in your home the Bible belongs in your heart point of clarification when she carried excuse me we not interrupting thank you can I have my time back on the clock one second one second please stop did he just refer to my back my disability did that speaker just speak to my disability no M did he say my back no OMG I'm asking I'm asking I did not answer Lori thank you please add 20 seconds to his time thank you I'm not against the Bible I was saying but the Bible belongs in the church in your home and in your heart that's it Ezekiel when she carried on her whoring so openly and flaunted her nakedness I turned in disgust from her as I had turned in disgust from her sister yet she increased her whoring remembering the days of her youth when she played the in the land of Egypt and lusted after her lovers there whose members were like those of donkeys and whose issues issue was like that of horses thus you longed for the lewdness of your youth when when the Egyptian handled your bosom and pressed your young breast I don't believe we need the Bible in our public schools there is separation of church and state and we need to continue that Worship in your churches worship at home Worship in your hearts it doesn't belong in our Public Schools Dr wanza Madam chair Mrs uh Amelia MTZ would like to use her time since she can't donate and then next is um Steve tasson first of all I'd like to say I love watching the devil show itself right second of all the Bible is not just a religious text but it's a historical Masterpiece that has greatly impacted not only the world but the Western world mostly by preserving the Bible in our libraries we promote diversity of thought and understanding of our cultural heritage let's embrace the richness and depth of this influential book and uphold the principles of the country that we are standing in Dr wano Mr tasson and the next speaker is um Ashley Rodriguez Steve tasson Cooper City what was just said the separation of church and state was never meant to kick God out of the public SK square or the classroom it was meant so that the government cannot force you to believe or not believe and this country was started with that with Yale Harvard as seminaries to teach ministers so I'll leave it at that okay the next two speakers Emanuel aramas and Adriana Franco hi I'm on that one no no keep talking no no keep talk I can talk on this one yeah okay Ashley Rodriguez pem Pines I am a MST for Liberty member uh we do not ban books we do not promote Banning books um this gentleman previously had said that there's no groomers in school but yet we have on the agenda C2 Felicia Smith um so I agree with keeping the Bible in the schools um I mean we have there's other there there's books out there that is nothing compared to the Bible the Bible is is historical has been around for ages so to have this removed or considered to be removed is ridiculous so I mean and board members I suggest that you guys go into those SRC meetings and really check them out because what goes on there it's insane what half those people talk about so and keeping those books in the school so thank you for your time thank you Dr Wanda okay the next two speakers are William Carlson and uh Mara sour and Emanuel Aras yes yes yes you were go ahead sir all right perfect I'm Emmanuel ramas I'm with Turning Point USA so it has come to my the community's attention that it has been challenged for the Bible to be removed from the Broward County Public Schools some may say that the Bible is offensive that it Treads over their differing religious beliefs but I now challenge everyone in this room to ask themselves aside from the personal their personal religious beliefs to look at this issue from a non-religious lens if you allow someone their opinion it is because it is a reflection of your own self-respect you now see yourself as an equal not a superior or an inferior but simply as another human otherwise you're being unfair and to an extent immoral and it isn't morality a search and isn't morality a search for truth and a feeling of purpose the very reason we follow religion so now I ask you you challenge yourselves to question your own morality which school of moral thought do you fall under relative morality or absolute morality do you conveniently portray yourself as the hero in any event disregarding any consideration for your opposition defining your own convenient morality based on personal advancement and defining right from wrong based on either existing popular opinion or your influence over popular opinion or are you a moral absolutist where you view yourself from a fair equal lens and constantly ask yourself the honest intention of your actions and consider the consequence it brings to others and if you're smart enough to yourself there's only one religious doctrine that clearly defines the difference between right and wrong good and evil the Bible just for comparison our founding fathers knew this despite not all of them being Christians let alone religious and yet our constitution and country was still founded on fundamental Christian biblical principle and the separation between church and state was instituted to protect the individual and their religion the entire Constitution was written to protect the rights of the individual despite the majority rule our country is a constitutional republic not a democracy taking away the Bible from our schools as a spit in the face to the individual to our equality to Absolute morality and to to the Constitution our country and the culture that invites so many immigrants like my parents escaping real oppression communism in Cuba in search of freedom and respect to their existence as President Eisenhower placed on the currency in response to the infiltration of Communism In God We Trust children need to have the freedom to learn honest and true morality good afternoon my name's ready good afternoon my name is Adriana Franco penber Pines a mother and an educator in Broward County um I'm here today to Advocate on the importance of having the Bible as a resource in our libraries as an educator I have the duty to instruct students and I know that we are student centered so I am coming with the reasons as to why we need it one the Bible is academically accepted and it is legally supported um we have evidence in the with the national uh Education Association that believes that educational materials should accurately portray the influence of religion in our nation and throughout the world the Florida state standards also show the necessity of the Bible as an instructional resource for students to succeed in their academics it is written in I'm going to list a few of the standards in social studies uh six world history 3 .8 SS 6G 4.4 ss6 wh 2.9 which I asked students to identify key figures and basic beliefs of the Israelites and determine how these beliefs compared with those of others in the geographic area as well as an ss6 wh 3.13 which says uh students need to identify key figures and the basic beliefs of early early Christianity and how these beliefs impacted the Roman Empire so furthermore the Bible is also legally supported in the Supreme C in the Supreme Court case of Abington School District versus shm Justin Clark it may be said that the Bible is worthy of study for its literary and historic qualities so um I want to conclude that since it is your mission in Broward County to uh educate all students to reach their Highest Potential and its vision is educating today's students to succeed in tomorrow's world uh let us not permit this complaint or a challenge that is uh voicing uh the language of the Bible in question to be inappropriate um because such verses were not promoting sexual immorality were they weren't uh promoting rape incest or bestiality but it condones it it condemns it um so clearly uh we are using this um or we're going to continue to use the Bible as an instructional resource not only in our homes in our cars in our faiths or or or in our churches but we're going to continue to use it as an instructional resources for all students even those students that do not practice any faith the right to learn about this nation's roots and Foundation of judeo Christian beliefs thank you for your time board and thank you for your um previous uh vote against such appeal thank you madam chair our final two speakers are William Carlson and Mary OG thank you my name is Mara sour thank you so much for the opportunity to speak with you all I respect you and appreciate the the many hours wow thank you thank you you do love our children thank you um I do want to speak to the passage in Ezekiel that the gentleman uh brought up and was saying was pornographic the point of the context of those verses in Ezekiel is all about pointing out the um immorality and the harm and the destruction of those behaviors and the Bible does speak to True Life behaviors um since the Bible was taken uh and prayer removed from school we were promised that that it would free up people they would learn better they would grow into more healthy productive creative individuals but now we have what suicide rates we have kids killing other kids and and teachers and you know what as an educator myself um as an educator you that doesn't even the level of normal typical um hostility and hatred that goes on is it's you see the heights the heights of it there's a lot lower it's just very destructive so anyway I just wanted to mention that um I want to mention okay to I truly don't believe anyone wishes for for us to leave our Christianity at home or or or limited to church that is the reason why that is the the only that is the the con the consistent reason why when a driver uh offends me on the road that I don't do something back you do not wish for me to leave my Christianity at home I forgive and I choose to love him because the Bible tells me and that is the reason and it's not just when there's nobody to notice you know on the road it's not if it was selfishly based oh I'm going to get in trouble so therefore I won't at this moment then there would be other moments when I would but it is based on the lordship of Jesus Christ therefore when I see them in private when I have opportunity for Revenge you know what the Bible says love them that persecute you and I do I was the subject of um being molested by three black men as a teenager you know what I could if it wasn't for my faith in the lordship of Jesus Christ I would hate hate and I would I would hate but you know what it was because I understood my sin was forgiven by Jesus and my sin was it was enough to crucify the Son of God and was nothing compared to the sin of those men and I also understood the Bible says to love and forgive do you know I did that and do you know I'm my best friend as a black man right now I understood that every race has sinful Hearts every including my race including me and if it wasn't for Jesus I would be no different and I don't think anyone here really wishes for me to leave my faith at home believe me there would be a lot of hatred there would be a lot of Revenge there would be when I Jesus said to love those who persecute you Dr wanza Jesus said thank you Miss we did call Miss Sour did she say it again in I believe I was next was I correct we had Mary ogi and we had William Carlson and we had Mary sour those are the names that I called that is the extent of the registered speakers okay yeah okay Mara I'm sorry what is your name my name is Mary OG and I'd like to call her I'd like to turn my my time over to miss Ford Miss Ford Miss Ford is not a registered speaker yes I did register online ma'am so I have okay six minutes go ahead thank you she did I did register online yes good morning again my name is ingred Ford and I am a brow County resident and I am a Bible believer I want to uh before I I I start I want to congratulate uh superintendent hebburn for his uh new position and I would like to implore you sir to do a review of the superintendent book Review Committee because they're not doing uh what they were placed there to do uh books that are clearly a violation of state law rape is a violation of of of state law pedophilia is a violation of state law so those books that violate state laws should not be permitted to remain in the school or be voted on by this um superintendent Review Committee so the committee themselves need reviewing the second thing I want to say is that the the review superintendent Review Committee neither the superintendent Review Committee or this board has the authority to review a book that is protected by state law protected by our constitution and also upheld by the United States Supreme Court this is not a legislative body your job is education and educating our students so if the Bible becomes um an issue or or a challenge is brought to the Bible it is not the place or the authority of the book review committee to review a book that is State protected by law and protected by the Constitution the the attorney I only have a I only have a bachelor's degree in criminal law the attorne I'm not an attorney but the attorney that we have here at the school board need to review these uh challenges and decide what should be uh reviewed by the uh Review Committee or what should be referred to the courts because the Bible is protected by law only the courts should be hearing The Challenge on the Bible not this board and not the Review Committee so let's talk about the Bible let's talk about the Bible what is it with this Bible that people are trying to ban the Bible the Bible is the number one alltime bestselling book in the world with over 5 billion copies sold let's talk about the Bible the Bible is God inspired it was written by men who experience unconditional love because you can't give what you don't have and you cannot write about things that you have not experienced the Bible is also the greatest collection of love stories ever written to mankind the ban on the Bible on specifically the uh First Amendment what they're trying to keep from our children is that they were created by a creator equally and that they they're loved by their creator for God so loved the world that he gave his only son in John 3:1 16 so that whosoever believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life the Bible is the most inclusive book on the planet it doesn't matter what the color of your skin is whether you're yellow black red or white it doesn't matter what your sexual orientation is whether you are straight gay or or trans or transgender the Bible doesn't care the Bible is the only book in the history of the world that offers love Redemption to every human being we we want to be inclusive this is where inclusivity is in the Bible the Bible also Pro provides uh Rich historical content for our students the Bible talks about many different uh civilizations many different nations and is rich in history and for just that reason it's worth the price of being being admitted in and and remaining in our school library so I just want to finally and for once and for all this spell this myth that a Bible or a book that is uh protected by the state uh law and by our constitution can be challenged in a school system this is not the place for it anybody who wants to challenge the Bible I'll see you in court but this is not the place to come and challenge the Bible thank you thank you Dr wo that's it yes Madam chair board member comment I'll go Madam chair Mr Alon I'll read what someone just sent me it's Tuesday and since it's Tuesday choose to smile choose to be happy choose to love choose to be a blessing choose to be humble choose to be patient choose to be kind and above all choose God to guide your life thank you to my uh sister and you know who you are who just sent that to me two minutes ago I'm the son of Matt King Carter I'm the son of Market's D Davidson for those of you in seminary you know who those uh revered icons are in the community I don't know Mr John or Pastor John as I think I heard um but sir thank you uh for who you are what you do and your comments I didn't expect as I told my colleague sitting here um many of the comments and the commentary uh but I understand 100% many on this board know I have uh stood loudly against sexually explicit materials in our classrooms I think I was slightly chastised maybe um for at least making some comments uh before at that time because I know where Broward schools public where brow County Public Schools stood and where BCPS stands uh today I just want to ask a question to the superintendent uh and before I do that let me also be clear uh that I too support the good book I too support the one book that brings uh so much and means so much to so many uh in our community but I know this is not Sunday or Wednesday or Tuesday uh anyway so I won't go to uh all the other types of comments I can make make today um but separately Mr superintendent the recommendation before us uh is to maintain this good book um in schools is that correct Dr that is correct all right great um and last question because I don't know the answer to this if the chief academic officer uh and team is responded uh so there were several books stated and I know this is you know like not totally directed or connected Madam chair but there are other books that were stated on the record I just want to be sure that the team actually has talked to the one or two individuals and if we know that there are in our schools that we are taking the appropriate action and steps appropriately you can confirm that Dr heer yes I can confirm that they've made an attempt um to communicate uh with the person who was speaking earlier um and we do a due diligence and going through our library collection to make sure if those books are present we follow the right process okay perfect thank you sir any other board member comment Sam yes um I through the chair I'd like um Dr he's opinion on what he heard read today and um how he feels about that material being in our library I won't um specifically provide an opinion but I will um confer that we have a specific process um I team follows through with that process with constituents on the community from the community um ex-teachers and the like that are on that committee and when those when when that information comes to me I look at it with a fine to come and uh make a uh support or do something different based on the recommendation Madam chair follow-up question Dr heurn would you agree with me that that process has failed Dr hurn um again I won't um let me say this we'll review the process I've heard the feedback from the people in the audience um on both sides of the issue and we'll put a fine tooth com and review that process just to make sure it's working for all constituents thank you thank you any other comments seeing none all in favor of A1 say I I those opposed say no item passes unanimously for members I advised at this time that the general counsel would like to request an attorney client session at this time I'm requesting all those not attending the attorney client session to exit the boardroom thank you madam shair I would like to request the school board convene an attorney client session in order to discuss litigation pending before the 17th judicial circuit and or for Brower County Florida in the following matters Renaissance Charter school please ask it quietly versus the school board of Brower County Florida case number CAC 23-01 9400 number two academic solution Academy in Inc at all versus the school board of Brower County Florida number three Championship Academy of Distinction High School Inc and Championship Academy of Distinction K8 versus the school board of Broward County Florida CAC 23-01 18741 and number four assistance unlimited please exit quietly Central Charter School Rich Prep Academy and Innovation Charter School Inc versus the school board of Broward County Florida the following persons will attend this attorney client session school board members Lori alad chair Deborah Hixon Vice chair Tor Alston Brenda fam Esquire Daniel fogan holy Dr Jeff holes Sarah Leonardi Nora rert Dr Alan Zan Dr Peter Lata superintendent of schools and fr Francisco Sanchez Esquire Robert Galo Esquire Paul B ranis Esquire and Marilyn Batista Esquire BCS in anticipation of this request the attorney client session was properly advertised for today April 16th 2024 at 1 p.m. in accordance with section 286118 of the Florida Statutes the purpose of this attorney client session is to discuss settlement negotiations on our litigation strategy relative to the pending litigation a certified core reporter will record the session only those persons noted in the advertisement will be permitted to attend e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 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principal and interest then due and owed to all Charter Public Schools on that date two payment to July 10th 2025 one half of the remaining balance of principal and interest then due and owe to all Charter Schools following the first payment with interest compounding at 1% per month 12% annually three payment three July 10th 2026 the balance of all principal and interest then due and owed to all CH Charter Public Schools second been moved by Ala second by rert public comment on the motion Nelson no board member comment on the motion seeing none all in favor of gg3 as amended say I I I those opposed say no no gg3 passes with one dissenting vote Dr Zeman and one and one OB abstention Mr alustin all right moving forward chair just as a point of order uh given the time of day uh do you have a set of priorities that we should get to ahead of others or or what's kind of the plan for the rest of our wonderful meeting today oh uh with yours was that a question Dr Zan uh the question is I'm just trying to think about the balance of our time uh today and um whether or not uh we want to think a little bit collectively about the things that we really want to get to that are urgent that might require some action u in the near term before we get back together at our next school board meeting so staff has given me a list of priority items so I'm going to tackle those and then move down the list would you mind sharing that prioritized list so we can all be prepared jj9 jj1 jj2 jj1 14 aa1 JJ 23 let's just start there I have a motion and second on jj9 so moved move by rert second by second by second Mr pogan hly public comment can I hear you this Zen thank you I just um want to share the change order totals um they this month went in the very wrong direction I know there were some big items on here but this is additional money that is not in the projects already um consultant errors is 28,39 91 and consultant omissions was 29549 791 so superintendent um I hope that we are looking at these with a fine tooth comb to make sure that they are are necessary and that we're keeping our our pulse on this because the numbers were getting way better and then this one was uh just like it was when I first got elected so thank you any other comments all in favor jj9 say I I those oppos say no jj9 passes unanimously you may have a motion and second on jj1 mooved second mooved by Zan second by roer public comment board member comment is that Mrs [Music] fam oh so sorry um that's fine they just text me about that that was pulled any other comment jj1 see none all in favor of jj1 say I I those opposed say no jj1 passes unanimously may I have a motion and second on jj2 so move second move by Zan second by roer public comment for member comment Mr fogan holy thank you very much chair and I just wanted to take this time really quick to say thank you to Hispanic unity and all they do for our community um it does say on here district one they do great work in our community I just wanted to say thank you to them thank you any other comment all in favor of jj2 say I I those opposed say no jj2 passes unanimously I have a motion and second on jj4 so move move by Zan second by Hixon public comment no for member comment fam okay thank you madam chair okay um I put in here that um this is not considered the fees for the construction they're not coming out um hold on is okay um I and my notes I'm having that this um it's just not important enough or or critical enough at this point in time and um we just have to wait till the time we have more money for this Professional Services agreement so um until we determine what schools are going to be repurposed because right now we don't know which schools of all so we really want to limit what we invest in the schools until we know that they're going to be one of the remaining schools standing or or not sold so that's what I'm saying I I'm asking that this be delayed to a later date as opposed to um and so therefore I'm going to vote no for it but that's why until we know what's going to be repurposed and what's going to be enclosed I don't want to invest a lot of money in in school properties it is not um warranted because that it's dangerous or risky thank you okay this is jj4 and we already spoke about high schools not being touched L of schols any other board member comment seeing none all in favor of jj1 14 say I I I those opposed say no no one toting vote Mrs fam item passes by we have a motion second on each one so moved moved by Zan second by rer public comment each one H1 is instructional appointments and leaves 2023 24 um M me m ma she signed up to speak Trisha Trish's not here Mrs fam H1 H1 one we already discussed that openly that's with Mrs hion thank you I um I'm on the list for H1 because I'm on a leave since I am an elected official so I have to recuse myself from voting on H1 okay Mrs rert uh the same is true for me and I have all the paperwork right in front of me I filled out and I will be uh um actually asking to um set aside my name so I don't have to vote on it you're refusing yourself yes Mrs Leonardi yep same situation M Le Rec crusing herself Mr poen hly yeah chair are we going to separate their names to take the vote and then we they'll do yes one side and then the other I'll make the motion to separate the three names second okay we'll separate the three names so we're going to vote [Music] on everything except the three names all in favor say I I I I those opposed say no those names passed now we're just going to vote with those three names separated out but I have a question because do we have quorum we have form without them not without you yeah we do okay we're good all in favor separating those names out say I I those opposed say no item all in favor of the item as amended with the recusals say I I I those opposed say no okay we have a motion second on H2 so moved moved by Zan second by Hixon public comment H2 public comment no board member comment Hixon me too thank you I just wanted to say congratulations to all the retirees thank you so much for your dedication to our students in the district M rert hold on H2 got it um when it comes comes to H2 uh resignations from leave and this is a followup for much later and it's part of a larger conversation as do we know how many were connected to child child care related and where are we on that conversation about getting 0o to3 um child care for our employees so we're seeing this looming um ever closer to the end of the school year and the hiring for next year so I would like an update I don't know if Dr he has the up on that or or like we've had the surveys and where are we going Dr he yes thank you um we put out two surveys one for teachers and then we extended that survey to school-based administrators um I think the survey window actually closes this week because we made it longer to add the additional group so we'll have that data hopefully by sometime next week um I don't know if Mr Mr ASO if you can speak to um any surveys uh when we have employees that are designing or or leaving our district that speaks to that do the chair so I will I will talk with Miss rockan and find out cuz I know we were creating a survey for that I know when they do exit surveys they may not say it's specifically for child care but we'll do a follow up on that no they were for child care yeah no I've seen it before you're correct I want to make sure that they're being asked and we're going to do a followup for you okay thank you so much thank you Dr H all in favor of age2 instructional separation of employment or discipline 2023 2024 say I I I those oppos say no H2 passes unanimously may have a motion second on H3 H3 so moved move by Zan sorry we have a motion second on H4 so move second move by Zan second by rert public comment we have one registered speaker but I do not see her in the auditorium um the registered speaker was Mary Coker but I do not see her here or member comment Alon sure thank you madam chair actually it was a question connected to the prior H3 um now that I just want to confirm we only technically have one Chief strategy and op whatever sorry Chief strategy officer is that correct yes that is correct uh the previous Chief uh strategy Innovation officer submitted her resignation um a couple of weeks ago and that does not come to the board for under this item is that correct or is that incorrect next month next month okay got it but there is noay two at the same time there's no overlap I just want okay thank you thank you Mrs Hixon thank you on H4 I just again would like to congratulate all the non-instructional retirees thank you so much for your dedication and time to the service and uh to the district and good luck on your next Journey Miss rert I'll have a second okay I'll just go by my notes um the resignations why question mark 11 out of 48 were campus monitors nine out of 48 were bus operators or attendance um this is concerning as we had um as we're heading to the end of the year and previewing next year so I just wanted to call that out again and make sure that if it's uh something job related for them or um you know what what that dissatisfaction is or why they're leaving if it's cost whatever it may be um but we certainly can't afford to lose our campus monitors or bus operators or attendance or any of our employees is right now so thank you all in favor of H4 say I I those opposed say no H4 passes unanimously may have motion and second on H5 Mo second move by Zan second by roer public comment H5 passed on consent Madam chair passed thank you may have a motion in second A2 wait they're all did they that pass ah A2 B1 C1 C2 F1 and F2 pass no you are on item B1 B1 C1 C2 Bravo one right Mr no did not gotta have a motion and second on C1 B1 C1 C1 B1 Bravo B1 so moved second move by Zan second by Fen Holly public comment no Madam chair board member comment Hogan hly yes thank you very much chair and I know these are the proclamations that came before the board uh we had two um and mine was celebrating Collin Elementary School just wanted to give a shout out for celebrating 65 wonderful years there and shout out to our Tigers thank you very much dear thank you all in favor B1 say I I those say no I B1 passes unanimously may have a motion and second on C1 and C2 I'm going to take together so moved second moved by Zan second by rert public comment yes Madam chair for item C1 we have Ashley Rodriguez um Miss Miss lcam asked for her name to be removed and we also have um Miss Kim mohorn that's item C1 you can come to the podium we're going to start over here on Podium Bas okay uh Ashley Rodriguez pck Pines I'm speaking on behalf of C1 and C2 so the first one is with Beth Lindor uh we well on both of them actually they both need to be made uh uh an example fire them because this is ridiculous they're around our children all day I mean you have Beth Linder who is basically a bully to one student and then you have another one Felicia Smith who won one a previous person who spoke said that there was no groomers you have one right there and I'm there's multiple that's been coming out so I I think they both need to be terminated I don't believe that any of them need to be a 3-day suspension for Beth Linder I don't agree with that that's ridiculous so I don't think they should be anywhere near near children thank you Ruth DJ Ruth Hollywood Florida I agree with with what Miss Rodriguez also said um Beth um Linder she bullied this student for months she mentally tore him down she told him to get his disgusting face out of hers she blatantly took this student and singled him out and told other students to also single him out not look at him to ignore him to not even address this child so she was actually promoting this child to be isolated from other children and telling the other children to do so this is the authority figure of our children that is standing there mentally and emotionally AB abusing this child for months months we cannot allow teachers to do this with students and say oh 3day suspension that's acceptable no it's not acceptable that abuse that that child mentally endured is probably going to stay with him for years that he's going to have to come out of because this teacher emotionally tore him down emotionally took away any confidence that he had to sit in that classroom and be a part of a classroom what kind of education do you think this child got when this teacher placed them in the back in in the back of the classroom purposely to say he's not a part of the class don't look at him this is not the kind of thing that parents want to send their children to Brower County schools for we expect you to protect our children we expect you to put teachers in place that care about our child's emotional well-being this teacher did this with this child and she was also asked to not come back in 2018 and the 2019 year also why is that can we look into that why she was not asked back and then came back in the 2020 year after Co why would she not recommend it back I would like to ask that because I've been told by Weston parents that this teacher has been bullying for years and she's gotten away with it how far do we let our teachers go with abusing our children and I'm sorry but mental abuse is just as bad as physical abuse of our children that boy may never be the same and that teacher promoted bullying of this one student we can't allow that as a board you should not allow that there I would rather there's I would rather have no teacher than a bad teacher cuz a bad teacher is not encouraging and bringing our children up you need a you need a teacher that's going to encourage and bring our children to where they need to be to have the confidence to be good citizens to be better and that is not teaching our kids to be better we need to do better both of these teachers should be fired thank you any other public speaker no Madam chair maam yes ma'am thank you madam chair um I agree that this uh conduct was way out of line I think it it is Criminal I think there was intentional infliction of emotional distress on an ongoing period with this student and I want to know if um see uh Child Protective Services were contacted I want to know if um a complaint was filed at the state attorney's office I did see some criminal charges but I I want to um it's my opinion that three we can't let this person near children again period just based on the testimony contained in the U documents that were presented to us by um other students uh crying um other students um being impacted by what was going on and also um just the fact that this little boy's life is probably destroyed his confidence and if we let her near children again it's more likely to happen again and you don't get a second chance at this if this was a parent we would have called Child Protective Services immediately period so we can't make exceptions for our teachers we can't do that and they have no right no right to cheat to treat our children like this thank you Dr Herer yes thank you chair um right now we I'm going to actually ask Mr azero um to provide any detail that he can on just the consistency of the process for this the number of days of suspension for C1 okay through the chair yes so according to 4.9 this is how this was going through the system there were no prior corrective actions on the teacher that's not true according to 4.9 when they go through that system the principal I'm reading through it the principal in conjunction with employee lab relations they determined a 3-day suspension I believe once the teacher was served with that she filed the DOA and that's where Miss ba I believe that's what we're doing now she already appealed the the administrative complaint Madam shair yes um so um are you asking me if there was an appeal yes that's I believe there there has been an appeal on this um item that's why we're see are you done rert thank you um thank you um sorry um reviewing the material um with a fine tooth Chrome here I couldn't find when the teacher was removed from the classroom following the in ENT um that's like part one of my question two would be how did she get back in a school for this year and what about our policy to remove employee to an administrative site um away from students until a ruling happens so I I actually didn't didn't really see the um the timeline work out very well and there already was a corre dirve action on November 2023 was a recommendation for a 3-day so wouldn't this be the second three-day or that is this three-day that we're discussing this three-day that we're discussing um okay was this teacher removed um immediately from that classroom and put in an admin site which is normally done Dr he um for the region superintendent for this specific School Allan Strauss south regional superintendent um in this instance this as Mr azero was mentioning with 4.9 this went through the ELR process this did not go through the SIU process the principal at the school was handling it so therefore typically speaking when you go through the SIU SIU determines whether or not individual is reassigned from the work location in this case it it was not done through that manner it was a site based discipline right well I'm going to say this I know it's not my my I'm going to say it as Nora that as a Schoolboard member um that was wrong you know staff members complained staff members came forward staff members made reports and that the staff the instructional teacher was not removed from that classroom for their own safe being and their due process every teacher I know we go to an administrative site somewhere else it's for the employees benefit and most importantly it's for the students benefit so it's it's a two-pronged event and for that not to have happened really makes my stomach hurt because reading I mean my hands are shaking right now and I'm an adult and if somebody did the things and said these things which were recorded by other professional at that school so it wasn't he said she said it was he said she said they all said and that's what makes me incredibly nauseous so we can't afford to have this ever happen again and like I I'll repeat it's for the teachers benefit as well as the students benefit and just because they removed a child from her room right in the audience the teacher should have been removed for her due process and for the child's safety and or in this case children's safety um this this one kept me up last night way too late and um Dr he I know I'm sorry would you like to make a motion I would but can I do that under the process where it's at I believe we can refer back to the superintendant to re-evaluate these and maybe come up with uh a different recommendation to the board uh I I mve to take this item back to superintendent heurn C1 for um Miss Linder and I don't know if it needs to go to the professional did not even go to the profession yeah we're sending it back to you to be able to take spear ahead this and and to do the right thing second removed by rert second by Zan public comment on the motion I support the motion that miss rubbert is putting forth I do believe it needs to be re-evaluated I believe that it should have never come to the student having to be removed from the classroom as opposed to the teacher being removed from the class um so I 100% support what Miss Rupert is saying this needs to be evaluated further three days is not enough for this thank you board member comment Dr Hess Madam chair I just uh need to clarify so with regards to the motion is there a a time limit being given here for the superintendent to come back to us with a different recommended action for this particular teacher we she can say by next school board meeting uh yes next school board meeting I amend it yes okay any other board member comment all in favor of the motion say I I I those oppos say no motion carries now we're back to the item as a whole um so we still I pulled C1 and C2 together so we're going to vote any board comment1 C2 M rert I agree with that it's it's terminating it and I agree with the item on C2 all in favor of C1 as amended and C2 say I I I those opposed say no items pass unanimously may have a motion second on F2 no clapping so moved um chair can we do F2 and F3 together please agreed yes may a motion second F2 and F3 together so moved moved by zman second second by wholeness public comment no board member comment Mr Alon be first okay uh Zan first go ahead Z you got it you sure uh so very easy question so clearly the fund balance has you know gone down to 3.8% Mr superintendent uh I know there was Prior conversation on a policy coming forward um in this area just wondering if we're still on track for that um and if there are any other pending uh that we can talk about let me add that um items slated to hit general fund or fund balance Reserve that number between like February 29 and yesterday Dr the policy is still on track and I'll uh defer the rest of that question to miss Marte thank you superintendent heun through the chair the um the short answer to your question is there are no scheduled items to use your words that are going to hit fund balance but what happens and the reason that fund balance continues to decline is as the finance staff continues to do monthly projections some areas of expenditures are coming in higher than budgeted and some areas are coming some sorry and some areas of Revenue are coming in shorter so as we get to the end of the year we look at what's actually posted and my CPA's on staff project out the rest of the year and I've told the board that health insurance continues to escalate we also have concerns about yearend collection shortfalls of our tax revenue so those continue to be built into the projections and we're not seeing any Improvement in the trends that would change the trajectory to be somewhat of a continued decline got it thank you Dr Zan thank you very much chair uh I will second uh Mr alon's thoughts on on uh fund balance you know we uh continue primarily through declining Revenue uh to see our fund balance fall a bit um this is going to be a challenging budget year as we roll through we're going to get another workshop on budget we're going to get several more workshops on budgets as we go from here to the end of June uh to uh approve our final budget for next year uh I just want to kind of comment again this is my third time that there are uh uh critical reasons for our fund balance to be equivalent to other counties and Florida's fund balance and I'm looking forward to uh a correction in some sense to line with with the other counties so that our fund Balan is like theirs we still have a $54 million uh item that was put aside 11 years ago um that would be most appropriately according to the Gatsby Accounting Standards uh be included in this fund balance uh I've uh talked about it I'm hoping uh Mr superintendent that we can bring that back uh to the next uh Schoolboard meeting either as part of an update of our budget amendment or otherwise but uh that's going to be critical we really want to be able to say Broward is this Miami Dade Palm Beach Hillsboro newval orange is the like um and Gatsby tells us to uh be honest with our financials uh we will be honest as soon as we move the 54 uh out of uh the committed into the uh unassigned so I look forward to seeing that when it makes sense thank you superintendent Mr F thank you very much chair and I agree with my colleagues you know the concern of fund balance um I did want to ask a question I think for the public for Miss Marte through the chair um looking at fund balance can we explain the restrictions or different yeah restrictions on us of what can be put into fund balance with the money property what is what is the restrictions that we have on that Dr urn Miss Marte I got to pull out gby 54 I want to make sure I'm quoted correctly give me one second I I can do it pretty good off the top of my head but not perfect and this is this is government accounting so for the public that works in corporation this is going to be a foreign language but government accounting has four categories in fund balance restricted committed assigned unassigned the state calculates the 3% based on assigned unassigned balance net of fs and Charter School Revenue that's the state calculation nonspendable I'm sorry restricted fund balance is limitation imposed by creditors granter contributors or laws uh that regulate the use of these funds limitations imposed by law through constitutional Provisions or enabling legislation These funds uh in simple terms things like inventory are in this type of portion of the fund balance committed fund balance is a self-imposed limitation set in place prior to the end of a period limitations imposed at highest level of decision-making that require a formal action to undo or to remove but an action can remove these assigned is limiting but it's intended to establish by highest level of decision-making intended to use established by Body designated for that purpose so it typically in a school district assigned fund B assigned fund balance would be um um set asides for Self Insurance uh state categoricals that have balances rolled forward that are for a specific use that you can't put into just general unassigned funds and in the simplest terms unassigned fund balance is what you all love to refer to as the rainy day fund it doesn't have any type of constraint on it except to say in total assigned and un unassigned must uh by state law remain above 3% by board current policy 3.5 and yes superintendent it is on track and in fact coming to the board next week and uh the rating agencies will tell you and I think if you read the recent Fitch rating uh it should be above 5% I apologize for the long question but I wanted to be thorough long answer I'm not I appreciate the answer say yes and I'm glad you brought that up also a talking about the fit rating because I did have a question about that as well um through the chair through a superintendent what what actions do you see this board taking to improve that to get us back on track what what do you see us having to do get there m Mor thank you superintendent um a significant change in um fiscal practices so um negative watch is not an uncommon situation for rating agencies to put districts on um declining enrollment was a big big big big factor the board's response and the superintendent's recommendation as it relates to how to manage declining enrollment will be a key factor in how the rating agencies look at the district going forward in the ratings update it was mentioned they're looking very much forward to what the superintendent will recommend and what the board will do in their redefining initiative that's critical to them to see if the board will take the ne the actions that they believe necessary to change the direction that the board is going in financially okay and I know you have mentioned enrollment declining declining and it is projected to keep declining um do we still and I know we're talking projected 4,300 student loss next year I'm not mistaken is that still the case Dr he miss Mar yes Dr he that is still the case and the birth rate projections over the next five years a continued decline okay I also um want to make sure it's clear because there's a couple things here so deficit $6 million next year is that correct my 60 million I'm sorry M Marte yes sir it's 60 million is closer and and growing so this week Dr heurn and I were made aware of a state law that passed that requires uh employee all employees to be re fingerprinted regardless of whether it's the 5-year period or not and the requirement is to actually roll your fingerprints um that's about a million doll cost that again is going to be added to next week's presentation but it's 60 million and growing I know you just voted on an item that will continue to grow that number uh as we move forward so it is definitely not narrowing is that the transportation for Aviation or no no no no the the gg3 it it was Joker it was a j I'm sorry $30,000 I know I'm Jing I too soon sorry um now and and I know that can you talk about what we for this board how much does it hurt this board when we create recurring funds to come out of one-time funds like we did I need you to explain that very clearly for the public what we did we talked about raises in this district and we did it with recurring funds with onetime funds and funds that are not there can you talk about how that hurts this District Dr M Marte thank you superintendent so it's always the recommendation of Finance staff never to uh embark on on recurring expenditures from non-recurring funds but it was the board's decision to do so so as they move forward to balance their budget the board is going to have to make some difficult decisions to make up that that expenditure the state provided school districts across across Florida with about a 2% increase this year in the student allocation the per puple funding when you're in declining enroll that really doesn't materialize as a positive because the loss and I'm getting a little ahead of my workshop but you're asking the questions so I'll answer them the loss of 4,300 students reduces our state funding by 39 million so um the board has been well aware of the declining enrollment we've spoken about it in all the early budget workshops so the short answer to your question is the board will need to make some difficult decisions to reduce expenditures to fund what they made a recurring expenditure excuse me I hope that answers your question it does um and I know we've talked about it in the past budget makes you lose sleep are you still losing sleep M Marte um I'm probably losing more sleep balancing this budget than I have since 2008 when we had the Great Recession it is um irum the team and I who meet every day uh Dr Hein has been intimately involved with working through the budget with me uh in a partnership level that academics historically um in my experience hasn't been involved he's been a tremendous thought partner and he's helped craft some of what we will present as possibly difficult decisions but decisions that have to be made the superintendent must recommend a balanced budget whether the board accepts it or not is the board's decision but the board uh if there you know it has to balance the budget um it might take us some time to do that but um this is a very difficult budget because the district already had a low fund balance uh we are in rapidly declining enrollment we have lost 20,000 students in six years that is a a very very big drop that's over 10% of the students that attended traditional Public Schools so yes sir I am not sleeping well and I dare say most of my staff isn't right now either thank you and um you know for the new superintendent um I appreciate that Miss Marte thank you so much um new superintendent uh I've said this to miss Marte said this to the previous superintendent when you see us turning the wrong way and I take personal guilt for not doing it enough also cuz I don't believe I yelled enough I wasn't clear enough I didn't tell the public of the biggest mistake that this board was making when we did that we need you all to be clear make it known this board is making a wrong turn make it known cuz it wasn't clear it was hidden it felt hidden and now we're digging out of a hole month after month and I believe we're going to be taking from resources from our kids to do it and it hurts to think about it I know Miss Marte hang with me I I feel like I did to but so I just want to make sure and like I said I take that personally I'll own that okay thank you thank you very much sir Mrs hion thank you and I just want to say Miss Miss Marte did make it very clear sure did where we we were um going with that but I'd also like to say that um giving increases to employees and I do believe we should be doing it for all of them and that will make her cringe but um it is a resource for our students the biggest resource for our students our teachers and um you know I I've asked this since I've got here the first day I was here the first conversation I had with the superintendent was why do we not build a budget around paying our employees we do this backwards we we have a budget that we we are set in and then we figure out how to do pay raises after that we should have a budget superintendent that is focused and centered on and then if I'm not mistaken when we looked for Dr LCA Dr Zan had a a little sign that we all had on our door that had teacher salary in the middle of it it should say employee salary in the middle and that's how we bu the budget around it because I'll say this over and over again Bay View Elementary uses no extra resources except for their teachers for the most part and they are like number one Elementary School in the State of Florida you don't need all of the software and all of that extra stuff you need good teachers in front of students to get them to be able to learn so it's important we build a budget around paying our employees what what their value value is and then we figure out what we can do after that it's we we're spending a lot of money on things that maybe aren't making the difference that we needed to do so instead of saying we're in a hole in the budget it bothers me that way because we start fresh with a budget every year we know what the money is we look to see what is our biggest bill which is paying our employees and then we figure out how to bud just like you do in your household budget right I mean I know this is way bigger than that so I'm not trying to minimize it but we should be looking at centering the budget around paying our employees better all of them not just a particular group and then how do we fold in the rest of it maybe some departments don't get as much paper as they're supposed to or I don't want to minimize things but I just think it's really important that um that's how we do a budget moving forward it should be a new budget every year it shouldn't be that we we're set on this and then how do we rearrange things we should be starting from scratch I know that that's very difficult but I think that we're that's the place we're in because we don't need a lot of the resources that we've used over and over again there's lots of positions that maybe need to be scrubbed because they're not filled and we're working fine without them so I'm not trying to minimize how hard this job is to do I don't want it to come across that way but I think we need to look at budgeting in a different way we know what our biggest bill is we decide ahead of time what we want that pay raise to look like in the next year we bake it into what we're doing and then we figure out what we can do around that and I think that that will solve a lot of our problems Dr Zan thank you very much um I I want to uh Carry On from Miss hixon's point because uh uh amongst the first meetings I had uh in November of 2022 is this down with missen and um try to understand more about kind of the process of building a budget around Educators and we certainly have made significant progress toward doing that we do more budget workshops we have more information being provided we're all now talking about fund balance we've learned all the rules we even know what gasp is which is pretty dang exciting if you're a government accounting geek like I am it is entirely possible to continue to move toward building our whole $5.6 billion budget toward Educators uh we're going to be able to ask more questions about that in next year's budget there's a 1.8% raise for teachers salary incentive allocations tsia so we're not starting with zero I think the point that we have to think hard about is that we're $61 million in the whole from the get-go and so if the people in Tallahassee give us $100 $100 million of additional money we're only starting with $39 million minus all the other little you know fpnl Cuts bus you know gas Cuts you know things that have kind of traditional inflation I took Miss hixon's challenge very literally and I continue to present uh ideas to this board about ways in which we can do it but this year the ideas are going to be radically different we have four layers of management between superintendent heurn and a principal out in our schools do you think we need four layers of management between our CEO and the people that are leading our school schols well that's dozens and dozens of millions of dollars in that layer to miss hixon's point about paper and supplies and travel and conferences and software and all that why don't we think differently about uh about this we'll continue to ask those questions um it's really up to the board as a group to decide to go down that path but I think it's a path that um inbs a philosophy that our Educators do our work and uh if you were running a business you would put all your money in those that are doing your work those that are making you the money those that are doing what your clients are asking you to do and everything else gets second third and fourth level priority and so uh we will continue to ask those questions we'll continue to come up with ideas about it uh I don't I know we did not do anything fraudulent or nefarious last year we went into that uh use of AR money for a recurring fund Eyes Wide Open we had a public meeting about it several times we talked about it uh but yes when you use temporary money for a recurring Bill you're going to have to figure out how to pay for that recurring Bill uh going forward um but we're in a in a in a in a financial difficulty it is not a financial crisis we still have $5.6 billion plus whatever the legislature gives us for next year in the final budget and we will continue to uh make good strong decisions about uh selling property about repurposing about um spending money uh based on real priorities and so I'm I'm I'm looking forward to the conversations that we have over the next couple months I'm also very hardened by the fact that our chief people officer is starting negotiations now I hate coming in second to Palm Beach in Miami dat it's it's a real competitive thing for me thank you Dr heurn for helping us keep a balance what they're doing just north of us but they settle with their unions before the start of the year which means their people Miss Hixon don't miss a paycheck what we do historically is take last year's raise away and they start the year with a lower paycheck and then around February or March we're we're paying them that's inhuman and there's no reason for us to do that we can settle with them now uh we just have to go through the process and I'm tickled that our chief people officer uh is moving out to the board's Direction on trying to get an offer to them and and an accepted offer to us acceptable offer us so we can move through ratification and uh make sure that our uh precious Workforce doesn't miss a paycheck thank you very much chair Mrs Fam thank you chair um one of the things I spoke to um the CFO when I got here un elected on the on the board was setting up money in a invadable trust uninvadable trust for the teachers salaries and I was told that um we couldn't do that so on light of that I want to know what we can do because it's my understanding for the last three years zero has been budgeted for teachers raises and that's just not acceptable not at all so I want to know how can we protect funds so we know they're going to be there for the teachers and for the rest of the staff and the other question I have is I know um we said that we had money budgeted for raises I want to know did we take all the money that was budgeted for all the employees and only use that towards the teachers raises or was that budget just worked up on teachers through the chair Dr Miss Marte thank you Dr heurn the funds for tsia were budgeted last year that is a teacher salary allocation that was only for teachers the um increase health insurance cost that the board absorbed um was to the benefit of all employees no employees contributed to their health insurance last year and the um additional money for the teachers the 2.26 was not budgeted it uh and the board opted as has previously been stated to use funds from ARP that are non-recurring to provide teachers that race just point of clarification so what we're saying is we we didn't budget any um away we budgeted tsia and we budgeted the health insurance increase but not for any other not for the school bus drivers not for the maintenance workers no one the health insurance benefited everybody and I will will show in the next budget Workshop how significantly that cost has increased over the last several years that has been absorbed by this board so compensation is a total part of dollars if we can work to um share the responsibility for health insurance then that money would go into dollars in people's pockets because compensation is considered one bucket what options and through the chair it's okay if I may ask one last question what options do we have where we can put money away where it can't be taken and diverted to any other um Source or or payments to any other areas for our employees how can we do that where it's you can't touch it it's there for them and it's building over the year M Marte thank you superintendent so if the board votes a budget amount and it's in a line item set aside it can't be touched till the board moves it that's true of any money uh Miss fam it's it's true of any line item in the budget when you set a budget for uh health insurance we don't move money out of that until we come to the board with an amendment we come to the board every couple months with amendments is required by Statute when we change the function objects more than a certain percentage um I do need to share with the board that it's important to understand that there are consequences to every action the board tanks so when you look at the budget and the last budget workshop and I know we didn't get to have it budget Workshop 3 was cancelled because you ran out of time um you will you will see that the majority of your budget is dedicated to staff and the majority of that staff resides in our schools or drives our buses or or does security or does maintenance and I've shown you that so respectfully and this is not directed at you miss fam it's at the board in total it's it's fairly easy to say well we're going to do this we're going to put aside 5% or 4% but then the reductions you have to make to achieve that you're going to be very very challenged to make it is not as simple as shutting off the lights and not using paper that is not going to make up what you need to make up to put aside that kind of money and we can say let's start at zero and I can assure you we're going to build Peg by Peg and you're going to get to the point where you're going to have pressure from your constituents be it principals or teachers or custodians or or neighbors that say oh not that oh wait a minute we're not going to cut that or we can't cut that and that's the situation you'll be in that's why why you have people like me who try to bring you a responsible balanced budget that doesn't make you make those difficult decisions that we try to get it done for you so we have many vacancies this year many custodial many clerical many bus drivers many bus AIDS we have teacher vacancies we're going to reduce 600 teaching positions in this budget the board's already been told that 154 positions that were uh eser support positions that are gone 285 class- siiz positions that are no longer funded because of Esser that's a $40 million cut right there in teachers 40 million and then we have 195 teaching positions we're going to lose because of 4,300 less students coming to our district so it is going to be a difficult decision and Dr heurn Dr wanza and the leadership team stand ready to give you a budget recommendation but I I and we've already told our principles it is not going to be a good year there are going to be reductions in the schools you can cut as much as you want out of central office it won't make up the deficit so in addition to that to then say well let's put aside all this money for raises is I think you're asking a lot of yourselves in a very difficult year and I want to also remind the board last year you gave a 4% recurring raise neither one of our neighboring districts did that I don't care what you're being told that's the truth you absorbed the cost of health insurance last year and this year no one else is doing that and nobody except for maybe 15 people most of who you are looking at got nothing this year that's not true everybody gets significantly more money from the referendum than they did last year everybody except maybe 15 people and I think we could raise our hands and tell you who we are and we're okay with that at least I am but I I think we have to just be realistic about what we expect of ourselves and what you expect of yourselves it is going to be a difficult year thank you thank you for allowing me a few minutes thank you for your response appreciate that Mrs Zen thank you through the chair I have a question for Miss Marte because you brought it up and someone mentioned it later can you explain the Tia and who we are able to give that money to did I say it right ti so I'm going to defer if the superintendent allows me to Mr azero because I think it is more than teaches and I think that's your point but I am not positive ma'am Mr AO just to the chair just instructional staff I don't believe so you just instructional staff okay and can you define where so would principles and assistant principles be counted as instructional staff no and that's by State Statute correct okay I just wanted that to be on the record thank you any other comments any other comments seeing none all in paper of F2 and F3 say I I hi those oppos say no no Austin no Austin for F2 F3 we have a motion second on F4 so move second move by Zan second by roer public comment uh F Hing oh sorry chair what item was this that's the special Revenue grants fund Amendment two oh no I'm sorry that's fine F3 any other comments seeing none all in favor of f4 say I I those opposed say no F4 passes unanimously may have a motion and second on F5 so move second move by Zan second by Hixon public comment we had one registered speaker but I no longer see her here Dr Natalie Lynch okay uh I have rert for which one F five special Revenue American Rescue plan or um Grant funds uh I'm okay okay Mr Alon yes thank you madam chair uh so just want to confirm Mr superintendent what are the impacts on the three areas identified in the item so clearly one uh well what are the impacts uh to school sites uh and or programs uh Andor students Dr he I I'll start the answer and then I'll let Miss Marte weigh in um there will be some impacts um to school sites due to the this These funds previously funding uh some teacher positions um as I work intimately with um I'm you're shaking your head you want to you want to take this one go ahead go ahead just to make sure we're we're accurate if I may so you're talking about what we just spoke about so yes as they Sun said it impacts teacher teachers funds absolutely superintendent not a good start to disagree with my brand new boss but um he's specifically talking about the board member Austin is specifically talking about the amendment so the amendment affected two categories in ARP the first one is a little bit complicated it is $6 million for health insurance covid-19 so the state um um the district asked the state to fund medical claims surrounded with covid-19 that money was not being used for that because Etna has said we've exhausted all those type of claims so the money was sitting there unallocated so it was going to be moved anyhow there's no impact to services around that money it certainly affects my health insurance budget but there's no impact to services around that money the 15 million that was moved for technology was not encumbered uh I know Dr Phillips had some improvements and enhancements he intended to do with that but it was not encumbered so nothing was taken away uh from schools to make that happen through the chair so just want to confirm so no impact to schools no impact to students uh no impact to programs yes so no impact to programs no impact to schools however as I I I said for the 15 million Dr Phillips was going to make um technology improvements mostly Hardware replacing service and things like that that will not happen um but it didn't directly impact schools no sir it did not was that it uh for central office or headquarters or was that districtwide improv most of it was districtwide districtwide meaning other buildings or schools as well yes yes schools yes so got it so schools it it was districtwide improvements including schools got it so there is a School site impact um and the impact here is only related to technology improvements yes sir okay um thank you for answering that uh Mr superintendent uh so the other part of my question is the 19.6 million uh to retain teachers uh if we decided uh on this item to retain employees is that proper M Mar I might this is this is to accept and approve a budget amendment so I'm not sure I'm the right person to answer that question if this is a proper place to do that I this is a this is an act that's already been approved by the state this is board affirmation of of that I I don't know the answer to that question I'm sorry are there any sorry just do a followup because I know um that is my understanding that teachers have already received their uh funds from prior board action that was taken on the 27th is that correct i that's correct so of what teachers have already received teachers only have already received um what is the dollar impact that has already hit our budget so of the big number uh and what's been already expended up to this point uh do we know what that dollar amount is uh as of today M Mar so this isn't the totality of what the teachers receed so there's tsia y I'm doing back of the envelope math I want to make that clear for the record back of the envelope math so that 17 million they've got about 75% of that so that's about 13.5 million of this 19.6 million specifically they've received about 75% of that which would be about 15 million so how much is remaining of both the one time $19.6 million and how much is remaining of the recurring funds in May I in total about 7 million and again I'm doing this on the fly so and 7 million how much of the 7 million is onetime funding that remains 4.6 okay is it proper um and I know this is only uh well this is the board affirming something but the board still has to act actually U have we in the past always given funds in this case let's just call it because I know we decided teachers only the board decided teachers only we've done this in the past where we expend funds before this item comes back yes yes okay in fact every time that we've done this it upon um Direction yes is it how do we if I wanted to allocate uh funds that have not been touched yet $4.6 million of onetime funds for all employee groups how do I do that today M Mar so the 4.6 million is now baked into the teacher salaries it was a permanent increase so the money is scheduled to be paid out to teachers I would have to work with compensation Mr aero's team to somehow figure out how to undo the salary changes to stop stop them from moving forward and then I guess the board would make a vote to realign those funds so there is no way just to ask the question again um there is no way to use funds that have not been touched in anyone's paycheck $4.6 million spread for all employees in this District we can't do that today again I think it's a legal question but we the board approv approved a contract with our teachers for those funds so some action would have to happen to undo that action because those funds are now committed so they might not be spent board member but they are committed by that contract action that the again I'm not your attorney but um that contract action was put in place the chair in order to answer that question from a legal perspective I would have to take a look at that contract so I'll take a look at it I don't have it before me but I'll go ahead and try to get a copy of it if somebody can email it to me and I'll take a look at that provision so your question just just so that I'm clear is that the teachers are getting 4.6 million no So based on and I've asked a series of questions um my question is I know that teachers have already received their compensation up to this point perfect that's excellent what I was wondering is there a separate action the board could take today on funds that have not been touched for all employees so bus drivers that we have not talked about today we have not talked about cafeteria workers today we have not talked about Security today we haven't talked about clerical today um or administrators right all the so I'm just wondering is there any action the board can take today with funds that have not been expended today just a point of order chair um General council did opine on this specific issue as a attachment to bb5 um and if any board member wants to look that up they can see uh General councel Batista's uh opinion about um taking money away from an approved contract through the chair I clearly read the chair's question to The General Counsel um and the response from Miss Batista but what I'm asking is actually separate from bb5 which was actually pulled from the agenda earlier I'm now talking about because this board is being asked to approve an appropriation of 19.6 million that we're pulling from two categories and the staff is just indicated to me that we have not touched $5 million almost to this point my question to to the superintendent is is there any action we can take today of 4.6 that has been unallocated or of onetime funds to allocate to all employee groups that was a simple question if the answer is no then we just say that right then it's very clear that the board or we can't take any action today to help all employees today that's a simple question that's M Marto so the second time you asked the question you added it different phrase I did you did so the 4.6 is allocated and committed and again not an attorney but the board ratified a contract agreement with uh BTU you other non your second part that you added the second time was other non-recurring funds right there there are funds left in up I am hoping and I'm getting ahead of myself again that the board is going to support using non-recurring funds for non-recurring expenditures and using some of those funds to pay for the textbook adoption they would not as we balance next year's budget void of being able to make that transfer the hole is just impossible to well it is not impossible to fill but it it is it feels Dar near impossible to fill so I am going to answer your question that yes there are funds available but it makes a much more difficult budget balancing for next year because logic would dictate a really appropriate use of those funds would be to pay for non-recurring expenses a one-time textbook adoption right is perfect for that so final question is there any mechanism available to the board because the board corporate decided only to use one-time funds for teachers only my interest is teaches but also the non-instructional that we have not touched so is there any mechanism of either one-time funds or other funds available that this board can take action on to provide uh compensation increases to all other groups that have not received it that's a general question Dr because we haven't addressed any of that today okay Miss Mar so the answer is I cannot answer you today but depending on the work the team and I do with Dr heurn and the gg3 item that I I I'm not sure I know all the moving pieces of depending on what happened in closed door there may be a possibility because one thing in the capital budget is coming in better than we expected and it might open a window to do something but I don't think we want to talk about what should be talked about in closed door as it relates to our collective bargaining groups here sure but there is a small window of hope I want to say it again very small window of hope I need to talk about it with my superintendent I only found out about some good news yesterday that could potentially do something I don't know it'll be as much as y'all want right but there is some possibility sir well let me be clear um because there is a silent majority uh many of them are not silent Mr superintendent because there are 14,000 employ employees that have been left behind and many of them have reached out I think to everyone up here but let me speak for myself um and they want to see Movement by the district and by the board so I don't know what mechanisms are in place uh now U but if there's something that can be done and I don't I'm not going to put a timing right I have an idea EXC excellent perfect I I welcome ideas right because I'm I'm an idea bringer um whether it happens or not so I just want to make that clear that is my position um that all employees clearly deserve an increase many have been left behind so the same document that you referred to Dr Zan there was another document you didn't refer to which actually showed the 12,500 employees that were left behind if you look at those percentages there are more blacks Left Behind than were included and who we provided compensation increases too there have been more women Left Behind more asian-americans left I mean we can go down you've seen the graphics and the numbers okay so there's a whole another conversation that I have not had publicly because I would love for the district and our new superintendent to hopefully you know figure this out um but it is actually drastically against many who've been left behind actually that number if you look at those demographics it's actually higher for those who've been left behind than those that have actually received some compensation increase I won't say the two terms that are n unlegal but more HR related but just know we have a big issue on our hands so that's my desire uh and I defer to the chair with any ideas that she has M did you ask something before I go yeah I had a quick question actually had a discussion with Dr Lata yesterday in our meeting about how we could do something um for all of the employees and I think he had a conversation with Miss Marte so I'm hoping that Dr heern will have that convers ation and possibly in our next closed door session next meeting we have a bigger discussion on this because um I agree that we need to move forward but I question through the chair to Mr azero are we in negotiations with any other groups because it seems like everyone's just made the assumption that we're done and I was under the impression that we were still negotiating so can you Dr Mr Aero to the chair so we are at impass with FY that's still in in procedure uh we've gone back with BTU tsp ESP and our PBA and we'll be bringing that information back to you next week at the closed door okay and we received um a few emails saying that the negotiations stopped or stalled so is that because you're bringing an item back so the negotiations didn't stop it's still progressing forward it's just you got whatever they had at the table you're going to bring it to us and we're going to have a discussion because that's not the impression that some of these employees have they believe that negotiations just stopped they're still ongoing okay so that was really important for us to know thank you Dr Zan thank you very much chair um uh there are some uh employees of Brer County Schools who have not had a salary adjustment this year but chair I believe that that is because our collective bargaining unit hasn't settled or we at impass is that correct Dr Mr Aero that's correct sorry sorry salary salary to employees the question you repeat the question so um there are some employees in Brower County schools for this school year who have not had a compensation adjustment and that is because we're either still negotiating or we're at impass with them is that correct well with compensation yes cuz they've all got referendum increases that was approved terrific and uh um the second issue is really about disparate impact and uh that's a very very serious uh legal economic and ethical issue um it is also true that to find disparate impact you have to look at like um jobs and so comparing blue collar workers and bus drivers and teachers and uh map people uh would not pass legal muster and so we need to look within groups and see if there's any disparate impact that's a legal obligation that we have to do um but the data that we have so far is across uh job groups and so it'll be interesting to see whether or not when we put those into the right legal context uh whether or not we can actually have a disparate impact and if we do I'll be the first in line uh to to uh seek redress uh for for for the people that have been uh injured as uh one of the legal illegal reasons to discriminate uh against them I think it's important though to get the timing of all this right because unfortunately there's two years to getting worked on at the same time we still have groups like fi and esmap and uh I'm sorry fi Copa and PBA that we have not yet settled with so far this year chair is that correct yes and uh and we're about to start negotiations with the teachers within BTU even though we still haven't settled with the tsps and esps within BTU so there's there's a little bit of an overlap and we need to be careful about what years we're talking about once we settle with folks for this year they will get one big windfall paycheck it's unfortunate that we ever uh get into this situation on the impass one I think uh that happened uh for Mutual purposes maybe or it just happened but for not having settled yet if that if it's a matter of us not getting back to settle with tsps and ESP and shame on us we should move forward we should move with speed we should show respect for our Workforce and we should put money on the table and then when we're done we're done um but I I hope that we continue to uh not just do what Miss Hixon says in terms of respecting Educators and their compensation but also for the process of getting that done and this year I'm really excited that we're trying to get started now uh so that we don't interrupt uh increasing paychecks at the beginning of the year again if Miami Dade and Palm Beach County can figure this out Broward can so uh I know that you're brand new Mr Dr urn but here's another thing on your plate uh which is I hope that we can get this thing at least a significant offer to them in time uh so that we can and I know Miss Marte is going to remind us that we have very very little money for for raises but whatever we have uh I'd love to just get it out there so we can make sure that it's in their first paycheck of the Year thank you chair so I think the the problem that becomes for the board is that we get these things in peace meal and we're like you know approve this and then approve this over here and so I think if we can get a more robust kind of you not schedule but everything and looking at all at once we can make a more collective decision but we're at the point now and all there's all these semantics uh but from what I just heard is that Miss Marte is saying possibly there could be some money for raises she didn't really say that well I don't know so what my thought process is is that we direct the superintendent to have those conversations with staff and then come back to us at the next school board meeting with some options right and then also to advise the board if there is any SP impact because Madam chair disperate impact is when the board actually takes a policy and there is a negative impact on any of those protected character on any of those protected groups and on its face there already have been M Mar I'm sorry superintendent I just want to be very clear did not happen I did not suggest raises to suggest recurring is completely out of the question I won't suggest that what the board does the board does but I want to be very clear if I can work with Dr heurn and the finance team and we can propose anything it would be a one-time payment and that's if we can propose anything again what the board does is the board does last time I proposed non-recurring and thank you Mrs Hixon for standing up and saying she did say that because I did um very clearly and the board did what the board wanted to do it's always the board's decision m all I can do is advise based on my experience okay would like to make a motion well you made your so well it was your motion right yeah well I was just kind of talking about it it didn't really make Mak sense so I think it would s sett everything if we got better answers and options don't you yeah so I move so there's I know so I move that we direct the super superintendent to bring uh back uh a series of recommendations at the next regular school board meeting on how we provide compensation increases to all employee groups or those who have not receive them thus far is that did I get that right do you mean for this year or for next year though well and provide the Matrix that shows all the groups who's received what right along with what years cuz I think that's what we're talking about right two things at once thank move by Aon second by Fen holy public comment on the motion or member comment on the motion Madam shair M if I just may um just remind the board that if there is going to be conversations related to negotiation of salaries and and compensation for employees to the extent that that those items can be brought in a closed door meeting uh that would be more appropriate depending on who is the group that we're talking about so um just you don't want to lose that um you know having to you don't want to have the the superintendent have to come to an open meeting to discuss those issues when it would be more appropriate to discuss them in a closed door setting right but there are certain groups we cannot discuss in closed door correct that is correct yes yeah so that has to come superintendent has to bring it in an open setting for us to discuss it but sometimes to be able to have that discussion you need to have some closed door discussions first to just to figure out what we're doing with the with the uh groups that can be uh discussed in closed door okay well he will figure out the best Cadence to do that okay so any other discussion seeing none all in favor of Mr Austin's motion say I I those oppos say no no no one Des senting vote Dr Zan motion carries uh M Dr wano where am I you're on F5 chair F5 so let's approve F5 as amended say I I those opposed say no F5 passes and we're going to be voting on aa1 the superintendent's making a recommendation to vote it down you'd be saying no may have a motion second on aa1 moved moved by Zan second by Hixon public comment yes Madam chair we have public comment for aa1 we have Mr Chip Moore Miss D Ruth anyone else yes we have John Emma chunk and we have Miss Deborah husk anybody here nope Miss Fam thank you so much Madam chair um thank you for coming today I brought this motion this is um addressing metal detectors which we had on the hearing at March 20th aa1 apple apple sorry I have two apple apple all right so sorry I mixed up the numbers all right I have brought two motions today this is the other one um this is the motion to remove the agenda item from adoption for the instructional materials for science um and this is from April 16th um 2024 Schoolboard calendar um the reason I'm bringing this motion is because as by law we're ordered to comply with the Florida Sunshine Law and I don't know how familiar you are with the F Sunshine Law some of you may be more than other that's the same rule that uh doesn't allow us Mrs fam just reminded we're voting this down the superintendent's making a recommendation so we vote no chair yeah I'm sorry I think there's confusion because the item that Miss bam brought was aa1 on that agenda so I think that there's confusion between this aa1 and that aa1 so can you explain to her it's not her item yeah that's what I have aa1 MH yeah this agenda that if you look at her item that came it was aa1 metal detector yes so she's thinking it's that one so we're making that bb6 right Dr wza that is correct that is item bb6 to vote it down yes oh okay you don't hear my motion then right we're voting it down I'm sorry thank you any The Other Board member comment on A1 okay all in favor A1 say I I all no no let's try it again all in favor a AI say I all oppos say no no item fails um at this time superintendent do you have your superintendent report yes um have our superintendent's report um as we promised the public doing this defining process to continue to give the board and the public an update of where we are on the process um and we want to stress that we are following the specific timeline um communicate to the public about the process uh Mr Strauss um who's the task assigned Chief uh Innovation and strategy officer and The Sims team is going to provide a a brief uh presentation just to provide an update of where we are within that process and also talk about our next steps as we go back out to the communities and talk about specific strategies and and um changes um with this redefining process go ahead Mr St superintendent can we make sure that this packet is on the agenda so the publicans see it and if the media wants it yes all right you may begin just want to make sure that okay good afternoon once again Alan Strauss in my other role task assign strategy Innovation officer as we have in the presentation today the Schoolboard update was um if we go to the next slide please we have a multi-year timeline this slide right here is a slide that was on the March 20th Workshop it kind of spells out what is occurring this year then NE year two next year year three the year of implementation and then year four obviously review what we've implemented in year three uh next slide please sorry this slide also is from the March 20th workshop and as you'll note we have put in the red box where we are right now in the initial exploration we just want to you know make sure everyone's sees where we've gone in February we started this we've done Town Halls the prior superintendent came and spoke uh at a workshop on March 20th here we are you requested to have an update which that this is happening today and then we have a May Workshop set and then in the purple there we have a expected board vote in June based off of this process completing next slide please um through looking at all both quantitative and qualitative data to ensure well-informed decision- making and while the qu quantitative metrics provide valuable insights such as enrollment Trends and Capacity Analysis it is equally imperative to consider qualitative elements these include Community feedback historical context and Equity considerations while we illuminate aspects Beyond raw data guiding our understanding of the broader educational landscape so in doing all that you have in front of in this slide some identified Innovation zones and we cut cluster them together and you'll see as we go through the presentation in a moment why we did so uh and once again just for the Public's view when we talk about an innovation Zone an innovation zone is typically led by the high school and then it's pretty much the feeder pattern that goes to that high school starting with Elementary to the Middle School and up to the high school so I just wanted to clear that and for everyone's edification number wise we have 28 total Innovation zones in this District on this slide that's colorcoded 12 of those 28 are identified here and like I said there's five different clusters in five different colors and as I said as we go through the next slides you'll see why next slide please the first cluster of innovation zones and this is in no particular order I want to be clear on this is Everglades Flanigan and West Broward zones and as you see in the slide it identifies elementary schools in the red middle schools in the green and high schools in the blue and you can see the locations of those schools in the Box on the bottom right and you'll notice this will be consistent pretty much in every one of the next few slides are potential considerations and those are looking at changing grade level configuration lease or sell schools or properties change School boundary enter into a public private partnership merge combined schools full Choice School repurpose schools and Clos schools those are all different things that will be under considerations in any of the schools that are within the these three cluster zones on on the next slide please similarly we have how Andale Hollywood Hills and South Broward zones once again the only difference here you'll notice kind of like in a I guess a olive green or some of our k8s listed in addition to the other colorcoded schools mentioned prior once now on the left side lower left side same potential considerations for schools that are in these zones next slide please we have the Dillard and cell Plantation zones the identified schools up in the upper left once again potential considerations same potential considerations we're just being very consistent because everything is on the table next slide please lale and Stranahan zones in once again identified schools and the same potential considerations that are being brought and the final cluster of zones being the Deerfield and Monarch Zone this has a little bit different in the Deerfield and Monarch zones we are not faced with enrollment or capacity issues like we are in these other clusters of zones so in this case we are looking at the public private partnership and we're also looking at possibly leasing or selling School properties okay so I just want to be clear that's what delineates this from the other slides if anything um do you want me to continue I saw my hand so I let's just continue the P continue there no problem next slide please this slide also is regenerated from the March 20th workshop with one additional bullet there on the bottom is to optimize administrative space so these are potential opportunities and as I said this once again is a rehab dashing of a slide that was presented on March 20th to you in this regards the next slide please so here we have our properties both vacant properties as well as occupied properties the first two properties one being this building here the school board headquarters and the second one being the T known as the tssc annex or otherwise some of you might refer to it as the Bank building those are properties as you notice uh instead of size and Acres we list the number of floors and the and the square footage of those buildings we give a generic location Crossroad location of these Lo um sites and then there's also uh what city they rest in as well as the status and then below that which are six different properties that are actual just vacant properties with nothing built on them and the size of the acreage um and I know there's been discussion prior on some of these properties um and as you do note the Coral Springs High acreage site is currently under contract slated possibly for closing date of July 9th next slide please and the final thing that we will just present here as we said right from the start always is involving our communities to bring more specific information directly to our communities and engage with those stakeholders to get their feedback in regards to any possible considerations that may exist that will get presented at the May 14th workshop and subsequently at the June I believe it's 18th Schoolboard meeting for any finalized vote so once again as you see the color coding the cluster of zones um we would meet with those cluster of zones in a specify you know one of the locations typically I would say at a high school with an auditorium setting um so we would pick one at one out of each of those uh clusters and have Community meetings and engagement with them to solicit uh feedback from them in that regards like I said as we head towards the May 14th workshop and that concludes slides M rert thank you um through the superintendent um when I met with um the public and um had conversations with them with um Dr LCA um there were certain affirmations that were shared at that time and that does not reflect what's on page nine this is a bit of a surprise for me um so I understand we've talked about public private Partnerships and that was the bulk of the conversation um we also talked about uh selling or leasing some properties but leasing or selling the schools was not an issue because I think you even mentioned we're not talking about an enrollment issue so I don't see how you would be merging the schools or whatever but I can just tell you bing bing bing bing on my phone right now so I think we need to be very clear as to what this box means and if you somebody can explain that that are we talking about which was scared with me leasing or selling our properties behind maybe one of our schools not our schools so can somebody be clear on that Mr stra pleas expound yeah yes I apologize so you are correct Mrs rert it it should just be properties and not schools in this particular cluster of zones please can that reflect and be immediately changed so so the public can stop calling me not that I'd ever get upset to hear from the public I love you all but I don't want a panic to happen I I would I would appreciate that it was fixed we'll work with the SIM team to correct presentation we po because our our word is our bond so thank you so much M charson thank you madam chair uh great presentation sir um you've been given a tough task on a task assigned basis I'm not sure for how much longer um so let me just jump straight to where I think I landed uh the last time we had the conversation so I don't think that you're going to hear a lot of push back on great change configuration changing School boundaries maybe right public private Partnerships merging combining schools full Choice new academics teaching and learning this board is all there 100% that's not what we're talking about so I want to drive into the hard conversation so I'm going to prepare you Mr superintendent in advance the real hard conversation are is the one bullet at the bottom closing schools okay so let's get ready to go straight to closing schools in these Innovation zones so get ready because that's going to be the last part so let's let me go back to the beginning of the book how many Innovation zones were identified as under enroll Mr straon team just give me one second as I look at the list if you don't mind no problem and I think we'll remember one cluster uh that was that had no dots on them yeah so um what I would say and when I'm looking at the list and Def finding under enrolled typically they've been saying anything under 70% I believe whatever your definition is I'm just based off for that number and what's sitting in front of me I'm showing three overall zones that are under 70% utilization of capacity which are obviously there's schools within them that are vary but I'm saying for the entire zone three that are under 70% so you look at the entire zone or schools within the Zone the the question at hand in the data that I have is in the entire Zone all right so now let me ask the different question of the schools that were under enroll that the public saw weeks ago how many schools sit in Innovation zones are all of the Innovation zones touched yes or no and how many of those Innovation zones have those under enrolled schools in them so I just want to make sure I'm answering your question sir so do all the schools that are listed uh as being under enrolled or under capacity sit in all 28 Innovation zones and the answer is no that's going to be my next question keep going okay so the answer is no Y and then I believe when it got to I want to say in I haven't looked back to see if Joe Beck is sitting back here if Joe can step over to the mic CU he's going to be able to give you more precise so I'm going to phone a friend and ask Joe who's all over this to respond to that question if you don't mind so essentially where I'm going as you get ready uh Mr Beck how many Innovation Innovation zones of the 27 if I count it right so somebody will check the math 28 28 there we go I missed one I'm one off of the 28 zones how many had schools that were under enroll under capacity I'm using your terms and how many were left out Dr Mr straon team no come on guys am I on now okay yeah okay good okay uh joeck demographer demographics and enrollment planning department okay so uh we're going to start high and go low there's overall the policy definition of of an under enrolled school is anything having permanent capacity utilization under 70% districtwide we have 66 schools that meet that policy definition once we remove some plan demolition capacity from two of our schools tedar elementary in Northeast High School um which that shouldn't be counted against them because the capacity is already not in use so um 66 schools are it's a lot of schools right so we we wanted to look at a a a a stricter definition or a stricter um interpretation of under enrollment uh a severe under enrollment we would consider anything below 50% utilization that so wait before you go to your severe so there is a scatter you have a scatter gram diagram somewhere that shows 66 schools scattered across the county in these 28 innov zones of those 66 schools how many Innovation zones are touched um Let me let me get back to you on that one I I I I want to say almost all of them okay got it so wait let's so let's stay right there so we have made we have gone from touching I'll just give you I'll just say 25 you've maybe touched 25 Innovation zones of schools that are under enroll countywide you now have made a second layer someone and that second layer you went from 66 schools countywide down to what number touching how many Innovation zones so let me let me answer your first question first sir through the chair um every every Zone in in in Brower county has a school at least one school enroll below 70% of uh utilization so that that's I know I want to I'm getting there so so the the next part of your question could you restate it sir all right so and you're going to you're going to get to another part that I've and you're driving you're driving my point already okay so there are 66 initial schools that we've identified across all Innovation zones that are under enrolled right let's assume it's 25 Innovation zones you now have lowered the threshold from 1 percentage down to another so that 66 schools has gone down to X number of schools in how many Innovation zones okay thank you sir for that question so the the the the stricter dep or look at it underr excuse me under enrollment is below 50% uh that identifies only 15 schools across the district got it so we went from 66 to 15 and those 15 are in how many Innovation zones are these the five zones that you've identified so it does it does a good job the five colors my through the chair so of those 15 schools 10 of them are located in the south southern part of the county yep they are inum yes so they are in the Everglade Zone yep they are in the south Zone they're in the Miramar Zone which is not that's correct sir uh they are in the Hollywood Hill Zone yep they are in the Flanigan Zone okay they are in the Dillard and Fort Lauderdale zones okay um they are in the JP terella that's not identified corre correct sir and uh and I believe stowman Douglas zone for Coral Springs Elementary that's not been identified you haven't you didn't highlight that one either right that's correct sir okay got it want to make sure I'm following all right so we went from 66 schools covering countywide we've now gone to 15 schools covering looks like five clusters uh which cover about 15 different Innovation zones if I got that right so how do we get down to these TW how do we get down to uh the one two 3 how do we get down to these 12 if I count it right how do we how do we get there 12 or 13 plus or minus go ahead Mr dra the 12 out of 27 or 28 I think you told me correct so as Mr Beck mentioned so you have about out of the 12 a little bit more that do touch however when you look within that zone of that one school that sits in that zone that might meet that under enrollment and you look at the surrounding schools there is I mean if you just look at it purely from a space capacity issue to take that school and do something to it and then spread it out there is not the space available in the other surrounding schools to accommodate all students so when you're so there you know there's a multitude of things it's not just a pure numbers game that we're looking at you know there's x amount of seats available and then just divide up because there the seats are all over um the district it's not just in one location or one zone as you see right but the the preponderance of what Mr Beck shared is in the zones that we identified got it so on its face that's why I want to go from how we got from 66 down to 15 down I'm assuming to whatever the new number is we have clearly made certain choices to include certain zones and not include other zones I clearly can see that right and I think the public will see that too um based on what we just said right based on a few circles that should be popped up but they're not on this so the same comment that I made several weeks ago was that Mr Mr superintendent the new superintendent who now has inherited this was we clearly had a countywide issue this doesn't look countywide to me okay let me go to closings because that's the topic nobody wants to talk about everyone agrees on 99% of what's on this page okay or or the non closing items right more programs right will'll decide on selling or Leasing Property right I get that so let's talk about closings is there a separate subgroup or graphic that you've identified already uh for closings of schools CU clearly you have numbers already right you've gone from one big population down to another you've identified several communities or innovation zones right already right so you you have some uh some something in mind what what do you have in mind today that we can share with the public right now the discussion heading up obviously things have changed a little bit with uh Dr he sitting there instead of Dr Lata so I can't speak to the discussions that Dr Lata has had with each and every one of you possibly leading up to this uh but it was my understanding that from this conversation today it's staying zones that's why when you get to it's no longer up there but that very last slide about the community and going into those five clusters of zones and because Dr Lata had said from the start before he does anything he was going to speak with the communities and so I'm not aware that Dr lado was prepared today to sit there and speak on specific sites so I cannot speak to that all I know is was speaking to specific spefic zones and then going into those communities for the conversations about what's in those considerations up including closing schools so it sounds like uh we're talking about someone who's no longer sitting in the seat there's a new person sitting in the seat at the hel so Mr superintendent uh I'm you I'm assuming you're now owning this and or uh you don't you're not looking to pause you you have owned where we are at this point correct got it all right so now that you've own where we are to this this point uh I on it space this is not countywide it's the same comment I made before um clearly there are several measures that uh has already been recommended um that does not pass the smell test for me this is we have gone from touching a majority of this County to only uh in my words in my view self- selecting several Innovation zones when we get down to closing of schools that's clearly the biggest conversation that nobody wants to have that's a you know to go to the community and then spring up on a community here are the schools that are being slated for closings right at the last minute if we're still on track this superintendent is it are we still on track for when is the vote again in June we're still on track we're still on track for a June vote okay so we're going to go to the community and the community is going to tell us the schools they want to close is that correct I'm asking I doubt they're going to tell us what schools they want us to CL we're going to have yeah okay I'm with you because I know we like the survey right so the community is not going to tell us what Comm what places that we want to close schools so at some point you have to make a recommendation on closers right when will that recommendation come right because you the same question I asked before we've had a series of questions that we've asked two to be exact we know how many responses we''ve got how many respondents we received none or not even 20% correct me if I'm wrong said let's close schools right so at some point we have to show leadership wherever they are tell me that process on how we get there so we're going back to the community um type timeline um I think some of these meetings actually start next week or the following week after next um and we'll be making some proposals while we're uh um having some discussions as a team we'll be meeting and solidify what some preliminary plans are as we go out to the community it's going to be some real tough conversations we know people don't want to close their schools but some of those conversations are going to involve possible school closures as we meet as a team and also uh conversing with the the board um individually to give updates along the along the way so my question is will board members let me speak for me and I think I may speak for nine uh will we be advised with before or during conversations in the community uh on you having these menu of one two 3 4 eight types of conversations will that occur before during after just talk about board process and how we understand conversations that are occurring I think due to the T timeline and uh and trying to get our our final options back to the board in the main Workshop a lot of this will be simultaneous okay all right last question for me um and you clearly don't hear my support I want to be clear because this is not countywide to me this is very selective to me and I'm clearly hoping that I'll see some more data points um that could bring me to the other side which is because I think I've been a proponent of that um so on page or slide 11 uh where it references the Southwest Ranches site this board took a vote several months back does this take into account that board uh vote and discussion Dr um I'm turning to the page repea that um question slide 11 so at the bottom it references uh the Southwest Ranches uh site I know the board took a 90 vote where there's been conversations I believe that's still going on with the town some somebody or some someone facilities um so I just want to make sure that is still happening I think it is I was told it is and is that separate from this inclusive of this I know the number of Acres so give me the give me the if I if you don't mind so I believe what you're speaking of and the number that I think I'm saying is five acres that's about right okay um I know that's that would be extracted meaning the 30 is the totality and then I know the discussion at the board was to take five of those 30 to utilize for what was discussed so that so to that point that means this number is wrong right because then what's further up for discussion is Right 2 if the number is five right right it's 25 not five so so it would turn into 25 however I'm not once again no I get it transitioning right not even transitioning barely transitioning I want to ask what my colleague to my right just also asked because this is a public document that everyone will scrutinize every word every number every color yes right what's colorcoded and what's not colorcoded um if that number for size can reflect the prior board action because I know those conversations are still occurring with you staff Mr superintendent and the town okay right we we'll duly noted and we'll work just as Miss rert asked on the other slide to make an adjustment got it thank you m Fam thank you madam chair um through the chair I'm just wondering has anyone considered um West Broward high school I know we're not looking at high schools to eliminate but they are looks like they are going to pass the incinerator over there and I don't know if that's going to um make it possible to even stay there at least um from some of the the commission meetings I've attended they said the smell from the incinerator can be really overwhelming and it might create a lot of problems and it will cross um I property values they anticipating will go down and I just wanted to throw that out there if that's being considered and if so what what are the options we're looking at have we'll have to provide a follow up on that I've heard some discussions around that ACC cinerator so we have to provide a followup um later on that situation with um I think it's across the border correct yes and also Dr he if I may add into that you mentioned West Broward Miss fam in actuality Everglades High School is closer to that situation than West Broward is everl Dr Hess thank you madam chair so um superintendent heern and it it feels good to say that thank you so much um I wanted to to um ensure that as we look at the different um options as far as potential considerations and I know that there are many different sources presenting what they believe to be options for particular schools and whatever it may be and we don't have the any school named at time at this time so I just want to reiterate that uh Community uh input through collaboration and so on that those kind of uh efforts will help to drive the process in terms of options or potential considerations so um I just want you to reassure me especially as the board member for District 5 that we're seeking to get significant Community input and that the community will help to drive the process and and we're not doing this in sort of a unilateral Direction I am hoping that their input is valued and we're not just going to them and say this is what we're going to do I hope that they can help to influence what we're going to do and not just give them directives so um can you speak to that because that is absolutely important as we move forward with this process that that the community drives the options or whatever we do to particular schools Dr yes thank you um yes I can uh provide a um full commitment that the community will be an integral part of this process um they will help to inform next steps um and often times the community members sometimes come up with things that we didn't think about corre um so they'll be helping us and being empowered to help us along this along the way with this process okay so for my understanding if there let's just say we narrow this down to specific schools and and potential consideration and we take this to the community are we going there with an open mind as opposed to being conclusive on what we're going to be doing with because the community may then disagree or they have other options that they're suggesting so are we although we have proposed presenting to the community uh are we going in with an open mind where we're not conclusive on what we're going to be doing yes okay and when I say community I mean residents uh I mean Community leaders and I believe also um the the diversity committee should be involved as well in especially I mean all over the district but but District 5 is also that's imperative thank you Mrs leonardy um I know we've kind of talked about this a little bit but it helped me understand how these zones were chosen uh um you know a comment was made that it doesn't pass the smell test so I just want to give staff the opportunity to speak to their process Mr TR yes thank you um I I would say as we mentioned quantitative qualitative D data so you have you have school enrollment school capacity being one of them you have academic programs that exist throughout all the different schools and in listing to our town halls that we had in the three regions and listening to the feedback about academic choices full choice schools so when you look at the considerations a lot of the considerations that are in front of you came directly from the community conversation that came in into us as in our in us doing our proper listening of them and then taking those considerations and looking at the totality of the district the schools that sit there whether they're enrolled it's a spattering of things then you also throw into and I heard M Rupert earlier um on in the meeting talk about facilities right you know might we not do something at this school because it you know if we're going to change something you know why inv dollars in the facilities and everything so then you're also looking at the facilities as well so it's a combination of things there's not any one thing that just says this is it and this is why we're going to look into a school or which then when you applied that broad picture and looked at the totality of all the schools within zones although a Zone might be named it doesn't mean that every single School in that zone is under every single one of these consider considerations it might mean a school's under multiple considerations based off of everything that we're looking at and listening to and then there's some that might not apply at all because within a Zone I mean you've heard us speak to for instance we list the high schools and it's pretty much been mentioned that we're not touching high schools okay so although the schools listed there they're already kind of been deemed as not being touched so therefore not every single school is going to be automatically up for every consideration or or that that makees sense all right so I don't know if you're prepared prepared to do this but I think it's important that you know we're transparent about the conversations that we're had about the selection of these zones right so could you walk me through for instance why ever the Everglade Zone was chosen but Miramar High Zone wasn't or the Monarch Zone was chosen versus MSD zone or or um The Dillard Zone was chosen versus the ba Zone any like I just I think that the reason that people don't trust this process or people have questions about this process is because we're getting some like vague answers and I know that you know it's like you said a spattering of of different things that it went into it but if we could just like walk through one of those conversations because otherwise then people just think we we chose these zones for not not good reasons so I'm going to apologize up front because the answer is yeah I could possibly walk you through but I think based off of as once again I said the conversation that has been had leading up to today not knowing everything that was going to occur today that occurred so the the conversation with Dr LC who I I can't explain to you what he he might have been thinking on every single item I'm not here to speak on his behalf nor can I anymore um but in regards to site specific the determination for today was to bring it in the broader term of the zones and not so to walk through it's almost like walking through a specific School of why we why it might come up for further consideration and unless Dr heurn wants to walk down that path or not at this time I'm not prepared to yeah I I think um what I can add is um for the zones that are in the in the presentation provides the best opportunity for repurpose redefining um in all the all the options on the list that also include school closures for some um so uh some zones may be bustling and and um have a a certain threshold of capacity that they already meeting and don't need to be touched some zones may have a declining um School enrollment and we see opportunities if we include specific types of programs to entice kids and families to come back to those schools um or options to Le sell land that is near or around a school or property that we may own so um it's I can't say it's one specific thing uh per Zone there's a lot and that's why we're going back to the community to have those conversations and we're going to be very overt about the options and also Gathering feedback and there's going to be some tough conversations with those zones that do have um schools that may have to face some closures or schools that we may be shifting um different type of great bands and things like that so I know it's it's it sounds uh I agree it sounds a little vague um but I think if we look at the each Zone that has the best opportunity um to move the district in the right direction um B school closures new programming uh changing the school grade bands and things like that th those are the zones that were chosen for that reason okay so I I will say this does not help our case for building trust in the community and I I will ask for followup you know I would really like to know I would like a detailed explanation as much as possible why these zones were chosen versus the what was it five that um Mr Beck um outlined I think that it is important for the public to have access to that information because I'll tell you I you know I sat in those town halls and in those those those rooms and people right off the bat didn't didn't trust us and this like kind of it it feels like we're being secretive with information it's not helping the situation um so I I'm I would like someone to provide that followup to me and I mean obviously to the to the board um I do just want to clarify not everyone said we don't want to talk about closing schools many of us on this board are willing to have that conversation and we've acknowledged that we acknowledge it's a tough conversation but we are willing to have that conversation so I just want to clarify that and while communities might say we don't want to close a school or they they won't say oh yeah we want to close this school they have knowledge and perspectives that we don't and it's important that we gather that information closing a school is a very emotional and painful process for a community and we owe it to them to our communities to listen so as to not completely destroy whatever trust is left um so I'll I'll just leave it at that Mr zon thank you I just want to um say I I know that we like to talk about being equal um but obviously the issues are not equal across our district so I don't think that we should be giving a directive to say every single district has to be touched um in certain ways because it it may not make sense in one District where it does in another so I know that through this process they'll have be be the discussion of the halves and the Have Nots um but the process is about consolidating closing schools changing programs and places that need something different we shouldn't be changing things that are working so I just want to be clear that for for me it doesn't make sense to just say we're going to touch everybody because we want it to be equal I I want it to be because it's going to be effective and it's going to give students something that they don't have so thank you mam chair Dr Zeman thank you chair do you remember the original tasking on uh the work we wanted to do a year ago in terms of redefining our schools it had a number five in it I'll give you a little hint I don't remember Dr Z we said that we were going to repurpose at least five schools am I right Mr allson yes sir thank you and thank you for working uh as part of the board uh for that end today is April 16th last time I checked in fact it was a long time ago when we got started and on slide three chair it says there's going to be initial School selection memo presented to us do you have a copy of that memo chair no sir it says that Community conversations will have happened by middle of March and we're in the middle of April I guess maybe by middle of March chair have the community conversations happened yet there's been some Community conversations this is not an analysis this is a picture and I feel like I'm getting slow rolled we said we were going to do five we're nowhere near to a decision point where we need to be there is no initial School selection memo and we're 60 days from decision boy we're making decisions on June 18th today is April 16th that's in 63 days we don't have spreadsheets we don't have an analytic reason to select these particular Innovation zones we don't have a story to tell uh to the public I want to be an a district and when we're done with that I want to make sure every kin Broward county is at grade proficiency those are two reasonable goals those are both feasible goals to do that we can't keep paying for buildings and building maintenance we have to pay for instructional Capital instruction teaching learning in the amount of buildings we need to do that we are not in the facility business last I check we don't rent out spaces for long-term storage but we don't have the data for which we can make decisions and we're 60 days out from making really really difficult decisions we're going to hurt people so that we can help everybody that's the whole thing we have at least 60 more schools than we need for the for the uh student loads and as Dr Marte Mrs Marte excuse me continues to point to us we have declining enrollment and projections for a long term for declining enrollment to anybody's questions about who's going to get hurt on this it's places where they're not having children do you think that's the school board's fault did we pick that problem no people chose to live in places and they didn't have kids so we built a big infrastructure for 250,000 kids we're under 200,000 and continuing to decline I'm sorry that they didn't have children in those zip codes or those cities or those zones but I want to build an a-rated District this whole exercise was to achieve our strategic goals and we forgot about that we're not talking about achieving strategic goals we're talking about what colors on the pins on the map we need data we need ideas we need to get out to the community immediately we need to get some urgency on this and in 60 days we got to do what we promis the community which is repurpose at least five schools what I fear is we won't have the data in time and so we'll be forced to scare the hell out of the community for absolutely no game and that's not why I joined this board I want to do some good I want to be an a district and then I want every kid to be a grade level proficiency as fast as we can get him there and we're not working on that anymore I feel like I'm getting slow roll Mr superintendent because I don't have the data I don't have a story as Miss Leonardi and others have pointed out to tell people why these zones were picked and I'm not interested in your qualitative data I want to be an a district I want to borrow some of the business mentality that charter schools use what does a charter school do if it gets below 90% enrollment they get threatened with closure if the leadership of that school doesn't figure out how to pick up an enrollment they get threatened with closure they lose positions they lose bonuses and we're going to redefine severe enrollment at 50% why don't we Define what we need to be our strategic goals how much facilities do we need to be an a district because the money we save we get to spend on things that we know that matters instructional Capital more instructional time better instructional material better training for our teachers all those things that we know know that are on the causal chain to getting us to our goal are there any buildings on our causal chain to get to an a district no we only need the sufficient buildings to do the job and so why do we keep fussing around with this why have we spent 10 months talking about it and then we get a colorcoded picture map this is insufficient we are not going to get slow rolled if we have to we'll convene our own study team and we'll go get the own data and we'll talk about it ourselves but that's not how we're supposed to do stuff we're supposed to get support from the team to provide us the data to make the decision and this is a bad decision to make there's no one on this board that wants to run for office again having closed a school in any of the county but it's the right thing to do because we promis that we would uh get to be an a district and we've promised our families and our community that everybody should get at grade level proficiency we say that chair at the beginning of every meeting that's our goal Aid District 100% proficiency where is that in this analysis have we lost our way we're going too slow we're not focused on the strategy and I'd like to get back to that chair I'm going to tell you that right now we have two school board meetings between now and June 18th I don't think that's enough um I I I open it up to my colleagues hey I'm sorry we got 60 days how are we going to get to the data and give them the decisions we want to make to neck down to the number of schools we're really going to consider or on June 18th are we all just going to come in with nine ideas and say I'm thinking about closing this many oh I'm going to repurpose these I'm going to public private partner over here we have to have a a process that gets us to a feasible set of Solutions in 63 days and I don't see how we're going to do it and uh I have tremendous respect for you but you've just been handed a new job you got a lot of things you got to get used to and in the middle of that we got 63 days left to make a really really tough decision soon I want to see how we're going to get to this decision so that we become an a district and so that all of our kids are performing at their highest level of potential which I believe is at grade level or above so I I don't know how we do it I'm just really really frustrated with these charts I'm frustrated that it says we're going to have a memo initial School selection memo I don't see any schools I don't see any memo I see color-coded maps and and when I hear qualitative analysis it scares me because someone's qualitative and someone else is qualitative and someone else's qualitative is all subjective but the data don't lie facts are stubborn things people are not having children and when they have children they're having them later we need a smaller footprint to achieve our goal how are we going to do that that's what I'd like to know and I'd like to know how we're going to do it in 63ds chair um I I'm just telling you I'm I'm out of ideas other than having more Schoolboard meetings so that we can uh hash this out or make make our workshops completely exclusive to repurposing uh because we need time to get into the data and make um sequential decisions until we're down to a small set of things that we think are okay not great but but the best we can do and then figure out which one we want to do on on SE on uh on June 18th but this is very frustrating to me today I was hoping we were going to get more detailed analysis and something that we could bring back to our community and talk to them about and explain why we're going through this pain which is to do uh the right Thing by our whole Community Mr rogol thank you very much chair and um guess I'm going to be blunt I'm not very optimistic about this whole thing as much as I was um where at least where we started out as I think we started out uh pretty optimistic and I think that though we're looking at Maps now we're looking at colors I think it's not about places but about process process is the way we're losing trust the process is what's not going to get us um and forg an election it's just a board member representing a district representing a community that we have to go back to and present this um I've been very clear that I believe we know what the problem is we know the solution if anything that's going to be slow walked is going to be the whole process we know the solution and that's Mr Beck how how many Innovation zones are being touched 12 12 but I mean all of us are affected here not here we're all dealing with the same problem if the solution is all of us looking at this big and now granted Mr Strauss you're thrown in there also right just just redefining schools has already seen two superintendents and seeing a third person in charge of strategy think think about that how do you expect anything to be planned out right but for me I would prefer to have somebody say hey this is the list this is the map these are the schools that are combining these are the ones closing this is what we're doing these schools will be these kids will be going to this school these kids will be going here this is the plan board discuss and vote I'm about that that's a plan tell me but this almost feels like this is anticipating like this is it's like right when you're watching the show and then right when it's get into it commercial gotcha you're going to wait next board meeting so to me I'm not really optimistic and I have to ask my colleagues are we going to continue to talk about it we talk about it now and just say hey are we just had no chance because I really don't want to spend more board meetings I don't think people should be tuning in to see my school's going to close if it's not going to pass and I've said that since the beginning I feel like all this talk and I've talked to superintendent Lata at the time I said I Zoe thank you for sitting down with me I think you're going to be wasting your time today you're going to be wasting your time these next couple months I hope that's not the case that you've wasted time of the people in the community staff US everyone principles teachers community members nervous the process and the plan needs to be right and I don't think it's it's happening so like I said I like to be the optimistic one I like to be a happy go like I'm not feeling it right now um so I know superintendent you got a lot on your hands right now so we got to really focus on this thank you Rupert um thank you I was remembering a while back during a workshop I believe we had to give our um perspective of uh they want us to look at schools that are 70% 60% and various board members did have um opinions directives whatever you want to call it um was there a consensus at that point to get to a number no I thought there was I thought one was like under 60 or something so that's why I'm no I don't think was a consensus to get to a a um a number what did you say you talking about percentage of capacity correct I'm not sorry I am sorry it's too late um under 60% you know and then somebody sells under 50% but I know that there was conversations for that so I I you know it's not like this is coming out of the air and they just decided to do something I didn't really want staff to be um you know put in a position where they're they have to say that they did this all by themselves and they did not um if we're going to move forward on this we have to schedule those meetings now and scheduling those meetings um is supposed to be let's call your board office let's have the chief of staff contact because um the last couple things we did we I'll use the um the training that conversation or that phone call to say hey are you all available on this day didn't happen some miscommunication happen so right now you know talk about the timeline it's going to be next week it's going to be the second week call them immediately tomorrow get it on the books um I think the community should have a say we did listen to the community but if now you're going back and saying these are the options for these things then it that also needs to be that needs to be out there right now because I have been scheduled to come and speak at certain groups as we all have over the next couple weeks to go over what's going to be happening is my school coming I mean I love my little South Creek neighborhood knock knock knock Mr Rupert we got talk I love this school I'm like I know I do nothing's happening yet we're still out there so I we need to put it on a fast pass and start immediately with the schedule and let's just go because 60 days 65 days whatever it is and let the information honestly reflect what the reality is so don't scare people by putting in a box when when those communities were told that um your enrollment once we took the Portables out is doing better betterer you're off the list you know those things people people are planning their moves for the summer they're looking at houses they're making those decisions and we need to be much more um transparent than this so dress thank you madam chair so um Dr heurn I know that um you just um you have just taken over and I know this is a lot on your plate uh we're doing difficult things but um I think uh for us we need difficult things to appear simple um sometimes it's appearing too complicated it's too slow it's um it's confusing at times and it's sending the wrong message right um while I appreciate what we have here uh presenting Innovation zones and so on sometimes This lends itself through a perception of bias uh even if that's not intended um so how can we do this that it appears to be fair that it is fair and that it's it doesn't appear so complicated so how can you make these complicated things appear simple to us so we can we can have better input and and I would say this um I understand this is an ongoing process right so for year 25 26 we are looking at five or more schools and then this will continue year 26 27 to possibly more schools and so on until we resolve this problem so we know there's a big problem um you know I'm just hoping that there's a way to expedite this process let's be courageous let's be bold bring five to 10 schools to us and what the considerations are for these schools and let's talk about it then take it to the community let the community talk about it bring it back and let's vote on it I mean I I am not sure why we're moving sort of like a diesel truck as opposed to you know where something needs to be moved forward I want to see more of a Ferrari going forward with this you know um because it's getting exhausting for all of us um and and so what we're asking is um with your team what are the 5 to 10 schools bring them forward let's talk about it right let's look at the consideration for those five schools and let's approach this on a districtwide manner that it doesn't appear unfair or bias with zones and all of this and and then let's take it to the community and see what they say and bring it back to us and let's vote so I would say in conclusion for me um bring to us five or more schools quickly in a Ferrari not a diesel truck and make sure the process is Equitable and make it look as if or it should appear that this is a districtwide thing and not specific zones and so on and so forth because that lends itself to bias I think that's those are difficult things but bring it back to us so it appears simple let's get on with it okay so Dr you've heard the board speak what are your takeaways um takeaways uh make sure we increase transparency throughout this entire process we have some follow-ups um that we need to provide especially based on Miss Leonardi's comments about uh why the specific Innovation zones were were chosen um as we go out to the community um to ensure that it's not a one-sided conversation we'll present options based on those specific Innovation zones and also receive feedback and comment um from community members especially parents who are affected um to inform um um the final options um that we're actually going to bring back to the board um on the May 14th Workshop uh that May 14th Workshop will um include a lot of quantitative data um uh that helps to defend the decision-making about why certain options were chosen um why certain school closures um uh should be expected and also outlining next steps thereafter so and along the way because of this tight timeline simultaneously we'll be I'll be updating board members 10one uh so you can be briefed about the conversations briefed about the the the steps that we have taken and additional next steps as we continue to have these conversations with our communities and uh hopefully when we get back to the May 14th Workshop um we can have a comprehensive outline about uh what the redefining process is going to be um and then the board can provide additional input put um before the the the June vote um to finalize things thank you Dr urn okay board we're going to move forward um my goal is we have about 87 eight items that we have to get done and then we're going to recess the meeting to April 23rd at 8:00 a.m. yes chair do those things involve policy PP ones are we going to do those next the pp ones they need to be uh postpone re advertised to May 21st that's we have a motion second on 8 so move move by Zan second by hickon public comment where I'm at no no ma'am Zan all right you CAU me off guard chair sorry hold on no I have no o it thinking repurposing you got me on 08 postsecondary student information system thank you you know chair this is an issue the community talks a lot about We Believe It or Not uh we've done a remarkable job communicating Focus to our parents to our employees to the community at large they all come and talk say hey how's that Focus going is it doing ESC is it doing all the stuff that you promised it would do um and now we need $645,000 more do and I and it kind of it it just hit me kind of uh odd so chair do you know why we need $645,000 more dollars for this uh this system that's supposed to replace a number of other systems and become our student Information System including all of our ESC uh very very uh critical information for bar County Schools Dr hurn yes uh so let me clarify this item um our technical colleges have been using Focus for the past few years and this is just to renew and extend that contract um so this has nothing to do with our traditional comprehensive K through 12 schools that we're transitioning into Focus um and with full implementation by July 1 this is uh to totally for our our technical um colleges that's been using this software for the past few years thanks very much and chair was this part of our budget for this year Dr heurn um Miss Marte thank you Dr heurn this is part of our budget under the state set aside for Workforce Development and the funds cannot be used for other things terrific so this passes the don't spend money unless you have an offset rule it was included in their budget yes it does it does not need an offset thanks so much chair all in favor 8 say I I those opposed say no 08 passes unanimously I have a motion second on o24 move by Hixon second by Zan public comment no demon 024 thanks so much chair uh in just point of order you skipped some is that you're aware yes yes thank you very much okay um I just want my colleagues to think about this a little bit um piggyback contracts are wonderful um you see another contracts used by another government agency and you go oh I'm going to go use that one too because then I don't have to do a solicitation and have select and all that but what you do is you lock in their prices and you use up some of the ceiling that they have on their contract this is $72 million and we're using a piggyback contract so chair my question is is this the best way to contract for these services or might there be a better way that just takes a little bit more effort Dr heer M Mar thank you Dr heer and thank you Dr Zeman for the question Food Service under my leadership has worked the entire year US Foods our current vendor will not be participating in K12 next year they're eliminating all their contracts we have gone to every other major provider this is not only the best way locking into this piggyback gives us the best prices because uh the only one there's only one large company that may consider participating next year and their prices are all higher this is the biggest source of food for our food service program districtwide and it is imperative that we get this settled so thank you for the question I appreciate your answer too thank you very much chair all in favor of O 24 say I I those opposed say no o24 passes unanimously I have a motion and second on 07 so move move by Zan second by rert public comment Madam chair7 I have uh M famam guaranteed energy performance Contracting Services thank you so much Madam chair yeah um I reviewed this it's um $681,000 and it's basically to access our energy needs uh in the schools and I wondering can we unless we have an urgency or or have a a situation that needs to be uh addressed maybe we should or could just skip this this year and put this money aside unless it's absolutely essential do we need to get an energy uh review each year is that required by law Dr hurn let me see if I get this right Miss pinski yes nice yep Alison I uh director environmental health and safety so this um item that you're looking at right now is the project project development agreement the amount of money that it's an it's an estimate if we move forward with the energy improvements then that amount of money is is tied into the rest of the project that wouldn't go until a few months from now so it's not it it would be part of the savings that we um we think that we will get from the uh the improvements to the buildings glad to hear it thank you all in favor of 07 say I I those opposed say no 07 passes unanimously I have a motion and second on JJ 23 so move second move by Zan second by roofer public comment no Madam chair I um Dr wanza Who pull that item was it fog H Fen hly Fen hly yes was it JJ 23 J yes CH and this is regarding graduation at the Hard Rock in District One throwing it out there I know last year um we had some concerns about some kids gambling um so I wanted to do we have any incidents if we had any record of that please during that graduation I know when we talked about it people were concerned that kids might be finding their way to the casino or something so did we have any complaints or any incidents Dr wza anybody Dr Dr wza thank you we did we did not have any reported incident thank you very much Dr W yes I heard it was phenomenal last year so I just wanted to say that and make sure we didn't have any incidents thank you very much CH all in favor of JJ 23 say I I I those say no jj3 23 passes unanimously may have a motion and second on o1 and O2 together mov moved by Zan second by roer public comment board member comments I have me Mrs zon okay I just wanted to say um thank you so much to everyone who worked on these grants the total for this month of all of these grants together was $8.3 Million so that is a huge um thank you a huge amount of work some of them were big grants some of them were small grants that teachers in different districts had done so just want to give a shout out and say thank you so much for your hard work thank you all in favor 01 and O2 say I I I those opposed say no items pass unanimously may have a motion second on bb6 this is Mrs fans's metal detector item so move by second by rert public comment board comment Mrs bam thank you so much um all right um on March 20th we had a presentation of not metal detectors but a a um weapons defense system uh I prepared a motion here today and and I'll show you this although it's a weapons defense system the notice given to the public and if you can zoom in on this says metal detectors and this is what the public was told was going to be heard also on the executive summary and if you want to zoom in on this it says approval of hold on approve the award of invitation for bid for metal detectors okay we did not hear about medical detectors on that day what was discussed is a weapon U weapons defense system now under the Sunshine Law we're required to give notice of individuals that are and items were going to be discussed doesn't have to be specific but it has to give people an idea of what's being discussed so in reading through some of the memos here I found out that um at least of I'll read it to you as of March 11 it was known that metal detectors were not going to be discussed because board member Zan received an email which stated it's important to acknowledge that BCP CIS um is not implementing a metal detector system but rather a weapons detection system a weapons detection system is a technology that uses a scanning process to identify metal by shape and size it's consistent with potential weapons now this is interesting because this is nine days um before March 20th so apparently the department knew we weren't looking at metal detectors but they never made any effort to change what was being discuss on the agenda items and if you go back and look I'm sure that there were other things submitted that were added changed modified so my question is my constituents know what a metal detector is they do not know what a metal defense mechanism is they don't know that so a lot of them didn't come because they didn't think they needed to to come to learn to listen to contribute so therefore it's my opinion and and reading through um the cases and there I don't know that there is a case of first impression where School District knowingly did not change their agenda item when their practic is to change it on other items if it it benefits them so I don't know where this will go I'm anticipating though that it wouldn't be a favorable ruling for the school district so what I'm recommending is that you bring this item back you reconsider it you advertise it properly so people aren noticing they know hey we need to investigate they'll do their due diligence they'll pull research they'll get on the internet so they know what they're looking at but I think it's unfair that this went forward when it wasn't what it was advertised to be and it could have been an easy fix in addition to that some of the things that I'm concerned about with this item is that um there was only one bid received on it now normally we we've gotten other items where only one bid is received how however usually the department comes back to us or staff comes back to us and said hey we want to change the language on the bid so we can get more people's interest and generate um more vendors that'll submit bids I mean um submit offers that didn't happen so I have a public records request out I'm still waiting for that response I want to know who made that decision not to come back to the board and present that to us the other alternative and option that um this department had was to change the language the actual bid so that would increase the opportunities to others where we would open up to a broader um a broader business community that didn't happen either so my second question on my um public director's request is who made that decision not to bring that back here to allow us to change the language or to uh give them the authority to change the language so we could get more biders and more vendors because right now it doesn't appear that it was a comp competitive bid it appears that only one person was either interested in the bid because it was so narrowly tailored or that um we didn't do enough advertising to get the the vendors involved that they didn't know it was out there I mean this is a multi million contract in the event that this vendor gets the schools we have more than 200 schools out there if we include the elementary schools so I think this is an important issue that the public needs to be involved then the case law here says is you have an issue that involves the public then the right thing to do is to Ren notice the hearing and at another date and allow them to participate and I can't think of anything that's more important than the Safety and Security of your children especially in this community from what happened at msj especially here so I'm asking you to please in my motion to uh oh yeah in my motion to remove this item or bring it back and and make them re notice it properly we have a workshop which I actually I think is next week and they're going to be telling us about the the weapon system but to me um by them coming here and asking to for this invitation to bid they put the cart before the horse you know I want to know what I'm looking at before I I agree on something and I'm not going to agree on something that I don't understand so um and I think the public would like to sit in on that Workshop so they can understand so I I'm asking you again we already voted on this we we ready to put it out but I'm asking you to um bring it back because of Sunshine Law violations or potential now someone in here uh said well you can always uh we're not the right forum for this to be heard there's Alternatives my alternative was I brought it here first before I send it up to Ashley Moody's office because that's how strongly feel that you cut the public was cut out of this this opinion they were just literally cut out and one of the platforms I ran on is transparency and I'm not going to look the other way when this safety involves every aspect of their life of their kids so in the event that it's not called back I will be filing a complaint so thank you Dr Zan uh chair uh I think that uh tell me the next step in the process here uh School member of fam has proposed bringing something up do we have a second do we require a second that was that a motion it's already uh we already brought it to the floor so we brought it to the floor um I'd like to call the question chair did she not make a motion was that a motion that she made no yeah that's the requested action all in favor of calling the question say I I I I I fails all right thanks chair um thank you uh I um believe that uh this item did not deceive the public I think that they uh substitutes really between uh weapons detect and and metal detect fact people go back and forth on them I think we had lots of public debate on this uh there was a contract V vehicle available from the team that did the successful pilot up in Palm Beach and uh we went through the Sol a process and we checked even at that school board meeting to make sure we did it well so I'm confident that uh this item was done correctly and I'm looking forward to improving the Safety and Security of the schools for which this is uh used thank you chair thank you Miss Batista is is this a violation of the Sunshine Law thank you madam shair um as the board knows the sunshine law has three elements one is the it has to be open to the public uh there has to be reasonable notice and the minutes of the meeting have to be taken in looking at the executive summary of the March 20th item it appears to be a procurement item for the award of an ITB for metal detectors that's what the recommended action is to approve um approve the award of the invitation and um the agenda item was subsequently revised because the meeting that it initially was uh scheduled to be voted on then was uh postponed so the agenda item was then revised as to the contract term that award was then advertised again in um according to procurement uh processes um and there were no bid protests filed as a result of that um award word change point of clarification you said it was word uh advertised can you tell me the language of the advertisement was it as a metal detector again advertise I don't have the ITB um before me um I think it's a question for for the procurement Department as to whether they can confirm that the awarded equipment met the specifications of the ITB and um Dr harer Miss Marte thank you Dr heurn the solicitation was advertised as required as a metal detector that's what we were um soliciting for it was placed on demand star properly noticed um and all of the components that are required for Public public solicitation were Met m bati are you done yes I I do not think think that it um Rises to the level of a sunshine violation since the elements were properly um abided by yeah okay thank you I mean I just um M I'm trying to follow you here but I'm really not following you because I feel like we're playing semantics on Words metal detection weapons detection it's we're going to Workshop this so we could have aund understanding what it is but they went through the right processes I'm not really sure what we're debating here is going to be piloted over the summer so that we can put this in 10 schools starting next next school year to be another layer of safety protection in our schools well um if I may chair the problem is is that there's a letter here to a board member saying oh no don't be confused don't confuse this this is not a metal detection system so that's my it was if it was important enough to point out to a board member it should have been important enough to point out to the public that's what I'm saying here and we have that in writing and then they went out to promote the weapons detection system so um like I said I have an alternative but I want to make sure because I've never seen anything I looked at the case so I could not find anything where School Board knowingly went forward even though they pointed out the difference to a board member they knowingly went forward and did not tell the public never seen it but that's Broward for you madam chair everybody just let me try to help here so what you didn't I'm sorry through this through the chair Mr superintendent that what I think you didn't answer is metal detectors because I hear your question you you're I think it's metal detectors versus Weapon detection system so in the solicitation in the in the uh bid documents was there a discussion or just talk through the content in the bid documents CU I think I think sounds like Miss fam is trying to draw a distinction between two different things if this solicitation was all encompassing of both metal detectors and weapon detection systems is that is that fair Miss fam so what I what I can tell no not incing to the letter that was sent to Dr Zeman the email right no I understand I'm just but I think I'm I'm just trying to describe what I think your issue is the title of sounds like maybe the solicitation right and as well as the notice both I understand so I think that's what she's asking so yeah as you were saying that I was thinking maybe I could offer some clarity okay the solicitation notice and the scope and specifications and the invitation to bid all say metal detector so there was no advertisement for one thing and then we evaluated something different we advertised for metal detector we evaluated a metal detector scope of work and the department deemed in that the that the criteria were met so I as far as the in intricacies of the specs the department that uh did that part is not here today Miss Andrea and I can tell you that we advertised for metal detector the the ITB was for a metal detector and that was all and the board item was for a metal detector so nothing switch during the process of the procurement for protection system that would lead to to um saying you advertise for one thing and and told the board another thing I understand the uh an email but as far as the process the advertisement the solicitation and the board item all align okay any other comments I don't think we have to take any action oh secur would you like to speak would you like to speak Mr lorosa anything to to add did I ask question I'm with you I understand is there any this is maybe try the one next to you through the chair yes Jim L Roa director of Safety and Security so I can uh believe provide some clarity on this specifically regarding the the answer to Dr Zeman's uh questions last board meeting so there there is an important word in those statements and it's not so much uh metal or weapons it's it's implementation right so these are all to our to my Professional Knowledge and my research and and to my you know the same with my colleagues these are all metal detectors AC cross the board it's just different capabilities of of metal detectors right there is no specific weapons detection you know there isn't a machine out there that's going to you know magically find every weapon that comes through it right they all zero in on on metal of some type right they're all metal detection implementing these systems that's correct As Weapons detection means you have a system that you are able to tune right to your to your needs right and I'm not sure we should get into specific capabilities in a in a in a public meeting but that is that's really the difference right so when it says that we plan to implement weapons detection you know the fact of the matter is getting 3,000 students through an arrival and pulling out every set of keys and all that is not is not really feasible right so that's that's the primary difference is was and hopefully that could shed some light on on on this Miss Batista so I I don't know if this will help at all but um so it from what the discussion that I'm hearing um and the only piece that I that I was asking for is whether you know the procurement uh staff could confirm the that the awarded equipment met the specifications of the ITB so they have confirmed that um um that um language went out to say that it was metal detectors it was awarded by the district at the board meeting with the words metal detector so it sounds like the only disconnect was a response from staff to a board member so it did not affect the sunshine notice issues it did not affect the process of procurement it unfortunately was a language that was used in memo as a response to to a question yeah respond sure miss fam I don't know if that helps but no I understand you're saying there there was no misunderstanding people didn't show up because they thought it was metal detectors they they're familiar with metal detectors they walk through at the airport they go to Banks but they're not familiar with these weapon systems had they known that they would have done their own independent research they would have showed up and have we didn't really have anyone speak that day did you notice because they they were comfortable oh I know what that is we've been asking for metal detectors so yeah it was misleading and Not only was it misleading but it was curable and how do we know it was misleading because a memo went out to Dr Zeman saying it's important you note so therefore at that point in time the school district was on notice that it was important enough to get to a a board member to not be confused with this don't confuse this so they should not have allowed the public to be confused they should have changed the name and put out some notice of what was really going to be discussed that day now like I said to me it's a case of first impression I've never seen where there's actual evidence that the school district had knowledge and that they Wen or or or they felt it was imperative that they make the distinction to a board member but not to the public and I think we had a duty to do that so and and really it's up to this Bo what they want to do to me I think we should always always do the right thing always do always air in the S side of you know what you're right that public has the right to know we're not buying metal detectors we're buying something else these are their kids but like I said I have an alternative because I don't feel comfortable with that because they were cut out of the equation and that's one of the reasons I got elected is because parents were tired of being cut out of the equation and this is just a sign showing that now we have proof that it was knowingly done because why didn't they change it when they had nid but why do they feel it was important enough to war warn a board member so proceed as you must Mrs Hixon thank you DR heurn or through the chair Dr heurn are we purchasing metal detectors so um hopefully I can bring um some clarity based on the conversation um and discussion that we're having um from what I hear we have purchased metal detectors and and adjusting the capabilities of those uh metal detectors um determines if there are going to be metal detectors catching a paper clip or keys in your pocket versus uh changing the capability to be specific to detect weapons so that's the conversation I'm I'm I'm hearing um versus uh the the difference in the name is the the capabilities is what's determining what the system is going to be called is what I'm heing so thank you because if I'm not mistaken most of the people that did have a part of the conversation were the expectation was metal detectors would detect weapons and when it said we had a discussion about vaping um mechanisms they were upset because we weren't supposed to be able that wasn't what it was for it was only to detect weapons so I think the public expectation is the metal detectors will detect weapons so I'm not sure why this seems to be a problem but um I I do believe we said it was metal detectors they are metal detectors they just have a a different capability and the concern I heard when we were discussing this was the fact that we were happy that it could detect vaping mechanisms and people felt that that was an invasion of privacy but I don't think anyone's going to be upset that our metal detectors will detect weapons so thank you and then I'll just like to conclude and say that we are workshopping this next week so we'd love for the public to come be a public speaker weigh in and hear all about the weapons detection metal detectors so the requested action is to reconsider agenda item 4 ITB 24247 I can can a point of clarification where what was this at a workshop that we were told because I never heard any of that information that this is actually medical or I'm sorry metal detectors that are being altered now that's the first conversation that certainly didn't come up when we were voting so so which is it I I'd like to pinpoint exactly where those conversations came publicly because I don't know that the public knew that either we're workshopping at next week next week no next week but I'm saying before that vote came forward I understand that's why I said about that cart coming before the horse the workshop should have been before we voted so this this is all new to me that what we're getting are altered metal detectors I've never heard that before and and I'd like to know if that was ever discussed open in public Dr heer um Mr lorosa um can you point provide a point of clarification for past meeting around this this topic yes sir so these uh these devices have not been altered in any way they are they're metal detectors with an additional capability and uh I cannot speak to the exact time this was discussed I know I believe Chief went through this before but I'd have to get back to you on on a specific time and date any other for member comment sounds like uh Miss fam once Mr superintendent if you would just provide the board a memo just kind of outlining chief for right just procurement this was the steps these this was the procurement that went out here are the dates uh and then to your point you know when was it communicated at different points in advance of uh the workshop so I sounds like I think that's the happy medium that we don't and we don't think we have to vote on it if that meets your needs Miss fam okay are you pulling bb6 Miss fam or do you want us to vote on it I'll pull it at this time yeah okay bb6 is pulled so we are now going to go to any public comment this is Dr wano we had one registered public speaker and his name is is one more point of clarification why does the memo that the note the email that Dr Lata State it's important you note that this is not a metal detector that's what I don't understand that that's very confusing you're saying it's a metal detector that's not altered we someone else is saying it yeah this metal detor I'm sorry we've moved on to public comment I think you can talk with Dr he after the meeting the public speaker is Kevin Flynn okay yes uh good evening my name is Kevin Flynn I'm an employee I I'm a safe School guardian and I work for Metro One Loss Prevention um we're in a capacity of a kind of a floating Guardian in my previous life I was an NYPD police officer I joined the force in 1982 and I retired in the year 2002 shortly after the uh World Trade Center attacks in um January of 2020 I uh was hired by this company Metro One Loss Prevention and I've been a school Guardian I've worked approximately 67 different schools in about four years and uh four months as a floater Guardian you could say um up until December of 2023 everything was fine and all of a sudden they canceled two of my checks my company and the checks were for 5 days pay and 3 days pay and the amount totaled $1,677 to this day I haven't been paid I've been promised I was going to be paid my managers promised and lied to me said they had replacement checks as many as much as 3 week weeks ago I was told the checks arrived and he was mailing them to me I watched my mailbox for a week finally a week later I messaged to him and I said I haven't got any checks in the mail I don't know what you mailed to me no no uh comment from him just silence okay so I was advised by a friend to go down to the the office in Hallandale Beach last Wednesday when schools were closed and I went in there and I I asked them for the checks I showed them all all the paperwork um the checks went into my TD bank account and about 3 or 4 days later for some reason the company canceled the checks and they siphoned out the money okay they're well aware of it they said it's a big mistake they said they're going to pay me um I haven't received any pay yet I went in there on Wednesday I said if you don't pay me by Friday I said I'm going to the the uh school board meeting and I'm going to speak for three minutes and I'm going to tell them everything that's going on so uh so here I am um they called it the bank called it a d return charge back one check was for $993 4 the other check was 61471 again totaling $1,677 I just came to this meeting hopefully I could get somebody to help me here um you know these are tough times everybody's having tough times paying the bills and this is going on for like 5 months now so I don't know uh you know who's running this company down there I have all the names all the paperwork if anybody wants to take this information thank you so much Dr heern yes um Mr AO if you can uh assist him um see if you can get some information any other uh any other public comment Dr wanza no other public comment do any of my colleagues any have a discussion or student successes to bring forth to the superintendent for consideration I almost called you Dr fogan Holly it's okay it's okay no Dr really sorry chair um just to make sure we're tabling the rest of the items is that what we're doing yes I'm going to recess the meeting to April 23rd at 8:00 a.m. thank you so much anybody else Mrs Hixon thank you I would like to congratulate the um three students for um advancing to the final round of the 2024 incubate debate national championship and um one of them they they placed in there so Brianna Watley from Miramar High School Gabriella rothberg from I prep academy and Marcos Ortega from West Broward high school um congratulations to all of them if I'm not mistaken Briana actually ended up winning um a big amount of money for that so congratulations and we are also very proud of you any other board members M famam thank you so much Madam chair um I just wanted to thank Broward Education Foundation I went to their hoot n event to our innovated teachers and what it does is it Rec recognizes teachers that have W Grant amounts so I have with me a list just of my district I have a total of 28 people that one gr and I just want to include the topics of what they want project We the People stem based Civics project start a cafeteria share table program vocab cab project detect detection for Pest Management six people W on that two people for Zip Zap Zoom bringing Bookstar life the science of reading approach and we're off making novel studies graphic reading a novel idea books and blankets project zenzone unleashing creativity with mods a Lego playful learning Museum and inclusion removing barriers to computer science and one and done so that's a total of 28 grants thank you district 6 and all the teachers out there that applied and all those that won as well thank you thank you at this time I will be recessing the meeting until April 23rd 2024 at 8:00 a.m. I now join the meeting e e e e e e e e e e e e