##VIDEO ID:J405yoIDsA0## e good evening today is October 10th 2024 and the time is 6:30 p.m. I will now call the regular meeting of the ISD 191 Board of Education to order welcome to those of you who are in the audience here or watching online director Connor will you please lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all is there a motion to approve the agenda so moved moved by director Hume second second by director mol is there is there any discussion all those in favor say I I I opposed nay the motion carries unanimously first we will receive a report from Mariam bradiy student board representative hello I wanted to start off this report by talking a bit about our Affinity groups and clubs that have started up this month for the end of September and the start of October there have been mostly introductory content and groundwork for our Burnsville High School Affinity groups here's a little bit more de detail about each of them our gender sexuality Alliance had their first meeting last Monday a second one was held this past Tuesday this meeting went over for the basis for GSA field trips and plans for the rest of the year our Asian Student Association had their first meeting yesterday the meeting involved ASA board members giving their introductions some time to get to know the group and games another big event I wanted to mention was the lat the Latinos Yos affinity group hosting a Comm Community gathering this past week here at Diamond Head this event involved delicious food cultural presentations and and fun activities like face painting in honor of October being National Hispanic Heritage Month I also wanted to talk about the black student union who also had their first meeting today after school where the group introduced the student board share snacks and played a cahoot for fun prizes moving on to the Nationals Honor Society the National Honor society's 2024 induction ceremony went smoothly this past Monday on the 30th we welcomed 36 Juniors into NHS this year congratulations to those students our two guest speakers were Miss Akerson who is the director of the associates of Arts degree pathway and principal sandal we also had a schoolwide volunteering opportunity this past Monday after school called green apple day this is where the students helped pick up garbage around the campus more than 80 wonderful students came to help clean up our school grounds Brunsell strong has also come together to support our sister town of Burnsville North Carolina in the midst of Hurricane Milton donate and notes of support can be dropped by during conferences at the Burnsville strong table by the front office theer is also staring up their choreography and vocals for the upcoming mean girl show One cast member Clara mck who's going to be playing Karen in the upcoming show mentioned how it is a very and welcoming and cozy environment which I thought was something notable to mention our Brunsell High SCH High School choir also showcased their lovely Talent this past week at a Twins game where where they and other Minnesota school choirs were invited to sing the national anthem as for athletics we had senior night last Wednesday for girls soccer where there was a sweet recognition of our 2025 seniors senior night involved each senior walking down the field with loved ones and sharing their favorite soccer memories and advice for underclassman also for girls volleyball they won their last Tuesday this Tuesday excuse me game 3 to2 against East VI as for other things going on at HS the Burnsville High School has come together to celebrate knowledge month this month there was support for seniors this past week with signups for meetings in the career center on colleges like Concordia Northwestern University the University of Minnesota Twin Cities St Olaf and many others we're also having our 2024 Brunsell Hall of Fame induction ceremony for outstanding past graduates and it will take place this Friday in the morz center at 5:30 p.m. the last thing I wanted to bring up was the Brunsville High School blood drive which is starting after mea break on October 24th consider signing up because one donation can save up to three lives this concludes my report thank you maram um next we will receive a report from Dr Teresa battle superintendent thank you chair worb and members of the board um as a followup to maryan sharing about our Hall of Fame induction tomorrow night at Burnsville High School I wanted to share more details um we will induct six graduates into the schools Hall of Fame they are Doug cansen class of 1979 Melissa Kenan excuse me Kenan class of 2006 Jenny Ryan class of 1984 Mike Wong class of 1973 April young class of 2001 and Jerry Zoda class of 1979 I will not go through all the details of these outstanding Burnsville High School alumni accomplishments but I do want to remark on the breadth and variety of their successes one of the things I love most about the Burnsville Hall of Fame is that is not just about Athletics the hall includes great athletes of course but also great Engineers artists leaders Community servants scientists and ground break Breakers and you can see all of these people in the recently updated Hall of Fame display at Burnsville High School which you can see on the screen now thanks to our custodial staff and uh Dave Lake and his crew um to help really uh brighten and uh make it uh as notable as those graduates um and you can see um in this year's class there is a photographer a journalist a coach a doctor a medical safety administrator and the first player of Asian descent to be drafted into the National Hockey League who also happens to be a current District 191 employee I love that we celebrate so many different gifts and contributions that our graduates have made it's a beautiful example for our current students and I think it fits perfectly with our core values in 191 tomorrow's induction ceremony is at the marage Center for Performing Arts beginning at 5:30 p.m. with a reception um if you can't attend I encourage you to read more about this year's Hall of Fame class at isd191.org hallof Fame all one word Hall of Fame thank you and that concludes my report thank you for your report now we will receive board member reports do board members have any reports they wish to share just a reminder that our committee and school reports are scheduled for our next board meeting okay uh now we will move to the business portion of the board meeting starting with the consent agenda although board action is required it is generally unnecessary to hold discussion on these items in the event a board member wishes to discuss an item that item will be moved for separate consideration do board members wish to remove any items from the cons consent agenda is there a motion to approve the consent agenda so moved moved by director Connor second second by director alt all those in favor say I I opposed nay the motion carries unanimously tonight we are being asked to adopt an authorizing resolution to issue refunding bonds presenting this resolution is Tyler Denny Director of Finance welcome Tyler good evening chair worb Dr battle members of the board at the last meeting you received the presentation regarding issuing refunding bonds the next step in that process is to adopt authorizing resolution to issue refunding bonds therefore the recommendation tonight is that the Board of Education adopt the resolution outlined in the board packet stating the intention of the school board to issue a general obligation School building refunding bonds Series 2024a in the aggregate principal amount of approximately 46 m910 th000 and taking other actions with respect theto is there a motion to approve the resolution stating the intention of the school board to issue issue General obligation School building refunding bonds Series 2024a in the aggregate principal amount of approximately $46 m910 th000 and taking other actions with respect theto so moved moved by director Hume second second by director Marcel is there any discussion having been moved and seconded this resolution will require a roll call vote so in just a second I will ask Sarah to call the role and when she calls your name please respond with an i if you are in favor of the resolution or nay if you are opposed Sarah will you please make the roll call director Hume I director Chester I director Connor I Vice chair worb I director maral I director alt I this resolution was declared dually passed and adopted thank you next we are being asked to approve an income contract from Metropolitan State Dr Kathy Funston director of strategic Partnerships and Pathways will be presenting the recommendation welcome Dr Funston good evening Vice chair worb directors of the board Dr battle so nice to be with you again this evening uh I am bringing forth a an income contract this is for one of our Partnerships with Metropolitan State University and it's four concurrent courses for our students uh concurrent C courses allow our high school students to earn college credits while taking classes from our high school staff on campus and this particular income contract involves two classes and these are prominantly with our education program one class which offers three credits is the introduction to Urban education and reflective teaching these classes were selected very specifically because they so strongly align with our values and our strategic directions for the district this particular class includes the importance of high expectations student and teacher resiliency educational Equity using the community as a resource in reflection and students in the course are expected to explore and express their own experiences assumptions beliefs motivations and commitments related to teaching and learning the second course course that our students take in the education pathway is the Multicultural education course and this course introduces issues related to student family and Community diversity related on related on Race culture language class gender sexual orientation and disability and issues of Oppression privilege and equity in relation to schools and Society are also addressed these two classes are very important to the curriculum and the learnings for our students right now we have 17 students in these classes half of these students are students of color and only 29 right now identify as male we'd like to increase that number because we'd like to see more males entering the teaching profession and uh this uh these students in these two classes also can qualify for the multi-year $6,000 a year scholarship from The District's grow your own student grant I do would like to say also that metro state is a tremendous partner in that they are our predominant partner for our employees who are currently earning their teaching credentials to be able to come back and teach not only in our own schools but also in schools throughout Minnesota to increase the numbers of teachers of color throughout um our organization and others so tonight I am asking or the the administration recommends that the board approve the income contract between isd191 and Metropolitan State University is there a motion to approve the recommendation to approve the Metropolitan State income contract so moved moved by director alt second second by director Connor is there any discussion director thank you chair word Dr Funston thank you for bringing this forward and for that additional context that you provided I think it's really helpful to hear you know a little more about what our students will be learning and and the benefits to them and to the students that they'll be teaching so I appreciate that thank you thank you um all those in favor say I I and oppose nay the motion carries unanimously thank you thank you now we'll move on to a request to approve an application for pre preliminary approval of an extended field trip to Switzerland and Italy Dr Chris Belmont assistant superintendent and BHS team members Alicia vandar and Gloria Weber will be presenting the recommendation welcome everyone thank you Vice chair worb uh superintendent battle members of the board good evening um we are here uh with a couple of our excellent teachers here at binsville high school who are um looking for preliminary approval for a student trip um this is uh a customary first step in the process to anytime our students are going into international travel so um without further Ado Miss vandar yeah think make sure the slideshow see if our technology folks we can just leave it they should that's not typical was the slideshow submitted in advance yeah yeah yeah and approved let's give them a second yeah no worries pretty quick on things oh here you go we will go the oldfashioned way and uh here I'm going to give the slideshow over to these two I mean if anybody can be flexible and responsive in the face of adversity it's two High School teachers so let's get that to you I find it thanks for bearing with us Bor you need it oh there it is oh like magic not that one oh right there wonderful thank you so appreciate thank you all yours thank you for that um that little bird walk all right all right board chair directors and superintendent thank you for seeing us this evening taking the time to hear about um the next travel opportunity that we're hoping to offer to our amazing School Community here at Burnsville um I'm Alicia vhar I'm the adviser for that but I'm also a BHS Ela teacher and I'm Gloria Weber um shaoning went on the last trip also a BHS Ela teacher yes um and we're here to talk about uh the Switzerland and Italy travel opportunity for summer 2026 that we are um proposing to the board so um we wanted to do a quick recap for what happened this summer we actually took a group of amazing students to London and Paris um and so we just wanted to do a quick one uh just a recap to let you guys know how that wents and then um uh display our proposed 2026 switzland and Italy travel opportunity along with our fundraising plans so the trip this summer we took 25 students um or 25 Travelers there were a couple of parents and it was lovely to have them uh we spent four days in London and four days in Paris and on the way the students were able to engage with the culture in a unique way we were able to experience some things um like a cricket lesson um at Lord's cricket ground we were able to do a theater uh class like an acting lesson in the West End um get the kids engaged we you know were able to run around the Tower of London and Windsor Castle and museums and the kids were just enthralled with everything in Paris it was the same more of the same but even more wonderful um we got to do a uh a lesson in um patonk a lesson in playing patonk yes along with um impressionist painting um so everybody came away with their own little impressionist painting the students spent three hours in the Lou recreating art with their bodies and fanny packs and sweatshirts and I've never seen kids have so much fun in a museum um it was it was really really wonderful um the students bonded there was one student who had them all singing Let It Go as they walked down the streets of Paris some very very good memories and afterwards many of the kids were saying I really want to study history this makes me really want to read more history and get involved in more history and so it was really gratifying to see that so the next tour that we're um proposing is a trip to Switzerland and Italy and um it's again a 10-day trip we would fly into lern and we would spend a couple of days there including being able to um see a lot of the history involved with Switzerland and World War II um which we're pretty excited about uh we actually will get to go to um up a Swiss mountain and um ride gondolas then in Venice after we transferred to Venice um which will be an incredible experience I know a lot of kids have um mentioned that Italy is one of their spots that they would love to go to um and then from there we would actually uh go to Florence and um spend a few days there learning about especially the Renaissance period and then um moving through AI down through to Rome and that's actually where we would fly home from is from Rome so this is actually going to be a private tour which means that no we will not be paired with any other groups it will just be with us our crew and um our tour director Katie mccorkendale who we actually had as our tour director in London and Paris she has um she has completed over 250 tours around the world for EF tour she speaks I think six languages and is one of the most incredible people we've ever met we requested that we have her for this next trip yes yes we did um so this is one of her Specialties so all of the excursions are now included which means that we stick together through the whole thing there's no separating no um which is wonderful because students will be able to experience a traditional fondue evening as well as going to Sienna um which is my favorite city in um Italy to learn more about about the medieval life and what it was like to be at the crossroads um there that's actually where banking was created so um that is the plan for that one of the things with the private tour is that the students will actually be able to um help to create a lot of what we will be seeing they get to choose where they want to go what they're interested in um and so there's a lot of personalization with that which we're very excited about especially now that we have our first experience we know how much the kids will be able to do um and is always up for any Adventures that we have um so fundraising this is the big thing for us is we um the four of us that chaperon so it's myself Gloria Michelle deer hog and uh Landon Parkin who teaches for Virtual Academy um we are dedicated to making sure our students have as many fundraising opportunities between the four of us so we are going to hit up everything from Cub to Panera Culver's where we've talked about doing candy bar sales which um some of our Administration is very excited about chocolate being back in the building um Brader braid sales and then there's also the Thousand Merit and needs based scholarship via EF Tours um another thing that we found that was really helpful is that EF Tours actually has fundraising Pages for each of the students and that was very beneficial for our kids um individuals can log on it's just like a GoFundMe but it goes directly into your e um your EF TS account and there's no cost it's 100% direct donation to our students um the nice thing too and thank you to Dr Belmont for helping to facilitate our being able to be here sooner is that if the students book as far in advaned as possible the smaller the payment it is it makes it much more affordable for our kids and their families um which is always what we are taking into consideration so um this was from a parent of one of our student Travelers um she said that I have seen a level of confidence in my kids and she's come back that I've never seen in her before so thank you uh she said she's just absolutely blossomed and become the leader that she really needs to be and wants to be in her um School environment simply because she was able to have this incredible experience where she was able to meet people who are like her and experience the world outside of the United States so thank you Miss vandar um and I I believe the board has this information but just in case the date range is it generally the same it is the June 29th through July 8th is on the proposal but that is flexible they don't make that decision until 180 days prior to leaving on the trip so right because they're always trying to figure out um the booking that they have um you know hotels making sure that we have um affordable flights that sort of thing so they always let us know 180 days ahead time and that was exactly how it went this last time too thank you okay thank you back to you Vice chair WB for discussion and action is there a motion to approve the recommendation to to approve the extend Ed field trip so moved moved by director Hume second second by director marol is there any discussion director Connor yes hi this sounds like a extraordinary um program or opportunity for our kids but I had some questions regarding it so for the GoFundMe account is it just put into one fund and then is it divided or is it just each individual's fund thank you yes so what how it operates is it's actually not a GoFundMe um what it is is EF Tours provides a uh a link for and a website for each of the students or individuals going on the trip that link um allows anyone to go on and donate directly to the students account yeah so it's it's based upon the Traveler's account and so um uh like we had one student who had $200 in donations that was a whole payment that their family didn't have to make towards it so um and there's no fees nothing like that it goes directly to the students so students that don't quite make it make enough then they just don't get to go well or the family would have to come up with the money if that was the case so you know going into this realizing yes this is what it costs but there are some you know additional things fundraising that we can do and yeah this the link is great for social media and you know hey for my birthday can you help me out right we always encourage the kids if they have um uh summer jobs maybe babysitting or something a lot of times they'll throw in a little bit more knowing that this is going to help them to be able to go and see the world okay and then also is there um like a what's your maximum number that you can take is it 25 like you did last time or is it more no our goal our goal is actually to bring 30 that is our goal um we technically max out at if I remember correctly 40 but our goal is to reach 30 Travelers and then that would allow us to because it's a 6 to1 ratio so the ratio that EF Tours require for chaperon to Travelers is actually smaller than what we require and so because I think ours is 10 to one but theirs is six to one which is a great thing because then it allows us to bring more people um more adults along with us to help out with our kids okay thank you question could I ask you a question sure yes okay this sounds like a really fun trip um but ALS so I had a question so you mentioned that um the sooner that students like apply for this trip the cheaper it is do you know how far in advance students can book this trip well the goal is to um we we go through our approval process here and if it's approved tonight by the board we're allowed to launch it starting tomorrow and then the um the uh launch meeting will be October 30th is when um families will come together we'll have a meeting at the school um in my classroom and then um families can sign up at that point then too so it's it's months and months and months ahead of time our goal is always to be at least a year and a half if not more so does that make sense okay if you had 50 people apply then would the people who came up with the money I assume would be the ones you'd have to choose from them to go is that how that works I don't I feel like we would make it work that we would take 50 people yeah so we would what we would end up doing is we would contact EF Tours and then we would bring more chaperons and we would a bus would be a much bigger we' probably fill a couple of buses yes they they are the cool thing about EF Tours is that they've been doing this for over 50 years and so they have seen it all they've done it all and they've experienced it all and they have encouraged us that if we have as many students as possible they will make it work so they they do large groups as well as the smaller groups too so they've been a an amazing partner um especially during the trip last this last year so we definitely know we can trust them well that's awesome that's very encouraging then what's the minimum like say if you only had say just 10 families then you six is the six is the minimum because then they would it would just be one because the one chaperon so six to one yeah would be our minimum so thank you yeah director El thank you chair work you have set a new standard for pre presentations for field trips this was awesome um I appreciated the the followup on the previous year's field trip we never really get to hear that and so that was you know just really affirming for you know to hear more of what the students experienced and specifically what they got out of it academically and socially so thank you um I also appreciate that the students voice and choice is present in the trip that's not something that I recall hearing before I'm sure it's part of just about all of our trips but the fact that you voiced it that's um it's good to know that the students for the amount of money that that families are paying or that students are fundraising um giving them that choice makes a lot of sense um and one question among the list of uh fundraising opportunities are there can you speak to the number that require the parent to be present versus not great question so um I'm going to go back to it the only one that could possibly require um parents or guardians or caregivers to be present would be the US Bank Stadium um fundraising opportunity that being said um our chaperon crew has said that they're more than happy that if a parent or Guardian would not be able to be present we can step in and be the adult that's present for that um and then that way it won't slow down our kids and all of their passionate fundraising and the guilt for parents that maybe wouldn't be able to make it because absolutely I've been that parent I've been that parent so I'm right there with you thank you very much yeah absolutely thank you sorry oh sorry I thought I one more more question so those little dollar candy bars that they have in oh oh man I've already helped you guys out a lot but but also some um you I didn't see a sign on a table there were teenagers that look like high schoolers that were standing by a table and I think they were helping maybe bag groceries I didn't necessarily see them at the ends doing it but I didn't see a sign of what they were representing either so that wasn't our group there's a number of groups at the high school that do bag groceries as a fundraiser it's a very common thing a lot of teams okay yeah they didn't even have a sign of what they were for so I that's actually a good tip yeah I was going to say that's actually when um when I have been in discussion with Cub before for other organizational groups um they have recommended to always have a sign and then wear some sort of even if it's just Burnsville Blaze gear um representing where we're from and so when we go to do that we actually have posters and different things that EF Tours will provide for us that we can put out to show where we're going who's going with pictures from the prior years to show all the really amazing opportunities that our kids get when they go over there good yeah I think that helps because then people know what they're donating too because I probably would have gave them change if I had it but I they just they did have un Blaze attire but I didn't know what they were representing what they what I was giving money for that's a good idea yeah thank you um I have some questions as well so um for first of all is this open for all grade levels to go to the trip is it all we um primarily we we um advertized to 9th through 12th grade okay um our biggest thing is is that we're not middle school because Middle School is a separate organization like they have um separate plans they actually have really amazing tours that they do for middle school but those are specific to them so we are happy to take kids who like we would be more than happy to have a student who is an eighth grader this year coming into nth grade they'll be between their nth and 10th grade years um so that is probably the youngest we would allow them to sign up at this point simply because of EF tours's requirements okay yeah I guess I should have been more specific is it any any grade nine through 12 yes okay yes yes all right and then I don't know if you had put it in here and I missed it what is the actual cost per person for the trip yes it's in our extended field trip application for approval 52 yep it's 5229 is the total anticipated cost there is personal expenses food incidentals and spending money as well um and that's what we really focus on is getting that covered with the fundraising costs first because that's truly coming out of pocket while they're overseas so that's usually what we feed into first is that those incidentals and then they can put the money towards okay um whatever else granted it's up to the families it's just what we recommend okay yeah and is that the same cost for like a chaperon as well so chaperon if we have six uh paying students covered for one the incidentals are the same but the chaperons are actually covered 100% oh okay yes okay um and then how do you decide like who gets to pick like your destinations like the adults the adults honestly it's been um we we talk to students and you know we hear what students say but generally speaking um it's a a decision so far has been made by um by the adults this is only the second time we been able to travel since Co um which is what shut down travel Club to start and um kind of put a hold on it I would love to see it be something that kids can discuss and vote on eventually in the future we just haven't gotten to that point yet sure in the in past years um with other teachers who have done this club that was kind of the way it worked where students would actually meet together and decide you know where would the next trip be and yeah for us it's definitely trying to keep it affordable so not going to Australia and not going to Japan um as much as we would love to do that but those costs get really really high and we would definitely want to plan out further I'd be coming and seeing you guys about three years in advance you know um to make sure it's more affordable and the nice thing is is that if this is something that we establish we will know that every two years this is what we do we can plan out even further ahead and you'll see my beautiful face in the summertime great thank you very much yeah absolutely yeah um so all those in favor say I I hi and all those in uh opposed nay uh the motion carries unanimously thank you for your time sorry the technology next we are being asked to approve on a first reading basis changes to policies 416 drug and alcohol testing 418 drug-free workplace drug-free School 5 9 enrollment of nonresident students and 515 protection and privacy of pupil records Dr Chris Belmont assistant superintendent is presenting the recommendation thank you Vice chair orb um these policies 416 418 509 and 515 were first presented to the policy Review Committee on and discussed on September 24th 2024 they all contain um language that was prompted by the most recent legislative update um for 416 it adds oral fluid testing language to the policy for 418 adds protection for persons in Minnesota patient registry programs 509 removes School Readiness plus and adds School of Parents Choice Law and finally for policy 515 it adds an explanatory note for directory information is there a motion to approve the recommendation to approve these policies on a first reading basis so moved moved by director Connor second second by director Hume is there any discussion all those in favor say I I I oppos nay the motion carries unanimously thank you next we are being asked to approve on a first reading basis changes to policies 102 equal Educational Opportunity 419 tobacco free environment possession and use of tobacco tobacco related devices and electronic delivery devices and 609 religion and religious and cultural observances Isis Buchanan director of educational Equity is presenting the recommendation welcome director Buchanan thank you Vice chair wereb Dr battle members of the board so today we are reviewing the three policies that stated so 102 equal educational opportunity and we're proposing the revisions to the policy as recommended by the Minnesota School Board Association um the revisions to policy 102 includes reward reording of section 2A to reflect the legislative changes to the discrimination definition um for policy 419 tobacco free environment and possession and use of tobacco tobacco Rel relateded devices and electronic delivery devices vaping awareness and prevention instruction um we're proposing the revisions to that policy um as recommended by msba as well the revisions include an addition to item 4 C which adds updated language from Minnesota statute 121a 08 smudging smudging permitted um and then during the policy review committee meeting um feedback was Prov Ed to use consistent language when referencing indigenous people or cultural practices and so we work to align that language as well and finally policy 609 religion religious and cultural observances and we're proposing the recommended msba um revisions as well and these revisions include the title of the policy and section 34 which adds language about American Indian cultural practices practice observances and also the inclusion of the updated title of the legal reference um and similar to policy 419 we also work to shift the language um to use American Indian to be consistent with you know the other policies is there a motion to approve the recommendation to approve these policies on a first reading basis so moved moved by director Connor second [Laughter] second second by director Jer is there any discussion all those in favor say I I opposed nay the motion carries unanimously thank you next we are being asked to approve the ratification of the 2024 2025 Minnesota reading to ensure academic development act otherwise known as the read act memorandum of understanding presenting the recommendation this evening will be Wendy duie the Bea president and Dr Teresa battle superintendent welcome to you both thank you chair word members of the board um Minnesota session law 2024 chapter 115 provided each School District um and Cooperative with fund for the teacher compensation uh teacher compensation for the read act um the goal of this legislation is to have every child reading at or above grade level every year um the law also encouraged the Minnesota uh School boards Association and Education Minnesota to provide a model uh memorandum of understanding to districts uh by July 1st um the representatives from from these organizations met and collaborated on that model mou the model mou included optional pieces um it also had the red line pieces that should that must be replaced through a negotiation process between the district and the exclusive representative of each teacher of its teachers uh now I'll turn it over to Wendy duie Burnsville Education Association president with some more details and then I'll come back with the ask for the recommendation all right hello superintendent battle um Vice chair worb and directors um thank you for having me tonight um and now I'm really excited about how I can figure out how to be a chaperon on that trip so really glad go I picked a good night to come um so what I will say is like Dr battle mentioned there was a sample mou given by um the msba um they worked on it with uh our Statewide Union Education Minnesota um and so we use that sample mou for our framework for our mou um between Bea and one the 191 um quite simply um the district is going to be receiving approximately 273 thou 273,000 um in funds from the state for the react um to go for stiens or hourly wages we have 320 teachers that are going to complete the training this year and approximately 120 teachers next year we are accounting for the fact that there will always be turnover people will be retiring at the end of the school year or possibly going on to a different position and so we do want to make sure that we have money built in for people um next year that are coming to us that will need to take the training um this year the people that are doing the training are our K5 classroom teachers um K5 Specialists interventionists K5 ml teachers formerly known as like elll teachers um our K12 special education teachers and our uh prek ecse Preschool teachers um last year we did have prek and ecsc teachers complete the training um and then next year it will be our grade six classroom teachers or 712 Ela ELA teachers our 612 ml teachers um um and our K12 graduation graduation incentive teachers and like I said also new teachers to the district that were in the people that were in the phase one group of this year so quite simply what we did is we said okay we have 273,000 1800 approximately divided among the 440 teachers and the stipended is $600 um and so um as a local president I do um Reach Out to other local presidents to see what they're doing in their districts um our stipend is a little bit higher than some of the other districts it's a little bit lower than some of the other districts but it also depends on um you know how many how many teachers in each district they're having complete the training and so um we're all getting that approximately like $39.10 per student from the state for the training um but if we have like lower class sizes then we might need more teachers to do the training right and that's all I have so with that uh it is our recommendation uh that the Board of Education approve the proposed language in the 2024 2025 read act memorandum of understanding with the Burnsville Education Association is there a motion to approve the recommendation so moved move by director alt second second by director Connor is there any discussion all those in favor say I I opposed nay the motion carries unanimously okay thank you thank you in our final item under new business we are being asked to approve a collective bargaining agreement with the information technology specialists presenting this recommendation is Dr Chris Belmont assistant superintendent welcome back Dr Belmont thank you sorry lost my spot unintentionally thank you Vice chair WB and superintendent battle members of the board um the district reached a tentative agreement on a new two-year contract with the information Tech technology specialists in December there are 13 members currently within this unit during the collective bargaining process seven language items were on the table for discussion it the the group ratified the agreement in early October um some major language items that were agreed upon in the TA include um adding juneth transition Duty days to vacation time to align with uh the HR information system some changes to sick leave ement language and um also the removal of some data dated language um some economic terms uh in this agreement increase for longevity and position stiens 4% increase each year on Career increment incremental steps um adding steps both years and two-year increased cost of $149,000 it's our recommendation that theard Board of Education approved the revisions and reopt the unchanged language in the 2023 to 25 Master agreement with the information technology Specialists is there a motion to approve the collective bargaining agreement with the information technology Specialists so moved uh moved by director Hume second by director Marcel is there any discussion I just have one clarifying question I probably misheard you but when did you say the tentative agreement was reached December I thought you said December and that's oh that's an ER I apologize um October uh oh excuse me sorry thank you Dr B director Hume um members of the board um it was a tentative agreement um it did not pass the uh group until October okay so it that is correct thank you thank you Dr felmont you're filling in for Stacy so channeling my in Stacy I the answer sorry thank you very much thank you for helping all those in favor say I opposed nay the motion carries unanimously this concludes the business portion of of our meeting up next on our agenda we have a closed session as permitted by Minnesota statute 1305 subdivision 3 D to receive Safety and Security updates is there a motion to move to this closed session it's all moved moved by director Connor second second by director alt is there any discussion all those in favor say I I opposed nay the motion carries unanimously we will now move to the HR conference room to receive Safety and Security updates from Dr Teresa battle superintendent Jason sers director of community services Rachel Gorton director of technology and Sergeant Brent Murray with the Burnsville Police Department for