##VIDEO ID:O4-ffz0LbuQ## e good evening uh today is Tuesday September 24 and the time is 5:00 p.m. I would like to call to order the ISD Board of education's uh policy review committee meeting Welcome to our audiences um we are going to start with uh policies that have changes policy 418 drug-free workplace drug free schools uh presented by Dr Chris Belmont assistant superintendent good evening thank you director Marcal director alt director Connor um some minor Chang changes to 418 drug-free workplace and drug free school um based on recent um legislation uh I direct your attention to section four exceptions um Minnesota School Board Association recommending adding um some language to make sure that anyone that's registered in the Minnesota patient registry program um I believe that's a branch of the Department of Health is um exempt from exempt from from the constraints of this policy um other than that just some um some minor references so that um so that language was from the most recent legislative session 2024 to include those who are enrolled in the registry program thank you Dr B uh any comments or questions okay [Music] um what do this one I'm not sure whether we should do first first reading okay that's what I wrote Don um okay Sarah this one is going to be on first reading okay thank you and then we will move on to policy 5:15 protection and privacy of pil records uh once again with Dr uh Chris bont assistant superintendent so policy um 515 has also been before the board um multiple times in the last couple years once after the 2023 session and then some clarifying um outcomes from the most recent 2024 um a lot of the changes here are in the definition section three letter D around Direct information um so the policy um intends to further clarify that um the changes in legislation and the Minnesota level around directory information supersede the uh Federal the federal law so some of it's just some language adjustments some of it is um really just clarifying what I paraphrased for you all um any other additional changes were in um disclosure of educational records section B um number 23 was added in that section I want to make sure I get the heading correct again um prior consent for disclosure is is not required in the case of um when requested educational agencies or institutions may share personal student contact information and directory information for students served in special education with postsecondary transition planning and services under the following statutes um that language added by the msba in response to 2024 legislation well other than that just some reference changes throughout and at the end thank you Dr Belmont any questions or comments from numbers I think I just have a question um birthplace and birth date are considered directory information is that what I am reading federal or under the federal under Federal but not double check but not Minnesota correct yep and that's the fal that's kind of the juxa position that the legislature I believe has been wrestling with again in the spring of 20 I can understand certainly school districts are trying to manage uh and then page 55-28 d M are we able to replace he she with they do a find a replace all e collection of Records student d d is in dog D form of request 5528 let me see if I can get there yep parents are eligible students what are you asking if we could sub there was a he she in there that um oh I'm wondering could be oh changed today they yeah um yes got it and the same on page 30 5:15 maybe just do a replace all um and 5:15 31 and 51532 it's either his her she he mhm and that was on okay Y no not in that one all right um put 5:15 as a first reading okay all right and then um we'll move on to 102 equal educational opportunity and we'll have Dr Chris Belmont uh present this one yeah thank you um thank you director marol um policy 102 equal Educational Opportunity we are proposing the revision to policy 102 as recommended through the Minnesota school boards Association the revisions includes um rewarding of section 2A this shift in language is in response to those recommendations thank you Dr Belmont any comments or questions no just had a small comment what if it just stated demonstrate I mean discriminate on the basis of um instead of saying one or more of the following any of the following is that like overstating it in the first paragraph under General policy general statement of policy a yeah I think it's mirroring just what the statute has I'm not sure why they chose okay that particular language okay all right um it okay 102 um have it on first reading all right um 419 tobacco free environment possession and use of tobacco tobacco related devices and electronic delivery devices and we'll have Dr Belmont present this one as well so this is um also responses to recent uh legislative changes or clarifications um possession and use of tobacco tobacco related devices and electronic delivery devices um the School Board Association recommended changes uh to policy 419 including the addition of item 4 C which um adds updated language from statute around permitting smudging thank you Dr Belmont any questions or comments uh just one um 4193 Roman numeral for exceptions mhm in C we use Native American uh and there's also American Indian that's used and I'm wondering if we can choose one or the one or the other they are whichever one is is most appropriate okay they're interchangeable I've learned from my learning really you see that your retreat but check on that I mean if there's a preference among families you know right and check on that and just to save the question it's the same in 609 and uh I think it's just 609 there's a similar switch not to get ahead of ourselves but no that's okay that's good all right so seeing if we um we just want to be consistent with the terminology um I have that one to go on first reading then when we have an answer to question all right and then uh six 9 religion uh presented by Dr Chris Belmont assistant superintendent yes thank you so um 609 some of the revisions as recommended by the msba include changes in the title um religion and religious and cultural observances the um as well as po section 34 which adds language about American Indian cultural practice observances and also includes um different or includes updates to the legal references and we will look into um looking at the um terminology and seeing if we want to get cons consistent as um that's all I got for you sounds good any questions or comments all right um well okay since we have a pending question for that one just like 419 I'll put it as a first reading okay thank you y um next is 410 Family and Medical Leave This one is presented by stazy sine executive director of administrative Services good evening committee chair marol members of the board uh bringing to you 410 uh removing of qualifying language that doesn't apply um within this um recommendation from msba uh we did have a question on the definition of spouse and inclusive on that we checked with msba on that they looked at all legal references they didn't see anything that would put that there um their final recommendation if you do make changes they would strongly encourage you to check with legal councel first got it thank you um I think we've gone through this before we have I thought we did and it was kind of a refresher of my I was like there's a reason why yeah so um again that it's under the definition of spouse which kind of hits in two different areas one with the military component for FMLA and then address or attending to another it doesn't take away from the individual rights though of individuals gotcha so FMLA does apply equally across everybody yes awesome that qualifies thank you okay thank you Stacy any questions or comments I'm uh just a replace all for his her HEI um there was one page 4101 C and E it couldn't have been 4101 cuz it's the next one okay but it was in find and replace yeah it's in there 46 yeah okay and that was it all right sounds good um 410 I have that one to go on consent um 416 drug and alcohol testing uh once again presented by Stacy svine executive director of administrative Services um msba is recommending the addition of oral fluid testing and the procedures as such uh for um different testing whether for H or cannabis for alcohol uh drugs as far as part of the testing process that's pretty much related the majority of it is to that right thank you Stacy any questions or comments on this one uh just some edits um 4165 five C okay policy and educational materials number two there's a double semic call oh sure is um and then 4167 H testing requirements one pre-employment testing a um a driver applicant shall undergo testing for alcohol and controlled substances is there a reason for brackets around alcohol or is that just something that needs to be taken out we can look at the model policy I don't know Che it yeah okay awesome um and then a general question 4168 MH number two uh post accident testing B um driver should be tested for alcohol use within 2 hours and no later than 8 hours after the accident is this statute language a lot of this a lot of it is yep it seems so broad yeah which page was this on again 168 yep number two right the bottom that's 18 or 16 eight oh yeah 2 hours seems like a really long time well that is a fixed rate as far as how quickly alcohol can be left from the building um but I'm wanting to make sure a lot of this a lot of the language that is in here is for bus drivers which we don't employ directly now the company that we contract with is obligated under the same requirements to do the same type of testing yeah the drivers that we do have would be for like our best program and with that if we did have an accident um soon as it was medically feasible if the person wasn't injured we would have them tested as well gotcha so that we do expedite that on pretty much all claims when we have concerns okay thank you Stacy [Applause] okay 4 16 all right um uh that one would be first reading okay sorry I was just waiting for you to I do have it first reading sorry I couldn't hear no I thought you were scrolling through your ask more question sounds good okay we can move on so 4 16 is on first reading um 509 enrollment of non-resident students uh once again with stasis oine um this section is including for for the Open Enrollment policy if if a parent of a child with a disability hasn't enrolled yet within the district and whether either coming into our district or open enrolling in another District they may do so if they're able to demonstrate that the student is already receiving services at Head Start or child care so it's just another um it's another path for more families to open en roll I'll just put that way thank you Stacy any questions or comments um 509 will be on first reading okay um all right uh policy 707 transportation of public school students uh again with Stacy soine we're getting into the fast ones here at this one here they're just including and calling out um the whole Minnesota statute that pertains to this section pretty much about it as far as clarification good thank you Stacy questions or comments all right I have 707 as consent okay 708 transportation of non-public school students with stac Stacy souline okay uh all the difference that a word makes is pretty much this policy um really moving uh from shall to must throughout the section as far as what the responsibilities are for districts non-public schools uh really just that's the only component that is is changing through here um and it is just legal Le is not shall is more Passive by Nature where must is directive thank you Stacy any questions or comments I just remember when the shs were added so it's interesting to see them taken [Laughter] out glad to see a little more stronger all right um 708 um is going to be on consent okay all right uh 802 um disposition of obsolete equipment and material with Stacy soine Yep this is adding to the legal references Min stat Minnesota statute 47185 um and that is pretty much the only change that is occurring with this policy thank you Stacy any questions or comments all right 802 will be on consent and then we have a couple um policies with no changes uh policy 406 um addendum uh with Stacy sine okay 406 is the records retention schedule for the district really what this is is we're adopting the Minnesota Historical Society retention schedule we have to adopt it you have very little latitude if any to modify this however this the last time that the Historic Society modified this was in 2000 they are due for an update um in 2000 um Facebook wasn't around many of the different internet services had yet to take off so um it it's due for an update and I do believe that is in the works so but at this point it's the same thing has been for the last 24 years all right thank you Stacy uh any questions or comments I just have one in the [Music] addendum um the address is riveridge Court I think we need to update that yeah know where that is I don't know I didn't put the page do a word search yeah 1185 or something 1185 all right um I have 406 to go on consent all right 414 uh is mandated reporting of child neglect or physical or sexual abuse uh with stasis oan again no changes just an annual review with this policy um it is a policy in which we uh either train or uh direct staff towards on an annual basis that they are mandated reporters if they have reason to believe that a child is physically or sexually or emotionally abused thank you Stacy any questions question or comments all right uh 414 will be on consent right moving on to 498 political campaign and activities with Stacy oine well the world is changing with political activities this policy is not um so again no changes but it is a timely review for us right thank you Stacy uh any questions or comments uh just to find and replace all his her uh 4983 Roman numeral for procedures right there okay um 498 will go on consent replaced three four procedures number three there's a his her in the first line you see that on School District employee official and then just do a finding replace yeah all right um okay uh 722 public data requests with Stacy sine uh this policy reflects the Minnesota statute chapter 13 on U public data request again no changes to the statute or to the policy at this time thank you Stacy any questions comments all right um 7:22 will be uh on consent okay and that is it we are adjourned thank you so much everyone oh thank you for