##VIDEO ID:dU4sZ3OWZvg## I needed to Lunge yes I know I yes I am thinking of getting the membership we did have it at once e e that's done you're done good evening today is August 22nd 2024 and the time is 6:30 p.m. I will now call the regular meeting of the district 181 Board of Education to order welcome to all of those who are in the audience here tonight and those watching online Dr hum will you please lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you do I have a motion to approve tonight's agenda so moved move by director Connor second second by director Chester is there any discussion on the matter all those in favor say I I all those opposed would say nay motion carries unanimously we will start off this evening's meeting by hearing a report from Amina aadel director of curriculum instruction and assessment who will be sharing an update on the react welcome am director Miller Dr battle members of the board thank you so much for this opportunity to uh update you on this uh important uh initiative from the state of Minnesota and how well we have um really uh embraced that to move forward with uh better programming for our students uh the read act has actually three main components which I'll share with you tonight screening and assessment uh the instructional curriculum and materials and our professional development initiatives the first is our screening uh for K3 the react mandates uh Universal screening that is screening for all and every student uh in literacy uh they have um identified specific tools as part of our standard work here in our district uh this is our fifth year of using the fastbridge uh early reading and curriculum based measurement or CBM measurement with our students and so um uh we are very familiar with that and the data that that uh brings forward for us um this year uh following the example of kindergarten which normally has uh had two days of meeting with students and families individually and administering assessments uh grade one recognizing the importance of the uh fast Bridge early reading assessments will also experience those two days um the assessments are administered one-on-one individually with the students uh different than uh the assessments that are provided in grades two through five which are done as a group so excuse me the assessment days are incredibly valuable for our teachers in order to uh uh provide that really good testing environment for our students the assessment window for early reading for K3 is September 3rd through the 27th um and so they uh will have data f for our district after the the 27th um after the 27th um and actually during that whole time as the individual student data comes in uh teachers identify students uh for uh intervention and wi groups and so uh being able to differentiate instruction for students uh the screening is also mandated for students in grades 4 through 12 um the guidance for that has not been released for uh by mde yet um and we're still waiting for those approved tools the other component is instructional curriculum or instructional materials um there are two different areas uh the first one is foundational literacy um as we have shared for the board before and thank you for your support um as we have moved through the process of introducing uh piloting and introducing the Hagerty bridge to reading foundational skills for our K2 um we did full implementation for those grade levels last year we're very excited to continue on with that implementation this year and to add grade three uh phonics uh work for our grade three students as well um and then moving on to uh morphology for our grade four and five students um both uh the um the grades four and five will also have a component that reaches back down and provides students who have not had the phonics instruction with the opportunity to have that instruction and catch them up if there are missing uh areas or gaps this year we'll be doing training and implementation for our grade four and five teachers during Workshop week next Wednesday um and uh this is one of the identified uh um and approved curriculums from uh the Department of Education and uh we're very excited to move forward with that and continue on with the coaching um and implementation for those uh grade three will'll do training and implementation on Wednesday with our grade three teachers and uh grade two teachers will meet as teams to review their implementation data and uh begin to plan their phonics lessons for this year uh our preschool did a pilot last year on the Hagerty footy make awareness and they will do full implementation in all preschool classrooms uh this year as uh they have completed their uh letters for Early Childhood literacy training uh and are ready to move forward with that uh the Department of Education uh through the legislation is also required not only to identify foundational literacy uh instructional materials that meet their high level of criteria but um they also will need to identify some uh intervention materials and so we uh anxiously await what uh they would identify after their evaluation and we'll see that list in November of 2025 this year uh we begin phase one of the uh professional development the school district has identified carall as its main uh professional development program we have about 311 teachers uh Educators scheduled to complete phase one training this year um in 2223 we did the letters as I mentioned before we had 18 uh staff who completed that uh they were both classroom preschool classroom teachers and uh uh special education teachers uh or I'm sorry the letters training that was voluntary and so we had 18 uh teachers who completed that on their own in 2324 we did the letters for early childhood and then 21 teachers who completed that we'll do a uh another Cadre of about 30 teachers in early childhood special ed and some new hires uh with the letters for Early Childhood Carri all uh you can see will be quite encompassing of our elementary and of our K12 special education teachers we're also um our elementary principles will be participating in that training alongside their their teachers in order to be able to serve as stronger instructional leaders and uh selecting and be part of the selection committee for instructional uh materials going forward uh in 2526 we do have uh Phase 2 training the uh Department of of education has put forward forward an RFP for the design of that particular training which is targeted towards secondary teachers um that will include uh we'll be making a decision about our grade six teachers on whether or not uh we want them to uh participate in the carry all for K5 or if uh we'll follow the recommend other recommendations that might come for um the higher grade levels but that will include our language arts teachers our secondary multilingual teachers and any teachers who are uh teaching students involved with the graduation incentives as well as uh some newly developed training for non-licensed staff who are supporting uh reading instruction through intervention or other types of uh work that they might do Under the uh opes of a licensed teacher um and then we'll continue on with training new teachers who have not had the experience of uh either in their teacher preparation program or in another district and that is my presentation thank you any questions or comments from board members go ahead thank you um just one clarifying question um your comment about um determining where the grade six students will fall whether it's K5 or secondary can you elaborate on that a little bit sure um right now the Department of Education has identified uh carry all as phase one training which was specific to K3 teachers and uh because of the configuration of our elementary schools which include four and five um said that it would be appropriate for grades four and five we would wait for guidance from mde to to determine whether or not our grade six would be uh fall under the secondary training or whether it would be more appropriate for them to do the K5 training so that's something that mde actually is deciding um they won't decide they'll make a recommendation and then as we look at our instructional programming we'll uh determine that I haven't seen the requirements for the secondary yet and so I just um would like to withhold judgment until I see what the components of that would be makes sense thank you um I had a comment and a question but you answered my question in your presentation so thank you for that um my comment is just um with the grade one assessments that were starting this year I think that's great um I know I've heard from teachers that that's something they would really like and would really find useful so I think that's really happy to hear that that's something that we've added this year and I'm sure the teachers will appreciate it as well yeah I think it just adds a a different dimension to that individual individualized assessment for our first grade students yeah any other questions or comments well I I I know the board is appreciative of all the work that's gone into this that has come from this new act so thank you very much Amina great thank you all right next reports from board members regarding board committees appointments and school assignments we'll start with the legislative committee yes um the legislative committee met um this recent Tuesday August the 20th um we were um presented with um that amsd was interested in getting um some feedback from um the members in terms of then identifying their legislative priorities that will be coming out this fall um and so we had submitted um three um funding areas that we're interested in and uh two policy areas um and then um scale was also inquiring about the same and so hopefully they'll will come as well and then the committee took a look over our current legislative priorities as a district and having some comment but we all want to wait until msba and amsd and scale come out with their legislative priorities to see if we're still in alignment or if there's new things that come out that we would want to make as uh our legislative priorities for this next legislative session and then we ended with wanting um to beginning inviting if legislators are available to our legislative committee meetings in December and January as well that concludes my report all right thank you policy yes um the PRC met uh this past Tuesday August 20th as well um we're going through a lot of the policies that um are going to be changed due to the last uh State legislative session um so we reviewed a number of policies that will come uh forward to the board um in upcoming meetings and our next meeting would be on September forth to continue uh to review those policies okay and negotiations uh just a brief report um the committee met uh in July to do a retrospective of the past uh round of negotiations and um we are also will be meeting again sometime before December um based on uh work that staff is doing to help educate um you know share information and educate our community about the process and try to make it a little um a little more easily digestible okay those are our standing committees um any other board committee reports for this evening yes okay um on Tuesday August 6 uh isd917 had their monthly meeting um in there um we had approved um their SRO contract with the Dakota County Sheriff's Office for their um two sites at the alliance education center and Lebanon education center um and then we also reviewed um the staff handbook as well as the student handbook for special ed um and also um conducted superintendent Dr favers um evaluation review and my report is on amsd uh which was August 2nd they introduced the new officers for the coming fall year they also reminded us that each district needs to adopt their own cell phone policy um the speakers repr presenters regarding mental health in the schools um because they believe that um teacher retention and shortage is due to mental health and if teachers are feeling well they impact the students well-being also which is so true our our presenters were Amy Gerard and Dr Lucy Payne and then also we had a u mental health lead which was Brienne Lafayette hopefully I'm pronouncing your name correctly or laf I'm sorry it's laf and um they just want to introduce a new uh mental health initiative or new program um it's it's called um Minnesota Institute for trauma enforced education which is mitie it's a new program it's a mini course for teachers to help them identify and observe traits of students that may be experienced some mental health just to help them see the signs not to assess them but just to be aware of some signs the signs they're looking for uh could lead to uh gun violence suicide gender identity trauma homelessness or poverty issues and also this um this program is uh funded by uh for with federal funds so that's also a really good thing um and that completes my report thank you other committee me since uh the board will not be meeting again uh before the event happens I wanted to um report that the Burnsville festival and firem is having its final planning meeting at the end of August the event of course is taking place the first Saturday of September um September 7th uh and I know that they are still in need of volunteers for the weekend um basically it's a give back opportunity if you give your time to the festival then um a portion of the proceeds that are um made during the festival will be um given back to your nonprofit so it's a nice nice way to give back in in a couple of different ways and hope to see everybody there any other okay thank you that concludes the information section of our meeting tonight we'll now move to the business portion of our meeting and we'll start by approving the consent agenda although board action is required it is generally unnecessary to hold a discussion on these items in the event a board meeting board member wishes to discuss an item that item will be moved for separate consideration at this time do board any board members wish to remove any items from the consent agenda seeing none is there a motion to app approved tonight's consent agenda so moved moved by director Hume second seconded by director WB all those in favor say I I I and he oppos say nay the motion carries unanimously in the first item under new business we are being asked to approve a collective bargaining agreement with the Burnsville Association of educational assistants presenting this recommendation is Stacy soine executive director of administrative Services welcome Stacy good evening chair Miller Dr battle members of the board again bringing to you tonight um one of our last uh collective bargaining agreements for the 2023 2025 season this one is with the EAS there are 184 assistants within the unit uh we U met we discussed about 13 different language items and the um ba EA ratified the agreement in early August uh we deleted some dated language we allowed for steps both years we added anou limiting retro payments because it is so late in the process um we added um a lines some language around sick leave bement leave and emergency closing time and we grandfathered Insurance eligibility for medical insurance and what that means is starting in July of 20125 for EAS to be eligible for um Insurance contribution from the district they must work 30 hours and not 20 um so that's one of the one of the big items that we had this negotiation route econom economic items include 0% on year one on the steps 8% increase on year two uh year two uh we added 75 cents on the first step to kind of shrink the the the the schedule as a whole and be more of an incentive to bring people in um on the first step as far as hiring we also increased the family contribution for medical insurance from 70% to 75% starting in July of 2024 and the 2-year increase cost was approximately 1.27 million with that it is my recommendation that the Board of Education approve the proposed revisions and reopt the unchanged language in the 2023 2025 collective bargaining agreement with the Burnsville Association of Education assistance is there a motion to approve the collective bargaining agreement with the bernsel association of educational assistants so moved moved by director Mero second second by director Chester is there any discussion on the matter I'll seeing none all those in favor say I I opposed would indicate by nay the motion carries unanimously thank you next item we're being asked to consider is approval of the board priority for the 2025 2026 school year presenting this recommendation will again be Stacy sine executive director of administrative Services as a part of our um negotiated agreement with the Burnsville Education Association each August the board identifies priorities um for the upcoming spring in case we are faced with reductions of our staff that might result in an unrequested leave of absent this group group or the table that is below you would be pulled out and would not necessarily be impacted based upon seniority or highly qualified within the teachers um we've been doing this now for a number of years and after the initial program identification it's been pretty stable since that point it is my recommendation that the Board of Education approves for the 2025 2026 school year the proposed programming priorities and Staffing retention protections and their qualifying criteria in the table in the following areas are the table below I will not read the whole table to you is there a motion to approve the 2526 board priorities so moved moved by director WB second second and by director Hume any discussion on the matter all those in favor indicate by saying I I opposed would say nay the motion carries unanimously thank you Stacy you next on our agenda we are being asked to approve our district assessment plan Dr Brandon low our district assessment data and research coordinator is here this evening to present the recommendation welcome Dr hello chair Miller superintendent battle members of the board thank you for having me in alignment with District policy 614 School District Assessment program and District policy 613 graduation requirements the district assessment data and research coordinator will bring recommendation for a comprehensive standardized Assessment program to the school board for approval the 191 assessment overview for 24 20 uh for 2024 2025 provides information about the district comprehensive plan and you've had an opportunity to look at it um it's my recommendation that the Board of Education approves the uh District Assessment program is there a motion to approve the district assessment plan so moved moved by director Al second second by director Connor any discussion on this matter all those in favor indicate by say i i i oppos n the motion carries unanimously thank you Dr L up next we are being asked to approve a couple of contracts with Inver Hills Community College these are our final two contracts to consider with them for the for the upcoming school year and here to present the first of these is Dr Kathy Funston director of strategic Partnerships and Pathways wel welcome Dr funon thank you chair Miller good evening good evening Dr battle and members of the board uh in addition to the two contracts that uh I brought to you last well at the last board meeting this particular contract is a shared contract that we have uh with a course that we teach in criminal justice and we share it with simile high school and this is a caving measure for us uh when we don't have enough students to enroll in a concurrent course we and partner with some of our uh neighboring school districts to share the cost of that course and provide that opportunity for our students and this is one of the courses as well that counts in the associate of Arts degree so this particular contract is with Inver Hills Community College for a shared concurrent class and I am seeking your approval for this contract is there a motion to approve the Inver Hills Community College income contract for shared classes with simly high school so moved moved by director Marisol second seconded by director worb any questions or comments on the matter that a comment yes yeah I think this is an excellent program my children graduated from simile high school so for them for now kids to have that opportunity to get into law enforcement and share the cost that's that's a that's a really good idea thank you I don't know who came up with it but that's great any other yes director Alt thank you chair Miller can you elaborate on what shared classes look like are they really physically shared or when we typically when we share a concurrent course it is an online course got it thank you so um this would associate of Arts degree program and other courses as well that aren't part of that program but offer all of our students opportun opportunities to earn early college credit in different kinds of classes so with that I would ask for your approval of this contract also with Inver Hills Community College to offer concurrent courses to our students is there a motion to approve the Inver Hills Community College in college income contract it's so moved moved by director Hume second seconded by director merell is there any discussion all those in favor say I I oppos nay the motion carries unanimously thank you thank you our final item under new business tonight is to approve the 2024 2025 board planning document for the istd 191 Board of Education as you might recall at our last meeting we had discussion on this and I am going to move that we approve the board planning document as presented in the board packet materials is there a second second second director all any discussion on the matter it's more of I I think it's a clarification um final budget adjustments oh the final the presentation of final budget adjustments got lost I think um in March we have um preliminary adjustment report if the final isn't available and I would say if we're receiving a preliminary adjustment report in March then there should be a final presentation of a presentation of um a final presentation of the adjustments in the first meeting of April okay given that this is simply an approval of a internal doc process document I think we can go forward with that adjustment if that's all right all right then all uh in favor indicate i i o with motion carries unanimously thank you this concludes new business next on our agenda is a work session to review the superintendent evaluation tool um we're not going to take a break I think we'll just go right into that um so I'll turn over to director worb to kick this discussion off so um this is more of just a discussion to talk about if we are all in agreement on the current format of the the tool um the questions that we have um you know cuz as you recall a couple years back Scott revamped everything and condensed it down so we just wanted to have like a discussion to make sure do we feel like it still meets the needs in order to capture and evaluate Dr battle's performance AC appropriately um and make sure we're all in agreement that you know it's continuing to meet the needs of that yep um I mean the the the document and the process is an important part of one of our key responsibilities as a board and so talking about it a little bit just briefly tonight is part of a Clos Loop process and good process uh management so do anybody have any feedback or positive or not positive support of or concerns about the form I like the way he concised it a lot shorter than he used to be lot appreciate that the the only thing I do want to say is I think you know we did have a little bit of confusion this year with the other There Was You know the option of selecting other and I don't I oh I guess I never chose um I don't know if there's a way to um I don't know what do you what are your thoughts Scott about if we can should we remove that as an option I mean it really skews I would think so because I'm I'm actually looking at it right now and it's on all the ratings which you should give a rating yes that's your role so yeah I would think removing the other and I think if I remember right the math if you chose other it was as if you were giving like a basically right probably should be scores negatively I think you're right right and we don't want to do it manually when Google will do it for us in a Google form defeats the whole purpose so okay I would agree I think that makes sense mhm okay agreed I think it's a fine tool I appreciate Scott you setting it up and um I'm not sure if one or both of you you know were responsible for you know any other F recent updates but it definitely makes the process much easier in terms of getting the thoughts into the tool and um I appreciate it I do think and I I feel like we brought this up previously but we didn't really put anything in stone about creating an actual process document for completing the midyear and the final evaluation as far as the vice chair's role um because in the exchange of like first changing the tool or changing it to the Google Docs and then myself doing it two years in a row now they're not having a document or something to look at I to like go back and like what did I do last year cuz I don't remember um and I think for anybody coming in and doing it especially if they've never done it it's nice to have it laid out with stepbystep instructions so I don't know if there would be um a good way to you know have a couple people sit down and do that you know to um lay out the steps or or how we could develop that together I don't know what the best option is maybe since you and I are the only two people who have used this particular form maybe you and I should sit down and put something together that we can share in a future Workshop kind of before before the end of the year before the officer transitions happen with the before the organizational meeting in January we could try and put something together I'd be willing to work on you with you on that okay and I would suggest two things I agree with that um whether it's Standalone document because it is a unique responsibility of the vice chair and it's kind of nice just to have that if we need to include that in the board planning document because we have some of the key milestones in the board planning document but again with the process not knowing what process with the tool maybe needs to be separate from the board planning document it might make sense just to use those side by side yeah agreed okay and we should reference the board planning document when we're writing this process document because there are dates in there that we just agreed to yes [Laughter] [Music] yep all right any other discussion on the matter okay good all right having concluded our work session next on our agenda will be to move to a closed session for preliminary consideration of allegations as permitted by Minnesota State Statute 13 d05 sub subdivision 2B is there a motion to this to move to this close session for preliminary consideration of allegations so moved moved by director Hume second second by director mcel is there any discussion all those in favor say I I oppos nay motion carries unanimously thank you the time is now 7:03 we'll take a brief break for a few administrative needs and then we will move to the HR conference room for the closed session e