##VIDEO ID:wFP4vMQcIPs## cwell West calwell Board of Education public conference meeting tonight uh today Monday September 23rd tonight the board met an executive session at 6 pm here in James calwell high school in room 105 the purpose of that meeting was to discuss Personnel litigation miscellaneous and old business matters that meeting has been advertised and is in compliance with the open public meeting act and njsa 10 4-6 also known as the Sunshine Law the matters discussed will be made public when confidentiality is no longer required and formal action pursuant to said discussion shall take place only at a meeting to which the public has been invited tonight the public conference meeting is taking place at 7:09 p.m. a little tardy because I'm talking um the Board of Education meeting is being streamed live but all Community questions and comments are welcomed here in person the calwell West calwell Board of educ public conference meeting is also in compliance with the open public meeting act and njsa 10 4-6 also known as the Sunshine Law notices have been sent to the progress in cwell New Jersey The Star Ledger in Newark New Jersey and tap into West Essex notices have also been posted at the Board of Education business office in the Harrison School building Grey Street West Caldwell and have been delivered to the clerks of the burrow of Caldwell and the township of West Caldwell for posting Brian can you please take the role yes Miss D Martini here here M lalie Jefferson here Miss Mack here Mr dimola here miss Gro here you five members present we have a quum great can everyone stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Brian are there any Communications for the board yes we I received a letter from Michelle quick which I shared with the board uh it pertains to her uh thanking the uh the board for um acting and listening on some of her uh concerns that was so nice thank you Michelle if you're out there listening that was very kind um okay we're going to pass it on for the superintendent report um I'd like to welcome Isabella Megan and Cole if you guys could come on up we want to vote in our student Representatives we've decided this year to have four Representatives three tonight are going to get voted in um so that way they can share it because I know it's a big commitment so we wanted to make sure we have plenty of opportunities for different students that are part of the student council to participate as part of the board so great all right I iar I supportes of people so help me God St sorry sares of per all the [Applause] uh right here on the a okay I'll keep copies of this and then you guys get copies and then we're going to take a picture with you guys in the board I'll give you cop thank remember great okay that that concludes my report okay great all right we have some committee reports before that I just want to take a moment on behalf of the board to congratulate the seventh and eighth grade Grover Cleveland Middle School marching band who were the winners of the ruter battle of the bands and they went down to ruter so yay and if you've never gone to one of the winter concerts at the middle school it is really like the band is really fantastic I mean they're fantastic here but you kind of expect it at the high school level but at the middle school level they're like super fantastic also and so is the chorus so please like look at the district calendar and especially now these kids are champions so we should honor them and give them the Kudos they deserve okay so congratulations gcms um and now we have a bunch of committee reports so we'll start um let's do finance and Facilities we'll start first okay uh the finance and Facilities committee met on September 19th from 4:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. board committee members present included president Julian Gro and myself Danielle Mack business administrator Brian McCarthy was present from the administration the committee reviewed all finance and facility agenda items for tonight's board meeting the board would like to thank the Kanas club and the Rotary Club for their donations to the uh Grover Cleveland Middle School Butterfly Garden in addition the board would like to thank the Caldwell hoopsters and Shooters club for Their donation to subsidize the cost of new shooting equipment for our basketball teams the committee and board reviewed referendum marketing proposals at tonight's executive session just before the selected vendor will be approved at the September 30th regular board meeting and that's it great any questions or comments from the board it was so nice I just want to add in from the hoopsters because it's like a pretty luxurious thing it's a shooting machine that like Caitlyn Clark uses and so it's going to be a ailable to both our boys and girls basketball teams and they felt strongly they wanted to do it and so the board is going to chip in half and they'd like to chip in the other half for both programs so I think that was really awesome so thank you that's hard work on parent volunteers from the booster club here at James cwell high school so it's purely volunteer and we're grateful to them okay um Tara want to do curriculum so the curriculum committee met on September 10th from 3:30 to 4:30 and present were Dr conin um Caitlyn Jones myself and Danielle Mack and we spent um a decent part of the meeting talking about the summer successes that um our students and staff have achieved um one was we've received feedback from families who attended a gcms uh Bridges sixth grade family orientation that happened on um August 27th so before the start of school um it was a program really aimed at helping parents ease the anxiety of their children from elementary to middle school and really talking about what that was going to look like um so that was really exciting um we also then the same week um the following night had a multilingual learner family orientation this was the second year in a row um I believe that this happened and it's very well attended there's Child Care on site for families so that they can come and have access to signing up their children for all sorts of um programs that they may need also getting into Genesis looking at schedules things like that um so many thanks to all the staff that make that happen because it's a really important day um and it's a lot of volunteers and a lot of Staff coming in to help out so that was great um we did want to congratulate James Caldwell High School for increasing their ranking um in Essex County and being one of the top 10 um schools so we did not get that last time and it's very exciting and a lot of hard work obviously that goes in um from the staff from the ministration and the students so wanted to take a moment and really thank everybody and congratulate everyone for that you will see um on the website there should be a presentation and video up about the um NJ GPA uh graduation assessment that um our Juniors did very well on this last year and in October we will have presentations as well to go over many of those things um our high impact tutoring award um was increased and extended so um this something that all families at this point should have received in their emails about virtual tutoring that children can access um the buildings are on there if you have any questions about it definitely contact your building principal and they should be able to let you know um all that and we um reviewed as well the um smart summery at both the elementary and middle school levels and talked about the successes there again that the students achieved and then once again Lincoln School was continued to be focused are featured um for their successes for their postco strategies to support um students in their building so again another congratulations to all great thank you any questions or comments from the board okay all right let's um Mar want to do p sure the committee uh the policy committee met on September 16th present at the meeting were Dr Conlin um fryan McCarthy Miss Jones uh the committee chair Terry Greenley and myself uh the committee reviewed and discussed several policy and regulation updates covering board term limits equity in schools and curriculum and the breakfast at schools um the updated policies and regulations will be presented to the board for the first reading over in September and October board meetings great questions or comments I think that's it okay that's good so we're done with our committee reports um tonight is not a voting meeting so we're going to just quickly preview the agenda we'll open up public comments for questions and then we'll be on our way so um if you look I guess right now we'll do approval of minutes and I'm just gonna I think what I'm going to do is I'm gonna open up public comment just at the end because it's not a voting meeting so we'll just let everybody come up on anything on or off the agenda towards the end of the meeting we're a little small group we don't need to go through everything tonight so if you look through the agenda um you're going to see stuff in curriculum um some of the stuff Terry spoke about there's a lot of previews of textbooks um the community based instruction program that does awesome work approval of the locations they'll be going from the middle school and high school um field trips are on here um let's see what else Personnel there's some salary guide movements which is great for our teachers um some resignations appointments of Staff some transfers just going through Finance just the regular stuff some of the stuff that we talked about the Frontline time and attendance front line is we already have a contract with them and this is going to be expanding um to help uh ease the load on the business office and go from green sheets to more of a digital approach just kind of bringing us into more Modern Age and make things a little bit easier for the staff and for the business office um transportation we have the hoopsters the donations that we spoke about with Kanas rotary the hoopsters um some Transportation contracts like I don't know if people really focus on or understand that we have a huge Transportation Fleet here and it brings in a lot of revenue for the district we're very fortunate that was built Years Ago by RBA uh Tom lamb and I feel like Brian and the business office have done such a great job in keeping that up and and adding Transportation contracts where it makes sense for us where we're partnering with other districts um we've added like a new District here Cedar Grove where we're if they're on the route we're picking up their kid and they're paying us money to do it and it's a great source of Revenue so it's wonderful besides the wonderful fact that we're able to transport our own children and keep an eye on them and then also with our Athletics too like and our bands like anything where people need to go we can trans transport our own kids and we know the cost of transportation is outrageous so it's really wonderful that we can do that and then we have usage of facilities um on [Music] here and then just some new policies with the breakfast and the uh procurement for uh School nutrition and board member terms and then that'll pretty much take us to the end so we're going to be voting next week it's not a huge agenda but it gives everybody another week to they have any questions to bring up on Monday's meeting um but in the meantime I'm going to open up public comments uh just to reminder to everyone that public participation shall be governed by the following the participants must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface comments by announcement of their name and address statements are to be limited to three minutes duration the participant may speak no more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard all statements shall be directed to the presiding officer board use the public comment period of the meeting as an opportunity to listen to Citizen concerns but not to debate issues or enter into a question and answer session or a cross-examination between the public and individual board members be aware that not all issues brought before us will be resolved this evening the board May respond to public comment by seeking additional information or by delegating the authority to the superintendent or his designate the presiding officer May interrupt warn or terminate a participant's comments if they exceed the a lotted time or are objectively obscene participants may be civil liable for any obscene defamatory or slanderous statements made during the public comment of this meeting okay with that being said A little unorthodox please feel free to come up address the board on anything on or off the agenda John Walker 63 Holiday Drive West col New Jersey we've got three kids one in uh middle school and two in Jefferson um this is in regards to the Frontline education um as well as the notification that was sent out for emergency response to all the par parents in the in the district um with Frontline education uh I believe we should have as parents um access without certification issues to pentesting for sock to compliance for that software if it does have our children's information on it um that's I think a lot of parents would feel much more comfortable and regarding the uh emergency procedures for a lockdown situation I'm a United States Marine Corps veteran I deal with lots of people in the industry some of are known to be the best in the nation uh I shared with them the lockdown procedure um what we just did was send out to anybody that would want to harm a student in a situation like that a not notice that they will be locked in a room or a building with the people they want to harm with for three to 12 minutes Upon A you can go ahead and research it uh upon average average response time to a situation like that with students they want to harm uh I would recommend possibly and I would be happy to share with you five or six highly qualified nationally qualified people that can come and give assessments and training and I also believe that as parents we should have the right to know who made that training and what their qualifications were what their experience in active shooter situations were and if they've ever actually had experience with with live fire situations thank you thank you Dr Conlin do you want to respond to anything about um the we we actually partner with the local police department and uh the state police to review our lockdown procedures and training um for the staff and they provide the training in terms of all that lockdown so I'll speak to them if they know of anybody else that they like to bring in I'm always happy to to listen to their recommendations access you go up to the so Dr Conlin so would as parents no will we get access to the resume of the person that came up with this Personnel matter we don't share resumes of our staff or any other staff so we have no idea as parents who came if they even know what they're talking about when they came I told you I partner with the police department so I would hope just because they're Police Department doesn't mean it okay good evening my name is Sharon Deo mutus and I live at 231 Westville Avenue West cille New Jersey I understood that they were going to have the display for the athletic building tonight am I incorrect oh it's going to be soaron I'm so sorry The Architects coming here had a conf he so next week he'll be here he'll be here next week with boards and be able to answer all questions I hope that you're here he's also going to be back in October can I just bring up my couple of points because they're very concerned to me so I have lived in that house for 46 years and during that time watching the buses and the people picking up their children I'm really concern somebody's going to get hit by a car it's a bottleneck there and it is very very concerning to me and my family um so I would like to know what research has been done about the traffic patterns I'm also concerned with building this new building I don't think anybody realizes the um the sore issues that are going on and the water issues that have been affecting my house and all those above me on Westville Avenue I don't know if that has been taken into consideration um it's with the water the way it's been coming down lately with the rain it's created a lot of problems for the houses all over there so I don't know what's being done about that again we're very we're I do want to see Improvement I just don't know that that's the right place for the Fieldhouse sometimes if it was on the other side location is a concern so I just wanted to bring that up because you know like I said I can't even get in my driveway half the time and the kids they walk and when they cross the street we're going to have to I call them Dead Squirrels we went through this when I talk Girl Scouts um they don't watch so I'm just really concerned no Sharon thank you so much and if you if you could do us this favor because I don't know if please I would love for you to come back I will be back next Monday that would be great because well next week next Monday the architect will be here well I thought he was going to be here tonight that's what I was told I know he was originally supposed to but he had a conf book so he will definitely be here on Monday okay he has done his due diligence on all the water water and sewer issues and can speak to you at length about it I know that so if you can't come Monday I will be here Monday great perfect I was going to say please email Dr Conlin and we'll get it and but I would prefer for him to be able to just speak I understand I like I said we're just really concerned and I'm concerned about the parking and how far back the new building is going to go yeah um it because it affects my property the most yeah sure sure absolutely that's why I would love for you to come absolutely I will be back but Sharon thank you and we'll make note of the traffic issues too maybe we can speak yeah it's just it's it's just concerning I mean think about Sunny Terrace and there's no real lights you know and I don't think anybody I'm not saying you don't but from my perspective living there 46 years my dad used to because he was a cop used to stand out there and we used to have the kids sit on we used to have a fence we had to take it down the kids would literally line up on the railing and I realized that they moved the soft uh the baseball field that was there a long time ago and I believe that was part of the concern um I just I there's got to be a better way yeah no thank you thank you very much and please come back next Monday sh please thank you good evening Glen Rosel 110 no terrorist West corwell um about the new Fieldhouse I only found out about it recently I glad next week there'll be the architect here but um my question is will this be able to house all the sports teams that use that field or is it just for the football team no it's not just for the football football team so it's going to be Title 9 compliant which the the Fieldhouse right now Mr Roselle is not Title 9 compliant what we mean by that is that the girls have no space there's no place for them to go in the new design and I'd love for again you to join Sharon and please come back next week half of the Fieldhouse is for the boys the other equal half is for the girls all of their sports teams are there it will give them access space they'll have their own bathrooms they'll have their own locker rooms their Co coaches will have their own coach's office with their own showers and their own bathrooms there's upstairs that second level is a multi-purpose room that will also like have a divider in it that can mask as like can also be a film room the girls will have full access to that I understand that there's been a lot out on social media that it is only for the football team and that is just not true and I and I appreciate you coming and saying it but I really would love for you to come and have and see it and have Greg our AR talk you through it and you're going to see that that is one of the main reasons that we're going for this Fieldhouse is because our female athletes and Mr Romano our athletic director has been very passionate about it they they do not have a space my daughter played Sports many years here they don't have a space it's terrible it's terrible and as this exists today that was done pre-title 9 so we can get away with keeping the Fieldhouse as it is but how fair is that first of all it's disgusting it's open right now till 8:00 talk if no one's seen it I encourage you to go up in it it's going to be open next week from 6:00 to 8 it is an Abomination and the fact that I mean we worked so hard I mean I can say is Chris and I were on this board when our girls came to this meeting with their parents and their Town coaches and advocated for field hockey and Chris and I and I am proud to say it and I will say it till the day I die we're proud proud proud to inate field hockey girls field hockey into this high school and let me tell you something that field hockey program will rival with football any day a week and twice on Sunday as my poppy would say okay and I'm proud of that and these girls deserve a space and it's not just field hockey it's girls soccer it's girls lacrosse these girls work hard they have no space it's disgusting and I'm sure as the father of a female athlete you can see so I appreciate that the way of the community has been football football football everybody loves football we get it Friday Night Lights that's what we're about but this board is Progressive and looking out for our female athletes and that is one of the main reasons we're going out for a referendum now is the time it's only going to get harder to do for them because the cost of things building materials construction is only going to rise this is our opportunity we have a moment in time and the board is choosing to seize on it obviously it's going to be in the hands of the voters we are going to do our best to have all of the information the marketing firm the architect available be as transparent as possible but this is the time the time is now and that's why we're acting one another final Point sure $15 million seems to be a lot of money yeah if you can keep the cost down I know it's only $150 on your tax bill every year it's even going to be like a little bit less than that we're waiting on all the final numbers to come back from the state of New Jersey from the Department of Education right now it's about 130 on Caldwell 128 on West calwell it could come down or it's going to stay at that we're going to be contributing money to make sure it doesn't go above that the whole reason a lot of the reason why there's cost is it's a total inclusive package and again I don't want to speak too much I'm not Greg he is much more eloquent and wonderful at it but I'm going to tell you it's hard and soft costs it's abatement there is going to be a spe when that building comes down abatement has to be done right for safety there's a lot of things it's inclusive of everything Water and Sewer issues he explain to you about the the garden to catch all of the Pudo and the water like all of that stuff so it's expensive to build things I mean I'm going to tell you I just got a quote to paint the bottom of my house I almost dropped it I could not believe what they were charging me to paint three walls of the outside of my Brick House I I I literally was like I I can't even believe this is real like it was like double what I thought it was going to be and I'm going to be honest with the community that if the the longer we wait to fix the building the more expensive it's going to get understood I'm just glad that all the sports were included I thought all the sports are included that's definitely that is the truth thank you you're welcome thank you for coming please come back next week I really would love for you to see Greg's presentation thank you thank you so much anybody else yeah Liz Hart 149 Ravine Avenue I have two question or I have one statement but I'll save that because it's long and I actually printed it out so uh but my question is uh on policy excuse me the board member number and term is that something that you're you're not allowed to talk about that now like what the revisions to the policy would be or no it's right in the it it should be attachment so if you just click on it it'll be you'll see the underlined or the the dark pieces it just it basically adds in the New Jersey Administrative Code that was updated so it list that and when we have an update if the one word changes from the to a we have to do an update got it so it's really just reflecting the New Jersey Administrative Code that was changed and says now this is where you find this information so there's really no updates to board okay got it I was like what everything's still the same just a just a Administrative Code reference change so the whole thing has to change yeah just so you know Liz we do not have the authority as a board to dictate our own terms that's all that's all done through the state of New Jersey and the school boards Association like that we are publicly elected officials like we have no jurisdiction over that yeah no that's why I was like wait what what and a lot of the policies changing because there was a law that says it has to be neutral okay so any place that would say his or her now says they or them oh got it okay you'll see a lot of policy updates that just changes that language okay okay great so normally I kind of like speak off the cough but I I printed something out I typed it ahead of time so I apologize if I'm like not looking at your faces I just kind of want to make sure that I'm getting you know all of my thoughts across okay so first I do want to say that I do agree that we need a renovated Fieldhouse um I am however speaking out against the six approximate $60 million cost for the proposed Renovations that would result in increasing the size by over five times and result in an additional tax burden and I know Julian you just mentioned that it would it's now a little bit lower it's like 130 and 128 depending on if you're a callable or west callable right also depending on we still waiting for the Department of Education it's very possible we are not anticipating to get any money back any Debt Service aid but we can't say we won't that building's not ADA Compliant right could the state say you're looking to upgrade a building and make it ADA Compliant for handicapped like we we just don't know so the cost could come down and the board is also contributing capital reserve against it so we just can't give final numbers until we get everything back the Department of Education is now currently reviewing all our applications when are you allow do we know when we will hear back from usually takes about three months right do conin so we don't know exactly when be several months before we so like probably after the New Year well yeah I mean they were submitt no before then yeah before then the deadline December the deadline to submit was September 12th Greg's team met that deadline God bless them was I think over 20 applications right Brian we signed lot of boxes it was a lot of boxes of paper so um I I would say before the definitely before the new year and then once that information comes that's when the marketing firm will start putting it in print and getting that out to everybody so everybody understands what it's all going to look like okay okay great um so I would like to draw a comparison to the recent locker room Renovations that were completed at the University of Michigan so the University of Michigan is the incumbent 2023 college national football champions and I know this Fieldhouse is not just for football but please bear with me right their locker room is approximately 14,000 square ft which is 2,000 ft less than what it's being proposed and costs them approximately $14 million which was largely made possible by a single $7 million gift or donation right their locker room serves the Michigan football team's day-to-day needs for training during football season and offseason workouts their recent Renovations created an expanded locker room improvements to Locker shower and team areas as well as created gender inclusive Ive Locker facilities for both student athletes and staff it also included a bowling alley pool tables and a barber shop um the cost of the recent Renovations for the locker room for the national college football championship team is less than what is being proposed for our district and I'm pretty sure I didn't see a bowling alley in our proposal shared in the last board meeting although it would have been cool um so I implore the board tonight to challenge The sjin Architects to go back to the drawing table to provide a more costeffective solution or solutions to renovate the Fieldhouse that will not be such a tax burden on the community thank you very much for your time and consideration thank you thank you and you know I just want to make a comment that and it's not un Liz I totally appreciate it but this is also New Jersey and we live in one of the most expensive states in the United States of America and the problem is is that the building something in Michigan versus building in New Jersey here's the other thing every was to be realistic we have to go out to bid right so we're if the referendum passes we then have to go back out to bid if an our if a contractor comes in below what we're anticipating they can't come in above what we've been approved for if they come in below then that money gets returned to the taxpayers right you when you get approved for a referendum Brian please I'm not like correct me if I'm wrong but you can only spend everything is earmarked to the scent if you don't spend it it gets returned back so you can only use it like what's for the field test can only be used for the field test if there's extra money it gets returned so we have to remember like nothing is in stone here first of all it has to pass then if it passes we got to go out to bid like these numbers are just put out there to be like this is the maximum amount that you're allowing us to spend on it right as voters you'd say this is yes to this but this is the cost this is it right so there's a lot of things again I thank you thank you for your research thank you for your passion always like your comments are always so helpful to us but again like there's a lot of factors that go into doing things right we're in New Jersey like the cost to build something here it's like building your home versus building a home in Pennsylvania it it's a lot different right I'm not discounting what you're saying but you know again I would just say I would cha challenge you and ask you to just then speak to Greg about that also because he's on projects all the time so next week feel free I'm sure there'll be a lot more people to bring up your your statement again and allow him to answer much more much better than I'm doing right now um but yeah so anybody else would like to come up and speak absolutely absolutely you don't have to stand back up sh well you can't the problem is if you you can't hear you we can't hear you on YouTube if you don't go to the microphone I'm sorry sorry I'm sorry to make you get up and walk over there but then people at home would be like I don't know what she was asking yeah I just want to ask so once this referendum is passed when do they feel that the building would start so that's a Greg question he said it at the last one I think Dr Conan do you remember what he said he said that um they would probably wait until after the uh uh winter season next year and then start the demolition so that way the kids could use the facility um for the winter sports so they probably start I guess November when of 2026 of 2020 no no not of 202 2025 2025 so I think honestly shanon I think and again please ask him this but I think would I remember if anyone else remembers on the board I think he said after the football season of 2025 they would start so that they're inconveniencing one sport one time so then theyd didn't convenience like winter spring fall of 26 right and then have it hopefully to be open by Spring of or fall of 27 so you're thinking of breaking ground from what I understand by next November I think that would be ask more about Dem it's more about the demolition demol well yes but you but again please ask Greg like he'll give you like because the other issue that nobody's and I'm I'm not exactly sure where this building is going you're talking about being five times so I'm assuming you're going back on the field is that correct way back to behind my house no no it's actually going to be on the footprint of the existing building move forward and to the right forward and towards B where the shot put so you're not if you go we're not going back we're not going back towards the houses we're coming forward and going towards Bonfield towards the practice I just CU I couldn't see it if you go in did you go onto the I did but I couldn't pull it up it was giving me a hard time to he'll be here next week but it's basically on the footprint now forward and to the right so it's going to eat into the the practice field more then it would go back and okay so they're not going to be building a a a driveway in that dead area between my house no no no no no no that there's not going to be anything touched necessarily back there based on that it'll take up the existing space and forward closer to the practice field okay I I'm sorry I did try to look I just was able to open things and I couldn't be at the last meeting because I'm a teacher too and I did take some vacation time good for you well send me an email and I'll see if I could send you the actual we have a screenshot of just that so that you could see where it kind of overlays thank send me an email and I'll send it to oh thank you very much and Sharon he also when he comes Greg like he brings like he has an aerial shot of the footprint besides just showing the building all the bells and he'll show you an aerial shot so you'll be able to see the whole thing as well too okay again our real true concern is we are afraid that that somebody is going to get hurt and it's a real concern especially I can't even get in my driveway and I get it I I mean I try to avoid it going home at those hours or or yeah thank you Sharon thank you okay anybody else want to come up anything on or off the agenda no Okay oky do um all right so then what we're g to do is we're going to make a motion before we do that again I just want to remind everyone everyone watching at home next Monday the Fieldhouse will be open for tours again 6: to 8 we will be back here at James cwell high school um pret s Jen Architects our architect Greg will be here to do the presentation again ask questions please I encourage people to come and be part of this process that's why we're having him here I know Greg was at all the open houses and got some questions and were able to see boards but it's really important to come here and engage he's going to be here next week he's also going to be back in October we're going to stay here at the high school so that we can have the Fieldhouse accessible as much as possible um but we also can't forget that there's a first question to this referendum and that first question addresses a lot of the needs the the the structural the infrastructure needs of our of our um district and I will say again like I'm very proud to be part of a board where we prioritize the safety of our staff and students before a Fieldhouse you know as passionate as we are about the Fieldhouse that's why there's two questions right because the infrastructure needs and the safety of our teachers and our students is so important to us also in question one our academic needs all the stem labs in the Four elementary schools and the renovation of the lab of the whole wing of the high school so like it's like everyone the a lot of the attention is being to the field and I get it because that's the sexiest part of the thing the thing that's the most attention the biggest sound bites or the Fieldhouse but there's a lot of great things going on in question one that's that no tax impact and that's why we're saying like we're going to do all these awesome things for the kids academically uh you know safety wise structurally for the staff for the students great amazing things that teachers were a part of Administrators were a part of and then we're saying let's do something else kind of cool for them too too right and the coaches girls and boy Sports alike were part of that Fieldhouse design okay they were all part of those meetings so um I just don't want to forget about question one you know question one is really really important not I'm just looking at you Sharon because your sweet face and you look so nice and you're smiling at me and it's just great but it's not directed at you but um yeah so I just want to remind everybody that there's two parts to this you know we can't forget about that as well so Greg will be here his drum roll next week and he's pretty charming and wonderful and easy to talk to so I encourage everybody at home to come next week to James cille high school same time and listen to the architect that being said can I have a motion to enter into executive session at approximately 7:45 p.m. I'll make a motion and do have a second I will second it great Brian will you take the role yes uh all in favor I I I all against nay any extensions motion car great thank you thank you everybody for coming and thank you for sharing your opinions and thoughts am just