##VIDEO ID:JLnD30BmVMo## e e e e e e e e official business there you go that's it I just had this one right here you a white front pen that he'll lose it that's what he does he loses it call to order for city of Canon Falls city council meeting for Tuesday August 20th 2024 if I could get a roll call please GMI here Gro here jebson here Johnson here cronenberger here londell Montgomery here please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all if I could get a motion to approve tonight's agenda so moved second got a motion from Ryan second from Diane all those in favor I opposed carries uh nobody is uh present or has signed up for public input so we're going to skip that go straight to consent agenda consent agenda items may be adopted under one motion as presented or may be removed for discussion and resolution as Council business item a just and correct claims for the accounting period ending August 14th 2024 B meeting minutes for August 6th 2024 city council meeting item C resolution 2778 accepting a monetary donation of $200 from Harbor Freight Tools to the fire department is there anything the council would like to pull down not hearing any I would accept a motion to approve tonight's consent agenda so Move Motion from Steve I think Lisa was trying to get in we'll give her the second all those in favor I oppose carries gets us to council business resolution 2777 adopting the preliminary tax levy and budget collectible 2025 and setting a public meeting date Neil good evening good evening um I guess we beat the budget to death over the last couple of months and uh uh tonight we're uh going to attempt to certify it to uh the preliminary budget to the county um I sent you out an amended uh general fund budget here uh thank you Derek for catching that um on line item so with that said did everybody get that email I sent out correct um so I just wanted to touch on a a few things that we haven't touched on for the last couple of months um I'm not going to go over the whole thing again because you've you've heard it and heard it again um remember when we talked about uh the Water and Sewer and the percentages and uh so I went back and did a little little research and last year um when it was so dry um the actual water uh percentages in dollar amounts was up 9% this year when we talked about it I went back and looked and we're down 177% because because of all the rain so that's the volatility of water and sewer rates um I know everybody likes the rain because they don't have to water their Gardens they don't have to water their grass but it hits the water account very hard so I just want you to know how how it goes up and down based on on weather so with that said when you go up on a percentage basis you know you're looking over several years cuz in reality you know we're only 8% % off for the two right but we're still down 8% so I just want I want you to realize that that's how that works and just giving it an inflationary number every year does not hurt a thing because I can't guess what the weather's going to do you know because that's the revenue side is what really gets uh can be affected uh you know the expense size we can say well no we're not going to do that project this year because we don't have the money but the revenue side I have no control over so just an FYI um can I ask a question on that sure um if we're not using as much water therefore for as much SE doesn't the expense of operating that go down a little bit or not really very little okay uh all the pumps all everything has to still run okay so it's it's it's very little yeah um so I got another uh Department that we should really talk about and that's the ambulance and we've been talking about that we throughout this whole project of doing this budget next year uh um you'll see that I did balance it but under miscellaneous revenues I got about $123,000 that's unaccounted revenues and uh where we get that money um is still to be determined yeah we got money for the state that's a Band-Aid um that we can use next year um you talked about using some recycling money maybe to buy an ambulance or or do something in that sort which would be a a great idea um next year I know Tim has been waiting uh you can't wait too long long to uh uh replace your Fleet because now pretty soon you're going to need two ambulances and you just it's like running uh 250,000 M cars pretty soon they're both done and it just beats up your budget same thing with an ambulance or same thing with the the public works you keep that on a rotation and it uh it certainly pays dividends when you only have a certain amount of money every year so I know he's still working on uh that consultant with that consultant um I don't know when he's going to become come to present to us to see their findings but I know he's been uh in communication with me on certain items so that's still coming on on that side but but we'll use that uh State money that we got that's what it was for to uh uh to balance bud for next year but you and the the future Council cuz I know some of them some of you guys are not going to be here next year and uh this is kind of a serious issue you're going to have to figure this one out um I'm not going to be here but the next person is going to have to work with the the council with the remaining Council and the new council members um to figure this out and uh it's not just a a $55,000 deal it's it's the balance this year according to Tim what he provided me with revenues it's 123,000 and it you have to pay the staff otherwise you won't get staff members right they'll go somewhere else that's that's the volatility of of not very many paramedics out there but then when you pay that and you only get this much revenue you know it's it's it's tough so we're going to have to find find some some other means and uh next year I would definitely whoever's here uh bring it up bring it up early and make sure we get working on it okay um last night at uh at the finance um we won't have to do a report because I'm going to cover it tonight uh they had a discussion on the liquor licenses that we had talked about previously um reducing that uh we talked in in quite a bit about it what they came up for a recommendation was a 10% reduction in the onsale license not the offsale the offs sales are a few hundred dollar they're very small it's the on sale that um is up there um in price so that's their recommendation and if we uh if we feel that is appropriate for uh uh um for the people or for the license holders let's do it we can start working through it because we have to uh we have to get that all put together and we'll start working on the uh the fee schedule also because it all goes in one um the other thing they talked about was uh the donations I think um and uh the chamber has requested additional dollars and Matt if you want to take over from here yeah uh we talked about increasing the chambers donation from 5,000 to 7,500 to match the fair and we discussed uh again the legality of donations has to be available to all the citizens and we talked about Deck The Falls the event that the chamber does trick-or treat Trot um boy FunFest FunFest uh yeah uh different names that they have for it now I mean so the chamber and then their breakfast for you know for the chamber but all the things that they're doing Maggie is doing stuff year round um and her budget is obviously not that of the fair all those things but we're just saying for the availability to our taxpaying citizens if we're making donations I think that it would be fair to match the what we give to the fair to uh the chamber so if the council approves that I think that that's a change that can be made in our budget as long as there's a consensus does it need action or just um it's kind of like what I I talked about last night I will find room in the budget if you and move things around a little bit um and then you will approve it at the final uh we don't need to add additional dollars um I'll just move some stuff around that we can U on a $3 million budget uh couple thousand isn't much so um so the total total preliminary Levy for uh this year is going to be3 milli $584,900 um that's a uh 4.32% um we tried to keep it into that 4% to 5% I think we did pretty good and I I got to commend again the uh department heads came in and they worked hard and they um I appreciate that it makes budget season a lot easier for you guys a lot easier for me um it goes smooth when we can all work together and and uh uh help save the uh uh residents in town some money and and still keep the place uh working good and and running right so um you have a resolution in front of you number 2777 um that we would like to to uh adopt tonight our hearing will be held uh um on December 3rd at 6:30 and our final budget Levy adoption will be on this December 17th at 6:30 so December 3rd will be the public hearing uh for the people to come in and and talk about it and uh the 17th will be final adoption for and then once again and you know I kind of say this every year but um if you want to change it we can only go down and not up so um I think we're pretty set and locked in um I don't expect unless there's something something really on your mind I think we'll be at $3,584 n0 any questions so 4.32 4.32 y I'm going to make that a motion motion from Steve is there a second I'll second it second from Ryan uh any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed and it carries that gets us to our reports uh Library board we didn't have a meeting this month perfect finance committee like we said the budget is what we dealt with tonight in City business uh Council business uh Planning Commission met last night um forever oh what was on there well no no no no would you like uh I can summarize it unless you'd like to go ahead uh there was a vacating and alley uh here in the north side of town there was splitting the lot of artisan Plaza there was uh The bethl Rock Church at Grand O2 Center and then there was the racetrack and Zoning of urban Reserve all those topics got dealt with they will be on our consent agenda first meeting in September yes d uh September 3rd okay uh Public Works and parkboard met August one we had Council since then so oh it was just a got it got it all right we'll go around the horn Jed mayor and Council um we got several projects around town uh moving forward on 72nd Avenue way they have uh working on 72nd Avenue way we ask the residents to to have some patience with with the construction as they're they're grading that road and getting that ready it sounds like next week they're going to start working on the turn lane um and so yeah right there in front of the school so that's great timing all right it didn't work out a month ago um the uh Timber Edge is um got asphalt down there's uh couple Foundation well foundation another foundation in and a a home being built um so they're moving along on that one uh John bir Park is moving right along walls looking nice uh Third Base dugouts looking pretty good um and then we got our uh Third Street um it it's moving at a it's moving so uh they're putting in the the storm drain as we we speak and hopefully we'll see curb and gutter and and Road in the near future so do you happen to have an estimated date I've been asked by by multiple people with football season coming John Birch Park I know that the equipment is technically out of the way but people really want to know when they can see it I don't have a date because they pushed everything back so their timeline is is off so I'm not I don't have a an exact date for John Burch that's fine I but they're moving right along I'd assume that they will surprise us so perfect thanks Jed Chief so last meeting um in addition to us having fun here um the officers fire department and ambulance were out doing National Night Out probably saw it in the beacon uh they had a very good time I believe there were eight parties um and just a lot of interaction between uh the EMS services and uh the community primary function for National Night Out is to get people to know their neighbors which in a community our size isn't that big of a deal um but you know in larger communities it certainly can be and we're very very fortunate to you know have uh neighborhoods that you know people pretty much know their neighbors and and you know have those opportunities together uh see the firet truck see the police department that type of thing so um my officers told me it was a very good time um aside from that we pretty much have wrapped up most of our our summer things that was also the night of Canon Cruisers um I had a uh kickoff meeting uh for good hu County's U FMA response uh so that's underway uh I'll be working with Jad and Tony and uh trying to uh set timelines for the contractors that we're have doing some of the the cling up of debris and that type of thing um the uh the process you know for those of you who have been on for a while we've been through these before they are not fast working with FMA U but as long as we follow all of their rules uh we will get reimbursed for uh 75% of our cost uh from FEMA and because this was a FEMA declared event the state will pick up the other 25% of all the eligible costs uh so at the end of the day our costs are going to be very minimal um but it's just a lot of documentation and and following the uh the guidelines to to get us there so if you're expecting FEMA to send us a check next week please be patient um it will arrive they always have been good for their money um it just uh is a few steps we have to go through to get there but we are going to be get be getting started in that clean up process and I know Jed uh and his crew had cleaned up uh along the uh the swan area um that debris that was right by the benches and stuff uh we're be getting the rest of the debris out that's in the river and the walking path bridges that type of thing yet so there's an update for you all right thank you Chief Sarah Neil all right we'll go around the horn Laura I'm good please Lisa nothing tonight Ryan nothing Derek Diane although it was a long meeting last night I am thankful the people of Canon Falls who care enough to uh attend these meetings and participate Steve I agree with Diane other than that nothing all right uh thank you for filling in uh I dealt with co uh probably the worst I've had it uh so I appreciate you guys being able to uh hold down the fort uh uh same thing uh most packed I've seen this Chambers in the last six years so people are very passionate I thought arguments from both sides were very well received and I I'm very impressed with uh how the Planning and Zoning commission handled that meeting there was a lot of contentious stuff and uh Steve you did a great job uh last thing I want to say thank you to all my council members the filing period is done so I know that I'm going to be losing some of you guys going into next year uh I'm going to remain positive we've got four more months left so there's still a lot of work to be done in your term so I want to say thank you for your time uh for the people who have filled out the paperwork to run to be candidates again uh and the new candidates I wish everybody the absolute best uh wishes good luck uh in the campaign season and for those of you that are coming back you're stuck with me for two more years all right uh without anything else I take a motion to adjourn so Move Motion from Derek second from Laura Laura all those in favor I opposed we are adjourned thank you everybody