##VIDEO ID:Mx1uNh7NxUA## e e 13 seconds call to order city council meeting for Tuesday October 1st 2024 if I could get a roll call please guesmi here grot here jebson absent Johnson oh she on there absent oh zooming Cronin burger here Lindell here Montgomery here please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all if I could get an approval for tonight's agenda so moved motion from Lindell a second second from Lisa do we need to do a roll call with Diane we'll do a roll call vote then motion by londell second by Lisa GMI hi Gro hi jebson absent Johnson she's on mute your mic is on mute Diane you're muted if you can hear us Cronin bger hi Lindell hi passes approved gets us to public input public input is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the city council the public input will be no longer than 30 minutes in total length and each speaker will have no more than 3 minutes to speak speakers May address topics relevant to the governance of the city speakers must sign up in advance and must provide their name address and the topic they intend to address comments must be on topic respectful pertinent and C to City business and adhere to the applicable data privacy rules any speaker that violates these rules will be asked to sit down if the speaker refuses to comply they may be removed from the meeting speakers shall not address topics that are the subject of a public hearing all such M shall be made at the public hearing the city council will not generally act on issues raised by the public input but may choose to schedule consideration of the item on a future agenda uh first up tonight I'm going to get it right Kurt bisel there we go racetrack RAC trck yep again thank you uh Council for allowing me to speak with you this evening uh again considering the racetrack uh over the past nearly two years the city and the fair board have been trying to decipher if the fairboard is actually a county fair and whether it holds a status as an Agricultural Society during the May 3rd council meeting in 2023 the City attorney had mentioned that this was a difficult that this was difficult to answer and would require further clarification without providing proof of its legal status and without official approval from the city the fairboard decided to continue building a racetrack on the West Side within city limits I stand here this evening speaking on behalf of the many residents of Canon Falls who have been adversely affected by the development of a racetrack within our town we'd like to thank Derrick Lindell and along with the rest of the city council for keeping this difficult issue at the Forefront fighting to keep a racetrack within City Limits this day and age with specific statutes having been passed by the mpca to help avoid such issues is incomprehensible we believe in due process and we fully support the city council in their efforts to hold the fairboard accountable and for the racetrack to be shut down permanently we stand for the right for enjoyment of our own properties we stand for the protection of our homes and we stand for the future growth of our community thank you thanks thanks Kurt Gary Johnson up next also at the racetrack pretty hard to top that so I just going to go with that but I disapprove the racetrack the noise levels and stuff and doesn't seem like anything's getting done they're kicking things back and forth you can't get an answer from anybody why they're debl it's out seing the level pca's level and nothing gets no I don't don't punish anybody for it they just keep doing it and why isn't somebody stepping in and doing it and the state is has offered desal meters to the city and nobody has gone up to pick them up for some reason I guess that's all I got to say thank you thanks K next up Babel Gorman Keller Bartman good evening um I sent you all an email back in July concerning Keller Bartman what i' like to say is it looks really nice out there I mean I'm still not a fan of a big apartment complex like that but that's probably the way I am um but it's well put together there were many many problems I cited them in that email their continues to be a couple that I think should be addressed and um this body has discussed and even Derek brought it up about following ordinances and the city council must see to it that they are um this developer installed public improvements it has not been presented to the council or accepted by the council in order for it to become public property it must be done by resolution and it hasn't not been brought forth to this body uh parking there's still people that are paying for parking and there is a city ordinances that says that in multiple dwellings like this you cannot charge for parking but they are and no nobody seems to address that and I know of people that are still paying that the landscape plan that was brought before this body and approved has not been fulfilled according to plan and they did have a banner up on the side of the building just came down here this weekend I think but it sat there all spring and all summer it's got a 15-day shelf life on that license and I don't believe there ever was a license so my question is why does the city choose to make some comply with the law While others get a free pass thank you for your time thank you that gets us on to the public hearing tonight we have the introduction and first reading of ordinance 406 an ordinance amending city code title 3 relating to fees charges and rates Neil if you want to go through what's all included in ordinance 406 sure um everything that we discussed um during the budget process the 4% increase in sanitary water and storm fees have been including this we also discussed a 10% reduction in the onsale licenses um that was included we added a sexually and orientated business fee of $2,500 that seemed to be typical of throughout the as I call it the loop uh area towns there was a few police items that we just clarified no increases in fees um so I think that's all what we really adjusted we last year we adjusted all the pool and park fees that uh the park and Public Works talked about and they all went up they hadn't been pushed up for a long time so uh we increased them last year and they seem to be okay for this year so with it you got uh like I said a 4% increase in in water and sewer rates 10% reduction in on sale liquor licenses and then a fee for sexually orientated business any discussion or questions from the council is that um in appendix a is that reflecting a 10% correct okay at least you put it in there right anything else from the council uh I really like that we took another look at this and that we're doing the that gesture to the businesses with the liquor license taking we know that the number is not huge but it's it's at least the gesture uh to those local businesses um any other questions or comments if not I would entertain a motion to oh that's right public hearing sorry the public hearing is open um if anybody would like to come up to the mic and speak about the ordinance 406 amending our city code title three relating to fees charges and rates Mr ogorman thank you um Neil brought up about the sexually orientated business fee uh that's been kicked around here for three years and now it finally showed up on the Fe schedule what is not on the fee schedule is the background check and it's specifically talks about it in ordinance 120.5 B so there is no fee for a background check and I think there's supposed to be massage therapists have a background check and a fee to it so I don't know why the sexually orientated business would not have but it's missing there's a sign fees on there but there is not a banner fee that Banner that I talked about at Keller Bartman had a 15-day shelf life banners do require a license banners penants and similar devices shall require a license ordinance 52.3 [Music] 52 I don't see it on the fee schedule thank you for your time thank you public hearing still open if anybody would like to step up second call if anybody would like to step up and talk about the fees third and final call here for the public hearing all right public hearing is closed uh the points that were made by Mr ogorman is that anything that needs to be addressed uh if the word background check is put on that line for the sexual oriented license if that necessity we'll look into it okay any other questions comments from the council hearing none I'd entertain a motion so can we vote on it as stated or do we got to address those concerns first or can we vote on it as is and make an amendment at a later date we can do that the reason we have it on in October is because of the 10% reduction in on sale liquor license if we don't get that done there won't be a 10% reduction because we have to send out the applications so we can pass it as is and then take a look at those points that were brought up and if there's an amendment that needs be changed at a later date we can vote on that separately does that sound okay to to the council well couldn't we just add it I mean we have initial massage therapist application background check or because we did a public hearing then you can't you'd have to do another public hearing because couldn't we just add background check sexually oriented business background check $100 what's the 2500 for that's the license that's not for the background check I don't know seems like when you have a li license more to the liquor license right um which has a a set minimum but it can increase depending upon if you're you know having to do multiple State research in that type of stuff um just my suggestion would be to look at that as your wording uh for sexually orientated business as opposed to a massage license okay and don't we do do a uh a background check on new liquor licenses yeah all all all new well in fact renewals also get them too right and there's no fee for that but I don't know why it couldn't be $2,500 and that's included in that okay I I believe there is a background fee on the liquor I'd have to look at the the ordinance but I think there uh I think there is okay anything else from the council if not I'd entertain a motion to approve ordinance 406 the ordinance amending city code title three relating to fees charges rates moved motion from Lisa second second from Steve we'll do a roll call vote gby hi grot hi jebson absent Johnson ronen Berger hi Lindell hi approved I think we made it all right gets us to consent agenda consent agenda items may be adopted under one motion as presented or may be removed for discussion and resolution as Council business uh item a just and correct claims for the accounting period ending on September 24th 2024 Item B meeting minutes for September 17th 2024 the city council meeting and item C approve good Hue County agreement for cannabis retail sales is there anything the council would like to pull down for further discussion hearing none I would entertain a motion to approve tonight's consent agenda so Move Motion from Lindell second second from cronenberger any further discussion we'll take a roll call vote GMI I grot hi jebson is absent Johnson cronenberger hi Lindell hi passes all right uh gets us to reports anything uh joint Powers Trail board you gave us some literature here tonight yeah um we they have the annual reports I gave them to everybody up here um there's more if anybody is interested um they have said the um County had come in and investigated or re anal analyzed the Bri Bridges and there are some bridges that are in desperate need of um repair so we're working on that figuring out which are need to be done first um some of them they felt were bad enough that they don't even want the trail board or the trail employees driving over them anymore oh um so yeah so that's a priority obviously and then um they also did the grant to address um the erosion of the side of marker 14 um the land is or the what's the right word the bank Mint or whatever the bank is eroding yeah so they're we're waiting for that to come back that's like a million dollar project um that's a big one um that's it all right uh we'll go around the horn Jed Public Works anything um first off is next week the uh utilities are going to start uh flushing hydrant flushing so this can uh stir up and cause yellow water a little bit as we we flush the hydrants just yeah just give everybody heads up that we are flushing I know that uh Laura posted it on Facebook and we try to get the word out just yeah it may tint your water a little bit yellow for a day or two so um we're making Headway with John Birch Park the wall got stained yeah uh first base is going to get concrete poured on the the roof and on the floor this week oh um Third Base Dugout is supposed to get the the back steps and Landing poured here I thought it was this week maybe maybe not but um yeah we're moving along they were able to pull stuff off the uh infield so that uh we can get the grass to grow so everything will be ready for next season um uh third Street in Canon we got asphalt uh they poured the the driveway approaches today and uh they got some final grading and some punchless items and it seems like we're we're moving along thank goodness yeah so um the Third Street Bridge I've got a few questions on why they haven't opened it yet um when they first started working on it uh this spring they had a couple close calls with uh people driving pretty fast through there so they'd like to keep it closed until they are out of there so just for safety concerns um hardwood States uh we got power is put been put in and small utilities are going in they're doing the final final grading getting black dirt all all over everything uh they paved 72nd Avenue way they will pave the turn lane tomorrow or not tomorrow Thursday and yeah and it should be ready for people people to start building and moving in awesome so and that is it thank you all right thank you Jed Laura um I will also speak to hardwood Estates just a little update um we have closed on six slots so far um there's two models that are up Fieldstone family homes they did have they were on the parade of homes and they were very happy with the traffic actually overly joyed I would say with um the amount of traffic that they had um from Fridays on on Fridays through Sundays and then also during the week they had people coming through um we do have one of the single family homes from a private party is under construction and then the first um set of town homes will be breaking ground probably this month and then we still have four Lots under contract and three of those will close this month so we've got some good activity happening there um you stole my thunder about the paving but I'll let you have that Jed um let's see and then just shifting toward uh the fire department um last week we got two awards from Grants one was a $44,000 grant from comp here Financial for emergency rural Services equipment so that'll be used to purchase two multi multi-gas sensors um that they'll um be replacing they have some older ones so this will replace those two so that was a $4,000 Grant and then on Friday we were award Ed $50,000 for um new radios because they need to upgrade their radios uh so that they'll be compatible with the other public services um and or safety patrol and whatnot um but sadly $50,000 will get them eight um it's about a half almost half a million dollars to replace all of their radios but we got something so um so their intent is to get the ones that will be in all of the rigs um to start with and then we'll chip away at other grant opportunities so that they have the handheld ones so um and yeah so we asked for 70,000 and we got 50 but there was aund and I'm trying to think of how many um I have the letter here they had the state had 170 entities apply uh with $23 million in requested Grant funds and their initial estimate was to give $440,000 to those that applied and I'm like that's not going to go very far um so the fact that we got 50,000 was great so um but I believe that is all I have all right thank you Laura Chief um the only thing I had was we received notice from the peace officers and standards and training board uh they conducted an audit this summer and we were in compliance uh with all the uh the training uh and policy requirements that they have and they sent us a letter to let us snow just wanted to pass that on awesome thank you Chief Sarah nothing Neil uh next Wednesday we have a work session everybody keep that on your calendar um to be there 6 o'clock um I want to address the color apartment uh public uh improvements we haven't finalized that yet because it's not done there's a couple left punch list left mhm so we're on it we got it don't worry we'll get her so all right all right Laura oh sorry I thought you I was thinking La quali I was making sure that the work session's on my phone I don't want to get a text from Neil I thought I got a head nod that you were like and then it's like okay no it's all good um I'm good not not right no I'm good thank you all right Lisa no nothing for me Derek Steve no uh I got two quick things um or Diane we haven't been able to hear you I would go to you but we can't hear you we can see you all right okay um I'll try to be quick uh this Saturday uh October 5th uh at the fire hall I think is the benefit breakfast for Jonathan Alto uh who is the son of our former public work director and fire chief uh Mike altof um I believe he was diagnosed with leukemia here recently so strongly encourage anybody who has the time and the ability to go there and and support a local family that's done a lot uh for our community and along those lines uh former mayor altof uh passed recently and uh between the last time that I was here at Council to see you there was the service and there were some extremely kind words spoke from uh his sons Mitch and Mike and uh the stories that were told it was definitely a celebration of life and um I just remember that when he was mayor and I was sitting over there every meeting he would say uh instead of meeting minutes he'd say minute meetings and uh dererk and I would make eye contact and kind of chuckle a little bit and we never corrected him so I don't know what the reason was or if it was just that tick but uh I I remember him with fondness I thought that he did a amazing job as mayor and I I hope that uh we as councel are just continuing on that vision for our community so uh that's all I got so I would entertain a motion to adjourn moved I speak again or not we're just gonna end the meeting uh moved Laura and then a second from Derek all those in favor I opposed we're adjourned thank you everybody