##VIDEO ID:Qe4_Ld4t9cw## e e e e e e e all right call to order for city of Canon Falls city council meeting for Tuesday October 15th if I could get a roll call please GMI here Gro Json here Johnson here Cronenberg is absent uh londell here and Montgomery here please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all if I could get a motion to approve tonight's agenda so moved motion from jebson second second from Johnson all those in favor I opposed carries that gets us to our public input public input is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the city council the public input will be no longer than 30 minutes in total length and each speaker will have no more than 3 minutes to speak speakers May address topics relevant to the governance of the city speakers must sign up in advance and must provide their name address and the topic they intend to address comments must be on topic respectful pertinent to City business and adhere to the applicable data privacy rules any speaker that violates these rules will be asked to sit down and if the speaker refuses to comply they may be removed from the meeting speakers shall not address topics that are on the subject of a public hearing all such comments shall be made at the public hearing the city council will not generally act on issues raised by the public input but may choose to schedule consideration of the item on a future agenda uh first off tonight we got Brian Douglas for the racetrack all right getting old hey Brian how you doing all right can you hear me yes sir all right basically what I'm going to hear is talk about the fair board with its disregard for proper applications for permits municipal or citizen concerns regarding noise the environment and property values to set a precedent that should be dealt with appropriately and without compromise I'd like to play a video of just what's happened in our backyard just one of the evenings that it was here and I hope that it comes through clear there we go [Applause] this is what we hear off our deck in our backyard every time there is a Race So this means this is just one this race stops you don't have to listen to it it's four minutes long and then they stop and then we see it another four minutes and then there's other nights that they have it so this is the thing that we hear every time and it's unnecessary have you heard enough okay we are not talk just talking about noise pollution you can see there's glare of lights that come into our backyard that comes under the term of light trespass which is another legal nuisance that affects the enjoyment of my home and property we are not just talking about noise pollution where the situation is beyond that light pollution government enforcement measurements that include notification and fines that hasn't happened either I have with me a couple pages from the real estate disclosure form that I brought up at the city planning meeting dealing with the race track on page four I'm legally required to disclose all material facts of which I am aware they could adversely and significantly affect a buyer's use and enjoyment of the property and on page eight I have to disclose the specifics about what noise issues are affecting my property and disclose the number of times I've called the police due to that excessive noise again this pertains to all new homes being sold and all current homes that go up for sale that are within the city limits because we have a race track in the city limits the fair board took away our right to an environment assessment by building the track illegally and hoping to beg forgiveness so they can keep it running but they have yet to take away the right for civil action by way of Statute 116b better known as the Minnesota environmental Rights Act has the city council done anything with the me just checking out I repeat my earlier statement a compromise is not on the table the track was constructed illegally and should be dealt with in that manner we urge the city council of Canon Falls to not back down to enforce the law and stand up for the citizens who feel this racetrack is an unnecessary blight on our community and if we need to go to district court so be it thank you very much thank you next up Jerry shanik thank you uh I'm just here to see if anybody can give me an answer on the legality of the RAC track according to the paper that I read the article in there it's illegal now is that racetrack legal or is it illegal right now as we go can anybody tell me that that's a great question Jerry but I'm just going to remind you usually public input is just one-sided it's not a conversation it's not Q andate this is just a statement time to talk about an issue and and we will look into it so I'm not going to answer the question but to let get you back to your 3 minutes very good thank you uh and that that's all I I was here to find out if if that was going to be brought up tonight or not but uh there is a there is a problem with the last I heard the last races were going to be on the 21st of September and I heard them going again on the 28th the following Saturday so I don't really believe too much that they tell me about what's going to happen but that's all I wanted to find out is the legality of it and I guess I'll read that in the paper thank you thank you jury jury all right that gets us to consent agenda consent agenda items may be adopted under one motion as presented or may be removed for discussion and resolution as Council business we'll go through them item a just and correct claims accounting period that ended October 10th Item B meeting minutes for October 1st 2024 council meeting meeting item C approve disposal of unclaimed abandoned bicycles item D approve Habitat for Humanity lot combination fee waiver item e resolution 2783 accepting a monetary donation of $4,000 from comper Financial item F approved John Birch Park project change order number two item G resolution 2784 accepting Grant funds of $50,000 from the Department of Public Safety item H approve meeting date changes item I second reading and Adoption of ordinance 406 and summary of publication an ordinance amending city code title 3 relating to fees charges and rates and item J approve Redevelopment Grant application for quick trip are there any items that the council would like to pull down for discussion hearing none I would look for a motion to approve tonight's consent agenda so moved motion from Johnson second second from londelle all those in favor I opposed carries gets us to council business item a professional service agreement for phase two hardwood Estates Third Edition Miss qu thank you mayor and councel um I wanted to just give you an update that um the Eda at our October meeting we did discuss entering into a professional service agreement with whks to begin the next phase of um hardwood Estates uh we had kind of made a decision going um when we' first started that once we sold certain percentage of the lots that we would look at at least getting the plans ready for um the next phase and as of Friday we'll have closed on um seven lots and we have three others under contract to which will be closing in um either end of the month or early November so with that um we did uh the board did agree to um enter into that agreement with whks so this is just an informational update really um but I'd take any um questions that you may have um but what we would anticipate doing is getting the next phase um you know the the pre-plant um kind of finalized as to what we're going to do we are not going to be adding Town Homes into the next phase um that seems we thought that was going to kick off the develop but it's really been kind of slow so we are going to um take out the four twin home lots and create single family housing single family lots instead um but we wouldn't move forward with putting out for bid next year quite yet um it's just a matter of having everything ready and in place so that when it's time to roll we've got all that taken care of so I'd entertain questions if anyone has any is that something that they're going to be able to jump on right away like would they be able to start next year or no um Neil I'll defer to you as far as what the timeline was when you spoke with whks correct um could they bid it out yes next year uh it takes about four months five months to get the plans and specs and plats ready to go uh they'll do uh they'll do the surveying this fall and then work on it this winter um I can't remember we bid it out in September I believe um of last year so yes uh we'll be ready to go and yeah it was it's kind of like Laura said uh we get certain number of lots sold and and closed on um it's time to uh keep that as as the uh uh Fieldstone says keep that keep that train going don't don't get a gap because once you get a gap it it's hard to get it going again and uh so if you have uh you know six to eight Lots left it's time to build another one cuz it's an solid year before you can get into that next Edition so that way you got six seven eight lots to go and then you got the next year's after that ready and there's 25 right and that's 29 in this one there'll be 25 in the in the next one yeah so this is just getting things ready to go and uh over the winter if we sell you know five six seven more Lots come springtime go yep so so this needs approval from the council um it was just more informational um because the Eda would be the ones entering into the agreement so all right anything else from the council any questions for Laura all right uh that gets us through to reports um the Eda had a joint meeting with uh the council here a week ago uh we've got some news that is public but uh there's a a company out of uh Colorado tracked that is interested in creating a data center uh just on the north side of town and we've talked about annexation and what that includes and what that timeline could be um and then we also had Quick Trip which was in tonight's uh agenda the Redevelopment Grant application um anything else from the Eda that would like to be brought up and then hardwood obviously all right uh Library board yeah uh we met last night it was not terribly eventful just talked the budget and that's about it all right uh we'll go around the horn Jed uh just a couple updates um we've got uh the 2023 2024 Street project is we're working on punch list trying to get that wrapped up same with hardwood States out there um and probably even uh Timber Ridge Timber Ridge hasn't had a whole lot of movement in the last couple weeks so um and then downtown we have the Ada upgrades of the side walks they just started on the east side it's a cluster we ask people to have patience as we work through this I got a question uh a citizen had asked weren't they already ADA Compliant with the the low zero angle and what is going to be technically different about these new sidewalks compared to the old ones so I'm not I don't mean I'm not super educated when it comes to the Ada but they were not compliant they um and yeah so all the upgrades were to bring it into compliance the best they could so one of the items is the the rumbles MH um for seeing blind uh that them have to be put in and it's also the grades what the state changed it and so anything that's been done in the past are no longer uh they no longer qualify for state and anytime they have to do a a reconstruction or a major like a Mill and overlay they have to fix them that's the the new uh the new rule by mot so all right they come through you'll see that wherever if they're going to do a Mill and overlay they're going to do this the the ramps so are you done no go ahead absolutely is that uh is that scheduled the mill and overlay for this fall yet it is they are still planning on uh this week they're hoping to to get through the the east side and get everything taken care of and then in the next couple weeks before it gets too cold and snow flies I mean we'll see but they're they're still planning on full steam ahead so thank you I will add that one of the um one of the changes that also occurred so there were 14 of the um the corners that were out of compliance and then they added a new one at the VFW so that's always been kind of a precarious uh parking situation and whatever um so they are changing the way that the parking will be so it will reflect what's across the street like in front of Reflections so um and then they also added an ADA um ramp there too so that was so that will you'll see that is the most significant change is along the VFW and art org stretch thank you awesome anything else Chief well excuse me Jed was talking as Laura on the uh minda project uh talking with Magie uh trigger Trot will be on October 31st uh looks like the project will not interfere uh with that if they wrap up the the sidewalk uh corners and stuff um so just want to remind uh residents that want to come down uh bring their kids down for trick- or Trot uh for residents that are driving through please have a little patience we have to get a lot of people back and forth across those intersections so that'll just be in a couple weeks all right thanks Chief Sarah uh Nicole from the library did ask me to let you know that there is not going to be a library board meeting in November but they will have one in December on December 9th maybe two of them in December actually two of them in December okay she didn't tell me that all right thank you Neil uh I know the racetrack has been Forefront um remember that uh we have put that on the first meeting in November so everybody knows that the first meeting in November we'll be talking about the uh Racetrack and and some of the legalities I know shelle's been working on it um so we should have some information and you changed that tonight so for everybody that's listening or everybody out in the audience it's November 12th not the uh the night of the election so yep so just one November meeting the 12th one November meeting in in November yes on the 12th thanks Neil Laura I'm good Lisa that's it for me Ryan no Derek Diane oh Steve uh I want to say thank you to all the council members we've been here it's been a a long day the interview process today it was very interesting um got a lot of positive feedback with uh scsc and talking about the meet and greet that happened last night I mean this is a process that we hopefully don't go through more than once every you know five to seven years but I think the council did a a great job so thank you so much for your time today uh with that said we can adjourn so moved motion from londell second from Jepson all those in favor I oose thank you everybody