##VIDEO ID:ZdgW7xl2uU4## e e e e e e e e e e e e e welcome to the city of can of Falls Planning Commission meeting for October 21st roll call is Hamma is absent Johnson's here GM's here Fox here is here and noach is here can I get approval of the agenda Mo second that you Jesse sure mooved by Johnson second by Fox to approve the agenda any further discussion all in favor I I I uh uh approval of the minutes for sep September 9th move to approve the minutes I second moved by Fox second by nobach to approve the minutes from September 9th any further discussion all in favor say I I I oppos public input chur okay it's just a church you guys have a you guys can talk during the okay in the public hearing so nobody's here for public input um so uh we have a public hearing scheduled for tonight for conditional use permit for beels Rock Church before I open the public hearing Zach can you give us a little bit of a background where we're at here yeah not a problem uh good evening everyone the only item for discussion tonight is the conditional use permit for Beth Rock Church um previously we had amended city code to allow religious institutions to operate in the B2 Zone via a conditional use permit but um currently there are no conditions attached to the C cup um so in my memo I gave you guys a a list of conditions you might want to consider just to get you guys talking um and for something to look at um but honestly we have a it's a clean slate right now so you might like some you might not be a fan of any um and perhaps there's some that that you have that you think are pertinent so um I'll make note of the conditions you guys think should be attached and then draft a final resolution and so we're just looking for a conditional use permit so that we can utilize um the facility on 325 32057 64th Avenue in Canon Falls we are going to be izing the upstairs portion there's going to be spaces I actually brought in case you want to see it just an idea of the drawing of what what the upstairs would look like we have spaces for lots of kids classrooms um space for a sanctuary um to seat 250 and then uh just all sorts of area for different uh youth youth Outreach community events and we just aim to be a light in the community and to just really assist the community in any way we can outside of just uh what we do on a Sunday and a Wednesday night so uh with that thank you so much for your time and God bless thank you anybody else wishing to address the public hearing did you wave no not at all we waved at each other I wed we we're farming that's enough second call anybody wishing to address the public hearing third and final call anybody wishing to address the public hearing with that I'm going to close the public hearing commission thoughts okay and I first I have to say uh I always appreciate that Zach goes over and above the Call of Duty to find out anything and everything we could possibly want to know or not know about a given issue probably there's a lot there yes uh and and it was um I thought when we actually did the text amendment that we said we wanted the same two or three conditions to go along with it as we had in um the R1 R2 and RB zones that we allow churches which would be then the first two that are on our bullet points um of which I have absolutely no problem with those uh Zach pointed out that mean it's a pre-existing building the other condition was the side yards be double require that required in the district and with the pre-existing building that's not possible so if we take that out and and instead put the mustad here to building and set back requirements of the B2 District I assume that would accomplish pretty much the same thing yeah right in the C it's like so number four number four has written correct right yeah I would probably recommend the first two because those are the ones that are already the one you're talking about is number four on the list that's right yep where did you find that I put to soon there you go okay yeah so one's good two's good I for and quite frankly I don't like any of the others um on either of the lists we have and the only other thing that I would say and it should be done in all places we allow religious is to note that uh they should also con uh which I think is given but we should state it with the noise control thing in 1521 91 and the lighting control or thing in 15 2187 can make that happen yeah I think uh those are both both make sense to me as well so I add a note and then I would scratch everything else see since this is in a business district and um this is taken from residential text it looks like you want the Landscaping to happen for ab buding residential uses I mean is that still worth putting in there is that something we should just strike I kind of thought the same too I mean there's some B2 lots that abut up the uh some residential like the northern part of the B2 it does touch some residential so if you guys want a little bit extra buffer it would be it wouldn't be for Beth Rock but any this is obviously for any church that then let's leave it in there then okay is there anything on here that they're not currently meeting other I mean we talked about that footer two on number four but yeah I mean if so if don't want to shoot ourselves in the foot here I guess is what I'm saying right the um the three conditions that are already exist for a religious institution in the other residential zones there's three of them like Diane had already said the first two they meet they have a lot of parking like more than 120 something spaces so that shouldn't be a problem um in the RB or other residential zones it says side yard shall be doubled um that required for the district so if we doubled it for for them their building wouldn't they wouldn't make sense in this case and I don't really think it's necessary so that one's gone but yeah anything else here they should they should conform to everything do we when we have churches in town and residential areas and they're throwing festivals and stuff like that do they have to apply for a permit for stuff like that or is that part of their conditional use permit I think yeah it's it's doesn't ours code is written doesn't go that deep so I mean I know a lot like farmers markets that's I mean a lot of churches have farmers markets um but they to answer your question no they don't have to apply for anything in particular um that's why one of something I put on here was just you know if they plan on having you know outdoor events or something that it could be the time volumes duration could be disclosed with Planning Commission but I don't know how it might be a little hard to configure that so just yeah that's why I put it cuz I thought of that too but yeah um I don't know I mean I think it just goes towards like being a good neighbor I don't think churches generally there shouldn't be an issue like that but like you know and and out there I don't foresee it being a problem but potentially if you're in a residential area and they're doing something that might be bothering right folks outside of normal hours that could be an issue I see but I don't really know how to put that into text yeah I think if anything it should be added to the residential religious institutions but you know out in the B2 it might not be appropriate so um I guess I did have one question well two questions one is because it's been a while does any of this or is anything that we've approved affected the O2 Event Center down below are they still able to operate as is regardless of what we do here yeah for alcohol sales at least and anything that I can think of they should should still be I mean it's a it's a building that has two uses but both are now allowed so um I mean the only thing I could really think of is traffic I mean maybe Pastor Brandon if if you I don't know if you like times and service times you might have services I don't know if that's something that you guys know I'm sure it's just the typical Sunday maybe Wednesday um and they like I said they have plenty of parking so that shouldn't be an issue um I think the the third bullet point is vehicular access points shall create a minimum conflict with traffic movement that's just you know if another church comes in and like hey this is going to mess up the flow of everything in the B2 then kind of gives you room to deny them but in in this case I don't think it would have an effect on the grand O2 or the rest of the that area again good job Zach and then just to point out uh it would be real difficult to ask any religious organization to provide their service times in that being those are subject to change ex uh p brandan i want you to approach the mic because I want to ask you a couple direct question question yes sir what are your long-term goals as far as education within bethl Rock yes long-term goals is education I mean it would just be Sunday service and Wednesday nights that's our long-term goals is there any truth to the rumor that you were going to start a regular school there no we have no interest in a regular school we had thought about allowing a homeschool Co-op to meet at our location but that's not necessarily a school more of a a co-op that would meet once a week uh during the day on a Friday but it's not necessarily an education center if I'm not I'm not sure if you're familiar with what homeschool co-ops do and where they meet they usually meet in community centers uh I just thought about opening up for I know there's a few homeschooled cops around that doesn't mean that it's not in our plan but it's an opportunity that we would look into for sure just another opportunity for the community as far as the home school Co-op allowing for them to yeah we're not we're not interested in opening a school is there any reason that we should put that in conditional use permit um I don't believe so because I don't we don't have any like need to do that I mean that's not that's not in our plan it hasn't been discussed it has been thrown around with uh our current facility um when talking to the uh the board at the church that we're currently in and they were talking about well what would what would we do with this building uh because they're shrinking um because they had tossed around the idea of us merging together which they chose against um but if they did what would it I'm like well you got classrooms here you could open up a homeschool Co-op so I'm not sure if that's necessarily open it up to a homeschool Co-op to them to come in they have classrooms all up and down so that one day a week it would be a pretty good location so I'm not sure if that's maybe where that came from but um I know there's people within our congregation that definitely do do homeschooling my oldest son is homeschooled so I think that those are definitely beneficial but um not necessarily in our direct plan to do and is that something that would need to be applied for um oh I just it's uh been looked at unfavorably I don't know how by who how to put it nicely I'm going to give you my names okay yeah you know as far as starting another yeah and we're not we're not trying to start a school but I mean like if a hes School Co-op that already meets is looking for a location that's how I had brought it up and that's how it had came to be because I know there's a few around if it's a real concern you could put that language in there because it sounds like they're not going to do it anyway well in there again when we look at religious organizations a religious organization if your church wanted to start a private school or a religious school there there is absolutely nothing in the zoning code to say you could not so I'm not sure why we would put that limitation on them if we're not going to in turn put it on every other religious organization in to I mean I see where Steve's coming from but I think what Diane's saying I'm not trying to put words in your mouth but I think that makes sense to me whatever we currently impose on other churches in town is probably what we should do here it's it's kind of where I'm I don't mean to leave you standing there no problem yeah yeah no problem you have more questions for him what yeah more questions for him um no I was just that was my concern and I was asked by a few people to directly question it I thought that was a good question too because I was wondering the same thing especially because you did mention classrooms when you pulled up your little plan but Wednesday susay I yeah and that's more in terms for our because we have uh we have zero through one which is the nursery and then we have a two and three we call it a classroom where two and three-year-olds go to learn about Jesus in their specific context then we have a four and five room and then we have 6 through 11 and so on and so forth so when I when I mean classrooms that's specifically what I'm talking about not necessarily education classrooms that answers question what a lot of us would call Sunday school yes absolutely well that's how things get misconstrued sometimes yeah for sure okay thank you absolutely thank you yeah I guess where I said is like I said however we're imposing our current rules to other religious organizations within other residential zones or whatever I feel I feel like it should be a copy paste here unless there's something specifically that sticks out you're in a business Zone this could be an issue I I don't know I I don't foresee any of that right now with this location because I mean they're also allowed in residential business zes too already ready so yeah I I can see going with the setbacks for that district mean we don't want to put in a requirement for a setback that the building can't and we'd have to chop the building off or set that's why that one was yeah but I would be willing to go along with the conditional uses being one two and just remember the other direct question what remember what as far as you know um the al2 is going to stay operating yes they're in our purchase agreement that we're we're already we've already agreed upon that goes through December 31st uh there's a three-year uh lease that that they are already agreed to okay so yeah they are there for at least the next three years and we have no plans on pushing them them out okay at all no I didn't I didn't mean that part yeah me pushing them out yeah well yeah we plan on having them having them say I think it's a win-win for both you know to be a benefit to the community would be leaving an event center that is an asset to the community so that's our int thank you oh one more thing no just kidding just kidding just yeah oh commission Jesse uh just for my clarification when uh when this if another organization comes to the town and wants to put a church in um in a B2 and they have to build they would be required to um follow all of the B2 requirements correct so like some of these um recommendations in here talks about um adhering to building and setback requirements in the B2 District that's going to happen regardless correct right I mean it's kind of it's didn't that didn't even it's already in the B2 there's already a list of things I mean you have to follow the setbacks and right so yeah I was just making sure that because it was a religious thing like they didn't have to follow all the yeah I mean I guess it's given it didn't really even have to be put in here but just just to keep talking yep one question for you is I you know i' said about um both following the noise ordinance and the um lighting ordinance everybody has to do that anyway whether or not it's included specifically it's just if you want to be more strict than what it already is and honestly the noise I mean I don't foresee any problems anyway but it's already I mean you anybody anywh has to follow those correct right it's only so that we don't have to put them in exactly right okay it's just if you wanted to make it for some reason more strict oh we're worried about other businesses but that's yeah it doesn't it's our yeah so if we made a motion for a resolution to just uh use the same conditions put on the other churches no yes it it's one two and four here we can't do the other one for the other churches was a 30 foot or double the sidey yard setback and they can't do that in a B2 because we don't have the sidey yards there it would have be already the building wouldn't conform so that would be number four correct correct or no uh yes number four this is what it says in the other ones okay so that would side yard shall be double that required for district but no greater than 30 feet that's one that this particular building could not conform to that so Zach suggested we go must adhere to building and set back requirements in the B2 which they have to anyway but just just make sure they know does that make sense so one two four that's it are we ready for a motion Steve I guess if if you make a motion I have it written down one one two and four is there any that work for everybody but that's considering the conditions for the other that's except for four right right otherwise they're the same correct exactly right I have it right here if you want to see it that motion what can I make the motion you do whatever you want okay I moved to uh that we recommend to the city council to approve resolution 20246 and include on the conditional uses number one two and four second second motion by Johnson sected by Fox to approve resolution 20246 using one two and four correct correct any further discussion all in favor I oppos motion carries good job anything else to come before the Comm mission tonight motion to adjourn second third motion by noach second by guesmi to adjourn all those in favor I iOS motion Carri