##VIDEO ID:lcAYGjfPyNc## hello introduce our call me order and then from there all right so it is 6:13 calling Mee to order and uh thank everybody for being here I know it's rather chilly today um and Don where you're sitting I can't see you you're hiding behind the podium um uh maybe I don't know I don't know about that so um first and foremost um we're going to um introduce let's do a couple of introductions we have some new people and then we'll get into the main agenda sounds good thank you all for coming tonight my name is Brianna so I'm the I still say new because it's only been five months even though it feels way longer um the community and economic development director um I got here August 19th was my first day and we have the third day I'll let you introduce yourself hello guys my name is Connor Ford I'm the new senior planner here uh first week but I grew up in Indian River County and I have some experience doing private sector planning as well as the public sector and Sebastian so excited to serve you guys as the senior planner nice to meet you and on that note I should add I am new to Florida we moved here in July um because my husband's a captain in the space force and so that that brought us here um but I have been a community and economic development director in um the state of California and uh in the planning actually came up through planning in the states of Georgia and South Carolina um so feel like I'm back home even though it's just a bit of a drive um so on that note I'm still learning processes things that are Unwritten or written in our lengthy code and so there is an amended agenda in front of you um one of them I just actually both of them I just um personally found out about today the first one being that our code requires the city Deputy city clerk who because we don't have a city clerk at the moment Deputy city clerk um advised me just today that we have a requirement to elect a chairperson and vice chairperson at the first meeting of every calendar year so I'll take it away very exciting times um if you want to go ahead and call a roll so we can have everybody attending and then we actually have a public participation card so we'll do that after that Vice chairman Hermanson presid chairman Mae pres board member P Patridge presid board member SATA present board member Smith board member Taylor are we on that's that's okay no nope there we go good evening uh Don Willis 8984 PTO Del Rio Drive Cape Canaveral I just wanted to step up and thank you all for your participation with our city and our our boards and for your sacrifice to be here and for all that you do I know that it is a drain on your time when you have so many other things to do with business personal family and I just wanted to say that we appreciate it very very much and thank you and I hope uh we can do some very good things in the new year thank you makes me all happy all right we have a little bit of old business we have some minutes moved a second I I we have an election forair and vice Chair by majority V we'll make a motion to on Ma to Stage second can I think you need to vote I any we also need a the motion that we keep our current Vice chair Tom second I have a motion hi hi any oppos conratulations mron congratulations good evening everyone I'm Carolyn serban I've uh owned property here in Cape canaval since 2006 um what would you like to know about me do you live in cave Cano yes yes since 2006 okay tell us a little bit about okay an MBA from the University of Florida I've owned my own business I've also managed newsrooms across the country I'm a retired journalist you need to know that my association with boards like this usually has been sending a reporter so but I'm very familiar with how boards operate during a break-in journalism I was uh I was on the education commission for the city of Germantown which is outside of Memphis when we lived in Memphis um I am very interested in Cape canaval uh um maintaining its Coastal small town Vibe but I also recognize that you know we need to get the slice of the tourism p as well so I guess it's that's my main interest in getting involved what business are you in you said you were in business or just owning real estate no I owned a business I owned and operated a business it was a transportation business business okay it was something that when when I was in business in grad grad school one of the class projects was come up with your own business sort of like Fred Smith did with FedEx I was not nearly as successful as Fred Smith and FedEx but I had a transportation company for children because that was something that my kids needed at the same time I mean at you know at the time and um it was sort of like uber for kids before Uber and I did that for several years and then I went back into journalism and I retired from journalism yes and uh city code requires you all to interview the candidate prior to city council considering them yeah we didn't get because they they all interviewed us because we were re organiz the board so the first time we did this so very excited well thank you Caroline for your interest and um very interesting I don't think we have to vote or anything correct um and you also get to see us in action which we haven't done as much lately so due to a number of reasons that's all right discuss Economic Development strategy is the next item on our agenda um development plan strategy you want to Sure Thing yes um the of course I came in new and I saw in the budget for um the city that we have $50,000 this current fiscal year to fund an update to the EAP the economic development action plan and I saw that that's been discussed by this very board within the past year um it was updated nearly 15 years ago so as you can imagine a lot has changed since 2010 um environmentally U public healthwise and local industry and the focus on it and um the economy related to it um so the edep is outdated now um the city has its comprehensive plan and the significance of it is that any development that comes before any of the boards the city code has a list of findings that are required in order to approve and that includes conformance with the comprehensive plan um in this staff report I listed out what those elements are for example land use or Transportation infrastructure um housing there's a number of them and the state requires it actually and we have exactly in our comprehensive plan the same elements that the state requires the state also allows additional ones and one of the most popular additional elements that a lot of C cities have found success with in my research at least um is the economic de development element so knowing what I know and looking economic developments and looking at the existing EAP that the city has they're structured basically the same exact way there is research performed um you know looking at the economy looking at local factors that contribute to recommendations for how the city can move forward in its goals related to Economic Development and um list them at you know the grand product of the document and the study which includes public engagement as well um is goals objectives and policies or actions kind of titled differently um really across jurisdictions even so um what I am what staff is proposing is to be able to use the 50k that was um allotted for the Eep up update but in have it's virtually the same product it's just a benefit because the comprehensive plan by code and by State Statute is actually enforcable when developments come in um right now the edep it's not mentioned in our code um it's kind of a document that um we have but there's nothing requiring any part of it in any process at least that I have found or that um others have advised me of so um I am recom staff recommends that we begin an RFP for a consultant to perform those Services of note the existing EAP says that the city will hire a person dedicated to Economic Development right now I'm the only person with economic development in my duties and Conor helps um or will be helping and so that has not been done so this also that's another reason why this would require a consultant to come in especially having the time the bandwidth the expertise um to conduct such a study and gather Community input and business Community input and adjacent jur jurisdictional input so um if you have any questions we're available I have a question okay so if the comprehensive plan is enforceable but the plan for this economic development plan is not enforcable then I don't know that it's not enforcable what I do know is that any developments that come through for review for any type of discretionary approval require conformance with the comprehensive plan which is all the elements comprehensive plans are usually broader sort of higher level elements with sub elements that are either strict in their conformance what you can build where zoning but then then there's also sort of multi-step plans is economic development plan will be more specific uh they're usually more specific than a comprehensive plan so if you look at our comprehensive plan um it has that broad overarching um General goal or vision and objective and specific actions that the city can take to achieve those goals um and so that would be the idea for the edep or Economic Development element as well I guess we have a plan but it doesn't seem like it was a very important document for the CATE to me so we would be developing another plan but I question whether or not it would actually be used if I can make one more clarification the existing edep would be the starting point for this document and saying okay are these policies the city would like to carry forward should they be amended should they be reversed who knows what the consultant might find through stud and uh public input other questions we're going to spend $50,000 that's our budget maybe we won't spend that maybe we will but that's $50,000 that's a lot of money so if we're going to do it and put forth the effort I would want it to actually be something important not something that just sits on the shelf that nobody looks which is kind of the impression that I've gotten of the plan that's 15 years old because if it was really an important document I think it would have been renewed before now EXC in the previous meetings there was a matrix where uh the staff had addressed some of the issu a lot of the issues that had been followed you know guidelines over those years and that had been accomplished and there were a lot of aspirational things that you know are not yet accomplished usually due to budgetary restraints okay so I didn't to your point I didn't get the impression that it was something that staff wasn't familiar with and probably City commissioners uh or council members in the city uh weren't uh familiar with based on the find what the staff presented at earlier last year and at the time that was actually how Todd was originally hired was he was the econom development director okay so that's actually how he that was his first job of the city so um so I know there've been the plans had emphasis and less emphasis emphasis and I think an RFP is not a bad idea um I'm curious to see what we can get for 50 um just because depending on how extensive of a document we end up with that may just give us enough to get us through the initial phases of of the agreement it may not be enough to get a full study done depending on how big you want especially if you want to attach it to the comprehensive plan in the way to if an understanding staff request there um that makes it a little bit more has to be done with that document than just something coming out of this would that have to go through Council a comprehensive Plan update would yes um and to mention you know the requirements of it from what I've read and statute all of the language on it it doesn't have actual specific requirements for nonrequired elements it obviously gets very specific with all of the required elements for example city council just heard the parallel flood updates to two of the elements um also of note that when you update a comprehensive plan element the elements talk to each other or at least they should and ours ours seem to um so sometimes update of one might trigger another or something and um it's an opportunity maybe to double up with updating another element I've received um interest from Molly Thomas our parks recreation Community Affairs director in updating the parks and wreck element um obviously land use might get updated as a result as one of the uh recommended actions related to the economic development element should it occur um just things to think about uh it's also a project that would not be completed this fiscal year so your next item is considering projects for the future um just to consider um so so I after 15 years I think it's probably due for an update and we'll make a motion uh to accept staff's recommendation to seek rfps to update the Eep second I have a motion in a second uh all in favor I I any oppos all right congratulations let's move on to the next stop all right uh discuss Community read development agency physical year 2025 2026 projects could you bring up the uh the PDF if you started yeah so um this is more of an open-ended discussion item that the community redevelopment agency board we have a couple members observing the meeting um recommended that we get ahead of the upcoming budget process when it comes to the CRA projects so um right now you know no decisions need to be made this is just kind of brainstorming discussion get your thoughts opinions priorities um really gather that information digest it um eventually you know meet again present it to the C board as part of the budget process as opposed to kind of afterward um so that we make sure the city is in the direction it's looking to go question so oh sorry no I was just going to say um just for your reference I attached a few or what you see is a few documents from our current budget um this is the CRA specifically budget you see the under Capital out lay um what has been budgeted prior to and up to this year and then the next image for reference is beyond this year um per project you can see what has what is currently adopted to kind of use as a base and then I just wanted to update you as part of this the state had a new requirement that the C that cities excuse me community redevelopment agencies need to establish measurable objectives for every project that it undertakes within its budget and a way to measure success and report on it annually so the next document um if you had by chance been following along to the city council meeting of December 17th 2024 it was present excuse me CRA meeting of December 17 2024 this uh was presented and accepted by the CRA board and it will be updated annually after each budget is adopted um so just some information on the projects establishing okay what's the point of project a and okay if we meet this thing about it we've been successful or we failed here's why we failed here's how we were successful for example and then there's is there one more or is that it okay yes the last one's for the other item question uh so this I heard you just State the CRA has already adopted this budget for the current budget year that's correct uh an in effect October 1st of last year through September 30th of this year right we had requested to be part of the conversation for the next budget because remember the budget came it came to us with this is what we're doing and we were like that's nice we didn't get any time to talk about options so that I appreciate them coming to us about the coming budget um okay to have the ability to talk about that because that's an improvement well then I all I have to add is C did a great job good job good job I've got a question for councilman councilman Willis out of curiosity since I wasn't able to participate in the CRA discussion was the could you this was my only question I read through the the background on the various projects what was the discussion on that concession stand and the amount that that ball field gets used and and are there wck leagues like you know I don't I don't hang out in that part of town you know on weekends and stuff how how much is that field used and how much will that concession stand be used well currently the concession stand is not being used right because it's outdated um I have to be careful of what I say because we're still going to be voting on some of these things in the future um but uh the Capital Improvements uh put the uh estimate at 350,000 I believe for that facility but that was just you know a uh cover yourself make sure we have enough in it um to your to your question of uh the use it is doesn't get used that much really yeah know all the other projects made perfect sense but when I you know reflected on that one I wondered about the sort of return to the community for that investment for a concession stand it really comes down to you know are there little leagues that are consistently out there you know and using that field and will'll raise money for the community and for their teams and all that we have a local team M that uses the facility uh uses the field there are other teams that want to from the area um but it is limited in the age that you can use because of the size of the field and the Damage that it does for every ball that goes over the fence MH um so it does have somewhat of a limited use I thought about a food truck you know well that that uh that was discussed um but uh it has been a project that has been on the books for a number of years okay and has kept got getting pushed back so thank you sure thank you what other um I understand correctly St is wondering if there one lot for residents especially program which is portion of that proposed Revenue but there did not seem to be a lot of focus on other obviously we've had an influx and work and I think about the small businesses um as you know the bigger businesses I think they should have opportunities always absolutely too but for the um thinking on our smaller businesses or Community um owned businesses if anybody have any ideas that they can thought of or when it take some time and when we come back for our next meeting come back with a list of ideas would also be helpful we've got time so isn't there like a committee for appearance or something like another committee there's a community appearance for and they have all um Landscaping requirements and signning and like that it's it's any development that's four or more dwelling units or any commercial so there a board that you have to as part of your Land Development application process have to go through the board to see if you meet requirements so they're not addressing what is already EX in existence no they're addressing adherence to code kind of like the Planning and Zoning Board yes future development it's a Mis it's a misleading name yes we we need to come up with ideas to to make it look better on unaa so to provide a little bit of um response in regard specifically to um the business community's benefit from CRA funding okay thank you you actually already have it on the screen I got the numbers in 2024 um our screen oh no we have the we have the valuations yes okay that's where you're just want to make sure we're on the right screen yes and then I added a trend line to it and you can see we're exceeding that exponential trend line um which of course as you all know you're professionals that's the point of a CRA um going from 210 to 721 in basically 12 years um that exponential growth can be even more exponential if projects serve the types of developments that generate that increase um right now the only one I believe that this city has directly benefiting commercial is the facade Improvement Grant which um since since Kyle's departure last September Renee has graciously taken over and done a great job managing we've already got approvals coming through for uh businesses on North Atlantic and we have two next week we have a cab meeting a week from or next Wednesday and there's two on that agenda um on A1A so that's $50,000 total correct not for those two right but total um allotted each fiscal year for that currently in the budget so that's the one thing that's happening right now directly for commercial but to paint a building right now of any decent size you're going to I just did it recently you're going to spend $75,000 with pain building of that's anything any any decent size commercial building or a strip mall is going to be what5 probably um so that's where if we want to work on improvements I mean there's sign the sign ordance does some things to keep to update signage and things like that but um for $50,000 is great but if we want to make substantial Improvement on curbage Landscaping painting and those things make huge impacts on curb Feld you're going to have to put some decent dollars behind that um and Cur work alone paring areas that could be an idea a lot of people choose don't take that next step to pain a building because it and absolutely have to the other thing I would think about is also incentive I I think maybe broadening I haven't read the definition of the requirements for the facade Grant but I think Don makes a great point that maybe uh broadening the allowable uses maybe that's something we can use uh see landscaping and tree planting is potentially uh potentially another beneficial use and you know there's never going to be enough money to pay for somebody nor should the city considered with public funds to pay for somebody's whole project but you know grant money can incentivize um Property Owners of commercial properties that wouldn't otherwise maybe not thinking about it maybe not a front of mine I think that's a great idea but I like the idea of trying to help get the places rented so that when you drive down the road you don't see just empty like a marketing even just a lot of places are fully rented um it's certain buildings aren't did you have something it it was more of a question if we were expanding the commercial aspects to the CRA and and just adding more projects there would we also have to consider budget for advertising that or is that something the city already does outside of the existing CRA budget for advertising the expanded program itself yeah so if we were adding more commercial programs to the C you know like these all these ideas that we're talking about yeah so the existing program um it provides for a 50% match um with up to a certain amount I think it's 10K yeah $110,000 um and it's for specific things and it is quite specific so there's opportunity to expand the dollar amount opportunity to expand the types of things the city will match um and that's something that you're board can further refine um next time we meet what exactly those types of things are and I I can bring you what currently is in it now in a clear table but but do we need to also look at allocating a budget to make business owners aware that there are increased opportunities or I'm sorry I did not answer your question at all sorry about that yes so um Renee you might actually be able to answer that question best but I know we've so when the fiscal year started the program reset we did spend all the funds the fiscal year um and so I believe mailers were sent to to thank you yeah so last year this year since I've been here we would send a mailer out to all the residents within the CRA or business owners within the CRA um in October 1st people were asking people were applying um and it does cover landscap it includes Landscaping it includes painting it includes fencing it it includes quite a bit actually great um the paint voucher is covered 100% up to $5,000 the facade Improvement is covered 50% matching what the owner puts in up to 10,000 and I think last year we were just short just shy a couple of thousand from the 50,000 being fully used and right now working yes understanding it would make a lot of sense because it's you've got a mechanism that's currently working and some and successful projects that can be talked about yes and actually Kyle before he uh left the city um to the C board I believe in September presented a report on all of the successes of that fiscal Year's uh program so I I'll be happy to share that with you all U if we can find it in his drive and um we'll be doing the same probably this September as well that I love that because I think that that moves Us in the right direction because it's a program that's currently working I think the other part is also an education of um who's in the C and who's not because that's the other part that um not the whole city is not in the CRA um so there may be properties outside the C which we cannot use CRA funds for so we have to be we have to think through that also on that not is that is that mailer funded by the CRA it would be yeah and here's another aspect of the C program it is first come first serve so you put in your application it goes through the process of getting approved and then you submit all your receipts for reimbursement so might it make more sense to receive applications uh over a period of time and and allocate the funds based on uh quality of submissions as opposed to just first person in the door there is a scoring system so when each application comes in it gets reviewed by Brianna and it would get scored for whatever they're applying I don't remember what the itemization is or the percentage is for scoring but they have to meet a certain it's pretty basic honestly one of them is does it front A1A or North Atlantic which is you know that sounds like a priority I'm guessing but that's it to you all uh and the C board so I'm going to pull it up actually because um two of the items on next week's um Community appearance board are for projects that applied for the grant and you know maybe that's opportunity to simplify the process because people are likely applying for it in the first place because they need more resources more bandwidth and so making the process a little bit simpler cuz I think a lot call find out about it and they're like oh that's a lot of work but maybe not um so I'm going to just pull that up and okay so here's the worksheet I think there's four or five sections so the first one is what percentage is the private contribution um second one is location on the main streets third one is aesthetic enhancement but it only talks about where so you get more points if it's a principal building Improvement and less points if it's just site Improvement according to this um and more if it's both and then compatibility of proposed improvements to surrounding structures you rate it good Fair poor and that's it uh in the application process were there applicants that were rejected for low scores I haven't come across that the only rejections that I've been aware of are just they're asking for something that is that does not qualify according to the provisions for example we did deny one um well part of it and then they amended their plans that they want Ed to put impervious surface over grass and that is not the direction the city is headed so they amended it well and also that was their complete Courtyard it wasn't just a little slab it was the complete Courtyard eliminating all the grass all the shrey any plant yeah now I sit on the uh tourist Development Council and we have several Grant programs and we've massaged in our policies over many years but effectively we have an application period for say cultural grants or Sports grants and they all come in within a defined time frame under specific criteria and then they're graded and the best projects will can receive more funds and meum projects less and and projects that don't qualify receive none so that you support the biggest impact U projects with relative to tourist development tax funds that to my next question that leads me to my question of were there applicants in the last several years who came in after all the funds had been they there were only that I can recall maybe two do you think that's awareness or just some of the owners live out of state m so they're not quick to respond or some of them like to be here because there are requirements where they do have to take before and after pictures as well and um they're just not sure of what they want to do or help more individuals with question like a couple meetings ago they there was someone here explaining that A1A is going to be like ex renovated basically so they're going to put trees in and make some areas wider and the speed limit is going to be less so is that going to be next year because it would be nice to be able to like time up like we're going to make A1A look better and we're going to make thec like the places look better but I don't know doot Works in decades not years okay well we can forget that this decade or next decade uh I don't think it's we have no the design has funding so it's been in it's what we saw was design okay and Don is the resident expert if you'd like to add anything but it's it's currently in design which means it can be in design for a long time and then the local Mo which is a local advising body to the dot ranks projects based on need within the count within our district we're in District Five we're in District Five in the state and so you can have a ranking project that may be toward the top but it can be superseded by more critical projects on an ongoing basis so you never know you get design dollars to design your projects and then you have to wait for actual construction dollars and uh it's a constant battle between uh competing needs you know jurisdictions and the representatives from the various communities that fight for those dollars because every city council has a representative on that board fighting for dollars for their District Babcock Ellis Road Ellis Road's probably going to eat up the majority of anything we have here in the area uh the mo committed $15 million to the train station in Coco which probably pushed a number of projects further down the list so uh it is in design it's going to happen is uh is not yet determined and having watched some of these projects languish on that list for over a decade it's not next year yeah one form or another okay yeah if the Port Authority gets their way and they do a new bridge to the north side of the port to eliminate the drawbridge we can pretty much just forget any other project cuz that's like 100100 million just just to your point um I was in a meeting with fdot this week and the 528 resurfacing not the widening the resurfacing and A1A resurfacing have all been scheduled and given project numbers and it looks like 2026 they'll be coming through through uh the bridge the bridge is going to be determined by SpaceX and other entities besides just fdot U but to your point about the redesign the the of the north half of A1A from um North Atlantic intersection and international North to the port that design was fully funded uh but construction is just going to languish on that it's just going to get keep keep getting pushed back so I don't anticipate anything moving on that till 28 or 29 at the earliest before they pick that back up okay yeah Ellis Road ended up being a an fdot loan to fund which is interesting that do can borrow money and from themselves and pay it back I don't know how that works but they seem to have done it they learn from yeah well when they got The Interchange the The Interchange at LS Road took 20 years you know and now you got to get the road to get to The Interchange it's a process one thing at a time it's a process um any other ideas to add from a brainstorming perspective of things for the C and it doesn't have to be business directly it's of cons our communityin the C that anyone else wants to add to the list of brainstorming for right now and we can bring this back up at our next meeting also and you're out in the community and looking at things like okayy what about this is an idea right so I lost track of what was going on with Nancy Hansen so I think that's one thing like the tennis courts and the pickleball courts that we could maybe look into I don't know if we want to do it but we should look into okay anything else no I think your recommendation uh to the CRA board to potentially increase the funding for the commercial facade and Landscaping and other grants is a good one cuz $50,000 at $5 to $10,000 a pop that's not a lot of Improvement in a in a budget year and uh you know I can tell you firsthand that this chart that we're looking at is uh compounded by some aggressive aggressive assessment increases year-over-year on the commercial properties by our very lovely property appraiser it's been 10% a year now going on 6 years 7 years we saw actually we saw a little a little bit of relief during Co that was one year but other than that the flat part here yeah that's I don't see anything flat on there I was trying to be uh it's it's 10% a year so uh but it's a virtuous circle when there's new things being built and other commercial property owners see other commercial property owners improving their properties than the Tendencies to that Rising tide lifts all boats so the more that can be done in that vein I think uh the overall Community will benefit you get nicer buildings you get nicer businesses you get better Services a helps the entire community business community and which is the goal all right is this a topic that we can officially add on the agenda for our next meeting too because there's some I don't even want to call them ideas right now because they're not very well thought out but there are some things I'd like to explore yes up for the next meeting okay talk about um because we they just started their budget year in October August AUST staff work begins end of March I was just advised but need of it for Council July or AUST um all right so that sounds great our next thing is to talk about our um anything else further anyone all right great um our next need is to talk about our next board meetings last year we were working on a a quarterly schedule um so I have a proposal for government efficiency this is just draft that's why I didn't print it out it's not for circulation it's it's conceptual but could be real um I'm finding a lot of Staff time spent because we have to um Gathering Quorum for meetings and identifying what dates work for people and so we also have for boards that consider applications um we don't have deadlines so that's resulted in a lot of cancelled meetings recently as as people don't get us stuff in time it it's just a lot of loose not not much structure that um would save staff applicants boards anyone attending a lot of time so my proposal is and I Todd is on board to ex eventually present this but I'm presenting this to every board that um the next time I meet with every board and you all are the first um we have in our code the required days or time um of certain boards but some of them are not in code um one of the things that I've found in gathering not just Quorum for the board but also the public or staff is that Thursday nights are a lot more tough than Tuesdays and Wednesdays um you know I don't know you all I don't know your history and having these meetings I did hear it was quarterly so in here this again just thinking out loud really um established you see the red is uh bed board um quarterly actually and I also in just looking at those dates just to give you context the gray um this room is either reserved for the parks and wreck um board or a Holiday City Holiday um and then the other colors as you can see correspond to the other boards that my department manages and I don't think that there are any others in the evenings I should say um so I looked at the budget schedule SCH on staff's end as well as um in public meetings from last year and um the proposed schedule that City council's adopted for this year and tried to time it in advance of those and Alternate bedboard meetings with CRA meetings the CRA meetings are in green so you can see red green red green red green um obviously we you all are we know we need Quorum so whatever input you all might might have but this way we hope we'll have higher attendance um cuz people could clear their schedule far in advance for that date I should say reserve because you all are very busy particularly this board is very busy um so any input or suggestions I I do have a question and I don't know how difficult or unpopular I'll be for making it um but with as many cancellations as we saw last year is there any appetite or ability for this board to meet like every other month so when we do inevitably have cancellations we're not waiting 8 months to meet again sure I think it'd be a lot easier for us to at least have a few meetings a year if we're meeting more frequently do we have somewhat of a consensus on that well you mentioned budget which is why like for meetings which is the only reason why I ask I don't know if that's something we can vote on tonight or if that's something you guys have to go back and evaluate at all in the perfect world I am hoping to walk away with dates locked in for 2025 for y'all but then to bring it to the other boards as well okay we get to go first you get to go first great I think that maybe like January and March is better than April or like maybe not every other month but maybe the whole summer off and then making sure that the meetings happen like sooner people go away for the summer or what not well I mean I think if we did every other month I mean if somebody can't make it in the summer but ideally we're meeting more frequently we can have more of a quorum and meet the Quorum every time we meet well the I see yeah if we did January March May skip June and July August October five meetings five meetings instead of four meetings can I repeat that back to make sure I've got it you said so obviously January right now um and then you said March May September sorry March May August October okay I'm I'm having trouble reading the the calendar the community appearance board it says first and third Wednesday of the month but it's only showing on yes the first it's only and so I didn't mention this cuz you all don't review um specific applications that the community um submits for development but for those boards they would be those nights would be reserved this room would be reserved people's calendars would be reserved for those meetings but if we don't have any applications for consideration they wouldn't meet so for some reason Whatever Whenever this came about about the cab it was adopted actually into our city code that they would meet either the first or third Wednesday of every month we do not nearly have enough applications nor do we have the staff bandwidth to process applications 24 times a year um and in my research and conversation historically they've met no more than once a month all of those boards so that's why you have like in February for example the 26th and 27th held but not colored that's what you're calling gray so there's a lot of purple on here I can't tell the differ purple the screen doesn't exactly look like when it prints out but yeah so purple is the board of adjustments they hear variances which are very rare as you all know in development um they would be the fourth Wednesday of every month if they occur um the 27th the in February as you mentioned as the example the fourth Thursday of every month is the Parks and Rec board meeting so those are out completely for us yeah you if you don't mind um I won't be speaking for council member Jackson but for myself and when we tasked the bed board with contributing to the CRA uh discussion and how we would budget it seems to me that if you could spend more time meeting prior to when we start talking about the budget in early summer mhm that would be most beneficial so March and may would well it maximize as many meetings as you could uh would be most beneficial to councel yeah early in the year yeah earlier in the year because once September Comes Around we're pretty much almost locked in on everything so you know we it would be more valuable to get your input earlier in the year if possible thank you I think I hear Council man Willis that goose is cooked in September for the input that they're looking for here so try to squeeze in some meetings here in the first half of the year and then and you can see in this too that um our city council has already adopted their schedule which includes August 19th September 2nd and September 16th as budget meetings so August 19th would be the first city council meeting I know workshops occur CIP workshops occur um as early as April last year but um that's the start of them well all of that in mind um I is be very everyone not going to months probably not meeting well I was also considering um January through May every month and then looking at June or July one of those and then August one of those like have one have a month in the summer that was off and then we can we could schedule a monthly meeting and just have like one month off in the summer and one more thing to consider is now that the economic development element RFP will be starting you all will be involved in those meetings um yes public meetings input and stuff you have to V on this to every month break oh you get a check with staff there could you repeat that you said um so 11 meetings not including June well and then not and then not you're talking about the first half of the year not the second half of the year that was my my understanding what's I mean I know budget is done by October but what's the presentation meeting October took off maybe December something only because I don't know that there's that much to discuss response to question what about meetings I'm not sure I'm not sure we'd cover either June or July depending on staff recommendation based on timing with either June or July off and then December off what do you guys think about that so a total of eight meetings I think that would be 10or day 10 meetings with two with the two months off um and if we are look if staff doesn't have stuff for us we released today early but I have a feeling based on what we're talking about RFP and with us actually having an opportunity to discuss opportunities on the C funding there going to be more to disc this year than than last year if you all would like to we're here to serve in that capacity so yes well I think the critical point there not to interrupt is that we there's nothing to discuss we don't call a meeting and so well so um the other boards who consider applications their deadlines would be a month prior um to because staff has to do research analyze the project write the staff report get legal review all the different departments have to review um which is common practice in other jurisdictions as well and so this one would be similar although there's no application we would know a month in advance whether that next meeting will have items or not we'll probably know more than a month in advance and so you would know um the idea is that we have Quorum these these item excuse me these meetings are reserved on the board's agenda as part of you know the commitment to have being on the board and whatnot um with hopes that attendance is that Quorum doesn't really become an issue of course that's a perfect world so I guess before and just based on my experience on other boards July is normally the month where everybody's gone so if there was going to be a summer month that you'll most likely not get a quorum it's going to be July so instead of meeting on Thursday somebody wants to meet oned I don't think I can commit to meeting on I would be late a lot only so Wednesday is your is your no day is what you're saying yeah I mean I would probably be able to get here by 6:30 or 7 if some days I could get here at 6 but I'm just saying in general Wednesdays are kind of a problem D not and um for me Wednesday or Thursday or Tuesday pretty much I have some other board commitments um I have to dance around some of those but um depending on what else is going on what about y tables for Tuesdays and Thursdays if I'm here it's not a problem but I'm gone a lot yeah as are you yeah know I have a trip on the I have a work trip on the books every month I read this year up so um do we have new members coming on we've won hopefully or I guess hopefully should Council confirm it um any preference on Tuesday Wednesday Thursday if Council approves I have a luxury of being retired and I'm [Laughter] quite maybe on the on the Quorum issue maybe maybe a pointing is it restricted to five members I don't know if that's ever come up with seven members as long as you have four and there's no disagreement which I don't see there being much disagreement on this board based on the subject matter maybe that's a thought yeah I was having similar thought too seven seats up here yeah and we don't need an attorney believe that would be a code change which we can do um of course we'll bring the idea to yeah remember we're appointed by Council try to reserve my uh I try to reserve my code changes to really important projects so I strike that remove that idea got some applications coming up here save my powder Wednesdays are no for you and I totally respect that and um looks like THS are pretty hard to get the room on on the weeks that you've had us except some of them well the first Thursday seems to be in the first half of the year the students getting prepared budget yeah first Thursdays if you made it for Wednesdays at 6:30 instead of 6 I think that would increase participation of public as well cuz the nature of the board is business related so a lot of people are running businesses throughout the day 6 or 630 make a difference for oh I'm looking third looks like the third Thursday it looks like the looks like the third Wednesday now the 14th of May is gone I think this is challenging because we're trying to fit into your boxes there personally if I'm if I'm in town it doesn't matter Thursday or Tuesday or Wednesday so uh maybe for this board since it meets so infrequently twice last year um maybe we can sort of if we get look 60 days out that gives the public and every everybody ample notice and then we leave at the staff based on your workload to schedule us for a Wednesday or a Thursday this board it's this in the pecking order here you can so the idea because this exact conversation we're having now Renee has one-on-one with every single person every time the board wants to meet which I know it was just two times last year but um you have interest The Count Council has interest in this board meeting more frequently more regularly um so one thought is potentially one thing also just knowing that our department of 15 um multiple people are involved in in the other boards um and so it's it's a lot of evening meetings for us um so just having back to back is tough but maybe the week that there's Council which is the third Tuesday maybe meeting on that Thursday um but I did re receive that feedback on Thursdays being an issue for example May May 22nd that's the Thursday before Memorial Day Weekend a lot of people will probably not be available um most holidays are Mondays and the end of the month I mean it's the fourth the first week in on Tuesday or Thursday on Thursdays I could do a Tuesday also actually Tuesday then we just take like Fourth of July yeah we were talking about July anyway right um and probably taking September off because those are the budget hearings I'm going to guess yeah there's there probably won't be a reason to meet in October November de budgets the budget on the calendar reserve the space so that we have it but we can ad can assess when we get to August September as to to those Mee but we've got the space Reserve I do know right at this moment but meeting in June I would be Vice in charge June 3rd the rest of them I will say that date is is an efficiency Improvement because that's the same date the first Tuesday that all staff reports um get drafted for that month's council meeting we have a twoe lead time so quite timely so you're saying you like that I think so I'm very sensitive to staff's productive use of time absolutely so productive meetings not just me so can I amend the motion that's on the floor then meeting we'll meet on April fo yeah so what you're saying is or if I understand you correctly first Tuesday of the month is good for staff based on youru other or you said it with a smile which threw me off you're like we're so busy on Tuesdays cuz we're putting all of our packages together but then I got the impression you were saying that's a good day so I'll just I'm a very open person I'll just say it having for example this fall I had public meetings three nights in a row not good for um stuff's wherewithal during the day so to have not have meetings back to back is you know day after another of course then you're restricted when there's no Monday or Friday meetings um so we don't know for sure that we're going to have cab and pnz and all these other board meetings um the most likely is cab and pnz there a lot of alphabet the community appearance board is probably the most frequent would you say Rene the most frequent yeah PNC oh PNC okay um boa is very rare that's looking at the last Wednesday I we can switch boa and pnz and they'll never know because this is just a draft and that's already reserved um under code you're the second or second correct yes second and fourth Wednesday and so yeah so us being the week before that is so first week is your least busy week this is not board are going be preparing as much for those other boards discussions that's fair you're saying wedn and that's in code but they can we don't want to do the third because that's the day after the council meeting I think we were looking at what first Thursday so and then take July and September off and do we want to stick to the 600 pm time if are you Tuesday yeah so if I can repeat that back to make sure I've got that we're looking at either the first Tuesday or Thursday at 6 p.m. every month except for July and September the staff have a preference between Tuesday and Thursday Tuesday September we're in the Labor Day week at first week so yeah cave out that these are placeholders and that you're going to call meeting something to discuss right we will have an established lead time um because we have to for applicants um it'd be a month four weeks 5 weeks I'm kind of testing out which of those is best but yall would be subject to that same exact lead time deadline on our end so you'll know for sure a month you might even know further in advance though is a month all right lead time okay as an applicant it's tough to deal with but yeah we got to talk all right I think we have it I'll amend my motion for us to meet monthly on the first Tuesday at 6: p.m. with taking the months of July and September off scheduling as needed in terms of Quorum in need all in favor I any any further business I move to a journ there's prerogative just gabble it I know I can't thank you everybody so I've heard your name all over