e e e e e e e good afternoon so it is 448 here at City Hall 100 PK Avenue uh city council Workshop we have a quorum um the mayor and the mayor proam are not here so the remaining Council that constitutes the Quorum may elect among themselves a person to chair the meeting until such a time that either the mayor or the mayor protem gets here so that should be the first order of Business Council nominate oh you need a nomination I would yeah mayor shows up sure second the motion all right um is there consensus for council member Willis to chair the meeting until such time as one of them gets here okay I'm recording consensus for that Daniel we can go ahead and get started Willis I'll call this Workshop to order um if we would let's stand for the Pledge of Allegiance uh Kim Davis would you lead us please I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all city clerk could you call the role please council member Davis here council member Jackson here mayor protim Kellum mayor Morrison council member Willis here okay we have uh public participation so if any member of the public wishes to speak please fill out a speaker card otherwise raise your hand are we are we online with this but we are streaming currently there there are no attendees uh other than staff okay I couldn't read the screen there so I'll leave it to you to tell me if somebody shows up um looking on if there's if there's no public participation then uh we shall proceed with the item for discussion yes sir review and discuss Capital Improvement plan CIP items presented to the city council at the April 4th 2024 CIP Workshop meeting as well as updated CIP items provide direction to staff Mr city manager do you want to I'd be pleased to thank you council member Willis so as uh as he read uh we did have a first CIP workshop on April 4th um several cips were reviewed at that meeting and uh City Council requested a second Workshop meeting to be held and this is that meeting and um I'm getting a call from council member Kellum if I could take it just a moment okay we just got started we'll just continue in we'll see you in a few minutes I'm sorry for the interruption um mayor protm Kellum says that she is on the way uh just uh to recap where the purpose of this meeting is just to have another look at those CIP items that we looked at in the first Workshop but also there the the other CIP items have been added to this in a more formal format that's appropriate for the budget uh the things I want to review in detail the things that are different about the first Workshop to the second Workshop so we did have one new item that was identified since the first CIP Workshop meeting and that is the economic devel development action plan uh putting in funding for that we had one we had several recurring CIP items which historically do not get presented on in the PowerPoint presentation those are included and I'll be going over what those are we have one item that was pushed to a future fiscal year based on Council discussion from last time and that was the community garden and then we have six items that were identified by staff to push to Future fiscal years uh to Aid with possible budget restraints and I'll be going over what those items are as we go to them Additionally the cost of one item was adjusted due to staff receiving updated data so what you can do here today is by Council consensus uh cips can remain as they're proposed in these documents we're going to be reviewing today uh they can be tabled to Future years or they can be cancelled altoe and at the end of this CIP review and discussion I'll do a recap of all the consensus items and a motion for approval would be required and John you've got the updated sheet so they Council can compare the first CIP sheets to the new CIP sheets I appreciate the council members that are here who got here before the meeting and Mr city manager I have distributed and explained those new sheets to them thank you okay so without further Ado we'll just start at the top there um we've got community and economic development Daniel if we can go to the summary sheet uh the first one there is community Economic Development Economic Development action plan and this was a product of the business and economic development board's meetings they said we really need to update that action plan it's um Dave I don't remember now it's like 12 or 14 years old it's it's in need of updating um and this is for a consultant to do prepare the report for us and we're proposing that at $188,000 in fiscal year 2425 so that's a new one you didn't see until now yes sir excuse me Mr city manager but uh we're looking at an old one on screen oh that's an updated oh oh well let me let me explain that the price changed that's yeah let me let me explain okay so staff worked on getting these uh all these changes to you which you have in front of us so there may be stuff you see on the screen because these are brand new that we just got done with so the city clerk may be showing what previous we had but everything you have in front of us when you see 50k instead of 18 uh that's why I gave you the updates I I just want to be sure anyone that subsequently is looking at this um knows that we what is being seen in the audience is not current I have a new one no she he doesn't have a new one online I had it I I just gave him copies before the meeting so what what can we give him to put on the screen um wasn't in the packet well I I understand yeah you understand you're just you're just concerned about the public I just I just want the public to know subsequently what they might see might not be the most recent yeah that would be on our shared that' be on our share drive but the manner of how we did this is because of the timing and what have you so I think I think uh Council should just State when we're going through this that that particular thing it may show on your screen 18 just say it's now 50,000 and and we that's all I mean it's it's a workshop copy the latest for me what's yeah copy the latest yeah you got it m show 18,000 for this do you got the here so yeah that one Chang from 18,000 to 50,000 and that's where the consultant and there'll be other there'll be other ones so as we go through um and and we'll go back and recap these as we go yeah moving down through we talked about there are several items that are recurring items and you're going to start to see these in the Fire Rescue Services um at the first Workshop we uh Chief Sergeant was here he talked about the vehicle replacement uh fr1 and he talked about the new Fire vehicle fr4 uh so those were already presented then the other ones there are the firefighting equipment radio equipment medical equipment computers air conditioners building equipment those are the recurring expenses that I was talking about that don't get presented on but they do get put in the CIP so you can see all of Fire Rescue Services cips right there and there are eight of them um and they throughout several years but uh the impact for fiscal year 2425 is uh 5995 and most of that is the new fire vehicles um moving on to IM Department this one most of these were presented on U before um they all were presented on before I believe we've got some changes though the IM building replacement was originally scheduled for 500,000 in 2425 and 500,000 the following year however um we've got some cost updates and we're suggesting we push that out another year uh that what's being proposed in the new CIP is 700,000 and 2526 and 800,000 and 2627 so those were old numbers there I'm sorry um mayor proom is here yes welcome I'll yield the gabble we had just gotten started Tod I'd like to give um the mayor uh proem the updates that the other council members have could I do that yes please staff's been working the last two weeks on changing the fure I'll I'll review all of it yeah these are all these are all the new summaries that go in your book just to provide clarification I do not have the updated one for the screen so you will not see the one on the screen we didn't have time to get it on the screen then the banana banana River Park thing oh yeah it changed from uh gold one it's 100,000 it's 60,000 right that's you so sorry for so we really didn't get very far um and we could just back up a little bit just to review for mayor protm Daniel starting at the top um the first one the CED Economic Development action plan was at planned for 18,000 it's actually going to be 50,000 000 for that study to get that so that's what the your new sheet shows we're just talking about the changes um then on the fire rescue um we we heard the chief Sergeant talk about uh fr1 and fr4 which are the vehicles the other things that you see there are the recurring items that are every year we see those things come through uh so the whole Fire Rescue Services 599 500 as proposed the big chunk of that is the fire vehicle and that's as far as we got before you came in um moving down to the um IM Department we got in the building replacement all we're saying there is the two $500,000 entries are now both of those being pushed to the right by two by one year and the price has gone up so it's now proposed to be 700 starting in 2526 and 800,000 in 2627 so not only did the price go up of that building but we're pushing it out another year we're proposing we do that uh there is going to come a time that we have to do that though um and and I know June has been wanting this for quite some time and uh sometime we're going to have to bite the bullet and those buildings just keep getting more and more expensive um next one was uh updated uh I just wanted to share that um Central Boulevard improvements I4 that is tied in with uh storm water one so there's shown in 250,00 000 for im4 I just wanted to add for clarity that stormwater 1 also has that and we'll we'll get to that when we get to the that's on the last page um wanted to talk about the city hall air conditioning that's IM5 $350,000 uh we want to push that to 2526 um at at that point in time those those units will be 10 years old and we think that uh 10 years is about all you can really ask for for air conditioners in our salty air environment uh no change on the other items uh until you get to um see im8 roadway repair and maintenance I believe that got pushed to 2526 yeah no we haven't done that we haven't done that one yet I'm I'm looking at the wrong one I'm I'm on IM im9 im9 sorry yeah we haven't touched the im8 yet sorry you're right that's for discussion my apologies im9 is the new bucket truck was proposed $260,000 that's the one we're pushing out one year uh another a staff desire to push that out one year um moving down and that's it for the changes um on IM of course we can revisit any of these that you want but I'm just trying to go through quickly about what's changed uh moving down to resiliency um only one change there it's rd2 Banana River Park Shoreline enhancement design study that cost change from $30,000 and is now uh $60,000 and that's just some updated pricing that we received moving on to Parker Parks Department originally we're planning $40,000 for uh two vehicles in 2425 now what we're do proposing is splitting that and having $20,000 for one vehicle in 2425 and the other 20 in the following year so 20,000 next year 20,000 the following year that's just going to have a $20,000 uh change downward change for this year um I wanted to mention Parker 2 and parka 3 both of those are for sherid down Park uh we didn't present on those last time but we still don't know what the status is of sherid down Park if we're going to get that or not so we we're still pushing those out uh tennis court resurface we didn't change that one but the next one Rover space West $90,000 we pushed 2526 $90,000 yep then the gymnasium Court dividers $220,000 we uh staff is pushing that out to 2526 then par a 10 community garden Redevelopment this is the one the council talked about pushing out to 25 26 so that's reflected here um then the Canaveral City Park concession stand that should not have been in the general fund because that was always identified as a CRA and I should say it's never been in the general fund it was just shouldn't have been in this this list so it's moved appropriately to uh CRA and we'll see that when we get to that page so that's everything for the first page of the summary moving on to the second page of the summary and know if you'll go to the one that has keep going till you see more orange on the P there it was okay this one is the library fund and there's no changes on this it's 30 ,000 every year we put in there for the cips we didn't present on that because it's a recurring one the next page next orange page Daniel is the CRA so this is the one that we're going to be adding the concession stand to so when you look at your new CRA page you should see cr6 at the bottom of there $315,000 for the CRA budget and that's the only change to this page everything else stay the same so Canaveral City Park Redevelopment Civic Hub presidential streets Traffic Safety public art fire rescue enhanced lightning protection and now we're adding the concession stand to that this is going to be a big year for the CRA coming up moving on to the next one is the Wastewater Enterprise fund and again here you have a lot of recurring items um the ones we did present on before was the ww114 sanitary sewer GIS mapping we're not proposing any changes we um presented on Wastewater 17 which is the pump enclosure structures no changes there and we also um proposed or presented ww18 that's the uh the vehicles that are energy backup systems no changes there so all the other ones the recurring ones so that's WW1 through WW13 those are all recurring things um we can just take a look through there and see the kinds of things there are motor Replacements um mixer Replacements lab equipment air conditioner Replacements um and then 15 and 16 are recurring ones and as well as well 19 is pushed uh proposed for uh 2526 a v truck um currently we don't have anybody that's licensed to to operate that if I'm correct on that Jessica June so that's another consideration we have to have currently when we do a vac truck we do a um a contract Service for that right but uh it could eventually save us time over money so we're just putting a placeholder in a future year for a vac truck there that's it for Wastewater and the last page is going to be storm water couple things I want to mention on this one um the Central Boulevard improvements this is um 65 55 and 300,000 those are increases due to an inflation um we're proposing there that um this has appeared in previous budgets but it didn't get appear in the first cfp Workshop but it's still several years out but this is the Central Boulevard Improvement improvements from A1A to North Atlantic Tim is that correct yeah just that stretch uh we'll want to hit on that also want to talk about the Center Street wet Pond and West Central Boulevard wet pond that's sw4 and sw5 both of those are contingent on property acquisition if if we don't have the property we we can't spend the money we know we've been talking about a Center Street wet Pond for quite some time and we may or may not get the property we've been we've been eyeballing with the uh the owner there uh negotiations are ongoing but uh if we are successful getting it then we would get serious about doing an improvement there but same thing with West Central Boulevard wet Pond it'd be great to find a piece of property that's ideal for that just to take some of the the load out of the storm water system and also have another way to filter out the the nutrients and and the tmdl credits for that so s sw4 and S5 are just depending on if we ever get properties for those uh lastly I want to talk about um no that was it that was the last one so uh mayor protem um we can go back and revisit any other particular items you'd like to look at obviously we're not going to know the impact on on the budget because we don't have our revenues yet um but this this is what we're looking at for our CIP plan putting in the budget and we know that final decisions are going to have to be made when we do know what our revenues are going to be but do do we like this this way do we want to push some things out do we want to cancel anything or do we like it as is so mayor proam back you well thank you Todd and I'm again I apologize for being late U got held up at work um I think that maybe we'll go for each council person and see what if there's ideas on things you want to move out or ideas you want to add um maybe we could start there and um go from there you want to start K sure okay so in our meeting on Tuesday we talked about the Wastewater um potential increase on Wastewater being 5% and I had a conversation with John today my concerns with increases right now you have to look at a bigger picture than just what's going on you know here in our budget uh right now we do have some properties in every state that are dropping as far as value in our state we have condo complexes that have the surge report and that uh structural Integrity report is coming back to some condo complexes and hitting them very hard so it's resulting in um assessments and some of them are up to $50,000 and has to be paid within a certain amount of time some places including homeowners uh homes their insurance have increased up to 400% and so I feel like myself that timing is everything and the timing is really pretty precarious to have any huge increases in things to our citizens because of that um when we get to a point if we ever got to a point and some people may say we we wouldn't get to that point in this city and that possible but if we ever got to a point that we were seeing the foreclosures that we saw in 2007 and 8 in this area um when a home is um tied up in foreclosure the bank usually does not worry about paying the taxes taking care of the property the grass um or paying the insurance things like that it just gets tied up in court until the property has a disposition on it and so in that situation we could be down on our tax revenue and people are already selling in the area to relocate when they're in condos so condos it's particularly a precarious situation with them now one thing that I spoke about when I spoke to John earlier is I'm not one to not have reserves either so um for me it's a blend of how to um what we do with the budget that we see here as well as what projects we select because if we say well we're just not charging the 5% on Wastewater increase that was decided on prior Council well if we do that then we could be in a situation where we don't have the Reserves necessary to fund our our Wastewater and we don't want anything happening to that so I am a big a person that looks at things as what is the timing is the timing right and all indications that I'm seeing out there is I mean and the report we looked at Tuesday literally on Wastewater showed us last year we didn't think that we would be in the situation where we were you know didn't have as much reserves as we do as was projected we don't know what's going to happen this year in election years when you look at Federal politics in election years things are always strange and stressful um based on who gets into office it can go one way or the other uh we've got between now and November and now and next January until a new president takes office or our exist ing president whichever one gets back in so we have volatile times that are hard on people with very high inflation in my opinion at least go to the grocery store and check it out because it's expensive so my opinion is that we need to be very careful in what we select and if we took a blend of um some pushing some things out I was actually very pleased to get this update and thank you staff for working so hard on this because what we did and what we went over just now is actually exactly what I was wanting to see happen because it's not a matter of do we want to do it or not it's a matter of is the timing right or not and we don't want to be in people's back pockets right now when the state and insurance is in their back pockets as far as our our property owners so if we took for example and John and I discussed this if we took and pushed some things out like we have doesn't mean we say no we're never doing that um and then we do that we might be able to have a blend to where we say well you know what the Wastewater increase might be 3% versus 5% and that way they're paying some of that monthly and some of it in their property taxes Which is less impactful if you've got it kind of split so if you know that's my thought and John you might be more eloquent I was a lot more eloquent earlier today than I am with this right now we're trying to do it quickly um but I I think that we need to make sure we're looking at at you know need to have and look at timing on things which like I said I'm very pleased to see that we have started that process before we even got in here today that staff started that for us and make sure that the things that we're doing are things we need and one other statement I'll make we all know that we had an event with flooding on the presidential streets my other thing that I am most interested in is if we do things with CRA money what is going to be the most impactful on the flooding but and let me just tell you why about a year a year and a half ago I got my claims settled on my vehicle where the flood had happened on Ridgewood and I lost my vehicle and they got on to me because it was 4 years after the event that I filed the claim so that means we had a flood event over five and a half years ago that was enough to take out my vehicle and so to me I don't think anything that is not as solid on being very impactful to the flooding situation should be looked at now we need to do the thing that has the biggest bang for our CRA buck and for the people that are dealing with those floods so that's my opinion I think we really have to consider the economy on looking at any kind of increases this year now Mr Delo do you want to well we had a good discussion K it was very good uh discussion um what I would add to this as as we as uh Kay was looking at you know what's this this 5% could we alleviate this 5% increase and and how how would we do that or whatever and we talked about all the elements of this it wasn't really one way or the other um as far as uh as far as the the impact is there's there's a lot of unknowns right now we're saying we're going to be $185,000 to the to the good if we do the 5% now the these are estimates and Trends and what we're seeing right now but there's no way to know what's going to happen with the all these unknowns inflation if equipment costs go up uh our cips that we say is going to be this much for next year actually the costs are higher so you could ask yourself but what could happen and we talked about this G if you just said you know what we're not going to do an increase well the city has $250,000 in reserves in Wastewater which is which is not a lot okay and um if you if you keep the 5% at least that would give us a total of about $445,000 which sounds a lot better than than 250 and um it's very it's just so close to the line that I know that you know you're trying to help the um the citizens what have you and I think we did an estimate and I think it could be like it could hit people over like 2700 2789 accounts or whatever could equate to maybe an average of uh we we're the the increase we're doing gets us about $265,000 well the um that each account could be affected on an average of about $90 a year so I mean every I know I understand every little bit helps but my concern is this if we go ahead and we do eliminate that we don't know what's going to happen in the next year and things really go a foul it's very possible and Kay and I talked about this that then not next year but the year after we might end up doing what Coco Beach is doing this year I talked to Coco yesterday Coco Beach is going to raise their rates 20% 20% for the uh sewer this year Coco and rockage 5% a piece so Coco and rockage are kind of like us with the 5 per. so but I can't predict and and we Kay and I talked about this I I can't predict where the world is going to go after next year and where the cities going to land because I don't know the inflation and all those things that impact it so it it is a decision to be made by this Council on how close you want to get to the line do you does it make you feel better known that you have $185,000 if you do the the 5% increase if you bring it down to 3% you would take the $262,000 to about um about 100,000 say about 90 $100,000 lower if you went to 2% you get down to about 46,000 and if you go to 1% you're about even and it's not good to operate even uh we see what the Surplus has done to us when this study was passed in 20122 the study said we're going to have $561,000 in a surplus but then inflation salaries the cost of materials whatever it get caught up with us so um don't want to we don't want to not have reserves that's right that's right we need reserves in case we have a m major breakage that's why to me it's important what we're choosing with the rest of our budget because it could end up being where we can lower that amount a little bit and kind of have a little bit of a a balance with it and and so that's where I you know and that's where I think that information will help Council and also um when when K's talking about these other items like flooding in the city and whatever and how we could help in those areas then Council has to balance whether or not they want to spend money some more money towards the flooding alleviate the flooding and somehow have the rest of the pot of money say like in the CRA to do or plan for part of the program like the presidential streets or whatever but you know I mean that's completely in in your hands on how you choose that and and you have to determine what uh Direction you want to lead the city in when it comes to these these problems and so hopefully that helps you than you mayor proam um John what would happen right even at a 5% or even if we were to go back to 3% and a similar scenario happened for the next year well then we would in oh go ahead yeah where would we be if this if the scenario repeated itself we would be right where we're at now we would not be we would not have a we would not have a surplus we'd be very close to not having a surplus we could end up in the same place we're at because the cost of everything's going up yet we're sing we're saying let's keep everything the same so yeah and oh and the expected the expected revenues this is based on um these projections are based on believing that here we are this year and let's just say our revenues are one $1.5 million well we're projecting maybe the revenues will be 1.8 million okay uh so if those projections are upset by the economy then maybe we don't realize 300,000 well my thought process is this that if we were in a similar situation and if as uh council member Jackson was uh alluding to is that we started having foreclosures we started having vacancies we still have to we still have to treat that water Absolut we still have to maintain all of that and we will have less Revenue coming in because there might not be homeowners here there's a there's a very good D then we will be in a dire situation quicker it's scary to operate without a net or reserves and we got to remember this is the Enterprise funds and we got the general fund over here and never the twi shall tangle yeah and and they it survives on its own the Enterprise is like a business and the general fund survives on revenues from 33% taxes and and the rest from uh State shared revenues so councilman Willis that's exactly why I don't want to go completely away with with you know I I understand that I'm just merely I'm merely saying yes that I'm in I'm agreement with you so if we could if we can give relief in the actual budget and the thing and the amount that their taxes will be then it'll blend out a little bit and truly we can't go without without reserves you know we that would be very negative in the long run okay well I guess I'll finish my thought there sorry no I'm done I'm done have anything else not at the moment Miss Davis fine right now okay um I have a few questions um uh as we look at this and and the things that have changed or moved out out um I'm just going to go one thing at a time with my questions um for the economic development um action plan we went from 18,000 to 50,000 what what does that entail and why is it that much more money he would you come up and respond yeah yes thank you um the 18,000 after reviewing it and going through and looking what some of the uh costs of some of our previous plans have been recently such as the residental the presidential streets master plan the one-way study um I felt like 18,000 was woefully woefully low um we're looking at a a complete rewrite of the economic development action plan um and potentially it could be even be over $50,000 if if you recall how much we spent on the um presidential streets master plan it was um as I recall it ended up being over $100,000 so but the the SE I mean the economic development plan doesn't involve engineers and all like those presidential Master well there there was no engineering per se in the um presidential Street's master plan it was just a concept yeah it was there there'll be a lot of data GA gathering and that's that was my concern is anytime we're doing a um an update to a plan like that there's a lot of public engagement CU that's that's really what this the EAP is going to be doing is what does the community want how do we want to grow and that's going to require a lot of um engagement and Outreach on the part of um the consultant and um anytime you start having these meetings these engagement meetings and you start involving surveying of of the community the hourly the the the requirement the consultant requirements they hours starts starts going up and there's a lot of costs associated with those and so um I think even the 50,000 may be low but I thought that that would be something that um we could work with in that in that range I I was trying to be conservative with that number um but it is a it it's going to be a a very um comprehens ensive analysis of the city uh there's going to be a lot of economic data that has to be um gathered um I would just wanted to add Dave that this would be done by RFP so it would be competitive bid anyways yes okay yes yeah exactly okay thank you Dave yes ma'am um the IM building replacement got pushed out a year yes ma'am is that I thought that was in really bad shape the building yeah Jun or Jessica can you speak to the St the state of the building and what pushing it off means to your to your department I mean it it's only going to cost more money when we push it out right this building was started at 2008 so it's been pushed back from 2008 to this year coming yeah that's and it's getting pushed back next year and the year after so it started I think at like 150,000 right for the complete building it's well over 1.1 million yeah so I mean we could keep pushing it back but I mean there's whole size of large cats that can get into that building it's in terrible shape there's nobody we just have a for storage actually we can't even leave people in there because of the mold well to me that would be a critical need um agree so we would love to replace that building and that would be funded out of the general fund or right would waste water storm water no no it be that's the general fund that's I am that's I am and mayor proam if I could just add some context to this because you know you I feel uh I feel June's pain because when I got here in 2013 we were trying to do it and we just kept pushing it out when I got here I think it was only going to cost 350,000 and then it kept going up but what was going to say though is um and we did push this one out because because the criticality and the functioning of Public Works or IM we took a look at that I sat with all the directors on all these things we pushed out and the reason we looked at this real hard for you all is that when I did a preliminary rollup of the budget with the Department expenses now remember I don't know what the gross taxable value is yet I will know probably in another 10 days anyway we knew based on what we found out is that we were going to pre preliminarily and you'll see this adds up to like to cut you know to move out at least a million and a half dollars and but we do that every we do that every year I have these meetings with the directors every year because what happens is is when we get together for the Strategic Retreat and we you guys want to see all the cips all the directors come in and say hey this is what I like to do this is what I like to do and then that's what this whole process is for well we can't do that because we cannot make up that Gap uh you know of of those um of those projected constraints of what could be maybe $2 million or whatever that the budget can't handle it and so um I sat with each director and we looked at what we needed to move out to close that Gap because when we give you the proposed budget on 30 June and you review it I'm sure you're going to see there's going to be more of a gap to close and there may be other projects here that you're going to look at and I'm talking more in the general fund and and this building's in the general fund I am so I just wanted to bring that to your attention that we didn't just take this out because you know I said hey June you can't do that it's it's it's the the dollars aren't there to do it they're not there this year to do it and they may not be there next year um well if there was something else that we could move out and move the building back in well we yeah we did move we did move a lot out um I don't see that in this budget maybe when we you get the proposed budget and you see other things you might say you want to bring it back in but honestly with the cost of it I don't I I don't see it happening we can't clo we can't close the gap and we got a be cognizant of how that's going to affect taxes too but mayor Pro is correct that's why we're looking at all that's why we're looking yeah right that's where we're looking everything and another thing is you know it was scheduled at 500,000 if we could do it this year would it be 500 or would it be it was split the cost was split over two years thinking we could pay for it over two years so it would have been a million yeah right yeah okay um let's see my other question was City Hall um air conditioning 350,000 pushed out a year what are we spending on repairs and I think the Lisa has this number do you have i' I've got some numbers I mean jeez oh jeez sorry is that Lisa calling I'm joking um yeah so uh I get my training thought so throughout the year you're saying what is it costant we've had coils that that you know we've had to maintain and whatever so I'll just give you some examples like one spin was that it cost $8,000 to do this one set of coils here and then it cost $10,000 to do this other set now based on what we believe for this upcoming year um and and and uh Lisa by the way has done a fantastic job on this uh we're looking at another $10,000 on another coil repair okay for the third unit or whatever which could occur which will probably occur Todd do you think it's going to occur The End by the end of this year or next year this this year this year so what that'll do uh Mickey is that will get us that will get us pretty darn good shape to have that air conditioning functioning through all next year and as the city manager said and he's more of the expert on that than I am that when your air conditioner gets to 10 years which it will be after next year now it's time that you probably want to be proactive and replace it I I can't get you the dollars as much as John but I can tell you how how it really works there's two large units up there and they're the size of city buses and each one of them has four John for coils they're they're compressors um and those are the expensive functioning part of the unit each so there's two units four compressors each that's a total of eight compressors we've now replaced seven of them over the last eight nine years there's one more to do and then they will none of them will be original equipment so we could we could limp along but we know we're just going to keep replacing a compressor or two every year so you're looking at anywhere where from8 to6 to $20,000 a year depending on how many go and and it we do a great job of maintaining them um we've got a they're on a service maintenance contract that does the regular recommended scheduled maintenance we've got IM folks go out there they rinse them down too just to get that salt off of them and they do it um I think it's by monthly and we've got a hose bib up there just for that reason so they can do that so we do all the right things to maintain them it's just 10 years is about all you get in Cape Canaveral question for you on that if you don't mind me man okay um in our first CIP Workshop we talked about corrosive coating um any of the parts that are replaced you know to hopefully extend the life of that have did we find anything out on that yet Tod I don't know where Lisa is on that um that's a great question because if anything has to be replaced if we can pay to get it coded before it's installed that could really make a huge difference Le has been talking to to them and um I don't I don't think we've got the information on that yet there's there's also things about I'm learning about cathodic protection systems for these units um and other enclosures that can help keep the salt down so all that's going to be going into the next system for sure right but if it if if we're having to replace a part if we could do it with that part as well possibly yeah then that's going to make it you know last at least a little longer yeah so I was just curious if we found anything out on that thank you I think uh sometimes that that's dependent upon the model whether you can even purchase those parts configured that way um a 10-year-old AC unit might not that unit might not or that manufacturer might not even provide that so kind of somewhat of a risk on that but it's worth it's worth trying yeah there's actually a vendor here locally that will coat with the AC units that's great and the parts with the uh corrosive coating so I know they do you can take a part to them if you're getting ready to replace it your vendor can take the part they'll code it and then when it's coded give it back to the vendor for install and I know that on the residential systems I don't see why it wouldn't apply for commercial it be at least interesting to find out so thank you for that I'm going to go past the AC and I'm going to ask about IM 13 about the city hall office buildout what does that entail it says the second floor but how are they planning are we planning on making smaller offices or what are what there there are two eligible areas on the second floor uh one of them is on the A1A side of the building as you step off the elevator and you look to A1A there's a kind of an open lobby area that's never been used one wall and that's a one wall on a door and that becomes an office um then the other eligible area is the large room um that doesn't have any Windows um kind of across from the council member office are you familiar with that there's there's one room that has three doors and it was designed that way so that it could potentially be three additional offices in the future it would be making those three doors Become Three offices in that one large space so else so that's just another example of putting off for one year it went up almost 20% yeah it'll last year it was 990,000 yeah and we were going to build that out because with the we know that um and we will be gaining uh a few employees this year one definitely here in uh City Hall um and uh that's an anticipation to build it out to be able to have these people have a place to to work uh and right now in the budget in city hall there's one position which is very much needed the it uh midlevel um midlevel uh we a technician to go under Mike Schaefer we we got Mike Schaefer as it manager but we we need somebody somebody else on staff too a backup there so we intend on you know getting that person of course that person needs a place to to sit and have an office um and then the anticipation was is if we can do the buildout as we have a need for more people well then the offices are already completed and like uh council member said you know the price is just it's just going to go up but you just have to weigh that increase in price against if Council wants to push that out to save 8,000 in this year's budget and another option is we could just do one like the the lobby upstairs and you know for this next year and then do the other three office build out another year so we could scale it down and we might be able to save $50,000 there or more we spend more the reason it was proposed this way is because the thinking is you get one contractor at one time get better deal doing all of it um anybody else okay well I'm just curious with what we've got right here I think John you had already said that you couldn't really do that yet I mean we don't with what we've proposed with moving some of these things out we really don't have any indication of what kind of increase we would be seeing on property taxes right on the marage no but I they usually Bard Property Appraiser's office I usually get that by like June 1st sometimes May 29th but like between may you know the end of May the last couple days of May the beginning of June and they give me that estimated gross taxable value which then opens the door for myself and my staff back here so we can um go ahead and apply that and then we see what the Gap is because then uh Joey and I will put together the whole budget with all the Departments here we're going to be doing this in the next 10 days and um then we can put a millage rate in there based on the gross taxable value and now we see how much revenue we're going to get and I'm glad that council member Jackson brought that up because that's that underscores the value of having these workshops because we're doing a lot of the detail work now about what we want what we don't want what we would like to have and what we don't have to have so that when do get that analysis we've already got this stuff fresh in our minds what it is we really want to do what the things we're okay pushing back and it just makes the job so much smaller when we actually see what how the impact's going to be okay and then the I have one more question too please if you don't mind um so throughout the budget or throughout the cips there are new sustainable Vehicles throughout for hybrid we've got a pretty nice Fleet of hyb of EVS out there and all of that in the parking lot that I've seen and some of them are definitely older you know but you have to understand I'm an old car girl I like old cars so in a city with that's really got pretty much a mile from any point you're in the city to the other end of it do are these vehicles really high mileage and like I noticed one of the vehicles which was the jeep with parks and wreck has issues from not being used and we're looking at golf carts instead which we pushed one of them out um so my question is have we looked at overall and I'm not sure um how you would do this John with the groups um you know what is is are any of them just simply to get to a sustainable vehicle scenario or all of these ones that absolutely need replacement well I could tell you that the Chevy the Chevy Malibu is ready for the graveyard I got an amazing staff to could get a car that's worth nothing and put it on the auction or whatever and get $1,000 for it but that's a different that's a different scenario um but like the Chevy Malibu it it you know that's a it's a must with and you know what our biggest one of our biggest hindrances here is and then this car is like 12 12 years old or whatever is we got a very small City here and when you don't drive vehicles it's just as bad as if you're out there tearing up the roads and the the vehicle over through Co too went through no use practically I mean we were using that vehicle to run from here to the post office because remember during Co our folks weren't going to training and over the state right the car is not getting driven and it's it it is it is a it is a disadvantage when you're living in a small City and you have these cars that you can't put mileage on them right we all know you got to get on a highway and do 60 65 at least once in a while to blow out to whatever um so that's that hasn't helped us but we may you know the directors are good at evaluating these vehicles and for the Chevy Malibu now it's an absolute no-brainer and we need a reliable car here for City Hall which is going to be shared by resiliency the it uh manager and the city clerk's office and of course whoever else might need to use it but um you know we're only getting one vehicle though to keep cost down and that's a hybrid it's the four dri hbri which I'm I'm happy to see the hybrid because we from if you look at anything out there you see going away from a hard EV to a hybrid is what the manufacturers are doing in the in the car industry Auto industry so that makes sense but for example we've got parks and wck that's and absolutely makes sense for them to have golf carts I mean a golf cart it does um but we have parks and wreck and this was from the original CIP that I saw and um in April we have one for Public Works we had some one for the resilience division as mentioned the Public Works ones are either F250 or 2500 and those I saw those and we would definitely need one because one's going to be pulling the excavator so those we know we need but uh any of you know like the resiliency division now we know that was the to replace the Malibu am I correct that's right because there was a plan originally maybe to get two cars but we're looking at Cost savings how much will'll be utilized and who all would share that that would be uh City H City Hall basically City Hall anybody in City Hall okay all right um okay so really it's and then with public works and public works and water those are our two trucks that we need I saw those those are need as far as I think my opinion um and then the parks and wreck the Jeep even though it's low mileage it's just it needs working believe me John I live right on the beach so I know not driving a car and I've spent and I've bled money over it so I get it um but I wanted to look at that as well just because you know uh fixing it now what's wrong with it if it's low mileage because it hadn't been used um and then you know put our golf carts out but it sounds like everyone's worried about what they paying more for next year um or that's been mentioned several times here so um I'm looking at what can we sacrifice now to minimize impact on taxes since we went up 12% wasn't it 12% we went up last year Well 11.4 whatever 11.4% that's pretty hefty increase for last year um so I'm trying oh not in taxes in Gross taxable value I'm sorry no we didn't go up 11 we only went up uh I don't even know if it was 4 I don't even know if it was 4% I'd have to look but no that's gross near as 11.4 yeah so the the millage it was 4% okay okay thank you um I have a few more questions uh going through these um I am 8 is uh longpoint Road 250,000 to repave that um I know that the local roads committee recommended that we do this um it's really it's really not that bad and I know that in the years past we were going to do the park out there but then there was supposed to be a retention Pond that was going to help with the flooding where are we on that and do that first excuse me yeah I'd like Tim to come up and speak to that is Tim Tim um and and that's a very good that's a very good point there because this road repair thing Tim's going to give you kind of a whether or not maybe this thing can't be pushed out too actually when we talk about it can you talk about all three roads it's Long Point Sherry in Harbor Heights just the council's fully aware of what you've got in mind for the next three years um so a this when I was asked by Todd to kind of go around and look for non-presidential streets and the local roads committee had a meeting on this uh we looked for roads that were in the worst condition um in the past we had kept a whole list of Roads from the best looking roads to the worst looking roads uh some of those roads have been completed some of them have not so I kind of went on that list um Long Point I believe was on last year and it went up because of inflation um but the re the the way I structured this was kind of like the beach crossovers under infrastructure maintenance each year we would do another one until they were all done and of course we would revisit it re uh reinvestigate what the roads look like what kind of shape they're in um so being a part of the local roads committing myself um I know that there were a few others that wanted to go out and do a fresh look at all these roads so I went ahead and I went out actually and looked at the ones that we had on that list that were the worst ones um they can be swapped around they're about all in the same condition according you know to the fdot uh the way they judge their their roads and stuff um about the pond the pond was included in the Estuary Park project but the Estuary Park project was uh cancelled by Council um we have not had an engineer go out there and try to figure out if there's a room for a pond or anything because that was actually uh part of the other project um so but if Council wishes that you know for us to look for possible ways of getting uh storm water retained at the end of that uh um Road I I would be yeah I would well I mean we talk about flooding all the time and that when it rains it floods down there right and um I I could see spending the money on a retention area Okay because if you pave the road and it continues to flood isn't that undermining the sure the road is that Long Point yall are talking about yes okay and is this Long Point Tim just want to make sure that's what I thought okay so that's what it looks like yeah I was just down there you seen it so that that project includes uh Paving and curving um at the end of the road I was going to include dinging out that um dry retention well it's not dry anymore it is close to the wetlands so I think the more the river has raised the wetter the lands have been right so the more rain that we get of course it looks like we're flooding out in that area but I think it's just the height of the river water merged with storm water um but I I have I was going to include in the project that they dig that Swale area out at the end of the road and clean the flumes off on both sides um but to get to where we're at I would have to probably get an engineer involved and see if we can put some kind of retention area uh where originally we had stayed sted we were going to put one with underground uh pipes yeah I I for me in my opinion I think that would be priority over Paving first off MH and then you know maybe we could start with cherry down Lane get that paved why we look at the um Long Point you know the Swale or whatever we need down there to help with the flooding um my opinion I have a comment about Long Point you and I have been out there several times a lot of that flooding is on the back side of the northern side of the streets properties and that flooding comes from a different area than the street correct a lot of it does yeah it comes from the it comes from U the the uh subdivision behind them yes where they where they were built on raised property right they built their whole property what 4T High than yeah and all that water runs off onto Long Point on the North side on I mean excuse me the South Side South Side um when I go that way it always seems like it's going north I knew what you I'm thinking nor but I mean you know there's there's several residents that their backyard's flood yes absolutely and actually there is a u um a little stream area or finger area that runs into the river that is basically mucked up now I mean it's just it's overgrown and near that wall yeah nothing nothing's getting out um but that we're Limited in what we can do about that is that all St John's area there yeah yeah uh but I think uh to your point mayor protim I think that uh a retention Pond or any kind of uh of um exfiltration that we could put at the End of the Street could help and maybe there's some way we can also uh alleviate some of that flooding on the backside of those properties to the South so this is where I wonder if our rain Garden concept would be a good concept for back there well you I think you would end up having to put it in somebody's backyard the diffic the difficulty with the this whole area that me and and council member with are talking about is that it is right next to Wetlands yeah so the hard part about it is if you dig a foot down you're in water yeah you know so things over there nothing to percolate through I get it exactly yeah and it's it's those are that's a difficult depending upon who you talk to you you don't know what's underneath the the soil there so mayor Pro we may be heading toward a consensus to swap Long Point and Cherry down that's what I would and then put in look towards a new one for a storm water solution for longpoint in the 2425 budget how is there consensus for that is is Cherry down as severe a problem Cherry Down's a nightmare the only reason I say that is the the city was supposed to maintain it for seven years as in not repaving it and and doing huge improvements to it but to adopt it we had to manage it for seven years when we were done with that seven years I went out there and I know we've had a lot of uh problems with it with uh storm water uh just the way the road looks I think somebody tried to put in speed bumps and it failed um they have uh French drains across the actual Road itself that go into uh dry retention areas on both sides of people's private property and stuff like that so um that that'll be a uh a good project to look deep into would would resurfacing or reworking that roadway alleviate any water problems on Ridgewood the only water problems that I know about are at Cherry down Park which is right there just cop they um they have a Swale system they keep a lot of water on their property they also keep it in their parking lot I think they need to be restructured but um I didn't see believe but the street is not contributing to anything yeah believe it or not I didn't see a lot of uh I didn't see a lot of Road flooding that okay what what I'm getting at is is Cherry down Lane contributing to any other water issues I don't believe so no okay mayor protm I I'll record that as consensus to swap Sherry down for Long Point is that all right with everybody Kim Don and and also propose a storm water solution in this budget for end of Long Point yeah well does that does that get us anywhere on reducing any cost though if mayor protm if I could just jump in here uh it's music to my ears what the city manager said because you know the budget is going to be tight and Tim and I had a discussion on these these roads and you know soon as the city manager said what he said I was like yeah that's exactly whoa where we got to be um what I would say is this though um like the consensus is great to get the roads switched around but I I want to ask this question if we got to the point Tim if we got to the point where we found that we couldn't do these roads this road next year because of constraints Tim would it be in your expert opinion that the three roads could be pushed out a year but still do A storm water solution on long and still do the storm water solution yeah because we got the money there um and I'm just because and who knows maybe we could do the do the uh the other Road uh Cherry down and and you know I think the question is what's the cost of that deferred maintenance on those three roads for one more year if we were to look at that is that significant to to be honest no it's not significant so that that's a that's a scenario this Council can look at when we go to budget time for now roads are not falling apart they do need to be reconstruct they need to be restructured but they're not falling apart so I I I think we see the consensus to swap this those two on im8 and then create a new one im4 for a storm water solution they'll be represented when the council has their first budget Workshop and the council knows they have the option to push im8 back a year and that gives us a $75,000 just by what the city manager said that gives us $75,000 less hit to the general fund that's great work if I'm not mistaken for the record I believe if you guys end up pushing the projects out for the roadways and do the storm water that will be a new SW project not yes correct correct where there was money where there's money right correct John would would arpa money be able to help with that um because yes yes it would if we have arpa money left uh we've been uh uh we got some Joey right we got a we got some ARP of money left uh but we uh we've been you know obligating or allocating that to um to different different buckets for this year and uh next year so but there could be some yeah there could be well that's something we could look at yeah and plus we do have money um in storm one under unrestricted that could I don't know what the cost of this Pond would be or whatever but we probably could we probably have $200,000 available to do what you're talking yeah so we're going to push the push it out a year we're going to do the storm water or or there could be a consensus to change it like the city manager said put the other thing up front or does that even make sense does that make sense Tim based on us not well I think he just said it was not critical I think we should just go ahead and push them all back one year and create the new one so just leave leave im8 as is just push it all back one year I am8 okay okay yeah and and add the other and add the the storm water okay mayor protim can I can I ask one question of someone else in the audience certainly uh Lexi would these three streets be eligible for a complete streets Grant if we could get it um I would I'd have to look into that um well we're potentially going to give you a year to look into that yeah I'd have to look into year and a half uh there's relatively speaking for some of the larger grants that would fund a holistic complete streets approach these are small typically um and a lot of those grants uh prefer or rather are most applicable for shovel ready projects so we'd want a design prior to application there does exist funding for design mhm um it's just a little bit there's there's less funding for it I'll say um but I mean we can a lot of grant writing is just kind of massaging the process of of a design plus construction so there's there's certainly um opportunity and potential I I'd be remiss to say it's probable but it's definitely possible well I'd like to go with possible Possible's good okay thank you um my next question is uh replacement of the bucket truck we pushed that out a year but the last we heard it was we had to repair the other one and they couldn't do jobs because that one was down um where are we with that it's it's back in service now um it it was out of service for the Christmas holiday which is why we didn't have banners on Richwood so it would be June okay you think to push it out a year okay mayor protm I just want to make sure to city manager did we need a vote for consensus or were the all the non the head what I was going to do at the end I was going to go through everything just to cap capture all of the changes okay we're just kind of in discuss just consensus okay yeah right okay my next question is the cape City of Cape canaval Community Center energy storage system it says here A A Hazard mitigation grant for 75,000 we applied for that or is that something that we pay for and then we get reimbursed or where are weer Alexi on that which um which CIP number are you referring to im10 H im10 yes so that is an energy storage system that we are currently in the throws of um application review with FEMA with h with the hmgp uh so essentially it is a 25 75% match where the city uh is responsible for 25% of it and the federal if if awarded the feds would provide 75% of it um so essentially it is it is reimbursement based so it is a it's a we pay for it and then we apply for reimbursement yes okay so you'd see an offsetting Revenue line if that gets approved thank you um the therm Boulevard improvements impact fees fund 107 is is that money we have in hand or is that money we're expecting um we do have the 1 Point uh 2 million we we have we have 800,000 and then we will get the 400,000 um in the upcoming year is that correct Dave I got 800,000 will we get to 400,000 for the upcoming year for the balance of the 1.2 million when we're doing the job Hotel impact fees yeah this is the hotel impact fees but we've been approved for the 1.2 million yeah so so that's money we can count on yeah if if if you kind of keep kind of the rule of thumb is each of those hotels when they get their certificate of occupancy which is meant at the end of the project when they're getting ready to open they're through the county they're paying us $400,000 in Impact fees each hotel in automobile Transportation impact fees so as we know um we've got two hotels under construction right now uh we've got the um up on the North End of the city so there's $800,000 in Impact fees now the question is will they have those when will they be completing those projects you know based on the the status of each of those I'm I'm guessing that they'll have those done sometime in next during next f year 2425 so we should be having those those funds coming into the city as as look at those as revenues in 2425 sometime um let's see yeah I had a question too about the um offices the four additional uh you know to me it we're 1.9 miles our population has not grown very much and I know we need more more employees but you know it says in here for future anticipated needs ask what I'm sorry I am 13 um I think we discussed maybe Kim said something about maybe just doing one for now yeah yeah you just lose some of the economies of scale that's all right that could help us and we need an i IM it IT Tech yeah because right now we just have Mike the it manager and it's it's very important that you know there be some backup there did Sam have a backup or were you the backup s you know I will I will just tell you that Sam was a what do you want to call that anomaly to have somebody who worked as the IT person very very good very good did a lot of good things for the city and to have one person we relied on one person now when I say we relied on one person if God forbid something happened to Sam yes I had a contingency plan and and and and a people lined up to jump in there but Sam was able over the time and Todd will tell you Sam was able to give us the support we needed because all Sam did was come to City Hall and work yeah we always thought of it as a contract Service so Sam was the primary but there would be another contract that we could activate right like that if something happened to with Sam thank goodness that we never had to do that Sam was always able to respond well Sam never went on a vacation either so I mean so now we've got a full-time employee but no backup unless we go to a contract Service again that would be that's today's backup so we're saying it'd be better we'd be better served by having a midlevel employee doing that type of work maintenance work and then that means Mike could go on vacation sometimes yeah so but we're not flying without a net right now right a better way to do it is all um let's see I think that is all my questions for right now mayor protm if it would help if unless Council has some other things we want to discuss what I can do is kind of summarize my notes Here in each section and then we could just I'm sorry I do have a question could we do that prior or I was just going to ask a question about Cherry down Park sure okay I know in the past it says a quiet Cher down Park I know we've been through this before discussing the you know where are we as far as like the status of getting it or I mean because it was always so with the count you know maybe council member Willis could give a better update on where we are than I can at this point council member Davis you're the first one to ask that question in the last 15 years so just no I'm joking the question gets asked every couple months I just want to know where we are now because there's been so much we're still nowhere still nowhere we're in the middle of nowhere yeah we we I did speak to uh County Commissioners and uh D you think you think we might move slow I I just don't I don't know when that possibly is going to happen Okay I I don't think they're inclined to give us the what we would want in order to to take it over at this point and that may change after our next election I don't know so 2526 is a possibility but not okay I think it was a relief I'm maybe putting words in Council Members Willis's mouth but it was a relief to say we don't have any skin in this game right now when he went there yeah okay got it oh I did tell him that don't yeah we don't um if anybody else have any questions I have one about the shoreline enhancement design um rd2 thank you banana yeah and thank you for standing up there that's who I wanted to see come answer these things for okay so I was looking at that one and now I'm going to be flipping to find it there we go um can you please give me information about the um hybrid set of practices living green and armored that is going to shore because this deals with that section of the water plant right and the shoreline that's eroding or desert so this is separate so along our wish I we could all just imagine a map of uh man of Banana River Park and then that that small private area Manatee Sanctuary par Park and then south of moving south further is the wastewater treatment plant the wastewater treatment plant Shoreline is being examined designed to be um stabilized by the US Army Corps of engineer through their um section 14 uh I forget what cap stands for but their cap program and that's what's currently underway for design um and so that's separate this has to do with the Banana River Park Shoreline specifically the design now US Army core has taken the lead and we're we're lending a very supportive role to their design for the wastewater treatment plant um because that's considered a critical asset a critical piece of infrastructure right we are um steering the ship more more definitively so to speak for the Banana River Park Shoreline stabilization pro project we are going to try to incorporate in in this proposal what we're looking to do for this design study is to find the best high hbd green design for that Shoreline to emulate that natural a natural Shoreline more so than something heavily armored um so that it is something that can the way that I say it is it's uh it's compounding resilience so it it appreciates when you you know a tree appreciates when you plant it versus something uh hard depreciating as soon as you install it or construct it um and so this is to fund that study these types of studies can be pretty expensive because it's pretty specialized um okay where would I find the information about and do we have any is it in the cips for the along you know with the Army Corps of Engineers for the um the plant and the shore is it included in here at all for the plant no it's not including this upcoming fiscal year because any money that we are that the city is fronting for the US Army the wastewater treatment plant is coming out of this fiscal Year's budget not the upcoming fiscal year thank you and that is only that only kicks in so the way that it works is Army Corps will pay out of their own part out of their own pocket up to 100,000 for the design and then after that every dollar we split with them 5050 so we have $50,000 potentially up to and they they have a cap of 200,000 so if it costs a total of 200,000 to design the short line for the wastewater treatment plant we will be paying 50 so we already allocated that in this year's budget this designed for for Banana River Park the design for it we're proposing for next year's budget and they're totally separate we may be able to learn from Army Corps or Army Corps can maybe learn from us because they've been they've been really kind of avid hey what are you guys thinking what do you want and like in terms of brainstorming um while also obviously putting in best management practices for engineering and design from their perspectives um so there's definitely kind of a knowledge and resource share there but they are completely separate projects they won't touch Banana River Park sheline okay and um when do we anticipate any kind of Design coming back since that is critical infrastructure they are looking to get it back to us as soon as possible I'd say by the end of this year don't quote me on that 100% um we are on their expedited project list uh which means it'll take no more than years expedited it's the it's the federal government um so we are trying to move that along nice and quick okay thank you so I can I can get a more definitive date on that for you but I i' i' I feel confident in saying by the end of this year having a design okay thank you let me see comment while we're on the Banana River Park I'd like to comment that that is eroding quickly and what we are seeing on Banana River Park we're also seeing where I live on PTO Del Rio All Along The Banana River Shoreline of Cape Canaveral so anything we find out on this study can benefit the residents if we can share it with them and I think we're even going to be trying to uh uh get some grants for locals because PDR is already looking into uh trying to find grants to create a green barrier if you will and we're we're trying a lot because it's encroaching and any flooding we're as we all sat through that um workshop on uh being resilient and the flooding they told us that the worst flooding is going to come from the river and if we only um strengthen Banana River Park and the wastewater treatment plant it's still going to flood every resident over here on Banana River is going to flood and it going to get to the wastewater treatment plant because it's wastewater treatment plant is not uphill from where I live so um I think uh this study when it gets done really needs to be shared with all the U homeowners and uh condominium associations along the river we've done a lot of good work on the beaches now we need to do some work on the the Riverside my council member Willis do you think that and and I know I've been here like 11 years so do you think that that could survive a bad hurricane year because that has been notorious for when we do have the bad hurricanes that that place is just um it almost eroded up to the fence one time on the soccer field it uh a real one a hurricane that just sits on us for a little while will tear it up uh I've only I've since I've moved uh to Cape can I've ridden out every hurricane that was that came through and I've seen the River Crest our Shoreline which is built up with you know the uh U coina rocks and all of that and it's crested that several times so it it gets up there now which part are you saying it would at the water treatment plan it would encroach or in the all the parts now I've seen it in croach up and over but he was saying specifically with the storm and you said it would tear it up well it would it would erode Banana River Park me the fence the fence on the soccer field would probably end up in the river yeah yeah well I've seen it over encroach up onto the island and I've seen in 2004 in all the storms I've seen it where the the river looked like the ocean as far as waves and people were getting flooded out so this to me seems like it's very important that we get this but I would just wanted to know a little more details about it so well that that study that study that study needs to be shared yeah so yeah so essentially kind of any I won't say that any benefit that one Shoreline um might see from a design that any Shoreline will see however it'll help inform what what might may or may not work in certain areas there's a lot of kind of factors that go into to erosion and what causes erosion and then different um tools to combat that uh an additional thing just to keep in mind and you know to add to it is that it's not just erosion from the Lagoon there's also runoff it's a just sheathing just ground sheathing that as water runs you know over the grass and then in between the coina out there it can also um lead to erosion additionally um there are there are a lot of Grants out there for this type of project especially when you can especially if you're going to focus on the nature-based portion of it where it not only is a way to armor your Shoreline but to restore habitat habitat restoration is a big deal right now for the Lagoon because it again um helps with armoring and and the the physical energy from the waves but then provides habitat for some of those um a endangered species of flora and fauna and the Lagoon and then tangentially the benefit that they provide to the Lagoon for water quality so it is a multifaceted Sol solution to a multifaceted problem um this nature-based stuff thank you thank you Lexi um does anybody else have any more questions um I have another one or two um the city concession stand um thank goodness it's going to go for we're finally going to get it done I I'm just amazed that $300,000 how many square feet is that and how much does it cost to build a house these days Molly do you have that information um and where did we where did that price come from while he's coming forward this is going to be a design build process so we're kind of just aiming where we can aim we don't know the what will be the final square footage of it all we have is kind of a sketch design with what we're what we're hoping for so until we actually get proposals in for what these design Builders are able to do we we won't know a final number on that I'm glad Molly said that because the way we typically work we pay for a design and get that done and then we put that out to bid so there's two separate costs this is all rolled into one that design bid so that's covering both of those and we and we Todd did a lot lot of work with Cad and and providing a a pretty Solid scope of what we're looking for so hopefully they'll you know they're not going to have to do a lot of mind reading um on what we're looking for and the needs of the actual facility itself so we're we don't want to aim too low we aimed too low last time and aiming higher is not just kind of a reaction to inflation and trying to be prepared for that but but also because we've already learned the lesson of what happens when you aim too low right and I think the design that Todd came up with it's really unique and I can't take credit for that that's that young lady's idea I just suggested the shape yeah he did all the electrical and the the all of the structural stuff inside to make it happen well let's just hope that it comes in less money than that but you know like you said it's always better to go high and then protm we we want to get this done yes in this next year cuz you're right we don't want to pay $450,000 for a exactly yeah a concession St I just want to brag about another Council decision that will make this go smoothly was when the council did the Canaveral City Park upgrades and the contract with w&j and extended the sewer line to that outside bathroom also extended beyond that sewer line to serve this future concession stand that was great planning well I don't have any more questions right now um I think that we need to if you want to summarize things sure so this will be a very important step for the city clerks to record city clerk's office to record what consensus is this will be very important for John and Joey to make sure they they bring back the changes the council wants to see so what I'd like to do is go through by department and just look at each one of the each department and then ask for consensus from the council do we like this the way it is today understanding we're not setting anything in stone today just just so we can go forward with a plan in the budget that we can we can amend later if we want to but this will get us that much closer so we're not setting anything in stone but what we're going to do here so starting at the top um Daniel on the um oh it doesn't matter because you got the old ones anyways uh ced1 CED so that's the ced1 is the economic development action plan $50,000 2425 uh keep it there move it back change it delete it it's out council's discretion I'm say I agree with keeping it there I agree I think it's vitally important to do this economic development plan to lose move forward with our bedboard and everything else that's coming along Don um I think until we see the uh millage potential millage leave it there okay so we have consensus to keep it as proposed for ced1 next is uh looking at all the fire department fr1 through fr8 um we reviewed two of those in detail with Chief Sergeant um at the first meeting the other ones are more recurring total there is $59,500 2425 but looking out through the rest of the Years also we have got to keep that in mind we're not just doing a one-year look here or do we have anything in uh fire rescue that we want to change at this time and I'm looking for consensus on that mayor proam we have a consensus I'm good yeah I think we need to leave fire rescue alone me too okay we record consensus for all the fire rescue items next group is the IM group items 1 through 13 two notations here um on City Hall air conditioning replacement we are definitely going to be looking into getting protected parts but also moving that out as proposed to 2526 and then the roadway repair and maintenance we're going to push that back one year uh so that's all three of those roads would go back one year uh the storm water one we're going to get to that when we get to storm water so is there anything else I 1 through 13 that we want to change or we good with just those two notations otherwise leave it as is as is okay as is okay mayor proem I record just leave it as is with a pushing back im8 one year all right moving on we've got um resiliency division we've got two items there uh there was um quite a bit of discussion about uh the fleet vehicle but also the shoreline engage enhancement design study uh any desire to change either of those from what's proposed or is there consensus to leave them as is I would I would say leave it as is until we get more information on you you know where we have to make more Cuts as is we record consensus for the two Rd items to stay as is moving on to Parker we've got items 1 through 12 um we didn't spend a lot of time talking about many of those um is there any let's let's just go through those if we if we don't mind Parker has 13 no 12 12 and the that yeah that one of them was changed to the CRA um so we've got the Parker department vehicle replacement we did talk about that um the parka 2 and parka 3 both of those we said earlier those are Sherry down Park and that's dependent on getting that Park so those will keep getting pushed back if we don't get the park um then we've got the tennis court reservice of 115,000 uh we've got Rover space West programmed at 94 2526 we've got manitary s Sanctuary Park infrastructure upgrade grades these are U replacing things that need to be upgraded and updated there I know Molly presented on that at the first meeting the Banana River kayak master plan that's starting in 2627 uh 150,000 and finishing in 2728 for 135 the gymnasium Court dividers that's one that um Molly I believe we pushed that one back right to that's 20,000 now programed for 2526 uh Todd I have one question about that the dividers cuz we pushed it back from last year is that is that keeping us from renting that without those dividers and making an income no not at all the the court dividers was more of um and I think the first time we we discussed it um right after the C5 was completed was that's more of a creature comfort thing to kind of stop the conflicts between people playing different sports at the same time and it would also give us the opportunity say it was a rainy day and the kids couldn't go outside during summer camp we could section off a portion of the gym so they could still play without having a wide openen inter intermingling with uh the public that's also trying to use the facility so it would increase accessibility for dual things to happen internally but it's not um in any way uh holding up um revenue from rentals or anything like that in in fact it would depending upon the individual users in the gym at the time that those are being um employed it could actually increase revenues because we wouldn't be able to well we wouldn't have to tell the public that hey it's summer camp it's raining we can't send the kids outside today so you guys can't use the gym so it could possibly give us a little bump obviously it's not going to make a huge difference but yeah okay Molly if you could stick around for these next few just in case there's more questions yes um so that's 20,000 for 25 26 then we've got the center city or Center Street Park upgrades this is uh replacing the U rusting um structure out there Molly is that one you pushed back also yes yeah and and you feel confident that uh we're not going to have a structure dangerous or anything unless we have one heck of a storm um I think we should be okay and worst case scenario we remove it understood then we've got a community garden Redevelopment this uh was pushed back by council at the first meeting um to 990,000 in 2526 then we have Canaveral City Park tennis courts and that that's $70,000 for design in 2425 and 335 in 2526 this uh Molly explained that the first meeting was a um an outcropping from the um the Civic Hub workshops that um tennis said they wanted to be separate and um I believe pickle ball said they wanted to be separate and in an attempt to try to please everybody separate them um any feedback you can give us on that Molly um we've got some chatter in the in the immediate Community for the the households and the residences that are immediately around that block and if I was to push out anything that's still existing on this that would be the project I would push out because so far the responses from the community that has you know watched some of the cips and seen that discussion has not been positive so and there are water storage tanks under where those courts would bit correct yes and that's why the the 70,000 you see is very much that is all design okay doing a some tap dancing around those vaults to make it happen for the light posts or whatever but I think this is a good area for Council discussion about this do we want to push back do we want to cancel it how do we feel about it I don't think that's a priority for really and I'm kind of hesitant if you're saying the neighbors are already not liking the thought of balls and paddles sounds yeah we might want to push it out or what do you think I would agree I I think pushing it out is probably the uh lwh hanging fruit for us for this so is there consensus to push it out one year yes okay we'll record consensus for that I make a note here push one year and the last one is the Ridgewood crossover Memorial pavers program $10,000 in 2425 which Molly went over that last time um so is there consensus for all the park items 1 through 12 as is with the exception of Parker 11 push back one year I had a question on um PCR a pca2 because of the wording in here as I was reading the definition Molly so I wanted to check with you on this um is that the beach access where we currently have stones in between Canaveral Sands and Royal Mansions yes okay and we have in the description of the project uh breaking up the sidewalk and replace them with the pavers is there a possibility that and and I'll tell you why I'm thinking this but I really want your opinion is there a possibility that it might be an option to go down the sides with the pavers and the reason being is that Boardwalk is consistent stantly getting um golf carts on it or That Sidewalk whether they're supposed to or not okay um it I'm constantly seeing that people come across that that particular path with heavy fishing gear and fishing carts electric bikes and all that so I wanted to let you know that because I wasn't sure that pavers in the middle might be a good idea although we have a lot of space there to do something right and that's one of the things that I considered was um if you've ever seen and and I'm I'm not a sidewalk expert and I also grew up in a town that still had a lot of brick roads and some trolle car tracks from long long days past um but I've considered a couple different options even just replacing different segments at a time and I came up with the $10,000 price based on current you know currently if I wanted a driveway as long as that whole portion that would the estimate I got was $10,000 for material and some labor even though a lot of that could probably be done inhouse depending upon workload timing everything so there's a couple different options that we could look at there as far as where we place what so there's there's wiggle room but I wouldn't pull it down too much much further than 10,000 just because we know what we're dealing with okay with inflation and I'm not I wasn't sure about the stones because I haven't looked at the memorial stones and what they would be like because of course yes brick roads usually are pretty pretty rough um you know can withstand quite a bit but I just wanted to make sure I shared that with you because we wouldn't want to use something that can't take the traffic absolutely and and we also one of the other goals with this um especially when I considered it as literally ripping up the whole sidewalk was room for growth because to this day we still get people that want to put a memorial out there and I'm steering them to other areas at this time so have we identified other areas because I think it would be advantageous to have multiple areas where we're doing this so all of our new projects have pavers all over the place so excellent that's part of the plan and that also allows it I mean a lot of people select this particular strip because it's you know they pick areas for memorials that are either important to them important to the person that is they're honoring or is convenient to for them to access so um having papers and Veterans Park creates an opportunity to recognize veterans having Pavers at the cape Center recog gives an option for people that like to support the Arts that you know maybe even people that used to work in The Old City Hall that's an option for them and then as we go forward and and start looking at you know maybe things in the Civic Hub could have some P elements maybe we could introduce some P elements in um in some of the other parks that are popular I I mean in 20 years manity is going to be a forest which is exciting for you know the environment but I don't think that the uh the people on the ground floor condos around there will appreciate it quite as much as as others okay great I just knew that we have a lot of people that Park in Canaveral SS parking lot to go to those Memorial St yeah there's there's nowhere else there's absolutely zwh to park so you know if it's someone that's not tied to that area and there's places like your saying then that's going to be um good for all the different areas so thank you I appreciate that well you have a question um I know when we originally talked about this we talked about putting a baller there to keep the golf carts from going up there support that as long as it didn't impede any access from emergency services or anything else currently Emergency Services uses Washington to get to the beach correct um Lieutenant's here I don't know no he stepped out yeah because they have that special um like sand ramp alongside of the crossover so it's not as I I would be more in favor of doing like we did um canaval city park with removable ballards that with a with a key you can remove a Ballard yeah um and just put a few of those in and it could even be a solar light yeah as well just a few during like during spring break are they going using that to go out on the beach yeah we don't want that okay right and I call in on to I call the sheriff's department and get them to go out there because we don't want that however they're driving up through the Canaveral Sands driveway onto the sidewalk onto the walkway if you put a a baller right there by the the garbage cans and the sidewalk and the entrance to the they'll just go around it on the grass they're all over think more of like at the end of the sidewalk before you go up yeah where where where the bottleneck is yeah right but they usually park by before then CU they're parking by the bicycle ramp or bicycle rack the golf carts yeah I catch them they're out there all the time mayor protm maybe what we should do here is um ask Molly to work with Tim's department and perhaps June to come up with a plan for ballards update this price if necessary um and we'll bring it back for the budget Workshop we'll be talking about it then sounds good and it it may be worth checking to check with the sheriff's department because the thing is a lot of times these guys are fast they're there and then setting up like I saw one in a golf cart towing a trailer full of beach gear he was pretty quick cuz he went he's he's a vendor in the area that rents Beach care and he was down there to set up and everything and he was down that sidewalk stopped had it unloaded and came back out again you know so it's them using the sidewalk and sometimes it's they're not accessing the beach and sometimes they're parking usually the the people that are visiting our city are the ones that you'll catch that a park there because they're staying in a vacation rental in the middle of the island so okay just so y'all are aware however you would like to handle it and that's also something that we could consider in phases too to keep the impact as low as possible for for that right the design would make a could make a difference with that right May Pro do I record Council consensus for all items Parker 1 through 12 with the exception of pushing out Parker 11 one year and Parker 12 revised to include the ballards consensus I'm good I'm good okay we'll record consensus for that Daniel yes PRC 11 is pushed out one year and PRC 12 is being RI yes it' be revised for that uh moving on to the next one uh is the capital Improvement program for uh the library fund um mayor protm do I record consensus to approve as written yes Library fund stay the same yes sure we record consensus for Library fund to remain as his Daniel moving on to the next one which is the CRA uh this one we talked about Canaveral City Park Redevelopment um at the first Workshop the Civic Hub this one we we should talk about that this is if assuming we do a design for storm water we would want to program money to do some storm water work that's what a million 50,000 would is plugged in there for and that's that was in last year too and it's just kind of rolling forward so I think we need to spend some time on that do we want to leave that in there for now knowing it's nothing set in stone tonight we had um talked about things information that we were going to try to get about the tanks and how much impact we would have and having them Upstream you know versus just doing presidential and in our last few meetings so do uh where do we stand on that where we might be able to May Pro have another question I'm sorry too two questions I guess yes I'm sorry I have a problem with that because we've already done a study with uh Kimberly horn that states it's appropriate to do the storm water there with Filmore I don't think it's worth the city having to pay more money to have other studies done so I right didn't think we were I thought you were doing that with wanting to get the up another Street another area other than the Civic Hub that's how I understood it and and Tim can possibly add some here but I think what council member Jackson is is asking is by doing this what are we taking out of the Center Street Basin in terms of gallons of storm water um and I'm not sure how much Scott Scott probably did touch on that the the amount of water that could be going into the Civic Hub storm water system and how much of that actually is water that's not going into the rest of the Basin so what what's that number you remember him talking about that uh that that actually was on the uh design I believe he had on his uh analysis I think he had a list of all the different areas that we could put underground storm water Chambers and I think he had a number for each one and like a grid mhm um so that kind of told you what we could put in it and I think at the time that he came up here and spoke he said that we definitely on site storage we could definitely get 20,000 cubic feet I think it was um but um I had just shared this with council member Jackson earlier today that uh kimley horn was saying that Filmore uh could possibly be be intertwined with uh the Civic Hub area of getting storm water off that road into the Civic Hub area as it sits right now the elevations don't allow it to so and and what I had asked because of the other the me hunt report and it because of the fact that it specifically said that these calculations were not taking into consideration the tidal valve and anything things that we had done to alleviate so that's why I had questions about the storm impact the impact for storm water with the Civic Hub due to the fact that we just got the rain Garden in we saw that it really worked well during that last weekend's water um but we don't know the impact of the tidal valve that's why I was trying to figure all of this out before we so we know whether that design is really something that we may even need to have to modify because we don't know the impact of those things yet and I think it's helpful for us to be reminded that there this is a two-part thing this is the B the other part the a is the the design work uh council at the last meeting did um authorize staff to get a quote a proposal for the design work for the Civic Hub as well as a proposal for presidential streets when those when those proposals come forward um I expect we're going to have more information that W help answer th those questions but I would think this question for this item this B question is hey do you want to be prepared if you do want to pull the trigger on a storm water Improvement you would still not do it if it didn't make sense but if it does make sense approving this would be a good thing to do and you can always change course and that's why I hadn't questioned it cuz I know we're pending information is what I'm trying to say and and the contract would always come back to city council anyways to approve the project anyways it's just do we want to budget for it hoping that it will make a difference so my question is that million 1,50,000 is any of that what part of storm water or is that without storm water half of it is storm water I'm sorry I think 500 ,000 is storm water so it it isn't coming out of the general fund oh no no no yeah these are this is all CRA here yeah that's uh so I think that's a good C that's the CRA funding but the asking where's come from okay mayor proa any more questions that the council has on that one all right the next one is 1.6 million for the presidential streets and like the other one this is an A and A B the design comes first which we're going to be getting a price for that but we want to think about having the ability to pull the trigger to do that and this would be the funding mechanism for that of course this is only the portion that is in the CRA not the portion that is outside of the CRA um and we feel like this would get us that portion for one street and what part of that would be storm water um let's see under 1.6 million uh right now this is just that's all um that's all C I don't have a break out of any storm you think there be any storm in the6 certainly can well then if that's the case then we would money the c i we haven't you know what we haven't talked about that that's good we Haven go ahead that and then talk with staff and see what of storm water well there's also going to be a Wastewater component too and that's the thing Scott kept talking about those brittle duct toil pipes this may potentially increase that's a good that's a good question you have to have that and then what part have we are we looking into grants to fund from Ridgewood to the beach it only goes to Ridgewood I I think when we we think about City contribution it can be the Enterprise funds portion of of it we just need to make we need to I think we need to look at it in terms of 80% of say Filmore is in the CRA so 80% of the project costs can be funded by the CRA the other is made up by other funds one other consideration on that on the Wastewater component of presidential streets is um if we are not standing firm on our pricing for Wastewater we're going to be cutting back on how we improve those residents in the presidential streets okay all right thank you may Pro the next item is the traffic safety public art installation which Lexi presented at the first Workshop um then we've got Canaveral fire rescue enhanced lightning protection system which I believe Zach presented on that and then finally the concession Park uh concession stand at the park the total proposed for 2425 is $3,800 which we suspect will be able to uh handle that fully with CRA coming in next year um plus The Debt Service that CRA will have to pay is not in this listed here but we anticipate we'll be able to handle The Debt Service and this as well out of CR revenues next year and that's not borrowing any money to do it so mayor proem can I record consensus on all the CRA items as presented okay we'll record consensus for that Daniel uh the next one is the Wastewater Enterprise fund and on this one we had several items that were um recurring items um we can go through all of them um there's motor Replacements uh one and two three a pump replacement is for uh the vfd is the variable frequency drive is that correct June and then we got mixer Replacements throughout the years Pam Mount mixer re rehabs two years of that uh special laboratory equipment coming in every year vehicle Replacements we do have a couple vehicles in there we talked about um the F1 F250s or 2500s the valve Replacements are recurring air conditioner Replacements got two of those programmed in uh year two and year five the fence replacement that's pushed all the way out to the end 100,000 uh you got chemicals you've got GI as mapping program collection system upgrades every year the uh effluent transfer blower pipe the pump en closure structures that's the big one of course this year that's just rolling into next year um continuing then we've got the resilience operations Vehicles that's the grant funded ones uh that's hmgp Grant funded there uh Council approved that hmgp application earlier in the year or last year and then the vac truck which we talked about pushing off a year um any any discussion or questions on any of those items mayor PRM any questions I have one question um the sanitary sewer GIS mapping 100,000 is that a certain area or is that the whole city or June you want to okay the whole city WW1 14 is the whole city um do we have consensus for the item says present for Wastewater okay we have consensus for that Daniel thank you and lastly we're in the stormw Enterprise fund uh we have um Central Boulevard we talked about that's the section from a18 to North Atlantic and that's for year three and four uh Canaveral drainage basin improvements um and that that's um that one's been pushed off a few times Tim correct uh I am or S sw2 drainage basin Canaveral drainage basin improvements yes okay so that that has been pushed off for a couple years now um and that that is that still a relevant number we're still comfortable with [Laughter] that can you can come up to the microphone please the in the engineer's proposal for this project was astronomical and I told him that we need to go back to the grindstone that we weren't going to accept the proposal that he gave us it's kind of like the same situation that we're dealing with down there on Center Street we were going to put a pump station in but his cost was three times as more as what we're going to be paying down there so I said no we need to fix something out so I just haven't been able to catch up with that project so I kind of we pushed it out for and and the way I think of the Canaveral drainage basin is like number two after Center Street Basin it's handled this is the one we're going to want to focus on the next so I think it's appropriate to get updated pricing and keep that pushed out for now right correct okay thank you uh next is the harbor height storm water that's the final pipe and then that whole pipe system in Harbor Heights has been redone correct correct and that's 12,500 then we've got Center Street wet Pond and West Central Boulevard wet Pond and like we said earlier those are contingent on us acquiring property they'll keep getting pushed back until we do uh then we've got the oaklane improvements which have been a couple years in the coming um that's 300,000 from Storm waterer and the rest of it is where is it the other 600k is in it's an IM so that's just matching with that one uh thurm Boulevard improvements which we talked about in the impact fees that are going to cover those um and and the portable storm water pump um June you want to talk about the advantages of having the portable storm water pump or Tim I'm sorry I I I'm thinking of your your department deploying it I'm sorry go ahead Tim um I believe that this was is this sure I'm going to let Lexi speak on this okay she hijacked my account it's a hot potato so this was initially proposed as something to be investig or something to be um applied for with an hmgp Grant but we learned through the process that um it would not be eligible or competitive uh it's considered a piece of equipment um as a as a pump so it was switched to fully funded out of storm water um and this is just kind of a more agile approach to additional flooding so it kind of would serve as a Center Street pump but on wheels for lack of a better description so in other areas where we might have some uh water sitting in our system underground this would be able to remove that prior to a heavy rainfall event and we've used a pump before on Canaveral drainage basin also like we have on Center Street so having the mobile capacity I think is very important to address it as needed are we going to need that with the new Val and all the things that are we there that so that system only serves Center Street Basin this is a mobile system that could respond to other basins in the city so mayor protm can I record consensus from Council on storm water items as presented 1 through eight okay Council we'll record consensus there Daniel um that gets us through that um in May if if if you would like Tim would like to talk about the uh schedule for the Center Street pump um and when that is going to be actually happening for he caught me off guard sorry about that I knew you wanted to talk about this um all right so uh Center Street pump station is doing well we uh we dropped the enclosure in that will be housing the the valve that we have at at the wasw treatment facility the contractors is working very quickly on this project so we're excited about that um but I'm getting a timeline from the contractor which he was supposed to add to me two weeks ago um of when they're actually going to place that valve in now I know that's an excited an exciting part of the whole project because that's what's going to keep us from flooding Upstream um I being told that most likely this will be installed on Tuesday I do not have a time yet though so I would like to invite everybody in here if they would like to come watch them as soon as I can get a time um if you guys want to and see put the valve in woohoo I do you'll send us an email yes yeah I'll that first email I sent you I'll just reply all back to that email maybe add a few more people that I would think would be interested but as far as I know the wepr valve Representatives will be there the engineers will be there the contractor of course is going to be there because he's installing it um possibly uh a few other people will be there that um that I might be getting a hold of uh Channel 13 News might be there so this is a big deal I'd like to I'm excited you know storm water thank you Tim mayor protim if I could go back I made a Mis statement on on the consensus for storm water Enterprise fund items S1 through S8 we actually did talk about adding a ninth one which would be the project for longpoint Road um and that would be in 2425 so just to be clear for the record do we have consensus for S1 through S8 as written and adding a project for 2425 in longpoint Road at the end of longpoint Road mayor thank you anyway of consensus as amended well I think um I think we got through that pretty well we got a lot of questions answered um I think when are we scheduling another Workshop um the next steps um Daniel if you could go to the agenda cover down at the bottom um there you go so there's our next steps right there next steps uh June 30th um city council will receive the budget um and then the first workshop for that will be on July 16th at 5:00 preceding the that council meeting also on July 16th there so there won't be another Workshop before we receive the budget okay so I have a question because Mr Deo prompted this earlier so if we What will what will will trigger us knowing whether we can whether we need to stay the same on the 5% Wastewater increase and what our millage is going to be what our budget is on the other side with the other funds because you have to let the city of Coco know like next week if there's well now with with with uh council member at jaon is alluding to is that there's a Florida statute states that uh if you do if you're going to do an increase to your utility or whatever you have to put uh the notice on the previous month's bill of which so you'd have to if you were going to do an incre if you're going to do an increase it has to go on the would go on a June bill I talked to coko today about this and um then we because that would be telling them that the city council is going to consider an increase and that would be you'd be doing that say if you're doing that in July uh but if there's a decrease there there doesn't have to be any an so so we know we know we're pretty much set at 5 if if we ran once you run all the budget numbers that we talked about today with the adjustments that staff recommended pushing things out to the next year then we'll have a better idea um as to how our funds stand in those various you know how the the unrestricted fund that we're able to use of something broke in regards to Wastewater um you know what our Enterprise fund will be and our general fund well let me let me let me cl clarify that so based on what consensus Council had today there's really no there was no effect on the Enterprise fund uh so that the 5% is the 5% now and we won't even look at that unless somehow Council decided it wanted to affect something with that but remember too that if you if you try to change if you try to change the rate it's an ordinance and it needs requires two readings which uh at this point I think you know that would have to be in June and July because August would be too late okay and as far as the general fund goes that's the only place where we really um move things out that could that will affect the the millage because now we're we're taking all this we probably removed between what we did and you did maybe let's just say for discussion purposes $1.7 million and I'm sure based on my PR look we need to do more than that but $1.7 million so now when we go in when I in in in 10 days or the beginning of June whatever when I get the uh gross taxable value I could plug that in and then I could see where our millage is going to start off with and then that's when Council then will go into the meeting in July with the proposed budget with its recommendations as where they want to settle on where they want the millage to be okay which will determine how much ADV valum we get and uh there but as far as the S thing goes there's really nothing that was said in here that affects it and only the discussion that we were concerned about our reserves except for that we pushed out on the Wastewater fund we did push out [Music] um what did we push wasn't the building well that's infrastructure no that's I am we didn't push anything out in in waste waterer okay so I so that tells me based on what's occurred today that um there seems to be no action on any type of agenda item or whatever to do regarding because there's been no there's no there's been nothing said said about deviating from the 5% um increase that was already approved by Council in 22 right and I was looking at the um the specific Wastewater funds in the you know in that section yeah and literally yeah literally like I made notes because we pushed out something no we didn't push we yeah we didn't push anything El not on WE water all right so does anybody have any other questions for John or Todd or Anthony each other um I think we've accomplished a lot here tonight it was a good discussion um so the next um meeting will be July um and we'll have the budget in hand then 30 June and as a courtesy to um to council now we do have a holiday this Monday but uh by the end of next week all the changes that were made and everything we're going to give you I'm not going to give you a new binder because we don't we don't like to waste binders but I will give you a package of the cips okay and then what you could do is that's where we're at and you could discard if you'd like it's not going to be any good to you you could discard your previous cips when you get the new package because you had consensus on what you are going to move forward and uh we'll get that to you probably by next Friday it'll be sitting in your box right Todd do you have anything else no uh coffee with the city manager tomorrow at 10 you know I'd like to also extend my thanks to um my finance team who's been working so hard and so many areas and on this budget and it just continues for the rest of you know another till about June 21st so but I wanted I want to thank my team I agree than you amazing Cheryl uh Joey thank you guys it's a lot of work and thank you for all you Donna Kelly Mike um anybody else I just thank you for doing some of our Workforce by cutting pushing things back so I appreciate that appreciate all the hard work okay do I have a motion to adjourn the meeting I'll make a motion to adjourn I'll second okay meeting adjourn