good evening call into order the City of Cape canoll Community appearance board meeting of January 31st 2024 Renee please call the rooll jelinda krier Pam Paisley here Angela trulock here Elena Whitehead here Bob nanat here Randy waserman here thank you ma'am all right uh we do have a quorum sufficient to proceed um so we'll go ahead and uh make sure anyone who is uh planning to speak on behalf of an application if you do so when you're in the audience can you please stand and if you're able to and raise your right hand do you swear the testimony you're going to receive is the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth thank you or excuse me testimony you're going to give I I um so yeah we'll we'll uh we'll we'll we'll have you up in a few minutes sir um so we've got a couple items of business here first is the uh meeting minutes uh from well the first item is January 25th 2023 I don't think I was present at that meeting but looks like we do have some folks here who were I move that we approve those minutes I'll second it okay we've got a motion to approve the minutes from January 25th 2023 it's been seconded all in favor of the motion say I I all right the motion passes and the next one is the meeting uh minutes from our last meeting November 1st wow it's already been that long um 2023 I move we pass the meetings minutes of November 1st 2023 I'll go ahead and second that motion um all in favor of uh approving the minutes of uh November 1st 2023 say I I I all right thank you all so I know on the third item we do have um our annual elections that uh we we do have to establish uh as as a board uh amongst ourselves I'm going to go ahead and defer that unless anyone objects and um advance to item number four which is the level two application for the exterior painting for the existing commercial building at 8660 Astronaut Boulevard no one objects to that I'd like to go ahead and have Mr Kyle here provide a staff report uh with regards to that application if he'd so like to do so I would thank you B will you go to the next and I'll have you click through this so tonight all right tonight we've got 11 level two application uh for exterior painting of an existing commercial building this is a 8660 Astronaut Boulevard this is the ti taii building um so tonight I I just want to stress that it's about the colors tonight colors only um I believe the applicant is kind of refreshing the entire parcel you know as as he goes but but right now it's it's just for the colors um and this is in a pretty you know prominent position being on A1A so we wanted you guys to take a look at it go to the next one please yeah just some pretty basic stuff on these next few um here's a survey you do the next one for reference this is C2 zoning uh surrounded by all C2 zoning if we want to go to the next one so here is the most recent view of the building uh that I could find you know I could have just driven out there but today was kind of crazy so uh used Google street view um we all know it's building um and then the proposed view if you guys do have a packet this doesn't appear to be showing up too great on here um so if someone doesn't have a packet if they want to look at somebody else's just so they can get a better idea of the actual colors because it's looking pretty washed out on this at least on my screen I don't know if it's a little better on there I saw it on yeah it seems to be uh displaying pretty accurately our monitor here could have been just a resolution of the picture yeah I think it's just my screen so all right Renee I think uh this next one is just an alternate view of the building um from a slightly different angle uh and then is there anything else that might be it yeah that's it so um you know we as Staff feel that this fits in pretty well with the the area it kind of fits a an oceans side theme um there's not too I I've noticed more and more the shade of blue but I kind of like it I think it's different in kind of a cool way so um yeah it's consistent with the commercial Corridor along A1A uh surrounding structures um yeah it's consistent with the uh the code so that's that's really all I have at this point if the um applicant comes up and answers any questions or if you guys want to talk amongst yourselves whatever order you want to take oh first I was s if anyone has any questions from Mr Kyle yeah I have no questions but I think it's really fun yeah um okay is is there anyone in the audience who'd like to speak on behalf of the application no okay I I do have some questions I I can I can I can address them to you maybe if if you if you can't answer then then U we can have a the gentleman address them do you know what the end item is for the building I mean are there going to be additional structural Renovations is there any Landscaping I like the Landscaping as as depicted here if you look at the Landscaping as it exists I it it does appear to need some sprucing up I'm just wondering if you're aware of any additional work I know at the so there is um there's been some Tesla superchargers on the parcel right behind this so to the Northeast kind of um and it's yeah it's part of a larger project I I believe his intent is to take advantage of our new mixed use ordinance um specifically the live work aspect so um residential on top commercial on the bottom um art I don't know if there's anything you want to add if yeah if you get please approach your Podium and state your name sir Mar oh yeah thanks for sharing that that sounds like it'll be a nice revitalization of the facility there the building and uh I know it doesn't pertain to our decision making here we're just looking at the paint but I'm always curious as to what the end item is so gotcha yep um and you said 10 10 units is what you anticipate would that be two additional stories or or oh I I see so you're not going to St you're not going to change the structure you'll just go ahead and make those residential okay um and I also um I I I know too I thinking it's also depicted in the current elevation there's a there is an existing TI tai3 sign I think on the Northern side or the northern corner thank you of of the building as well as a pole sign are both of those going to remain for the for the time being okay so that'll be changing from a poll sign down to more like a monument reader board level okay okay y oh got you gotcha okay more like a pedestal sign a little bit there y okay any does anyone have any questions for Mr ber I I I know this meeting is just about color but I wanted to say that the Landscaping across the street looks so wonderful I was wondering if you were considering trees along your right of way there yes yeah it's funny when ask them for money they never go back to a right thank you for sharing those plans again I think there'll be a nice enhancement and it'll be something that both the residents and our visitors can can can probably use all right anyone have any additional thereal questions from Mr barter yeah well I think you've heard some good ones here about the landscaping and and whatnot and I that was one thing I observed but it sounds like this is going to be done in phases like you've mentioned and it's been an ongoing work in progress so they did looks great yeah oh yeah I agree I agree you got to step it up there right yeah yeah you know it's almost I almost like driving by better at night than I do somehow the way the lighting works and the trees and everything it's uh really beautiful well I'm going to go ahead and uh make a motion that uh we approve the uh application for the exterior painting um on on your on your building there Mr Burger I second it okay there's been a motion to approve it's been seconded uh any additional questions comments from the board members no I love the blue y I think it looks a lot better than the current yeah sounds like a sounds like a good plan all right all in favor of the motion say I I any opposed aren't the motion passes thank you sir for your time and good luck with your project as you continue to improve that facility good night I'm sorry chairman who um did the second I did Elana thank you okay um well yeah so then uh we then go back to item number three which is the annual elections um I know Jay Linda I always like to have a full board when we have elections but I you know we can maybe see if they see what the interest is um you know is is anyone interested in serving as chair I've been at the helm for a few years now are you happy to continue I am happy to continue yes yes good that would be my choice if that is the will if that is the will of the board I serve at yall's pleasure um okay uh and then of course uh we have Mr Bob here as Vice chair is if anybody else wants to take over be my guest I'm sorry can we get an official motion oh do we have do that individually I thought we could do them both together we can we can we can we can we can do them separately um but yeah that's fine if uh I I will I will entertain nominations I nominate Randy wman I second it and I accept the nomination so uh yeah all all in favor of me continuing as chairperson please say I I any opposed thank you thank you for your trust thank you thank you very thanks for keeping us straight Renee too um and uh yeah I think I think during the pandemic we went like almost a year and a half without having elections because there wasn't anything going on something like that at one point so um so Bob I I will nominate you to be my be my trusted wingman I'll accept again and I'll second that okay all in favor of Bob continuing as Vice Chair say I I any opposed congratulations Bob I think thank you all righty um anything coming down the pike Kyle that uh you can share uh the only application that I I know for a fact basically um and I was trying I was hoping they could submit something for this meeting but they just didn't didn't get it is um I don't know if I'm allowed to say the name but it's a coffee shop chain um in the Life Storage parcel okay so I think there's the delay is that you know they're doing some some road work trying to um straighten that out with thurm but that should be coming any week now theoretically um gotcha I can't can't think of anything and where did you say that would be so in the The Life Storage um property I I know where my storage is okay the old USA building yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay and uh I I recall during a previous meeting there was talk of a potential parking garage at the very from what I've heard it's not okay really uh doesn't make sense to do it so all right well thank you for that update yes yes all right um so anything else from the board members besides happy 2024 okay hear motion to adjourn I move to adjourn second that all in favor of ajour say I I