##VIDEO ID:6dPE9OISlRs## we're going to call to order the um meeting the uh Community Development agency CRA meeting um I would like to do the P pledge allegiance will Kim will you lead us in the pl Alle FL of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all I will do roll call council member Davis here board member Jackson here Vice chairperson Kellum here chairperson Morrison board member Willis here all right now we'll do the approval of the agenda as written with with any amendments Council any changes to the agenda I wonder if we need to move presentations down until they appear yeah I Kyle's here we can start with okay I think perhaps what board member Willis is saying maybe um since we got word that kimley horn is running late maybe we get to business item number five before we go to right after two yeah okay yeah that's exactly what I was [Laughter] thinking okay so we're going to move let's two and five two and five and then pick it up after that 1 two5 3 4 yeah okay do we have to a motion would be appropriate a motion I'll make a motion to adjust the the meeting schedule to 12534 I second you got me confused when you said the city clerk uh board member Davis here I'm for board member Jackson for vice chair Kellum for chair Morrison board member Willis four all right uh now we have public participation is there anyone out here that would like to speak and fill out a card nobody online so I guess we move on um should shouldn't we be allowing presentation oh I'm sorry I passed right over I I know I know you know I'm sorry Kyle yes give him one more bite at the Apple here yes Kyle please such a great presentation too thank you all right all right hello all right doesn't have a little light on good evening sier board members um I was going to try to be quick but instead I'll try to stretch it out a little bit um so the the fiscal year ending in September I am uh going to give a rundown of the fiscal year 23 24 CRA property Improv program um that was implemented starting last year um very successful program as i' I've said to you guys any any chance you'll listen um we uh have had a number of applications and we're starting again October 1st the new cycle opens so um we expect to get a lot of applications again um M will you go to the next slide just a rund out of the numbers so in total we got 24 applications um 19 of which met the criteria uh that criteria being um res they encouraged restoration renovation beautification and removal of slim and blight and that they were visible from the street these improvements um so the only one of the five that didn't meet the criteria were it was a r roof so it just didn't meet the criteria the other the other ones just weren't visible from the street so um we had encour encouraged a pre-application meeting strongly encouraged but of course people will go ahead and submit anyway um this time we're requiring a pre-application meeting so that's one of the changes we made um so across the 19 applications nearly the entire $50,000 budget was spent um a total of 49796 was committed so coming to an average of about 2,600 per project um 44,7 196 was was dispersed um there are two projects that weren't completed one of which we actively working with the applicant on um they're getting a building permit the other one I think I mean at this point we haven't made contact with them so um I don't think that one's going to happen so um 40 45,000 give or take um the largest Grant was for about 4, 3950 um which was 100% match for a painting voucher of a residence um it was a corner lot so they had a lot of area visible from the street um and the smallest was $985 a 50% reimbursement for a landscaping project um the breakdown in total nine paint vouchers six residential facade applications two commercial facade applications um and so I've got a couple of before and after pictures uh starting with the VFW if you'll go to the next Slide m so here's the before picture so plaques were what they they focused on so in the after picture you can see they uh they did a really nice job with their plaques and um really I think everything on that wall is is new um and they had a very nice unveiling they invited City staff to and they were they were very appreciative the whole time it was really really great project um you know the reason we do things like this so uh the next project is the Christ Lutheran Church um they painted their exterior with new colors it looks really nice uh they did some really nice Landscaping as well but you can't really see it in the before picture and the Google Maps street view you couldn't really really capture it but um a lot of that Landscaping is is new and they also did uh the entire property they kind of redid but it it wasn't visible from the street so the grant really only uh took care of this this portion um the next project 7015 and 707 uh Orange Avenue Orange Avenue um they had their screening redone you can kind of see here they uh had some some tears and breaks in their screen and they also got a paint job um if you go to the next slide you can see the new the new structure so they work together um the third resident on the left side of the picture there was not involved but um these two 715 and 707 coordinated their their grants and their projects and I think they saved some money that way so um that was very nicely done and then the last one this one the the Google Street View picture on the left really doesn't do justice to how the condition it was in before the pictures that were provided do do a better job um they got power washed they got a Fresh coat of paint um this is just this is kind of representative of the projects as a whole it was a lot of things like this paint painting fresh go to paint that made it look a whole lot better um and this applicant was one of the people who was very very appreciative and made it clear that they couldn't have done this without this grant so um and I think that is it for the before and afters I didn't want to take up too much time but um so the uh a new scoring criteria has been added um just to really put an emphasis on the on the consistency with Grant purpose and guidelines so restoration renovation beautification and most of all removal of of Slum and blight is is really the primary purpose of the program um we would love to get some more commercial uh application this year really it was only the church and VFW um this past year that that did it for a commercial one but um and we we also in in conversations with residents um we've emphasized that project projects utilizing low impact development techniques um usually Landscaping are are accepted and encouraged uh so we want want to focus on that as well um I haven't had as many questions leading up to this new cycle so we'll see what it looks like it may be I think the intent is that they would roll in a little a little more slowly this time they on September or on October 1st 2023 we got you know 15 applications that we had to look at ideally we'll get a couple applications that we can review and and meet with the applicants um so yeah the new application cycle begins on October 1st 2024 $50,000 again in the budget um as you all may be aware my last day with the city will be Friday October 4th um so the process will be in the hands of whoever takes over my position uh this project was really a highlight of my my time here I got to talk to a lot of residents I wouldn't have otherwise talked to um it was a lot of fun to see the before and after what what people were doing so um yeah if you guys have any questions feel free to let me know just want to say thank you Kyle for the presentation and uh it's really good hearing the feedback cuz when we sought this opportunity we didn't know how it would end up and it sounds like it was a good experience for you and the community posi thank you response may per Tim oh yes I I'm just really happy that this turned out as good as it did and and so many people took advantage of it um I know at the beginning last year when we implemented this we out of the budget out of the 50,000 we sent out postcards to businesses and residents are we going to do that again to encourage yes yes so those are going out I mean tomorrow or the next day oh great so because it's October 1st is the first date of the uh the applications so they'll uh they'll get them in the next week or so and you said that you had there's a um pre- meeting before they complete their application so they're not wasting their time or your time right yeah so depending on what kind of project it is um it'll be me or whoever the planner is maybe our director and building if they need to be they're really just involving anyone who might need to be involved um just to make sure we nip anything in the bud you know right up front um overall the applicants did a pretty good job following directions but I think having a pre-application meeting would be really helpful to just cut down on some of those minor things that people missed or we missed awesome and then is if someone got a grant last year and now they're going to do something else can they reapply only if it's if you did a paint voucher last year you could do a facade like a landscaping or something like that and vice versa I can't remember off the top of my head if it's three or five years otherwise you'd have to wait three or five years okay awesome great job Kyle thank you so much for and and Zach and whoever else was involved in this really great thing for our citizens so thank you council member Willis I just want to thank you for the the time you've been with us and for your good work um one question have we ever seen the need to audit any of these not yet um we were very thorough in making sure that we had you know the contractors provided invoices on their you know letter head and um canceled checks and that was maybe probably the biggest thing was getting people to to provide both sides of a canceled check and you know their statements um we were very thorough about that I mean sure it could happen but this year at least we didn't find the need one one other question do you feel there's enough processed documentation to pass on to the next person to hit the ground running yeah I I probably will need to do like an sop a step by step of of what we're doing and we do have a whole guide um guide's not really not perfect I think so I think a lot of it will uh I mean I learned a lot by just doing it but I think that will be necessary to to pass it on to the next person okay thank you no I just think this is a terrific program and uh I just hope more people will take advantage of it I thought the the building with the core surf shop because they painted did you see they blue so I thought maybe they had been one of the recipients but I didn't see them on the list a lot of a lot of blue yeah people painting painting their buildings blue for whatever hopefully we get more people involved and thank you cuz you've done a great job and you will be missed thank you council member Jackson thank you kle for everything you've done we're going to miss you and we appreciate all your help um I think this is a great program because it really helps residents and so I'm happy to see the success with it and your work in the guide I'm I've been looking through it so uh I know you've taken a lot of time to put this together so thank you so much thank you thank you John Mayor Kyle all I want to say is your professionalism your communication your coordination um just it was a pleasure working with you in our meetings you never left out any details you crossed all the te's dotted all the eyes I I'm going to truly miss you thank you for everything you did for this City thanks I I want to Echo that too Kyle you built this program from the ground up it's really your baby and you did a great job on it and we're all going to miss you I miss you guys I [Music] guess you don't have yeah talk so e let's talk about that e Eagles [Laughter] game bad awesome well that is great and a uh and we moved pretty quick on it I think that was another highlight was from concept through um it it turned out to be to be worthwhile I I think from my perspective and it sounds like we got some improvements uh that could could make it even better so thank you all city manager any further things on this item the presentation no sir we're ready to move on to uh public participation okay this is a public participation portion of the meeting we're at 5:19 p.m. I don't see anyone logged online and I do not have any cards up here U if you'd like to participate or submitted one please come forward raise your hand seeing none we'll go ahead and close public participation and bring it back to the council for the consent agenda we have two items tonight make a motion that we um pass the consent agenda a second one and two got a motion by mayor P I'm sorry Vice chair Kellum as uh second by board member Willis on the consent agenda items one and two uh and before uh if there's any discussion I I have one statement is this board meeting schedule um everyone get a chance to look at that make sure that's okay are there any changes I know sometimes there are um yeah so this is item number two so the quarterly uh the third Tuesday basically on the on the quarter it looks like and that looks okay to me any further discussion coun or uh to the CRA board seeing none city clerk board member Davis four board member Jackson for vice chair Kellum for chair Morrison for board member Willis for then agenda items one and two pass uh now on to Old business Mr chair yes the vice chair had to open the meeting um and one of the first items of business was to approve the agenda as written or with amendments there was an amendment approved by the board to move item five to the next item because I believe kimy horn is running late okay so uh new business is the item we should be taking up now item number five yes sir all right Council so item number five new business is a resolution number C2 adopting the budget for Cape canaval community redevelopment Agency for fiscal year 20242 thank you very much city manager uh there's no change to the budget item uh from the last time the CRA board talked about this as you recall um notably the Civic Hub was pushed back one fiscal year uh however the presidential streets master plan implementation is still in there uh Oak Lane improvements uh Canaveral City Park concession stand the Canaveral fire rescue lightning protection system the Nancy Hansen Recreation Complex uh upgrades are enhancing $100,000 and canaville city park 12,000 those are the notable cips also as Kyle mentioned there's $50,000 will be in there in the grants program there's also Debt Service to come out of there but those things um are somewhat recurring these are the the CIP items we wanted to point out that are going to be listed in the SI budget notably in the CR budget because the council ultimately U um directed staff to move forward with a a roll back blow roll back rate of 3.24 uh that brought down the contingency in the CRA to $31,000 roughly so that contingency will need to be um allocated towards a project my my recommendation would be that that be allocated towards the presidential streets construction uh kimley horn will be here tonight to talk about that and they do have a u an opinion of probable cost for that and I think we're going to want to focus what attention we can towards getting Filmore done as the first presidential project if the uh the the council and the board want to do that mayor thank you all right board we have um and the and these changes are reflected in the in the budget book under the agency funds or the CIP Don do you want to go over any details on that no actually um based on I I had watched the uh meeting from the first first hearing and based on the actions the council took with the 3.2 the millage and then of course moving Oak Lane over whatever no everything looks uh very clean uh clean to me and um seems like um their actions on the third help finalize the uh CRA budget I don't have any other comments you [Applause] um C in the capital and the summary page for the CRA I'm trying to get to that um [Applause] we happen to know the page number for the C cips the summary yes what is it 121 thank you [Applause] okay so there is uh eight projects and I'm just going down the line presidential streets the Oak Lane improvements the canaver park concession stand the fire rescue Nancy Hansen Rec 100,000 and Canaveral City Park Redevelopment at 12 2 and A5 million but there's another 300,000 that we can either assign to one of those projects yeah it's currently um just contingency but we should uh allocate that to one of the projects well okay but the contingency would be shown because there's no contingency here and that's not a CIP nor would it be but what was the contingency um the well the contingency now based on the changes on the hearing on the 3 is 301 so what we would do just like we've done in past years is when Council has a when there's a contingency um and it's already been expressed in this meeting that you know depending on that money is going to go towards the presidential streets so as the year goes on and costs incur and what have you since it's right within the same fund um Finance we'll just do an internal transfer um approved by me and the city manager just take takes those funds um and uses them towards presidential streets so it's all self-contained so if we go to page 57 which I think that is exactly what's three so our book says 3,9 57,000 this one shows 3 million of the screen shows 3, 850,000 mhm um the contingency here before was 48,000 and then it went to 301 okay I see thank you and then the the difference in the top on the revenue was 39 that lowered by 100,000 so okay right Council or U board any other uh questions here or comments or I um I have a comment on in our regular agenda the the item for Oak Lane is on there and I just wanted to clarify I spoke to John and Todd that the um because in the financial impact it says 500,00 ,000 will be arpa funds and the remaining 6,571 will be C well we talked about that and um the ARP of it it's going to be all CRA for oaklane and can you explain sure sure we can talk about that and as Vice chair said this is an item in the council agenda for the approval of oaklane the financial impact statement there talked about the CR a portion of it and broke that even further down into where that CRA money is coming from which is the arpa um that was been proposed for that and that's completely fine we can do that um but the the request was does it need to be designated no it doesn't need need to be designated to this project to that project for purposes of council approval it's just in the SI budget but if it if it pleases the council at that time to just specify that that 500,000 goes into say presidential streets rather than those claim we have no objection to that it's all still money in the same fund so where that changes for the count uh the board uh what that changes basically is very little in other words if you looked at the cips and it says the source of funds the only thing we're going to change here is it'll say for um oaklane the source of funds is the CRA funds and for presidential streets now 500k of the source of funds will be arpa so that's it's again that's a very slight change the source of funds and that arpa could be used on anything there so um at uh Vice chair's request uh we talked to her and um yeah it makes sense we're happy to do that yep so well that's the only thing want to clarify that yeah okay that's all I have okay board any other questions at this time or uh my my only thing was just making sure that the 418,000 was in the contingency before yeah it was the capital outlay on page 57 of the book before was 2 2, 293,000 but and then the contingency is 418,000 um and then the CIP shows 2.5 it the the cips actually increase that's in that same budget book and yeah mayor that 300K is was uh in the Professional Services uh previously that's why the 3 300K has been moved down and that's why it says um 2.5 million so it was moved out of Professional Services and moved into the what line was it Joey the into the presidentials where was it it is in professional service is it in it's in professional service okay all right yeah I see 400,000 in Professional Services I'm on page 57 of the um the budget book right just and then separate from that is the 22 M or 2, 293,000 just below total Capital outlay right so is I would think that you could take the total capital outlay of 2, 293,000 and that number should be roughly the same as on page 121 the CIP summary so the CIP and if that's the so Professional Services is in the president streets right I see I see what you're I see what you're saying about the 2 so the summary is showing 2.5 and the the um Capital outlay Shan 2.2 on page 57 let's see if there's the uh 506 yeah 50,000 is not included in the okay the 50,000 mayor is not included for the gr program that's not a CIP that's not included unless it should be let's see that would make them further apart let's let me let me let me take a look at that yeah the the 50,000 is not reflected it it's in the capital outlay but it's not reflected in the um CIP in the cips yeah and was it do we have last year's budget see if the 50,000 was included in the cips last year see how we did that because we can make an adjustment to that if that's the case but I think and that would make was it in there no no so the the grant program part of it is not included in the um that's not included as a CIP but there's still a difference of the two that increases the difference yeah let's add those up Joey and just add those up and see what that comes to because the numbers as we look at them are the same except for the 50k so could be a 506 550 112 315 it should addend up the same see uh well I could see that the presidential streets on the summary is 1550 uh but the presidential streets on the the new the new budget that that was done is the 1.250 okay there's where the there's where the there's where the difference is and um that let's see here cr3 the survey Outreach is on there so what we could do is the 1.5 for the presidential streets which includes the survey engineering design Outreach then probably what we need what we need to do is to make that we could move the 300K the 300K from the contingency needs to be moved up to make that 1 1550 and then we'll balance stor Mar that was in there too yeah that won't that won't affect that won't affect this so that that's the disparity when when when y'all were doing the you know changing over the presidential streets in the Civic Hub or whatever the summary showed the5 and when this page was redone um this was set at 1.250 so we'll move the 300K up like we were going to use for the presidential streets anyway right and make that to 1550 and then that fixes those that page no I believe I believe how it's in is correct do do that 1.25 on CR 3 1.25 shows up there right 300,000 MH is included in the okay okay mathematically it does add up okay so mayor here here's here's the Twist on this then is that 300K is in the Professional Services uh number of operating so what we'll do is we're going to change the CIP to reflect 1250 okay because the Professional Services is where the 300K is for the um for the design um that's an operating expense is that the one we're doing with kimley horn or whatever I believe so it's surve does that make sense to council so the 300K is included on the CIP but because of the Transitions and what has happened the Professional Services is actually 400k which includes that 300K so the CIP should show 1250 and we'll make that adjustment and then that will balance okay does that make sense yes I can see that I just wanted to make sure that the cuz we didn't have a contingency we basically freed up from the previous CIP to the current we freed up 300,000 but we had already had a $418,000 contingency so is that 300,000 going to add to that um and yeah the number yes that's part of the overall budget so the total CIP on page 56 says 2,593 th000 and then on 57 it says 2, 293,000 um and then the page I guess what is the total CIP is it the 2,593 th000 for this year oh for the to the total of the cips listed yeah two 2293 okay there's three totals and only one of them say 2293 and that's for the capital outlay which are the the cips which do not include the grant program okay all right right so so basically all we have to do is change the CIP for presidential streets to 1250 because the 300K is in the Professional Services so it's it'll it'll balance thank I I just want to point out to C uh to the board also is that um the something we do is we usually we do provide you the memos the processes to provide memos as and as we've had extra meetings here and things constantly change and um it's we could have these discussions and caveat those changes but one thing we don't do is we don't continually give you a whole new budget if there's just been a couple changes in between meetings because the first of all cost that would be a waste of cost but also that's very cumbersome so that's why we would provide memos or uh you know or to show you you know what actually transpires so I just want to let you let you know that um but um Joey did do another whole budget here for you while it's was gone uh the and just the only thing not included there is the changes that resulted from lowering the millage uh which affected the general fund contingency from 800k to 300K so okay you all right Council or board any other questions make that adjustment none we got resolution number here 12 yep so we we went ahead to item number five new business we're ready looking for a motion make a motion to adopt resolution number C2 I'll second got a motion by council member Willis a second by uh excuse me board member Willis a second by board member Davis any further discussion there you good seeing none city clerk board member Davis four board member Jackson four Vice chair Kellum for chair Morrison for board member Willis for all right resolution number C2 passes and we now uh the amendment takes us back to 3A now yes sir and kimly Horn is here sir that's great so this is uh old business item 3A approved the fiscal year 2324 budget expenditure and amount not to exceed $223,000 for engineer design of Filmore Avenue improvements within the boundary of CRA to kimley Horn and Associates and authorized city manager to execute the same okay and are we taking up uh B here as well yes sir B is just um a component of this because there's a portion of the design that is outside of the CRA and that would be $76,900 of the design so if the board so chooses you can approve a and b b does appear on the consent agenda of the council as a conforming item if the board chooses to that option sir thank you okay Bo and kimley Horn is ready to do a presentation to recap um both of these three and four sir let's you recommend starting with that yes sir that sounds good let's get up I'm ready I'm on up hello how are you good to see you for there he goes Scott Ming kimley horn 200 South Orange Orlando and I apologize for the but I think we have a fellow board member that felt our pain a little bit too so uh we did make it safe and sound um Matt wanser will be the project engineer for the project he's here as well if we need to answer questions in that regard so I I did quickly take a quick minute I I truncated a couple of slides so we can come back to some things knowing that we've been delayed here a little bit and I'll try to keep this uh sweet and simple because I think that this is all consistent from probably two presentations consistently we just want to make sure that we're recapped we're all on the same page and then we give you the information to open uh to ask any questions as need be uh so I I the two projects we're going to look at really kind of is the the one and I can stop and we can talk about Filmore before we go on to the undergrounding phasing component of the Civic Hub which be a joint later topic right so we're just going to stop at Filmore yeah we've got items three is just Filmore and four is for civic Hub right okay so I'll stop after this or or actually coun Council or board members you'll interrupt as you need to uh if we need to clarify anything um so again it's just really uh talking about Philmore um I I left in a couple of highlights for us to remember that that both of these projects and this project specifically are focused on storm water improvements certainly we are improving the public realm as the residential streets master plan has identified and initiated it's uh this project has gone through specific other studies that the that the city has been a part of looking at the entire Center Street Basin the problem areas that you see in in pink and the orange circles and the entire Basin as a whole that has significant flooding issues uh We've also I've just left in this other consistent thought that all of the Improvement projects almost all of the Improvement projects are founded and rooted in storm water improvements uh and how to each of these layer on top of one another so that we are solving the big issue of flooding especially in the Center Street issue Center Street district and so that yes we are we're improving storm water we are uh not eliminating flooding but we certainly are trying to do a multiple PR it's not a silver bullet on any of these projects we're going to layer these improvements on and we've been talking about that how we can create um a underground storage and volume as well as a Filmore streetscape uh walkable pedestrian Corridor that is improvements along Filmore remember in April when we were here and we talked uh to council I'm not sure if we were at the the CRA but we really talked about why Filmore and it's for those exact reasons it's because it's a central East West Street it's in the center Maybe to the north portion of the entire storm water basin we think that we can hydraulically connect it where we have the highest incidence of flooding especially at Filmore and orange and connect that over to where we have some potential volume uh areas to improve the overall District uh or the the drainage District uh again it's it's Central to what the city has been doing to redevelop not only your own properties but it can incent development for future uh Redevelopment of the private sector as well we certainly will have a the ability to create a shared use path that creates interconnectivity from the East to the West uh and even include over to uh the beach end and to Shared facilities like City Hall here uh and other Studies have proven and or suggested that Filmore would be a tier one Improvement meaning the highest and best use of the city funds to uh make the biggest impact especially as it relates to storm water and flood abatement again not flood elimination but flood abatement and this is a big part of that opportunity and then as well it's it's will improve major storm water improvements Downstream of the Center Street Basin which your storm water um Pump Station will be a major part of those improvements so that's where we ended up we talked to you about specifically I'm going to come back show you this is exactly the same that we presented in April and we've been had consistent it's part of the improvements so it basically goes A1A over to Ridgewood that is the portions that's in the CRA that's about 1,500 feet of the total 2,000 linear foot of the project and then the remaining portion would be Ridgeway to Filmore to the beach end I'm not to film Filmore to the beach end and in the entire area would have uh underground permeable pavers or underground exfiltration where we can link them and connect them uh so that we can uh again Abate flooding in the highest incident areas especially around orange on Filmore this is the cross-section this has not changed this is exactly what you saw back in April and previously where the uh this kind of gives a highlight of some of the improvements and really the cross-section that I want you to understand or or or kind of hone in on when we say exfiltration trench and you can say it's those shaded boxes it's labeled there that connect in segments of Filmore east to west those are ability to to capture storm water and uh reduce and hold flooding to so we don't send it Downstream and uh and create issues Downstream and those look like concrete storm Chambers there's an example of one on the right we're suggesting using the storm trap the storm trap is because it has a concrete structure and it's ashto rated so that you can get it closer to the road and have it vehicular loaded so it's not going to be impacted by driving over that it can get all the way up to even as close as into the subbase of the road and what that allows us to do is to get as much Storm Volume up because you've got a high water table your seasonal high water table generally based on the geotechnical reports we have right now range from 3 to 5 feet we have geotechnical reports done on the Civic Hub master plan for some incidents we had over there on the tennis courts we've also got geot technical reports from the the rain Gardens we've done right up here at the at the library and those indicate that we're about 4T of seasonal high water so that allows us some volume above that because the storm water and the perm agencies make us have some separation and this type of system this storm trp system is our recommended use gives us the ability to have the most volume above that seasonal high water but almost into the roadway bed so we can drive on top of it make it really resilient so that's why we're kind of looking at that just want to highlight that on the cross-section here's a couple of the highlights this is actually in our scope of work that you probably have a copy of um and I just wanted to highlight a couple of the big major elements again it's 1540 linear feet of Filmore within the CRA and then 540 fet outside of the CRA and those fees that were outlined in your summary um are intended for this all to be designed at one time the entire design would be 2,000 linear feet but we're just highlighting it because of different funding sources there would um not be any portable water main uh upsizing right now uh we'll do coordination because those are a separate utility provider by a separate agency um we will work these systems are uh you can kind of work around and those are putable water is under pressure so we'll be able to work through that we're not relay reliant on them being gravity fed uh reclaimed water main is uh included in this scope so we would get those in requirements from the city from the in user and we would design those in for future uses uh and we we know in in conversations with some end users there on Filmore uh specifically those town homes that those four Town Homes there that they would like to tap into those kinds of things so that would be something that all of the residents or all of the pro Parcels along that area would have access to as a part of this uh underground exfiltration is absolutely um evaluated um I will mention that it would be wonderful if we were able to look at this entire Corridor plus the Civic Hub storm water for phase one and we can talk about that later but I think it's important for us to think about it holistically because it is a tie together system we're only we're only designing a piece of it but it but it's great when you can look at it as a system uh so that you can make these adjustments and get the biggest bang for your buck from not only the permitting but also from the constructibility of of make sure we're we're hand in in hand there and it will be uh the design will include the replacement of the vitrified clay so your sanitary sewer will be redesigned which is great that's a gravity system we're going to be able to go back to this cross-section you'll see it's highlighted there to the right so we want to make sure that we have both separation between the sanitary sewer the storm trap the exfiltration system the storm drainage you can see that big circle there kind of in the middle of the of the picture as well as any portal water lines electric lines reclaimed lines so we can have separation and identify where each of these are within the street cross-section we'll also evaluate raised intersections these intersections can be great traffic calming devices they can be great pedestrian connectors so all of the locations along uh Filmore where it crosses poinsetta and orange and and Ridgewood we're going to evaluate how we can raise those create some traffic calming measures at at at the very least create some pedestrian awareness that says this is a pedestrian location slow down traffic uh in those areas and and Grading will be very important because we don't want to exacerbate any flooding or cause other flooding or back up uh into those areas but that will be a part of the design and then and then lastly Community uh cohesive Community engagement we've partnered with you and and honestly we've been very um thankful for your engagement allowing kimle horn to be a part of I should have said that right up front we we have felt so partnered with staff and the board and counsel uh because you've allowed us to come here and have dialogue and and we feel great value in that because that's where we think the dialogue happens the best and we figure out the solution together uh because you have responsibilities we have responsibilities and so I should have started off with that but but thank you for allowing us to be here and be engaged in such a way to uh we want to see stuff built you know just like the rain Gardens and some other things so anyway I I think the ability to have Community a cohesive Community engagement and that's why again it's a later agenda item but for us to do and look at the storm water for the Civic Hub would be a savings for the city because we can do that all at once right we can talk about these as a system and it's going to be less expensive if we think about it and do it all at once as as opposed to wrapping up one project and then putting on and then coming back and identifying another area so there has been some economies of scale that we've incorporated into that thank you Scott and um Mr chair and the board I just want to remind you the the expenditures proposed here are from the current 2324 fiscal year budget this is not tapping into next year's budget for this expense so uh if the board so chooses if it pleases the board you could approve items 3 A and B or Scott can answer questions I can answer questions but um I know we're being short on on time here yes Council uh we're at 557 closing in on 2 minutes here any questions at this time when would we um yeah I think we have a six o'clock UHC meeting start time um I don't even know if we have if they're you think they would be quick enough probably not so does this if action is not taken tonight it would not be until the next CRA board meeting how would that work John and the the implications for the budget could you the actual uh overview the agenda cover so these are expenditures that were being um done for this year right these actions have already taken place the approval is what's being considered tonight the the approval is being considered but is this you know this is for this is for is this the approval for next year is this part of next year's budget no this is approval for an expenditure from this year's budget to pay for something that's not done at what's that Ser go ahead it's currently budgeted for the 23 24 fiscal year and it's under the budget number they produced a proposal to get this product before this year ends oh okay as long as it's done by um 30 September and the services have been completed they could be in this year's budget so I think what the mayor was asking is whether or not if this wasn't approved here this has to be approved uh before one October right right so that would be the answer yeah motion yeah I think I'm just confused if it's already in the budget why do we have to approve it C budget expenditure I I can't sign a contract for over $20,000 so oh this is to to authorize you to sign an agreement with kimley horn and Associates amount of a pre-budget item I okay got it thank you board member Davis make a motion to approve I guess Sy 2023 2024 CA CRA budget A and B I'll second got a motion by board member Davis second by Vice chair Kellum any further discussion yeah my is I think I'm okay with this if it was the the budgeted amount and if there are any questions or issues we can Circle back so any further items C clerk board member Davis for board member Jackson for vice chair Kellum for chair Morrison for board member Willis four Scott thank you so much appreciate it and then Ty kimley horn team okay so that brings this back to the agenda item number four is where we are resolution number four to approve the CRA budget uh can we're at 6:01 PM actually the resolution item we've already done sir it's item four which is the K the kimley horn design proposal for the Civic Hub this was already budgeted in the it's already budgeted too yes the first phase of the Civic Hub which is the underground store storage storm water I may Mr manager yes please Scott and when I refer to the two projects that's what I was referring to so it's the underground portion of the C Hub and the designed for Filmore and the the uh the benefit of doing them say at the same time Community engagement design is cheaper when we just look at everything and this is just for the undergrounding of the phase one portion of the Civic Hub my comments on this have been I think consistent is that 149,000 investment on underground Civic Hub or right down the road at Orange and Johnson Avenue where their water is hitting on Anchorage Avenue that's my been my reservation so uh the fact is if we don't do it at the same time it's going to cost us more so I'd be fine doing it with Orange Avenue at the Orange and Johnson intersection where that water's going uh it's just one block away um serious flooding or any other targeted areas on the map of vulnerability and so and I have concerns because we still don't know the results of the title valve yet and I would really like to see that before we start looking at where to put this you know as you say if it was down where there's water um that's a concern for me my concern is if we don't do it we're not taking advantage of property the city owns and we need passive systems because mechanical systems will fail um and this gives us the the highest opportunity to capture storm water this $149,300 is in the CRA budget and when would this project begin um this one because it's in the current fiscal year budget just like item three um if if this is approved they would begin design of phase one of the Civic Hub storm water immediately before Filmore uh I think together you're saying right do them simultaneously and as a as a reminder I believe that Johnson is still within the Center Street Basin yes it's south of Filmore yes if we're adding additional capacity on Filmore and allowing it to go into storm tramber vaults and allowing to keep it at the top of the system and put it into exfiltration below grade it may improve Downstream flooding now we'll validate that with some of the uh I looked to staff to make I don't want to I don't want to put you on the spot but I'll look to I was looking at Mat we will validate that or evaluate that as part of this process because we're going to be looking at the entire C Street basent Basin and saying okay as we do fil more and as we create additional storage volume areas it will create it'll pop off into the Civic Hub underground before it goes Downstream it may no well the underground four no it may improve I I don't know all the conditions but it will underground it will pop off and go into the Civic Hub before it releases to go Downstream which may improve it there's no guarantee gu yeah yes ma'am that was my reservation is the the Civic Hub is not a priority right now for this community fixing the flooding in those problematic areas are and so that all that energy that's going in under the Civic Hub I think probably would positively impact all Downstream but is it the highest best thing for the buck for that 150,000 if you're on orange if you went one block down and you know we knew that the Civic Cub would provide a greater impact than doing the same improvements proposed on Filmore of just orange actually those projects are closer together and economies I think run together that's I can't remain uh support this if my principal was understanding a ranking of these projects of some sort and we have not been able to I think establish that so in front of the Home Improvements like we were showing for filmm May but I think we we can see how that that the probability is much higher there and um I would if this money's in the funds I mean between now and the next meeting uh can we can they just expand that uh to other areas in the presidential streets that are more problematic the money could be added to the presidential streets effort and then that's still if Civic Hub is in fact the best and maybe there's other reasons then that would not implicate the ability to go right back and use it under the president street name it's not that that 150k is not restricted to the Civic Hub if you want to use it in another place for a capital Pro Pro for your other sore needs whatever or storm water needs then you could do that you do not have to exclusively use that 150k for the Civic Hub you do not but we can it's all within the same so I would think that if there's between now and when this project begins a a look at some of those other intersections and if they can't be used I would put it in that General category and may may I speak I have a question for Kimberly horn yeah that's okay sorry um when you did a survey for this and you studied all this area you determined that the Civic Hub would be the best spot to do that and you've explained you know going downhill and stuff like or excuse me you but it is Civic Hub would be the make the most sense financially floodwater wise and everything to do it with Filmore correct we believe it's the most beneficial to create an underground opportunity at the highest point of your Basin uh Johnson and or actually looks like that goes towards goes north to Buchanan and then down Center Street and out so anything that we can do on the Center Street which is the Canon Street before it gets into that system and the pump station is going to be a part of that uh so it's a little hard to talk about Johnson and orange which is at the very bottom of the thing but we've we've looked at H hydraulically connecting the Basin to an underground facility to remove almost uh four times you only need about 20,000 cubic feet of storage to to serve the Civic Hub if you were to totally build it out we can create an extra 60,000 of underground storage to handle your storm water so we believe it's a very viable option well then I I would go with what Kimberly horn says this is nothing new we've discussed this for a while now so I'm going to put a motion I take you for your word I trust you um we've discussed it for what a year two two years now that this is our best option so I don't have a problem with it and like I'd like to put a motion to approve FY 20232 24 I'll second got a motion by board member Davis second by board member Willis my uh discussion is um I didn't hear Scott say that uh your question he uh I did hear him say that the highest point of the Basin if you can find the a quantity which 20,000 um or roughly that makes total sense to me but um to say it's the best way to spend that 150,000 I did not hear that um and we may not know the answer to that but if that is shown I think to be the best I'm all for it today I think we put it in the fun and I would oppose what you're recommending because it's designating it to be used in that particular parcel that we've been saying the same thing I think every time for all these years the concern and I don't think those have we haven't maybe you have but I've been fine with it but I I want to call the question or I'd like to call the motion you have something to say oh Scott please I don't mean to rebut I just want to put a finer point on it um we found even assisting the city with C5 um the idea of having a regional storm water facility is very important I don't know there isn't another location that could house an underground storm water in the Center Street District I'm confident in that so could we do it in another Street maybe but another Street would have more vitrified clay more coordination with other locations so there is no other location within the Center Street base and I'm confident in saying that there's no underground storm water Vault location that we can get this bang for the buck so but on under the streets it it there will be under the streets when we get to those streets but those streets are going to have a higher cost to implement as opposed to the cost to implement something in a public park of property that you already own with the order magnitude of that kind of volume do you recall how much volume we have in the exfiltration within Filmore alone film alone so the Filmore volume alone is nowhere near not not a 20th of the volume that you could create in the Civic hub because you have so much open space right so we've targeted it in those areas and where we targeted phase one we've let we've we targeted phase one as your uh parking lot area here where we had the food trucks and then this connected sidewalk along down some Frontage because you know you would want to do something and close off that street so you would connect to that space and in the open space we've left future phases underneath the pickle ball and Tennis Courts because we don't know what's going to happen there we've left off the area long tailor because there's more vitrified clay and more sanitary sewer that you would have to update but we have included some areas along Point seta that could be tied in and on Filmore we would have uh on street parking as even a a tertiary area so in phase one I'm confident saying there's no volume in the center Street Basin that is as large as property you already have I don't know if that helps your decision or gives you more clarity I'm not trying to rebut I'm just trying to give you more it it is helpful I think to know that that for underground options that's it and it's for me it are there other options and um thank you board member um for me I don't want to lock the funds in in one spot I'm not saying we that that's not a good option putting it there with the tanks but there's no reason to lock it to that option because as we said and as city manager told us we would be able to use those if we put a lot it for for storm water we would be able to use those if that's what we decide is the best option for getting the water off the street Downstream but I'm concerned with that water on the street Downstream more than holding you know I want to know that this is going to absolutely impact that because we have that flooding issue now so for me if we can use the funds in either way with and get more information as Kimberly horn moves forward and find out which way gives us the biggest bang for our buck as far as getting the water off the streets then if the holding tanks are that we've got the ability to use it for that but if the holding tanks aren't for that you know aren't a certainty for removing that water then we can still use it on the presidential Street itself so to me it makes sense to be able to say it's for presidential Street storm water with the thought that the best option may be the tanks but why tie it to to just the the Civic Hub because that way we can't we're going to have to do it that way whether it's the best option or not thank you um I have a couple questions um so the engineering it's an engineering design so we don't really know what what is possible there until we get the engineering design it I mean you guys know how much it will hold um and this was budgeted last year for for this right M um I just you know we've talked about the rain garden and all the other things that we're implementing to try to help get the water off the streets um so you know this is part of that uh I just think it's important I mean I understand what you're all saying about you know we don't want to designate all the money to that place right now but if I think we still have the flooding on Johnson and all that we need to address that in the in the next year's budget and let this go forward to do phase one doesn't mean that we have to go through with it but we're not going to know until we get the design and and the ideas um you know and I would rather see it happen now than do the Fillmore thing and then down the road six months from now say okay let's look at the Civic Hub I I I can see can combining the two we definitely need to do F more um I just think you know it's budgeted from last year and we're not going to know until we get an engineering design that we should move forward with the 149 and then address the you know Johnson Avenue I mean um Tim has come up with other ideas that we talked about for addressing um the flooding in these places with a not a lot of money little projects that will make a difference I think that would be really important to to do as well but to get this going and started I mean doesn't mean we have to do it but we're not going to know until we get a design so that's my opinion Mr Mayor yes anytime we can remove water above is going to make it more usable Downstream more will be able to be handled if we can get it out of the system Upstream Downstream is more useful too often we are looking at solving just today's problem not tomorrow's problem we need to solve the future this is not going to get easier it's not going to we're not going to have less problems with flooding we have to look at solutions for the future not just today and I think this is a future Solution that's all I've got to say I think we have a motion yeah can I was to say can we're under the discussion for it any further discussion mayor Mr chair if I could just clarify the motion I believe the motion is to approve the sier budget expenditure and amount not to exceed $ 49,3 for this engineering design of phase one of Civic Hub to kimley Horn yes thank you I don't think the Civic Hub is a storm water future Solution that's the highest priority and I adamant think we deserve to know how this ranks compared to the other projects and I will fully support it but we have not seen that and if it's can't be provided um this is a project that we did we pushed out it was acquired the property was acquired very controversial and I think the storm waterer piece is certainly has Merit I hope we do those storm water improvements but um the future of Cape Canaveral I think is is absolutely uh what we are focused on and I'm talking about tomorrow yes for Johnson Avenue and Anchorage Avenue because it's impacting them today because of Prior inconsideration or missed opportunities to work on the problems we're dealing with today so that's uh it the motion on the floor and the second is to essentially approve it as written I don't see any changes there's not any further discussion here so if we decide not to spend this 149 350 do where do you think that we could and what would we do in on Anchorage or on Johnson immediately with $149,000 I'd rather put that money in over in those areas whatever they recommend and then find out like you were saying we wouldn't know but I'd rather risk it there the Meen hunt study had some recommendations I think we fulfilled some of those um we can fund this Civic Hub project under the same title what we're doing is we're not taking it away from the Civic cup we're just calling it presidential streets and if the Civic Hub is the leading project then the city manager I think can move forward with that I just don't want to earmark it specifically and only for the Civic Hub that to me um well I'm just you know it's it's not like we're going to start ripping up this the tennis courts and all that I think this is just an engineering thing for underground and and the storage area um I agree that I don't think the Civic Hub is a priority itself you know the above ground but the underneath to me is and if it helps alleviate things Downstream um I think that would be worth the1 149,000 um at this point that's not a lot of money you know and it was budgeted excuse me I've had my hand up again I'd like to speak instead of come next I think we have listened to Kimberly horn I think we uh should take their advice on what we need to do we've discussed it we know how everybody's opinion or how they feel about it we don't need to try to convince everybody to switch their Vote or do this or do that so I would like to call the vote motions has been made the seconds been made respectfully discussion follows so if there's not any further discussion I'll just have one thing we had re we had previously just recently approved the pilot project to do to remove part of the RightWay on magn 20 275 linear square fet or feet was it how much was it it wasn't that much but you gave us a price for that amount that price for that amount was around $150,000 $140 and to me this is why if we Air Market for presidential streets and then we wait and see what that does we we may see more success with using that on one of those projects an additional one to get water off the street now and I understand the planning for going forward and that kind of thing however we have problems right now we need to eliminate with storm water and we haven't seen how all of these things are going to impact that and I'm hearing it may so to me if we have it earmarked where it can be used either way that is a wise decision because that way we're not tied into using it in one spot I would like to see you know how one of those projects will go we've got that budgeted to be done and that's $140,000 that might help right around the cost of this and we have other areas in the city identified to get that water off the street where the pavement goes right up to the curve and there's total runoff into our storm system ends up backing up onto the presidential Street areas so I don't I don't understand why we have to be since we pushed the Civic Hub out a year I don't understand why we have to be so set in stone that we say it is for only this that doesn't make sense to me I think it makes more sense to have it as a general use where we could use it either way and be flexible with it with the the the amount and that's all I had to say board member Davis there is no 100% guarantee that anything's going to work when we try it so you can say whatever but there's no guarantee they have said this is the best solution to the situation we yes we have flooding problems nothing is getting fixed tomorrow so I'm going to take and listen to the professionals and and take them at their word so nothing is guaranteed nothing's getting done tomorrow this is like the council member no board member Willis said this is for the future you haven't been here for a lot of the discussions in the past so you know I think we should go with their recommendation so maybe we take the vote from the past prior to you there was a recommendation from Meen hunt from professionals there's been excellent recommendations from kimley horn and we've got recommendations from our former city manager and so I just want to state that I have not heard that it is the the best project it is one of the best options if not the only place to put High underground storm water but In fairness to kimley Horn they've looked at a big area and in these specific areas if they rank and and it ends up coming out that's okay but we have you're you're stating things that I haven't heard and you're talking about things that that no one's no one's asking for it to be 100% correct she said there's no 100% but anyway can we call the vote no she said guaranteed okay we don't have guarantee on anything yeah I I understand you got a chance to speak so let's be respectful up here if you would like to speak you do not need to raise your hand the whole time unless you choose to I will recognize you and I do see you no I raise my hand to get recognized you're free to hold your hand up but I'm telling you I do see you and I will make sure that that you're heard is there any other discussion I again not taking this out of the Civic Hub uh just keeping it on storm water for sure what if Filmore goes over and we're 150,000 short of actually doing what we wanted there so in my opinion if we must earmark it to something specific it should be to that but I think it's best to keep the flexibility can call the vote and this absolutely I'm explaining why I would not support it the way it's written today so thank you and thank you very much Scott City Clerk board member Davis four board member Jackson against Vice chair Kellum against chair Morrison against board member Willis for resolution fails 3-2 thank you Mr chair if it helps um just to dispense with this item maybe it might be appropriate for an motion to um designate the $149,300 towards presidential streets and storm water for next year I'll make a motion to move that to storm water for next year I'll second got a motion by board member Jackson second by Vice chair Kellum any further discussion seeing none city clerk board member Davis four board member Jackson for vice chair Kellum for chair Morrison for board member Willis against that was the first vote on that to count the role is it 3 to2 city clerk to confirm the vote count 4 to one 4 to one thank you passes 4 to one the resolution excuse me um that concludes our meeting any further items from any further discussion Wasing okay meeting adjourned where