##VIDEO ID:LFHHmicSugw## Kathy parks are you ready here Mary  mcara here Joel Fair here Tina Freeman   presid Brad PLL here Betsy rank here  and Angela is not here okay she's oh okay I will call this meeting to  order I did want to welcome our new   members um Brad pral and Tin Freeman thank  you glad you could join us okay um I don't   think we've got any I guess we need to  approve the G the agenda for tonight first I would motion to approve the agenda as as  I have a I have a question on that process uh if   we want to add a followup from a and I don't  know since Molly's not here maybe we can't get   any followup from the last meeting would we put  that on as an amend amending the agenda if we're   asking for followup of like what did they do as  far as our request um about the little Library   let's say or about the sculpture program yeah  I was going to ask that same question and so I   don't know if that needs to be an agenda item  like followup of old business or I it you know   I can I can get the question to Molly and she  she can get the answer back to you when she   returns I mean unless you want to put it on the  agenda formally we could put it on the agenda   formally and then at least then it would be in  the minutes that to be followed up or to get followup um with that added um going  I have a motion to accept the agenda I make a motion to accept the agenda  I'll second that I'll in favor I I I Madam chair did you amend  the agenda for tonight to   include this or did you just yes we we  included the you voted on that to okay okay okay now we've got the minutes um for July 25 I move to approve the  minutes from July 25 I'll second that all in favor I I I right okay the next thing on the agenda is the input  survey for Veterans Memorial Park and I believe   that's talking about the tree yeah and what Molly  told me the other day is that we are to I ask her   about the top three because they aren't in that  kind of order we have to de side on the top three so and I'm a assuming everybody's had a chance  to see this m um I had um some input from some   of my neighbors and um the top three that I  heard from them was um Independence Oak um   because of the fact that the seedling was  planted about 17 76 right and then also   tree of Valor um because of the fact that it  means Valor meaning great courage in the face   of danger it also u means strength um and also  strength and encountering danger with firmness   and bravery and then the last one that they um  liked was commander because of the presidential streets and then what I had done was I read  through the them all and I looked and picked   out the ones that people had multiple times had  commented you know so many people and uh came   up with some of those uh Freedom was another one  that came up multiple times and uh Patriot came   up multiple times um as did the ones that um  Tina suggested uh commander and Independence   so I just thought well if it came up multiple  people suggested it at least had something to   go on I mean there were many good ones I  was like oh we ever going to figure that out and I I think another one that was  mentioned multiple times was General yeah just to add to the confusion thank you confusion je I think it's got to be explained it's  not a very good one um Jeff Ratliff was   our um Capital Improvements Project Director  uh for years had started with the city down in   public works and then ended up with the capital  Improvement projects Department uh very invested   and many projects in the city a lot that went  forward a couple that went by the wayside uh   but uh Jeff passed away last year and was  name was added I'm certain just uh as a   memorial token because of his length of his  service let me ask you one question John if   um like for instance this one is there going  to be any kind of plaque explaining who this   person was or is it just the name on the tree and  knowing Molly I would imagine there would be an   explanation she's very detailed okay that's that's  my first thought the other day when I was seeing   all these that kind of need explanation right  yes there will be a plaque we already discuss   as Amy just said if you didn't hear there will  be a plaque with the description she and Molly   have discussed it so oh okay John not surprise  yes sir did that gentleman Jeff Ratliff have   any input on the redoing of the park uh any  think it was a capital Improvement project   yes sir Jeff so he he actually had handson  for that Park yes sir he saw a lot of yes sir right I know I was thinking of if we could  find a name that would incorporate something   that or indicate that the age and I liked that  one um the Patriot because we think of that when   we think of the American Revolution and it would  be something that would in incorporate some sense   of of age in it but I wonder if if they decide  to have a name for the tree but like a plaque to   Jeffrey um that I don't know Amy have you had been  part of any discussions like that yeah there not   will be a black but we're also will explain you  know the findings of the tree and how old it is   and why it's so important to the city and actually  then if any of those like Independence or Patriot   or whatever were picked at least then if it was  explained people would understand get B on age you   know um the significance of that name and I think  too that there's an opportunity for a tree for   Jeffrey for at the man Park um they  do trees there with plaques with um   the name of the individual and something  in remembrance of them at Manatee Park   there's several there so there's an  opportunity there for a tree in his name okay I also see on how we do this I  also see a Magic Tree on here a couple times um just as ones that I see multiple times I don't  think we mentioned that one looks like three   Majestic or Majesty you said no Magic Tree magic  there was something where it said that that's what   the kids used to call it in the 80s I guess this  one and then it's on here two other times uh so there a sense from anyone how we might go  about making a choice something didn't tell   me yesterday I think if we maybe put down  the top supposed to give them the top three   we go we we pick the top three so maybe if  picked like right down the top six and then   whichever ones get the top votes then those  top three are the ones that move on to the   next round right maybe we could do it that  way I was kind of thinking if if um we've   got some scrap paper or something we you  could just read them off and then we could just might be the easiest yeah quickest we can use the back we can  use the back of our minutes   here of our previous we can use the back of this you got your notebook oh how we needs one sheet and then  Kathy is you can good girl thank you read them   all off so we know kind of know what you've  got so far cuz I think those are good choic   since they've been mentioned multiple times  and then I'll read all of these off and first   one was Independence Oak the tree of Valor  Commander Freedom Patriot General and Jeff ra Ratliff so put down our top three then  out of those seven so we're just going   to write down which three we like is that  I guess and we'll see how that see if that   works out can we throw the Magic Tree  in there oh and the Magic Tree sorry so   there' be eight so out of eight pick the  top three then right that you like okay we going to go through these and see  what we've ended up with if any of us we pass them down and see to if we've  got somebody that this is kind of hard to   do without having a real ballot kind of thingy  he just put down you know one and cross and yeah yeah just count how many votes for each one  right eight again one more time sorry okay   we've got independence how did  we get those out of the batch   here that people that's what y'all  mentioned that's what appealed to you those eight have been mentioned that  appealed to you that you didn't get to mention no that's it was Tina's input  from her neighbors or or from uh   the citizens and then it was also uh  Betsy's um tallies that had which ones   were most and then some other mentions  um part of our discussion so those are   the eight that were mentioned during that  time that's where we got that eight from yeah okay so who do we give these another  way we could do this is write them all down   and then put one two three next  to the ones you like the most see if they match we can go ahead and count count what   we've got just see the one  that has the most repetition correct all different then we startled but  can you tell me the eight again all right   we've got independent wait a second  why don't we all write them all down okay change this up right  okay we've got independent Oak free of Valor Commander Magic Tree Freedom Patriot General and Jeff rwith call out the name and we can was was it Patriot   Patriot if you guys just want  to write one I only have seven then magic what am I missing magic  got magic no did miss the Jeff rattet   Jeff rattet that's the that was the  eighth one that was the E Yeah General why don't we do that which have the most might be   easier then it'll be whichever one has  the lowest score yes like one is your to might help us come to a decision our  enumerator yes among your other jobs tonight um did I read off Majesty no Majesty  cuz that's one we wrote down to so that was   one of the ones Magic Tree the M oh Magic  Tree we had magic tree and then there was a   magesty and I was just writing these things  down as people s them okay Kathy are you   collect you want these oh we're gonna  hand them over here to thank you Marcy can help me look hey John can you  give me another piece of paper we   need one more piece of paper here's  a piece right here oh never mind John well first I'm going to write them down okay yeah we can do thatand um the  next order of business is to   review the cape Center operational  guidelines that the City attorney   Drew up has everybody had a chance  to read that and yes and absorb it um I like the fact that he um gave options  where he said in several of things like as   far as alcohol and um sponsorships and like  that a lot of Andor so it gave us options it   wasn't you know things that were set  in stone that was more a little more   flexible right right it it definitely  provided some flexibility yeah right I didn't really see any any issues with what was  written and I really didn't see anything that was   necessarily missing I didn't but I also haven't  read a lot of these types of um I'll go through   and pick and I and I think they also procedures  also had said that this was like just the first   of many core documents so that's what I saw  and I'm like well until you had them all you   don't really know like what is covered what's not  covered the only input that I received was um that   I perceive from people regarding it is the fact  that there's no priority as far as um exhibits   by Cape Canaveral citizens as far as that being  they feel like there's been a lot of exhibits   by people from outside the city and not um from  so much from the citizens and we've got a lot of   great you know artists photographers oh yeah um  historians and things like that in the city and   um but I think that's just a case of maybe getting  some more publicity out there's been putting stuff   out asking for for that in the newsletter and  I wonder if if that really would fall more into   maybe their mission statement or their collections  management policy and this is supposed to be their   umic Institution plan that we're looking at so um  operational guidelines yeah yeah it's not about   Cape center right not like yeah so that's why I  think how how we solicit is might be handled in   a different document or the mission statement  may say it should prioritize you know citizens   work from you know or showcase citizens work  because we haven't seen or I haven't seen the   mission statement for it really this is just  really the basics about operations operational   management of it yeah exactly hence the reason I  suppose it was drafted by the attorneys to make   sure that it was all legal legal right and the  important things like alcohol and i n d e p n option of excting this is written or rejecting Patriot can I do this back to her yeah well   the the cape Center's currently  operating what are they operating on I mean that that would be my question if   um if they if they weren't operating and they  were waiting for this document to be signed to   operate then that's one thing but if if they um  if they're currently operating then they're not   waiting for this document correct they're not  so it could be better than for us to wait till   Molly's here or somebody that's representing  the cape Center that would be able to speak I   mean yeah as far as the uh I've heard about the  uh lack of representation of Cape Canaveral uh   citizens in in their projects there and when the  uh solicitations go out for projects there's no   discrimination it goes out it's advertised  uh and it's what you know what we get back   that we're that's what we have to choose from and  again you're correct that is Molly and Amy Lee uh   who handled the cape Center uh but I do know that  that those solicitations are open to anyone and   everyone um there's no we don't go to any one  area and um you know try to spot like that we are we're mindful that that we're part of the  Space Coast Area so we want to be inclusive of   that but certainly if a project comes in that's  uh or submission that's from a resident here and   it's you know deemed to be better than others  then that's what will be selected and won't be   used there on the top of the list right yes ma'am  and as far as advertising the calls for art are   sent to all the local art associations I have  a very large list our colleges high schools our   um Media Partners is also advertised our weekly  update Facebook Instagram Twitter next door all   right now it does say in this in this uh cover  page here that this is the the document that we   received is the first of multiple policy  documents that the board will review for   this facility so they are operating but obviously  they AR operating without any policy really yeah um and I think probably from what it looks  like here I think they found they better get   some legal stuff in line possibly because people  were asking about private activities or alcohol   guaranteed I rented every every facility we have  those questions come in so you you're correct   yeah so I I guess if anybody H if anybody has  anything to amend otherwise I guess I would just   say probably not a bad thing to just say approve  it and pass it on to the city council because it's   probably something that they want to get wrapped  up sooner than later you making um well I just was   going to say is anybody have any amendments that  we'd want to put into to he so uh I don't know that I don't know that this will go to city  council because on the signature page it has the   uh our board chairperson and it has the city  manager so I think that it's going to be the   final uh is going to be with us see I didn't see  that we don't see that it's on the the page oh I   I didn't I didn't phot I didn't front back page  most important I miss that one is it possible   that um like this is the first of many documents  to come and it's going to take a while to get   everything that is necessary but uh this is at  least the first step and they probably are given   a certain amount of time I expect to just legally  get everything in order and so it really behooves   us to kind of help them get going right and if  if you uh look at the signature page that you're   referencing uh it's reads reviewed and recommended  by the culture and leader Services Board uh and be   signed by the chairperson and as uh Joel pointed  out the city man and that's for the recommendation   so anything binding is is going to go to the  council they'll they'll have to vote on it okay   it's not like it can't be revised somewhere down  the road and that's part of the process want you   guys to look at it and see if you had anything you  that popped out at you there and it doesn't sound   like we do so I would I would go ahead and I would  make the official motion to uh to ratify it and um   as is as is presented to  us okay second I'll second it are we ready you to take  a vote all in favor I I I okay now we can go back to the tree the top three you want to make  sure the secretary got the results of the yeah they handed it to me she hand for for  the uh receiving the document yes I had the Joel   made the motion Mary seconded it everyone said  uh yay except for Brad said perfect thank you   now the three top trees evidently were  Independence Valor and Patriot the top   three I'm sorry what were they again  it was Independence tree Valor and Patriot according to what we just okay did well I guess then based on our  wonderful voting there process   I make the motion that we submit those three top suggestions all in favor I one more thing on here and that is update on  board membership and the determine the course   forward regard regard regarding the position of  a second alternate we've got a first alternate   we have two Al alternates currently no we've  just got one and that is James stby yay and he   is also you know he's allowed to come to the  meeting and participate in the conversations   I was hoping he'd be here tonight but he is oh  I'm sorry I didn't I nobody introduced you good   you're here that's great that's why do you have  any comments wait I guess maybe I'm I'm confused   because we named two alternates right Angel Al  and then when Angela alter Tina was one of the   no Tina was was original as was Brad because  there's six of us sitting here right now who's   not here she stepped into Angela missing somebody  this is this is Jenny because it said Angela's   still out there on the name and I thought oh  that was me it's been a while since I've done   sorry well I guess here's my question because  according to what the guidelines were which   were so fuzzy when we were looking at this whole  process and it hadn't been needed for like ever   because we never had had the problem of having  more applicants than we had spots right and so   the whole alternate thing you know we we wrestled  with that for a while but it was my understanding   from the way that document read and when we  wrestled with it was the alternate positions   are either for one they fill in if if a regular  member isn't here or two if somebody leaves in   the middle of their term then they would take  and fill out that term correct that's why you   had the an alternates now Angela's term was  over yeah it was not that she had left in the   middle of her term so then it should it just  go to the alternate or should it be what if   there had been other people since whenever last  spring when we collected these uh applications   that other people had put in applications should  that not have been opened up for anyone to be uh   filling that three-year commitment because  when an alternate takes a spot like Tina   and Brad did they were taking somebody's spot  for a year or two years or whatever Larry and um are we bad or whatever we're horrible um  do you know you know what I'm saying yeah I   I'm just looking at how they usually do it on you  know most boards and things like that so that's   where I kind of got confused as to when Angela  leave so let's say and I can't remember and I   look through my stuff and I know at one time  Molly gave us like who's up when and what's   date and but I thought that it was always like at  a certain time of the year like always in October   or something that or whatever that your time is up  it's online yeah I know it's online but it's not   like everybody has a different date I didn't think  I thought it was kind of always well I was told I   was filling in for a person who left and that it  was a very short term and then they automatically   said you're now you're going into the three-year  term because you filled that short position so   now next you're going into the three-year term  correct but it wasn't automatically okay if you   remember you I know I did got uh an email from the  city stting congratulations you've been extended   for the next years appar there was another  vot oh okay what did it say what did it say   excuse me uh Mr PLL and Miss Freeman they were not  alternates no they were appointed to the board so   correct she just came she's talking about when the  person left she just came on early um oh so only   uh Mr stobby and uh Jenny are they're the only  alternates we have right but I thought that like   I and I don't remember you know like Larry I  know left early he did not fill out his three   years term and so I thought that when we took  someone to fill that seventh that sixth spot or   seventh spot or whatever I can't remember the  other spot came from um although I think we   were always running one short weren't we I didn't  know we were supposed to have seven in the first   place yeah and I think we were only running  six and then Larry left and then we had five   um so possibly one person was filling out you know  could start with a three-year term cuz that was   nobody's so what'll happen is now miss trulock  her uh term is over so now the first alternate   will step into that seat you've already vetted her  the board's already I'm saying is what if a bunch   of other people had put in their applications why  would that seat being it's a three-year not a not   just a midyear or mid cycle opening why would that  not be open to anyone again I assume because the   process has been followed um I mean this is  kind of something new they've never had this   situation where they exactly and we went through  months right of getting everybody everyone vetted   uh through the process with you guys up to the  council the votes the hearings they had and the   votes they made and that's as as I understand it  to be that when Angela's term ended like baseball   right with your bench we got a person there that's  what I thought to put up um right I know when I   submitted my application and I was being vetted  there was nine candidates and then they basically   you know picked the All-Star team so like your  baseball analogy so they picked the top ones and   said okay this one you know and you and then the  board voted okay this one's going to be fill this   spot this one's going to be the alternate so there  was going to be first alternate second alternate   so they would a you know go ahead and slide in  to those empty spots and that's why the first   alternate and the second alternate were chosen  because of the fact of the turnover um that's what   the way what that's what I understood well this is  this is interesting what they have online because   I I guess that was never explained to us in this  way the dates they have here of the so I I guess   for clarification the question is do you guys  want to add another alternate because now we're   taking an alternate and placing them on the board  as an active member uh not how the process works   that that that if there is a question before the  board that would be it and well I mean I'd like   to make a motion that we take the next alternate  and place them on the on the U vacated seat on   the board well they they did already oh and that  was Jenny yes okay jny and then and then now do   we still have another vacant seat there were three  three folks that were not chosen as an alternate   or anything else that the people would be still  interested um yeah but that I mean that would be   for another meeting yes we can't it's not on the  agenda it's something I guess we have to decide   the problem here is there isn't a written policy  on how this happens poliy that was written was not   what happened well then that we can bring that  up at another meeting and I think I think that   the policy if if this is a great thing that people  want to be involved which it is so we don't want   to discourage this but then we also don't want  to make people um not see not understand what   the policy is or to be able to read the policy  as to how this goes because if all boards should   be so lucky that they have people who want to  participate then I think people should be aware   of what the policy is and the policy as we read it  when we were discussing this we know was very mad   chair that's not on the agenda tonight um if you  want to bring this up for discussion in another   meeting you can yes ma'am thank you and I think  that in that policy then it should be discussed   or it should be evaluated how you deal with the  first alternate second alternate and when one has   to get moved up what do you do with the opening of  the second one or or how how is that process done   because you could say well we have one alternate  that's great but then again what is their   responsibility are is their respons responsibility  since they're listed now is having expiration term   which I don't know if the alternates understood  uh online now it's listed that they have what's   their responsibility are their responsibility that  they are to come to the meetings um or ask for an   excuse because so that they stay up to date with  what's going on so if one of the regular board   members M present again this is for discussion  at another meeting thank you we'll move on well   that's why we're we're dis that's why this is  under discussion right now I made a note to get   it on yeah the agenda I can tell you that when I  met with Molly the other day um talking about the   alter she explained to you how they can come to  the meetings we want them to come to the meetings   so they know what's going they can't V vote but  they can speak and exactly but I don't know if   there but that's what I'm saying is that you  know every job description or if you're going   to apply for something you you need to know what  that job description is and what's expected of   you well I've I've put a note here to put this  specifically on that we need to that we and we   can do a little bit of research and and make  sense of it before Mak and I do remember her   saying even when she pulled out that policy that  we kind of had to use to what we were going to do   here I think it need to be clarified it was very  old and she was kind of like well yeah you know   this really needs to be Rewritten or Revisited and  um and and especially if we want to encourage more   participation of people um I think it's good to  be have clarity as to what people are signing up   for it's been very confusing yeah to everybody  we we haven't had this the type of thing where   we had so many people all of a sudden and and  to get to the number of people that are sitting   on the board tonight all this started back in  December and we are finally it was a very long   and winding path to get here and in a way when  I looked that there were three people that were   not included in any office how long do you wait  to go back to them if there is if alternates are   getting used and say in like our respect we need a  second alternate how long do we keep those people   as eligible when it becomes months since well  I think we need to talk about the policy at the   next meeting I've made I'm going to put it on the  agenda and do some research and we'll have that   um so we can go ahead and move on tonight yeah  please and the next thing on the agenda is Mr maybe uh hold on sorry before we move on um it  says the board may take one of the following   actions regarding this vacancy um recommend a  previously interviewed candidate to fill the   position direct staff to solicit new applicants  to fill the position leave the position of second   alternate vacant I would move that we recommend  that they we leave the position of second   alternate vacant until we come up with a policy  that's written and clear on uh the expectations   of those that are um that are alternates and then  how we would um fill the alternate roles and how   the alternates become um board members so so we  get some more clarity so so of those three choices   that was uh brought forward in the agenda item  I would I would move that we'd leave it vacant   until we get more clarity on how the process  works so that means Mr scobby moves up to the   first alternate position correct he's currently  the only alternate if anyone would step off the   board he would step in and fill that position  um and but we would not have a second alternate   until we get some clarity on on are we going  to keep pulling from a pool um can you be   alternates on multiple boards like how how do  all those things work and then um when do we   vote in new alternates would it only be once  every year um that we take applications or   are is it an ongoing list of applications  and the first application that's brought we   review it when when there's a an opening you  know there's there's a couple different ways   that you could go about that because I did  find the policy that she gave us and if you   read it it it only talks about using alternates  to fill out the appointed term of a person who   leaves before the end of their term that's  all it says as far as the policy and you   know obviously they come with an a regular  member can't and all of that kind of stuff   it doesn't really talk about you know how  they should be selected or so yes and how   long their term is and all that right I'm making  notes I'm going to lots of questions has made a   motion to leave the second alternate vacant for  the time being until we figure out exactly what   we need to do and I second that motion all  in favor I I I and and if you want to make   I would say make a followup to Molly there that  I think that if being that this um procedure was from I've got the date on it here copy um I'll definitely meet with her at least  once before the next meeting possibly they'll need   to to start to revise that procedure policy as far  as around board members and and uh alternates to   be more current so is everybody in favor of that  motion leave it empty for the time being okay all   right now it's Mr Mayberry's time um just uh the  updates on the baseball field uh I submitted for   my purchase order on the new load of clay we're uh  installing out there the guys have been doing some   work in the last week uh doing some Landscaping  out there it looks pretty good right now so we   want to get new clay I'm ordering uh new bases  and Home Plate um and I think that that should   be pretty good setup for them to go forward they  have a new uh board uh they were electing members   last week and Joel just confirmed that they did  get that completed I have to speak with them and   get their schedule so we can coordinate times  for the bathrooms and everything over there for   game time and practice since those things are on  timers uh so some coordination to everything to   make sure we've got every all the bases covered  no pun intended um we've been uh participating in   cleanup around town after the storms thankfully  we didn't get hit bad uh anywhere and so that's   we're almost through with that about have that  wrapped up had some uh small issues with some   of the roof but nothing nothing major at all  so that's pretty much where we are right now   we've got projects the next meting meeting I'll  be updating you on that we're getting started   on but I'm in the beginning stages of those  right now planning and getting everything lined up any questions and then as far  as those two amended it the agenda pass there's some other places I can look but I'll  make sure we get it for next meeting and I'll put   it on the agenda um and Molly's not here to give  her part so but she had a family emergency came   up out of nowhere today we were in a meeting when  she got to call and she left and then she's got   her vacation her uh favorite time of the year is  Halloween so she takes Halloween week off uh so   that was already planned so she won't be back  until after uh the 1 of November but can can I   make two comments real fast um first off I and and  your uh maintenance team are doing a fantastic job   thank you second that to to be uh short-handed and  taking care of all the parks and with the storm   coming through and everything that that they've  done and and the other guys chipping in with him   fantastic job so uh yeah that's just hands down  we've got uh Brian who was Ian's partner on the   maintenance team uh submitted his application when  we had a supervisory position position came open   and he was selected for that so we moved him  he's now in the community center in C5 working   there U so we hired a replacement for him and  we were allotted a new maintenance person this   new uh fiscal year so um I have two interviews  tomorrow and one on Monday and then we'll be   making a selection for the third person so things  are looking up but thank you for the I'll pass it   along to the guys they absolutely yeah they work  hard um second thing is Veterans Memorial Park   looks amazing like it's just it's what it looks  amazing thank you it's incredible you guys did   an a great job and uh and it just keeps looking  better all the time so thanks for that uh yeah and   Monday we are slated and excuse me because we'  got interviews and all this other stuff but uh   Veterans Memorial Park uh we've talked so much  about the tree tonight everybody knows that we   were planning to put a fence around it to keep the  kids and things out cuz they climb in it and break   branches off so we're slated weather permitting  uh Monday this coming Monday the fence is going   to be installed um so hopefully that'll be done  by the middle of the week uh they got a lot of   roots to work around out there but that that's  going to be nice you know if there's going to   be like some dedication ceremony about the tree or  something yes ma'am the on Veterans Day yes ma'am   Monday the 11th November 9th yeah actually um  the BFW and the American Legion are currently   working on a veterans parade and um they will  be doing a ceremony at BMP after that and   then they will have a get together in the  lot where we normally do Friday Fest that   is scheduled for Saturday November the 9th  at 1111 a.m. the parade route will go down   Taylor um they will turn a left on Ridgewood they  will come up Harrison to Orange and come back to   VMP so you know come out and and cheer them on  and watch the parade we think it's going to be great Mr Mayberry yes quick question or actually  first a comment then a question first I think   our little league baseball field is very maybe  people don't no uh but I was a umpire okay in   a former life and the field and the field is  in excellent condition as you know I live by   Sandpiper in the field quick question is there  room on the field or near the field to put in   a batting cage I have to check into that okay I  think uh we have a topnotch facility there you   have excellent lighting okay I know there's other  improvements uh you all are thinking about doing   doing but watching the kids practice I believe  a batting cage is something whether it's boys   or girls it would come down to a question  of space because we've got so much with the   splash pad there and as you live there as you just  stated you saw all the we had to redig all the uh   piping up right and redo it so that whole area  that is kind of open has got it's just nothing   but sewage pipe and storm water underneath there  so it would be finding a space that we could put   one I agree with you it would be nice um it can  be placed on the field because the ground rules   would say once the ball touches the C age it's  a dead ball and the runner and the batter Runner   immediately gets second base and all Runners move  up one base that's in the rules okay something   to think about okay we can get together and  talk about it yeah yes one unire to another yes I just kind of wanted to mention especially  for the new new people are in alternate here um   because we got messed up in our schedule of  meetings because of the hurricane um that we   do have a meeting November 21st so it is in  one month which is unusual I thought it was January okay thanks for that reminder okay is there anything else or do we  have a motion to adjourn um I make   a motion that meeting is called to uh for  adjournment I'll second all in favor I I I